Kaieteur News

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Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Obama, Netanyahu seek to mend U.S.-Israel ties (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assured U.S. President Barack Obama yesterday that he remained committed to a twostate solution to the IsraeliPalestinian conflict as they sought to mend ties strained by acrimony over Middle East diplomacy and Iran. Meeting Obama for the first time since the signing of the Iran nuclear deal, Netanyahu said he backed a vision of “two states for two peoples” but maintained that any Palestinian state must be demilitarized and recognize Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people, a condition Palestinians have rejected. Patching up relations could help smooth the way for a new 10-year U.S. military aid package, which Obama told Netanyahu he wanted to get a “head start” on negotiating. Israel, Washington’s chief Middle East ally, is seeking a record $5 billion a year, according to U.S. congressional sources. Obama and Netanyahu, who have a history of testy White House encounters, showed no outward sign of tension, looking cordial and

businesslike as they held their first face-to-face talks in 13 months. The meeting was clouded by an ongoing wave of Palestinian stabbing and shooting attacks that have Israelis on edge at a time when Obama has concluded that a peace deal is beyond reach during the final 14 months of his presidency. Obama condemned the latest wave of Palestinian violence and backed Israel’s right to defend itself but said he wanted to hear Netanyahu’s ideas for lowering tensions and “how we can make sure that legitimate Palestinian aspirations are met.” TWO-STATE SOLUTION Netanyahu’s recommitment to the two-state solution, the bedrock of U.S. diplomacy on the conflict for decades, could satisfy the Obama administration’s desire that he clarify his position after he appeared to backtrack on his pledge during a hard-fought re-election campaign earlier this year. “I want to make it clear that we have not given up our hope for peace,” Netanyahu

told reporters allowed in at the start of talks with Obama. U.S.-sponsored peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians collapsed in 2014. The eruption of violence between the two sides last month has made an end to that bloodshed a more immediate priority. The meeting, the first between the two leaders in 13 months, was widely seen as an effort to move beyond tensions over U.S.-led nuclear diplomacy with Iran, Israel’s arch-foe, and differences over how to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Though Obama and Netanyahu sought to play down their disagreements, no one expected that the two leaders would have much success in overcoming their poor personal chemistry. Their worst public moment was a 2011 Oval Office encounter when Netanyahu lectured Obama on the suffering of the Jewish people through the ages. This time, neither leader wanted a diplomatic blow-up. Netanyahu leaned forward listening intently as Obama spoke, sometimes nodding.

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Myanmar ruling party concedes as Jordanian officer shoots dead two Americans, Suu Kyi heads for poll landslide one South African at security training site

Supporters of Myanmar’s pro-democracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi gather outside National League for Democracy headquarters (NLD) in Yangon, Myanmar (REUTERS/JORGE SILVA) (Reuters) - Myanmar’s ruling party conceded defeat yesterday in a general election as the opposition led by democracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi appeared on course for a landslide victory that could ensure it forms the next government. “We lost,” Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) acting chairman Htay Oo told Reuters a day after the Southeast Asian country’s first free nationwide election in a quarter of a century. By late afternoon yesterday, vendors outside the headquarters of the National League for Democracy (NLD) in Yangon were selling red Tshirts with Suu Kyi’s face and the words “We won”. The election commission was announcing the results of Sunday’s election as they trickled in, constituency by constituency. Suu Kyi’s party won 49 of the first 54 seats declared for the lower house, where 330 seats were contested. The keenly watched vote was Myanmar’s first general election since its long-ruling military ceded power to President Thein Sein’s quasi-civilian government in 2011, ushering in a period of reform and opening up to foreign investment. The NLD said its own tally of results posted at polling stations around the country showed it was on track to win more than 70 percent of the seats being contested in parliament, above the twothirds threshold it needs to form Myanmar’s first democratically elected government since the early 1960s. “They must accept the results, even though they don’t want to,” NLD spokesman Win Htein told Reuters, adding that in the populous central region, the Nobel peace laureate’s party looked set to take more than 90 percent of seats.

JUBILATION Traffic squeezed at a walking pace through the jubilant crowd outside the NLD headquarters. Hundreds of people, many sporting the party’s color of red and a peacock logo, waved flags and cheered as results were announced and projected onto a screen hung from the building. “I’m very happy about the result,” said Hnin Si, 60, a trader in Yangon. “The people have suffered for 50 years. I believe Aung San Suu Kyi will make the country a better place.” The election was a landmark in Myanmar’s unsteady journey to democracy from the military dictatorship that made the former Burma a pariah state for so long. It is also a moment that Suu Kyi will relish after spending years under house arrest following Myanmar’s 1990 election, when the NLD won a landslide victory that was ignored by the junta. This time, the ruling party, which was created by the former junta and is led by retired military officers, as well as the chief of the armed forces have pledged to respect the result. But although the election appears to have dealt a decisive defeat to the USDP, a period of uncertainty still looms because it is not clear how Suu Kyi will share power easily with the still-dominant military. The junta-drafted constitution guarantees one-quarter of parliament’s seats to unelected members of the military and allows the commander-in-chief to nominate the head of three powerful ministries: interior, defense and border security. The charter also gives the armed forces the right to take over the government under certain circumstances, and the military maintains a grip on the economy through

holding companies. BARRED FROM PRESIDENCY Even if the NLD gets the majority it needs, Suu Kyi is barred from taking the presidency herself under the constitution, written by the junta to preserve its power. Suu Kyi has said she will be the power behind the new president, regardless of a charter she has derided as “very silly”. Incomplete vote counts showed some of the most powerful politicians of the USDP trailing in their bids for parliamentary seats. Among the losers was USDP chief Htay Oo, who told Reuters from the rural Irrawaddy delta heartlands that are a bastion of support for his party that he was “surprised” by his own defeat. Voting in the historic election was for the most part trouble-free, despite religious tensions fanned by Buddhist nationalists whose actions intimidated Myanmar’s Muslim minority in the run-up to the poll. But the NLD cried foul yesterday over advance votes that could boost the chances of a senior member of the ruling party. In an official complaint, it said it was “illogical” that the USDP could win 90 percent of advance votes - made by those unable to vote on election day - in Lashio, a township in the east of the country with a large military presence. Its complaint followed concerns that some observers had not been given permission to monitor voting in military installations. The issue over advance votes taps painful memories of a previous election in 2010, which the NLD boycotted and the USDP won by what the Brussels-based think tank International Crisis Group called “massive manipulation” of the count, particularly of advance votes.

(Reuters) - A Jordanian officer shot dead two U.S. government security contractors, a South African trainer and a Jordanian translator at a U.S. funded police training facility near Amman yesterday before being killed in a shootout, authorities said. U.S. President Barack Obama said he was treating the attack at the King Abdullah Training Center - in which four Jordanians and one Lebanese citizen were wounded - very seriously and a full investigation was under way. The gunman was a police captain, a senior Jordanian official told Reuters. There was no immediate word on the attacker’s background or motive. But Jordan is a staunch U.S. ally in the Washington-led campaign against Islamic State militants who hold large areas of neighboring Syria and Iraq, a position Jordanian officials say leaves the kingdom vulnerable to jihadist attacks. “This incident sadly does not come as a surprise as the threat of Islamist terrorism has only increased in the region in the last few years in the aftermath of Syria and Iraq. As much as pre-emptive measures have been taken, it is impossible to eradicate all risks,” said a senior Jordanian official who requested anonymity, citing political sensitivities. The U.S. Embassy in Amman said two American civilian security contractors and a South African contractor were shot to death, and the slain Jordanian was a translator according to the Jordanian government. It was “premature to speculate on motive at this point” with the investigation proceeding, it said. Jordanian government spokesman Mohammad Momani denied an assertion by three U.S. government sources later yesterday that eight people were killed in the incident, reiterating that five had died including the gunman. One of the wounded was in critical condition, he told Reuters.

The King Abdullah bin Al Hussein Training Center where a Jordanian officer went on a shooting spree yesterday (REUTERS/MUHAMMAD HAMED) A U.S. official said the two Americans were working for the U.S. State Department’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Bureau training Palestinian security forces. Obama told reporters at the White House: “The fact that someone dressed in military uniform carried out an attack at a training facility in (Jordan)..., we take this very seriously, and we’ll be working closely with the Jordanians to determine exactly what happened.” The shooting spree took place on the 10th anniversary of al Qaeda suicide bombings that targeted three Amman luxury hotels and killed 57 people, the deadliest militant attack in Jordanian history. EARLIERATTACK PLOTS THWARTED Security sources said several earlier militant plots to attack the King Abdullah training center had been foiled. Momani, the government spokesman, said the attacker was shot dead by Jordanian security forces inside the training center. He did not commit suicide as security sources had earlier reported. The training facility was set up on the outskirts of the capital Amman after the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq to help rebuild the shattered country’s post-war security forces and to train Palestinian Authority police officers. Jordan hosts several hundred U.S. contractors who are

part of a military program to bolster the kingdom’s defenses, including the stationing of F16 fighter jets that use Jordanian airfields to hit Islamic State positions in neighboring Syria. But Jordan’s role in the war against Islamic State has raised disquiet among some Jordanians about instability at their borders. They fear that Amman’s enhanced role in the campaign might provoke Islamist bloodshed in their country. Jordanian authorities have since tightened security around sensitive government districts, increased surveillance of radical Islamists and jailed dozens on suspicion of plotting militant attacks on Israelis, Americans and other Westerners. King Abdullah believes fervently that ultra hardline jihadists pose an existential threat to the kingdom. Since the civil war erupted in Syria in 2011, hundreds of Jordanians have joined Sunni Muslim militant groups in the insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad, according to Islamists close to the subject. But Jordan’s Westernaligned monarchy is torn by conflicting interests over Syria. It has tried to steer a middle course between that of Gulf Arab allies who want Assad ousted at almost any cost and its own concerns echoed by Washington - that a radical Islamist victory in Syria would install a worse threat.

Britain will stay if EU more flexible, says PM The European Union needs to be more flexible if it is to persuade the British people to vote to stay in the bloc at a referendum due by the end of 2017, Prime Minister David Cameron said on Monday. Cameron wants to reform Britain’s EU ties and is due to set out his demands in more detail on Tuesday.

“You can boil down all of my negotiations to one word: flexibility. Is this organisation flexible enough to make sure that countries inside the eurozone can grow and succeed, and countries outside the eurozone like Britain can find what they need as well,” Cameron told an audience of business leaders. “If it’s flexible enough,

we’ll stay. If it’s not flexible enough we’ll have to ask ourselves a very profound question: is this organisation for us?” Cameron’s speech was briefly interrupted by two hecklers who unfurled a banner reading “CBI - Voice of Brussels” in what appeared to be a protest against the employer group’s position on EU membership.

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

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WHY NOT BAN THE EXPORT OF ALL LOGS? The government has banned the exportation of locust timber. The reason given for the ban was that the local market was not benefiting from the export. This is another way of saying that the more locust woods are exported the less supplies will be available for local manufacturers. This is not an unreasonable argument but locust cannot be the only species, the export of which will affect the domestic market. Locust is one of the timbers in high demand. Large quantities of locust logs are being exported by the Chinese loggers thereby denying local manufacturers, including persons close to the government such supplies. There is no evidence that the ban on this species of

timber was intended to benefit anyone in particular. But it does raise some concerns as how certain matters should be handled by the new administration. If it is felt that a legitimate policy decision can be perceived as benefiting a top supporter of the government or a member of the government, then it is incumbent in the interest of transparency for steps to be taken to demonstrate that there is no intention to use policy prescriptions to benefit friends and cronies as was the case under the PPP. In the case of the ban on locust timber, this is not the only species of timber that is in demand, locally. There are others, the large-scale exportation of which can present problems for the country. Wamara is one such

species. The ban should therefore not have been extended to other threatened species. This would have demonstrated greater transparency. But why bother to ban any species at all? Why not ban the exportation of logs period? If the objective is to encourage local value- added production, there is a strong case against the export of logs. Once companies can export logs for processing elsewhere, there will be little incentive for establishing sawmills. The banning of logs can be legitimized on the grounds of building–up domestic manufacturing. It can also be legitimized on environmental grounds such as protecting particular species. WTO rules allow for such exemptions on grounds to protect the

Dem boys seh...

People know wha gift dem can get Some strange things happening and dem boys want to know how come these things wasn’t happening all de time. Yesterday, de police hold on to a man who kill he next door neighbor. But it tek dem two years fuh ketch de man. One of dem boys seh that de best place to hide when you commit a crime is in de police station. A man get hold wid some drugs and he cousin walk into de police station and offer de officer a raise to let he family go. De policeman warn him and tell him to go home. But as dem boys know, old habits die hard. I n de days of de last government nobody woulda get charge fuh giving a policeman a bribe. Even when Rohee set up he tek a bribe hotline nobody didn’t even call to report because dem know was a normal thing. That is why de man go home and come back wid even more money. When de police hold him and lock him up he beg fuh a call. He call Anil and ask him to tell him since when is a crime to bribe a policeman. Anil tell him that he got to research de topic. Anyhow dem ketch this neighbor who seh that he kill de woman. He ain’t only kill de

woman, he also tek she laptop and a diamond ring. He give he girlfriend de diamond ring and now de police got she fuh tekking stolen property. But three lawyers already tell she that she safe. But dem boys want to know if a woman don’t know when she fellow can afford something. Kwame, when he was in government, coulda promise some young boys a car but was a government car. He couldn’t walk in to an auto dealer and tell de young boy to sign. In de same way de woman should know that she man couldn’t afford a diamond ring. But that is another story. And above all dem business people who want de curfew lifted to four in de morning gun stop calling fuh a change soon. Rum Jattan seh that he gun ask dem to show how much money dem losing. That mean exposing how much taxes dem paying. Dem boys willing to bet that de business community done calling fuh an end to de curfew. Talk half and watch how quiet de business people gun become from now.

extinction of repaid depletion of a species of timber and it does also allow for exemptions to prevent shortages in the domestic market. However, there has to be sound scientific basis for banning and the process must be as such as not be seen as being willy nilly. The government has read the ‘Riot Act’ to those companies that were exporting logs. It gave them time to put themselves in order and to establish sawmills that their investment proposals called for. But the public has not been told just how much time each company has been given. If the government is serious about encouraging greater manufacturing in the timber sector, it should not be encouraging the exportation of logs. It is within the power of the government to ban the exportation of logs in Guyana. There is therefore no need for the government to restrict the exportation of logs of any particular species. It should

simply ban the export of logs period. There may be reasons why there have been no bans on logs. This can be challenged as being antitrade. Also the contracts signed between the government and foreign loggers may have provided for the export of logs. These are things that the public needs to be informed about. The government however cannot simply ban a species of log without first establishing that this was absolutely necessary on environmental or in terms of protecting the domestic market. There are international trade agreements that simply do not allow for such antitrade measures to be implemented without legitimate cause. This is all the

more reason why instead of locust alone, wamara should also have been banned on the grounds that the domestic market was being affected. It could have also been banned on environmental grounds. The government must therefore now clearly state its position as regards the export of logs, as against the export of processed lumber. The government must also clarify why it has chosen to ban one species and not another also.

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015


Novels are like songs. It is almost impossible to list them in order of preference. If someone was to ask me to name my favouite songs I will rattle off dozens from my head but I will not say I like this one more than that one. For me, it is an impossible endeavour no matter how hard you try. It is the same with novels. But there is one thing that is satisfying; even if you cannot prioritize novels and songs, you can with oceanic definitiveness say which one is among your favourites. And you can point to the high regard with which it is viewed in the world and how high it is ranked by people and institutions. “Darkness at Noon” by the early 20th Century philosopher, Arthur Koestler, remains one of the greatest novels ever written. It is ranked very high by academic institutions. I read “Darkness at Noon” because it was

required reading for one of my courses, “20th Century European Culture” during my graduate days at MacMaster University in Canada I feel sad that today Koestler is forgotten. This man had a profound influence on me. I had him as compulsory reading for the philosophy course that I taught for twenty-six years at UG. It is inexplicable that to this day, philosophers who lived centuries ago, are universally quoted but not Koestler. You can find politicians, scholars and commentators making reference to Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, but only President Bill Clinton within recent memory, during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, made reference to Koestler. And to be specific, he referred to Darkness at Noon and not the philosophy of Koestler. If any country the theme of Darkness at Noon is

relevant to or can be applied to, it is Guyana, especially on this day – the festival of lights. On this day, Diwali, one is tempted to ask; where are the lights that exist in the heart of the nation and should illuminate the skies over Guyana? As the diyas are lit this evening, maybe there will be a strong battle between the darkness and the light to win control of Guyana. I have become bored over the debate on the Diwali date. This tempestuous disagreement does not have lights at the core of the argument but politics. In other words, those who are supposed to put lights in their hearts this evening will put politics. I have never been a religious person. I don’t think I ever will be. I respect all religions and I firmly believe the church – whatever denomination – brings happiness and mental comfort to people and therefore its role is

indispensable and will remain so until civilization dies. But to what extent has religion strengthened the essential fulcrums on which rest the human character? There are thousands of Guyanese today that will ignore the message of illumination which Diwali is all about and use partisan politics to extinguish the lights that Diwali brings. They will replace light with darkness. Why would a religious Hindu dismiss the day Diwali falls on because the man who designated the holiday on November 10 is not from the party they belong to? How can you speak of the light in your heart when the glow is determined not by the fire but by political instincts? Isn’t the Diwali debate dangerously close to the Venezuelan claim on Guyana? Do you support Venezuela or do you remain silent because

at the time of Venezuelan aggression, the party in government is one that you do not like. Is it party in power or love of country? The two are scientifically separate and will never meet. Who cares which Minister designated the day that Diwali is made a holiday? It is not the Minister but the lights of Diwali that are important and that should be embraced. This will not be so for thousands of Hindus today. They will see politics as more important than Diwali. This is where for me religion becomes problematic. How can you tell me to put lights in my heart and illuminate my mind and soul because it will make humanity better but you have a convenient approach to humanity? It is not that someone arrogated to him/herself that

Frederick Kissoon the festival of lights must fall on November 10. From all that I have read (and believe me the nation has been reading about this controversy nonstop in the letter pages of all newspapers) it seems that the Hindu experts have come up with a calculation that put the date on November 10. Why then should politics replace the lights of Diwali? Darkness has not only taken over the lights today, November 10. Darkness took over this country long ago.

Ministers yet to agree on how to deal with problems in mining communities A meeting was held, yesterday at the Ministry of Natural Resources between Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman and Minister of Indigenous Affairs, Sydney Allicock. The meeting was called to tackle social problems prevalent in Amerindian Villages in which mining is practised. These problems have been precipitated by mining activities in and near to Amerindian communities. The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) has often come under fire by Amerindian officials, for giving mining permits to miners to operate in rivers which run through or close to communities. Often, these mining operations lead to social and environmental issues such as prostitution,

truancy, alcoholism and land erosion. “We have to manage the tension that is arising, so that both sides are respected to ensure that we keep the tension to a minimum,” said Trotman, “From time to time there will be tensions and it’s not the GGMC’s plan to disregard Amerindian lands or rights, or to cause social disruptions.” Trotman said that while the meeting was helpful, as both sides were able to determine their positions and identify what the crux of the problem is, the Ministers were not able to come up with a position to resolve issues that are ongoing. They have, however, agreed on the need to collaborate and exchange documents over the next week, and will soon meet again to discuss the matter further as these are pressing

issues. Trotman said that it is not on the government’s agenda to limit or stop the activity of mining in close proximity to villages as one has to look at the rights of a miner to mine. He said that GGMC is not unmindful of the social implications since it understands the need for the protection of Amerindian lands, heritage and resources. Trotman said that as a result, the talks between the relevant parties – the GGMC will seek to establish mutually accepted solutions to the issues at hand. Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Simona Broomes, has also been working with Trotman to tackle some of the issues in mining communities. Just recently, an 11-year-old was among several other girls found in a bar in Baramita.

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Mahaicony heist suspect charged with murder, armed robberies After six months on the run, a West Ruimveldt businessman, who was wanted for the murder of Linden businesswoman, Shevon Gordon, appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts yesterday, charged with the woman’s murder. Interestingly, he had not been captured for the murder, but instead a spate of robberies committed at a Mahaicony Supermarket. He was also charged in relation to the robberies. The man Stafarei Hopkinson Alexander, 33, of Laing Avenue West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and was not required to plead to the six charges. He had no legal representation. Particulars of the first charge alleged that on April 4, last, at Lot 125 One Mile Linden, Hopkinson murdered Gordon during a robbery. According to reports, a group of armed men confronted Gordon, who had just disembarked her Canter truck in front of her home. The men demanded that the woman hand over a bag she was carrying. The businesswoman was shot while struggling to maintain possession of her bag. Three men were charged back in May with Gordon’s murder. Robin Maxwell Thomas, 22, of Lot 20 West Ruimveldt Georgetown; Adoni Bowen, 26, of Lot 20 Blueberry Hill, Wismar, Linden; and Anthony Primo, 29, of Lot 156 Laing Avenue, West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, are currently on remand for the crime. Hopkinson was remanded to prison for this charge until November 25, when he will appear at the Linden Magistrate’s Court. He was accused of robbing four persons-namely Jasoda Singh, Narine Singh, businesswoman Lakeranie Singh and Natasha Bobb at gunpoint on November 4, at La Raisonable Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara. The court heard that Hopkinson allegedly robbed Lakeranie Singh of one Toyota IST, $300,000 in cash, a quantity of gold and artificial jewellery, a quantity of phone

Stafarei Hopkinson cards, among other items all totaling $4,367,300. He was also accused of robbing Narine of a Samsung phone, $US300, a wallet and $9,000 cash-total value of $184,000. It was further alleged that he robbed Bobb of two gold rings, $80 cash and a Nokia cell phone. And finally Hopkinson allegedly robbed Jasoda of a BLU phone, a bag and $3000 cash- a total of $19,000. The accused was further remanded to prison on the armed robbery charges. This matter was transferred to the Mahaicony Magistrate’s Court for November 18. It was reported that around 14:00hrs, last Wednesday Hopkinson was among a group of men that entered the supermarket and held Lakeranie and her employees at gunpoint. They reportedly beat the businesswoman about her body and escaped with cash, jewellery and other valuables. According to reports, the bandits appeared to be well informed about the supermarket, since they escaped with a DVR, which recorded footage from surveillance located at strategic points on the premises. The men reportedly escaped in Lakaranie’s Toyota IST, with the police in hot pursuit.

They fled into a nearby backland, but were subsequently captured after fire was set to the bushes. As if these charges were not enough, Hopkinson was also accused of discharging a loaded firearm at taxi driver, Curtis Thom with intent to murder him on March 23, at Laing Avenue, West Ruimveldt. This matter will be called again on December 10, in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. According to reports the 48-year-old taxi driver of Lot 138 Laing Avenue, was shot to the chest and right side shoulder by two men, one who is believed to be Hopkinson, around 1:00hrs, on the day in question. Kaieteur News understands that Thom’s shooters are known to him, and the shooting was an execution attempt on his life.

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Harbour Bridge fatality

Investigators preparing file for DPP As investigators continue to probe the death of 22-year-old Gangadai Persaud, who lost her life after her husband allegedly reversed off the Demerara Habour Bridge (DHB) on Sunday, Clifton Hicken, Commander of ‘A’ Division revealed that the woman’s partner could very well face charges. The Commander said that if it is found that the mother of one lost her life as a result of her husband’s negligence, then the man, Dhanram Ramdeo Ramlall, will be charged. The police are currently preparing a file to take to the Director of Public Prosecution for advice. Around 10:00 hrs, the lifeless body of the Tuschen Housing Scheme, West Coast Demerara (WCD) woman was pulled from a submerged canter truck in the Demerara River several hours after it plunged off the DHB. The tragic incident occurred when Ramlall reportedly attempted to turn the truck on the bridge but apparently made a big misjudgment instead and reversed off the open side of the structure. The Traffic Chief, Dion Moore, said that overtaking and reversing are prohibited on the Habour Bridge. He related that if investigators found that the driver indeed attempted to turn on the bridge, then he would be charged for dangerous driving. Up to late yesterday, Ramlall was still in police custody at the Providence Police Station. At the scene on Sunday, an eyewitness, Mark Henry, said that the Canter truck driver was heading in an

easterly direction on the bridge when a bag, containing boulangers fell from the back of his truck. He said that because it was early, there were hardly any vehicles on the bridge and he (Ramlall) attempted to turn around by the retractor span area, where there are no rails, to retrieve the bag. “While he trying to turn, I turn to the guy who was in the vehicle with me and said, watch wah going on hey.” By the time I say that, the man back wheel went over and was overboard he reach,” Henry explained. He recalled that he stopped his vehicle and ran towards the area where the truck went off but of course, there wasn’t anything he could have done since the vehicle was already going under the water. “I started shouting for help, and like five minutes after I see he (truck driver) come out from under the water and he was holding onto a wire and he said that his wife alone in the Canter,” the eyewitness said. However, General Manager of the DHB, Rawlston Adams said that the truck driver provided the Bridge Supervisor, who was on duty at the time, with a different version of what transpired on Sunday. Adams said the driver related

Dead: Gangadai Persaud that it was raining and he fell asleep and the vehicle went overboard. But the General Manager explained that when the divers located the vehicle, it was discovered that the truck went off “back first because the front was up (under the water) and the back was down.” Meanwhile, a Post Mortem (PM) examination on the remains of the mother of one revealed that she died by drowning. The PM was done yesterday at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) by Government Pathologist, Dr Nehaul Singh.

Man drowns in Pomeroon Police at the Charity Outpost were summoned at Friendship, in the Lower Pomeroon River to retrieve the body of a 70-year-old pensioner who failed to return to his Friendship home over the weekend after an outing with his friends. According to reports, the pensioner, Dennis Fredricks, a/k “Cash”, of Friendship, in the Lower Pomeroon River, was discovered floating in the canal by residents who alerted the police. A post mortem examination is scheduled to be performed on the man’s remains which are currently at the Hospital Mortuary. No marks of violence were visible. (Yannason Duncan)

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

PPP still to settle differences with GECOM During a press conference yesterday morning, People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee, said that his party is still at odds with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). In fact, the party now has more issues with GECOM and is convinced that the Secretariat is “incompetent.” Rohee said that a PPP delegation led by him met with GECOM last Tuesday last. He said that at that forum, the PPP informed GECOM about its reservations and concerns with regard to the holding of Local Government Elections. Those issues include the period for Claims and Objections versus a ninth cycle of continuous registration; the nonavailability of lists for each constituency for use during the Claims and Objections period and the listed number

of registered voters in each Constituency and Municipality. Rohee said that the PPP also questioned the nonavailability of sketch maps showing each constituency with clear lines of demarcation; absence of voter education; preparation of NDC’s for Local Government Elections and provisions for voting by the Disciplined Services. The General Secretary said that of the issues raised only one was addressed to the satisfaction of the PPP. He said that GECOM Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally and Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, displayed a defensive attitude throughout the meeting and were evasive when faced with questions. Rohee added that answers given by GECOM’s Chairman and CEO were

basically information that was already in the public domain; therefore, the PPP had nothing new to take away from the meeting insofar as the holding of Local Government Elections is concerned. Further, Rohee said that the PPP delegation expressed its dissatisfaction with GECOM’s limited public relations activities in connection with the holding of Local Government Elections. He said that the Party advised GECOM that were the elections to be held in March 2016, it would be competing with a host of other national events that are likely to be held around the same period and therefore the need for GECOM to put its messages out early to the electors. Rohee told the media that the PPP delegation left the meeting extremely disappointed. He added that the PPP was especially disappointed with the answers provided, particularly as they regarded the demarcation of boundaries, and “the reemployment of persons as elections officials who are known party activists belonging to the PNC/

GECOM’s CEO, Keith Lowenfield

GECOM’s Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally

PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee

APNU/AFC.” The General Secretary said that the PPP delegation informed GECOM that it was leaving the meeting dissatisfied with the attitude of non-cooperation and nondisclosure towards the delegation. Rohee also said that the delegation told GECOM that it will “end up being its own worst enemy since it refuses to address comprehensively and objectively, the reservations and concerns of a major national stakeholder with 32 seats in the National Assembly and one that

controls seven of the 10 Administrative Regions.” Rohee said that the predisposition of Dr. Surujbally and Lowenfield to “clam up and to skillfully dodge questions posed to them by the PPP delegation will only prove counterproductive and help exacerbate the already existing tension between the PPP and GECOM as well as the deep suspicions by the PPP about GECOM’s incompetence, bias and inability to supervise the holding of free and fair elections in Guyana.”

The General Secretary told the media that the PPP rejects GECOM’s claim that the meeting “completely addressed” the Party’s concerns and reservations in connection with the upcoming Local Government Elections. He added that the PPP will continue to press its demands for electoral reforms and for free and fair elections by mobilizing public opinion at home and abroad and above all, through the mobilization of its members and supporters. (Abena Rockcliffe)

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Accused told police of suspicion that crime was hatched by person linked to auto sales dealership Robb Street Granny murder…

Roy Jacobs, one of the four persons accused of murdering 72-year old, Robb Street resident, Clementine Feidtkou-Parris, had told the police of his suspicion that the plan to execute the elderly woman was hatched by someone attached to a prominent local auto sales dealership. Fiedtkou-Parris was shot and killed in her home on June 30, 2011 by gunmen, who were reportedly hired to end her life over a property dispute. On the day of the shooting, two men reportedly went to the woman’s Lot 42 Robb Street residence and requested an audience with her. Upon hearing the persons requesting her presence, she moved to the door. The gunmen opened fire on her, hitting her several times about the body. It was reported that after the shooting, the suspects made their escape in a waiting car. However, the men were purportedly caught on video camera committing the act. The gunmen were paid to end the woman’s life. Four men are currently on trial at the Georgetown High Court for the murder. Orin Hinds, called “Red Man,” of Burnham Boulevard, Mocha, East Bank Demerara; Kevin October called, “Troy,” of Second Street, Agricola, East Bank Demerara; Cleon Hinds, and Roy Jacobs called

Murdered: Clementine Feidtkou- Parris

Accused: Cleon Hinds

Accused: Roy Jacobs

Accused: Orin Hinds

Accused: Kevin October

“Chippie” or “Black Boy” of Evans Street, Charlestown, are facing Justice Navindra Singh and a mixed jury. The men are being represented by Attorneys -atLaw, George Thomas, Moti Singh, Raymond Alli and Maxwell Mc Kay. Yesterday, the caution statement, which police obtained from Jacobs, was tendered as evidence following a Voir Dire. According to the statement which was read aloud to the Court by Sergeant Noel Sarabo, Jacobs told investigators that prior to the incident, his friend “Otis” told him, that he wanted two men for a hustle. After inquiring about the hustle, Jacobs told the police that he declined the offer but

he linked up his friends, “Dutchie,” “Red man” and “Troy” with the wuk. Days later, the accused related that Otis took him to Robb Street and pointed out the house, in which the old woman lived. Jacobs said that he later took his friends to meet with Otis; they discussed the “hit and the price.” However, on the night of the incident, Jacobs told the police that he did not go to the woman’s residence. Instead he stopped at a nearby Chinese shop for a Guinness. He said that while there, he heard the two gunshots. Sometime after the shooting, the accused said that he and his friends met with Otis and he handed over

$400,000; they shared the money among themselves. Jacobs told the police of his suspicion that the plan to kill Fiedtkou-Parris was orchestrated by someone attached to the local business located next to her home. “Before we go pun de wuk Otis de tell me that we didn’t got fuh worry, because Trans lived next door and how I get fuh figure out that is Trans wuk is because about a week before, Trans, I think he name Satish, because I hear Otis de calling he Satish, he come in Albouystown and he and Otis de talking. “He de telling Otis that he and a lady deh in court over some land dispute and how the lady is cross …Is the same lady Otis put we fuh kill on

Robb Street, right next to Satish house.” The accused maintained that he did not kill the woman but he only organized his friends to do the job. Jacobs had signed the caution statement at least eight times. Subsequent to reading the statement, Sarabo faced cross examination from Defence Counsel George Thomas and Moti Singh. Singh pointed out to the police witness that none of the persons currently facing the c o u r t f o r t h e crime are called “Otis or Satish.” Crime Scene Detective, (CID) Robert Melville was subsequently called to the stand by State Counsel Teeshana Lake. Lake is presenting the case in

association with Attorney-atlaw Narissa Leander. He recalled witnessing the taking of a statement from Kevin October. According to Melville, October had told police that he transported the men to the scene of the crime on the night of the incident. “Me and “Chippie” stay in the car “Dutchie” and “Red Man” went in the house. Dem ain’t had gun; I had to get a gun from Cleon because them de want use a knife.” Under cross examination, Melville admitted that he had not affixed his signature to the statement by October. He later clarified that his signature on the statement was not absolutely necessary.

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Jilted man injures ex-lover for being AG flags agencies for nonwith another man in her house submission of financial reports

A young mother was severely maimed last Friday morning at Annandale, East Coast Demerara, after her exlover sneaked into her house and stabbed her several times about her body before fleeing the scene. Shondell Hernandes, 22, of Lot 121 Courbane Park, Annandale, East Coast Demerara, was on the phone with her sister in her house, when she was caught off guard by her jilted lover who stabbed her to her neck. She was left helpless on the ground, gasping for air. Hernandes’ sister, Marissa Ramdas, stated yesterday that her sister, who had ended the relationship with the man three months ago and was having a conversation with another man, when she received a phone call from her ex-lover’s older daughter, instructing her to shut her doors because her father was rabid and had picked up a knife and was headed to her house. Ramdas said that her sister immediately rushed to her front door and locked it but was a second short of shutting the back door when the man barged into the house and started yelling and brandishing the knife. She said the other man who was in the house at the time managed to calm the irate man down and take him back home, which was a corner away. A while after, whilst Hernandes was relating the story to Ramdas the man slipped back into the house, through an open window and

Shondell Hernandes stabbed her to her neck. “She was talking to me on the phone when she said she turn around and see him coming out of the room with the same knife. And when she tried to run, he grab her and juk her in the neck and she fall down and couldn’t get up,” Ramdas said, adding that the man continued to stab her sister even as she cried out for help. Hernandes had ended the turbulent relationship three months ago because of the man’s abusive behaviour.

Kaieteur News was informed that the man would get drunk and then beat her mercilessly. The two share custody of their three-year-old son. The young mother is a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital, where she has undergone an MRI to determine the extent of the injury on her neck. Doctors, however, have informed her family that the stab wound in the neck had done damage to her spine. Her condition is being closely monitored by the doctors.

A dire situation has been flagged by Auditor General Deodat Sharma in his 2014 report. Statutory agencies under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture have outstanding audit reports, despite some $9.7B being disbursed to them for the year 2014, the Auditor General found. Up until the fiscal year ending 31st December, 2014, there was little accountability over the monies and how they were utilized by the entities. Some of the entities were still to have their reports laid in the National Assembly, at the time of reporting. These bodies are subject to separate financial reporting and audits. It is understood that for statutory bodies, audits have to be completed by April in a given year. In the case of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), financial statements have had to be sent back for corrections. One of the biggest culprits was the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), which was established by an Act of parliament 2004. However at the time of reporting it had received some $2.1B for 2014 and a separate audit report, with financial statements still to be submitted. In 2012 an internal audit into NDIA had revealed that several instances of fraud and conflicts of interest had occurred. It had also recommended the dismissal of top officials including NDIA boss Lionel

Wordsworth over breaches to the Procurement Act of 2003. The report had been sent to officials and former President Donald Ramotar himself. However, Wordsworth had remained on the job. Under the new dispensation, he was sent on accumulated leave as of July 2015. In the report, the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) was flagged as having the biggest disbursement for 2014. The Auditor General’s report also stated that the year of the last audit report for that entity was 2012. It noted that a total of $6.1B was disbursed. A report is yet to be laid in the National Assembly. The next biggest recipient of monies was the Guyana Rice Development Board, $500M. The last audit report was listed as 2014. It was also noted that an interim audit for the year 2015 has commenced. The GLDA was listed as having received $409.7M. This entity is yet to finalize audits for the year 2011, while the audit for 2012 is in progress. It was also noted that financial statements for the years 2013 and 2014 were actually returned to the entity for corrections to be made. For the Guyana School of Agriculture, $201.8M was listed as the disbursements. The report listed 2008 as the last audit report. Financial statements are yet to be submitted for the years 2009 to 2014. The Mahaica-

Auditor General Deodat Sharma Mahaicony-Abary Agricultural Development Authority (MMA/ADA) was listed as receiving a sum of $177.2M, with the last audit report being in the year 2007. It reported that audits for the year 2008 and 2009 still had to be finalized. The report went on to note that financial statements are to be submitted for the years 2010 to 2014. A total of $64.1M was disbursed to the National Agriculture Research and Extension Institute (NAREI). Its last report was in 2013, with the audit for the year 2014 still in progress. The Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals Control Board meanwhile received $10.7M, with its last report being in 2013. The audit for 2014 is also in progress. And finally, the Hope Coconut Estate was listed as receiving an amount of $3M. There was no audit report and financial statements for the years 2008 to 2010 returned to the entity for corrections. Financial statements for the years 2011 to 2014 are to be submitted. According to the 2014 Auditor General’s report, the Ministry of Agriculture’s response for the discrepancies was that the outstanding reports will be laid in the National Assembly.

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

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GRA’s access to bank accounts…

PSC recommends adjustments to proposed law change With concerns over a proposed law change that will give the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) powers to request information on the bank accounts of citizens and others, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) has asked for a number of changes to ensure protection of the information. In a released letter dated November 4, to Attorney General, Basil Williams, the business advocacy body is recommending that customers be given notice from GRA of the intentions to access their account information. There have been concerns that information could be

misused for other purposes. Indeed there has been one reported case revealed last year, which involved a plot to use audits and other details to go after Kaieteur News because of a number of investigative articles on corruptions. That incident had implicated former President Bharrat Jagdeo, former Attorney General Anil Nandlall and GRA’s Commissioner-General, Khurshid Sattaur. The Financial Institutions (Amendment) Bill 2015 is set to be debated soon. The Bill seeks to amend the Financial Institutions Act to permit disclosures to GRA by banks

and other financial institutions based on a lawful request or demand for information. According to the PSC yesterday, it welcomes the move for GRA’s access to the financial banking data of citizens as this would certainly aid tax enforcement mechanisms and should reduce the incidence of tax avoidance.“We do have some concerns, however, and these relate to data protection and privacy rights. We are cognizant that the granting of legislative authority for access to citizens’ bank account data, is not peculiar to Guyana and many countries around the

Attack on America Street...Two remanded

Troy Abrams

Anthony Primo

Days after gunmen ambushed and robbed America Street money changers, two men appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday, following the institution of armed robbery charges. The men, Troy Abrams, and Anthony Primo, 29, of West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, who are known to the police, are facing two counts of armed robbery. They were remanded to prison until December 11. Primo is no stranger to the courts. He was charged before for several serious offences including drug possession, firearm and ammunition possession and armed robbery. They are accused of robbing money changers, Rayburn Fraser and Osafo Ward, at gunpoint on November 3, at America Street, Georgetown. It is alleged that they robbed Fraser of $520,000, US$3000, TT$2,000 and SRD$2000- all totaling $1.6M. They were also accused of robbing Warde of $400,000 and US$7 00. The men were not required to plead to the charges read to them by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.

According to reports, about ten gunmen attired in black, robbed and terrorized the money changers last Tuesday night. It was reported that the bandits arrived on Honda CG motorcycles and in a car. The gunmen fired several shots but luckily no one was injured. In the end, they carted off cash and jewellery. Several Ak47, M70 and 9mm spent shells were recovered from the crime scene Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones, objected to the men being granted pre trial liberty citing the gravity of the charges and the penalty attached to the offences. The court was told that four witnesses are slated to testify in the matter. Abrams and Primo requested a speedy trial and told the Magistrate they have an alibi. Abrams claimed that at the time of the robbery he was with his sister watching television. The accused also alleged that they were not placed on a proper Identification (ID) parade. This is not the first time that gunmen have robbed Rayburn Fraser. On January 15, last at Manatee Place,

South Ruimveldt Park, Georgetown, gunmen pumped seven bullets in Rayburn before relieving him of a quantity of local and foreign currency and jewellery. The bandits ambushed Fraser, while he was seated in a parked car. Twenty-two-year-old Rafael Huintzen was arrested and charged with the robbery. He was subsequently sentenced to four years’ imprisonment by a City Magistrate, after he pleaded guilty to the charge in March.

Attorney General, Basil Williams

GRA’s CommissionerGeneral Khurshid Sattaur

PSC’s Chairman, Norman McLean

world, particularly the more developed ones, have similar provisions in their legislation. “However, jurisdictions where such legislation exists usually have corresponding provisions dealing with criteria for access and protection of the data once accessed or released,” PSC said in its letter to the AG. The commission, which has as its members banks, telephone companies and host of manufacturing and other businesses, said it has researched the issue and have found examples i n t h e U n i t e d Kingdom which has a Data Protection Act, and in the United States of America where the protection is built in to the same Act which provides for

access, along with Regulations governing the criteria for federal revenue authority’s access to and usage of the data. As a short term measure, PSC suggested that the US approach may be more prudent, while Guyana develops a more general data protection mechanism. PSC recommended that in the absence of a Data Protection Act, it would prefer to see an amendment which caters to a number of concerns, and corresponding regulations guiding GRA. Among other things, PSC wants the criteria governing requests for access; notice to be served on citizens regarding intended request for access along with an indication of the law for

which enforcement is being sought via such access; care and control which such data is in the custody of GRA, and recourse available to citizens if said data is unlawfully released or published by GRA. The business body said that its members of the Legal and Regulatory SubCommittee and the Executive Management Committee, stands prepared to meet with the Attorney General to further explore the suggestions. The letter was sent by PSC’s Chairman, Major General (Ret’d) Norman McLean. The Parliamentary Opposition has warned that the law change, once passed, will lead to possible capital flight by businesses and possible abuse.

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Stakeholders to give input at ‘National Dialogue on HIV and the Law’

Minister of Public Health, Dr George Norton The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is expected to gain some much needed public attention when the Ministry of Public Health, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), spearheads a stakeholders’ forum. The proposed forum, which is being dubbed a ‘National Dialogue on HIV and the Law’, will however follow on the heels of written submissions from stakeholders on issues relating to HIV. Yesterday the UNDP in an official release disseminated a ‘Call for submissions’. The submissions are expected to be premised on a number of thematic areas including Sexual orientation and gender identity; Sex work; Prisons and detention centres; Violence against women or gender-based violence; Children and

adolescents in residential homes/orphanages; People with disabilities; Indigenous populations; Migrant and mobile populations; Discrimination in social and health services; Uniformed services and HIV and Access to HIV services and Religion. The proposed national dialogue will take the form of a meeting for a range of stakeholders - primarily from government and civil society – where they can share their insights and experiences on HIV, Law and Human Rights. “It is a policy space where those who influence, write and enforce laws, and those whose lives are impacted by them, engage in constructive, frank and pragmatic dialogue,” according to information from the UNDP. It went on to state that the national dialogue may address all legal and human rights issues related to HIV and AIDS in the country, or it

may focus on a more limited number of priority issues. Members of civil society desirous of participating in the national dialogue are encouraged to make written submissions on the themes mentioned earlier. The deadline for the submissions is Friday November 20, 2015 and must be addressed to the National Advisory Committee on HIV and the Law c/o the National AIDS Programme Secretariat, Hadfield Street and College Road, Wortmanville, Georgetown. Persons can also make their submissions by way of email to hivandthelawgy@gmail.com. Plans for the national dialogue come at a time when concerns are being raised about the HIV situation in the local penitentiary system. Minister of Public Health, Dr George Norton, while making a presentation in Geneva last week at the UNAIDS 37th Programme Coordinating Board said, “I wish to state in advance that I am in full support of accelerating an increased access to HIV prevention, treatment and care services for people in prisons and other closed settings.” In fact he asserted, “While we are all aware of the risk for HIV in prisons and closed settings, our response in many ways have been lagging and therefore the time is opportune that we prioritise this population.” “In my own country, the prison population has an HIV prevalence of at least two times higher than that of the general population. While this may be the case in many other places, depending on how we see and approach this issue, these types of settings could present as

- ‘Call for Submissions’ issued to potential attendees ideal environments for HIV services. For example, prisoners who are HIV positive and on treatment could be monitored through Direct Observed Therapy (DOT),” disclosed this Minister. He continued, “There are many challenges in rolling out programmes in these settings. In the majority of the cases, persons are ill prepared to exit and therefore ill prepared to integrate into their communities and society. Further, the lack of knowledge and discontinuation of Anti Retroviral Treatment (ARV) is also a major contributing factor in the high rates of HIV in these systems.” But in order for an impact to be made, Minister Norton added that the issue must be tackled at all levels, including at the policy stage. “This means therefore, that at the national level there has to be willingness and openness of all stakeholders to collaborate and share information as possible. There

has to be leadership from line Ministries such as Ministries of Security. Indeed, this brings to bear the concept of health in all policies.” But there have yet been significant gains made in the fight against HIV so much so that the Minister of Public Health has his eyes set on Guyana eliminating motherto-child transmission of the virus altogether. The Minister is adamant that if Cuba (which attained this status earlier this year) can do it, Guyana can too. “We recognise them (Cuba) for what they have done and there are many things that might have gone in their favour or might be in their favour, but we take away no credit and laud Cuba for being the first country in the world to have achieved that,” said the Minister. Guyana is poised for a similar achievement, he added. But a challenge faced by Guyana to attain this ambitious goal is that unlike Cuba’s island setting,

Guyana’s borders are porous. “We are surrounded by countries that we really have no control over and persons traverse frequently,” said the Public Health Minister, as he admitted that eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV “would be a difficult thing to do; regardless of that we should try to gain that status like Cuba has done.” Guyana has seen a decline in the mother-to-child transmission of HIV from 5.8 percent in 2010 to less than one percent today. “Congratulations are in order,” said the Minister as he disclosed that this development was m a d e possible through a number of efforts, including the early identification and screening of mothers and infants with HIV; use of DNA/PCR testing in infants as early as six weeks, and the use of anti-retroviral drugs. The Minister also lauded the vigilance of his Ministry’s Maternal and Child Health programme.

GuySuCo nears 200,000-tonne mark

GuySuCo says it is nearing 200,000 tonnes in sugar for the year with 87.6 percent of the target reached. With just seven weeks left in the year, the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is nearing its 200,000-tonne sugar production. According to the corporation yesterday, the year’s second crop to date has produced 118,180 tonnes of sugar or 80.7 % of the estimate for the crop. As of week ending November 6, Skeldon and Blairmont Estates in Berbice surpassed their weekly target while Albion, Rose Hall and Enmore Estates achieved 91.43%, 90.29% and 90.26% respectively. Last week, Blairmont recorded its highest daily production of 240 tonnes sugar for this crop, GuySuCo

said. In total, some 199,323 tonnes has been produced for the year to date which represents 87.6 % of the total sugar production estimated. Attention is being placed on the industry which has been in turmoil for more than two decades. Once the biggest foreign currency earners, the industry has fallen behind rice and gold with workers leaving in droves. Production fell to a two-decade low. The previous Government had been forced to inject billions of dollars annually to help keep the industry afloat, despite GuySuCo reportedly

producing sugar at more than double the cost it was selling at the world price for. It has also been failing to meet targets. With a new Government in place following the May 11 general elections, GuySuCo has been reporting a gradual turnaround with its US$200M Skeldon factory, in Berbice, finally meeting its production targets. Following the May 11 elections, the new Government sacked the entire Board and its Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Rajendra Singh. New Chairman, Professor Clive Thomas, has credited less political interference as one of the reasons for the improvements.

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Indian Action (formerly Arrival) Committee (IAC) The Indian Action (formerly Arrival) Committee (IAC) extends Diwali greetings to the entire nation, especially our Hindu brothers and sisters. Deepavali or Diwali is certainly the biggest and the brightest of all Hindu festivals. It’s the festival of lights (deep = light and avali = a row i.e., a row of lights) which literally illuminate the many Hindu homes and villages with its brilliance, and dazzles all with its joy. In each legend, myth and story of Deepavali, the significance of the victory of good over evil is trumpeted. Diwali takes us from darkness unto light — the light that empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to

divinity. During Diwali, lights illuminate every corner of Hindu homes and villages and the scent of incense sticks hangs in the air, mingled with the sounds of Bhajans, joy, togetherness and hope. Diwali brings with it a significant and positive impact on the lives of Hindus. It has a universal message of hope, peace and prosperity. Hope for a brighter tomorrow; when we pray, we say Dhan Dayee Namastute – Oh Universal Mother, Bless us so that we can have a more prosperous future and rid ourselves of poverty in all its forms (Poverty of thoughts, intellect, wisdom). Maha Lakshmi who is revered at this time represents wealth, peace and prosperity, which all Guyanese share in

this beautiful country. Maha Lakshmi also represents motherhood and womanhood at large, that which the Hindus preserve, cherish give the highest reverence. Diwali is indeed a national festival for us in Guyana and Guyanese of all walks of life participate in activities nationwide. The IAC hopes that the divine light of Diwali shines within ourselves so that knowledge and wisdom can be shared and that we show greater affection and compassion for each other. On this Diwali, let us continue to reach out to our brothers and sisters in our dear land and dedicate our efforts towards the progress, prosperity and peace of our nation.

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) joins with the nation’s Hindu community in celebrating the festival of Diwali 2015. However, as for other festivals in Guyana these days – Easter, Phagwah, Eid, Christmas – the occasion of Diwali (deep-avali) attracts participation of all groups of Guyanese. The melas and motorcades are joyous representations of the dazzling lights of illumination when the darkness of discord and disappointments are banished – if only for this celebratory period. Research shows that

beginning in ancient India, the four-day celebration has attracted diverse traditions in separate parts of that vast country. Some Hindus celebrate the marriage of Lakshmi to Lord Vishnu; others worship the dark Goddess of Strength Mother Kali; then there is the return from exile of Lord Rama. Whatever the emphasis, the celebration of life, love, enjoyment and illumination remains constant. Given the ideals of the Diwali observances, the Federation was very much disappointed to note the unfortunate noisy reaction which has surrounded the festival for the first time since

its celebration commenced in our country 177 years ago. This year, disappointingly, the lighting of diyas would not be done by all Hindus on the same night. Taking into account that the national holiday could have been either November 10 or November 11, 2015, it seems that disguised politics again is used to divide and perpetuate hidden agendas in our religious practices. We urge Guyanese to heed the meaning of Diwali behind the joyous celebrations. The light of Lakshmi thrown upon the darkness of division and all things evil must prevail now and for all time.

Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG)

Maha Sabha Namaskar, to our Hindu brothers and sisters. I wish to extend greetings of peace and unity to the entire Guyanese nation hoping that this festival of lights which indicates “the triumph of good over evil” makes a difference in our life. Deepavali commemorates the victory of Lord Rama, King of Ayodhya, over Ravana (a powerful demon) and his triumphant return to the kingdom after fourteen years of exile. The jubilant subjects of Ayodhya, keen to make Lord Rama’s homecoming as swift and safe as possible, illuminated the way with masses of twinkling diyas. It is for this reason the lighting of diyas has become a key component of the festival. It also symbolises the

replacement of darkness (ignorance) with ‘inner’ light – garnered via the pursuit of knowledge and spiritual practices. Indeed, spirituality lies at the heart of Diwali, with devotees specifically seeking

blessings from Lakshmi Maa, the goddess of wealth and good fortune. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi visits her devotees to shower blessings on them. And the home that is spruced up the best is chosen as the ideal place where she resides. With this in mind we must not only prepare our homes, but we must also purify our thoughts and build positive energies in our hearts for our fellow beings. As we celebrate Deepavali today, I wish to extend my heartfelt wishes to one and all and may Lakshmi Maa illuminate the darkness hovering over us. Take precautions while lighting diyas, stay safe, play safe and have a blessed Deepavali. Spiritual Head: Pandit Ubraj Narine

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Sanatan Vaidic Dharma Pandit’s Sabha, Region 3 Deepavali or Diwali is one of the more important festivals on the Hindu calendar and is celebrated in families by performing traditional activities together in their homes. ‘Deepavali’ literally means a ‘row of lights’. For this reason it is called the ‘Festival of Lights’. It is observed on the longest (and darkest) night of the year. Diwali is an ancient festival brought by our forefathers from India to this land. Though their living conditions were certainly different from those they had left in India – barrack-style housing, men, women and children in the fields from dawn to dusk – it must have been a challenge to observe the festival. But observe it they did. In each legend, tradition and story of Deepavali, lies the significance of the victory of good over evil; and it is with

each Deepavali, and the lights that illuminate our homes and hearts, that this simple truth finds new reason and hope. From darkness into light — the light that empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds – that which brings us closer to divinity. During Diwali, lights illuminate every corner of our homes and the scent of incense sticks hangs in the air, and together with the sounds of Bhajans, brings

joy, togetherness and love. While Deepavali is popularly known as the “Festival of Lights”, the most significant spiritual meaning is “the awareness of the inner light”. Central to Hindu philosophy is the assertion that there is something beyond the physical body and mind which is pure, infinite, and eternal, called the Atman. The celebration of Deepavali as the “victory of good over evil” refers to the light of higher knowledge dispelling all ignorance, the ignorance that masks one’s true nature, not as the body, but as the unchanging, infinite, immanent and transcendent reality. Diwali, therefore, signifies victory of light over darkness, good over evil and truth over falsehood. Its message is to keep the Light of God forever shining in the heart. Happy Deepavali to all.

From the Government Make Diwali a day of hope. On the occasion of the celebration of D i w a l i , the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana extends greetings to our Hindu brothers and sisters and all Guyanese. The universal message of Diwali is one of hope. It highlights the triumph of good and light over evil and

darkness. Diwali is also an occasion on which Guyanese reflect on how they overcame challenges and effect change that gives new meaning to their lives. It is a time to forgive and to forge enduring bonds that go beyond our differences. Our multi-ethnic, multicultural Coalition Government cautions that as

we celebrate, we do so solemnly with restraint and respect for our neighbours and avoid excesses that could result in injury to anyone. It is the sincere hope of our Government that Diwali, the Festival of L i g h t s , w i l l serve to reinforce our common aspiration for a brighter, stronger and unified Guyana.

People’s National Congress Reform On this happy and joyous occasion of Deepavali, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) wishes to extend special greetings to the members of our Hindu community, especially the religious leaders, and to all Guyanese. This year’s observances are occurring at

a very important moment in the history of the nation when there is a clear need for peace, understanding, stability and social cohesion. These values are common to all the religions in Guyana and assume particular significance in respect of the Deepavali celebrations. The

idea of the triumph of light over darkness, symbolically and otherwise, carries a powerful message for the Guyanese nation. The PNCR, therefore, joins with the Hindu community and the rest of the nation in celebrating this important event.

GAWU’s Diwali Message 2015 The light of peace, tolerance, understanding and even negotiated compromise should shine forth as the collective glare from thousands of Diwali diyas light up the darkness and shines like a lighthouse of hope for all. The concept of Diwali could be transposed to symbolize various circumstances whereby truth, love, goodness and joy are celebrated. Even as the festival assumes various emphases – and legends in various forms – the constant theme is illumination. Against those sentiments

the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) whose membership includes thousands of Hindus – joins the dazzling celebrations to wish Guyanese Hindus and indeed the wider community a joyous but peaceful Diwali.

Guyana needs all the understanding and celebration of life and goodness that it could get at this time. Our robust political life and divergent opinions sometimes intrude upon our typical, good-natured, routine co-existence as a people who share the yearning for common peace and progress. Differences of opinion should never lead to hostility or lingering division. Diwali’s lights must be rays of and a reminder that humanity in these times needs tolerance. Let the lights, at this time, represent hope, tolerance and harmony.

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Kaieteur News


SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY,ETC.–CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 2161043; 677-6620 Building/Renovating: for quality services from foundation to fine finishes. Contact Trini: 682-9935 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. PARTY DECORATING: balloon creation, back drops etc. for weddings, birthdays, anniversary etc. Make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, A/C, WASHING MACHINES, TVS, MICROWAVES, FREEZERS CALL: 629-4946 OR 225-4822 Floor sanding & Lacquering House plans, Estimate & painting, Boat for Santa Mission - Call: 650-4362 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158 Landscaping: Palms, largest varieties of plants, Used in every one of our unique landscapes- Call: 648-1821/ 219-0468 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building. visadocumentsgy@yahoo.com. Call: 225-6496, 662-6045 REPAIRS & SPARE, FRIDGE, FREEZER, A/C, WASHERS, STOVES – CONTACT NICK: 6831312, 627-3206 Professional Pressure washing & water tank cleaning services, for all your home & business exterior cleaning call: 696-5424 LCD-Plasma-LED TV repairs etc. Contact Abdul Electronics. Call: 225-0391

WANTED Pump attendants and Cashiers- Call: 627-2550; 6706005 Lumber Concession to work. All Species of Hardwood and Greenhart. Contact: Sunil 6255995/698-6245 One live in maid, assistant salesgirl @ E.C.D. Call: 6035416; 644-9802 Female domestic to work in Trinidad, must be educated and know to cook. Between 25-35 years. Call 1868-683 1528 Experienced general domestic pastry maker/ cake decorator, roti, puri cook, apply Hack’s Halaal, 5 Commerce Street. Waitress to live in and work at Bar & Hotel- Call: 604-6606 Minibus and hire car drivers with dispatching experience. Call: 645-0025 Live in waitress and cleaner, salary $60,000-$70,000 monthly, between age 18-30. Call: 610-3974 One able body porter; apply at Key Food Trading, Mc Doom Village during working hours. Two salesgirls wanted to work in the interior, Mahdia – Call: 684-1718 Urgently needed live in waitress- Call: 670-2323


Desmond Repair Services Fridge, AC, gas stove, microwave, washer, etc on the spot repairs –Call: (592)678-8683; 687-9709.

Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807 TOURS

INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC –TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included.

Suriname Tour, Shopping, Tours, site seeing November 26th -29th Old years into New Years December 30th – January 3rd –Call: 639-2663; 665-5171

-Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal, Mabelline. -Nail Technician Course Call: 647-1773/660-5257 Introductory male Brazilian waxing; guys don’t be shy!! .Call: 696-7337 for details

FOR RENT PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Bottom flat Liquor Restaurant @ Lot 9 North Section Canal #2. Call: 653-1003 Apartments for rent at Nandy Park. Call: 227-5194 Commercial Space for rent at Lot 12 North Road, salon & barber stations – Call: 6628715, 680-1198

Tuesday November 10, 2015

VACANCY Popular East Coast Gas Station Day/Night: pump attendants, sales & office assistant. Contact: 658-2013; 695-9880, Strathspey E.C.D. One receptionist – apply at Rainbow Villa & Car Rental with application in person. Call: 225-5509 1-Experienced payroll Clerk, must know to make up NIS & PAYE, 1-Experienced office staff. Call: 231-0363 (9am4pm) Exist for bartender, waitress, security guard –Contact Sheik or Donald on Tel: 2271131 Supervisor, Handyman, room attendants- Call: 225-0198 or 233 South Road Lacytown.. Security officers wanted by security company-Contact: 672-1920, between 8:00am5:00pm Urgently needed 8 bar girls to work in Mahdia, preferably with working experience, attractive salary- Call: 6011479

2 Bedrooms apartment located @ Mon Repos E.C.D, price -$60,000 –Contact: 6929295 or 688-6005 GT TOOL RENTALS: COMPACTOR; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM & FLOOR SANDER, JACK HAMMER, CONCRETE SAW & MORE- CALL: 6672535, 627-5098 Mall and office to rent at Sharon’s Building/Mall @ King & Charlotte Street Georgetown. Contact: 2254413; 225-0283; 669-6320 Three Storey 75ftX30ft building, open floors, 2 offices, 2 washrooms, driveway, 25B Princess St, Charlestown. Call: 223-0654; 225-0605 House in Bel-Air Gardens; 4 bedrooms with all modern convenience. No agents! Call: 231-7839 working hours House in Bel-Air Park: 3 bedrooms upstairs/ downstairs, all modern conveniences -$1,600US monthly. Call: 231-7839 working hours 1 Room to rent -$4,500 weekly at North Ruimveldt. Call: 6638025

TO LET 4 Bedroom house furnished, self contained, master bedroom. Call: 603-6351 Four storey business place located on Robb Street, next to Bourda Market. Call: 6237731; 629-0636 One bedroom apartment Mon –Repos E.B.D- No ChildrenCall: 662-9043 FULLY FURNISHED 2 BEDROOMS APARTMENT, ECCLES, SUITABLE FOR OVERSEAS VISITORS – ONLY US $30 DAILY – CALL MAX: 609-8132; 6728569

LEARN TO DRIVE Soman Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj BuildingTel: 644-5166; 622-2872; 6150964; 689-5997

EDUCATION Obtain a guaranteed distinction in CSEC Principles of Accounts. Call: 654-1723 for more information

FOR SALE/RENT American Pools table-Call: 277-0578



Property for sale, Grove $20M / Rent: $50,000 per month. Tel: 625-5461. Property at Diamond New Scheme: 1-Three bedroom flat concrete house, price $9.5M negotiable. Call: 2663962; 667-1240 PROPERTY WITH 54,000 SQ.FT BOND SPACE ON 1 ACRE OF LAND WITH LOADING & DISCHARGING BAYS. CALL: 225-0790; 226-4878

SALE! SALE! SALE One TOYOTA RZ MINIBUS GJJ series -$1.5Million. One Econoline FORD 2005 GSSSeries-$1.5M.Call:604-6108 Areostan VAN, perfect condition, magrims etc, 22R Toyota Engine, great consumption. Call: 618-4257 or 644-5959 Hilux pickup, 4 wheel drive, double cab, crash bars, clean and excellent condition. Call: 685-0942; 645-0240 First Class Auto: 08 Premio, Rush, Bluebird, 06 Premio, Spacio IST, Runx. Call: 6098188; 638-3045 Smart Choice Auto Sales, in stock, Premio, Allion, Fielder, Bluebird, Carina 212, Spacio, Call: 652-3820/ 665-4529

3 Bedroom; 2 flat house for sale, Enterprise, Lincolin Street, Lot 135 -$14M negotiable. Contact: 597-858-4554 (Suriname), Guyana: 602-3643 Transported property at Tuschen Housing Scheme, located around School -$7M negotiable. Contact: 2641050; 683-7045; 669-3553 Property at Tuschen-Call: 669-9055; 674-1291 Brand new 2 storey concrete building in 5th Avenue, Diamond, E.B.D, all modern amenities –Call: 662-9335; 612-3244 Property at Craig E.B.D, land size 91X50 feet, house 40X28 feet. Call US: 718-213-6496 Zeena & Local: 617-7691 Shameer. One 3 bedroom house available for sale at Pearl E.B.D. Call: 266-5739; 6511169 One 3 bedrooms building in Diamond E.B.D. Call: 2270243; 677-3472 (owner) between 8am-5pm House & Land for sale @ Supply E.B.D. Call: 648-5149; 678-3826 One Church & 1-2 Storey house at 180 Charlotte Street Bourda. Call: 227-6817; 624-7341

VEHICLE FOR SALE Damein’s Auto Sales: 20022004 Toyota Premio Cars, prices: $2.3M-$2.4M negotiable. Call: 692-1522 or 614-1333 1 Toyota VIOS, fully loaded, PLL series, in excellent condition- Call: 658-2776 One Honda CRV, immaculate condition, 17" mags, AC, CD, price -$1.750,000 negotiable. Call: 626-2884 Unregistered Fielder Wagon, fully loaded, rims, camera, bodykit, HID, dark interiorCall: 617-5536 1 New model Raum AC, TV, mags, PMM series, never worked hire, excellent condition -$1.350M. Call: 619-1047

Mercedes Benz GLK 350 Sports SUV , 4 matic, 30,000 miles , 20" rim, sunroff, leather seat, DVD &18 sound system. call 624 5000. Lexus LX 470, low milage , must see like new, leather interior, chrome rims & much more call 628 4000 Pearl white reconditioned, Prado Jeep. Call: 624-6702; 624-5838 Honda CRV PSS 2018 -$3M negotiable, Toyota Rush and Premio – New Model unregistered$3.2M negotiable. Call: 655-3400 AT170 Toyota Corona; need body works and CV. Asking $275,000 negotiable. Call: 6638033 212 Carina, excellent condition- Call: 617-2370 Star Cars Auto Sales: Premio, Spacio, Runx, IS, Fielder, Bluebird, Axela, Pit-bull, Raum, Benz -Tel: 268-3509; 679-3140 Bidding- 1 Hilux double cab, starting $3.2M, end date: November, 22, 2015. Call Orin Moses: 603-0535 One 4X4 Toyota Tacoma (2009) just registered, for sale. Contact: 225-4413; 2250283; 669-6320 One LN172 Toyota Hilux manual, 3RZ Engine, one 125 Honda CG motorcycle. Call: 682-6111 AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 seater super custom. Cash / terms- Call: 680-3154 We buy & sell vehicles for cash, also parts available & 30 seater buses; Extra Cab pickups; 2006 Tacoma- Call: 680-3154 2 Ford F350 Pickup, lift kit, 35inches rims and tyres, also 1 Chevy Van 2007 –Call: 6105370 Continued on page 31

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news

Did those who before they became Ministers, pay taxes? DEAR EDITOR, Before this Government took over this country they were aware of the hardship facing the citizens and went around the country convincing people that they will make life better for us. With little success they manage to secure a victory and the nation had to sit back and look on with awe as a few retirees were given positions and party members who were very active and qualified for Ministerial posts were given positions so that they could stay quiet. Out of shame, many of them remain quiet because they fear victimization or embarrassing the Coalition. Meanwhile, they award themselves a hearty increase and told the nation that they spend

considerable time debating amongst themselves over the amount. That took approximately five months and everyone accepts that whilst a few condemn their action. Meanwhile, the President justifies that action by saying that those given the increase were earning more than that before their appointment. Sadly although a few were retirees which I am quite sure were not even earning half of what they were getting presently. No one seeks the confirmation from the now somewhat humble Guyana Revenue Authority to verify if indeed those who were working before appointment were indeed earning that amount and if they were paying their taxes. If according to the President, they were earning over six million

dollars a year then their tax returns should reflect that. If they were not paying taxes for over six million dollars a year, then that is a criminal offence and they should be charged because the President himself said they were earning in the vicinity of that. Editor, before the election the media were constantly being bombarded with complains about the public transportation system and with a change in Government, gas prices have been dropped twice and commuters are still being exploited and I am wondering if there will be any help for them. I have said before that because of the amount of minibuses on the roads, they are not able to make the amount of trips to get the required money a day, thus to reach the target, they resort to overcharging commuters and

without an option; commuters are forced to accept this exploitation. In the evening, at the Stabroek park, if you are travelling to the West Coast Demerara, you have to pay three hundred dollars when the regular fare during the day is two hundred dollars, added to that, you have to sit four in a seat with some buses. At Vreed-en-Hoop, you are informed that the face is one hundred and forty/sixty dollars to certain destinations which use to be one hundred dollars. The previous administration never address this matter properly and I am hoping this administration address this matter properly because for too long people getting exploited and they way things looking, we cannot afford that. Sahadeo Bates

From page 5 he took a delegation of over 20 persons from Guyana. By contrast, both former Presidents Jagdeo and Ramotar only traveled with a delegation of three to the UN. Early October, Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge travelled to Brooklyn, New York, then to Trinidad & Tobago with the President and later that month, visited Barbados on an official two-day visit. On September 10, he will be in the US to address a Florida Conference. Ministers of the new Government are traveling overseas like tourists under the claim that they are traveling on “official” business. Where is all this money coming from if the PPP/ C left the Treasury empty? The economy is in the deplorable state because the Ministers are too busy traveling and neglecting to do the people’s business. A Sitting of the Nation Assembly was scheduled for November 12. This date was set on October 22 when the House last met. Now we’re being told that the November 12 sitting has been “postponed to a date to be fixed.”Editor, this was done at the request of the APNU+AFC Administration. According to a Government media release, “The request for the rescheduling was made as a result of Guyana’s attendance at an international summit. From November 9th to 13th the Summit of South American-Arab Countries (ASPA) will be held in Saudi Arabia and Guyana’s attendance is of critical importance at this time. This has necessitated the attendance of His Excellency, President David Granger and Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Greenidge. The

Government notes that during this period several other key government functionaries, Members of Parliament and Clerks of the Assembly are likely to travel overseas to attend important conferences and training courses.” This explanation is preposterous, unacceptable, and clearly demonstrates the lack of priorities emanating from an inexperienced APNU+AFC Administration. For most Guyanese, “of critical importance at this time” is for this government to find workable solutions to deal with problems affecting two of our main export industries, rice and sugar. To the business sector, “of critical importance” is for government to stimulate growth and investments to jumpstart the Guyana economy. And also “of critical importance at this time”, is for the Administration to come up with some creative ideas to “destroy the monster of criminality” as Granger had promised the people of Regions 5 and 6. Ministers must put the interest of the nation above self, and get on with the people’s business. But although I’m convinced that this government will use every opportunity to broaden their horizons on the international scene, there is a more sinister reason for the postponement of the November 12 sitting of the National Assembly. Cabinet must have received an invitation sometime before the October 22 sitting of the National Assembly to attend the Summit of South American-Arab Countries in Saudi Arabia. They would have known the Summit will be held from November 9th to 13th. If a decision was not taken on whether or not to attend by the October 22 Sitting of Parliament, then it could not have been considered of “critical importance” to Guyana, and the people’s business would have been debated in the National

Assembly on November 12 as scheduled. But if on the other hand, Guyana’s participation at the Summit was indeed of “critical importance”, then before the Sitting of the National Assembly ended on October 22, a written request by Prime Minister Nagamootoo at this time would have satisfied the requirement of six days notice for a change of date to November 9 as they now claimed they tried to do. But Nagamootoo and Chief Whip Amna Ally kept silent and allowed the Honorable Speaker, Dr Barton Scotland to postpone the next Sitting of Parliament to November 12, knowing fully well that the President and other Government MPs would be in Saudi Arabia at that time. Then they waited

until November 5 to request a postponement, stating that “the Leader of Government Business (PM Moses Nagamootoo) had previously requested that the sitting be brought forward to Monday, November 9th, 2015 but he later withdrew that request to the Honourable Speaker as it did not satisfy the requirement of six days notice for a change of date.” This timing is deliberate and well calculated to avoid the debate on the Opposition’s motion calling for the annulment of the September 25th Order No.16 which gave the Ministers, Members of the National Assembly and Special Offices exorbitant salary increases. Harry Gill, MP (PPP/C)

APNU-AFC Ministers are spending taxpayers’...

From page 30

FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. House in Tuschen Main Road -$27M, 46ft fishing boat & 500lbs Nylon Seine -$2.3M. Call: 696-6074 One Spacio motor car PSS9296, perfect condition, owner moving on, asking $1.6M negotiable- Call: 6979137; 699-9595 House Lots for sale at Parika, Blankenburg and Schoonord, also Financing Available. Call: 650-0402 / 260-4988 MILL CUT AND DRESSED GREENHEART FROM $160BM AND KABUKALLI FROM, $180BM- TEL: 6886579/653-9752 Frigidaire 15 Cubic foot chest freezer, like new, great for shops -$100,000. Call: 6222899, 666-6592 1-CAT320 BL excavator, 1CAT930 Front End Loader, 1CAT428 Back-Hoe, 1-55 Leyland Daf Truck. Call: 2750538, 660-4021 XBOX 360- $2500, PS3 $35,000, PS2 -$15,000, PS VITA -$60,000, Plastic Barrel -$5,000- Call: 621-7497; 6493277; 603-8643 Locally Made: pure cassava Cassareep, (made from cassava extract), no starch added. Main distributor- Tel 695-7687 One mining block along 6Km Road Aroura- Call Mr. Williams: 671-0057 250 Rebel Motorcycle, one 250 nighthawk motorcycle, for more information contact: 662-8715; 680-1198; 7715388-87 Newly built furnished 2 storey executive style home, located at La Jalousie W.C.D -$33M negotiable. Call: 675-6426 PS3 VIDEO –GAME CONTROLLERS, FOR USE WITH PS2 SYSTEMS AS WELL ONLY - $9,000. LIMITED STOCK. CALL MAX: 609-8132/672-8569 Duckling & broiler chicks for sale- Call: 622-7026 or 6705222 3 Lots At Blankenburg Behind The Gas Station; $13 M Price Negotiable; Each Lot Size 75x76- Call Us Today 6500402/260-4988 One 928 F Caterpillar Wheel Loader $ 7.1 M, Price Negotiable-Call Us Today 650-0402/260-4988

FOR SALE 33.6 Acres farm land at Kuru Kururu area, Linden Soesdyke Highway. One garden tiller, motor blowerCall: 225-7794; 679-1151 Excellent quality Rottweiler pups. Must See! Hurry and get yours. Limited amount available- Call /Whatsapp: (592) 664-5401

LAND FOR SALE 1500 Acres Transported land near Bartica, Forestry, Agriculture, loam, sand rock quarry, price to sell. Cal Mark: 603-1266; 625-9788; 704-4652222 Formerly Globe Cinema, corner lot @ Church & Waterloo Street, size 126ftX133ft. Call: 610-2234 One plot of land for sale situated at 3167 Spurwing Drive, South Ruimveldt (corner lot), (size of land: 59’X90')-Call: 625-0356 Land at Parfaite Harmonie $1.1M, $1.4M, $1.6M, Tuschen 2nd Street -$5.5M, Phase 2, $1.4M- Call:6046724

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Fix It Quick! (Jamaica Gleaner) - Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has charged newly appointed Health Minister Horace Dalley with the task of fixing what is widely considered a ramshackle healthcare system and has demanded that more individuals be held accountable for the scandal surrounding the deaths of 19 premature babies. In an address to the nation Sunday night, Simpson Miller argued that the Government has done a great deal to decrease maternal and prenatal fatalities but conceded that the internal audit of the health sector points to many deficiencies, which will need to be addressed. “We have made major investments in improving the health-care delivery system but gaps remain. The internal audit of the sector, which was commissioned by the Honourable Dr Fenton Ferguson, and which the Government has now released in full to the public, gives an indication of just how much work we still have to do in this critical area of national life,” she said. The audit report of the health sector revealed a lack of adherence to standards and a severe shortage of re-

- PM orders shortcomings in health sector corrected

PM Portia Simpson Miller sources. The release of the audit preceded the removal of Ferguson as the minister of health. “I have given instructions to the new minister of health, the Honourable Horace Dalley, that every effort must be made as quickly as possible to correct the shortcomings in the health sector. He has served as health minister before and he knows the system very well,” Simpson Miller said. As Dalley returns to the helm of the health ministry, he has set his sights on eliminating maternal and prenatal fatalities, but the prime minister also wants him to shake up

the management structure of the health sector. In the wake of the bacterial outbreak, which led to the deaths of 19 premature babies at two hospitals, members of the management team of one of the facilities, the University Hospital of the West Indies, handed in their resignations. However, calls for more resignations within the health ministry and the regional authorities have continued. “I have also instructed Minister Dalley to review the reporting structure between the regions and the Ministry of Health. Every hospital in Jamaica has a management team, including a senior medical officer and administrators. Everyone must be held accountable,” the prime minister said. Simpson Miller sought to comfort the parents who lost babies because of the bacterial outbreak. “The Government feels the anguish of the mothers and fathers who have lost their babies. We are truly sorry for your pain and the loss of these precious lives. Our children should never suffer, and it is our responsibility to make sure we protect them and give them the best life possible,” she said.

Brazil mining company Samarco suspended over dams burst (BBC) - Brazilian mining company Samarco has had its mining licence suspended after two dams it used to hold waste water from iron ore collapsed. The collapse caused rivers of red mud to descend on the south-eastern village of Bento Rodrigues on Thursday. Two people died and another 25 are missing presumed dead. The company will only be allowed to operate in the region again once the authorities are satisfied it is meeting the required safety standards. “The company will need to make a number of changes before we allow them to begin mining again,” said Minas Gerais state deputy environment secretary Geraldo Abreu. Samarco has also been ordered to pay temporary compensation to the families of the victims. The families of those confirmed dead or missing will be entitled to a monthly minimum wage. The mining licence was suspended on Friday, said Mr Abreu, but the measure has only now been announced. The mine is owned by Vale and BHP Billiton and is oper-

Despite the work of more than 500 rescuers, no-one has been pulled alive from the mud in Bento Rodrigues ated by Samarco. It is located in Mariana, an 18th Century colonial town popular with tourists. ‘Hopes fading’ More than 500 people lived in Bento Rodrigues, which lies about 7km (four miles) south of the burst dams. But the floodwaters and mud have reached towns up to 70km away. And there are concerns that they will contaminate drinking water in dozens of cities across the south-eastern states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. There are also fears that the iron ore residue in the mud poses a health risk.

Residents complained of not being warned once the Fundao and Santarem dams collapsed. Many saved their lives by running to higher ground when they heard the noise of the approaching sludge. Samarco head Ricardo Vescovi told the AFP news agency that, to the best of his knowledge, Brazilian law does not require an emergency alarm for dam failures. The authorities had approved the company’s emergency response plan, he said. On Sunday, Minas Gerais state governor Fernando Pimentel said hope of finding survivors was fading.

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Brazilian truckers block roads, demand president quit

Lorry drivers on strike block the road in Joao Monlevade, Brazil, yesterday (AFP/Christophe Simon) (AFP) Truck drivers in Brazil blocked roads in several states yesterday to demand a cut in diesel prices and the resignation of embattled President Dilma Rousseff. The independent drivers’ group behind the strike, the National Transport Command (CNT), urged truckers to grind the country to a halt to protest a government it said “has no more legitimacy” and “has ruined Brazil.” “Dilma has to go. We want her impeached. We’ll be here until she leaves,” said driver Andre Vilar Goncalves, 33, at a road block formed by some 300 trucks in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais. Rousseff, who began a new four-year term in Janu-

ary, has watched her approval rating drop to record lows as the world’s seventh-largest economy has sunk into recession. A political crisis has meanwhile engulfed her administration following revelations of accounting irregularities and a multi-billion-dollar corruption scheme at state oil giant Petrobras. The opposition is seeking to impeach the 67-year-old president over accusations she took unauthorized state bank loans to cover holes in the national budget. The striking truckers lashed out at Rousseff’s government for three recent hikes in diesel prices. But in a strike call issued

on social media, the CNT said it was also defending “the dream of a better country, without corruption,” where leaders “respect the will of the people.” The strike was rejected as politically motivated by two major transport unions, the National Independent Drivers’ Federation and the National Truckers’ Union. Presidential spokesman Edinho Silva said the strike aimed to “politically damage the government.” Police said the strikers shut down roads in at least 10 states across the sprawling South American country, including the key economic hubs of Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais.

Army to help fight crime, Bunting says KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Ministry of National Security says it has employed the use of the Jamaica Defence Force to assist the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) with its crime-fighting efforts. “Later this week, the JDF will begin operational deployment of the first set of vehicles from its new Protected Mobility Vehicle Squadron, in support of policing,” Security Minister Peter Bunting announced at yesterday’s hand-

ing over of 64 new motor vehicles to the Jamaica Constabulary Force. The squadron, according to the minister, represents the first reinvestment in that capability for the JDF, in decades. “Had such a capability been available at the time of the Tivoli operation, it would likely have been resolved more quickly and with less injury and loss of life,” he said. “Formal commissioning of that capability will occur at

a later date.” The minister noted that while murders were at its lowest in 11 years in 2014, there has been an increase this year even though other categories of serious and violent crimes continue the long-term downward trend. “Interestingly, unanticipated spikes in murders are also occurring in places where significant resources had previously been successfully deployed to fight crime,” he added.

Argentina calls off alert over fugitive Mexico drug lord Guzman Argentina said yesterday that there was no truth to a tip that fugitive Mexican drug boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman was in hiding along its mountainous border with Chile, three days after a mystery call put the country’s forces on high alert. President Cristina Fernandez’s government re-

vealed on Friday it had received information that Guzman, the world’s most wanted drug trafficker, had sought to cross the Chilean/ Argentine frontier in the southern region of Patagonia. “We tracked down the call, found who made it,” Security Secretary Sergio Berni told radio station La Red.

“After interrogating him, a judge found there was no truth to the caller’s information.” Guzman escaped in July from a Mexican maximum security prison through a milelong tunnel that surfaced inside his cell, in a major embarrassment for Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. A massive manhunt is on in Mexico for Guzman, head of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel which has smuggled billions of dollars worth of cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamines to the United States.

Tuesday November 10, 2015

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Letter to the Sports Editor


Football fan makes a case for Team Unity

Kristoff Bahadur leads Rose Hall Community Center to 7-wicket win

Dear Editor, Permit me to make a few comments on an article in the Wed 4th Nov 2015 edition of the Kaieteur News under the caption “Team Integrity confirms position”. Firstly let me applaud Team Integrity for their resilience in putting together a slate of persons whom they think has the capability and capacity to take football to the other level. However, I have some pertinent points that are imperative that I must address. Team Unity’s Chairman Mr. Nigel Hughes approached Team Integrity to form a joint slate, but they said that they represent not just the highest level of Integrity but strong competencies in management and organization, finance and legal affairs. It is for that reason they rejected the offer of Team Unity. Mr. Editor, the Vice Presidential candidate, Mr. Rawlston Adams who was a former Vice President of the Matthias era, could not withstand the pressure then, hence, his resignation, (he ran). He was a part of the Team Unity slate and their Presi-

dential candidate. According to a reliable source he attended numerous meetings with the operative arm of Team Unity and was destined for historical greatness, lo and behold he “jumped ship” and embraced Team Integrity. Was that a form of integrity? His jumping ship may have been a blessing in disguise. In came the Honorable Mr. Nigel Hughes, son of the late Senior Council Clarence Hughes a most feared, distinguished and eminent Lawyer, Nigel is walking in his father’s footsteps and he has already made an impact in the legal fraternity. Mr. Editor, Mr. Adams visited us here in Linden and had the temerity to mention that Mr. Hughes only took that position to make way for Mr. Odinga Lumumba the 1st Vice Presidential candidate to take over after he resigns. Mr. Editor, how low one can get, this shows weakness, fear and confusion in their camp, the name of Hughes is driving fear in their ranks. That is foul and it deserves ejection, (red card). Mr. Hughes has since refuted such false allegation, and statements, this is a man with

integrity. For Mr. Adams to make such statements is tantamount to defamation of character. Team Integrity says that they are convinced that it represents the better team to advance the majestic sport that is football, on what premise do they make such a statement. They are warning the electorate of grandiose promises being thrown around by their competitor who have clearly demonstrated over the years, a lack of genuine interest in the sport’s development. They further said that they are encouraging all stakeholders to reject all attempts by those who view the sport as their private market and bedrock for selfgrowth. Mr. Editor, Team Integrity came to Linden and made promises and from information gathered, they have visited the constituencies and have been dishing out promises which can also be considered grandiose – whatever that means. However, Mr. Editor, Team Integrity is making statements that they cannot substantiate, the members or some of the members of Team Unity had been making a tremendous contribution to the development of the game of football and it is quite evident. On the point of Mr. Matthias’ involvement with Team Integrity, Linden suffered tremendously under his non leadership. A reliable source confirmed that Mr. Wayne Forde was at a meeting with the Georgetown Clubs at the GFA office urging them to vote for Mr. Matthias against Commander Hicken. Why was Mr. Forde so interested in Mr. Matthias getting back into football after he literally killed the game in Guyana and embarrassed the nation with FIFA getting involved? Is that a form of Integrity conducted by the Integrity boss Mr. Forde? In closing, we in Linden fully support Team Unity headed by the immaculate Mr. Hughes and his team which has experience, organizational ability, men of character, a woman with managerial ability and people with the capacity to take Guyana’s football to the next level. Come Saturday November 14, 2015, Guyana will be sailing into the football horizon with Team Unity, captained by Nigel Hughes, God Bless Guyana’s Football. Yours respectfully, Gregory Vandyke Football Enthusiast Upper Demerara/Linden Community

Kristoff Bahadur scored a robust 91 to lead Rose Hall Community Center to a 7wicket win over Goed Bananen Land in The Ramnarine Appiah (Brother Appiah) Memorial twenty over cricket competition for second division teams in the East Canje/Lower East Coast, Berbice area. Here are the summarized scores of the matches played last Sunday: At the Goed Bananen Land ground in the morning, Hamid Eleven won the toss and inserted Kendalls Union Big Team who scored a challenging 181 for 4 off their allotted 20 overs. Daniel Baker top scored with 47. He received support from the consistent Navendra Mangra 42, Ravin Seecharran 27, Dasrat Debidin 26 and Tony Garnett 21. In reply, Hamid Eleven were bowled out for 145 off 17.5 overs. A Gajnabi top scored with 38 and got sup-

port from S Khan with 35. Samuel Baker took 4 for 11 and his brother Daniel Baker 4 for 15 for Kendalls Union. In the second match at the same venue from 1:30PM, Goed Bananen Land won the toss and took first strike, scoring a challenging 142 all out in 17.4 overs. Roberto Britton top scored with 36. He got support from Imran Hussain with 29 and Pooran Jugisteer 26. Skipper Ameer Rahaman took 2 for 8 off 3.4 overs and Adrian Haralsingh 2 for 10. In reply, Rose Hall CC raced to 144 for 3 in only 13.2 overs. All-rounder Kristoff

Bahadur scored a rapid 91 with 9x4 and 7x6. He got support from Haralsingh who scored 21no. Hussain returned with the ball to take 2 for 31 off 4 overs. Meanwhile, matches for this weekend will see: At the Goed Bananen Land: 9:30AM Kendalls Union B vs Canje Pathfinders 1:30PM Canefield Sports Club vs Betsy Ground At Cumberland: 9:30AM Young Warriors vs Seawell 1:30PM Young Warriors vs No 7

GTT Indoor Hockey... (From page 33) division competition will feature a Saints Stanislaus College selection for the first time this year. This team comprises entirely of players still attending the school and will certainly give them a great opportunity to match their skills against defending champs GCC and the other traditional club sides. Matches run until Friday and then on Sunday with the four finals set for Sunday from 17:00hrs.

Tuesday November 10, 2015 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Recent conflicts may stir up some anger in you, Aries. This is a powerful force, and you could be tempted to get into a big fight.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Your physical energy is strong. Your desire for passion and love is intense, Libra. Combine these two forces for a passionate night of love and romance.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) You may not be having the best of luck when it comes to matters of the heart, Taurus, and you may feel you need to take some sort of action.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Matters of the heart may not be going smoothly, Scorpio. Perhaps someone's approach has been too aggressive.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Love and romance are in the air tonight, so feel free to let loose, Gemini. Instead of being a passive, gentle, soft kind of love, the emotion you feel may be more forceful, passionate, and aggressive.

SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) When it comes to love and romance, you're probably on fire. You have an incredible passion for love now, making you one of the most desirable catches around.

CANCER (June 21–July 22) If you aren't in a relationship now and want to be, you need to be more aggressive about getting to know the one you want.

CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) If things aren't going smoothly in a romantic relationship, be careful about blaming yourself, Capricorn. A partnership means that two people work together equally.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Feel free to upset the equilibrium in order to have your needs met, especially in the bedroom, Leo.

AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) our sex drive is apt to be strong today. This could be the only thing on your mind, Aquarius.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Do things for you and not to prove something to other people, especially when it comes to matters of love and romance.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Bring more fire and passion to your love life, . Spark things up by being more adventurous. The bolder you are, the more response you will get.

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

East Coast hoping to add to their seven National Schools’ Championships titles With the National Schools’ Cycling, Track and Field and Swimming Championships just over two weeks away, East Coast Demerara, District Four has signaled its readiness to compete when the event begins on November 23 at the National Aquatic Centre. District Four, which has seven titles to their credit, has always been a major contender at the Championships, but has not won the overall title since 1990. Sports Representative of District Four, Yvonne Bristol believes that if the District is to pull off the win, they will need a cohesive effort, despite losing some of their top athletes, including 400 metres sensation, Jason Yaw. “Well I believe that District Four will need to pull together, put all hands together if we are to win,” Bristol told the Schools’ Championships Public Relations Unit. She disclosed that her only concern is as it relates to their preparation. “I think we are 75% ready, I think I need a kitchen, but they want catered food, but everything else is in place… we know the team, uniforms are done and we are confident that we can pull off this win,” Bristol informed. She pointed out one that

Flashback! East Coast’s Kenisha Phillips (right) had a break out year at ‘Nationals’ in 2013. She went on to become Guyana’s leading youth sprinter at the moment. the District needs to improve in the Swimming Championship if District Four is to win. “Persons are not comfortable with the different strokes like breast and butterfly… I wanted to have some training sessions, but could not get around to it,” she noted. The Swimming Championships will be held on Monday, November 23 at the National Aquatic Centre at Liliendaal. In addition to the Swimming competition, two field events, Long Jump and Shot Putt, along with the 10km road race, 40km and 25km cycle road races will also take

place on November 23. The Games Village will be established on Woolford Avenue. Tutorial High, North Georgetown Primary and Secondary Schools and Richard Ishmael Secondary will house the 15 Districts from across Guyana that will compete at the Championships. The Games Secretariat has been officially opened at GTU Headquarters, Woolford Avenue, with Districts submitting entries. The Opening Ceremony for the Schools Championship is scheduled for Tuesday, November 24 at 10:30am.

GTT Indoor Hockey Championships opened last evening After a long absence from the indoor arena, local hockey launched into its annual GTT National Indoor Hockey Championships last evening, at the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue. The prestigious tournament which crowns the national champions in all senior divisions of indoor hockey is making its 14th appearance since its inaugural staging in the year 2000. The competition was held every year except for 2002, when there was a seasonal disruption and 2011 when the facility was under renovation. With the National Gymnasium recently undergoing a mini facelift and some effort being made to improve the lighting over the playing area, the regular season of hockey has been delayed until now. A release added that the GHB is excited to resume its season with the GTT National Indoor Championships. Defending men’s first division champions, the PEPSI Hikers are expected to have a difficult challenge this year to retain the men’s first division crown. Apart from traditional

challengers GCC and Old Fort, this year will have the entrance of a more powerful under-21 squad which is growing in experience and skill. The Hikers opened the tournament with the feature match of last night’s schedule against GCC at 22:00hrs. Nationals Robert France, Jamarj Assanah and Shane Samuels, fresh off their productive outing in Peru, was expected to lead the Hikers charge. Much will rest on the shoulders of GCC’s Orland Semple, who is likely to be the lone national to take the floor for the Bourda side. The Jaguars will showcase national full back Andrew Stewart and junior national captain, Mark Sargeant and they were scheduled to oppose Old Fort in the opening fixture of the evening at 21:10hrs. Old Fort meanwhile are always major contenders for the title and will be led once again by the blistering pace of the Simon brothers, Ascofu and Aderemi, and the solid defense of Dwight Sullivan. National standout Aroydy Branford will sport the colour of the Pumas in the remaining

first division clash against Saints. National goalkeeper Medroy Scotland backs up Brandford for the Pumas. The ladies competition will feature the dominant defending champions, GCC Tigers which boasts several national players in Kerensa Fernandes, Vanessa Pires and Ashley DeGroot. The major challenge over the years to the Tigers dominance has been the Hikers who were the national champs in 2001, 2005 and again in 2007. Rising stars Tekeisha Deleon and Latacea Chung will add some offensive power to the solid Hikers backline of nationals Maria Munroe and Marisha Rodrigues. The Panthers will present a threat of their own having nationals Ulrica Sutherland, Tiffany Solomon, Princessa Wilkie and Aliyah Gordon in their arsenal. Old Fort Shooting Stars with Minsodia Culpepper and Bushani Kaladeen, along with the Under-21 nationals, round out the ladies pool of teams. The opening ladies fixture fielded the Panthers against the Hikers at 19:30hrs. The men’s second (Continued on page 32)

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Sri Lanka maintain winning run against West Indies (Reuters) Sri Lanka beat West Indies by 30 runs in the first Twenty20 International on Monday to go 1-0 up in the two-match series and extend the visitors’ losing streak. Having swept the test and one-day series, Sri Lanka posted a commanding total of 215 for three before bowling out West Indies for 185 to ensure they cannot lose the Twenty20 series. Put into bat after a raindelayed start at the Pallekele International Cricket Stadium, Sri Lanka rode a flying start to post their highest score against West Indies in this format of the game. Tillakaratne Dilshan (56) top-scored, adding 91 runs in an opening stand with Kusal Perera (40) to set the tone for the innings. Dilshan (1,538) also overtook former captain Mahela Jayawardene (1,493) as Sri Lanka’s highest scorer in Twenty20 Internationals. After the openers departed, Shehan Jayasuriya chipped in with quick 36 runs to lay the platform for a big total.

Tillakaratne Dilshan helped get the innings off to a flying start, Sri Lanka v West Indies, 1st T20, Pallekele, November 9, 2015 ©AFP Dinesh Chandimal (40 not out) and Angelo Mathews (37 not out) milked 84 runs in the last five overs to take their team past the 200-mark. West Indies lost Johnson Charles to the second delivery of their innings but Andre Fletcher (57) blasted six sixes in his 25-ball blitz to keep them in the hunt. Dushmantha Chameera bowled Fletcher with a slower delivery to bring relief for the hosts before Dwayne Bravo (24) and Kieron Pollard (26)

briefly rekindled the visitors’ hopes of registering their first win of the tour. Off-spinner Sachithra Senanayake (4-46) wrecked their middle order, however, and West Indies were bowled out with two balls to spare. The teams move to Colombo for the final Twenty20 on Wednesday. Scores: Sri Lanka 215 for 3 (Dilshan 56) beat West Indies 185 (Fletcher 57, Senanayake 4-46) by 30 runs.

St. Angela’s and Enterprise go head to... (From page 39) competition before and who many felt was a strong contender for the title, before losing out in a penalty showdown. What Enterprise exhibited throughout that game was a strong backline and most of all discipline, not allowing the St. Pius strike force any space to work their magic or even get off a good shot. While they were held goalless by St. Pius by no means are they lacking in potency up front, players such as Seon Archibald, Martin King and Garfield Caesar are no slouches and it is not beyond them to hit the target with consistency. However, St. Angela’s has been equally impressive throughout competition and they too had to withstand a stubborn West Ruimveldt team and a hostile fan base. They showed admirable resilience and maturity in sticking to their game plan and executing it to perfection. Should they come with similar intensity and the team first mentality, then Enterprise will be in for a rough ride. Another significant observation is the fact that they’ve looked technically superior to most of the other teams in the tournament and while many may feel that it is not a decisive edge at this level, evidence seems to sug-

gest it is precisely that got them over the line in their semifinal clash. Keyon Douglas who fired in the winning goal last week has been the lynchpin in the team’s success so far and his presence on the pitch has been a debilitating factor for opponents and a positive influence for his team. Antwoine Vincent, Nickone Dover, Antonio McArthur and Kenroy Cadogan are all lethal players and integral as well to the team’s chemistry. It is perhaps the hardest game in the tournament’s brief history to predict a winner. In the third place playoff, both St. Pius and West Ruimveldt, apart from playing for some amount of solace will have bragging rights in the back of their heads as well. These two schools have a number of players from the same neighbourhood and this is enough impetus to serve up a mouth watering contest. St. Pius has been a model of consistency, while West Ruimveldt have looked an improved bunch this year and played their hearts out in the

semi-final loss to St. Angela’s, going down by a Douglas strike that glanced off the head of a defender to beat the goalkeeper. It was cruel manner to lose after such a determined display so a lot of effort might have to be exerted by the coaching staff to get them motivated for a final assault for third place. Michael Oie and Mark Cameron will have to lead their forces to a win, while St. Pius must be disappointed as well and they too might be feeling a bit low following the heart breaking loss to Enterprise. Brandon Solomon, Christian Jupiter, Selwyn Jones and Mike Prince are the spearhead of St. Pius attack and will be called upon to engineer a victory. Fans should expect two pulsating encounters that could go either way. A number of representatives from Courts Guyana Inc and Banks DIH are anticipated to be on hand to witness the conclusion of the tournament. Kick off time is 12:00 hrs, while the final is set for 15:00 hrs.

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Kaieteur News

Guyana NRA / Industrial Safety Supplies National Fullbore Championship

WICB PCL Cricket

Jaguars maul Volcanoes by 104 runs By Sean Devers When the final day of the opening round of the WICB PCL four-day First-Class Franchise between Guyana Jaguars and Windward Volcanoes began both teams had a chance of winning with the visitors needing 230 from at least 90 overs and the host hunting 10 wickets. An intriguing battle was anticipated. The sun was out in all its glory, the pitch was still good to bat on, although it provided more purchase for the spinners and the handful of diehard at Providence were expecting a ‘ding dong’ battle which was not to be as the Jaguars, the defending Champions, mauled the Volcanoes, which remained dormant on the final day, by 104 runs. Scores: Jaguars 362 & 95, Volcanoes 228-9 (inns closed) & 125 The day began under blue skies with a cool breeze blowing across the ground and the Jaguars opening bowlers, Ronsford Beaton and offspinner Steven Jacobs, who shared the new ball with the Montserrat born Essequibo pacer, kept the shackles on the openers with impeccable control. The home needed to get an early wicket but more importantly prevent the batsmen getting away to a ‘flyer’ chasing not too big a target. Beaton bowled with genuine pace on the flat track while Jacobs produced bounce and the variation which was missing from his bowling in the past. By 11 overs the Jaguars had achieved both objectives when Tyrone Theophile (4) was trapped LBW be left-arm seamer Raymon Reifer as the Volcanoes limped to 18-1 on a lightning fast outfield. Things got progressively

worse for the Islanders when their best batsman, 34-yearold Grenadian left-hander Devon Smith, who has 19 Regional First-Class tons, only behind Stuart Williams’ 20 of the Leewards, again showed his vulnerability to off-spin when Jacobs dismissed him for second time in the game at 36-2. The former West Indies opener uncharacteristically struggled for 59 minutes and 41 balls for his 11 on a pitch which did not encourage fast scoring and a bowling attack bowling an impeccable line and length. With Smith out of the way the confidence level in the home team increased and 11 runs later, Keddy Lesporis (2) edged a catch to the keeper Anthony Bramble off Reifer who also removed Sunil Ambris for a duck to a brilliant catch by Bramble as two wickets tumbled at 49. Reifer, in the middle of an impressive spell, struck for the fourth time when the lefthanded Dalton Polius was trapped LBW for a duck at 595. Miles Bascombe counter attacked and played in the only way he knew. The 29-year-old Vincentian charged Reifer and smashed him for consecutive boundaries before an exquisite cover drive in Reifer’s next over reached the ropes in the blink of an eye. But 20-year-old debutant Gudakesh Motie was introduced and reaped success with his second ball when the attacking Bascombe was LBW for a 43-ball 38 decorated with eight fours and the Volcanoes were sinking fast as the Jaguars were on the prowl, scenting blood. Beaton was reintroduced with the arrival of Skipper Liam Sebastien whom he had struck on his helmet in the

first innings forcing him to retire hurt. Beaton peppered Sebastien with a barrage of short balls which the Dominican hooked in a courage exhibition of fighting fire with fire to survive a testing period. Just when the Volcanoes looked like going to Lunch without further loss, Barbadian Kyle Mayers (8) had his stumps knocked out by Beaton after he slashed a short one for four and at Lunch the visitors, the only team yet to win a Regional First-Class title, were wobbling on the ropes like a punch-drunk Boxer on 76-7. After the interval Shillingford and his Captain joined forces to stage ‘operation rebuild’ and with positive batting frustrated the Jaguars bowlers by adding 45 for the eighth wicket. But by then the Volcanoes chances of winning was unlikely as a turtle from Guyana’s rugged terrain deep in the South American Jungle beating Usain Bolt in a 100-meter race. Jacobs, extracting bounce and turn and flighting the ball nicely, ended the gusty 36 from Sebastien, who batted for 81 minutes, faced 69 balls and reached the boundary six times. Sebastien’s demise left his team on 121-8 and fat ladies were already queuing up to sing. Jacobs then got rid of Shillingford (14) and Kenroy Peters (0) to formalize what turned out to an emphatic victory, one hour and 17 minutes after Lunch. Jacobs finished with 4-35 and match figures of 8-89, while Reifer supported with 441 for the Jaguars who take on the Jamaica Scorpions, who lost to Barbados Pride by 10 wickets yesterday, in their second round game at Providence from Friday.

Narine reported for suspect action ESPNcricinfo -Sunil Narine, the West Indies offspinner, has been reported for bowling with a suspect action during the third ODI against Sri Lanka in Pallekele. Narine finished with figures of 0 for 24 in the Pallekele ODI, which Sri Lanka won by 19 runs based on the Duckworth-Lewis method. The match officials’ report, handed to the West Indies team management after the game, cited concerns about the legality of Narine’s deliveries. Narine will need to undergo testing on his action within 14 days, and will be permitted to continue bowling until the results of his testing are known.

This is the first time Narine has been reported in an international game, though he has undergone scrutiny of his action during the IPL and the Champions League T20. He was reported twice in two matches during the 2014 edition of the CLT20, forcing him to miss Kolkata Knight Riders’ final against Chennai Super Kings. Though he was free to bowl in international cricket, West Indies withdrew Narine from their tour of India to allow him “the opportunity to have his action assessed and plan his return to cricket”. West Indies left him out of all their subsequent international assignments until they picked him for the 2015

Tuesday November 10, 2015

World Cup. Though he had remodeled his action in the interim, Narine pulled out of the tournament, saying the return would be “a little too much too soon”. Narine endured further trouble with his action during the 2015 IPL - he was first cleared to bowl in the tournament, reported and sent for a re-test, banned from bowling his offbreaks, and then cleared again, with a “final warning”. The Sri Lanka tour was Narine’s first international tournament since August 2014. He picked up four wickets at an average of 18.00 in the three ODIs, while conceding 3.34 runs per over.

Goodluck increases lead going into Sunday’s final day Former National champion Ransford Goodluck has increased his lead from one to three points over current National champion Lennox Braithwaite to set up what is anticipated to be an intriguing final day of the 2015 Guyana National Rifle Association (GNRA) / Industrial Safety Supplies National Fullbore Championships. After day two of competition, where the light was a challenge for the reduced field

of competitors, Goodluck and current Captain (ag) Dylan Fields were the only marksmen to shoot possibles on the day. Fields won the 300 and 500 yards ranges with perfect scores of 35.1 and 35.4 respectively, while Goodluck shot 35.2 at the 500 yard range. Fields’ performance on the day saw him ending the day six points adrift of Goodluck and three behind

Braithwaite going into the final day on Sunday. Fullbore Captain Mahendra Persaud and Leo Romalho are not competing at this year’s championships due to illness, while Ryan Sampson and Gordon Richards (Tyro Class) did not compete on day two. Sunday’s final day will see competition at three of the most challenging ranges, 300, 600 and 900 ranges; 2x10 will be the quota for each shooter. (Franklin Wilson)

World Junior Badminton team championships 2015- Lima Peru

Guyana place 39th in the world team rankings

Guyana’s representatives at the World Junior Badminton championships take time out for a photo. Guyana participated in the Team Events at the World Juniors Badminton Championships currently being played in Lima Peru November 4-9 at the Centro De Alto Rendimiento “La Videna”. After four days of playing with a total of 31 games & 14 matches against 6 countries in Group C (Indonesia, Peru, Costa Rica, Singapore, Chile & Venezuela) in a total of 8 Groups, Guyana Team placed 39th in the World Rankings for Team Events which is a great achievement as it’s the first time in Guyana’s Badminton history that we have participated in a Tournament of this magnitude

and got ranked. The three players Sun Burst Champion Narayan Ramdhani and Copa Airlines Champions Priyanna Ramdhani and Ronald Chang Yuen had a chance to play against the top ranking players in the world and have competed with determination, courage and talent. MATCHES GUYANA WON WERE: MENS SINGLES: NARAYAN RAMDHANI WON AGAINST: CHILE: Alonso Medel: 2113, 12-21, 21-19 COSTA RICA: Gianpiero Cavallotti Villalobos: 21-9, 2116 VENEZUELA: Ivan

Elyouri Perozo: 21-9, 21-9 MENS DOUBLES: NARAYAN RAMDHANI & RONALD CHANG YUEN WON AGAINST: COSTO RICA: Gianpiero Cavallotti Villalobos & Zhicong Zheng Chen: 22-20, 15-21, 21-19 MIX DOUBLES: PRIYANNA RAMDHANI & RONALD CHANG YUEN WON AGAINST: CHILE: Matias Gompetz & Loreto Ponyigo: 21-14, 11-21, 21-19. The Guyanese players are now preparing for the Individual Championships which runs from November 10-14, 2015 where over 50 countries are taking part.

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 39

Back to the Future’ Caribbean Goodwill Tournament

National team intensifies training at GDF location The clock is ticking away and local boxers are working hard in preparation for the 2nd Caribbean G o o d w i l l To u r n a m e n t dubbed ‘Back to the Future’, under the auspices of the Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) and scheduled to get underway here in Guyana from November 26-29. The boxers are just out of the National Open Boxing Championships and the organizers are currently evaluating their performances in order to select the final squad. Kaieteur Sports spoke with Technical Director (GBA), Terrence Poole, and he said that local selectors have identified a large squad with the aim of maximizing G u y a n a ’s c h a n c e s o f winning the championships. He also said that Chief of Staff (GDF), Mark Phillips, has been instrumental in the boxers’ encampment, during the initial stages of their training sessions at the GDF Camp Soweyo. GBA were extremely pleased with the assistance from the army in hosting the boxers to promote a national cause. Those pugilists are scheduled to travel to the site sometime during this week for a two week stint. The Guyanese squad will comprise 9 junior boxers, 8 youths, 10 novices

and a similar number of elites and will be under the tutelage of several coaches including Terrence Poole, S e b e r t B l a k e , Wi n c e l Thomas, Clifton Moore, Adrian Thomas and James Wallcott. Those local boxers called up to prepare for the championship are Tyronne Lashley (RHJ), Jamal Eastman (RHJ) Michael April (Tiger Eye), Glenroy S m i t h ( E B G ) , D en n i s Thomas (GPF), Quincy Small (HE/USA), Travis Hubbard (HE), Keevin Allicock (HE), Nankumar Singh (REP), Klaus Daniels (REP), Anandram Dharamraj (REP), Clifton Graham (REP), Jason Barker (REP), Delon Charles (FYF), Richard Subrattie (FYF), Seon Griffith (FYF), Orin Bancroft (FYF), Ron Smith (FYF), Dewani Lampkin (REP), Junior Henry (FYF), Taseka Howard (FYF), Theresa London (FYF), Clairmont Gibson (GDF), Aquincy Harvey (GDF), Desmond Amsterdam (GDF), Markember Pierre (GDF), Trevon King (GDF), Enoch John (GDF) and Quincy Boyce (GDF). There are two women on the squad; Dwon Thompson (GDF) and Keisha Arokium (PRBG). Some 13 Caribbean

Ramdass crowned prolific season in T and T Everest Cricket Club batsman Steve Ramdass was outstanding in the recently concluded Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board championship where he represented Rousillac United Cricket Club. Ramdass notched up 635 runs including five half centuries from 14 matches at an average of 45.33 in his second season at the club. The former Demerara U19 opener took 26 scalps. Ramdass also played in the recent Toronto District League for Vikings CC. From nine games he scored 310 runs averaging 38.75 and picked up 11 wickets. Ramdass who returned home recently told Kaieteur Sport that he is now looking forward to playing in local competitions. “I am looking forward to share my experience with some of the young local players here. I will continue to work hard and will aim to score heavily and help my club be successful,” he said.

countries will engage in the four days tournament and those that have affirmed their participation to date are Antigua, Anguilla, Bahamas, Barbados, Cayman Islands, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Grenada, St Vincent, St Marten, St Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica.

Travis Hubbard

Dennis Thomas

Diwani Lampkin

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Table Tennis enthusiasts undergoes training

Participants of the teachers table tennis training seminar take time out for a photo.

The reformation of the Essequibo Table Tennis organisation by enthusiasts of the game including teachers and students was given a boost when members underwent training recently. The recent two days teachers table tennis coaching seminar was organized by Mr. Jerome Mahase and executed by National coach, Linden Johnson. The training, which started on Thursday and extended to Friday, was held in the Anna Regina Multilateral School’s auditorium. According to reports,

Johnson was impressed with the participants’ performance, deeming them as “fast learners”. He told them that now that they would have learnt the beginners’ level thus the onus is on them to filter that knowledge into their varying Schools across the Region. While follow-up table tennis seminars are in the pipeline, participants were given coaching manuals as well as rackets and balls. Johnson also commended participants who showed enthusiasm to revitalize the table tennis sub- association. The new executive body of the Essequibo table tennis association includes, president, Gary Williams, vice President, Kavendra P e r s a u d , s e c r e t a r y, Samantha Spellen, treasurer, C h r i s t i n e B e h a r r y. Committee members include, Romario Mohabir, Debra Daniels, Aldrin Shepherd, Hemwattie Bhawan, Jonathon Shankar, Lindy France and Nathan Persaud. The new body of the

Essequibo table tennis association was charged to foster table tennis in the Region (Pomeroon/ Supenaan). Further, the Director of Sports, Christopher Jones has made a donation of trophies, balls, nets and rackets in order for them to organize open competitions in the Region. Meanwhile, participants acknowledged their gratitude for the much needed training and equipment. Kavendra Persaud, who was one of the participants from the Guyana School of Agriculture branch, spoke of sports playing a major role in schools. He is of the opinion that before gears and equipment be given, persons must be trained, while he is convinced that the seminar sets the pace for persons to care the equipment. Thanks were also extended to members of the National Sports Commission and the National coach for the initiative. (Yannason Duncan)

ZSK Beverage Depot offers support for NEE Futsal Tournament

Proprietress of ZSK Beverage Depot, Kelly Quow (left) hands over the sponsorship to Shareef Major yesterday in Linden. ZSK Beverage Depot yesterday offered support to the ongoing New Era Entertainment (NEE) second annual Stag/Cell Smart Futsal Knockout tournament, which started last Friday at MSC Hard Court in Linden. One of the NEE Directors, Shareef Major received the sponsorship and thanked ZSK Beverage Depot for their continued support. The tournament continues tomorrow night at the same venue with an additional four games. The winners will pocket $250,000 while the second place team takes home $150,000. The third and fourth place teams in the 13-team competition get $75,000 and $50,000 respectively, along with trophies. In addition, prizes will be awarded to the Best Goal Keeper and Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the tournament. There will be exhibition games for schools and mining companies during the competition.

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 41

‘Lady Jag’ Sara Vaughn scores c/ship goal as Bison defeat Alabama State for title Huntsville, Al - Before the 2014 season, the Howard women’s soccer team was a programme without a home. The Bison played the 2013 season as an independent after reaching the championship game of the now-defunct Great West Conference in 2012. Fast forward to 2015, and the Bison have made history in their new conference. Howard, the No. 4 seed in this year’s SWAC Tournament, defeated No. 3 seed Alabama State, 2-1, to claim its second championship in as many seasons in the league. The Bison are the first SWAC school to win backto-back championships in women’s soccer. Lady Jag Sara Vaughn is co-captain along with Dytria Ruddy, the two worked in tandem to deliver the match and championships winning goal. More importantly, the victory secures Howard’s first-ever trip to the NCAA Division I Women’s Soccer Championship after the B i s o n w o n t h e

championship in 2014 without the ability to accept the SWAC’s automatic bid. Howard (13-7-2) wasted little time setting the tone of the match. Freshman midfielder Anna Mitchell put the Bison on the board 48 seconds into the match after taking a pass from sophomore forward/midfielder Whitney White and looping a chip shot over the head of Alabama State goalkeeper Gianna Guyot. As expected with a championship on the line, Alabama State (9-11-1) would not go quietly. The Lady Hornets would tie the match at 1-1 in the 36th minute, but not because of their two star players, Aaliyah & Ariela Lewis. ASU’s Shyann Cordova took a free kick from near the left sideline and set up teammate Shelbi ViennaHallam’s equalizing header. The score would remain deadlocked 1-1 at halftime. Howard continued to put offensive pressure on Alabama State to begin the second half, getting off four

shots and two corner kicks in the first 12 minutes (compared to two shots and one corner for Alabama State). The final shot of that sequence was a long distance attempt from White t h a t c a r o m e d o ff t h e crossbar. A minute and a half later, the Bison would set up the play that would eventually rewrite programme history. In the 58th minute, Howard’s co-captains senior midfielder Dytria Ruddy and junior midfielder Sara Vaughan - connected on a play similar to the one Alabama State tied the match on. Ruddy sent a ball from the left side of the field to the far side post, where Vaughan stood unchecked. Vaughan headed home the wide open score and sparked a jubilant celebration amongst her teammates. Howard held a 14-7 advantage in shots after the Vaughan goal and continued to outshoot Alabama State at a 2-to-1 pace the rest of the game, finishing the contest with 20-10 edge in shots and

First school to win back-to-back SWAC crowns

Sara Vaughn (number 3) in action. an eight to four advantage in corner kicks. As strong as the Bison played offensively, their defensive performance particularly against the Lewis sisters - was equally as impressive. Ariela (4) and Aaliyah

(3) took seven of ASU’s ten shots, with six of the shots on goal. However, all six were saved by freshman goalkeeper Mackenzie Diotte and none were taken without the influence of a swarming Bison backline.

Howard’s efforts broke a nine-game streak of at least one of the Lewis sisters scoring a goal. Their efforts also set a new standard for Bison w o m e n ’s s o c c e r, a n d extended its season farther than it has ever been.

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Kaieteur News

Tuesday November 10, 2015

World Olympians Association Meeting Second night of Mayor Green’s Inter-ward Football on today at Den Amstel ground Former Olympian, Michael Parris, Tournament extended will conclude November 20 at Thirst Park

Trayon Bobb

Andre Hector

Ashley Harding

In honour of Mayor Hamilton Green 81st birthday celebration yesterday the former National footballer Lennox Arthur coordinated annual 7-a-side three-day Interward Football competition to mark the occasion continues today at the Den Amstel ground on the West Demerara. Arthur informed that the tournament has been extended by one day and will conclude at the Banks DIH Thirst Park ground on Friday November 20 with the eight team finals. Banks DIH has also pledged their support for the event and Arthur has extended his gratitude to the company. He further disclosed that Sunday November 15 playing day at Victoria ground will see the last 16

playoff with the eight winners advancing to the 20th meeting at Thirst Park. The teams are battling for a first prize of $200,000 and the John Fernandes trophy, while the other top four finishers will collect; $100,000 and Youth and Sports Trophy, $70,000 and China Trading trophy and $30,000 and the Business School trophy. Additionally AHL Kissoon has donated a 3piece suite for the top scorer, while Ricks and Sari will give 10 hampers each to the winning and runner up teams. Today at Den Amstel, the second day of competition starting at 2:00pm, will see Goed Fortuin vs De Kinderen, Stewartville vs Bagotville, Crane vs New Amsterdam, Pouderoyen vs

Wales, Uitvlugt vs Sara Lodge and Den Amstel vs North Sophia. The respective winners will advance. Trayon Bobb, Andre Hector, Ashley Harding are some of the leading players on the national grid that will be turning out for their respective teams. Among the sponsors to have assisted are Banks DIH, Clinton Urling on behalf of his business entity G e r m a n ’s R e s t a u r a n t , Crown Mining, Star Computers, Massy, Nigel’s Supermarket, Nigel Pyle of Tent City, Paul Giddings of Hotel Princess Raven, Beepat and Sons, CBR Mining, MACORP and Guyana Beverage, home of Busta soft drinks along with the above mentioned trophy and cash prize and other donors.

delighted by initiatives adopted

Michael Parris (extreme R) interacting with former Olympians during the meeting. He won a bronze medal at the Moscow Olympics thirty five years ago and his achievement still stands supreme. It was this distinction that earned Michael Anthony Parris a well deserved trip back to the Soviet Union country to attend the World Olympians Association (WOA) meeting, October 20-22 last. More than 283 Olympians including IOC President Thomas Bach and WOA Patron HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, came together to debate key issues within the Olympic Movement. Parris joined these dignitaries and reported that discussions were aimed at improving the

fortunes of fellow Olympians like himself. He returned to Guyana two days after and spoke with Kaieteur Sport over the past weekend. Parris confirmed that the forum facilitated Olympians worldwide with an aim to promote the Olympic values while discussing the key issues for Olympians and the Olympic Movement around the globe. The bronze medalist said that his journey to the Soviet country regurgitated memories of his visit there some thirty five years ago. He said Olympians from all over the world attended the function and his bronze medal achievement was more or less miniaturized by the wide array of medals that were on display. “There were some athletes that sported several gold medals but of note, these individuals are from the developed countries,” Mr. Parris said. He said that he is optimistic that discussions at the meeting will soon bear fruit and past Olympians will reap the rewards of their input. Meanwhile, incumbent, President, Joël Bouzou, received a strong vote of confidence when he was reelected to the post unopposed. Bouzou, a four-time Olympian and bronze medal winner who competed for

France in the Modern Pentathlon, was first elected President of the WOA in 2011 for a four-year term. Since then he has overseen the transformation of the entity while helping to develop a new strategic plan and vision to strengthen engagement with the organization’s membership and forge a deeper working relationship with the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Speaking just after he retained the position Señor Bouzou said, “I’m excited about the opportunities ahead and will continue to lead our mission to mobilize Olympians everywhere by implementing new programmes and initiatives that foster wellbeing, social cohesion and community engagement as we steer a determined path towards a healthier, wiser, more harmonious world.” The other executives are Vice Presidents, Alper Kasapoglu (Turkey), El Hadj Amadou Dia Ba (Senegal), Secretary General Anthony Ledgard (Peru) and Treasurer Patrick Singleton (Bermuda). The four new Board Members that were elected from a list of 16 candidates are Nadia Cruz (Angola), Tatiana Lebedeva (Russia), Freida Nicholls (Barbados) and Malav Shroff (India).

Tuesday November 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Courts Pee Wee Schools Football Competition

St. Angela’s and Enterprise go head to head in today’s final -Technical efficiency to test strong-willed defending

The action promises to be intense and the youngsters are expected to lay it all out on the Banks DIH Thirst Park ground. By Rawle Welch Played on Diwali day which means the Festival of Lights, the two combatants in today’s final of the Courts Pee Wee Schools Football Competition St. Angela’s and Enterprise will be aiming to light up the Banks

DIH ground, Thirst Park. Both St. Angela’s and Enterprise survived epic battles in their semi-final encounters albeit advancing in contrasting fashion, after securing a narrow 1-0 win and a nerve tingling penalty shootout respectively. However, the end result

is history and the focus now will be the individual strategies to be employed to guarantee success in what is a first final appearance for both schools. Enterprise was taken to the brink by the consistent St. Pius, who has won the (Continued on page 33)

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t r o Sp WICB PCL Cricket

Jaguars maul Volcanoes by 104 runs

The end! Steven Jacobs traps Kenroy Peters LBW to claim his 8th wicket in the match as Jaguars win by 104 runs.

Liam Sebastien hooks a bouncer from Ronsford Beaton during his 45-run stand with Shane Shillingford who is at the non-striker’s end.

Guyana NRA / Industrial Safety Supplies National Fullbore Championship

Goodluck increases lead going into Sunday’s final day Dylan Fields

Defending champions Lennox Braithwaite (2nd left) and current leader Ransford Goodluck (3rd left) will be locked in intense battle come Sunday’s final day of Nationals 2015.

Sri Lanka maintain winning run against West Indies Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210

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