FALL 2014
The Compass Magazine Commemorates:
Steve Everald Walker: Saint, Pastor, Teacher, Bible Student, Counselor, Community Leader, Husband, Father, Brother, Friend. For his walk of faith on the highway with Jesus; love displayed to people especially those in God’s Kingdom, and commitment to the Oneness Apostolic Truth. We are confident of his rest in the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ Sleep well through the night; we’ll see you in the morning.
The Compass Editorial Staff
Dr. Charles C. Mullings
Dr. Ivy Armstrong
Lady Gloria C. Mullings
Michelle Davis
Chevone Wilkinson
Annette Taylor-Spence
Min. Paul Hamilton
One of the seven deacons chosen in the early church was Nicholas of Antioch; his followers, the Nicolaitans received dishonorable mention in the apocalypse of John, not because of their pristine doctrinal position but because of heresy. They stood out as a sect who had all the right fundamentals, but were not of one mind with the church. The Nicolaitans displayed heterodoxy – a condition of disunity with the early church. Their aberration stems from what Eusebius, the Church historian wrote in his third book. Eusebius, drawing from the writings of Clement of Alexandria, related a narrative regarding Nicholas and his wife. After the ascension of Jesus, the Apostles accused Nicholas of insane jealousy he exhibited over his extremely beautiful wife. Nicholas, in order to dispute the claim, took his gorgeous wife before the Apostles and offered her to any of them who would marry her. If this is so, taking his beautiful wife into the company of the Apostles and offering her to them, was an act of renouncing his sexual passion, and the expression ‘to abuse the flesh,’ meant self-control in the glaring light of sensual pleasure men seek. In deference to the Savior, Nicholas would not serve two masters – pleasure and the Lord Jesus. This was analogous to the alleged teaching of Matthias that we should fight against, that is, ‘abuse the flesh,’ and not give way to it for the sake of pleasure. Nicholas followers, the Nicolaitans misinterpreted the phrase ‘abuse the flesh’ as an indicator that they could commit fornication without shame. However, nowhere in the reporting is there any citation of Nicholas indulging in sex outside his marriage; even his daughters were virgins into old age, and his son never defiled himself with women. The Nicolaitans, perverter of truth, promoted asceticism, which is denial of all earthly pleasures, including marriage, in order to “fight against the flesh.” This sect that became extinct drew the rebuke of Jesus in Revelation 2:6 (Eusebius of Caesarea, Historia Ecclesia, Book III, Chapter 29).
how innocuous it seems, should receive proper elucidation of the Holy Spirit. The editor has not failed to point out to apostolic brothers and sisters, the heterodoxy – the seeming disunity among us. To this premise they all agree, but corrective measures seem ineffective or completely absent, and we get more divided than the preceding generation. We are divided into literally hundreds of contradictory sects with the same Bible, same baptism in Jesus name, same speaking in tongues, same heaven bound aspirations, but remain clueless of the path to take in obeying the dictates of unity the Bible clearly demands. In other words, we agree on the fundamentals, but little else that the Bible says. Paul admonishes the church to go from the fundamentals (principles) to perfection. One of the tenets of that perfection is an organic unity, a status that we have not yet attained. If the church is proceeding in the direction to UNITY, there should be tangible signs of approaching the objective. Unity seems as elusive as a rarely seen Florida female Panther. Invoking the following passages is an exercise in hopefulness; apostolic brethren, saints of the Most High God will begin to follow the letter-of-the-word. These Scriptures are from NIV.
Is the principle of perversion an accurate depiction of the Apostolic Church of today? The idea is that any miniscule variation from the gospel, regardless 5
Revelation 2:6 and 2:15-16 both condemn the Nicolaitans, this heretical Asian sect, centered at Ephesus. From these verses, it is clear that the Nicolaitans were NOT orthodox Christians; rather, they were heretics. Analysis of their situation shows that they kept the fundamentals of the gospel; they accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, baptized in his Name and filled with the Holy Ghost. They lived exemplarily, but something was not in synch with the rest of the church. When measured by apostolic standards; they were not of “ONE MIND,” with the rest of the church universal.
Acts 4:32 “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” 1 Corinthians 1:10: “ I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.” Philippians 1:27 “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel
In the Apostolic Sea, each church in the body is beholden to every other church and is responsible to uphold the apostolic standards in all aspects as clearly delineated by the Scriptures. Therefore, no church is an entity by itself without responsibility to the rest of the body. Every church should dot every ‘i’ and cross every ‘t’ in doctrinal discipline and holiness standards. Nothing extra-biblical, just what the Bible declares as interpreted by the Holy Ghost through Spirit filled people.
Philippians 2:2: “...complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking of one thing.”
By apostolic standards, as presented in SCRIPTURE, today’s Church may be heterodox and mutually heretical. The Apostolic Church is not “of one heart and one mind,” as Scripture says the Church must be. We do not follow the principle set down by St. Paul in Ephesians 4:1-6:
1 Peter 3:8: “Finally, all of you, be of one mind and have compassion one towards the other…” This last verse (1 Peter 3:8) is most significant when it comes to orthodoxy, since as 1 Peter 1:1 shows us the Apostle is not writing to merely one city-church, but to great many city-churches in a total of five separated provinces of the Roman Empire! Therefore, Peter is indeed speaking in a universal sense.
“Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, 3 being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is ONE body and ONE Spirit, just as also you were called in ONE hope of your calling; 5 ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism, 6 ONE God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” The problem may lie in the admixture of old time apostolicity with modernistic and post-modernistic offerings. Syncretism, mixing pagan philosophy with Biblical doctrine, started the demise of the Oneness Church late in the first century. Today’s push to sit at the ecumenical table – to remove the wall of partition between Oneness Apostolic and Trinitarians - may be causing the same problem as the syncretistic construct in the early church. The fact is most academicians in the Apostolic Church are trying to evince philosophy hatched in the upper echelons of academia, to give credibility to their pedagogical accomplishments. This is what this editor refers to as ‘Liberalizing of the Oneness Apostolic Church.’ 6
Earn your Associate of Science degree in Theology. Courses include: Bible Introduction, Old Testament History I, II, & III, Church History, The Life of Christ, and Spiritual Growth I & II Next semester begins January 2015 Enrollment begins November 4th Faith Bible Institute 5770 Oakland Park Blvd., Lauderhill, FL 33313 954-486-4013 A Department of Faith Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church, International
The Record of Theological Seminaries in America
Part 4
J.R. Ensey was founded along with the University of Rochester in 1850. The seminary began with good intentions and was numbered among Fundamentalist institutions for about twenty-five years. It was a professing conservative, Augustus H. Strong (1836-1921), who prepared the way for Rochester Seminary’s fall into apostasy. After serving as pastor of several churches, Strong became president of the seminary in 1872, and he remained there until 1912. Perhaps most remember Strong for his Concordance and Systematic Theology. Though he was conservative enough in his early career, he later adopted theistic evolution, a low view of the Bible’s inspiration, and pantheistic ideas. It was Strong who brought Walter Rauschenbusch, the father of the Social Gospel, to Rochester’s faculty in 1902. Rauschenbusch soon released his Christianity and the Social Crisis (1906) and Theology of the Social Gospel (1917). He continued teaching at Rochester Seminary until his death in 1918. …Newton Theological Seminary merged with Ando- Gregory Boyd, a professor of Theology has influver in the 1930s. Nels F. S. Ferre taught theology at the seminary off and on from 1937 to 1965, all the while at- enced thousands of students during his tenure at Bethel tacking virtually all of the historic fundamentals of the College in St. Paul, MN. Boyd received his B.A. in philosophy at the University of Minnesota, his M.Div. from Christian faith. Yale Divinity School, and a Ph.D. at Princeton Theolog Colgate Theological Seminary was established in ical Seminary. He embraces open theism. He has been in1817 in Hamilton, New York, with “thirteen men, thir- strumental in leading the attack on the Oneness position teen prayers, and thirteen dollars,” as the first Baptist in books and debates. He is considered out of the mainseminary in America. In 1890, however, the modern- stream because of his open theism and hyper-trinitarian ist William Newton Clarke (1841-1912) began teaching stance. He is not atypical of professors in our nation’s at Colgate, where he remained until shortly before his seminaries. death. One of Clarke’s books, An Outline of Christian Clark H. Pinnock (1937- ), professor Emeritus Theology (1894), was the first systematic theology of American liberalism. It became instantly popular, with of Christian Interpretation, McMaster Divinity College, even Methodist schools using it. By 1914 the book was Hamilton, Ontario, is considered an evangelical theoin its twentieth printing. Near the end of his life, Clarke logian and primary proponent of the Openness of God traced his own path, from pious upbringing to aposta- movement. He is also an annihilationist concerning Hell. sy, in a spiritual autobiography called Sixty Years with Pinnock received his Ph.D. in New Testament at Manthe Bible (1909). It is a sad and tragic story, especially in chester University in 1963 under F. F. Bruce. Originally view of the thousands of young lives that he had influ- a Calvinist, Pinnock migrated to a generally Arminian enced. In 1928, Colgate merged into Roches- theology. From 1969 to 1974 Pinnock taught at Trinity ter Theological Seminary. That seminary in New York Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, and from Dear Readers: The historicity of the Oneness Apostolic Church in USA is a storied account of the forces of liberalism that have made and are making a foray into the Oneness Apostolic doctrines and standards. The Compass is sharing the excerption of J.R. Ensey’s study, “Kiss of Betrayal,” to show the influence of theological seminaries in their attempts to liberalize the Oneness Apostolic Movement, and the divisions that have developed because of liberal professors’ offerings in the process. This should be compelling reading for the ministry minded individuals who are at the forefront of the battle contending for the faith that the saints first received. Please continue to read this article in the next three issues of the Compass. The article is outside the parameters of The Compass editing process and is offered in its original presentation with the author’s permission. This is the 4th excerption of this eye-opening article. The Editor
1974 to 1977 at Regent College in Vancouver. In his book Is there a lesson somewhere in this for Apostolics? The Scripture Principle, he attacked the doctrine of the absolute inerrancy of Scripture. He taught at McMaster One of the saddest stories of our time is that of Divinity College from 1977 until his retirement in 2002. the large number of Roman Catholic priests who have been accused or convicted of pedophilia and homosexu How many students have dined at the theological ality. The seminary linked to Boston College has been a tables set by Boyd and Pinnock and their ilk? Multiply breeding ground for pedophiles and homosexuals. When the two of them by one thousand and you will recognize these stories make the headlines, all denominations are the potential for theological error that exists in our edu- negatively affected to some degree. cational institutions. Where does most of the theological error that is infiltrating our churches originate? The an- We could continue almost indefinitely describing swer is clear—in the “breeding grounds” of our seminar- seminary after seminary that daily pours forth false docies where betrayal of a commitment to objective truth trine, heresy and even apostasy. They rarely seem capaand Bible doctrine has occurred. ble of dealing internally with problems concerning their faculty. Even after the problems are pointed out, profes There may be as many varying theologies as there sors are usually left to teach with veritable immunity. are seminaries—Contextualized Theology, Black Theolo- There has been such a resistance in our culture to any gy, Liberation Theology, Alexandrian Theology, Feminist form of discipline that it is rare that any professor or inTheology, Postmodern Theology, Evangelical Theology, stitution is called out for their variances from the instituNew Thought Theology, Covenant Theology, Emergent tion’s founding principles. No one wants to come across Theology, Dominion Theology, ad infinitum, ad nause- as “judgmental” or critical. We are all so self-conscious um. Must each theologian have his own brand in order to about appearing to have a personal agenda that rarely make his mark or cause his school to stand out amid the will anyone raise a question about a teacher at the colthree hundred other seminaries? lege or seminary level. There are far too many “climbers” and wannabe religious operatives who had rather protect The leading humanist of Darwin’s day, Thomas their image and reputation with the powers that be than Huxley (1825-1895) eloquently pointed out the inconsis- challenge spiritual drift. tencies of off-the-wall, personal approaches to Scripture. Huxley, an ardent evolutionary humanist, was known So it is altogether clear that theological seminaras “Darwin’s bulldog,” perhaps doing more to popular- ies have played a key role in liberalizing their denominaize Darwin’s ideas than Darwin did himself. Huxley evi- tions, and have led the fight to forsake the biblical docdently “understood Christianity much more clearly than trines and principles that are given to guide our beliefs did these compromising theologians. He used their com- and order our lives. The record shows that a seminary is promise against them to help his cause in undermining traditionally a petri dish for liberalism, a hothouse for Christianity.” The compromise he saw taking place in so-called “progressive” thinking, and a platform for eccolleges was viewed as the perfect seedbed for his godless umenical causes. It has been true in virtually every reevolutionary theories. This is one of the reasons so many ligious movement or denomination. Can anyone point to have lost or changed their faith in college and seminary such an institution that is older than ten years that has settings. not, to some degree, compromised its founding creed and propositions, primarily because of its liberalized faculty? Spiritual defection is not limited to any one de- The reason it is so important that seminaries maintain nomination. It is happening in all of them, ours includ- doctrinal purity is that their level of education puts their ed. As one cultural observer put it, “Within the Roman graduates forward in the line for possible consideration Catholic Church in the U.S., middle management is dom- for appointments to organizational positions. That is an inated by the dissenters. The “dissenters,” or “cafeteria extension of the way seminaries impact the denominaCatholics,” now control nearly all major Catholic univer- tions they serve. sity theological departments, ensuring that the majority of freshmen who enter with a robust faith will graduate Part of the reason, perhaps a minor part, for the as seniors with a mushy one or none at all. A generation liberalizing of seminaries and colleges is government ago, Archbishop Fulton Sheen was telling Catholic par- funding. Whatever government funds, government conents: “The best thing I know to be sure that your children trols—at least to a point. Student loans, the accrediting will lose their faith is to send them to Catholic colleges.” process, and political correctness dictate that educational
institutions conform to liberal government policies. Colleges receiving government grants or student loans must not discriminate in any way that would violate public policy. Accreditation procedures mandate that all faculty be degreed, and not be overly inbred (all graduates only from the same college where they are employed). Degreed faculty is one of the primary paths to liberalization—professors bringing their personal views that were developed in non-Christian settings into the institution. Discrimination in hiring faculty is increasingly frowned upon. We will soon arrive at a place where we will not be able to deny employment to those who are gay or trans-gendered.
It is interesting to note how communists, socialists and liberals prefer the term “progressive” to describe themselves, and speak of their activities as “compassionate” and directed toward “world service.”
Former communist leader Manning Johnson gave testimony before the Committee on Un-American Activities of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1953 showing that they were interested in liberalizing the seminaries to further their cause. Here are some of the revelations from that testimony: “The plan was to make the seminaries the neck of a funnel through which thousands of potential clergymen would issue forth, carrying with them, in varying degrees, an ideology and slant which would aid in neutralizing the anti-Communist character of the church and also to use the clergy to spearhead important Communist projects.... This policy was successful beyond even Communist expectations. The combination of…clergymen with a pro-Communist ideology, plus thousands of clergymen who were sold the principle of considering Communist causes as progressive, furnished the Soviet apparatus with a machine which was used as a religious cover for the overall Communist operation.”
Let me now focus on classical Pentecostal seminaries specifically. The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary opened its doors in 1973 and reached accreditation in 1978. Their professors come from varied educational backgrounds. The first twelve instructors on their faculty list sport degrees from Chicago Theological Seminary, Concordia (Lutheran) Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and very liberal secular schools like the University of California at Berkeley.
Why would the socialists and communists be interested in the seminaries? Johnson’s testimony continued: “Communist strategists counted the effectiveness of their forces not so much on numbers alone, but on the importance of individuals loyal to communism in key spots where a small group can influence large numbers... Thus, one professor of divinity, lecturing to future clergymen, who in turn will preach to thousands of churchgoers, is, in the long run, more dangerous than twenty [hardcore These outcomes have been said to be part and communists]....” parcel of a socialist agenda to subvert America. While I That is the record of many of America’s seminaram not given to conspiracy theories, it is not difficult to ies. What about the more modern, conservative movesee the success of such a program, whether organized or ments and their institutions? not. Through the current revival of the Social Gospel, the concepts of socialism are infiltrating religious insti- Modern Seminaries Connected with Conservative Movetutions, particularly the seminaries where each graduate ments will likely be injected with the serum of liberalism— both secular and religious. The tolerance of all faiths and “The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship deplores the conreligious ideas is the goal of the liberals. Former Nation- tinuing program of ecumenicity carried on by the Calial Association of Evangelicals president Richard Cizik fornia Graduate School of Theology.” adds, “It’s not just tolerance, it’s to go beyond tolerance, to principle pluralism, which…means no religion has a We may ignore such reports and not really care privileged place…. I would say one step even farther, about what is going on in the many seminaries scattered which is to say partnership…. The fundamentalists have around the country that are not associated with Pentea pessimistic view of the future and they have this per- costalism. However, the professors at classical Pentecosception, unlike evangelicals and liberal Christians, that tal seminaries were trained out there somewhere in those there’s an unbridgeable divide between the believer and settings. We should care, because they will bring those the unbeliever…. We don’t believe that.” teachings into our classrooms.
AGTS has installed Spiritual Formation courses that feature contemplative spirituality and Emergent ideology. Earl Creps, director of the Doctor of Ministry program and associate professor at AGTS, is a heavy proponent of both contemplative spirituality and Emer-
gent theories. In his course syllabi over the last five years, Creps has classes with titles such as “Leading the Emerging Church” and “Models of Ministry in the Emerging Church.” Syllabus reading materials include those from Henri Nouwen, Brian McLaren, Ken Blanchard, Dan Kimball, Erwin McManus, Sally Morgenthaler, and Leonard Sweet, all considered to be spiritual mystics and/ or Emergents. A visit to Creps’ “Spiritual Adventures” blog gives a hearty helping of Emergent discussion. In one blog, Creps tries to show how there might be a union between Pentecostalism and the emerging church, saying the relationship is “gaining some traction.” It is interesting that the darling of the New Spirituality/Emergent movement, Leonard Sweet, has written an endorsement for Creps’ new book, Off-Road Disciplines. With Creps’ influence at AGTS and his admiration for Leonard Sweet, it looks like Sweet will play a role in the future of many Assemblies of God students.
a communion whose cells are connected to one another within the information network called the Christ consciousness.” Sweet goes on with more New Age rhetoric: “Energy-fire experiences take us into ourselves only that we might reach outside of ourselves. Metanoia is a de-centering experience of connectedness and community. It is not an exercise in reciting what Jesus has done for me lately. Energy-fire ecstasy, more a buzz than a binge, takes us out of ourselves, literally. That is the meaning of the word ‘ecstatic.’” The subjective, esoteric ecstasy Sweet speaks of refers to the New Age ecstasy that some say occurs in an altered state of consciousness.
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary has shown its support for Dr. Earl Creps by making available his 1700 Resources on the Emerging Church. Endorsements on the AGTS website for these resources include While Creps declares, “I am painfully orthodox this by Marcia Ford: “Assemblies of God professor Earl doctrinally,” resources he offers throughout his blogs Creps, a man for whom many in the emerging church and websites would paint another picture. Under Apol- movement give thanks daily.” Leonard Sweet adds: “I ogetics Resources, Creps recommends Leonard Sweet’s have instructed my web people to link to your marvelous book, Quantum Spirituality. Listen to Sweet, as he de- resource. There is truly nothing out there like it. I can’t scribes the New Light in his book: “I have followed those thank you enough.” ‘New Light leaders’… [S]ome of those who led [me] into new light are: Matthew Fox, Richard Mouw, Rowan Creps recommends these authors: Dallas Willard, Williams.” Others that Leonard Sweet thanks include: Leonard Sweet, Richard Foster, Eugene Peterson. Creps’ Morton Kelsey, M. Scott Peck, Walter Bruggemann, Ken required reading for students: Wilber, Thomas Berry and many other New Age sympathizers. And then he adds: “The first of these five unthe- Smith, Chuck, Jr. The End of the World As We orized (sic) observations is that New Light embodiment Know It: Clear Direction for Bold and Innovative Minmeans to be ‘in connection’ and ‘in-formation’ with other istry in a Postmodern World. Waterbrook, 2001. To be Christians. Deeper feeling and higher relating go togeth- continued… er. The church is fundamentally one being, one person,
Know the Oneness Apostolic Church History Trivia Quiz (part 1)
CAN YOU TRACE THE ONENESS APOSTOLIC CHURCH Pre – Dark Ages - Approximately AD 90 – AD 453
1. Who invented the Trinitarian movement? (a) Plato (b) Catholic church (c) Tertullian
12. One of the greatest Acts 2:38 preachers between AD 200- 300 was responsible for millions of Europeans to be baptized in the Name of Jesus was: (a) Tertullian (b) Arian (c) Wolflein (Little Wolf)
2. The term trinity was derived from … (a) Aristotle’s discourse (b) Tertullian’s postulates (c) Plato’s celestial arithmetic 3. History records that between 100 – 200 AD the church: (a) Baptized in the name of Jesus (b) spoke in tongues (c)Preached Apostolic One-God messages (d) All of the above 4. Which apostle carried the gospel to the Roman world, Armenia, Malabar, Saxony and Glastonbury (a) John (b) Paul (c) Peter
13. During the third century what specifically agitated the Church of Rome and precipitated the two great councils of Nicea and Constanople (a) Arian controversy (b) Montanist controversy (c) Monarchian controversy 14. He devised the ‘hail Marys, self-tortures, and proclaimed himself Pontiff Maximus (a) St. Callistus (b) St. Clement (c) St. Sixtus 15. According to the Martyrs Mirror p.155, under the leadership of this emperor Rome martyred one God Christians, Jesus Name people (a) Nero (b) Diocletian (c) Septimus Severus
5. Who carried the Acts 2:38 gospel to Western Europe and China around 117 AD? (a) John (b) Celtic Missionaries (c) Welch missionaries 6. According to the writings of R.A. Knox (p.402) and J. H. Blunt, (pp. 340, 440) From AD 157 to 1909 One God tongue talkers, Acts 2:38 Christians were in Moravia in the Czech Republic and were known as… (a) Moravians (b) Czechians (c) Montanists/Seballians 7. According to Bernstein & Green (p.78), early ideas of purgatory, catechism and confirmation seeped into Catholicism about 175 AD and were adopted from… (a) Mystery religions (b) Orphic Cult (c) St. Athanasius
17. According to William Langer, P. 129, this emperor killed 7,000 Jesus Name Thessalonians (a) Diolectian (b) Theodosius II, (c) Maximus 18 Outside the reach of Rome, there were whole organizations of Acts 2 Christians. These regions were: (a) Saxony/Netherlands/Languedoc (b) Constantinople/India/China (c) South Africa/America/West indies
8. Which Roman Emperor forbade any to join Oneness Apostolic Christianity & Judaism (a) Nero (b) Septimus Severus (c) Cesear 9. By AD 200 Hundreds of thousands continued Holy Ghost tongues, gifts of the Spirit, Baptism in the Name of Jesus in… (a) Europe (b) Asia, including China (c) North Africa (d) None (e) All
16. After he became emperor in Ad 313, he convened the Nicene Council (AD 325) after which was the official start of TRINITARIANISM. (A) Diocletian (b) Septimus Severus (c) Constantine
10. One of the first to be martyred because he preached Acts 2 messages in the AD 200’s was (a) Basilides (b) Peter (c) Iraneus 11. Approximately what era did Tertullian declare that tonguesspeaking Monarchians outnumbered Catholics (a) AD 100’s (b) AD 200’s (c) AD 300’s (d) None of these
19. By AD 402, nearly all the tribes of this region were baptized in Jesus Name (a) South Africa (b) China (c) Western Europe 20. Which Pope martyred Pentecostal glossolalists, Jesus Name people in AD453 (a) Pope Pius (b) Pope Leo 1 (c) Pope Clement
Answer located in the Creative Niche
Heroe of The Apostolic Faith
Nathaniel Andrew Urshan General Superintendent UPCI 1978 - 2002
athaniel Andrew Urshan was born August 29, 1920, in St. Paul, Minnesota, to Andrew David and Mildred Hammergren Urshan. Brother Urshan lived in Chicago through most of his childhood and teen years. The family then moved to New York, where his father became pastor of the Apostolic Christian Church on 92nd Street in Manhattan.
After graduating from high school, Brother Urshan enrolled in Columbia University as a pre-med student. He attended the university for two and one-half years, desiring to be a surgeon and save peoples’ lives. In the fall of 1938, the university student met the love of his life, Jean Habig. Jean and her accordion accompanied the R. G. Hoekstras in revival services at the 92nd Street church.
This was a meeting destined to have far-reaching effects.
While pastoring, Brother and Sister Urshan preached many camp meetings across the country. Their songs such as Somebody Touched Me and We have a Wonderful Guest at Our House, with her playing the accordion and his playing the bass fiddle, were a constant source of inspiration everywhere they traveled. In addition, they were often called upon to preach anniversaries, dedications, and other special services at home and abroad.
After being stricken with tuberculosis and then being miraculously healed, Brother Urshan realized that God had called him to preach and not to fulfill his own ambition to become a surgeon. Immediately he began to preach revivals. Brother and Sister Urshan were married on October 1, 1941. They made a great evangelistic team, preaching and singing the gospel. They conducted revivals in their early evangelistic days in Ohio, Idaho, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Michigan, Illinois, and West Virginia. The Urshans were blessed with four children Sharon, Annette, Nathaniel Paul, and Andrew. Both sons became ministers, and both daughters became wives of ministers.
During the years at Calvary Tabernacle, the Urshans had a fifteen-minute radio program called Hymns of Faith, which was aired five nights a week. The church also operated Calvary Christian School, one of the first Christian schools in the UPCI. The school is still in operation. In the late 1940s, the Urshans, the Fred Kinzies, and the Norman Paslays formed the Gospel Melodies Record Company and made their own records. The company sold thousands of records in the following years.Page Down Brother Urshan served on the Board of Education of the United Pentecostal Church International for a number of years and Indiana District Board as the presbyter of Section Five for twenty-seven years.
In February 1943, Brother Urshan became associate pastor to C. C. Kirby in Royal Oaks, Michigan, a position he held for two and one-half years. While serving under Pastor Kirby, the Urshans still held revival services in several parts of the nation. After leaving Royal Oaks, they returned to the evangelistic field for a short time. Later, Brother Urshan became assistant pastor to R. G. Hoekstra at Calvary Tabernacle, Indianapolis, Indiana. This was Sister Urshans hometown and church. The Urshans left Indianapolis in 1947 to pastor Apostolic Christian Church, 92nd Street, Manhattan, New York. His father had pastored this church.
Some of Brother Urshans greatest accomplishments have been his impact on the lives of people. Over 100 ministers and ministers wives are active in the work of God because of his pastoral touch. In 1960 Brother Urshan became the Harvestime Radio speaker, a position he held for seventeen and one-half years. For the following twenty-four years, he has shared the Harvestime pulpit with other speakers. While pastoring Calvary Tabernacle, Brother Urshan served the United Pentecostal Church International as assistant general superintendent from 1971 to 1978.
In July 1949, Nathaniel A. Urshan became pastor of Calvary Tabernacle, Indianapolis, Indiana. He pastored there thirty years, enjoying one of the legendary revivals in Pentecostal history. The congregation grew from approximately 200 to 1400 during his pastorate. As pastor, he positively influenced the community through his involvement in the International YMCA, the Heart Fund Campaign, the Cancer Society, and the Indianapolis Ministerial Association. In addition, he served on various senatorial committees. His moral stature has been an influence on the various governmental committees on which he has served from the city level up through the national level. Government contacts such as these have resulted in Brother Urshans being instrumental in opening doors to mission fields, including Ethiopia, where explosive revival has occurred for some years.
Honorary doctorate degrees were conferred upon Brother Urshan from Apostolic Bible Institute, Gateway College of Evangelism, and Christian Life College. The 1977, the General Conference of the United Pentecostal Church International elected Brother Urshan as general superintendent, and he assumed that position January 1, 1978. The following twenty-four years resulted in worldwide growth of the UPCI under his capable and visionary leadership. His travels as general superintendent took the Urshans around the world as they ministered in conferences, camp meetings, and many special services. Brother Urshan
has served over sixty-one years as a minister of the gospel. The United Pentecostal Church International realized some major accomplishments during Brother Urshans superintendency. The following list gives tribute to his outstanding leadership: •Addition of third floor to World Evangelism Center •Acquisition of properties adjoining World Evangelism Center •Release of the Siberian Seven •Chaplaincy Program initiated •World Network of Prayer established •Registration of UPC in Russia, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Jordan, and •Bethlehem, West Bank •Publication of Spanish literature •Youth on Missions begun •UPC Historical Center established •North American Youth Congress initiated •Junior Bible Quizzing instituted •Multicultural Ministries begun •Endorsement of Lighthouse Ranch for Boys •Endorsement of Spirit of Freedom Ministries •Global Council begun
•Daughters of Zion initiated
World Evangelism Centers Information Technology Department established Spanish and French Harvestime broadcasts begun Mens Ministry introduced Urshan Graduate School of Theology established March 11, 2005, Nathaniel Andrew Urshan was gathered into the arms of God as he access his new position in the Kingdom of Heaven Editor’s Note As a young convert to the Oneness Apostolic philosophy, this author fed from the rich teachings of Nathaniel A Urshan His daily radio broadcast was a source of spiritual blessings and an indept insight into the scriptures. This saint of the Most High God had a tremendous impact on people worldwide. We are blessed because he was a contemporary and an effective apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dr. Monica Jones Broken Pieces Christian Counseling Ministries 6101 SW24th St, Miramar, Fl 33023 954-549-8490
Dear Pastor, This letter is to introduce you to Dr. Monica Jones who is an ordained Minister and Director at Emmanuel Apostolic Church Miramar (954-549-8490/983-3756), Bishop Ernest McDonald, Pastor. With over thirty years in ministry Dr. Jones has love and compassion for people and is committed to helping the body of Christ in the ministry of counseling. Dr. Jones is seeking to establish a practice in Miramar and is therefore making her services available to the churches in the area. Dr. Jones offers counseling in: Spiritual growth and development Pre-marital counseling Family counseling Life skills Grief counseling Temperament therapy Dr. Jones is also available for private, group sessions, and speaking engagement. She welcomes the opportunity to speak with you, and answer any question that you may have. She can be contacted at 954-549-8490, brokenpieces139@yahoo. com. Yours in Christ,
Monica Jones Monica Jones, PhD
A New Beginning
Dr. Monica Jones
he name January comes from the Greek ‘Janus” and signifies the closing and opening of doors. Specifically, closing the door on the past year and opening the door of the new year with hope and expectancy. Some welcome the opportunity for a new beginning, another chance to realize some unfilled goals. For others, they just want to put a period on the past year and do their best to forget the hurt, pain, disappointments and mistakes that occurred. Still, in the past year, there are some who were filled with joy, love, healings, blessings; they can see a measure of spiritual and emotional growth as they anticipate more of the same this year. Though the reasons may differ, January is a month when most people make, and sadly for some, break resolutions.
just to eat and meet their financial obligations. Many were perplexed, and all wanted to know, why? I did not have all the answers and I was also asking the same question. What I know for sure is, God is not a man (Numbers 23:19), and it is impossible for Him to lie (Hebrews 6:18). Heaven and earth will pass away, but not one jot or tittle will pass from His word He will never leave nor forsake us. He will see us through the water, flood and fire Isaiah 43:2. When it seems like God is playing hide and seek, when we cannot hear, feel or sense His presence, we can always trust His love.
Starting with this issue, it is my desire to help the body of Christ in the area of Christian counseling. With the help of I am a firm believer in the practice of fasting and praying at the Holy Spirit, education and over thirty years experience the beginning of the year to seek God’s direction for every in ministry, I will be able to strengthen the feeble hands and area of our lives. Psalms 37:23 states, “The steps of a good weak knees. I am inviting all our readers to submit your man are ordered by the Lord and He delighteth in his ways.” questions, (theological or personal) to ask the counsellor@ God has a plan and purpose for every life. He is behind mail.com or compasstolics@gmail.com. the scenes orchestrating events to accomplish His will on earth. God sees us as what we will become and He works backwards to our beginning. We start at the beginning and work towards the ending. We, therefore, need God to direct and establish our ways, so that our plans are aligned with His. As a counselor and director of a prayer ministry, I have seen and heard the confusion, family upheavals, and marriages in distress, rebellious children, financial difficulties, addictions, grief, sickness and spiritual instability. Many Christians felt like Asaph in Psalms 73, “ I was envious at the foolish when I saw the prosperity of the wicked’. Asaph observations still hold true today; (1) the wicked had no trouble, few challenges; (2) they were healthy and (3) they had more than enough. On the other hand, God-fearing, tithes-paying hard working saints were praying for miracles
The Editorial Staff of the Compass Magazine welcomes Dr. Monica Jones for the inauguration of a new column: “Ask the Doctor/Counselor.” In this column, you may ask a question or make an enquiry in an effort to get spiritual or emotional healing or therapy. You will get an answer to your question or enquiry in the next issue of this publication. In case of emergency, you may receive help from the Doctor privately. In this magazine, you will remain anonymous in your questioning or the answer to your request. Below is a brief dossier on the doctor, areas of her expertise, and an article. 17
The Editor
The ungodly are prospering The people of God perishing Success today, failure tomorrow In my life so much pain and sorrow
Life Is Not Always Fair Annette Taylor-Spence
Life is not always fair Here I am sitting in despair If you say I have royal connection… Why do I feel so much rejection?
But tell me – who judges what is fair or not… Who determines my life’s course – my lot? Jesus – He is the author of my faith and finisher too And He did not promise a bed of roses to me was due
I am as poor as a pauper Yet you say the King is my father My body is ravished with pain of all types Yet you say I am healed by His stripes
Take up your cross and follow me If thou would my disciple be If in Christ Jesus I live godly according to His Word Persecution will follow is exactly what I heard
I’ll tell you again - life is not fair It seems there is no one to care… That I am burdened, hurt, and abused In my mind – totally confused
Because I am lost without a mother’s care
Annette Taylor-Spence
Life is different, will never be the same No way to return from whence I came How to move on, my constant cry When all my loved ones around me die
I am lost without your support Where can I go to make a report? The children, bills, when not feeling well These and more to you I would tell
I turn to the rock – He looks out for me God always opens doors I cannot see In Him I gain strength for each new day He is constantly showing me the way
Now I am lost because you are not here Does anyone out there even care. . . That my world is crumbling That daily I am stumbling
I cannot be lost when I am under His care
While tomorrow is hidden from your view It’s no surprise to God – he already knew Trust him to chart the course and be at peace Step out in faith – to his will - release
Annette Taylor-Spence
In the presence of peace, worry is absent No room for anxiety, is what God meant “Take no thought for tomorrow” – God is in charge Why be concerned with cares, making them so large
There is a future you do not know It is a place where fears can grow In imagination, you look at what could be But the reality you have to wait daily to see
You will have peace, when inside you are calm Keep your peace in the midst of life’s storm If you place your future in the master’s hand You can be at peace as you traverse this land
There will be joy and sorrow, pain and gain One day will be sunny, the next day rain A birth, a death, laughter, and sorrow Mixed experiences are wrapped up in tomorrow
So much of you I still don’t know Yet it is time to let you go My child, mine own – the one I love I must release my precious dove
The Empty Nest Annette Taylor-Spence What of the years I toiled Where lies the seeds I sowed In the twilight of my days I watch you as you drift away
No balm to heal Only sorrow I feel Years of preparation Only to bring separation Go my child – I played my part Forever you remain in my heart Goodbye my love – I did my best I will retire to my empty nest
Nurtured you were for this day Yet - How I wish you could stay Within the portals of my care Protected, shielded, away from fear
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DIRECTORY OF PASTORS Pastor Nyron Allen Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic Miami 838 NW 183 Street, Miami, Fl 33169 Phone: 305-652-7474 | 305-206-5535
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. Intercessory Prayer Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study
Pastor Hector Carpenter First United Church (Apostolic)
550 E. Jackson St Kissimmee. FL 34746 Phone: 407-847-4009 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School: 10:00 am Morning Worship: 11:30 am Evening Service: 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study - 7:00 pm Thursday Fasting 11:00 am Friday Young People’s Service 7:00 pm
Pastor Ansel Drummond Harvest Time Apostolic
5808 Mayo Street Hollywood, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 966-8444 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 10 am –11 am Morning Worship 11:15 am Evening Worship 7 pm – 9 pm Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm – 9 pm Friday Youth Meeting 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Pastor Josephine Gallimore Oneness Apostolic Church
1826 NW 38th Avenue Lauderhill, Florida 33311 Phone: (954) 735-6010 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 10:30 AM Sunday School 11:45 AM Sun. Morning Worship 7:00 PM Evangelistic Service Monday 7:30 PM Prayer Friday 7:30 PM Youth Service
Bishop Dafton James Holiness Born Again
6452 Pembroke Road, Miramar, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 987-1448 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 11:30AM -Sunday Worship 7:00PM -Revival Service Tuesday 7:30PM -Bible Study Wednesday 12 noon-Fasting & Prayer Meeting Friday 7:15 pm Youth Service
Pastor Daniel R. Kyle Pentecostals of The Palm Beaches
Palm Beach Central High School 8499 W. Forest Hill Blvd. | Wellington, FL 33411 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 10 am Sunday School (Bldg 4&5) Discipleship Classes 1&2 (Bldg 4/Rm103) Adult Classes (Auditorium) 11 a.m. Praise and Worship (Auditorium) Wednesday 7 p.m. Bible Study (Auditorium) 7 p.m. Youth Service (Chorus Room) Spanish Services also Available
Dr. G. Oliver Barnes Faith Tabernacle UPCI
5770 West Oakland Park Blvd | Lauderhill, Florida 33313 Telephone: 954-486-4013 | Fax: 954-572-1449 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 10 am-11 am Morning Worship 11am -1:30 pm Evening Worship (1st & 3rd Sun) - 6:30 pm-8:45 pm Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday Prayer Service - 6 am to 8 am
Bishop Benjamin F. Carter, Jr.
Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church of Avon Park 117 Ernest E. Sims Street Avon Park, Florida 33825 Phone: (863) 453-2374
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Morn. Glory (Prayer) 10:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 12:00 noon Sunday Evening 6:30 pm Wednesday Midweek Prayer Service 7:30 pm Friday Bible Study & Youth Activities 7:30 pm
Pastor Clifton Ebanks Faith United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic 1637 State Rd. 7 (441) | North Lauderdale, FL 33068 Phone: (954) 917-5031
WEEKLY SERVICES Blessing of Babies First Sundays Sundays 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Bible Class Fridays 7:30 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
Pastor Johnny D. Hamby Pentecostal Lighthouse Church
21121 Judge Winikoff Rd, Boca Raton FL 33428 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Praise & Worship Service 3:00 p.m. Tuesdays Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Fridays Prayer 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Pastor Odane James The Transformation Center
2802 State Road 60 E Valrico, FL 33594 www.itransformationcenter.org WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 12 p.m. Children Ministry Wednesday 7 p.m. Christian Education Saturdays 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 9 a.m. Ministerial Training
Bishop Ernest McDonald Emmanuel Apostolic Miramar
6114 SW 35th Court, Miramar, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 983-2558 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 9:00 a.m. Prayer 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Fasting 7:30 p.m. Prayer / Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m. Ladies/Men(1st) Youth Service (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th) Saturdays Prayer 8 a.m. -10 a.m.
Bishop Ronald Cameron Heaven Bound Apostolic Church of FL Inc 20923 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33169 Phone: (954) 974-5603 Cell: (786) 234-3299
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School: 10:30 am Midday Service: 12:00 Noon Evening Service: 7:30 pm Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm Thursday Bible Study - 7:30 pm Friday Youth Service 7:30 pm
Pastor Lloyd Daley
Gospel Assembly Church of Jesus Christ 7771 Pleasant Hill Rd, Lithonia GA 3005 Phone: (770) 482-8250
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service Wednesday 7:30 PM Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 PM Youth Meeting
Pastor David Elms
Cathedral of Pentecost
5500 S. Pine Island Road, Davie, FL 33328 Phone: (954) 434-0405 | Web: cathedralofpentecost.com WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays
09:00 A.M. Adult Sunday School 09:00 A.M. J. O. Y. Church 10:00 A.M. Worship & Word 10:30 A.M. Sunday School (Pre-K-Md Sch)
Tuesday Evenings
07:30 P.M. Adult Bible Study Worship
7:00 P.M. Prayer
Rev. Mark Hattabaugh
The Pentecostals of Cooper City
5201 South Flamingo Road, | Cooper City, Florida 33330 www.the-pentecostals.org WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Haitian Service 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday 7 p.m. S. Florida Bible Institute Wednesday 6:45 a.m. AM Prayer 10:00 a.m. Staff Devotion 7:30 p.m. Bible Study /
Pastor Imogene Johnson Power of Deliverance Ministry 3090 NW 60th Ave | Sunrise, FL 33313 (754) 234-4357
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Sunday School 10:30 am Midday Worship 11:30 am Evening Worship 7:30 pm Tuesday Bible Study 7:30 pm Thursday Del. Service 7:30 pm Friday Young People on The Move 7:30 pm
Bishop Henry J. McKoy Sr. True Witness Apostolic Church
185 NW 30th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: (954) 984-9795 / true Weekly Services Sundays 10:00 a.m. Christian Education 11:45 a.m. Midday Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Service (nightly) Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m Youth Ablaze (Every 3rd Friday)
Pastor E. Paul McKoy True Witness Apostolic Church
185 NW 30th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: (954) 984-9795 / true Weekly Services Sundays 10:00 a.m. Christian Education 11:45 a.m. Midday Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Service (nightly) Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m Youth Ablaze (Every 3rd Friday)
Bishop Charles C. Mullings First United Church Apostolic - Miami 3003 NW 207 Street | Miami Gardens, FL 33056 (786) 398-1136 WEEKLY SERVICES
Sundays 10:30 a.m. Christian Education 11:45 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesday 7:00 PM Bible Study Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. Prayer Monday - Saturday - Prayer (Online) 1-559-546-1700; Code # 631047 (You must have free long distance in USA) Friday 7:00 PM Youth Service
Bishop Izett Scott
First United Church Apostolic – Ft. Lauderdale 3280 N State Road 7 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Sun. School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Evening Worship 6:00 pm Monday Prayer Service 8:00 pm Wednesday Night Family Bible Study 8:00 pm Friday (1st&3rd) Youth 8:00 pm (4th) FUC Women of Purpose 7:30-9:00 pm
Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Pentecostal Tabernacle International
18415 NW 7th Ave | Miami Gardens, FL 33169 www.pentab.org WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 9 a.m. First Fruits Prayer 10:00 a.m. Christian Education 11:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Tuesday 10 a.m Fasting and Prayer 6:00 p.m Men’s Prayer Wednesdays10 a.m. Staff Devotion 7:30 p.m. Pastor’s Forum / Youth Srv Fridays 7:30 p.m Evening Prayer
Pastor Austin Wiggins Refuge Tabernacle
4941 Vilma Lane West Palm Beach, FL 33417 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
Pastor Josephine Mitchell Gospel Tabernacle Church
Pastor Keith Moore Bread of Life Community Church
704 SW 27th Ave Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33312 Phone: 754 246-9772
4710 NW 165 St | Miami Gardens, FL
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday: 10:00am - Morning Bible Class 11:30am - Family Worship 7:00pm - Evangelistic Service Tuesday: 7:30pm-Prayer Meeting & Bible Study Wednesday: Fasting Service (10am -1pm) Friday: 7:30pm – Youth Meeting
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Morning Worship 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Tuesday Prayer & Bible Teaching 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Dr. Harry & Dr. Sharon Scott Apostolic Tabernacle Church
Pastor Hensel Reid (President) Banner of Love Apostolic Church - Miami
210 North ‘J’ Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 www.AtChurchLakeWorth.org | (561)540-4542
11663 NW 7 Ave Miami FL, 33168 banneroflovemiami@yahoo.com
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
Pastor Emmanuel Smith Apostolic Refuge Tabernacle
7201 West Sample, Coral Springs, FL 33065 Phone: (954) 709-1986
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday Worship 11:00 am 2nd & 4th 7:00 pm Tuesday Prayer 7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Class 7:30 pm Friday (1st & 3rd) 7:30 pm Prayer & Deliverance Service
Pastor Carlton Smith
Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic 2900 NW 27th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 954-485-0190
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Consecration Prayer 12:00 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Young People’s Service Wednesdays11a.m. Fasting /Prayer Fridays 7:30 p.m. Bible Class
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 7:00 PM Evangelistic Service Wednesday 7:30 PM Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 PM Youth Meeting
Bishop George Taylor United Church of Jesus Christ
1050 S. Dixie Hwy, Hollywood, FL 33020 www.ucjcah.org/
Bishop Royston Tracey
Pentecostal Assemblies Apostolic Church 1535 NW 15TH AVE FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33311
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Tuesday Bible Class 7:30 p.m. Thurday Prayer Service - 12 p.m. Friday Youth Service - 7:30 p.m.
Pastor Wayne Williams
Victory Tabernacle Apostolic Church 1008 Peel Street Avon Park, FL 33825
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
Pastor Winsome Young The Original Apostolic Church, Inc 3500 NW 15th St | Lauderhill, FL 33311 (754) 422-3119
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. (Acts 20:28 KJV) 21
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 12:00 p.m. Divine Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wednesday Prayer and Fasting 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Study
“To thee we give thanks O God!” Thanksgiving was normative throughout the scriptures and should still be the same today. The pilgrim settlers in Massachusetts had gone through hard struggles. They experienced hunger, disease, depletion in numbers from 102 to 58, and food ration, but despite that, they decided to fast and pray and give thanks. After the preceding winter in which 44 Pilgrims died, they set aside December 13, 1641 as a day of prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God. These Pilgrims, in quest of religious freedom and opportunities in America, found it absolutely necessary to give thanks to God. They had a lot for which to give God thanks: provision, no hostile Indians in the area, finding 20 acres of cleared land, new found religious freedom and an interpreter to the Indians. They spent three days in fasting and prayer to God for the blessings He imparted.
mercy, and mighty deeds to Israel In 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 we find the following: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” The preceding verses are some of the numerous passages in the New Testament admonishing us to always give thanks. As Christians, there is a preference in this matter the same as the Pilgrims had. They had a lot to be remorseful about, but instead, they gave thanks for the many blessings God bequeathed. As we view the landscape of today’s culture, moving farther away from Christian principles and embracing mostly the secular, we could be in despair. As we observe, ‘the giving of thanks to God’ in the annual Thanksgiving holiday is being disregarded. The Feasting remains, and the Christian Community could be flustered, but in all this festivity we must keep ‘giving thanks to God’ as the integral part of the equation.
Various feasts were established in the Scriptures as the Israelites prayed, praised and feasted in thanksgiving to God for the many things God had done. The deliverance from Pharaoh’s bondage and crossing the red sea were the cause of widespread celebration and thanksgiving (3 days), known as the Feast of the Passover. The Israelites were always giving thanks. They gave thanks in the Feast of Ingathering – for crops and fruits. Thanksgiving was offered in the Harvest of Pentecost – 50 days after wave offering. Those were a few of the many times annually that Israel collectively gave thanks to God. The book of Psalms is a treasure of thanksgiving for God’s grace,
Can we, like the Pilgrims, look away from the hurt, hunger, pain, bad karma, misfortune, and the myriads of other problems, and truly give thanks to God for all his goodness? During this Thanksgiving season, the Compass staff implores you to set aside the ghastly and look on the bright side; lift your hands to heaven and say “Thank You Jesus!”
Warica Workshop, Inc. Poetry - Storytelling - Cultural Displays Ivy Claudette Armstrong Phone: (954) 430-8141 Email: msivy4229@aol.com