Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Friday June 22, 2012

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Kaieteur News

Friday June 22, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


The Quest for Growth We are told that the “Tripartite Talks” will be reconvened. Rather than trying to score (cheap) political points, we are calling on the leaders of the parliamentary parties not to necessarily shelve their political differences, but perhaps focus more on subjects on which they agree. From their manifestos at least, it would appear that they have a tremendous amount of commonality on their plans for economic growth. Why can’t they begin here? This is not to say that there are any quick answers, but at least the discussions should help to foster some trust. One of the biggest questions in all of the social sciences is why some countries are rich and some countries are poor, with per capita incomes differing by more than a 100 times from poorest to richest. The richest countries have per capita incomes above $40,000 per year; the poorest countries have per capita incomes below $400 per year. While there are probably as many answers on ‘economic growth” as there are economists, the following represents one supply-side economist’s view. The entry levels in the quest to become a rich country are the hardest. The basic problem is that any government strong enough to stop people from stealing from each other, deceiving each other, and threatening each other with violence, is itself strong enough to steal, deceive, and threaten with violence. Designing strong but limited government that will prevent theft, deceit, and threats of violence, without perpetrating theft, deceit, and threats of violence at a horrific level is quite a difficult trick that most countries throughout history have not managed to perform. To see how difficult this is, think of how strong a temptation it is for a sovereign to simply take someone’s accumulated wealth. Our problem is that our first government at independence followed an economic philosophy that justified expropriation. As long as the rulers of a country regularly succumb to this temptation, no one in that country will work very hard to accumulate wealth unless he or she has some form of special protection from such takings. Also think of how difficult it is to have a strong enough military to avoid falling prey to the next country over, without having the military take over and run one’s country for its own benefit. The intermediate levels in the quest to become a rich country are somewhat easier: establishing the rule of law and stamping out corruption. If unchecked, corruption and the arbitrary decisions that are the antithesis of the rule of law act like huge tax distortions that discourage commerce and industry. In comparison to the earlier levels, the advanced levels in the quest to become a rich country are a piece of cake: keeping tax rates reasonable while providing key public goods such as roads and other public works, getting monetary policy right, encouraging education and science, and fostering the environmental amenities that are part of what should be counted as “being rich” even though environmental amenities don’t happen to be counted in GDP. Even governments of countries at advanced levels of development that get the balance of taxing and spending wrong are still doing very well by having in place the basics of preventing theft, deception and threats of violence; perpetrating only a little theft, deception and threats of violence (except perhaps internationally); maintaining the rule of law and keeping down corruption. When looking at an advanced country that has very high tax rates, the right question is not “Is it still rich even with high tax rates?” but “Would it be even richer if it had lower marginal tax rates and less regulation?” There are some European countries that might have what it takes to be much richer than the United States, if only they liberalized their economies by cutting marginal tax rates and loosened regulations that make it hard for new firms to get started. For us in Guyana, we are still at stage one: we may disagree on the quanta, but we have to control stealing and corruption.

Linden highlights the PPP’s vindictive and discriminatory nature DEAR EDITOR, Prime Minister Sam Hinds’s statement regarding the proposed electricity hike in Linden, that residents “will have to manage the best way that they can manage” speaks to the vindictive and discriminatory manner in which the PPP governs this country. This statement would not have been made to any community the PPP considers its own. Hinds and the PPP have to be told that if GuySuCo is too big to fail, the people of Linden and Region Ten are too important to be destroyed. The PM’s statement is politically charged since it targets a community that has never given the PPP the majority. The rights of citizens take precedence over any element in society and in this case where decisions are imposed on the citizens in contravention of Articles 13 and 38 of the Constitution it speaks to the level of tyranny in the corridors of governance, and it must be confronted. Linden and the Region must resist at all cost, any impositions, as equally as they insist that their constitutional rights be respected. The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) was

established for the utility companies to appear before them to justify any proposed increase and to equally give opportunities to citizens to represent their interest. While the law permits electricity in Linden to be under the purview of the prime minister he has to conform to the universal principle that respects the rights of citizens to represent their interest. In fact, the PM has to give the communities and interest groups an opportunity to discuss this issue; an act he has not conducted. This is a denial of the right to be heard. Unlike most Guyanese, the PM enjoys free electricity ever since the mid 1960s to date, first as a manager of the bauxite company, and now as PM. He doesn’t pay a cent for the kilowatts he burns and when he retires as a past president, given the current President Benefits Act, the taxpayers will have to continue paying his electricity bills. Note, the persons imposing increased charges on this nation are freeloaders of the electricity system, and this inequity must also be addressed. The opposition parties are scheduled to meet with President Ramotar next Tuesday. And it is against this backdrop they are urged to

put on the agenda the Linden electricity situation as a condition for engagement. The people have a right to have input on issues that will directly impact their wellbeing. The AFC and APNU are urged to reopen all discussions on this issue and ensure the requisite consultation conducted among all stakeholders, including the residents, LUSCL, the Linden Town Council and Region Ten Democratic Council. Any agreement arriving from a tripartite discussion has to reflect the input of the communities and the three parliamentary groups; otherwise such engagement will not reflect the will of the people and must be rejected. To embrace a dissimilar position is a throwback to the days when Linden was a company town and the company arbitrarily determined the people’s wellbeing. This battle was already fought and won and we must not return to those dark days, even moreso that the Constitution protects the victories of the past struggles. The government’s programme of economic genocide continues to strangle Linden and Region Ten. The valiant efforts by the community to ensure the

right to economic self determination continue to face assault by this administration. The most recent comprehensive proposal from local supplier, Linden Utilities Utility Services Co-op Society (LUSCL), that would allow a path for Linden to return to electricity self sufficiency, environmental safeguards and residents cost effectiveness is yet to have this government’s attention. In fact, the PM refused to allow LUSCL the opportunity to import energy saving bulbs to be distributed to the community as one of its measures in electricity conservation. The PM is aware that unemployment in Linden is approximately 70 percent yet he remains determined to trample the citizens’ rights and impose further economic hardship, telling them that they “have to manage the best way they can,” without listening to their proposals and putting mechanism in place to create the economic environment that would improve their lot. The Opposition is called on to lend its muscles to ensure every Guyanese is treated with respect consistent with the Constitution! Lincoln Lewis

The political system needs change DEAR EDITOR, I endorse the position advocated by Mr. Freddie Kissoon (column KN Jun 12) that the country needs a constitutional system that prevents the control of power in the hand of an ethnic constituency through the instrumentality of its political party. I disagree with Kissoon

that Hoyte was the most multiracial of the leaders. Hoyte only embraced Indians during his last few years (leaving out the rigging of elections and the lack of Indian presence in his Ministries from 1968 thru 1989) because of pressure from the international community and local Indian

Enmore is changing DEAR SIR, It was as recent as last Wednesday, June 20, that a writer in the letter column of Kaieteur News declared that the PPP is relying on an outmoded and inefficient field mechanism to keep its supporters within the flock. Today’s (June 21) Kaieteur News (page 2) carries a release that AFC “has opened a Sub-Office at Enmore”. I did some investigations and I learnt that the AFC meeting which launched the Sub-Office was attended by about 150 persons. I called some people in the PPP structure in Enmore to enquire if they were aware of the AFC meeting and they told me that they were not given any such information.

Enmore has always been a bedrock for the PPP. It no longer is, because the people have been isolated by the little gods who have to do the groundwork. By their negligence they have created fertile soil for the AFC. The seeds of the AFC support have germinated. The plants will multiply. With the kind of ignorance displayed by the local leaders I spoke to, it is only a matter of time before Enmore becomes a stronghold of the AFC. The small turnout to Enmore Martyrs Day observance and to meetings held by Government Ministers should be cause for the PPP to worry. Their local leaders should be replaced. Thank you. Chandrowtie Lall

businessmen who made rapprochement with Indians a condition for their financial bailout of his government. When Hoyte lost the elections of 1997 and 2001, he resorted to militant tribalistic instincts leading to serious violent attacks against Indians. That is not the hallmark of a multi-racial leader. But he should be given credit for ending the ban on foods necessary for the Indian diet and religious practices and for taking measures to allow

a free and fair election in direct opposition to his party colleagues. On ethnic dominance, the society has been this way since its inception when it was established by the Europeans. The modern day system (allowing for ethnic dominance) was put in place by Burnham with the expectation that his PNC would remain in power forever (through rigged elections) and as such govern (Continued on page 5)

An attempt to embarrass THE EDITOR, It has come to my attention, that certain elements within City Hall and their masters, in an effort to divert attention away from current, national and municipal events, have planned a publicity blitz related to purported taxes owed to Mayor and City Council by a close family member. Briefly, when the valuation was submitted for the said property, the owner considered the valuation much too excessive and unreasonable, taking into

account, the relevant factors. For years we have written and have appealed as recent as per a memo dated February 20, 2012 to have the Valuation Decision re-examine its earlier valuation, taking into account, usage etc. It is necessary to note as follows: First, the Valuation Division comes under the control of the Ministry of Finance and; Second, the Rating Appeals Panel which is the legal entity to examine all appeals, for reasons best known to the State apparatus, has not been functional. Hamilton Green

Friday June 22, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

Gregory Gaskin has made his contribution to Guyana

DEAR EDITOR, It is with deep sadness that I pen these few lines to express my sincere condolences to the family and relatives of Mr. Gregory Gaskin. When I learnt of this tragic happening, I was in serious doubt and I could not help but reflect on the total impact Mr. Gaskin’s death would have on the entire Guyanese nation. He was truly an inspiring individual whose respect for his fellow human being was never taken for granted. I met Mr. Gaskin some years ago when we took a few law courses together, at the University of Guyana. My own interaction with him and my observation of how he related with others led me to conclude that he was truly an individual who had

deep concern for people. He was always willing to share and listen, to the views of others. Never had he used his successes, popularity, position in society or any of his other coveted qualities to impose his authority or views on anyone. Mr. Gaskin was a humble and naturally humorous individual who gained the admiration and respect of those who came to know him. He was able to make light of the most serious issues without having the importance of that issue diluted. Gaskin’s personality was a natural magnet for young people and I believe that when the history of his legacy would have been written, this very important fact will be recorded, as very often people of his stature gets it

wrong with young people. Guyana has lost an entrepreneur, a patriot and a true role model. His passing will, undoubtedly, have significant impacts on all the organizations to which he was associated. Penning these few lines were difficult, as I had to refer to Gregory Gaskin using past tense. He was indeed a Guyanese soldier in its truest sense, soldier on to higher and greater things patriot! Gregory Gaskin will be most certainly be missed but his contribution is noted. May his family take comfort in the fact that he has been more than an inspiration to our society. May you also be consoled in the truth that God is still alive! May his soul rest in peace! Lurlene Nestor

Easy to be irresponsible with others’ money

MR EDITOR, About the “lack of accountability and more excuses” letter detailing the widespread corruption in Guyana, there may be more and worse – such exposures to come over the next several years - the world over, if truth be known. I would like to adjust the statement that “They are just like the previous party that was in government”. Having regard to ethnicity, the action might be the same but the (present) scale is different - gargantuan by comparison. Greed has made its masterpiece. While in Guyana in the mid-1990s, I experienced this barefaced greed mainly among the building fraternity, by being charged ‘the tourist rate’ for work on my house. One ethnic group of workmen

might multiply the market rate by 3-4; the other group by 200-300 - or much more. (I was charged by one grasping man $100,000 to mend a leaking roof). All the workmen were recommended to me, so I took them at face value, much to the subsequent embarrassment of their ‘sponsors’, who were furious. Recently, while at Timehri, awaiting my flight, I noticed the number of outgoing passengers, each required to pay $4,000 as departure tax, and wondered what Guyana got in return for that tax. I tried to figure out, too, what citizens got in return for the VAT on their food, etc. On the way to the airport, when we were held up behind a long lines of vehicles, due to road works, the taxi driver speculated about the wisdom

The political system needs change From page 4 on behalf of its ethnic group. It backfired in 1992 when international pressure forced the PNC to hold free and fair elections causing it to lose control over office and the dominance of its ethnic supporters. Since then, the PNC has been trying to regain control of office but not advocating for a changed constitution that would balance power between and among the diverse ethnic groups. The PNC is seeking to replace the PPP which will not change the power equation among or between the ethnic groups. The Indians, like the Africans and other ethnic groups, want security. As Kissoon pointed out insecurity, fear and pessimism – all attributed to PNC’s dominance — drove Indians solidly behind the PPP until last November when many defected to the AFC because they felt the PPP betrayed them by not providing them a fair share of the resources. Many Africans defected to the AFC in 2006 because they were displeased with the leadership of the PNC at that time. The Africans returned home when the leadership changed under APNU. So the population has remained divided as it was during the 1950s – they think and vote ethnicity. The two parties (make that all three now) use ethnicity for their political advantage. The AFC made a racial breakthrough because of its ethnic orientation in 2006 (African party) and in 2011 (Indian party). If its ethnic orientation of 2011 changes in 2016, Indians may also return home just as the

Africans abandoned the AFC when its ethnic orientation went through a change. The population is held in racial bondage and electoral prison and we need to break away from such a system. But no one has been successful in his efforts to win over cross racial appeal and free up the racial politics. Even the great Cheddi Jagan failed in 1992 to win over Africans. The electoral system makes it difficult for people to take major risks in how they vote. Indians fear splitting their vote, worried about the return of the PNC. The specter of what the PNC did to Indians during the 28 years of dictatorship make them unwilling to take that risk. And the Africans keep hoping that Indians would split their vote allowing the PNC to slip in quietly; it almost succeeded last November. So the nation is at a racial stand off between the two major races. What the country needs is a political (electoral) system

(a la Fiji, for example, or Belgium, or the Scandinavian countries or Holland, Switzerland, etc.) that allows for intra-ethnic competition so that voters are not confined to one ethnic party but several parties to represent the interests of each ethnic group. In European countries, several parties represent their ethnic groups. Under such a

system in Guyana, no party can afford to ignore its constituents as currently happens. The government formation also needs to be changed perhaps allowing for the government to be chosen by the parliament (majority support) and not on winning a plurality of votes (as under the current Burnham PNC model).

Such a system will force parties to form election alliances and move the nation away from governance by one party through ethnicity. Vishnu Bisram

of widening the present road, rather than building a feeder road to the airport. I saw his point, but there may be a technical reason for this, rather than incompetence. We both hoped craters would not appear in a few years’ time. Funny, how easy it is to become capricious and irresponsible with other people’s money. Geralda Dennison

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Kaieteur News

Snr. Police Officers’Annual Leave slashed in half Senior Officers of the Guyana Police Force are once again venting their anger at the Ministry of Home Affairs, this time over the slashing of their annualized vacation leave. The Ministry, by way of a circular dated June 4, 2012, and addressed to Commissioner of Police (acting) Leroy Brumell, has advised that only 21 days annualized leave will be granted to senior officers of the Force. The Officers, from Senior Superintendents up, previously enjoyed 42 days Annual Leave. The move is being seen by the officers as another move by the Ministry to micro-manage the Guyana Police Force and its operations. The circular which was signed by Debra Lewis, Human Resource Manager of the Ministry of Home Affairs, for the Permanent Secretary, stated “….a decision has been taken that only twentyone (21) days Annualized Vacation Leave will be granted to senior officers within the Guyana Police Force.” No reason has been given for what some officers described as the arbitrary

decision by the ministry, which they claimed was done without any regard for the Public Service rules that stipulates the leave structure for officers and others by their ranks. Usually, officers and other ranks have been requested to defer their annual leave at certain times such as election periods and unrest. This obtained last year when the force was preparing to provide security for the General Elections in November. According to a source, some officers have accumulated leave in excess of 200 days, and with the new move there is no telling when then will be able to benefit. “We don’t know why this was done. It’s as if the government is expecting trouble soon. There is no crisis, no riot situation,” one officer declared. Only last week the police and the Ministry of Home Affairs gave a public demonstration of the capabilities of the newlyacquired water cannon which was purchased with the sole intention of aiding the police in the control of riotous crowds. The move is certainly not going down well with some

of the officers, who have already booked airline tickets to spend their vacation overseas. With the new move, the senior officers are now on par with Constables in terms of annual leave. According to the police leave structure, constables are entitled to 21 days leave; Corporals, Sergeants and Inspectors 28 days; junior officers up to the rank of Superintendent, 35 days, while the Senior Officers had 42. While no officer was bold enough to speak publicly on the matter, many of them who were contacted by this newspaper expressed concern over the increasing influence that the Ministry of Home Affairs has been exercising over the operations of the Guyana Police Force. They believe that the Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee is making good on his declaration of “kicking ass” in the Guyana Police Force. Only recently, the Minister had instructed that senior police officers be more visible on the roads, a move that was also viewed by the officers as dictatorial. “Senior officers, including Commanders, do go out on the roads many times, so that instruction was not necessary,” one officer told Kaieteur News. It is not clear if the move by the Ministry to slash the annual leave extends to senior officers of other disciplined services.

Friday June 22, 2012

Finance Minister’s wife to approve husband’s accounts in Auditor General’s Office - AFC - Acting Auditor General not qualified for substantive position The Alliance For Change (AFC) has noted with concern that the acting Auditor General has promoted the wife of the Minister of Finance, Gitanjali Singh, to Audit Director. The promotion, according to the AFC, has created a situation in which Dr. Ashni Singh, as Finance Minister, holds the responsibility for the preparation and certification of the financial statements of the country, which results in a conflict of interest as his wife is responsible for auditing those financial statements... At a press conference hosted by the Alliance For Change, Member of Parliament, Trevor Williams, who is also on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), noted that collectively four persons were promoted, including the wife of the Minister of Finance. “Ms. Gitanjali Singh, being the only qualified accountant among the senior management in the Audit Office, is integrally involved in the auditing of statements prepared by her husband and expressing an opinion on them. “This is a clear conflict of interest and a breach of the professional code of accountants. Both Dr. Singh and his wife are professionally qualified accountants and are

members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana,” Williams noted. He added that the AFC cannot accept that Deodat Sharma is unaware of the provisions of the Audit Act and does not know that he cannot legally do what he is now trying to do with the support of the PPP/C. “The PPP/C is afraid that a proper functioning Audit Office would prevent the theft and corruption which now pervades this dear land.” Underscoring that the Auditor General is among the most important offices under the Constitution of any country, Williams said that the duty of the holder is the guardian of the public purse with the responsibility to see that every dollar collected goes into the Consolidated Fund and not one dollar comes out of it without parliamentary approval. He explained that whether substantively or as an acting appointment, the Auditor General is appointed by the President in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission. However, the current holder does not have a professional accounting qualification necessary for the position of Auditor General and has been acting in the position for more than seven years. Williams said that the Constitution gives responsibility for the oversight of the Auditor General to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) but not in the exercise of his duties. “But Presidential Advisor on Governance Ms. Gail Teixeira and Advisor of Empowerment Mr. Odinga Lumumba, two of the PPP/C’s members of the PAC, demonstrating amazing ignorance of the law are accusing the Opposition of ‘interfering in Audit Office internal affairs and stymieing the process of collaboration and trust,” Williams opined. “This is the new game being played by the PPP/C. If they do not get their way they accuse the other side of noncooperation. It does not

AFC MP Trevor Williams escape us that what the PPP/ C might be trying to do is undermine the work of the PAC on the 2010 government accounts. They know that they no longer have majority control of the PAC which allowed for a limited examination of the past reports. They are afraid of the serious defects which a thorough review of the 2010 accounts and the audit report will reveal.” Adding that if corruption is to be controlled the Audit Office needs qualified, independent professionals backed by a sufficient number of support staff, Williams said it is time for the country to have a qualified and substantive Auditor General, and the AFC is calling on the Public Service Commission to take steps to advise the President on the matter. The PAC is a nine-person Committee made up of four members of the Government and five from the opposition (APNU-4 and AFC-1). The Committee is chaired by Carl Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance. In addition to the constitutional provisions, there is an Audit Act which contains the law governing the Audit Office. Section 14 (3) of this Act states that “The Auditor General’s appointment and discipline of all senior officers and senior employees shall be subject to the approval of the Public Accounts Committee”. In other words, the appointment which Mr. Sharma is seeking to make requires the approval of the Public Accounts Committee.

Friday June 22, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Man trapped for almost an Second Puruni boat hour in mangled minibus mishap victim identified

The trapped man grimaces as he awaits assistance

Freed at last! Rescuers rush the victim off to hospital A man miraculously escaped death yesterday afternoon despite being pinned in a seat for close to an hour after the minibus in which he was travelling, swerved from another car and ended up losing control, slamming into a parked Toyota Rav 4 at Durban and Smyth Streets. The accident occurred shortly after 17:00hrs, when eyewitnesses say that the minibus driver, Frances (only name given), who was heading east along Durban street, swerved to avoid a car attempting to cross Smyth Street and ended up losing control and slamming the

stationary car on Durban Street. Fifteen persons, inclusive of the driver and the conductor, were in the bus. No one was seriously injured except for the man who was trapped in the bus. He was eventually freed after valiant efforts by passersby who were helped by fire-fighters, and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. According to the conductor, they had just left the park when the incident occurred. “We were driving and a car suddenly came in front us at Smyth Street, so we swerve from it and ended up hitting that other car.”

The driver has since been detained. Meanwhile, the owner of the Rav4, Deryck King, told Kaieteur News that he had just parked his car and was crossing the road when he saw the bus heading in his direction. “I thought it would have hit me, but then I heard something go ‘bam’ behind me and when I looked back, I saw it had slammed into my car.” King averaged that the vehicle was travelling at least100 kilometres per hour. At the scene yesterday, persons were saying that that particular bus normally drives at a fast rate every day.

Relatives have identified the second victim of Monday’s boat mishap at Puruni. He is Devon Cadogan of La Penitence. His body, and that of George Bowman, was identified yesterday by their mothers after the remains were transported from Bartica to the Lyken Funeral Home. The bodies were recovered by policemen and public-spirited citizens on Wednesday. The two men drowned early Monday when a boat transporting some 12 persons capsized. This publication was told that the passengers were hurled into the water when the vessel’s propeller came into contact with a wire rope which was attached to a dredge and tied to a tree. Ten of the passengers were rescued, but Bowman and George never surfaced. Cadogan’s relatives said they last spoke to him on Sunday when he called his mother. However, it was only until Tuesday that his relatives received the news that he was involved in the mishap and that he was missing.

Dead: George Bowman

Dead: Devon Cadogan

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Kaieteur News

Friday June 22, 2012

Miner hacked to death Twenty-nine-year-old Kevin Huggins, of Rivers Town Village, Essequibo Coast, was viciously hacked while asleep on Wednesday morning in his mining camp at Barakat Backdam, Quartz Stone, Cuyuni , Region Seven. The attack occurred around 01:00hrs Huggins sustained severe wounds, some bone deep. The victim was chopped on his shoulders, arms, back and left thigh. Reports indicated that persons around the location had a hard time accessing transportation to take Huggins immediately to the Bartica Public Hospital. They only managed to get the man to hospital yesterday and by then he was dead. His body arrived at the hospital, around 3:30pm, where he was officially pronounced dead. Persons who were transporting Huggins claimed that he was very much alive in the boat that was transporting him and that he died about twenty minutes before their arrival on Bartica. Kevin Huggins leaves to mourn his mother, father, a brother and a sister. Huggins, formerly of 46

Porters prepare to transport the body to the mortuary. Inset: Kevin Huggins

Suddie Housing Scheme, Essequibo Coast, was said to have earlier “represented two bad woman”. Lydia Huggins, Kevin’s sister, said that the message of her brother’s fate was relayed to her by her

grandmother, Aileen Huggins, who was informed by one of her friend’s sons, who also worked in the interior. Lydia said that she last saw her brother in December. He rarely visited the Coast. She explained that her brother had reportedly intervened after the two women were being taken advantage of by two men. She said that as Kevin attempted to stop the brawl,

Caribbean defends own airport taxes while blasting UK’s APD MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica – CMC - Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) Chairman Ricky Skerrit has been defending the recent decision by at least two regional governments to introduce new taxes in the tourism sector, even as the region criticises Britain’s increased aviation tax, Air Passenger Duty (APD), which tourism officials say is affecting visitor arrivals to the Caribbean. Earlier this month the Jamaica government announced that effective August 1 this year, each arriving passenger whose trip originated abroad will be required to pay a US$20 fee.

he chopped one of the two men on his shoulder. She said the man threatened, “Bad man don’t sleep.” Lydia said her brother bled to death. Kevin worked as a miner with a man named “Owl. A team of policemen from Bartica has already left for the area to conduct their investigations. The Quartz Stone area is about at least a six -hour boat ride from Bartica.

Additionally, effective September 1, the government will also introduce an accommodation tax for each occupied hotel room of US$1 per night for properties with less than 51 rooms, US$2 for hotels with 51-100 rooms, while guests at properties with more than 100 rooms will be required to pay a levy US$4 per night. Meanwhile the Baldwin Spencer administration in Antigua recently passed the Airport Administration Charge Act 2012, under which the country’s overall airport taxes have been increased from US$63.75 to US$93.75, and will be added to passengers’ air fare.

US company joins the hunt for oil off Suriname PA R A M A R I B O , Suriname – Oil multinational Chevron is the latest to join in the search for oil in the promising reserves off the coast of Suriname. Chevron announced on Wednesday that it is teaming up with Kosmos, which has production sharing contracts with Suriname’s state oil company Staatsolie. Under the agreement with Chevron, Kosmos retains a 50 percent working interest and remains operator of its two wells until the end of the exploration phase. Chevron will assume the remaining 50 percent

working interest and will be the operator following any commercial discoveries. First drilling is planned for 2014. Dallas headquartered Kosmos Energy, an oil exploration and production company, signed production sharing contracts with Staatsolie in December 2011, for two blocks offshore Suriname. The Blocks are located at approximately 155 miles (250 kilometers) from Paramaribo and cover a total area of nearly three million gross acres, in water depths of between 650ft and 8,500ft.

Friday June 22, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Faster than speedy Gonzales On Wednesday, this newspaper reported the Minister of Health as indicating that a probe team was being assembled to investigate the purchase of drugs (medicines) as well as the overall policies guiding such purchases. This declaration followed reports in this newspaper about the prices that were being paid by the government for medicines procured under a billiondollar contract with a local pharmaceutical firm. By Wednesday, not only was the probe team assembled, but amazingly the probe itself had been completed and the Minister was able to make the findings public. This must be something of a record. Never before has a probe been completed in such rapid time, just under one day. That is all the time it took for the Ministry of Health to assemble a team and conduct a probe into the prices paid for the medicines procured by the government. What sort of probe was that? Here it is that the Ministry was ordering a wide range of medicines under this contract and within a day the

Ministry of Health could have put together a probe team, conducted the probe and pronounced on its findings. That is faster than Speedy Gonzales! The government should consider sending the probe team to the Olympics. They may bring back gold and deny Usain Bolt a repeat of his record-breaking performance four years ago in Beijing. Interestingly, the probe team found that the Kaieteur News was correct in respect to the price paid for the purchase of an itch cream but was strangely off mark, way off mark, in respect to other prices which it has quoted. So who is to be believed? Is it Kaieteur News or is it the findings of the probe team put together by the Ministry of Health? Why should the ministry be believed when it has not provided to the media a total breakdown of the constituent prices for the contract? Why would Kaieteur News be right about one set of prices and wrong about the four or five others that it revealed? The ministry is claiming that Kaieteur News is wrong. But what of the other prices

which were part of the package? Did the ministry go through all these prices? What was the scope of this probe? Why was it hurried? Why was it only concerned with disputing the prices this newspaper reported on? How could the probe have researched and validated the market prices charged for hundreds of medicines so quickly and compared these to the prices being paid for these drugs by the government? Was this a value- formoney probe? Or was this a probe dedicated solely to discrediting the facts as put out by Kaieteur News? Even more interesting was when this newspaper first began to report on this issue, the company which supplied the medicines never disputed the prices quoted. It never said that the prices reported by Kaieteur News were wrong. Even when the company called for the Auditor General to conduct a value-for-money audit it did not dispute the prices. In fact, at one stage the defence was offered that the company sells medicines and anyone was free to buy. The government, too,

when it first issued a reaction to the reports, did not dispute the prices. It merely said that the goods were purchased as part of a total package. Only now we are learning after a quicksilver speed probe that there were problems with the prices that Kaieteur News reported. The report of that probe by the Ministry of Health is not going to satisfy the public at large. The probe was too short to constitute a credible value- for- money probe, which was what the company was asking for. There is even now a great need for a wide-ranging, detailed and independent probe of this contract so that all the facts can be laid bare and to the satisfaction of the

public. Since the government has already done its probe and is disputing all but one of the prices that this newspaper indicated was being paid for medicines, then it should not have any fears or worry about a more comprehensive valuefor–money investigation. The government in fact should be overjoyed to be presented with the opportunity to prove Kaieteur News wrong through an independent probe of all aspects of this contract.

What is there for the government to lose? Its own in-house probe has established in its mind a verdict concerning the reports by this newspaper. Therefore what is there to lose by the government showing that it was right all along, by having an independent probe of this tender?

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Kaieteur News

Friday June 22, 2012


Dreams and feces in a failed revolution on the ocean shore I met my wife in the throes of the Walter Rodney revolution in 1978. I was in my final year at UG and the Walter Rodney bandwagon was in tempestuous confrontation with the Forbes Burnham presidency. Conveniently, for the blossoming of the romance, my wife and I shared the same taste in literature and music. She liked the novels of Harold Robbins immensely, so one day in 1978 before we got married, we went to Astor to see “The Adventurers”. The theme of the “The Adventurers” was not the kind of stuff you wanted to introduce your girlfriend to if you yourself were preaching revolution. The end of the movie was particularly jolting. As the revolutionary

battle raged in the streets, the dictator was toppled and his successor walked into the palace and proclaimed victory. Then as the revolutionary cadres brought one of the captured bureaucrats from the old regime before him for punishment, the new President, still in battle clothes, shouted, “Get him out of my palace.” There and then the moral of the story was flashed across the screen – a tyrant is overthrown by a revolution which will soon morph into a dictatorship and the cycle goes on. As the pattern of dictatorship and revolution goes on, the words of the 18th century philosopher, Edmund Burke, are still there to remind us that the revolutionary break with tradition brings terror.

We in Guyana have our “Adventurers.” The first two revolutionaries in postindependent Guyana were a dentist named Cheddi Jagan and his wife, Janet. In 1970, the two brought a school of young protégés into Freedom House to make the revolution against the Burnham Government. Many of those names are still with us – Rohee, Teixeira, Feroze Mohamed, Ralph Ramkarran, Kellawan Lall, Clinton Collymore, Navin Chandarpal and his wife Indra, Komal Chand. These were the “rebels” depicted in Robbins’ novel. They traveled to countries where other freedom fighters were waiting to make their evolution. They embraced the Black Power leaders in the US, shook hands with Nelson

Mandela and had Palestinian fighters as friends. Cheddi Jagan forced them to read Che Guevara and Franz Fanon and to idolize Fidel Castro and Vladimir Lenin. Cheddi Jagan’s vanguardists finally made the revolution in 1992 when the world turned against the authoritarian order. Fast forward the reel to 2012 at the Pegasus Hotel on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in Guyana. Memories of The Adventurers, Batista in Cuba, Somoza in Nicaragua, the Shah in Iran, come crashing down in front of you. These were so-called tyrants that were to be violently overthrown and were overthrown. And as the sun shone on the face of the revolution, the ghosts of Edmund Burke and

New electricity rates for Linden unveiled Despite protests by Lindeners, Government on Wednesday said it is moving ahead with plans to implement a new structure that will see a hike in electricity rates for that section of Region 10 from July 1. The “standardization” of prices will see bauxite pensioners not being charged for the first 50 kilowatts per hour (kWh) of electricity consumed. The rates for residents of the right bank and left bank of the

A mini health check is the first step to donating blood

mining town will remain unchanged at $5 and $7 for the first 50 kWh. Commercial and industrial businesses will continued to be charged by Linden Electricity Company Incorporated (LECI) on the right bank $12 per kWh on the left bank, this category will be paying Linden Utilities Utility Services Coop Society (LUSCL) $15 per kWh. In excess of 50 kWh, bauxite pensioners and residents alike will be charged $50 per kWh while businesses will be paying $65. During a late afternoon press conference at his Kingston office, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

challenged Lindeners to conserve on that power and avoid wastage. Also at the briefing were Linmine Secretariat’s Chief Executive Officer, Horace James, and CEO of the Guyana Power and Light Inc, Bharat Dindyal. The administration had stressed that Linden since the days of the bauxite boom has been enjoying electricity at low rates, and following the halt of bauxite operations in the 1980s, the area continued to enjoy low cost subsidized electricity. There have been moves in recent years, in keeping with new electricity reform regulations, to bring the rates up to standards with the rest of the country. However, attempts were rejected by Lindeners who said that the

area remained a depressed community with high unemployment rates. There have been accusations by the opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) that government was moving to retaliate for their dismal showing in that area during the November 28th General and Regional Elections. Meanwhile, according to Hinds, at the current rates charged in Linden, the allocation of $1.8B in this year’s budget to subsidize electricity costs will be exhausted by early September. Cost of generation in the area has been averaging up to $62 per kWh. It would take up to $80 per kWh to be charged for the electricity companies there to recover costs, the PM noted.

Harold Robins appeared revolution had failed and the old despots have been replaced by younger ones who like Samuel Doe in Liberia will be hunted down by newer romanticists and have their ears cut off as the rebels did to Doe. Poor Mr. Badal! Harold Robbins’s revolutionaries who are Cheddi Jagan’s children told him that his hotel’s sewer pipes have to be removed because it is in their way. Badal spoke up too much. Badal was too harsh on the Cheddi’s revolutionaries. With no place to put the feces, it will have to sail on top of the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. A High Court judge has come to his rescue and offered a temporary stay to the flow of the feces. Badal may go on Amazon.com and order “The Adventurers.” Badal should call me. I could lend him a few books on Edmund Burke. Poor Lincoln Lewis! His college will have to turn its back on the thousands of south Georgetown youths that sought a post-secondary education in the pursuit of a dream. Weren’t it for these dreams revolution was made

Frederick Kissoon by Castro and Cheddi’s protégés? Poor Mark Benschop! It wasn’t Batista or Somoza or the Shah that put him in prison. It was the revolutionaries in Cheddi Jagan’s home. Poor Raphael Trotman! His elected Parliament is frowned upon by the rebels who overthrew tyrants because they wanted a democratic Parliament. Did Cheddi read “The Adventurers?” He probably did and said to himself the words he told Yesu Persaud – “Why talk about changing the 1980 Constitution? Can you see me becoming a dictator?” Well, he didn’t live long enough to become a dictator, but his underlings have. And the cycle of rebels replacing despots then turning into tyrants themselves will go on. Shakespeare is worth quoting, “Oh judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts and men have lost their reason”.

Dem boys seh...

Who get de airport kickback? Guyana gun spend US$150 million pun an airport but nobody ain’t explain how that gun benefit Guyana, how it gun pay for itself. If this thing was so clean why dem do de signing in secret? Jagdeo didn’t give no notice of de job much less de contract. Dem had to have kickback. Dem boys want fuh know how he enter into de airport venture and why he sign de contract. He don’t care how Guyana gun pay back. All he care bout is de kickback. Dem boys talk bout de kickback and de pressure mek de Chinee put de ad in de newspaper. De ad seh how dem bid a US$100 million airport in Sudan. Dem build another US$100 million in Myanmar and dem build another in Chep Lap Kok in China. Dem nah seh how much money dem build that one for. That one probably build fuh US$20 million because den can’t give or tek kickback. But fuh sure de kickback had to be big wid de other two. Dem boys wasn’t wrong when dem seh that US$50 million gone in somebody pocket. Dem build two fuh US$100 million apiece. How Guyana own meet US$150? Brazzy and de Shaatie and de Rat like fuh tell people how dem know jumbie mathematics. Well dem boys want ask dem fuh answer that question. Dem scampish contractor never mention in de ad if dem ever build one airport in a developed country—Europe, England, America or Canada. Dem boys seh that dem can’t corrupt nobody there, but dem going after all dem poor nations wid weak governments. Dem done lock down Guyana and lock off some of de leaders. Ask de Rat. Dem fund de project, give de kickbacks to you know who, dem boys nah got fuh call name—and mek de people, dem pickney and dem grandpickney bear de burden fuh pay back that money. That is wha dem boys seh. De good thing is that some big ones in Uncle Sam done announce that he got jail space fuh dem big ones who busy thiefing. He done got dem suit size and he got transportation from any country outside Guyana. Talk half and find out wheh de US$100 going.

Friday June 22, 2012

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Health Minister’s pharmaceutical RUSAL’s arbitration block probe a joke - APNU upheld by High Court - party wants independent Commission of Inquiry By Latoya Giles A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Shadow Minister of Health, Dr. George Norton, has described Minister Bheri Ramsaran’s announcement of a probe into the procurement and purchase of drugs by the government for the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) as a “joke”, adding that his party will be presenting a motion to the National Assembly calling for the immediate formation for a Commission of Inquiry into how the administration purchases pharmaceuticals. Norton expressed this notion yesterday afternoon at the party’s weekly press briefing. “Given the gravity of the situation, A Partnership for National Unity will take a motion to the National Assembly to have President Donald Ramotar urgently put in place an independent Commission of Inquiry with full investigatory power,” Norton told the media. This motion is likely to be supported by the Alliance For Change, as its chairman Khemraj Ramjattan has essentially signaled same. Norton said that over the last two decades the nation has watched in dismay as the PPP/C Government increasingly enabled and allowed corrupt practices by unscrupulous businessmen and cuddled criminal elements. He said that as a consequence, corruption in Guyana has become endemic. “The level of corruption has now surpassed the usual

greed and graft and now directly threatens the health and well-being of the people of Guyana,” Norton stated emphatically. The APNU MP said that any even-minded person would find it rather strange that only days after the Kaieteur News had several headlines about the purchase of drugs, the Health Minister comes out and says that nothing is wrong with the pharmaceutical purchases. According to Norton, as far back as 2005, the late former PNCR Shadow Finance Minister of the PNC, Mr. Winston Murray, was making repeated calls for the purchase of drugs by the Government to be done in accordance with the procedures established by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), through open tendering, and for Government to stop the use of a Cabinet Order for the purchase of pharmaceuticals. However his calls went ignored by the then Jagdeo administration, which continued its abuse of this process by moving to the short-listing of companies in a manner which did not follow the Tender Administration Procurement (TAP) Act. Norton said that during the 9th Parliament, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) had questioned the government’s Procurement Officer about the mechanisms in place to cross-check the prices proffered by the suppliers and was told that there were sites which were available for crossreferencing. The PAC later

Dr. George Norton advised that the Procurement Officer and the Permanent Secretary do so, given the increasing number of complaints that Government was purchasing drugs far above the primary costs. Norton further stated that over the past days, the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation has come under fire, for selling to the government pharmaceutical products at exorbitant prices. “The banner headline of one of the daily independent newspaper screamed; Government pays $18,000 for $2,000 “pressure tablets” What is apposite to note here is that the New GPC and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation have defended the purchases saying that the prices paid were okay. How can it be okay for the people of Guyana to pay $8,000 for an injection that costs $600? How can it be okay for the people of Guyana to pay $ 1,800 for one Atenolol (tablet) when the same tablet can be bought at a local pharmacy for $ 600 (a 300% difference)? How can it be okay when the taxpayers (Continued on page 13)

Plans by government to implement arbitration proceedings into RUSAL’s industrial unrest issues have been foiled after the High Court on Wednesday ruled in favour of the company. According to RUSAL’s local subsidiary, Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc. (BCGI), it had to seek recourse in the High Court to ensure that the arbitration ordered by the Minister of Labour, between the company and Guyana Bauxite and General Workers Union, was in full compliance with the laws of Guyana, and truly served the best interests of its workers. It will be recalled that on March 19, Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang, granted the Orders Nisi, the effect of which were to prohibit the arbitration from proceeding. On Wednesday, when the matter was fixed for hearing, lawyers for the minister and the union informed the Court that after reading the company’s complaint, they were unable to answer it and would agree to the Orders Nisi being made absolute. “After hearing them, the Honourable Chief Justice made the Orders Nisi issued on 19 March 2012, absolute,” BCGI said in a release yesterday. BCGI had failed to turn up on March 13 for an arbitration meeting called by the Ministry of Labour. In March, the company insisted that it was concerned at what appeared to be departures from the laws of Guyana by the Minister of Labour – namely, section 4(1) of the Labour Act Chapter

98:01. The company which has operations at Aroaima and Kwakwani, Upper Berbice, Region 10, insisted that it would not engage in any action that at some time in the future could be considered unlawful, damaging to the interests of the majority of its workers, and setting an unfortunate precedent. Following the company’s no-show at the governmentcalled arbitration meeting, head of the Guyana Bauxite and General Workers’ Union, Lincoln Lewis, had accused RUSAL of continuing its old ways of disrespecting the union and “raping” the laws of Guyana. The union threatened to rope in political parties in Parliament over the issue. According to Lewis, minutes prior to the arbitration meeting, the company’s lawyer sent a letter informing the Secretary of the Arbitration Tribunal that he was unable to represent RUSAL’s management who were abroad, since he too was out of the jurisdiction. Lewis had pointed out that prior to the arbitration, RUSAL’s management had indicated that they would have been out of the country. Subsequently, Dr. Nanda Gopaul, the Labour Minister through the Secretary of the Arbitration Tribunal, had informed both parties they could be represented by anyone. The March 13 arbitration meeting commenced as scheduled at the Ministry of Labour boardroom despite

the absence of the company’s management and lawyer. The grouse between the union and company started in 2009, with the company accused of arbitrarily suspending 67 workers, who protested operating with defective mining equipment. Further, in December 2009, RUSAL took a decision to discontinue engaging the union, stating that it had terminated the Collective Labour Agreement and measures would be put in place to de-recognise the union. However, since then the company has refused to deal with the union on any issue, even though the body represents over 300 employees. Lewis had noted that the company’s effort failed, since according to the Laws of Guyana, no company could de-recognise a union, not even the Ministry of Labour. In fact, an attempt by RUSAL to replace the Union with one they created, was rejected by the workers, Lewis said. Locally, there have been a number of protests, especially from Region 10 residents, over the 2009 dismissals of the workers.

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President Donald Ramotar has urged world leaders not to end an important forum as the Rio + 20, complacent with mere inspirational messages to address world challenges but, instead seek and agree to specific, practical actions that are applicable to today’s realities. His caution came today while delivering his address to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, calling for “boldness of vision and an agreement on specific actions that match the scale of the challenges we face.” Central to the Summit which runs from June 20 to 22, are green economy in the context of sustainable development and in the President’s view, the task of shifting the world onto a sustainable development trajectory that requires actions that utilise the planet’s natural capacity and, energy sources for the benefit of all. Recognising that financing is a main factor in achieving such objectives, President Ramotar reiterated the call for countries to “face

Kaieteur News

Friday June 22, 2012

- President Ramotar urges at RIO+20

President Donald Ramotar addresses the Rio +20 conference (UN Photo) up to the need for funding which the international community has already acknowledged as the fair thing to do. “The developed world both caused the problem and can afford to pay for solving it. But that sometimes obscures the fact that the solutions to the major issues we discuss - such as climate change, bio-diversity, water regulation - are far more prevalent in the developing world. So we need to see

investment where the solutions are - and that will require significant financial transfers,” the Guyanese Leader said. Past commitments have seen US$30 billion in fast start funding for the period 2010 to 2012 rising to US$100 billion per annum by 2020. Although expeditiousness in the process has been a sore issue, President Ramotar was nevertheless p l e a s ed that the commitments to 2020 provide

an opening to start the process of correcting the centuries-old imbalances in the global economy. The President said leaders need to be clear about the special conditions that exist across countries - especially those that apply to small highly indebted middle income countries. Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) which places the country’s forest at the centre of transitioning Guyana onto a low carbon course was explained in detail to world leaders as President Ramotar sought to justify that there is progress in sustainable development. “Working with Norway, we have become one of the first countries in the world to sell environmental services. We are maintaining 99.5% of our forest, the highest rate in the world,” he said. In partnership with Norway, Guyana has been implementing an Interim REDD+ arrangement through which the country has already earned about US$70

Million in performance based payments from avoided deforestation and under which the country can earn up to US$250 Million by 2015. The funds Guyana earned are resourcing the implementation of projects that will allow the country to satisfy its entire domestic energy needs through clean energy; support the diversification of the national and local economy and thereby reduce pressures on forests, and to implement climate change adaptation measures. President Ramotar told world leaders that Guyana remains hopeful that its experiences will be of benefit to other countries and, referred to its efforts last year using its Pro Tempore Chairmanship of the Union of South America Nations (UNASUR) to convince the rest of South America to expand its already high contribution to global sustainable development. Specific mention was made to the Amazon Biome, which contains at least 10% of the world’s known biodiversity, 15% of the world’s total freshwater discharge from rivers, and sequesters billions of tonnes of carbon. “South America is 5% of the world’s people and 6% of its economy – but the contribution made to global sustainable development is far greater than these figures would suggest,” President Ramotar said. Guyana is also working with forest countries from across the world through a variety of groupings, from the Interim REDD+ Partnership to the Three Basins Initiative. President Ramotar

maintains however, that courage and political leadership in developing and industrialised countries alike are key to success and expressed the hope that the presence of so many leaders at Rio+20 will help to create the largest coalition of progressive forces ever seen. “In all cases, experience has shown that sustainable d e v e l o p ment requires actions that are complex, long-term, at times controversial and politically difficult. It requires courage and political leadership in developing and industrialised countries alike. In all countries, including Guyana, there are regressive forces who don’t want to see sustainable development strategies succeed because they threaten deep-seated vested interests... but whether in large countries or small ones like mine, these regressive forces can cause immense damage, and leadership from the world’s progressives must unite to defeat them,” he said. The Guyana delegation that includes, former President Bharrat Jagdeo, Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud, Advisor to the President on Sustainable Development, Science and Technology, Navin Chandarpal and Head of the Office of Climate Change Shyam Nokta, is pressing the case for reconciliation of two global forces that ha v e traditionally been seen as incompatible – protecting the environment and economic development, as a critical challenge that must be overcome by the global community. (GINA)

Friday June 22, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Vendetta follows slain businessman after the grave - office set ablaze, $$M in losses

The scorched outer section Early yesterday morning, the office of the now dead Pest Control boss Mohamed Shahabudeen Bacchus was set ablaze. According to reports the fire service and police were summoned to 322 Rohintal Street, Prashad Nagar around 01:30 hours yesterday. Persons in the area said they were alerted when they smelled smoke in the air. “We hear people calling out at the gate and we hear windows breaking and we thought was thief but when we come outside we notice smoke coming from the building and we call the fire service,” one neighbour said. This publication was told the two-storey building served as an office and storage bond for the Pest Control business. According to the slain businessman’s insurance agent in excess of $50M worth in high-end Black

& Decker and other products were in the building. The agent said that what was not damaged in the fire was destroyed when the firemen soaked the interior to extinguish the flames. “This clearly shows that this is a serious vendetta against this man. It is clear that his death and this fire are linked. Everything in the building was destroyed; what wasn’t burnt was water soaked and damaged.” Meanwhile, a source close to the family said the incident is rather unfortunate and is adding to their grief as they only buried Bacchus on Monday after he was shot last Friday evening. He succumbed to his injuries early Saturday morning. Further, according to a source close to the investigation, preliminary investigations suggest that

the fire may have been deliberately set. On Friday night last Mohamed Shahabudeen Bacchus, a 43year-old Pouderoyen resident, and owner of Pest Control Plus was shot several times while at a bar in Thomas Street, Georgetown. Police reports stated that two armed men targeted him. Despite having a bodyguard with him, he was wounded several times, according to reports. One of the gunmen fired several rounds at Bacchus, hitting him in the head and body. He was rushed to the nearby Georgetown Hospital. According to reports, the slain businessman may have been deliberately targeted by hit men. A previous attempt had been made on his life in 2008. Another businessman was detained for questioning but subsequently released. -

Health Minister’s pharmaceutical... (From page 11) of this country must pay $18,000 for something that cost a mere $2,000? How can it be okay for us to pay $1,909 for a tube of fungicide cream that retails for only $80? What must we make of a company that sells us a contraceptive pill that costs $600 and a government that thinks it’s okay to buy that pill for $8,000? This is not commerce, this is corruption”. Norton said that the evidence seems quite clear that the GPHC is engaging in seemingly shady procurement practices that have caused Health Minister Dr. Bheri Ramsaran to launch a probe into local drug purchases. However, Norton said, “it is way too little and too late… even though we

welcome the Minister’s voice to the debate”. The track record of the PPP in government does not instill confidence when it comes to corruption and investigating corruption, Norton said. He added that this was highlighted even more as former speaker of the National Assembly and PPP executive member, Mr. Ralph Ramkarran, recently asserted that corruption had become a monstrosity under the PPP/ C government. “After twenty years of mismanagement by the PPP regime that has created economic hardship, failed or failing institutions, an unreliable criminal justice system, as well as racial fractures, the PPP/C

Administration continues to exhibit no evidence of strong political will to tackle corruption. When consideration is given to the distinct possibility that “bogus” drugs, from questionable suppliers, may have entered our supply chain, then this now becomes a serious public health crisis that demands a response that must meet the highest level of credibility so that the public can be reassured that their health and well being is not compromised because of a few greedy men and women.” APNU’s Volda Lawrence urged that the minister ’s findings be published and tabled in the National Assembly.

The burnt out Pest Control Plus business office

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Friday June 22, 2012

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Corruption has reached epidemic proportions - WPA In wake of the recent statement by PPP/C Executive member, Ralph Ramkarran, in relation to corruption, the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) has said that the statement does not go far enough and seeks to downplay the scope of the problems. In a statement released by the party it was noted that Ramkarran’s pronouncement on the issue of corruption came ‘very late in the day’. “The suggestion that charges of official corruption have been exaggerated calls into question whether Mr. Ramkarran is really serious about rooting out this problem.” The WPA said this is an old tactic on the part of offending parties and governments—acknowledge a problem, but deny its pervasiveness. “WPA is, therefore, swayed in the direction of seeing Mr. Ramkarran’s statement within the context of the PPP’s attempt to mollify the party’s disaffected base and to give a false impression that the party and government are now open to internal criticisms and governance reform.” The WPA however noted that it would not ignore the fact that Mr. Ramkarran’s statement, and those of Ms. Nadira Jagan-Brancier before him, represent some divisions within the PPP on how to deal with this issue or whether to deal with it at all. Hence, the Party sought the opportunity to reiterate its stance on corruption in high places. “As a party with a long tradition of anti-corruption agitation, WPA has consistently argued that the scourge of corruption has had a crippling effect on

governance and development in Guyana. It must be noted too that official corruption has not only robbed the national treasury of much needed revenues but it has spawned a culture of corruption at every level of the state and society. WPA’s co-leader Professor Clive Thomas, in his Sunday column in the Stabroek News has devoted a number of newspaper articles highlighting the merging of corruption with governance in what he describes as the “criminalization of the State” in Guyana under the PPP.” The Party stated that it fully embraces this thesis and has used its television programme, Walter Rodney Groundings and its organ, Dayclean, to speak out on corruption. “While corruption has long been a problem, we feel that it has now reached epidemic proportions. Corruption has become systemic and its long and treacherous reach extends to every branch of the Executive Government and society. An important aspect of the contagion results from the example set by the political leaders. The expected response from the public is ‘goat bite me’ even as the disease continues to spread its inexorable tentacles.” “The unearthing of rackets in several government

agencies since the November 2011 elections bears this out. “This problem is highlighted by the situation at the Guyana Revenue Authority, the agency charged with the responsibility for determining and collecting revenues on behalf of the people of Guyana. That agency is best described as the bastion of corrupt transactions, where favours are bought and paid for with large sums of money and where the big fishes in the various scams escape punishment.” According to the WPA statement, “it is a well kept secret that in almost every instance those who perpetrate these crimes against the people of Guyana are in some way connected to the ruling party.” “Because the problem of corruption is so deep-seated, it requires the efforts of a wide network to arrest it. We urge Guyanese with knowledge of and information on corruption to bring them to the attention of their parliamentary representatives and the relevant Civil Society organizations.” “The WPA calls for the enactment of both ‘Whistleblower Legislation’ and ‘Asset Forfeiture Legislation’. The Police and Judiciary need to be cleansed and strengthened and the Procurement, Integrity and other Commissions ought to be speedily established.”

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Cricket IMC clears the air on CCJ ruling The Interim Management Committee (IMC) installed by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport to manage national cricket on Wednesday stated that all the courts in Guyana dismissed the challenged brought against the settingup of the said IMC. Robin and Rajendra Singh, of the now disbanded Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) had contested the establishment of the IMC, which is headed by Clive Lloyd. The IMC came out with its statement owing to what it said was misinformation being peddled in the public domain regarding the June 11, 2012 decision of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). According to the IMC, Robin and Rajendra Singh, purporting to represent the GCB, had approached the

High Court in Guyana, exparte, seeking an order nisi to quash the decision of Minister Frank Anthony to establish the Interim Management Committee. However, this application was dismissed by the Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang SC, under Order 46 Rule 16 of the High Court Rules. The said applicants made a similar application to the Full Court of the High Court seeking the same order. The Full Court, comprising Justice William Ramlal and Justice James Bovell-Drakes, dismissed that application. The case then went to the Court of Appeal, and that court did not rule in favour of the Singhs. They then approached the CCJ appealing the Court of Appeal’s decision. The CCJ dismissed that appeal as well. In so doing,

the CCJ ruled that the entire process which the applicants had employed to challenge the ruling of Chief Justice (ag) Mr. Ian Chang SC was wrong. The CCJ pointed them to what the CCJ considered to be the right process, that is, to appeal the CJ’s decision to the Court of Appeal. “The CCJ ordered them to file an application to the Court of Appeal for an extension of time to appeal the Chief Justice’s (ag) decision as the time prescribed for doing so would have expired while they were pursuing the wrong procedure….In short, every Court in the judicial structure in Guyana, that is, from the High Court to the Caribbean Court of Justice, has dismissed the applications of Robin Singh and Rajendra Singh in this matter,” the IMC stated.

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Badly burned Venezuelan seamen leave for homeland The two remaining Venezuelan seamen, who were badly burned two Sundays ago, while transporting illegal fuel to Guyana, yesterday left for their homeland. Ruiz Domingo, 55, and Elizaul Eli, 56, accompanied by the Venezuela Ambassador and other staff from the Embassy departed the Cheddi Jagan International Airport yesterday. It is now unclear whether these men will be charged for smuggling fuel, but a source within the Venezuela Embassy told Kaieteur News that they (the Embassy and Venezuelan authorities) are focusing on the health of the two men. “Right now I can’t say anything about that (penalty) but all I know is that these men will be treated at one of the country’s best hospitals,” the source claimed. Two Sundays ago, four Venezuelan seamen were badly burned at Morawhanna, North West District, following an explosion aboard a trawler. There are reports that the men were involved in an illegal fuel transaction when the mishap occurred. There is information that the crewmen were in the engine room pumping fuel onto their trawler when the pump began to malfunction. They attempted to rectify the problem when an explosion

These two seamen left for Venezuela yesterday

Friday June 22, 2012

Fabric retailers urged to comply with measurement standards The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) is urging retailers of fabrics and similar materials to desist from using unverified rules, sticks and table tops - all of which can provide inaccurate measurements - to measure items being sold to consumers,. During the second quarter of the year, surveillance visits were carried out by GNBS Inspectors at shops, markets and other sale outlets where weighing and measuring devices, including rules and tapes, are being used According to the Bureau, fabrics and similar materials must be measured using verified metre rules which are accurate and reliable and are available for sale at a number of hardware stores countrywide.

Public Relations Officer of GNBS, Lloyd David, noted that the agency continues to encounter a number of malpractices at stores and other sale outlets in this regard. “This has created a great deal of concern for the GNBS which is the organisation responsible for ensuring that all weighing and measuring devices used in trade are verified, accurate, and are used in the recommended manner,” David underscored. “These visits revealed that pieces of sticks which had no graduation or markings were being used to measure fabrics, vinolay, carpets and similar materials.” He explained that retailers were measuring materials using the markings made on the edges of table tops, which

is a malpractice that consumers seem to accept. Further, at some stores, measuring rules and tapes in use were unverified and sale personnel were unable to sell fabric in metric quantities. Concurrently, consumers are encouraged to request materials in metre and centimetre lengths, which would force those retailers who are determined to engage in misconduct to comply. Meanwhile, inspectors of the GNBS will continue to conduct follow-up surveillance activities at retail outlets countrywide to seize and remove all unverified sticks used in measurement, and where necessary, sales personnel would be educated on the use of verified metric rules and tapes during sale.

Truck, car collide outside Police Station

occurred. They sustained burns to their faces, upper bodies and limbs. They were rushed to the

Mabaruma Hospital before being transported by plane to Ogle, then to GPHC, where two of them succumbed.


The scene outside the Alberttown Police Station yesterday morning Yesterday morning, around 09:30 hrs, an accident involving a Canter truck and a Toyota Allion motor car occurred at the junction of Fourth and Albert Streets, with the two vehicles ending up outside the Alberttown Police Station. The accident, though not fatal, left the drivers of both vehicles hospitalized. Luckily, neither of the vehicles had passengers. Safraz Allicock 24, of 41

Samaroo Dam, who was driving the car, was taken to the Georgetown Hospital while the truck driver Jagmohan Deonarine was taken to Davis Memorial Hospital. Reports are that both drivers are in stable condition. Kaieteur News has learnt that the car, HC 170, was being driven north along Albert Street while the Canter, GKK 4120, was making its way out of Lance Gibbs

Street, Queenstown, across to Fourth Street Alberttown. Persons on the scene said that the truck driver had the right of way, which they say was confirmed by street markings. “De car push de canter and both a dem end up in de trench,” an eyewitness recounted. The truck ended up on its side in a nearby trench while the car crashed into the Alberttown Police Station fence.

Friday June 22, 2012

Kaieteur News

Page 25

The Abigail Column Friends with your ex? Curious

DEARABIGAIL, I have to ask you a question. I am having a debate with someone as to why your ex can not be your friend. I’m having a little trouble finding the answer. I need help. So my question is.....why is it that you can’t be friends with your ex?

Dear Curious, There are all kinds of “rules” about how to behave when entering and exiting a relationship. There are as many reasons to stay friends with an ex as there are to sever all ties. All of it depends on the two of you — how you feel about each other, how much pain you are feeling from the break up, and what feels right for you.

For a person wishing to end a relationship, staying friends meets her or his needs. But for a person wanting more, being a friend usually doesn’t cut it. Not only does it not meet one’s needs, it can serve as a painful reminder to a grieving person that she or he no longer has the type of relationship that they desire with the former partner. Listen to your thoughts and your emotions.

Friday June 22, 2012 ARIES (March 21 - April 19): Women will play prominent roles in your day. Mothers, aunts and friendly female neighbors will interact with you in a very powerful and interesting way. These women have a lot of good insight for you, so listen when they offer their advice. ******************* TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): It's flattering that people want to spend time with you, but today you're going to find life at home much more appealing than a night on the town. So when a social invitation comes your way, don't feel guilty if you want to refuse it. ****************** GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Throughout the day, you may find it extremely difficult to bend to the wishes of other people, and it might bug you quite a bit when someone wants to do something in a new way, even though you like the old way just fine. ******************** CANCER (June 21 - July 22): An amusing coincidence will keep you and your people in stitches all day long, which is good -- because you're in the mood for a belly laugh. ********************* LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22): Unleash your naturally warm nature today, and everyone you meet will greet you with a bright smile and a hearty hello. Friendly folks are going to send good vibes your way, which will put some strong winds in your sail and help you toward the end of the day, when your energy might start to fade. ******************* VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): The encouragement you've been waiting for will finally arrive today, from a very comforting source. A group of women will cheer you on and enable you to get out of your comfort zone a

bit more, which will open your eyes to just how capable you actually are. People are looking out for you right now, and they want to give you the help you need -- whenever you need it. ********************* LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): Do whatever it takes to stick with your current projects today -- don't go wandering off to pursue something shiny and new (and unproven). ********************* SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): Follow all your whims today -- you have an awful lot of drive right now, so why not channel it wherever you feel like channeling it? ******************** SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Follow your mood today, and it will not steer you wrong! Have faith in your subconscious, because right now it knows exactly what is best for you. .********************* CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 19):Your clear-minded focus will keep you out of the dirt when people start slinging mud around today. You don't take things personally, and you understand more than ever that you cannot control how other people act. ******************** AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 Feb. 18): One of your close emotional connec t i o n s might feel as though it's growing a little bit distant today, but you cannot take this personally. ********************* PISCE S ( F e b . 1 9 March 20): There is nothing quite so satisfying as creating something new -- especially when you do it all by yourself. When you climb a mountain without any assistance from anyone else, the view at the top is more beautiful than you could have imagined.

NCN CHANNEL 11 05:00hrs – Inspiration 05:30hrs – Newtown Gospel 05:45hrs – 3rd ODI West Indies VS England 09:15hrs – Cricket Info & Quiz 10:00hrs– Cricket Resumes 13:30hrs – NCN Newsbreak 13:35hrs – Oral Tradition 14:00hrs – Bollywood Hits (R/ B) 15:00hrs– Graduation Ceremony-CSP 16:00hrs – Cartoons 17:00hrs – Anderson 18:00hrs – NCN News Magazine – Live 18:30hrs – Pulse Beat 19:00hrs – Youth Lite Skill Programme 20:00hrs – 3d/daily millions/ play de dream/lotto draw 20:05hrs – Grow With IPED 20:35hrs – Feature 21:05hrs – Caribbean Passport 22:05hrs – NCN News Late Edition 22:35hrs – Caribbean Newsline 23:00hrs – Movie MTV CHANNEL 14/CABLE 65 06:00hrs Islamic perspective (Quran) 06:30hrs News Update 07:00hrs DAYBREAK – (live) 08:00hrs Dabi’s Variety 08:30hrs Avon Video & DVD Musical Melodies 09:00hrs BBC World News 09:15hrs Top Notch music Break 09:30hr Caribbean temptation Music Mix 10:00hrs Payless Variety Music mix 10:30hrs Double Day Int. Music Break 11:00hrs H Persaud ( Crown Chowmein) music break 11:30hrs The View 12:00hrs Village Talk: 12:30hrs The Young and the Restless 13:30hrs Days of our lives 14:00hrs The Revolution 15:00hrs General Hospital 16:00hrs The Bold and the Beautiful 16:30hrs Cartoons 17:00hrs Birthdays and other greetings 17:15hrs Death Announcement/ In Memoriam 17:30hrs Al Ja zeerqa News 18:00hrs Charran’s Radiator

Video Hits 18:30hrs Kingdom Voice 19:00hrs Soul Melodies 19:30hrs News Update 20:30hrs Clear Water Music Hour

21:30hrs Music Request Hour 22:30hrs Sitcom 23:00hrs News Update 23:30hrs Movie Act of Vengeance

Page 26

Kaieteur News

FOR SALE Lot 16 Lamaha Spring South Georgetown,Value price $22M ,negotiable price $17M Call: 662-5036 WANTED 1- Carnegie trained cook 2035yrs Call: 614-4358 1- Male of female to look after layer birds in the Interior Call: 696-2698

CAKES & PASTRIES Courses in cake decoration, pastry making & cookery, tel: 670-0798. Wedding dresses for sale & rental.

One live in domestic,must know to cook.Age 25-50 yrs Salary $50,000 Call: 610-5043 MASSAGE

Watchman Call: 223-5273-4

Ultimate relaxation full body massage Call:622-6256

Girls to work waitress,Age 18-25 Enmore Call: 256-4096

as at

Enclosed 3 ton Mitsubishi canter & Stall at Stabroek Market Call: 619-2388 Pine lumber for sale @ River View Wood products Inc. Address: 164-165 Friendship EBD Call: 266-0296,639-2577

1 Bush truck driver,1mechanic gas/diesel Call: 618-1967,623-2728 Waiterss Call: 220-1842

Spares for washer, microwaves, fridges, stovetimers, gear boxes, pumps, etc. Contact 225-9032, 647-2943

The Gents Spa, let beautiful masseuses unwind you. 4 Hands massage 20% discount Call: 657-5979

15" Celestion speakers 1600 watts, one complete stage, size 24ftx20ft Call: 644-3390 or 667-7511 Roofing shingles Call Mr. Skepmire 227-5195 (8AMto5PM)

One female to cook for family in Interior Call: 696-2698

NARS lipgloss, eyeshadow & Clinique Chubby Stick. Tel: 669-8374.

Taxi drivers, bus drivers, dispatcher @ Princess Hotel Call: 265-7076

One 15HP Yamaha long foot Call: 689-5254,643-0332

Survival Shopping Complex, Sheriff Street needs cashiers, bag packers for information Call: 227-528690 Attractive live in waitress Call: 228-5129 1 Marketing Representative & co-host for TV programmes Call: 6796044,621-5114 Sawmill workers Call: 6539752, 261-6412 Taxi drivers Call: 225-3234 Live in/live out babysitter/ domestic Call: 225-0188,2256070 Hi-Hab trucks to transport material from Georgetown to Corentyne Berbice Call: 6981894,691-2340 1- General domestic Call: 6144358 Security guard. Apply in person at Comfortsleep, 49 Eccles Industrial Estate, East Bank Demerara. One live in babysitter, honest and trustworthy, age 20 to 26, boarding provided $35,000 monthly Call: 6801556 1-HIAB truck driver Call: 618-1967 One excavator operator, must be able to do landscaping Call: 2239888,664-3507 Carpenter to work in Linden,must be able to work with limited supervision Call: 647-8040,609-3281,694-3058 Roti/puri cooks,pastry makers,counter servers,apply Hack’s Halaal,5 Commerce Street.

WANTED One general domestic made to live in Age 35-40 yrs at lot 605 Diamond,4 Street N/S Call: 665-8737 Truck driver, Mechanic (Perkin & Bedford) Call: 2235273-4 Office clerk.CXC English / Mathematics Call:225-4492/ 225-9404 Drivers with Lorry licence.Apply Wieting & Richter Ltd Mill Rite.Apply Wieting & Richter Ltd Labourers and Porters. Apply Wieting & Richter Ltd Experience welder/ fitter.Apply Wieting & Richter Ltd One pair of white geese to buy Call: 644-8381 Workers to work in the interior.Marack & Jetman Call: 685-4837,671-9351 1 female to work in the interior Age 30-45 yrs $70,000 (serious enquire) Call: 6862201,693-5967 1 able body live in domestic Age 35-45 yrs must know to cook (serious enquire) $45,000 Call: 686-2201,693-5967 1 live in waitress Age 18-25 yrs salary $50,000 Call: 6987172

Friday June 22, 2012

TO LET Fully furnished 3 bedrooms top flat US$950,Republic Park 2 flat 3 bedrooms fully furnished US$2,800,Kitty 2 flat residence/business US$1,200 Call: 609-2302,6452580,233-5711 O ffice/Business Space Call: 667-1549 Apartments Call: 667-1549 Self contained rooms to rent in Prashad Nagar $10,000 weekly Call: 227-2993 Carwash with or without equipment in G/town Call:231-1786/625-1874 Furnished room for single decent working female Call:231-1786/625-1874 Excellent spot for offices/ school or other business ,Camp St Area Call Richard 609-7675,233-2614,610-2506

Yamaha Riva Scooter car set (speakers & maps) infrared wireless security system two 18’’ speakers Call:231-1786/ 625-1874 One wooden boat, just cork, sand & paint ,53-9-5 ½, excellent condition Call: 2620316 Games for PS2 $900,PS3 $2600,PSP $900,XBOX & WII Call Junior : 6722566,265-3231 One Nissan Xtrail Call: 6272550 Plastic drums Call: 233-5273-4 MAC POWDERS $7,900, SACHA 2in1 $2,000 MAKE UP – top Brands Tel :647 1773 3 in 1 month supply proactive kits @ $20,000 and $3,000 Call: 629-3814 or 6450240 Living room sofa + chairs,mohagony dining room,excellent conditions Call: 646-5231 1 Acer Iconia TAB Year2012,1 GB Ram,16 GB Memory,Google & Roid O p e r a t i n g System,Camera,Bluetooth & Wifi Call: 693-6426

General & Specialized contractors for small,medium and large jobs.Amin Enterprise 266-0011,2256046,611-7777

5 acres fully developed farm Pearl,E.B.D,16,000 chicken pens capacity,bearing fruit trees Call: 689-9991,227-5362

1 Experience barber.Location: Grove Public Road Call:6474910

Tractor for sale Ford 6640 4WD,Working good $2.8 Million Call Gilbert 609-4372

Repairs, sales & spares, air conditioning, microwaves, washer, fridges & Stoves. Ultra Cool: 225-9032, 647-2943 Electrical installation domestic & commercial maintenance & repairs also AC installation , estimates , call Marlon Tel: 216-0934,626-6298 or 669-8992 Need to loose weight and make money at the same time? Then Call: 695-7662 Repair to fridge, stove, washing machines, AC unit CallLindon641-1086,694-2202 TV repairs, DVD, Micro waves, amplifier, stereo, washing machine etc. and house wiring Call: 693-2683 Problems with PC? Call Roul for assistance 610-9490

15-15-15 Fertilizer Call: 2662711,609-4594 Attention loggers & lumber exporters, now available anchor seal, wood wax end sealer Call: 265-3541,695-4785

SERVICES Permanent &Visitors Visa Applications Professional Immigration Consultant Sabita - Room E-4 Maraj Building 225-6496/ 223-8115/662-6045.

FOR SALE Expat items sale.Deep freeze,crib w/mattress,chest of drawers,baby bassinet etc Call: 692-3806 1-50 Gallon, electric water heater (brand new) Call: 6471773

3 Tractors,1 new Holland,1 massy Ferguson,2 welder generators (diesel),2 marine generators,4 perkins engine,1 Honda ATV Call: 641-2905,665-4003 Gold detectors,WakiTakis,Satellite phones,prospecting equipments,interior laptop service Call:609-7625,6693405 1 ship 67 metre in length selling as scrap Call: 2272027,623-4045,227-5500 Pantoon 200x50x12 as in,no reasonable offer refused Call: 227-2027,623-4045,227-5500 1 2007 R1 Candy Red at a reasonable price Call: 2272027,623-4045,227-5500

One Toyota Tacoma, silver grey, GMM series, low mileage, price neg. Call: 6217020,669-4622 1 New Model 212 & 2-RZ Excellent condition & 1 3 Y Minibus Call: 678-0191,2201693 or 658-7034 One 2005 Nissan Titan, limited edition, fully loaded (Black), price $3.500,000 Neg. Call: 618-1480 3 ton enclosed & open back canter, unregistered. 6172891 Toyota Runx, special edition, PNN $2.3M, New Model Nissan Wingroad Sports Wagon $2.3M unregistered Call: 6122522,645-5893 One Honda Titan CG, price $140,000 Neg. Call: 645-3782 One Allion for sale $2.1 million Call: 647-9470

US & Canada VISA application services. Call: 643-6630. Family discounts available.

1 Toyota Wish $3.750M,1 Toyota Noah Unregistered $2.3M Call: 648-6869

We refill HP cartridges for $1800 Call: 650-7699

Toyota Corolla (NZE),fully loaded (rims etc),mint condition Call: 627-6317,691-5703

CAR RENTAL Al”s car pickup & canter rental Call: 698-7807

Thundra,4x4 Titan, all fully loaded with tray covers,magrims,GKK & GMM series going cheap Call: 227-2027,623-4045 GMC Tow truck, scrap 720 Nissan pick up, one industrial lathe Call:Richard 609-7675,233-2414,610-2506

Big yard sale at 29 Croal Street Enterprise Ladies sandals $150 Call: 664-2209 2003 Kawasaki, Ninja 500 also 8 camera,DVR security system Call: 643-6468

VEHICLES FOR SALE Just arrived: Allion and Premio, tel: 624-2000, 622-1610

VEHICLES FOR SALE Car for sale Toyota Vios, year 2004 $1.7 million negotiable Call: 682-4224,693-8357 First Class Auto- Spacio, Allex, Raum, Runx and Carina Call: 609-8188,602-6307 Unregistered Titan,2005,back lights, price $3.5M Call: 6621396,678-0573 1 RX8 PMM,1 Altezza PPP series Call: 619-1435 or 600-1435 Workers for telecommunications.Computer experience a must,great pay,Taboo Employment Agency Call: 233-6517,6221957 Monday-Friday 9-5 Workers for landscaping Call: 656-1326,626-1044

Bulldozer D6 for sale $2.5 million, serious enquiries only. Call: 622-1957

Guyana Auto Sale,Unregistered 2007 Tacoma,solid DEF pickup,Raum-Refrigerated and dump Isuzu truck Call: 227-1737

8Ft Pool table, deep fryers, popcorn machine brand new Call: 622-1957

Nissan X Trail,white,PMM series,$3.6M Negotiable Call: 695-1333 or 692-3806

Used laptop computers $40,000 to $55,000 Call: 2270095

Jags Auto: Spacio, Premio, Wagon. Cheapest. Call: 6167635

1 AT 192 PJJ 6038 $1,050,000,One Mitsubishi Mirage PJJ 2096 $1.2M Call: 639-9528,694-4827 1 Dodge Ram Dually 3500 fully loaded ,good for interior $3M Call: 2272027,623-4045,227-5500 Toyota Hilux pick-up, solid DEF, 4X4 long base, diesel, excellent condition Call: 6230243 Just Arrived Pitbull, VVTI, 2 RZ, Minibuses, Allions, Corollas, Fielders, Spacious, Dump, Long & Short Canters Call: 2593178,650-5657 1 PHH Minibus $360,000 Call: 602-5165,601-8104 One AT 140 Toyota Carina PDD series,excellent condition Call: 222-2514 The AutoBARN Auto Sales,Never Registered Toyota Premio,Cami,Runx,Raum.Call: 618-9260 2006 Toyota Premio & New model Toyota Spacio Call: 615-4114,665-4480 w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / rashanautosales (Continued on page 27)

Friday June 22, 2012

Kaieteur News

Page 27

Manny Pacquiao wins WBO after defeat by Timothy Bradley

Last chance for tourists... From back page prove is Lendl Simmons. He had a terrible time at The Oval and his highest score since joining the tour is 23. Johnson Charles was preferred to him for the Australia series and the selectors may be looking back to Charles is Simmons doesn’t produce something of note at Headingley. PITCH AND CONDITIONS At Headingley, you don’t

look down, you look up. Looking skywards on match preview day could not have been more displeasing as heavy rain fell throughout the day. Only showers are forecast for Friday, but it could be one of Yorkshire’s more forbidding, stop-start contests with the bowlers in the game throughout and more than a little dissatisfaction in the air.

Manny Pacquiao has won a WBO review into his splitdecision defeat by Timothy Bradley earlier this month. On the night two judges scored the bout 115-113 in the American’s favour, prompting boos around the MGM Grand. The WBO has now met with five international judges to evaluate a video of the fight and they unanimously scored it in favour of Pacquiao. The original result still

West Demerara Sec. eliminate LTI... From page 30 until, West Demerara scored on the fifth and LTI’s final kicker sprayed his attempt wide of the far post to cause wild celebrations among the hosts fans. In other results: Guyana Education Trust College (GETC) beat St. Joseph’s High 4-1 with Joshua Williams netting in the 74th and 80th minutes and Joshua Britton adding two more in the 50thand 70th minutes. Kristoff Sauns 34th minute strike was the lone response for St. Joseph High. GITC then beat Kingston 4-3 on penalty kicks after regulation time ended 1-1. Keuleviu Joseph netted in the 39th minute for GITC, while Simon Emanuel had given Kingston the lead in the 26th minute.

St. Cuthbert’s defeated Supply Secondary 12 -0. Ronnie Simon led all scorers with five goals coming in the 32nd, 33rd, 40th, 44th and 50th minutes, while Shaquell Dundas added four goals in

the 2nd, 21st, 26th and 59th minutes. Ratin Dundas added two goals in the 49th and 70th minutes and Odel Schuman 14th. New Silver City beat Wisburg 4-0.

stands as the WBO does not have to power to overturn it, but a rematch could be ordered. It was a first defeat in seven years for Philippines fighter Pacquiao, who landed 94 more punches than Bradley. Pacquiao is already guaranteed a rematch because of a clause in his contract. According to Bob Arum, the promoter for both fighters, 33-year-old Pacquiao has indicated he would prefer the rematch over Bradley forfeiting the WBO welterweight title.

PROPERTY FOR SALE 20x40 Two flat concrete building @ Kitty. All amenities. Price $23M to be seen. Call: 668-9512,223-2570 Ongoing business property at Agriculture Road ECD, land 35Wx600L, $20M Call: 220-7220 D’Urban Street W/Ville G$35M,Agricola G$20M,Campbellville G$50M,Tuschen G$11M 6092303,645-2580,233-5711 One property opposite Charlestown Secondary School,2 BLD in yard,ideal for business Call: 2310631,689-5103

Butts high in praise for Windies A Team... From back page players stepping up and playing with confidence and assurance. Last year we also played some good cricket when the Bangladesh A Team came to the West Indies. The win in this series against India was a huge bonus.” Looking ahead to this weekend, Butts said: “We have the World T20 tournament in Sri Lanka coming in September, that’s just around the corner, so we have selected a number of players who have represented the West Indies in this format and others who have done well in the regional competitions. “We had some players who featured in the ‘Tests’ but are not in the T20 side. We want to make it clear they have not been ‘dropped’ or anything like that. This weekend we are focussing on the T20s and we have selected a few new faces to have a closer look at them against the Indians.”

death is a massive blow to Guyana’s Football. Sir Nap…that was his call name…was a genuine person and had a lot of influence. He would tell me that he would call up Bennie Man and get him to go to Barbados to perform. He turned 55 on January 16 and he has gone far too soon. He lived a full life and few who knew him would talk bad about him. I am not sure when is the funeral, but I am hoping to get to go,” Braithwaite said.

Top seeds to... From page 31 be wary of Delon Moffat, Grace Hercules, who will be enjoying home advantage, Maurice Munru and Wayne Cave among others. These players will also be aware of the special prize for the best player outside of the top ten rankings. Lately, several players have clinched this prize and naturally will be nurturing ambitions of repeating this feat. They are Munru, Hercules, Moffat, Colin Chichester and Orlando Michael. An intense battle is, therefore, envisaged. Meanwhile, players are asked to make a special effort to attend this competition. They must convene outside the Ashmins building near the Linden bus/car park at 07:30 hours on tournament morning. The registration period commences at 09:45 while the first tile would be moved at 10:00hrs sharp. Registration fee remains at five hundred dollars. The tournament is sponsored by BOSAI.

MANAUS-BRAZIL (4) Days Tour CARICOM Holiday Weekend Return trip June 29-July 2 2012 Call: 264-2851,668-6501 Email: info@fvtoursgy.com ‘Life is a beach on Curacao’vacations offered by Curacao Tours & Recreational Travels Call: 660-7313,699-7613 Suriname Caricom Holiday weekend return trip 29th June2nd July Call: 639-2663,6440185,665-5171,227-8290

Rosignol Village W.B.B Call Moon 330-2551,328-8172

(From page 26) TO RENT Space to rent location diamond housing scheme. Contact# 6455347 Prime business location situated in Robb Street Call: 226-0357,692-9824,6503758,678-0909 HEALTH HIV/AIDS Are you infected? Help is available, Results Guaranteed Call:6396054,691-7070

LINDEN WISMAR 2 storey wood/concrete, residential building in a commercial area.$14M negotiable Call John 225-2455 3 houses 1 lot Agricola $20M,3 lots of land Agriculture Road $16.5M,Anna Catherina $19M,Mon Repos $25M,Atlantic Garden $18.5M Call:699-5490 Property for sale at Enmore Foulis Call: 255-0584,6963186


VACANCY Bilingual representatives. Must be fluent in Portuguese and English. Send CV to: 64 Industrial Site, Beterverwagting ECD Call: 220-0401-3 Be part of our World Class customer care team. Send CV to: 64 Industrial Site Beterverwagting ECD Call: 220-0401-3 IT Technician & Occupational Health & Safety officer. Please send CV to: 64 Industrial Site, Beterverwagting ECD. Call: 220-0401-3 or email: recruitmentguyana @qualfon.com. Portable wood mizer mill operator porters, truck driver to work in Eccles Industrial Site EBD Call: 609-7675, 2332614 Beauty Specialist & Nurse Aid, attractive salary & commission Call: 231-0320 1 experience male/female supervisor,1 handyman for hotel Call: 223-6284 & sales girl Phatz Stlye Boutique Call: 227-0501

EDUCATIONAL Learn to speak Spanish in 1 month. Call: 673-1232 Princeton College. CXC Adults/Students. Slow learner classes. Day & Evening. January/May June 2013. 690-5008, 611-3793 Imperial College- CXC 2013. Forms (1-5)/ lessons/adults classes, flexible hours. Affordable fees Call: 2277627, 683-5742 Private Custom Brokerage Certificate Course for all importers/exporters and other learn how Call:6091824,681-7567

B’dos F/ball official... From page 29 not get to see him in Barbados. I was shocked when I got the news this morning (yesterday) and it was only the night before that I even knew he was ill. I still can’t believe it…he was like a brother to me,” Braithwaite informed. “I remember when I coached Beacons at the Parade ground and he brought his team here and I organized matches for them. I played a few games as guest player for his side and his


Transported land for sale at Soesdyke Public Road, access to Demerara River Call: 626-8417 5 acres Enmore Public Rd. ideally suited for (mall, hospital, housing scheme etc) Richard 609-7675,233-2614 1 ½ acre, 48ftx1300ft V/Hoop Call: 627-9351 Providence E.B.D $5 Million Negotiable Call: 617-7113 Land of Canaan Wharf 140’ X 50’ on lot 11.88 acres US$2.5m, Adventure Linden highway 150 acres G$40m 609 2302/645 2580/233 5711 Brickdam 96’X 63’ G$82m, Eping Ave B.A.P 150’ X 100" US$500,000, Carmichael Street 100" X 62" US$500,000, GroveH/S 86’X50’ G$4.5m609 2302/645 2580/233 5711 Ogle Railway Corner 200’ X 78’ US$750,000, Ogle Public Rd 140’ X 100’ G$45m, Sophia Public Road 130" X 86’ US$550,000,609 2302/645 2580/233 5711 CAR RENTAL Progressive auto rental, cars from $4,000 per day. Call: 6435122, 656-0087, www.progressiveautorental.com

Academia : Summer classes and courses July 9thAugust 24th,entire package $4500, age 8-18 Call: 600-3775 SUMMER CLASSES, Reading, Phonics, Language, Mathematics, Art, Games, lots more!! Roxanne Burnham call: 6194355,218-2076 Summer computer classes, age 5-16, Micrographics Technology, Vreed-en-Hoop Call: 264-3057 Summer computer classes, age 5-16, Micrographics Technology, Parika (Bollywood Building) Call: 264-3057 Summer computer classes, age 5-16, Micrographics Technology, Grove Public Road Call: 266-3976

SALON Make up courses, artist trained & certified in Trinidad: 660-5257,647-1773 Qualify yourself in Cosmetology or nails, make up, Register, Limited spaces. Call Abby: 216-1950, 619-7603, 666-5241

Page 28

Kaieteur News

Friday June 22, 2012

GFF shortlist 27 for CFU Martin congratulates team on Jets U19 World Cup Qualifiers and Mustangs Games performance The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) will be participating in the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) / FIFA Under-19 World Cup Football Qualifiers from August 6 – 13 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Following the just concluded GFF Inter Association competition, the selection committee of the GFF met and shortlisted 27 players who will form the core

- fitness evaluation set for Sunday of the team that will seek to bring glory to the Land of Many Waters playing as the ‘Junior Golden Jaguars’. In order to ascertain the level of fitness ahead of competition, Physical/Fitness Evaluation Sessions will be held June 23 – 24, 2012 and then again on July 7 – 8. Accommodation for the

players would be at Dawn Cari Hotel, New Wing. Following the Evaluation sessions, Training and Developmental Camps for the Players will be conducted by the Team Officials from July 20 to August 4, 2012 prior to departure for St. Vincent & the Grenadines.

Name Club Association Mr. Aloyious Edwards River View Bartica Mr. Jonvano Do Santos N.A. United Berbice Mr. Ron Lyken Berbice Mr. Devon James N.A. United Berbice Mr. Donimique Garnett Grove Hi Tec East Bank Mr. Les Charles Critchlow Buxton United East Demerara Mr. Keon Norblle Buxton United East Demerara Mr. Jamaal Booker Buxton United East Demerara Mr. Aldrin Benjamin Essequibo/Pomeroon Mr. Cleon Jorris Essequibo/Pomeroon Mr. Dennis Edwards Georgetown Mr. Dellon Wilburg Georgetown Mr. Nikel Fraser Pele Georgetown Mr. Joshua Browne Georgetown Mr. Daniel Wilson Alpha United Georgetown Mr. Jermain Jinor Georgetown Mr. Treyon Bobb Caledonaia AIA Mr. Pernel Shultz Georgetown Mr. Rundolph Wagner Western Tigers Georgetown Mr. Malcolm Wilson Pele Georgetown Mr. Emmet Leacock Alpha United Georgetown Mr. Darrious Frank Milerock Upper Demerara Mr. Beneakaman Smartt Upper Demerara Mr. Aubrey Green West Demerara Mr. Ashley Ardin Uitvlugt West Demerara Mr. Jeffrey Pereira West Demerara Mr. Andre Hector Den Amstel West Demerara Brian Joseph will perform duties as Head Coach with Joseph Wilson (Coach), Andrew Hazel (Goalkeeping Coach), Herbert McPherson (Coaching Development) and Anson Ambrose (Physical Trainer) making up the support staff.

Ronaldo-inspired Portugal into last four Cristiano Ronaldo capped a magnificent display with the match-winning goal as Portugal powered past Czech Republic and into the semi-finals of Euro 2012. Ronaldo, who scored twice against the Netherlands, hit the woodwork in each half with fine strikes. And he finally found the net with 12 minutes remaining, thumping a header into the ground and beyond Petr Cech. Czech Republic failed to muster a shot on target as they rarely threatened throughout a tense evening. Portugal will now face Spain or France for a place in the final, and with surely Europe’s best player beginning to show his very best form, they could take some stopping. The Real Madrid forward was instrumental in guiding Portugal through Group B, putting a sloppy display against Denmark behind him to score both goals against the Netherlands on Sunday. And after a slow start to this quarter-final in Warsaw, the world’s most expensive player grew in stature to dominate the action in impressive fashion. Czech Republic enjoyed a strong opening 15 minutes, with right-back Theodor Gebre Selassie initially effective in a man-marking role on Ronaldo, but once the former Manchester United man threw off his shackles and began to roam in a free role he lit up proceedings. He had already been harshly penalised by referee Howard Webb when running through the middle of the defence before striking the post after a moment of genius. Ronaldo

- hopes AAG selects Thomas for CAC Junior Championship

controlled Raul Meireles’s long pass on his chest, turned defender Michal Kadlec effortlessly and beat Petr Cech with a shot that thundered against the base of the post and rebounded to safety. He hit the post again - the fourth time in four games he had struck the woodwork - after the break with a trademark dipping free-kick from 30 yards as Paulo Bento’s side mounted a siege on Cech’s goal. Substitute Hugo Almeida then saw a header correctly ruled out for offside and also wasted two further efforts before the breakthrough came - inevitably - from Ronaldo. The impressive Joao Moutinho broke from midfield down the right before standing up a cross to the back post. Ronaldo met the cross with a fierce header which bounced down and then into the roof of the net for his third goal of the tournament. It was his 66th goal for club and country in an incredible season. Michal Bilek’s Czech side had shrugged off a 4-1 thrashing at the hands of Russia in their opener to reach the last eight, but, again shorn of injured captain Tomas Rosicky, they looked limited going forwards and never tested Rui Patricio in the Portuguese net on their way to a limp exit. In contrast, Portugal will move on confident of reaching a second European Championship final in three tournaments, knowing that in Ronaldo they unquestionably possess the most potent weapon in European football.

Coach of Enmore Athletic Club (EAC), John Martin (standing) with his three athletes, Kadeem Peters (left), Ornesto Thomas (centre) and Joshua Rawlins (right) at the Hasley Crawford Stadium. Coach of Enmore Athletic Club (EAC), John Martin has revealed to Kaieteur Sport in an interview yesterday that he is pleased with his athletes, Ornesto Thomas, Joshua Rawlins and Kadeem Peters, performances at the recently held Morvant Jets and Mustangs Games in Trinidad and Tobago. Martin, indicating that the competition held at the Hasley Crawford Stadium was used as a warm up for Thomas who successful defended his titles in the 800m and 1500m, disclosed that the athlete will be returning to Trinidad in August to train with a Trinidadian Club through the sponsorship of a Trinidad and Tobago-based businessman (7 to 7 Hardware Store), Ron McRae, “The entity will be sponsoring Thomas during the August vacation for training in

Trinidad.” The coach hoping that Thomas, a talented athlete, is selected by the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) for the upcoming CAC Junior Championship after his outstanding performance in the boy’s U-18 800m, disclosed that the team has dedicated a lot of time into the games. Martin commenting on the other two junior athletes whose races were final by timings, stated that Peters, last year’s U-18 400m winner placed fourth in the boys U20 400m in a time of 50.8 seconds, “Despite Peters not winning the boy’s U-20 400m, I think this is a big plus for him, he ran a faster 400m than last year and it indicates to me that he is improving.” Peters running the 200m placed seventh with 22.6 seconds. Rawlins, IAAF

World Athletics Day 150m gold medalist, placed third and fourth respectively in the boys U-16 100m and 200m respectively. Rawlins running the 100m from lane 7 registered 11.87 seconds and 23.5 seconds in the 200m. Martin also stated that he was pleased with Elton Bollers performance in the 100m and 200m at the Games and is expecting another sterling performance from him in the Men’s Invitational 400m this weekend at the Trinidad and Tobago Sagicor National Gas Company National Open Championship at the Hasley Crawford Stadium. Martin expressed his gratitude to their sponsors, Caribbean Chemicals Limited, Metro Office and Computer Supplies, MGMT Computer Store, Toolsie Persaud Limited and 7 to 7 Hardware Store of Trinidad and Tobago.

Smyth Street Football Extravaganza coming to YMCA - C&R Promotions hosting Pre-CARICOM even The inaugural Smyth Street Football Extravaganza is expected to set the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Ground alit on July 1 when C&R Promotions host their Pre-CARICOM Fun Day and Fair. Colin Haynes and Rodrick Gordon created C&R Promotions with the vision of “bonding parent-child relationships”. Haynes and Gordon are trained teachers attached to the Central High School, which is located on Smyth Street. The Smyth Street Football Extravaganza will commence from 11am with Wayne’s Beverage Warriors (Charlestown Secondary School) taking on Cell-Point Tsunami (St. Mary’s High), then Mark Interior Communications Titans (Central High School)

tackles DreamWorks Photo Studio Pitbulls (Dolphin Secondary). The Third place Playoff will commence at 1pm and the Finals at 2pm. At the venue, there will be a Food and Drinks Bar, Trampolines, face painting (Bravo Arts) exercises, Ring Games and lots of other forms of entertainment. The winning team walks away with the bragging rights, The Championship Trophy donated by Trophy Stall among other prizes. Nigel’s Supermarket, DreamWorks Photo Studio, Cell-Point, Mark Interior Communications, Graphic Pro (Albert & Sixth St.), Barbershop (Courtyard Mall) Robb St., Lawrence Wayne of Wayne’s Beverage Paradise and Stabroek Businessman, Jamal Elexey are among the sponsors of the event.

Friday June 22, 2012

Kaieteur News

Page 29

24th edition of Friday Night Fights...

Fraser, Atwell to battle for local featherweight crown as Dharry opts out of fight While some boxers commence their professional debuts on a high note, others take quite a while to make the transition from the amateur sector and may lose their first few bouts before adjusting to their new environment. Two boxers, Rudolph Fraser and Kelsie George can fit comfortably into such a situation with the former pugilist beginning to turn the tide in his fledgling career. The latter, despite a glowing amateur career, has undergone fluctuating fortunes, losing both of his bouts against Edmond DeClou and James Walcott respectively. Now, George will attempt to notch up his first victory after three bouts while Fraser will attempt to continue winning when they face off with Kwesi ‘Lightening Struck Assassin’ Jones and Clive Atwell respectively when the Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC) stages the 24th edition of Friday Night Fights at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH) on Friday June 29 next. Fraser would feel a mite disappointed that his original opponent, Elton ‘Coolie Bully’ Dharry, has failed to reach a common ground with the organizers and opted out of their super bantamweight title clash. Fraser will now clash with Dominican based, Clive Atwell over 12 rounds for the local super featherweight crown.

Fraser has shown improvement over his last three fights, winning two of them against Barbadian based Guyanese, Gardiel Roberts while he held Lindener, Cassius Matthews to a 6 rounds stalemate. George is a bit unlucky that most of the boxers in his weight class are all experienced pugilists. Nevertheless, he feels that he could overcome Jones who, despite holding the local light/heavyweight title, may be a bit ring rusty having last fought Cleveland Fraser about one year ago. Several planned bouts, including a title defence against Trinidad based, Shawn Corbin fell through until the organizers suggested the current bout. Jones is currently training at the Andrew ‘Sixhead’ Lewis Boxing gym (ALBG) and looks to be in the pink of condition. He is scheduled to engage in glove work this afternoon and is bristling with confidence. George operates out of the Pocket Rocket Boxing Gym (PRBG), New Amsterdam Berbice and despite his unsuccessful attempts in his first two bouts is confident that he could defeat Jones. Rogers, his trainer said that he is concentrating on correcting the flaws that were responsible for his two losses and will surprise Jones in the impending bout. Meanwhile, local

Kwesi Jones Rudolph Fraser middleweight champion, Edmond DeClou will put his title on the line against Trinidadian based Guyanese pugilist, Joel McRae while debutant, David Thomas will start off the night’s proceedings with a 4 rounds jnr/welterweight scrap against Gladwin Dorway. DeClou had prevailed over McRae twice in earlier bouts but the latter fighter has since upped his game and obviously would be looking to reverse the decision. This may be more easily said than done since over the months DeClou has managed to build quite a reputation for himself and would be bubbling with confidence. The rangy fighter from Linden has switched camps from the Young Lion’s Gym in Wismar and now operates at the Andrew ‘Sixhead’ Lewis Gym in Albouystown after stating that there was a paucity of credible sparring partners in the Mining City.

McRae, on the other hand, would be out to distort DeClou’s ambitions which should set the stage for a grand showdown. In their last bout the Trinidadian based McRae did turn in a good performance but found the slick DeClou too much for him. He has since promised to revise his strategy in preparation for the third encounter. His chance has finally come and fans will keenly await the fulfillment of his promise. Four amateur bouts will also comprise the card and those activities will be recorded for airing one week later. Friday Night Fights is an initiative of the Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC) in collaboration with the Guyana Amateur Boxing Association (GABA), the National Communications Network (NCN) and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCY&S). Admission prices are $1,000 and $500 for adults and children respectively.

John Fernandes, MCYS clash to headline latest ministry corporation football John Fernandes Limited will tackle the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports in an eagerly anticipated thriller when action in the Inter Ministry/Corporation 7-Aside football competition continues at the Banks DIH Thirst Park Ground tomorrow afternoon starting at 13:10hrs. Football buffs will also be entertained in two other matches where players representing the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company take to the field against the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation, while J&S Electrical will clash with Public Works. Already, fans have been entertained with several action packed encounters as the various teams battle on for the first prize of $250,000 and a trophy. The second prize winners cart off $175,000 while third and fourth place finishers receive $75,000 and $25,000 respectively. Meanwhile, several teams advanced to the next round after defeating their respective opponents over the past weekend. Ministry of Education taught Ministry of Foreign Affairs a thing or two about the sport with a 5-2 drubbing on the back of a double by Steve Darlington (14th, 18th), Robert David (7th), Chriswell Williams (9th) and Kurt Braithwaite (21st). Gavin DeCosta narrowed the lead in the 27th and 29th minutes in a lost cost for Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Guyana Revenue Authority

(GRA) then humbled New GPC 4-2 after Lionel Grimes netted a brace in the 6th and 15th minutes. Carlos Monkhouse (10th) and Ronnie Squires (24th) completed the victory, while Ken Agard (5th) and Kenneth Jackson (27th) saved some face for the losers. GNSC was also in winners’ row with a 5-2 drubbing over J&S Electrical. The marksmen for the winners were Stellon David (25 & 28 minutes), Sherman Fraser (3rd), A Glen (13th) and Dellon Cadogan (14th). In the final game, Lonell Jackson of Media United netted the lone goal of the game to send Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports packing. The tournament got underway on Tuesday May 22 last and activities are being staged under the Powerade brand, a nutritional drink manufactured by main sponsors, Banks DIH Ltd. Among those teams competing for honours are GNIC, GPI, Neal and Massey, Lucky Dollar, Digicel, Amerindian Affairs Ministry, Republic Bank, Courtney Benn Contracting Company, Guyana Water Authority, GPL and NIS among others. Several other corporate entities have joined with Banks DIH and contributed towards a successful tournament including Giftland Office Max, Talk is Cheap, Ross Gas Station, Body Max and Hopkinson Mining among others. The organizers are Dennis ‘Chow’ Hunte and Mark Young.

B’dos F/ball official Sherlock Yarde dead at 55 By Sean Devers They say is it not how long you live but how you live that is important to the people you live with and the tributes following the passing yesterday morning of VicePresident of the Barbados Football Association (BFA) Sherlock Yade at age 55, emphasizes that saying. No one can totally prepare for death but when it comes at the height of a successful career in and outside the sporting arena and without obvious signs of illness to even some of his friends, like was the case with Yarde, it is even more heart breaking. News reaching Kaieteur Sport indicate that the Barbadian Football personality, whose father is Guyanese and who has a Guyanese-born daughter, died of an undisclosed illness in a Barbados Hospital yesterday morning throwing not only the Barbados

Described as a true friend of Guyana’s Football Football Association but those in Guyana and the wider Caribbean into morning. Yarde, who played an integral role in the Notre Dame Football Club in Barbados which accommodated several Guyanese Footballers due to Yarde’s influence, was also the Chairman of the BFA selectors and the Manager of the Barbados senior Football team. Outside of Football, Yarde, who attended school with former Barbados Prime Minister Owen Arthur, was the proprietor of Stores in Barbados, a senior Customs Officer and was even into politics. Gregory ‘Jackie Chan’ Richardson, the late Shawn ‘Fatso’ Bishop and Nigel ‘Powers’ Codrington were among the Guyanese who played domestic Football with Yarde’s club in Barbados,

while Yarde, who played a key role in the Masters Football competitions between Guyana and Barbados, was also instrumental in reviving the Veterans Football competition between the Notre Dame club and Guyanese clubs, which was an annual affair in the 1980s. Acting President of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Frankie Wilson said the passing of Yarde came as a shocker to the GFF and the football fraternity not only in Barbados but in Guyana and indeed the Caribbean as a whole. “The last time I saw Mr. Yarde was at the return game in round two of the FIFA World Cup Qualifying competition in Barbados. His passing no doubt leaves a void in the Administration of football in Barbados and by extension, the Caribbean.

Apart from his position on the BFA as a Vice President, Mr. Yarde played a major role in Masters Football not only in Barbados but also in Guyana and was the main player behind the annual Masters tournament that features teams from both countries here,” Wilson said. “Mr. Yarde also played a role in inviting some of our footballers to play in Barbados some years ago which underpinned the level of his involvement in the sport. To relatives, friends and the football fraternity of Barbados, the Guyana Football Federation on behalf of the fraternity here would like to extend sincere condolences on the passing of a true labourer of the sport. May his soul rest in peace,” Wilson added. Former National

Footballer and later National Coach Lennox Arthur described Yarde as a personal friend and a true friend of Guyana’s Football who went out of his way to make life comfortable for the players and officials whenever Guyana Football teams were in Barbados. “I last saw him in Barbados during the Veterans Tournament last month and he did not look sick. I was organising to get a Guyana All-Stars team to go to Barbados and I cannot express how I felt when I got the news from ‘English’ (Frank Parris) that he had passed away,” Arthur disclosed. “I will surely miss him. Whenever I am in Barbados he is there for me as a friend. He respected me as a Football Coach after seeing me work with Pele and whenever he lands in Guyana he would make sure he calls me. He was a good man and will be

Sherlock Yarde missed,” an emotional Arthur revealed. And former National Footballer and Coach Gordon Braithwaite also described Yarde as a true friend of Guyana’s Football and someone who was always ‘straight up’ and spoke his mind. “A real good man is gone! I was recovering from an injury and missed the last Veterans tournament and did (Continued on page 27)

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Kaieteur News

Friday June 22, 2012

West Demerara Sec. eliminate LTI on penalty kicks T

h e W e s t D e m e r a r a Secondary School ground has now become synonymous with exciting matches and yesterday’s clash between the hosts and Leonora Technical Institute

(LTI) provided another brilliant example. This year ’s Digicel Nationwide Schools Football Competition have already proved to be entertaining with some enthralling matches and fans over on the West Demerara had a double dose over two d a y s a n d y e s t e r d a y ’s encounter had to be decided on penalty kicks with the hosts winning 5-4 after regulation time ended in a 22 stalemate. West Demerara took the lead through a thunderous free kick taken by Akeem Hector, who beat goalkeeper, Travin July to his left. That goal came in the 18th minute of play. They should have stretched their advantage shortly after, but the powerful header from a corner delivered by Oswin Boyce produced a fine save from July, jumping high in the air to make the stop twohanded. The half came with no addition to the scoreline and West Demerara holding a

slim 1-0 lead. In the second period, LTI attacked with menace, but competent defending nullified their offensive forays until a scrimmage inside the box found Andre Anthony unmarked and he slotted home from close range in the 56th minute. Bouyed by their success, LTI looked even more menacing pushing forward and should have gained the lead, but a spectacular save from West Demerara’s goalkeeper Winston Manjet, who turned a cracking shot into touch for a corner. A constant bother on the West Demerara defensive line finally paid dividend when Bruce Anthony was given a perfectly weighed pass down the middle and he sprinted past two markers, before rounding Manjet and nonchalantly tucked the ball into the back of the net. That goal was scored in the 67th minute and that silenced the large and partisan crowd for some time. However, with time running out, West Demerara

New Silver City, St. Cuthbert’s, GETC, GITC also win

The victorious West Demerara Secondary School pose for a photo op following their win over Leonora Technical School yesterday. won a free kick just outside the 25 yard-box and none other than star player Omari Haynes stepped up to take it and his effort was so powerfully struck that keeper July could not hold on to it and his fumble

allowed a lurking Selwyn Sinclair to pounce and squeeze the ball past him on the near post. That brought massive celebrations from teachers, students and supporters within the community.

It happened in the 71st minute of play and the scores remained that way until the final whistle, sending the game into penalty kicks. The first four kicks for either side were successful (Continued on page 27)

Friday June 22, 2012

Kaieteur News

Page 31

Ministry/Corporation 7-A-side football competition...

Top seeds to compete for Earl Vigilance Training facility ‘Body Max’ Memorial Open Scrabble tournament rises to the corporate call Vigilance’s two children pose with the winners of the last held tournament. (from left) McDonald, Belony and Carmichael


ootball fans are truly being entertained with several encounters as the action in the Inter Ministry/Corporation 7-Aside football competition continues at the Banks DIH Thirst Park Ground. A l r e a d y, s e v e r a l corporate companies have contributed towards the success of the tournament and the most recent to pitch in its lot is Body Max of South Road, Georgetown. Yesterday morning, one of the organizers, Mark Young, journeyed to that facility and received a hefty sponsorship package from Manager, Ashton Barker. There, in the training room and surrounded by weight training equipment and other exercise facilities, Barker handed over an envelope to Young to offset the huge demands of the tournament. Mr. Barker acknowledged the importance of corporate intervention towards the sustenance of sports development and said that he

Mr. Young (L) is all smiles as he accepts the gift from manager of Body Max, Ashton Barker is extremely delighted to render support. He further pledged assistance for similar events in the future. Mr. Young expressed deep gratitude to his benefactor even as he urged fans to come out in support of the tournament. The organizer also pledged support to Body Max even as he encouraged all Guyanese to utilize the facility in their

bid to stay fit. Meanwhile, Mr. Barker said that the primary objective of his facility is to assist in the realization of the attainment of a healthy life. He said that his staff is quite capable of overseeing the health needs of the nation and boasts a group of competent instructors, skilled in the vagaries of health issues.


he intense battle for honours in the scrabble arena will continue when the members of the Guyana Association of Scrabble Players (GASP) journey to Linden for the Earl Vigilance Memorial Open Scrabble tournament at the Mackenzie Sports Club Sunday June 24. Already, most of the top seeds have signaled their intentions to participate in the tournament, organized in memory of Vigilance, a former national player, who lost his life in an industrial accident several years ago. This tournament is viewed as a very important one on GASP calendar of activities

and attracts the involvement of the entire fraternity. The players were unable to convene for the tournament last year but national champion, Abigail McDonald had carted off the spoils in 2010. She starts off as the favourite but will have to be wary of Leon Belony who had placed second in that tournament by the closest of margins. Floyd Carmichael had closed off the podium spots. The dynamics have changed somewhat and even though the top guns, the likes of McDonald, Moen Gafoor, Fred Collins and Belony still start as favorites, they will have to (Continued on page 27)

t r o Sp Butts high in praise for Windies A Team programme Port-of-Spain, Trinidad — Chairman of West Indies Cricket Board Selection Panel, Clyde Butts, yesterday spoke on the West Indies A Team programme, following the Digicel Four Day ‘Test’ Series win against India A and as the teams prepare for this weekend’s Digicel T20 Series double-header at Queen’s Park Oval in Trinidad. Butts was full of praise for the young West Indies team which came from behind to win the threematch ‘Test’ series. In that Series left-arm pacer Delorn Johnson was the outstanding performer. The 24-year-old, a graduate of the Sagicor High Performance Centre, took 17 wickets to win the Man-of-the-Series award. Butts also outlined that the team for the T20s this weekend, has been picked

Clyde Butts with the ICC World T20 in mind. Kieran Powell has been named as captain and several players with international experience have been called up to the 13-man squad. Butts said: “The A Team programme in the West Indies is about development and looking at the resources

available as we build towards the future in West Indies cricket. It is also about being competitive against all opponents we face. We want to develop our players and see them move forward but we also want to develop a winning mindset. In the ‘Test’ matches the players showed that they are developing into a very competitive unit and it was really good to see the way they performed against more experienced opposition and won the series. They were exceptional in all departments and deserved to win. “The WICB has set-out a policy of development and where we want to go. This series win and some of the individual performance were steps in that direction and we are confident that we are on the right path. We saw (Continued on page 27)

WI vs England ODI...

Last chance for tourists to impress


otation has been on everybody’s mind since England took an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match ODI series and rested Graeme Swann, Stuart Broad and the local favourite, Tim Bresnan, for the final tie at Headingley. Some supporters are complaining that they are being short-changed and former England internationals, Michael Atherton foremost among them, have talked of how resting players devalues the cap, whatever the reason, but E n g l a n d ’s d i r e c t o r o f cricket, Andy Flower, will not be deflected from his task of winning as many important cricket matches as possible. If that means resting leading England players ahead of a fivematch series against Australia, so far little discussed but bound to pick up momentum, and a Test series against South Africa then so be it. And better rested, it might be argued, than injured. That is even before you consider the benefits of discovering more about players on the fringe of the side. England’s policy of maintaining county cricket by the proceeds of a non-stop international summer cannot exist without tensions. The ailing domestic Twenty20 tournament, weakened by dismal weather and the late withdrawals of overseas

Graeme Swann

Lendl Simmons players whose contracts are now barely worth the paper they are written on and the absence of England players, is suffocated by the very England programme that is meant to support it. What English cricket needs is reliance upon more players, not the same elite squad playing interminably to prop up the first-class structure. As for West Indies, as their coach Ottis Gibson has remarked, losing sides do not have the luxury of resting players. Darren Bravo has already returned home because of injury and Chris Gayle and Andre Russell are carrying injuries. This is not a dead rubber for West Indies - it is a chance to impress

upon their lomng-suffering supporters that they have been better than also-rans. PLAYERS TO WATCH Getting his chance again as Graeme Swann is rested, Samit Patel has to prove that he is worthy of a place in English conditions. He performed admirably in India and against Pakistan in the UAE but a second spinner in England is regarded as surplus to requirements. This is Patel’s chance to show is he more of an option than backup to Swann, particularly with James Tredwell also in the squad. Another player with something very much to (Continued on page 27)

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