Victory Tabernacle Apostolic International
“Jesus... Is Coming Soon”
Acts:1:11 States “Men of Galilee,” they said, “Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
Greetings my fellow Kingdom Believers, “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation” (Hebrews 9:28). It is with great delight that I take this opportunity to welcome you to our 14th Church anniversary and Conference. This year we focus on the theme, “Jesus… Is Coming soon.” Brethren, we must be mindful of the imminent return of our Lord. Signs of the time are indicating that this is the generation that will witness the climactic return of Jesus Christ. As the disciples sat with Jesus on mount Olives, they asked Him three questions which are pertinent to us today; (1) Tell us, when shall these things be? (2) What shall be the sign of thy coming? (3) And of the end of the world? (Matthew 24:3). The answers given by Jesus are self evident today. I challenge each of us that we be diligent to spread the Gospel of our Lord to a world that needs Him now more than ever. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. And whether the world believes it or not, Jesus is coming soon. We are looking forward to a wonderful time in worship, fellowship, and the Word. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the peace that comes only from Him, rest with you.
Wayne and Arlene Williams Servant Leaders
March 15, 2017 7PM Rapture-Myth or Truth
March 16, 2017 7PM Where Are We in Biblical Prophecy?
March 17, 2017 9AM Day Session March 17, 2017 7PM Heaven Sounding Sweeter All The Time
March 18, 2017 9AM Day Session March 18, 2017 5PM Time and Eternity-How Soon is Soon
March 19, 2017 10:15AM Ready or Not, Jesus Will Be Back! March 19, 2017 6PM Evening Service
her constant concern for my spiritual development that
Story behind
Peggy Fletcher
Peggy Fletcher. I’m from a little district in Manchester, Jamaica, called Naplerston. I have four siblings, all sisters, who are younger than I. As a child, I had to attend church on a regular basis. It was usually the nearest one to home. As a result, I worshipped at the Anglican, Catholic, and Seventh Day Adventist churches. When I became a young adult, my mother accepted salvation at the Shiloh Apostolic church and later, my youngest sister, Valerie, did the same. I greatly admired their steadfastness, faithfulness, and their boldness in constantly telling me that I need to be baptized in Jesus’ name. I earnestly wanted to be like them. In August 1995, I vacationed in Jamaica. There I took my baptism in Jesus’ name at a youth convention held in Kendal, Manchester. As a young believer, my sister, Evangelist Davy, was the most influential person in my Christian life. It was
led to this body of saints at Avon Park. She encouraged Evangelist Marilyn Smith to start work here so that I could remain connected. Evangelist Davy’s encouragements, her perseverance, and her zeal for souls and for the growth of the young church, left a lasting impression on me. I like to work with my hands so I do various kinds of handicrafts such as sewing, quilting, crotchet, etc. Service about self is my greatest inspiration. When I’m called to serve in any area, it brings out all of the creativity in me. Before I was saved, I thought Christianity was just attending a church and trying to live a clean life. I also believed one should dress differently and modestly and live according to some higher standards. Of course, there is a difference between today’s Christians and those from when I first started. Back then there was a greater willingness to abide by Christian modestly. I would encourage the young people of the sanctuary to stay with Christ. They don’t need to get involved in the things of the world that are already destroying others. Study the words and live by them. I encourage them to get involved in the work of the Lord. I really would like to see today’s Christians become more committed to serving the Lord. I pray for us to be more united and to do as the Bible says: “In honor preferring one another”.
Avon Park Daily News
March 15, 2017
• Since 2003
Anniversary Special Tell Us About Yourself? “BE BETTER THAN I WAS YESTERDAY!”
My name is Rashaud Thomas. I was born in Kingston, Jamaica on May 27, 1996 which would make me 20 years old! I am a very loud person who likes to have fun which at times can put me into some trouble but nothing too bad! I am the child of two wonderful people named Wayne Williams and Arlene Williams also known
Big Boss and Boss Lady! I would say I am the only child but due to my mother and father being who they are and claiming every child in the WORLD I have plenty of siblings who I love and care for dearly. The Motto for myself when I wake up in the morning is “Be better than I was yesterday!” continued on next page
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What do you like? I’m a very big basketball fan so anything to do with basketball I like to do. Whether it be playing an actual game, watching a game, playing 2k17 on my Xbox, or even just shooting around makes me feel very relaxed and at ease. Another thing that I love is music! Music is an essential part of my life because I started to play the piano since I was about 5 or 6 years old and since then its been something that makes me feel good especially when I’m playing by myself or when I heard good musicians such as a Fred Hammond, Cory Henry, Mark Brown, Kirby Trim, etc. Good music in general whether it’s singing, instrumental, a choir, a small group, full band, or even just one instrument. Also I just like to chill with my friends. The type of friends that I have are really positive people with mixed personalities. Some like to dance, sing, be dramatic, photography, play music, write, tell jokes, etc so when we get together its like a big mashup and it is really a beautiful thing. I like to hang out with these because we all compliment we other in different way and even though we all have different personalities and traits we all have a common goal that aligns with each others.
who has impacted your life? Well when it comes to who has impacted my life there are actually quite a few people. Two people that I would say impacted my life are Raja Pinnock and Kirby Trim. They’ve impacted me in so many ways and probably don’t even know it. Raja a.k.a Boss has shown me that no matter what you got that we got to work with what we got and be happy with what you do and the same thing with Kirby. They’ve not only said it to me but the way the behave and act shows that they practice what they preach. With those two men continued on next page
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no matter what the situation they still find a way to be positive and they’ve always encouraged me in their own little way. My mother also impacted my life in a multitude of ways by how she raised me. Even when I wasn’t the best child she would always try with me and instill the word of God into my life no matter if it got on my nerves or not she always did what was right. Another person that impacts my life is none other than my dad. He impacts my life daily. From the time I was small he would always be around. When I first started playing football he was always at my games, when I switched to basketball after my injury he supported me to the fullest and came to most of my games no matter if it was close or far away. He also instilled in me values of a man and how to handle myself as a young man and how I should treat people and what it means to be a Man of God.
About the Church I started coming to Victory Tabernacle from the day the church doors opened 14 years ago. At that time I was probably knee high and I remember it wasn’t a lot of us you could count with ease how many people were at church on some Sundays. Since the opening of Victory Tabernacle Apostolic I have seen tremendous growth in every aspect of the church. From the expansion of the building to the growth of members and the different ministries in this Assembly. Victory Tabernacle and the saints have really helped to define who I am today. This assembly has kept me accountable in so many different aspects of my life and has helped me to mature both physically and spiritually. Victory Tabernacle has been a light house in this
community. So many times people have come up to me and told me their testimony about how this church has impacted their lives. From the leadership to the very saint this church has shown me that no matter what God is with us. I’ve seen this assembly come and even expand in culture. We’ve had some rough times but one thing this church has taught me in my life time is how to bounce back and to move forward. I am blessed to say the Victory Tabernacle Apostolic International Inc. is my home.
Choose to love each other even in that moment when you struggle to like each other. Love is a commitment not a feeling.
Keys to a Successful Marriage
Always answer the phone when your husband/ wife is calling and when possible, try to keep your phone off when you’re together with your spouse. Be sure to make time together a priority Budget for a consistent date night. Time is the “currency of relationship”. Consistently invest time into your marriage. Surround yourself with friends who will strengthen your marriage and remove yourself from people who may tempt you to compromise you character. Make laughter the soundtrack of your marriage Share moments of joy and even in the hard times find reasons to laugh. In every argument remember that there won’t be a “Winner” and a “Looser” you are partners in everything so you’ll either win together or looser together
How to work together to find a solution Remember that a strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It’s usually a husband and a wife taking turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak. Prioritize what happens in the bedroom it takes more than sex to build a strong marriage but nearly impossible to build a strong marriage without it. Remember that marriage is not a 50 – 50, Divorce is 50 – 50 Marriage is 100 – 100, it’s not splitting everything in half, but both partners giving everything they’ve got. Give your best to each other not leftovers after you’ve given your best to everyone else Learn from other people but don’t feel the need to compare your life or your marriage to anyone else’s God’s plan for your life is masterfully unique. Don’t put your marriage on hold while you’re raising your children or else you’ll end up with an empty nest or an empty marriage. Never keep secrets from each other secrecy is the enemy of intimacy. Never lie to each other. Lies break trust and trust is the foundation of a strong marriage. When you’ve made a mistake admit it and humbly seek forgiveness, you should be quick to say I AM Wrong, I Am Sorry, please forgive me. When your husband/wife breaks your trust give your forgiveness instantly which will promote healing and create the opportunity for trust to rebuild. You should be quick to say “I Love You, I forgive you, let’s move forward”.
Be patient with each other. Your spouse is always more important than your schedule. Model the kind of marriage that will make your sons want to grow up to be a good husband and your daughters want to grow up to be good wives. Never talk badly about your spouse to other people or vent about them on-line. Protect your spouse at all times and in all places. Always wear your wedding ring it will remind you that you’re always connected to your spouse and will remind the rest of the world that you’re off limits. Connect in community of faith, a good church can make a world of difference in your marriage and family pray together. Every marriage is stronger with God in the middle of it. Try to reconsider divorce as an option, remember that a perfect marriage is just two imperfect people, who refuse to give up on each other in all situations. Most of all keep God in the center of your relationship and it is ensured to be successful.
PASTOR ROBERT A. YOUNG Tabernacle Of Glory Orlando
obert A. Young is Snr. Pastor of Tabernacle of Glory Apostolic Church in Ocoee Florida. He was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on December 31, 1978. He received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost December 25th, 1978 at Christ Temple Apostolic Church Central Village Spanish Town Jamaica West Indies under the Ministry of the late Pastor J.S. Beckford. He has always been very passionate about the Word of God and the things of God since his youth. He received his call to ministry very early and touched many lives. A student of the Word, he studied at the Jamaica Theological Seminary and he is currently a student at the Baptist College of Florida and was awarded an Honorary Master Degree in Theology from Parkesburg Bible College. Over the years Pastor Young has been involved in bringing people together. He was past Chairman of the Jamaica Pentecostal Union Youth Arm and is currently working in the Central Florida region bringing Pastors to work together for Kingdom Building in the Central Florida Kingdom Alliance. He has been involved in several areas of the Ministry and loves the people of God. He is married to his beautiful wife Erica for over 25 years and is the proud father of 3 beautiful daughters, Martina, Akeima, and Robin who all serve in the ministry. Pastor Young’s approach to the Word is analytical and expository. His passion for the Word is manifested in His delivery and he endeavors to be Relevant, Empowering, Inspirational and Liberating (R.E.I.L). The challenges of life and ministry have groomed him, and he is quick to tell you, it is God’s grace and mercy that has sustained him. That same grace is available to all! To serve in God’s Kingdom is his greatest honor. His theme of Ministry is “Seeking Kingdom and Righteousness First!!” (St. Matt. 6:33). His Vision is for The Kingdom of God to be manifested in his life so that all men who hear the Gospel will come into a personal life changing relationship with Jesus Christ and be prepared and ready for His Second Coming.
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BISHOP ERNEST MCDONALD Emmanuel Apostolic Church Miramar
ishop McDonald was born in the parish of St. Ann, Jamaica, West Indies. He received his early childhood education in that same parish. He would, however through the divine will of God relocate to St Catherine for his secondary education. It was during these years at Dinthill High school that his call to the Lord’s service first became evident.
Bishop McDonald was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and later on baptized with the Holy Ghost at Linstead, St Catherine, Jamaica W.I. He faithfully served under the leadership of Bishop Frank Otto until he migrated to the United States. He recounts his early years in the faith as challenging years of growth and invaluable years of preparation for the ministry. He credits his survival to the encouragement and prayers of the church mothers and the gentle but firm guidance of his Pastor. His late dear mother is spoken of with much pride and reverence as his greatest role model. She was resolute not to have her son to be anything less than what the Lord had ordained for him to be. Bishop McDonald migrated to the U.S.A in 1982. He then got married to his best friend Ivett on October 30, 1982 and are the proud and supportive parents of three beautiful daughters (Jackie, Kimberly, and Joanna). Bishop McDonald speaks of his wife as being a tower of strength to himself and the ministry. “She is my best friend and my most honest and trusted critique”. Both share equal passion for the growth of the ministry and are the finest examples of service and care in the ministry. He recalls their plans to establish a lucrative business with their life savings and how the Lord intercepted their plan asking them to use it, instead to start His work in the city of Miramar. This for them was not difficult; they had grown to know the wisdom of God. In 1992 Bishop McDonald, his wife, and eleven other members assembled as a church for the first time at 2316 SW 36th Terrace in the city of Miramar. There were hard days but they depended on the Lord, and drawing from such pioneers as Bishop S.U.Thomas, Bishop F. Senior, Bishop F. Otto, and Bishop A. Dean, Bishop McDonald was able to set the template for worship and sacrifice with his small but faithful congregation. He credits the growth of his ministry tireless efforts of the leadership team and the camaraderie of the saints. He was ordained as a Bishop on Saturday, Nov. 24th, 2001 at the Emmanuel Apostolic Church Kingston, Jamaica by Bishop S. U. Thomas. Bishop McDonald is a worshipper, a father, a counselor, and an international speaker with a most relevant message for this generation. His spirit of humility is refreshing; his strength of spirit is coveted by most. He is known to captivate his audience through a myriad of presentations. His messages are delivered with authority, clarity and a twist of humor. He is inspired to transform the simplest of thought into a message of life-changing magnitude. His ministerial life is a reflection of that of Moses and David “being called away for such a time as this.” He is the shepherd of a growing congregation of over seven (700) hundred members. His greatest ambition is to win the lost for Christ, his vision to complete a debt free facility for the future generation of his assembly.
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PASTOR S. ROBERT STEWART Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc.
astor S. Robert Stewart is affectionately received as a “Man of a Great God.” In humility and excellence, he serves the body of Christ worldwide, both ministering to specific and corporate needs. Through strong foundational apostolic teaching, Pastor S. Robert Stewart has accepted the God-given mandate to ensure the preservation and propagation of the message. After 31 years of serving other pastors and building other ministries, Pastor Stewart was directed by the Holy Spirit in 1996 to establish Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. in Miami Gardens, Florida. A true visionary, consumed with a passion to evangelize, he accepted the directive to reach critical need areas and began the church in The Miami Inn Hotel. With the favor of God, and his Jesus-focused leadership, Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. has experienced tremendous growth thus becoming a pillar of strength in the Miami Gardens community and across the world. Pastor Stewart’s ministry has led him to minister across the United States, Canada, Venezuela, England, Argentina, The Philippines, Africa, and various Caribbean Islands. Pastor Stewart has made many significant contributions to the development of people and the community. His vision and dedication has led to the establishment of the following: The annual Focus on Jesus Summit Apostolic Fellowship International (created to foster unity among Apostolic churches), The annual Apostolic Camp International The Focus on Jesus Bible School The Beyond the Veil Retreat The Center for Advancement Restoration and Empowerment (CARE), GED classes Additional attempts to contribute positively to the community include the launching of PenTab Records, PenTab Academy Christian School, Pentecost Christian Bookstore and the Focus Media multi-media center. His personal motto “Focus on Jesus” has become the maxim by which the Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. family strives to live. Pastor Stewart is married to his wife of forty five years, Jennifer Stewart, and is the father of four children, and a grandfather of three.
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PASTOR ODANE JAMES Transformation Center Tampa
or though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! 1 Corinthians 9:15-17
Pastor Odane James is the Senior Pastor of the Transformation Center in Tampa, FL and is a fully licensed and ordained Elder. He serves his community in various capacities and is a Notary Public officer of the State of Florida. Reverend James ministers all over the world teaching and preaching the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. The ministry that God has entrusted within Pastor James has touched and impacted the lives of countless thousands by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit which operates through this anointed man of God. Pastor James is a gift to the body of Christ and an inspiration to people everywhere, proving that God can take the broken pieces of a shattered life and use it for His glory.
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Journey Samantha Denton by:
y name is Samantha Denton. I was born in Mandeville, Jamaica, the oldest of six children to parents Jennifer Smith and Michael Johnson. I grew up in the Apostolic Church, was baptized at an early age, and at 10 years old I was saved. For most of my life all I knew was church. When I was younger, going to church was not an option. My mom went to church and she made sure all of her children went to church. Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. Church became my life; a lifestyle that could be shaken, but not easily broken. Things in my life changed when I migrated to Florida at the age of 19 years old, along with my sister, to live with our dad in 2003. God saw the years my mom
struggled as a single parent to send us to school and the opportunity finally came. This was the opportunity of a lifetime that I dreamt of to further my education. I had to start over from scratch - even though I had a high school diploma from Jamaica - to gain the college benefits of a Florida resident. The first thing I did was take the GED class and gained my high school diploma. In my new life here in America, my dad wasn’t a Christian and didn’t go to church, but my sister and I found an apostolic church to attend. Things didn’t work out the way I had hoped. Needless to say within a year of being here in America, I found myself on my own struggling. Somewhere along the line situations out of my control happened. I got discouraged and eventually lost my way in the world. The enemy seems to come at the most vulnerable times in my life, at my lowest points,
and deceive me. Somehow, six month pregnant, I found my way back to God and things in my life started to change for the better. God took my mess and made it a testimony. The people I was hanging out with were the same ones that invited me to follow them to Victory Tabernacle Apostolic Church, Avon Park Florida one night.
Avon Park, Florida. My daughter was only a few months old but with the help of my spiritual parents and the church that God placed in my life, I was able to continue schooling. I earned my Practical Nursing License in 2008 then transition to the Registered Nursing program and earned my Registered Nursing License in 2010. When I thought that was it, God opened the door for me again and in May 2016 I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing. Throughout all these different college programs, I was on the honor roll and each time I graduated with distinctions. A motto I live I remember it as if it were yesterday when Pastor by: “God plus education equals Williams asked if any backsliders wanted to return to success” (God + education = God. I made up in my mind that night that I would success). serve the Lord no matter what came my way. Something marvelous happened to me that night; the moment I During this whole time in school I decided in my mind to forsake all and follow God, God never gave up on God or ministry filled me with the Holy Ghost. He didn’t just save me. and I remained active in church. I My friends were also baptized that very same night. was a secretary and group leader in the youth ministry, sang with the youth choir and My encouragement to others things will get hard at the praise expression group. I am currently singing times but don’t ever give up on God and leave church. A on the praise and worship team, am part of the adult word of knowledge from my pastor: (paraphrasing what choir ministry, and teach Sunday school. Sometimes I Pastor Williams would say) “No matter how bad things wonder how I did it but it wasn’t me; it was God. I was get, stay in the ship and no lives will be lost.” a full time mom working a full time job and going to school. My favorite bible verse Philippians 4:13 states “I God turned things around in my life even after my can do all things through Christ which who strengthens daughter Crishonda Hutchinson was born on June 6, me”. When you really love God, and are committed 2006. I will be honest, the struggles did come being a and passionate about His kingdom, it doesn’t become a single mom and raising a child. I even hit rock bottom burden to serve. God seems to bless my life at the most and lost almost everything, but I remembered my unexpected times. I am married to a wonderful, loving commitment to God even in the most difficult times in and caring man of God, Rohan Denton. We celebrated my life. Hebrews 13:5 “…. I will never leave thee, nor our one year wedding anniversary on February 27, forsake thee” and if there’s no test there’s no testimony. 2017. Who could it be? Nobody but God. All glory, honor, and praise belongs to God. I furthered my education at South Florida State College,
I Have Been Changed By: Luzedy Ocasio
t’s astonishing to realize that the same God who formulated every grain of sand in its uniqueness, every mountain, and every creature in its individuality, is thinking about you even when you’re not thinking about Him.
Before I knew God, I failed to see just how unsatisfied, unhappy, and incomplete my life was. I found myself filling a void with things that were outside of God when it was a cavity only fit for God. I made mistakes, I walked with the wrong group of people, and I lacked maturity. Yet still, God protected me, kept me, blessed me, and saw me through every valley and barrier. God Himself says it this way, “Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life” (Isaiah 43:4). However, it was not until I hit one of my lowest points that I was invited to church, Victory Tabernacle to be exact. When I first went to Victory, I saw people from all kinds of backgrounds, raising their hands, crying
somberly as crystal clear tears ran down the surface of their cheeks, and tongues rambled off in a strange language, indecipherable to me. I had never seen anything quite like it and if truth be told I was skeptical. However, God began working in me; The Lord planted a burning desire, a desperate need to get to know Him, talk to Him, and build a relationship with Him. So surely as I began to seek God, as I began asking and knocking, God did exactly what He promised; He filled me up. Jesus worded it this way in Matthew 5;6,“Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled”. After I spent some time in God, I began to grow and blossom in ways I never fathomed and before I knew it I was baptized and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. When I got the revelation of who God was my life changed forever. I was no longer lost, empty, or alone. Instead I found my shepherd, a comforter, my rock, my shield, and my defense. I had finally let God touch
me and fill the void that was present in my life. This pushed me to drastically change my sense of self in more ways than I could ever express or expound on. When God touched my life it required a change and as I became receptive to the Word of God, most aspects of my day to day life did indeed begin to alter. Everything from the way I dressed, to the way I talked, to how I acted, and how I carried myself saw a new light. Even how I reacted in certain situations became noticeably different. When I reached difficult obstacles or when I had to deal with the baggage that I still managed to drag around, the Word of God became my weapon, specifically Isaiah 43:2. This scripture was my go-to as it reminded me that God was ALWAYS there; “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee”.
No amount of words could suffice or even begin to describe how grateful and life fulfilling being called a child of God is. It has been a year and month since I have been saved and it is my desire to stay connected and in the perfect will of God. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away”(Revelation 21:4).
You see us sing and clap and shout Our excitement you wonder what it’s all about It’s our glorious hope since Christ we’ve found We’ve got God’s seal And its heaven for real
Heaven Real for
by Evangelist Valerie Davy
Heaven, our Lord’s abode Heaven, house of many mansions Clothed in white to sup with the Lamb We’ll worship Christ forever more Yes! It’s heaven for real!!! Here many seek to put down roots Large estates are all their care Forgetting we’re but pilgrims here Our treasures in heaven should be laid We’re sure for works we’ll all be paid Tho it tarries and alone you feel One sweet day ’twill be heaven for real For in a time unknown to mortal man The trump of God shall sound Blood washed ones will be heaven bound Saints of all nations and generations We’ll meet in this blessed translation So, come on saints, stand your ground! In peace and holiness in Him be found! Be counted now and bear his name The cross will never bring us shame It’s heaven for real! No more fear, no more tear No more pain, no more death No more curse as the scripture says Oh, clap your hands! Oh, shout for joy! For Holy! Holy! Holy! our Lord we’ll crown We have God’s seal! Its heaven for real!
Year of Miracles W
e often assume that the delay of the answer to our prayers means it will not come but I dare to challenge your frame of thought. Your wait is not in vain, the diligence of your prayer is not left unheard you’re in the season of waiting. This waiting period is the period of time between when an action is requested or mandated and when it occurs. It can be frustrating but it is life changing. SLOW DOWN! We are always in a sense of urgency to transform to the next level. This mindset devours us in the spiritual aspect of our lives. While most of us are in a hurry, God is taking his own sweet time, for the Scriptures says, “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end
it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Peter goes on to say; But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The problem for us with waiting is not having all the details. From our perspective, we have everything figured out and we want God to move within our time frame. Waiting is a part of life and one of God’s tools for developing people. WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG? During this period of waiting God wants you to seek his will, build a relationship with him and increase your faith. The hardest thing to do is to hold on to the promise when the pieces doesn’t look like the picture and the scenery doesn’t match the story
but, as a believer you ought to know that God will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born. As we declared at the beginning of the year that 2017 is the year of miracles. The truth is some will receive this year others next year and another 5 years from now. One thing remains the Lord is not slack concerning his promise and his word will not return unto him void. Your miracle is coming and the formula to receive it is: •Keep being fervent in prayer • Diligent in waiting •Keep a spirit of expectancy •Eliminate Hindrance •CLAIM IT •RECEIVE IT IN Jesus name. God bless you.
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