Order of Service Prelude The Processional (Viewing) MODERATOR: ……………………………………........... Bishop Erol Campbell Sr. PRAYER: …………………………………………….......... Minister Nathalita Beech CONGREGATION HYMN: ……………………….......… “When The Roll Is Caught Up Yonder” SCRIPTURE READING: ….…(Ecclesiastes 3:1-11)......... Sis. Elsa Johnson MUSICAL SELECTION #1: …………………………....... Church of God of Prophecy (Unity) POEM: ………………………………................................... Paulette Cooper-Lee LOVING TRIBUTE/REFLECTIONS:
Jackey Gardener, Conrad Stewart,
Josue Victor, Tayna Gayle, Dimari Flynn, Brittany Cross, Ranzier Thomas SONG: ……………................................................................. Reniah Flynn (Sister) DANCE: …….....................................................………….… Genevieve Williams (Aunt) MUSICAL SELECTION #2: …………………….....…….. All Nations EULOGY: ……..............................................................…….. Sheila Mackenzie (Aunt) PRAYER FOR FAMILY: ………………………......…….... Pastor Ray Franklin MINISTER OF THE WORD: ……………………............. Dr. Andrew Pennerman FINAL VIEWING: .................................................................“It Is Well With My Soul” RECESSIONAL:
January 7, 1995
February 16, 2017
van Dale Flynn Jr. was born to loving parents, Rene Mackenzie-Flynn and Evan Dale Flynn Sr. He was born on Saturday at the Parkway Hospital in the city of Miami Dade, Florida. He inherited the tender love of his Godparents, Tayna Gayle, Robin Bryant and Andy Williams; whom pledged in vow to spiritually guide and support him. Evan Flynn Jr. attended Hallandale Academy and then continued on to Miramar Parkway Preschool. During his elementary years he attended Madie Ives Elementary; where he transitioned into High Oaks Middle School. He successfully completed high school at the Dr. Michael Krop High School. After high school he took on part-time academic studies at The Florida Memorial College. Evan Flynn Jr. had a passion for a career in the field of Project Engineering. Socially, he enjoyed listening to music and playing football. He is known to his family and friends as a loving, kind and gentle spirit- always forgiving and full of life. Evan Flynn Jr. is survived by his one and only, two years old, Evan Dale Flynn Jr. III; born to mother, Brittany Cross. As a father, son and brother, Evan Flynn Jr. is known for his flamboyant style, and brilliant smile that lights up a room and enhanced the joy of the lives he touched. Through his tender heart and caring nature, he always reminds his parents of his love for them with the use of the words, “I love you mom, I love you dad.” These are some of the close family member that he survived: Rene Mc Kenzie- Flynn ( mother) Evan Dale Flynn III (son), Reanne Flynn (sister), Evan Flynn Sr. (father), Diamari Flynn (brother), Reniah Flynn (sister). Latasha Hewitt (sister), Fay Mackenzie (Grandmother), Sonia and Andrew Pennerman (Grandparents), Gloria Gordon (Great grandmother). Survived by a host of Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and extended families and friends. Message to our son- Evan Flynn Jr. “Our love for you will live on in our hearts and soul forever. We will never forget the joy and love that you have brought to our lives and can’t wait to see you again when Jesus returns to take us home.” Love, mom and dad ( Rene and Evan Flynn)!
Andrew Pennerman Conrad Stewart Josue Dolcine Malcom Grant Dimari Flynn Josue Victor SPECIAL THANKS ………………………………….. Min. Nathalita Beech The Flynn family of the beautiful dove that has left us all would like to take the time out to share our sincere thanks for your love, time, gifts and support. We will always remember all that you have done during our time of bereavement. May God continue to watch over all your families and friend, now and forevermore- We thank you!
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