Mc applications 4th round

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MCPe Message Dear applicants, If you are reading this lines it means that, at least once, you have wondered how could look like to jump forward and live the MC experience. And I’m really glad, because this first step could really change the stream of your life. What you have in front of you is a huge opportunity to experience what being driven, striving for excellence, taking responsibility, making sacrifices, building relationships, empowering the others, believing in something, really means. AIESEC in Italy aims to make a difference, to believe in the potential of a country, of a generation, of raising awareness among young people, old people, managers, volunteers, italians or foreigners; we really believe that facilitating cross generational discussions, rediscovering values and bringing beliefs and words into actions will develop the people that will make a difference in this world. Do you believe in it? Do you truly think that we as young people have the chance to influence and bring relevant answers to the questions the world is daily asking to human beings? If you do, you are in the right place. I invite you to take this opportunity, to carve the best out of yourself, to be innovative, to dare, to jump, to believe with me, 20 LCs, 1000 thousands italian AIESECers that our organization is meant to be the voice in this choir. Don’t be scared and show what AIESEC really means to you. Qualunque cosa tu possa fare, o sognare di fare, incominciala. L'audacia ha in sÊ genio, potere e magia. Incomincia adesso. (attribuita a Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

- Guis, President of AIESEC in Italy 15|16


Facts about Italy Driver oGCDP

19 LCs Index General Information Contact Info MC 15|16 Structure MC General Responsibilities Selection Process Questionnaires

1305 X in Q1/2/3 of 2014

1401 X in 2013

1 OE

Focus oGIP

General Information MC Conditions •

The MC experience is a full time job. Every MCVP is expected to work from 35 to 40 hours per week. • Every MC member is granted a salary from 150 euros to 250 according to MC budget. • Food and accomodation are fully covered by MC budget • Transportation in Milan is fully covered by the MC • National Conferences are fully covered by the MC • Office space is provided • Wifi Connection is provided both in the office and at home • Days off for exams are allowed • 4 Days off per quarter are granted. • MC Term will officially start on the 1° of July and end on the 10th° of July. One MC member could be asked to stay more supporting in managing the agenda of the 1° 2016 conference in July.

International Conf.

Transition Details •

The MC Team elected should guarantee availability from the first of May to be present in Milan for the transition period. • Further details about the process will be communicated after the election • During transition food, accomodation and transportation will be covered by the MC; • Travel from your hometown is not covered

Attendance of EuroXPro is mandatory for Subteam Leaders; fee will be covered by the MC and the flight, partially, as well. According to the budget MC member could be asked to anticipate some money. • For IC 2015 the priority will go to this positions for attendance and spots : MCVPOD, MCVPTM, MCPMKT, MCVPoGCDP MCVPiGCDP, MCVPoGIP and MCVPiGIP. IC will be fully covered. • According to the MC Plan and Development Plan MC members could be asked to attend other conferences or summits around the world.

Internationals •

Flight ticket from/to your country are not covered • Insurance is not convered • Expenses for legalization in Italy are fully covered by the MC.



Contact Information MC




















MCVPOGCDP Mariavittoria

MCPe Application Package

Resources AIESEC in Italy Main Hub Growth Model

3486625921 3387605998



Colasanti mariangela.colasanti 3403621716























antonio.schiattarella2 3385467871 kristinarudoman

3318007361 3404173324

mariadelapazcanoh 3409577651 errera


MC Structure 15|16







MCVP Finance & Legal MCVP BD


Management Team


Operations Team



Business Development Department

OD Director


Brand Experience Team


BD Manager



BD Manager MCVP Digital Marketing MCVP Marketing MCVP PR MCVP Government, Institutions & Alumni


The management team is responsible for :  Supporting the MC in tracking of subteams;  Taking any financial decisionsover a certain amount of funds;  Involvement in decisions regarding MCVPs probations;  Discussing legal implications and evolution of AIESEC in the country.  Prepare proposals for the MC team on particular listed topics.


MC General Responsibilities The MC Team The MC team of AIESEC in Italy represents AIESEC as a National association in the Global Network and Italy as a nation; the MC is meant to serve the Local Committes and to foster implementation of strategies, behaviours, and innovation driving the growth of the organization and developing the leaders that Italy needs. The team should embodies, as role models, the behaviours and values that will make the change happen.

General JD • •

• • • • •

Represent AIESEC in Italy in the National and International Conferences; Cocreate with the National Plenary the Plan for 15|16; Understand and foster the National strategies regardless the position; Create spaces and support system for the Local Committes; Align National Strategies to Global Strategies delivering a tailored approach to LCs; Attend quarter Team Days, with no exceptions. Attend Monthly and Quarter reviews with no exceptions. Deliver the National Education Cycle created by the MCVP OD.

Accountability • Report weekly to the MCP and Subteam Leader; • Report quarterly, as MC Team, to the National plenary; • Fill weekly the MC Tracking tool; • Store all the informations, materials and contacts according to the IM strategy; • Being aware of the world trends; • Being constantly up to date with non AIESEC resources on functional topics.


Selection Process Application 1 – Curriculum Vitae 2 – Executive Summary (One page) 3 – General Questionnaire ( 5 pages) 4 – Specific Questionnaire ( 5 pages) 5 – Video – (VIMEO or youtube) Max. 5 minutes to introduce yourself and your unique contribution to AIESEC in Italy and the MC Team 15|16 6 – Blank Page Challenge (italian candidates) : take one among the most common newspapers in Italy and, based on its content, define the role of AIESEC for this country. For the internationals do the same being inspired by your national press and articles about Italy. 7 – Endorsements : 3 Endorsements. The endorsement must contain a clear perspective on the candidates both in terms of strenghts and weaknesses. International candidates must add an MC endorsement. 8 – Personality Test.

Selection • General Questionnaire • Specific Questionnaire • Virtual Q&A; • Confidence Vote from National Assembly; • Further Test by MCPe (Optional); • Interview with the MCP 15|16; • Final Announcement. • Applications must be sent to : and

Timeline 25° of April– Application release 3° of May – Application DDL. 20.00 GMT/UTC + 1 (Italian Time);

All the others date will be communicated after the DDL.


MCVP Digital Marketing Job Description The MCVPDMKT is responsible for creating and delivering the brand positioning strategy through our online channels. In BXP corner he’s responsible as well to contribute to the creation of the brand management strategy.

Measures of Success # People engaged through online channels & GIS #Contents developed for online channels % Plan Implementation

Areas of Individual Responsibility - Expand virtual penetration and online reach of AIESEC brand; - Preparing, developing and integrating online content for AIESEC in Italy online channels (external); - Showcasing stories that build and develop AIESEC credibility; - Optimization of conversion rates of our online platforms; - Online delivery of BD portfolio; - Creation of contacts database to enrich our costumer pool

Competencies Required - Social media management; - Market research; - Content strategy; - Creative thinking; - Graphic design skills; - Customer orientation.

Details The MCVP D-MKTG is accountable to MCP, MCVPMKT and National Plenary.


BD Managers (2 Positions) Job Description The BD managers are responsible for delivering the national BD portfolio to our currentand potential partners. The position plays a key role to ensure financial sustainability to the MC and to ensure the proper quality to partnerships.

Measures of Success % Budget Covered #Contracts signed #Companies NPS

Areas of Individual Responsibility - Account management of national partnerhsips; - Attendance to corporate events; - Creation of partnerships for national iGIP; - Cocreation of BD portfolio with MCVP BD; - Synergy with MKTG department for showcasing national partnerships; - Responsible for delivering national products portfolio;

Competencies Required - Selling experience; - Excellent communication skills; - Innovative approach; - Indipendence; - Orientation to results - Effective communication - Negotiation skills

Details The BD managers are accountable to MCP, MCVP BD and National plenary.


General Questionnaire 1) Applying to the MC requires a lot of motivation and committment. Please describe yours by making a comparison with a character that you really appreciated from your favourite movie or book. Please be as specific as possible in motivating your answer. 2) Italy, as a country, is really difficult to describe due to its internal differences, point of strenghts, weaknesses and general attitude of the people. Please write your perspective on this country by underlining the points of excellence, the points of improvement and what you can’t really stand or understand in this country. Mentioning concrete facts, data and references will be an added value. 3) In AIESEC as organization we see Leadership as the best way to reach Peace&Fulfillment of Humankind’s potential. Please describe with your own words what leadership means to you, mentioning one person that you think was a real leader that inspired you. Then describe how AIESEC can develop leaders like the one you mentioned, able to make a difference in society and others’ life. 4) AIESEC in Italy is facing a lot of changes in the past two years. Mention them and analyze the impact of these changes and how they contributed positively and negatively to make AIESEC in Italy as it is today. Then describe how do you envision AIESEC in Italy during your MC term and in its road towards 2020. 5) Communication is a very crucial point to ensure a proper functioning of any entity. Please describe the ideal flow of communication MC – LC and how would you personally contribute in making AIESEC in Italy a more transparent organization without renouncing to efficiency and speed in decision making.


Specific Questionnaire – MCVP Digital MKT 1) Assess the current status of online brand positioning of AIESEC in Italy. After providing a map of this positioning, please evaluate the current bottlenecks and the space for improvement. 2) Choose 3 national brands: what can AIESEC learn from them in the context of their Public Relations and Marketing strategy? 3) Design a campaign to reach 50,000 online users (non-AIESECers) to support or participate in AIESEC’s programmes. Consider goal, target audience, channel and message. (no budget). 4) How would online marketing change now that we are in the GIS era? Please create a flow and a strategy for embedding GIS in our promotion. In the last part mention 4 completely new initiatives that are now possible thanks to GIS. 5) Mention 5 websites that you would like to contact to improve the brand positioning of AIESEC in Italy. Explain in the most detailed way how AIESEC will benefit from this.


Specific Questionnaire – BD Managers 1) Please list the products and iGIP subproducts on which you would like to focus during your term. 2) List 3 BD GCPs from the network that you would like to implement in AIESEC in Italy in the next term. Feel free to explore other entities! 3) A partner is saying to you that they don’t want to renew the 10000 euros partnership because they are unsatisfied with the service they received, plus they are not anymore interested in random events nor interns for their company. How would you react? What would you propose to them? Define a draft of a proposal and put the different actions in a framework. 4) How would you ensure that synergy BD – iGIP is working to ensure high quality services to our partners that are buying iGIP from us? 5) How would you ensure the delivery of a 5 interns iGIP project without any LC in the city?


ÂŤLa Vita non è uno spettacolo muto o in bianco e nero. Ăˆ un arcobaleno inesauribile di colori, un concerto interminabile di rumori, un caos fantasmagorico di voci e di volti, di creature le cui azioni si intrecciano o si sovrappongono per tessere la catena di eventi che determinano il nostro personale destino.Âť - Oriana Fallaci, Un Uomo

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