Abc141_2014 03

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ABC Interactive English Magazine

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發 行 人



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王玉華 戈思聰 吳妍蒨



林美蘭 林嘉琪 吳永泰



羅良溪 洪文櫻 傅惠萍

戴維揚(國立臺灣師範大學英語系教授) 總 編 輯 陳豫弘 執 行 主 編 徐凡婷


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廖彥傑 邱玉琦


Vincent Stoia


黃郁璇 呂惠玲


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Mike Tennant, Mandy Roveda, Vincent Stoia


吳曉惠 張定安 潘韻芳 詹瑋綸 陳彥伶 Jennifer Lee, Nick Wheeler


王儀華 陳筱葳 葉懿卿 呂孟欣 張桂綿 周原億 張震華 陳芷儀 阮德恩 張鳳萍 張美美 曾書慧

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q 聽、說、讀、寫,四大學習功能 及難易度區分


w 廣播課程講解播出日期 e 參考單字




e r

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u i

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96 04 87








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ONTENTS ABC Interactive English Magazine

ABC 答客問 學習計畫表

08 09

No. 141 March 2014




課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 08 慢速 MP3 45


Staying at a Bed and Breakfast




全民英檢初級模擬試題 課文朗讀  CD ⁄ MP3 31-34




課文朗讀  CD ⁄ MP3 19



課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 02 慢速 MP3 39













課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 12-13 慢速 MP3 49-50 課程講解  MP3 75-76

The Next Pop Star

The Machine That Sells Everything





課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 14-16 慢速 MP3 51-53 課程講解  MP3 77-79


繪製復活節彩蛋 活用 ABC:




課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 06-07 慢速 MP3 43-44 課程講解  MP3 70-71



Think on Your Feet 培養隨機應變的能力


販賣機無奇不有: 什麼都賣,什麼都不奇怪




課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 03-05 慢速 MP3 40-42 課程講解  MP3 67-69




Using English to Rent Things




活用 ABC 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 09-11 慢速 MP3 46-48 課程講解  MP3 72-74

Indoor Activities 56


課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 01 慢速 MP3 38

用英語發牢騷 常見錯誤 vacation vs. holiday



Japan’s Most Popular Art 享譽國際的日本動漫藝術



下載方式: q 透過互動光碟下載:在桌面點選「我的電腦」→游標滑至互動光碟後「按右鍵」→選擇「開啟」→點選「MP3」資料夾。 w 透過網路下載:請至 LiveABC 官方網站「下載專區」→「雜誌音檔下載」,登入會員後即可下載。





課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 25 慢速 MP3 61 課程講解  MP3 87

課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 17 慢速 MP3 54 課程講解  MP3 80

Toilet Culture

Skip’s Super Soccer Sneakers!


黃金肉腳——史吉普 一本好書


課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 26-27 慢速 CD ⁄ MP3 62-63



Starters 安妮信箱 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 18 慢速 MP3 55 課程講解  MP3 81



What Do You Do on Weekends? 你週末都做些什麼? 玩味生活 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 28-29 慢速 MP3 64-65


Dancing Lights 有聲有色



課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 20-21 慢速 MP3 56-57 課程講解  MP3 82-83

The Lego Movie 《樂高玩電影》 互動光碟收錄精彩預告片

Noah 《諾亞方舟》 聽說圖寫 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 30 慢速 MP3 66

How to Grow Potted Plants 短篇故事集 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 22-24 慢速 MP3 58-60 課程講解  MP3 84-86

Hobnail 鞋釘





Complaining 用英語發牢騷 課文 正常:CD / MP3 01 朗讀 慢速:MP3 38



Week 1 In the Office 在辦公室

At a Restaurant 在餐廳

coworker is way too loud. 03 My 我同事的音量實在太大了。

service here is terrible. 10 The 這裡的服務很糟糕。

keep doing the same job 04 Iagain and again.

food is too dry. 11 This 這食物太乾了。


boss isn’t fair* to me. 05 My 我的老闆對我不公平。 job is tiring me out.* 06 This 這工作快把我累死了。 salary* is too low. 07 My 我的薪水太低了。

fair [ f5r ] adj. 公平的 tire (sb) out 使(某人)精疲力竭 salary [ `s1l4r6 ] n. 薪水 6

Week 2

waitress is a bit rude. 12 The 那個女服務生不太禮貌。 isn’t our food ready yet? 13 Why 為什麼我們的食物還沒來? aren’t enough choices 14 There on the menu. 菜單上的選擇不夠多。

A Sentence a Day

Week 3

Week 4

On the Road

At Home



is so heavy today. 17 Traffic 今天路上很塞車。

rent is a bit too high. 24 Our 我們的房租有點太貴了。

in this city are terrible 18 People drivers.

room is such a mess.* 25 This 這個房間亂得不像話。


impossible to park 19 It’s around here. 這附近根本沒辦法停車。

guy almost hit me! 20 That 那個人差點就要撞到我了! road has so many 21 This potholes.* 這條路也太多坑洞了吧。

apartment doesn’t get 26 Our enough sunlight. 我們的公寓沒有充足的光線。

dog tore up* our couch! 27 The 狗把我們的躺椅咬得破破爛爛的! are so many 28 There mosquitoes in this room. 這個房間裡有好多蚊子。

air conditioner* can’t 31 The keep the room cool. 房間的冷氣不冷。

pothole [ `p3t%hol ] n.


mess [ m5s ] n. 髒亂 tear up 撕碎 (tear [ t5r ]-tore [ tor ]-torn [ torn ]) air conditioner [ 5r ] [ k4n`d6]4n0 ] 冷氣機;空調裝置

每日精彩解說請看 DVD 互動光碟電視教學節目,或上 ABC 互動英語臉書 觀看。 也可由互動光碟主畫面點選「安裝每日一句」程式,於電腦開機時即會自動出現當日之實用句。


ABC答客問 「恍神」英文怎麼說?

ABC 答客問

I tried to speak to Bob, but he was in a trance. 我想和鮑伯說話,但他那時候有點恍神。

trance [ tr1ns ] 是名詞「出神;發呆」之意,in a trance 指的就是「處 在恍惚狀態」。

• Tony has been in a trance all day, so I think he is in love. 東尼一整天都心不在焉,所以我想他戀愛了。


A: Why shouldn’t I agree to Joe’s idea? 我為什麼不該贊同喬的想法?

B: Because if you give Joe an inch, he’ll take a mile. 因為他會得寸進尺。

Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile. 字面意思是「給他一英寸, 他就會拿走一英里」,意同中文所說的「得寸進尺」。其他類似說法還包 括:take advantage [ 4d`v1nt6d. ] of (sb)「佔(某人)便宜」、walk all over (sb)「爬到(某人)頭上」等。 • A: Why don’t you want to be a teacher? 你為何不想當老師?

B: I’m afraid that the students will walk all over me. 我怕學生會爬到我頭上。


A: I know that you made a bad decision. 我就知道你做了一個不好的決定。

B: Don’t be a Monday morning quarterback. 少放馬後炮了。

quarterback [ `kw7rt0%b1k ] 是「(美式足球的)四分衛」,球場上所 有球員都必須聽四分衛的指揮。在美國,美式足球賽於週末舉行,球 賽比完之後,球迷都會在星期一早上討論週末的比賽,他們通常會講: 「如果我是四分衛的話,我就會……」,所以這些 Monday morning quarterbacks 其實都是在「放馬後炮」。

• A: Alex thinks we made the wrong choice yesterday. 艾力克斯覺得我們昨天做了錯誤的決定。

B: He’s just a Monday morning quarterback. 8


Don’t forget the ABC TV program!

2014 March No. 141

學習計畫表 3



月 學習進度自我檢測






 


「圍棋」的英文 叫做“GO"

(KTV 包廂)



 


本月焦點 「驚世」美聲天后 Part C p. 14












培養隨機應變 的能力 l p. 16

培養隨機應變 的能力 ll p. 17



與 civil 有關的 英文辭彙

What’s the situation? 「現在情況如何?」





karaoke booth





「驚世」美聲天后 Part B p. 13

turn up/down volume




「驚世」美聲天后 Part A p. 12




活用 ABC

活用 ABC

活用 ABC


用英語租借物品 Part A p. 22

用英語租借物品 Part B p. 23

用英語租借物品 Part C p. 24

販賣機無奇不有 l

販賣機無奇不有 lI

p. 26

p. 27




租車英語攏 A 通

 


DVD 特別收錄 (special bonus)




out of order = 故障

「夾娃娃機」英文 怎麼說?









享譽國際的日本 動漫藝術 l p. 28

享譽國際的日本 動漫藝術 ll p. 29

享譽國際的日本 動漫藝術 lll p. 30



pp. 31–35

pp. 36–37

anime (n.) 日本動漫




  有聲有色



p. 40

p. 41

lego「樂高」 vs. block「積木」


聖經故事 Noah’s Ark


什麼是 athlete’s foot ?

cosplay = costume + play

ninja「忍者」∕ ninjutsu「忍術」






撲克牌四種花色的 英文說法





鞋釘 l

鞋釘 ll

鞋釘 lll

pp. 42–43

p. 44

p. 45

scary (adj.)





What does “headless” mean?



第一週 pp. 12~17


第二週 pp. 22~27

pp. 46–47

第三週 pp. 28~37 「蹲式廁所」這樣說:

squat toilet


第四週 pp. 40~47


 本月焦點


圖解字典 Picture Dictionary

Indoor Activities 室內活動

課文 正常:CD / MP3 02 朗讀 慢速:MP3 39

1. watching TV [ `w3t]6; ] [ `ti`vi ]

4. singing karaoke 看電視

Leon is watching TV in the living room. 里昂正在客廳看電視。

2. playing board games [ `ple6; ] [ bord ] [ gemz ]


Kevin loves playing board games. 凱文喜歡玩桌上遊戲。

3. cooking [ `k8k6; ] 烹飪 Emma loves cooking with her daughter. 10


[ `s6;6; ] [ %k5ri`oki ] 唱卡拉 OK Vincent thinks that singing karaoke is so boring. 文森覺得唱卡拉 OK 很無聊。

5. doing yoga [ `du6; ] [ `jog4 ] 做瑜珈 Doing yoga is great for your body. 做瑜珈對身體很好。

6. surfing the Internet [ `s-f6; ] [ \6 ] [ `6nt0%n5t ]


Adam read a cool story when he was surfing the Internet. 亞當上網時讀到一篇很棒的故事。

Monthly Focus

7. doing a puzzle [ `du6; ] [ 4 ] [ `p9zy ]


I like doing puzzles, but I can never solve them. 我喜歡拼拼圖,可是我從來都沒辦法拼完。

8. chatting online [ `t]1t6; ] [ `3n%la6n ]


Fred is chatting online with his girlfriend right now. 弗瑞德現在正在網路上和女朋友聊天。

9. playing computer games [ `ple6; ] [ k4m`pjut0 ] [ gemz ] 玩電腦遊戲 Playing computer games is a waste of time. 玩電腦遊戲很浪費時間。

10. listening to music [ `l6s4n6; ] [ tu ] [ `mjuz6k ]


Noah listens to music when he is in a bad mood. 諾亞心情不好時就聽音樂。

11. working out [ `w-k6; ] [ a8t ]


Working out can make you healthy and strong. 健身可以讓你健康又強壯。

12. knitting [ `n6t6; ]


David loves knitting his own clothes. 大衛喜歡自己織衣服穿。


 本月焦點


á 重點單字 1200

1. break [ brek ] v. 摔斷;使碎裂 (break-broke-broken) If you break a mirror, you’ll have bad luck. 打破鏡子會為你帶來惡運。


2. clear [ kl6r ] adj. 晴朗的

On a clear day, you can see the ocean from my house.

t x e N e h T

r a t S Pop 后

聲天 美 」 「驚世

天氣晴朗時,從我家看得到海。 1200

3. weather [ `w5\0 ] n. 天氣

I hope the weather will be nice tomorrow.

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:53 秒

希望明天是好天氣。 2000

4. hardly [ `h3rdl6 ] adv. 幾乎不

Doug hardly speaks Chinese. 道格幾乎不講中文。


remote control [ r6`mot ] [ k4n`trol ]


á 學習焦點

1. Take your time.

• A: I need a few more minutes. 我還需要幾分鐘的時間。 That’s fine. Take your 沒關係,慢慢來。


2. keep (sb) company 陪伴(某人) company [ `k9mp4n6 ] 在此是不可數名詞,表示「陪伴」 的意思。

• Kelly kept me company at the clinic. 凱莉在診所裡陪我。

3. on 當形容詞的用法  表示「正在上演的、放映的」(如文中用法):

• That show about ghosts is on. 現在正在播放與鬼魂相關的節目。  表示「正在發生的;正在進行的」:

• Is the party still on right now? 派對現在還在進行嗎?  隨堂測驗‧是非題

_____ q Nick broke his leg. _____ w Nick does yoga when the weather is good. _____ e Leah’s favorite show is on. _____ r Nick has to buy a remote control. 12



課文 正常:CD / MP3 03 朗讀 慢速:MP3 40

課程 MP3 講解 67

Leah and Nick are coming home from the hospital. 莉雅和尼克從醫院回到家裡。

Nick: Take your time. 慢慢來。



Part A

Leah: Ow! I still can’t believe that I broke1

my leg. Thanks for helping me. You’re a good friend. Nick: You’re welcome. I can keep you

company today. Leah: Thanks! What should we do? It’s

clear2 and sunny, but I have to stay inside. Nick: When the weather3 is bad, I usually

do yoga. I guess that’s impossible. Leah: Yeah. I can’t do yoga or work out for

a month. I can hardly4 walk! Nick: Do you want to watch TV? Your

favorite show is on. Leah: OK. Give me the remote control.*

ut How abo raoke? ka singing

Monthly Focus

á 重點單字 2000

1. seafood [ `si%fud ] n. 海鮮

You can get great seafood in Hong Kong. 在香港可以吃到很頂級的海產。


2. upstairs [ `9p`st5rz ] adj. 樓上的

Edward closed the upstairs window. 愛德華把樓上的窗戶關起來了。


3. closet [ `kl3z6t ] n. 衣櫥

I have so much stuff in my closet.

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:1 秒 06 秒

我的衣櫥裡有好多東西。 1200

Part B



課文 正常:CD / MP3 04 朗讀 慢速:MP3 41

4. neighbor [ `neb0 ] n. 鄰居

Holly invited her neighbors to the Christmas party.

課程 MP3 講解 68


Nick turns off the TV.

á 學習焦點


Leah: Watching TV was boring. Let’s do

something else. Nick: Want to try cooking? We can make

1. 動名詞當主詞和受詞的用法 所謂動名詞就是原形動詞後面加上 ing(V-ing),例如, speak → speaking、tell → telling、write → writing (字尾去 e 加 ing)。動名詞具有名詞的功能,可以當作句 子的主詞,或是動詞、介系詞的受詞。

• It’s dark. Swimming in the lake is not safe.



Leah: Sorry, but I can’t walk around a

• Paula really loves walking in the park. 寶拉很喜歡在公園散步。(當動詞的受詞)

kitchen. Do you want to play a board game? The games are in the upstairs2 closet.3 Nick: OK. I’ll go get them.

• Tina is very careful about making friends

online. 蒂娜對於網路交友很謹慎。(當介系詞的受詞)

2. something else 其他事物

(An hour later, they finish a game.)

else [ 5ls ] 表示「其他;另外」,需置於不定代名詞(如 something、anything、anyone 等)的後面。

Leah: That was fun. We can try knitting

• If you don’t want pancakes, you can have something else.

next, or maybe… Wait! How about singing karaoke? I love that.


• Should I bring anything else on my trip? 我這趟旅行應該另外帶什麼東西嗎?


Nick: The neighbors might get angry. Your

singing voice is a little, um… special. Leah: When you say special, do you mean

that it’s bad? That’s so rude! Let’s set up the karaoke machine.

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62 頁

ABC 超音波 u_e 發 [ u ] 的音,如文中的 rude 和常見的 assume、 flute、include 等。

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Shrimp is my favorite __________. w Joe put his hat in the __________.


 本月焦點


á 重點單字

wn ep it do e k e s a Ple w on. from no


1. noisy [ `n76z6 ] adj. 吵鬧的

That is a crowded and noisy night market. 那是一個擁擠又吵鬧的夜市。


2. apologize [ 4`p3l4%d.a6z ] v. 道歉 Matt apologized to Sophie. 麥特向蘇菲道歉。


3. appreciate [ 4`pri]6%et ] v. 感謝 I really appreciate your help. 我非常感謝你的幫忙。

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:1 秒 13 秒

Part C


4. officer [ `7f6s0 ] n. 警察;警官 (為 police officer「警察」的簡稱)



課文 正常:CD / MP3 05 朗讀 慢速:MP3 42

Is there something wrong, officer?

課程 MP3 講解 69

Leah finishes a song, and someone rings the doorbell. 莉雅唱完一首歌,有人來按門鈴。

警官,請問有什麼問題嗎? á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) wants (sth) to + V. (某人)想要、希望(某事物)(做某事)。

• I want the dog to stop barking.

(police officer = P.O.)


P.O.: Hello. Someone called us and said

that you’re too noisy.


2. Hang on. 等一下。

Wait a minute. 也可表達相似語意。

• Hang on. / Wait a minute. Can you explain

Nick: I apologize.2 We should stop. We can

that again, please?

just listen to music.


P.O.: I a p p r e c i a t e 3 t h a t . W h e n y o u r

3. keep (sth) down 降低…… 為可分動詞片語,遇到代名詞時(如文中的 it),需寫成 keep it down。

neighbor called us, he sounded so angry.

• Grandma is sleeping, so keep your voice


Nick: I wasn’t angry! I just wanted the


singing to stop. I mean… um… Leah: Hang on. Nick, you called the

police??? Nick: No. I was talking about something

else. I… P.O.: I should go. Please keep it down from

now on. Good night. Nick: Officer,4 I think I need you to protect

me. I’m going to leave with you! 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62 頁


ABC 超音波 all 發 [ 7l ] 的音,如文中的 call 和常見的 all、fall、 ball、wall 等。

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Our boss __________ our hard work. w New York is a very __________ city.

Monthly Focus

H Listening Test 聽力測驗 本測驗依照「國中教育會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提供 準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track 35 或使 用 DVD-Rom/CD-Rom 互動光碟,進入本課之後點選「會考 聽力測驗」即可作答;或至 LiveABC 官網下載 MP3 音檔。

Ⅰ 辨識句意 請聽語音播出的試題,根據圖意選出一個相符合的答案,每題 播出一次。 _____ 1.




_____ 5. A Me too. I remember all of it. B I know. You talk about high school all the time. C Me too. I forgot most of my high school life. _____ 6. A Sorry. My computer is broken.

B All right. Let’s meet at the coffee shop. C Sorry, but I can’t find my cell phone.

_____ 7. A Yeah. He lives in my apartment.

B Yes. He lives in the house next door. C He is. His house is so far from mine.

_____ 8. A I think I can make really nice pictures.

B I want to make really good food. C I want to make my own clothes.

Ⅲ 言談理解

_____ 2.




請聽語音播出一段對話和相關問題後,選出一個最適當的選 項,每題播出一次。 _____ 9. A They’re in a kitchen.

B They’re in a garden. C They’re in a living room.

_____ 10. A She wants him to hold her hand.

_____ 3.




B She wants him to wait. C She wants him to go faster.

_____ 11. A The woman wants to exercise. B The woman wants to do something different.

C The man does not want to exercise.

_____ 12. A It is in several pieces.

Ⅱ 基本問答 請聽語音播出的一個問句或直述句後,選出一個最適當的回應 選項,每題播出一次。 _____ 4. A Sure. I’ll speak more clearly.

B All right. I’ll talk more loudly. C Sorry. I’ll be quiet.

B It is too small. C It is not clean.

_____ 13. A He stayed at home all day.

B He stayed with his friend. C He worked at his company.

_____ 14. A There were no clouds in the sky.

B There were many clouds in the sky. C There were just a few clouds in the sky. 聽力測驗解答請見第 62 頁


 品格英語


á 重點單字 2000

1. decision [ d6`s6.4n ] n. 決定

You don’t have the right to make this decision. 你無權做這個決定。


Think on Your Feet 培養隨機應變的能力

2. sudden [ `s9dx ] adj. 突然的

The sudden heavy rain made me wet. 那場驟雨讓我淋成落湯雞。


3. difficulty [ `d6f4%k9lt6 ] n. 困難

Call me if you have any difficulties. 有任何困難都可以打電話給我。


4. choice [ t]76s ] n. 選擇

How many choices do you have? 你有多少選擇?


situation [ %s6t]8`e]4n ] n. 情況 flexible [ `fl5ks4by ] adj. 可變通的;靈活的 á 學習焦點

1. work out 行得通;奏效 另一常見意思為「健身」。

• I doubt if your idea will work out. 我不確定你的點子是否行得通。

• Nick works out at the gym twice a week. 尼克一週上健身房兩次。

2. stay calm 保持冷靜 stay 在此是連綴動詞「保持、維持(某狀態)」之意, 其後接形容詞。

• I hope I can stay young and pretty

forever. 我希望我可以永保青春美麗。

• Tiffany asked her students to stay quiet. 蒂芬妮要求她的學生保持安靜。

ABC 超音波 sion 發 [ .4n ] 的音,如文中的 decision 以及常見 的 television、conclusion 等。

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q We have a few __________, but we can fix

them. w We made a __________ change in our plans. 16



課文 正常:CD / MP3 06 朗讀 慢速:MP3 43

課程 MP3 講解 70

Can you think on your feet? Thinking on your feet means making quick decisions. 1 When you have sudden2 difficulties,3 you might have to think on your feet. Before you do something, you should make a plan first. This makes things easier. However, situations * often change. Sometimes, your plan won’t work out. When this happens, you have two choices.4 First, you can get angry and give up. Second, you can stay calm, think on your feet, and change your plan. Life is crazy sometimes. If you’re flexible,* you can deal with all kinds of situations.

Building Character

á 重點單字 2000

1. general [ `d.5n4r4l ] n. 將軍 Julia’s father is a general. 茱莉亞的父親是一位將軍。


2. key [ ki ] adj. 關鍵的;重要的

Lucas failed a very key exam. 盧卡斯搞砸了一場非常重要的考試。


3. brave [ brev ] adj. 勇敢的

Don’t cry. You should be braver. 不要哭,你應該勇敢一點。


4. hero [ `h6ro ] n. 英雄

The hero saved the whole country. 那位英雄拯救了整個國家。


American Civil War [ 4`m5r6k4n ] [ `s6vy ] [ w7r ] 美國南北戰爭

battle [ `b1ty ] n. bullet [ `b8l6t ] n.



課文 正常:CD / MP3 07 朗讀 慢速:MP3 44

課程 MP3 講解 71

Joshua Chamberlain was a general1 in the American Civil War.* He fought in a very key2 battle.* Chamberlain had a good plan, but everything went wrong during the battle. Some soldiers didn’t have enough bullets.* Other soldiers were in the wrong place. Chamberlain’s first plan failed. Soon, he came up with another plan. His new plan worked, and he saved the day. Chamberlain faced a very difficult situation. However, he was able to think quickly. Today, we call him a brave 3 hero4 who changed history. 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62 頁

戰爭;戰鬥 子彈

á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) was a(n) + N. + in the + N. (某人)以前是……的一位……。 第一個名詞是身分或職業,第二個名詞是事件或場景。

• Jeffery was a judge in the contest. 傑弗瑞是那場比賽的裁判。

• Andrew was a minor actor in the play. 安德魯是該劇中的配角。

2. save the day 扭轉局面;反敗為勝 意指將原先不好的狀況改善。

• When the party ran out of food, Dora

bought a pizza and saved the day. 就在派對上的食物所剩無幾時,朵拉買了披薩過來, 替大家解圍。

ABC 超音波 ew 發 [ ju ] 的音,如文中的 new 以及常見的 few、 knew、nephew 等。

 隨堂測驗‧是非題

_____ q All of Chamberlain’s soldiers were in the right place. _____ w Chamberlain had to make a second plan. 17


Staying at a Bed and Breakfast 來去民宿住一晚

課文 正常:CD / MP3 08 朗讀 慢速:MP3 45

Andrew and Juliet are going to stay at a bed and breakfast in Hualien. 安德魯和茱麗葉要去花蓮的民宿住一晚。

They select1 a B&B that is suitable for 1 them.


It’s NT$1,100 per night. 每晚一千一百元。

á 重點單字 2000

1. select [ s4`l5kt ] v. 挑選

I like all of these hats, but I can’t select a color. 我喜歡這所有的帽子,可是不知道要挑哪個顏色。


2. train station [ tren ] [ `ste]4n ] n. 火車站 We can get a taxi in front of the train station. 我們可以在火車站前面叫計程車。



* flavor [ `flev0 ] n.



3. dresser [ `dr5s0 ] n. (附有鏡子的)衣櫥

Gina folded her clothes and put them in her dresser. 吉娜將衣服摺好放到衣櫥裡。


How much is this one?


Andrew calls the B&B and makes a

2 reservation.

4. admire [ 4d`ma6r ] v. 欣賞

Yes. One room is available.

People admire John because he’s so hardworking.


大家都很欣賞約翰,因為他工作非常努力。 á 學習焦點

1. be suitable for


suitable [ `sut4by ] 為形容詞「適合的」之意。 • That job is suitable for Maggie. 那個工作很適合瑪姬。

Do you have an open room on Saturday, March 15th?


2. make a reservation

預訂 %r5z0`ve]4n 是可數名詞,表示「預訂; reservation [ ] 預約」。

• That restaurant is popular, so we should

make a reservation.

安德魯打電話給民宿訂房。 STEP

They use an ATM to send a deposit* to

3 the B&B.


Here you go. 在這裡。



• • • • • • • •

bed and breakfast [ `br5kf4st ] 民宿(簡寫為B&B) B&B owner [ `on0 ] 民宿老闆 single [ `s6;gy ] room 單人房 double [ `d9by ] room 雙人房 single bed 單人床 double bed 雙人床 private bathroom [ `pra6v6t ] [ `b1q%rum ] 個人衛浴 shared [ ]5rd ] bathroom 共用衛浴

What’s the account number? 帳號是多少?


* deposit [ d6`p3z6t ] n.


Step by Step

On Saturday, the B&B owner picks 4 them up at Hualien Train Station.2


They walk around the town and admire4 7 the scenery.


Say cheese! 笑一個!

Hi. Are you Juliet and Andrew? 嗨,你們是茱麗葉和安德魯嗎?

Take a picture of me in front of this temple.

That’s us.





5 The owner shows them their room.

What time do you lock the front door at night? 晚上幾點會鎖大門呢?

We lock the door at 11:00, but we’ll give you a key.



The next morning, the owner makes

8 them breakfast.

Where did you buy these vegetables?


I always get them at a local market.

我們十一點會鎖門,不過會給你 們鑰匙。




In their room, they put their clothes in 6 the dresser.3



After breakfast, they check out of the

9 B&B.

Can’t we just leave our clothes in the suitcase?*


Don’t be so lazy! 不要這麼懶惰!

Thanks. We had a great time.

Come back soon! 下次再來玩喔!



* suitcase [ `sut%kes ] n.


吃完早餐後,他們辦理退房。 插畫:a-jay


Common Errors



放哪個「 假


期 」?

() I took a vacation to the USA. () I took a holiday to the USA.



vacation [ ve`ke]4n ] n. 假期

holiday [ `h3l4%de ] n. 假日 指依據法律、宗教、文化等背景制定的節日、假日, 時間較短,如國慶日。


The library is closed during the winter vacation.

New Year’s Day is a holiday for everyone.



We’re planning to take a vacation at the end of July.

May 1st is a holiday in many European countries. 五月一日在歐洲許多國家是假日。


【漫畫應用】 A Holiday Is Coming 放假囉!


We have to wait six weeks until Christmas. That’s so long.


But before that, we have Thanksgiving. That’s another good holiday.

Thanksgiving is two weeks away. I need a vacation before then.

Christmas is coming. That’s my favorite holiday. 露西:聖誕節要來了,那是我最喜歡的節日。





Yeah! I’ll take a vacation for two weeks. When I return, there will be a holiday.


You’re so lazy. I should take a vacation from you.

You’re going to take a vacation??? Can I come with you?

You need a vacation? Really?





肥男:妳要去度假???我可以跟妳一起去嗎? 插畫:鹿先生

 活用ABC


Using English to Rent Things

ABC Talk


租屋 (Renting an Apartment)

必備字詞: real estate [ `ri4l ] [ 6s`tet ] 房地產 agent [ `ed.4nt ] n. 仲介;經理人 landlord [ `l1nd%l7rd ] n. 房東 lease [ lis ] n. 租約;租賃 deposit n. 保證金;押金 direct [ d4`r5kt ] deposit 定期轉帳 utility [ ju`t6l4t6 ] n. 水電、瓦斯等費用 A: Are utilities included in the rent? 水電、瓦斯等費用都包含在房租裡嗎?

B: Yes, they are all included. 是的,都包含在內。

租車 (Renting a Car) car rental [ `r5nty ] store 租車店 driver’s license [ `la6sxs ] 駕照 insurance [ 6n`]8r4ns ] n. 保險 gas [ g1s ] n. 汽油 vehicle [ `viIky ] n. 交通工具 A: How many people can fit in this car? 這台車坐得下多少人?

B: Five people at most. 最多五個人。

租影片 (Renting a DVD) membership [ `m5mb0%]6p ] n. 會員資格 membership card 會員卡 disc [ d6sk ] n. 光碟片 all rented out 都借出去了 two for one 租(買)一送一 A: How long is the rental period? 租期是多久?

B: Seven days from the time you rent it. 從租片那天算起共七天。


 活用ABC


Direct deposit is better.

á 重點單字 1200

1. sign [ sa6n ] v. 簽訂

You need to sign the contract and write the date. 你必須簽訂這份合約並註明日期。


2. review [ r6`vju ] v. 再檢查

Review your homework before you give it to the teacher.

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:45 秒

把作業交給老師前再檢查一次。 2000

3. accept [ 4k`s5pt ] v. 接受

I think Monica will accept your advice. 我想莫妮卡會接受你的勸告。


4. either [ `i\0 ] adj. (兩者之中)任一的 You can borrow either guitar. 你要借哪一把吉他都可以。

á 學習焦點

1. V. + one more time 再一次(做某事) 相當於 V. + again。

• Amy explained her opinion one more time/



2. (Sth) is due (time). (某事物)於(某時)到期。 due [ dju ] 是形容詞「到期的」。 • Your report is due tomorrow at seven o’clock. 你的報告明晚七點以前要交。

3. move out 搬離 其後以 of 接地點,表示「從(某地)搬出來」;相反詞為 move in。

• Ricky moved out of his father’s house last



• When are you going to move in? 你們何時要搬進來?

ABC 超音波 ue 發 [ ju ] 的音,如文中的 due 和常見的 value、 Tuesday、barbecue 等字。

 隨堂測驗‧是非題

_____ q The rent is due on the first. _____ w They can only pay in cash. 22

Part A: Renting an Apartment Mon


課文 正常:CD / MP3 09 朗讀 慢速:MP3 46

課程 MP3 講解 72

Zack and Alice are sitting in a real estate agent’s office. 柴克和愛麗絲坐在房屋仲介的辦公室裡。

Agent: I’m glad that you like the apartment.

Here’s the lease. Zack: Before we sign1 it, we just want to

review2 it one more time. Agent: All right. The rent is NT$10,000 per

month. It’s due every month on the first. Alice: The deposit is two months’ rent,

right? Agent: Yes. You will get it back when you

move out. Zack: Should we pay the rent in cash or

by direct deposit? Agent: We’ll accept3 either4 one, but direct

deposit is better. Alice: No problem! I think we’re ready to

sign the lease.

One small, nice-looking Toyota is available.

ABC Talk

á 重點單字 2000

1. available [ 4`vel4by ] adj. 可獲得的

Only one seat on the bus is available. 公車上只剩下一個座位了。


2. nice-looking [ `na6s`l8k6; ] adj. 好看的

Josh’s new beard is very nice-looking. 喬許新留的鬍子很好看。


手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:56 秒

You shouldn’t give your address out to strangers.

Part B: Renting a Car Tue


課文 正常:CD / MP3 10 朗讀 慢速:MP3 47

3. address [ 4`dr5s ; `1dr5s ] n. 地址

課程 MP3 講解 73

Alice and Zack walk into a car rental store. 愛麗絲和柴克走進一間租車店。

你不應該把地址給陌生人。 2000

4. parking lot [ `p3rk6; ] [ l3t ] n. 停車場

It costs NT$50 per hour to park in the parking lot. 停車場收費每小時五十元。


reserve [ r6`z-v ] v.

Clerk: Hello. Can I help you? Alice: We’d like to rent a car. Are any 1



á 學習焦點

1. call ahead 事先打電話 ahead [ 4`h5d ] 是副詞「預先;事前」的意思。

Clerk: Did you call ahead and reserve* one? Zack: N o . We ’ r e t r a v e l i n g , a n d w e

happened to see this store. Clerk: One small, nice-looking2 Toyota is

available. I need your driver’s license, please. Alice: Here you go. How much will it cost

for three days?

• Let’s call ahead and see if Rachel is home. 我們先打電話看看瑞秋在不在家吧。

2. (Sb) happens to + V. (某人)碰巧(做某事)。 happen to 在此為「碰巧」的意思。 • I happened to meet Daniel in the night

market yesterday.


3. drop off 把……放下 為可分動詞片語,其受詞可為事物或人。drop 的三態為 drop-dropped-dropped。

• Larry dropped off his book at Janet’s house. 賴瑞把他的書放在珍娜家。

Clerk: The price is NT$2,000 per day, so

the total is NT$6,000. You can drop the car off at any of our stores. Here’s a list of our store addresses.3 Zack: Thanks. Let’s go to the parking lot4

• Susan dropped her kids off at school on her

way to work.

蘇珊上班時順道送小孩去上學。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Her __________ is 22 Maple Street. w How many tables are __________? e That’s such a(n) __________ coat!

and see the car. 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 63 頁

r The parking __________ is behind the train

station. 23

 活用ABC


Tonight, DVDs are two for one.

á 重點單字

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:60 秒


I suggest that you leave home early tomorrow.

Part C: Renting a DVD Wed


課文 正常:CD / MP3 11 朗讀 慢速:MP3 48

課程 MP3 講解 74


Alice: I suggest 1 we rent this war movie. 2

My favorite actress is in it.

2. actress [ `1ktr6s ] n. 女演員

That actress is going to play a queen. 該名女演員將飾演一位皇后。


3. member [ `m5mb0 ] n. 會員;成員

Roberta is a member of the karate club. 蘿貝塔是空手道社的成員。


4. form [ f7rm ] n. 表格

All of the information is on that form. 所有資訊都在那張表格裡。

Zack: All right. Why not?


(They walk up to the counter.*)

counter [ `ka8nt0 ] n.

Clerk: Good evening. Could I have your

á 學習焦點

card, please?


1. Could I + V.? 我可以(做某事)嗎?

Zack: We don’t have a card. Do we need


此句型用於禮貌性請求對方允許,相當於 May I + V.?。

• Could I use your computer to check my


Clerk: Yes. To rent a DVD, you have to

be a member.3 It’s easy. Just fill out this form.4 After that, I’ll give you a membership card. Alice: OK. How much does the membership



• May I ask you a personal question? 我可以問你一個私人問題嗎?

2. fill out 填寫 fill [ f6l ] 是動詞「填滿;充滿」的意思。 • Before we pay you, you have to fill out this



Clerk: The membership is free. You just

have to pay when you rent DVDs. Tonight, DVDs are two for one, so go find another movie! 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 63 頁


我建議你明天早點出門。 1200

Zack and Alice are walking through a DVD store.

1. suggest [ s4`d.5st ] v. 建議

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Jennifer is reading the __________. w I __________ that you pack your clothes

tonight. e Do you want to be a(n) __________ of our group? 圖片來源:

ABC Talk

H Listening Test 聽力測驗 本測驗依照「國中教育會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提供 準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track 36 或使 用 DVD-Rom/CD-Rom 互動光碟,進入本課之後點選「會考 聽力測驗」即可作答;或至 LiveABC 官網下載 MP3 音檔。

請聽語音播出的試題,根據圖意選出一個相符合的答案,每題 播出一次。 _____ 1.



B I know. It’s ugly. C I agree. It’s too small.

_____ 6. A I’m 22 years old.

Ⅰ 辨識句意


_____ 5. A Yes. It’s so pretty.

B It’s 555-1234. C It’s 42 Mill Road.

_____ 7. A Yes. She isn’t a part of the group.

B Yeah. She is a part of the group. C Why doesn’t she want to be in our group?

_____ 8. A Good idea. You should stay there.

B Why do you want to leave? C Really? You’re going to buy the apartment?

Ⅲ 言談理解 請聽語音播出一段對話和相關問題後,選出一個最適當的選 項,每題播出一次。

_____ 2.




_____ 9. A She’s going to write a new report.

B She’s going to finish the report. C She’s going to read her report again.

_____ 10. A The woman should buy the red gloves.

B The woman should buy the black gloves. C The woman can buy the red gloves or the

_____ 3.

black gloves.

_____ 11. A He’s in a place with lots of books.




B He’s in a place with many cars. C He’s in a place with many trains.

_____ 12. A He wants to call the restaurant.

B He wants to go to a different restaurant. C He wants to make his own Italian food.

_____ 13. A They’re looking at a piece of paper.

B They’re looking at a painting. C They’re looking at another person.

Ⅱ 基本問答

請聽語音播出的一個問句或直述句後,選出一個最適當的回應 選項,每題播出一次。

_____ 14. A The woman must pass in her homework after three o’clock.

_____ 4. A Yes. He gave it back to me.

B Yes. He sent it to Bill for me. C Yes. He let me give it to him.

B The woman must pass in her homework before three o’clock.

C The woman just finished her homework. 聽力測驗解答請見第 63 頁


 世界好望角


The Machine That Sells


販賣機無奇不有: 什麼都賣, 什麼都不奇怪 á 重點單字 Thur


課文 正常:CD / MP3 12 朗讀 慢速:MP3 49

課程 MP3 講解 75

When you’re walking down the street, you might suddenly feel hungry. You might not be able to find a convenience store,1 but you’ll likely2 spot a vending machine.*


1. convenience store [ k4n`vinj4ns ] [ stor ] n. 便利商店

Does that convenience store sell Hello Kitty cups? 那間便利商店有賣凱蒂貓的杯子嗎? 2000

2. likely [ `la6kl6 ] adv. 很有可能地

Sharon will likely know the name of that Web site. 雪倫很可能會知道那個網站的名稱。

A vending machine is a machine that sells things. They’re convenient because they’re easy to find and they’re always open.


Send me a postcard when you get to Rome. 到羅馬時寄一張明信片給我吧。


The first modern vending machines were made in London in 1883. They sold postcards 3 and they only accepted coins.4 Today’s vending machines are much more advanced.* Many accept credit cards, and they sell almost anything.

3. postcard [ `post%k3rd ] n. 明信片

4. coin [ k76n ] n. 硬幣

A few coins fell out of Martha’s pocket. 有幾個硬幣從瑪莎的口袋掉了出來。


vending machine [ `v5nd6; ] [ m4`]in ] advanced [ 4d`v1nst ] adj. 先進的


á 學習焦點

1. (Sth) is easy to + V. (某事物)很容易……。 相反用法為 (Sth) is hard to + V.。

• This computer program is very easy to use. 這個電腦程式很容易操作。

• Some motorcycles are pretty hard to ride. 有些摩托車非常難騎。

2. (Sth) was made in (place). (某事物)在(某地)被製成。 make「製作」的三態為 make-made-made,此處 的 made 是過去分詞。

• This kimchi was made in Korea. 26


A Window on the World

á 重點單字 1200

1. French fries [ fr5nt] ] [ fra6z ] n. 薯條

I’m sorry, but we’re out of French fries. 不好意思,我們的薯條賣完了。


2. roll [ rol ] n. (一)捲;捲狀物

Jamie bought orange juice and two rice rolls. 潔咪買了柳丁汁和兩個飯捲。


3. beer [ b6r ] n. 啤酒

If you drink too much beer, you’ll have a big belly. 你要是喝太多啤酒,就會有啤酒肚。


4. depend [ d6`p5nd ] v. 依靠;仰賴 (depend on 為固定用法)

Mr. Finch is blind, so he depends on his dog for many things. Fri


課文 正常:CD / MP3 13 朗讀 慢速:MP3 50


課程 MP3 講解 76


In Australia, a vending machine can make French fries1 while you wait. England has vending machines that sell books, and Spain has vending machines that sell fishing equipment.* Japan is the world’s top vending machine country. Japanese vending machines sell rice rolls,2 beer,3 DVDs, noodles, and even hot spring* water. In Japanese cities, you can often spot several vending machines on the same street. What strange things will vending machines sell in the future? Who k n o w s ? B u t s o m e d a y, w e m i g h t depend4 on vending machines more than convenience stores. 中文翻譯請見第 63 頁

equipment [ 6`kw6pm4nt ] n. 用具;配備 hot spring [ h3t ] [ spr6; ] 溫泉 á 學習焦點

1. 連接詞 while 的用法 while [ hwa6l ] 是「當……的時候;和……同時」之意, 用法與 when 類似。 • Mina listens to music while/when she

exercises. 米娜運動時會聽音樂。

2. in the future 在未來;將來 future [ `fjut]0 ] 是名詞「未來;將來」之意,in the future 是固定用法,請熟記。 • I believe that you will be a great lawyer in

the future. 我相信你將來會成為很棒的律師。

3. Who knows? 誰知道呢? 意指對方提出的問題沒有確切答案。who 是疑問詞, 視為單數,所以 know 要加 s。

• A: Who is going to be the next president? 誰會是下一屆的總統?

B: Who knows? 誰知道呢?



 流行最前線


Japan’s Most

Popular Art 享譽國際的日本動漫藝術  宮崎駿 2013 年最新動漫電影《風起》(資料照片)



課文 正常:CD / MP3 14 朗讀 慢速:MP3 51

課程 MP3 講解 77

Two very famous anime artists2 are Osamu Tezuka (手塚治虫) and Hayao Miyazaki(宮崎駿). Tezuka invented the famous “big eye” anime characters. Miyazaki made quite a few famous anime movies, such as Spirited Away(神隱少女)and Howl’s Moving Castle(霍爾的移動城堡). Tezuka and Miyazaki both have museums. Tezuka’s museum looks like an anime world. Miyazaki’s museum is an art museum, but it has an anime style.3 Miyazaki says he wants his museum to help people remember their youth.4 á 重點單字 2000

1. character [ `k1r6kt0 ] n. 角色

Who is your favorite character in that movie? 那部電影中,你最喜歡的角色是誰?


2. artist [ `3rt6st ] n. 藝術家

The artist spent two weeks on his new painting. 那位藝術家花了兩個星期的時間完成他的新畫作。


3. style [ sta6l ] n. 風格

I really love that dancer’s style. 我很喜歡那位舞者的風格。


4. youth [ juq ] n. 青春;年少時期

During Grandma’s youth, she lived in New York. 奶奶年輕時住過紐約。


anime [ `1n4me ; `3nime ] n. 動漫(尤指日本的卡通與動畫) animation [ %1n4`me]4n ] n. 動畫 image [ `6m6d. ] n. 圖像;影像 28

á 學習焦點

1. two very famous + N. 兩位非常知名的…… 名詞前同時有數字、形容詞、副詞做修飾語時,順序為「數 字 + 副詞 + 形容詞 + 名詞」。

• Three very beautiful temples are on this

street. 這條街上有三間非常美麗的寺廟。

2. A and B both + V. A 和 B 兩者都(做某事)。 也可寫成 Both A and B + V.,需注意 A 和 B 必須是同類 型的字詞,且其後須搭配複數動詞。

• Margaret and Kim both work in that bakery. 瑪格麗特和小金都在那間麵包店工作。

• Both Jack and his wife love seafood. 傑克和他太太兩個人都愛吃海鮮。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q The story had many interesting __________. w The __________ is painting a picture.

手塚治虫動漫作品《寶馬王子》主角模型 

Anime* is Japanese animation.* Anime has colorful images,* crazy characters,1 and interesting stories.

Trends and Fads

 位於日本東京巨蛋的《航海王》特展



課文 正常:CD / MP3 15 朗讀 慢速:MP3 52

課程 MP3 講解 78


Anime started in Japan, but it’s taking off everywhere now. You probably know about One Piece (航海王). It’s about pirates* who are looking for treasure.1 There are One Piece TV shows, movies, books, comics,2 and video games.* Another famous anime story is Naruto(火影忍者). It’s about a teenager3 who wants to become the best ninja* in his village.

© ONE PIECE ~航海王~/尾田栄一郎/日本集英社/ 東立出版社

© 火影忍者/岸本斉史/日本集英社/東立出版社

Today, anime is so popular that artists all around the world are making their own anime. Anime is no longer just Japanese. It is now an international4 art.

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 64 頁

á 重點單字 2000

1. treasure [ `tr5.0 ] n. 寶物;寶藏

Tom found treasure on the island. 湯姆在島上發現寶藏。


2. comic [ `k3m6k ] n. 漫畫

I didn’t like this comic’s story, but the pictures were cool.

á 學習焦點

1. take off 受歡迎;蔚為風行 take off 其他常見意思還有「(飛機)起飛;脫掉(衣物)」。 • Korean food is really taking off in the USA. 韓國料理在美國正大受歡迎。

• The plane took off 20 minutes ago. 飛機在二十分鐘前起飛。

我不喜歡這部漫畫的情節,但裡面的圖很酷。 1200

3. teenager [ `tin%ed.0 ] n. 青少年

Teenagers are between 13 and 19 years old. 青少年的年齡介於十三到十九歲。


4. international [ %6nt0`n1]4ny ] adj. 國際的 English is an international language.

2. (one’s) own + N. (某人)自己的…… own [ on ] 在此是形容詞「自己的」。 •

I wish I had my own car. 但願我有自己的車。


3. N. + is no longer + adj. (某人事物)再也不……。

pirate [ `pa6r4t ] n. 海盜 video game [ `v6d6%o ] [ gem ] 電玩 ninja [ `n6nd.4 ] n. 忍者


no longer 也可修飾一般動詞,句型為 N. + no longer + V.。

Ruth is no longer afraid of spiders. 露絲再也不怕蜘蛛了。

Neil no longer plays badminton. 尼爾再也不打羽球了。 圖片來源:Flickr(Kentaro Ohno、Ari Helminen、nicwn)


 流行最前線




課文 正常:CD / MP3 16 朗讀 慢速:MP3 53

Trends and Fads

課程 MP3 講解 79

á 重點單字 2000

Jane and Richard are talking about the Taipei International Comics and Animation Festival.

This tent is for four people. 這是一個四人用的帳篷。


史都華把腳踏車停放在人行道上。 1200

Did you have fun?

Richard: Did you meet anyone famous?

Jane: I met some Japanese anime

artists, and some of my favorite voice actors.3 Richard: I heard that there were also lots

of Taiwanese artists there.

Jane: Yes. I got six autographs.* I’m

going to add them to my collection.* 4

Richard: Did you dress up as a cosplay*

character this year?

Jane: I did. Come on. Let me show

you my clothes.

3. actor [ `1kt0 ] n. 表演者;演員 (voice actor 是指「配音員」)

The actor is preparing for his play.

Jane: I had a blast! Many people

arrived early to wait in line. Some people even slept in tents1 on the sidewalk.2

2. sidewalk [ `sa6d%w7k ] n. 人行道

Stuart parked his bike on the sidewalk.


Richard: How was the animation festival?

1. tent [ t5nt ] n. 帳篷

那位演員正在為他的戲劇演出做準備。 2000

4. add [ 1d ] v. 增加;加入

We added Frank’s name to the waiting list. 我們把法蘭克的名字列入候補名單。


autograph [ `7t4%gr1f ] n. 親筆簽名 collection [ k4`l5k]4n ] n. 收藏 cosplay [ `k7s%ple ] n. 角色扮演(是由 costume play 組 合而成的字)

á 學習焦點

1. have a blast 玩得盡興 blast [ bl1st ] 為名詞「狂歡」的意思。此片語意同於 have a good time、have a ball。 • The kids had a blast at the amusement

park. 孩子們在遊樂園裡玩得很開心。

2. wait in line 排隊等待 • Bruce waited in line for 30 minutes to buy

the cupcakes. 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 64 頁


3. (Sb) heard that + 子句 . (某人)聽說……。 動詞 hear(hear [ h6r ]-heard [ h-d ]-heard) 在此是 「聽說;得知」的意思。

• I heard that Sue is going to marry a

foreigner. 我聽說蘇要嫁給外國人。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Phil is sleeping in the __________. w You should __________ some salt to your

food. 30

 動漫迷裝扮成《假面騎士》中的主角們 圖片來源:Flickr(othree)

 史吉普的世界


Skip’s World



介系詞片語可當形容詞用,緊接在要修飾的名詞之後。以下列舉常用的介系詞片語: 介系詞





穿著(衣物); 在……裡面

on by/at about in front/back of behind

在……上面 在……旁;在…… 關於 在……前面/後面 在……後面


with short hair, with a hat, with glasses in red shoes, in the blue jacket, in my hand, in the classroom on the desk, on the sofa, on the ground by the window, at the door about trees, about books in front/back of the TV behind the table, behind your scooter

• The girl with black hair is very pretty. 那位黑頭髮的女孩非常漂亮。

• The dog in the cage is named Rex. 籠子裡的那隻狗叫做雷克斯。

• Can I look at the book on your desk? 我可以看一下你桌上的書嗎?

• The woman by the car is my mother. 在車旁的那位女士是我媽媽。

• We should ask the person at the information booth. 我們應該問服務台的那個人。

• I want to watch that movie about World War II. 我想看那部有關二次世界大戰的電影。

• I love the flowers in front of your house.

Try it!


1. Janet 正在讀一本關於猴子的書。 _____________________________________________ 2. 冰箱裡的蛋糕是我的。 _____________________________________________ 3. 我想要一間有陽台(balcony)的公寓。 _____________________________________________ 4. 門邊的那把傘是 Julia 的。 _____________________________________________ 5. 在那張桌子上的電視壞了。 _____________________________________________ 6. 在你前面的男孩叫做 Jack。 _____________________________________________ (haunted)。 我認為我們家後面的那間房子鬧鬼 7. _____________________________________________ 8. 你能說出歐洲所有國家的名稱嗎? _____________________________________________


7. I think the house behind ours is haunted.


6. The boy in front of you is named Jack. 2. The cake in the refrigerator is mine. 1. Janet is reading a book about monkeys.


3. I want an apartment with a balcony.

• Sarah is at home.

4. The umbrella by the door is Julia’s.


5. The TV on the table is broken.


• You’re in trouble.


8. Can you name all of the countries in Europe?

• The man behind me is kicking my seat.


 史吉普的世界


Skip’s Super Soccer Sneakers! 黃金肉腳——史吉普



課文 正常:CD / MP3 17 朗讀 慢速:MP3 54

課程 MP3 講解 80

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:1 分 59 秒

接下來,請至本期史吉普中,看看「介系詞片語」在生活英語中的實際應用,文中劃藍線處即為本課文法應用。 別錯過互動光 碟裡精彩的3D 動畫喔!

Skip and his friends are getting ready to play soccer. 史吉普和他的朋友們準備踢球。

Today, the player with the top score will be me, Skip Adams!

I have a secret weapon.* I bought a new pair of sneakers!

The sneakers on your feet2 are old. These aren’t my new sneakers, Daniel.

They don’t look special.

Do you mean those pink sneakers with red stars? They suit4 you.


Very funny, Linda! The sneakers over there are mine.

The sneakers by the bench3 are the special ones.

Wow! Where did you get them?

I read an article* about them last week. The store behind my house sells them.

Skip’s World

The clerk5 at the store said that they’ll make me a super athlete.*

Sneakers with a special design won’t help you, Skip.

We’ll see, Delilah. Let’s get started. I’m just warming up. Now I’ll score a goal.6

See, Skip? You still can’t score.

Ha! I scored a goal! I scored a goal!

You got lucky, Skip.

It’s OK, Delilah. I know that you’re jealous.

I am Skip Adams, the super athlete!

中文翻譯請見第 64 頁


 史吉普的世界


á 重點單字 2000

á 學習焦點

1. super [ `sup0 ] adj. 超級的

1. a pair of + N. 一雙……

Lisa is a super fan of Jeremy Lin.


麗莎是林書豪的超級粉絲。 1200


2. foot [ f8t ] n. 腳(複數為 feet)

• Jason wants to buy a nicer pair of jeans.

That guy stepped on my foot!


那傢伙踩到我的腳! 1200

2. We’ll see. 等著瞧吧。

3. bench [ b5nt] ] n. 長椅

Elliot sat on the bench and tied his shoes. 艾略特坐在長椅上綁鞋帶。


這句話視下文而定,可譯為「等著瞧吧」(文中用法)、 「到時候就知道了」、「再說吧」等意思。

• A: Will the teacher accept your reason?

4. suit [ sut ] v. 適合


That green jacket really suits you.

B: I don’t know. We’ll see.

那件綠色夾克非常適合你。 1200


5. clerk [ kl-k ] n. 店員

Bobby is a clerk in a grocery store.

• A: Can I go on a picnic with my classmates

this weekend?

巴比是雜貨店店員。 2000

6. goal [ gol ] n. (足球、曲棍球的)射門得分


Sherry almost scored a goal, but she missed. 雪莉差點就射門得分,可是她踢歪了。

我週末可以和同學去野餐嗎? We’ll see. 再說吧。

3. warm up 的用法


 熱身(如文中用法):

weapon [ `w5p4n ] n. 武器 article [ `3rt6ky ] n. 文章 athlete [ `1qlit ] n. 運動員

• You should warm up before you exercise. 運動前應該要暖身。  加熱;使溫暖:

• The soup is too cold. Could you warm it up

for me, please?



• A hot bath will help you warm up.

field 足球場


center circle 中圈 goal line 球門線

corner 角球位置

 暖場:

• The DJ warmed up the audience by playing

some rock music. 那名 DJ 播放一些搖滾樂來暖場。

 touchline 邊線 halfway line 中線 [ `h1f `we ]


penalty spot 罰球點 [ `p5nyt6 ]

ABC 超音波 ui 發 [ u ] 的音,如文中出現的 suit,和常見的 fruit、juice 等等。

Skip’s World

H Listening Test 聽力測驗 本測驗依照「國中教育會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提供 準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track 37 或使 用 DVD-Rom/CD-Rom 互動光碟,進入本課之後點選「會考 聽力測驗」即可作答;或至 LiveABC 官網下載 MP3 音檔。

Ⅰ 辨識句意



B All right. I’ll go take a nap. C You’re right. We should prepare.

_____ 6. A Yes. It’s not going to be too bad.

請聽語音播出的試題,根據圖意選出一個相符合的答案,每題 播出一次。 _____ 1.


_____ 5. A Why? Are you cold?

B Yeah. It’s going to be a normal typhoon. C I know. It’s going to be huge.

_____ 7. A Why isn’t your book on the table? B All right. I won’t take the book that’s on the table. C I already know that the table belongs to you. _____ 8. A OK. If the movie doesn’t have ghosts, I’ll watch it.

B Sure! I love to watch ghost movies. C You’re lying! I don’t think that you saw

_____ 2.




a ghost.

Ⅲ 言談理解 請聽語音播出一段對話和相關問題後,選出一個最適當的選 項,每題播出一次。 _____ 9. A He works in a store.

B He works on an airplane. C He works in a school.

_____ 10. A The man doesn’t know if they’ll win the contest.

_____ 3.




B The man thinks that they’ll win the contest. C The man thinks that they’ll lose the contest.

_____ 11. A Behind them.

B In front of them. C Next to them.

_____ 12. A It’s next to the cage.

B It’s inside the cage. C It’s in another room.

Ⅱ 基本問答

請聽語音播出的一個問句或直述句後,選出一個最適當的回應 選項,每題播出一次。

_____ 13. A She will buy two.

_____ 4. A Yes. It’s the wrong size.

B Yeah. It looks good on you. C No. It looks really nice.

B She will buy three. C She will buy four.

_____ 14. A It’s next to the desk.

B It’s on the desk. C It’s next to the lamp.

聽力測驗解答請見第 64 頁


 安妮信箱


What Do You Do on Weekends? 你週末都做些什麼?



課文 正常:CD / MP3 18 朗讀 慢速:MP3 55

課程 MP3 講解 81

80 字短文寫作

Dear Annie, On weekends, I go to the library to read some books and write do homework homework. I also go to my grandpa’s house with my family on Sometimes sometimes weekends. Some time, we also travel to other places. And some time we at home just stay in home. I also play games with my sister on weekends. We play poker,* UNO,* beats and Rummikub.* She often wins me. a lot of time I love weekends, because I have many time to do fun things. I always have a great time with my family.

Lily 中文翻譯請見第 64 頁


poker [ `pok0 ] n.


UNO [ `uno ] n. UNO 牌

Rummikub [ `r9m6%kjub ] n.


Annie’s Mailbox

Corrections 1 do homework 「寫作業;做功課」的英文固定用法是 do homework, 因為 homework「家庭作業」除了指書寫類的作業外, 也可能是觀察或實驗等非書寫類的作業,所以要用 do 當 動詞。write「書寫」所搭配的受詞必須限定在書寫類的 事物,例如 write a poem「寫一首詩」,write a story 「寫一個故事」,write a letter「寫一封信」等等。 • Alice always does her homework when she gets

home. 愛麗絲回到家都會做功課。 • Holly wrote a poem for her boyfriend. 荷莉為她男友寫了一首詩。

2 sometimes vs. some time sometimes 是頻率副詞,表示「有時候」,用來說明事情 發生的頻率,多用於現在簡單式。 • Sometimes I forget to bring my keys. 我有時候會忘記帶鑰匙。

some time 是由形容詞 some 加名詞 time 所構成的複 合名詞,表示「一段、一些時間」。 • We waited some time for Anna. 我們等了安娜一段時間。 根據文意,作者要表達她週末「有時候」會和家人去旅 行及「有時候」就只是待在家裡,因此要使用頻率副詞 sometimes 才正確。

歡迎投稿 安妮信箱歡迎所有讀者投稿,我們每個月會挑選一封來信刊登 在雜誌上,與更多的讀者一同學習,然因雜誌版面空間的限制, 我們保留修改稿件的權利。未來幾個月,我們將討論以下題目, 請從中挑選一題,並寫一篇約 80 字的短文。請務必註明姓名、 地址和電話以方便聯絡,來信請 e-mail 至 annie@liveabc. com。

● Love Is Everywhere


3 at home 英文中並無 in home 的說法,欲表示「在家」要說 at home,home 前面不需加冠詞,且介系詞必用 at,因 此這句話要改成 And sometimes we just stay at home.。如果要表達某人「在屋子裡」,要說 in the house。 • I will be at home all night tonight. 我今天晚上會一直待在家。 • Carl and Mark are waiting in the house. 卡爾和馬克在屋子裡面等候。

4 beat vs. win (beat-beat-beaten)「擊敗」+ 比賽對手 { beat win (win-won-won)「贏得;獲勝」+ 比賽項目、分數 由上可知,文中的受詞 me 為「比賽對手」,因此動詞要 用 beat 才正確。 • Ashley beat Andrew at chess. (受詞為比賽對手)

艾希莉在西洋棋比賽中打敗了安德魯。 • Angela won the tennis game. (受詞為比賽項目)


5 a lot of time 數量形容詞 many 用來修飾可數名詞,如 many birds 「很多小鳥」、many books「很多書」、many flowers 「很多花」等等。文中 time「時間」為不可數名詞,要用 a lot of 或 much 來修飾,又 much 不可使用於肯定句, 所以要說 a lot of time 才正確,因此句子要改成 I have a lot of time to do fun things. 才對。 • Ted spent a lot of money on his new shoes. 不可數名詞

泰德花很多錢買了雙新鞋。 • I can hear many birds singing in the tree. 可數名詞

我聽到樹上有很多鳥在啼叫。 • We aren’t getting much rain this winter. 不可數名詞



● Cherish What You Have 珍惜你所擁有的

● If I Were You 如果我是你 37


語言訓練測驗中心 「全民英檢」團隊編製

在學校要學習各種科目的知識技能,當然 也會有考試來評量學習的成效。你對哪一科特 別有興趣,或是哪一科你較不擅長呢? Rick 和 Joan 今天下午剛好聊到考試,對話內容請聽 ACD / MP3 Track 19 ,待會兒聽錄音時,請 注意以下重點:  Joan 是否邀請 Rick 一起去圖書館(library)?  Joan 是否已得知其數學考試分數(test scores)?  Joan 有沒有特別喜歡(her favorite)的科目 呢?

剛剛的對話內容聽清楚了嗎?請回答以下是非題,測試你 的英語聽讀力!

 聽力練習題(一) ____q Joan invited Rick to go to the library with her. ____w Joan will know her math scores next week. ____e Rick didn’t do well on his exams, either. 本專欄專為 ABC 互動英語的 讀者提供聽讀整合的練習,每期 精選生活化情境主題,透過聽讀 練習及實用字詞的介紹,助您輕 鬆活用,功力大進! 「 全 民 英 檢 」103 年 4 月 份中級、中高級聽讀測驗報名期 間為 2 月 18 日至 26 日,請勿 錯過!「全民英檢」全真考題、 報名資訊、線上寫作練習,以及 其他豐富學習資源,請瀏覽官網。 本中心提供中學生各 類外語課程,相關訊息 請瀏覽 LTTC 官方網站。

____r Joan was good at both math and history. 你全都答對了嗎?如果有不確定的地方,不妨再聽一次對 話,再進行選擇題的進階挑戰。這次要聽清楚 Joan 為何 要去圖書館,還有 Rick 提醒 Joan 的事情喔!

 聽力練習題(二) ____q Why was Joan going to the library? (A) She had to study for her history test. (B) She wanted to read some magazines. (C) She needed to finish her math homework. ____w What did Rick remind Joan to do? (A) To call him when she arrived home. (B) To take a rest when she got tired. (C) To return some books to the library. 錄音內容和中文翻譯請見第 65 頁



× q  Joan 遇到 Rick 時自己正要去圖書館(on her way to the library),並未邀請 Rick。 ○

w  Joan 的數學考試分數下週會公佈(the test scores will come out next week)。

× e  Rick 並未在對話中提到自己考得如何。 × r  Joan 數學考得不好,較不擅長數學,比較擅長歷史。 題目解析(二)

Joan 去圖書館是為了準備隔天的歷史考試(to prepare for her history test)。 A q  Rick 提醒 Joan,讀書讀累了要記得休息(don’t forget to take a break)。 B w  學校科目相關實用句型

在學校有許多科目要學習,你知道各 科的英文怎麼說嗎?

各科目的英文名稱都學起來了嗎?讓我們透過以下例 句,來活用這些生活英文吧!

Chinese English math (mathematics) physics chemistry biology geography history music art PE (physical education)

 take a test/an exam 考試 The students have to take an important exam next month.

國文 英文 數學 物理 化學 生物 地理 歷史 音樂 美術 體育


 pass/fail an exam 通過/不通過考試 Mike worked very hard to pass his English exam. 麥克用功讀書以通過英文考試。

 do well/badly on an exam 考得好/不好 Sandy was upset because she did badly on her physics test. 珊蒂很難過,因為她的物理考試考得不好。

 get a high/low score on an exam 拿高/低分 I got a high score on the speaking test, but a low one on the writing. 我的口說測驗分數很高,但寫作分數很低。

 review 複習 Could you help me review these three lessons? 你能不能幫我複習這三課?

Did you know... 「我擅長某一科」的英文怎麼說? 要表示自己擅長某一科目,可以說「be good at + 科目」 ;如果想談不擅長的科目,就把 good 改成 bad 即可。 請見以下例句: • My brother is good at biology. He’s very interested in it. 我弟弟很擅長生物,他對這科非常有興趣。

• I used to be bad at English, but now I get good grades in English. 以前我不擅長英文,但現在我的英文成績變得很好。


 有聲有色


á 重點單字 2000

1. ordinary [ `7rdx%5r6 ] adj. 普通的;平常的

That looks like an ordinary house, but it’s actually a museum. 那看起來像一間普通房子,但其實是個博物館。


2. guy [ ga6 ] n. 男人;傢伙

Bert went to the gym with two other guys. 柏特跟另外兩個男生去健身房。


3. basic [ `bes6k ] adj. 基本的

A basic room in this hotel costs NT$950 per night. 這間旅館的基本房型每晚要價九百五十元。


4. regular [ `r5gj4l0 ] adj. 一般的

Nancy is very rich, but she behaves like a regular person. 南西是有錢人,但她表現得跟一般人沒兩樣。


destiny [ `d5st4n6 ] n. 命運 luckily [ `l9k6l6 ] adv. 幸運地;幸好 á 學習焦點

1. 介系詞 with 的常見用法  表示「具有」(如文中用法):

• We hired someone with similar experience. 我們聘請了一個有類似經驗的人。  表示「和……一起」:

• Vivian lives with her parents now. 薇薇安現在和她父母一起住。  表示「使用(工具、方法)」:

• Pamela painted the wall with a brush. 潘蜜拉用刷子油漆牆壁。

2. glue (sth) together 將(某物)黏合起來 glue [ glu ] 在此為動詞「黏貼;黏合」的意思。 • The cup is broken, but we can glue it



課文 正常:CD / MP3 20 朗讀 慢速:MP3 56

課程 MP3 講解 82

Emmet is an ordinary1 Lego guy2 with an ordinary Lego life. He lives in a basic3 apartment, he pays 37 dollars for coffee, and he has a regular4 job. Emmet doesn’t want to save the world. But when an evil businessman plans to glue all of Lego World’s pieces together, Emmet learns a secret. It’s his destiny* to save the world. He’ll have to leave his regular life and become a hero. Luckily, * Emmet won’t be by himself. He’ll have help from Lego superheroes like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.



3. superhero 超級英雄 superhero 是由 super「超級的」和 hero「英雄」 這兩個字組合而成的單字,類似用法還有 super man 「超人」、super market「超級市場」等。 • The superhero threw a building at the bad



• The new supermarket is going to open

next week.




NOAH 《諾亞方舟》 《諾亞方舟》

Showbiz Spotlight

á 重點單字 2000

1. punish [ `p9n6] ] v. 處罰

Mr. Philips never punishes his kids. 菲力普先生從不處罰他的孩子。


2. allow [ 4`la8 ] v. 允許

Grace allowed us to use her motorcycle. 葛瑞絲讓我們騎她的摩托車。


3. board [ bord ] v. 上(車、船、飛機)

After people get off the train, you can board it. 等乘客下車後,你才可以上車。


4. last [ l1st ] adj. 最後的

This is Val’s last day at work. 今天是薇兒最後一天上班。


flood [ fl9d ] n. 洪水 Bible [ `ba6by ] n. 聖經 ark [ 3rk ] n. 方舟(源自聖經) á 學習焦點

1. save (sb) from (sth) 從(某事件中)拯救(某人) save 在此為「拯救」之意。 • A fireman saved me from the fire. Tue


課文 正常:CD / MP3 21 朗讀 慢速:MP3 57


課程 MP3 講解 83

It’s one of the world’s oldest stories. God is going to send a flood* and punish 1 the world’s evil people. Only one man knows about the flood. That man’s name is Noah. Noah tells the Bible * story of Noah’s Ark. * To save his family from the flood, Noah builds an ark. He also allows2 wild animals to board3 his ark. They stay on the ark for 40 days. After the flood ends, Noah and his family are the last4 people on Earth. Together, they must find a way to save the world. 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 65 頁

2. find a way to + V. 找出(做某事)的方法 way 原意為「道路;通路」之意,此處引申為「方法」。 • The store owner found a way to get more

customers. 店老闆找到一個增加客源的辦法。

ABC 超音波 整理 [ e ] 的發音: a_e: 如文中的 name、save 和常見的 take、make 等字。 ay: 如文中的 stay、day、way 和常見的 pay、 say 等字。 ai: 如 rain、pain、fail 等字。 ea: 如 great、steak 等字。

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Robert is about to __________ the bus. w Will Mom __________ us to have ice cream? e Mike did something bad, but we didn’t

__________ him. 圖片提供:派拉蒙影業


 短篇故事集


Hobnail 鞋釘

《鞋釘》是美國作家 Crystal Arbogast 所創作的故事,Crystal 四十歲以後才開始寫作,其作品多為短篇故事。《鞋釘》是 她最著名的作品,由於從標題無法得知故事情節,因此更能引發讀者的好奇心。作者善於鋪陳,故事開頭看似平凡溫馨, 但隨著劇情發展,故事氛圍愈來愈詭譎,結局更是出人意表。



課文 正常:CD / MP3 22 朗讀 慢速:MP3 58

課程 MP3 講解 84

Fannie Poteet was only seven years old. She and her mother were at her aunt’s1 house. Fannie was sitting on the front2 porch.* Her aunt and her mother were chatting in the living room. A moment3 later, Fannie’s mother came out. She said, “Let’s go home, Fannie.” Fannie said, “To go home, we have to walk a mile4 through the forest! It’s so dark and scary* at night. Can’t we stay here, and go home tomorrow morning?” Fannie’s mother smiled and said, “There’s no need to be afraid. I’ll walk with you, and I’ll watch over you.” 42

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 65 頁

Stories and Fables

á 重點單字 1200

1. aunt [ 1nt ] n. 與母親同輩份的女性長輩

Vincent has two aunts and five uncles. 文森有兩個阿姨和五個舅舅。


á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) is at (one’s) house. (某人)在(某人的)家裡。 注意介系詞的用法。

2. front [ fr9nt ] adj. 前面的

• Mr. Lin was at our house 20 minutes ago.

I really like your front garden.


我很喜歡你們家的前院。 1200

3. moment [ `mom4nt ] n. 片刻

2. There’s no need to + V. 沒有必要(做某事)。


need 在此是名詞「需要」的意思。也可用 It’s not necessary to + V. 表達相似語意。

4. mile [ ma6l ] n. 英里;哩

• There’s no need to bring so much cash.

Can you wait one moment, please?


We drove 250 miles today.

= It’s not necessary to bring so much cash.




`h3b%nel ] n. 鞋釘(釘於靴子底部,用以防滑)

hobnail [ porch [ port] ] n. 門廊 scary [ `sk5r6 ] adj. 可怕的

3. watch over 照顧;照料 可表達相同意思的片語有 take care of、look after、 care for 等。

• A good teacher should watch over her

students. 一位好老師應該要把學生照顧好。

• The nurse is caring for my sister. 那位護士正在照顧我妹妹。

ABC 超音波 ment 發 [ m4nt ] 的音,如文中的 moment 和常見的 apartment、government、environment 等字。

 隨堂測驗‧選擇題

______ q Which sentence is true? A Fannie was not afraid of the forest. B Fannie was at her mother’s house. C They had to walk two miles through the forest. D Fannie was seven years old. ______ w Which word is the opposite of “front?” A first B back C middle D top


 短篇故事集


á 重點單字 1200

1. swing [ swI; ] v. 擺動

(swing-swung [ sw9; ]-swung)

Mandy always swings her arms when she walks. 曼蒂走路時總是會擺動雙手。 2000

2. path [ p1q ] n. 小徑;小路

This path goes all the way through the mountains. 這條小路綿延於山林之間。


3. anything [ `5n6%q6; ] pron. 任何事物

Michael went to the store, but he didn’t buy anything. 麥可去店裡,但沒有買任何東西。


4. loud [ la8d ] adj. 大聲的

The thunder was loud last night. 昨晚的雷聲很大。


whistle [ `hw6sy ] v.


á 學習焦點

1. look around 環顧四周;東張西望 around 為副詞「四處;到處」的意思。 • I looked around, but I couldn’t see Grace. 我四處張望,但是看不到葛瑞絲。

2. A sounds like B. A 聽起來像 B。 sound 是連綴動詞「聽起來」,其後可以介系詞 like 接名詞,亦可直接接形容詞。

• Walter sounds a lot like his brother. 華特的聲音聽起來很像他哥哥。

• Troy sounded happy on the phone. 特洛伊在電話裡聽起來很開心。

3. Don’t be + adj. 不要……。 為否定祈使句,用來請求、勸告或命令他人不要做某 事。若搭配一般動詞,要說 Don’t + V.。

• Don’t be so lazy. 不要那麼懶惰。

• Don’t put your elbows on the table. 不要把手肘放在桌上。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Did you hear __________? w The monkey is __________ from the tree. e Her voice is so __________. 44



課文 正常:CD / MP3 23 朗讀 慢速:MP3 59

課程 MP3 講解 85

Fannie and her mother started to walk through the forest. Fannie’s mother was swinging1 the lantern and whistling.* Fannie kept looking around. Soon, she heard a strange noise behind them. It sounded like boots with hobnails. Fannie said, “Someone else is on the path. 2 Someone is following us!” Her mother said, “I can’t hear anything.3 Don’t be scared. Let’s sing a song. It will help you relax.” Fannie and her mother sang a song. When they were done, Fannie heard the noise again. Now it sounded louder4 and much closer.

Stories and Fables

á 重點單字 2000

1. insist [ 6n`s6st ] v. 堅持

I didn’t want to have any dessert, but Amanda insisted. 我不想吃甜點,但亞曼達堅持要我吃。


2. bath [ b1q ] n. 洗澡(take a bath 為固定用法)

Julie wants to take a warm bath tonight. 茱莉今晚想洗個熱水澡。


3. obey [ o`be ] v. 聽從;服從

It’s hard for teenagers to obey their parents. 要青少年乖乖聽父母的話並不容易。


4. frighten [ `fra6tx ] v. 使害怕;使驚嚇

The barking dog frightened the little boy. 那隻狂吠的狗把小男孩給嚇壞了。

á 學習焦點

1. wait for 等待 • Holly is waiting for us at the bus stop. 荷莉正在公車站等我們。



2. in bed 在床上;上床睡覺 課文 正常:CD / MP3 24 朗讀 慢速:MP3 60

課程 MP3 講解 86

Fannie kept insisting 1 that she heard something. Her mother just kept walking. Finally, they were home. Fannie’s father was waiting for them. He said, “It’s late, Fannie. Take a bath2 and go to bed.” Fannie obeyed3 her father. Ten minutes later, she was in bed. Before Fannie fell asleep, she heard her parents talking. She heard her mother say, “I heard the noise, but I didn’t want to frighten4 Fannie. Once, I turned around and looked. Fannie was right. Somebody was following us. It was a man, and he had no head!” 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 65-66 頁

注意介系詞要用 in,且 bed 前不加定冠詞 the。

• Jeff likes to read in bed. 傑夫喜歡在床上看書。

• Everyone is in bed now. 大家現在都就寢了。

3. once 的用法 當副詞用,表示「有一次」,相當於 one time(如文  中用法):

• Once, I left my jacket on the MRT. 我有一次把夾克忘在捷運上。 當副詞用,表示「曾經;以前」,多用於過去式: 

• Spencer was once a high school teacher. 史班瑟曾經是國中老師。 為連接詞,表示「一旦;一……就……」: 

• Call me once you get to my house. 你一到我家就打電話給我。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Did the story __________ you? w Simon took a __________ when he got home. e I saw a bear __________. 45 插畫:郭璧如

 克漏字測驗


Toilet Culture

廁所文化大不同 Mon


課文 正常:CD / MP3 25 朗讀 慢速:MP3 61

課程 MP3 講解 87

Asia has squat toilets,* but Western* countries uncomfortable* when they use squat toilets.

(1) . Many Westerners feel very

That’s an example2 of toilet culture. Toilet culture is different (2) . In Paris, using public3 bathrooms (3) money. In Hong Kong, always use the bathroom before you leave your hotel. It’s very hard to find a public bathroom in Hong Kong. Here’s another tip.4 In some parts (4) Europe, people ask “Where’s the toilet?” If you say that in the USA, people will think it’s strange. (5) never say 中文翻譯請見第 66 頁 that. They say “Where’s the bathroom?” _____ 1. A doesn’t _____ 2. A somewhere _____ 3. A costs _____ 4. A in _____ 5. A America

B didn’t B nowhere B pays B about B Americans

C aren’t C anywhere C saves C of C American

D don’t D everywhere D spends D around D America’s

á 重點單字 2000

1. toilet [ `t76l6t ] n. 廁所;馬桶

It’s your turn to clean the toilet. 輪到你掃廁所了。


2. example [ 6g`z1mpy ] n. 例子;範例

Let me give you an example of how you can use this tool. 我來為你示範一下要如何使用這個工具。



3. public [ `p9bl6k ] adj. 公共的;公眾的

Fewer and fewer people use public telephones. 愈來愈少人使用公共電話。


4. tip [ t6p ] n. 訣竅;技巧

This book offers some helpful gardening tips. 這本書提供一些實用的園藝技巧。


squat [ skw3t ] toilet 蹲式廁所 Western [ `w5st0n ] adj. 西方的(Westerner 指「西方人」) uncomfortable [ 9n`k9mf0t4by ] adj. 不自在的

Cloze Test

Think About It!

1. 正確答案為:(D)

3. 正確答案為:(A)

在英文中,若第二句的動詞(與其受詞)和第一句的相同, 就會用助動詞來代替先前提過的動詞(與其受詞),以避免 重複。有關第二句助動詞的使用方法,舉例說明如下: • Alison has sons, but her sisters don’t (have

A cost [ k7st ] v. 要價 (cost-cost-cost)(主詞必為「事物」) The plane ticket costs NT$2,000.


艾莉森有兒子,但她的姐妹沒有(兒子)。 

has 是一般動詞現在式,所以要用助動詞 don’t/doesn’t 來代替, 又因 her sisters 是複數,所以要用 don’t。

Carlo ate eggs for breakfast, but I didn’t (eat eggs for breakfast). 卡洛早餐吃蛋,但我沒有(早餐吃蛋)。

ate 是一般動詞過去式,所以要用助動詞 didn’t 來代替。

Those drinks are free, but the popcorn isn’t (free). 那些飲料是免費的,但爆米花不是(免費的)。

are 是 be 動詞現在式,所以用 be 動詞 isn’t/aren’t 來代替(不需 使用助動詞),又因 the popcorn 是單數,所以要用 isn’t。

綜合上述可知,原句中的 has 是一般動詞現在式,故要使 用助動詞 don’t/doesn’t,又因 Western countries 是複 數,所以正確答案為 (D) don’t。 編註:你是否納悶為什麼第二句都要用否定句呢?那是因為連接 詞 but 是用來連接兩個「語意相反」的句子!

2. 正確答案為:(D) 此題測驗地方副詞的用法。

A somewhere [ `s9m%hw5r ] 在某處 Sandra lives somewhere in this town. 珊卓拉住在這個鎮上的某個地方。

B nowhere [ `no%hw5r ] 哪裡都不 Lisa needed to take care of her cats, so she went nowhere during her vacation. 麗莎必須照顧她的貓,所以她放假時哪裡都沒去。

C anywhere [ `5n6%hw5r ] 任何地方 This plant is common. You can find it anywhere. 這種植物很普遍,任何地方都找得到。

C everywhere [ `5vr6%hw5r ] 到處 My dream is to travel everywhere in Africa. 我的夢想是在非洲各地旅行。 依照文意,答案為 (D)。


B pay [ pe ] v. 付錢 (pay-paid-paid)(主詞必須是「人」) I paid 500 dollars to Herman for that CD player. = I paid Herman 500 dollars for that CD player. 我付赫曼五百元買那台 CD 播放器。 C save [ sev ] v. 儲蓄;存(錢)(主詞為「人」) Julia didn’t save any money last month. 茱莉亞上個月沒有存下一毛錢。

D spend [ sp5nd ] v. 花費 (spend-spent-spent)(主詞須 為「人」)

I only want to spend about NT$1,000 for that dress. 我只想花一千元左右買那件洋裝。 原文的主詞 using public bathrooms 為「事物」,故正 確答案為 (A)。

4. 正確答案為:(C) parts of (place) 是固定用法,表示「(某地的)某些部分」, 故正確答案為 (C)。 • Some parts of the school will stay open during the summer vacation. 學校某些地方在暑假時會開放。

5. 正確答案為:(B) 有關 America 的相關字列舉如下:  America [ 4`m5r6k4 ] n. 美洲;美國 雖然有些人會用此字來指稱「美國」,但較正確的說法應為 「美洲」;若要指「美國」,則以 USA (United States of

America) 或是 US (United States) 來表示較恰當。 • North America has 23 countries. 北美洲有二十三個國家。  American [ 4`m5r6k4n ] n. 美國人;美洲人(複數為 Americans [ 4`m5r6k4nz ]) adj. 美國(人)的;美洲(人)的 • Most Americans are crazy about baseball. 大部分的美國人都很瘋棒球。  America’s 是 America 的所有格 • Canada is North America’s biggest country. 加拿大是北美洲最大的國家。 根據上述,欲統稱「美國人」要用複數名詞 Americans, 故答案要選 (B)。 47

 一本好書


á 重點單字 2000

1. recover [ r6`k9v0 ] v. 重建;復原

The city is recovering from the earthquake. 那座城市於地震後進行重建。


2. age [ ed. ] n. 年齡

Clifford’s age is 32. 克里弗的年齡是三十二歲。


3. survive [ s0`va6v ] v. 存活

Timothy was in a bad car accident, but he survived. 提摩西遭遇一場嚴重的車禍,但他倖存了下來。


4. elder [ `5ld0 ] adj. 較年長的

Diane always shows respect to elder people. 黛安對長輩一向都很尊敬。



6. discover [ d6`sk9v0 ] v. 發現

I discovered a cool old bookstore. 我發現一間很酷的舊書店。


awful [ `7f8l ] adj. 可怕的 technology [ t5k`n3l4d.6 ] n.


á 學習焦點

1. N. + is left. 剩下……。 此句型為被動語態,leave(leave-left-left) 在此是「剩下; 留下」之意。

• We don’t have any more chicken, but a little

salad is left. 我們的雞肉吃完了,不過還剩下一點點沙拉。

2. put A into B 將 A 放入 B • John put his lunch box into the bag. 約翰把便當放進袋子裡。

3. 副詞 then 的用法  表示「接著;然後」(如文中用法):

• Go straight for one block, and then turn left. 直走一個街區,然後左轉。  表示「那麼」: • If we don’t

have any tomato sauce, then I can buy some tomorrow. 番茄醬要是用完的話,那我明天可以去買。

 表示「那時;當時」:

• What were you doing then? 48


5. borrow [ `b3ro ] v. 借(入)

May I borrow your dictionary?




課文 正常:CD / MP3 26 朗讀 慢速:MP3 62

In Starters, the world is recovering1 from an awful * war. In that war, a strange weapon killed everyone between age2 20 and 60. Only young and old people are left. All of the young peo ple lost their parents, and they’re fighting to survive. 3 Danger is everywhere. H o w e v e r, t h e r e ’s a l s o a n e w technology.* This technology can put your mind into another person’s body. To make money, some young people rent their bodies to old people. An elder4 person pays a young person, and borrows5 the young person’s body. Old people who borrow bodies are called “enders.” Young people who rent their bodies are called “starters.” Callie is 16. To get money for her sick brother, she becomes a starter. At first, everything works out. Then Callie discovers6 her ender’s terrible secret.

A Good Book

á 重點單字 1200

1. knowledge [ `n3l6d. ] n. 知識

Knowledge is more important than money. 知識比金錢更重要。


2. repeat [ r6`pit ] v. 重複

Repeat the sentence after me. 跟著我重複一遍這個句子。


3. avoid [ 4`v76d ] v. 避免

We should avoid that area, because it has lots of mosquitoes. 我們應該避開那一區,因為那裡有好多蚊子。


4. greedy [ `grid6 ] adj. 貪心的;貪婪的 You shouldn’t be so greedy. 你不該如此貪心。

課文 正常:CD / MP3 27 朗讀 慢速:MP3 63

Starters asks some interesting questions. In this new world, will young and old people work together, or will they fight? The older people have wisdom,* knowledge1 and money, but the younger people are healthier and stronger. If they fought, who would win? Starters makes you think about some other things. Will people learn from the past, or will they repeat2 their mistakes? Will they avoid3 another war, or will they fight again? In Starters, many people fail to learn from their mistakes. There are still criminals, * greedy 4 companies, 5 and selfish 6 people. Maybe this is the most important question: who are the lucky people? Perhaps the lucky people are actually* the ones who died in the war. 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 66 頁


5. company [ `k9mp4n6 ] n. 公司

Don works for a company that sells cars. 唐在一家汽車銷售公司上班。


6. selfish [ `s5lf6] ] adj. 自私的

Mike made a selfish decision. 麥克做了一個自私的決定。


wisdom [ `w6zd4m ] n. 智慧 criminal [ `kr6m4ny ] n. 罪犯 actually [ `1kt]84l6 ] adv. 實際上 á 學習焦點

1. work together 團結合作 together [ t4`g5\0 ] 為副詞「協力;一起」的意思。 • Dennis and Sally work together very well. 丹尼斯和莎莉合作無間。

2. (Sb) fails to + V. (某人)未能成功(做某事)。 fail [ fel ] 是動詞「失敗;辦不到」的意思。 • Cleo always fails to keep her promises. 克莉歐總是無法信守承諾。

ABC 超音波 ck 發 [ k ] 的音,如文中的 lucky、p.48 的 sick 和 常見的 clock、thick 等字。

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Many people want to work in that __________. w Robert has a lot of __________ about art. 圖片提供:皇冠文化出版有限公司


 玩味生活


á 重點單字 1200

1. spring [ spr6; ] n. 春天

Adam will move to California next spring. 亞當明年春天會搬到加州。


2. insect [ `6ns5kt ] n. 昆蟲

Tanya’s brother likes to study insects. 譚雅的哥哥喜歡研究昆蟲。


3. event [ 6`v5nt ] n. 活動;事件 I don’t go to social events. 我不參加社交活動。


Dancing Lights 舞動之光:螢火蟲

4. rainy [ `ren6 ] adj. 下雨的

On rainy days, Stacy likes to stay home and read. 雨天時,史黛西喜歡待在家看書。


5. mosquito [ m4s`kito ] n. 蚊子

There is a mosquito on your nose. 你的鼻子上有一隻蚊子。


6. bite [ ba6t ] v. 叮;咬 (bite-bit-bitten) A dog bit the little boy’s arm. 一隻狗咬了那個小男孩的手臂。


firefly [ `fa6r%fla6 ] n. 螢火蟲 sleeve [ sliv ] n. 袖子 flash [ fl1] ] n. 閃光燈 á 學習焦點

1. make sure + 子句 確認…… make sure 是動詞片語「確定;確認」之意,屬固定用法, 帶有祈使、命令意味。

• Make sure you bring enough money to the

supermarket. 確認一下你有帶足夠的錢去超市。

2. Don’t forget to + V. 別忘記(做某事)。 用來提醒或交代事情,也可說 Remember to + V.。

• Don’t forget to give Grandma a kiss for me. 別忘了幫我親奶奶一下。

• Remember to give me back my iPad. 記得要還我 iPad。  隨堂測驗‧是非題

_____ q Fireflies come out in the spring. _____ w You should watch fireflies in the morning. _____ e Kenting has fireflies.


課文 正常:CD / MP3 28 朗讀 慢速:MP3 64

Every spring,1 fireflies* come out all over Taiwan. You can find these beautiful insects 2 in Yangminshan National Park, Wulai, Sun Moon Lake, Kenting, and many other places. Watching fireflies is a very popular spring activity. Some spots on the island even have special firefly events.3 In Yangmingshan, guides take visitors on tours and tell them about fireflies. Sun Moon Lake and Alishan have firefly festivals. Fireflies don’t come out if it is cold or rainy.4 Before you go to watch them, make sure the weather is good. It is best to watch them between six and eight p.m. Also, wear long pants and long sleeves. * That way, mosquitoes 5 won’t bite 6 you. If you bring a camera, don’t forget to turn off the flash!*

A Slice of Life

á 重點單字 2000

1. poison [ `p76zx ] n. 毒(藥)

The worker used the poison to kill rats. 工人用毒藥殺死老鼠。


2. adult [ 4`d9lt ] adj. 成年的;成人的

Adult tickets cost NT$200 per person. 成人票要價每人新臺幣兩百元。


3. reason [ `rizx ] n. 原因;理由

What was Jessie’s reason for leaving? 潔西離開的原因是什麼?


4. soul [ sol ] n. 靈魂

Some people believe that a soul never dies. 有些人認為靈魂不死。


5. message [ `m5s6d. ] n. 訊息;信息

Did you get the message from our coach? 你有收到我們教練的訊息嗎?


課文 正常:CD / MP3 29 朗讀 慢速:MP3 65

6. ancient [ `en]4nt ] adj. 古老的;古代的 That vase is from ancient China.

Fireflies start glowing * when they are eggs. They do this to keep dangerous animals away. The lights tell animals that the eggs have poison. 1 Animals see the light, so they leave the eggs alone. Adult2 fireflies also glow, but they do it for a different reason.3 They glow to look for a mate.* Fireflies are important in many cultures. In Japan, people used to think that fireflies were the souls4 of dead soldiers. Mayan* people believed that fireflies had messages5 from gods. In many other countries, there are ancient6 stories about fireflies. Watching fireflies gives us the chance to visit nature. Firefly season only comes around once a year. Wa t c h i n g t h e m i s a w o n d e r f u l experience. It will give you a chance to take a break from your busy life.

那是一個中國古代的花瓶。 參考單字》

glow [ glo ] v. 發光 mate [ met ] n. 配偶 Mayan [ `m3j4n ] adj.


á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) does this to + V. (某人)這麼做是為了……。 也可說 (Sb) does this for + N.,這裡的 this 也可以用 it/that 替換。

• I do this to protect my family. 我這麼做是為了保護我的家人。

• Herman did it for a prize. 赫曼那麼做是為了獎品。

2. (Sb) used to + V. (某人)曾經(做過某事)。 此為固定用法,用來表示以前常做某事,但現在不做了。

• I used to watch a lot of TV, but now I surf the

Internet. 我以前很常看電視,但現在我都在上網。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q I sent a(n) __________ to Jeff. w I don’t understand her __________ for quitting. e This __________ can kill plants. r The book is about __________ Europe.

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 66 頁 圖片來源:Flickr(JerryLai0208、flickr-s58y)、Tsuneaki Hiramatsu


 聽說圖寫


How to Grow Potted Plants 動手種盆栽

課文 正常:CD / MP3 30 朗讀 慢速:MP3 66

想要種花可是家裡沒有花園?沒關係,盆栽植物 一樣可以讓你享受田園樂趣。選擇你喜歡的植物, 準備好工具,我們要開始囉。


shovel [ `]9vy ] 鏟子 pot [ p3t ] 盆子 leaf [ lif ] 葉子

bud [ b9d ] 花苞

soil [ s76l ] 土壤 watering pot 灑水壺

stem [ st5m ] 莖

root [ rut ] 根


q Decide which plants you want to grow. 決定你想種哪種植物。 Beginners should choose something that is easy to take care of. Find out which plant is suitable for you.


w Select some pots. 挑選花盆。

You can use any pot you want. Just make sure that there are holes in the bottom of your pots. Holes let water move through the soil. Don’t forget to put a dish under the pot. It will stop the pot from leaking.*


你想用什麼花盆都行,只要確認花盆底部有洞就可以,這些洞讓水 可以從土壤排出。別忘了要在盆底擺個碟子,以免水滲出。

* leak [ lik ] v. 滲出;漏出

e Fill the plant pots with soil. 用土把花盆填滿。

Picture Talk

Add some fertilizer.* It will make your plants healthier.


* fertilizer [ `f-ty~a6z0 ] n. 肥料

r Put the plant in the pot. 把植物放到花盆裡。

Dig a hole in the soil. Put the seed or root ball in the soil. Cover the hole with more soil.


t Water the plant. 替植物澆水。

Water the plant. Keep the soil moist,* but don’t add too much water. Don’t let the soil be too dry or too wet.

替植物澆水,保持土壤濕潤,可是不要加太多水,不要讓土壤太乾或 過濕。

* moist [ m76st ] adj. 潮濕的

y Put your plants in the right place. 將植物擺在合適的地方。

Some plants need a lot of sunlight,* and some just need a little. Find out how much sunlight your plant needs.

有些植物需要大量的陽光,有些只需要少量即可。要弄清楚你的植物 需要多少日照。

* sunlight [ `s9n~la6t ] n. 陽光

u Check on your plants every day. 每天都要關心你的植物。 Be patient. Plants need time to grow. Water your plants regularly.* Pay attention to sunlight. The plants will sprout* over time.

要有耐心,植物需要時間生長。要定期澆水,注意日照,假以時日, 你的植物就會漸漸發芽。

* regularly [ `r5gj4l0l6 ] adv. 定期地 * sprout [ spra8t ] v. 發芽


Mutant Planet 地球變種

播出時間:2014 年 03 月 11 日起,每週二晚上 10 點

The Cerrado is a huge savannah* in Brazil. It’s larger than Mexico, and its fields1 seem to go on forever. This place looks empty,2 but it’s full of life. It has 10,000 kinds of plants and 200 kinds of animals. The Cerrado is a difficult place to live, but plants and animals know how to survive there. In the Cerrado, nature works like a complicated3 machine. Every part of the machine is important. For example, the Cerrado has thousands and thousands of4 termite* mounds.* Anteaters* come to the mounds and eat the termites. An anteater must eat 30,000 termites per day. The termites need anteaters as well. When anteaters attack termite mounds, they make holes in the mounds. This is important because the Cerrado often has fires. Smoke5 enters the mounds, but it leaves through the holes. If anteaters didn’t make holes in the termite mounds, smoke would kill all of the termites. The plants and animals in the Cerrado work together to survive. Even the animals that kill each other also depend on each other. They all needed millions of years to develop their survival6 methods. You can learn all about life and death in the Cerrado on Animal Planet’s Mutant Planet. 54


 正在捕食白蟻的食蟻獸。

Animal Planet

á 教學重點 ( 此單元屬知識分享,毋須熟記 )

1. field [ fild ] n. 田野

Students often play soccer in this field. 學生們常在這片田野上踢足球。

5. smoke [ smok ] n. 煙

The campfire is making a lot of smoke. 營火冒出好多煙。

6. survival [ s0`va6vy ] n. 倖存(survive 為其動詞)

2. empty [ `5mpt6 ] adj. 空的

At night, the streets in this town are empty. 到了晚上,鎮上的街道空蕩蕩的。

3. complicated [ `k3mpl4%ket6d ] adj. 複雜的

People don’t like the new law because it’s so complicated. 大家不喜歡那個新法條,因為太複雜了。

4. thousands [ `\a8zxdz ] and thousands of 成千上萬的

Jerry’s chance for survival is very good. 傑瑞活下來的可能性很高。


mutant [ `mjut4nt ] adj. 變種的;突變的 savannah [ s4`v1n4 ] n. 熱帶疏林高草原 termite [ `t-ma6t ] n. 白蟻 mound [ ma8nd ] n. 小丘;土石堆 anteater [ `1nt%it0 ] n. 食蟻獸

There are thousands and thousands of books in that library. 那座圖書館有成千上萬本書籍。

【中文翻譯】 賽拉多生態區是位於巴西的疏林大草原,面積比墨西哥還大,有著綿延不絕的田野。此地看似空無一物,其實蘊 藏著豐富的生命,這裡擁有一萬種植物和兩百種動物。賽拉多的生存環境險惡,但動植物有其生存之道。 在賽拉多,大自然的運作方式好比一部錯綜複雜的機器,每個部分都很重要。舉例來說,賽拉多有成千上萬個白 蟻丘,食蟻獸會來到蟻丘,捕食白蟻。一隻食蟻獸每天必須吃下三萬隻白蟻;然而白蟻也需要食蟻獸,當食蟻獸攻擊 蟻丘時,會在蟻丘上挖洞,這很重要,因為賽拉多常常發生火災,當煙竄入蟻丘時,會從這些洞飄散出去,假如食蟻 獸沒有在蟻丘上製造洞口,煙霧會殺光所有的白蟻。 賽拉多的動植物互惠共生,即使是互相殘殺的動物們也相互依存。牠們花了好幾百萬年的時間才發展出這樣的生 存法則。 收看動物星球頻道的《地球變種》節目,你可以見識到賽拉多生態區裡所有的生死存亡。


將小魚從嘴裡吐出來的慈鯛。 

在慈鯛領域產卵的鯰魚。 

數量龐大的慈鯛科淡水魚類。 

獵食者 (predator) 與獵物 (prey) 間奇特的生存模式還能在其他地方看到:東非大裂谷 (The Great Rift Valley) 的湖裡 有高達 1900 種慈鯛科 (cichlid) 淡水魚類,牠們與鯰魚 (catfish) 彼此爭奪生存空間,因而演化出特別的口腔孵化 (hatch) 方式。慈鯛在產卵後,會將魚卵 (egg) 含在口中孵化,以避開獵食者,而為了因應這種策略,鯰魚會將自己的卵產在慈鯛 的領域附近,不知情的慈鯛會連同鯰魚的卵一起含在嘴裡孵化,等到慈鯛將滿嘴已孵化完成的小魚吐出來時,卻發現吐出 的不是慈鯛幼魚,因為慈鯛的寶寶早已被寄生的小鯰魚全部吃光了。



全民英檢 初級模擬試題 全民英檢初級測驗分為初試及複試兩大部份,初試包含聽力測驗與閱讀能力測驗;複試則為寫作能力測驗與口說能力測 驗;因口說能力測驗無統一標準之答案,故本模擬試題只提供初試的正確解答及複試寫作能力測驗的參考文章,本測驗正確 解答請參考 P. 61。Audio CD 與 MP3 中的 Tracks 31—34 為聽力測驗題目;互動光碟版用戶可直接於光碟中作答(並於「查 看內容」裡附有每題詳解),或是使用光碟內附之 MP3 音檔作答;純書版用戶可於官網 免費下載

MP3 音檔作答。

一 聽力測驗:看圖辨義 CD/MP3 31

請聽題目及三個選項,選出與圖案最相符的答案。 每題播出一遍。 1

二 聽力測驗:問答 CD/MP3 32

請聽問題,再從三個選項中選出一個最適合的答案。 每題播出一遍。

1. (A) Wow. It has such a long neck! (B) Cool! Its mouth is so huge. (C) I think it’s about to fly away. 2. (A) It’s the one that tastes sour. (B) It’s the one with black strings. (C) It’s the one that’s sleeping.


3. (A) All right. Let’s help him find it. (B) Yeah. He looks pretty fat. (C) I know. He’s very thin now. 4. (A) Yeah. His apartment building is so tall. (B) I can’t believe he loves the ocean so much. (C) Cool. What vegetables does he grow?




5. (A) All right. It needs to arrive soon. (B) Sure. It’s OK if it takes a long time. (C) OK. I’ll wait until it arrives at our house. 6. (A) Yes. They grow apples in there. (B) It is. They make computers. (C) Yeah. Kids play basketball in there. 7. (A) It’s a BMW. (B) I have a big dog. (C) I’m keeping a diary. 8. (A) 175 centimeters. (B) 76 kilograms. (C) 22 years old. 9. (A) I usually go there with my mother. (B) Sure. We’re running out of milk. (C) After I finish my homework. 10. (A) Really? Where did they get it? (B) Cool. When is the wedding? (C) Wow. How much did it cost?



三 聽力測驗:簡短對話 CD/MP3 33

請聽一段對話和一個相關的問題後,再從三個選項中選 出一個最適合的答案。每題播出一遍。

1. (A) It is always full of people. (B) She is always busy on weekends. (C) It is always very boring. 2. (A) Sing songs. (B) Play sports. (C) Go swimming. 3. (A) It’s very old. (B) It’s very new. (C) It’s very small. 4. (A) A secretary. (B) A nurse. (C) A waitress. 5. (A) A long time. (B) Two weeks. (C) Three years. 6. (A) Something to keep his neck warm. (B) Something to protect his hands. (C) Something to cover his mouth. 7. (A) Walking in a park together. (B) Talking on cell phones. (C) Recording a song. 8. (A) She’s still hungry. (B) She can’t eat more. (C) She doesn’t like desserts.

四 聽力測驗:短文聽解 CD/MP3 34

請聽一段短文和相關問題後,再從三張圖片中選出最適 合的答案。每題播出一遍。

1. A












3. A

4. A

5. A

9. (A) To a gym. (B) To a library. (C) To a bookstore. 10. (A) A bedroom. (B) A living room. (C) A bathroom.


全民英檢 初級模擬試題 五 閱讀能力測驗:詞彙和結構


13. Ivan _____ a word in the dictionary. (A) looked after (B) looked out (C) looked up (D) looked around

1. Jack is the son of my brother. In other words, he’s my _____. (A) niece (B) cousin (C) nephew (D) grandson

14. Dealing with customers _____ a big part of my job. (A) are (B) is (C) to be (D) have

2. Max always works very hard because he’s a _____ person. (A) humorous (B) responsible (C) friendly (D) greedy

15. Sally _____ a bike when the earthquake happened. (A) was riding (B) has ridden (C) riding (D) rides

3. My favorite actor is _____ that TV show. (A) between (B) under (C) by (D) on 4. I don’t know why, but Alice _____ got really angry. (A) curiously (B) carefully (C) suddenly (D) successfully 5. Today is November 28th, _____ happens to be my birthday. (A) which (B) that (C) when (D) where 6. These shoes are _____ too small for me. (A) a bit (B) little (C) a few (D) very 7. We’d better hurry, _____ we’ll be late for the party. (A) and (B) but (C) or (D) if 8. May I _____ your pencil, please? (A) lend (B) borrow (C) hire (D) steal 9. There’s a piece of garbage on the ground. Please _____. (A) pick up (B) pick up it (C) pick it up (D) pick them up 10. I’m so tired _____ I can’t keep my eyes open. (A) that (B) whether (C) until (D) although 11. The _____ of the ticket is 25 dollars. (A) fee (B) bill (C) amount (D) price 12. David doesn’t hear his phone _____ because it’s noisy on the bus. (A) rang (B) to ring 58 (C) rings (D) ringing

六 閱讀能力測驗:段落填空 請從四個選項中選出一個最適合的字詞填入空格中。

Part A: You may think the Color Run is just a race. Yes, it is a five-kilometer run. However, it is the (1) five kilometers on the planet! You don’t need to be a good or a fast runner to (2) . Everyone’s welcome, because the goal (3) fun in a healthy way. In the race, there are many “color stations.” People will throw colorful powders on the runners (4) they pass. You’ll start off with a clean, white shirt. However, when you (5) the finish line, you’ll be covered in many different colors. 1. (A) happy (C) happily

(B) happier (D) happiest

2. (A) join (C) pull

(B) exercise (D) imagine

3. (A) has (C) is having

(B) is have (D) is to have

4. (A) which (C) what

(B) when (D) that

5. (A) get (C) reach

(B) arrive (D) come

Part B: Jack and Amy are in their new classroom. Jack tells Amy it’s important for him to pick the right seat (6) he can get good grades. That’s what he


did (7) senior high school. He then tells Amy that they can’t just sit (8) . If they sit too close to the blackboard, they’ll always get (9) . However, they can’t sit too far in the back, (10) . If they do, the teacher will think they’re lazy.

2. What should you do second? (A) Add milk. (B) Mix the eggs. (C) Add cheese. (D) Crack the eggs.

6. (A) once (C) so that

(B) though (D) even if

7. (A) past (C) with

(B) during (D) beyond

8. (A) anywhere (C) everywhere

(B) somewhere (D) nowhere

3. What should you do if you want spicy eggs? (A) Add less milk. (B) Add extra cheese. (C) Add some hot peppers. (D) Add more onions.

9. (A) picked up (C) found out

(B) turned in (D) called on

10. (A) yet (C) too

(B) either (D) neither

七 閱讀能力測驗:閱讀理解 請根據圖表選出最適合的答案。

Part A:


for Scrambled Eggs 1. Crack four eggs into a bowl. 2. Add three tablespoons of milk. 3. Mix them together. 4. Add chopped onions, peppers, and broccoli. 5. Add half a cup of cheese. 6. If you want your eggs to be spicy, you can add some hot peppers. 7. Cook it in a pan until it’s solid and fluffy.

1. What is NOT part of the recipe? (A) Milk. (B) Sugar. (C) Vegetables. (D) Cheese.

Part B:

Stomach Medicine Take once in the morning and once  before bed. Always take with food and plenty of  water. This medicine may cause headaches,  back pain, and sneezing. Do not smoke or eat spicy food. 

If you have any questions, call the hospital.

4. How many times a day should you take this medicine? (A) One. (B) Two. (C) Three. (D) Four. 5. What should you do before you take the medicine? (A) Eat spicy food. (B) Call the hospital. (C) Eat food and drink water. (D) Don’t eat any food at all. 6. What is NOT a problem that this medicine will cause? (A) Feeling tired. (B) Headaches. (C) Sneezing. (D) Back pain. 59

全民英檢 初級模擬試題


Part C:

八 寫作測驗:段落寫作

題目:Justin 早上睡過頭,他匆匆起床準備上學。請根 據這些圖片寫一篇約 50 字的敘述。 1

alls er ccalls p a p s w New York Newspaper e York N Monster the w e N Bloodyy Ghost the Ghost Monster 4. 1 0 d 2 o f o l o B e i v o best horror movie of 2014. rm best horro ody ive on Blo

arr on Bloody When Bobby yand Janearrive tion. andJane b b fun vaca o a B t c e p x Ghost expect a fun vacation. ses WhenIsland, they d, they e ost monster cha n la Is t s o Instead, Gh the bloody y gh monster chases ut dghost the bloo Monster comes o , d a e t s In Bloody Ghost them! Monster comes out t ody Ghos miss it! hem! Blo Don’t ’t on tHalloween. miss it! n o ween. D on Hallo



7. What kind of movie is Bloody Ghost Monster? (A) A romance movie. (B) A sci-fi movie. (C) A horror movie. (D) An action movie. 8. Where does Bloody Ghost Monster take place? (A) In an old house. (B) In the forest. (C) On another planet. (D) On an island. 9. When will Bloody Ghost Monster come out? (A) On the fourth of July. (B) On the last Thursday of November. (C) At the end of October. (D) At the end of December. 10. Who are Bobby and Jane? (A) They wrote the movie. (B) They are people in the movie. (C) They are ghosts. (D) They are people who want to see the movie. 60

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

全民英檢解答 一、 聽力測驗:看圖辨義(聽力題目及解答) 1. What is making the bad smell? (A) Some garbage on the street. (B) The man who hasn’t taken a shower for days. (C) The food the man is eating. Ans: A 2. What is the second woman in line wearing? (A) Some earrings. (B) A bracelet. (C) A ring. Ans: A 3. What is true about the picture? (A) They are having breakfast. (B) There are four people in the office. (C) Some of them are laughing. Ans: B 4. What does the woman do? (A) She wants to borrow money from the man. (B) She is trying on some socks. (C) She sells gloves in the store. Ans: C 5. What is the doctor probably saying? (A) Do your eyes hurt badly? (B) Take the medicine three times a day. (C) Open your mouth and say, “Ah...” Ans: C 二、 聽力測驗:問答(聽力題目及解答) 1. Timmy, look at that hippo! Ans: B 2. Which guitar is yours? Ans: B 3. Warren has lost a lot of weight recently. Ans: C 4. Arthur lives on a farm. Ans: C 5. Should we send this letter by express mail? Ans: A 6. Is that building a factory? Ans: B 7. What kind of pet do you have? Ans: B 8. What is your height? Ans: A 9. When are you going to the supermarket? Ans: C 10. Brendan and Jackie are getting married soon. Ans: B 三、聽力測驗:簡短對話(聽力題目及解答) (F = Female M = Male Q = Question)

1. M: Let’s go to the mall on Saturday. F: No. I hate going there on weekends. M: Why do you hate it? F: It is always so crowded. Q: Why doesn’t the woman want to go to the mall on Saturday? Ans: A 2. F: What do you want to do today? M: Let’s go to the pool. F: You don’t want to go to the KTV instead?

GEPT Answers M: Well, it’s so hot, and I need to cool down. Q: What does the man want to do? Ans: C 3. M: Wow. That’s such a pretty teapot. F: It’s so smooth. It looks brand new. M: But it’s from Ancient China. F: I know. It’s hard to believe. Q: What’s true about the teapot? Ans: A 4. F: May I take your order now? M: Yes, please. I’ll have the steak with a salad. F: Anything else? M: Yes. An orange juice, please. Q: Who is the man probably talking with? Ans: C 5. M: Do you like your new job? F: I love it. I’m having a great time. M: That’s good. My job is so boring. F: The only problem for me is that I have lots of pressure. Q: How long has the woman probably been at her job? Ans: B 6. F: Are you going outside? M: Yeah. Can I borrow your scarf? F: Sure. It’s in the closet. M: I don’t see it. F: It’s next to my dress. Q: What does the man need? Ans: A 7. M: I can’t hear you very well. F: Hang on. I’m going to walk to another spot. M: That’s a little better. F: I’ll keep walking. Can you hear me now? M: Yes. Your voice is really clear. Q: What are the speakers doing? Ans: B 8. F: That was a great meal. M: Yeah. Do you want dessert? F: No. I think I’m OK. M: Really? Everyone says that the cake here is great. F: Yeah, but I’m so full. Q: Why doesn’t the woman want cake? Ans: B 9. F: What are you going to do later? M: I think I’ll go borrow a few books. How about you? F: I’m going to go exercise. M: All right. Have a good time. Q: Where will the woman probably go? Ans: A 10. F: Where is my hat? M: I think it’s under the bed. F: OK. Where is my coat? M: It’s in the closet. Q: What room are the people in? Ans: A

singer. Another great rock song is about to start. I need to turn up the volume. Ans: A 2. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following telephone talk. Where is the man? Hello. I would like a cheeseburger and French fries, please. Also, I would like a can of Coke. My room number is 222. When can you bring the food up to my room? In about 20 minutes? That’s no problem at all. Thanks very much. Ans: A 3. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. What is the woman’s son doing? All right, that’s enough! You have been playing video games for two hours! You can’t sit in front of the TV all day. It’s bad for your eyes. Why don’t you go outside and play baseball? It’s a really nice day. You could go swimming, too. Come on, get out of that chair! Ans: C 4. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. Where did the woman hurt herself? Ow! I tripped. My knee really, really hurts. I hit it against that table. Oh, I need to sit down for a minute. Can you get me some ice? I’m lucky that I didn’t fall down and hit my head. I’ll try to be more careful next time. Ans: A 5. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. What did the man do last night? I wish I could have a good night’s sleep, just like last night. Tonight, I’m going to be so busy. I have to clean my entire house. After that, I need to fix the bathroom window. Oh well. I guess I can relax tomorrow night. Ans: B 五、閱讀能力測驗:詞彙和結構 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. A 六、閱讀能力測驗:段落填空 1. D 6. C

2. A 7. B

3. D 8. A

4. B 5. C 9. D 10. B

七、閱讀能力測驗:閱讀理解 1. B 6. A

2. A 7. C

3. C 8. D

4. B 5. C 9. C 10. B

八、寫作測驗:段落寫作 參考 答案:

Justin gets up late this morning. He jumps out of bed and gets ready for school. Then he runs to the bus stop, but the bus is 1. Please look at the following three pictures. leaving. Justin is late, and his teacher is angry with him. She tells him to get up earlier next Listen to the following short talk. What time. kind of music is the woman listening to? This is my favorite song! The Windows are definitely my favorite band. In fact, I think they’re the best rock and roll band in 61 the world. John Morrison is such a great 四、聽力測驗:短文聽解(聽力題目及解答)



Chinese Translation

Monthly Focus 本月焦點 The Next Pop Star 「驚世」美聲天后



Part A

尼克: 慢慢來。 莉雅: 噢!我還是不敢相信我的腿竟然骨折了。 謝謝你幫我, 你真是個好朋友。 尼克: 不用客氣,我今天可以陪妳。 莉雅: 謝謝!我們應該做什麼?天氣晴朗、陽光正好,可是 我卻得待在室內。 尼克: 天氣不好時,我通常會做瑜珈,我想妳現在沒有辦法。 莉雅: 是啊,我一個月都不能做瑜珈或健身,我根本沒辦法 走路!



警察: 兩位好,有人報警說你們太吵了。 尼克: 真是抱歉,我們不該再唱了,我們聽音樂就好。 警察: 謝謝你們的合作。你們的鄰居打電話來時,聽起來非 常生氣。 尼克: 我才沒有生氣!我只是希望她不要再唱下去了,我是 說……嗯…… 莉雅: 等一下,尼克,是你報警的嗎??? 尼克: 不是,我是在說別的事情,我…… 警察: 我該走了,從現在開始請降低音量,晚安。 尼克: 警官,我想我需要你保護我,我要跟你一起離開! 測驗解答 : 1. appreciates/appreciated 2. noisy 聽力測驗解答 : 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B

8. C 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A

尼克: 妳要不要看電視?現在正在播妳最喜歡的節目。 莉雅: 好,給我遙控器。 測驗解答 : 1. × 2. × 3. ○ 4. ×

Part C

Building Character 品格英語 Think on Your Feet 培養隨機應變的能力



你能夠隨機應變嗎?隨機應變指的就是快速地做出決定。 當你遇到突如其來的困難,你可能就必須要隨機應變。



Part B

莉雅: 看電視好無聊,我們做點別的事情吧。

在做一件事之前,你應該先擬定計畫,這讓事情較易進行。 不過,情況隨時在變,有時候,你的計畫不見得行得通,當這 種情況發生時,你有兩個選擇。第一,你可以發脾氣,然後放 棄;第二,你可以保持冷靜,隨機應變來更改計畫。

尼克: 要不要來做菜?我們可以煮海鮮。

人生有時很難掌控,如果你懂得變通,就可以處理各式各 樣的狀況。

莉雅: 抱歉,我沒辦法在廚房裡走動,你要不要玩桌上遊戲? 它們放在樓上的衣櫥裡。

測驗解答 : 1. difficulties 2. sudden

尼克: 好啊,我去拿。 (一小時後,他們玩完遊戲。) 莉雅: 真好玩,接下來我們可以打打毛線,或者也許……等 一下!唱卡拉 OK 怎麼樣?我喜歡唱歌。 尼克: 鄰居可能會生氣,因為妳的歌聲有點……嗯……特別。 莉雅: 你說的特別是指難聽嗎?真沒禮貌!我們把伴唱機準 備一下吧。 測驗解答 : 1. seafood 2. closet



喬舒亞 • 張伯倫是美國南北戰爭的一位將軍,他打過一場 非常關鍵的戰役。 張伯倫原先有一個很好的計畫,但上戰場時所有事情都出 了差錯,士兵不是子彈不夠就是跑錯地方,張伯倫的第一個計 畫因此失敗。沒多久,他想出另一個計畫,這個新計畫奏效, 他因此反敗為勝。 張伯倫面對的是一個極其艱難的情況,不過還好他有隨機 應變的能力。而今,大家都稱他為改變歷史的勇敢英雄。 測驗解答 : 1. × 2. ○


ABC Talk 活用 ABC Using English to Rent Things

好這張表格,之後就會給你們一張會員卡。 愛麗絲: 好,加入會員要多少錢? 店員: 加入會員是免費的,只有租片才要付費。今天晚上租 一片送一片,所以你們再去挑一片吧!




Part A:租屋

房仲: 很高興你們喜歡那間公寓,合約在這裡。 柴克: 簽約之前,我們想要再確認一次。

測驗解答 : 1. form 2. suggest 3. member 聽力測驗解答 : 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B

8. B 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. B

房仲: 好的,月租金是一萬元,每個月一號繳納房租。 愛麗絲: 押金是兩個月的租金,對吧? 房仲: 沒錯,退租時會退還給你們。 柴克: 我們應該用現金付房租還是定期轉帳? 房仲: 兩個都可以,但定期轉帳比較好。 愛麗絲: 沒問題!我想我們準備好簽約了。 測驗解答 : 1. ○ 2. ×

A Window on the World

世界好望角 The Machine That Sells Everything 販賣機無奇不有:什麼都賣,什麼都不奇怪





Part B:租車

店員: 您好,有什麼可以為兩位服務的嗎? 愛麗絲: 我們想要租車,還有車嗎? 店員: 兩位有事先打電話預訂嗎? 柴克: 沒有,我們在旅行,碰巧看見這間店。 店員: 目前有一台外型美觀的小型豐田汽車,我需要您的 駕照。 愛麗絲: 給妳,租三天要多少錢?

走在街上時,你或許會突然覺得肚子餓,這時你可能找不 到便利商店,但很有可能會看見一台販賣機。 販賣機是販售物品的機器,它們之所以方便,是因為到處 都有而且全天候供應。 第一批現代化的販賣機在西元一八八三年於倫敦問世,它 們販售明信片而且只接受投幣。現在的販賣機先進多了,很多 都可以使用信用卡,而且幾乎什麼都有販售。



店員: 一天兩千,所以一共是六千元。你們可以把車還回我 們任何一間分店,這張是我們分店地址的清單。

在澳洲,有販賣機在你等待的同時為你現做薯條;英國有 書本販賣機;西班牙有釣魚用品販賣機。

柴克: 謝謝,我們去停車場看車吧。

日本是全球販賣機大國,那裡的販賣機有賣飯捲、啤酒、 DVD、麵條,甚至還有溫泉水;在日本市區,同一條街上常 常可以看見好幾台販賣機。

測驗解答 : 1. address 2. available 3. nice-looking 4. lot



Part C:租影片

愛麗絲: 我建議租這部戰爭片,裡面有我最喜歡的女演員。 柴克: 好啊,就租吧!

未來販賣機還會賣些什麼奇怪的東西呢?我們不得而知。 不過有朝一日,我們對販賣機的依賴程度或許會大過便利商 店。

(他們走向櫃檯。) 店員: 晚安,請給我你們的卡片。 柴克: 我們沒有卡,需要辦卡嗎? 店員: 是的,兩位必須是會員才能租片。很簡單的,只要填




Chinese Translation

Trends and Fads 流行最前線

Skip’s World 史吉普的世界

Japan’s Most Popular Art

Skip’s Super Soccer Sneakers!







動漫指的是日本動漫,它有色彩豐富 的圖像、瘋狂熱血的角色和精彩有趣的故 事情節。

史吉普:今天拿下最多分數的球員將會是我,史吉普 • 亞當 斯!我有一個秘密武器,我買了一雙新的運動鞋!

兩位非常知名的動漫畫家為手塚治虫 和宮崎駿。手塚治虫開創了著名的「大眼 睛」人物畫風;宮崎駿則製作了好幾部名 聞遐邇的動畫電影,像是《神隱少女》和 《霍爾的移動城堡》。

史吉普:丹尼爾,這雙不是我新的運動鞋。長椅旁的那雙運 動鞋才是我的秘密武器。

手塚治虫和宮崎駿都擁有博物館,手 塚治虫的博物館看起來就像是動漫世界; 而宮崎駿的博物館則是一間美術館,不過卻充滿了動漫風格。 宮崎駿說他希望他的博物館能幫助人們重溫年少時光。


琳達:你是指那雙有紅色星星的粉紅運動鞋嗎?還真適 合你。 史吉普:琳達,不好笑!那邊那雙運動鞋才是我的。 胖子皮特:哇!你在哪裡買的? 史吉普:我上星期看了一篇關於這雙鞋的文章,我家後面的 商店有在販售,店員還說這雙鞋可以讓我變成超級 運動員。

測驗解答 : 1. characters 2. artist


迪萊拉:史吉普,就算你有雙特殊設計的運動鞋也幫不了 你。





你也許知道《航海王》,這部作品是關於一群海盜尋寶的故 事。《航海王》有電視卡通、電影、書、漫畫和電玩遊戲。另一 部知名的動漫是《火影忍者》,它描述一名少年,一心想成為村 子裡最厲害的忍者。 而今動漫如此盛行,以致於世界各地的藝術家都在創作自 己的動漫作品。動漫不再專屬於日本,它現在是國際性的藝術。

史吉普:我剛剛只是在暖身,我現在就要射門得分了。哈! 我得分了!我得分了! 迪萊拉:史吉普,你只是運氣好罷了。 史吉普:迪萊拉,無所謂,我知道妳是在嫉妒。我是史吉 普 • 亞當斯,一位超級運動員! 聽力測驗解答 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6.C 7. B

8. B 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C



理查: 動漫展怎麼樣?好玩嗎? 珍: 我玩得很開心!有好多人提早到現場排隊等候,有些 人甚至在人行道上搭帳篷過夜。 理查: 妳有看到任何名人嗎? 珍: 我有見到幾位日本動漫家,還有一些我最喜歡的聲優。 理查: 我聽說那裡也有很多臺灣的漫畫家。 珍: 對啊,我拿到六個簽名,我要把它們納入我的收藏。 理查: 妳今年有打扮成動漫角色嗎? 珍: 有,來吧,帶你去看看我的服裝。 測驗解答 : 1. tent 2. add

Annie’s Mailbox 安妮信箱 What Do You Do on Weekends? 你週末都做些什麼? Fri


親愛的安妮: 我週末時會去圖書館看一些書和寫功課,也會和家人去爺 爺家。有時候我們還會去其他地方旅行,而有時我們只是待在 家裡。 週末時我也會和姊姊玩遊戲,我們會玩撲克牌、UNO 和 拉密數字磚塊牌,她常常贏我。 我喜歡週末,因為有很多時間可以做好玩的事,我總是和 家人度過愉快的時光。 莉莉


初級聽讀練功房 pp. 38-39 R: Hey, Joan! Where are you going? J: I’m on my way to the library. I need to prepare for my history test tomorrow. R: Speaking of tests, how did you do on that math test yesterday? J: The test scores will come out next week. I’m afraid I did badly on it. R: Well, I think you’ll get a higher score on your history test. J: I hope so. It’s one of my favorite subjects. R: Just don’t forget to take a break when you feel tired. J: Thanks. So I’ll see you tomorrow! R: Bye!

Noah 《諾亞方舟》 Tue


這是世界上最古老的故事之一。上帝要製造一場洪水來懲 罰世上的邪惡之人,只有一個人知道有關洪水的事情,那個人 叫做諾亞。 《諾亞方舟》講述的是聖經裡諾亞方舟的故事。為了從洪 水中拯救家人,諾亞建造了一艘方舟,他也讓野生動物搭上方 舟,他們在方舟上待了四十天。 洪水過後,諾亞和他的家人是地球上僅存的人類,他們必 須合力找出拯救世界的辦法。 測驗解答 : 1. board 2. allow 3. punish

瑞克:嘿,喬安!妳要去哪兒? 喬安:我正要去圖書館,我要準備明天的歷史考試。 瑞克:說到考試,妳昨天的數學考試考得如何? 喬安:考試成績下星期會公佈,我考得恐怕不理想。 瑞克:嗯,我想妳歷史考試的分數會比較高。

Stories and Fables 短篇故事集









芬妮 • 波提特只有七歲,她和媽媽在阿姨家。芬妮坐在前 廊,她的阿姨和媽媽在客廳聊天。

Showbiz Spotlight 有聲有色

過了一會兒,芬妮的媽媽走出來,她說:「芬妮,我們回 家吧。」芬妮說:「我們必須走一哩路穿過森林才能到家!晚上 好黑好可怕,我們不能住在這裡,明天早上再回家嗎?」

The Lego Movie 《樂高玩電影》 Mon


芬妮的媽媽微笑道:「不必害怕,我會陪著妳走,而且我 會看著妳。」

艾密特是個平凡無奇的樂高人,過著平凡無奇的樂高生 活,他住在一棟普通公寓、花三十七塊美金買咖啡、擁有一份 再普通不過的工作。

測驗解答 : 1. D 2. B

艾密特無心拯救世界,但是當一名黑心商人企圖將所有樂 高世界黏在一起時,艾密特發現了一個秘密,那就是拯救世界 是他的天命,他不得不捨棄自己原本平凡的生活,成為一名英 雄。

芬妮和媽媽開始穿越森林,芬妮的媽媽 一邊晃動手裡的提燈,一邊吹著口哨,芬妮 則不停地四處張望。

所幸艾密特並非單打獨鬥,他將得到蝙蝠俠、超人和神力 女超人等樂高超級英雄們的幫助。



不久後,芬妮聽到身後傳出一個奇怪的 聲音,聽起來像是鉚釘靴(編按:鞋底有鞋 釘的靴子)的聲音,芬妮說:「路上有別人, 有人在跟著我們!」媽媽說:「我沒聽到什麼 聲音啊,別害怕,我們來唱歌,那樣可以讓 妳放鬆下來。」 芬妮和媽媽唱起歌來,當她們唱完歌,芬妮又聽到那個聲 音,現在聲音更大也更靠近了。 測驗解答 : 1. anything 2. swinging 3. loud 65



Chinese Translation



芬妮一直堅持自己聽到聲音,不過媽媽只是繼續走,後來 她們總算到家了。 芬妮的爸爸在等她們,他說:「芬妮,很晚了,去洗個澡, 上床睡覺吧。」芬妮乖乖聽爸爸的話,十分鐘後,她已經躺在 床上了。 芬妮睡著前聽到她的父母在說話,她聽見媽媽說:「我有 聽到那個聲音,但我不想嚇到芬妮,有一次我回頭看,芬妮是 對的,有人在跟著我們,那是個男人,一個沒有頭的男人!」 測驗解答 : 1. frighten 2. bath 3. once

Cloze Test 克漏字測驗 Toilet Culture 廁所文化大不同



亞洲有蹲式廁所,可是西方國家沒有,許多西方人覺得使 用蹲式廁所很不自在。 那就是廁所文化的一個例子。廁所文化因地而異,在巴黎, 使用公共廁所得花錢;在香港,離開旅館前都要先上個廁所, 因為在香港很難找到公廁。 再提供你一個要訣,在歐洲部分地區,人們會用 “Where’s the toilet?” 來問「廁所在哪裡?」如果你在美國這麼說,大家 會覺得很奇怪。美國人絕不會這麼說,他們會用 “Where’s the bathroom?” 來詢問。(編按:在美國,toilet 指的是「馬桶」)

A Good Book 一本好書 Starters 《起點人》 p. 48 在《起點人》這本書裡,世界正從一場可怕的戰爭中重建, 在那場戰爭裡,一種怪異的武器消滅了所有二十到六十歲之間 的人。只有年輕人和老年人存活下來。 所有年輕人都失去雙親,掙扎著求生,危機無所不在。然 而有一項新科技問世,這項科技可以將人的意識植入另一個 人的身體裡。有些年輕人為了賺錢,便將自己的身體租給老 年人,老年人付錢給年輕人,借用他們的身體。借用身體的 老人叫做「終點人」,而出租身體的年輕人叫「起點人」。 凱莉現年十六歲,為了生病弟弟的醫藥費,她成為起點人。 一開始一切都很順利,但後來凱莉發現了她的終點人的可怕秘 密。


p. 49 《起點人》提出一些很有意思的問題。在這個新世界,年 輕人和老年人會攜手合作還是會彼此鬥爭?老人擁有智慧、知 識和財富,但年輕人比他們健康和強壯。如果雙方打起來,誰 會贏? 《起點人》還讓你思考其他事情。人們會從過去的經驗學 到教訓,還是會重蹈覆轍?他們會避免另一場戰爭,還是會 再次開打?在《起點人》這本書裡,很多人都無法從錯誤中 學習,因此罪犯、貪婪的企業和自私自利的人仍舊存在。 也許最重要的問題在於:誰才是幸運之人?或許幸運兒其 實是那些死於戰爭的人。 測驗解答 : 1. company 2. knowledge

A Slice of Life 玩味生活 Dancing Lights 舞動之光:螢火蟲 p. 50 每逢春天,臺灣各地就會有螢火蟲現身,你可以在陽明山 國家公園、烏來、日月潭、墾丁和其他許多地方看見這些美麗 的昆蟲。 賞螢是很受歡迎的春季活動,有些地方甚至舉辦特別的賞 螢活動。在陽明山,有導覽員帶領並解說的賞螢之旅,日月潭 和阿里山則有螢火蟲季。 螢火蟲在冷天或雨天不會出現,所以去賞螢之前要先確認 天氣好壞。賞螢的最佳時間是晚上六點到八點,還有,請穿著 長褲和長袖,那樣一來,蚊子才不會叮你。如果你有帶相機, 別忘了把閃光燈關掉! 測驗解答 : 1. ○ 2. × 3. ○

p. 51 螢火蟲在還是蟲卵時就會發光,這麼做是為了驅離危險的 動物,亮光讓其他動物知道蟲卵具有毒性。動物們看見光就 會離開。成蟲也會發光,但此舉另有目的,牠們那麼做是為 了求偶。 螢火蟲在許多文化中佔有一席之地。在日本,人們曾經認 為螢火蟲是戰死士兵的靈魂;馬雅人則相信螢火蟲是來傳遞 神的旨意;在其他許多國家也有很多有關螢火蟲的古老傳說。 賞螢讓我們有機會親近大自然,螢火蟲季節一年只有一 次,這樣的經驗很美好,讓你有機會在忙碌的生活中休息 一下。 測驗解答 : 1. message 2. reason 3. poison 4. ancient


First Kiss First Kiss

Monthly Star


First Kiss is produced by Angie Chai, a famous television producer. The leading actors are Nick Chou and Owodog Zhuang. The leading actresses are Shara Lin and Mandy Wei. Nick plays an honest lawyer. In order to play this character well, Nick did a lot of homework. For example, before filming, he became more familiar with the law. Owodog plays a person from a rich family. His father runs a company. Owodog has a fun personality,* which is similar to his character’s personality in the show. During filming, he often joked around in order to cheer everybody up. Shara plays a researcher in Owodog’s father’s company. She didn’t know Owodog before working on First Kiss, but during filming they became good friends. Mandy plays Owodog’s sister in the show. She has some interesting stories about Nick. She says that Nick is very interested in aliens.* He never gets tired of talking about aliens. In this drama, the good-looking stars and the dramatic story are not the only things that fans can appreciate. They can also learn from the performers, who devoted* themselves completely to make a great show. 《真愛配方》由名製作人柴智屏打造,兩位男主角分別為周湯豪、敖犬,女主角則由林逸欣、魏蔓演出。 周湯豪飾演正直不阿的律師,為了詮釋好這個角色,他下了很多苦工,例如,拍攝之前,他熟讀了法律條文。敖犬飾 演家境富裕的公子哥,他父親經營一家公司。敖犬的個性很好玩,和戲裡的角色很像,他拍戲時很常製造笑料,炒熱現場 氣氛。林逸欣飾演敖犬父親公司裡的研究生,拍攝此片以前她並不認識敖犬,但兩人因這部戲而結為好友。魏蔓飾演敖犬 的姊姊,她爆料周湯豪私下對外星人很感興趣,一聊起外星人就沒完沒了。 從這齣偶像劇,粉絲們不僅可以欣賞到外型姣好的明星與戲劇化的情節,也可以從這些演員身上學習到他們努力為戲 做足功課的精神。

* personality [ %p0s4`n1l4t6 ] n. * alien [ `el64n ] n. 外星人 * devote [ d6`vot ] v. 奉獻

個性 圖片提供:民視


Monthly Star



Nick Chou

生日:1988 年 星座:獅子座


敖犬(本名:莊濠全) Owodog Zhuan g

生日:1982 年 星座:天蠍座

分 身高:182 公 體重:63 公斤 戲劇 興趣:歌唱、

10 月 30 日

身高:177 公

分 體重:62 公斤 興趣:跳舞、


林逸欣 Shara


11 月 5 日 生日:1985 年 星座:天蠍座 分 身高:168 公 體重:45 公斤 、 、騎馬、唱歌 興趣:溜直排輪 創作、表演 68

魏蔓 Mandy Wei 生日:1984 年 星座:處女座


身高:168 公

分 體重:48 公斤 興趣:音樂、



請沿虛線裁剪下來。(+ 為打孔點)

1. sign [ sa6n ] v.

2. clear [ kl6r ] adj.

P. 22

P. 12

1. break [ brek ] v. (break-broke-broken)

If you break a mirror, you’ll have bad luck.

活用 ABC


Doug hardly speaks Chinese.

P. 23

P. 13

2. upstairs [ `9p`st5rz ] adj.

活用 ABC


Holly invited her neighbors to the Christmas party.

P. 24

P. 14

2. apologize [ 4`p3l4%d.a6z ] v.

活用 ABC


Is there something wrong, officer?


3. difficulty [ `d6f4%k9lt6 ] n.

Call me if you have any difficulties.

4. choice [ t]76s ] n.

How many choices do you have?

P. 26

2. sudden [ `s9dx ] adj. The sudden heavy rain made me wet.

Lucas failed a very key exam.

4. hero [ `h6ro ] n.

The hero saved the whole country.



3. brave [ brev ] adj.

Don’t cry. You should be braver.

2. train station [ tren ] [ `ste]4n ] n.

4. admire [ 4d`ma6r ] v.

People admire John because he’s so hardworking.

Roberta is a member of the karate club.

4. form [ f7rm ] n.

All of the information is on that form.

Does that convenience store sell Hello Kitty cups?

2. likely [ `la6kl6 ] adv.

3. postcard [ `post%k3rd ] n.

Send me a postcard when you get to Rome.

4. coin [ k76n ] n.

A few coins fell out of Martha’s pocket.

I’m sorry, but we’re out of French fries. 2. roll [ rol ] n. Jamie bought orange juice and two rice rolls. 3. beer [ b6r ] n. If you drink too much beer, you’ll have a big belly. 4. depend [ d6`p5nd ] v. Mr. Finch is blind, so he depends on his dog for many things.

Who is your favorite character in that movie?

2. artist [ `3rt6st ] n.

The artist spent two weeks on his new painting.



We can get a taxi in front of the train station.

3. dresser [ `dr5s0 ] n. Gina folded her clothes and put them in her dresser.

2. actress [ `1ktr6s ] n.

1. character [ `k1r6kt0 ] n. P. 28

P. 18

1. select [ s4`l5kt ] v.

I like all of these hats, but I can’t select a color.

I suggest that you leave home early tomorrow.

1. French fries [ fr5nt] ] [ fra6z ] n.

P. 27

P. 17

2. key [ ki ] adj.

It costs NT$50 per hour to park in the parking lot.

Sharon will likely know the name of that Web site.

1. general [ `d.5n4r4l ] n.

Julia’s father is a general.

4. parking lot [ `p3rk6; ] [ l3t ] n.

1. convenience store [ k4n`vinj4ns ] [ stor ] n.


P. 16

1. decision [ d6`s6.4n ] n.

You don’t have the right to make this decision.

You shouldn’t give your address out to strangers.

3. member [ `m5mb0 ] n.

3. appreciate [ 4`pri]6%et ] v. 4. officer [ `7f6s0 ] n.

2. nice-looking [ `na6s`l8k6; ] adj.

That actress is going to play a queen.

Matt apologized to Sophie.

I really appreciate your help.

Only one seat on the bus is available.

1. suggest [ s4`d.5st ] v.

1. noisy [ `n76z6 ] adj.

That is a crowded and noisy night market.

You can borrow either guitar.

3. address [ 4`dr5s ; `1dr5s] n.

3. closet [ `kl3z6t ] n.

4. neighbor [ `neb0 ] n.

4. either [ `i\0 ] adj.

Josh’s new beard is very nice-looking.

Edward closed the upstairs window.

I have so much stuff in my closet.

I think Monica will accept your advice.

1. available [ 4`vel4by ] adj.

1. seafood [ `si%fud ] n.

You can get great seafood in Hong Kong.

2. review [ r6`vju ] v.

3. accept [ 4k`s5pt ] v.

3. weather [ `w5\0 ] n.

4. hardly [ `h3rdl6 ] adv.

You need to sign the contract and write the date. Review your homework before you give it to the teacher.

On a clear day, you can see the ocean from my house. I hope the weather will be nice tomorrow.


3. style [ sta6l ] n.

I really love that dancer’s style.

4. youth [ juq ] n.

During Grandma’s youth, she lived in New York.

請沿虛線裁剪下來。(+ 為打孔點)

1. sign 簽訂

1. break 摔斷;使碎裂


1. available 可獲得的

1. suggest 建議

P. 27 世界好望角


P. 28

2. train station 火車站

本月焦點 本月焦點 本月焦點 品格英語


3. dresser (附有鏡子的)衣櫥 流行最前線

3. style 風格


4. hero 英雄



4. youth 青春;年少時期


1. select 挑選



2. key 關鍵的;重要的 3. brave 勇敢的

1. character 角色 2. artist 藝術家



3. beer 啤酒


4. choice 選擇



4. depend 依靠;仰賴


1. general 將軍



P. 16

P. 26

3. difficulty 困難

1. French fries 薯條

2. roll (一)捲;捲狀物

2. sudden 突然的

P. 17





4. coin 硬幣

4. officer 警察;警官


雪倫很可能會知道那個網站的名稱。 到羅馬時寄一張明信片給我吧。


1. decision 決定


3. postcard 明信片

P. 14

P. 24

1. convenience store 便利商店 2. likely 很有可能地

2. apologize 道歉 3. appreciate 感謝

活用 ABC




3. member 會員;成員 4. form 表格

4. neighbor 鄰居


該名女演員將飾演一位皇后。 蘿貝塔是空手道社的成員。


1. noisy 吵鬧的


2. actress 女演員

P. 13

P. 23

3. closet 衣櫥 活用 ABC


2. upstairs 樓上的


3. address 地址

4. parking lot 停車場





4. hardly 幾乎不

1. seafood 海鮮


2. nice-looking 好看的




3. weather 天氣 活用 ABC

4. either (兩者之中)任一的

P. 12


3. accept 接受


2. clear 晴朗的

P. 18

2. review 再檢查


P. 22



4. admire 欣賞





請沿虛線裁剪下來。(+ 為打孔點)

1. swing [ swI; ] v. (swing-swung-swung)

2. comic [ `k3m6k ] n.

P. 44

P. 29

1. treasure [ `tr5.0 ] n.

Tom found treasure on the island.

4. international [ %6nt0`n1]4ny ] adj.

English is an international language.

P. 45

P. 30

2. sidewalk [ `sa6d%w7k ] n.

4. add [ 1d ] v.

We added Frank’s name to the waiting list.

2. foot [ f8t ] n.

4. suit [ sut ] v.

That green jacket really suits you.

This is Val’s last day at work.

P. 48 一本好書


3. board [ bord ] v. 4. last [ l1st ] adj.

2. front [ fr9nt ] adj.

4. mile [ ma6l ] n.

We drove 250 miles today.

3. public [ `p9bl6k ] adj.

Fewer and fewer people use public telephones.

4. tip [ t6p ] n.

This book offers some helpful gardening tips.

The city is recovering from the earthquake.

2. age [ ed. ] n.

Timothy was in a bad car accident, but he survived.

4. elder [ `5ld0 ] adj.

Diane always shows respect to elder people.

Knowledge is more important than money. 2. repeat [ r6`pit ] v. Repeat the sentence after me. 3. avoid [ 4`v76d ] v. We should avoid that area, because it has lots of mosquitoes. 4. greedy [ `grid6 ] adj. You shouldn’t be so greedy.

Adam will move to California next spring.

2. insect [ `6ns5kt ] n.

Tanya’s brother likes to study insects.

3. event [ 6`v5nt ] n. 玩味生活


I really like your front garden.

3. moment [ `mom4nt ] n. Can you wait one moment, please?

2. example [ 6g`z1mpy ] n.

1. spring [ spr6; ] n. P. 50

P. 43

1. aunt [ 1nt ] n.

Vincent has two aunts and five uncles.

It’s your turn to clean the toilet.

1. knowledge [ `n3l6d. ] n.

Grace allowed us to use her motorcycle.

After people get off the train, you can board it.

The barking dog frightened the little boy.

3. survive [ s0`va6v ] v.

P. 49

P. 41

2. allow [ 4`la8 ] v.

4. frighten [ `fra6tx ] v.

Clifford’s age is 32.

1. punish [ `p9n6] ] v.

Mr. Philips never punishes his kids.

It’s hard for teenagers to obey their parents.

1. recover [ r6`k9v0 ] v.



P. 40

1. ordinary [ `7rdx%5r6 ] adj.

That looks like an ordinary house, but it’s actually a museum. 2. guy [ ga6 ] n. Bert went to the gym with two other guys. 3. basic [ `bes6k ] adj. A basic room in this hotel costs NT$950 per night. 4. regular [ `r5gj4l0 ] adj. Nancy is very rich, but she behaves like a regular person.

2. bath [ b1q ] n.

Let me give you an example of how you can use this tool.



That guy stepped on my foot!

3. bench [ b5nt] ] n. Elliot sat on the bench and tied his shoes.

I didn’t want to have any dessert, but Amanda insisted.

1. toilet [ `t76l6t ] n. P. 46

P. 34

1. super [ `sup0 ] adj.

Lisa is a super fan of Jeremy Lin.

The thunder was loud last night.

3. obey [ o`be ] v. 短篇故事集


The actor is preparing for his play.

4. loud [ la8d ] adj.

Julie wants to take a warm bath tonight.

Stuart parked his bike on the sidewalk.

3. actor [ `1kt0 ] n.

Michael went to the store, but he didn’t buy anything.

1. insist [ 6n`s6st ] v.

1. tent [ t5nt ] n.

This tent is for four people.

2. path [ p1q ] n.

3. anything [ `5n6%q6; ] pron. 短篇故事集


Teenagers are between 13 and 19 years old.

Mandy always swings her arms when she walks. This path goes all the way through the mountains.

I didn’t like this comic’s story, but the pictures were cool.

3. teenager [ `tin%ed.0 ] n.


I don’t go to social events.

4. rainy [ `ren6 ] adj.

On rainy days, Stacy likes to stay home and read.

請沿虛線裁剪下來。(+ 為打孔點)

1. swing 擺動

1. treasure 寶物;寶藏


1. insist 堅持

1. toilet 廁所;馬桶

流行最前線 流行最前線 史吉普的世界 P. 40

P. 48



P. 41

P. 49 一本好書


P. 50

2. front 前面的


3. moment 片刻 玩味生活

3. event 活動;事件 雨天時,史黛西喜歡待在家看書。

4. last 最後的



4. rainy 下雨的


1. aunt 與母親同輩份的女性長輩



2. allow 允許

3. board 上(車、船、飛機)

1. spring 春天 2. insect 昆蟲



3. avoid 避免


4. regular 一般的



4. greedy 貪心的;貪婪的


1. punish 處罰



2. guy 男人;傢伙 3. basic 基本的

1. knowledge 知識 2. repeat 重複



3. survive 存活


4. suit 適合



4. elder 較年長的


1. ordinary 普通的;平常的



P. 34

P. 46

1. recover 重建;復原 2. age 年齡

2. foot 腳(複數為 feet) 3. bench 長椅





3. public 公共的;公眾的 4. tip 訣竅;技巧

4. add 增加;加入


我來為你示範一下要如何使用這個工具。 愈來愈少人使用公共電話。


1. super 超級的


2. example 例子;範例

P. 30

P. 45

3. actor 表演者;演員 短篇故事集


2. sidewalk 人行道


3. obey 聽從;服從

4. frighten 使害怕;使驚嚇



茱莉今晚想洗個熱水澡。 要青少年乖乖聽父母的話並不容易。

4. international 國際的

1. tent 帳篷


2. bath 洗澡




3. teenager 青少年 短篇故事集

4. loud 大聲的

P. 29


3. anything 任何事物


2. comic 漫畫

P. 43

2. path 小徑;小路


P. 44



4. mile 英里;哩




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