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A life filled with love, must have some thorns, but a life empty of love will have no roses.




My sister Beverley, also known as Rose, was a very outstanding person. This rose in our lives was one God planted in our family’s garden. She was of a very quiet but strong disposition who loved the Lord with her whole heart. Rose just loved to worship and sing praises to the Lord our God. Although her health failed much and she had to be placed in a skilled nursing facility, that didn’t stop her from being vocal about her praise to God. The other residents of the home were fully aware of her faith as she was not ashamed to share it.

We cannot Lord thy purpose see but all is well that’s done by thee.

remembered by

The Rose In Your Garden

Delicate petals surrounded by thorns

Fragrant beauty in the midst of pain

Joy and sorrow in one place displayed This is the message of the rose

A beautiful flower with a sweet aroma

A hue of colors to brighten the garden

Its impact evident when you receive…

A rose that declares “You are loved”

In the busy lives we all lead

Do we recognize the rose among us?

Do we stop to inhale the aroma?

Or pause to gaze at its beauty?

There is a rose in your garden

Maybe quite a few…

That go unnoticed day by day

Unseen, unrecognized and unappreciated

They won’t always be there

The rose in your garden today

May be a faded flower tomorrow

It’s time to slow down; smell the roses

Appreciate the present

Bask in the moment while time allows

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