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朗讀 CD 版的讀者
雙效合一互動光碟含 MP3 光碟功 能,收錄課文正常速、慢速朗讀。 並搭配點讀功能,可隨點隨聽。
朗讀 CD 中收錄課文正常速的音 軌。LiveABC 官網亦提供課文朗讀 MP3 下載,請上 www.liveabc.com。
字彙最前線 中文翻譯
本雜誌以美語為主,拼字係根據韋伯字典(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)第十一版為準。
字彙補給站 文中建議理解的相關單字
Interactive English for Business
名譽發行人 發 行 人 榮譽顧問 總 編 輯 執 行 主 編 英 文 主 編 資 深 編 輯 中 文 編 輯 美 術 主 編 英 文 校 對
沙 正 治 沈 春 華 鄭俊琪 俞 國 定 劉 惟 華 陳豫弘 方虹婷
Dilan Schulte
林詩嘉 鍾 明 頤 游 凰 慈 高 郁 琳
Derek Bosko, Michael Coughlin, Oliver Flaherty, Meagunn Hart, Britton Mercadante, Zach Mortimer, Adam Nelson, Kelsi Wright 英 文 錄 音 Mike Tennant, Nick Wheeler, Michael Coughlin, Meagunn Hart, Dilan Schulte, Kelsi Wright 影 片 製 作 Sabrina Huang, Rachel Hsu, Wolley Huang, August Wong, Tea Lin, Tez Hen, Jun-Xian Chen, Laurel Bucholz, Karen Chen, Jimmy Kao, Shane Rendelman, Kim Weiners 技 術 總 監 李 志 純 研 發 一 處 曹 寶 泰 光 碟 製 作 吳 瀕 儀 翁子雲 動 畫 製 作 陳 炳 輝 試 題 製 作 吳 曉 惠
郭 曉 琪 李 明 爵 姜 尹 涵 李 宛 晏 廖 苡 婷 林 怡 如 袁 齋 方 楊 政 龍 張 定 安 潘 韻 芳 Nick Wheeler
羅 聖 宜 高 荔 龍 簡 貝 瑜 林 仲 穎 陳 彥 伶 王 思 佳
研 發 二 處 楊 建 誠 王 文 琳 林 泓 志 陳 美 雯 廖 俊 嘉 蔡 宛 彤 林 詩 芸 林 玫 如 劉 智 仁 研 發 三 處 王 儀 華 陳 筱 葳 葉 懿 卿 呂 孟 欣 張 桂 綿 張 震 華 周 原 億 陳 芷 儀 黃 吉 忠 黃 珮 倫 戴 子 嘉 行 銷 總 監 阮 德 恩 企 業 服 務 張 鳳 萍 張 美 美 曾 秋 華 曾 書 慧 校 園 服 務 林 昶 雯 朱 芸 妤 簡 素 玲 王 詠 媗 校 園 推 廣 蘇 華 院 張 賢 瑛 陳 涵 湘 吳 永 泰 行 銷 企 劃 馮 義 中 吳 淑 美 施 喬 森 高 靖 淑 羅 雯 莊 舒 婷 陳 秋 樺 林 依 穎 李 如 婕 海 外 行 銷 陳 慕 峰 Sato Iku 何 欣 俞 楊 千 慧 王瑋婷 門 市 業 務 吳 美 惠 徐 霈 馨 武 燕 詒 許 曉 珮 電 話 行 銷 王 玉 華 吳 妍 蒨 中 區 業 務 林 美 蘭 南 區 業 務 羅 良 溪 洪 文 櫻 傅 惠 萍 廣 告 業 務 張 鳳 萍 張 華 麗 宋 立 智 財 務 會 計 張 沁 華 宋 佩 蓉 黃 惠 敏 黃 雅 亭 蔡 佳 芸 顏 逸 芃 陳 偲 容 人 事 行 政 張 瓊 雪 姜 羽 庭 張 曉 青 採 購 印 務 廖 彥 傑 邱 玉 琦 倉 儲 管 理 Penny 吳 朱 志 敏 張 芷 君 高 浚 瑋 鄭 純 蓁 王 子 齊
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Interactive English for Business
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Contents Oct 2016 No. 154
Kyoto: Something New and Something Old 京都──新舊交融之都 ◎ 紙上漫遊京都世界遺產 ◎ 京都小詞典 ◎「現代」與「古代」的英語描述詞
Michelle Obama’s Speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention 蜜雪兒.歐巴馬 2016 民主黨全國代表大會演說
Pitching Your Company 用英語向外賓介紹公司 ◎ 介紹公司好用句 ◎ horn 的常見俚語 ◎「領頭羊」的英語怎麼說?
A Tale of Love Do You See Me? and Darkness 《我的型男老闆》 《愛與黑暗的故事》
TOEIC Conversations 多益簡短對話解題密技 ◎ 實戰題目與解析 ◎ 文法焦點:關係代名詞 + -ever
真人 影片
A Little Sympathy Goes a Long Way 用英語鼓舞同事
When Money Is Tight, Squeeze Every Penny 真人 影片
◎ 消費好康小撇步 ◎ 什麼是 live hand to mouth? ◎「縮減開支」的英語怎麼說?
54 多益聽力實戰訓練
微利時代 金金計較
Learning English with Movies
Picking Up International Clients 機場迎接外國客戶實用句
★ 課文朗讀 MP3 與點讀筆音檔皆可於網路下載, 請至 LiveABC 官網:http://www.liveabc.com「下載專區」
Trendy Topics 上班族夯話題 ◎ core asset 核心資產 ◎ humanoid robot 人形機器人 ◎ mixed reality (MR) 混合實境 ◎ double-decker tour bus 雙層觀光巴士
72 TOEIC Test 多益測驗模擬試題 ★★★★★
Jidai Matsuri: A Resplendent Journey Through Kyoto’s History 時代祭──京都歷史 風華之旅 ◎ 時代祭小詞典 ◎ catch a glimpse of 為何義? ◎「集於一身」的英語怎麼說?
Showing Appreciation 感謝信寫作攻略 ◎ 感謝信關鍵句型 ◎ 客戶感謝信範例 ◎ 同事感謝信範例
Is Donald Trump the Economic Trump Card He Claims to Be? 唐納.川普: 美國經濟的終極王牌? ◎ 川普小檔案英語介紹句 ◎ 川普其人其事小詞典 ◎ 財經小詞典:regressive taxation
Pokémon GO Takes the World by Storm 寶可夢狂潮大解密 ◎ on the prowl 為何義? ◎ 什麼是 Pokémonomics? ◎《精靈寶可夢》術語小百科
How to Build an Island 如何打造一座島嶼
圖片 / WireImage、威視電影、海鵬影業
October 2016
學習計畫表 MON
正常 CD / MP3 3-4 慢速 MP3 32-33
正常 CD / MP3 5-6 慢速 MP3 34-35
正常 CD / MP3 1 慢速 MP3 30
正常 CD / MP3 2 慢速 MP3 31
用英語向外賓 介紹公司
用英語向外賓 介紹公司
pp. 12-13
pp. 10-11
正常 CD / MP3 7 慢速 MP3 36
京都── 新舊交融之都
pp. 16-17
pp. 20-23
正常 CD / MP3 8 慢速 MP3 37
京都── 新舊交融之都
正常 CD / MP3 10 慢速 MP3 38
時代祭── 京都歷史 風華之旅
pp. 24-25
正常 CD / MP3 11 慢速 MP3 39
正常 CD / MP3 12 慢速 MP3 40
蜜雪兒.歐巴馬 2016 民主黨全國 代表大會演說
pp. 26-27
唐納.川普: 美國經濟的 終極王牌?
pp. 32-34
用英語向外賓 介紹公司
pp. 14-15
★★★★★ 正常 CD / MP3 13 慢速 MP3 41
唐納.川普: 美國經濟的 終極王牌?
pp. 35-37
pp. 38-39
正常 CD / MP3 14 慢速 MP3 42
正常 CD / MP3 15 慢速 MP3 43
微利時代 金金計較
pp. 40-42
正常 CD / MP3 16 慢速 MP3 44
pp. 47-49
微利時代 金金計較 p. 50
正常 CD / MP3 18 慢速 MP3 46
機場迎接外國 客戶實用句
pp. 51-52
pp. 54-55
正常 CD / MP3 19 慢速 MP3 47
正常 CD / MP3 20 慢速 MP3 48
感謝信寫作攻略 pp. 56-57
31 ★★
多益聽力實戰訓練 正常 CD / MP3 24
多益簡短對話 解題密技 pp. 68-69
感謝信寫作攻略 pp. 58-59
正常 CD / MP3 21 慢速 MP3 49
正常 CD / MP3 22 慢速 MP3 50
寶可夢狂潮 大解密
寶可夢狂潮 大解密
pp. 60-61
正常 CD / MP3 17 慢速 MP3 45
微利時代 金金計較
pp. 62-64
正常 CD / MP3 23 慢速 MP3 51
看電影學英語 pp. 66-67
From the Editors If you’re not already playing it, you’ve probably heard of Pokémon GO. In this month’s issue, we explore the origins of the game, its social impact and what its success may mean for Niantic and Nintendo. Learn useful terms, phrases and facts about the worldwide craze in our Feature on Pokémon GO. When you’re not playing, you’re likely working, and unfortunately, prices seem to be going up while wages are staying the same. This month’s Office Talk outlines how to live thriftily so you can get the most bang for your buck. Once you’ve learned how to spend money wisely, why not try to make more by promoting healthy business partnerships? Read all about how best to pitch your company to prospective partners in this month’s Business Dialogue. Afterwards, treat yourself to a vacation and travel to what has been dubbed “The World’s Best City,” Kyoto, Japan. In this month’s Cities, we take a look at Kyoto’s history, fawn over its beautiful fall foliage and check out the Jidai Matsuri, a magnificent parade over a century old. Come November, if you can take your eyes off the beautiful sights of Kyoto, you’ll discover whether Michelle Obama’s speech helped
編輯室報告 如果你還沒玩過《精靈寶可夢 GO》,你可能也 已聽過這個遊戲了。本期我們探討這款遊戲的起 源,其社會影響以及它的成功對 Niantic 和任天 堂可能代表的意義(編按:前者為該遊戲的研發 商,後者為內容供應商)。在介紹《精靈寶可 夢》的【專題】中,你可以學到這股全球熱潮的 實用詞彙、片語與資訊。 當你不是在玩樂時,你可能就是在工作。不幸 地,物價似乎漲個不停,但薪水卻原地踏步。本 月的【辦公室會話】要討論如何儉約過生活,讓 你每分錢都花在刀口上。 一旦你學會如何聰明花錢,何不試著藉由促進健 全的商業夥伴關係來多賺點呢?展讀本期的【商 務應用會話】,了解要如何向潛在夥伴完美介紹 自己的公司吧! 在這之後,放自己一個假,到日本京都這座擁有 「世界最佳城市」美名的都市旅行吧。在這個月 的【城市競爭力】中,我們一探京都的歷史,讚 賞其美麗秋楓之餘,也記得看看【本月焦點】的 時代祭,這個超過一世紀歷史的壯觀遊行。 展望十一月,若你能將目光從京都的美景移開, 你就會發現蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬的演說是否能助希拉 蕊‧柯林頓贏得美國總統大選,還是她的對手能 以吹噓之姿入主白宮。我們的【人物特寫】單元 近距離探究唐納‧川普,細數他的成就、失敗以 及對美國未來的計畫。
Hillary Clinton win the American presidency, or if her opponent boasted his way into office. In our People section, we take a closer look at Donald Trump, outlining his accomplishments, failures and plans for the America’s future. Whatever happens, you’ll be in the know. Wishing you all the best –– the Biz Team.
無論發生什麼事,你都能掌握所有情況。Biz 團隊 祝您一切順心如意。
互動版》正常 MP3 - 1 / 慢速 MP3 - 30
朗讀版》Audio CD - 1
上班族 夯話題 core asset 核心資產
humanoid robot [`hjum4%n76d] 人形機器人 由日本軟銀公司研發、富士康代工合作推出的全球第 一款家用人形機器人──Pepper 日前正式登台,以 租賃方案切入市場,獲金融、電信及量販店業者採 用。仿真人模樣的 Pepper 搭載人工智慧,擁有學習 能力,也具備通訊和情感認知功能,能以簡單的對話 跟人類互動,還可擴充應用軟體,使功能更多元化。 相關詞彙:
創 立 於 1994 年 的 雅 虎 被 美 國 最 大 電 信 業 者 威 訊 (Verizon)以近 48.3 億美元收購其核心資產,包含 雅虎主要品牌、營運業務、招牌紫色、附隨於雅虎的 驚嘆號以及核心專利。威訊去年才以 44 億美元收購 美國線上公司(America on Line, AOL),提供跨螢 幕服務,此次牽手雅虎將使其更具競爭力。威訊的目 標是成為全球頂尖的行動媒體巨擘。
• AI (artificial intelligence)
[`3rt4%f6]4l] [6n`t5l4d.4ns] n. 人工智慧 • application software [%1pl4`ke]4n] 應用軟體 • cognitive function [`k3gn4t6v] 認知功能 • expansion [6k`sp1n]4n] n. 擴充 • lease [lis] n. 租賃
• acquisition [%1kw4`z6]4n] n. 收購 • behemoth [b6`him4q] n. 巨擘 • cross-screen [`kr7s`skrin] adj. 跨螢幕的 • patent [`p1t4nt] n. 專利
Pepper 小檔案
什麼是「跨螢幕」? 現代 人的生 活充斥 著 多種螢 幕 。研究 顯 示 , 77% 的人看電視時,會同時使用其它電子產品 以上網搜尋在電視上看到的訊息,此穿梭各種螢 幕間的行為即為「跨螢幕」。
續航力:8-12 小時 月薪:新台幣 26,888 元
Verizon Communications Inc. 威訊通訊 公司類型
公開上市(NYSE: VZ)
1983 年
電信 (telecommunications)
寬頻網路、 電視訊號 語音通話、 無線通訊
• 能透過學習,不斷發 展進化
1316.2 億美元(2015)
The acquisition of Yahoo’s core assets will place Verizon in a highly competitive position as a top global mobile media company, but eventually Verizon wants to surpass Google and Facebook, which currently dominate advertising revenues in the market. 收購雅虎的核心資產將使威訊成為具高度競爭力的全 球頂尖行動媒體公司,但威訊最終想要的是超越目前 在市場上主導廣告營收的 Google 及臉書。
• 27 個感應器,可偵 測情緒並做出回應
特色: • 20 個可動關節,可 做出人類的肢體動作
As a humanoid robot, Pepper can be used in the workplace, but there are concerns about the substitution of robots for human laborers causing a higher unemployment rate. 做為人形機器人的 Pepper 可用於工作場合,但卻 出現機器人取代人力而導致失業率更高的疑慮。
mixed reality (MR) 混合實境 微軟於今年的 Computex 論壇中展出 HoloLens 混合實境應用,讓虛擬實境和擴增實境邁向新境界。微軟預估,至 2020 年,全球虛擬實境裝置的市場將突破每年八千萬台。從 VR 至 AR,目前技術雖有關連,但卻不完全一致,裝置與 體驗也無法串接。微軟因此邀請合作夥伴共同開發,打造混合實境世界。 MR/VR/AR 比一比
mixed reality (MR)
virtual reality (VR)
augmented reality (AR)
virtual world + real world
virtual world
real world
虛擬世界 + 真實世界
virtual 虛擬的
via a combination of VR and AR, real as well as virtual worlds co-exist and interact
via a wearable device, and using a controller or keyboard to interact in a virtual world
via an auxiliary device, such as a screen, to see the combination of a virtual and real world
VR 與 AR 的結合,真實與虛擬世界共存並 互動
透過穿戴式裝置,並使用控制器或鍵盤在 虛擬世界裡互動
透過螢幕等輔助裝置來看到虛擬和現實世 界的結合
Microsoft HoloLens
HTC Vive
Pokémon Go
Through the platform of Windows Holographic, which is able to connect to smart devices as well as Xbox, Microsoft has embraced both virtual and augmented realities and aims to create a mixed reality with other business partners. 透過能連接智慧型裝置及 Xbox 的微軟 Holographic 平台,微軟已同時採用虛擬實境和擴增實境技術,目標是與其他企業 夥伴一同打造混合實境。
double-decker tour bus 雙層觀光巴士 為促進觀光發展,高雄市政府添購了兩輛敞頂雙層巴士。車上配有 導覽人員,另備有可攜式導覽機,可支援英、日、韓語景點導覽, 未來將擴充語言選擇。路線規劃初步分東西向和南北向,主要串聯 駁二特區、捷運美麗島等市區景點,每趟車程約四十分鐘。 相關詞彙:
• audio guide [`7di%o] 語音導覽(機) • open top 敞頂 • portable [`p7rt4b4l] adj. 可攜式的 • route [rut] n. 路線 例
Double-decker tour buses which feature a multi-language audio guide and on-board tour guide will soon be in Kaohsiung. 以多國語言語音導覽及隨車導覽人員為特色的雙層觀光巴士,很 快就會出現在高雄。
cable car gondola [`g3nd4l4] 纜車 觀光交通
trolley `tr3li [ ] 有軌電車
ferry `f5ri [ ] 渡輪
圖片 / Aldebaran、HTC、Microsoft、高雄客運
互動版》正常 MP3 - 2 / 慢速 MP3 - 31 朗讀版》Audio CD - 2
Pitching Your Company 用英語向外賓介紹公司 • pitch [ p6t] ] 指「竭力推銷」。
介紹公司沿革 好用句
• 畫線處可依實際情形替換
• I’d like to welcome you to SafeCom, one of the nation’s leading security providers for over 10 years. 歡迎你們來到賽夫康公司,我們已超過十年都是全國保全供應商的領導品牌之一。
• Aemon & Aemon was founded in 1969, and our original focus was telecommunications,h but we have since branched outh into media production. 艾蒙公司創立於 1969 年,我們原先的營運重點是電信,但我們現已拓展至媒體製作。
• Our first milestoneh was opening a branch office in every major city in Europe. 我們的第一個里程碑是在歐洲各主要城市開設分公司。
• By 2012, we’d become the top aircraft manufacturer in North America. 至 2012 年,我們已成為北美第一的飛機製造商。
• Daesong Technologies employs over 34,000 people in 10 countries around the world. 臺城科技公司於全球十個國家雇用超過三萬四千人。
• Our staff is composed of professionals who are well-trained in problem solving. 我們的全體員工是由專業人士所組成,他們在疑難解決方面訓練有素。
Pitching Your Company
介紹公司組織 好用句型
head (name)
run (be) accountable for
(be) in charge of (be) responsible for
• Alton Emsbury heads the International Relations department at Aemon & Aemon. 艾頓.艾姆斯伯瑞領導艾蒙公司的國際關係部。
• Chris Parker is responsible for supervising the military VR project. 克里斯.帕克負責監管這個軍方的虛擬實境專案。
(be) the duty (be) the obligation
of (department)
(be) the responsibility
to (do work/task/ assignment)
• It is the obligation of Human Resources to handle any personnel issues. 處理任何人事問題是人力資源部的職責。
• It is the responsibility of the PR department to ensure the product has a smooth and successful launch. 公關部的責任是確保產品能順利且成功地上市。
介紹公司 競爭優勢 好用句 • 畫線處可依實際情形替換
• We are trusted for our unique approaches to interactive marketing campaigns. 我們以獨特的方法執行互動行銷活動而獲得信賴。
• We’re experts at maximizingh customer brand awareness while minimizingh negative publicity. 我們是能夠極大化客戶品牌知名度,同時極小化負面宣傳的專家。
• We will make the name SafeCom synonymoush with home security. 我們將讓賽夫康公司的名字成為居家保全的同義詞。
• We plan to become the top streaming service provider in Asia within the next 10 years. 我們計畫在接下來的十年內成為亞洲最頂尖的串流服務供應商。
telecommunications [%t5l6k4%mjun4`ke]4nz] n. 電信
maximize [`m1ks4%ma6z] v. 使極大化
branch out 擴展(業務)
minimize [`m6n4%ma6z] v. 使減至最小
milestone [`ma6l%ston] n. 里程碑
synonymous [s6`n3n4m4s] adj. 同義的
q Laying the Groundwork 基本介紹篇
· lay the groundwork 指「打下基礎」,點出介紹公司基本資料的主題。
互動版》正常 MP3 - 3 / 慢速 MP3 - 32 朗讀版》Audio CD - 3
關鍵 用法
truth be told
替換說法:as a matter of fact、to be honest
Tony 東尼 事業部主任
Anita 艾妮塔 業務營運經理
Sam 山姆 參訪賓客
歡迎你們來到畢斯科技電子公司。 我是事業部主任東尼,這位是艾妮 塔.陳,我們的業務營運經理。她 將為你們簡介我們公司。
A: Thanks, Tony. It’s our pleasure to have CrestCom here today.
謝謝,東尼。今天很榮幸能邀請克 萊斯特公司到這裡。
S: T ruth be told, we’re interested in learning more about the ins and outs of BizTech.
說實話,我們有興趣了解更多關於 畢斯科技的運作情形。
A: Let me get started then. BizTech was founded in 1999 with a focus on hardware. We have since expanded our reach1 into other areas.
那我就開始了。畢斯科技創立於 1999 年,營運重點為硬體。我們 現已將觸角延伸至其他領域。
C: Can you paint us a more specific picture?
A: C ertainly. BizTech is currently involved2 in software and app development. We also operate3 a content creationh department of 100 outstanding4 influencers.h
當然。畢斯科技目前涉足軟體和應 用程式開發。我們也有由百名傑出 且具影響力的員工所組成的內容創 作部門。
reach [rit] ] n. (營運)觸角 Nestlé has expanded its reach beyond food production and now owns 30 percent of L’Oréal, the third largest cosmetics and beauty company in the world.
involve [6n`v3lv] v.
operate [`3p4%ret] v.
The telecommunications giant operates several media subsidiaries. 4.
outstanding [a8t`st1nd6;] adj.
You did an outstanding job on the project last month. 14
brief [brif] adj. 簡短的
overview [`ov0%vju] n. 概述
content creation [`k3n%t5nt] 內容創作(對話中作修飾語)
influencer [`6nflu4ns0] n. 具影響力者
Google is not only involved in maintaining and updating its search engine, but also producing innovative hardware. 3.
T: I’d like to welcome you to BizTech Electronics. I’m Tony, the Division Director here, and this is Anita Chen, our Business Operations Manager. She’ll be giving you a briefh overviewh of our company.
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
Charlene 夏琳 參訪賓客
hrase Focus / 片語威力通 • ins and outs
I want to know the ins and outs of the senior executive’s proposed efficiency strategy before we put it into action. 在我們付諸行動前,我想了解那名高級行政主管所提議之效率 策略的細節。
Pitching Your Company
w The Company Hierarchy 公司結構篇
· hierarchy [`ha64%r3rki] 指「階層;階級制度」。
互動版》正常 MP3 - 4 / 慢速 MP3 - 33 朗讀版》Audio CD - 4
Let me jump in here.
jump in 指「插話、打斷」,Let me jump in here. 可用 If I could just cut in here. 替換。 Anita 艾妮塔 業務營運經理
Sam 山姆 參訪賓客
Tony 東尼 事業部主任
Charlene 夏琳 參訪賓客
A: Allow me to expand upon how our company is structured.1
S: We’re all ears.
我們洗耳恭聽。 be all ears 指「洗耳恭聽;全神貫注地聽」。
T: Anita, let me jump in here. All of our international operations are overseen2 by Don Dean, a seasonedh veteranh with 20 years of experience running global companies.
艾妮塔,我打個岔。我們所有的國 際業務都是由唐.迪恩監督,他是 個經驗豐富的老將,在經營國際公 司上擁有二十年的經驗。
A: Right. And our branch in Silicon Valley is headed by Cindy Wu, who has been with BizTech since the beginning.
沒錯,而我們矽谷的分公司是由欣 蒂.吳所帶領。她從一開始就在畢 斯科技了。
run into sth 指「遇到(困難、麻煩)」。
C: I see. On the off chance we run into any service issues, whom would we talk to?
我了解了。萬一我們遇到任何服務 上的問題,我們該找誰洽談呢?
A: Y ou would get on the horn to Wes Lin. He is in charge of customer service, and it’s the responsibility of his department to handle all service-related inquiries.h
你們可以聯絡韋斯.林。他負責客 服部門,處理所有服務相關的諮詢 是他部門的責任。
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
structure [`str9kt]0] v.
We structured our workspace to inspire productivity and creativity. 2.
oversee [%ov0`si] v.
Calvin Jacobs oversees all corporate PR in our company. 字彙補給站 h
seasoned [`sizxd] adj. 經驗豐富的
veteran [`v5t4r4n] n. 老手
inquiry [6n`kwa64ri] n. 詢問
hrase Focus / 片語威力通 • on the off chance
On the off chance that the new model is unsuccessful, we’ll still be able to use the development research for future products. 萬一新機型不成功,我們還是能將這些開發研究應用在日後的 產品上。
• get on the horn
Davis wanted to get Ahmed on the horn to make sure they had confirmation to go ahead with the project. 戴維斯想打電話給阿米德,確認他們達成共識後,再進行這個 專案。 15
e A Cut Above the Competition 競爭優勢篇
· a cut above 指「高一等」;competition [%k3mp4`t6]4n] 則是「競爭」之意。
互動版》正常 MP3 - 5 / 慢速 MP3 - 34 朗讀版》Audio CD - 5
關鍵 片語
pride oneself on
pride oneself on 指「為……而自豪;對……引以為傲」,類似用法為 take pride in。
Tony 東尼 事業部主任
Anita 艾妮塔 業務營運經理
Sam 山姆 參訪賓客
T: BizTech is renowned1 internationally for its innovation. In fact, we pride ourselves on always devising2 out-ofthe-boxh solutions to tough challenges.
畢斯科技以創新享譽國際。事實 上,我們自豪於總能就嚴峻的挑戰 策劃出跳脫框架的解決方案。
A: Which has made BizTech products and services mainstaysh in millions of homes and offices around the world, if I may toot our own horn.
這讓畢斯科技的產品與服務在全球 數百萬個家庭和辦公室中成為主 流,請容我如此自誇。
T: As a bona fideh leader in the tech industry, we are committed3 to remaining at the vanguardh of technology in the fields of biotechh and AR.
身為科技業真正的領導者,我們致 力於維持生物科技和擴增實境等領 域的科技領頭羊地位。
care to do sth 指「想要做某事」。
S: Care to divulge4 your plans for the future?
T: Our long-term growth vision includes a targeted expansion into Africa. We plan to become the top tech brand there within the next 20 years.
我們的長期發展願景包含有目標地 拓展至非洲市場。我們計畫在接下 來二十年內成為那裡的科技領導品 牌。
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
renowned [r6`na8nd] adj.
The network was renowned for producing quality television programs. 2.
devise [d6`va6z] v.
Samuel Stevenson devised a way to do the renovations both on time and under budget. 3.
committed [k4`m6t6d] adj. 致力的 Ingram Bank is committed to growing your savings accounts and giving you sound financial advice. divulge [da6`v9ld.] v.
We made an agreement that no one would divulge any information about the new prototype until it had been publicly announced. 16
字彙補給站 h
out-of-the-box adj. 跳脫框架的
mainstay [`men%ste] n. 主流;支柱
bona fide [`bon4%fa6d] adj. 真正的
vanguard [`v1n%g3rd] n. 領先地位
biotech [`ba6o%t5k] n. 生物技術
hrase Focus / 片語威力通 • toot one’s own horn
Corey is always tooting his own horn about how he has the best sales record in the entire department. 寇瑞總是自誇自己在整個部門裡擁有最佳的銷售業績。
Pitching Your Company
r Ending with a Bang 完美結尾篇
· with a bang 指「成功地」。
互動版》正常 MP3 - 6 / 慢速 MP3 - 35 朗讀版》Audio CD - 6
without a doubt
關鍵 片語
Anita 艾妮塔 業務營運經理
Charlene 夏琳 參訪賓客
Tony 東尼 事業部主任
A: Without a doubt, BizTech is a key playerh in the tech industry, and we’ve worked extensively1 with clients across a wide range of industries.
毫無疑問,畢斯科技是科技業的要 角,而我們也和各個行業的客戶廣 泛合作。
C: And you have the resources and manpower to take on2 even more partners?
你們有資源和人力可承接更多的合 作夥伴嗎?
T: We’ve assembled3 and vetted4 a dream team of business-development gurush with the capacityh to design tailoredh solutions for any potential business partners.
我們已籌組並精選出一支業務開發 高手的夢幻隊伍,他們有能力為 任何潛在商業夥伴量身打造解決方 案。
字尾 -conscious 指「注重……的」, cost-conscious 即指「注重成本的」。
A: And since we employ an extremely cost-conscious approach, we’ll be able to stay at or under budget as we help you achieve your strategic objectives.
而且因為我們採用極注重成本的方 法,所以我們能在幫助你們達到戰 略目標的同時,讓你們維持或低於 預算。
T: We’re not going to beat around the bush — at BizTech, we’re experts at maximizing returns while minimizing risks for our partners.
我們就不兜圈子了──畢斯科技是 能為合作夥伴極大化收益,同時極 小化風險的專家。
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
extensively [6k`st5ns6vli] adv.
字彙補給站 廣泛地
Some production professionals have to travel extensively to meet with foreign suppliers. 2.
take on
I’d prefer to finish our current projects before we take on new ones. 3.
assemble [4`s5mb4l] v. 籌組;召集 I’ll assemble some of our best staff members to ensure this deal goes through. vet [v5t] v.
The defense attorney selected and vetted each member of his legal team.
key player(特定領域的)要角
guru [`g8ru] n. 專家、權威
capacity [k4`p1s4ti] n. 能力
tailored [`tel0d] adj. 量身打造的
hrase Focus / 片語威力通 • beat around the bush
A good manager must be direct and not spend time beating around the bush, even when giving employees unpleasant news. 一個好的經理必須直截了當,而不是花時間兜圈子,即便在告 知員工令人不快的消息時也該如此。 17
Rokuon-ji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion) 鹿苑寺 ( 金閣寺 )
Something New and Something Old
京都── 新舊交融之都 古京都遺址,又稱「古都京都的文化財」,是存在 於日本京都府京都市、宇治市及滋賀縣大津市的寺 院、神社、城堡等十七項建築的總稱。此建築群 於 1994 年被聯合國教科文組織登錄為世界文化遺 產,成為日本第五個世界遺產項目。
Ryoan-ji 龍安寺
Kozan-ji 高山寺
Saiho-ji 西芳寺 ( 苔寺 )
Nishi Hongan-ji 西本願寺 ( 本願寺 )
Toji (East Temple) 東寺 ( 教王護國寺 )
Kyoto: Something New and Something Old
Enryaku-ji 延歷寺
Kamigamo Shrine 上賀茂神社 ( 賀茂別雷神社 )
Shimogamo Shrine 下鴨神社 ( 賀茂御祖神社 )
Jisho-ji (Temple of the Silver Pavilion) 慈照寺 ( 銀閣寺 )
Nijo Castle 二條城
Kiyomizu-dera 清水寺
Daigo-ji 醍醐寺
Ujigami Shrine 宇治上神社
Byodo-in 平等院
互動版》正常 MP3 - 7 / 慢速 MP3 - 36 朗讀版》Audio CD - 7
京都小檔案 ▲
• Country: Japan
• Currency: Yen (JPY)
1 日圓約等於新台幣 0.31 元
• Area: 827.90 km² 面積:827.90 平方公里
• Population: approx. 1.47 million 人口:約 147 萬人
• 1 combo meal at McDonald’s: ¥ 635 一份麥當勞套餐: 635 日圓
Imagine you are exploring the ancient Shimogamo Shrine. You breathe in the crisp, clean air as you walk down a tranquil h
canopy-covered path, observing 1 beautifully maintained structures over 1,200 years old. Suddenly, your phone vibrates2 and you realize a wild Pokémon is nearby. This convergenceh of the antiqueh and the contemporaryh is very much indicative3 of the present-day Kyoto City experience. Not only is Kyoto home to some of Japan’s most archaich splendors,h it is also an epicenter of cutting-edge4 electronics development, with tech giants such as Murata Manufacturing, which created the ceramic condenser† used in the iPhone 6, and Nintendo, the creator of Pokémon and corporate backer of Pokémon GO, being based there. Kyoto prides itself on being one of Japan’s leading academic cities, possessing5 37 universities. Most famed among these is Kyoto University, which was ranked second best in the country and has educated 10 Nobel Prize laureates.h Despite these modern advancements, Kyoto has retained6 its deep cultural roots. Apart from being surrounded7 by aweinspiringh natural sights, housing 20 percent of the country’s national treasures and containing over 2,000 shrines and temples, Kyoto is famed for being the Geisha and craft capital of Japan. The city has folded8 its history of master craftsmanship into its vibranth culture and is renowned for producing the highest quality pottery, traditional dolls, silk kimonos, folding fans and ceremonialh Shinto objects. Visitors to Kyoto can experience nature, history and 22
modernityh all in the same day.
• Price of buying an apartment (per square meter in the city center): approx. ¥ 467,000 購買公寓價格 (以市中心每平方公尺計算): 約 467,000 日圓
Kyoto: Something New and Something Old
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線
想像你正在探訪古老的下鴨神社。 你呼吸著新鮮空氣,走在滿是落葉的靜謐 小徑上,並觀賞著超過一千兩百年歷史且 完美保存的建築結構。突然,你的手機震 動,你發現有隻野生的精靈寶可夢就在附 近。這般的古今融合是非常典型的現代京 都城市體驗。
observe [4b`z-v] v. 觀察 The new boss likes to do his work in the central office so he can observe how employees manage their time.
vibrate [`va6%bret] v.
indicative [6n`d6k4t6v ] adj. 象徵的(+ of) The nearby ruins are indicative of an ancient civilization once being here.
京都不僅是一些日本最古老美景的所 在地,也是尖端電子開發的中樞,進駐的 科技大廠包含村田製作所,其製造的陶瓷 電容器為 iPhone 6 所用,以及任天堂,也 就是精靈寶可夢的創造者和《精靈寶可夢 GO》的企業資助者。京都以做為日本學術 領導城市之一為傲,擁有 37 間大學。其中 最著名的是京都大學,名列全國第二,並 培育出十位諾貝爾獎得主。
cutting-edge [%k9t6;`5d.] adj.
儘管有這些現代發展,京都仍保有其 深厚的文化底蘊。除了被令人驚嘆的自然 景色所圍繞,收藏全國兩成的國寶,以及 擁有兩千多座神社與寺廟,京都也以身為 日本藝妓與手工藝之都而聞名。這座城市 將其精湛手工藝的歷史揉和進活躍的文化 當中,並以製作最高品質的陶器、傳統娃 娃、絲綢和服、摺扇和祭祀用的神道祭典 物品為人所知。到京都的旅客可在同一天 中體驗自然、歷史及和現代風情。
My phone vibrates whenever I get a call or text message.
This new phone features a cutting-edge camera. 5.
possess [ p4`z5s] v. 擁有 Bill Werther possesses in-depth knowledge of the international market.
retain [r6`ten] v.
surround [s4`ra8nd] v.
Usually, I read books and articles twice to ensure I retain all the information I believe to be useful. 圍繞
In Germany, Noerdlingen is a city surrounded by walls. 8.
fold [fold] v.
融合;調配(+ into)
It was difficult at first, but eventually I was able to fold the many responsibilities of parenthood into my schedule. 字彙補給站 h
crisp [kr6sp] adj. (空氣)清新的
tranquil [`tr1;kw4l] adj. 靜謐的
convergence [k4n`v-d.4ns] n. 聚合 ; 交會
antique [1n`tik] adj. 古老的(文中加 the 轉化為名詞)
contemporary [k4n`t5mp4%r5ri] adj. 現代的(文中加 the 轉化為名詞)
archaic [3r`ke6k] adj. 古代的
splendor [`spl5nd0] n. 美景
laureate [`l7ri4t] n.(在某研究領域)獲殊榮者
• shrine [ ]ra6n] n. 神社
awe-inspiring [`7%6n`spa64r6;] adj. 令人驚嘆的
• canopy-covered path [`k1n4pi`k9v0d]
vibrant [`va6br4nt] adj. 活躍的
ceremonial [%s5r4`moni4l] adj. 典禮的
modernity [m4`d-n4ti] n. 現代
• craftsmanship [`kr1fsm4n%]6p] n. 手工藝 • pottery [`p3t4ri] n. 陶器 • kimono [k6`mono] n. 和服 • Shinto [`]6n%to] n. 神道教(文中作修飾語)
† 補充說明 † ceramic condenser「陶瓷電容器」是以陶瓷作為電介質,在陶瓷基體兩面噴 塗銀層,後經低溫燒成銀質薄膜作極板而製成,廣泛用於電子電路中。
hrase Focus / 片語威力通 • apart from
Apart from volunteering at the children’s hospital, Nancy also serves food at the soup kitchen. 除了在兒童醫院當志工,南西也在施食處供應食物。 23
互動版》正常 MP3 - 8 / 慢速 MP3 - 37 朗讀版》Audio CD - 8
Founded by Emperor Kanmu in 794, Kyoto would serve1 as Japan’s capital for over a thousand years. Many of Kyoto’s original structures still remain and 17 were named World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 1994. With so much to offer, it’s unsurprising that in 2013, Kyoto attracted 51.62 million tourists and was named the “World’s Best City” by Travel + Leisure magazine in 2014 and 2015.
伏見稻荷大社,它是遍及日本全國各地約四萬多所的稻荷神社之總本社, 以整排紅色的「千本鳥居」聞名。
Yet according to Mayor Daisaku Kadokawa,
clutter5 Kyoto with excessively tall hotels and
Kyoto owes 2 its surge h of visitation to a
disrespectful tourists, spoiling6 the charm which
cultivatedh effort. Kyoto has developed free Wi-Fi zones, launched foreign language hotlines and
made Kyoto a must-see destination. Others worry Kyoto’s tourist-centric† development will raise
even conducts3 a yearly survey aimed at creating
property prices and dissuade7 manufacturers
a more welcoming environment. Though much
from settling. Still, much of the city’s mystiqueh
of Kyoto’s success comes from its tourism, with
comes from being the embodied8 fusionh of the
19.7 percent of its industry structure being
past and present, one which allows guests to look
dedicated to the service sector, this boonh is not
into antiquityh while witnessing the future. It is
without potential pitfalls.h
this quality, combined with the city’s history of
Despite passing a policy to regulate4 the obstructionh of its skyline in 2007, Kyoto’s
wisdom and ingenuity,h that will likely keep Kyoto a wonder for many years to come.
aesthetich has continued to change as the city expands. Some fear overdevelopment will
京都產業結構分布 水電煤氣 3.2% 通訊 3.4% 農林漁 0.4% 金融保險
4.0% 交通運輸
11.9% 房地產
17.1% Source: Kyoto Foreign Investment Promotion Committee
樓高 46 公尺的八坂塔是京都最古老的塔樓建築, 在一片低矮的町家民宅中,成為最醒目的地標。
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1. serve [s-v] v. 適合(特定用途或目的)(+ as) When it’s dark, my smartphone can serve as a flashlight. 2. owe [o] v. 將……歸功於(+ to) Thomas owes much of his present day success to his teachers who worked tirelessly to ensure he had the best education possible. 3. conduct [k4n`d9kt] v. 進行;實施 Every year, the police department conducts mandatory sensitivity training seminars for all of its officers. 4. regulate [`r5gj4%let] v. 規範 In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for regulating what ingredients can be used in food products, among other things. 5. clutter [`kl9t0] v. 擠滿(+ with) The festival goers cluttered the designated camp ground with tents. 6. spoil [sp76l] v. 破壞 We were having a great time at the festival until a thunderstorm spoiled our fun. 7.
dissuade [d6`swed] v.
勸阻(+ from)
Usually, the threat of a fine is enough to dissuade people from eating on the MRT. 8.
embody [6m`b3di] v.
Kyoto: Something New and Something Old
西元 794 年由桓武天皇所建,京都作為日本首都有 超過千年的歷史。許多京都的原始建築仍保存下來, 且有十七座於 1994 年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺 產。有著如此豐富的資源,京都在 2013 年吸引 5,162 萬名旅客造訪,並於 2014 年及 2015 年被《旅遊與休 閒》雜誌選為「世界最佳城市」也就不令人意外了。 然而據市長門川大作表示,京都遽增的觀光人 數乃歸功於耕耘多時的努力。京都發展免費的網路區 域,推出外語熱線,甚至每年進行調查,旨在創造一 個更好客的環境。雖然京都絕大部分的成功來自觀 光,其產業結構中的 19.7% 為服務業,但這樣的好處 並非毫無隱憂。 儘管京都在 2007 年通過政策來規範天際線不被 遮蔽,但隨著城市的拓展,京都的美亦持續改變。有 些人害怕過度發展將使京都擠滿過高的旅館和無禮的 觀光客,破壞京都成為必遊景點的魅力。其他人則擔 心京都以客為主的發展策略將推升房價並勸阻製造商 進駐。即便如此,這座城市的神祕色彩來自於今昔的 體現融合,而這樣的結合讓訪客能追溯古往並見證未 來。正是這種特質,綜合了這座城市歷史悠久的智慧 與獨特性,可能讓京都在未來的許多年都還是能令人 驚艷。
Jason’s generosity is embodied in his daily acts of kindness and monthly donations to charity.
biz 聽力小測驗
MP3/Audio CD - 9
※ 請聽音軌,選出最接近文意的答案。
surge [s-d.] n. 遽增
cultivated [%k9lt4`vet6d] adj. 耕耘的
boon [bun] n. 好處;裨益
pitfall [`p6t%f7l] n. 隱患
obstruction [4b`str9k]4n] n. 妨礙
aesthetic [5s`q5t6k] n. 美感
mystique [m6`stik] n. 神秘感
fusion [`fju.4n] n. 融合
antiquity [1n`t6kw4ti] n. 古代
ingenuity [%6nd.4`nu4ti] n. 獨特性
† 補充說明 † t ourist-centric 為複合形容詞,指「以觀光客為主的。」 -centric 指「以……為中心的。」
( ) If you wanted to book a trip to see the colorful
foliage in Kyoto, which would be a good month to go? (A) July (B) April (C) February (D) November
biz 聽力小測驗內容:
If you missed seeing the cherry blossoms, don’t worry, because there’s still a chance in the autumn to see beautiful and striking leafage. Just head to one of Kyoto’s famed fall foliage spots, such as Tofuku-ji Temple or Takao Village and behold a plethora of
Hogmanay breathtaking colors. Don’t expect to be alone; the locals love to see the beautiful leaves, too!
biz 聽力小測驗解答: D
互動版》正常 MP3 - 10 / 慢速 MP3 - 38 朗讀版》Audio CD - 10
Jidai Matsuri
A Resplendent Journey Through Kyoto’s History 時代祭──京都歷史 風華之旅 • resplendent [r5`spl5nd4nt] 指「燦爛華麗的」。
The Jidai Matsuri is a festival held in Kyoto on
2,000 people — dressed head-to-toeh in regalia
October 22 each year to commemorate1 the city’s
representing the various eras of Kyoto’s more than
history as the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868.
1,200-year history — march from the Kyoto
Established in 1895, the festival was intended2 to
Imperial Palace to the Heian Shrine. The spectacle,
perform a dualh function. The first was to celebrate
which lasts over an hour, traverses5 a route
the 1,100th anniversary of the founding of Kyoto,
that stretches6 over 5 kilometers. It concludes when two portable shrines
whereas the second was to rekindle3 interest in the city
believed to contain the
since its subsequenth loss of
• spectator [`sp5k%tet0] n. 觀眾
spirits of Emperor Kanmu
grandeur h after Tokyo was
• spectacular [sp5k`t1kj4l0] adj. 壯觀的
and Emperor Komei — the
declared4 the nation’s capital. The idea was successful.
spectacle [`sp5kt6k4l] n. 盛況
• procession [ pr4`s5]4n] n. 隊伍 • regalia [r6`geli4] n. 華服 • shrine [ ]ra6n] n. 神轎
three most important festivals
• handicraft [`hænd6%kræft] n. 手工藝
only as a celebration of
Kyoto Imperial Palace 京都御所
bygoneh days, but also as an
glimpse of the highlight: the spectacular Jidai Gyoretsu, or costume parade. During this procession, approximately 26
This splendidh display of culture and history serves not
in Kyoto, with over 150,000 streets each year to catch a
Kyoto, respectively h — are carried through the city.
Jidai Matsuri is now one of the
spectators gathering in the
first and last emperors of
art gallery and exhibition of Heian Shrine 平安神宮
traditional Japanese handicrafts all rolled into one. It is truly a sight worth beholding.7
Jidai Matsuri: A Resplendent Journey Through Kyoto’s History
May 葵祭(Aoi Matsuri) 15 起源:欽明天王時期(539 年到 571 年) ,農作因風雨歉收,皇室遂 舉行「賀茂祭」以祈福。後因祭 典隊伍皆用葵花與葵葉裝飾,遂 改名為「葵祭」。 內容:重現「葵祭隊伍」的風雅習俗, 牛車與遊行者都會妝點著葵葉, 行列長達一公里。
祇園祭(Gion Matsuri)
dual [dju4l] adj. 雙重的
subsequent [`s9bs4kw5nt] adj. 隨後的
grandeur [`grænd.0] n. 宏偉;堂皇
head-to-toe [ `h5dt4`to] adj. 從頭到腳的
respectively [r6`sp5kt6vli] adv. 分別地
splendid [ `spl5nd6d] adj. 璀璨的
bygone [ `ba6%g7n] adj. 過往的
起源:869 年流行病爆發,因此於京都 的祇園社作法平息瘟疫,祭祀後 瘟疫隨即平息,故傳承此習。
hrase Focus / 片語威力通
內容:長達一個月的各式祭祀活動,其 中前祭和後祭的大型花轎巡遊, 為祭典的重要節目。
Oct 22
• catch a glimpse of
I was late to the meeting, so I only caught a glimpse of the CEO’s proposed list of changes.
時代祭(Jidai Matsuri) 起源:為紀念京都創建一千一百周年及 平安神宮的建立而有此祭典。為 讓祭典更加盛大,遂採用「時代 行列」的形式重演古時京都的生 活風俗,故名為「時代祭」。
• rolled into one
Taipei 101 is a shopping mall, business center and tourist attraction all rolled into one.
內容:時代行列忠實重現出京都八個朝 代的裝束,從平安時代到明治維 新期間。
台北 101 大樓集購物中心、商務中心和觀光景點於一身。
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
commemorate [k4`m5m4%ret] v.
The Statue of Liberty was originally given as a gift to the U.S. by the French to commemorate their alliance during the American Revolution. 2.
intend [6n`t5nd] v. 打算(+ to) After the Olympics, the stadium was intended to be used for many other events, such as concerts.
rekindle [ri`k6ndy ] v. 重新喚起 Having to act in Romeo and Juliet rekindled my love for Shakespeare’s work.
declare [d6`kl5r ] v.
On July 28, 1914, Austria officially declared war on Serbia, thus beginning World War I. 5.
traverse [`tr4v-s] v. 穿過;穿越 According to popular legend, the explorer Ponce de Leon traversed parts of North and South America searching for the Fountain of Youth.
stretch [str5t] ] v. 延伸 Dubbed “The Blues Highway,” U.S. Route 61 stretches across the United States, from Louisiana to Minnesota.
behold [b6`hold] v.
The fireworks display, which happens every New Year’s Eve, is always a spectacle to behold.
時代祭是每年 10 月 22 日於京都舉辦的節日,為 的是紀念這座城市從 794 年到 1868 年做為日本首都的 歷史。創立於 1895 年的這個節日有兩個功能。第一是 為慶祝京都建立一千一百周年,第二則是為了重新喚起 大家對這座城市的關注,因為自東京被宣布為國家首府 後,京都的宏偉就隨之逝去。 這個構想非常成功。時代祭現在是京都三大節慶之 一,每年有超過十五萬名觀眾聚集在街上觀看精彩盛況 ──壯觀的時代行列,也就是服裝遊行。隊伍當中大約 有兩千人──他們全身上下所穿的華服代表京都一千兩 百多年歷史中的不同年代──遊行從京都御所行進至平 安神宮。盛況持續超過一小時,穿越的路徑延伸超過五 公里長。當兩座據信分別承載著京都首任和末任天皇的 桓武天皇與孝明天皇之靈的神轎被抬經整座城市時,節 慶即就此畫下句點。 這個璀璨的文化與歷史展演不只用來慶賀往日風 采,也可做為集日本傳統手工藝於一身的藝術展現與展 覽。孰為值得一觀之景。 27
That’s Not English: Britishisms, Americanisms, and What Our English Says About Us
《這不是英語:從語言看英美文化差異的 第一手觀察誌》
作者:艾琳.莫爾(Erin Moore) 出版社:臉譜出版 出版日期:2016 年 9 月
具體而微的迷你文化史 旅外人士的生存指南 英/美語學習者的教戰守策
全書共有 31 個章節,每章以一個單字出發,深入淺 出探討飲食、階級、婚姻、教育等等諸多層面。
些徵兆、習俗和用字,在我看起來,覺得怪怪的。我想要 記錄下這樣的第一印象,以免過了幾個月之後,就忘得一 乾二淨;所幸,沒有人在記錄我給他們留下的奇怪的第一 印象。我搬到倫敦初期發生的誤解,只有一個人知情—— 我先生湯姆。
美國人是真的會犯這樣的錯,因為即使近年來美國人 結婚的年齡愈來愈高,但是大家依然認定最穩定的關係終 究會步入婚姻。無論年紀大小,講男女朋友,就會被當成 小孩子看待,講未婚夫妻又覺得矯揉做作,只有最後成了 夫妻,聽起來最舒服、最順耳。皮尤研究中心在 2012 年
所做的民意調查顯示,有 61% 的美國未婚成年人想要結
婚,只有 12% 不想結婚;2006 年,一項針對高三學生所
做的調查也顯示,81% 的人預期自己會結婚,而且其中有
90% 的人預期會跟同一個人終老白頭。約翰霍普金斯大
學(John Hopkins University)專門研究家庭與公共政策
的社會學家安德魯‧雪林(Andrew Cherlin)指出,在美
會時間」似乎沒有那麼重要。紐約人比較意識到自己的地 位,但是比較友善;倫敦人則比較緊張不安,也比較安 靜——安靜到幾乎令人感到窘迫的地步。
其他國籍的人更能信守婚約,因為美國也是全球離婚率第 三高的國家(可能只比排名第一的馬爾地夫和排名第二的
(E. J. Dionne Jr.)在《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington
Post )上所說的,結果似乎正好是反效果,因為「有愈來
個朋友帶著小孩去新的遊樂場玩了好幾個星期之後,這才 28
That’s Not English
Quite 相當
Sorry 抱歉/遺憾 Bloody 他媽的 Trainer 運動鞋/教練
反觀在英國,婚姻好像不被視為如此必要。自 2005
年 12 月起,同性伴侶已經可以申請公民伴侶關係(civil
調查機構 YouGov 所做的一項調查顯示,有 52% 的人說
關係」;只有 27% 的人認為必須要先結婚,再生小孩。 因此,在英國的麥克米倫大辭典(Macmillan)裡,對 「partner」這個字的第一個定義就是「跟你一起生活並 且有性關係的人」,而在美國的第一個解釋則是「共同擁 有一家公司並且分享其損益的兩人或以上的其中一人」, 也就不無道理了。
當然,在英國,也不是每一個人對「伴侶」一詞的 用法都這麼廣泛包容,就像不是每一個美國人對夫妻的用 法都如此絕對一樣。有些人並不是有意識的選擇用什麼 字,不過就是用他們最熟悉的字罷了;但是很多選擇使用 「伴侶」一詞的人,其實是喜歡這個字的意涵:一種平等 對待的關係。就像美國部落客約翰‧史卡拉曼加(John
『partner』一詞來稱呼某人的丈夫或是妻子,或者是稱 呼跟某人一起生活並且有性關係但是卻沒有與其結婚之 人。這樣可以避免提及此人的身份與性別。而在美式英語 裡,有人只在未婚人士身上使用『partner』一詞,還有 很多其他人只用在男女同性戀者。」這個註解並不是放在 本文內,而是放在另外一個小方格內,上面還有一個標題 寫著:「避免冒犯他人的詞彙」——這樣的解釋就很到位 了,只不過我一直忙著扮演一個到處打探他人隱私的美國 人,差一點就沒有注意到這其中精細幽微的差異。
在英格蘭和威爾斯,同性婚姻已經獲得國會與女王的 祝福,而公民伴侶也可以選擇是否要將他們之間的結合轉 換成婚姻關係。在美國,有些州已經批准了同性婚姻,在 年輕一代普遍支持的情況下,婚姻平權將會迅速蔓延。如 此一來,「伴侶」一詞要何去何從呢?美國的男女同志伴 侶在長年奮鬥終於爭取到夫妻地位之後,是否會選擇「夫 妻」一詞來形容他們的關係?而英國的已婚夫婦是否會繼 續稱呼另外一半為「伴侶」?等我們都搞清楚了之後,又 怎麼會知道該如何稱呼其他人呢?《男女同志完全禮節手
冊》(Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners )的作者史蒂芬‧
佩特羅(Steven Petrow)提出了建議:我們應該「先聽別
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Michelle Obama’s Speech
at the 2016 Democratic National Convention 蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬 2016 民主黨全國代表大會演說 Before you read 前情提要 本文摘錄自蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬於費城舉辦的 2016 年民主黨全國代 表大會演講內容。此會議由美國民主黨各州代表出席,旨在選 出該黨 2016 年美國總統大選的總統及副總統候選人。前美國國 務卿希拉蕊 ‧ 柯林頓(Hillary Clinton)在此大會中贏得民主黨總 統提名,成為美國開國史上第一位女性總統參選人。
蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬小檔案 出生 1964 年,美國芝加哥(Chicago)
學歷 普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)社會學學士 哈佛大學(Harvard University)法律博士
經歷 1988 芝加哥盛德國際律師事務所律師 1991 芝加哥規劃署署長助理 1993 公益團體「芝加哥公眾聯盟」執行董事 1996 芝加哥大學學生事務處副處長 2002 芝加哥大學醫療中心社區事務執行董事 2005 轉任芝加哥大學醫院外事副董事長迄今
媒體焦點 ˙ 獲《元素》生活雜誌選為全 球最激勵人心女性前 25 名 ˙獲《浮華世界》選為世界十 大最佳衣著女性 ˙獲《02138》哈佛大學舊生 刊物選為最重要校友第 58 名 ˙ 入選《名人》雜誌最佳衣著 選舉 ˙ 部分傳媒將蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬 與已故第一夫人賈桂琳‧甘 迺迪相提並論。 編按:
蜜雪兒為美國首位非裔總統夫人及 圖片 / Essence、Vogue、Wikipedia、WireImage
身高最高的第一夫人(183 公分)。
Michelle Obama’s Speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention
名言佳句 典故解析 約翰‧布拉福德
There but for the grace of god go I. 天可憐見,吾逃此劫。
2008 年歐巴馬當選美國總統, 蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬正式成為第一夫人
And when I think about the kind of President that I want for my girls and all our children, that’s what I want. I want someone with the proven1 strength to persevere.2 Someone who knows this job and takes it seriously. Someone who understands that the issues a president faces are not black and white and cannot be boiled down to 140 characters.† Because when you have the nuclear codes at your fingertips and the military in your command,h you can’t make snap3 decisions. You can’t have a thin skinh or a tendencyh to lash out. You need to be steadyh and measuredh and wellinformed.h I want a president with a record of public service. Someone whose life’s work shows our children that we don’t chase4 fame and fortune for ourselves; we fight to give everyone a chance to succeed. And we give back, even when we’re struggling ourselves, because we know that there is always someone worse off, and there but for the grace of God go I. I want a president who will teach our children that everyone in this country matters — a president who truly believes in the vision that our founders put forth all those years ago: that we are all created equal,5 each a beloved6 part of the great American story. And when crisish hits, we don’t
這句話出自英國宗教改革家約翰‧布拉福德(John Braford,1510-1555)。當時他目睹犯人前往刑場 接受處決,便心生慈悲說出此言――表達若非上帝 的恩典,自己也可能犯下同樣的錯。後人多沿用此 話,闡述在眼見他人不幸時,應展現同理和惜福感 恩之情。
當我想著我想要我的女兒和所有 的孩子有什麼樣的總統,那才是我想 要的。我想要的是被證實能夠堅持不 懈的人。一個知曉職責所在且能審慎 以對的人。一個了解總統所面臨的議 題不只關乎黑人與白人,也不能被簡 化成 140 個字的人。因為當你握有 核武密碼,且軍隊聽命於你時,你就 不能做出倉促輕率的決策。你不能臉 皮薄或有暴怒傾向。你必須穩重、慎 重,並且見多識廣。 我想要一位有公眾服務資歷的總 統。此人的志業讓孩子們知道我們不 汲汲追求名聲和財富,我們努力奮鬥 讓每個人都有成功的機會。即便我們 自己也很辛苦,我們還是有所回饋, 因為我們明白總有人過得比我們苦, 且若非神的恩典,受苦的也可能是自 己。 我想要的總統是能教導孩子,這 個國家的每個人都是重要的── 這個 總統真的相信開創者們在那些年前所 提出的願景:那就是我們全都受造平 等,每個人都是偉大美國歷史中被鍾 愛的一分子。而當危機來臨時,我們 不相互敵對──不,我們相互傾聽。 我們相互依賴。因為我們總能因團結 而更強大。
turn against each other — no, we listen to each other. We lean on each other. Because we are always stronger together. 33
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
prove [ pruv] v.
persevere [%p-s4`v6r] v.
因為時限很短,我建議你在簡報時將所有的研究歸結成幾個 重點就好。
snap [sn1p] adj.
chase [t]es] v.
Many people chase success without properly considering the financial risks involved. 5.
equal [`ikw4l] adj.
We’ve tried to eliminate hierarchy in our workspace and make the status of most employees equal as a motivational experiment. 6.
Due to the short time limit, I suggest you boil down all of your research to a few key points when giving your presentation.
As you likely know little about them, it is usually unwise to make snap judgments about people you just met. 4.
• boil down to
If we are going to pass this new traffic law, we need to prove to the public that it will reduce automotive accidents. Though Apple Inc. saw a slump in sales during the early to mid-90s, the company persevered and became extremely successful. 3.
hrase Focus / 片語威力通
beloved [b6`l9vd] adj.
Mickey Mouse has been the beloved icon of Disney since his debut in 1928.
• at sb’s fingertips
The internet provides us with more information at our fingertips than we could ever consume. 網路讓我們有更多隨手可得的資訊,多到無法消化。
• lash out
Dave has troubles at home, which cause him to lash out at his employees when they make even the slightest mistake. 戴夫家裡有些問題,導致員工甚至只是犯了小小的錯誤他就 暴怒相向。
• worse off
I thought home ownership would gain me long-term equity, but after the market crashed I was worse off financially. 我以為持有房產可讓我獲得長期的資產,但市場崩盤後我的 財務狀況卻每況愈下。
字彙補給站 h
command [k4`mænd] n. 命令
thin skin 臉皮薄 反 thick skin 厚臉皮
tendency [ `t5nd4nsi] n. 傾向
steady [`st5di] adj. 穩定的
measured [`m5.0d] adj. 慎重的
well-informed [ %w5l%6n`f7rmd] adj. 見多識廣的
crisis [ `kra6s4s] n. 危機
† 140 characters「140 字」是指在社群網站推特(Twitter) 上發文的英文字數限制。此處暗指川普經常以推特發文而 引起爭議,並非明智之舉。
• put forth
During the meeting, employees were asked to put forth their ideas about how to improve sales in the coming quarter. 在會議中,員工被要求提出他們對於下一季要如何改善銷量 的點子。
• turn against
Many of the politician’s supporters have turned against him since he revealed his new plan. 該政治人物的許多支持者自他發布新計畫後就轉而反對他。
• lean on
We can’t just lean on our past success. We need new ideas. 我們不能只仰賴過往的成功。我們需要新的點子。
Is Donald Trump the Economic Trump Card He Claims to Be? 唐納˙川普:美國經濟的終極王牌? • trump card 指「王牌、獨有的優勢」。
Net worth 淨資產
US$4.5 billion as of May 2016
Real Estate Success
至 2016 年五月為 45 億美元
2016 年共和黨總統候選人
k at Dona ld Loo er
p um Tr
2016 Republican Party presidential candidate
A Cl os
Chairman and President of The Trump Organization 川普集團董事長暨總裁
Grand Hyatt New York: still receives a lot of business since its opening in 1976 紐約君悅飯店:自 1976 年開幕以來生意興隆
40 Wall Street -- The Trump Building: purchased by Trump for US$1 million in 1995 and renovated for US$35 million; currently worth over US$500 million
案 檔 小 普 川
華爾街 40 號 -- 川普大樓:川普於 1995 年以一百萬美元買下,並 花三千五百萬美元裝修,目前市價超過五億美元。
Business Career 商場經歷
Multiple hotels and casinos: filed for bankruptcy four times between 1991 and 2009 多間飯店與賭場:於 1991 年至 2009 年期間,四次聲請破產。
Trump magazine: failed to survive the financial crisis and folded in 2009 《川普》雜誌:沒能挺過金融危機,於 2009 年收刊。
Trump University: operational from 2005 to 2010; defunct after multiple lawsuits 川普大學:開辦時間從 2005 年至 2010 年;歷經多起訴訟案後關閉。
Beauty Pageants: Miss USA, Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe owned or co-owned by Trump from 1996 to 2015 選美比賽:美國小姐、美國妙齡小姐和環球小姐比賽自 1996 年至 2015 年為川普擁有或共同擁有。
Entertainment Media: as executive producer of The Apprentice, Trump earned US$1 million per episode until he departed from the show in 2015 娛樂媒體:川普為影集《誰是接班人》的執行製作,每集可賺得一百萬美元,直到他於 2015 年離開為止。
互動版》正常 MP3 - 12 / 慢速 MP3 - 40
朗讀版》Audio CD - 12
Donald Trump is an American real estate tycoon, television personality and politician who is widely known for his sprawlingh business empire and his ostentatious h buildings. However, investigations of his supposed 1 achievements reveal that Trump’s business ventures, such as his casinos, hotels and get-rich-quick schemes,h tend to fail within a couple of years. He has also filed for bankruptcy four times. As a person, Donald Trump has been perceived2 as charismatic and been praised for his brilliant public speaking. However, he has also been described as vain, volatile and dishonest. Politically, Trump is a radical conservative, an economic isolationist and a nativist. Trump’s managing to secure3 his position as the Republican
presidential nominee on July 18, 2016, despite his extreme views, is not a singularh cultural phenomenon but the latest event in the global rise of right-wing populism. In Europe, politicians with similar idealsh to Trump’s are becoming more and more popular, primarily due to the collapse of the European Union’s social welfare state. In America, conservatism is on the rise partially due to the nation’s regressive taxation and spending policies, which have widened4 the wealth gap between the rich and the poor, and also because of its growing fear of 川普賭場酒店
radical Islam. If distrusth of current economic
• personality
policies and xenophobia are intensifying,5 it should be no surprise that Trump’s promises to “Make America Great Again” by lowering taxes, 6
discouraging international trade and deporting7 millions of illegal immigrants have found approval. 8 The question is, will his plans successfully help the American economy?
圖片 / Wikipedia
[ta6`k8n] n. 商界大亨 [%p-s4`n1l4ti] n. 名人、名流 • politician [%p3l4`t6]4n] n. 從政者 • get-rich-quick [`g5t`r6t] `kw6k] • tycoon
川普其人其事 小詞典
adj. 快速致富的 • charismatic [%k5r4z`m1t6k]
adj. 富個人魅力的
[ven] adj. 虛榮的 [`v3l4ty] adj. 喜怒無常的 • dishonest [d6s`3n4st] adj. 不老實的 • radical [`r1d6k4l] adj. 激進的 • conservative [k4n`s-v4t6v] n. 保守派 關 conservatism [k4n`s-v4%t6z4m] 保守主義 • isolationist [%a6s4`le]4n6st] n. 孤立主義者 • nativist [`net4v6st] n. 本土主義者 • extreme [6k`strim] adj. 極端的
• vain
• volatile
Is Donald Trump the Economic Trump Card He Claims to Be?
right-wing populism [`p3pj4%l6z4m]
指拒絕現有政治共識,結合自由放任主義與反菁英主義的政治哲學。稱為 右翼是因其拒絕與社會平等相關的政府方案,以及隱含的保守與排外主 義思想。
字彙補給站 h
sprawling [`spr7l6;] adj. 蔓延擴展的
welfare state
ostentatious [%3st4n`te]4s] adj. 財大氣粗的;虛華的
scheme [skim] n. 計畫;方案
singular [`s6;gj4l0] adj. 奇特的
regressive taxation
ideal [a6`di4l] n. 理念
[r6`gr5s6v] [t1k`se]4n] 累退稅制
distrust [d6s`tr9st] n. 猜疑
xenophobia [%z5n4`fobi4] n. 仇外
指國家政府在保護和提倡國民的社會與經濟福利上扮演重要角色的概 念。
指隨著納稅人收入和財富的增加而實際稅率逐步遞減的稅制。 此稅制中,雖然收入高代表稅額也高,但這樣的比例稅率並 非成正比。因為收入越高、負擔能力也越高,相對於收入低 者,收入高者反而是少繳稅。 美國自 1981 年起採累退稅制,使得富裕階層負擔減輕,中 低階級稅負反而增加,因而被視為有利於富人的稅制。
hrase Focus / 片語威力通 • on the rise
With the release of Pokémon GO, the amount of children playing outside is on the rise.
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
supposed [s4`poz4d] adj. 所謂的 China’s government released economic reports showing supposed growth.
perceive [ p0`siv] v. 認為;看待 I make sure I am always polite and well-groomed because I care about how my workmates perceive me.
secure [s6`kjur] v.
The excellent presentation you gave helped secure the advertising contract. 4.
widen [`wa6dx] v. 擴大 The difference between the annual salaries of middle management and senior executives has widened greatly over the last decade.
intensify [6n`t5ns4%fa6] v.
Demand for the new product has intensified over the past month. 6.
discourage [d6s`k-r6d.] v. 遏阻;防止 My company seeks to discourage employees from taking lengthy bathroom breaks by timing how long employees spend there.
deport [d6`p7rt] v. 把……驅逐出境 If you are caught working in another country without the proper paperwork, you will be deported.
approval [4`pruv4l] n. 贊同 Carrie’s idea to extend the lunch break by an additional half an hour was met with general approval by her employees.
隨著《精靈寶可夢 GO》的推出,在外頭玩的小孩數量也增 加了。
唐納.川普是美國的房地產大亨、電視圈名人暨 政治人物,以其龐大的商業帝國和財大氣粗的建築廣 為人知。然而,針對他所謂的成就進行調查,就會發 現川普的商業投資計畫──例如他的賭場、旅館和迅 速致富的計畫──往往都在幾年內就以失敗收場。他 也曾四度聲請破產。就其為人而言,唐納.川普被認 為極富個人魅力,也因出色的公開演說而為人稱道。 但他卻也被形容為虛榮、喜怒無常且不老實的。在政 治上,川普是激進的保守派、經濟孤立主義者,也是 本土主義者。 川普雖然抱持極端觀點,但卻在 2016 年 7 月 18 日獲得共和黨總統候選人的提名。這不是奇特的 文化現象,而是右翼民粹主義於全球抬頭的最新案 例。在歐洲,與川普抱持類似理念的政治人物越來越 受歡迎,主因為歐盟社會福利國家的瓦解。在美國, 保守主義正在崛起,部分原因是累退稅制與支出政策 擴大了貧富差距,另一原因則是對伊斯蘭激進派的恐 懼。 倘若對於當前經濟政策的猜疑和仇外心態日益加 劇,川普誓言藉由減稅、遏阻國際貿易以及遣返數百 萬個非法移民來「讓美國再次強大」的說詞會獲得贊 同,也就不足為奇了。問題是,他的計畫真的能成功 幫助美國經濟嗎?
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Donald Trump’s economic platformh is based on ideas comparable1 to the ones held by supporters of Brexit, and some economists believe that like Brexit, they could be economically harmful. His proposed tax cuts could possibly subtracth more than US$10 trillion from the economy. Applying Trump’s immigration laws and deporting over 11 million illegal immigrants would shrink2 the work force, cutting US$1.6 trillion from the GDP. Trump has also promised to build a wall along the Mexican-American border and claims that he can bully3 Mexico into paying for it by threatening to increase the trade dutiesh on Mexican goods. This would violate4 NAFTA and could lead to “Trumpxit,” meaning the country would be economically isolated on a world scale. He also intends to impose5 high import tariffs on China. If this were done, Trump could start a protectionisth war similar to the one that helped start the Great Depression. Some economists estimate that a theoreticalh Trump presidency would be far less devastating6 than people predict, because many of his policies would likely be voted down by the U.S. Congress. Political gridlockh is usually beneficialh for the economy because financiers are not worried about radical changes in national policy and thus are more likely to invest. Finally, Trump supporters believe that his policies will lower crime, grow businesses and establish trade relations which favor the U.S. Presently, it remains to be seen if America’s movement towards conservatism will strengthen7 the nation or prove detrimental.
Brexit [`br5ks6t]
為 Britain/British + exit 的組合字,完整說法是 withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union。今年 6 月 23 日的全民公投結果確定英國將退出歐盟。
NAFTA [`n1ft4]
為 North American Free Trade Agreement 的首字縮略語,是美國、加拿大及墨 西哥簽署的三方貿易協定,於 1994 年 1 月 1 日生效,同時宣告北美自由貿易 區的成立。川普的美墨築牆計畫等同破壞此貿易協議的平衡。
Trumpxit [`tr9mpk%s6t]
為 Trump + exit 的組合字。川普聲稱若選上美國總統,就要抵制與本國貿 易呈逆差的國家,大打貿易保護主義牌。專家分析,若川普當選,恐引爆 資金出走潮,金融界因此將此現象稱為 Trumpxit。
Great Depression [d6`pr5]4n]
指 1929 年由美國華爾街股災所引發,延續至 1933 年的全球性經濟大 衰退。
Is Donald Trump the Economic Trump Card He Claims to Be?
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1. comparable [`k3mp4r4b4l] adj. 類似的;相當的 Ted and I worked a comparable amount of overtime this month. 2. shrink [ ]r6;k] v. 縮小;變少 Economic activity in Iceland shrank severely during the 2008 recession. 3. bully [`b8li] v. 脅迫 Jim, my boss, bullied me into working over the weekend. 4. violate [`va64%let] v. 違反(協議、法律) Telling company secrets, especially to competitors, will violate your employment contract. 5. impose [6m`poz] v. 強制實行 During the riot, the police tried to impose order. 6. devastating [`d5v4%stet6;] adj. 破壞性極大的 關 detrimental [%d5tr4`m5nty] 有害的 The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was devastating to the U.S. economy. 7. strengthen [`str5;q4n] v. 強化 We need to strengthen our communication skills if we are to improve our productivity.
platform [`pl1t%f7rm] n. 綱領;宣言
subtract [s4b`tr1kt] v. 減去
唐納.川普的經濟綱領是奠基於類似英國脫離歐 盟支持者的想法上,而有些經濟學家認為這就像英國 脫離歐盟,可能會對經濟造成傷害。他提議的減稅措 施可能會使經濟損失超過十兆美元。實行川普的移民 法律,遣返一千一百萬名以上的非法移民,可能會縮 減勞動力,國內生產毛額將減損 1.6 兆美元。川普也 誓言在美墨邊界築一道牆,並宣稱他能藉由威脅提高 墨西哥商品的貿易關稅來強迫該國負擔築牆的花費。 此舉恐違反北美自由貿易協議,並可能導致「川普當 選、資金出走」現象,意味著美國會在世界上遭到經 濟孤立。他也有意對中國課徵高額的進口關稅。若真 如此,川普可能會引發如同當初造成經濟大蕭條的保 護主義戰爭。 有些經濟學家預測,假設川普真的當上總統,他 造成的危害會比人們預測的小很多,因為他的許多政 策都可能遭到美國國會否決。政治僵局通常對經濟有 益,因為資方不擔心國家政策出現劇烈變化,所以就 更可能投資。最後,川普的支持者認為他的政策將會 降低犯罪、促使企業成長,並建立對美國有利的貿易 關係。當前的情況是,美國若邁向保守主義,會強化 這個國家?還是會造成危害?這仍有待觀察。
biz 閱讀小測驗
duty [`djuti] n. 關稅 類 tariff [`t5r4f] protectionist [ pr4`t5k]4n6st] n. 貿易保護主義者(文中作修飾語)
theoretical [%qi4`r5t6k4l] adj. 假設的
gridlock [`gr6d%l3k] n. 僵局
beneficial [%b5n4`f6]4l] adj. 有益的
※ 請閱讀以下短文,選出最接近文意的答案。
According to Trump, reducing taxes will help the poor and the rich alike. However, many economists believe that doing this will mostly benefit the wealthy. Although the wealthy will still pay a higher tax percentage under Trump’s plan, they will save far more because their earnings are much higher. Diminishing the tax percentage paid by the wealthy will also considerably reduce federal revenues. ( )U niversally lowering tax rates will result in
hrase Focus / 片語威力通
which group receiving the largest monetary benefit?
• vote down
(A) The lower class
The proposed law is very unpopular and will likely be voted down.
(B) The upper class
(D) All would benefit equally
(C) The middle class
biz 閱讀小測驗解答: B
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不是你的錯 (紅色粗體字為關鍵句型)
A: I cost the company a lot of money by losing the Smith contract. 我失去史密斯公司的合約,害公司損失了一大筆錢。
B: Try not to blame yourself. I’m sure they had other reasons for canceling. 盡量不要責怪自己。我相信他們取消是有其他原因的。
A: Our team made a huge mistake that set the project backh months. 我們團隊犯了個大錯,使得專案延宕了好幾個月。
B: That’s not ideal, but it sounds like it was out of your control.
A Little Sympathy Goes a Long Way
A: My biggest client just switchedh companies, and I feel awfulh about it. 我最大的客戶改選別家公司了。我覺得好糟。
B: It couldn’t have been your faulth entirely. Maybe they got offered a better deal. 這不全是你的錯。或許他們獲得了比較好的交易。
用英語鼓舞同事 • sympathy [`s6mp4qi] 指「同情」;go a long way 則
˙ There’s no point in blaming yourself for
the decrease in sales.
˙ Yes, you lost the account, but that
could’ve happened to anybody.
˙ Mike may be angry about this, but there’s
no use in pointing fingers.h
˙I know you’re upset, but blaming
yourself won’t help solve the problem. 我知道你很沮喪,但自責對於解決問題並無助益。
set sth back 延遲某事物
awful [`7f4l] adj. 令人極不愉快的
switch [sw6t] ] v. 更換
fault [f7lt] n. 過失;責任
point fingers 相互指責
A Little Sympathy Goes a Long Way
你盡力了 A: I really thought I had improved since the last performance review, but I got another terrible one this month. 我真的覺得自上次績效考核後,我已經進步了,但我這個月的考核還是很糟。
B: It’s not worth losing sleep over.h Just focus on doing better next month. 擔心是不值得的。把焦點放在下個月要做得更好就行了。
A: I’m so stressed about the upcoming mergerh that I’ve put in overtime every night for a month. 即將進行的合併案讓我倍感壓力,以至於我已經有一個月每晚都加班了。
B: You’re under a lot of pressure right now. Go easy on yourself for a bit. 你現在壓力真的很大。對自己寬容些吧。
A: Jugglingh a newborn baby and work is a nightmare. I’m trying my hardest, but I still can’t meet my deadlines. 同時應付新生兒和工作真是個惡夢。我已盡最大的努力了,但還是無法趕上期限。
B: You sound burned out.h Why don’t you take a few days off to recover?h 你聽起來累壞了。何不放幾天假好恢復一下呢?
˙ Stressing about why the acquisition was a bad move won’t change anything. 苦思這起收購案為何是不智之舉是不會改變任何事的。
˙ I know it’s hard, but try not to dwell onh the lost revenue. 我知道很難,但儘量不要老想著失去的收入。
˙ You’ve got so much on your plate right now. Try to look after yourself. 你現在要忙的事情太多了。儘量顧好自己。
˙ Don’t trouble yourself about the deal falling through.h It’s not worth it. 別再為落空的交易煩心了。這不值得。
˙ Working on a new project may help to take your mind offh the problem. 投入新的專案也許能讓你不再想著這個問題。
lose sleep over 擔憂
dwell on [dw5l] 老是想著
merger [`m-d.0] n.(公司)合併
fall through 落空;失敗
juggle [`d.9g4l] v. 同時應付
burned out 疲累不堪的
recover [r6`k9v0] v. 恢復
take sb’s mind off 使某人暫時忘卻(某事)
別再沮喪了 A: I can’t believe I got passed uph for promotion again. I thought I was the best candidate. 我不敢相信我又失去升遷的機會了。我以為我是最佳人選。
B: If it’s any consolation,h I thought you were, too. Keep putting in the work and you’ll get it eventually. 如果能讓你略感安慰,我也認為你是。繼續努力,你終究會升職的。
A: I feel like giving up. The learning curve† for this position is much higher than I anticipated. 我想要放棄了。這個職務的學習曲線比我預期的高多了。
B: Hang in there.† It’s a tough job, but you’re showing a lot of promise.h 堅持住。這份工作不容易,但你的前景相當看好。
A: Everyone in my department works so hard, but all the credit goes to our manager. 我部門的每個人都很認真工作,但所有功勞都被經理搶走了。
B: You may not be getting the credit, but look at all the hard work as a learning experience. 你可能沒得到應有的回饋,但你可以把所有的努力看作是學習的經驗。
˙ Don’t worry. It’s not too late to call a meeting and talk the issue over. 別擔心。現在來開會討論這個問題還不算太遲。
˙ Well, the silver liningh is that you’ll learn how to do it properly now. 嗯,值得安慰的是你現在學會如何適當地處理了。
˙ On the upside, we still have time to contact them and cancel the purchase. 好處是,我們還有時間跟他們聯絡並取消訂購。
˙ Focus on the positive –– you learned a lot from this failure. 往正面看,你從這次的失敗中學到很多。
˙ Next time you’ll know how to track your inventory better. 下次你就知道如何把庫存追蹤做得更好了。
pass up 錯過(機會)
consolation [%k3ns4`le]4n] n. 安慰
promise [`pr3m4s] n. 前途、希望
silver lining (失望或不幸中的)慰藉
† l earning curve 指「學習曲線」 ,即以圖形來表示對 某種技術的學習速度。 † Hang in there. 意為「堅持住。」 ,是用來鼓勵對方 不要因困難而放棄。
When Money IsTight, Squeeze Every Penny 微利時代 金金計較 • tight 的衍生義為「(手頭)不寬裕的」; squeeze every penny [skwiz] 則指 「精打細算以節省開支」 ,標題點出在拮据境況中的省錢之道。
克 克勤
儉 智慧箴言
Waste not, want not. 不浪費,不匱乏。
Money doesn’t grow on trees. 錢不會從天上掉下來。
A penny saved is a penny earned. 省錢就是賺錢。
A fool and his money are soon parted. 愚人留不住金錢。
Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish. 切勿省小錢花大錢。
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Ways to Save Money 消費好康小撇步
75 % OF F
Discounts/ Rebates
[`d6s%ka8nts] [`ri%bets] 優惠/回贈
cash coupon
Cash coupons provide a monetaryh discount. Typically,h a customer must spend a certain amount of money before receiving the discount. 現金抵用券提供金錢上的折扣。顧客通常得先花一定的金額才能拿到折扣。
discount coupon
Discount coupons allow the customer to receive a percentage-based discount on certain items or their entire purchase. 折價券讓顧客在特定品項或總消費額上,獲得一定比例的折扣。
group coupon
Group coupons place consumers into a large purchasing group and then allow them to buy goods or services at discounted rates. 團購優惠券將消費者集結成大型採購團體,並讓他們以優惠價格購買商品或 服務。
A voucher serves as a set amount of currencyh that can be used at the business that issuedh it. 消費券可作為固定額度的貨幣,能在核發此券的商家裡使用。
trading stamp
Trading stamps are usually issued after purchases and may be exchanged for certain products. 兌換券通常在購物後發放,並可用來換取特定產品。
daily deal promotion
Daily deal promotions offer a different discount every day to enticeh customers to purchase a wide array ofh products. 當日優惠於每天提供不同的折扣來吸引顧客購買大量的商品。
When Money Is Tight, Squeeze Every Penny
Loyalty Programs [`l7j4lti]
points card
A points card allows customers who spend with it to accumulateh points which may be exchanged for discounts or gifts. 集點卡讓顧客消費時能收集點數,點數則可兌換優惠折扣或禮品。
membership card
A membership card is issued by a business and grantsh consumers special discounts when purchasing goods or services from that business. 會員卡由商家核發,並讓消費者在其店面購買商品或服務時可享有特別的折扣。
Credit Card Benefits 信用卡優惠
cash rebate
A cash rebate is a promotion offered by a credit card which refundsh money to the customer after they have purchased a set amount.
monetary [`m3n4%t5ri] adj. 金錢的
typically [`t6p6kli] adv. 通常
currency [`k-4nsi] n. 貨幣
issue [`6] j8] v. 核發
entice [6n`ta6s] v. 吸引
an array of [4`re] 大量
accumulate [4`kjumj4%let] v. 累積
grant [grænt] v. 准予
refund [%r6 `f9nd] v. 退款
money off 金錢折抵
bonus point
Bonus points are accumulated by using a credit card to purchase items and may be exchanged for gifts or money offh purchases. 紅利點數是透過刷卡購物來累積,可兌換禮品或折抵消費。
affinity card / co-branded card
Affinity cards are credit cards which can be used to gain discounts in cooperating businesses. 聯名卡是可在合作商家取得折扣的信用卡。
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live hand to mouth
1. All Work and No Play 入不敷出篇
Charles 查理斯 月光族
Billie 比莉 精算族
關 鍵 用 法
糊口度日 替換說法: • barely scrape by • live paycheck to paycheck
C: I never thought I’d be living hand to mouth while working full time.
我從沒想到我都全職工作了,還是只 能糊口度日。
B: Is it really that bad?
C: After my living expenses,1 I’m nearly devoid2 of cash. I
生活開銷之餘,我幾乎沒有現金了。 我當然負擔不起像看電影這樣的娛樂 支出,因為一張票就要將近四百塊台 幣!
certainly can’t afford3 entertainment like going to movies because a ticket is nearly 400 NT! B: Maybe you should derive4 joy from the more simple pleasuresh in life.
或許你應該從生活小確幸中獲得快 樂。
Like what? 的字面義為「像什麼一樣?」 常用於口語中,意指「舉個例子吧?」
C: Like what? Even food’s too expensive! A bowl of beef noodles used to go for a hundred NT and now it’s nearly a hundred and fifty! The price of tea has skyrocketed, too. I would just drink hot water, but electricity is becoming
例如什麼?甚至連食物都太貴了!一 碗牛肉麵以前才一百塊台幣,現在卻 要將近一百五!茶價也飆漲了。我可 能只能喝熱開水,但是連電費也變貴 了。
too expensive. 說話者的意思是燒開水需要用電,但電費也漲價了。
B: You’re not alone. In this day and age, prices are going up, but wages are staying the same, so people have to learn to h
be frugal5 to make ends meet.
你並不孤單。現在這個時代,物價都 在漲,但薪水卻原地踏步,所以大家 都得學習簡樸度日才能讓收支平衡。
When Money Is Tight, Squeeze Every Penny
互動版》正常 MP3 - 17 / 慢速 MP3 - 45 朗讀版》Audio CD - 17
2. How to Tighten Your Belt 如何省錢篇 · tighten sb’s belt 的字面義為「束緊某人的腰帶」,延伸義為「某人省吃儉用」。
Billie 比莉 精算族
Charles 查理斯 月光族
pay top dollar on 關 鍵 用 法
為某人事物花大錢或付出極大代價 類似片語: • cost an arm and a leg • pay through the nose
B: It’s not just about earning money; it’s about how you spend it. Scrimp6 and be economical. For starters, never pay top dollar on anything. For entertainment, go to
這不只跟賺錢有關,也和你如何花錢 有關。你得縮衣節食並節省花費。首 先,絕不花大錢買任何東西。要娛樂 的話,就去二輪戲院,或在家看電影。
second-run theaters, or watch movies at home. 指「二輪戲院」。其他常見說法還有 sub-run theater、dollar theater。
C: But my daily expenses are through the roof!
B: Buy things on sale, use coupons and pay attention to
買促銷的東西,使用優惠券並留意好 康。某些商家賣的價錢不同,所以可 以下載應用程式來幫你比價。
deals. Certain stores charge different prices, so download apps to help you compare them. That’s great and all. 為反話,意思是「那真是棒呆了。」用於口 語,表達自己並不完全同意對方的意見,後面經常接 but 使用。
C: That’s great and all, but commuting7 to work takes a chunk out of my budget,h and my home billsh are killing
那是很有用,但上班通勤也占了我預 算的一大塊,而我家的水電帳單也讓 我痛苦至極。
me. be killing someone 形容「某事讓某人感到痛苦至極」。
B: Carpool,h take public transportation, or ride a bike to work. You can save money by not using electricity during peak hours.h That could cut your power bill by over 50 percent. C: So to save money, you have to spend it smartly. Got it.
共乘、搭乘大眾交通工具或騎腳踏車 去上班。你也可以藉由不在尖峰時刻 用電來省錢。那能幫你減少超過一半 的電費。 所以為了要省錢,你就得聰明地花 錢。我明白了。
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
expense [6k`sp5ns] n.
devoid [d6`v76d] adj.
我祖母說這個時代的孩子比以往的都更懶惰且更沒禮貌,但 她卻忘了她的祖母也曾對她說過相同的話。
缺少的(+ of)
afford [4`f7rd] v.
derive [d6`ra6v] v.
得到(+ from)
This year we derived almost half of our profits not from ticket sales, but from supplementary merchandise such as clothing and accessories. 5.
frugal [`frugy] adj.
類 economical [%5k4`n3m6ky] 節約的 Being from a rich family, James finds it difficult to be frugal and usually spends all his income from the previous month quickly.
scrimp [skr6mp] v.
In this economy, everyone needs to scrimp whenever they can in order to keep growing their savings. 7.
My grandmother says that children are lazier and more disrespectful in this day and age than ever before, but she forgets that her grandmother once said this to her.
Right now I can’t afford to buy new clothes and a new television. I need to choose one now and one after my next payday. 4.
• in this day and age
When planning my vacation, I forgot to include certain expenses such as travel insurance and the cost of a car rental. I feel uncomfortable around Jeremy because both his face and his voice are always completely devoid of emotion. 3.
hrase Focus / 片語威力通
commute [k4`mjut] v.
• make ends meet
I feel sorry for Samantha; she needs to work full time at one job before going across town to work part time at her second job just to make ends meet. 我覺得莎曼珊很可憐,她必須做一份全職的工作,下班後再 跨城鎮去兼第二份工作,只為了維持生計。
• through the roof
I bought shares in Apple Inc. during the early 1990s, and by 2005, their value had gone through the roof. 我在 1990 年代早期買進蘋果電腦的股票,到了 2005 年時, 股價已大幅飆漲。
• take a chunk out of
Although moving the startup to a larger building has taken a chunk out of our monthly budget, we have accounted for this expense, and there shouldn’t be any problems.
雖然把我們的小公司搬到較大的大樓占去每月預算的一大 塊,但我們已對此花費作了說明,應該不會有任何問題。
Though I own a car, I commute to work using public transportation because it’s cheaper and better for the environment.
Useful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 go for 的用法 a 售價為……(如對話中的用法)
字彙補給站 h
pleasure [`pl5.0] n. 樂事
wage [wed.] n. 薪資
budget [`b9d.4t] n. 預算
bill [ b6l] n. 帳單
carpool [`k3r%pul] v. 共乘
peak hour [ pik] 尖峰時刻
• As of August 15, 2016, gold goes for about US$43,000 per kilogram on the market. 在 2016 年 8 月 15 日當天,黃金的市價為每公斤約四萬三 千美元。
b 喜歡; 傾心於
• Though Jessica prefers mystery movies, I tend to go for either action or horror films. 雖然潔西卡偏好懸疑片,但我較喜歡動作片或恐怖片。
c 爭取;試圖得到
• This year I will work harder than I ever have before because I intend to go for the all-time annual sales record. 今年我要比以往更加努力,因為我想要爭取全年最佳業績紀錄。
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Picking Up International Clients
機場迎接外國客戶實用句 • pick sb up 指「以交通工具接/載某人」。
presume [ pr6`zum] v. 猜想
assistance [4`s6st4ns] n. 協助
in order 就緒
proceed [ pro`sid] v. 前往
[4%k3m4`de]4n] n. 飯店;住宿 terminal [`t-m4n4l] n. 航廈
Yes, I am. Are you here to pick me up?
Hello, I am Thad Conner from Harper Electronics. You are Ms. Jamison, I presume?h
您好,我是哈波電子公司的柴德 · 康 納。我想您是傑米森女士,對嗎?
Ms. Samantha Stevenson? I’m Nick Bron here to welcome you on behalf of Ten & Five, Inc. 莎曼珊 · 史帝文森女士嗎?我是尼克 · 布 朗,謹代表一五一十公司歡迎您的到來。
Yes, I’m Samantha Stevenson. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Bron. 是的,我是莎曼珊 · 史帝文森。 很高興認識你,布朗先生。
Picking Up International Clients
Yes, may we proceedh to my accommodations?h Do you have everything in order,h Mr. Bertrand?
是的,我們能前往我下榻的飯 店了嗎?
Do you require assistanceh taking your luggage to the car? 您需要我幫忙拿行李上車嗎?
Yes, thank you. If you could give me a hand with the rolling suitcase, that would be very helpful. 好的,謝謝你。如果你能幫我拿這個滾輪行 李箱,就非常有幫助了。
We’ve arranged transportation for you into the city. It should be waiting at the exit in Terminalh 2. 我們已為您安排前往市區的 交通工具。車子應該已在第 二航廈的出口等候了。
Thank you very much. Please, lead the way. 非常感謝你。請帶路。
互動版》正常 MP3 - 19 / 慢速 MP3 - 47 朗讀版》Audio CD - 19
Showing Appreciation 感謝信寫作攻略
客戶感謝信 範例 Dear Mr. Sanderson, My name is Ken Wagstaff. I am the Senior Executive of Sales, writing on behalf of my company to express our deepest gratitude1 for extending2 the shipping deadline on your order of Titanium R18 596 Drivers. The delay in production at our manufacturing plant was caused by a technical malfunction,3 which has since been corrected. We value the long term business that Lamden Golf Equipment has provided and are committed to delivering4 quality products at the most competitive factory prices. As a token5 of our appreciation for your patience, we are pleased to offer you a 10 percent discount on your next order. We look forward to working with you again in the future. Sincerely, Ken Wagstaff Senior Sales Executive Keson Sporting Goods Co.
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
gratitude [`gr1t4%tud] n.
extend [6k`st5nd] v.
malfunction [%m1l`f9;k]4n] n. 故障;失靈
deliver [d6`l6v0] v.
token [`tok4n] n.
Showing Appreciation
客戶感謝信關鍵句型 q I am writing on behalf of my company to
express our deepest gratitude for . . . I am writing on behalf of my company to express our deepest gratitude for being chosen as the sole beverage distributor to restaurants part of the Samatha’s Chicken franchise. 謹代表敝公司特此致函,向您獻上最深的謝意,感謝您選擇我們作 為莎曼珊炸雞連鎖餐廳的單一飲料經銷商。
w We value the long term business that +
client + has provided . . . We value the long term business that Tyrell Oil has provided to Kenson & Doll Banking. 我們相當重視泰瑞爾石油長期提供給坎森道爾銀行的業務。
e We are committed to V-ing . . . 中譯
山德森先生您好: 我的名字是肯恩.瓦格史戴 夫。我 是 業 務 部 的 資 深 主 管,謹 代 表 敝 公司特此致函,向您獻上最深的謝 意,感謝您願意延後 R18 596 鈦 質球桿的出貨期限。工廠的生產延 遲是由技術性的故障所造成,如今 業已修正。我們相當重視蘭登高爾 夫球設備公司長期提供的業務,並 致力以最具競爭力的工廠價格來做 出高品質的產品。為表達對您耐心 等候的謝意,我們非常樂意提供您 下筆訂單百分之十的折扣。期待未 來再次與您合作。 謹致
We are committed to providing Almond Foods with advertising that will double their sales. 我們致力提供能讓艾爾蒙食品銷量倍增的廣告服務。
r As a token of our appreciation, we . . .
As a token of our appreciation, we would like to offer Dakang Industries a 20 percent discount on the next order. 為表達謝意,我們想提供大康工業下筆訂單百分之二十的折扣。
t We look forward to working with + client +
in the future. We look forward to working with Cynthia’s Style Products in the future. 我們期待未來與欣西亞時尚精品合作。
肯恩.瓦格史戴夫 資深業務經理 凱森運動用品公司
互動版》正常 MP3 - 20 / 慢速 MP3 - 48 朗讀版》Audio CD - 20
同事感謝信 範例 Dear Marcia, I am writing to express my appreciation for your assistance in gathering1 technical and market-based information on the new Titanium R18 596 Drivers. I am so grateful2 for all the hard work you have done. While I was struggling3 to find adequate4 data in relation to manufacturing costs and consumer demand for my sales presentation, you helped a great deal even though you had a full workload yourself. Because of your efforts, the product pitch5 was very well received6 by many key distributors, who then placed large orders. In order to return your kindness, I would like to treat you to dinner this Friday if you are free. I could not have made such an informed7 presentation without your contributions. Thank you very much, Ken
Showing Appreciation
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
gather [`g1\0] v.
grateful [`gretf4l] adj.
struggle [`str9g4l] v.
adequate [ `1d4kw6t]
蒐集 感激的 努力
adj. 足夠的
pitch [ p6t] ] n.
well received [r6`sivd]
informed [6n`f7rmd] adj. 資訊充足的
q I am writing to express my appreciation
for . . . I am writing to express my appreciation for all of the helpful advice you’ve given me over the past month. 我寫信是為了感謝你過去這個月來給我的所有實用建議。
w I am so grateful for . . . 中譯
瑪夏你好: 我寫信是為了感謝你協助蒐集 R18 596 鈦質球桿技術面與市場面的資 料。我非常感激你所有的付出。當我 為了業務簡報而苦於找齊和製造成 本及消費者需求相關的資料時,儘 管你自己工作滿載,卻還是傾力相 助。由於你的付出,產品簡報廣受 許多重要經銷商的好評,他們也因 此下了大筆訂單。為了報答你的好 意,若你這周五有空,我想請你吃晚 餐。如果沒有你的貢獻,我就無法 做出內容如此豐富的簡報。 非常謝謝你, 肯恩
I am so grateful for your guidance during the busiest sales quarter to date. 我非常感激你從銷售旺季一直到今天所給予我的指導。
e While I was struggling to . . ., you . . .
While I was struggling to understand the new data entry system, you stayed after work to teach me how to use it. 當我正苦於瞭解新的資料輸入系統時,是你下班後留下來教我如 何使用的。
r In order to return your kindness, I would
like to . . . In order to return your kindness, I would like to buy you lunch. 為了報答你的好意,我想請你吃午餐。
t I could not have . . . without . . .
I could not have met this month’s deadline without your market insights and sales tips. 如果沒有你的市場觀點及銷售訣竅,我就無法趕上這個月的期限。 59
互動版》正常 MP3 - 21 / 慢速 MP3 - 49 朗讀版》Audio CD - 21
The sight of young people gawking1 at their cell phones in public is nothing new. These days, however, you might notice large groups of people doing so in parks and other public places at all hours. Unless you’ve been stuck in a time warp,† you’ll know what’s afoot:h These people are on the prowl for Pokémon. With a record 50 million downloads in under 20 days and combined daily revenues of up to US$10 million on Apple Store and Google Play, Pokémon GO is an unprecedented2 worldwide craze.h The game’s attractions are manifold. h GO blurs3 the boundary between the virtual world and the physical one by
Takes the World by Storm 寶可夢狂潮大解密 • take sth by storm 指「在某處大獲成功」。
layeringh virtual elements onto the real world through the player’s mobile device. The game also appeals4 to a broad number of people, from nostalgich twenty-somethings who adored5 the original franchise back in the mid-90s, to the younger generation of fans it has spawned.6 Finally, GO’s combination of simple gameplay and use of compulsion loops† ensures that users take the bait and remain hooked.h Initially conceived 7 as a short-lived April Fool’s collaboration between Nintendo and Google, GO was developed by Niantic, the company behind Ingress, a location-based game that provided the building blocks for GO. Niantic CEO John Hanke had previously been the CEO of Keyhole, Inc., the company which developed Earth Viewer, the program that made Google Maps possible. 60
Pokémon GO Takes the World by Storm
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 1.
gawk [g7k] v. 呆頭呆腦地看(+ at) It’s impolite to gawk at someone, even if they look unusual.
appeal [4`pil] v. 引起興趣(+ to) The television program was designed to appeal to children aged four to six.
unprecedented [%9n`pr5s4%d5nt4d] adj.
adore [4`d7r] v. 非常喜歡 Marley is so cute that everyone at her first birthday party completely adored her.
spawn [sp7n] v.
The theatrical release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was an unprecedented success, earning almost US$250 million in its opening weekend. 3.
blur [bl-] v.
This new fusion restaurant blurs the line between Chinese and Japanese food.
The popularity of Harry Potter spawned a lot of amateur fiction by fans. 7.
conceive [k4n`siv] v. 構想 In 1884, inventor Thomas Parker conceived of a prototype that would inspire the invention of the electric car.
字彙補給站 h
afoot [4`f8t] adj. 進行中的、發展中的
craze [krez] n. 風行一時的東西
manifold [`m1n4%fold] adj. 繁多的
layer [`le0] v. 把……分層放置
nostalgic [n3`st1ld.6k] adj. 懷舊的
hooked [h8kt] adj. 入迷的
看到年輕人在公眾場合呆呆地盯著手機螢幕並 非新鮮事。不過最近你可能會注意到,有一大群人隨 時都在公園或其他公共場合做出這樣的舉動。除非你 被困在時間錯置的情況中,否則你會知道發生了什麼 事:這些人在四處找尋寶可夢。 擁有不到二十天就創下五千萬下載次數的紀錄, 以及蘋果零售店和 Google Play 商店每日千萬美元的 合併營收,《精靈寶可夢 GO》是一股空前的全球熱 潮。這款遊戲的吸引力是多方面的。《GO》透過玩 家的行動裝置將虛擬元素堆疊至真實世界裡,模糊了 虛擬和真實世界的界線。非常多人深受這款遊戲所吸 引:從 1990 年代中期就深愛原創系列而具懷舊情懷 的二十多歲人士,到這款遊戲催生的年輕一代粉絲。 最後,《GO》綜合簡單遊戲和強迫循環的概念,確保 用戶上鉤且持續著迷。 《GO》最初的構想是任天堂和 Google 合作推出的 愚人節短期計畫,由 Niantic 所開發,而這家公司打 造的地圖定位遊戲《虛擬入口》為《GO》奠定了基 礎。Niantic 的執行長約翰.漢克之前是 Keyhole 公 司的執行長,這間公司開發出地球瀏覽器,也就是讓 Google 地圖成為可能的軟體。
† 補充說明 † time warp 指「時間錯置」 ,亦可形容某人活在時光隧道裡, 也就是指其行為或意見過時。 † compulsion loop [k4m`p9l]4n] [lup] 指「強迫循環」,形容玩 家對遊戲上癮,卻無法擺脫,而一直玩下去的情形。
hrase Focus / 片語威力通 • on the prowl
Every night, the streets are made safer by police officers on the prowl for lawbreakers. 每個夜晚,街道因警察四處找尋犯法者而更加安全。
• take the bait
It is my hope that customers will take the bait and buy the advertised items. 我希望顧客能上鉤並購買廣告的商品。
• building blocks
A sound business model, sufficient capital and access to skilled labor are the building blocks of a successful company. 健全的經營模式、充足的資本以及能找到技術純熟的工人是 一家公司得以成功的基礎。 61
互動版》正常 MP3 - 22 / 慢速 MP3 - 50
朗讀版》Audio CD - 22
Niantic spun off1 from Google in October 2015, and shortly after, the company received investments from Nintendo and the Nintendo-backed Pokémon Company, as well as from Google itself. Nintendo’s late CEO Satoru Iwata signed off on the project, recognizing2 that the company needed to insert3 itself in the smartphone app market to help reverse4 its floundering5 sales. After already posting more than US$50 million in losses for Q1 2016 and an 18 percent stock slumph –– its biggest since 1991 –– Nintendo
Pokémonomics [%pok5m4`n3m6ks] 精靈寶可夢經濟學
also saw a US$10 billion drop in
Pokémon GO 自開放下載以來,於全球各
its market value since
地引發熱潮,同時帶動相關企業的股價與商 家的實際業績成長,日本媒體將此現象稱為 Pokémonomics「精靈寶可夢經濟學」。
announcing in July that profits from GO would be limited. However, analysts have observed a boost in sales of other Pokémon merchandise, and the introduction of items such as the Pokémon GO Plus, a wearableh gizmoh that helps gamers locate their prey,h should yield6 tangible7 profits. The game has also helped create its own online-tooffline† ecosphere,h with many businesses keen to cash in. One New York pizzeriah boasted a 75 percent sales spikeh after paying US$10 to set up a Lure Module. There are concerns about players’ omnipresenth usage of the game resulting in carelessh pedestrians.h Reports have also surfaced8 of criminals using GO to trap victims. Yet, proponentsh point out that GO has people up and about with users of the wearable device Jawbone reporting an average increase of walking by 62.5 percent. Love it or loathe it, Pokémon GO fever is unlikely to subside9 any time soon.
利用 GPS 定位的《精靈 寶可夢 GO》引發安全疑 慮,美國五角大廈即於日 前告知員工不得安裝遊 戲,以免情資外洩。
Niantic 於 2015 年十月從 Google 分 拆出來,不久之後,即獲得任天堂、任天 堂資助的精靈寶可夢公司以及 Google 本 身的資助。任天堂的已故執行長岩田聰正 式核准了這項企畫,接受公司須跨足智慧 型手機應用程式市場以扭轉銷量慘況的這 個事實。在已公布 2016 年首季虧損超過 五千萬美元以及自 1991 年以來最大的 18% 股價跌幅後,任天堂還因為於七月宣布自 《GO》的獲利有限導致市值驟跌百億美 元。然而,分析師觀察到其他寶可夢商品 的銷量會增加,而推出的商品,例如可協 助玩家定位獵物的穿戴式裝置 Pokémon GO Plus,應能產生實質獲利。 這款遊戲也協助創造專屬的離線商務 模式生態圈,許多商家都搶著從中獲利。 一間紐約披薩店誇耀在支付十美元設立 「引誘器」後,營業額飆升了 75%。不過 有人擔憂玩家隨時隨地都在玩遊戲會導致 走路不專心。報導亦指出罪犯使用《GO》 來引誘受害者。然而,擁護者指出《GO》 已讓大家走出家門,穿戴式裝置 Jawbone 用戶的平均行走量據報就增加了 62.5%。雖 然對它又愛又恨,《精靈寶可夢 GO》的熱 潮短期內可能還不會退燒。
Pokémon GO Takes the World by Storm
1. spin off [sp6n] 分拆 Although its value stumbled slightly after spinning off from Kraft Foods, Mondelez has increased the value of its stock significantly. 2. recognize [`r5k4g%na6z] v. 接受、認清(+ that) John just recognized that he had made a mistake on this project. 3. insert [6n`s-t] v. 使參與 Brian frequently inserts himself into large events, like weddings and birthday parties, even if he is not invited. 4. reverse [r6`v-s] v. 扭轉 I want us to work on reversing the sudden dive of the company’s share prices. 5. flounder [`fla8nd0] v. 掙扎(文中以現在分詞作形容詞) My brother’s startup company has been floundering ever since he fired half of his employees. 6. yield [ jild] v. 產生(收益、效果) Our research has yielded results which will prove not only useful, but also profitable in the near future. 7. tangible [`t1nd.4b4l] adj. 實質的 The tangible benefits of Ben’s new job include an increase in salary and a larger office. 8. surface [`s-f4s] v. 表露;浮現 The embarrassing information regarding the politician’s private life surfaced despite his best efforts to keep it a secret. 9. subside [s4b`sa6d] v. 退卻;平息 My anger began to subside after he apologized in earnest. 字彙補給站 h
slump [sl9mp] n.(價格)暴跌
wearable [`w5r4b4l] adj. 可穿戴的
gizmo [`g6zmo] n. 小裝置
prey [ pre] n. 獵物
ecosphere [`iko%sf6r] n. 生態圈
pizzeria [%pits4`ri4] n. 披薩店
spike [spa6k] n.(銷量、價格)猛升
omnipresent [%3mn6`pr5zxt] adj. 無所不在的
careless [`k5rl4s] adj. 漫不經心的
pedestrian [ p4`d5stri4n] n. 行人
proponent [ pr4`pon4nt] n. 支持者
hrase Focus / 片語威力通 • sign off on
After my presentation, both the chairman and the chief engineer were convinced that my project was feasible and signed off on it. 在我簡報之後,董事長和工程長都相信我的專案可行並予以 批准。
• cash in
Those stocks you bought have quadrupled in value; I think it would be wise to sell them now and cash in. 你買的那些股票已增值四倍了,我認為現在出脫獲利是明智 之舉。
• up and about
A few months after his hip-replacement surgery, Grandpa was up and about doing his daily routine. 髖關節置換手術幾個月後,爺爺終於能下床走動做日常活動 了。
† 補充說明 † online to offline (OTO)「離線商務模式」指的是將客流從線 上引到線下實體通路,也就是將網路上的消費、流量等轉換 成實體商店消費量的營運模式。文中加連字號的 online-tooffline 為形容詞。
biz 隨堂考 ※ 請參考上下文與翻譯,填寫正確的片語。
q The head of the labor union ____________________
the new employee benefits contract after checking it over. 工會會長仔細翻閱之後,正式批准了新的員工福利合同。
w Though the salesman assured me that his dietary
product would definitely make me lose weight, I didn’t ____________________. 雖然銷售員跟我保證他的膳食產品絕對能讓我減重,但我並 沒有上鉤。
biz 隨堂考解答: q signed o f f o n w tak e th e b ai t
Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線
Understanding the Poké-terms 《精靈寶可夢》 術語小百科
Pokémon GO is a freeto-play, location-based augmented reality game developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. 《精靈寶可夢 GO》是一款 免費的地圖定位擴增實境遊 戲,由 Niantic 公司開發,供 iOS 和 Android 裝置使用。
In Pokémon GO, Candy and Stardust can be used to evolve and strengthen your Pokémon.
水藍色粗體字為《精靈 寶可夢》話題關鍵字
In Pokémon GO, a Trainer is a person who catches, trains, cares for and battles with Pokémon. 在《精靈寶可夢 GO》裡,訓 練師是抓取、訓練、照顧並 和精靈寶可夢對戰的人。
在《精靈寶可夢 GO》裡, 糖果和星塵可用來進化和強 化你的精靈寶可夢。
All the items you need to play Pokémon GO are stored in PokéStops, which appear as blue icons dotted around the map.
By using a Lure Module, you can attract wild Pokémon to a PokéStop for a limited period of time.
玩《精靈寶可夢 GO》所需的全 數物品都儲存在補給站,它們 是遍佈在地圖上的藍色標示。
使用引誘器,你可以吸引 野生的精靈寶可夢在限定 時間內到補給站來。
Incense emits an aromatic scent that will attract wild Pokémon to your location. 迷幻香散發的香氣可吸引 野生的精靈寶可夢到你所 在的地點。
A Poké Ball is a critical item in a Trainer’s arsenal; it is used for catching and storing Pokémon. 寶貝球是訓練師武器庫裡 很重要的物品,可用來抓 取和儲存精靈寶可夢。
A Gym is a location in the game where you can battle against rival teams or train your own Pokémon. 道館是遊戲中你可以和敵對 隊伍戰鬥或訓練你的精靈寶 可夢的地方。
TOEIC Conversations 多益簡短對話 解題密技 題目
MP3/Audio CD - 24
1 What kind of a company do the people likely work for?
Answer: B
(A) A hotel (B) A travel agency (C) A language school (D) A publishing house
What does the man need help with? (A) Issuing a ticket (B) Booking a hotel (C) Reserving a tour (D) Assisting a caller
3 Why has the reservation disappeared? (A) It expired. (B) It’s unclear. (C) It was never made. (D) It was under another name.
本題問「這些人可能在哪種公司工作?」從關鍵詞 made a reservation「預訂」和 flight to Bangkok「往曼 谷的航班」可判斷對話中的人物應在航空公司或旅行社 工作,故答案選 (B)「旅行社」。
Answer: D 本題問「這名男子需要什麼樣的協助?」從第一句 Can you help me with a customer I’ve got on hold, please? 「能請你幫我處理一名電話線上的顧客嗎?」即可判 斷他向同事尋求顧客來電問題的協助,因此 (A)「開 票」、(B)「訂飯店」和 (C)「預訂行程」皆可剔除,答 案為 (D)「協助來電者」。
Answer: A 本題問「為何預訂紀錄消失了?」從關鍵句 Reservations expire after three days if payment isn’t made, so whatever she booked would have automatically been deleted.「如果未付款,預訂會在三天後過期,所以任 何她預訂的紀錄都會被自動刪除。」和 She’s adamant that she made a reservation five days ago「她堅稱她是 五天前預訂的」可判斷答案為 (A)「它過期了。」
對話內容(紅色粗體處為關鍵字句) Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation:
adamant [`1d4m4nt] adj. 堅決的
M: Can you help me with a customer I’ve got on hold, please? F: I’ll try. What’s the problem?
M: She’s adamanth that she made a reservation five days ago for a flight to Bangkok, but I don’t see anything in the system under her name. 文法教學
F: Reservations expireh after three days if payment isn’t made, so whatever she booked would have automatically been deleted.h
expire [6k `spa6r] v. 到期
delete [d6`lit] v. 刪除
TOEIC Listening Tips
文法教學 複合關係代名詞:關係代名詞 + -ever 複合關係代名詞具有先行詞和關係代名詞的雙重角色,所以使用複合關係代名詞時不需要先行詞。
The little boy did whatever his older sister told him to do. 那個小男孩做了他姊姊叫他做的任何事。
There are some knives in that drawer. Hand me whichever is sharpest. 有幾把刀在抽屜裡,把最利的遞給我。
The police are trying to find whoever broke the store window. 警察正試圖找出破壞商店窗戶的人。
Jenny goes out with whomever she thinks has a good sense of humor. 珍妮跟任何她覺得有幽默感的人外出。
wh-ever = any + N. + 疑問詞/關係代名詞
wh-ever = no matter + 疑問詞
anything that(可當主格、受格、所有格)
no matter what
anything which (可當主格、受格、所有格) either that
no matter which
anyone who(當主格 )
no matter who
anyone whom(當受格 )
no matter whom
=> 引導名詞子句
whoever whomever
=> 引導副詞子句
whatever 用來引導名詞子句(畫底線部分)。
Whatever you have is mine. = Anything that you have is mine. 任何你擁有的東西都是我的。
whatever 用來引導副詞子句(畫底線部分)。
Whatever you say, I won’t believe it. = No matter what you say, I won’t believe it. 無論你說什麼,我都不會相信。
互動版》正常 MP3 - 25 / 慢速 MP3 - 52 朗讀版》Audio CD - 25
How to Build an Island
知識大圖解 國際中文版 2016 年 9 月號
Discover the incredible megastructures that extend a country’s land mass thanks to some ingenious engineering h
Palm Jumeirah 朱美拉棕櫚島 How was Dubai’s palm island constructed? 杜拜的棕櫚島是如何打造的?
Precision Building 精密的建築 GPS was used to ensure the sand would land within one centimetre of its intended position. 利用全球定位系統以確保沙子落在預定的 位置內,誤差不超過一公分。
Constructing the Palm 打造棕櫚島 Sand dredgedh from the bottom of the Persian Gulf is launched from a distance in a technique known as “rainbowing.’’
Base Layers 地基層
從波斯灣底挖出來的沙以「虹橋噴射」技術隔 空發射。
A bed of sand is covered by a layer of one-ton stones. On top of that sits two layers of rocks –– up to six tons each –– put in place by cranes.h
Breakwater 防波堤 This crescenth structure stands over three metres above sea level and protects the island from the sea and storms. 這層新月形結構比海平面高出三公尺,並保 護島嶼不受海浪與暴風的襲擊。
沙床上覆蓋一層重達一噸的石 頭。再上層是兩層各重達六噸的 岩石,依序以起重機來鋪放。
h megastructure h ingenious h dredge h crane
[6n`d.inj4s] adj.
[dr5d.] v.
[kren] n.
h crescent
h circulate
[`s-kj4%let] v.
h withstand
起重機 新月形的
[`m3n4%rel] n.
[`a8t0%most] adj.
h outermost
h stagnation
[`kr5sxt] adj.
h monorail
[`m5g4%str9kt]0] n.
h compact
[%st1g`ne]4n] n.
[w6q`st1nd] v.
[k4m`p1kt] v.
How to Build an Island
朱美拉棕櫚島是世界上 最大的人工島 德拉島
The Dubai Islands 世界群島 杜拜海運城 傑貝阿里 棕櫚島
杜拜島群 杜拜已開始在海邊打造另 外兩座棕櫚島,以及一群 形狀與大小分布類似世界 地圖的群島。
Tourist Destination 遊客集散地 Transport Connections 交通運輸 A monorailh connects the outermosth branch of the palm with the breakwater. 單軌列車連接起防波堤區與棕櫚區的外緣。
Several resorts are located along the breakwater, including the Atlantis hotel, which is home to the world’s largest water slide, the Aquaconda. 數個度假村沿著防波堤區入駐,包括擁有 世界最大水上溜滑梯 Aquaconda 的亞特 蘭提斯飯店。
Openings 兩側開口 Palm Fronds 棕櫚葉區 16 fronds, with a maximum length of two kilometres, are home to luxury villas and have beaches on both sides. 最長達兩公里的這十六支棕櫚葉乃是豪華 別墅的所在地,且兩側都有沙灘。
Two openings in the breakwater allow seawater to circulateh around the island, preventing stagnation.h 防波堤區的兩側開口讓海水在島 的四周循環流通,防止淤積。
Firm Foundations 堅固的地基 To ensure the island could withstandh earthquakes, the sandy foundations were compactedh using a technique called ‘‘vibrocompaction.’’
The Trunk 樹幹區
為確保整座島能承受地震的衝擊,其沙 質地基經過一個名為「振沖密實法」的 技術來進行緊壓作業。
The island is connected to the mainland via a highway running along the four-kilometre length of its trunk. 樹幹區上綿延四公里長的高速公路將棕櫚 島和陸地連結起來。
Drilling 鑽孔 用鑽孔臂在島嶼的沙質地基中鑽 鑿,共計挖出超過二十萬個深達 十二公尺的孔。
Stable Sand 堅固的沙層 Air and Water Injection 注射空氣與水 將沙子倒入孔中,並注入高壓的 空氣與水。
經過「振沖密實法」處理前, 沙粒間仍有空隙,而後則縮小 且排列得更為緊實。
Solidification 固化密實 將鑽孔臂抽離孔洞,一邊抽離一 邊震動,讓沙層在震動下重新排 列得更加緊密。
Interactive English for
TOEICTEST 多 益 測 驗 模 擬 試 題
Sep 2016
No. 153
如何使用多益模擬測驗 本試題已收錄於互動光碟版所附贈之互動光碟與課文朗讀版 之 MP3/朗讀 CD 中,使用方法見以下說明:
聽力測驗作答方式 1. 互動光碟版用戶可直接於光碟中作答, 或使用光碟內附之 MP3 音檔作答。 2. 課文朗讀版用戶可於 http://www.liveabc.com 免費下載 MP3 音檔作答。
搭配電腦互動光碟 使用前請確定電腦內已安裝「biz 互動光碟」。進入主畫面內之 TOEIC 模擬測驗選項,請隨指示在電腦上依序作答,作答完畢 後系統會自動幫您計算出多益總分。
Part II: Question and Response Audio/MP3 Track 28
Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement.
4-10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III: Conversations Audio/MP3 Track 29
Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 11. What is likely the woman’s job? (A) Personal assistant
Section One
Listening Comprehension
(C) Voice recording talent (D) Office equipment sales rep 12. Whose calls can be transferred directly to the man’s mobile phone?
Part I: Photographs Audio/MP3 Track 27
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 1.
(B) Marital counsellor
(A) No one’s (B) Anyone’s (C) Mr. and Mrs. Denver’s (D) Mr. Denver’s and Mrs. Patterson’s 13. What is true about the man? (A) He just arrived at work. (B) He will be back tomorrow. (C) He is going out for a meeting. (D) He is giving the woman some faxes.
14. Which of the following is likely true? (A) The man is disappointed. (B) The man is asking for advice. (C) The speakers are on a blind date. (D) The man wants to ask the woman out on a date.
15. Which is NOT a reason the man felt awkward last night?
20. What should a caller do if they are looking for Jane Steiner at extension 541?
(A) His date’s ex showed up.
(A) Press 1, then 541
(B) Time seemed to drag on.
(B) Press 541# and wait
(C) His date talked about her past relationship.
(C) Press 541 at any time
(D) He didn’t share similar interests with his date.
(D) Press 4 for the company directory
16. Which is closest in meaning to “in common”?
21. What can be inferred from the message?
(A) Similar
(A) This is a law firm.
(B) Easy to find
(B) The office is now closed.
(C) In a public area
(C) It’s not possible to come by bus.
(D) Walking in step
(D) The telephone system is malfunctioning.
17. What kind of an event is taking place?
22. How can one speak to the receptionist?
(A) A casual barbecue
(A) Dial 0
(B) A fancy dinner party
(B) Press 1
(C) A great aunt’s birthday
(C) Wait a moment
(D) A grand opening at a mall
(D) Say “receptionist”
18. What is the woman’s initial reaction?
23. Where is this talk likely taking place?
(A) Shy
(A) On a riverboat
(B) Lonely
(B) On a cruise ship
(C) Regretful
(C) On a rafting trip
(D) Surprised
(D) On a steam locomotive
19. Why does the woman give the man disposable plates?
24. What can the listeners expect?
(A) They are preferred by the guests.
(A) Door prizes
(B) She doesn’t want to wash dishes.
(B) Historical facts
(C) They are the only kind left in the house.
(C) A tour of the engine room
(D) She feels protective of their best tableware.
(D) A lesson in operating the vehicle
Part IV: Short Talks Audio/MP3 Track 30
Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book.
25. Which of the following is true? (A) This is a walking tour. (B) Guests can receive two free drinks. (C) Water is the by-product of the engine. (D) The food will be prepared by steaming.
Section Two
Part V: Incomplete Sentences You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 26. Once you’re ready to drive forward, let go of the brake and gently press your foot down on the _______. (A) accord (B) accelerator (C) acceptance (D) accreditation 27. Visitors are expressly _______ from climbing over the railing under any circumstances. (A) paused (B) searched (C) forbidden (D) encouraged 28. Lately, our marketing team members seem to be out of _______ with each other. (A) sync (B) water (C) fortune (D) nothing 29. To get the _______ benefit from the deepconditioning treatment, be sure to leave it on for at least 15 minutes. (A) torn (B) excessive (C) maximum (D) undervalued 30. In all _______, this week will be pretty warm, but we may see some rain toward the weekend. (A) else (B) weather (C) capacity (D) likelihood
31. Keith has always been very _______, so he is good at solving logical problems. (A) tactile (B) serious (C) rational (D) sensory 32. The two basketball players collided in mid-air and crashed to the ground, but luckily _______ was badly hurt. (A) near (B) never (C) either (D) neither 33. It was quite apparent at first glance that David was feeling _______ uncomfortable. (A) some (B) lowly (C) happy (D) extremely 34. This draft needs to be rewritten to be a little more _______; the third page is especially confusing. (A) stable (B) coherent (C) repetitive (D) interesting 35. Eric made a lot of money as a deep-sea diver because _______ jobs like that always pay well. (A) hazard (B) hazards (C) hazarding (D) hazardous
Part VI: Text Completion
Part VII: Reading Comprehension
Read the following text. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Each passage below is followed by questions based on its content. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.
Questions 36-38 refer to the following notice:
Questions 39-41 refer to the following survey:
Dear Patrons of Octavius Hall: Due to unexpected __36__ in some parts of the building, the main lobby is closed off temporarily. However, we are __37__ open and all concerts are running as scheduled! Please use the side entrance on Monaco Lane until __38__ notice. Sincerely, The Management
36. (A) flood (B) flooded (C) flooding (D) are flooding 37. (A) slowly (B) definitely (C) potentially (D) inexplicably 38. (A) far (B) farther
Date (d/m/y): __________________________________ Film Title: __________________________________ Showtime: __________________________________ Venue: __________________________________ 1. Did you enjoy the film? 1 2 3 4 5 Why or why not? _____________________________ 2. Did you enjoy the venue? 1 2 3 4 5 Why or why not? _____________________________ 3. How often have you attended the Chicago International Film Festival? First time Every year for __ years __ times in the last __ years 4. Where did you purchase your tickets? Online Screening venue Festival box office Other: ________ 5. How many films do you plan on seeing this year? 1-2 3-4 5-7 8-10 11+
(C) further (D) foremost
39. When is this survey likely to be given?
Questions 42-45 refer to the following advertisement:
(A) After a film screening (B) During a telephone inquiry
One-Day Time Management Workshop for Professionals
(C) Along with a ticket purchase (D) At the end of a volunteer shift 40. Which responses will be strictly quantitative? (A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 to 4 (C) 3 and 5 (D) All of them 41. Which responses will be strictly subjective? (A) 1 and 2 (B) 3 to 5 (C) 3 and 5 (D) All of them
Saturday, July 11 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Regent Hotel, Meeting Room B and Sunday, July 12 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Toulouse Conference Center, Room 418 Learn to be the master of your schedule with techniques that include identifying your values, setting goals and maintaining efficiency. The day consists of guided self-inquiry, presentations, videos and small group discussions. Spend a day and walk away with the confidence to organize your time the way that works best for you. Cost: $300 Includes: tuition, a deluxe personal planner, refreshments and coupons for additional courses. Corporate discount: groups of 10 or more get 10 percent off.
42. What kind of person would this course be most suitable for? (A) Someone who has two free days
(A) It uses multimedia.
(B) Someone who is hyper selfaware
(C) It provides practical skills.
(C) Someone who is good at prioritizing (D) Someone who is busy but disorganized 43. Which best describes the course?
(B) It offers personal insights. (D) It is discounted for attendees of both days. 45. Which is likely taught in the course? (A) Meditation
(A) Individualized
(B) Counseling techniques
(B) One-size-fits-all
(C) Time management skills
(C) Based on group work
(D) Peer review methodology
(D) Focused on career advancement
44. Which is NOT true about the course?
Questions 46-50 refer to the following introduction and synopses:
46. Which is true about Cake Boss? (A) The star is from Italy.
NETFLIX TV Shows > Documentaries > Reality TV > Cake Boss
Cake Boss will release its eighth season in 2016. In the meantime, catch up on the previous seven seasons, its first season began airing on April 19, 2009. Cake Boss follows Buddy Valastro and the members of his large Italian-American family who work at his late father’s bakery, Carlo’s Bake Shop, in Hoboken, New Jersey. The bakery has become world-famous for its edible-art pastry creations and now receives international visitors on a daily basis.
(B) It’s mostly about Carlo. (C) It was created by Netflix. (D) It started seven years ago. 47. What gives the bakery its prominent reputation? (A) Its location (B) Its outrageous cakes (C) Its international awards (D) The fact that it’s familyowned 48. What kind of cake is NOT mentioned? (A) Wedding (B) Ice cream
SEASON 1 Episode 1 – A Bride, a Boat and Bamboozled! The inaugural episode catches up with Buddy just as Brides Magazine contacts him for a major commission of wedding cakes. He is also asked to make a customized cake in the shape of a boat for a birthday surprise. Episode 2 – A Fire, a Fashionista and Family The bakery team creates a cake that looks like a fire engine and has a working siren and lights. Episode 3 – Bunny, Birthday and Burnt Food Easter is the shop’s busiest time. The family survives the onslaught of orders and celebrates Easter together.
(C) Customized (D) Fire-truck-shaped 49. What happened in 2009? (A) The show was first aired. (B) Buddy’s father passed away. (C) The bakery started making outrageous cakes. (D) The Valastro family acquired Carlo’s Bake Shop. 50. What is meant by “commission”? (A) Rush (B) Order (C) Agreement (D) Photo shoot
TOEIC Answer Key 聽力解答 Part I: Photographs 1. (A) The men are standing up. (B) The woman looks worried. (C) The people like what they see. (D) Everyone is facing the same direction. ★Answer: C 2. (A) It’s a nice day for a game. (B) Both women are wearing hats. (C) There is a caddie in the background. (D) The people are riding in the golf cart. ★Answer: A 3. (A) The table is full of plates. (B) The people have long hair. (C) The mom is holding a knife. (D) The girl is helping cut vegetables. ★Answer: C
Part II: Question and Response 4. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but there is a strange man looking through the window. (A) I am strange. (B) I can’t find my alarm clock. (C) Oh, that’s the window cleaner. ★Answer: C 5. Who is working the 3 p.m. shift tomorrow? (A) I believe it’s John. (B) Oh, it’s finally working. (C) Don’t shift your weight too much. ★Answer: A 6. Would anyone like to come on a quick trip to the supermarket with me? (A) That’s what we like. (B) It’s at the supermarket. (C) I’ll come along for the ride. ★Answer: C
Part III: Conversations 7. Is it important that we get to Wellington the night before your graduation, or can we just arrive that day? (A) It’s up to you. (B) He is quite important. (C) Please make your way to the city. ★Answer: A 8. Whose tent did you borrow last time you went camping up north? (A) Jeremy and Sonya’s. (B) That’s not the last time. (C) Sure, you can borrow it. ★Answer: A 9. What would you like to drink with your meal this evening? (A) Just the bill, thanks. (B) I’ll have the spaghetti. (C) Could I see the wine list, please? ★Answer: C 10. How many tickets for the workshop did you sell today? (A) About 50. (B) About 5 p.m. (C) About five people. ★Answer: A
Questions 11-13 refer to the following conversation: M: Hey, I’m stepping out for about an hour to meet with a client. If anyone calls, just put them through to my voice mail, will you? F: Of course, Mr. Patterson. M: Actually, if either my wife or John Denver phones, could you transfer one of them to my cell phone? F: Not a problem. When you get back, I have a few faxes for you to review. ★11. Answer: A 12. Answer: D 13. Answer: C Questions 14-16 refer to the following conversation: F: How was your blind date last night? Do I smell love in the air? M: No way. It was so awkward that I couldn’t wait for it to end. F: Did you guys not have much in common? M: Not really. Plus, she spent most of the night talking about her ex. ★14. Answer: A 15. Answer: A 16. Answer: A Questions 17-19 refer to the following conversation: M: Honey, do we have any more plates? I’ve run out of the ones you had stacked by the barbecue. F: Already? Oh, I guess most people just came up to get their food. M: There are some in the dining room cabinet, right? F: Oh, that’s great aunt Jessica’s heirloom china; let’s not use that for the backyard picnic. Here are some disposable plates. ★17. Answer: A 18. Answer: D 19. Answer: D
閱讀解答 Part IV: Short Talks Questions 20-22 refer to the following recording: You’ve reached the offices of Lloyd & Cheng Barristers and Solicitors. To help us serve you better, please choose one of the following options. If you know the extension of the party you are trying to reach, you may dial it at any time, followed by the pound key. To hear our hours of operation, please dial 1. For our street address, website, phone and fax numbers, as well as public transit and driving directions, please dial 2. If you would like a legal consultation, please dial 3. For all other inquiries, please stay on the line, and a receptionist will be with you shortly. ★20. Answer: B 21. Answer: A 22. Answer: C Questions 23-25 refer to the following talk: Thank you for joining us this morning on the Belle of the Mississippi for a leisurely cruise along this mighty river. I will be your guide for the excursion. On behalf of all the staff and crew, I extend the warmest Southern welcome to all of you. We are ready to set off as you can hear from the rumble of the engine below, which supplies the power to propel us forward. Water is fed into the boiler where it turns into steam, and that in turn pushes the two large paddle wheels on each side of the boat. The wheels can be operated individually; for example, one will stop or reverse to turn the boat.
Part V: Incomplete Sentences 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Part VI: Text Completion 36. C 37. B 38. C
Part VII: Reading Comprehension 39. A 40. C 41. A 42. D 43. A 44. D 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. B 49. A 50. B
本刊多益測驗 50 題版計分方式為每小題 4 分(答對 題數 x 4 即為 Raw Score),請分別計算聽力與閱讀 兩部分的得分,對應下方成績對照表後,將兩者相 加,即可算出預估的多益總分。
多益成績轉換對照表 Section One Listening Comprehension
Section Two Reading
Raw Score Range
Converted Score Range
Raw Score Range
Converted Score Range
96~100 91~95 86~90 81~85 76~80 71~75 66~70 61~65 56~60 51~55 46~50 41~45 36~40 31~35 26~30 21~25 16~20 11~15 6~10 1~5 0
485~495 465~495 450~490 425~470 405~445 380~420 350~400 325~370 295~345 265~315 235~285 205~255 175~225 150~190 120~165 90~140 65~110 40~85 10~60 5~30 5
96~100 91~95 86~90 81~85 76~80 71~75 66~70 61~65 56~60 51~55 46~50 41~45 36~40 31~35 26~30 21~25 16~20 11~15 6~10 1~5 0
465~495 450~480 415~470 395~440 370~420 335~390 300~355 260~320 235~285 210~260 180~225 145~195 115~165 85~135 60~105 40~75 25~60 10~50 5~35 5~20 5
Please sit back and enjoy the scenery. I will share stories of the landmarks we pass along the way, as a few have played very important roles in American history. In a moment, waiters will serve you the first complimentary beverage and you can claim the second one at any time that suits you. ★23. Answer: A 24. Answer: B 25. Answer: B
r 車款 le ip r T d e e p S iple R、 r T t e e r t S h p Trium 奔馳快感 速 極 現 展 睞 青 深受好萊塢電影 男 務 2 》中,為 片《不可能任 鉅 塢 萊 好 在 現 姿相 d Triple R 曾出 .克魯斯的英 Triumph Spee 其風采與湯姆 , 具 工 乘 騎 重要 救援》 斯出任務時的 攻佔 2:倫敦 主角湯姆.克魯 的強片《全面 年 今 在 更 R le ph Street Trip 輔相成。Trium 掀起高潮。 影 覺畫面為電 視 撼 震 , 身 中現 即可享有運動 Triple R 車款, et re St ph m iu Tr 即日起,購買 期零利率。 )與 48 萬 48 流 擾 下 、 罩 廠頭 外觀套件(原
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involve [6n`v3lv] v. 涉足;參與
extensively [6k`st5ns6vli] adv. 廣泛地
Google is not only involved in maintaining and updating its search engine, but also producing innovative hardware.
Some production professionals have to travel extensively to meet with foreign suppliers.
Google 不只參與維護並更新其搜尋引擎,也製造創新的硬體。
operate [ `3p4%ret] v. 運作;經營
take on 承擔;接受
The telecommunications giant operates several media subsidiaries.
I’d prefer to finish our current projects before we take on new ones.
outstanding [a8t`st1nd6;] adj. 傑出的 You did an outstanding job on the project last month. 你在上個月的專案中表現傑出。
structure [`str9kt]0] v. 構成;組織
assemble [4`s5mb4l] v. 籌組;召集 I’ll assemble some of our best staff members to ensure this deal goes through. 我將召集一些我們最優秀的成員,確保此交易能順利完成。
vet [v5t] v. 審核
We structured our workspace to inspire productivity and creativity.
The defense attorney selected and vetted each member of his legal team.
oversee [%ov0`si] v. 負責;監管
observe [ 4b`z-v] v. 觀察
Calvin Jacobs oversees all corporate PR in our company. 凱文.雅各布斯監管我們公司所有的企業公關事宜。
The new boss likes to do his work in the central office so he can observe how employees manage their time. 新老闆喜歡在中央辦公室做事,如此他才能觀察員工們是如何管理時間的。
renowned [r6`na8nd] adj. 著名的 The network was renowned for producing quality television programs. 此新聞網以製作具品質的電視節目而聞名。
vibrate [ `va6%bret] v. 震動 My phone vibrates whenever I get a call or text message. 每當我有來電或收到訊息時,手機就會震動。
devise [d6`va6z] v. 策劃;想出
indicative [6n`d6k4t6v] adj. 象徵的(+ of)
Samuel Stevenson devised a way to do the renovations both on time and under budget.
The nearby ruins are indicative of an ancient civilization once being here.
committed [k4`m6t6d] adj. 致力的 Ingram Bank is committed to growing your savings accounts and giving you sound financial advice. 英格姆銀行致力於增加您儲蓄帳戶的金額,並提供您健全的理財建議。
cutting-edge [`k9t6;`ed.] adj. 先進的;尖端的 This new phone features a cutting-edge camera. 這支新手機的特色是有先進的照相功能。
possess [ p4`z5s] v. 擁有
dissuade [d6`swed] v. 勸阻(+ from)
Bill Werther possesses in-depth knowledge of the international market.
Usually the threat of a fine is enough to dissuade people from eating on the MRT.
retain [r6`ten] v. 保有;記住
embody [6m`b3di] v. 體現
Usually, I read books and articles twice to ensure I retain all the information I believe to be useful.
Jason’s generosity is embodied in his daily acts of kindness and monthly donations to charity.
surround [s4`ra8nd] v. 圍繞 In Germany, Noerdlingen is a city surrounded by walls. 在德國,訥德林根是一個被高牆圍繞的城市。
intend [6n`t5nd] v. 打算(+ to) After the Olympics, the stadium was intended to be used for many other events, such as concerts. 奧運結束後,體育館要作為音樂會等諸多活動的場地。
fold [fold] v. 融合;調配(+ into)
rekindle [ri`k6ndy] v. 重新喚起
It was difficult at first, but eventually I was able to fold the many responsibilities of parenthood into my schedule.
Having to act in Romeo and Juliet rekindled my love for Shakespeare’s work.
serve [s-v] v. 適合(特定用途或目的)(+ as)
declare [d6`kl5r] v. 宣布
When it’s dark, my smartphone can serve as a flashlight.
On July 28, 1914, Austria officially declared war on Serbia, thus beginning World War I.
1914 年 7 月 28 日,奧地利向塞爾維亞正式宣戰,一戰就此展開。
conduct [k4n`d9kt] v. 進行;實施
behold [b6`hold] v. 看見;注視
Every year, the police department conducts mandatory sensitivity training seminars for all of its officers.
The fireworks display, which happens every New Year’s Eve, is always a spectacle to behold.
clutter [`kl9t0] v. 擠滿(+ with) The festival goers cluttered the designated camp ground with tents. 節慶參加者的帳篷擠滿了劃定的營地。
spoil [sp76l] v. 破壞 We were having a great time at the festival until a thunderstorm spoiled our fun. 我們在慶典上玩得很開心,直到雷雨破壞了我們的興致。
persevere [%p-s4`v6r] v. 堅持不懈 Though Apple Inc. saw a slump in sales during the early to mid-90s, the company persevered and became extremely successful. 儘管在 90 年代初期至中期期間,蘋果公司的銷量猛跌,這家公司仍 堅持不懈且變得相當成功。
snap [sn1p] adj. 不加思索的 As you likely know little about them, it is usually unwise to make snap judgments about people you just met. 由於你可能不太了解他們,對剛認識的人不加思索地下評論通常是不 明智的。
shrink [ ]r6;k] v. 縮小;變少
Many people chase success without properly considering the financial risks involved.
Economic activity in Iceland shrank severely during the 2008 recession.
2008 年金融海嘯期間,冰島的經濟活動嚴重緊縮。
beloved [b6`l9vd] adj. 受鍾愛的 Mickey Mouse has been the beloved icon of Disney since his debut in 1928. 米老鼠自從 1928 年初登場就一直是討人喜愛的迪士尼角色。
bully [`b8li] v. 脅迫 Jim, my boss, bullied me into working over the weekend. 我的老闆吉姆脅迫我週末加班。
supposed [s4`poz4d] adj. 所謂的
violate [`va64%let] v. 違反(協議、法律)
China’s government released economic reports showing supposed growth.
Telling company secrets, especially to competitors, will violate your employment contract.
perceive [ p0`siv] v. 認為;看待 I make sure I am always polite and well-groomed because I care about how my workmates perceive me. 我確保自己總是有禮且衣冠楚楚,因為我在乎我的同事們如何看待我。
impose [6m`poz] v. 強制實行 During the riot, the police tried to impose order. 暴動期間,警察試圖維持秩序。
secure [s6`kjur] v. 獲得
devastating [`d5v4%stet6;] adj. 破壞性極大的
The excellent presentation you gave helped secure the advertising contract.
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was devastating to the U.S. economy.
1929 年的華爾街股災對美國經濟的破壞極大。
intensify [6n`t5ns4%fa6] v. 加劇;增加
strengthen [`str5;q4n] v. 強化
Demand for the new product has intensified over the past month.
We need to strengthen our communication skills if we are to improve our productivity.
deport [d6`p7rt] v. 把……驅逐出境
expense [6k`sp5ns] n. 花費
If you are caught working in another country without the proper paperwork, you will be deported.
When planning my vacation, I forgot to include certain expenses such as travel insurance and the cost of a car rental.
comparable [`k3mp4r4b4l] adj. 類似的;相當的
devoid [d6`v76d] adj. 缺少的(+ of)
Ted and I worked a comparable amount of overtime this month.
I feel uncomfortable around Jeremy because both his face and his voice are always completely devoid of emotion.
chase [t]es] v. 追求
afford [4`f7rd] v. 買得起;負擔
Right now I can’t afford to buy new clothes and a new television. I need to choose one now and one after my next payday. 現在我無法同時負擔新衣服及新電視。我必須先選擇一個,下個 發薪日後再買另一個。
scrimp [ skr6mp] v. 縮減開支 In this economy, everyone needs to scrimp whenever they can in order to keep growing their savings. 在這種經濟情況下,每個人都需要在任何他們可以的時候縮減開 支,如此才能持續增加儲蓄。
commute [k4`mjut] v. 通勤
Though I own a car, I commute to work using public transportation because it’s cheaper and better for the environment.
conceive [k4n`siv] v. 構想
In 1884, inventor Thomas Parker conceived of a prototype that would inspire the invention of the electric car. 1884 年,發明家湯瑪士.帕克構想出一個後來啟發電動車發明的原型。
recognize [`r5k4g%na6z] v. 接受、認清(+ that) John just recognized that he had made a mistake on this project. 約翰剛認知到他在這個專案上犯了一個錯誤。
insert [6n`s-t] v. 使參與 Brian frequently inserts himself into large events, like weddings and birthday parties, even if he is not invited.
雖然我有車,但我使用大眾交通工具通勤,因為這樣比較便宜且對 環境較好。
gawk [ g7k] v. 呆頭呆腦地看(+ at)
reverse [r6`v-s] v. 扭轉
It’s impolite to gawk at someone, even if they look unusual.
I want us to work on reversing the sudden dive of the company’s share prices.
blur [bl-] v. 模糊;使……的區別不明顯
flounder [`fla8nd0] v. 掙扎
This new fusion restaurant blurs the line between Chinese and Japanese food.
My brother’s startup company has been floundering ever since he fired half of his employees.
appeal [4`pil] v. 引起興趣(+ to)
yield [ jild] v. 產生(收益、效果)
The television program was designed to appeal to children aged four to six.
Our research has yielded results which will prove not only useful, but also profitable in the near future.
我們的研究已產生效果,在不久的將來不只會證明是實用的,也會是 賺錢的。
adore [4`d7r] v. 非常喜歡
tangible [`t1nd.4b4l] adj. 實質的
Marley is so cute that everyone at her first birthday party completely adored her.
The tangible benefits of Ben’s new job include an increase in salary and a larger office.
spawn [sp7n] v. 催生
subside [s4b`sa6d] v. 退卻;平息
The popularity of Harry Potter spawned a lot of amateur fiction by fans.
My anger began to subside after he apologized in earnest.
* 課文朗讀 MP3 可於網路下載,請至 LiveABC 官方網站: http://www.liveabc.com『雜誌 MP3 下載區』下載 Track 01 上班族夯話題 Track 02 用英語向外賓介紹公司:介紹公司好用句 Track 03 用英語向外賓介紹公司 I Track 04 用英語向外賓介紹公司 II Track 05 用英語向外賓介紹公司 III Track 06 用英語向外賓介紹公司 IV
Track 07 京都──新舊交融之都 I Track 08 京都──新舊交融之都 II Track 09 京都──新舊交融之都――聽力小測驗 Track 10 時代祭──京都歷史 風華之旅 Track 11 蜜雪兒.歐巴馬 2016 民主黨全國代表大會演說 Track 12 唐納.川普:美國經濟的終極王牌?I Track 13 唐納.川普:美國經濟的終極王牌?II Track 14 用英語鼓舞同事 Track 15 微利時代 金金計較:消費好康小撇步 Track 16 微利時代 金金計較 I Track 17 微利時代 金金計較 II Track 18 機場迎接外國客戶實用句 Track 19 感謝信寫作攻略 I Track 20 感謝信寫作攻略 II Track 21 寶可夢狂潮大解密 I Track 22 寶可夢狂潮大解密 II Track 23 看電影學英語 Track 24 多益簡短對話解題密技 Track 25 知識大圖解――如何打造一座島嶼
多益 模擬 測驗
Track 26 多益模擬測驗:照片敘述 Track 27 多益模擬測驗:應答問題 Track 28 多益模擬測驗:簡短對話
Track 29 多益模擬測驗:簡短獨白 Track 30 上班族夯話題 Track 31 用英語向外賓介紹公司:介紹公司好用句 Track 32 用英語向外賓介紹公司 I Track 33 用英語向外賓介紹公司 II Track 34 用英語向外賓介紹公司 III Track 35 用英語向外賓介紹公司 IV Track 36 京都──新舊交融之都 I Track 37 京都──新舊交融之都 II
Track 38 時代祭──京都歷史 風華之旅 Track 39 蜜雪兒.歐巴馬 2016 民主黨全國代表大會演說 Track 40 唐納.川普:美國經濟的終極王牌?I Track 41 唐納.川普:美國經濟的終極王牌?II Track 42 用英語鼓舞同事 Track 43 微利時代 金金計較:消費好康小撇步 Track 44 微利時代 金金計較 I Track 45 微利時代 金金計較 II Track 46 機場迎接外國客戶實用句 Track 47 感謝信寫作攻略 I Track 48 感謝信寫作攻略 II Track 49 寶可夢狂潮大解密 I Track 50 寶可夢狂潮大解密 II Track 51 看電影學英語 Track 52 知識大圖解――如何打造一座島嶼