G i rl L e d P a r t i c i p a t i o n
Securing Your Own Cookie Booth Hosting two Cookie Booths is a requirement to earn the Troop Bonus (Page 11). We have prescheduled booths to sign up for in Smart Cookies—but your troop can also schedule their own!
Securing Your Own Cookie Booth Troops can use their contacts and reach out to local businesses (not including our community partners as listed previously) and arrange a booth location in their community. These can be retail stores, grocery stores, hair salons, churches, parking lots, or other areas with lots of foot traffic. Troops must get prior permission from the store or property management to set up a Cookie Booth and sell Girl Scout Cookies. Once secured with the location, enter your Troop Secured Booth into Smart Cookies. From there, a member of the Cookies+ Team will review and approve your Cookie Booth before it is active. Troop Secured Booths must be entered into Smart Cookies by Friday at noon for the same weekend. Booths are approved on a daily basis during Cookie Season. Need more help in Smart Cookies? Scan this QR Code to walk through the process of a Troop Secured Booth. If you are ever in doubt, please contact your Cookies+ Team before reaching out to a location. Restrictions on Booth Locations In accordance with GSUSA Product Sales Guidelines, certain locations may be inappropriate for young girls and may negatively impact the Cookie Program experience for girls, and/or may negatively impact our brand in your community. Girls cannot sell in or in front of establishments that they themselves cannot legally patronize on their own. This includes any location that is 18+ or 21+; CBD, marijuana, or hemp dispensaries/pharmacies; gun stores; liquor stores; wine, beer, tobacco, or firearm events; and nightclubs.
Potential Cookie Booth Locations