2130 NW 26th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Saturday, December 29, 2018 10:00 AM Bishop Dr. Preston Williams II Senior Pastor Officiating Minister Rev. Glen Robinson Associate Pastor
Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Psalms 90: 1 &10
Musical Prelude
Processional Instrumental Opening Remarks
Rev. Glen Robinson
Congregational Hymn
Joy Unspeakable
Rev. Micah Bent
Old Testament Scripture Psalms 91
Azim Foster – Great-grandson
Selection Re’Nee Allen and Briyanna Sloss He Restoreth My Soul Eulogy
Cheryl Walker – Great-granddaughter
New Testament Scripture 1Thessalonians 4:13-18
Errol Mascoe – Great-grandson
FAMILY TRIBUTES Children – 2nd generation Grandchildren – 3rd generation Great-grandchildren – 4th generation Great-great-grandchildren – 5th generation Great-great-great-grandchildren - 6th generation Selection Video Presentation
Jeneita Bent - Daughter TRIBUTES Wisdom Family Gateway Church Rev. Winston Thompson Rev. Allan Dyer
Gateway Choir
Message Prayer of Comfort Closing Hymn Recessional/Benediction
Bishop Dr. Preston Williams II Bishop Dr. Preston Williams II Just Over in the Glory Land
I have found His grace is all complete, He supplieth every need; While I sit and learn at Jesus’ feet, I am free, yes, free indeed. Chorus It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory; It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half has never yet been told.
I have found the pleasure I once craved, It is joy and peace within; What a wondrous blessing, I am saved From the awful gulf of sin.
I have found that hope so bright and clear, Living in the realm of grace; Oh, the Savior’s presence is so near, I can see His smiling face. I have found the joy no tongue can tell, How its waves of glory roll; It is like a great o’erflowing well, Springing up within my soul.
JUST OVER IN THE GLORY LAND I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide, Just over in the glory land; And I long to be by my Savior’s side, Just over in the glory land. Chorus Just over in the glory land, I’ll join the happy angel band, Just over in the glory land; Just over in the glory land, There with the mighty host I’ll stand, Just over in the glory land. I am on my way to those mansions fair, Just over in the glory land; There to sing God’s praise and His
glory share, Just over in the glory land. Chorus What a joyful thought that my Lord I’ll see, Just over in the glory land; And with kindred saved, there forever be, Just over in the glory land. Chorus With the blood-washed throng I will shout and sing, Just over in the glory land; Glad hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King, Just over in the glory land Chorus
A Walk of Faith
ur beloved Louise Williams, more affectionately known as “Ganga”, was born on June 10, 1913 in the parish of Trelawny, Jamaica. After losing her mother at an early age, she was forced to set aside her formal education and begin working at the age of 12. She worked as a housekeeper for several years. During those years, Louise proved herself studious when she accepted the offer of the homeowner’s son to teach her to read and write. She would take her lessons in the evenings after working all day. Mother Williams cherished her ability to read and write dearly and continued to read her bible daily and write letters to friends as far as England well into her 90s. She was also an avid note taker in church.
After working as a domestic, she was hired at the Wortley Home for Girls: a boarding school. Although she had the position of cook, she worked long hard days at Wortley home cooking, cleaning and washing clothes. In her early twenties, she fell in love and began building a life with Lucius Bruce. They had three children together and found that life was getting rough and they needed help. In desperation, Lucius left his young family one day to go back to his childhood home to seek help from his mother and sister. Tragically, that was the last time Louise would ever see Lucius. Upon inquiring from his family, she found out that Lucius never arrived at his destination. Until this day, Ganga does not know what happened to him, but believes he may have succumbed to his severe asthma on the journey home to seek help for his young family.
Louise went on to have one more child, but again found herself without any support. As a young, struggling mother of four she moved to Kingston. There she became a member of Clifton New Testament Church of God after giving her life to the Lord. She never looked back. As a devoted member of Clifton Church, Sister Lou sang on the Choir and baked delicious goods (like her world-famous sweet potato pudding) for the Ladies Willing Workers’ Band, later known as the Ladies’ Auxiliary. With the support of her church community, Sister Lou raised her children and grandchildren in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Her love for the Lord and for children led to her caring for countless other children, who to this day, still consider her to be just as much their grandmother as her own grandchildren. Sister Lou was a member of Clifton Church until she migrated to the United States with her family in 1980. Once arriving in Fort Lauderdale, Sister Lou immediately became a member of the New Testament Church of God in Fort Lauderdale, now known as Gateway Church where she remained until her passing.
In Florida, Ganga continued to serve as the primary caretaker and nurturer of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She also provided childcare for friends and family who needed a trusted babysitter for their children while they were at work. New Testament Church of God became the spiritual foundation for her newly migrated family. She grew in her faith and responsibilities in the church until she acquired the title of “Mother.” All who knew Mother Williams, knew she loved nothing more than to talk to friends and strangers alike about her God and to pray as long as needed for all who would allow. Her enthusiasm for the Word, her faith in God and her commitment to the littlest ones among us kept her spirit young and vibrant until her last days. She loved to dance and sing all through the aisles of Gateway.
Mother Williams is survived by two daughters, Maysie and Jeneita (Mike Sr.); her two sons, Glen and Eric predeceased her; her grandchildren Charmaine (aka Pat), Jacinth (aka Dawn), Devon, Mark, Marlene, Aubrey, Merton, Andrea, Anthony and Mike Jr.; Great-grandchildren Cheryl, Conelia, Junior, Marsha (Orville), Errol, Shardonia, Alicia, Andre, Aubrey Jr., Shena and Kadedra; Great-great-grandchildren Ja’Nay (Stefan), Re’Nee, CJ, Larry, Larrissa, Naja, Amir, Azaria, Aziah; Great-great-greatgrandchildren Harmony and Stefan Jr.; and countless other unofficially adopted children and grandchildren; church brothers and sisters and dear friends. She will be missed beyond words by all who knew her.
Rest in Peace Ganga. We know that you are sitting at Jesus’ feet.
Tribute In Honor of Mother Louise Alberta Williams Partings come and hearts are broken, loved ones go with words unspoken. It was on December 13, 2018 at 2:20 a.m. Louise Alberta Williams took her last breath and rested in peace from this life. Our consolation is that God welcomed a very special angel into heaven. After months of contending with the natural frailty of her human body, a divine transition took place and we sadly said goodbye to an amazing Godly woman, who brought love, joy, strength of character, wisdom, and inspiration to so many throughout her 105 years on earth. As a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, devout Christian and faithful member of Gateway Church since 1983, she selflessly and untiringly gave of herself to others and served as a spiritual mother of the church. Her life experiences from the parish of Trelawny, Jamaica, to the shores of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, were a calling of great sacrifice and no doubt suffering. Yet, God moved tremendously in her story and has used it to inspire us all. Her life never deprived Jesus of His glory, for her mission was to behold the glory of the Son of God. It is the Good Lord alone who knows why He has called our mother home at this time in her life. Nevertheless, there is a great sense of joy that our dear Mother Louise Williams has finished her race and is in the presence of the Lord whom she served faithfully for so many decades. She has received that welcome from Christ that we all long to hear: “Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the the joy of your Lord.” And she has been reunited with her sons Eric and Glen, and a host of other heroes of the faith who have gone before. My final words of tribute are in the form of a poetic sentiment and blessing I penned in my journal as I thought of her: The earth has one gentle soul less and heaven one angel more. A woman who walked in God’s love Reflecting the beauty of the Father above. You may be gone from our eyes But you will never be gone from our hearts. Because deep in our hearts a memory is kept Of one we loved and shall never forget. Your life is a beautiful memory, your absence a silent grief. May we continue your walk of grace And lively praise until again someday we meet. May God bless and keep you in His care And may you rest in Perfect Peace over there.
Bishop Dr. Preston Williams II Senior Pastor
Mother Caregiver Provider Babysitter Wise Counselor Encourager Godly example For all these and more…
My mother was the very best mother. She was loving, kind, and always happy. Mother was my friend, father, and most of all she loved the Lord and taught us to do the same. I love her very much and I miss her a whole lot. To God be the Glory, Great things he has done. Mother, these 83 years were wonderful with you by my side. So long Mother, see you in Glory. Your Daughter Maysie.
This wonderful woman is known by many names: Mother Williams, mama, grandma, Mother Lou, Sister Lou. She was a role model for the young, the middle age, and old age. She was kind, loving, and caring; she always had something good to say about everyone. She was the sweetest mother in the world and was always ready to help anyone in need. She did it all from the heart and with a smile. Love, Jeneita and Micah
PRECIOUS! RARE! A BEAUTIFUL SOUL! I couldn’t ask for a better grandmother. Thank God for such a beautiful soul. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. Love you always Ganga, Devon.
To my dear Grandma/Mom, Grandma you were a blessing. Your thoughtfulness and love, the finest and most precious gifts, were sent from our Father above. I always knew you would be there whether skies were blue or grey; that you would always lend a helpful hand and never turn anyone away. You were selfless. You are special to recall grandma. You were a blessing; the most precious one of all. Love – Marlene. Ganga, you will always be a part of my heart and my life. Thank you for be-ing a mother and a grandmother; you taught me the righteousness of life. I will always cherish the 105 years God blessed you with. You are the world’s greatest mother and grandmother. You will always be known as my Royal Queen. Love – Markie.
I have spoken to you on many occasions during our different trips to the grocery store, doctor’s appointments, or wherever our obligations took us for that week. I have expressed in a card or other ways how much you mean to us but had not taken the opportunity to write you a letter as you were always there without fail. There was never a situation in my entire life that you weren’t there for me. Thursday December 13, 2018, was the first day of my life without you. Equipped with the years of words of wisdom you’ve imparted, I must now go on without you. Endeavoring to make you proud I will strive to be a fraction of the grandmother you’ve been to us as it is impossible to match the grandmother you were. Conelia, (your girl) stated that she thinks God chose you specially for that role because of the way you gave of yourself, not just to your offspring but to everyone you came in contact with “Ganga”. One memory of the many ways you extended yourself was always taking people in. I will never forget being placed on the iron board, placed across two chairs, to sleep while someone who didn’t have a place to sleep was placed in our bed. Later in life, when I watched you being taken advantage of but never hesitated to help the next person who came along, I asked why? You simply stated “I do this so you can live”. You were always thinking about the generations coming behind you. The saying “when God made you he broke the mold” is so true. Ganga, we will cherish all the beautiful memories you’ve left us with and will forever endeavor to make you proud. #peaceloveunity With all my love Pat (Charmaine).
Words are inadequate to express how I feel so I will just say THANKS!!! Thanks for the times you corrected me. Thanks for the many meals you provided even when we did not expect or require it. Thanks for helping to raise me and then Errol in his infancy until he went to school. Thanks for the countless times you prayed for me and Errol. Thanks for the encouragement and advice. Most of all thanks for the Godly example you were and the legacy you left. Your decision to give your life to God set our family on the path of righteousness. I will forever be grateful that God placed me in your family. THANKS Ganga – Jacinth.
Our GreatGrandma
Something so easy sometimes can be so hard. I recall the first time I had to stand up and say something about you to a number of people even though I was young shy not sure what to say. I remember thinking “say something boy” and right before I shed tears of embarrassment, I heard that voice that brought me through so many other uncomfortable moments of my life say “just speak from your heart”. With tears running down my face, the words started to flow. I remember thinking, “gosh, this lady has far too much power over me”. I was only 8 then. Today, more than 30 years later, I still feel like this lady had far too much power over me. Nevertheless Ganga, I’ve welcomed and cherished every moment of my time with you: all the strong words of encouragement, all the love you’ve given selflessly, all your stories, every time I was hurt physically or emotionally and you stood me up and said “you’re a Man of God be strong”. Every time you told me to watch the company I keep or something simple like “yuh say yuh priar?” – I remember them all. I could go on and on about the millions of times you put your hands on my head and prayed for my success or my health or just my well-being in life. I can personally say the love you shared with me was so genuine and so real that it will withstand time and space. I will always honor you not just as a grandmother but a GRAND BEING sent by God to teach many how to love. Thank you for changing my life, thank you for loving me and helping me understand how to spread that love. You will always and forever be immortal because of the seed of love you planted in the world. Your strength was FEARLESS, your love was TIMELESS, your heart SELFLESS. With so much less Ganga, you gave us so much more. Junior Thank you for 41 years of pure love. Your wisdom and every single prayer has paved the way for us and I am forever grateful. You have shown us that trusting God is the way, the truth, and the life and your life was a living testimony. Thank God for choosing you to teach us, guide us, and to love us immeasurably. There are so many things I want to say but for now keep praying and keep dancing my queen until I see you again. Love - Conelia #Forevermylady #PeaceLoveUnity #BlessingsofAbraham #MyGeminiQueen
What can I say about the most amazing person I’ve ever known? Ganga was the heartbeat of this family. She is the woman through whom all our blessings flow. The woman who anointed our heads with oil and prayed over us. The one who called upon angels to guide and protect us throughout our day. The one who taught us to say, “Our Father, who art in Heaven...” Her many words of encouragement still ring in my ears. I hear you Ganga, and I will do my best to live a life you can be proud of. As selfish as it sounds 105 years wasn’t enough. Thank you Ganga for filling my belly with good food, filling my mind with positive thoughts, and my spirit with the word of God. Until we meet again in Glory, I will think of you and smile. My heart rejoices at the thought of you dancing through the streets of Heaven. I love you, I love you, I love you! - Marsha
From my earliest memories I can recall my Great-grandmother as a giver. It didn’t have to be family, it didn’t even have to be a friend. As long as the opportunity presented itself she would not hesitate to give. Whether it was food, wisdom, or prayer, she was always giving. Her kindness and wisdom demanded the attention and respect of everyone who crossed her path. She never judged or looked down on anyone. She could sense when a prayer was needed and called upon God. Every time I entered her house food was offered and if there was nothing prepared within minutes a plate of food would appear. I have countless memories with Ganga between my weekly visits to see her and mama or monthly doctors’ check-ups. Every occasion was special and unique. She would always speak about memories of her being with my mother during my birth and how I have grown to the point that I can take her to monthly appointments. I will miss those moments forever but I know she will always be with me. Ganga! Love you – Errol.
To the strongest woman I’ve ever witnessed. I want to thank you first for stepping in to help raise the amazing woman that is my mother. You are a light of guidance and the most authentic example of hard work, genuine unconditional love, pure joy, forgiveness and so much more. There will never be a day that goes by that we don’t praise your name. For you I will forever live in Peace, Love and Unity. Ganga, I love you so much words could never begin to explain. I will always remember all the gems you provided me, mostly to “never mek nobody tek yu fi fool!” Shena
I have not known my life without you. You were there from my earliest memory: cooking, caring, loving, praying, praising. Praise should have been your middle name, since you were an unwavering warrior for Christ. You insisted that we attended church with you every Sunday and that laid the foundation for our lives. We may not follow your example as well as we should, but the foundation is there. You loved us unconditionally and didn’t hesitate to tell us what was right but never made us feel like you loved us any less for not always measuring up. You were blessed to see five generations follow you and have five generations of children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and greatgreat-great-grandchildren, who love you more than anything. Now I will have to learn what living without you is like. I try not to despair, because I know you will be there watching over me with the help of the Lord. I hope Jesus doesn’t mind if I envision your set of footprints walking along with him to carry me as I continue on without you. I will look to one of my favorite bible verses to carry me through. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 I can say that learned that from you. I love you Ganga, Cheryl.
Spanish: Carlos Great-grandson (from Spain) Gracias Ganga por regalarnos todos esos momentos de alegria y ser un ejem-plo siempre papra nosotros de Fortaleza y respect, siempre te llevaremos en nuestros corazone.
keep you in our hearts always.
English Translation: Ganga, thanks for giving us so many moments of happiness and for always being an example of strength and admiration. We will
It was the summer of 1984; this was the first day that I can recall meeting Ganga. I can still hear the laugh and the voice that would remain a fixture in my life and that of my family for 34 years. It felt as if Ganga and Auntie Maysie visited Jamaica every year after that, always making sure to spend time with us and telling stories. I remember one year Ganga and Aunt Maysie visited and we went on a long trip from Kingston to Little Ochi in St Elizabeth to enjoy some seafood. I didn’t need to turn the radio on, as Ganga told endless stories for the three-hour drive, about boyfriends (hers of course), life growing up in Jamaica, and without a doubt the things of God. Ganga made sure that she was present for all significant occasions: weddings, special holidays, and the funeral of her life-long friend, my father George Wisdom. For those familiar with cricket, and fortunate to witness Brian Lara’s 151 not out in Barbados, or Viv Richard’s 181 one day century knock, you will understand that while those were great, they pale in comparison to the century we just witnessed by this phenomenal matriarch. We are not sad today because we did not have to read about this mother. We got to see her, enjoy her, and partake in her life. Thank you for sticking around and holding our innings together. Say hello to all our friends and loved ones Ganga, We will see you when we get there. The Wisdom Family
Ganga, you were extremely delightful. A blend of ‘boxing’ us and caring deeds. Full of wonderful valuable lessons but most of all love. Ganga, thank you for ‘tracing’ us when we needed a good ‘trace’. Thank you for always praying for us. Thank you for loving us with all your heart. You were the grandmother everyone wished for. It’ll be so hard to forget you because you gave us so much to remember. A piece of my heart will smile when I think of you. I know you’ll be looking down saying - “Luk pon dem likkle Mongoose”. Love Ja’Nay – Great-great-granddaughter
Dear Ganga, You are the greatest woman I know. You are Amazing, Powerful, Mighty and that’s why you are wonderful to me. When I first met you, I knew you would change my life and pray for me into the future. So thank you and I love you FOREVER. Love Larry, Great-great-grandson.
GANGGGGAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! While I sit and write this all I can do is laugh because that is all that we did. The videos only tell half of the story. I really just want to thank you for everything. It is because of the prayers that you prayed that I am standing here today. On Wednesday, I worked 8-8:30pm. (Holiday Overtime) and usually I go home, take a shower, and dive straight to bed. However, I stayed up until 2:00 a.m. and everyone knows I love my sleep. I sent a message and prayer to the family group chat and went to my bed, just to find out minutes later you were singing with the angels. You’ve fought a good fight, you finished your course and you kept the faith. Ganga, because of you no one can tell me that God is not real. You were a PRIME EXAMPLE of God’s faithfulness, and that he can SAVE, keep and SATISFY. This isn’t goodbye, this is see you later. Love you loads. From your favorite annoying great-great-granddaughter – Re’Nee
Dear Ganga, Thank you for taking care of me, thank you for loving me, and most of all thank you for praying for me. Seven years wasn’t enough, but I am thankful. When I see you again, we will drink tea, eat crackers, and dance. I love you Ganga. Larrissa – Great-great-granddaughter
We are the last she knew… and the cutest! Ganga said it and that’s FINAL!!!
Harmony and Stefan Jr.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. Proverbs 15:13
Ganga in Spain
Radiant at 105
The arms of flesh will fail you… you cannot trust your own. If every truth should be known there would be no peace. Don’t make any man take you and turn you into a fool. (Every young lady in the family heard this.) SERVE GOD! (A constant admonition to young and old.) Lamb of Calvary! (When bothered by Re’Nee, she called on God.) Everyone have to work out dem own salvation wid fear and trembling. (After admonishing the children to serve God.) See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it. Isaiah 25:8
Professional Services
Bell’s Funeral Home & Cremation Services 3750 State Road 7 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319
Sunset Memorial Gardens 3201 NW 19th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Pallbearers Mark Bruce Azim Foster Orville Taylor Errol Mascoe Stefan White Carey Allen
Grandson Great-grandson Great-grandson Great-grandson Great-great-grandson Great-great-grandson
Faith Center Banquet Hall 4061 NW 16th Street Lauderhill, FL 33313
Concept Design & Editing
Annette Taylor-Spence Love CareFronting 954-439-5615
Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. 305-651-9696
Graphic Design & Layout Shawn Ferguson Gracious Grafx Studios 954-515-9016
Peace, Love, and Unity! Her life was a living epistle Each day a chapter added A sermon one could see‌ Of dedication to Jesus the King Full of laughter and wit Yet firm and sometimes strict An example for all to see A pattern of how one should be Heard daily through the years The mantra by which she lived Peace! Love! Unity! Still on her lips to the end This her final message Now sent to you my friend
Thank You Wrapped up in those two small words is all the gratitude that is flowing from our hearts. Each of you has touched us in special ways that has helped us on this journey. We have felt your love in tangible ways. You have been the hands of God in acts of kindness, the heart of God showing compassion, the feet of God in visitation, and the love of God in your prayers and support. We appreciate you for all that you have done to support our family; we are also grateful to the Gateway Church family for your love and kindness to Ganga through the years. The Family