Daneil Bedward

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HIS STORY In the beginning – November 22, 1982… Before dawn on that eventful Monday, at the Savanna-la-Mar Public General Hospital, joy bells rang as Delroy “Billy” Bedward and Sonia “Rosie” Ross, welcomed their first child into the world. He was a big 8 ¾ lbs. bouncing baby boy. The first grandchild for Joy Patricia Scott-Davis and the first grandson and second grandchild for Oswald and Kathleen Bedward. So excited was the family on both sides that his name had to be one of class and specially designed for a special baby boy. As a result, he was named Daneil Toussaint Anthony Bedward by his late paternal grandaunt, Winnifred LawrenceRicketts. When he was three months old, this bundle of joy was christened at the Wesley Methodist Church, Savanna-la-Mar in the parish of Westmoreland, in the presence of his godparents, Joan Dixon and Woodrow Ricketts. Too active and curious to stay home, Daneil was enrolled at the then, Tiny Tots Pre-University in Chantilly at the age of two. In 1988 he began his primary education at the Unity Primary School in Strathbogie. Two years later, the decision was made to send him to boarding school in Mandeville at Knox Junior Preparatory School. This was short-lived as he had an accident at the school while playing that damaged one of his eyes. He was flown to Miami, Florida for corrective surgery, however, this was unsuccessful. Daneil’s mother decided he needed to be back home and so, in 1993, he entered Paradise Preparatory School, at Paradise District in Westmoreland, where he completed the last two years of his primary education. He was successful in the Common Entrance Examinations and started the five year high school journey at Manning’s School in Savanna-la-Mar. This journey for Daneil forged friendships that would last his lifetime. The Class of 2000 crew continue to call his name with utmost respect and love.

From an early age Daneil knew he wanted to be successful, hence, during his High School years he spent summers and holidays working at his father’s establishment, Bedward Electrical. After graduation he became a full-time employee and stayed there for over ten years. While working, he attended classes at HEART NTA, at the Petersfield Vocational Training Centre, where he attained Level 1 and 2 Certification in Electrical Installation. After leaving Bedward Electrical, he partnered with his friend, Jermaine to operate a mini mart in Whitehouse, Westmoreland, while also working part time at M & M Security Management. His many activities and busy schedule didn’t stop him from having a personal life and so he and Tamara welcomed the apple of his eye, Danae, into this world on May 18, 2011. He would later marry Tamara and worked even harder to make his family comfortable. As with other young persons the marriage did not last, but his relationship with his daughter was paramount. They shared a special bond no one could break. While working at M & M, Daniel seemed to have developed a love for security operations and began his quest to become a member of the Private Security Regulation Authority. Along with two other friends they formed ZBM Security Services Limited. This was not to be and so in 2015 he moved on to join the team at A.L. Golaub & Sons as a driver where he stayed until the time of his passing. 4

Celebrating the Life of

His travels for deliveries or pickups were done with diligence and pride. His co-workers often remarked of his calm spirit and easygoing nature. He would particularly look forward to the trips to Ocho Rios as that was his bonding time with Danae and she too would look forward to those trips. Not only was he busy driving but he had developed such a love for shooting that he became an active member of the Helping Hands Team, Negril Tactical with Auntie Christine and the Trelawny Tactical Shooting Range. The tributes from these various teams speak volumes about the person he was. Being the ambitious man Daneil was, we knew he would not be keeping just one job. He joined the team at ICON Distributors as a part-time employee for a short while before starting his own little business, Red Top Sports Bar, on the Paradise Main Road just about two minutes from his home in Paradise. If one was waiting for Daneil to spill the beans on any of his friends or family, they’d wait in vain. Rosie would often ask him questions and he would remark “A nuh none a yuh”; leaving her with much uncertainty as to the meaning of that phrase, after which he said not another word. She eventually learnt that he meant “It’s not any of your business”. Not many people knew he was a licensed firearm holder and not many persons knew he only had sight in one eye, such was the privacy of the man. Naturally, his private nature extended to his personal life. But for his untimely death, Daneil and his fiancé, Stacey-Ann Smith, would have been united as husband and wife on November 20, 2021.

“The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives.” - Rob Liano

AN UNQUENCHABLE LOVE Expressions of love from a mother’s heart

Can a woman’s tender care cease towards the child she bears? …I would say NEVER. My heart and soul are left empty, a void is there that cannot be filled by anything at all, even my belly burns. My only son was taken away from me. Why, oh why? My Daneil Toussaint Anthony was born out of love on November 22, 1982. First born for both parents, first grandchild on his mother’s side and second on his father’s. Cute, adorable, loving, respectful, loyal, hardworking, ambitious and most of all possessing a great sense of humour. I never thought that at this time in my life I would wake up and not see my son, not be able to hear him call me, ‘Rosie’, ‘Mommy’, ‘mi gyal’ and so many other names he had for me. For twenty-two years he was my only child, the one who filled my heart. Sixteen years ago, God blessed me with Lania, and my heart exploded with a double portion of love. Now, by the grace of God I have to go on living for her. Together we will make it.

Daneil gave little trouble as a child and even as a teenager. However, he was a little troublemaker and I’m grateful to him for teaching me how to laugh. Once, he said something with the intention of making me laugh, but I got very upset and he responded, “I’m so sorry. If I knew you didn’t have a sense of humour I wouldn’t have made a joke with you.” That statement bothered me all night and was a wake-up call for me to start making fun of the little things. I thought to myself that I don’t want my son to have to find someone else to make jokes with. He had a way of laughing at you so badly it was annoying but that was Daneil. He was full of fun, never the one to get angry or argue; he would prefer to walk away. 6

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I remember when he was just 16, one Sunday morning I woke him for church, and he said he wasn’t going. I said to him, “if God spared your life to complete another week, why can’t you spare two hours to tell Him thanks?” I got ready and left the house and when I got to church Daneil was present and seated. I used to get so annoyed when he or even Lania didn’t do things the same time and was late returning from errands. Daneil would have me know that “yuh see you Mommy, as a child of God yuh must learn patience and mi deh yah fi teach yuh some.” One Saturday morning, he and I went to JN Bank and as we were leaving, a little old lady said “nice gentleman and yuh nice wife come here. Yuh must tek care of har enuh.” As we were walking away he pushed his arms through mine and said, “yuh hear dat, I’m your husband, you must obey me.” All day that was his argument, “I’m your husband and you must obey me.” The memories are so many but as I look back I thank God for every single moment I had with him. If love could bring him back he would be here with us today. As an only child for twenty-two years he had all the attention in the world: not only from me but aunts, uncles, cousins and his faithful friend who saw him as a true brethren. So fortunate was he that one of my cousins would say, anything that is new in the food arena and you want to taste it, go up to Rosie. When other persons were using frying pan, Daneil had a waffle maker.

Sibling rivalry? I thought that would never be an issue since Daneil was twenty-two years older than his sister. On occasions I wondered if they were only two years apart. Many days he would say, “Mommy yuh spoil Lania, if it was me I woulda get some lick.” Or he would complain – “Mommy, you cook food for Lania and don’t give me any, yuh nuh love your son again.” He would eat from a plate and say “Mommy, Lania ate from this plate and didn’t wash it,” with a smirk on his face. Some days he would put his arms around my shoulder and say “what yuh doing now?”

Daneil “Beddy”Bedward


My son was: humble, quiet, and secretive; a respectful son; a devoted nephew, brother and cousin; a faithful friend; a dedicated and loyal employee; and a doting father. His priority was providing for his daughter and that led him to work hard and try many business ventures leading to the last one before his passing. He was never one to give up. They have taken my son, but they can’t erase the memories which will always be with me.

The Psalmist declared in Psalm 127 and verse 3 – Children are a heritage from the Lord, they are a reward from him. I can truly say God gave me a son who was in turn a blessing to me.

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, As a seal upon thine arm: For love is as strong as death; Jealousy is cruel as the grave; The coals thereof are coals of fire, Which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it; if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, It would utterly be scorned. [Song of Solomon 8:6-7] Sleep in peace my son. Love, Mom


Celebrating the Life of

A MESSAGE TO MY DAD You never said I’m leaving You never said goodbye You were gone before I knew it… In life I loved you dearly In death I love you still In my heart you hold a place That no one could ever fill. [Excerpts from all-greatquotes.com] My dad was kind; he was easy-going, loving and very hardworking. He always encouraged me to do well in school and to be better in life than he was. Whenever I visited for holidays he would ensure that we spent time at the beach or at home making pizza together. I miss my daddy. I often think of all the wonderful times we spent together and wish I had spent more time with him. I love you Daddy – Danae

Daneil “Beddy”Bedward


MY FRIEND… MY BROTHER This is without a doubt one of the most difficult tributes I have ever had to compose. Daneil and I go very far back and I vividly recall the day when we officially became friends. We were at Manning’s School, in Form 2 Mauve. One day in class, I approached Daneil and asked “You can see me out of your two eyes or just one? Because one eye is always looking at the wall.” He replied by saying “Yes, I can see you perfectly.” He then asked me “So, you can see me without the glasses?” and I said “Yes.” At that point we both confirmed that we could see each other clearly and so our friendship began. Throughout high school and after, there were very few outings I embarked on that did not involve Daneil. Even after I left to study in Florida, whenever I returned home, I would visit Daniel regularly, accompanied by Sharren and Kemar. We were ‘the rumpanions.’ Mario was there even though he was much younger than us... and of course, Twitch was always nearby.

for myself and told him what his role should be. Daneil listened for a while, silencing me with his words “No David, that’s not going to happen. I’m not going to any one of unnuh funeral.” I asked him why and he replied “Me nuh want to see any of you dead, I’d rather die first”. Who would have thought that in 2021 his words would prove true? The simple truth is that Beddy’s testimony lies in who he was, in how he touched us all, in how he brought people together and how he helped people to be better. He was selfless and lived life fully with much love in his heart. He was our brother. I will never truly have the right words to say how much his friendship meant to me. I will miss you and you will never leave my memory. One Love Beddy.

Daniel was always responsible and caring towards his friends. He never faltered to speak the truth to me. He kept me grounded by shooting down any harebrained idea that I would concoct. He did so with his very simple and low-toned “Come on, really now?” in its many variations. Those four words always had a sobering way of grounding anyone to see the practicality or even the reality of any proposal or situation. He was a master of this, at least with me. David P.P.W Massey aka Big Red/Diego Years ago, Daniel and I were together when the topic of death arose. I started making funeral arrangements 10

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Among our friend group we jokingly made the distinction about who was a friend and who was a brother. Daneil was never a friend, he was always our brother. His infectious laughter and loyalty cemented our bond as a group. Although it is difficult to reconcile with the fact that you are gone, we are eternally grateful for the precious memories and moments we’ve shared with you. Rest easy Jah Boon - our brother, forever.

Daniel Bedward or Beddie as he was commonly known among his peers can be described as a jovial, caring, easy-going and down to earth person. One whose laughter could hardly go unnoticed as he lit up whatever environment he entered. Losing such a wonderful individual at such an early stage in his life shows us that we should all make a greater effort to live fulfilling lives filled with joy, laughter, and spend as much time with good friends and family, making as many great memories as we possibly can. There is no doubt Beddie’s death will leave an emotional gap in the hearts of all who have been impacted by him. Keeping his memory alive will help to heal the wound. Let’s take a page from his book and ensure we make a difference in the lives of those we come in contact with. Sleep well Beddie. Dwayne Vaz - Family Friend Daneil “Beddy”Bedward



Celebrating the Life of

WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH 77 Great George Street Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland Thursday, November 18, 2021 11:00 a.m. OFFICIATING MINISTERS District Bishop - Rev. Christine Gooden-Benguche Superintendent Minister - Rev. Dr. R. Emasseau Pierre Circuit Minister - Rev. Hilma A. Tate Host Pastor - Pastor Glazeter Leslie MUSICIANS Dr. Robert Doyley Bro. Hakika Richards

ORDER OF SERVICE Praise and Worship

Candice Williams & Sara-Dale Smith

Opening Sentences Opening Hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness Prayer Statement of Purpose


Carol Muschette & Ann-Marie Bedward (Aunts) Khyanne Bedward (Sister) Helping Hands Shooters

Dwight Larmond (President)

Musical Selection Kemar Williams (Friend) Theodora Foundation

Audrey Reynolds

Kiwanis Club of Negril Point

Eujorie Myrie

Wesley Methodist Church

Pastor Glazeter Leslie

Scott Family Nichole Jones (Cousin) Special Selection

Sara-Dale Smith (Cousin)

Remembrance Andre Nedrick (Friend) Invaluable Memoir Multimedia Presentation


Ecclesiastes 3:1-9

Andrew Beharie (Friend)

Epistle Janelle Muschette-Leiba (Cousin)

1 Corinthians 15:50-58


John 11:17-27

Sermon Bishop Christine Gooden-Benguche Apostles Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead, On the third day he rose again, He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; The holy, catholic Church; The Communion of Saints; The Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body, And the life everlasting. Amen. Prayers of Thanksgiving Offertory Hymn Here I Am Lord

(An offering will be taken in aid of a scholarship fund for needy children) Prayer for the family Commendation The Lord’s Prayer (to be sung)

Closing Hymn Shine Jesus Shine Benediction

SONGS OF HOPE AND PRAISE GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father There is no shadow of turning with Thee Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be Great is Thy faithfulness Great is Thy faithfulness Morning by morning, new mercies I see All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me Summer and winter and springtime and harvest Sun, moon and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love Refrain Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside Refrain Great is Thy faithfulness Great is Thy faithfulness Great is Thy faithfulness Lord, unto me


Celebrating the Life of



Lord, the light of your love is shining In the midst of the darkness, shining Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us Set us free by the truth you now bring us Shine on me, shine on me

I, The Lord Of Sea And Sky, I Have Heard My People Cry. All Who Dwell In Dark And Sin, My Hand Will Save. I Who Made The Stars Of Night, I Will Make Their Darkness Bright. Who Will Bear My Light To Them? Whom Shall I Send?

Shine, Jesus, shine Fill this land with the Father’s glory Blaze, Spirit, blaze Set our hearts on fire Flow, river, flow Flood the nations with grace and mercy Send forth your word Lord, and let there be light Lord, I come to your awesome presence From the shadows into your radiance By the blood I may enter your brightness Search me, try me, consume all my darkness Shine on me, shine on me Refrain As we gaze on your kingly brightness So our faces display your likeness Ever changing from glory to glory Mirrored here may our lives tell your story Shine on me, shine on me Refrain Send forth your Send forth your word Lord, and let there Send forth your word Send forth your word Lord, and let there be light

Here I Am Lord, Is It I, Lord? I Have Heard You Calling In The Night. I Will Go Lord, If You Lead Me. I Will Hold Your People In My Heart. I, The Lord Of Snow And Rain, I Have Borne My People’s Pain. I Have Wept For Love Of Them, They Turn Away. I Will Break Their Hearts Of Stone, Give Them Hearts For Love Alone. I Will Speak My Word To Them Whom Shall I Send? Refrain I, The Lord Of Wind And Flame I Will Tend The Poor And Lame. I Will Set A Feast For Them, My Hand Will Save Finest Bread I Will Provide, Till Their Hearts Be Satisfied. I Will Give My Life To Them, Whom Shall I Send? Refrain

Daneil “Beddy”Bedward



Celebrating the Life of

Daneil “Beddy”Bedward


SMILING! PLEASANT! WARM! Icon Importers & Distributors Ltd. (ICON) Board of Management, and employees are saddened by the passing of Daneil. We take this opportunity to express our deepest condolences to the entire family. Smiling, pleasant, and warm. These are just a few words to describe the man that Daneil was and how he will forever be memorialized. Daneil became a part of the ICON family as a driver, where he fitted in with the rest of the team and interacted with them like a brother. Daneil came and lit up the world with a personality that shone through his actions and character. He will be truly missed. Shine on and take your rest Daneil. From the ICON family

RELIABLE “BEDDY” Daneil Bedward joined the team at A.L. Golaub and Sons in 2018 as a motor truck driver. He was employed immediately without hesitation as it was known that he had prior work experience in that field. Daneil Bedward aka “Beddy” was a humble, jovial, and generous team member who always gave of himself, his knowledge and his skills. He was a loyal friend to many. While doing deliveries in the day, he would always ensure that all his team members were comfortable by buying lunches and drinks. Daneil not only shared his resources but was known to always have a joke to share. Over the years, he was also known to be reliable and hardworking, never missing a scheduled delivery. His tenure with the company will always be remembered. The management and staff acknowledge that there are no words to express the sense of loss that his passing has left us with. We express our sincere condolences to his family and friends. A.L. Golaub & Sons

A MISSING LINK Beddy Boy, the lashes of our eyes dampen as we must accept that you are no longer here with us. Only God knew your name was going to be called that Thursday evening. It crippled our emotions to lose you. You didn’t go alone, as part of all of us from HHS, your immediate family, and friends, went with you the day God took you home. The legacy of memories you left us, is what keeps us standing strong: your warm and caring nature, calm spirit, loyal and helpful soul, but most of all that signature laugh. A solid link has been removed from our chain. We believe in the power of God that one day we will link again. Sleep well Beddy Boy. From Helping Hands Shooters Club

One writer says: Fairness doesn’t govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young. Our dear colleague and friend Daniel Bedward, aka Beddy, trained initially in 2017 and started visiting the range at that time. He was a very shy, always smiling, very punctual, and free-spirited young man. He rarely missed any Saturday shooting events and we used to think it was because he was in charge of the music, but then we realized that he really loved the shooting competitions much more. I can remember the first time he won a trophy; it was as if he even surprised himself, he was over the moon with excitement! If there was any stage that seemed complicated, he wasn’t afraid to ask for assistance. There was this time when he shot a match and it was far from what he expected. He went to Danny crying and saying “mi know mi coulda do better enuh Uncle Danny but mi no know what happen,” as he sobbed. When it comes to celebrating, he was ready and waiting even though he couldn’t dance to save his life. On the fourteenth of October, 2021 a bunch of us received phones calls that will remain in our memories forever. Beddy got shot and was taken to the SavannaLa-Mar Public General Hospital. We were so frustrated and confused at the same time, and many of us rushed to the hospital. We saw lots of people waiting, praying, hoping, and crying, all eagerly awaiting positive news from the awesome hardworking staff at the Savanna-La-Mar hospital that night. That news was not forthcoming, instead we were informed that he did not make it. That evening changed all our lives. Beddy Boy, you were loved, you will be missed, but God needed an angel so he sent for you. Rest in Peace my brother until we meet again. The Negril Tactical Shooting Range. 22

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A WINNING SMILE The first thing noteworthy about Daniel “Beddy” Bedward was his smile and laughter that would bring life to the range and anywhere he went. That’s what the Trelawny Tactical Family would want us to celebrate today, his larger than life personality. Let’s take a minute to speak about the sport he enjoyed and loved dearly. He started out from only bringing his laughter to the stages but his love for the sport made him train harder. Each match you could see him improving steadily as he would ask questions then, go back and train harder never seeming to be competing with anyone but himself. His question would be “Mi did better that the last time no true.” I know he would also be asking Chappy and anyone who could give constructive criticism the same question because he was on the quest to be the best he could. Enough of the shooting. He was one who loved to enjoy himself with friends and would party with us at Trelawny Tactical. He was always hesitant to leave as he had to cheer on Chappy when the vibes started and also needed to be a part of the travelling party going back to Westmoreland. He wanted to ensure everyone got home safely. The Trelawny Tactical Shooting Range family will miss you “Beddy” but we will never forget you. Farewell until we meet again.

The best time to make friends is before you need them (Ethel Barrymore)

Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. (Euripides)

Daneil “Beddy”Bedward



Celebrating the Life of

FAREWELL I never thought that I would be saying goodbye to you so soon. Daneil, I love you so much. My fondest memory of you is that you were a jovial, loving, and funny young man who loved his daughter and family very much. You were hardworking, honest, loyal and loved peace more than anything else in the world. Daneil, I miss you so much that I don’t have the words to adequately express myself. My life will never be the same without you. As I bid farewell to Daneil (aka Boon, Beddy, Jah Boon) I say rest peacefully. Love you forever! Auntie Nadeen & family

Great grandma!!!! Hmmmm… We will understand it better by and by.

Daneil “Beddy”Bedward


THANK YOU Wrapped up in those two words is all the gratitude that is flowing from our hearts. We appreciate every kind act, thought, and expression that you have showered on us during this season. Each of you has touched us in special ways, which helped us as we attempt to cope with our sudden loss. You have been the hands of Jesus in acts of kindness, the heart of Jesus in showing compassion, the feet of Jesus in visitation, and the love of Jesus in your prayers and support. We appreciate you for all that you have done. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you for coming – The Family Pre-packaged refreshments will be available immediately after the interment. Please maintain social distancing protocols due to the pandemic. Professional Services Honeyghan’s Funeral Services 104 Dalling Street Savanna-La-Mar, Westmoreland



From Hearse to Church Sharren Robinson Mario Lowden Jermaine Drummond Dane Wallace Jermaine Piggott Oniel McDonald

From Church to Hearse Dwight Larmond Andrew Beharie Andrew Alexander Andrew Walcott Dwight Falconer Michael Wiggan

From Hearse to Graveside Delroy Bedward Paul Bedward Ricardo Bedward Christopher Scott Basil Tomlinson Paul Samuels

Concept Design & Editing Annette Taylor-Spence Love CareFronting, LLC 954-439-5615

Printing Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. www.PenTab.org 305-651-9696

Art Direction & Design Shawn Ferguson Gracious Grafx Studios www.GraciousGrafx.com 954-515-9016

Celebrating the Life of


…Journey’s end – October 14, 2021.

It was a Thursday, his day off from the Golaub’s, and as was customary on his day off he was at his place of business. As he sat talking to a friend in the evening he was pounced upon and shot. He was rushed to the Savanna-la-Mar Hospital, where he was treated and prepared for surgery. During that time, he spoke to the police, the nurse attending to him, and his mother. He was in pain but kept telling Rosie “easy nuh mommy man”. He was taken to surgery and after waiting for over two hours, at a few minutes after nine, we would be told the news no one wanted to hear. Daneil transitioned to be with his maker. “We cannot Lord thy purpose see but all is well that’s done by thee”. Daneil has left a legacy, so vast we cannot see the fullness and a void so empty it cannot be filled. Memories of him will live on as long as we have breath. Sleep on Daneil, Beddy, Boon, sleep and take your rest, lay down your head upon the Saviour’s breast. We love you well, but Jesus loves you best, Good night! Good night! Good night!

INTERMENT West Palm Memorial Gardens Dalling Street, Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland Hymns Blessed Assurance Amazing Grace

Choruses Some Glad Morning Meet Me By The River Some Sweet Day When The Saints Go Marching In No Grave Can Hold My Body Down

‘Easy nuh man… yeah,’ I know it is rough The days ahead will be tough But remember Beddy says “keep smiling” ‘Cause you have to keep living One of these days we will meet When we all gather at Jesus’ feet Until then… just ‘easy nuh man’ Trust that God has a perfect plan If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:19-22

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