Kamar Alden George Mair

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No words I write could ever say How sad and empty I feel today. The angels came for you Much sooner than I planned. I’ll brave the bitter grief that comes, And I’ll try my best to understand. Why did you have to go away? Why wasn’t it right for you to stay? In my heart you will always be. I love you dearly, I know you’ll watch over me. What I’m suffering seems so unfair, But one thing is for certain My love for you will always be there. My son you always will be, The most important part of my heart’s memory. I’ll cherish the moments I held you in my arms,

And I’m sure that if you had stayed longer, You would have graced me with your charms. A thousand words won’t bring you back I know because I’ve tried. Neither will a thousand tears; I know because I’ve cried. Now you’re up in Heaven With the angels up above. They will take my place for now, And they’ll give you all their love, So go and rest in peace now, My little boy so dear, For all my love and memories I will hold forever near. © Kily Dunbar

We miss you – your loving parents Tony & Sandra

OUR BROTHER… LEADER! Memories of the many sleepovers as kids will always remain dear in our hearts. How we played and laughed and refused to go to sleep even after the lights went out. We recall you being a bit of a ring leader although you were not the oldest. Oh how we drove dad crazy! We remember the many trips to Six Flags, Universal and grandma’s pool too. Even the many Christmases we celebrated and the trip to Santa’s Enchanted Forest. As you got older you were an avid Dolphins fan and Steve recalls going to a game or two. We have drifted with the years as we all have gone off and planted our seeds in this thing called life. We know that the legacy you left behind is a meaningful one based on all the lives you touched. Most importantly we look forward to hearing about the great things that the seed you planted will bloom; the remarkable young man that you and Dee have groomed. A man can leave no greater legacy behind than a positive mark on this world and no doubt that Kyani will touch many with his positive light; he bid you farewell with such dignity, respect, and love. Sleep sweet Kamar for you were weary. Rest your head in the embrace of angels. May we meet again brother on that sweet glorious day. Steven, Christopher & Suzzette

ADVENTURER! My fondest memories of Kamar was when I was a lot younger. I always wanted to be like my big brother. I remember Kamar went through a phase of being a DJ, he would play music all the time and have little parties with his friends. I would sit by and watch everything he was doing and wish I could be on those turntables mixing it up with him. I also have one more memory trying to be like my big brother which I will never forget, I think I was around five years old. He was doing flips off the swing set in the backyard. I tried to copy him, again wanting to be like my brother, and it did not turn out right. I ended up getting stitches and ice cream and he ended up getting a spanking. Kamar was always adventurous and that was one of the qualities I loved and will always remember about him. Sheldon


My name is Shawnda and I am Kamar’s baby sister. Kamar was only four years older but he was the true definition of a big brother. He was my protector; he always gave me his honest opinion and guided me the best he could. I knew that he always had my back. What could I possibly say about Kamar that would do him justice? Knowing Kamar, he would probably crack a joke and give me a hard time about how I am describing him. Growing up with Kamar was full of adventures. My brother was always open to having a good time; from his days of throwing some of the best parties in the city with his friends, to hosting sip and paints. He was the lovable teddy bear with a distinguished laugh in his group of friends. He was given the nickname Suga… I guess that is why Kamar always had a girlfriend… I mean always had a girlfriend. He was just sweet and lovable. He made friends easily and was always invited to the parties. So much so, I clearly remember the days when I had to sneak Kamar into the house because he stayed out way too late and in turn we both would get in trouble. Kamar always lived in the moment. He lived for the moments that made him happy in the now regardless of the consequences. But isn’t that what life is about? Living to have memorable moments that bring joy? With Kamar’s passing, he has taught us just that. Live for now! Live for the moments that make you happy without regret. Take care of yourself, your health, and love each other continuously and fearlessly. Kamar left us much too soon, but he left us with an incredible model and reminder of how to live our lives. I have no doubts that Kamar still has my back. As his spirit looks down upon us, I know he is pulling for our entire family and his friends. We love you Kamar, and we always will! Sleep in peace! Shawnda

A LOVING NEPHEW! Kamar is gone from our sight but not from our minds and hearts, where he will remain for the rest of our lives. There are several words I could use to describe my nephew, but I will choose the best one and that is LOVING! November 1st started a journey and it ended peacefully on December 24th. I have gone through several family home goings, but it gets harder and harder especially when they are so young. My nephew’s eyes are gone forever, his smile, his laugh, his face, Where he once stood before us, A lone picture takes his place Gone too soon, a fine young man From here, your place of birth

I can’t believe, that this is real That you no longer walk this earth Reality is, I know it’s true But still I can’t believe A fine young man, with so much life really had to leave. We loved you from your time of birth We watched you grow and learn My nephew, we shall meet again When it’s our time to return. Ethnie Spence-Newman (Aunt Em)

Kamar was born on March 2, 1976 in East Meadow, New York to Sandra and Anthony Mair. Kamar was raised in Florida where he lived out his life. As a child he was full of energy and very playful. Kamar loved sports and played football while he attended Coconut Creek High School. Kamar loved music and dancing which got him interested in party promotions. He loved to see people enjoying themselves. In April 1998, Kamar became a father to his beautiful pride and joy, his son Kyani Byfield-Mair with Diedre Byfield-Hutchins.

Kamar was the family prankster, always full of jokes and laughter. He was a mommy’s boy through and through who loved his family. He was as loving as he was strong. Kamar, our protector, was called home by his creator on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 while at Florida Medical Hospital. He will forever remain in our hearts because even though his life was short, his impact was BIG and unforgettable. Kamar leaves behind his parents - Sandra and Anthony Mair; son - Kyani Byfield-Mair; brothers and sisters - Sheldon, Shawnda, Steven, Christopher and Suzzette. He also leaves 8 nieces and nephews, many aunts and uncles, and a multitude of cousins. Sleep in peace Kamar, your memory and spirit will live on through us all.


Opening Prayers

Praise and Worship

Pentecostal Tabernacle Singers, Miami Gardens

Lord have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. God, the Father, of heaven, Have mercy upon your servant Kamar. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy upon your servant Kamar. God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy upon your servant Kamar. Holy Trinity, One God. Have mercy upon your servant Kamar. Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world,

Grant him rest. Grant him eternal rest. Grant mercy upon him.

Let us pray: We beseech You, O Lord, grant perpetual light to the soul of your servant Kamar; that his faith and hope in You may avail to his eternal salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. REFLECTIONS Reflections of a friend Greg Parnther Reflections of a nephew Marlene Newton Reflections of a nephew Ethnie Newman Remembering Dad Kyani Byfield-Mair Tribute in Song Rod Spence (Uncle) You Raise Me Up Eulogy Closing Prayer

Tashawn Newman (Cousin)

ORDER OF SERVICE The Litany Reception of the Body BCP p.466 Processional I Can Only Imagine (Recorded Song) Opening Sentences BCP p.491 Kyrie, Salutation & Collect BCP p.493/4 Old Testament Lesson Aaron Newton (Cousin) Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 The Psalm Deidre Byfield-Hutchins (Mother of Kyani) Psalms 121 New Testament Lesson Dr. Althea Whitter (Cousin) Revelation 7:9-17 Gradual Hymn When We All Get To Heaven The Gospel Rev. John Jarrett lll Homily Rev. John Jarrett lll The Apostle’s Creed BCP p.496 The Lord’s Prayer Intercessory Prayer BCP p.497 The Peace Song Samantha McPhee, Pentecostal Tabernacle My Redeemer Lives Song Rod Spence (Uncle) Go Rest High on That Mountain The Commendation BCP p.499 The Committal BCP p.501 Blessing Rev. John Jarrett lll Dismissal Recessional Hymn In The Great Triumphant Morning






Light a candle, see it glow, watch it dance, when you feel low, think of me, think of light, I’ll always be here, day or night, a candle flickers, out of sight, but in your heart, I still burn bright, think not of sadness, that I’m not near, think of gladness, and joyous cheer,

I have not left, I am not gone, I’m here to stay my little one, so when you light a candle and you see it glow and you watch it dance in your heart you’ll know that I would never leave you even when you feel so blue I’m sitting up here with the Lord and now watching over you. © J Published: July 2008


REFLECTIONS OF OUR COUSIN I want to celebrate the life you lived and the happy times we shared. As your cousin, we never spent enough time together and now that opportunity has passed. I never want to remember you for anything but the good times we had. I tried to be there for you but unfortunately it was never enough. Always there was tomorrow, or so we thought. It was painful to watch you suffer, to be unable to communicate our feelings and the regrets for time wasted. Too often we relied on tomorrow. Now, that is no more. I continuously wonder if I am to be angry or sad. So much is out of our control and we take too much for granted. You left in your wake a beautiful son to carry on. You will continue to shine through him. To think I used to change your diapers… now I lay you down to sleep. You will never be forgotten. ~ Glen Kamar, I miss you so much. I miss hearing your voice and rolling my eyes as you laugh at me from hundreds of miles away because of something dumb I did. I could always tell on myself to you because you weren’t just my big cousin; you were my friend, protector, and shoulder. No matter how much I protested you somehow found a way to turn my crying from sad tears to laughing tears. All you had to do was laugh at me with your infectious laugh. Sometimes I think you saw me being stubborn as a challenge. I’ve never known you to walk away from a challenge and you never walked away from me. Even when I was mad at you, you’d still text me or call me with your - “Hey big head, I know you still love me...” and I did. I always will. I will forever remember the fight you had in you all the way to the end. The love you had for our family, always trying to get us all together. Even though I live states away you always included me in plans and would say if I could make it down I could stay by you. We had big plans for our boys to spend time together. The love you had for Kyani and Aunt Pet was unmatched. I will always love you and miss you. I miss your laugh so much. I love you my cousin ~ Melissa Lynn

As I sat to write Kamar’s eulogy all that I could think was “this is not real!” Our cousin, my God-brother is really gone... and all the hurt came back. I took a moment and then suddenly memories of Kamar flooded my mind and images of him began to play like a slide show. Visions of sleepovers, playing tag, and going swimming at our grandparent’s house played in my head. Then trick-or-treating, going to Six Flags, and skating at Galaxy Skating Rink where I swear he ran in his skates instead of skating, also came to me. These visions and the thought of the sound of his laugh brought a smile to my face. Then I saw our high school years and a flashback of his excitement when his picture was in the newspaper for being acknowledged after he played well in one of his high school football games crossed my mind. I then saw him dancing in the center of the dance floor because he knew every new dance. Recollections of us at the club having a good time and Kamar sprinting or flying across the room interrupting our fun to make sure whoever we were dancing with knew that we were his family, so they better act right! He always kept a protective eye on us whether we wanted him to or not. I remember Kamar being chased by Aunt Pet when he would play his jokes on her. He also ran from Cheree when she decided she was not going to tolerate his foolishness anymore and she retaliated; he feared her after that day. I remember him driving to my job when Dee went in labor instead of to the hospital because he was nervous. I think back and there has been so much laughter because Kamar was a part of our lives. Even though Kamar was one to make jokes, or be extremely playful, or fight to defend the ones he loves in a heartbeat, he was also sentimental and loyal to his family. I love him for that. His presence will be missed greatly but we will not forget him; once you know Kamar it is impossible to forget him. Oh, and in case you didn’t know... my name is Nadia and I am his FAVORITE! We will love you forever ~ Tashawn, Nadia & Cheree



My brother from another mother I was his willing chauffeur I had the height – he had the might My brother, my partner, my friend I live on in peace but I will never forget you – Greg

He is more than a memory A brave heart of pure gold With a passion for life, from lessons untold His free spirit never hearkens and in adversity remains bold The muse in a forever story And a bravado that never grows old. He boasts a strength never forgotten, That kind of everlasting, unbreakable soul He will forever be in our hearts And here in spirit we are told He is our warrior turned angel And no matter what life unfolds He is still our fierce protector Inspiring life and love to behold. By Deidre Byfield-Hutchins


Professional Services Royal Funeral Service Inc. 17475 NW 27th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33056 305-625-6818 Pall Bearers Kyani Byfield-Mair Sheldon Mair Stephen Mair Norman Richards Richard Sibble Glenrick Taylor

Art Direction & Layout Gracious GraFX Studios www.GraciousGrafx.com (305) 928-4439

Concept Design & Editing Annette Taylor-Spence Love CareFronting 954-439-5615 Printing Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. www.PenTab.org

Thank You The family would like to thank you for your expressions of sympathy, your support, your love, your gifts, and your prayers during this difficult time. We have experienced a profound loss; the price of great love is great grief. We are grateful to have all of you to help us on this journey. We pray you will be blessed as we continue to comfort one another. Special thanks to Father Jarrett and the Episcopal Church of the Atonement, Lauderdale Lakes for accommodating the Memorial Service. Also to the Worship Ministry of Pentecostal Tabernacle, Miami Gardens, for providing music and ministering in song.

Please join the family in the Church Hall for refreshment and a time of fellowship.

Don’t remember me with sadness, Don’t remember me with tears, Remember all the laughter, We’ve shared throughout the years. Now I am contented, That my life it was worthwhile, Knowing that I passed along the way, I made somebody smile. When you are walking down the street, And you’ve got me on your mind, I’m walking in your footsteps, Only half a step behind. So please don’t be unhappy, Just because I’m out of sight, Remember that I’m with you, Each morning, noon and night.

Author Unknown

JOURNEY’S END DECEMBER 24, 2019 CELEBRATION OF LIFE January 18, 2020 @ 10:00 a.m.

The Episcopal Church of the Atonement 4401 W Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313 Officiating Minister ~ Rev. John Jarrett lll

The Memorial Keepsake A Production of

Gracious Grafx & Love CareFronting

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