LIFE’S JOURNEY 9.19.1965 – 7.8.2019
Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. 18415 NW 7th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33169 July 27th, 2019, 11:00 a.m. Officiating Minister Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Opening Sentences
Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Opening Hymn Congregation How Great Thou Art Opening Prayer Scripture Reading Akin Floyd Psalms 91 Son Memories Janice Green - Sister Aqeela Holmes - Friend Songs of Comfort I Know the Peace Speaker Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace Memories of Mother Alicia Kimberly Campbell Lori Anna-Kay Griffiths Akin FLoyd Eulogy Lori Anna-Kay Griffiths Daughter Sermon
Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Prayer for the Family Recessional When We All Get to Heaven
HOW GREAT THOU ART O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed Chorus Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art. Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art! When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds, sing sweetly in the trees, When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze Chorus And when I think of God, His Son not sparing; Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin. Chorus When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow with humble adoration, And there proclaim, “My God, how great Thou art!� Chorus
WHEN WE ALL GET TO HEAVEN Sing the wondrous love of Jesus Sing his mercy and his grace In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll prepare for us a place When we all get to heaven What a day of rejoicing that will be When we all see Jesus We’ll sing and shout the victory While we walk the pilgrim pathway Clouds will overspread the sky But when travlin’ days are over Not a shadow, not a sigh When we all get to heaven What a day of rejoicing that will be When we all see Jesus We’ll sing and shout the victory Onward to the prize before us Soon his beauty we’ll behold Soon the pearly gates will open We shall tread the streets of gold When we all get to heaven What a day of rejoicing that will be When we all see Jesus We’ll sing and shout the victory
The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
MEMORIES OF MOM Dear mom, countless times you tolerated my moods and behavior. There were times when I would be hurt and you would be hurt too. You have been a mother not only to me but to many others also. You are the sweetest, most loving and caring person anyone could meet. Whenever my day was going bad I would just come home to you and then it would turn my whole day around. Some of the best advice came from you and it still helps me every day. The late nights when I couldn’t sleep you prayed with me and I would fall asleep after. You are everything a son could want. Mom you are our definition of a special person. You filled our lives with happiness and sweet feelings that we all carry in our hearts forever. My Queen, thank you for your wisdom and your encouragement. They pushed me through my toughest days. My Queen, thank you for all the times you comforted me when I was hurt or afraid. My Queen, thank you for the times you listened. Thank you for everything Mom. Josh
MY QUEEN My mother… my best friend… my prayer warrior… my therapist… my master chef... What role did you not play? The strongest woman in the world if you ask me - MY QUEEN! Full of style, beauty, and grace – MY QUEEN! The most real and humble person I know – MY QUEEN! Always has the voice of reason and can help you see all sides of a situation – MY QUEEN! Calms you in an instance – MY QUEEN! Sometimes I would say, “Sheesh I have such a great mom, I’m truly blessed” because I really did. Many hours wouldn’t go by without me hearing your voice. Distance changed nothing; we would talk, snicker, and share secrets. I was confident to express how I felt about anything. You knew when to be that firm mother or just a listening ear free of judgment. It was always safe whether I was near or far because you gave me that sense of protection. You made our nothing into everything. A true adventure seeker, you gave me free reign to explore the world and bring back my findings. You were always scared of my inquisitive nature. I know all those nights you stayed up praying, singing, and reading your Bible always kept me through. My Queen, you were a soldier in God’s army even in your trying times. Before we went anywhere we would hear “I Love you…be safe on the road” and immediately a
prayer of protection commenced. Before anything you were a mother; you prized that role as you did your children. I pray that one day Joel and I can be as great of a parent as you are. I promise to continue to make you proud and fulfill all of our conversations. You’ve always had great confidence and trust in me. Now it’s time for me to have it in myself. I promise to hold this family together and be all you envisioned me to be. Shine on me My Queen, I miss you every day. Lori
MY BEST FRIEND To my lover, my friend, and my ‘ride or die’ partner: I miss you and love you. Words are not enough to express how I feel. We shared many memorable moments filled with laughter. You were truly my best friend. Whenever anyone saw me they knew you weren’t too far away. A part of me wishes you were still here so I can have someone to watch movies with, or your favorite words go on the “road” or simply talk and share my thoughts. I know you are now in a better place and will forever be with me. To my best friend, may your soul rest in peace. I hope you’ll be in heaven waiting on me. Until then, continue to watch over me. Love you always and forever. Tony
always ask questions, borrow your clothes, tell you when your hair doesn’t look good, are honest when it comes to fashion, share secrets when the sun is set, laugh out loud at every joke, fight but are never drawn apart, love you always, encourage you when you are down, tell you “you are beautiful,” and always hug you when least expect it...
Who could live without them?
ALIVE IN OUR HEARTS To my step mother, I want to start by saying your grand babies and I miss you much and love you dearly. Words cannot explain the void and emptiness we feel inside. The girls and I appreciate all that you did. We will miss your little laughs, your singing and dancing around the house. We will miss your cooking especially. We love you and hope you are sleeping in peace. Heaven gained another angel; the girls and I will continue to be strong for my daddy. Papa, we are hurting but we know God makes no mistake. Your memory will live on through us. Harmony, (your first grand baby) says she misses you, she loves you, will miss spending time with you, and taking pictures with you. Love you always grandma‌ forever and ever – Poochie & Harmony & Lyric Tanika, Lyric, and Harmony
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank everyone who extended sympathy and expressed their love in various forms. We appreciate your support and ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers during this difficult time. The Family
Professional Funeral Services Royal Funeral Service Inc. 17475 NW 27th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33056 305-625-6818 Program Layout & Design Annette Taylor-Spence – Love CareFronting, Inc. 954-439-5615 Shawn Ferguson - Gracious Grafx Studios 954-515-9016 Printing Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. 305-651-9696
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Psalms 90:2
Vista Memorial Gardens 14200 NW 57th Ave. Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Pall Bearers Akin FLoyd Anthony Jacobs Emmanuel Griffith Devonte Collins Naider Michael
Son Fiance Nephew Friend Friend
The Memorial Keepsake A Production of
Gracious Grafx & Love CareFronting