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So how well do you really know your husband? Or, when’s the last time you found out something new about your husband? We want to help you get to know your husband better, and share a few laughs with him in the process. We’ve come up with 20 fun questions to ask a guy that you can use with your husband.
To get started, you can pour him his favorite drink, slide over his favorite snack, and ask away. Or, you can ask one a day at bedtime, or ask a few on your next date night. How well do you really know your husband? You’re about to find out!
1 If you had to eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, where would it be?
2 Which television sitcom family most accurately portrays your
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childhood family?
3 If you were stranded on a desert island for the rest of your life and
First Baptist Preschool Center
* Preschool only
could only bring three books and three movies, what would they be?
Legal Services
4 What does your dream vacation look like? 5 If you were a superhero, what would your magical power be and who would you save?
6 What school subject is/was the hardest for you? The easiest? 7 Would you rather be bored or stressed? 8 If you could splurge on one item, what would it be? 9 Are you a Mac or a PC? 10 What actor would play you in a movie about your life? 11 What would your ideal church be like? 12 What was the best thing about your college experience?
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15 How are your kids like you? 16 If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? 17 Which Gilligan’s Island character are you most like? 18 If you had to go a week without your cell phone, computer, or TV,
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13 What drives you crazy? 14 What do you love most about your parents? How would you like to be different?
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What was the worst?
For more information (727) 544-9465 5495 Park Blvd. Pinellas Park
6572 Seminole Blvd., Suite 9, Seminole 393-8822 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be 9, solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask 6572 Seminole Blvd., Suite Seminole 393-8822 6572 Seminole Blvd., Suite 9,based Seminole which would you choose? us to send you free written information about our qualifications David A.393-8822 Peek, Attorney. 6572 Seminole Suite and 9, Seminole 393-8822 10700 Johnson Blvd., Suite 1, expertise. Seminole 393-8822 19 What was the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?The hiringTheof hiring of a is lawyer is an important decision thatshould should not based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, askdecide, ask a lawyer an important decision that notbe be based solely onA.advertisements. Before you us send you written about our and expertise. Peek, Attorney. Thetohiring of a free lawyer is an information important decision thatqualifications should not be based solely David on advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and expertise. David A. Peek, Attorney. us to send you free written information about our qualifications and expertise. David A. Peek, Attorney. 20 What was your favorite childhood toy or game?
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February 2020 • 19