Cecily Elaine Ramsay

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Your Goodness is Running After Me

Opening Sentences Pastor J. Sonlin Opening Hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness (# 100) Welcome & Remarks Elder E. Edwards Song Leharia Singers Ministry 1st Scripture Reading

Adrianna Reid (Granddaughter) Damecia Reid (Granddaughter) Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

Selection Ian Whyte Jr. (Grandson) 2nd Scripture Reading Nichosta England (Grandson) 1st Corinthians 15:50-58 Poem “In My Rose Garden of Memories ”

Yanesha Whyte (Granddaughter) Danielle Stewart ( Grandniece)

Song Leharia Singers Ministry Remembrance of the Life of CHERRY

Jevoy Reid (Son)

Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay


Tribute Part 1 Ministry of Health Western Regional Attorney Karlene Gray-Dawkins (Family Friend) Open Tribute Leonie Taylor (Family Friend) Song of Meditation

Arlene Hunter (Sister In Law)

Homily Pastor J. Sonlin Life Reflection & Eulogy Jevoy Reid (Son) Tribute Part 2 Montego Bay Church Of God of Prophecy The Leharia Singers Ministry Prayer for the Family Camile Esmie (Niece) Recessional Hymn When the Roll is Called Up Yonder (Hymn # 216)


Thanksgiving Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay

Hymn #100

GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. Refrain Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay


Hymn #216

WHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED UP YONDER When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. Refrain When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. On that bright and cloudless morning, when the dead in Christ shall rise, And the glory of His resurection share; When His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the skies, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun, Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care, Then, when all of life is over, and our work on earth is done, And the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there.


Thanksgiving Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay

In my Rose Garden of memories I see you standing there An angel in disguise Who taught me how to care I long to hear your voice for real not in my dreams I am missing you so much these days how empty my world seems People say time heals all wounds that someday the pain will subside But Grandma I can tell you I think they must have lied The emptiness I am feeling now is strong and I am weak These days go by without you so dreary and so bleak In my Rose Garden of memories I know you’ll always be

for though you’re gone from this mortal world In my heart you’ll always be In my Rose Garden of memories Ms Cherry you are a wife, a mother, a grandma too, This is the legacy we have from you You taught us love and how to fight You gave us strength, you gave us might. A stronger person would be hard to find, And in your heart you were always kind. You fought for us all in one way or another Or just as a wife not just as a mother. For all of us you gave your best And now the time has come for you to rest. So go in peace, you’ve earned your sleep, Your love in our hearts we’ll eternally keep.


o everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven; a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Good evening everyone. On behalf of my family, I would like to thank you all for coming today to share in our sorrow, but also to share in our joy as we celebrate the passing of a very special woman affectionately known as Bessi, Hotty Hotty, Ms Cherry - Cecily Elaine Ramsay. Cherry was a wonderful woman who lived a rich life filled with challenges, love, and adventures. Dec 26, 1957 heralded the birth of Cecily Elaine Ramsay born to parents Joseph Ramsay & Myrtle Dunstant in Guildbro District. She was the second child of six children. Cherry attended the Lottery All Age School where she was deemed an excellent student; she was an expert in all subject areas, especially math. Her teachers always expected great things from her academically. Even though Cherry was outstanding in her academics, she was also known as a 8

“WAR LORD” as she constantly got into fights and cursing matches with her peers. Cherry’s dream was to attain the highest educational level possible; but this dream was not fulfilled as her parents could not afford to send her to further her studies. As a result of this, she followed the path of many girls at that time and went into the hospitality field, where she worked for the Enez family. The Enez family was good to her, and she was happy while working there. After working for the Enez family, Cherry started working at the garment factory in the Montego Bay Freezone area and while working there, she earned many awards for her excellence in Hospitality Management. She also attended the Kenilworth Academy which is now known as HEART NTA where she earned her certificate in sewing and computer skills. Cherry and Henry otherwise known as “Bapo” became young lovers while in school and the love only grew. Cherry would travel from Guislboro to Lottery practically almost every day just to spend some great time with her boyfriend. Such traveling resulted in a beautiful baby girl by the name of Andrea, otherwise known as Chino followed by Andrean, Andre (Karon), Gavel (Dammy) & Jevoy the washbelly. Cherry & Henry eventually got married on July 29, 2001. In 2016, Cherry migrated to Nassau, Bahamas where she worked with the Paul’s family. In 2017, she gave her life to the Lord and was deemed a very devoted Christian and an active member of her church. She was very involved in her community and also enjoyed going to the gym and walking early in the mornings. She was great at marathons, competed in several, and earned various awards for completing marathons in record time. On Wednesday, December 9 at around 2 am Cherry departed this life at the age of 63. She had suffered a cardiac arrest. It’s hard to say goodbye. We not only wish that we had more time, but wished that perhaps during the time we had, we had spent more of it together. While we know that she is at peace and that her struggles are at an end, there is pain and sadness. Even though she is gone, she has left the legacy of her love and perseverance. The ways she touched our lives will remain indelible in our hearts for years to come. I only ask that you keep her memories alive by sharing them with me and with one another. She died leaving husband Henry (Bapo), five children - Andrea (Chino), Andrean, Karon, Gavel (Dammy) & Jevoy, nine grandchildren- Shanae, Nichosta, Yanesha, Rushawn, Adrianna, Ian Jr, Damecia, Jeriah & Ramon, two brothers - Dennis & Ewarton (Johnny), two sisters - Thelma (Dream) & Hermine, nieces, nephews, and a host of other relatives and friends.

Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay


On Tuesday December 7th around 6:30 pm was the last phone call I made to mommy. She picked up when I called and said “Mawning papa, a wah time now? A pure sleep mi a sleep enuh, mi nuh why mi so tired?” I responded to her saying “Mommy what are you talking about? It’s evening now, better yet night! I just came from work and didn’t hear you call so I had to call you to make sure you were doing great’. I then told her that I was going to book her ticket tonight to go to Jamaica next week which would have been December 18. She responded and said, “Okay, no problem”. I then told her I was going to get something to eat and call her back and from that time until now, I have been calling, but no response from mommy. One thing for sure I know is that we will all miss our daily phone calls and conversations with her. We have lost our wonderful mother, companion, adviser, and mentor. I am so honored to have been her son. I know she was extremely proud of us and was so grateful for all our achievements and success. I am grieving today for the amazing relationship I had with her. I am grieving for my father who has lost the best wife it is possible for one to have.. I am grieving for my daughter and all the grandchildren who have only known this wonderful grandmother for such a short time in their lives, for my brothers and sisters who have lost the world’s greatest mother, and for her siblings and other family members/friends who have lost a true friend. We have suffered a huge loss. She taught us all what is important in life - to love, support and care for friends and family. It has been said that time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain in time and the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissues and pain lessons, but it is never gone. Goodbye is not forever; goodbye is not the end. It simply means we’ll miss you until we meet again. Friends and family members, I implore you to be comforted in knowing that whatever pain she knew here, in the afterlife it will be lifted from her. I’ll close today with reciting the 23rd Psalm “The Lord is my Shepherd”, but before we do, on behalf of my family, I’d like to thank you all again for coming here today. If you will, please stand and pray with me.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. 10 Thanksgiving Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay


In Loving Memory of Sister Cecily Ramsay

Whereas, in God’s Holy wisdom, he has received our dear sister Cecile Ramsay home to dwell with Him on the 8th day of December 2021, and Whereas, Cecily Ramsay acknowledged Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Whereas, we have been blessed the presence of Cecily Ramsay as an active member of our congregation who served with faithful attendance and participation in our Preacher/Teachers Bible Classes and in our Divine Worship Service, and Whereas, Cecily Ramsay participated in various civic and fitness organizations within our community, and was a loving and attentive parent who instilled in her children a strong devotion to the Lord; her legacy of faith and service will continue to inspire her loved ones and members of our congregation. Now Therefore, Be It Resolved that we wish all who are in mourning to take comfort from the words of the Apostle Paul in the book of First Thessalonians Chapter Four, But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him….Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. Be It Further Resolved that we at Jesus Christ Centered Ministries International bow to a greater will than our own and rest in the knowledge that one day we will be united with our dear sister Cecily Ramsay again. Therefore, the Senior Pastors, Elders, Officers, Members & Followers of Jesus Christ Centered Ministries International offer their sincere condolences to the family. Your sorrow is our sorrow and is magnified by the absence of a dear soul from our congregation who shared a bright, steady spirit and a cheerful heart. Humbly Submitted In Faith & Appreciation For The Gift of Our Time with Cecile Ramsey. Signed & Sealed this 10th Day of January 2022 Acknowledged by:

Rev. Dr. Sheldon D. Newton, JP Senior Pastor

Dr. Jennifer M. Newton Co-Pastor

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12 Thanksgiving Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay

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Favorite Moments Andrea (Chino 1st child) My favorite memory with my mom is whenever we are going out I always make sure she dresses first so that I can out do her with my dressing. To show you how mommy was a hot stepper one day we were heading to a funeral and I told her mommy go and get dressed while I was already done getting ready waiting for mommy to come out. When mommy I said to myself “ no sah mommy, me need fi go change because you hotta than me” I went back inside my closet and did an entire outfit change just to make sure that I’m in the same dressing category as mom. Lol mommy no sah yuh nuh easy. Andrean (2nd child) My favorite moment with mommy is when I am normally on the phone talking to her and cooking and she is always talking about if I am cooking pepper stakes for dinner. My response to her would be “yes” She used to say “Bwoy mi wud a eat some a dah peppa stakes deh yah now, an wen mi come a merica mi a go nyam peppa stake fi kill lol. Karon (3rd Child) My favorite memory with mommy was when I was going to school and she always told me to come to her work place for lunch. Such sacrifice meant so much to me just for her to make sure that I was able to eat lunch and be good for the rest of the school day. When we usually talk on the phone the last thing she would say is that she loves me. I miss you mom ! Dammy (4th child) My favorite memory with mom is that I could have called her every night and reason with her on a certain level. This is something that I will always miss, now I don’t have a mother to talk to in the nights but mi luv yuh same way Ms. Cherry in life and in death.

14 Thanksgiving Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay

Jevoy (WASHBELLY) I have more than a book of favorite moments with mommy. She was and will always be the greatest LOVE of my life. However the one I’ll always cherish and will forever miss is the daily phone calls with her. I could call mommy at any time of the day or night and she will always be there to answer my calls. I remember mommy always waiting on my phone calls late in the night to tell her I got home safe from work and then we would start talking until one of us falls asleep. If she falls asleep before me and starts snoring I would say mommy are you sleeping ? and her response would be “no sah am just ah listening to you”. She was my strong tower, rock & my role model ( my world). We normally talk about any given topics you could think of personally or not and she would always be there to listen and give her advice. Lastly, on every phone call we would always try to give each other the worst set of nicknames possible such as Bessy, Bed Post, Agatha and many more. Mommy I will see you again on that great resurrection morning. Daddy My favorite moment with Cheery was when I got married to her because we had taken so long to get married after having kids. When we got married back in 2001 that was like a great starting point for us, something that I will always cherish . The song that played for us while we were getting married was “From this moment “ by Shania Twain. Every time I hear that song it just brings me back to that great moment. Cheery was the greatest love of my life and I will never forget her.

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16 Thanksgiving Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay

Graveside Choruses No Grave Can Hold My Body Down No grave can hold my body down, No grave can hold my body down. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, And the dead in Christ shall rise; No grave, can hold my body down. I’m Gonna To Walk Those Streets Of Glory I’m gonna walk those streets of glory by and by I’m gonna walk those streets of glory by and by I’m gonna walk those streets of glory I’m gonna sing redemption story I’m gonna walk those streets of glory by and by.

Some Sweet Day Some sweet day, I’m going away I’m going to leave this world No more to roam Some sweet day, When life is over Some sweet day, I’m going away. By & By When the morning comes By and by, when the morning comes, When the saints of God are gathered home, We will tell the story how we’ve overcome; We will understand it better by and by.

We Shall Have A Grand Time We shall have a grand time Up in heaven We shall have a grand time up in heaven Have a grand time Walking with the angels, Singing glory, alleluia! We shall have a grand time Up in Heaven Have a grand time.

18 Thanksgiving Celebrating the Life of Cecily “Hotty-Hotty” Ramsay

Thank You

Wrapped up in those two words is all the gratitude that is flowing from our hearts. We appreciate every kind act, thought, and expression that you have showered on us during this season. Each of you has touched us in special ways, which helped us as we attempt to cope with our sudden loss. You have been the hands of Jesus in acts of kindness, the heart of Jesus in showing compassion, the feet of Jesus in visitation, and the love of Jesus in your prayers and support. We appreciate you for all that you have done. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you for coming – The Family Professional Services Entrusted to Nordal Funeral Services 876-503-6988 (WhatsApp #) nordalfuneralservices@gmail.com Interment Dunstant & Ramsay’s Family Plot Guildsbro District

Pallbearers Henry Reid Andrea England-Reid Andrean Jones Andre Reid Gaval Reid Jevoy Reid Ewarton Dunstant Dennis Ramsay Thelma Ramsay Hemine Ramsay

(Husband) (Daughter) (Daughter) (Son) (Son) (Son) (Brother) (Brother) (Sister) (Sister)

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