September 7, 2019 Viewing 9:30 a.m.; Service 10:30 a.m. Pentecostal Tabernacle International Inc. 18415 NW 7th Ave. Miami, FL 33169 Officiating Ministers Pastor S. Robert Stewart Pastor Winston (Sammy) Stewart
ORDER OF SERVICE Processional Instrumental Opening Remarks
Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Praise & Worship
Pentab Praise Team
Prayer Opening Song Congregation How Great Is Our God Scripture Reading Selected verses from Revelation 21 & 22
Pearce Grinnell - Son
TRIBUTES Pastor S. Robert Stewart Yvonne Shirley - Friend John Richards - Friend Song Kirby D. Trim - Son-in-law If Heaven Never Was Promised to Me FAMILY TRIBUTES Audrey (Dimples) Davis - Aunt Ann-Marie, Andrew & Dawn - Siblings Kanece, Kareem & Pearce - Children Eulogy
Krysta James - Niece
Song Winston Miller If You Could See Me Now Message Pastor Winston (Sammy) Stewart Song Pentab Praise Team I Bowed On My Knees & Cried Holy Prayer for the Family Recessional
Bishop Barrington Goldson
Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;‌ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:4-8 NKJV
Love does not say “I promise to fix all your problems” but love promises you won’t have to face them all alone.
Remembering the good times Being strong during the difficult times Loving always Laughing often Thanking God every day
MY DAD, MY ANGEL Trying to find the words to express what I feel was a great challenge, so I looked for a poem and found “My Dad, My Angel” by Jamie A. Cirello that helped me to share this... Your battle is now over; no more tears flowing down your cheek, no more pain, no more suffering; now you are no longer weak. I still do not understand why this had to happen to you, but I am grateful to have had you as my Daddy. Now you are one of my Angels, right by Grandma Syl, so spread your wings out wide and please wrap them around me whenever you see me cry. Our time together was memorable, and in my eyes God took you way too fast, But the most precious thing to me was you being there for my first breath, And believe me I rushed to be there for your last. Rest well Daddy...I’ll love you forever. Your Kandy
POPS Faithful believer! Always an encourager! Always concerned about the wellbeing of others! Real Estate investment-minded! A music connoisseur a bassist! Thanks for being so unique, sharing your time, knowledge, and history. Thank you for giving me Kanece’s hand in marriage. Thank you for our first dining room and bedroom set (the night table & chest are still going strong). Thank you for showing us how to possess and maintain a never-quit spirit. You never allowed your disability to hinder your ability to connect dots. Thanks for introducing us to so many people. We love and miss you dearly. You will always be in our hearts Pop. Kirby
Pearce WHEN GREAT TREES FALL Maya Angelou Great souls die and When great trees fall, our reality, bound to rocks on distant hills shudder, them, takes leave of us. lions hunker down Our souls, in tall grasses, dependent upon their and even elephants nurture, lumber after safety. now shrink, wizened. Our minds, formed When great trees fall and informed by their in forests, radiance, fall away. small things recoil into silence, We are not so much maddened their senses as reduced to the unutterable eroded beyond fear. ignorance of dark, cold When great souls die, caves. the air around us becomes light, rare, sterile. And when great souls die, We breathe, briefly. after a period peace blooms, Our eyes, briefly, slowly and always see with irregularly. Spaces fill a hurtful clarity. with a kind of Our memory, suddenly sharpened, soothing electric vibration. examines, Our senses, restored, never gnaws on kind words to be the same, whisper to us. unsaid, They existed. They existed. promised walks We can be. Be and be never taken. better. For they existed.
WE’LL ALWAYS REMEMBER We’ll always remember that special smile, that caring heart, and that warm embrace you always gave us. We’ll always remember you being there for us through good and bad times, no matter what. We’ll always remember you Dad because there will never be another one to replace you in our hearts. None can replace the love we will always have for you. There are three words we would use to describe dad: positive, supportive, and strong. Life was not always pleasant but you kept a positive mindset through every situation. Despite the many years of sickness and pain, we never once heard you complain. You were one of the strongest persons we know and we hope to carry on that legacy of strength shown by you and Grandma Syl. Your strength taught us to never give up, never complain, to keep pushing through the tough times, and to do it with grace. Thank you for your support in our lives. You have fought a good fight and you have kept the faith. Rest in peace and we’ll see you in Heaven! Kareem & Tavia
LIFE’S JOURNEY The young bride Elaine was at work, as she still had another month to her delivery date, when she felt some discomfort. Within a short time, she realized she needed to head to Victoria Jubilee Hospital and within a few hours, on February 15, 1957, Hugh Paul Miller made his entrance into the world in Kingston, Jamaica. He was the firstborn for Elaine and Hugh Miller, and over the next several years was joined by siblings Ann-Marie, Andrew, and Dawn. He was called Paul by most people and also known as “Pablo” by many others. Paul completed his early education at Mico Practicing School. When he succeeded in the common entrance exam he was awarded a scholarship to Wolmers Boys School. He was proud of his maroon and gold colors and was always willing to share those years as a “Wolmerian”, from where he graduated in 1975. After graduating from Wolmers, Paul worked in the corporate world before pursuing his passion for the automotive industry. In 1976 he became one of the first students at the Jamaica German Automotive School in Kingston, Jamaica. Paul graduated as the class valedictorian in 1979. Shortly after, he started working at FIDCO as a mechanic; soon he was promoted to the position of an administrative officer. At this point he went on to do management studies at Duffs Business College. Paul’s academic and professional achievements did not outshine the work of the Holy Spirit in his life. In February 1969, at a Convention at Wildman Street, he was baptized in the name of Jesus. The following month, at Evangelical Tabernacle, Bog Walk UPC in Jamaica (the church pastored by his father), he received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Paul began to use his gifts in Kingdom service. From a young age Paul’s love for music was evident, so his Mom started him in piano lessons with the late “Miss Rob” (mother of Bishop Carmen Stewart). This led him to his love for the bass guitar, in which he honed his skill and became a bass guitar player extraordinaire. Paul played the bass guitar for Wildman Street UPCJ, Miami UPC (Pastor Rooks), Faith Tabernacle UPC (Pastor Barnes), and Pentecostal Tabernacle (Miami Gardens). Additionally, Paul served as the
Eastern District Bible Quiz Director for UPC Jamaica, Sunday School teacher at Wildman Street, Jamaica, and served in the Children’s Ministry at the Faith Center, Sunrise, Florida. Paul also started the first soccer team at Wildman Street.
In April 1980 Paul married Ann Clarke. The union produced his daughter Kanece Paula-Ann and his son Kareem Jon-Paul who became his pride and joy. Paul migrated to the United States in the late 1980’s and pursued further studies at George T. Baker Aviation School and Key Power Technical School. He went on to work at Budget Rent-A-Car and People’s Telephone Company. As life’s seasons changed, in March 1998, Paul was joined in marriage to Jacynth Northover and happily embraced a second son Pearce. Paul and Pearce shared an inseparable bond and a father/son relationship. Over the years they shared many special moments. Jacynth and Pearce faithfully stood by Paul during his physical challenges and ensured all his needs were caringly met. Jacynth ensured that Paul was always a “dapper” dresser in spite of him being visually impaired.
Paul was - sports lover, bass player extraordinaire, master mechanic, dedicated son, doting father, loving husband, model brother, supportive uncle, trusted friend, and faithful saint. The greatest trait H. Paul Miller exhibited however was that of NOT BEING A COMPLAINER. Paul truly lived the scripture Philippians 4:11 “...I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content. Paul lives on in the hearts of his wife Jacynth; children Kanece and Kirby, Kareem and Tavia, and Pearce; siblings Ann-Marie, Andrew and Dawn; Aunts Phyllis, Yvonne, Patsy and Dimples; Uncle Albert, nieces Krysta and Kayla; and many friends and loved ones.
Take your rest faithful one...
FAREWELL BROTHER There are no words to express adequately how I feel at this time; It is painful to acknowledge the reason for this tribute. So, instead of focusing on the fact that you are no longer here, I will remember the precious times we shared: From being your kiddie sidekick on road trips in Jamaica… to engaging in thought-provoking conversations on a variety of topics. Instead of focusing on the years of pain and suffering you endured, I will remember your fighting spirit and positive outlook on life, the sound of your laughter and your hilariously sarcastic and witty responses to just about anything. And through the sadness and pain of your passing, I will – with the same fortitude you exhibited throughout your illness – cherish your memory and proceed as Paul Miller’s little sister. Farewell brother, Dawn
BROTHER! HERO! FRIEND! “Jus a chek in wid yuh”, “Wha a gwan?”, “What’s up?” Is this real? I won’t hear these words several times a week? Who is going to keep my company many evenings on my 21 miles drive home from work? What a void! I could go on and on but I will sum it up by saying; you have ran well, you have left your mark on my life and you will forever be my hero, my big brother. Enjoy your new eyes, your new limbs, and don’t stop dancing with Mummy. I love you dearly, Ann-Marie
MY ONLY BROTHER PAUL I’m still having a problem accepting that you’re no longer going to be around for us to talk. I will forever remember our many talks about cars, and sports. The fact that you’re no longer having health issues, but now enjoying Jesus, will help me every day. I love you my brother. Rest in Peace. Your brother Andrew
LOVING MEMORIES Uncle Paul, I would like to be sad and lament in your death, but the truth is since your passing I have had such peace. During your time here with us you endured much; I know you are finally getting your just reward. Despite any affliction that came your way you managed to maintain hope, resilience, and most importantly, your faith. You never let losing your vision hinder you from getting dressed and attending church. When matters seemed to worsen you still found a way to make sure you were “wheeled” into church every Sunday morning. Without having to say much your actions always spoke louder than words. You were a true man of God who never let circumstances cause your devotion to waiver. Watching the way you lived caused me to take a step back, examine my life, and reevaluate circumstances that I allow to deter me easily. I have so much to be thankful for and seeing the way you chose to live your life has been an example of how I believe every Child of God should base their spiritual walk. Your leaving has left a void in our hearts. I will also miss the periodic phone calls just to say “hello”. I rejoice with you because I know you are walking streets of gold with your own two feet, and marveling at the beautiful city God prepared for you with your own eyes. Even though there were aspects of your life that may leave others to think you were dealt an unfair hand, I believe you lived a quality life on this earth. The imprint you left, not just in my life but also the lives of others, has proven that your time here was well spent. Your life was a testimony and I know you have heard the words “well done”. Thank you for being a wonderful uncle and role model. Until we meet again, Your niece Krysta My Uncle Paul was one of the happiest people I’ve known. It always inspired me that no matter what his physical state was, he was always smiling and humming a song. I can never forget overhearing him on the phone with my mom, years ago, when the Miami Heat had the big 3, they were vividly describing and discussing the plays and fouls. I remember once my mom said “Paul, yuh neva see it?” and he responded “yuh figet seh mi blind?” This shows us how positive and happy he always was regardless of what people may have deemed as an unfortunate circumstance. Being away at school, on my loneliest most stressful days, I would often get a call from him. They reminded me of family, home, and would simply take my mind off whatever was stressing me in the moment. That is the thing I’ll miss the most…the random phone calls at the most perfect times. Love you always, Kayla
I pay tribute to my ‘big brother’ Paul Miller, a wonderful friend and cherished Wolmerian who brought light and joy to my world. I first met Paul at church where we developed a fast friendship. On my first day of high school he stood by the gate to welcome me and at the end of the day he was there waiting to see how my day had gone. He was often at the gate so that very soon everyone thought I was his ‘little sister’. I got messages such as ‘your brother’ sent lunch or your ‘brother’ is waiting for you. These encounters marked the beginning of our enduring friendship which lasted more than forty-five years. To those who knew him best, Paul was a caring and generous person who graciously shared his love and all he had. He was loyal to friends and family alike. It is with a heavy heart that I bid Paul farewell with a scripture he often shared with me, John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” My friend, my ‘brother’, you will be missed by many, but never will you be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to have known you. I extend my deepest condolences to the entire Miller family. Your ‘little sister’, Jennifer Walker “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”, is a well know hymn that reminds me of the friendship that our family shared with Paul and his family over many years. Paul and my brother Michael were classmates from 1963 to 1968 at the renowned Mico Practising School in Kingston, Jamaica. They separated briefly with Paul attending Wolmer’s Boys School and Michael attending Kingston College. Our families reconnected in 1971 at the new ‘housing scheme’ - Ensom City, on the outskirts of Spanish Town, St. Catherine. Our relationship was cemented through family camaraderie, membership and activities in an informal youth/sporting club and shared commute to school and work from “Spain Town” to Kingston. Paul inspired us in many ways. He loved motor sports and had impressive auto-mechanic skills. Michael benefited from Paul’s tutoring which enabled him to successfully obtain his driver’s license in the mid-1970’s. Our sister Judith-Ann and Paul’s sister Ann-Marie were school mates at St. Hugh’s High School and Paul’s mother, Sister Miller, also worked alongside our Aunt Pearl at Mutual Life Insurance Company which carved another element of our close family bond. During his long illness and Neil’s most recent heart illness, Paul kept in contact and always had an optimistic outlook for his treatment regimen and Neil’s full recovery. He was long-suffering throughout the many years of complications he faced in the battle with diabetes. We thank the Lord for the blessings of friendship and fellowship with Pablo on this side of Heaven. The Chambers family is grateful for his life, legacy, and the hope in his homegoing to His Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Yola & Neil Chambers; Sandra & Michael Chambers
LOVING MEMORIES Every little girl doesn’t get to be raised by a father, but some are blessed enough to have a man take that place: That’s what Paul Miller meant to me. Though I would refer to Mr. Miller as my uncle, he meant so much more to me than that. Like my father, his name was Paul. Like a father, he would encourage me, give me advice, tease me for not calling enough, play along with my crazy ideas, and laugh at my stories. Making him smile was the highlight of any day I spent with him. The last time I saw him, I hugged him around his neck, as I always did, and whispered in his ear that he meant the world to me and he knows how much I love him. He gripped my arm and told me that he knew. Thank you, Uncle Paul, for being the kind of man every girl deserves. You will always mean the world to me, and I will always love you. Paula Campbell I met Hugh Paul Miller in 2011 when I was assigned as his caregiver. This relationship grew into a deep friendship. I was struck by Paul’s independence, courage, and positive attitude despite his physical challenges. He always had a listening ear, offering practical advice and encouragement. Paul embraced my son Malachi and was very involved in his life. He would greet Malachi with a big warm smile and open arms. Paul considered Malachi his grandchild and also served as his personal “trampoline”. I am so grateful to have known him. He truly exemplified the true meaning of courage, faith, and selflessness. Ralda Forrester Growing up we lived in the country, so our cousin Paul spent many summers and weekends with us. We had lots of fun while enjoying each other. This past March we spoke with him and although he was not feeling well, we had a good long conversation; a conversation we will never forget. Paul, you have fought a good fight and now the Lord saw it fit to call you home. We will always love you and will never forget you. Rest in Peace, Doreen & Shirlene - Cousins Paul was an unassuming gentle soul; he was very soft spoken. His quiet strength was displayed during the course of his illness and he was an inspiration to those around him. He knew how to maintain a friendship even though we were miles apart. During our frequent phone calls we would reminisce on the good times we shared and the struggles we faced. The positive attitude he displayed demonstrated where his source of strength lies. Paul, we will miss you in this life but we are assured that we will meet again. Errol & Hazel Dawson with their children Marsha, Wade, Doraine & Dorion
A POSITIVE IMPACT One doesn’t need to have everything going well in their life to have a positive impact on others. Over the past twenty plus years, our family has been touched by a friend who did not have much material things to offer. However, the richness of spirit that came to us each time we interacted was indescribable. Paul was and still is a constant lesson in the art of contentment. While there was a lot he couldn’t do for himself, like driving, Paul managed to make the task of coming to pick him up for church or dialysis a great privilege and a distinct pleasure. His gentle words were never complaints, even though there were many days of intense pain. Paul was always cheerful and always had a chuckle in his voice. Whether he was just calling to keep in touch, or making sure that we did not forget to bring his porridge, pudding or ackee and saltfish, his demeanor was always positive. He was a friend to every member of the Richards family. Like every family we don’t always agree on everything, but we all agreed to take our turn to serve this great man of God. It’s hard to accept that we will not hear that voice again, a little drained after dialysis, or nice and strong on Tuesdays or Thursdays. The song Paul sang that I remember him by has a line that says, “To think the Lord of glory would take the time to walk with me”. Being friends with H. Paul Miller was the blessing and privilege of a lifetime. Valda, Dave, Johnny, Denny, Paul (Timmy), Warren (Vinny) and Vinneth Richards.
Brother Hugh Miller has been a true treasure to the Kingdom of God and to the Body of Christ; he had a heart to love people just like Jesus. He had a special gift of generosity and was extremely faithful with it. He was always faithful to his word; so faithful that on his sick bed he would deliver anything he promised just as if he was up and about. Our children loved him for his leadership style as Sunday School and Praise and Worship leader for children’s church at The Faith Center formerly the Plantation Worship Center. He certainly knew how to really love people, his family and God’s church. He and his wife were so very close; an excellent example to us and to everyone. We will miss him dearly. Bro. Hugh was a giant in God’s Kingdom but he is now resting in the arms of Jesus. A WARRIOR HAS GONE HOME! Pastors Brad and Joy Jacquett, Latoya and Shelly.
THANK YOU How can a grieving heart rejoice and be grateful in the midst of great loss? When surrounded by God’s love as evidenced by His grace and when supported by wonderful people, it is possible. The family of Hugh Paul Miller is grateful for all your expressions of love and kindness throughout his illnesses and to us, the family, since his death. We have gained strength from your presence, your prayers, your gifts, and your words of encouragement. We thank you for every way in which you have ministered to us. The Miller Family Professional Services Royal Funeral Service Inc. 17475 NW 27th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33056 305-625-6818 Interment Hollywood Memorial Gardens North 3001 N 72nd Avenue Hollywood, FL 33024 Repast Pentecostal Tabernacle Banquet Hall 18415 NW 7th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33169 Pallbearers Andrew Miller Kareem Miller Pearce Grinnell Kirby D. Trim Devon Shirley Eric McLeary
Concept Design & Editing
Annette Taylor-Spence Love CareFronting 954-439-5615
Brother Son Son Son-in-law Friend Brother-in-law
Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc.
Art Direction & Layout
Gracious GraFX Studios 954-515-9016
There’ll be singing, there’ll be shouting When the saints come marching home, In Jerusalem, in Jerusalem, Waving palms with loud hosannas As the King shall take His throne, In the new Jerusalem. 1 Corinthians 15:19-22 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
IF YOU COULD SEE ME NOW Our Prayers have all been answered I finally arrived The healing that had been delayed Has now been realized No one’s in a hurry There’s no schedule to keep We’re all enjoying Jesus Just sitting at His feet If you could see me now I’m walking streets of gold If you could see me now I’m standing tall and whole If you could see me now You’d know I’ve seen His face If you could see me now You’d know the pain’s erased You wouldn’t want me to ever leave this place If you could only see me now My light and temporary trials Have worked out for my good To know it brought Him glory When I misunderstood Though we’ve had our sorrows They can never compare What Jesus has in store for us No language can share
The Memorial Keepsake A Production of
Gracious Grafx • Love CareFronting