Henry George Henderson

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Henry & Christine TOGETHER… March 26, 2005

…UNTIL PARTED BY DEATH August 21, 2021 2 2



HUSBAND “Baby” or “My Wife” is what my name is. Whenever you call or speak to me very rarely you would say Christine. Now I won’t ever hear you call those names again. I won’t hear you remind me of all the bad habits of mine that you cared so much about. I need to hear you say; “Baby, you left the car door open.” “Baby, you left the lights on inside the house.” Most importantly; “Baby, you left the front door open and your key inside the door, bwoy my wife.” Honey, I would give anything right now to see you walk in the front door with bags of groceries. Almost the same things you bought the day before. Snacks for Cory and household items for me. Oh, I am thinking of my very own garden with my swing which you made with your own hands. Yes honey, it’s my favorite place in the garden. Honey, who will be my driver when I don’t feel like driving? I don’t know how to fix things around the house and your sons never bothered to learn because we knew you would always be around. I will need time to heal and for the silence to go away. I still listen for you. I miss you every day and I give thanks for the years that God has lent you to me. Honey I love you.




enry George Henderson was born to Henry George Henderson and Iris Pullock on August 21, 1960 in Kingston, Jamaica, W.I. As a young-man, Henry went to culinary school and became a certified head chef. He worked at multiple hotels in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. He also had the opportunity of working on cruise ships. Henry later migrated to the United States in 1989 and resided with his father. Henry then worked and sent for his mother and eldest son and became the provider for them. Henry started a career working as a security officer and also did many other odd jobs. Years after, Henry moved to Boynton Beach, Florida. He met the beautiful Christine, who became his wife, and together they had a bouncing baby boy. Henry worked for the City of Delray Beach for 16 years. He was a dedicated worker, a great co-worker, and became a good friend to many. He loved Church and the things of God. He started walking with the Lord and (in his own words), wanting more each day to learn of the Love of God. He was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ and received the infilling of the Holy Ghost. Henry served in the offices of deacon and usher. He was known as “Deacon Ever Ready” as he worked diligently for the Lord. Henry is survived by his lovely wife Christine Henderson, son Ricardo Henderson, one and only daughter Renee Henderson, son Cory Henderson, 3 grandchildren, and step-sons Christopher Cargill and Curtavious Green. Also mourning this incredible loss are his sisters, brothers, numerous relatives and friends, co-workers and the church family. Henry will be missed and will remain in our hearts forever. We love Henry, but Jesus loves him best.

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love leaves a memory no one can steal.”






Dad I miss you already. I wish you were here, so we could laugh, and smile while we reminisce about the good old times we have spent together. I know you are not here anymore, but in a better place. Your inspirational texts every morning when I woke up, got me through my days. They remind me that as long as I live I can always make a difference in my life and in the life of others. You touched many people’s lives including mine. You will always hold a special place in my memory and certainly in our family’s and friend’s memories. I love you, and miss you always. Rest in peace Dad – Ricardo. To my loving father... Words can’t express the pain and hurt I feel that you are no longer physically here. Our conversations and sweet memories will always be a part of me. You cherished us all like the gems you knew we were. On your birthday, the Lord came to collect his angel. It is a day I will never forget! They say that time heals but in the end God has the final say. As you move on to complete your next mission, I know that you will always be by my side. Sleep in perfect peace. I will always and forever love you. From your one and only daughter Renee’ Words cannot express how much I miss you and wish you were still here. Henry, thank you so much for all that you have done for us. I am so blessed to have had you in my life. You should be celebrated for how great you were as a devoted father, loving husband, and an amazing friend. My list of gratitude is endless and how much I appreciate you continues to grow each and every day. Our lives will be so much harder without you here. I hope I will see you again one day and tell you about how we struggled to take care of the yard, birds, and rabbits you left in our care. We’ll do our best to make you proud. Rest in peace dad. Love, Christopher

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“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” We Love you Dad – Curtavious and Cory



Faithful SERVANT

On behalf of Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic International - board of bishops, pastors and the church family of Rivera Beach under the leadership of Pastor I. Taylor. Henry served here as a deacon for a number of years. He was known to most of us as “Deacon Ever Ready”. Our heartfelt condolences to the family as we keep you all in our prayers. Rest in peace. You will always be remembered. Pastor Iris Taylor

“Love the people God gave you because one day, He’ll take them back.” 8 8


Order of

SERVICE Processional Ministers Opening Prayer Elder Edward Taylor Hymn Congregation It is Well When peace like a river attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul

My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought My sin, not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

It is well (it is well) With my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul

It is well (it is well) With my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come Let this blest assurance control That Christ has regarded my helpless estate And has shed His own blood for my soul

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight The clouds be rolled back as a scroll The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend Even so, it is well with my soul! It is well (it is well) With my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul

It is well (it is well) With my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul

Scripture Reading Clint Walker (Brother-in-law) 1Corinthians 15:50-58 Solo Petrona Betty (Aunt) Greetings/ Encouragement Pastor Iris Taylor Church of Jesus Christ, Apostolic Int. Scripture Reading Joy Grant (Cousin) Revelation 21:1-4 Rendition Bro. D. Bryson (Pentab)

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Offering Ushers Song Congregation Beulah Land I’m kind of homesick for a country To which I’ve never been before. No sad goodbyes will there be spoken For time won’t matter anymore.

I’m looking now, just across the river To where my faith, shall end in sight There’s just a few more days to labor. Then I will take my heavenly flight.

Beulah Land I’m longing for you And some day on thee I’ll stand There my home shall be eternal Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land

Beulah Land I’m longing for you And some day on thee I’ll stand There my home shall be eternal Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land

Tributes Gordon Eaton (Co-Worker/Friend) Paulette Betty (Cousin) Open Reflections (Limited to a maximum time of 2 minutes each) Video Tribute Media Eulogy Alecia Walker (Sister-in-law) Solo Sherika Ingram (Family friend) Message Pastor Howard Aarons (Pentab WPB) Prayer for Family Minister Isaiah Skinner Acknowledgment Brown’s Funeral Home Recessional





City Of Delray Beach Utilities Department Henry Henderson was a valued employee for the city and will be sorely missed. Henry is in my opinion irreplaceable. He was incredibly passionate about his work with the city and took great pride in completing all tasks he was asked to accomplish. He always did the job right and he never said no. Henry had a work ethic that would make any employer proud to work with him. I was very proud that he was a member of our team and the loss of Henry will always be felt within the Utilities Department. May he rest in peace and forever be at ease. Keith O’Brien Utilities Supervisor City of Delray Beach, FL

Meeting Henry, over 14 years ago at the City of Delray Beach, marked a very pivotal moment in my life. From day one, he taught me everything I know today about the job. With our daily interactions, I noticed he possessed principles that are rarely seen in the younger generation today. For instance, Henry was a hard worker. Whenever he started something, he had to finish it well and to the best of his ability. He was a God-fearing family man, always devoted to his wife and children. His reverence was eminent with his daily devotional messages of inspiration and messages to always put God first. I will miss his sense of humor, his character and him being my confidant. God called one of his angels to fill his army. I will forever miss you my friend. Gordon Eaton

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Our beloved Henry, you were a man of God and an awesome person. You will be missed by Cherry and family. You were my sister Pauline’s favorite cousin because you guys grew up together. But now you both will meet again in Heaven. When Pauline passed away, you never left our side, you were always checking in to make sure that the family was ok at all times. You always had a bright smile and a great laughter with it.

You’ve never missed a family gathering. We could always count on your special ham and jerked chicken that was very delicious and well done. I’ve never forgotten about the Thanksgiving Day with the turkey with you and Keicihan. That was a day to remember. I will forever miss your prayers and scriptures that you would send early in the mornings and all the Christmas cards every year. We will always have great memories of you in our hearts. Thank you for always congratulating me on a job well done with my daughter. That meant so much to me coming from you on a religious level. Our family is grateful that you had your beloved wife Christine to take care of you. Now it is our time to be there for your family like you did for us. You will forever be missed. Sleep in paradise cousin until we meet again. Joy and Aunt Cherry This is a sad day but it’s also a celebration of life. Henry was a kind, fun-loving, zealous, impartial person. He was a workaholic who was always busy whether it was with his plants, animals, family or his daily workout. He was also a husband, father, son, and friend. He was our brotherin-law or should we say brother. Henry, it tore our heart to see you go but you didn’t go alone. You took a part of us the day God called you home, the day he put your weary hands and feet to rest. Sleep on Henry, this is not goodbye. Until the day we meet again… Curtis and Lovena Henry, I am saddened by your passing and I have no words to express how I feel. I truly wish I had taken the time to tell you how I admire the way you loved and took care of my sister and my nephews. Every time I called your first answer would be, “Is everything ok?” Sometimes, we take for granted the people in our lives, thinking that we have time to say how much we care. Henry, you were a good man. I will miss your daily 6 a.m. Bible verses that you sent religiously over the years. I still have your last text and wish I could still respond to your daily text messages. You will be missed and you will always be in our hearts and memories. In one of our last conversations, just a week before you passed, you told me you knew that you could rely on me. I am happy that you knew that I am here when needed. Thank you for taking care of my sister and the boys and I will always have my sister’s back. Sleep well and take your rest. Newt Dawes “Ricky” - Brother-in-law

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Being Henry’s sister-in-law was a huge shoe to fill. My sister often said that Henry and I had some similarities such as our “no nonsense” attitude. When a job was to be done it needed to be done 110% - nothing less. It’s heartbreaking to know our story ended so soon. However, the memories we shared and the different experiences we encountered, will forever be in my heart. I could ask Henry to do anything, mainly gardening jobs, and without a doubt or second thought it would be done. I love gardening and plants but Henry was the master of it all. If my husband didn’t get my yard requests done I just had to tell him I’m going to call Henry. One season Henry planted so many flowers in my yard that I would turn the corner and had to look twice if it was my yard. Then I would be scolded if I didn’t water the plants. I am reminded of a phone call from my sister; “Trudy, wait a minute, mi just pass yuh yard and si somebody like Henry working hard.” I just laughed and asked, “you sure?” If we had any differences all I had to do was make one of his favorite food dishes and ‘we good.’ Many times he would ask me to do something online or with a new phone he bought and I better make time to look about it. We had this thing between us where we tried to outdo each other’s gifts. If I got him a gift, he would make sure he got me a bigger gift. One thing I never understood was that Christine always added her name to the gift. Henry would give my daughter Christiana pocket money for doing homework with Cory. Every greeting from Henry started off with “you all right?” I truly believe he cared for others. His ‘no’s were firm and honest, but his yes’s were unstoppable. He would go out of his way and do what he could for anyone. Henry, I love you but Jesus loves you best. Alecia “Trudy”- Sister-in-Law



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Thank YOU

We are extremely appreciative of all the ways you have supported us in this season of grief. We loved much and so we grieve much. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we process this great loss. Your thoughts and prayers have given us strength. Through your gifts you have become the hands of God. Your love, compassion, and care have carried us thus far. The Henderson family says “Thank you and may God continue to bles you.” Please join us for a time of rest, reflection, and refreshment, immediately after the interment at the Henderson family home; 2761 NE 4th Court, Boynton Beach, FL 33435

The Family Professional Services Brown’s Funeral Home 1004 S. Dixie Highway Lantana, FL 33462 561-533-5256 Interment Palm Beach Memorial Cemetery 3691 Seacrest Blvd Lantana, FL 33462 561-585-6444 Pallbearers Ricardo Henderson Son Cory Henderson Son Curtavious Green Stepson Newt “Ricky” Dawes Brother- in-law Ossel “Curtis” Dawes Brother-in-law Clint Walker Brother-in-law Jason Prendergast Cousin-in-law


Concept Design and Editing Annette Taylor-Spence Love CareFronting, LLC 954.439.5615


Printing Pentecostal Tabernacle Int’l, Inc. www.PenTab.org 305.651.9696

Art Direction and Layout Gracious GraFX Studios www.GraciousGrafx.com 305.928.4439



If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:19-22


Gracious GraFx & Love CareFronting

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