Greetings from Our Pastor 4 High School Graduates of 2014 5 Happy Birthday Pastor 6 Questions for Fathers: Winston Brawell Sr. 7 Pentecostal Tabernaculo 8 Are You Man Enough? 9 Investing in the Future of the Church 11 Questions for Fathers: Jeffrey Tomilson 13 FOJ Summit: His Glory 14 Express Yourself 19 Pentab Academy Dates to Remember 23 Tips to Boost Your Prayer Life 25 Seed Faith Reminder 28 June Birthdays 29 Calendar of Events 30
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Pictured on Front Cover: Ramon Rose and sons
EDITORIAL STAFF Grace Bramwell Nemoya Ramcharan Gabrielle Edwards Amos Seide Caroline Lawrence Marie Strachan Alison McHugh Nicholas Stewart Goran Pinnock Typhanie Stewart Stacey Pinnock Kareem Waugh
PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE INT’L 18415 NW 7th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33169 (305) 651-9696 | www.PenTab.org
Greetings from Our Pastor It is hard to imagine that today’s date signifies that the first six months of 2014 are now gone. This shows us how brief life is, and how everything about Life is sacred. If we do not understand that Life is sacred, we will be careless with our living, eventually getting ourselves into trouble. For us, it is not the length of our lives but the value of our life that matters. Life is given by the Master, and our aim should be to live an excellent, successful life that is always pleasing to The Lord. The key to successful living is recognizing that we must not forget the word of the Lord. The book of Proverbs contains some practical instructions that steers us on the path of how we can develop a character for an outstanding life demonstrating successful living. It teaches us that there is a special wisdom revealed by God as well as an innate wisdom or common sense of which both must play a part in our daily lives. If we live our lives the way we want to, then we will certainly end up wrong but there is no way that we can live our lives guided by the scriptures and end up wrong! There are no parts of our lives that are closed off from God; He is concerned with every area of our lives when entirely submitted to Him. In order for us to be a success for God, others, and ourselves we must remember that He is always going to command complete obedience from us. God’s commands are all-inclusive, they precede a promise and they are conditional. When we obey God, when we trust God, when we make God Lord of our lives, beautiful things will happen. I reference the song, “when we walk with the Lord in the light of his word, what a glory he sheds on our way, while we do his goodwill he abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey.” For us to have a relationship with God and to get anywhere with Him, we are going to have to trust and obey God in our adversities and in our victories. As we journey on to the second half of 2014, may we always be reminded that while in life we have different seasons, the God of the seasons has not changed and will never change!
Pastor S. Robert and Sis Jennifer Stewart
We celebrate with you on this great achievement and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Maya Angelou said “nothing will work unless you do.� As you embark upon the next phase of your life, keep Jesus Christ as your focus, have faith in Him and the abilities he has given you to succeed. Be persistent in going after your goals!
Happy Birthday to our beloved Pastor, S. Robert Stewart
3. What were some of the challenges you faced being a father? When I was younger I wish I spent more time with the boys. I was always working. It was hard when I came to America. I never understood the American way of doing things. I still don’t fully understand this country. I was always worried about my two boys and did everything I could to keep them out of trouble. I found out too late that as a husband and father it just did not mean that I should work hard and take care of my family but I should have been at their schools for meetings, games and awards. I am still finding awards, certificates and prizes in closets long after the boys are grown and gone. 1. As a father and a husband what is your number one priority and why? My number one priority is to be an example of a godly husband & father. I want my children to remember me as a person who gives everything to God. When I say Godly I don’t just mean going to church but also being a good priest and provider for my family.
4. Is there anything you think you would have done differently while growing up? One thing I regret is that I didn’t take an interest in education. I always followed my dad to the field .I was the expert at rolling my book and putting it in my back pocket; never had the interest to learn. All my seven brothers and sisters are professionals .I am the only one who never went to college.
2. What are the values that have governed your life over the years? My main values are : •Being Hardworking, •Honesty •Not being presumptuous •Being grateful to God for everything
5. What kind of legacy do you want to leave for your children? •The love for God and Family •Hard work •Give your honest opinion even if you are wrong •Live your life with integrity
ccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office of Men’s Health, alarming statistics show that men’s health is at great risk. On average, men die almost 6 years younger than women and suffer higher mortality rates for the top 10 causes of death. The lives of hundreds of thousands of men will continue to be threatened unless immediate action is taken to combat this growing crisis. The month of June is national Men’s Health Month with a goal of bringing awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. Dr. David Gremillion of the Men’s Health Network warns about a silent health crisis in America: the fact that, on average, American men live sicker and die younger than American women.
from the CDC and Prevention for your journey to optimum health: GET PLENTY OF REST Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. In general, adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep. STAY POSITIVE A little stress can be good. However, stress can be harmful when it is severe enough to make you feel overwhelmed and out of control. Take care of yourself. Give it over to God in prayer. Find support. Connect socially.
Anyone can be unhealthy, but it takes a man to take charge of his health and get moving.
ENJOY GOD’S GREEN EARTH Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. They are sources of many vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Limit foods and drinks high in calories.
The World Health Organization defines “health” as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Here are some tips
GET MOVING Adults need at least 2½ hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) every week, and muscle strengthening activities that
work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms) on two or more days a week. You don’t have to do it all at once. Spread your activity out during the week, and break it into smaller chunks of time during the day. KNOW YOUR NUMBERS Keep track of your numbers for blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), or any others you may have by seeing you physician for an annual check-up. Men do not visit the doctor’s office as often as women do. Since prevention is key, be sure to book your wellness visit. BE YOUR BROTHER’S KEEPER Preventing men’s health problems is not just a man’s issue. The health status of men impact the lives of their wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and everyone else in the family. This Men’s Health Month encourage the men in your life to eat healthy, exercise daily, and visit the doctor for regular checkups. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. 3 John 1:2 ESV
The importance of investing is increasingly evident throughout biblical writings. Through the scriptures, we see mere men tasked with responsibilities that would appear beyond their ability. These men were then expected to produce record breaking results with seemingly minimal means. As a minister to youth, I often feel the continuation of that expectation as we invest our efforts into the future [of the] church. I’m reminded of the parable of the talents, when the master comes back to his servants on the sheer premise of a return on an investment. From the standpoint of investments, I see the local church as the broker, serving as an intermediary between God and His people. As the broker, we provide opportunities for God to collectively funnel His commission to us as we, His shareholders, earnestly await His incomparable return. The bonds of the spirit propel us to lead the future of the church considering the face value of the truth of the gospel and its ability to single-handedly transform the lives of those it reaches. As we minister to today’s youth, we consider that should the Lord delay His return, we are compounding interest in every young person with whom we come in contact. Every song, every message, every moment of fellowship is inflating their ability to one day manage this eternal portfolio as they become leaders of another generation of believers.
from Christ to man. We live in a world where man looks within himself and excludes the reality and necessity of the spirit of God. This is a world that is diametrically opposed to the initial interest that led Christ to deposit His spirit within us. Subtly, the world’s mission is deflating the value of our youth by perverting their convictions and distorting their biblical worldview. This reality confronts our youth daily. However, they are commissioned to thrive in a world absent of absolutes. Our youth must disciple a world that is self-centered, Godless, imbalanced and unknowingly desperate for a real savior.
For this reason, we don’t only invest in the commission of our youth, but we empower youth to put the world into perspective, so that they might save themselves and others. As shareholders in the success of today’s youth, we understand how volatile this investment can be. We have seen the results of young people who did not consider the risk associated with investing in the world’s system. We have experienced the depreciation of the anointing on our children as they commit to views beneath their privilege. So we lead with an understanding that in the portfolio of our ministries, our only securities are those anchored in the absolute truth of God and His impending return. Much like the parable of the talents, when the master returns, He will only yield a “well done” to those who took what He entrusted them with and maximized The unchurched world has driven the focus its potential. 11
3. What were some of the challenges you faced being a father? It was challenge raising two boys and one girl. There was always a clash in opinions as the children wanted to exercise their own will; which at times went against our (parents) will for them. Ensuring that both their mother and I were on the same page in terms of how to discipline and lead them was also a challenge. As a father you have to stand-up, be a leader and an enforcer of household rules. 4. Is there anything you think you would have done differently while growing up? No, I believe that everything I have experienced, whether good or bad, helped to shape my life and make me a better person. 1. As a father and a husband what is your number one priority and why? My number one priority is to serve God, and follow the instructions of the Bible. I believe that once you serve God and follow what the Bible instructs, then everything else will fall into place. If I trust God, then everything else is history! “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 2. What values have you use govern your life over the years? •Self Discipline •Strong Christian Values •Honesty 13
5. What kind of legacy do you want to leave for your children? I would love to leave a legacy as a father who lived a Godly life. As a dad, you ensure that your children are financially stable however, their relationship with God and how they live their lives are far more important. This is what will build them and will be passed on to their children.
Ashlie Thomas
Ashlie Thomas is a 19 year old young lady born in Kingston, Jamaica, who at the age of three (3) relocated to Miami, Florida, with her family. She currently attends Miami-Dade College and is pursuing a degree in Exercise Science and Athletic Training. She enjoys the creative arts, watching and playing sports, spending time with family and friends, and she is always open to trying new things. “Twix” as she is often refered to, (because of her love for the chocolate bar) quickly integrated in her new environment after moving from Jamaica. As she grew older the only cultural challenge she experienced was the differences with the pronunciation of some words. According to Twix, Jamaica will always be dear to her as she hopes to return one day and to immerse herself in the culture and history of her birthplace. For now she remains nostalgic in remembering the clear beaches, her grandma’s house and her neighbors.
It is very rewarding to be a college student in 2014 due to the many opportunities that are available to us. There are so many options as far as education, and as young people, we’re encouraged to explore and find what we love to do. Before college God helped me to I graduate at the top of my high school class while balancing sports, National Honor Society, and other extracurricular activities.
Two of my pet peeves are: 1. Someone lying to me instead of being upfront. 2. Someone being nice to me but they put others down.
Spiritually I have seen God use me to touch other people’s lives, especially through prayer and intercession.
One of my most challenging experiences so far is trying to feel like a young person who is still relevant and relatable while remaining true to who Jesus created/ called me to be. For example, I want to be able to relate to friends and acquaintances at school, but still maintain my identity in Christ and be a light to them through my life. 20
It takes a lot of persuasion / proof for me to be swayed to another viewpoint. I believe I can be strong in various situations. In my later teenage years, most of my spiritual challenges involved disciplining myself regarding the things of God. For example, with all the new “distractions” that comes with getting older such as college, friendships, and even job searching, it becomes harder to find time to just sit and read my bible or even pray sometimes.
After cutting my hair and going natural. I was first concerned about what others would think. However, Three of my biggest role models are my parents and Sis. Stewart. My mom and Sis. Stewart because of how they carry themselves as women of God. And my dad because of the timely advice he always gives.
I’m able to hold my head high
and resolved within myself that no matter what others thought, whether positive or negative, this is the real me and I’m happy with that.
To my peers, we may feel like we have all the time in the world, but the truth is our time could be cut short at any moment. So we need to make the most of the present and stop being “stereotypical young people” in terms of wasting time. Also, remember we are more than what others may think of us, good or bad. I am reminded of a sermon that has stuck with me over the years. “Relationships can alter your destiny.” As young people we should be fully aware of the people we associate with because even an acquaintance can throw us completely off track. The April YLOV/YMOP meeting was one of my most memorable moments at church. We were able to discuss some serious concerns, and it allowed for open discussion and learning. Young people need that!
One of my greatest fears in life is not accomplishing enough while I am alive or even accomplishing great feats but still feeling empty and dissatisfied. It is my goal to find my ultimate passion in life and to start my career right after college. Most importantly, as I continue to walk this Christian path I would love to see my faith increase, my visions become reality and God’s plan for my life come to fruition.
or most Christians, there is an ever-present yearning to increase time spent with God. To some, a healthy prayer life comes effortlessly. When offering words of advice as to how to achieve a stellar prayer life, some of these prayer warriors may say, “Just pray! Find a quiet place, kneel, bow your head, and start praying!” Unfortunately, for most of us, it’s not that easy. It is important to note that you must first be INTENTIONAL about wanting to spend more time with God in prayer. Here are some practical tips that may help you to boost your prayer life and be intentional about it.
You must be intentional about setting aside time to pray – so schedule it! Yes, we are quite busy with our day to day activities, but we all set our reminders for things we deem important, like doctors appointments, getting up on time for work or school, meetings with our bosses, birthday reminders, etc. So why not
set reminders for time to pray - mark it in your day planner, make a calendar notification or set an alarm on your cell phone for prayer. View it as scheduling a date with God. If you made plans to meet a handsome man or beautiful lady for coffee or lunch I’m sure you would remember the time and date – so remember your date time with your God. For busy people with tight schedules this is one way to ensure that we keep our relationship with the Lord on our top priority. When you want to meet with God, schedule it and be intentional on keeping your appointment with Him, until it becomes a habit!
Now don’t get me wrong - prayer can be and should be done anywhere and at anytime. However, dedicating a specific place and setting a specific time for prayer is very helpful in maintaining a healthy prayer life. You will find that every time you pass by that certain place
you are reminded of prayer and it will even prompt you to prayer even when you did not plan on praying at that moment. Yes, we pray always and anywhere we can – pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:16-18); but purposeful prayer is also essential to a healthy prayer life. Be careful on the place you select for prayer. Try not to make your place of prayer too comfortable like your bed or your big easy chair, these places are prone to make you fall asleep and your intention is to increase in prayer not sleep. Additionally keep in mind that you should always try to remove distractions when praying.
Experiment with your approach to praying. If you become easily distracted, try writing down your prayers or praying out loud (where it is appropriate to do so). Writing or verbalizing your prayers can help you to remain focused and keep your mind from wandering. It is also beneficial to have some quiet time while praying so you can listen to God for his communication back to you. Remember praying is two-way communication.
a list can guide you and help you to be specific about things for which you need to pray. Make lists of prayers and of topics you want to address for each day of the week. You can categorize your days of praying – make Sunday your day of thanksgiving only; Monday pray for the Church, Missions, Leaders etc. Tuesday – “Family and Friends day”– you get the picture. Make lists of special prayer requests you receive. I’m sure you feel quite disappointed in yourself when someone asks you to pray and by the time you do a few errands you forget about it. Make a list of pre-written prayers for various needs; listing prayers of praise from the Psalms, prayers of thanksgiving, special requests etc. With these lists you should have no trouble praying more and longer. Keep in mind that these lists are guides and while using them you must be attentive to the Spirit’s leading in prayer.
The Lord wants you to meet Him in prayer. He truly cares about our needs and desires and wants to minister to us while we share our troubles with Him. Aim for honesty more than religious ramblings (Matt Use different postures in prayer that can mirror your 6:7-9). God doesn’t need you to be fancy with words heart’s attitude. Scripture does not give us a proper and theological language, He doesn’t need to be posture to use while praying. Various postures are impressed – He’s God – We can’t impress Him. He is recorded in scripture and depending on your attitude simply looking for a transparent heart. Remember, in prayer you can utilize different ones. Try lifting up prayer is more about God that it is about you. God your hands in prayers of adoration (1Tim 2:8). Lay does not exist to serve us - We exist to bring Him Glory. prostrate in prayers of confession, repentance and Real prayer always brings us back to the concerns of when beseeching (Matt 26:39). Kneeling as noted God’s will not ours. (2 Chr. 6:13, Lk. 22:41; Acts 9:40; 20:36) is a sign of humility. Standing (Mk 11:25) and/ or Walking through your house or neighborhood, can also be 6. KEEP A JOURNAL OF YOUR PRAYERS postures you can adopt. Pray the Scriptures - God’s AND ANSWERS TO PRAYERS Word is full of promises that we can request of Him Lastly, keep track of your prayers and how God and claim for ourselves, and those we are praying for. answers – was it a yes, no or be still? Keep a record of You can also pray in song, there are many songs of answered prayers; this will strengthen your faith and prayer written that portray exactly what we want to remind you that prayer works and will push you to say to God at different times. keep going back to prayer.
If you find yourself not knowing what to pray or quickly running out of things to pray about; keeping
JUNE BIRTHDAYS June 1 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 6 June 6 June 6 June 6 June 7 June 7 June 7 June 7 June 7 June 7 June 9 June 9 June 9 June 10 June 10 June 11 June 11 June 13
Pastor Robert Stewart Michelle Thompson Jodian Clarke Sharon Cushnie Lenworth Housen Monica McKenzie Esther Jordan Quincy Brown Ricardo Russell Miriam Graham George McKenzie Jeffrey Tomlinson Jennifer English Ryan Estwick Teressa Cole Bertram Henry Sandra Collie Kerry-Ann Campbell Errol Johnson Mya Titre Rossy Francis Dominique Clarke Gladstone Lingo
June 14 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 19 June 19 June 19 June 20 June 22 June 22 June 24 June 26 June 26 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 30 June 30
Inolyn Cousins Noel Alexander Charmaine Jones George McKie Krysta Clarke Chaz Henry Andre Givans Norton Daley Sonia Walker Edward Gourzong Evadney Cowell Dawn Skyers Hyacinth Murray Veronica Brewster Winston Bramwell Dorothy Hibbert Jennifer Gilzeane Richard Fletcher Annie Gray Llamica Mitchell Marilyn Shakes Constance Watson Triston Williams
JUNE 9 Beautification Night Out JUNE 9 – 15 Fasting & Prayer JUNE 14 Prayer Explosion JUNE 18 – 22 Focus On Jesus Summit JUNE 27 Lifeline Screening (8:00 am – 4:00pm Banquet Hall)
JUNE 7 Environmental Services - Men’s Team Outdoor Property Upkeep - Team 1 JUNE 14 Environmental Services - Team I Outdoor Property Upkeep - Team 2 JUNE 21 Environmental Services - Young Ladies Team Outdoor Property Upkeep - Team 3 JUNE 28 Environmental Services - Team 2 Outdoor Property Upkeep - Team 4
Tune in each Sunday to WAVS 1170 AM from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. EST and WCNO 89.9 FM 1p.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST, every Monday and Friday. Listen to our live broadcast where the focus is on Jesus and the family. You can also follow us live via internet radio at www.wavs1170.com. For further information, see Bro. Kevin Hall or Bro. Devon Smith or email us at thefocusonjesushour@ pentab.org. But remember, “First Fruit Prayer” begins at 9:30 a.m.
Pastor Stewart & Family Our Church Family Our Children Pentab Staff Pentab Academy Our Ministry Leaders
Our Communities Our City Officials Our Nation Sunday school Teachers The Institution of Marriage
Bro. & Sis. Arthiniel Smith Sis. Zereth Heslop Sis. Laurel Harris
Sis. Valetta McNally Sis. Mary Lee Bro. & Sis. Williams
Sis. Victoria Cassie Sis. Genevieve Lapa Sis. Pamela Williams Sis. Grace Whilby
Sis. Violet Waugh Sis. Valda Bell Sis. Edna (Aunty Betty) Priestly
Bro. Paul Miller Sis. Nicole Garrick Young Calvin Cooper Sis. Genieve Lapa Sis. Lucena Patrice Sis. Vivia Bromfield Sis. Ruby Waithe Bro. Hutchinson Sis. Cheesie Johnson Sis. Elexie Douglas Sis. Elaine Miller Sis. Lydia Brown Bro. Leroy Webster Sis. Erma Harrow Sis. Sybil Williams Sis. Monica Clarke Sis. Sybil Maturah Sis. Jackie Carter Sis. Susan Deer Sis. Molreen McNeil Sis. Ivy Armstrong Sis. Jacqueline Burke Bro. Noel Lawrence Sis. Patrice Lucerne Bro. & Sis. Ferguson Bro. Arthniel Smith Sis. Myrtle Brown Pierre & Marie Alfred Parents of Sis. Samantha Alfred-Duverney Sis. Wilson Mother of Bro. Chris Wilson
BEREAVEMENT Bro. Vincent Russell - Lost his Father
PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE INTERNATIONAL 18415 NW 7th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33169 (305) 651-9696 | www.PenTab.org