Estratto cooking flowers

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Daniela Bencivenni and Cecilia Meacci


Libreria Editrice Fiorentina

Table of contents

Introduction Acacia Bitter Orange - Arancio amaro Borage - Borragine Marigold - Calendula Lavender - Lavanda Primrose - Primula Rose - Rosa Rosemary - Rosmarino Sage - Salvia Elder - Sambuco Violet - Viola Mammola Squash - Zucca Advice for harvesting and preparation Other uses in cooking �e association “Il Luogo Comune”

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Introduction At �rst, the subject matter of this culinary collection may evoke a gourmet niche cuisine, more form than substance. You would be quite surprised, however, if you consider the amount of �owers that are part of recipes that are frequently prepared. Broccoli, artichokes, cauli�ower and capers, just to mention a few of the most common. �ese are vegetables that we usually don’t consider as �owers but are seasonally present on our dinner tables. Culinary use of �owers has a very long history and includes many �oral species. �ere are recipes and preparations in the cuisine of ancient Rome, in medieval manuscripts, in the oriental traditional cuisine, in the Mediterranean, in which �owers are not only present in recipes but also in traditional medicine. Flowers have always held a prominent position in the rural world and many are, in fact, the preparations made from �owers that are seasonally present in domestic rural life. Age old knowledge from inhabitants of our rural communities recommend harvesting �owers and herbs when the oils responsible for �avor and aroma are at their peak. �at is when they have just bloomed, or for many plants, a�er 5

�ower buds appear but just before they open. Harvest early in the morning, a�er dew dries, but before heat of the day. In many cases ritual is part of the harvesting process. For example, chamomile �owers in many parts of Italy, are detached from the plant with the le� hand, being careful not to let them fall to the ground until one’s return home. Consider also the many uses of �owers that have been handed down to us through the ages. Healing properties using hawthorn for high blood pressure and palpitations, to those of St. John’s Wort against evil eye and for the preparation of an excellent oil for burns. Elderberry’s �owers as a sudori�c, and lavender �owers used as a sedative. Examples for household use of �owers are thousands. Lavender and helichrysum to scent linen, rosewater as a wonderful skin tonic, Stonecrop (sedum thelephium) is said to protect the home. �is small collection of recipes with �owers as an ingredient is only a small sample of recipes gathered which use easily found �owers to prepare sweet and savory dishes. To simplify the use of this recipe book, in the �rst section, the recipes have been grouped by �ower, with information on 6

the main characteristics of its traditional healing properties. In the last section, emphasis is on more general information that shows the ways to use the various �owers and are grouped by type of preparation.


ACACIA Robinia pseudo-acacia L. - Fam. Leguminose Nomi comuni: robinia, gaggia, acacia English common name: Acacia Native of North America, this plant has spread in Italy especially in the subalpine area and grows so well as to be considered invasive. �e scented and melliferous �owers provide a delicate mono�oral honey among the most �uid and with a slow crystallization. Traditionally, the �ower is used dipped in a batter, then fried. It is important however, not to exceed in quantity, because the plant contains in all of its parts, especially in the bark and in the roots, irritating substances for the digestive system.

Sweet Acacia �ower fritters Ingredients: 125 g �our, 1 egg, a pinch of salt, 2 tbs olive oil, 1 cup beer, 1 cup water, 3 tbs brandy, 5 clusters of acacia �owers not fully bloomed. Place the clusters on a dish, sprinkle with sugar and brandy, put aside for about two hours. Prepare a batter with the �our, 8

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