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圖 解 學 英 語 實用、輕鬆、又有趣! 超可愛全彩圖解,


讓大朋友、小朋友愛上學英語! Let’s catch a wave! 讓我們乘浪吧!

1. wave [wev] 浪

2. boardshorts [`b7rd~]7rts] 衝浪褲

3. surfboard [`s-f~b7rd] 衝浪板

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2014/6/4 下午 12:32:31

ABC Interactive English Magazine

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ONTENTS ABC Interactive English Magazine



課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 01 慢速 MP3 40

Something’s Wrong

短篇故事集 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 09-11 慢速 MP3 48-50 課程講解  MP3 76-78


How to Eat Fried Worms

發生什麼事了? 互動光碟收錄真人實境影片


No. 145 July 2014



課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 02 慢速 MP3 41

At the Beach




課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 12 慢速 MP3 51 課程講解  MP3 79

Finding Attila 尋找阿提拉大作戰 (感官動詞用法) 互動光碟收錄精彩3D動畫



課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 03-05 慢速 MP3 42-44 課程講解  MP3 71-73

A Day at the Beach



課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 13-14 慢速 MP3 52-53 課程講解  MP3 80-81



Mom, I Have a Question. 媽,我有個問題

Take Your Time 不急不急 品格英語 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 06-07 慢速 MP3 45-46 課程講解  MP3 74-75


活用 ABC 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 15-17 慢速 MP3 54-56 課程講解  MP3 82-84

Be Dependable

I Could Eat a Horse!


我吃得下一匹馬! 互動光碟收錄真人實境影片

畫中有話 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 08 慢速 MP3 47

Going on a Date 甜蜜的約會




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課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 18 慢速 MP3 57 課程講解  MP3 85

課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 26 慢速 MP3 65 課程講解  MP3 93

An Interesting Dream

Let’s Go Dutch!









09 46

TLC 旅遊生活頻道 專題報導


全民英檢初級模擬試題 課文朗讀  CD ⁄ MP3 33-36







問卷調查 單字卡 一本好書 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 30-31 慢速 MP3 68-69





Vegan Diets: A Healthy Way of Eating

課文朗讀  CD ⁄ MP3 27

課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 28-29 慢速 MP3 66-67

Discover Singapore

Déjà Vu

課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 21-23 慢速 MP3 60-62 課程講解  MP3 88-90



課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 19-20 慢速 MP3 58-59 課程講解  MP3 86-87



贈書 活動

67 69


The Secret of Zoom 《茲姆石的秘密》 下期預告 圖解字典:

中西式早餐 活用 ABC:



課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 24-25 慢速 MP3 63-64 課程講解  MP3 91-92

Let’s Go Backpacking! 一個人的 Fun 膽旅遊

聽說圖寫 課文朗讀  正常速 CD ⁄ MP3 32 慢速 MP3 70

Fun Facts Around the World 世界妙知識


暑期活動 克漏字測驗:

死亡計數器 流行最前線:

宜蘭童玩節 ABC 長知識:

多「呵」多健康 悠遊文化:



Something’s Wrong 發生什麼事了? 課文 正常:CD / MP3 01 朗讀 慢速:MP3 40

學完當日實用句後, 記得在 裡打勾喔!

Week 1 Health 健康

Week 2 Cars 汽車

didn’t sleep well last night. 01 I我昨天晚上沒睡好。

have a flat tire. 08 We 我們的車子爆胎了。

ears are ringing like 02 My crazy.

smells funny. 09 Something 有一股奇怪的味道。


have a really bad rash* on 03 Imy neck. 我的脖子起了好大一片疹子。

am a little under the 04 Iweather.* 我覺得不太舒服。

had a cramp* in my leg this 07 Imorning. 今天早上我的腿抽筋。

battery is dead. 10 The 電瓶沒電了。 can’t find a parking space 11 Ianywhere. 我到處都找不到停車位。

of the headlights* is 14 One broken. 有一個車頭燈壞掉了。

a scratch* on the 15 There’s door. 車門上有道刮痕。

rash [ r1] ] n. 疹子 under the weather 身體不適 cramp [ kr1mp ] n. 抽筋;痙攣


headlight [ `h5d%la6t ] n. 汽車頭燈;探照燈 scratch [ skr1t] ] n. 刮痕

A Sentence a Day

Week 3 Electronics 電子產品

Week 4 Food 食物

[ 6%l5k`tr3n6ks ]

think someone hacked* my 16 Iaccount! 我想我的帳號被盜了!

connection has a really 17 The bad lag.* 網路連線慢到不行。

no more memory on 18 There’s the computer. 電腦的記憶體用完了。

can’t change the language 21 Isettings.* 我沒辦法調整語言設定。

phone isn’t getting any 22 My reception.* 我的手機收不到訊號。

chicken is way too spicy! 24 My 我這份雞肉也太辣了吧! beef is still a little raw.* 25 This 這牛肉還有點生。 hamburger is too dry. 28 This 漢堡肉太乾了。 noodles are too oily* 29 These for me. 這麵條對我來說太油了。

My cookies are burned. 30 Look. 你看,餅乾烤焦了。 gave me the wrong 31 They meal. 他們送錯餐點了。

mouse isn’t working. 23 The 滑鼠不能用。 hack [ h1k ] v. 違法存取、盜改(電腦檔案、網路帳號等) lag [ l1g ] n. 落後;遲滯 setting [ `s5t6; ] n. 設定;裝置 reception [ r6`s5p]4n ] n. 收訊

raw [ r7 ] adj. 未煮過的;生的 oily [ `76l6 ] adj. 油膩的

每日精彩解說請看 DVD 互動光碟電視教學節目,或上 ABC 互動英語臉書 觀看。 也可由互動光碟主畫面點選「安裝每日一句」程式,於電腦開機時即會自動出現當日之實用句。 7


Monthly Star

Jam Hsiao 蕭敬騰 ~No matter what happens, I won’t stop trying to change the world with my music.~ 「無論碰到任何事,我都不會停止用音樂改變世界。」 Jam Hsiao has a reading disorder,* but he never stopped fighting to improve his life. Now, he is having great success in the musical world. It is all thanks to encouragement* from his teachers and his own hard work. When Hsiao was a teenager, he did some stupid things. He got into a lot of trouble. Luckily for Hsiao, a lot of people helped him. Finally, he found his own love of music. Now Hsiao is a big star, but he hasn’t forgotten to pay society* back. He’s always willing to promote* public good* and help those in need. He just wants to pass kindness on to other people. Today, Hsiao’s story is in junior high school textbooks. The story encourages young people to believe in themselves and follow their dreams. 蕭敬騰有閱讀障礙,但他從未停止為追求美好人生而奮戰,他在音樂 界獲得的成就都要歸功於老師的鼓勵與他自身的努力。 蕭敬騰在年少時期曾做過一些荒唐事,到處惹事生非,所幸有很多人 對他伸出援手。最後,他發現了自己對音樂的熱愛。如今是超級巨星的蕭 敬騰仍不忘回饋社會,他一直熱心公益、幫助弱勢,他想把自己曾受到的 恩惠散播給其他人。 蕭敬騰的故事如今被列入國中教材,鼓勵年輕學子盡其在我、勇於追 夢。


* reading disorder [ d6s`7rd0 ] 閱讀障礙 * encouragement [ 6n`k-6d.m4nt ] n. 鼓勵 (encourage [ 6n`k-6d. ] 為動詞) * society [ s4`sa64t6 ] n. 社會 * promote [ pr4`mot ] v. 宣傳;發揚 * public good 公益


Don’t forget the ABC TV program!

2014 July No. 145

學習計畫表 7



月 學習進度自我檢測




 

校園週考進度表 第一週 pp. 10~17 第二週 pp. 20~28





















淨灘計劃啟動 Part A p. 12

淨灘計劃啟動 Part B p. 13

淨灘計劃啟動 Part C p. 14

成為可靠的人 l


p. 16

第三週 pp. 29~37 volunteer 當 (v.) (n.)

第四週 pp. 39~45



unclean 的用法


 


depend on = count on













成為可靠的人 ll

炸蟲總動員 l

炸蟲總動員 lI

炸蟲總動員 lII


p. 17

p. 20

p. 21

p. 22

pp. 23–26

What is an

「值得信賴」的 英文說法



 




「噁心」的說法 有哪些?










活用 ABC

活用 ABC

活用 ABC



p. 27

p. 28

我吃得下一匹馬! Part A p. 30

我吃得下一匹馬! Part B p. 31

我吃得下一匹馬! Part C p. 32

「金髮」、「棕髮」 英文怎麼說



不同種類的 手錶(watch)

 




teaspoon 和 tablespoon 的差別












似曾相識 l

似曾相識 ll

純素主義 l

純素主義 ll

pp. 34–35

p. 36

p. 37

p. 39

p. 40

「子彈」= bullet



past life「前世」 next life「來生」

sixth sense「第六感」

 




vegan 和 vegetarian 的差別






純素主義 lll

一個人的 Fun 膽旅遊 l

一個人的 Fun 膽旅遊 ll


p. 41

p. 42

p. 43

pp. 44–45

各種香料的 英文說法


soy milk「豆漿」


explore「探險」 ↓




別忘了每天收看互動光碟裡 Luke 老師活潑逗趣的「有求必應」單元喔!


 本月焦點


圖解字典 Picture Dictionary

At the Beach


海灘風景 課文 正常:CD / MP3 02 朗讀 慢速:MP3 41



r y q

4. towel

1. sand [ s1nd ] n.


The sand on this beach is so white and clean. 這片海灘的沙子真是又白又乾淨。

2. ocean [ `o]4n ] n.


Damien dried his hair with a towel. 戴米恩用毛巾把頭髮擦乾。

5. sandcastle 海洋

I can smell the ocean from my house. 我在我家就能聞到海的味道。

3. beach umbrella [ bit] ] [ 9m`br5l4 ]


Martha is reading a book under the beach umbrella. 瑪莎正在遮陽傘下看書。


[ `ta84l ] n.

[ `s1nd%k1sy ] n.


If we make our sandcastle taller, it will fall down. 如果我們把沙堡再堆高一點,它會垮下來。

6. sunblock [ `s9n%bl3k ] n.


It’s important to wear sunblock when you’re at the beach. 在海邊時,擦防曬是很重要的。

Monthly Focus

s d




10. flip-flop

7. sunglasses [ `s9n%gl1s6z ] n.


The man with sunglasses is my husband. 戴太陽眼鏡的那名男子是我先生。

[ `fl6p%fl3p ] n.


Roberta always wears flip-flops when she goes to the beach. 蘿貝塔去海邊時總是會穿夾腳拖鞋。

8. cooler [ `kul0 ] n.



There are no more drinks in the cooler. 冷藏箱裡沒有飲料了。

9. bathing suit [ `be\6; ] [ sut ] (連身)泳衣

That bathing suit looks great on you. 妳穿那件泳裝很好看。

11. lifeguard [ `la6f%g3rd ] n.


How many lifeguards are here? 這裡有多少救生員?

12. wave [ wev ] n. 海浪 These waves aren’t big enough for surfing. 海浪不夠大,無法衝浪。 11

 本月焦點


á 重點單字 1200

1. trash [ tr1] ] n. 垃圾

You can leave your trash on B1. 你可以把垃圾放在地下一樓。


2. stand [ st1nd ] v. 忍受 (stand-stood-stood)

A Day at the Beach

Nobody can stand Julia’s bad temper. 沒有人受得了茱莉亞的壞脾氣。


3. sharp [ ]3rp ] adj. 銳利的

That cat has really sharp teeth.


那隻貓的牙齒很銳利。 1200

4. glove [ gl9v ] n. 手套

Do any shops in this night market sell gloves?

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:49 秒

這個夜市有賣手套的店嗎? 參考單字》

volunteer [ %v3l4n`t6r ] v.


á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) is here to + V. (某人)來這裡(做某事)。 • The mechanic is here to fix the elevator. 那位技師是來修電梯的。

• Hello. I’m here to have a job interview. 你好,我是來面試的。

2. It’s getting hot. 天氣變熱了。 此句型用現在進行式強調「狀態正在改變」。get 為連綴 動詞,表示「轉變;轉換」,其後接形容詞;hot 可用其 他天氣形容詞(如 cold、warm、windy 等)替換。

• It’s getting cold, so we should buy a heater. 天氣變冷了,所以我們應該買一台暖氣機。

ABC 超音波 ought 發 [ 7t ] 的音,如文中的 brought 和常見的 thought、fought、sought 等字。

 隨堂測驗‧是非題

_____ q Mary is going to get paid for cleaning the beach. _____ w Mary is going to wear her flip-flops. _____ e There are sharp things in the sand.

Part A



課文 正常:CD / MP3 03 朗讀 慢速:MP3 42

課程 MP3 講解 71

Rick is waiting for Mary at the beach. 瑞克在海灘等瑪麗。

Mary: Hi. I’m Mary. I’m here to volunteer*

for the beach clean-up group. Rick: I’m Rick. Thanks for coming. We

really need to clean up this beach. Mary: Yes, there’s so much trash.1 I can’t

stand2 it. Rick: OK, you have a towel and some sunblock. That’s good. It’s getting hot. Mary: I also brought a pair of flip-flops. Rick: You shouldn’t wear those. There are

many sharp3 objects in the sand. Mary: That’s fine. I can keep wearing my

sneakers. Rick: You’ll need these gloves,4 too. OK! I

think we’re ready to go.


Monthly Focus

á 重點單字 2000

1. dolphin [ `d3lf6n ] n. 海豚

Those dolphins are so close to our boat! 那些海豚離我們的船好近!


2. empty [ `5mpt6 ] adj. 空的

This box is light; it must be empty. 這個箱子好輕,它一定是空的。


3. bottle [ `b3ty ] n. 瓶子

What kind of juice is in that bottle? 那個瓶子裡裝的是什麼果汁?


手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:46 秒

Part B

4. recycle [ r6`sa6ky ] v. 回收

You can recycle all of those old magazines. 你可以把那些舊雜誌都拿去回收。

á 學習焦點 Wed


課文 正常:CD / MP3 04 朗讀 慢速:MP3 43

課程 MP3 講解 72

1. It’s too bad that + 子句 . 很可惜、遺憾……。 此句型用來表示惋惜、同情。too bad「遺憾的」為口語 用法。

They are walking on the beach and looking for trash.

• It’s too bad that you can’t go to the party.



2. put up 張貼(圖片、佈告等)

Mary: There’s a soda can. I’ll get it.


Rick: Thanks. It’s too bad that people

make this beach dirty.


• The workers are putting up some streetlights.

Mary: Yes. I came here when I was little. I

played in the waves with my sister.


3. throw away 丟掉

Rick: Me too. We built sandcastles and watched dolphins.1

為可分動詞片語。throw 是動詞「丟;扔」的意思,三 態為 throw-threw-thrown。

• This sheet is really dirty, so I think I’ll throw it


Mary: Does your group only clean up?


Rick: We also put up signs. We tell people

to bring a plastic bag to the beach. They can put their garbage in the bag, and throw it away later. Mary: When I have empty2 bottles,3 I put

them in my cooler. Then I recycle them.

• The bookstore put up a new poster.


 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q __________ eat fish. w It’s important to __________ things like cans.

soda can 汽水罐

Rick: Good idea! 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62 頁


 本月焦點


á 重點單字 2000

1. shower [ `]a80 ] n. 淋浴(take a shower 為固定用法) Louis didn’t have time to take a shower. 路易斯沒時間沖澡。


2. sleepy [ `slip6 ] adj. 想睡的

Patty stayed up late last night, so she’s quite sleepy. 派蒂昨晚熬夜到很晚,所以她現在很睏。


手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:47 秒

3. shore [ ]or ] n. (河、海等)岸

Carl is walking his dog along the shore. 卡爾正沿著岸邊遛狗。


Part C



課文 正常:CD / MP3 05 朗讀 慢速:MP3 44

課程 MP3 講解 73

They spent two hours cleaning. 他們花了兩個小時淨灘。

4. ruin [ `r86n ] v. 毀壞

Watching too much TV will ruin your eyes. 看太多電視會傷眼。

á 學習焦點

1. spend (time) + V-ing 花(時間)(做某事)

Rick: We’re done. This part of the beach

looks great.

使用此句型時,主詞必為「人」。spend 之後可接時間或 金錢,注意其後若遇動詞要改為動名詞。

• Miriam spent the whole morning doing

Mary: Thank goodness. I’m going to go for

a swim.



• Frank spent one million dollars setting up his

Rick: OK. You can leave your things under that beach umbrella. I’m going to go home, take a shower1 and take a nap. I’m really sleepy.2 Mary: Does your group come here every




2. go for a swim 去游泳 相當於 go swimming。

• Jeremy went for a swim in the river. 傑諾米到河裡游泳。

• I like to go swimming on hot days. 天氣很熱的時候,我喜歡去游泳。

Rick: Yes. We want to make this part of the

shore clean and beautiful. 3

Mary: I hope we’ll succeed. Pollution is

ruining this beach. Next week, I’ll invite my friend. She’s a lifeguard, so she loves the beach.

3. Does (sb) come here every (time)? (某人)每到(某時)都會來這裡嗎?

• Do you come here every summer vacation? 你每年暑假都會來這裡嗎?


Rick: That sounds great. See you next


q The wind is going to __________ my hair! w Why are you so __________ today? e I’m going to take a long __________.

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62 頁


 隨堂測驗‧填空題

r The __________ is so pretty here.

Monthly Focus

H Listening Test 聽力測驗 本測驗依照「國中教育會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提供 準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track 37 或使 用 DVD-Rom/CD-Rom 互動光碟,進入本課之後點選「會考 聽力測驗」即可作答;或至 LiveABC 官網下載 MP3 音檔。

請聽語音播出的試題,根據圖意選出一個相符合的答案,每題 播出一次。 _____ 1.



B I’m going to the pool. C I’m going to the office.

_____ 6. A No thanks. I brought my cell phone.

Ⅰ 辨識句意


_____ 5. A I’m going to the airport.

B Sure. I can’t see anything at all. C No thanks. My hands aren’t cold.

_____ 7. A I know. I’m too tired to stand, too!

B Neither can I. It’s making me crazy. C Yeah. I really love it, too.

_____ 8. A They are all old and dirty.

B They are all brand-new. C They cost way too much money.

Ⅲ 言談理解 請聽語音播出一段對話和相關問題後,選出一個最適當的選 項,每題播出一次。

_____ 2.




_____ 9. A It’s very large.

B It’s very clean. C It’s very dirty.

_____ 10. A The noodles will taste great.

B The noodles won’t be ready. C They won’t be able to eat the noodles.

_____ 11. A Something to protect her skin. _____ 3.




B Something to protect her eyes. C Something to protect her clothes.

_____ 12. A It’s near the water.

B It’s near some mountains. C It’s near a forest.

_____ 13. A Something he can use to cut things.

Ⅱ 基本問答 請聽語音播出的一個問句或直述句後,選出一個最適當的回應 選項,每題播出一次。

B Something he can use to dry things. C Something he can use to make food.

_____ 14. A An animal.

B A knife. C A drink.

_____ 4. A Yeah. There’s nothing in it.

B All right. Let’s put more things in it. C OK. We had better fix it, then. 聽力測驗解答請見第 62 頁


 品格英語


á 重點單字 1200

1. own [ on ] v. 擁有

Be Dependable

Owning a home is better than renting one. 擁有房產比租屋要來得好。


2. goose [ gus ] n. 鵝 ( 複數是 geese [ gis ] )


Lots of geese are in that field. 田裡面有好多隻鵝。


3. corn [ k7rn ] n. 玉米

I would like a bowl of corn soup. 我想要一碗玉米湯。


4. silent [ `sa6l4nt ] adj. 不出聲的;沉默的

Daisy was silent for a while before she answered the question. 黛西在回答問題前,沉默了一會兒。


dependable [ d6`p5nd4by ] adj. 可靠的;可信任的 shrug [ ]r9g ] v. 聳肩 (shrug-shrugged-shrugged) á 學習焦點

1. A tells B a story. A 告訴 B 一個故事。 注意「說」故事的動詞要用 tell(tell-told-told)。

• Let me tell you a story. It’s about three

fairies. 我來說個故事給你聽,是有關三個仙女的。

2. share (sth) with (sb) 與(某人)分享(某事) share [ ]5r ] 是「分享」的意思。 • Jessie shares all of her feelings with her

parents. 潔西會與父母分享所有的喜怒哀樂。

3. a bag of 一袋、一包…… 可修飾可數和不可數名詞。

• How much does a bag of rice cost? 一袋米要多少錢?


• Ian brought me a bag of apples. 伊恩帶了一袋蘋果給我。


 隨堂測驗‧連接相關字詞

own goose corn silent 16

• quiet

• have

• a vegetable

• a bird



課文 正常:CD / MP3 06 朗讀 慢速:MP3 45

課程 MP3 講解 74

During my childhood, my teacher told me a story. I want to share it with you. In the USA, two men owned 1 farms. Their names were Stephen and William. One morning, they were chatting. Stephen said, “We both raise geese2 and grow corn.3 You have many customers, but I have very few. I don’t know why.” William stayed silent. 4 He only shrugged* his shoulders. Then, a truck drove up and a customer got out. The customer said, “Hello, Stephen. Last week I ordered 10 bags of corn. I’m here to pick them up.”

Building Character

á 重點單字 1200

1. snowy [ `sno6 ] adj. 下雪的

The weather report says that it will be snowy tomorrow. 氣象預報說明天會下雪。


2. temperature [ `t5mpr4t]0 ] n. 溫度

Do you know what the temperature is? 你知道現在氣溫幾度嗎?


3. degree [ d6`gri ] n. 度數

It’s only two degrees outside! 現在外面只有兩度!


4. progress [ `pr3gr5s ] n. 進展

This is a difficult project, but we’re making progress. 這個案子很棘手,不過我們持續都有進展。

á 學習焦點

1. (Sb/Sth) isn’t ready. (某人/物)還沒準備好。 • Dessert isn’t ready yet, but it will be done Mon


課文 正常:CD / MP3 07 朗讀 慢速:MP3 46


課程 MP3 講解 75


Stephen said, “Sorry. It was cold and snowy 1 all week. Yesterday, the temperature2 was only five degrees! 3 Your corn isn’t ready. If the weather’s better this week, I’ll make more progress.”4 The customer said, “Forget it.” He said to William, “I need 10 bags of corn tomorrow. Can I count on you?” William said, “Sure. I’ll get up early tomorrow and prepare them.” From then on, the customer always bought his corn from William. This stor y inspired me a lot. After I heard it, I always tried to be dependable. 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62 頁

2. buy (sth) from (sb) 向(某人)購買(某物) • Paul bought his helmet from a bike store. 保羅跟一家腳踏車行買了一頂安全帽。

3. try to be + adj. 試著(保持某狀態) • Jeff is in a bad mood, but he’s trying to be

friendly. 傑夫雖然心情不好,但他還是試著表現出友善。

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q If our __________ is faster, we’ll finish soon. w Sometimes during the summer, it’s 35

__________ here. e This machine can tell us what the __________ is. r It’s going to be __________, so let’s just stay inside. 17


Going on a Date 甜蜜的約會

Chris has a crush on his coworker, Danielle. 克里斯相當心儀他的同事丹妮爾。


1 After work, Chris asks Danielle out.

課文 正常:CD / MP3 08 朗讀 慢速:MP3 47

á 重點單字 1200

1. date [ det ] n. 約會

How was your date with Janet? 你跟珍娜的約會順利嗎?


2. arrange [ 4`rend. ] v. 安排;籌備

Do you know why our boss arranged a meeting?

Would you like to have dinner with me this weekend? flavor [ `flev0 ] n. 口味 *妳這週末想一起去吃晚餐嗎?

你知道老闆為何要安排一場會議嗎? 1200

3. telephone [ `t5l4%fon ] v. 打電話

Adam telephoned the company and asked them to fix his TV. 亞當打電話到那間公司請他們來修理電視。


下班後,克里斯約丹妮爾出去。 STEP

Danielle thinks Chris is nice, so she

2 accepts his invitation.

4. bill [ b6l ] n. 帳單

Sure. That sounds like fun. 好啊,聽起來好像不錯。

It looks like there’s a mistake on this bill. 看來帳單好像算錯了。

á 學習焦點

1. A has a crush on B. A 喜歡、戀上 B。 crush [ kr9] ] 是名詞「迷戀」。注意介系詞要用 on。

Great! I’m happy to hear it.

• Kara told me that she has a crush on Alex.



2. walk (sb) to (place)



walk 是動詞「陪……走」的意思。文中用 scooter 代指停機車的地方。

• It’s dark. Should I walk you to the bus


They arrange2 a time and a place to 3 meet.


Can we make it 7:30?



• • • • • • •


會 相 關 字 詞

go on a date 去約會 ask (sb) out 約(某人)出去 go Dutch [ d9t] ] 各付各的 couple [ `k9py ] n. 情侶;夫妻 third wheel [ hwil ] 電燈泡 blind [ bla6nd ] date 相親 stand (sb) up 放(某人)鴿子

How about 7:00 on Saturday night at the Indian restaurant?

星期六晚上七點在印度餐廳 碰面怎麼樣?


Step by Step

Chris telephones3 the restaurant and 4 makes a reservation.


I would like to book a table for two, please.

All right. What time will you arrive?



4 7 When the bill comes, they go Dutch.

I would be happy to pay. 我很樂意買單。


It’s OK. We can split* it. 沒關係,我們可以分開付。



* split [ spl6t ] v. STEP

On Saturday night, Chris gives Danielle

5 a rose.

Thanks! You’re so sweet. 謝謝!你真貼心。



After dinner, Chris walks Danielle to her

8 scooter. I had a great time tonight.

Me too. 我也是。


This is for you. 這是給妳的。



They have a nice dinner, and they chat 6 a lot.



They make plans to meet again next

9 weekend.

So what do you do for fun?


Do you want to see a movie next weekend? I love cycling.* How about you?



* cycling [ `sa6ky6; ] n.



Sure. I’d love to. 好啊,我很樂意。

他們約好下週末再碰面。 插畫:a-jay


 短篇故事集


How to Eat Fried Worms 炸 蟲 總動員 《炸蟲總動員》一書於一九七三年出 版,作者為湯瑪士 • 洛克威爾 (Thomas Rockwell),小說內容講述一群男孩子打 賭吃蚯蚓的故事,內容充滿幽默童趣,曾 獲得多個文學獎項,全球銷量超過三百萬 冊,二○○六年時還被拍成同名電影,在 當時造成熱烈迴響。



課文 正常:CD / MP3 09 朗讀 慢速:MP3 48

課程 MP3 講解 76

Billy, Tom, and their friends were having a discussion2 about food. Billy said, “I can eat anything.” Tom said, “Well, nobody can eat worms!” Billy said, “I can.” Tom said, “Let’s bet. You must eat 15 worms in 15 days. If you succeed, I’ll give you 50 dollars. If you fail, you’ll give me 50 dollars.” At first Billy wanted to reject3 the bet. Then he remembered that he wanted to buy a bike. He said, “If I can fry4 the worms, I’ll accept the bet.” Tom said, “You’re on!” á 重點單字 2000

1. worm [ w-m ] n. 蟲

When it rains, there are many worms on the sidewalk. 下雨時,人行道上有好多蟲。


2. discussion [ d6`sk9]4n ] n. 討論

Randy and Allen love to have discussions about science. 藍迪和艾倫喜歡討論科學。


3. reject [ r6`d.5kt ] v. 拒絕

Why do you always reject my suggestions? 你為什麼總是拒絕我的提議?


4. fry [ fra6 ] v. (油)炸、煎、炒 (fried [ fra6d ] 是形容詞)

Kenny is frying pork and vegetables. 肯尼正在炒豬肉和青菜。 20

á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) can + V. + anything. (某人)可以……任何事。 anything 用於肯定句時表示「無論什麼事、物」。 • Mom is a great chef. She can cook anything. 我媽媽是很厲害的廚師,無論什麼料理她都會做。

2. You’re on. 我接受挑戰。 這是口語用法,注意這裡的主詞是 you,但中文主詞要翻 成「我」才符合中文語法。

• A: Do you want to have a race?


要不要比賽賽跑? All right. You’re on! 好啊,我接受挑戰!

Stories and Fables Wed


課文 正常:CD / MP3 10 朗讀 慢速:MP3 49

á 重點單字

課程 MP3 講解 77


Tom looked under a rock and found a worm. It was five centimeters long. Billy thought, “I can’t do this.” 1

They cooked the worm. Billy put pepper2 and lemon3 juice on it. Then he ate the worm! He almost threw up, but he didn’t. The next day, he ate another worm. Later, Tom said, “We found a super long worm.” It was 10 centimeters long. But Billy found out that his friends were cheating. They glued two smaller worms together. Billy barbecued 4 the worms and ate them. He thought, “They’re not so bad.” 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62-63 頁

1. rock [ r3k ] n. 石頭

There’s a rock in my shoe. 我的鞋子裡有一顆石頭。


2. pepper [ `p5p0 ] n. 胡椒粉

The pepper made Zoe sneeze. 胡椒粉讓柔依打噴嚏。


3. lemon [ `l5m4n ] n. 檸檬

Audrey put a piece of lemon in her tea. 奧黛莉在茶裡放了一片檸檬。


4. barbecue [ `b3rb6kju ] v. 燒烤

Every Saturday, Chris and his family barbecue lamb. 克里斯和他的家人每週六都會烤羊肉來吃。

á 學習焦點

1. five centimeters long 五公分長 long 可替換成 wide(寬)或 high/tall(高)。 • The river is almost 1,000 kilometers long. 那條河將近一千公里長。

• The window is 90 centimeters wide. 那扇窗戶寬九十公分。

2. (Sth) isn’t so + adj. (某事物)沒有那麼……。 so 在此是副詞「那麼;如此」,用來修飾其後的形容詞。 • I saw the movie yesterday. It wasn’t so


我昨天看了那部電影,不是那麼有趣嘛。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q The road is about seven kilometers __________. w Do you want some __________ on your

sandwich? e Let me show you how to __________ this steak. r Jack threw a __________ into the ocean. t The __________ pie is very good.


 短篇故事集




課文 正常:CD / MP3 11 朗讀 慢速:MP3 50

Stories and Fables

課程 MP3 講解 78

T h e n e x t d a y, B i l l y ’s p a r e n t s learned about the bet. They were very angry. Billy’s dad called a doctor. The doctor said, “Worms are disgusting,* but they’re not poisonous.”* Finally, Billy’s parents let him finish the bet. Billy toasted1 the last worm and ate it. He thought, “That tastes 2 good. I’m starting to love worms.” He won the bet and got 50 dollars. He went to the store and bought a bike. Later, Billy and his friends had a picnic.3 Do you know what Billy ate? It was worm and ham 4 pasta! 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 63 頁

á 重點單字 1200

1. toast [ tost ] v. 烤

You just have to toast this bread for two minutes. 這個麵包只要烤兩分鐘就好。


2. taste [ test ] v. 嚐起來;吃起來

This medicine tastes terrible. 這個藥真難吃。


3. picnic [ `p6kn6k ] n. 野餐

We had a picnic on the grass. 我們在草地上野餐。


4. ham [ h1m ] n. 火腿

Eric doesn’t eat ham or beef. 艾瑞克不吃火腿或牛肉。


disgusting [ d6s`g9st6; ] adj. 噁心的 poisonous [ `p76zx4s ] adj. 有毒的 á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) is starting to + V. (某人)開始(做某事)。 • I’m finally starting to understand this



2. Do you know what (sb) + V.? 你知道(某人)做什麼事嗎? 這裡的 what (sb) + V. 為名詞子句,當作 know 的受詞, 注意主詞與動詞的位置。

• A: Do you know what Brian thinks? He thinks


I’m lying! 你知道布萊恩是怎麼想的嗎?他覺得我在說謊! He’s wrong. I know you’re not lying. 他搞錯了,我知道你沒有說謊。

 隨堂測驗‧選擇題

______ What did the doctor tell Billy’s father? A Worms aren’t disgusting at all. B Worms are poisonous. C Only some worms taste good. D Worms taste bad, but they’re not dangerous.



 史吉普的世界


Skip’s World



 常見的感官動詞包括: watch(看)、see(看見)、look at(注視)、hear(聽)、listen to(傾聽)、feel(感覺)、notice(注意)  感官動詞的用法 S. + 感官動詞 + O. +

 強調動作發生的「事實」


動名詞(V-ing)  強調動作「正進行中」

I saw the dog run after the cat.

I can feel the wind blow.





I saw the dog running after the cat.

I can feel the wind blowing.





Ben didn’t hear the teacher say his name.

Did you notice people sing on the streets?





Did you notice people singing on the streets?

Ben didn’t hear the teacher saying his name.





We listened to the cars drive past. 我們聽到車子駛過。


We listened to the cars driving past. 我們聽著車子正呼嘯而過。


Try it! 中翻英:


1. 我看到 Cathy 正走進教室。 _______________________________________ 2. 我沒注意到有任何人離開這間房間。 _______________________________________ 3. Frank 的爸爸看他打籃球。 _______________________________________ 感覺她的雙手正在發抖。 Sarah 4. _______________________________________ 5. 我們聽見有個女生正在哭泣。 _______________________________________

6. talk about / listened to / our winter vacation / Mr. Brown / us _______________________________________ 7. Terry / the artist / painting / looked at / a beautiful picture _______________________________________ 8. Lulu / the train / moving / felt _______________________________________

8. Lulu felt the train moving.

4. Sarah felt her hands shaking.

7. Terry looked at the artist painting a beautiful picture.

3. Frank’s dad watched him play basketball.

6. Mr. Brown listened to us talk about our winter vacation.

2. I didn’t notice anyone leave this room. 1. I saw Cathy walking into the classroom.

5. We heard a girl crying.



 史吉普的世界


Finding Attila 尋找阿提拉大作戰



課文 正常:CD / MP3 12 朗讀 慢速:MP3 51

課程 MP3 講解 79

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:2 分 37 秒


Skip, Nina, and Daniel are eating in the park. Portly Pete runs up to them.

別錯過互動光 碟裡精彩的3D 動畫喔!


Attila is lost! Did anyone see him walking here? No, now please excuse me.

!! We’ll help you, Portly Pete.

I’m having my ketchup1 and ice cream sandwich.2 Fine, fine. My grandfather was a hunter.

I can’t watch Skip eat that disgusting sandwich anymore.

Let’s ask around. Maybe someone heard Attila barking.3


When I was little, I saw him catch many animals. I’ll find Attila.

No. I’ll use my senses.4

Skip’s World

First, I’ll listen to the wind blowing.5

Hmmm… Interesting. Interesting. Now I’ll smell this leaf.6

Attila went that way. Follow me!

I’ll call Attila’s name. Maybe he’ll hear me talking. Here, Attila! Quiet! I’m trying to focus.

Hey! What are you doing???

He’s trying to steal my sandwich! Get away from me, you crazy dog!

You found him, Skip! Thanks! Skip didn’t do anything. Attila smelled the sandwich.

Look! Even Attila doesn’t want Skip’s terrible sandwich. Well, everything’s OK. Attila’s back, and I can enjoy my wonderful ketchup and ice cream sandwich!

中文翻譯請見第 63 頁


 史吉普的世界


á 重點單字 2000

1. ketchup [ `k5t]4p ] n. 番茄醬

This burger has a little too much ketchup on it. 這個漢堡的番茄醬有點太多了。


2. sandwich [ `s1ndw6t] ] n. 三明治

A salad and a sandwich cost NT$100. 一份沙拉和一個三明治要價一百元。


3. bark [ b3rk ] v. (狗)吠叫

Ada’s dog is barking at a big cat. 愛達的狗正朝著一隻大貓吠叫。


4. sense [ s5ns ] n. 感官;感覺 People have five senses. 人有五種感官知覺。


5. blow [ blo ] v. 風吹 (blow-blew-blown)

The wind is blowing a lot, so the boat is moving quickly. 風很大,所以船行速度很快。


6. leaf [ lif ] n. 葉子(複數為 leaves)

All of the leaves are turning brown. 所有的葉子都枯黃了。

á 學習焦點

1. not... anymore 不再…… anymore [ `5n6m7r ] 是副詞,表示「再;還」,只用於否 定句和疑問句中。

• Cliff isn’t a student anymore. He just



• Does your grandmother drive her car



2. ask around 四處詢問 • Zoe asked around and found some cheap



3. I’m trying to + V. 我正試著(做某事)。 現在進行式用來說明動作或事情正在進行當中。

• I’m trying to sleep, but the room has so

many mosquitoes.



Skip’s World

H Listening Test 聽力測驗 本測驗依照「國中教育會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提 供準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track 38 或 使用 DVD-Rom/CD-Rom 互動光碟,進入本課之後點選「會 考聽力測驗」即可作答;或至 LiveABC 官網下載 MP3 音檔。

______ q A Really? When will your next class start? B I bet you can’t wait to finish school. C When did you graduate? ______ w A No thanks. I don’t like candy. B All right. I’ll put some on my cheeseburger. C Sure! It’s my favorite drink. ______ e A Yes. She can’t hear anything. B Yeah. Her hearing is really good. C No. She can’t hear things very well. ______ r A Yeah. It’s just our neighbor’s cow. B Yes. The dog sounds so angry. C Yeah. I think it’s my roommate’s cat. ______ t A She’s making food. B She’s making art. C She’s making a drink. ______ y A The woman should ask a lot of people. B The woman should look in a newspaper. C The woman should look for apartments online. ______ u A The woman has already fixed the door. B The woman wants someone else to fix the door. C The woman wants to fix the door herself. ______ i A A machine. B An animal. C A plant.

聽力測驗解答請見第 63 頁

 英語愛說笑


Jokes and Fun

Mom, I Have a Question. 媽,我有個問題

á 重點單字 1200

1. straight [ stret ] adj. 筆直的

The road is wide and straight. 那條公路又寬又直。


2. gray [ gre ] adj. 灰(色)的

The sky looks gray, so it might rain. 天空看起來很灰暗,所以可能會下雨。


3. blame [ blem ] v. 責備;怪罪

You can’t blame Catherine for all of your problems. 你不能把你的問題全都怪罪在凱薩琳身上。


4. behave [ b6`hev ] v. 表現;行為舉止

Your new puppy behaves so well. 你新養的小狗好乖。

á 學習焦點

1. hair vs. hairs hair 用來表示「整頭的頭髮」時,為不可數名詞;但 當要表示「幾根頭髮」時為可數名詞,寫做 hairs。 • Cindy has short, curly hair. Mon


辛蒂有一頭捲捲的短髮。 課文 正常:CD / MP3 13 朗讀 慢速:MP3 52

課程 MP3 講解 80

A mother was cooking dinner. Her little daughter walked up to her and said, “Mom, I have a question. Your hair is long, straight 1 and beautiful, but you have a few gray2 hairs. How come?” The girl’s mother said, “I’m sorry, but I have to blame 3 you for that. Naughty kids give their parents gray hair. Every time you behave4 badly, I get one gray hair.” The girl nodded her head and said, “I understand. So why is Grandma’s hair completely gray?” 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 63 頁

• There are so many hairs on the floor. 地板上有好多根頭髮。

2. How come? 為什麼會這樣呢? 相當於 Why?。 • You’re wearing

a suit and tie. How come?


3. I’m sorry, but + 子句 . 很抱歉,不過……。 雖然說話者用了 sorry 這個字,但不代表說話者認為 自己是錯的,純粹只是禮貌性用語。注意連接詞要用 but,而非 and。

• I’m sorry, but the plane tickets are sold out. 不好意思,飛機票已銷售一空。  隨堂測驗‧圈選出正確字詞

q Your (hair/hairs) is so pretty. w The barber is cutting Norman’s (hair/hairs). e There are two (hair/hairs) in my soup!


 英語愛說笑


Jokes and Fun

Take Your Time


á 重點單字 2000

1. tower [ `ta80 ] n. 塔樓;高樓

The library is across the street from the tower. 圖書館在那棟塔樓的對街。


2. height [ ha6t ] n. 高度

What is Lana’s height? 拉娜的身高是多少?


3. metal [ `m5ty ] n. 金屬

The walls are made of very strong metal. 牆壁是用強化金屬製成的。


4. toward [ t4`w7rd ] prep. 朝;向

We are heading toward the town. 我們正朝著那座城鎮前去。

á 學習焦點

1. 整理 watch 的用法  當動詞,表示「看」。

• Vincent watched a thief steal a car. 文森看見一個小偷在偷車。 Tue


課文 正常:CD / MP3 14 朗讀 慢速:MP3 53

課程 MP3 講解 81

Adam, Brian and Charlie were standing on the roof of a tower.1 The tower’s height2 was 500 meters. Adam said, “Watch this! I’ll drop my gold watch from here. Then I’ll run to the sidewalk and catch it.” He tried, but he failed. Then Brian dropped his silver watch and tried to catch it. He failed too.

 當動詞,表示「留心;注意」。

• There are lots of scooters on this road, so

watch out. 這條路上有很多機車,所以要當心點。  當名詞,表示「手錶」。

• My husband bought me a watch. 我先生買了一只手錶給我。

2. 30 minutes slow 慢了三十分鐘 有些形容詞要放在被修飾的名詞之後(稱為後位修飾), 如 slow、old、high、long、wide 等字。

• Roy’s grandfather is almost 90 years old! 羅伊的祖父快要九十歲了!

• The door is only about a meter wide. 那扇門大概只有一公尺寬。

F i n a l l y, C h a r l i e d r o p p e d h i s metal3 watch. He walked slowly toward4 the stairs. Adam said, “You’ll never catch it.” Charlie said, “Yes I will. I can take my time, too. My w a t c h i s 3 0 m i n u t e s s l o w. ” 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 63 頁 28

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q We’re driving __________ the department

store. w Nicole’s __________ is 159 centimeters. e I love your __________. Where did you get it?


 活用ABC


ABC Talk

Talking About Numbers 各種數字的說法

基數  「基本數字」的簡稱

• We’ll need two hours.


• It seems like we have to do five

thousand things. 「百、千」前有基數時不加 s 感覺好像有五千件事情得做。 (引申指有好多事情要做)

分數 1 (one) 3 (third)

 分子用基數


基數 序數

• One third of this cake is for you

and two thirds of it is for your sisters.  分子大於 1,分母要用複數 蛋糕的 1/3 給你,2/3 給你的姊妹們。 • About seven tenths of the Earth’s

surface* is covered with water. 大約 7/10 的地球表面被水覆蓋。

* surface [ `s-f6s ] n.




 與次數、順序有關

 「小數點」的英文是 point [ p76nt ]

• It’s my first time in Paris.  表示次數 這是我第一次來巴黎。

• We’re going to bake two point five

• My dad is my grandfather’s

• My kitten weighs four point two

fifth son.  表示順序 我爸爸是我爺爺的第五個兒子。

kilograms of chicken. 我們要烤 2.5 公斤的雞肉。 kilograms. 我的小貓重 4.2 公斤。


 活用ABC


á 重點單字 2000

1. lamb [ l1m ] n. 羊肉;羊排

I like the taste of lamb, but I don’t like the smell. 我喜歡羊肉的口感,但我不喜歡它聞起來的味道。


2. oven [ `9v4n ] n. 烤箱

t a E d l u o IC

! e s r o H a 一匹馬!


Don’t forget to turn off the oven. 別忘了把烤箱關掉。


3. gram [ gr1m ] n. 公克

The coin weighs about five grams. 這枚硬幣重約五公克。


4. flour [ fla8r ] n. 麵粉

To bake the cake, we need flour, eggs, and sugar.

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:54 秒

烤蛋糕需要麵粉、雞蛋和糖。 á 學習焦點

1. I could eat a horse. 我餓扁了。 字面意思為「我可以吃下一匹馬」,用來比喻「非常飢 餓」。注意這裡要用 could 而非 can,could 是假設 語氣,如果用 can,則表示「真的能吃下一匹馬」。

• I missed lunch. I could eat a horse. 我沒有吃午餐,餓扁了。

2. Is this going to be + adj.? 這會……嗎? be going to 在此用來預測「將來可能會發生的事」。 • A: Is this going to be very scary?


這會很恐怖嗎? No. It’s not a scary movie. 不會,這不是恐怖片。

3. make (sb) + V. 使(某人)(做某事) make 是使役動詞,後面須搭配原形動詞。 • The joke made everybody laugh. 那個笑話讓每個人都哈哈大笑。

ABC 超音波 字尾 mb 發 [ m ] 的音(b 不發音),如文中的 lamb 和常見的 comb、climb、bomb 等字。

 隨堂測驗‧是非題

_____ q Erica cooks all the time. _____ w Onions make Gavin cry a lot. _____ e Gavin is going to teach Erica how to cook. _____ r They need less than half an onion. 30

Part A



課文 正常:CD / MP3 15 朗讀 慢速:MP3 54

課程 MP3 講解 82

Gavin and Erica are in a kitchen. 蓋文和愛瑞卡在廚房。

Erica: Thanks for teaching me how to

cook, Gavin. Gavin: No problem. This will take a long

time. We’ll need two hours. Erica: OK. Is this going to be difficult?

It’s my first time. I should cook something easy. Gavin: We’re going to have lamb. 1 We’ll

bake it in the oven.2 Erica: That sounds really hard! Gavin: Don’t worry. I made this dish twice

last year. Now, I need twenty-five grams3 of flour4 and one third of an onion. Erica: You can get the flour. I’ll cut the

onion. Gavin: Good. Onions make me cry.

ABC Talk

It’s time to put this pan in the oven.

á 重點單字 2000

1. soy sauce [ s76 ] [ s7s ] n. 醬油

Greg put a little soy sauce in the stew. 葛瑞格在燉肉裡放少許醬油。


2. cup [ k9p ] n. 杯子

The cup is full of watermelon juice. 那個杯子裝滿了西瓜汁。


3. measure [ `m5.0 ] v. 測量

We used a ruler to measure the desk’s length. 我們用尺測量桌子的長度。


This pan is perfect for baking cookies.

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:1 分 03 秒

Part B

4. pan [ p1n ] n. 平底鍋

這個平底鍋非常適合用來烤餅乾。 參考單字》



課文 正常:CD / MP3 16 朗讀 慢速:MP3 55

課程 MP3 講解 83

They are in the middle of cooking. 他們正在做菜。

Erica: This is a lot of lamb. Gavin: Yep. We’re going to bake one point

five kilograms of lamb. Erica: This is hard. It seems like we have to

do five thousand things. What now? Gavin: Now I need 10 milliliters * of soy

sauce. 1 You can use that cup 2 to measure3 it. Erica: Here you go. This looks pretty

unhealthy. * I’m going to weigh a million kilograms. Gavin: Don’t worry! You’ll enjoy it. OK. It’s

time to put this pan4 in the oven. Erica: How long will we bake the lamb? Gavin: About three-quarters* of an hour. 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 63 頁

milliliter [ `m6l6%lit0 ] n. 毫升 unhealthy [ 9n`h5lq6 ] adj. 不健康的 quarter [ `kw7rt0 ] n. 十五分鐘;四分之一 (three-quarters

of an hour 就是「四十五分鐘」)

á 學習焦點

1. in the middle of + V-ing 正在(做某事) middle [ `m6dy ] 是名詞「中途;中間」的意思。 • I’m in the middle of doing the dishes. 我正在洗碗。

2. This is a lot of lamb. 好多羊肉喔。 此句型用來強調數量之多,of 後面的名詞須為不可數。

• This is a lot of cash. We should put it in

the bank.


3. What now? 現在要做什麼? 也可以說成 Now what?。

• A: I carried the food into the house. What



B: Now we need to put it away. 現在我們必須把食物分類儲存。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q This food has a little too much soy ________. w We should ________ that table to make sure

it’s not too big.


 活用ABC


This smells wonderful.

á 重點單字 1200

1. spoon [ spun ] n. 湯匙

Milton dropped his spoon on the floor. 米爾頓把湯匙掉到地上了。

手機掃一下 生動對話即時看 長度:1 分 05 秒


2. oil [ 76l ] n. 油

How much cooking oil should I add? 我要加多少油?

Part C



課文 正常:CD / MP3 17 朗讀 慢速:MP3 56

課程 MP3 講解 84


I don’t like vinegar very much. 我很不喜歡醋。

Dinner is almost ready. 2000


4. nut [ n9t ] n. 堅果;核果

Are there nuts in these brownies?

Gavin: Let’s finish the salad. It needs one

spoon1 of oil2 and half a spoon of vinegar.3 Erica: We should also add some nuts. 4

How about a cup and a half? Gavin: That sounds good. You’re getting

the hang of this. Erica: Thanks. Is the lamb ready yet? Gavin: Let me see. Yes, I think it’s just about


這些布朗尼蛋糕裡有堅果嗎? á 學習焦點

1. get the hang of (sth) 學到(某事)的竅門 為口語用法,hang 在此為名詞,表示「訣竅;方式」。

• Brenda is trying to get the hang of driving

her new car.


2. (Sth) is just about + adj. (某事)剛好差不多要……。 about 是副詞「大約;差不多」的意思。 • The play is just about over. 這場戲剛好差不多要結束了。

3. (Sb) did a great job. (某人)表現得很好。

Erica: OK. You can take the lamb out. I’ll

go get two plates.

用過去式動詞 did 表示事情已達成。

• Nick did a great job on the final exam. 尼克期末考考得很好。

Gavin: This smells wonderful. We did a

great job.

 隨堂測驗‧填空題

q Eric is washing a(n) __________.

Erica: I could eat a horse. Let’s eat! 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 64 頁


3. vinegar [ `v6n6g0 ] n. 醋

w Sam did a great __________ on this painting. e These __________ taste really good.

ABC Talk

H Listening Test 聽力測驗 本測驗依照「國中教育會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提供 準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track 39 或使 用 DVD-Rom/CD-Rom 互動光碟,進入本課之後點選「會考 聽力測驗」即可作答;或至 LiveABC 官網下載 MP3 音檔。

請聽語音播出的試題,根據圖意選出一個相符合的答案,每題 播出一次。 _____ 1.



B No. It’s too spicy for me. C Yeah. I like to put it in my salad.

_____ 6. A Yes. I think I’m getting good at it.

Ⅰ 辨識句意


_____ 5. A Yes. It’s my favorite drink.

B Yeah. I don’t understand it at all. C Yeah. I still have to learn so much.

_____ 7. A I know! It’s too heavy for me to carry.

B Yes. It’s very light. C Right. It’s really expensive.

_____ 8. A I know. It’s so dirty.

B Yeah. There’s almost no trash here. C Yes. It’s completely clean.

Ⅲ 言談理解 請聽語音播出一段對話和相關問題後,選出一個最適當的選 項,每題播出一次。

_____ 2.




_____ 9. A Meat.

B Pasta. C Vegetables.

_____ 10. A Rice.

B Soup. C Pizza.

_____ 11. A The woman still needs a long time. _____ 3.




B The woman will be done soon. C The woman hasn’t started yet.

_____ 12. A It was terrible.

B It was so-so. C It was very good.

_____ 13. A Something that can hold water.

Ⅱ 基本問答 請聽語音播出的一個問句或直述句後,選出一個最適當的回應 選項,每題播出一次。

B Something she can use to clean things. C Something she can use to fix things.

_____ 14. A Something that makes things cold.

B Something that cooks things. C Something that holds ice.

_____ 4. A You should not eat animals!

B I am really hungry, too. C I don’t eat meat. 聽力測驗解答請見第 64 頁


 安妮信箱


An Interesting Dream


80 字短文寫作 Mon


課文 正常:CD / MP3 18 朗讀 慢速:MP3 57

課程 MP3 講解 85

Dear Annie,

get hurt I yelled, “Help! Where am I? How did I hurt?” A girl said, “Come on!

Come with me!” I looked back. I saw many robots. They had amazing weapons.*

chase The robots started to follow us. We tried to run. Suddenly,* a bullet* killed hit shot me in the leg. I couldn’t walk. Finally, the robots were killed us. It was terrible.

Last night Yesterday night, I had this dream. I was scared because I died in the

dream. Now, I think that this dream was very interesting.

Leon 中文翻譯請見第 64 頁

weapon [ `w5p4n ] n. 武器 suddenly [ `s9dxl6 ] adv. 突然地 bullet [ `b8l6t ] n. 子彈 34

Annie’s Mailbox



1 How did I get hurt?

4 ...the robots killed us.

要表達「(某人)受傷」,固定用法為 (Sb) is/gets hurt., 這裡的 hurt 是形容詞,所以原文應改為 How did I get hurt? 較為恰當。補充說明,hurt 也可以當及物動詞,三 態同形,句型為「hurt + 身體部位/反身代名詞」。

The robots were killed us. 並不符合英文文法,判斷作者

• Two people got hurt when the bus crashed. 有兩名乘客在公車擦撞時受傷。 • The driver was seriously hurt in the accident. 駕駛在那場意外中受到重傷。 • That sofa is so heavy. If you try to move it, you

might hurt your back.


2 chase vs. follow

應是把主動語態和被動語態混淆,舉例說明如下: 主動語態


I ate the cake.

The cake was eaten by me.

我吃了蛋糕。 (A + 一般動詞 + B.)

由上可知,主動語態的主詞應為「發出動作者」,被動語態 的主詞應為「承受動作者」;因為內文中 the robots 是發 出動作者,以此為主詞時要用主動語態 The robots killed us. 才對,若改寫成被動語態則是 We were killed by the robots.。 • The young man wrote a letter. 那個年輕人寫了一封信。(主動)

chase [ t]es ] v. 為了抓住對方而快速追趕

follow [ `f3lo ] v. 只有跟蹤、尾隨的行為

A chases B. A 想要趕上 B。

A follows B. A 一直跟在 B 後面。

The police chased the thief along the street.

The puppy followed me home.



根據文意判斷,作者應是要表達機器人在「追趕」他們, 所以他們才試著逃跑,因此將 follow 改成 chase 較為適 切。

3 hit vs. shoot shoot [ ]ut ](shoot-shot-shot) 是動詞「發射」的意思, 主詞通常為人,句型為 (Sb) shoots + N.;文中的主詞為 a bullet,子彈無法自行發射,因此要把 shoot 改成 hit 「擊中;打」才正確,hit 搭配的主詞可為「人」或「事物」。

• The letter was written by the young man. 那封信是那位年輕人寫的。(被動)

5 last night 「昨天晚上」的固定用法是 last night,而非 yesterday night。時間用法列舉如下:


{ night(×) morning/afternoon/evening(×) last { night(○)


• I ran into an old friend last night. 我昨天晚上巧遇一位老朋友。 • Raymond came to work early yesterday morning. 雷蒙昨天早上很早來上班。

• The rock hit a tree. 石頭打中一棵樹。 • The hunter shot a deer. 獵人射殺了一頭鹿。

蛋糕被我吃掉了。 (B + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + by A.)

歡迎投稿 安妮信箱歡迎所有讀者投稿,我們每個月會挑選一封來信刊登在雜 誌上,與更多的讀者一同學習,然因雜誌版面空間的限制,我們保 留修改稿件的權利。未來幾個月,我們將討論以下題目,請從中挑 選一題,並寫一篇約 80 字的短文。請務必註明姓名、地址和電話以 方便聯絡,來信請 e-mail 至。

● My Country 我的國家

● What Will the World Be Like in 100 Years? 一百年後世界會是什麼樣子?

● Tell Me Your Story 說說自己的故事


 世界好望角


á 重點單字 2000

1. describe [ d6`skra6b ] v. 描述

John described the criminal to the police. 約翰向警方描述了那名罪犯的樣子。


2. puzzle [ `p9zy ] v. 使困惑

The math problem puzzled all of the students. 那道數學題難倒了所有的學生。

3. familiar [ f4`m6lj0 ] adj. 熟悉的

This restaurant looks a little familiar to me. 我覺得這間餐廳看起來有點熟悉。


4. former [ `f7rm0 ] adj. 之前的;前任的

Bill Clinton is the former president of the USA. 比爾 • 柯林頓是前任美國總統。


Déjà Vu 似曾相識

déjà vu [ %de.3`vu ] n. 似曾相識的感覺 ESP 超感官能力(俗稱「第六感」,為 extrasensory

perception [ %5kstr4`s5ns4r6 ] [ p0`s5p]4n ] 的簡稱)

á 學習焦點

1. A is (language) for B.

A 在(某語言)是 B 的意思。 • Guten Morgen is German for “good morning.” Guten Morgen 是德文「早安」的意思。

2. (Sb) has been to (place). (某人)去過(某地)。

have/has been to 強調「曾經去過某地」的經驗。 另一個容易混淆的用法為 have/has gone to,強調 「已經去了某處,目前還待在那裏」的事實。

• Helen has been to Japan three times. 海倫去過日本三次。(強調 Helen 去過日本的經驗)

• David has already gone to Egypt. 大衛已經去了埃及。(強調 David 目前人在埃及的事實)

3. How is that possible? 那怎麼可能呢? • A: The trip to the department store will

only take 10 minutes. B:


到百貨公司的路程只要十分鐘。 How is that possible? It’s so 怎麼可能?那裡很遠耶!




課文 正常:CD / MP3 19 朗讀 慢速:MP3 58

課程 MP3 講解 86

Déjà vu is French for “already seen.” You might not know this term, but you probably get déjà vu sometimes. For example, maybe you’re in a new place. You look around and think, “I’ve been here before.” This feeling is hard to describe.1 It puzzles2 and scares some people. Why does this new place feel so familiar?3 How is that possible? Are you remembering a former 4 life? Do you have ESP?* Maybe the reasons for déjà vu aren’t so amazing. Some people think that they know why we get it.

A Window on the World

á 重點單字

1. brain [ bren ] n. 腦部

Many dinosaurs had tiny brains. 很多恐龍的腦部都非常小。

2. function [ `f9;k]4n ] v. 運作

That machine is old, but it can still function. 那台機器很老舊,不過還能運作。


3. false [ f7ls ] adj. 假的

My grandmother has false teeth. 我的外婆有假牙。


4. debate [ d6`bet ] v. 爭論

Those students like to debate many things. 那些學生對很多事情都喜歡爭論不休。


explanation [ %5kspl4`ne]4n ] n. Wed


課文 正常:CD / MP3 20 朗讀 慢速:MP3 59

課程 MP3 講解 87


á 學習焦點

Some people who get déjà vu have health problems. Their brains 1 don’t function 2 well, so they create false3 memories.

1. who 形容詞子句 who 形容詞子句的使用條件為:先行詞是「人」,且 who 在子句中作為主詞,不可省略。 • The man who stole my bag is over there. 先行詞

形容詞子句(who 為關係代名詞)


However, healthy people also get déjà vu. Here’s one possible reason. When you’re in a new place, you might hear a familiar song or see a familiar painting. After that, your brain tells you that everything feels familiar. Many scientists think that this explanation* makes sense. People are still debating 4 the causes of déjà vu. Some people think that science can’t explain it. These people believe that we get déjà vu because we’re remembering past lives. 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 64 頁

• Jamie is the girl who has long hair. 先行詞

形容詞子句(who 為關係代名詞)


2. make sense 有道理 sense [ s5ns ] 為不可數名詞「道理」,前面可搭配 lots of、much、no、little 等修飾語。 • Warren’s idea makes lots of sense to me. 華倫的想法對我來說非常有道理。

• This book doesn’t make sense at all! 這本書一點道理都沒有!  隨堂測驗‧是非題

_____ q Healthy people also get déjà vu. _____ w If your brain doesn’t function well, you might get a false memory. _____ e Everyone thinks that science can explain déjà vu. 37

 流行最前線


Trends and Fads

á 重點單字 1200

1. cow [ ka8 ] n. 乳牛;母牛

There are so many cows in the field. 牧場裡有好多頭乳牛。


2. slender [ `sl5nd0 ] adj. 纖瘦的

Shane is tall and slender, but his brother is short and chubby. 夏恩高高瘦瘦的,但他弟弟矮矮胖胖的。


Vegan Diets:

A Healthy Way of Eating

潮流 純素主義:健康飲食新



課文 正常:CD / MP3 21 朗讀 慢速:MP3 60

課程 MP3 講解 88

Ve g a n s * a r e s i m i l a r t o vegetarians, * but their diets are much stricter. * Vegans don’t eat or drink anything that comes from animals. They don’t drink milk, because it comes from cows.1 They don’t even wear things that come from animals. Some people are vegans because they want to be healthy. Vegans tend to be quite slender. 2 Also, they’re less likely to have health problems like cancer.3 Other people become vegans because they care about animals. They think that hurting animals is cruel.4 These days, more and more people are becoming vegans.

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 64 頁

3. cancer [ `k1ns0 ] n. 癌症

My uncle died of cancer at the age of 53. 我叔叔在五十三歲時因癌症去世。


4. cruel [ `kru4l ] adj. 殘忍的;殘酷的

I don’t think that Jake is a cruel person. 我不認為杰克是個殘酷的人。


vegan [ `vig4n ] adj., n. 純素的;純素主義者 vegetarian [ %v5d.4`t5r64n ] n. 素食者 strict [ str6kt ] adj. 嚴格的 á 學習焦點

1. much + adj.-er ……得多 much 在此為副詞,修飾形容詞比較級,其後若遇 多音節形容詞如 beautiful,要寫成 much more beautiful。

• Mike’s wife is much younger than he is. 麥克的太太比他年輕許多。

2. (Sb) is less likely to + V. (某人)比較不可能(做某事)。 more likely 表示「比較有可能」。 • Kim is less likely to accept your suggestion. 小金比較不可能會接受你的建議。

• Peter is more likely to lend you money. 彼得比較有可能會借錢給你。

3. care about 關心;在意 為不可分動詞片語。

• Kate cares about her friends and family

very much. 凱特非常重視她的朋友和家人。  隨堂測驗‧是非題

______ q Vegans don’t wear things that come from animals. ______ w Vegans eat many kinds of meat. 39

 流行最前線


á 重點單字 2000

1. underweight [ `9nd0`wet ] adj. 體重過輕的 Ms. Stevens is a little sick, so she’s quite underweight.

史蒂芬斯女士身體不是很好,所以她的體重過輕。 2000

2. tofu [ `to`fu ] n. 豆腐

Ivan put some tofu in the refrigerator. 艾文把一些豆腐放進冰箱裡。


3. cereal [ `s6r64l ] n. 穀類食品;麥片

Dave usually has cereal and orange juice for breakfast. 戴夫早餐通常會吃麥片配柳橙汁。


4. while [ hwa6l ] n. 一段時間;一會兒

Can you watch my puppy for a while? 你可以顧一下我的小狗嗎?


nutrition [ nju`tr6]4n ] n. 營養;養分 replace [ r6`ples ] v. 取代 soy milk 豆漿 á 學習焦點

1. instead of + N. 不是…… Fri


課文 正常:CD / MP3 22 朗讀 慢速:MP3 61

課程 MP3 講解 89

Meat, fish and eggs have a lot of important nutrition.* If you become a vegan, you must find ways to replace* that nutrition. If you don’t, you’ll become too underweight.1 Vegans get nutrition from other foods. Instead of milk, they often drink soy milk.* They eat things like tofu,2 cereal,3 corn and nuts. After a while,4 many vegans prefer their new food. They say that vegan food tastes better than meat. Being vegan isn’t easy. However, it makes many people healthier and happier.


instead [ 6n`st5d ] 為副詞「作為替代」,與介系詞 of 連用,後接名詞或動名詞(V-ing)。 • Bill bought chicken instead of beef. 比爾買了雞肉,沒買牛肉。

• Instead of losing your temper, you should

try to calm down. 你應該試著冷靜下來,不要發脾氣。

2. Being + adj. + isn’t easy. ……並不容易。 being + adj. 指「維持某狀態」,作主詞時視為單數, 需搭配第三人稱單數動詞 is。 • Sometimes being patient isn’t easy for me. 保持耐心有時候對我來說並不容易。

Trends and Fads



課文 正常:CD / MP3 23 朗讀 慢速:MP3 62

á 重點單字

課程 MP3 講解 90


1. tomato [ t4`meto ] n. 番茄

Would you like some tomato slices in your sandwich?

Kevin is making dinner for Lauren. 凱文正在為蘿倫準備晚餐。


Kevin: Dinner’s ready! This is noodle


2. pork [ pork ] n. 豬肉

Martha is a Muslim, so she doesn’t eat pork.

salad. Your drink is tomato juice. 1

Lauren: Oh! Ummm... It looks interesting.


Kevin: I decided to be a vegan. This meal


3. crab [ kr1b ] n. 螃蟹;蟹肉 Rachel is allergic to crab.

has no meat at all.


Lauren: I could never be a vegan. Pork


and crab are my favorite foods. 3

Kevin: Don’t worr y. I added lots of

pepper, garlic * and soy sauce. You’ll love it. Lauren: Really? Are you sure it won’t taste

like paper? Kevin: I’m sure. Vegan food is good,

and it’s healthy. I’m losing lots of weight. Lauren: Actually, it smells pretty good. 4

Let’s dig in.


4. pretty [ `pr6t6 ] adv. 相當;很

The swimming pool in the backyard is pretty big. 後院的游泳池相當大。


garlic [ `g3rl6k ] n.


á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) could never + V. (某人)絕不可能(做某事)。 過去式助動詞 could 是與事實相反的假設語氣,用來 表示事情不可能發生。

• Curtis could never quit his job. 柯帝斯絕不可能辭掉工作。

2. Is (sb) sure + 子句 ? (某人)確定……嗎? 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 64 頁

sure [ ]8r ] 是形容詞「確信的」之意。 • Is Alex sure he wants to be an actor? 艾力克斯確定自己想當演員嗎?

3. dig in 大快朵頤 動詞 dig 表示「挖;掘」,三態為 dig-dug-dug。此 片語用誇飾法來形容人埋頭猛吃的樣子。

• Phoebe sat down at the table and dug in. 菲碧在桌子前坐下,然後開始大吃特吃。  隨堂測驗‧連接相關字詞

tomato pork crab pretty

• • • •

• a kind of seafood • a vegetable • meat from a pig • quite


失智症家屬必備 預防.治療.照護


◆8位專業醫生現身說法 ◆9種非藥物輔助治療法 ◆實證醫學+臨床經驗+生活應用 ◆全彩圖解步驟,影音DVD解說示範 ◆關心家中長輩,從預防失智開始 對抗失智症,除了就醫吃藥,還有許多輔助方式可 以延緩病情,而且在居家生活中就可以輕鬆做到。 本書獻給所有與失智症患者共同生活的家人,從 預防到治療,教你活化大腦,遠離失智!

推廣 特價

79折 236元 原價299元

八大醫師合著 蔡佳芬 醫師 楊凱鈞 醫師 台灣老年精神醫學會 為恭紀念醫院身心醫學科 鄧方怡 醫師 楊境中 醫師 八里療養院老年精神科 台北榮民總醫院精神科

李耀東 醫師 台北榮民總醫院精神部 林韋丞 醫師 王俊凱 醫師 雙和醫院精神科 陳怡村 醫師 台灣家庭醫學科



邱銘章 醫師 台灣老年精神醫學會理事長 賴德仁 醫師 天主教失智老人基金會執行長 鄧世雄 醫師 台灣失智症協會理事長

黃正平 醫師 台灣老年精神醫學會常務理事 歐陽文貞 醫師 林書煒 小姐 知名節目主持人/親子作家



 玩味生活


Let's Go ! g n i k c a p k c Ba 遊

á 重點單字

1. tour [ t8r ] n. 旅行

Nick saw so many cool churches on his tour.

尼克旅遊時看到好多很棒的教堂。 1200

膽 n u F 的 人 個 一

2. book [ b8k ] v. 預訂

I would like to book a table for seven o’clock, please. 我要預訂七點的位子,謝謝。


3. flight [ fla6t ] n. 班機

Our flight leaves at six, so we should get to the airport at four. 我們搭六點的班機,所以應該要四點到機場。


4. baby sitter [ `beb6 ] [ `s6t0 ] n. 保姆

I need to find a baby sitter for tomorrow. 我明天需要找保姆。


explore [ 6k`splor ] v.


á 學習焦點

1. (Sth) is popular with (sb). (某事物)很受(某人)歡迎。 be popular with 是「受歡迎;普遍」的意思。 • Singing karaoke is popular with teenagers. 唱 KTV 很受青少年的喜愛。

2. A + V. + everything for B. A 為 B……每一件事。 for 在此是「為了……」的意思。 • Harry’s mother does everything for him. 哈利的媽媽每一件事情都幫他做得好好的。

3. on (one’s) own 靠(某人)自己 通常置於動詞之後,表示「靠(某人)自己(做某事)」, 相當於 by (oneself)。

• Don’t worry. I can clean the room on my

own/by myself. 別擔心,我可以自己清理房間。  隨堂測驗‧填空題

q The __________ will land at 7:30. w Steve will __________ three seats on the bus. e The baby __________ is taking care of the kids.




課文 正常:CD / MP3 24 朗讀 慢速:MP3 63

課程 MP3 講解 91

Tour1 groups are very popular with Taiwanese people. Tour companies are convenient because they arrange everything for you. They book2 your flight 3 and hotel. They bring you to every spot. You don’t have to worry about anything. However, when you travel with a tour group, you have less freedom. You can’t explore* on your own. You always have to follow your guides, because they control everything. It’s like you have baby sitters!4 Luckily, you have another choice. People who want a real adventure can try backpacking.

A Slice of Life

á 重點單字 1200

1. abroad [ 4`br7d ] adv. 在國外;到國外

Noah lived abroad for almost 10 years. 諾亞在國外住了快十年。


2. independent [ %6nd6`p5nd4nt ] adj. 獨立自主的 Young people must learn how to be independent. 年輕人必須學習如何獨立自主。

3. separate [ `s5p4r6t ] adj. 分開的;無關連的

The bedroom is separate from the bathroom. 臥室和浴室是分開的。


4. advise [ 4d`va6z ] v. 建議

The doctor advised me to drink less coffee. 醫生建議我少喝一點咖啡。


backpacker [ `b1k%p1k0 ] n. 自助旅行者(俗稱「背包客」) youth hostel [ juq ] [ `h3sty ] 青年旅社 á 學習焦點



課文 正常:CD / MP3 25 朗讀 慢速:MP3 64

1. (Sb) can + V. + whatever (sb) wants. (某人)可以隨心所欲地(做某事)。

課程 MP3 講解 92

Backpackers* travel alone or with a few friends. In order to stay abroad1 longer, they travel very cheaply. For example, backpackers travel by bus and stay in youth hostels.* Backpacking allows you to be independent. 2 You can do whatever you want. You also get to make more friends. These things are harder when you’re with a tour group, because you’re separate3 from the local people and places. Before you go backpacking, buy a travel book. Travel books can advise4 you about important things. Also, be careful. Backpacking has an important rule: safety first!

whatever [ hw3t`5v0 ] 是代名詞「任何事物」之意。 • It’s Brenda’s money, so she can buy whatever

she wants. 那是布蘭達的錢,所以她可以買任何她想要的東西。

2. make friends 交朋友 注意通常要用複數形的 friends。

• Norman made lots of new friends when he

joined the music club. 諾曼參加音樂社的時候結交到很多新朋友。

3. safety first 安全第一 safety [ `seft6 ] 是 safe 的名詞。 • Put on your seatbelt. Safety first! 繫好安全帶,安全第一!  隨堂測驗‧是非題

_____ q Backpackers never travel with friends. _____ w You should buy a travel book before you go backpacking. _____ e Backpacking lets you see more things.

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 65 頁


 克漏字測驗


Let’s Go Dutch! 我們各付各的吧!



課文 正常:CD / MP3 26 朗讀 慢速:MP3 65

課程 MP3 講解 93

Going Dutch means dividing1 a bill. In (1) countries, going Dutch shows that you have good manners.2 In (1) countries, the (2) treats3 the guest. If a guest offers to pay, it’s impolite.4 This term probably comes from Dutch doors. A Dutch door has two equal parts: a bottom and a top. When you go Dutch, the bill is (3) the door: it’s divided into equal parts. Nobody (4) if “go Dutch” really comes from Dutch doors. However, if your friend says “Let’s go Dutch,” (5) to take out your wallet. 中文翻譯請見第 65 頁

_____ 1. A some, some C these, those _____ 2. A owner B boss _____ 3. A outside B like _____ 4. A know B knew _____ 5. A get along B get up

B one, the other D this, that C leader C between C known C get ready

D host D without D knows D get out

á 重點單字

1. divide [ d4`va6d ] v. 劃分;分配 We divided the housework, so we finished 2000


3. treat [ trit ] v. 請客;款待 Bruce treated his sister to dinner on her 2000


我們把家事分工,所以很快就做完了。 2000

2. manner [ `m1n0 ] n.


布魯斯在妹妹生日時請她吃晚餐。 2000

4. impolite [ %6mp4`la6t ] adj.

Those children have such nice manners.

Dale apologized for being impolite.


戴爾為他的失禮道歉。 參考單字》



Dutch [ d9t] ] n., adj.


Cloze Test

Think About It!

1. 正確答案為:(A) A some, some「某些……某些……」為數量不定形容 詞,用來指稱非限定的同類複數可數名詞。

Some students will go to the summer camp. Some students will go abroad. 有些學生會參加夏令營,有些學生會出國。

B one, the other「一個……另一個……」為數量形容 詞,用來指稱兩個同類單數名詞。

One apple is for you. The other apple is for Wendy. 一個蘋果是給你的,另一個是給溫蒂的。

C these, those「這些……那些……」為指示形容詞, 用來表示限定的物件,後接複數可數名詞。

These lockers are full. Those lockers are still available. 這些置物櫃是滿的,那些置物櫃還是空的。

D this, that「這個……那個……」為指示形容詞,用來 表示限定的物件,後接單數名詞。

This chair is mine. That chair is Cindy’s. 這張椅子是我的,那張椅子是辛蒂的。 由上可知,正確答案為 (A)。

2. 正確答案為:(D) A owner [ `on0 ] n. 物主;所有人 Who is the owner of this car? 誰是這台車的所有人?

B boss [ b7s ] n. 老闆;上司 Everyone likes Ms. Williams because she’s a nice boss. 每個人都喜歡威廉斯女士,因為她是個好上司。

C leader [ `lid0 ] n. 領袖;領導者 The country needs a new leader. 該國需要一位新領袖。

D host [ host ] n. 主人;東道主 The host got drinks for his guests. 主人為他的客人拿飲料。 依照文意,款待客人(guest)的對象通常為主人(host), 因此答案選 (D)。

3. 正確答案為:(B) A outside prep. 在……範圍之外 There is an ATM outside the supermarket.

C between prep. 在……之間 The school is between a church and a post office. 學校就在教堂和郵局之間。

D without prep. 沒有 I wouldn’t be able to wake up without my alarm clock. 要是沒有鬧鐘,我就起不來。 依據前後文意,答案要選 (B)。

4. 正確答案為:(D) nobody [ `no%b3d6 ] 為不定代名詞「沒有人」的意思,視 為單數名詞,需搭配單數動詞使用。另外,陳述一般事 實的時候要用現在簡單式,故答案選 (D) knows。 • Nobody cares about the news report. 沒有人在意那則新聞報導。(nobody 要搭配單數動詞 cares) • I think I know how you feel. 我想我明白你的心情。(現在式 know 用於陳述一般事實,搭配 第一、二人稱單或複數主詞)

• The taxi driver knew a shortcut to the TV station. 計程車司機知道一條前往電視台的捷徑。(knew 為 know 的過去式,用於陳述過去事實)

• I have known Kelly for 10 years. 我已經認識凱莉十年了。(known 為 know 的過去分詞,用於 完成式或被動語態)

5. 正確答案為:(C) A get along 相處融洽 The students in my class get along very well. 我班上的學生相處非常融洽。

B get up 起床 David gets up at seven o’clock every morning. 大衛每天早上七點起床。

C get ready 準備好 We should get ready to leave, or we will miss the train. 我們該準備離開了,不然會趕不上火車。

D get out 逃出;離開 Everybody got out of the building when the fire started. 火災發生時,所有人都從那棟大樓逃了出去。 依據前後文意,(C) 為正確答案。


B like prep. 像;如 This place is just like Disney World. 這個地方簡直就像迪士尼樂園。


初級聽讀練功房 Jenny 今天剛轉入一所新學校,她的同學 Aaron 放學後帶她參觀校園。你知道常見的學 語言訓練測驗中心 「全民英檢」團隊編製

校設施英文要怎麼說嗎?對話內容請聽 ACD / MP3 Track 27 ,待會兒聽錄音時,請注意以下 重點:  Aaron 帶 Jenny 參觀哪些地方?  學生餐廳(cafeteria)的座位(seats)看起來 是否舒適(comfortable)?  學生餐廳的食物是否提供眾多選擇呢(a large choice of foods)?

剛剛的對話內容聽清楚了嗎?請回答以下是非題,測試你 的英語聽讀力!

 聽力練習題(一) ____q The seats in the cafeteria did not look very comfortable. ____w Students could choose different kinds of foods at the cafeteria. ____e Aaron went back to the classroom by himself. 本專欄專為 ABC 互動英語的 讀者提供聽讀整合的練習,每期 精選生活化情境主題,透過聽讀 練習及實用字詞的介紹,助您輕 鬆活用,功力大進! 「 全 民 英 檢 」103 年 9、10

你全都答對了嗎?如果有不確定的地方,不妨再聽一次對 話,再進行選擇題的進階挑戰。這次要聽清楚 Jenny 是否 想參觀圖書館,還有 Aaron 和 Jenny 為何要回教室一趟 喔!

月份初級說寫測驗報名期間為 7

 聽力練習題(二)

月 30 日 至 8 月 7 日, 請 勿 錯

____q How did Jenny feel about visiting the library? (A) She was very excited. (B) She was not interested. (C) She was disappointed.

過!「全民英檢」全真考題、報 名資訊、線上寫作練習,以及其 他 豐 富 學 習 資 源, 請 瀏 覽 官 網。 本中心提供中學生各 類外語課程,相關訊息 請瀏覽 LTTC 官方網站。


____r Aaron showed Jenny the library before going to the cafeteria.

____w Why did Aaron and Jenny need to go back to the classroom? (A) Because their classmates were looking for them. (B) Because they needed to finish their homework. (C) Because they needed to get their school bags. 錄音內容和中文翻譯請見第 65 頁



× q  Jenny 認為學生餐廳的座位看起來很舒適。 ○

學生餐廳的食物種類眾多,學生可以自由選擇。 w 

× e  Aaron 是和 Jenny 一起回教室,並非獨自一人回去。 × r  Aaron 先帶 Jenny 去學生餐廳,然後才去圖書館。 題目解析(二)

Jenny 喜歡看書,對於參觀圖書館也很興奮(excited)。 A q  Aaron 和 Jenny 需要回教室拿書包。 C w  學校設施相關實用句型

◆ 學校有各種設施及建築物,帶別人參觀校園時,你能否用英文一一介紹呢?讓我們透過以下 例句,來活用這些生活英文吧!  campus 校園 • The campus of the university is very small.

 swimming pool 游泳池 • Jimmy likes the swimming pool because it is bright and clean.

 gym 體育館 • We have our PE class in the gym when it rains.

 science lab (laboratory) 實驗室 • Annie spent a lot of time at the science lab for her study.

 cafeteria 學生餐廳 • The school cafeteria offers breakfast and lunch.

 playground 操場 • During break time, the playground is always full of students.







 library 圖書館 • You can find all kinds of books on art in this library.


Did you know... 「洗手間」的英文有哪些字詞? 學校、百貨公司、車站等公共場所的洗手間,我們通常用 restroom 這個字;男性及女性的洗手間,又可稱為 men’s room 及 ladies’ room。如果是自己或別人家的廁所,則常用 bathroom 一字。請見以下例句:

• There are restrooms on the first and third floors of this building. 這棟大樓的一樓和三樓有洗手間。

• Paul, do you mind if I use your bathroom? 保羅,我可以借用你家的洗手間嗎?


 小地方大玩意


á 重點單字

1. huge [ hjud. ] adj. 巨大的 Mom’s dream is to live 媽媽的夢想是住大房子。


in a huge house.

2. modern [ `m3d0n ] adj. 現代(化)的

Everything in that hospital is new and modern. 那間醫院的各項設備既新穎又現代化。


Discover Singapore 發現新加坡

3. correct [ k4`r5kt ] adj. 正確的

The answer to number six is correct. 第六題的答案是正確的。


課文 正常:CD / MP3 28 朗讀 慢速:MP3 66

4. rare [ r5r ] adj. 稀有的;罕見的

Tigers are very rare in this country. 老虎在這個國家很罕見。

5. variety [ v4`ra64t6 ] n. 多樣化 (a variety of 表示「各式各樣的」)

The shop has a big variety of snacks. 該商店販售各式各樣的零食。 2000

6. broad [ br7d ] adj. 寬廣的

The park is at the end of a broad field. 公園在一大片原野的盡頭。


skyscraper [ `ska6%skrep0 ] n. curry [ `k-6 ] n. 咖哩


á 學習焦點

1. When people think of + N., they... 當人們想到……,他們……。 think of 是「想到」的意思。 • When people think of Italy, they think of

pasta. 當人們想到義大利,就會聯想到義大利麵。

2. (Sb) is in the mood for (sth). (某人)有(做某事)的心情。 mood 為「心情;情緒」之意。也可說 (Sb) is in the mood to + V.。 • We’re in the mood for Japanese food

tonight. 我們今天晚上想吃日本料理。

When people think of Singapore, they imagine clean streets and huge,1 modern2 skyscrapers.* The truth is that Singapore has much more than that. If you go there, you’ll get some nice surprises. Some people think that Singapore is only Chinese, but that’s not correct.3 It also has many people from India, Malaysia, and other places. It’s rare4 to see so many cultures in such a small place. This means that Singapore has a great variety5 of food. If you want curry,* visit Little India. If you’re in the mood for Malaysian bak kut teh(肉骨 茶), go to Malaysian Food Street. Shopping in Singapore is also a wonderful experience. The top shopping spot is Orchard Road(烏節路). Even if you don’t like shopping, you can walk down this broad,6 beautiful road and enjoy the city.

• I’m not in the mood to argue with you. 我沒心情和你爭辯。 肉骨茶是新加坡代表性的美食之一 


 蘇丹清真寺(Sultan Mosque) 是新加坡最大、最古老的清真寺。

Travel Time

 佛牙寺內供奉的兩尊大佛。

á 重點單字 2000

1. humid [ `hjum6d ] adj. 潮濕的

It’s going to be quite humid this week. 這星期將會非常潮濕。

2. escape [ 4`skep ] v. 逃離

You can’t always try to escape your problems. 你不能一直想要逃避問題。


課文 正常:CD / MP3 29 朗讀 慢速:MP3 67

A little heat will make your nose feel better.

 新加坡動物園是一個開放式的 動物園,不設任何柵欄和獸籠。 這頭母獅子正在園內享受日光浴。

Don’t think that Singapore only has shopping and food. You can see and do many other things. Singapore gets very humid 1 during the day. That’s a good time to escape2 the heat3 and visit some gorgeous * temples, churches, and mosques.* You should also visit Singapore Zoo. It might be the world’s best zoo. It has more than 300 kinds of animals. In other zoos, animals live in cages. 4 In Singapore Zoo, the animals live in larger, more open areas. Of course, you should also visit Merlion Park(魚尾 5 獅公園) and see the Merlion Statue. In 2009, the statue was hit by lightning!6 However, it was quickly repaired. Many people believe that you only need to spend three days in Singapore. Try to stay a little longer. You’ll discover something new every day.

3. heat [ hit ] n. 熱度;熱氣

一點熱氣會讓你的鼻子舒服一點。 1200

4. cage [ ked. ] n. 籠子

Did you remember to close the cage? 你有記得把籠子關起來嗎?

5. statue [ `st1t]8 ] n. 雕像

The museum has statues from Ancient Rome. 該間博物館有來自古羅馬時期的雕像。


6. lightning [ `la6tn6; ] n. 閃電

Thunder comes right after lightning. 雷聲伴隨閃電而來。


gorgeous [ `g7rd.4s ] adj. 華麗的 mosque [ m3sk ] n. 清真寺 á 學習焦點

1. Don’t think that + N. + only has... 不要以為(某人事物)只有……。 • Don’t think that the restaurant only has

hamburgers. It also has pizza. 不要以為那間餐廳只有賣漢堡,它還有賣披薩。

2. A is hit by B. A 被 B 擊中。 此為被動語態,hit 是過去分詞。主動語態的寫法為 B hits A.。

• The song was written by my favorite

singer. = My favorite singer wrote the song. 那首歌是我最喜歡的歌手寫的。

中文翻譯請見第 65-66 頁

 來新加坡一定要參觀的魚尾獅公園, 儼然已成為新加坡的著名地標。

圖片來源:flickr(spalti, pelican, yeowatzup, Chi King)


 一本好書


á 重點單字

1. warn [ w7rn ] v. 警告

Mom warned us not to swim in the lake. 媽媽警告我們不要去那座湖裡游泳。

2. teenage [ `tined. ] adj. 十幾歲的;青少年的 The novel is for teenage readers. 那本小說是給青少年讀者看的。 1200

3. head [ h5d ] adj. 主要的;首席的

Dr. Wilson is the hospital’s head doctor. 威爾森醫生是那間醫院的權威。


4. guard [ g3rd ] v. 守護;看管

The soldiers are guarding the palace. 士兵正在守衛皇宮。

5. attend [ 4`t5nd ] v. 上(學)

Next year Gina will attend college.


吉娜將於明年上大學。 1200

6. lonely [ `lonl6 ] adj. 孤單的

Dora felt lonely when she moved to the new city. 朵拉搬到新城市時感覺很孤單。


trespasser [ `tr5s%p1s0 ] n. 入侵者 mansion [ `m1n]4n ] n. 大房子(豪宅) orphan [ `7rf4n ] n. 孤兒 á 學習焦點

1. stay away 遠離 其後以介系詞 from 接受詞。

• I have a bad cold, so you had better stay

away from me. 我感冒很嚴重,所以你最好不要靠近我。

2. needless to say 不用說 為副詞片語,多置於句首,其後以逗號與句子隔開。 needless [ `nidl6s ] 是形容詞「不需要的」。

• Selina broke her wrist. Needless to say, she

can’t play basketball tomorrow. 瑟琳娜的手腕骨折,不用說,她明天不能打籃球了。

3. (Sb) must never ever + V. (某人)絕對不能(做某事)。 never ever 用來強調「絕對不能;永遠不可以」。 • You must never ever forget to turn off the

stove. 你絕對不能忘記關瓦斯爐。 50

課文 正常:CD / MP3 30 朗讀 慢速:MP3 68

There is a forest that nobody visits. In that forest, there’s a fence. On the fence, there’s a sign that warns1 people to stay away. It says “Trespassers* will be boiled.” A teenage2 girl and her father live in a mansion* behind that fence. The girl’s name is Christina. Her mother died years ago. Her father is the head3 scientist in a big company. Christina’s father worries too much, and guards4 her all the time. Christina can’t even attend 5 school. She can only take classes online. She only has one way to relax. She plays in her yard once a day. Needless to say, Christina has a lonely6 childhood. Every day, a group of strange orphans* passes her house. Christina’s father says that she must never ever speak to those orphans.

A Good Book

á 重點單字 2000

1. daily [ `del6 ] adj. 日常的;每日的

Dad is reading the daily newspaper. 爸爸正在看日報。

2. approach [ 4`prot] ] v. 走近;接近

The airplane is approaching the airport. 那架飛機正慢慢接近機場。

3. whisper [ `hw6sp0 ] v. 低語

What did Damon whisper to his friend? 戴蒙對他朋友說了什麼悄悄話?


4. tunnel [ `t9ny ] n. 地道;隧道

The train is going through a tunnel. 火車正通過一條隧道。


5. flashlight [ `fl1]%la6t ] n. 手電筒

Dan used a flashlight to look under the bed.


丹用手電筒往床底下照照看。 2000

課文 正常:CD / MP3 31 朗讀 慢速:MP3 69

During one of her daily1 trips to the yard, Christina sneaks to the fence. One of the orphans approaches2 her and whispers3 something. He tells her that in her mansion, there is a secret tunnel.4 He urges* Christina to look for it. Christina knows that the tunnel may be dangerous, but she can’t help herself. She’s just too curious. She takes a flashlight5 and sneaks into the basement. 6 There, she discovers the secret tunnel. Christina will have to face all kinds of terrible secrets about her family and her past. What kind of work is her father doing? Why did her mother die? Christina will also discover the most terrifying* secret of all: the secret 中文翻譯請見第 66 頁 of Zoom.

6. basement [ `besm4nt ] n. 地下室

We have lots of old boxes in our basement. 我們的地下室有很多舊箱子。


urge [ -d. ] v. 催促 terrifying [ `t5r4%fa66; ] adj.


á 學習焦點

1. (Sb) can’t help (oneself). (某人)控制不住自己。 注意反身代名詞與主詞須為同一人。

• Dad tries not to worry, but he can’t help

himself. 爸爸試著不要擔心,但他就是控制不住自己。

2. (Sb) is just too + adj. (某人)實在是太……。 副詞 just 在此作為強調語氣「實在;非常」的意思。

• We can never trick Herman. He’s just too

smart. 我們不可能騙得了赫曼,他實在是太精明了。

填問卷送好書! 請填寫本期 p. 67 的問卷並寄 回,就有機會獲得《茲姆石的 秘密》一本!這樣的好康千萬 別錯過囉!


 聽說圖寫


Fun Facts

Around the World

C Alaska 阿拉斯加

世界妙知識 課文 正常:CD / MP3 32 朗讀 慢速:MP3 70

地球劃分為七大洲、五大洋,你知道嗎?截至二〇一四年 五月底為止,全世界人口已達七十二億之多。在這個偌大 的世界裡,必定有許多事情是你我意想不到的。現在就來 測試看看你對這個世界瞭解多少吧!

題目的難度指數以星號區分(最簡單★☆☆☆最困難★★★★),快來測試你是 不是超級金頭腦! 答題小技巧: _____ 哪個國家幾乎沒有樹? 答案是「海地」,所以假設海地在地圖上的代碼是

B,就在底線上填入 B,以此類推。

_____ q Which country has the largest population? (★☆☆☆)

_____ w The Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁)is the world’s largest

coral reef* system. Where is the reef?(★☆☆☆) _____ e Which country in Europe is famous for chocolate? (★★☆☆)

I Brazil 巴西

_____ r Which country does most of Taiwan’s oil come

from?(★★☆☆) _____ t The Mariana Trench(馬里亞納海溝)is the deepest part of the world’s oceans. In which ocean is it located? (★★★☆)

_____ y The Amazon River(亞馬遜河)is known as the world’s

second largest river. Where can you see it?(★★☆☆) _____ u In early March, people celebrate the Festival of Colors. During the festival, people spray colors on each other. In which country does this take place?(★★★☆) _____ i Which country has the most convenience stores per capita?*(★☆☆☆) _____ o In this country, people have a tomato fight on the last Wednesday of every August. Which country is it?(★☆☆☆) _____ a There is a pizzeria* that delivers pizza by plane. Where is the pizzeria?(★★★★) 52

中文翻譯和解答請見第 66 頁

* coral reef [ `k7r4l ] [ rif ] 珊瑚礁 * per capita [ p0`k1p6t4 ] 按人口平均計算 * pizzeria [ %pits4`ri4 ] 披薩店

Picture Talk

D Belgium 比利時

M Russia 俄羅斯 H China 中國

E Spain 西班牙

B The Pacific Ocean 太平洋 F Taiwan 臺灣 J India 印度 A Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯 G Australia 澳大利亞 L South Africa 南非

K The Indian Ocean 印度洋


Anthony Bourdain:

Parts Unknown 2 播出時間:2014 年 07 月 24 日起,每週四晚上 9 點

 一種叫做 Maklubah 的在地料理,主材料為雞肉和米飯  巴勒斯坦自治區 Ramallah 市區裡隔離牆的一景

In Parts Unknown 2, Anthony Bourdain visits Jerusalem. Jerusalem is an ancient city in the Middle East. It’s a holy2 city for Muslims, Jews and Christians. People often argue about who should control Jerusalem. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim3 that the city belongs to4 them. People have been fighting and dying for Jerusalem for a long time. During his visit, Anthony Bourdain speaks with Palestinian and Israeli people. He learns about their culture and history. They also tell him how the fighting has affected their lives.

 主持人安東尼 • 波登

A great way to understand any culture is to try local food. Bourdain visits a very special restaurant in a village near Jerusalem. This restaurant is owned by a couple. One owner is Israeli and the other is Palestinian. They make traditional Palestinian food. Palestinian food is considered to be some of the best in the Middle East. Bourdain’s meal includes roasted5 tomatoes, eggs from a nearby farm, grilled6 zucchini* and dry yoghurt.* Jerusalem is just one place that we can see on Parts Unknown 2. In this series, Bourdain takes us away from the usual tourist spots and shows us places that most people never get to visit.


想收藏 TLC 旅遊生活頻道節目, 請洽采昌國際多媒體 資料及圖片來源:TLC 旅遊生活頻道


á 教學重點 ( 此單元屬知識分享,毋須熟記 )

1. unknown [ 9n`non ] adj. 未知的

An unknown aircraft flew over the field. 一架不知名的飛機飛過了田野上空。

2. holy [ `hol6 ] adj. 神聖的

Easter is a holy holiday for many people. 復活節對許多人而言是神聖的節日。

3. claim [ klem ] v. 宣稱;主張

The scientist claimed that she invented a new cancer medicine. 該名科學家宣稱她發明了一種治療癌症的新藥物。

4. belong [ b6`l7; ] to 屬於

5. roasted [ `rost6d ] adj. 烤過的

Ryan and Winnie served roasted pork at their wedding ceremony.


6. grilled [ gr6ld ] adj. (用烤網)烤過的

The grilled chicken is so juicy. It’s really delicious.

這個烤雞真多汁,美味極了。 參考單字》

zucchini [ zu`kini ] n. 櫛瓜 yoghurt [ `jog0t ] n. 優格

This fancy apartment belongs to my aunt.


小編時間 談到烹調方式,中文有「煎、煮、炒、炸」等說 法,英文同樣也有特定的表達方式,列舉如下:

 波登和當地小朋友的合照


fry 炒;煎

deep fry 油炸

在《波登闖異地第 2 季》中,安東尼 • 波登來到了耶 路撒冷,耶路撒冷是中東的一座古城,它是穆斯林、猶太 人和基督徒的聖城。人們常為了誰該統治耶路撒冷而爭論 不休,以色列和巴勒斯坦雙方都宣稱這座城是他們的,長 久以來人們一直為了耶路撒冷而爭戰不已,甚至葬送生命。 安東尼 • 波登在這趟行程中訪問了巴勒斯坦人和以色 列人,了解到他們的文化與歷史,他們還告訴他這場爭戰 如何影響當地人的生活。

boil 水煮

bake (用烤箱)烤

roast 烤(肉、蔬菜等)

grill (用網)烤(肉、蔬菜等)

steam [ stim ] 蒸

stew [ stju ] 燉

要了解任何一種文化最好的方法就是品嚐當地菜餚, 波登造訪一間非常特別的餐廳,它位於耶路撒冷附近的一 座村莊。這間餐廳是一對夫婦所有,一位是以色列人、另 一位是巴勒斯坦人,他們料理的是傳統的巴勒斯坦菜餚, 巴勒斯坦菜被視為中東地區最美味的菜餚之一,波登的餐 點包括烤番茄、鄰近農場的雞蛋、烤櫛瓜和乾優格。 耶路撒冷只是《波登闖異地第 2 季》中我們可以參觀 到的其中一座城市,在此系列節目中, 波登不是帶我們去一般的觀光景點, 他帶我們參觀大部分人沒有辦法前 往的地方。  波登和耶路撒冷當地餐館的主廚 一起享用大餐

blanch [ bl1nt] ] 汆燙

smoke 煙燻 55

全民英檢 初級模擬試題 全民英檢初級測驗分為初試及複試兩大部份,初試包含聽力測驗與閱讀能力測驗;複試則為寫作能力測驗與口說能力測 驗;因口說能力測驗無統一標準之答案,故本模擬試題只提供初試的正確解答及複試寫作能力測驗的參考文章,本測驗正確 解答請參考 P. 61。Audio CD 與 MP3 中的 Tracks 33—36 為聽力測驗題目;互動光碟版用戶可直接於光碟中作答(並於「查 看內容」裡附有每題詳解),或是使用光碟內附之 MP3 音檔作答。

一 聽力測驗:看圖辨義 CD/MP3 33

請聽題目及三個選項,選出與圖案最相符的答案。 每題播出一遍。 1

二 聽力測驗:問答 CD/MP3 34

請聽問題,再從三個選項中選出一個最適合的答案。 每題播出一遍。

1. (A) It’s in the parking lot. (B) It’s in my closet. (C) I think it’s in your pocket. 2. (A) Yes. She works in a school. (B) She is. She steals things. (C) Yeah. She can fix almost anything.


3. (A) Yeah. It will be so hot. (B) No. It’s going to rain all day. (C) Yeah. The weather will be terrible. 4. (A) It’s about 100 degrees. (B) It’s about 50 kilograms. (C) It’s about 10 meters.



5. (A) No. They can rest as much as they want. (B) No. They have to keep practicing. (C) No. They can’t take anything from the classroom. 6. (A) All right. How about Saturday? (B) OK. Let’s meet on Friday. (C) Sure. Does Wednesday work for you? 7. (A) No, thanks. I don’t eat meat. (B) Yes, please. I’d like a glass of warm water. (C) Sure. I love fruit.


8. (A) I go there by subway. (B) I usually spend two hours there. (C) I go there three times a week. 9. (A) Sorry. I don’t have any nephews. (B) You’re right. They are really nice. (C) I agree. They are very noisy. 10. (A) Yeah. We should both wear coats. (B) Yes. It’s quite humid. (C) No. It’s actually really, really cold.



三 聽力測驗:簡短對話 CD/MP3 35

請聽一段對話和一個相關的問題後,再從三個選項中選 出一個最適合的答案。每題播出一遍。

1. (A) She woke up too late. (B) The weather was very bad. (C) There are many cars on the road. 2. (A) In a dentist’s office. (B) In the post office. (C) In a doctor’s office. 3. (A) A horror movie. (B) A love movie. (C) A funny movie. 4. (A) Her hair is long. (B) Her hair is curly. (C) Her hair is short. 5. (A) The woman should drink some coffee. (B) The woman should work harder. (C) The woman should rest. 6. (A) Swimming. (B) Hiking. (C) Jogging. 7. (A) Soda. (B) Bread. (C) Water. 8. (A) In a supermarket. (B) On a farm. (C) In a school.

四 聽力測驗:短文聽解 CD/MP3 36

請聽一段短文和相關問題後,再從三張圖片中選出最適 合的答案。每題播出一遍。

1. A











2. A

3. A

4. A

5. A

9. (A) The shirt is the wrong color. (B) The shirt is the wrong size. (C) The shirt never arrived at the woman’s house. 10. (A) An animal attacked him. (B) He’s on duty in the hospital. (C) His dog got very sick.


全民英檢 初級模擬試題 五 閱讀能力測驗:詞彙和結構


1. Everybody _____ Linda’s good attitude and hard work. (A) complained (B) blamed (C) praised (D) hated 2. How _____ say that word in German? (A) do you (B) they (C) does (D) to 3. A _____ of an hour is 15 minutes. (A) half (B) quarter (C) third (D) second 4. This suit is _____ expensive, so I had better find a cheaper one. (A) hardly (B) less (C) never (D) rather 5. Lauren and Amanda _____ when their parents came home. (A) watch TV (B) would watch TV (C) were watching TV (D) had watched TV 6. The _____ of the cake is a rectangle. (A) shape (B) price (C) weight (D) size 7. Larry wants to attend the college _____ both his father and grandfather went. (A) whether (B) whom (C) whose (D) where 8. Be careful! That knife is very _____. (A) painful (B) lonely (C) sharp (D) bright 9. It _____ the writer five years to finish her latest novel. (A) took (B) cost (C) spent (D) needed 10. Bob _____ the restaurant’s phone number on the Internet because he wanted to make a reservation. (A) put on (B) took over (C) looked up (D) called off 11. Water is _____ on the stove. (A) baking (B) boiling (C) melting (D) frying 58

12. I set the alarm clock _____ 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. (A) on (B) for (C) in (D) with 13. Everyone is looking _____ to the festival. (A) around (B) down (C) forward (D) away 14. Jack is _____ kind that he will even help strangers. (A) so (B) too (C) such (D) enough 15. You shouldn’t _____ Eric influence your decision. (A) allow (B) cause (C) get (D) let

六 閱讀能力測驗:段落填空 請從四個選項中選出一個最適合的字詞填入空格中。

Part A: The Internet is changing our lives in (1) ways. In the past, when we wanted to buy something, we (2) go to a store. Today, we can just go online and look at Web sites. It’s also much (3) to get information. You can have lots of information on almost any subject in just a few seconds. (4) is more convenient now, but some people think that the Internet also (5) us lazier. How will the Internet change our lives in the future? We’ll see. 1. (A) every (C) much

(B) another (D) many

2. (A) had to (C) are going to

(B) have to (D) were about to

3. (A) as easy (C) easily

(B) easier (D) easy

4. (A) World (C) Life

(B) Thing (D) Time

5. (A) brings (C) puts

(B) makes (D) changes


Part B: How much water should you drink every day? Water (6) an important role in maintaining our health. Water (7) about 60 percent of your weight. It keeps your organs (8) your cells healthy. Adult men should drink about three (9) of water per day. Adult women should drink about 2.2. However, don’t drink too much water. (10) you drink too much, you might damage your organs. 6. (A) lays (B) plays (C) carries (D) throws 7. (A) makes up (B) breaks up (C) gives up (D) turns up 8. (A) as good as (B) as long as (C) as well as (D) as far as

1. What do we know about Ms. Simmons? (A) She works in a hotel. (B) She does not have a computer. (C) She wrote a complaint letter. (D) She wants to apologize to Jason Carter. 2. Who is Jason Carter? (A) He is a baseball player. (B) He is a hotel manager. (C) He is an angry customer. (D) He is a computer expert. 3. What will Jason Carter do for Ms. Simmons? (A) He’ll give her a free room for one night. (B) He’ll give her a free room for two nights. (C) He’ll take her to a baseball game. (D) He won’t do anything for her. Part B:

Job Application Form

9. (A) meters (B) dozens (C) inches (D) liters Name

Janet Finch

Date of birth

June 30th, 1980

Phone number



Last job

bank manager


Date started

December 1st, 2009

Part A:

Date ended

December 20th, 2013

Highest level of education

Bachelor’s Degree

10. (A) Although (C) Until

(B) Before (D) If

七 閱讀能力測驗:閱讀理解

Name of school Bovine University

Dear Ms. Simmons, I was very sorry to read your complaint letter. Please let me explain what happened. There was a problem with the computers, so we did not have your reservation. All of the rooms were full because many people came into town to see a baseball game last night. I am very sorry about this. Please come to the hotel when you have time, and I will give you two free nights in one of our rooms. Thanks very much. Jason Carter Hotel Manager

4. When was Janet Finch born? (A) At the end of 1980. (B) In the middle of 1980. (C) At the beginning of 1980. (D) We don’t know. 5. What information is NOT on this job application? (A) Janet Finch’s e-mail. (B) Janet Finch’s address. (C) Janet Finch’s phone number. (D) Janet Finch’s last job. 6. How long was Janet Finch a bank manager? (A) One year. (B) Two years. (C) Three years. (D) Four years.


全民英檢 初級模擬試題


Part C:

八 寫作測驗:段落寫作

Moving Sale 50% off This Week!

題目:Helen 的寶寶在哭鬧。請根據這些圖片寫一篇約 50 字的敘述。 1

Home Sweet Home is moving to a new address! From Monday to Thursday this week, everything will be half price! Monday-Thursday only

Chairs NT$560

 NT$280

(Buy two and get one free.)

Tables Sofas Beds

NT$800  NT$400 NT$5,000  NT$2,500 NT$9,900  NT$4,950

7. How much will three chairs cost on Friday? (A) NT$560. (B) NT$1,120. (C) NT$1,680. (D) NT$840. 8. What is the most expensive item in Home Sweet Home? (A) Chairs. (B) Tables. (C) Sofas. (D) Beds. 9. Why is Home Sweet Home having a sale? (A) It’s moving. (B) It’s closing. (C) It’s having a Christmas sale. (D) It opened recently. 10. What type of store is Home Sweet Home? (A) A gift shop. (B) A sports store. (C) A furniture store. (D) A pet shop.




_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

GEPT Answers

全民英檢解答 一、 聽力測驗:看圖辨義(聽力題目及解答) 1. What is the boy about to do? (A) He’s going to kick a ball. (B) He’s going to catch a ball. (C) He’s going to hit a ball. Ans: C 2. What will Ned need before he goes outside? (A) An umbrella. (B) A pair of gloves. (C) Sunglasses. Ans: A 3. What time is it? (A) It’s ten to three. (B) It’s ten past three. (C) It’s three-fifty. Ans: C 4. What is Anna doing? (A) Watching television. (B) Listening to the radio. (C) Playing a computer game. Ans: B 5. What is the man probably saying? (A) Clean up this room! (B) Start your homework! (C) Get out of bed! Ans: A 二、 聽力測驗:問答(聽力題目及解答) 1. Where is the scooter? Ans: A 2. Is that woman really a thief? Ans: B 3. Will tomorrow be stormy? Ans: C 4. How deep is that river? Ans: C 5. Will you allow the students to take a break? Ans: B 6. Let’s meet on the weekend. Ans: A 7. Do you want some watermelon? Ans: C 8. How often do you go to the gym? Ans: C 9. Our new neighbors are very friendly people, aren’t they? Ans: B 10. Is it freezing today? Ans: A 三、聽力測驗:簡短對話(聽力題目及解答) (F = Female M = Male Q = Question)

1. M: You’re late. F: I’m so sorry! The traffic was really bad today. M: Yesterday you were late because of the snow. F: I know. It won’t happen again. Q: Why is the woman late today? Ans: C 2. F: Hello. What’s the problem today? M: My throat hurts. I’ve also been coughing a lot. F: OK. Open your mouth and say “Ah.” M: Aaaah!

2. Please look at the following three pictures. Ted is giving some advice to his customers. What food might the customers order? 3. M: Wow! That movie was great! Hello, and welcome to our restaurant. F: I know! It was so scary. Tonight we have three new meals on M: When I saw the ghost, I wanted to the menu. The first is fish with rice and scream. potatoes. The second is baked crab with F: I’m going to have nightmares this rice. The third is my favorite. It’s lobster week. and clams! What would you like to order? Q: What kind of movie did they just see? Ans: B Ans: A 3. Please look at the following three pictures. 4. F: What do you think of Selina’s new Listen to the following warning. What hairstyle? does the woman do for a living? M: It’s nice, but it’s way too curly. Good afternoon, sir. Do you know why F: I loved her with long hair. I asked you to stop your car? You were M: I agree, and I also liked her natural driving over the speed limit. On this color. street, you can’t drive faster than 40 Q: What is NOT true about Selina? kilometers per hour. You were driving at Ans: C 51 kilometers per hour. I won’t give you a fine this time, but please be more careful 5. M: Sandy, you’ve been studying for over in the future. three hours now. Ans: A F: Yes, I think I need some coffee. M: Maybe you should just relax a little. 4. Please look at the following three pictures. F: Hmm. You’re probably right. Listen to the following short talk. What Q: What is the man’s advice? kind of dog is the boy looking at? Ans: C Wow! I really think that dog doesn’t like me. I should stay very far away from him. 6. F: Are you all right? He keeps looking at me, and he’s showing M: I’m a little tired, but I’m OK. me his teeth. I think that he wants to eat F: Come on. The river is only 100 meters me! He’s not a very big dog, but I still away. think he’s dangerous. He looks so mean! M: All right. This is a difficult hike! Ans: B Q: What are they doing? Ans: B 5. Please look at the following three pictures. Lisa is talking to her friend in a shop. What 7. M: Hello. What can I get you? is she going to buy? F: Let’s see. I’ll have the cheeseburger, Hmmm... I am not sure which one I please. should pick. The red one looks quite nice, M: All right. What would you like to drink? but it’s so expensive. I really like the white F: I’ll just have some water. one, but my sister has the same kind of Q: What is NOT part of the woman’s phone. I might get the black one. I can meal? make calls on it, and I can take pictures, Ans: A too. I wonder if I can use it to send e-mails. 8. F: What do you do for a living? I should probably ask. If I can do that, M: I’m a teacher. How about you? then maybe I’ll buy it. F: I am a farmer. Ans: A M: That must be hard. Q: Where does the man work? Ans: C 五、閱讀能力測驗:詞彙和結構 9. M: Hello. Can I help you? 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C F: Yes. I bought a shirt from your Web 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C site yesterday, but there’s a problem. 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D M: What is it? F: I ordered a small shirt, but I received a medium one. 六、閱讀能力測驗:段落填空 Q: What is the problem? 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B Ans: B 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. D 10. F: Hey! We didn’t see you at the party last night. M: I was in the hospital. 七、閱讀能力測驗:閱讀理解 F: Oh no! What happened? 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B M: A dog bit me, but I’m all right now. Q: Why didn’t the man go to the party? 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C Ans: A 八、寫作測驗:段落寫作 Q: Where are the people? Ans: C

四、聽力測驗:短文聽解(聽力題目及解答) 1. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following instructions. What subject does the man teach? All right, kids, put your books away. We’re going to have a test now. First, I want you to solve this math problem. After that, I am going to write three more math problems on the board. When you’re finished with your test, give it to me. Get started now. Ans: A

參考 答案:

Helen’s baby boy is in bed, but he keeps crying and crying. The noise is bothering Helen a lot. Helen takes her baby out of bed and sings him a song. Soon, the baby falls asleep. Helen puts him back in his bed. Helen can enjoy a peaceful afternoon now.




Chinese Translation

Monthly Focus 本月焦點

Building Character 品格英語

A Day at the Beach

Be Dependable





Part A



瑪麗: 嗨,我是瑪麗,我來這裡當淨灘家族的志工。 瑞克: 我是瑞克,謝謝妳的加入,我們真的必須清理這片海灘。 瑪麗: 是啊,垃圾好多,真讓人受不了。 瑞克: 好,妳有毛巾也有防曬乳,那樣很好,天氣變熱了。 瑪麗: 我還帶了一雙夾腳拖鞋。 瑞克: 妳不應該穿夾腳拖鞋,沙子裡面有很多尖銳物品。 瑪麗: 沒關係,那我就繼續穿著運動鞋。 瑞克: 妳也會需要這雙手套,好!我想我們可以開始了。 測驗解答 : 1. × 2. × 3. ○ Wed


Part B

瑪麗: 那裡有個汽水罐,我去撿。 瑞克: 謝謝。真的很可惜,大家把海灘弄得好髒。 瑪麗: 對啊,我小時候來過這裡,我和我姊姊在海浪裡玩耍。

在我小時候,老師告訴我一個故事,我想和你們分享。 在美國,有兩名擁有田地的男子,他們叫做史蒂芬和威廉。一 天早上,他們在聊天,史蒂芬說:「我們兩個都有養鵝和種植玉米, 你的顧客很多,我的卻沒幾個,我不知道為什麼。」 威廉沒有說話,他只是聳了聳肩。沒多久,來了一輛卡車,一 名顧客從車上走下來,顧客說:「哈囉,史蒂芬,我上星期訂購了十 袋玉米,我是來取貨的。」 測驗解答 : ownhave, goosea bird, corna vegetable, silentquiet



史蒂芬說:「不好意思,這一整個星期又冷又下雪的,昨天的 氣溫還只有五度!你要的玉米還沒準備好,這星期如果天氣有好轉, 我會跟上進度的。」

瑪麗: 你的團隊只做淨灘工作嗎?

顧客說:「算了吧。」然後對威廉說:「我明天需要十袋玉米,我 可以指望你嗎?」威廉說:「當然,我明天會早起準備。」從那時起, 那個顧客一直都向威廉採購玉米。

瑞克: 我們也張貼公告,告訴大家隨身攜帶塑膠袋到海邊,他們可 以把垃圾裝進袋子裡,之後再拿去丟掉。


瑞克: 我也是,我們堆沙堡、看海豚。

瑪麗: 如果有空瓶子的話,我都把它們放在我的冷藏箱裡,然後再 拿去回收。 瑞克: 好主意! 測驗解答 : 1. Dolphins 2. recycle



Part C

這個故事給我很大的啟示,聽完之後,我一直努力當個可靠的 測驗解答 : 1. progress 2. degrees 3. temperature 4. snowy

Stories and Fables 短篇故事集 How to Eat Fried Worms 炸蟲總動員


瑞克: 我們清理完了,這一區的海灘看起來很棒。


瑪麗: 感謝老天,我要去游泳了。

比利、湯姆和他們的朋友在討論食物的話題,比利說:「我什麼 東西都敢吃。」

瑞克: 好啊,妳可以把東西放在那把遮陽傘下,我要回家洗澡、 睡覺,我真的好睏。 瑪麗: 你的團隊每個星期六都會來這裡嗎? 瑞克: 會,我們要讓這區的海岸乾淨又美麗。 瑪麗: 希望我們做得到,汙染把這座海灘給毀了。下星期我要邀請 朋友來,她是救生員,所以她愛海灘。 瑞克: 聽起來很不錯,下週見了! 測驗解答 : 1. ruin 2. sleepy 3. shower 4. shore 聽力測驗解答 : 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B

8. A 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B


湯姆說:「才怪,沒有人能吃蟲!」比利說:「我能。」湯姆說: 「來打賭啊,你必須在十五天內吃下十五條蟲,如果你成功的話,我 就給你五十元。如果你失敗了,你要給我五十元。」一開始比利想拒 絕這個賭注,後來他想起自己要買腳踏車,於是他說:「如果我可以 把蟲炒熟,我就接受賭注。」 湯姆說:「就這麼說定了!」



湯姆在一塊石頭底下找到一條蟲,有五公分長,比利心裡想: 「我做不到。」 他們把蟲煮熟,比利在上頭加了胡椒和檸檬汁,然後他把蟲吃 掉了!他差點吐了出來,可是他忍住了。隔天,他又吃了一條蟲, 後來湯姆說:「我們找到一條超級長的蟲。」這條蟲有十公分長,不 過比利發現他的朋友們在騙他,因為他們把兩條比較短的蟲黏成一 條。

比利把蟲烤熟吃掉,他心想:「蟲沒有那麼難吃嘛。」 測驗解答 : 1. long 2. pepper 3. barbecue 4. rock 5. lemon



又過了一天,比利的爸媽得知這場賭注,他們非常生氣,比利 的爸爸打電話給醫生,醫生說:「蟲是很噁心,不過牠們沒有毒。」 最後比利的爸媽讓他完成這場賭注。比利將最後一條蟲烤熟後 吃掉了,他想: 「蟲吃起來真美味,我開始喜歡蟲了。」他贏了賭注, 得到五十元,到店裡買了一輛腳踏車。 後來比利和他的朋友們去野餐,你知道比利吃什麼嗎?蟲蟲火 腿義大利麵! 測驗解答 : D

Skip’s World 史吉普的世界 Finding Attila 尋找阿提拉大作戰



胖子皮特: 阿提拉不見了!你們有人看到牠走來這裡嗎? 史吉普: 沒有,現在請不要打擾我,我正在吃我的番茄醬佐冰淇 淋三明治。 妮娜: 胖子皮特,我們幫你找。我再也不想看史吉普吃那個噁 心的三明治了。 史吉普: 好啦,好啦。我爺爺以前是獵人,我小的時候看他抓過 很多動物,我會找到阿提拉的。 丹尼爾: 我們到處問問,也許有人聽到阿提拉的叫聲。 史吉普: 不 用, 我 來 發 揮 我 的 感 官 能 力。 首 先, 我 來 聽 風 聲。 嗯……有意思,有意思。現在我來聞一聞這片葉子的 味道。阿提拉往那個方向走了,跟我來! 胖子皮特: 我來叫阿提拉的名字,也許牠會聽到我在叫牠。阿提拉, 回來! 史吉普: 安靜!我要專心。嘿!你做什麼???牠想偷我的三明 治!離我遠一點,你這隻瘋狗! 胖子皮特: 史吉普,你找到牠了!謝謝你! 妮娜:史吉普什麼也沒做,阿提拉是聞到了三明治的味道。 丹尼爾: 看!就連阿提拉也不想吃史吉普那個倒胃口的三明治。 史吉普: 嗯,事情都解決了,阿提拉回來了,我可以享用我美味 的番茄醬佐冰淇淋三明治! 聽力測驗解答 : 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. C

女孩的母親說:「不好意思,不過那件事我得怪妳。頑皮的小孩 會讓他們的父母長白頭髮。每一次妳不乖,我就會長出一根白髮。」 小女孩點點頭說:「我知道了。那為什麼外婆的頭髮全都白了 呢?」 測驗解答 : 1. hair 2. hair 3. hairs

Take Your Time 不急不急 Tue


亞當、布萊恩和查理站在一座塔樓的樓頂,那座塔樓有五百公 尺高。亞當說:「你們看!我要把我的金錶從這裡丟下去,然後我會 跑到人行道上把它接住。」亞當做了,不過沒有成功。 接著布萊恩把他的銀製手錶丟下去,然後試著把它接住,他也 失敗了。 最後,查理把他的金屬手錶往下丟,然後慢慢地走向樓梯。亞 當說:「你這樣不可能接得到的。」查理說:「我當然接得到,而且我 可以慢慢來,因為我的手錶慢了三十分鐘。」 測驗解答 : 1. toward 2. height 3. watch

ABC Talk 活用 ABC I Could Eat a Horse! 我吃得下一匹馬!



Part A

愛瑞卡: 蓋文,謝謝你教我做菜。 蓋文: 不客氣。這會花一段時間,我們需要兩個小時。 愛瑞卡: 好,這會很難嗎?這是我第一次做菜,我應該做點簡單的 東西。 蓋文: 我們要吃羊肉,會用烤箱來烤。 愛瑞卡: 那聽起來很難! 蓋文: 別擔心,這道料理我去年做過兩次。現在,我需要二十五 公克的麵粉和三分之一顆洋蔥。 愛瑞卡: 麵粉你負責,我來切洋蔥。 蓋文: 太好了,洋蔥會讓我流眼淚。 測驗解答 : 1. × 2. ○ 3. ○ 4. ○



Part B

愛瑞卡: 羊肉好多喔。 蓋文: 是啊,我們要烤一點五公斤的羊肉。

Jokes and Fun 英語愛說笑 Mom, I Have a Question. 媽,我有個問題 Mon


一位母親正在做晚飯,她的小女兒走向她說道:「媽,我有個 問題。妳的頭髮又長又直又漂亮,不過卻有幾根白頭髮,為什麼會 這樣呢?」

愛瑞卡: 這好難,感覺好像有五千件事情得做。現在要幹嘛? 蓋文: 現在我需要十毫升的醬油。妳可以用那個杯子來量。 愛瑞卡: 拿去吧,這看起來很不健康,我會胖到一百萬公斤。 蓋文: 別擔心!妳會喜歡的,好了,該把盤子放到烤箱裡了。 愛瑞卡: 羊肉要烤多久? 蓋文: 大約四十五分鐘。 測驗解答 : 1. sauce 2. measure




Chinese Translation




Part C


蓋文: 我們把沙拉完成吧,需要一湯匙的油和半匙的醋。

某些人是因為健康出了問題而出現 déjà vu,他們的腦部無法 正常運作,所以產生了不真實的記憶。

愛瑞卡: 我們也應該加一些堅果,加一杯半怎麼樣? 蓋文: 聽起來不錯,妳愈來愈上手了。

不過,健康的人也會有 déjà vu,可能的理由是,當你處在一 個陌生的環境裡,你也許聽到了一首熟悉的歌或看到一幅熟悉的畫, 接著,你的大腦就會告訴你「每樣東西」都似曾相識。很多科學家 認為這樣的解釋合乎道理。

愛瑞卡: 謝謝,羊肉烤好了嗎? 蓋文: 我看看,好了,我想差不多快好了。 愛瑞卡: 好,你把羊肉端出來,我去拿兩個盤子。

大家仍在爭論 déjà vu 發生的原因,有些人認為科學無法解釋, 他們相信會有 déjà vu 的感覺是因為我們想起了前世。

蓋文: 聞起來真香,我們好厲害。 愛瑞卡: 我餓扁了,開動吧!

測驗解答 : 1. ○ 2. ○ 3. ×

測驗解答 : 1. spoon 2. job 3. nuts 聽力測驗解答 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A

Trends and Fads 流行最前線

9. A 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B

Vegan Diets: A Healthy Way of Eating

Annie’s Mailbox 安妮信箱


An Interesting Dream






親愛的安妮: 我大喊著:「救命啊!我在哪裡?我怎麼受傷的?」一個女孩 說:「快點!跟我來!」我回頭一看,看到很多機器人,它們持有 精良的武器。 那些機器人開始追趕我們,我們試著逃跑,突然間,一顆子彈 打中我的大腿,我沒有辦法走路,最後,機器人殺了我們,好可怕。 昨天晚上我做了這樣一個夢,我當時很害怕,因為在夢裡我死 掉了。不過現在我覺得這個夢非常有趣。 里昂

A Window on the World 世界好望角 Déjà Vu 似曾相識 Tue


déjà vu 是法語「似曾相識」的意思,你也許不知道這個用詞, 可是你有時可能會有這種似曾相識的感覺。

純素主義者和素食者類似,不過他們的飲食限制要嚴格得多。 他們不食用也不飲用任何來自動物的食品。純素主義者不喝牛奶, 因為來源是乳牛;他們甚至不穿戴任何動物製成品。 有些人因為健康因素而成為純素主義者,純素主義者的身材一 般都相當纖瘦,也比較不容易有像癌症這樣的健康問題。其他人成 為純素主義者是因為關懷動物,他們認為傷害動物是殘忍的行為。 現在有愈來愈多人成為純素主義者。 測驗解答 : 1. ○ 2. × Fri


肉類、魚類和蛋含有多種重要的營養素,假如你成為純素主義 者,就得想辦法攝取這些營養的替代品,如果不這麼做,你的體重 就會太輕。 純素主義者從其他食物取得營養,他們通常喝豆漿、不喝牛奶, 他們吃像豆腐、穀類、玉米和堅果等食物。經過一段時間後,許多 純素主義者比較喜歡他們的新飲食,他們表示純素食物吃起來比肉 類還要美味。 吃純素並不容易,不過它讓許多人更健康也更快樂了。



凱文: 晚餐準備好了!這是沙拉拌麵,妳的飲料是番茄汁。

比方說,或許你在一個陌生的地方,你環顧四周,心想:「我以 前來過這裡。」這種感覺難以形容,有些人因此感到困惑與恐懼。為 什麼這個陌生的地方感覺如此熟悉?怎麼可能呢?難道你想起了前 世?還是你有超能力?

蘿倫: 喔!嗯……看起來很有意思。

造成 déjà vu 的原因或許並沒有這麼神奇,有些人認為他們知 道原因所在。

蘿倫: 是嗎?你確定吃起來不會像在吃紙一樣嗎?

凱文: 我決定要當純素主義者,這頓飯完全沒有肉。 蘿倫: 我絕不可能成為純素主義者,豬肉和蟹肉是我最愛的食物。 凱文: 放心,我加了很多胡椒、大蒜和醬油,妳會喜歡的。 凱文: 我保證,純素食物美味又健康,我還減掉好多體重呢。 蘿倫: 其實聞起來還挺香的,我們開動吧。 測驗解答 : tomatoa vegetable, porkmeat from a pig,

craba kind of seafood, prettyquite


A Slice of Life 玩味生活


Let’s Go Backpacking!

pp. 46-47

一個人的 Fun 膽旅遊 Tue


團體旅遊非常受到臺灣民眾歡迎,旅行社很方便,因為他們為 你把一切事宜都安排妥當;他們幫你預訂班機和飯店、帶你到各個 景點,你什麼都不必煩惱。 不過跟團旅遊會少了很多自由;你無法自行探險,你必須一直 跟著導遊,因為他們掌控所有行程,就像是保姆一樣! 所幸你還有別的選擇,想要一場真正冒險的人可以試試自助旅 行。 測驗解答 : 1. flight 2. book 3. sitter



背包客都是單獨旅行或是與幾位朋友同行,為了在國外待久一 點,他們會用非常經濟實惠的方式旅遊,比方說,他們會搭公車或 住在青年旅社。 自助旅行讓你可以獨立自主,想做什麼都可以,還能交到更多 朋友;跟團旅遊就比較難體驗到這些事情,因為你沒有機會和當地 民眾還有那片土地搏感情。 在自助旅行之前先買本旅遊書,旅遊書針對一些重要事項提供 建議。還有,小心為妙,自助旅行有一項重要準則:那就是安全第一! 測驗解答 : 1. × 2. ○ 3. ○

錄音內容: (J = Jenny, A = Aaron)

J: Thanks for showing me around, Aaron. A: You’re welcome. This is the school’s cafeteria. J: Wow! The lighting is great, and the seats look comfortable. A: And you’ll enjoy the large choice of foods here! J: That sounds excellent. And what is that beautiful building over there? A: That’s our library. Do you enjoy reading, Jenny? J: I love reading! I can’t wait to take a look. A: Let’s go back to the classroom to get our school bags first. Then we’ll go to the library together. J: Sure! 珍妮:謝謝你帶我參觀校園,亞倫。 亞倫:不客氣。這是學校的學生餐廳。 珍妮:哇!好明亮,座位看起來也很舒適。 亞倫:而且妳一定會喜歡這裡各式各樣的食物! 珍妮:太好了。那邊那棟漂亮的建築物是什麼呢? 亞倫:那是我們的圖書館。妳喜歡看書嗎,珍妮? 珍妮:我最愛看書了!真等不及去看看。 亞倫:我們先回教室拿書包,然後再一起去圖書館吧。 珍妮:好啊!

Travel Time 小地方大玩意 Discover Singapore 發現新加坡 p. 48

Cloze Test 克漏字測驗 Let’s Go Dutch! 我們各付各的吧!



go Dutch 意指分開付帳,在某些國家,分開付帳是有禮貌的 表現;在其他國家,當主人宴客時,若客人還表明要付帳的話,那 可就失禮了。

go Dutch 這個用詞有可能源自於荷蘭式的門,荷蘭門分成上 下兩個相等的部分,當你們 go Dutch 時,帳單就像那扇門一樣, 被分成兩等分。

當人們想到新加坡,就會聯想到乾淨的街道、雄偉且現代化的 摩天大樓,事實上,新加坡遠不只有這些。如果你前往新加坡,會 發現一些意想不到的驚喜。 有些人以為新加坡只有華人,但並非如此。新加坡也有很多來 自印度、馬來西亞和其他地方的人民。很少見到在一個這麼小的地 方,卻擁有如此多元的文化,這也意味著新加坡擁有各式各樣的食 物。如果想吃咖哩,就去小印度;若想吃肉骨茶,就到馬來西亞美 食街。 在新加坡購物也會是一個美好的體驗,烏節路是數一數二的購 物勝地,就算你不喜歡逛街,你也可以在這寬廣美麗的馬路上走走, 好好享受城市之美。

沒人知道 go Dutch 這個詞是否真的源自荷蘭式的門,不過當 你的朋友說 Let’s go Dutch. 時,請把錢包準備好吧。 65



Chinese Translation p. 49 別以為新加坡只有購物和美食,你可以觀賞和從事其他各種活 動。新加坡的白天很潮濕,此時就很適合去參觀美侖美奐的寺廟、 教堂和清真寺,剛好順便避暑。 你也應該到新加坡動物園一遊,那可能是全球最棒的動物園, 裡頭有超過三百種的動物。在其他動物園,動物是被關在籠子裡的, 但在新加坡動物園裡,動物是住在較大、較開放的園區。當然,你 一定得去魚尾獅公園看魚尾獅雕像,這座雕像在二〇〇九年時曾被 閃電擊中!不過很快就被修復完成。 很多人認為新加坡玩個三天就夠了,不妨待久一點吧,相信你 每天都會發現一些新鮮事。

A Good Book 一本好書 The Secret of Zoom 《茲姆石的秘密》 p. 50 有一片無人造訪過的森林,在那片森林裡有一道圍籬,圍籬上 有個標語警告眾人不許靠近,上面寫著:「擅闖者將遭到煮熟。」 一名少女和她父親住在圍籬後方的大房子裡,女孩名叫奎絲提 娜。她的母親在多年前去世,父親是某間大公司的首席科學家。奎絲 提娜的父親對她過分擔憂,一直保護著她,她甚至不能上學,只能用 網路上課。她唯一放鬆的方法,就是每天到院子裡玩一下。不用說, 奎絲提娜的童年很孤單。 每天都會有一群奇怪的孤兒經過她家,奎絲提娜的父親說她絕 對不可以跟那些孤兒說話。

p. 51 某天,奎絲提娜一如往常走到院子時,她偷偷溜到圍籬那邊。 其中一個孤兒走向她,對她說了一些悄悄話,他告訴她,在她家那 棟大房子裡有條密道,他催促奎絲提娜去把它找出來。 奎絲提娜知道地道可能會很危險,但她就是忍不住,她實在是 太好奇了。奎絲提娜拿了一支手電筒溜進地窖,在那裡,她發現了 秘道。奎絲提娜將要面對種種關於她家人和她過去的恐怖秘密,她 的父親在做什麼樣的工作?還有她的母親為什麼會去世? 奎絲提娜也會發現最為驚人的秘密:茲姆石的秘密。

Picture Talk 聽說圖寫 Fun Facts Around the World 世界妙知識 pp. 52-53 1. 哪個國家的人口最多?

H 中國。 截至二〇一三年底,中國約有十三億人口。順帶一提,印度是世 界上人口第二多的國家。


2. 大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁群。請問它位於哪裡?

G 澳大利亞。 大堡礁位於澳洲東北海岸,綿延共達兩千六百公里左右,被列為 世界七大自然奇觀之一。 3. 歐洲的哪個國家以巧克力聞名?

D 比利時。 比利時享有「巧克力王國」的美譽,其挑選可可豆的獨到眼光與 先進的研磨技術,讓可可粉顆粒較細緻,口感細膩香醇。 4. 臺灣的石油大部分來自於哪個國家?

A 沙烏地阿拉伯。 西亞和北非是世界最大的產油區,其中沙國石油蘊藏量為全球石 油儲存總量的五分之一。臺灣主要原油進口國為沙烏地阿拉伯和 科威特。 5. 馬里亞納海溝是世界上最深的海溝。請問它位於哪個海洋?

B 太平洋。 馬里亞納海溝深達 10,911 公尺,位於關島的馬里亞納群島東方。 此海溝於海平面下的最大深度,遠勝過世界第一高峰「聖母峰」 在海平面上的高度。 6. 亞馬遜河是世界第二大條河流。你可以在何處看到它?

I 巴西。 亞馬遜河的流域面積主要是在巴西境內,但它也擴及秘魯與哥倫 比亞。 7. 在三月初,人們會慶祝「色彩節」。節慶過程中,人們會在彼此 身上噴上色彩。請問這發生在哪一個國家?

J 印度。 色彩節又稱荷利節(Holi),是印度的四大節慶之一,人們以互 灑彩色粉或彩色水來祈福,為迎接春天與歡樂的慶典。 8. 按人口平均計算,哪個國家的便利商店最多?

F 臺灣。 截至二〇一四年二月,臺灣已有超過一萬間便利商店,平均每兩 千人就有一家,是世界上超商密度最高的國家。 9. 在這個國家,人們在每年八月的最後一個星期三都會舉行一場番 茄大戰。請問這是哪一國?

E 西班牙。 番茄大戰起源於一九四四年,是為期一週的「守護神之節」的壓 軸好戲。狂歡者會在大街上互擲超過一百噸熟透的番茄,樂趣無 窮! 10. 有間披薩店是用飛機來遞送披薩的。請問這間披薩店在哪裡?

C 阿拉斯加。 阿拉斯加是美國西北太平洋沿岸的一州,由於幅員遼闊,也是 全美私人飛機擁有量最多的一州。在冰天雪地的偏遠村莊「沙 芬加」,居民能享受到從 274 公里外用飛機快遞的新鮮披薩。

ABC Interactive English

讀者問卷調查表 July 2014


No. 145

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1. worm [ w-m ] n.

2. stand [ st1nd ] v. (stand-stood-stood)

P. 20

P. 12

1. trash [ tr1] ] n.

You can leave your trash on B1.

Nobody can stand Julia’s bad temper. That cat has really sharp teeth.

4. glove [ gl9v ] n.

Do any shops in this night market sell gloves?

P. 21

P. 13

2. empty [ `5mpt6 ] adj.

4. recycle [ r6`sa6ky ] v.

You can recycle all of those old magazines.

2. sleepy [ `slip6 ] adj.


Carl is walking his dog along the shore.

4. ruin [ `r86n ] v.

Watching too much TV will ruin your eyes.


It’s only two degrees outside!

4. progress [ `pr3gr5s ] n.

This is a difficult project, but we’re making progress.

2. taste [ test ] v.

3. picnic [ `p6kn6k ] n.

We had a picnic on the grass.

4. ham [ h1m ] n.

Eric doesn’t eat ham or beef.

P. 26

This burger has a little too much ketchup on it.

2. sandwich [ `s1ndw6t] ] n. 3. bark [ b3rk ] v.

Ada’s dog is barking at a big cat.

4. sense [ s5ns ] n.

People have five senses.

The road is wide and straight.

2. gray [ gre ] adj.

3. blame [ blem ] v.

You can’t blame Catherine for all of your problems.

4. behave [ b6`hev ] v.

Your new puppy behaves so well.

P. 28

1. tower [ `ta80 ] n.

The library is across the street from the tower.

2. height [ ha6t ] n.

What is Lana’s height?



P. 18

1. date [ det ] n.

How was your date with Janet? 2. arrange [ 4`rend. ] v. Do you know why our boss arranged a meeting? 3. telephone [ `t5l4%fon ] v. Adam telephoned the company and asked them to fix his TV. 4. bill [ b6l ] n. It looks like there’s a mistake on this bill.

You just have to toast this bread for two minutes.

The sky looks gray, so it might rain.


Do you know what the temperature is?

3. degree [ d6`gri ] n.

Every Saturday, Chris and his family barbecue lamb.

1. straight [ stret ] adj P. 27

P. 17

2. temperature [ `t5mpr4t]0 ] n.

4. barbecue [ `b3rb6kju ] v.

A salad and a sandwich cost NT$100.

1. snowy [ `sno6 ] adj.

The weather report says that it will be snowy tomorrow.

Audrey put a piece of lemon in her tea.

1. ketchup [ `k5t]4p ] n.



P. 16

1. own [ on ] v.

Owning a home is better than renting one. 2. goose [ gus ] n. Lots of geese are in that field. 3. corn [ k7rn ] n. I would like a bowl of corn soup. 4. silent [ `sa6l4nt ] adj. Daisy was silent for a while before she answered the question.

2. pepper [ `p5p0 ] n.

This medicine tastes terrible.


Patty stayed up late last night, so she’s quite sleepy.

3. shore [ ]or ] n.

There’s a rock in my shoe.

1. toast [ tost ] v. P. 22

P. 14

1. shower [ `]a80 ] n.

Louis didn’t have time to take a shower.

Kenny is frying pork and vegetables.

3. lemon [ `l5m4n ] n. 短篇故事集


What kind of juice is in that bottle?

4. fry [ fra6 ] v.

The pepper made Zoe sneeze.

This box is light; it must be empty.

3. bottle [ `b3ty ] n.

Why do you always reject my suggestions?

1. rock [ r3k ] n.

1. dolphin [ `d3lf6n ] n.

Those dolphins are so close to our boat!

When it rains, there are many worms on the sidewalk. 2. discussion [ d6`sk9]4n ] n. Randy and Allen love to have discussions about science.

3. reject [ r6`d.5kt ] v. 短篇故事集


3. sharp [ ]3rp ] adj.


3. metal [ `m5ty ] n.

The walls are made of very strong metal.

4. toward [ t4`w7rd ] prep.

We are heading toward the town.


1. worm 蟲

1. trash 垃圾


1. rock 石頭

1. toast 烤

P. 27 英語愛說笑

4. progress 進展


P. 28

2. arrange 安排;籌備

本月焦點 本月焦點 本月焦點 品格英語


3. telephone 打電話 英語愛說笑

3. metal 金屬





4. toward 朝;向

2. temperature 溫度

1. date 約會




3. degree 度數

1. tower 塔樓;高樓 2. height 高度

4. silent 不出聲的;沉默的


3. blame 責備;怪罪 你新養的小狗好乖。




4. behave 表現;行為舉止

3. corn 玉米

1. snowy 下雪的



P. 16

P. 26

1. straight 筆直的 2. gray 灰(色)的

2. goose 鵝

P. 17





4. sense 感官;感覺

4. ruin 毀壞


一份沙拉和一個三明治要價一百元。 愛達的狗正朝著一隻大貓吠叫。


1. own 擁有


3. bark (狗)吠叫

P. 14

P. 22

1. ketchup 番茄醬

2. sandwich 三明治

2. sleepy 想睡的

3. shore (河、海等)岸 短篇故事集




3. picnic 野餐 4. ham 火腿

4. recycle 回收





1. shower 淋浴


2. taste 嚐起來;吃起來

P. 13

P. 21

3. bottle 瓶子 短篇故事集


2. empty 空的


3. lemon 檸檬

4. barbecue 燒烤



胡椒粉讓柔依打噴嚏。 奧黛莉在茶裡放了一片檸檬。

4. glove 手套

1. dolphin 海豚


2. pepper 胡椒粉




3. sharp 銳利的 短篇故事集

4. fry (油)炸、煎、炒

P. 12


3. reject 拒絕


2. stand 忍受

P. 18

2. discussion 討論


P. 20



4. bill 帳單






1. underweight [ `9nd0`wet ] adj.

2. oven [ `9v4n ] n.

P. 40

P. 30

1. lamb [ l1m ] n.

I like the taste of lamb, but I don’t like the smell.

活用 ABC

The coin weighs about five grams.

4. flour [ fla8r ] n.

To bake the cake, we need flour, eggs, and sugar.


Don’t forget to turn off the oven.

3. gram [ gr1m ] n.

P. 41

P. 31

2. cup [ k9p ] n.

4. pan [ p1n ] n.

This pan is perfect for baking cookies.

2. oil [ 76l ] n.

How much cooking oil should I add?

Are there nuts in these brownies?


活用 ABC

4. nut [ n9t ] n.

4. former [ `f7rm0 ] adj.

Bill Clinton is the former president of the USA.

P. 43

2. puzzle [ `p9zy ] v. The math problem puzzled all of the students. 3. familiar [ f4`m6lj0 ] adj. This restaurant looks a little familiar to me.

4. debate [ d6`bet ] v.

Those students like to debate many things.

Nick saw so many cool churches on his tour.

2. book [ b8k ] v.

I would like to book a table for seven o’clock, please.

Our flight leaves at six, so we should get to the airport at four. 4. baby sitter [ `beb6 ] [ `s6t0 ] n. I need to find a baby sitter for tomorrow.

Noah lived abroad for almost 10 years.

2. independent [ %6nd6`p5nd4nt ] adj.

The bedroom is separate from the bathroom.

4. advise [ 4d`va6z ] v.

The doctor advised me to drink less coffee.

We divided the housework, so we finished quickly.

2. manner [ `m1n0 ] n. 3. treat [ trit ] v.

Bruce treated his sister to dinner on her birthday.

4. impolite [ %6mp4`la6t ] adj.

Dale apologized for being impolite.

P. 48

1. huge [ hjud. ] adj.

Mom’s dream is to live in a huge house.

2. modern [ `m3d0n ] adj.

Everything in that hospital is new and modern.



P. 39

1. cow [ ka8 ] n.

There are so many cows in the field. 2. slender [ `sl5nd0 ] adj. Shane is tall and slender, but his brother is short and chubby. 3. cancer [ `k1ns0 ] n. My uncle died of cancer at the age of 53. 4. cruel [ `kru4l ] adj. I don’t think that Jake is a cruel person.

The swimming pool in the backyard is pretty big.

Those children have such nice manners.



My grandmother has false teeth.

4. pretty [ `pr6t6 ] adv.

1. divide [ d4`va6d ] v.

That machine is old, but it can still function.

3. false [ f7ls ] adj.

Rachel is allergic to crab.

3. separate [ `s5p4r6t ] adj.

P. 44

P. 37

2. function [ `f9;k]4n ] v.

2. pork [ pork ] n.

Young people must learn how to be independent.

1. brain [ bren ] n.

Many dinosaurs had tiny brains.

Would you like some tomato slices in your sandwich?

1. abroad [ 4`br7d ] adv.



P. 36

1. describe [ d6`skra6b ] v.

John described the criminal to the police.

Can you watch my puppy for a while?

3. flight [ fla6t ] n.

3. vinegar [ `v6n6g0 ] n.

I don’t like vinegar very much.

4. while [ hwa6l ] n.

1. tour [ t8r ] n. P. 42

P. 32

1. spoon [ spun ] n.

Milton dropped his spoon on the floor.

Ivan put some tofu in the refrigerator. 3. cereal [ `s6r64l ] n. Dave usually has cereal and orange juice for breakfast.

3. crab [ kr1b ] n. 流行最前線

活用 ABC

We used a ruler to measure the desk’s length.

2. tofu [ `to`fu ] n.

Martha is a Muslim, so she doesn’t eat pork.

The cup is full of watermelon juice.

3. measure [ `m5.0 ] v.

Ms. Stevens is a little sick, so she’s quite underweight.

1. tomato [ t4`meto ] n.

1. soy sauce [ s76 ] [ s7s ] n.

Greg put a little soy sauce in the stew.


3. correct [ k4`r5kt ] adj.

The answer to number six is correct.

4. rare [ r5r ] adj.

Tigers are very rare in this country.


1. underweight 體重過輕的

1. lamb 羊肉;羊排


1. tomato 番茄

1. tour 旅行


活用 ABC 活用 ABC 活用 ABC P. 36

P. 43



P. 37

P. 44 克漏字測驗


P. 48

2. slender 纖瘦的



4. rare 稀有的;罕見的

4. debate 爭論


那間醫院的各項設備既新穎又現代化。 第六題的答案是正確的。


1. cow 乳牛;母牛


3. correct 正確的

2. function 運作 3. false 假的

1. huge 巨大的

2. modern 現代(化)的

比爾 • 柯林頓是前任美國總統。


3. treat 請客;款待 戴爾為他的失禮道歉。

4. former 之前的;前任的



4. impolite 不禮貌的


1. brain 腦部



2. puzzle 使困惑

3. familiar 熟悉的

1. divide 劃分;分配

2. manner 禮貌;規矩



3. separate 分開的;無關連的 醫生建議我少喝一點咖啡。

4. nut 堅果;核果



4. advise 建議


1. describe 描述



P. 32

P. 42

1. abroad 在國外;到國外 2. independent 獨立自主的

2. oil 油

3. vinegar 醋 玩味生活




3. flight 班機

4. baby sitter 保姆

4. pan 平底鍋


我要預訂七點的位子,謝謝。 我們搭六點的班機,所以應該要四點到機場。


1. spoon 湯匙


2. book 預訂

P. 31

P. 41

3. measure 測量 流行最前線


2. cup 杯子


3. crab 螃蟹;蟹肉 4. pretty 相當;很



瑪莎是回教徒,所以她不吃豬肉。 瑞秋對螃蟹過敏。

4. flour 麵粉

1. soy sauce 醬油


2. pork 豬肉




3. gram 公克 流行最前線

4. while 一段時間;一會兒

P. 30


3. cereal 穀類食品;麥片


2. oven 烤箱

P. 39

2. tofu 豆腐




3. cancer 癌症


4. cruel 殘忍的;殘酷的




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