Chainbreakers Greater Power 2017 Conference Magazine

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Greetings from ChainBreakers

Revelations 7:14 states “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Isaiah 48:10 “Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.” This ministry was birthed out of much adversity and wresting with the Lord for over three years. On January 14, 2014 the Lord spoke to Pastor Deserene Leslie to open a prayer line and to specifically name it THE CHAIN-BREAKERS. Because of the plethora of Prayer lines around, dedication and great responsibility required, it was a very difficult decision to make. The Holy Ghost bore witness and gave us the confirmation to move forward as we dedicated this line to the Lord. The Spirit of God spoke expressly that if we show up at 5:30am and keep our appointment then He (God) would also keep His appointment with us. God has been faithful to His promise and has added daily to the line; dedicated moderators, intercessors, powerful ministers of the Word, mothers in Christ, and last but certainly not least a Mighty Army of Prayer Warriors to break every chain in Jesus name. Great victories, deliverance, healings, and breakthroughs have been wrought by the mighty hand of God. Cancers wiped out, diabetes healed, marriages healed, Financial victories, favor in the courtrooms....miracles too numerous to mention here. All we can say God be the glory great things He is doing. THE CHAIN-BREAKER PRAYERLINE MINISTRIES An Oasis in the desert, where chains are broken and destroyed in Jesus Mighty Name.

Bishop Bobby & Apostle Deserene Leslie

Chainbreakers Moderators A Great Big Thank You

Lady Deserene Leslie

Chainbreakers Visionary

Lady Grace Trail

Marcia Baker

Intercessor Celia Henry

Marlene Paisley

Joan Agustus

Missionary Dorothy Wilkinson

Genevieve Tomlinson

Yvonne Shirley

Intercessor Valrie Crawford

Missionary Olive Brown


Meet & Greet

Intercessory Prayer Pastor Kenyatta McLeish - Chief Intercessor & Chainbreakers Intercessors Blowing of The Shofar Seven Times

The Greater Power Conference 2017 Declared Open Theme Song There Is Power In The Name Of Jesus - Psalmist Sharon Wiles Praise & Worship Psalmist Zoe Moses Greetings Conference Host - Bishop Bobby Leslie - Greetings & Declarations Pastors & Delegates Praise & Worship Offerings Praise & Worship Introduction Of Speaker Apostle Fidel Donaldson Speaker Apostle Deserene Leslie Altar Call & Impartation

SCHEDULE Morning Glory


5:30 - 8:00 am


Evangelist Marcia Baker & Chainbreakers

Prayer Walk Worship

Impartation Prayers Prophet Dan Bailey - 6:45 am - 7:15 am

Fire In The Morning

Bishop O.G. Douglas

Breakfast The Prophetic Release

Apostle/Prophet Richardo Gordon 8:45 am - 11:45 am

Lunch Break Afternoon Session

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Apostle Pastor Dayo Olasope

Go Light Your World Lady Yvonne Shirley 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Meet & Greet

6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Intercessory Quake

Pastor Kenyatta Mcleish Min. Alex Waldo

Opening Songs Of Worship Pastoral Inaugural Ceremony 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm

Blowing Of The Shofar Bishop Peter Augustine

Processional For Chainbreakers Ministers & Moderators Processional of Bishop & Apostle Leslie Official Installation Ceremony of Bishop Bobby & Apostle Deserene Leslie As Chainbreakers Pastors Officiating Minister

Bishop Christopher Mccray


Pastor Sharon Augustine & Team


Apostle Fidel Donaldson

Setting The Atmosphere For The Word Min. Safiyah Singleton

Introduction Of Speaker Apostle Deserene Leslie


Dr. Prophetess Medina Pullings (United Nations Church International)

Altar Call & Impartation

SCHEDULE Morning Glory 5:30 am - 7:45 am


The Threshing Floor Experience Call To Worship Opening Prayers Worship Prayer Walk- Praying Over Family Pictures Debt Cancellations Family & Marriages Impartation By Chainbreakers Ministers Deliverance Prayers Breakfast Saturday Sessions The Deliverance Prophetic Encounter Bishop Christopher McCray 8:30 am - 12 noon Break For Afternoon Gala Chainbreakers Grand Gala Dinner Red Carpet Affair 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Keynote Speaker Apostle Fidel Donaldson

SCHEDULE The Grand Finale


Intercessory Prayer 7:00 pm - 7:15 pm Musical Interlude & Preparation For Worship Praise & Worship Honoring Our Moderators & Intercessors & Chainbreakers Mothers Presenting Chainbreakers Visionaries Bishop Bobby Leslie Apostle Deserene Leslie Offerings Bishop Christopher Mccray Praise Team Setting The Atmosphere For The Word Speaker Apostle/Prophetess Althia Griffin The Prophetic Zone

Chainbreakers Speakers A Great Big Thank You


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A Note of Appreciation It is with great pleasure and delight that we take this opportunity to say thank you to our God and Saviour Jesus Christ for making this conference a powerful success. Thanking god for such a profound move of his power and manifested presence that we have all encountered. God has been tremendously awesome in allowing us to accomplish such a magnanimous mandate for his name sake. Its with deep appreciation and a grateful heart that we convey our gratitude to all those who have worked tirelessly to make this conference a dynamic success. Thank you to Bishop Christopher Mccray a mentor and spiritual father to us. A councelor and God sent covering. We appreciate you sir. Your words of wisdom and your understanding of the call of god on our lives is immensely appreciated. To Lady Winsome Saunders & Lady Marlene Paisley, you have been a tower of strength over the past months in countless ways. Your selfless effort and deep care for us, has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for all that you have done to make the job easier. To Lady Sonia Mithcell, Mother Vermalyn Mcquick & The Chainbreakers Visionaries Intercessory Team. Thank you for your deep passionate prevailing prayers of coverage and blessings and protection over our lives. To Lady Patrice Mcquick Williams praise & worship coordinator who have organized the praise and worship team, a mammoth of a task, but you gave your all. Thank you very much. To all our sponsors, intercessors, ushers and everyone who helped to make this conference a tremendous success, a great big thank you! Thank you for your faithfulness and tireless efforts. God sees your labour of love and your reward is guaranteed! God Bless You Abundantly!! Bishop Bobby & Apostle Deserene Leslie Visionaries

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