FATHER Byron Augustus Brown (d)
MOTHER Icelyn McFarlane (d) SIBLINGS
Seaford (d)
Clifton (d)
HUSBAND Rudolph Goring Williams (d)
Dennis Mark
Ronda – Daughter in Law
Shelly – Daughter in Law
Kayla Meagan Rose
Zachary Nathan Amir
Annelise Jhanae
Warren Alexander LIFE
Grew up in Old Road District in St. Ann Learned to cook from both her mom and dad. Her mom died when she was 12 years old.
Had to start taking care of her three siblings.
Got baptized in Jesus’ Name against her father’s wishes. Received the Holy Ghost at her Bishop’s house.
Moved to Kingston and started attending Bethel Temple
Apostolic in Jones Town Kingston
Met Dad and they started a Young People’s Singing Group [Faith Volunteers] – they sang at conventions and convocations (Emmanuel East Race Course, All Saints
Spanish Town and South Camp Rd to name a few.)
Got married to Rudolph Goring Williams in September 2, 1967.
Worked many years at Jamaica Public Service (JPS).
Sunday School Teacher, Choir Director and Evangelist.
Loved to cook and sold Jamaican Fruit Cake for many years.
Loved watching golf and basketball with dad.
Was a prayer warrior and loved reading the word.
Enjoyed listening to choir music.
Tribute to my Niece! Sister Daphne Rose Williams, who was like my big sister. She opened up her home to me when I was seventeen years old, so that I could start to make a life of my own. She was a strong woman of God. A woman of faith and a prayer warrior. She implanted those qualities in me. She was a great singer and Oh! She loved to sing!
Her husband, Bro. Rudolf Williams who predeceased her, was a faithful man of God and their house was a house of prayer. She taught me how to pray and depend upon God to supply all my needs. That is how I got my first government job which carried me right through to retirement. She was very domesticated and a great home maker. She loved to cook and bake. I still remember her Christmas cakes. She taught me how to iron a shirt and how to iron a puff sleeve without leaving any crease.
My niece was an all-rounder; she was an accomplished Secretary and took pride in her proficiency in Shorthand. She worked with the Jamaica Public Service Company for many years as a Corporate Secretary, before migrating to the USA.
Salute to a life well lived. Woman of God, Wife, Mother, Corporate secretary, Family home maker and more.
May her Soul rest in peace and light perpetual shine upon her. Pancita Cole (Aunt)
Dear mom,
This is “Skinny Minny.” You were right. Mama’s family, Golden Girls, and 227 were funny! I remember we used to pick up our take out meals, whether Popeyes, KFC, or Chinese on Friday evenings to make it home for our show times.
Dear mom,
This is “Skinny Minny.” You were right. We had to get up early for church on Sundays; we could not be late for Sunday school...and we needed to get to the car before you left us. (*Lawd, those were some athletic mornings).
Dear mom, This is Richard. You were right. These children I teach needed a whole lotta something, and thanks to you I have it. You gave me the attitude, strictness, attention to details, and ability to hear anything said within a 2-mile radius to survive my profession. (*Ooh, my students hate that)
Dear Mom,
This is Richard. You were right. That guy who starred on that show was also in the other one with the girl from the show that comes on on Monday nights at 8. Yes, he’s also a politician. I remember him now...
Dear mom,
This is Richard. You were right. You will be missed. You will be celebrated. You are always “mom.”You will be in my heart forever. That’s mom for being right.
Your son,
Skinny Minny.
(Richard – Third Son)
I always saw Mom as a fighter. She did not have an easy life, but she fought through her trials. She did everything possible to provide for her children and family. Opinionated, strong-willed, determined yet kind. That’s how Mom was. Her strong personality and no-nonsense approach to life wasn’t to everyone’s taste, but it was that strong personality that helped to get her through some trying times. And, now that she’s gone, her legacy of strength and determination have been left within her sons, flowing through our veins. Rest well, Mom. You’re with Dad now.
“Grief and love are conjoined, you don’t get one without the other. All I can do is love her, and love the world, emulate her by living with daring and spirit and joy.”
-Jandy Nelson
Roger (Baby Son)
For always fighting for your family. For always pushing through the rough times. For showing us what standing for the right looks like. For loving us and sacrificing for us. For reminding us who we are as children of the Living God.
Thanks, Mom, for showing us what strength, faith, hope and grace looks like.
Rest well mom until we meet again.
Dennis (Eldest son)
Love you Nana and you will be missed and you will be on my heart and my mind forever. Nana lived for God, and so I will do the same.
Warren (Youngest Grandson)
Blessed are those who die in the Lord. It is wonderful to know that we do not mourn the loss of loved ones who spent their lives living for Christ,
The task is now given to those of us who remain to do the same so we can meet again.
RIP Grandma!
Kayla (Eldest Granddaughter)
My mother in law, DAPHNE ROSE WILLIAMS, I call her mom. She was a powerful woman of God. Loved preaching, and teaching God’s words.
I always looked forward to us praying together whenever I went by her home and there were times when she would call for us to pray together. It was a pleasure listening to her pray and oh what an anointed prayer warrior she was. She loved me as a daughter and confided me. I will always treasure those wonderful memories and her love for God and His words.
Rest in peace!
Love you, mom!
Ronda (Daughter in Law)
Nana was one of a kind. You can tell she cared a lot about her family no matter where they were. The fact that she would try calling us while she used to live in Miami as often as she could. And so it’s the reason it made me sad that for some time, after a certain age, it became a little difficult for us to visit each other. No matter if it was Miami or here and so I kinda felt like i didn’t get that real chance like a lot of people can to spend quality time with their grandparent or grandparents.
The good thing was being able to later have nana and uncle Mark come up here to live. We got to see her more often, even talk to her more often. Just that, only a little later she was moved to nursing homes so it became a little hard again and then to make matters worse, I started college making it twice as difficult. And so, I felt like I was missing out on those chances to talk and to at least be near her, but, I could tell, I always could, that it made her happy when we were able to visit or call because we’re her family. And like I mentioned earlier, it didn’t matter where we were, she would always care, pray, and love her family. I even have a card from her for my birthday saying that she was glad that the Lord allowed her to live to see my birthday and she was thanking God over and over because it was important to her.
Family really was. And so, I’d like to finish with, nana, I love you so much and will miss you and the funny conversations we’d have sometimes. May you rest in peace knowing that we all will miss you and we are happy that you were able to live to see so many beautiful, precious years.
Annelise (Younger Granddaughter)
II Timothy 4:5-8
5But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. 6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.