Order of Service
Opening Remarks
Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Call to Worship
Edford Gunter
Prayer Malik Murray Hymn of Praise (Great is thy Faithfulness) Congregation Scripture Reading (Psalm 42)
Lorretta Hyman
Musical Selection Alice Tracey Scripture Reading (Revelation 21:1-7)
Samantha Hyman
Tributes Marvin Tracey Jr. (Friend) Richard Hyman (Son) Sharde Chambers (Grand-daughter) Eulogy Dr. Barbara Sharpe Song of Praise (All Rise) Sasha Gourzong Message
Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Prayer for the Family Elder Leonard Miller Recessional (We Have an Anchor) Congregation
Songs of Praise & Comfort Great is Thy Faithfulness
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with thee; Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not; As thou hast been thou forever will be.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed thy hand hath provided; Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed thy hand hath provided; Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
We Have an Anchor Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, when the clouds unfold their wings of strife? When the strong tides life, and the cables strain, will your anchor drift, or firm remain?
Will your anchor hold in the floods of death, when the waters cold chill your latest breath? on the rising tide you can never fail, while your anchor holds within the veil
Refrain We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll; fastened to the Rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love!
Will your eyes behold through the morning light the city of gold and the harbour bright? Will you anchor safe by the heavenly shore, when life’s storms are past for evermore?
Will your anchor hold in the straits of fear, when the breakers roar and the reef is near? While the surges rave, and the wild winds blow, shall the angry waves then your bark o’erflow?
All My Children
I Am Sad
Sharde Chambers - Granddaughter I am sad...but God knows best. Sad that I will never be able to speak to my grandfather again...or tell him I love him... or tell him I appreciate him. I’m sad he will never walk me down the aisle... sad that he can’t tease me about marrying a rich man so I can pay him back for the money he spent on me...sad that he’ll never see me have kids...sad I did not thank him fully for everything he’s done for me. I am sad he’ll never ask me how my car is doing...listen to me complain about the weather up north...or hear him laugh when I tell him med school is hard and then tell me “Then nuh muss! Dem nuh waan yuh fi kill off di people dem!” Sad that I’ll never hear him tell jokes again...that I’ll never hear him make fun of church people (he made THE BEST impersonations!!!!) Sad that I won’t laugh as I hear him refer to Lebron James as Lee-bron James. I’m sad that I’ll never hear him repeat the same stories to me every day!...sad that I’ll never listen to him NEVER finish the song “I’m a little nut tree”...I still can’t figure out the rest of those lyrics. Sad that I will never hear him tell me how he can sing better the grandchildren and then demonstrate by singing a song, complete with a story of how he won a singing competition with a boys choir back in Jamaica. I am sad that I’ll never be able to bother him to drive me places or pick me up from somewhere, kill a nasty cockroach, or discard a misguided lizard...sad I can’t bother him to do something for me, listen to him complain and say “no” and then still do it anyway. Sad I’ll never be able to say “G R A N D P A! You’re my FAVORITE-EST GRANDPA IN THE WHOLE WORLD” whenever I want something and watch him smirk and say “Yuh caan play dem Mickey Mouse games wid me!” Grandpa was a big teddy bear. I am very sad I couldn’t shower him with the soon to be benefits of my career choice... sad that I didn’t set up that cardiologist appointment sooner… sad that I wasn’t educated enough during his first stroke to recognize the symptoms...sad I didn’t push more when I saw that he had lost a significant amount of weight. I’m even sadder that he won’t be at my graduation as a doctor next year. Sad that he won’t be there to see the fulfillment of the selfless sacrifices that he and my grandmother made for me. Grandpa, in your name and in your honor, I vow to give my all to every patient I treat...seeking hard to uncover the smallest detail that could impede their care, whether that be physical, medical, or socioeconomic. I swear that I will do my best aiding my Research Principal Investigators in this research project to uncover more pharmacological options for ischemic/hemorrhagic strokes. I hope to make you proud grandpa. Love you always - Sar-dine
The Love Boat Sailing for fifty four years… How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
1. You were my protector… In the early days when others pointed a finger – you stood up for me. Throughout the years you continued to protect and defend me. 2. You were my provider… Always making sure we were well fed – checking the fridge daily. There was always cash in the house for emergencies. You catered to my sense of fashion and style. 3. You were kind… …Giving to others outside of your immediate family. Because of your kindness we had many children that I did not give birth to. You were the neighborhood taxi service – always willing to help others. 4. You made me secure… …Taking care of bills first. …Worked hard to supply the needs of the family. 5. You were not demanding… You had no problem cooking and allowing me to rest. You allowed me space to be myself. 6. You helped me to relax… You were humorous, witty and full of laughter – always telling ‘stories’. You never pronounced names correctly and so I always had a reason to laugh. I enjoyed how you watched TV all by yourself and laughed as if there was a crowd there. 7. You were an excellent father… You cared for your children – changed diapers, fed them, and put them to bed. You supported them through the years. Unfortunately, you left the discipline to me as you did not spank them – that was your love language. It is impossible to count all the ways… But through good times and bad, you have been my friend, my love, and my husband From Gerzel
Skipper and First Mate
I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life; And, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
The Voyage Albert Wellington Hyman, affectionately called Bert and King Ali, was the first of four children born to Theophilus and Hilda Hyman on February 27, 1940, in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica. He attended the St. Ann’s Bay Primary and Secondary schools where he received his early education. As he had a passion for cars, he went on to trade school where he studied auto mechanics. At the tender age of seventeen, Bert decided it was time to venture out to assist his parents. He chose a career working on ships which required constant travelling. This he did in an effort to provide financial assistance to the family. Eventually, Bert started a family of his own and decided to curtail his travels in order to be at home with his new family. A fair maiden who was working at the St. Ann’s Bay Hospital caught Bert’s eye. It was difficult not to notice the very fashion conscious Gerzel Leslie. Bert not only noticed but he also took action. Their love developed and matured and in 1970 he made her his wife. The union produced seven children, one of whom, Derrick, predeceased him. Bert spent many years as a driver, transporting children to and from school in the St. Ann’s Bay area and its environs. He was always described as friendly, reliable, and kind. Parents were confident that their children were secure in his capable hands.
In 1985, Bert migrated to the United States of America to join his wife and family. They spent most of their years living in Melrose Park, Florida. He was employed to Sun Sentinel in 1987 and spent 18 years there before retiring in 2005. Even throughout his retirement, he continued to care for his family especially his grandchildren. In March 2013, he suffered a massive stroke and was hospitalized. He totally lost his ability to speak and walk but acknowledged everyone with his smile, eye contact, and by nodding. He enjoyed hearing his favorite Psalms 42 read to him. Throughout his illness he received superb care from his family and the capable staff of Regents Park of Sunrise Nursing Home. However, all the love and care could not keep the skipper with us and on June 22, 2016 he succumbed to his illness. His ship dropped anchor for the last time and entered the dockyard at the request of the supreme Admiral who controls the duration of our voyage.
Albert Wellington Hyman is survived by wife - Gerzel; daughters – Germaine (Erica), Donna, Simone, and Patricia; sons – Richard and Ricky; Adopted daughters – Patricia and Kerry-Ann Barnes; sisters – Evelyn (Jean), and Maudlyn; grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and numerous relatives and friends. Bon Voyage Bert, King Ali, Grandpa, Skipper of the Love Boat. We are sailing on the sea of your love. May your soul rest in peace.
The Next Generation A Tribute to Grandpa
Many words have been used to describe great men. Today, we the grandchildren use just one, Grandpa. Grandpa provided a special type of love; distinct, and ever refreshing. He is the best type of grandpa created. Not a weekend grandpa or a summer grandpa; but an all-day everyday chips are down and you’re about to go to jail grandpa. If you don’t believe me take a good look at his grandchildren. We are broken up not because we believe we have missed something; but we know the weight of the life that has been called home. There are memories that wrap warmly around our minds; the hush-hush conversations requiring more than parents’ wisdom; memories of old western movies; cartoon binges; and the fragrance of fried fish. With less than five words grandpa could instill work ethic, focus, personal drive, and self-esteem. With even less effort he had the ability to make you feel safe and loved as if God placed him specifically in your life just for that purpose. We carry around grandpa’s love for his grandchildren as I am sure all the family members do. It is in whom we are, our personalities, it is displayed in patience, exhibited in our loud laughter, and our collective appreciation for all things family. We know our God is real for many reasons; but today two of them stand out among the rest. We feel Him comforting us and confirming answered prayers. We are thankful that God gave grandpa to us for the time we had him. Grandpa, you will always be in our hearts. Your grandchildren
Acknowledgments Thank You
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to everyone who has ministered to us during our time of bereavement. We thank you for your phone calls, social media post, and your prayers. To those of you who could not find the words to say, we understand and know that you are thinking of us. We want to thank every caregiver and staff member who participated in Bert’s care at Florida Medical Center, Kindred Rehabilitation Center, and Regents of Sunrise. The psalmist David penned these words “He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord.” Whether in deeds, thoughts, encouraging words or just a simple smile, we know that you care. Thank you for your outpouring of love. We greatly appreciate you. The Hyman Family Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God. Psalms 42:11 It is a good thing to be a member of the Family of God!
Professional Services Provided by McWhite’s Funeral Home …Because families deserve the best 3501 W. Broward Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-584-0047
City of Lauderdale Lakes Educational & Cultural Center 3580 W. Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33311
Program Layout & Design
Shawn Ferguson of (954) 515-9016
Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. 305-651-9696
Bon Voyage
By Annette Taylor-Spence Ship Ahoy! You hailed as you boarded the love boat But for eight years pondered - Is this ship seaworthy? Can it withstand the wind and the storm? Will it keep sailing, will the mast hold strong? Aye, Aye, Mate! Her response said she would sail with you And in 1970 you became skipper; your wife - your first mate You had some smooth sailing - encountered some storms But when the ship ran adrift – Admiral Jesus took control The Love Boat picked up many passengers All the family was invited to sail along You had so much love there was always a cabin to spare So the gangplank was lowered and others came aboard In March 2013 you dropped anchor – visited the dockyard It was not “abandon ship” you were still here with us Yet the gangway was closed – the gangplank pulled in As never again did you take control and guide this ship Now it’s time for goodbyes to the captain of The Love Boat You were the flagship of the family – leading the way You have left a “wake” – an example for others in the fleet You won’t be forgotten – on another voyage your passengers hope to meet