Celebrating “Making a Positive Impact in our Communities�
Danyelle Scroggins Pastor and Author Danyelle Scroggins is a native of Shreveport, Louisiana where she serves as the senior pastor of New Vessels Ministries. She is the founder of Danyelle Scroggins Ministries which is the platform for inspirational and public speaking as well as spiritual and marital coaching. Danyelle studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, an Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology /Biblical Studies, and Master in Religious Education from Liberty University. Danyelle owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC, a publishing house that specializes in the publication of books divinely sown into the hearts of writers. She is the author of twenty Christian fiction and nonfiction books and has been a part of three anthologies.
Danyelle is the wife of Pastor Reynard Scroggins, a mother of three, a mother of two by marriage, and a grandmother. Her hobbies include: reading, drawing, and web designing.
Website & Blog:
www.danyellescroggins.com www.divinelysown.com
Social Media
facebook.com/danyellescroggins facebook.com/authordanyellescroggins twitter.com/pastordanyelle instagram.com/pastordanyelle
Amazon: amazon.com/Danyelle-Scroggins/e/B004513RVY Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/danyellescroggins Church website: www.newvesselministries.org,