Green Valley Key Club - October 2016 Newsletter - Volume 3 - Issue 6

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October 201 6 · C N H D I S T R I C T · R E G I O N V ·

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Green Valley High School’s Official Key Club Newsletter

Table of 4-5 6-11


Message from Bulletin Editor Car Wash


Open House Babysitting


Homecoming Booth




Contact Information


President’s Message

Contents More Information!


Message From Mission statement | Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to pro- vide service, build character and develop leadership. Vision | We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. Core values | The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. Pledge | I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. Motto | Caring– Our Way of Life


Bulletin Editor Hi Gators, It’s RTC time! This means a majority of the month Green Valley Key Club has been buzzing like bees to prepare for this enormous event. Not only does RTC mean cheers and spirit gear, but it also means setting up for it because we are fortunate enough to have one of our advisors also be the region advisor . Along with RTC, our club has had a plethora of service events through out the month Sincerely, Nick Phillips Bulletin Editor





Green Valley HS 610




September 17, 2016 10


Car “It was my first time to be in a car wash and it was the best experience that I have been in key club. The best moment is when we have to wash a truck that has been covered in dirt. It was gross but our hard work paid off when clean that truck. It was like a new truck. I had the best time in the car wash and it was a memorable experience.” -Patrick Penalber, 09

“The key club carwash was my first experience with key club. And for my first time, it was really fun! I was really sleepy in the beginning because I woke up at 6 but it got so much better as the day went on. I met a lot of new people and learned some things about people. I got really wet but at the temperature it was at, the water felt so good. It was really nice seeing people coming out to help with the car wash and it was nice seeing all the people there to support and get their car washed. As a freshman in key club, it really gave me a good impression on how fun and great key club is! I'm so excited to see what's coming up for this next school year.” -Sarah Pelle

“The car wash was really fun. Being able to learn how to wash a car was pretty cool. It was a ginormous success and we raised over 100 dollars. It was also fun getting to know everyone in the club.” -Archelle Nagamine, 09








Wash “On September 17, 2016, our club held a Carwash Fundraiser to fundraise for our Thompson Memorial Scholarship. On this day, about 21 members signed up and showed up which was pretty great. The car wash began around 9am and ended around 3pm. We raised over $300. I personally think this is one of our best fundraising events especially when it's hot because everyone loves to play with water, and of course do service while you're at it. The cars were pretty easy to wash, except the roofs were a little hard to reach when you're short. Though all cars seemed pretty easy to clean, there was this one white truck that came looking like a brown truck. There was mud all over it! And it took about 5 kids to clean the whole truck. It took so long that three regular cars had been done before the truck was done. But in the end we were able to clean it until it was super white and it was tiring but fun. I would honestly recommend car wash events to everyone because it's easy, cheap and you get to have fun with everyone as you do service.� -Ronnee Villamor, 12


Open House Babysitting

Green Valley HS 12 10

September 21, 2016 10


Open House


Baby Sitting “This was my first Key Club event, and I just have to say if all events were as rewarding as this one, then I can't wait for the rest of the year. It started off a little weird, mostly because there were so many more Key Club kids than actual kids, but we all had a good time. I loved playing Frozen Uno ("VERY different from regular Uno" said Peyton, don't get it wrong) and just talking to these kids. The boy in purple Seamus was really wild, but he's super smart. The girl in pink with the curly hair Jaelyn and I had some really good conversations about life with being the oldest and having brothers. She was also super watchful over her brother, Dax, and that was so sweet. Liam was absolutely wild and was a blast after he had settled down (until he started drawing on the board in marker, but other than that he was a lot of fun). His brother William on the other hand was so quiet and easy going. Josie and her brother Kyle were also fun and very tough kids considering they kept tripping over themselves. Brayden and his brother kept to themselves or with other Key Club members but I still had fun talking to Brayden. Overall this was so much fun and even though my friend had fallen asleep, I had a great time just running around and taking selfies with some kids. I probably ended up more worn out than they were but I know I for sure got a good night's sleep that night. Being a new member, this event really started me off on the right foot with Key Club and I absolutely cannot wait for other events.� -Brooklyn Darmody,11


Open House “I've honestly never babysat anyone else's children other than my own family but, this was a lot of fun! Chasing kids, laughing, coloring, and playing uno. It was really a great memory I'll cherish. Taking care of kids with the key club board and fellow members but more than that my friends!” -James Cruz,12

“My experience with babysitting the teacher’s children at open house was both fun and stressful. It was fun because the kids were having fun and playing games, running around, playing tag, and the key club members got to bond with each other. The experience was also stressful because, towards the end the kids started getting tired which caused them to get louder and not listen as easily. This made it harder on the members because of how many kids there were. The kids that I was with were very fun to play with. The little ones loved to play tag and hide and go seek. While the kid who was a little older liked to practice his math. If I had to use one word to describe my overall experience it would have to be delightful. Also I feel as if the so called “Zoo of kids” made Key Club members see the responsibilities of watching kids for future experiences. Especially past their bedtime.” -Paris Roberts, 10


Baby Sitting


Homecoming Booth

Green Valley HS 18 10

October 7,2016 10


Homecoming “The Homecoming Booth was honestly so much fun. It was overwhelmingly successful (we sold 8 dozen doughnuts in 1/2 an hour), and everybody was meeting new people within our club and others. We held signs to promote our booth with a fellow key-clubber, and we even made new discoveries about our skills when it came to getting customers. We bonded, and we even had someone do a service to another family. A man with two children didn't have cash, so the man in front of him paid for the three's doughnuts. If anybody was awed and proud at the man's offer, it was those of us in Key Club. We live for people to love and give to others; to understand their situation and help as much as they possibly can. I am humbled by this man, and I aspire to give to our community one step at a time. Key Club made it possible for me to see giving in action, and I could not be more thankful for the opportunity to work at Green Valley Key Club's Homecoming Booth!” -Kayla Karpuc, 11

“The Homecoming booth event on was surprising fun! It was the first Key Club event that I signed up for and I really enjoyed my time being there. We walked around carrying signs to advertise and tried to sell people Krispy Kreme Donuts. Sometimes it's hard to get people to buy stuff, but my friends and I tried really hard. I get excited when I see people walking towards our booth, and it feels great after every time we sell a donut. We all walked back and forth yelling "BUY A DONUT, ONLY ONE DOLLAR", and it the end we sold out really quick!” - Lisa Nguyen, 11




AGENDA: October 2016


October 2016


CONTACT INF 2016-2017 Officers Mackienzy Kahl, President James Cruz, Vice President Thao Huynh, Secretary Philipp Penalber, Treasurer Nick Phillips, Bulletin Editor Jennele Nguyen, Historian/SAA


ORMATION Club Advisors & Contact Info Mrs. Hanna Santee, Faculty Advisor Mr. James Misch, Faculty Advisor Mr. George Hedges, Kiwanis Advisor

Key Club International Cali-Nev-Ha District HQ 8360 Red Oak Street #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA Key Club International HQ 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, In 46268


President’ “Well, we're ready for RTC. We've had a lot of practice and its been pretty exhausting. However, the event is around the corner, and our preparation will pay off. It's time to plant the seeds if many great key clubbers. ” -Mackienzy Kahl, President


s Message

Remind 101 For more GV Key Club information/reminders, Text @gvkc to 81010



Volume III

Issue VI

October 2016


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