Brantham Bugle - Issue 100

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ISSUE 100 // DEC 2011 - JAN 2012 // FREE

Also in this issue

Recycling Help support the 1st Brantham Scout & Guide Group

Diary Dates Everything you need to know to make the most of the festive period

SAME BUGLE, NEW LOOK Brantham’s Independent Newspaper celebrates it’s 100th edition with a face-lift



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The Brantham Bugle

Contents 3 5 6 8

From the Editor

It’s here at last, edition 100!

100th Issue

The Brantham Bugle - 100 not out!

Parish Council News

December/January 2012

Bugle News

11 1st Brantham Scout & Guide Group 15 Brantham Amateur Theatrical Society Oliver!

17 School News issUe 100 // DeC 2011 - jaN 2012 The Editor: JOANNE KING 37 Cedar Close, Brantham, Manningtree, Essex. CO11 1TQ Telephone: 07526 118 663 Email: The designer: GUY CLUBB Telephone: 07921 925 485 Email:

Brooklands County Primary School

19 Brantham Bowls Club Annual Honours

21 The Women’s Institute Inspiring Women

23 Population, Technology and the Market by John Gamlin

25 Rambling Rector St Michael’s Church

The Printer:

29 Thought for Today

ANDY MILLS Telephone: 01206 396 750 Email:

29 Good Neighbour Scheme

Cover picture courtesy of Ian Press.

31 Holy Family Catholic Church


33 Constable Country Medical Practice

This publication was produced by the Brantham Bugle. The production costs were met in full by the advertising the publication contains. The Brantham Bugle do not make any recommendations as to the fitness of the advertisers appearing in this publication to carry out their services and no recommendations should be deemed to have been made. This edition of the Brantham Bugle has been produced in good faith and we regret any errors, omissions/misinterpretations that may have crept in. Artwork and or Plates originated for use in this publication remain the property of the Brantham Bugle and must not be reproduced without their written permission.

© GCD2011

by Rasik Bhadresa

Repeat perscriptions over the Christmas period

35 Brantham Over 60s Club Update and Diary Dates

39 Brantham Methodist Church 41 Sunday Morning Football Doing our bit, on and off the field

43 Recycling

Supporting 1st Brantham Scout & Guide Group

45 Community Information Pages The Brantham



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editor from the

“It’s here at last, edition 100!”


here has been some blood (not too much), sweat (a lot) and tears (many ) along the way. I hope you enjoy the new look and the beautiful front picture supplied by Ian Press. We will need a new picture for each front cover – the next edition covers February/March, something seasonal that depicts Brantham would be fab. So who’s responsible for this new look? Well that would be the lovely Guy Clubb of Guy Clubb Designs (see his advert on the inside front cover and some

the Bugle, perhaps now is the time to upgrade your advertising? Why not contact Guy about a fresh look for the New Year. Another thank you must go to the distributors. If it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t be reading this edition, or any other. Everyone that contributes to the Bugle does it for free as a volunteer, so if you see them please make sure you thank them. There is as a usual so much to read and do. Perhaps you could start off by settling down with a

“Everyone that contributes to the Bugle does it for free as a volunteer, so if you see them please make sure you thank them” more of his work on the back page). Poor old Guy has had to put up with me questioning everything, I feel sure I have driven him round the bend and probably back. However it is now all done and I really, really hope you love it as much as I do. As always thank you to advertisers old and new for supporting

cup of tea and a mince pie, then turn to one of our regular contributions from John or Rasik? Or read the former Editor Andy Mill’s piece on how the Bugle started and got to this point. As is usual for this time of year Santa will be visiting the village on Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th December.

There are of course special services in all of the churches, the Over 60’s look set for a few Christmas lunches and a packed programme for January. Fancy an aural experience? Then don’t miss out on the Christmas Concert at St Mary’s in East Bergholt.

Christmas I will be keeping my fingers crossed for the snow as usual. Perhaps Jack Frost could try a little harder this year so we could have snow actually on Christmas Day. Then before you know it we will be into the Olympic year (did you get any tickets?) which is also a leap year, so perhaps some of you single ladies will be getting down on one knee? Seasons Greetings to one and all. May you have a restful time whatever you are doing or where ever you are going. What are you waiting for? Dive in!

Joanne King Editor

The Brantham



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100th Issue

The Brantham Bugle -

100 not out! I

n 1995, I could hardly have imaged the Bugle reaching its 100th edition! Mary Corrie, my late wife Carol and I had started the Bugle as a way of keeping the village (and ourselves) informed of what was going on in our community. In the beginning as well as news to go into the magazine, we had to find advertisers willing to support us, when we had nothing to show that we knew what we were doing! Thankfully

machine and a booklet maker. The Bugle has also grown and at times has reached 72 pages.

MOMENTUM Times change and eventually Mary moved out of Brantham, and Carol sadly died in 2002 at just 40 years of age. Maintaining the momentum of producing the Bugle became more difficult. Some new blood was needed to keep the Bugle in step with life in our busy

“The very first edition of the Bugle boasted just twelve pages, and was hand collated, stapled and folded. Since those early days the process has become more professional, with digital duplicators, a collating machine and a booklet maker” several local businesses showed great faith in the venture and with support from Brantham Parish Council the first issue ‘hit the streets’ in June 1995. That very first edition of the Bugle boasted just twelve pages, and was hand collated, stapled and folded. Since those early days the process has become more professional, with digital duplicators, a collating

village. Karen Talbot stepped in and took over as editor for a few issues, before Jo King took charge not only of editing the magazine, but also of all the advertising and finances in February 2006! The Bugle was moving into a new era, culminating with this new look 100th edition! Well done Jo! Andy Mills

statistics • Since it started about 5.8 million pages have been printed! • The first colour ‘supplement’ appeared in the December 1999/ January 2000 edition to celebrate the start of the new millennium. • The Bugle is distributed to about 1300 homes every two months, by 22 volunteers. • In issue 32 The Bugle carried a 20 page supplement showing the results of the Brantham 2000 questionnaire. • Each edition of the modern Bugle weighs around 112 kg (that’s about 17 and a half stone!) Throughout its existence The Bugle has been delivered by an amazing team of hard working volunteers. The Brantham Scouts delivered them for some time. Over the years the volunteering distribution team have coped with all weathers to keep the village supplied with each new issue of the Bugle, as it grew in size (and weight!) A huge part of the Bugle’s success over the years is down to these dedicated people. Thank you all!

The Brantham




ell, the Parish Council has nearly come to the end of another busy year. There have been a number of changes to the Parish Council during this time and more to come. It still continues to meet on the first Wednesday of every month and it’s been nice to see some Parishioners taking the opportunity to come along to our meetings.

PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES As mentioned in last month’s edition of the Bugle, the Parish Council was in the process of recruiting two new employees. I am pleased to inform you that Mrs Pat Smith has now taken on the role of Responsible Finance Officer (the person who keeps tabs on the Parish’s money) and Mrs Sue Butcher has been recruited as part-time Litter Picker. We would like to wish them well and hope they enjoy their new jobs. May I also take this opportunity to thank both Stephen Elsey (RFO) and Joe Clodd (Litter Picker) for all their hard work during their time with the Parish Council and would like to wish them all the best for the future.


The Brantham

LOW COST HOUSING SURVEY Thank you to all everyone who took the time to complete the Low Cost Housing survey. The questionnaires are now being collated and the Parish Council hopes to get a report back from Suffolk ACRE in the near future. For those of you who may not have totally understood, I would just like to clarify that whilst the Parish Council was interested to know the names and addresses of those who currently have a need or interest in new and local affordable housing it will have no involvement in the allocation of properties if and when they become available. Names and addresses were taken so that updated information could be sent to interested parties. Anyone who is looking or requires this type of housing still needs to apply to Babergh District Council. For more information please ring 01473 822801.

SUFFOLK LINKS BUZABOUT SERVICE The new Buzabout service is now in operation with services running Monday – Saturday from 7am with evening service up to midnight on Friday and

Saturday evenings. Unfortunately due to lack of demand the Tuesday evening service is no longer available. The service can be booked Monday- Friday between 9.00am and 4.00pm and the number to ring is 0845 458 1920. The cost is approximately the same as a bus fare. It would be a shame to lose this service, so when you head out for the evening why not think about booking the Buzzabout. It’s cheaper than a taxi and more convenient than the bus. Just don’t forget to cancel if you change your mind.

DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS A small working party has already met to discuss possible ways in which Brantham can celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June next year. In order to ensure that events do not clash or if any one has any ideas in which the event can be marked the Parish Council would be please to hear from them. Please either email the Clerk on or speak to any member of the Parish Council. Names and addresses are listed in the Bugle.

Parish Council News PRECEPT 2012/13 Taking into consideration the current economic climate, the Finance Committee recently met to discuss the budget for 2012/13. It was presented to the full Parish Council meeting in November and it was unanimously agreed that there should once again be a 0% increase in the Precept. Therefore the amount that will be requested from Babergh District Council will be £41000.73.

VILLAGE SIGN For years I did even not notice that there was a Village Sign located in the Catholic Church car park. When the sign was erected some years ago the preferred location had been on the corner of Palfrey Heights where it would be more visible. As the Parish Council felt that the sign was in need of some restoration, it took this opportunity to enquire about whether it would be possible to move it. Suffolk County Council has agreed for it to be relocated and two local craftsmen are now in the process of restoring and moving the sign. Just in case a more observant person has notice that sign is missing – don’t panic it’s in safe hands!!

BUS STOP ON BRANTHAM HILL Regular users of the bus and in particular children travelling

to East Bergholt High School will no doubt have noticed that there have been some rather unpleasant things left in the bus shelter half way up Brantham Hill, over the last few months. On each occasion the Parish Council has arranged for the bus shelter to be cleaned and sanitised but at a cost – one which cannot be afforded on a regular basis. What these culprits leave behind is extremely offensive and classified as anti-social behaviour. These previous incidents have been reported to both the police and Babergh District Council but if anyone has an information as to who is acting in this irresponsible manner then please ring either 01473 613500 or 01473 822801.

POLICE PRESENCE IN BRANTHAM Unfortunately, at recent Safer Neighbourhood Team meetings, Brantham was identified as a ‘hotspot’ for criminal behaviour and is now listed as top priority for police response if a crime is reported. If you see anything which you think should be reported then in an emergency please dial ‘999’. For any nonurgent issues the police now have new three digit number that can be dialled and this is ‘101’. Please note that all calls made are taken in the strictest confidence and if the police are

not made aware of incidents cannot be expected to take the appropriate action.

PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Planning Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month providing planning applications are received. Proposed dates for the next meetings are Wednesday 21st December 2011 and Wednesday 25th January 2012. Meetings start at 7.30pm at Brantham Village Hall and members of the public are welcome to attend. However, if no plans have been received during the month the Planning Committee will not meet so please check on the Parish Council notice board prior to the day of the meeting.

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Parish Council meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month starting at 7.30pm at Brantham Village Hall. The dates of the next meetings are Wednesday 7th December 2011 and Wednesday 4th January 2011. And with that I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Regards

Liz Evans Parish Clerk The Brantham


Bugle News

RECRUITING SUFFOLK SANTAS DARE YOU DIP ON – ALL IN A GOOD CLAUS! CHRISTMAS anted – people to dress up as Santa all on the same day and Wcollect money in your community for St Elizabeth Hospice. DAY? This simple yet fun festive fundraising event, called Suffolk Santas, was launched last year and raised thousands of pounds so is back again for 2011. Santas are asked to collect donations from their friends, colleagues, neighbours, relatives or community groups for as little or as long as you can between 8am and 8pm on Friday December 9. It is just £5 to register and you will be given a Santa suit, collecting bucket and identity badge. Suffolk Santas’ event organiser Rachael Maidment, of St Elizabeth Hospice, said: “This is a simple yet fun way of raising money to help us continue to provide specialist services and support. “Why not get a group of friends or relatives together and take to the streets en masse – or just wear the Santa hat at work and take the bucket round to your colleagues who with the festive season approaching should be in giving mood!” Register to take part at or call 01473 723600. This event is open to over 18s only. St Elizabeth Hospice is an independent charity which provides services free of charge in Suffolk and costs £6.6 million a year to run. It relies heavily on the support of the local community and more than three quarters of its income is generated by the public including from fundraising events like Suffolk Santas.

Never miss another issue You can now view the Brantham Bugle online. visit:


re you brave enough to have an early morning dip on Christmas Day? On Sunday 25th December hundreds of St Elizabeth Hospice supporters will be taking part in the annual Christmas Day Dip in the sea off Felixstowe. Last year around 200 people took up the challenge to raise money for the Hospice and around 300 dippers are expected this year. At 10am when the horn sounds everyone will enter the cold sea opposite Manning’s Amusements on Sea Road. Mulled wine and minced pies will be served afterwards. The registration fee is £5 per person and participants are asked to raise sponsorship. Participants can opt to pay £10 to register and receive a Christmas Day Dip T shirt. Last year the event raised over £35,000 for St Elizabeth Hospice, an independent charity which costs £6.6 million a year to run to provide services free of charge in Suffolk. Register online at Or for more information contact the fundraising team on 01473 723600 or by email


The Brantham

Bugle News

No.8 in a Series...

lOCK It OR lOSE It Dear Readers, I am sure many of you are aware that various areas in Brantham have been the target for thieves recently. Unfortunately in some cases buildings & cars have been left insecure – please remember to protect your property at all times:

• Keep a record of your valuables • Security mark your valuables with postcode etc.. • When not at home leave lights & radio on timer switch • Secure gates & outbuildings with good quality locks • Lock Windows & doors (even if you pop out for a minute) • don’t leave valuables on display in your car Please remain vigilant & report anything suspicious If you require an immediate response call: 999

'WHERE tHERE'S a WIll' If there is concern about a future inability to make decisions, a person can make a statement explaining the medical treatment they would not want. This is called a Living Will or Advance Decision. Even so a doctor might not follow the advance decision if there are new treatments available or if the wishes are unclear. However by law, a valid decision refusing life saving treatment means you can't be treated. If you want another person to decide about treatment on your behalf you have to make a Lasting Power of Attorney.

For less urgent matters call: 01473 613500 If you wish to discuss anything with PC 640 Jacqui Philpot or PCSO 3092 Joanne Adams please contact us via main switchboard or you can email on:

For your next step please see my advertisement on page 34

The Brantham



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1st Brantham Scout & Guide Group

1st Brantham Scout & Guide Group


he Scout and Guide group recently attended the Remembrance Day service at St Michael’s church and I am pleased to say everyone there commented on the large numbers and excellent behaviour of our members. Graham Mower Group Scout Leader

Beavers Contact Fiona Kenward-Mower, Group Secretary, on 393296

Cubs The dark nights are now here but this doesn’t stop the Cubs from getting out and about although more activities are indoors for a while. During the first half of the term we were out planting daffodil bulbs while it was still light and also many of the Cubs worked towards their Emergency Aid badges. Around bonfire night we lit fires and then cooked sausages on sticks. At half term some of the Cubs, along with parents and siblings, went on a really long walk, we walked about 7 miles starting and finishing at the Scout Hut; we were out for about 4 hours including a break to eat our packed lunches. The highlights of this term for the Pack were winning the District Swimming Gala and the District Quiz; topped by the quiz team going on to win the County Quiz. This could mean that Brantham are

the cleverest Cubs in Suffolk! Very well done to all our swimmers and quiz team members. The Pack remains full with a waiting list. Contact Ruth on 393076

Scouts The Scout Group is in a rebuild phase due to other events being held on the same evening. We are keen to get this right with the large numbers that will be heading that way from the Cubs. Recent activities include Rock climbing, Canoeing and Scuba diving. If anyone would like to join the group either as a scout or a leader/helper please contact Scout Leader Simon Vanhinsbergh or Group Scout Leader Graham Mower. Contact Simon on 397246

Rainbows Odette Nobbs on 397052

Brownies The girls from 2nd (Wednesday) Brantham Brownies did themselves & Brownies as a whole proud when they attended & took an active part in the Remembrance Day Service at Harkstead Church as part of their “Around the World” themed pack sleepover. They participated in crafts, both indoor & outdoor games, food inspired from different countries around the world, a walk to Harkstead shore to make nature sculptures & a walk to the

local church. We attended the local church service, the parishioners were delighted to welcome the Brownies into their congregation. The girls had been asked to take along something they had made during their weekend & to write a special prayer which were then incorporated into the service & two of the Brownies were also invited to take the collection. We have also completed our Toymaker badge work & held a sponsored circuits evening which enabled us to send a fabulous £210 donation to CLIC Sargent, the child leukaemia charity. The last few weeks of 2011 will see us enjoying our annual Christmas Bazaar & Christmas Party with our friends at 1st Brantham Brownies & then we will end the year with a special outing to see Beauty & the Beast. Tuesdays – Odette Nobbs on 397052 Wednesdays – Sue Spence on 395101

Guides Contact Alison Hobson on 01473 327201

Group Contacts Group Scout Leader: Graham Mower - 393296 Chairman: Tim James - 396512 Secretary: Fiona Kenward-Mower - 393296 Treasurer: Joanne King - 393372

The Brantham



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Brantham Amateur Theatrical Society

Oliver! O

ur next year’s production will be Lionel Bart’s ‘Oliver’, on February 15th – 18th 2012, at 7:30, with a matinee on Saturday 18th at 2:30 pm. The musical ‘Oliver’ is based on the book by Charles Dickens, with music by Lionel Bart.

delight with solos and choruses that will have you joining in. We are so excited about this musical and believe it will be a great piece of entertainment for Brantham and the surrounding district. BATS have a good reputation for their

Some wonderful songs delight with solos and choruses that will have you joining in. We are so excited about this musical and believe it will be a great piece of entertainment Oliver is a poor orphan who famously asked for more, to the consternation of the workhouse and its Beadle, Bumble.

singing and dancing and this will give them the chance to use their talent.

By the time this edition is printed, the auditions will have been held. However, BATS will be needing lots of help backstage so if you’re interested in joining us for sewing, carpentry, painting or creating props or helping with publicity, please phone Val on 01473 311553 or Angie on 01206 396674/07981974844. Rehearsals and the production itself will be held in the Village Hall.

ADVENTURE This cry for sustenance is rewarded with even less, as Oliver is sold. In this adventure Oliver is introduced to the underworld of London in the Mid-Victorian era. He meets Fagin and his boys, including the Artful Dodger, as well as Bill Sykes, a burglar and his lovely woman, Nancy. Some wonderful songs

Ticket Information Tickets will be on sale from 1st December in Acacia Carpets, Acacia Court, Brantham. Adults: £8 Children: £6 Look for the posters or phone Jo at Acacia Carpets on 01206 397475, or Val on 01473 311553

The Brantham



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School News

Brooklands County Primary School News W

elcome to school news, yet again we have had a really busy term with lots of visits and visitors enriching our Curriculum. This term the children have enjoyed selecting their own topics and their engagement with topics has been lovely to see. As part of Y2’s space topic they have had a visit from the Mad Science team, discovering how a rocket flies and the power of forces. Year 1 pupils were able to tell the school all about starfish and crabs in our Celebration Assembly after

We have continued to teach Maths and English as discrete subjects but themes are used as vehicles to teach other areas. There is a good balance of those selected by teachers and pupils and trials have been very positive and created a real buzz around the school. To compliment the use of our many reward systems and our sanctions in school this term we have been trialing a classroombased traffic light chart. Each child aims to stay in the green for each session, however with this system if you do get put into

To compliment the use of our many reward systems and our sanctions in school this term we have been trialing a classroom-based traffic light chart visiting the Sea Life Centre in Gt. Yarmouth. These enriching activities have proved to be great inspirations for learning. We have asked our pupils how they feel about selecting areas of interest to study and it is proving really popular.

the amber section your teacher will tell you how you can work back to green. If red is used, due to further reminders or a more serious behaviour choice, this will be recorded on the tracking sheet as we have done in the past.

We are encouraging children to make amends for poor behaviour and acting as guides to this end. As part of this system all pupils who are in green by the end of all sessions in a week have gone into a lucky dip to win a prize. This is another way to reward those making good choices and compliments our termly letters to parents regarding tracking sheets. This has really made an impact and is popular with both parent and pupils.

ECO WARRIORS As you know the school’s eco warriors are working behind the scenes to make our planet a better place. The group have asked me to ask you to use our paper bank, suggesting all those big Argos catalogues and other Christmas publicity finds its way into the bank. We can also accept Christmas cards and tags and every little helps. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Kind regards

Bridgette Gough Headteacher The Brantham



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Brantham Bowls Club

Brantham Bowls Club T

he club recently had its annual Presentation Evening. See the honours for 2011 diplayed in the table (right). The AGM will take place shortly, so there will be more to report in the next issue. If you would like to find out more about the club, please get in touch with me.

Stephen Cheek

Press Officer Brantham Bowls Club Tel: 01206-230429 Web: Email:




THE SHIELD Nigel Foakes - Mixed 4 Wood Singles

Arthur Way

ARTHUR FRENCH Godfrey Payne - Mixed 4 Wood Singles

Geoff Hartgrove

TAD WEBB CUP Doug King - Mens 2 Wood singles

Nigel Foakes


Geoff Hartgrove

Roy Hill

PETER GREEN Kath Caley - Mixed 4 Wood Singles

Carol Weller

DEEBLE CUP Doug Halliday - Mens 4 Wood Singles

Nigel Foakes

ROSE BOWL Andrea Dickinson - Ladies 4 Wood Singles

Ann Smith

TO advertise your company or event in the next issue of the bugle contact JoANNE King: Email:

The Brantham



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The Women’s Institute

the women’s institute


I members meet at the village hall on the second Wednesday each month at 7.30pm and we would really like to welcome more members to our meetings in 2012 - try our December meeting on14th when popular music of the 30s and 40s will be played and more! The Women’s Institute provides friendship, not only at village level, but at county level and around England and Wales. It is the largest voluntary

wondered. We were soon enlightened with a witty talk and shown how an untouched field, neither ploughed nor cultivated, could provide such a richness of natural wonder. The trees around the stream had wintery splendour prior to new growth and then a few were lost for ever during the 1987 hurricane. The bird, rabbit and fox life were all there, then we had wild flowers to admire and shown the levels of the stream during

The Women’s Institute provides friendship, not only at village level, but at county level and around England and Wales. It is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK women’s organisation in the UK - so do join us and enable us to continue to help our community.

ENLIGHTENED Chris Parfitt came to our meeting with slides from one year in 1984 and then with updates. How could one field in Suffolk provide a talk, we

the year. Chris’s dog, walked daily over this land, was also much admired. Our members photographs of the countryside were then judged. We have a lot of talent. Each year an annual meeting is held in November at all institutes and this year was no exception at Brantham.

Our Treasurer, Secretary and President gave their reports, we voted for the next committee (which was easy and there were no changes) and agreed to do more fund raising. A coffee morning, an afternoon tea and a plant sale with demonstration will take place in 2012. The committee was thanked for all of their hard work - then we had a friendly quiz - with prizes. Thanks to our President for providing the questions.

Meeting Dates 14 December - Popular Music. Competition A Christmas Ornament No Meeting in January 2012 Please ring Doreen Hill on 01206 395710 for any further information.

The Brantham



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John Gamlin

POPULATION, TECHNOLOGY and the MARKET T he last day of October was Halloween, the day when we remember the dead, but this year it was also given as the time when the number of living human beings reaches 7billion, one event about those who have gone and the other about those still living. Quite a coincidence and again opening the discussion about where human numbers may rise to in the future: whether there are too many of us already and what effect it will have on sustainability and the environment. One thing cannot be denied – if there were fewer of us the demand for food, water, minerals and all the other necessities of life would be far less than they are now. Equally,

have happened had it not been for technology, the process by which mankind takes and reshapes natural resources for human benefit

MANUFACTURED We have been technologists since early cave man fashioned flints into knives and axe heads. Practically nothing (other than things over which we have no control, such as the weather) that we use every day has not been ‘manufactured’ in some way or another; without it modern life would be impossible. Indeed, human numbers would not have grown in the way they have were it not for the industrial revolution, firstly through improvements in basic

Practically nothing that we use every day has not been ‘manufactured’ in some way or another if the material standard of living today was similar to that (say) before the industrial revolution, the demand would be very much less. Hence the old debate between the population and life style critics as to which is most important regarding the future of the planet. Whatever the outcome of this debate, neither of these would

requirements such as sanitation, piped water and housing, and more recently as the result of scientific medicine. In today’s world the other essential is the modern market, a system through which we create capital and distribute the goods and services which technologists produce. From the early beginnings with barter, the market

stall and the creation of money, economic activity is truly global and all embracing. So through the inter-related activity these three forces – people, technology (together with science) and the market, we are able to enjoy a standard of living without parallel in history. But that is far from the end of the story, for as we are becoming increasingly aware, there is a dark side to each of these. Increasing human numbers are paralleled with declining natural habitat and falling bio-diversity; scientific and technological ‘progress’ is accompanied with pollution, depleting resources and global warming; unrestricted capitalist activity has led to oversized companies, uncontrolled debt and economies beyond the power of national governments. We seem not to have learned that each of these three things must be subject at every level to effective regulation. For population it is primarily the responsibility of the family, for technology the company or institution and for the market the government, both national and international. Without better regulation both here and the world over, all could be lost.

John Gamlin The Brantham



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St michael’s Church


ooking at how busy the squirrels have been, I reckon we might be in for another hard winter. And the economic news gets worse by the day. Good to be able to look forward to Christmas and remind ourselves that God pitched His tent amongst us knows what we are going through and is with us always. Please contact me if you need to have quiet talk about something. A Blessed Christmas to you all!

Rev Steph Stephne van der Toorn (Rev Mrs) 01206 392646 or

JUBILEE BIG LUNCH PICNIC Planning is underway for the Jubilee Big Lunch picnic at the Keeble’s farm on Sunday 4th June. The Hospital Band will be playing and a limited number of special hampers made up by the Garden Cafe will be able to be pre ordered. Details in the next Bugle.

Rambling Rector DECEMBER 2011 Date





Sun 4

Advent 2


Benefice Family Communion

St Michael’s

Sun 11

Advent 3


Family Service

St Michael’s

Mon 12


Pre School Nativity

St Michael’s

Tues 13


Brooklands Christmas Church Assembly

St Michael’s


Family service with Pre School Nativity

St Michael’s


Carols by Candlelight

St Michael’s

Sun 18

Advent 4




St Michael’s


Midnight Mass

St Michael’s



Family Communion

St Michael’s



Holy Communion


JANUARY 2012 Date





Sun 8



Family Communion (Healing)

St Michael’s

Sun 15

Week of Christian Unity


Family Service St Michael’s (pulpit Swap) Preacher Rev Ian Gardner

Sun 22

Epiphany 3 11.00

Sun 29


Family Communion

St Michael’s

Family Service


The Brantham



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Thought for Today

Thought for Today Good F

or those following the debate on the Today Programme on Radio 4, you may be one of those people who gets annoyed that the ‘Thought for Today’ is restricted to religious bodies and is therefore limited by not being representative of everyone. So I thought, why don’t I write one for the Brantham Bugle, the voice of the people?! So here is a thought. Something we can all do if we put our mind to it, is to be KIND. The world would be a much happier place and we could all achieve so much more if we were kind to each other. However, we are human after all and kindness, it would seem, does not readily ‘roll of our actions’ at will. However, special occasions can easily prompt us into performing compassionate deeds, an anniversary, a birthday, a birth, a wedding, a friend coming home. So it would seem kindness is programmed

Also kindness is extremely easy to measure. We can all tell if someone has been kind to us because it makes us feel good. This is also how we learn to be kind. And therefore I do find it somewhat baffling when I see people being obviously unkind. Perhaps these are the very people we need to be kind to. If we all tried to be just a bit more kind, it would definitely increase the ‘feel good factor’ and we would all benefit. Kindness doesn’t have to be a physical manifestation, a giving of a present. A few well chosen words at the right time, on an appropriate occasion, a thank you, a smile, a gesture, is all that it takes to bring someone happiness, a smile on one’s face.

FESTIVE SEASON Let us be kind this festive season and scatter a shower of warm words. Let that kindness become a path that meanders

“Something we can all do if we put our mind to it, is to be KIND.” into the way we live, our lifestyles and our very nature and since it can be evoked at will and without having to try too hard, it seems natural to me that we could easily install an extra bit of kindness in our lives on a daily basis.

through hostile landscapes bringing calm like water does to a parched field. And a very joyful winter-time to you! May it be whatever you choose it be.

Rasik Bhadresa

Neighbour Scheme


e had a fantastic response to the questionnaire that appeared in the last edition of the Bugle and with the “affordable housing” survey, and would like to thank everyone that took the time to return them. So far we have had over 50 people offer to join the scheme as volunteers and lots of interest from possible scheme users. It is not too late to either volunteer or ask for help from the scheme as this will be an onging project OPEN TO EVERYONE within the village. Due to all the paperwork and red tape involved in setting up the scheme we will be looking to officially launch the scheme during January with an open event to which everyone is welcome. This will take place on 21st January at the Village Hall between 10.30 and 12.30 where we hope to have representative from various bodies in attendance. Although we will not be offically launching until January if anyone is in need of ANY help during December and over the festive period, particularly in the event of bad weather and snow, please contact:

Fiona or Graham on 01206 393296 The Brantham



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Holy Family Catholic Church

Holy Family Catholic Church Ipswich Road, Brantham

Priest in Charge: Fr Christopher Smith, 180 Hawthorn Drive Ipswich IP2 0QQ Tel: 01473 684963


t the end of November the Church enters the period of Advent leading up to the Festival of Christmas. Our culture generally wants to celebrate a little too much before Christmas so the period following - traditionally the Twelve Days of Christmascan be rather flat. For some the shortening days as we approach the winter solstice is a depressing time so a little partying helps. The Church also lifts the mood on the 3rd Sunday of Advent, named as Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday.





4 Dec

2nd Sunday of Advent



The Nativity of Christ, the reason for the celebration, brings for believers a steady, bright and consoling light into the darkness of things like suffering, sinful-

ness or persecution and a fresh hope for peace in the world. A Happy Christmas to all. Fr Adrian Gates Tel. 01473 726701 is the Catholic Chaplain at Ipswich Hospital and needs to be informed if a Catholic is in or due to go into hospital and

requires his services. All welcome to attend Holy Family services- not necessary to be a Catholic. Enquiries about the Catholic Faith are always welcome. Please contact the Presbytery as above or a local person who is a Catholic.


25 Dec

Christmas Day


1 Jan

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God


8 Jan

Epiphany of the Lord


15 Jan

Second Sunday Ord Time- Peace Day


22 Jan

Sunday for Christian Unity

The Brantham



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Constable Country Medical Practice

Constable Country Medical Practice Update Flu vaccinations Our Flu Clinics on 13th October at East Bergholt and 18th October at Capel St Mary were a great success. Nearly 2,200 patients were vaccinated which is an increase of nearly 300 on last year. Eligible patients who were not able to attend the clinics can still be vaccinated and should contact the practice to make an appointment. For a second year we also held a collection for the Help For Heroes charity. I’m

delighted that we raised ÂŁ1,220 and would like to thank all our patients who donated money for their generosity.

New Superintendent Pharmacist We are pleased to announce that Satinder Shergill will be joining the Capel Pharmacy on 14th November 2011 as Superintendent Pharmacist.

Pete Keeble

Repeat prescriptions over the Christmas period The Practice and Capel Pharmacy will be closed on 26th & 27th December 2011 and 2nd January 2012. Please order one week in advance if you are due a repeat prescription over the Christmas and New Year Period.

Practice Manager

The Brantham



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Brantham Over 60s Club

Brantham Over 60s Club Update


he 100th issue of The Bugle – WOW! And I have a complete SET. Congratulations to Editors, past and present, and many thanks to distributors over the years. From 12-67 pages and 17-72 adverts, like ‘Topsy’ it has grown since June 1995 and continues to be ever more interesting and a wonderful means for publicising the activities of the various organisations in the village. Long may it continue. We are still not ‘back to base’ on club days, meetings being held in the Village Hall pro tem, but having been given a tour of the newly designed and furbished Leisure Centre the wait will have been well worthwhile when we return in the New Year. It is fantastic.

(though initially not intended for childrens’ entertainment) seaside attraction proved very interesting. Historical facts accompanied the erection of the booth for an eventual performance and he demonstrated the various stages of the making of the handmade puppets and use of the schwazzle. Plenty of audience participation, and several went home with balloons made into novelty shapes – we are always game for a laugh!! An account of two family holidays taken this year was given by Rev Mrs Stephne van der Toorn, Rector of St Michael’s Church, Brantham on 27th September. The first, spent in a narrow boat on the Kennet & Avon canal, was illustrated with slides of their scenic journey, negotiation of

Meetings being held in the Village Hall pro tem, but having been given a tour of the newly designed and furbished Leisure Centre the wait will have been well worthwhile when we return in the New Year. It is fantastic A slight hiccough in the programme when Mr Punch arrived on 20th September (a week later than planned) but the talk by Mr Peter Battey about this over the centuries

locks and sights at stopping points such as the City of Bath, spectacular gardens in Bradford-upon-Avon and an agricultural show in Frome. Apparently a leisurely and

pleasant vacation. The second, and in a temperature of 40°, a stay in South Africa on the border of the Kruger National Park for a family wedding, also accompanied by slides and interesting facts.

PREPARED It always pays to be prepared for a last minute cancellation by a speaker or other event at a meeting – and it doesn’t always have to be with a game of bingo! An hour passed very quickly on 11th October with members solving cryptic clues and anagrams of flowers and plants. Working in pairs (almost in silence!) it certainly got the old grey matter working and was good fun. Another quiz on 18th October (this was scheduled) organised by new members Ron and Barbara Kent differed slightly from the norm with one round solving riddles and very entertaining. Commencing with slides of Equador, the Equator was crossed several times during a film about A Journey to Galapagos presented by Mr Chris Parfitt on 25th October. Accompanied with dialogue about the flora and fauna, the making of Panama hats, a visit to the Charles Darwin Centre on Santa Cruz (noted > The Brantham



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Brantham Over 60s Club > for giant tortoises) and other interesting facts an hour passed all too quickly, and being an ex-schoolteacher Chris did not need a microphone! From the title Getting Old Disgracefully one can gather that the talk on 8th November by Mr Chris Winder was amusing from beginning to end! Only 43 shopping days to Christmas (as this is typed) so a Happy Yuletide is wished to everyone by members of the BOSC. Come and join us in the New Year.

Jean Lace Hon Secretary 01206 396242



Dec 6th

A Christmas Special – musical entertainment by Mr D Padwick

Dec 13th

Christmas Lunch at Ramada

Jan 10th

Experiences of the Parish Priest – Rev Peter Ball

Jan 17th

Flowers under the Midnight Sun (illustrated) – Mr Ian Rose

Jan 24th


Jan 31st

More Rhythm & Rhyme – Mrs E Barker

Feb 7th

Committee Meeting

Feb 14th

Romania – Mountains, Monasteries & My Father (illustrated) – Mrs J Jones

Feb 21st


Feb 28th

All about met – members participation!!

Mar 6th


Mar 13th

5 Hats & a Washing Line – Mrs Roz Hall

Mar 20th


Mar 27th


The Brantham



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Brantham Methodist Church

Brantham Methodist Church Gravel Pit Lane, Brantham My Dear Friends In this month we celebrate the greatest event that has happened in this world since its creation – the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. This year I’ve been thinking about the shepherds out on the fields looking after their flocks when suddenly Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see - I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord. (Luke 2: 9 - 11 NRSV). These ordinary men, doing ordinary but dangerous jobs separated from their families and loved ones, were told the wonderful news of our Saviour’s birth. The wonderful real message of Christmas reaches the ears of those away from the stable and

Minister: Rev. Ian Gardner, 34 Medway Road, Ipswich, IP3 0QH. Tel: 01473 431832 Email:

manger, those unaware of the birth. The Christmas message of hope, peace, joy and salvation, comes to those who are not waiting for a promised gift but they do respond.

BELIEVE How do you respond to the familiar Christmas Message? I know for some people they’d like to believe but are afraid to believe. Maybe you’ve suffered hardship, pain or sorrow during this past year or maybe you just don’t feel good enough. I’m sure

those shepherds would have had similar thoughts but the message of Jesus is for all people, including you. If you’re able to why not join us at the Chapel in Gravel Pit Lane for our Christmas Songs of Praise on 11th December at 2.30 or our Carol Service on 18th December at 11.00 a.m. or indeed any of our services. You will be made very welcome. God bless you all and have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Ian

The services of Marriage, Baptism and Funerals can be arranged by contacting Ian.

Services and preachers in December and January 2011 Date



Sun 4th Dec

11.00 am

Mr Roger Fern

Sun 11th Dec 2.30 pm

Christmas Songs of Praise

Sun 18th Dec 11.00 am

Revd. Ian Gardner

Sun 25th Dec -

No service at Brantham MC

Sun 1st Jan

Revd. Alan Taylor

11.00 am

(Carol Service including Holy Communion)

Sun 8th Jan 2.30 pm

Revd. Ian Gardner (Worship on an environmental theme)

Sun 15th Jan 11.00 am

Revd. Aileen Mortimer (pulpit swap for Week of Christian Unity)

Sun 22nd Jan 11.00 am

Mr Harry Chicken

Sun 29th Jan 11.00 am

Revd. Ian Gardner (Covenant Service)

The Brantham



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Sunday Morning Football

Doing our bit, on and off the field


or those of you that don’t already know, the Brantham Badgers are the Sunday Morning Football team based at Brantham Athletic. The team was founded by Justin Vince and I in 2009 when we finally admitted that at the age of 26 we probably weren’t going to become professional footballers. With ourselves and so many of our friends being forced to move out of the village in order to get on the property ladder, plus work and family commitments, the team was an excuse for all the lads that grew up together in the village to socialise on a more regular basis. From day one, we knew that we were never going to win trophy after trophy for our footballing abilities, so set about doing our bit for charity in the hope we’d become a team that the village could be really proud of.

Fund-raising Over the past two seasons we’ve played in a fancy dress football match, grown moustaches for


04/12 - vs Whitton Knights 18/12 - vs Worlingworth Kick Off 10.15am, fixtures subject to change, visit for complete up to date listings.

Finishing the Brantham 5 Mile in 2010

the whole of November and ran the Brantham 5 mile all tied together; and thanks to some very generous sponsors we’ve managed to raise over £3,000 for various charities including Children In Need and Cancer Research UK. We don’t plan on stopping there, we’ve got a few more fund-raising ideas up our sleeves so watch this space. So if you do get asked to sponsor a Badger, please dig deep!

FOOTBALL On the football side of things, we’re now in our third season and playing in tier three of the Ipswich Sunday Football League. We won promotion from tier four in our first season, and had a solid mid table finish and good cup run last term. We’ve had some mixed results so far this season, but the attitude of the lads is to always keep going until the final whistle. Obviously, we’re just a Sunday morning team, so the

quality of the football on display won’t set the world alight, but our aim as ever is to try and improve and have fun both on and off the field of play.

SUPPORT Although we do have a handful of trusty supporters from the village, it’d be great to have see some more friendly faces supporting us on a Sunday morning, especially now that the Leisure Centre has been given a face-lift and serves hot food, including full English Breakfasts. Due to all the snow we’ve had over the past two years, the Ipswich Sunday Morning league has opted for a continental style “Winter Break” in fixtures, so there’s not many up and coming home games, but if you do fancy popping down to the Leisure Centre to watch a game, we’d be pleased to see you Kind regards Guy Clubb Co-manager, Brantham Badgers FC

The Brantham



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1st Brantham Scout & Guide Group

Recycling Thank you all for supporting our Scout & Guide Group with the recycling. By doing this we are raising valuable funds to support the work we do with the young people.

There is even more that we can recycle now: • • • • •

Inkjet cartridges Laser toner cartridges Mobile phones & PDA’s iPods CDs & DVDs

(in original packaging with barcode, not fakes or copies, not ‘free with newspaper’ editions, not EPs or singles)

• Computers and laptops

as well as associated keyboards, cables and mice. (Please note: monitors, speakers and disk drives cannot be accepted. All personal data will be destroyed before recycling)

• Don’t forget our 6 monthly clothing collection around Brantham. Please place your items for recycling in the recycling bin at the Scout Hut or at Acacia Carpets in Brantham or give to Sheila in East Bergholt Post Office. Large items can be collected, please email Ruth to arrange collection The Brantham



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Community Information

Community Information Baby Clinic for Capel St Mary, Brantham and East Bergholt, contact Sarah Hawkley on: 01206 299623

, St Michael ß Pre-School The Institute, Rectory Lane (by the church) Open to all children 2 1/2 – 5 years

The Constable Country Medical Centre

We open Mon, Wed, Thurs & Friday Mornings 9.15-11.45am

East Bergholt 2nd Mon of the month 2-3.30pm 4th Thurs of the month 9-10.30am

Munch club lunch sessions available Excellent Ofsted Inspection

Mon, Wed & Fri afternoons 12.45-3.15pm

Suffolk Quality Kitemark

St Michael’s Institute

Come and see us for a chat or telephone:

Brantham 3rd Tues of the month 9.30-11am

Karen 395865 or Hayley 01473 328695

Days Road Church Capel St Mary 1st Tues of the month 9.30-11.30am

St Michael’s Parent & Toddler Group Tuesdays 9.30-11.30am The Institute (by the church)

New weekday wraparound childcare is open in Brantham.

• Breakfast Club 8 – 9am

£4 inc. breakfast.

• Early Years Nursery Provision 9am – 3.30pm

Price dependent on session required.

£1.50 per family includes drink and a biscuit. If you’re a parent/carer for a baby/child please do come along for a play we’d love to see you. I promise we don’t bite!

• After School Club 3.30 – 6pm

Telephone: Lynn 392059

Hayley 01473 328695 or 07892 877743

£4.25 first hour, £7 whole session, booked and paid for half-termly in advance.

We are located within Brooklands School grounds in a selfcontained classroom with its own secure outdoor play area. For further details please phone

The Brantham



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Community Information

BRANTHAM PARISH COUNCIL Hire the Mr Richard Keeble Brantham Mr Paul Revell 47 Birch Drive Brantham Hall Village Hall 01206 393398 01473 328386 (Chairperson)

Mrs Liz Dunnett (Vice Chairperson) 9 Birch Drive 01206 391756

Mr Trevor Nobbs Maythorns, Brantham Hill 01206 397052

The hall is large enough to hold a bouncy castle, with prior permission

Mr Melvin Amoss 49 Brooklands Road 01206 392296

Jackie Heywood The Beeches, Brantham Hill

Want to organise a party in your home but have too many people?

Mr Iain Duncan 6 New Village 01206 393929

Are you looking for somewhere to hold youth activities or a child’s party?

Need to hold a meeting or event but have nowhere to go? Facilities include a large centrally heated hall holding up to 150 people - Kitchen facilities, glassware and crockery, stage and external bar facilities. Volunteers are needed to help with hall upkeep. For more information contact

Di Wombwell on 01206 394173

B I N G O Bingo sessions are held every Sunday at 7.30pm at Brantham Leisure Centre Entrance is just 50p, and 8 games cost only 50p! Everyone is welcome, so come along and have some fun.

Mr Nigel Gray 4 Temple Pattle 01206 397474 Mr P Kettle 8 Ashground Close 01206 395209

Alastair McCraw 20 School Lane 07812 564188 Trot Ward 18 New Village 01206 392060 Mrs Liz Evans, Parish Clerk: 11 Browning Road, Brantham. CO11 1QX 01206 393652

District & County Counsellers/MP Your local government representatives in Brantham are:

Mr Trot Ward 18 New Village, New Village, Brantham 01206 392060 David Wood Triangle, Ipswich Road, Tattingstone, Ipswich IP92NN 01473 328269 Your Member of Parliament is:

Tim Yeo MP House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA Tel: 020 7219 3000 Surgery dates are also advertised in the East Anglian Daily Times.

The Brantham


Community Sport & Entertainment

Sport & Entertainment East Bergholt Tennis Club New members are welcome at East Bergholt Tennis Club. The club plays on three floodlit tennis courts in Gandish Road and the reasonable membership fee includes free court use, a Tuesday club night, club competitions and the opportunity to play in league matches against other clubs. Junior players are also welcome. Supervised tennis is available for Juniors on Tuesday evenings and coaching sessions are usually run during the summer. For further information please ring the membership secretary

Geoff 01206 298077 East Bergholt Sports Centre Heath Road, East Bergholt

01206 299340

Cricket & Kwik Cricket

If you are interested in playing cricket Please contact:

Trot Ward 392060 Junior cricket will commence on Monday’s from 15th May 6.30-8.30pm at Brantham Leisure Centre. All welcome Contact Trot for further details


The Brantham

Brantham Netball Club We play competitive netball in the South Suffolk Netball League from October through to June. We have an U18 team and two U14 teams playing this season. Training for Year 4-6 children takes place twice per month on a Saturday 9.45am–11am at Gandish Road, East Bergholt Please come along and join in the fun!!!! We welcome players, umpires and helpers of all ages. If you would to find out more, please call Jenny on 01206 399061 or email

True Colours M a j o r e t t e & D i s p l ay T e a m We are a very successful majorette troupe. We train all year round and compete in competitions throughout the summer this also includes a residential weekend as well. We have performed at I.T.F.C. as cheerleaders and also at Disney land Paris. We are always looking for new challenges for the girls to take part in. We train at Brantham leisure centre in the evenings.Training times are:

Tue 5-6pm Tiny Tots (6-8yrs) Tue 6-7.30 Juveniles (8-11) Tue 7.30-9 or Fri 5-7 Juniors (11-14) Thur 7-9 Seniors (14 plus) We recruit in September of each year. For further information Contact:

Michelle Woods 01206 396535 Karen Crowhurst 01206 396535 or check out our web page

Local Transport

Local Transport Buzzabout

Bus Service

Bus Services Hedingham Omnibuses

Buzabout Bus Service operates at the following times:-

service no 2 to Clacton from Manningtree (Mon-Sat)


7am – 7pm

Carters Coach


7am - midnight


7am – midnight


7am - midnight


7am – 2am


9am – 2am


9am – midnight

Please call 0845 4581920 for further information or to book your journey.

Manningtree & District Bus Manningtree & District Community Bus service provides travel for group outings or taking groups of people to meetings (please note, not, for a single person travel to say the doctors or supermarket. For details of this service, or to volunteer, contact:

Jill Lewis on 392824

Need a lift? There are a number of drivers in the village who take people to the surgery or to the Hospital for visiting. Please contact Norman Williams on 01206 393377 for help, giving as much notice as possible.

services operate nos 92 & 96 Brantham to Ipswich Mon-Sats

Public Transport

from Brantham For information about public transport to and from Brantham, call the Public Transport Enquiry Line, operated by Suffolk County Council. It provides information on buses and trains. Call: Public Transport Enquiry Line

0870 608 2608 SOMETHING TO SHARE? Have we missed something? If you have some information you think should be included in the Bugle’s Community Pages please Email Jo King.

The Brantham


Community Information

Community Information Local Household Waste & Recycling Sites There are 18 sites in Suffolk, including:

Chelmondiston - Shotley Road Ipswich - Portman’s Walk

Also at: Greensmill, Lawford

Bramford - Somersham Road

Opening Times:

Opening Times:

1st Mar - 15th Oct: 8am to 5pm

1 Nov - 31 Jan: 8am - 4pm

Tues May - Aug: 8am to 7pm

1 Feb - 31 Mar: 8am - 5pm

16th Oct - end of Feb: 8am to 4pm

1 Apr - 30 Sept: 8am - 6pm

Please expect to queue at busy periods, particularly Bank Holidays and weekends. Operators may stop admitting vehicles 10 minutes before closing at busy times.

1 Oct - 31 Oct: 8am - 5pm Open every day except Dec 25th & 26th and Jan 1st



High Street, Manningtree

Tel: 01206-392747 Fax: 01206-391725


In Brantham the black and blue bins are collected on alternate Thursdays and the brown bins early on alternate Tuesdays. Please note that Babergh will not collect any other bags/refuse except flat cardboard boxes when emptying the blue bins.

Mobile Library Service

Opening Times

The mobile library van visits Brantham on alternate Fridays. The locations visited are:

Monday: Closed

Cattawade Old School - 11.30-11.40

Tuesday: 9.30 -1.00 & 2.00 - 6.00 Wednesday: 9.30 - 1.00 Thursday: 2.00 - 7.00 Friday: 9.30 - 1.00 & 2.00 - 6.00 Saturday: 9.00 - 5.00



The Brantham

Palfrey Heights - 11.45-12.05 Ivy Villas - 12.10-12.30 Birch Drive - 12.35-12.50 St Michael’s Church - 1.50-2.05 Slough Road - 2.10-2.25 For information Tel:

01473 583710

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Advertising Rates

Brantham Bugle Advertising Rates The Brantham Bugle is delivered free to over 1300 homes in Brantham and East End and is produced bi-monthly. Size

Per Issue

Per Year





Full Page 122mm x 182mm





Half Page 122mm x 88mm





1/4 Page 59mm x 88mm



1/8th Page 59mm x 42 mm



Leaflet Printing - Single-sided A5 leaflets: £34.00 for 1300 black on white 80gsm paper - prices available for other colour printing and paper. To advertise Call 07526 118663, Email - 37 Cedar Close, Brantham, Manningtree, Essex. CO11 1TQ Please make cheques payable to: The Brantham Bugle



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