THE VISION How does one ably use a stage play to depict the Eternal Perspective? Limited by the constraints of time, finances, and creative capabilities, this seemed like a daunting task. From the outset, two words kept circling in my mind – ‘Beyond Today’. It became evident that my direction was to focus on aspects of how Christians should live in spite of the challenges of their present circumstances. With that thought, it was apparent that Job was the perfect example to use as a contrast. By reflecting on Job, we can compare how we respond when we are tested. The result is a glimpse into a family’s struggle with the reality of their world; struggles with the things they hold dear and the challenges faced when their dreams conflict with God’s plan. Job’s story gives us a visual reminder that we are sometimes tested by God because He trusts us. Job’s response reminds us to remain steadfast and not to focus on the here and now.
THE PROCESS Every drama production at Pentecostal Tabernacle is a collaborative effort that involves several individuals, ministries, and gifts. We experience the exhilaration and the pain associated with the process. We pray, hope, laugh, cry, worship, and share disappointments and triumphs. We are truly a body ‘Fitly Framed Together’. Ultimately, we are God’s servants bringing the message that He has chosen us to deliver for this time. THE MESSAGE Beyond Today touches on very sensitive issues, one of which is the loss of a loved one. We do not wish to be insensitive to the deep pain that families endure, especially when that loss is caused by the actions of another. Our intention is not to hurt you further or to belittle your pain. We have all been touched by pain, disappointment, and loss in various ways and at varying levels of intensity. We have all been challenged with how to navigate the stormy seas of our lives. If we
are honest however, we would admit Matthew 6:9-15 gives us clear instructions that we often forget about the One who on how to pray. Verse 15 is very specific is the Captain of the ship. as it outlines how we can block ourselves from receiving forgiveness. Sometimes the intensity of our pain results from the anger and disappointment resulting But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, from the actions of others. Anger is stirred neither will your Father forgive your by and against those who harmed us, trespasses. those who condoned the act, or those who turned away and did nothing. Many Forgiveness is a requirement mandated times we are disappointed and hurt by by our Heavenly Father. The choice those we believe did not protect us. In to forgive or not to forgive has eternal these situations, forgiveness is necessary implications and therefore requires an but is extremely elusive. eternal perspective. As the Spirit of God leads us to minister to you, we trust that Let us therefore put forgiveness in you will find purpose in pain and victory perspective. Jesus died to reconcile man in suffering. In spite of your present back to Himself. He opened the door that circumstances, we trust the Holy Spirit to allowed us to be forgiven. As we have guide you through the path of healing that been forgiven much, we are called upon is necessary and possible. That healing to forgive each other. In Matthew 18 we includes accepting God’s will, trusting see where Peter wanted what we could Him in the process, and having a heart call a prescription for forgiveness; he that forgives. wanted to know the dosage. In response to Peter’s question, Jesus answered in This is the power of this message – That a manner that suggests that we should you may be healed from the inside out not be limited in our capacity to forgive. as you look BEYOND TODAY and look to Jesus. Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, We invite you to take this journey with us and I forgive him? Till seven times? as you remain sensitive to the voice of God directing you. Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times Annette Taylor-Spence seven. Playwright/Producer/Director (Matthew 18:21-22)
Beyond Today Jeff & Sheri Easter
Chorus Beyond today just past this veil of tears There’s a ray of hope that filters through the pain Beyond today I have no map to trace But my steps are sure by grace And God’s prepared the way beyond today Yesterday my heart couldn’t beat for breaking Hopes and dreams shattered in my face God knew to be whole I must be broken Now I’m on the mend and healing by his grace
Confident I’ve conquered every foe God may not intend for me to live there So I’ll follow him to the valley far below Beyond today just past this veil of tears There’s a ray of hope that filters through the pain Beyond today I have no map to trace But my steps are sure by grace And God’s prepared the way beyond today My steps are sure by grace And God’s prepared the way Beyond today
Beyond today just past this veil of tears There’s a ray of hope that filters through the pain Beyond today I have no map to trace But my steps are sure by grace And God’s prepared the way beyond today Tomorrow if I’m standing on the mountain
Unauthorized recording of any portion of this presentation is prohibited due to licensing restrictions. No portion of the presentation is to be shared “live” through any medium. We appreciate your cooperation.
Act 1
VIDEO 1 FLASHBACK Back to the beginning. The source of the scars, pain, and turmoil being experienced by the Johnson family. SCENE 1 SLIPPING AWAY Faced with haunting memories and a current personal crisis, Tim’s focus turns inward; frustration sets in, and he loses the eternal perspective he once had. Song credit: Beyond Today – Jeff & Sheri Easter Note: Closed caption available
SCENE 2 MY WORLD NEEDS YOU Mara’s response to Tim’s cry for help summons an angelic host. Song credit: My World Needs You Right Now – Kirk Franklin Praise Expression – Peta-Gaye Whyte, Keisha Gunter & Anointed Note: Closed caption available
SCENE 3 STRIPPED Enter the time machine as we take you back to a day when Satan presented himself before The Lord. Journey with Job on the path of suffering. SCENE 4 AFFLICTED Consider Job… stripped, afflicted, yet still resolute.
VIDEO 2 TRAINING Jeremiah… focused on training… in pursuit of his dream. SCENE 5 HOLY GHOST POWER Amber refuses to succumb to the despondency that is pulling Tim away. She digs deep, pulling strength from the power deposited in her, as she encourages herself. Song credit: The Corinthian Song – Micah Stampley Sung by – Sasha Gourzong
SCENE 6 TURNING AROUND Every cloud has a silver lining. The cloud over the Johnson family has two silver linings and Tim rejoices as rays of sunlight penetrate the darkness around him. Song credit: Turning Around – Vashawn Mitchell Sung by – Nicholas Stewart & Sasha Gourzong Note: Closed caption available
SCENE 7 MORT’S DREAM After twelve years of being locked away from society, Mort receives a literal ‘wake-up call’ which takes him down a different path. Song credit: If You Could See Me Now – Kim Noblitt Sung by – Avril Richards Song credit: I Pray We’ll all be Ready – Chicago Mass Choir
SCENE 8 I CAN ONLY IMAGINE Mara’s imagination, made more vivid by the pain of her experience, comes alive when she meditates on John’s vision of heaven as recorded in Revelation 4. Song credit: I Can Only Imagine –Version used sung by Tamela Mann Praise Expression – Peta-Gaye Whyte, Keisha Gunter and Anointed Song credit: Thou Art Worthy – Pauline Mills
SCENE 9 THE CALL The tranquility of a sun-drenched period in the life of the Johnson family is shattered by devastating news. SCENE 10 ALONE WITH GOD Tim has arrived at a place where we all get to at some point; a place where we are alone with God. As we look back, in order to go forward, compare and contrast the posture of Tim and Job at this pivotal point. Song credit: Though You Slay Me – Written & composed by Mark Brown Sung by – Sheldon Gunter
Messiah Christmas 2006 He Took My Place Easter 2006
Behold the Lamb 2005
Behold the Lamb 2005
Unconditional Love Easter 2007 & 2010
Beyond Today 2018
Unconditional Love Easter 2007 & 2010
Beyond Today 2018
Act 2
SCENE 1 CHANGE The transformative power of God on display. Song credit: Change Me – Tamela Mann Sung by – Dwayne Stewart
SCENE 2 MORT’S REQUEST As the bearer of Mort’s request, Pastor Denham is putting his friendship with Tim on the line. Tim is not prepared for the ‘upfront and in-your-face’ approach of his friend. Song credit: The Master’s Calling – Deborah Joy Winans Sung by – Sasha & Richard Gourzong Note: Closed caption available
SCENE 3 THE VISIT Mort finally gets his desire. Revelations and surprises abound in this emotionally charged atmosphere. Note: Closed caption available
SCENE 4 AMAZING GRACE/FINALE A church service is the perfect place to rejoice in acknowledgment of God’s amazing saving grace. Join Pastor Bill Denham and the congregation at The Restoration Center. The atmosphere has already been set – enter to worship. Song credit: Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus – Andrae Crouch Sung by – Samantha McPhee and Pentab Praise Team Song credit: Free – Kirk Franklin Praise Expression – Peta-Gaye Whyte & Keisha-Boyd Gunter Song credit: Worth – Anthony Brown Sung by – Dwayne Stewart Song credit: A Heart That Forgives – Kevin LeVar Sung by – Nicholas Stewart, Dwayne Stewart, Richard & Sasha Gourzong
Playwright Annette Taylor-Spence Love CareFronting Videos Raja Pinnock Raj Media Productions Original Song
Mark Brown (Though You Slay Me)
Musicians The Pentab Band Soloists/Lead Singers Sasha Gourzong Nicholas Stewart Avril Richards Sheldon Gunter Dwayne Stewart Richard Gourzong Samantha McPhee
Production Team Executive Producer
S. Robert Stewart
Producer Annette Taylor-Spence Technical Director
Raja Pinnock
Drama Director Annette Taylor-Spence Assistant Drama Director
Nicholas Stewart
Musical Director Samantha McPhee Production Assistants Danica Mamby, Jackylyn Kidd, Ann-Marie Clarke, Kanice Trim Choreographers Shanika Scott Keisha Boyd-Gunter Peta-Gaye Whyte
Sound Engineer Raja Pinnock Sound Technicians Kareem Waugh, Deandra Brown Lighting Technicians
Robert Laneau, Clinton Edwards Jr.
Video Mixer Kirk Evans Videography Jonathan Edwards, Rashaud Thomas, Jumar Moffatt, Derrick Crawford Video & Screen Management Jesse Jefferson Presentation Management
Nethlyn Saunders
Victor Huesang, Zoe-Rose Riley-Marshall
Set Design & Construction Raja Pinnock Nicholas Stewart Noel Alexander - Alex Props & Lighting Designs Stage Assistants
Leonard Anderson, Barrington Douglas, Miguel Dunkley, Gary Edwards, Craig Mapp
Character Development Artists Shari Robinson - Shayelle Beautiq Sue-Ann Bryan - SueBbeauty Wardrobe Designer/Consultant Petchur Langston Wardrobe Managers
Kadi-Ann Brown, Peachann Wright
Wardrobe Assistants
Marcia Spaulding, Joan Bryan, Karen Waugh, Christine Henry, Darlene O’Neil, Sonia Hill
Playbill Layout and Design
Shawn Ferguson - Gracious GraFx
Nhadya and Jaleyna Lawes assisted with constructing the angels’ crowns. Thanks to Victory Tabernacle and Holiness Born Again for providing personnel to assist our Media Team.
(in order of appearance)
JOY Aravna Pierre MARA Peta-Gaye Whyte AMBER Sasha Gourzong TIM Nicholas Stewart MINISTERING ANGEL
Keisha-Boyd Gunter
ANGELS Praise Expression Groups THE LORD Marcus Solomon SATAN Rowan Mullings NARRATOR 1 Mary-Ann Fraser JOB Sheldon Gunter MESSENGER 1 Roberto McCalla MESSENGER 2 Richard Gourzong MESSENGER 3 Ramon Rose MESSENGER 4 Gregory Hall JOB’S WIFE Gabrielle Edwards ELIPHAZ (Job’s Friend)
Omar Thomas
BILDAD (Job’s Friend)
Duhane Buddoo
ZOPHAR (Job’s Friend)
Miguel Dunkley
(in order of appearance)
JEREMIAH Ojdre Sutherland MORT Dwayne Stewart MORANA Avril Richards GUARD 1 Roberto McCalla NARRATOR 2 Gabrielle Edwards GUARD 2 Gregory Hall PRISONER 1 Ramon Rose PRISONER 2 Omar Thomas PRISONER 3 Duhane Buddoo DEPUTY PATRICK [Voice]
Winston Bramwell
Danica Mamby
Praise Singers
CONGREGATION [Extras] Miguel Dunkley, Omar Thomas, Duhane Buddoo, Gabrielle Edwards, Ramon Rose, Maxine Farquharson, Wendy Gardener, Christine Henry, Doreen Riley, Jennifer Van
Cast-Groups Anointed Harmony
Anointed Kids
Pentab Band
Background Vocals/ Praise Singers
Shanika Scott Anaya Garnes Alexandria McCalla Amina Guzman Mikayla McNish
Kirby Trim Mitchel Pierre Kimberly Cole Kimieka Dunkley Everad Richards Norman Small Lincoln McNish
Tori-Ann Jackson Gabriella Hall Gabriella Crooks Ngozi Garnes Naima Garnes Kasei-Ann Oates Rhianna Brown Cheyenne Dewar Morgan McCalla
Grace Bramwell Brianna Watson Suzette Simmons Samantha McPhee Alison McHugh Jonelle Gifts
Flashback Video REPORTER Jhaneal Hector POLICE Gary Edwards EYE WITNESS Alison McHugh UNDERTAKER Miguel Dunkley UNDERTAKER’S ASST. LeJaun McNish CHILD SERVICES AGENT Annette Taylor-Spence CHILD Saniah Simmonds CROWD Pentab members George McKie , Bertram Henry, and Victor Heusang assisted in staging the scene for the video.
I Can Only Imagine Video Devon Lewis Cornelius Gillings Lincoln McNish Quincy Brown Michael Kidd Greg Small Lloyd Jackson Omar Thomas Richard Lindo Chazriq Clarke Duhane Buddoo Kirk Evans
Ann-Marie Clarke Regna Page Wendy Gardner Christine Thomas Monique McNish Maxine Farquharson Jackylyn Kidd Brianna Watson Peta-Gaye Whyte Keisha-Boyd Gunter Avril Richards
Behind the Scenes
Though You Slay Me Written & Composed by Mark Brown
Another day Another trial Another test Has me walking through the Fire My friends say I must have done wrong Why your hand is against me so strong Chorus Though You slay me Yet I will trust You That in my tomorrow You’ll take away the sorrow You’re writing my story To show me your glory So take comfort my soul I know God is in control My God is in control I hear You say You have all power All of creation shouts your glory every hour How could I ever understand The works of Your mighty hand
Chorus Though You slay me Yet I will trust You That in my tomorrow You’ll take away the sorrow You’re writing my story To show me your glory So take comfort my soul I know God is in control My God is in control Bridge So whatever you do And whatever you take away Whatever happens to me Father I will still bless your name Though You slay me Yet I will trust You That in my tomorrow You’ll take away the sorrow You’re writing my story To show me your glory So take comfort my soul I know God is in control My God is in control
A Heart that Forgives Kevin LeVar
I want a heart that forgives A heart full of love One with compassion just like Yours above One that overcomes evil with goodness and love Like it never happened, never holding a grudge
Cause the heart that forgives, that is the heart that will live Totally free from the pain of the past And the heart that lets go That is the heart that will know so much freedom
I want a heart that forgives that lives and lets live One that keeps loving over and over again One that men can’t offend ‘Cause Your word is deep within One that loves witahout price, like You Lord Jesus Christ I want a heart that loves everybody, even my enemies I wanna love like You, be like You, just like You did I wanna heart that forgives… Wanna heart that forgives
Do you wanna be free? My answer is yes… Lord I wanna be free… My answer is yes God I’m tired of being bound… Father my answer is yes I don’t want this in my life… Father my answer is yes God I’m ready to let it go… Father my answer is yes God I’m tired of saying no… Father my answer is yes
Wanna heart that forgives When the ones that are closest That I’ve known the longest they hurt me the most I still wanna love them just like You loved me Even though I’m hurting… Gosh you know, they hurt me deep Oh, I wanna heart that forgives When the pain is so deep And it’s so hard for me to speak about it to anyone Just like Your Son, I give up my right To hold it against them with hatred inside I wanna heart that loves everybody, even my enemies I wanna love like You, be like You, just like You did I wanna walk like You, talk like You, just like You did Wanna be like You Jesus, just like You Jesus Christ, I wanna heart
I know you’ve got so much for me That’s been hindered by my pride You’ve got so much for me… So much you want to do with my life Father help me let it go Lord you know it’s been so long Father help me let it go… As I play to you this song I don’t wanna be hindered by the spirit of offense I don’t wanna be hindered by people that do me wrong I wanna love them like you love me Wanna love them like you love me Wanna love them like you love me Wanna heart that forgives No matter what happens Lord… Give me grace, give me grace Lord no matter what comes… No matter what people do I still wanna love them I wanna love them just like you
EASTER SUNDAY Worship Service APRIL 21, 2019 @ 11:15AM