Kaieteur News

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Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news... Letters... Where your views make the news

A gang is terrorizing the people of Herstelling

DEAR EDITOR, A spate of illicitly conducted activities orchestrated by a group of young men and spearheaded by an individual by the name, “RANDY” is terrorising the neighbourhood of this constituency. This individual has had several brushes with the law and has been a known delinquent, more importantly information from close by sources indicated that this individual has two (2) arrest warrants pending against his name due to theft and break and entering charges and not appearing in the court and yet the police of this area do nothing to resolve the situation. He has been threatening and breaking windows of residents whom he thinks can or suspects in reporting him to the police saying they are informers and will be treated as such. He is normally arrested and then his family members who are in close proximity would through several affiliations get him release on station bail, allowing more lawlessness to this young man’s attitude. This individual along with his clan is on a

daily basis terrorizing the neighbourhood and has publicly vow to assault anyone who messes with them. Although there are several reports made to the police against this individual nothing seems to be happening. Recently the threats of this individual manifested into physical assaults. The police came on the scene and due to relatives and family who are affiliated with the employees of the police station and they convinced the police not to arrest him or put him to justice. These actions by these individuals have been are ongoing and many times the neighbourhood suffers due to this fiasco and the police do not seem to grasp the graveness. Due to him being allowed to freely move around in the neighbourhood people are afraid to even make reports since they become targets of broken windows and threats. I plea with the relevant authorities to kindly let justice prevail and bring an end to this fiasco. Concern Citizens

Sir David Rose should also find a place at Red House DEAR EDITOR, I agree; State properties must be utilised for national purposes. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs comments on the utilisation of Red House has merit and should be pursued and supported. I did not see the late, former and Guyana’s First President, Arthur Chung, mentioned in the esteemed list of former Presidents in a recent article in one of our dailies on the subject of Red House. While President Chung’s role and function was titular in nature, nevertheless he has

earned his place in this country and any future role Red House might play regarding former Presidents. In fact I suggest this goes even further before President Chung to our only Guyanese GovernorGeneral, the late Sir David Rose, whose young life was so tragically snuffed out. It is prudent to note that 10 November marks another anniversary of the death of this fine son of the soil. I think he too has earned a deserving place in Red House as a former ‘Head’ of this country. One wonders though whether Red House

will, in time to come, be able to take off the many future presidents?...for now though it is only right its use be for the national good and I personally do not see the need to re-paint the building...Red House is significant and historical and we would do well to honour our former Presidents in this fine building. Shamshun Mohamed

It would be best if Bharrat Jagdeo keeps quiet

DEAR EDITOR, F o r m e r President Jagdeo is continuing his campaign to remain relevant in Guyana’s future. Jagdeo had his opportunity for 12 years and used the time to enrich himself and his cronies, in the process entrenching corruption in Guyana by his cavalier approach to the currently illegal drug trade and turning of a blind eye to the glaring misuse of taxpayer money. The Amaila Falls Hydropower project indeed needs to be open for talks as should be all development projects in Guyana. That is part of the democratic process. It is a bit late for Jagdeo and democracy. However in the discussion of the Amaila Falls hydropower project what would come out is that the nature of the river flows to feed the turbines makes that location far from the best for the money to be invested. Guyana has a lot of hydropower potential to be tapped and for the larger projects this is best done as part of a partnership with Brazil, which in terms of the geopolitics of Guyana’s development is our best border partner. Closer integration with Venezuela and Suriname may come in the future but right now the land claims of both

of those countries make them unreliable partners. Even as Guyana pursues larger hydropower projects with Brazil smaller scale projects financed by Guyanese and other investors would still be viable. So the conversation that Guyana needs involves issues such as climate change

and increased coastal flooding, development of the Bartica region to grow to a population there of around 200,000, paved roads to the borders with Brazil and Venezuela, solar and wind power and Guyana as a potential petroleum producer. Continued on page 23

Guyana products did well at Italian fair DEAR EDITOR, Today I read in a Guyana newspaper about the success of some of our products at a recent fair in Italy and thought “Has our prize-winning rum been overlooked”? Recently, I let an Irish driver have half a bottle of a Demerara 5-year old, left over from my visit to GT roughly 3 years ago. He shared it with his friends, none of whom had heard of it before, but thoroughly enjoyed it. I then mentioned that our rum had won world prizes in every category year after year. I remembered a similar incident a few years ago, in St. Lucia, I think, when I mentioned that the product molasses the tour guide kept passing around, referring to as “the best”, as coming from Guyana. I then mentioned that Guyana was the country of my birth, and molasses was available in the UK and known as treacle. It was sold in most supermarkets, and I used it in my Christmas cake, to darken and flavour the cake. The Brits had never seen or heard of ‘molasses’. Now almost every cakemaking TV programme is using it big-time. Perhaps, in time. Demerara rum will be on shelves in shops throughout Europe? Geralda Dennison

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday November 11, 2015

IFMAS developers offer 65% discount on system upgrade By Kiana Wilburg Government’s current accounting system, the Integrated Financial Management and Accounting System (IFMAS), is not operating to full capacity, and as such, the Ministry of Finance is looking to upgrade it. Speaking with Kaieteur News, Finance Minister Winston Jordan articulated that the developers of the IFMAS are willing to provide an upgrade of the system at a 65 percent discount. The computerized accounting system was created by the Canadian Company, Freebalance. It is intended to ensure accountability and transparency regarding how taxpayers’ money is budgeted and spent by the government. A specially tailored system was made for Guyana by the company and was secured at a cost of $132M. It comes with seven components: Appropriation, Expenditure, General Ledger, Budget Preparation and Reporting System (BPRS), Purchasing, Revenue and Asset and Inventory Modules. After ten years, the Purchasing and Asset and Inventory Modules are still to be implemented. Last year, this newspaper carried a series of articles showing how liability for assets and monies could be improved if all the modules belonging to the IFMAS system were operable. The Finance Minister recalled that in 2004, the past administration began the phased implementation of the

system. This change saw a move from a completely manual system to an automated accounting system. “Since the last time we discussed this at the 2015 budget debates, we have had opportunities to examine the system further, and we have noted that the system still has some kinks which need to be ironed out in order to meet our needs,” Jordan explained. He continued, “We have recently met with the owners of the IFMAS and they have listened to our concerns about the system, and they have recommended that we upgrade it to the latest model which they have recently implemented in Jamaica, and apparently have done so successfully.” “They have said that as an incentive, they are prepared to offer a 65 percent discount on the installation on this new system. We understand that the system is more modern and it has more “sweets” than the present system, which will greatly meet our accounting needs while ensuring transparency and accountability.” Jordan said that the upgraded IFMAS system offers more flexibility, and at the moment, his ministry is currently studying the offer and the system details with a view to making a decision before the offer time runs out, which is by the end of the year. It is likely that government could go this route, but in the meantime, according to Jordan, a committee has been established to look at all the other available options including affordability,

- other available options still being looked at – Finance Minister applicability and adaptability to Guyana’s environment, and how swiftly, if at all, such a new accounting system can be installed. During his 2015 Budget speech, Jordan had revealed that after more than ten years and the expenditure of vast sums of money, the four installed IFMAS modules are “operating sub-optimally” or not to the highest standard. In a previous interview, Jordan had told this newspaper that he would investigate the matter of the unused modules which the country had paid millions for, as he is familiar with the system. “That system was initially brought here under a grant agreement with the Canadians. Any subsequent module to be added will be under that licence and would have to be paid for by us…,” Jordan had asserted. He added, “You have to bring in the people to activate it and so forth, but I will be the first to admit that the others which are not in place are extremely useful.” The Finance Minister had explained that were the Asset and Inventory module in place, the system of handing over of assets would have been “much easier and believable.” That module provides the ability to: create an inventory for asset entries; track issues and receipts; enter receipts for deliveries to stores via the Purchasing Module; make adjustments to reflect inventory average and shortages; and provide queries and reports on current inventory, stock activity and receiving reports. The unimplemented Purchasing Module provides the ability to: create purchase requisitions and orders with self-creating commitments to reserve the necessary funds; record the receipts and return of goods and automatically update the purchase order to reflect the transactions;

complete integration with the payment process to reflect payment for goods ordered and received; and create an asset record when goods are received. Jordan had said, “I am not saying that people have cheated, but I am saying that because it is not in place, you still have to go and verify that these assets are in place. For example, if ‘X’ ministry says these are the vehicles we are handing over, you still have to verify, through carrying out a check, that the records reflect the truth”. “There is no proper register of the properties of the ministries, or an asset register that says over the last five or three years of your time in government, these are the assets which were transferred, disposed of or sold.” Jordan had opined that,

for this purpose, the Asset and Inventory Module “would be beautiful.” He noted that he would “love to see it happen”, because with government’s assets “no one can tell you where it is at”. He had said that no one seems to be able to keep a proper asset register, which would also include the gifts received from international bodies. He recalled that the country’s Auditor General, Deodat Sharma, had complained bitterly that the Finance Ministry’s system for recording gifts and assets is very poor. Sharma in an interview with Kaieteur News had even stated that should the two unused IFMAS modules be operationalised, it would certainly make for an easier and more efficient audit of government books. With this position, the guardian of the national purse has continuously called for the two modules to be

Finance Minister Winston Jordan activated. Doug Hadden, Vice President of Sales of the Canadian Company which develops the IFMAS, had said that he is unaware of any case where a government bought the system and did not use all of the modules. He said that while Governments are treated with a sense of privacy, he would advise that all the modules be used.

Public Service Ministry paid... (From page 2) voucher revealed that one person signed the emoluments claim form as receiving payment on behalf of the nine participants. In addition, there were eighteen authorisations purported to be prepared by the participants, of which ten were signed by the same person who signed the emoluments claim form. The Ministry in response to the cosmetology transactions said that a request was made to Classique Salon & Spa School for a copy of the attendance register and completion date of the course. Meanwhile, auditors also found another strange transaction. The sum of $9.135M was allotted for the purchasing of filing cabinets, bookshelves, water dispensers, fans, desks, currency counter, generator, fire extinguishers and air conditioning unit. According to the Appropriation Accounts, amounts totaling $8.832M were ex-

pended. A physical verification of the items purchased by the Ministry revealed that in August 2015, five solid wooden desks with double drawers with a cost of $375,000 were not received by the Ministry and the location/s of two bookshelves with a cost of $87,696 were not stated on the documents presented. As a result, it was impossible to verify their existence. The Head of Budget Agency explained that the supplier of the wooden desk was written to deliver same. He indicated his intent to supply all desks by 25 September 2015 since his business was ruined by floods and the desks were damaged. The supplier also claimed that the bookshelves were secured in the office of the former Minister. However, according to the Auditor General Report, a check after the May 11th General Elections, revealed that they could not be located. MISSINGAC UNIT Another transaction had to do with a $2.5M allocation for the rehabilitation of the

Ministry’s Head Office on Waterloo Street. According to the Appropriation Accounts, the sum of $2.349M was expended during 2014. A contract was awarded for that amount for the rehabilitation of the Minister’s office and windows. “Examination of the bill of quantities revealed that the works included the supply and installation of one 24000 BTU air conditioning unit at a cost of $265,500. In the absence of details on the location of the unit, it could not have been physically verified,” the audit report said. The Ministry’s Head of Budget Agency explained that the air conditioning unit was not at the time installed but secured in the former Minister’s Office. “However, a check after National Elections on 11 May 2015 revealed that the air condition unit could not be located. The Audit Office recommended that the air condition unit is supplied, installed and properly accounted for in the books of the Ministry.

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Police Commish To Be Questioned In Private By Parliamentary Committee On Crime Issues The Gleaner - Government members of Parliament’s Internal and External Affairs Committee have prevailed on opposition members to allow Commissioner of Police, Dr Carl Williams to be questioned in private. Williams was summoned to appear before the committee yesterday to report on efforts to stem the increase in murders across the country. However, before the proceedings could get under way, government member, Mikael Phillips moved a motion for Williams to be heard in camera. Phillips argued that it would not be wise to have the police commissioner discuss strategy and other sensitive matters in the public. He was supported by his colleague, Arnaldo Brown. However, opposition members objected to the motion, resulting in lengthy debate on the way forward. A compromise was eventually agreed on. Williams would publicly

Dr Carl Williams make his statement to the committee, but would be grilled by members privately. The Commissioner and other high ranking police personnel were summoned by chairman of the committee

and opposition Spokesperson on National Security, Derrick Smith. Smith has said he was compelled to summon the police team because murders are spiralling out of control.

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Kaieteur News

Pressure still on Jamaica Observer - New Health Minister Horace Dalley pledged Monday to the people of Jamaica that he will improve the health system, “as quickly as I can”. Dalley, spoke with the Jamaica Observer following Monday’s weekly Cabinet meeting at Jamaica House. Earlier Monday, the Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ), in a statement, while acknowledging Dalley’s return to the ministry, cautioned that for him to succeed where former Minister Dr Fenton Ferguson had failed, it would require a more inclusive approach to the challenges facing the sector. “It is our hope that the new minister will begin his return to this ministry on the right footing. No minister can succeed in this ministry without the support of the workers in the sector,” said the statement, signed by the new MAJ President Dr Myrton Smith. “If the ministry is serious about addressing the sector in a holistic and positive manner, stakeholder involvement is vital,” the MAJ statement noted. Dalley, meanwhile, said he was prepared to take on the challenges as soon as he enters his new office at the ministry in New Kingston. “I will be taking decisions

Horace Dalley to immediately implement some of the recommendations of the audit report that I think can be done right now,” he said. In addition, he said that he would also address an “obvious” communication breakdown between the regional health authorities and the ministry. “I will looking at the hospitals themselves, because having read the audit report, I have come to the conclusion that there is a breakdown in communications that we will have to address, immediately,” he added. In an obvious response to the Jamaica Manufacturers’ Association’s (JMA) call for accountability, Dalley expressed agreement with the

view that people have to be held accountable within the ministry. He said that he was briefed on the problems facing the ministry over the weekend, and he believes that there are issues other than funding. “The issues are not only about financing. People must be held accountable for the jobs that they are assigned to do,” he told the Observer. Dalley’s views were also in line with the demands expressed by Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller in her public address on Sunday night. She urged him to make every effort, as quickly as possible, to correct the shortcomings in the health sector and to review the reporting between the regional authorities and the ministry. Dalley said that his first task was meeting with the staff of the ministry to start dialogue on the basis of which he hopes to lay the foundation for cooperation and accountability. The JMA, in its statement, said that it was appealing to Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller for substantive accountability and transparency, and hoped that the situation is remedied to encourage good governance for all Jamaicans.

US Embassy issues travel alert to citizens on crime in Barbados BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – Barbados is the latest Caribbean country to be hit with a travel advisory because of crime. In a security message for American citizens, the Embassy based in Bridgetown yesterday advised of “a recent surge in robberies involving the

use of firearms and high levels of violence”. “These robberies were directed against local businesses with multiple employees that pay salaries in cash, for example construction sites, bars, and convenience stores. Criminals are targeting these es-

tablishments on Friday afternoons and evenings when most businesses of this type pay their staff. In all reported cases, the criminals wielded firearms,” the notice said. It pointed out specific incidents, including: a mugging in the South Coast community of Hastings, in which multiple assailants violently attacked pedestrians strolling after dark before escaping in a waiting vehicle, noting that “it is not the first mugging of this type in the neighbourhood”; reports of men posing as maintenance workers to gain access to homes, mostly in the Pine Gardens area, a residential neighbourhood near the US Embassy; as well as reports of groups of men attempting to lure vehicles into stopping, by pretending to have vehicle troubles or by placing a baby in a car seat by the side of the road, and then beating and robbing the vehicles’ occupants. The Embassy acknowledged that the potential for criminal activity specifically targeting US citizens remains medium to low in Barbados, but advised them to take appropriate steps to enhance their personal security.

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Regional pollster calls for Commonwealth nominee consensus BRIDGETOWN, Barbados — In an op-ed piece appearing in the Caribbean Times on Monday, Barbadosbased political consultant and pollster, Peter Wickham, called on the current chairman of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Barbados Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, to facilitate a consensus on a single regional candidate for the post of Commonwealth secretary general ahead of the Commonwealth heads of government meeting (CHOGM) in Malta on November 27. “From the perspective of this region our inability to arrive at a single common nominee reflects a significant weakness. CARICOM is currently led by Barbados and the fact that PM Browne [of Antigua and Barbuda] was recently forced to go public with his concerns about the manner in which Barbados was retarding the process of arriving at a consensus is disturbing,” said Wickham, a director of Caribbean Development Research Services (CADRES). He acknowledged, however, that there is no clear structure within the region that can force consensus on any candidate since CARICOM also includes members that are not part of the Commonwealth and the secretary general candidacy cannot therefore be made an agenda item. He noted, nevertheless, that the Caribbean has a special interest in this selection process since convention is that the next secretary general should come from this region of the Commonwealth. Previously, Sir Shridath Ramphal held the post between 1975 and 1990 and was the last Caribbean national to do so. Wickham described the convention that it is the Caribbean’s ‘turn’ to provide the next secretary general as “in reality the most loose of understandings since there is really no concrete rule governing the selection process and mandating that the regions making up the Com-

Sir Ronald Sanders

Baroness Scotland

monwealth group ‘rotate’ the post.” “Notwithstanding, we can discern a general understanding which would allow an individual who has the blessing of all Caribbean leaders to assume the post on this occasion. Similarly, where there is no consensus within this region, consensus would have to be sought from the wider body of 53 which is considerably more challenging. In both instances the 53 members would make the final decision; however, consensus on a candidate from this region would appear to increase the likelihood that our Caribbean nominee is successful,” he pointed out. Wickham noted that the achievement of consensus has been challenging on this occasion since two high-calibre nominees have emerged in the shape of Sir Ronald Sanders, proposed by Antigua and Barbuda, and Baroness Patricia Scotland, nominated by Dominica. An additional nomination made by Trinidad and Tobago of Dr Bhoe Tewarie has since been withdrawn by the new government. In addition to Dominica, Baroness Scotland is supported by Barbados and Belize. “The logic of Barbados’ position is somewhat confusing since Barbados has no known issues with Sanders

and in recent times has not been particularly close to either Dominica’s leadership or the Baroness herself… one struggles to understand the basis of Barbados support, which is not helped by the prime minister’s unwillingness to speak frontally to the issue,” Wickham said. Sir Ron Sanders on the last count had the support of at least seven Caribbean countries including Antigua, Grenada, St Vincent and Trinidad and Tobago, which have all gone on record with their support. “In his case, the countries supporting him have noted his qualifications for the post which are no less impressive than that of Baroness Scotland, but significant among these is the fact that his entire career was one of service to the Caribbean region. This is of course in direct contrast to that of Baroness Scotland who is Caribbean by birth, but whose entire life’s work was in the vineyard of British politics and who remains to this day a member of the British House of Lords,” Wickham said. He pointed out that the selection of a new secretary general comes at a critical time in the Commonwealth’s development, since its relevance, especially to the region has been declining steadily, as reflected in the fact that so few of the heads have been attending recent meetings. (Caribbean News)

Parents in dead babies’ scandal to file suit KINGSTON, Jamaica At least one family who lost their child as a result of the recent bacterial outbreak at two of the country’s major hospitals is considering filing a lawsuit against one of the health facilities. Sheldon Spencer and Danielle McKenzie told OBSERVER ONLINE that they have already consulted an attorney on the matter. Their son, Dimitri Penglas Spencer, was born at the Uni-

versity Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) on June 23, 2015. He died at 10:15 am on August 14. Dimitri was the couple’s first child. “For the first three weeks he got sick every week,” McKenzie told OBSERVER ONLINE. “They gave him antibiotic and he would get better. It wasn’t until after the postmortem that they told us he had Klebsiella,” she explained.

Klebsiella was one of two bacteria identified as being responsible for the deaths of 19 of 42 infected premature babies at the UHWI and Cornwall Regional Hospital. Dimitri’s parents are also not satisfied with Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller’s decision to reassign former Health Minister Dr Fenton Ferguson to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. They believe more should be done. (Jamaica Observer)

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Woman stabbed by jilted lover recovering

Shondell Hernandes

Shondell Hernandes , who was stabbed in her neck and left to die in her home by her ex-lover on Friday last, is recovering slowly in the Female Surgical ward of the Georgetown Public Hospital. Hernandes is still awaiting the results of an MRI and an x-ray performed on her on Monday to determine the full extent of the stab wound to her neck. As of now, she is incapable of moving her lower body since the knife sliced through her neck and scraped her spinal cord. The 22-year-old, who resides at Lot 121 Courbane

Park, Annandale, East Coast Demerara, was on the phone with her sister in her house when she was caught off guard by her jilted lover. The man had apparently sneaked into the house while she was on the phone. According to Hernandes’ sister, Marissa Ramdas, her sister, who had ended the relationship with the man three months ago, was having a conversation with another man in her house about buying some clothes when she received a phone call from her ex-lover’s older daughter, instructing her

Dem boys seh...

De old Ministers controlling de new ones Dem have a saying that who got luck eat pork. Poor people who owe $4,000 pun dem light bill does get dey lights cut off. To get it back dem got to pay GPL $3,000. Of course dem got some people who don’t pay nutten when dem light get cut off because dem does do dem own attachment. This set, when dem get ketch, does lose corn and husk because GPL does carry away de wire and all de connections. De other day, though, a big man owe nearly $400,000 in light bill. This man was a Government minister who had control over all dem house. If he seh build then you can build. And this man own some big property. As a Minister he never had to pay light and since old habits die hard, he continue to believe that he didn’t have to pay any. That is when GPL give him de shock. Dem also got a saying, keep your friends close but keep you enemies closer. This man got a new Minister so close that when GPL

mek it move de man get de Minister to behave like a pit bull. He bark, “Back off.” Then he call to find out if anybody cut de lights. Soulja Bai don’t know these things, so he can’t seh nutten. He does deh at Cabinet and certain things don’t come up. For instance, he didn’t know that de GPL man didn’t pay back de money into de treasury. And that is only part of the story. Dem boys seh that nobody in de government can tell de truth about de money. When dem check, dem boys find out that nobody tell de police, that dem lie when dem seh that dem send de file to de PPP-DPP and that dem ask de man to pay back de money. Is now dem boys understand how de man coulda lef de country so easy. But some people thief a small piece from anybody and is jail dem gone. De whole thing just mean that dem new boys don’t know what dem doing. Talk half and watch out for more stupidness.

to shut her doors, because her father was irate and had picked up a knife and was headed to her house. Ramdas said that her sister immediately rushed to her front door and locked it, but was a second short of shutting the back door when the man barged into the house and started yelling and brandishing the knife. She said the other man who was in the house at the time managed to calm the enraged man down and take him back home, which was a corner away. Awhile after, as Hernandes was relating the story to Ramdas, the man slipped back into the house, through an open window, and stabbed her to her neck. It was then she fell to the ground and the man continued his rampage, stabbing her several times to her shoulder and arms. Hernandes had ended the turbulent relationship three months ago because o f t h e m a n ’s a b u s i v e behaviour. Kaieteur News was informed that the man would get drunk and then beat her mercilessly. The two share custody of their three-year-old son. The man is still on the run.

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Fatal accident on Harbour Bridge…

Police to send file to DPP today The fate of Dhanram Ramlall, who allegedly reversed his truck off the Demerara Harbour Bridge on Sunday last, accidently causing the death of his wife, will rest in the hands of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) today, as the police hand the file over. ‘A’ Division Commander Clifton Hicken yesterday stated that the file was completed and all eyewitnesses were interrogated. He said the file will be sent to the DPP today for advice. He had previously indicated that if it was found that the young woman lost her life as a result of her husband’s negligence, then he, Ramlall, will be charged. Persaud suffocated to death in the passenger’s compartment of the canter truck after Ramlall allegedly reversed the truck off the bridge. The woman’s lifeless body was pulled out of the water after several hours as relatives watched weeping.

Reversing on the bridge is prohibited, and so Traffic Chief Dion Moore indicated that if investigators found that Ramlall had indeed attempted to reverse, then he will be charged for dangerous driving. Presently, Ramlall remains in police custody at the Providence Station. An eyewitness had reportedly seen Ramlall attempting to reverse the vehicle after a bag of boulangers fell from the back of his truck. The man recalled seeing the truck go overboard and its driver emerging from the waters, saying that his wife was trapped in the truck. General Manager of the DHB, Rawlston Adams, h o w e v e r, s t a t e d t h a t Ramlall provided the onduty Bridge Supervisor with a different version of what transpired. Adams said Ramlall recalled that it was raining and he fell asleep and the vehicle went overboard. The truck, nevertheless, was discovered with the front up while the back was fully submerged.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday November 11, 2015


Fifteen minutes of fame in Guyana Go back to the footage of the opening sequences of any Summer Olympics in the modern era, especially the past forty years, and the unmistakable motif of togetherness in the human race stands out brightly as the sun on a tropical beach. The message of the Olympics is that we, the inhabitants of Planet Earth, share a common destiny, and that love for each other transcends borders, religions, cultures, races. As soon as the last singer belts out his/her notes on stage and the closing curtains block out the pyrotechnics on the stage, the human race returns to Black man; White Man; my country versus your country; my religion is better

than yours; your culture is less modern than mine; sorry, you don’t have investments so we can’t grant you a visa, and many more instinctive impressions like these. When we reach the next Olympic Games, the cycle goes on. Guyana is identical, not similar but identical to these games, in that there are fleeting moments where idealism shows it faces then vanishes. Zenita Nicholson, social activist in the realm of gay rights descended into a psychiatric vortex, and sadly and unnecessarily committed suicide. In one of her suicide notes she wrote that it is hard for others to understand what happens when insanity grips

you. Immediately after Nicholson’s death, there were analytical outpourings, by both lay people and psychiatric counselors on the need for this country to deal more scientifically with the treatment of insanity and depression. Just two days after this deluge of social and intellectual concern about mental issues, Magistrate Ann McLennan sentenced a certified patient of the National Psychiatric Hospital, Raymond Samaroo, to remand, after he stole a car. He is a repeat car thief, and days before appearing in front of McLennan, he was before the court for stealing another vehicle. I showed my Kaieteur

News colleague, Dale Andrews, the news item, and his exclamation was so pointed. He said that this country treats such an issue as a criminal matter and not as a mental issue. My response to Dale was that a citizen, John Hinckley Jr. on March 20, 1981, attempted to assassinate the President of the US, Ronald Reagan. Reagan was not seriously hurt, but his Press Secretary, James Brady was. Brady was confined to a wheelchair until his death last year. Hinckley was ruled insane and is a patient who must spend time in a mental institution up to this day. I could give more examples, but I think the Reagan case makes the point that mental patients should not be treated as common criminals because, for scientific reasons, they are incapable of fully contemplating their action. At the trial of Samaroo, his lawyer pointed out his mental state and asked that he not be prevented from taking his medication. McLennan remanded Samaroo. Could the life of this

mental patient be in danger? Is it possible he could irritate the hardened criminals he meets in the jail and they could lose their patience with him and hit him? On a related matter; is it right for the justice system to put first offenders with criminal recidivists? It isn’t, but it happens in Guyana. Should the justice system put an asylum dweller among the jail population? My answer is no, but it happens in Guyana. But why confine yourself to these two examples. All kinds of horribly weird, bizarre things happen in the judicial system in this country. Such macabre tales need talking and writing about, seeing that we are fast approaching the big, big celebration of 50 years of Independence. I always think of mental patients as being like alcoholics. The next day, an alcoholic has no clue about the damage he has done to others and himself the day before. You can lecture assiduously and relentlessly to an alcoholic about selfdestruction, but they simply have no self-control. So after the anger about

Frederick Kissoon lack of facilities for treating mental lapses on the death announcement of Zenita Nicholson, where is the national outpouring for what happened to Raymond Samaroo? There is none. There will be none. Why will there be silence about the Samaroo case? There are two reasons. Who cares about the death of a mental patient in the Camp Street jail and who was a convicted car thief? The other explanation is the wild pursuit for the fifteen minutes of fame that famous American painter, Andy Warhol says we all want. Nicholson was prominent. She won a US Embassy award. So the “fifteen minutes” pursuers got their fifteen minutes when the opportunity came to talk about Nicholson’s mental problems. Poor Samaroo! No one wants fifteen minutes of fame from him.

Swift Fire Service response helps contain blaze at GWI West Bank office The locked gate leading to the GWI West Bank Office where the fire occurred Monday night.

A fire in the compound of the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara, office, Monday night, forced the Guyana Fire Service into swift action. The timely response saw the fire being contained and limited damage occurring. The fire, this publication understands, erupted in a pile of polyhoses stored in the southern section of the GWI compound. The West Demerara Secondary School, which was some years ago destroyed by fire, is the

neighbouring property on the southern side of the GWI office. Reports are that the polyhoses were slated for disposal, but could not have been removed until clearance was granted by the company’s internal auditor. Most of the polyhoses were reportedly destroyed, but the responding firefighters were able to ensure that the blaze didn’t cause further damage. A staff member who was on duty when the fire started claimed ignorance of its origin.

But the Guyana Fire Service is still expected to investigate. Thus far officials who were contacted by this publication were not in a position to comment on what was the possible cause of the fire. There is however a theory that is being considered that the fire could have been started unintentionally by a discarded cigarette butt. Just recently Fire Chief Marlon Gentle had warned that due to the dry weather Continued on page 11

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 11

Govt. yet to engage hinterland residents on border controversy By Abena Rockcliffe The Government of Guyana is yet to engage Guyanese citizens living near the Venezuela/ Guyana border about the dangers facing their country’s territorial integrity. However, Minister of Foreign affairs Carl Greenidge says that this will be done “soon.” Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro, on May 27, 2015, issued a decree, e x t e n d i n g Ve n e z u e l a ’s claim to Guyana’s territorial waters. A map which was issued, accompanying the decree, shows that the claim includes the area where the US giant oil company, ExxonMobil is currently drilling for oil. It has been five months since the decree has been issued but no government official, not even from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visited Essequibo to formally meet with the residents. Neither is there a n y structured blanket sensitization programme in place. At a recent press conference, Minister of F o r e i g n Aff a i r s , C a r l Greenidge admitted that the Ministry is lacking in this regard as “no formal”

…despite Venezuela’s ambitious plans

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge engagement has been made. “Right now there isn’t a formal process of undertaking a systematic saturation of the hinterland community with this problem, but this process is one that we have been undertaking and it is taking place at several levels including at the schools.” F u r t h e r, G r e e n i d g e i n d i c a t e d t h a t To s h a o s were informed of the issue. He said that at the last To s h a o s c o n f e r e n c e o f G u y a n a , t h e To s h a o s themselves asked to be briefed on developments

Police to issue wanted bulletin for M’cony fatal accident driver While the relatives of 45-year-old accident victim Irene Ramsay are seeking compensation and other assistance, a wanted bulletin is set to be issued for Altab Bacchus, the driver who reportedly fled the scene after his vehicle was involved in the fatal accident at Mahaicony Public Road last Saturday. The bulletin, according to traffic Chief Dion Moore, will be issued shortly, as Bacchus is wanted for questioning in relation to causing death by dangerous driving, failing to render assistance after the accident and failing to report the accident. Bacchus who resides at Lot 29 Block 3, Craig Mill, Cove and John, East Coast Demerara, according to eyewitnesses, drove in the wrong lane and his car crashed into another, causing him and the other driver to lose control. His car spun, hitting several pedestrians who were awaiting transportation to head home, and killed Irene Ramsey. The other car was being driven by Kwame Springer of Amelia’s Ward, Linden.

on decree no. 1787, decree no. 1859 and United Nations discussions. Greenidge said that having been apprised, the Toshaos then generated and passed a resolution lending support to Guyana’s territorial integrity “so that is part of a process and there are other activities going on in that regard.”

The Minister did not state what are the “other activities going on in this regard” neither did he say if there was any other communication with the Toshaos on this front since August, whether in collaboration with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs or by other means, There have indeed been much developments since the conference held in August. Just recently Venezuela threatened a Canadian goldmining company operating in Aurora. Setting that aside, the government is very much aware that Venezuela plans to launch a diplomatic strategy to recover the territory of the Essequibo. This was expressed by retired colonel Pompeyo Torrealba Rivero, who advises President Nicolás Maduro on this matter. According to an article

Swift Fire Service response helps contain... From page 10 conditions, unattended fires could wreak havoc. In fact he had made mention of an increase in grass fires across the country due to the prevailing weather pattern. Gentle noted that while Guyana isn’t known for having a fire season per se, “this however seems to be a period when many people start to get careless.” He acknowledged that there have been many grass fires and bush fires, some of which have resulted in damage to property. “These fires have been damaging people’s fences, damaging people’s bridges; they have burnt a couple of utilities poles too,” the Fire

Chief informed. “People are burning their grasslands so that fresh grass could grow for their cattle and so on. If they have to do this…this is really not the time for that, because of this dry weather,” said Gentle. He added that at the locations where a number of these fires occur, there is limited access to water. The water levels of canals within proximity have become depleted due to the prevailing dry weather pattern. “People have to be very cautious, because these fires could get out of hand easily and spread to buildings in some cases...People should desist from burning like this,” the Fire Chief asserted.

posted on El Universal, Torrealba coordinates the Office for the Rescue of the Essequibo, created by the Venezuelan government to try to recover the area. Torrealba informed that President Maduro ordered to teach the matter of the Essequibo as a subject in universities and elementary and high schools, and also in media located in bordering areas. He also proposed to issue identity cards for the 200,000 estimated inhabitants of the Essequibo, plus an awareness campaign to make the population of Guyana understand that the territory belongs to Venezuela. The government of Guyana had said that it would “stoutly resist” plans by Venezuela to register residents in Essequibo and issue them identification cards. A United States-based Political Scientist Ivelaw Griffith urged government to aggressively educate

Guyanese about Venezuela’s territorial claim to the Essequibo Region. Griffith recommended that the Guyana government engage in vibrant public diplomacy drive across the country to complement a defence diplomacy strategy. “It is important to complement that defence diplomacy with a public diplomacy…It is important in my view to have a campaign. Put all the relevant documents on one website, use Social Media..,” he said in delivering a lecture titled ”Regime Change and Expectations Management: Crime and other Quotidian Security Challenges Facing Guyana.” Speaking on another aspect of the Venezuela controversy, Greenidge admitted that Guyanese are being misled and need better information. He said, “Let me make this clear to the Guyanese public which is often misled as to what is actually going on.” Yet, Essequibo awaits engagement on the issue.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Social Cohesion Min., IAST assist Region Nine farmers A female staffer of the Aranaputa factory explains the purpose of a piece of equipment utilised in the peanut butter-making process.

The Ministry of Social Cohesion (MOSC) recently partnered with the Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST) to provide support for small and medium scale farmers and producers in Region Nine, with the aim of enhancing their economic, social and financial capacities. The partnership will see farmers and other producers being able to better develop and market their products and hence, improve their earning power. On Saturday last, an 11member team, headed by Minister Amna Ally and Professor Suresh Narine, Director of the IAST, visited Bina Hill, North Rupununi, where they met with several women’s groups including the Macusi’s Research Unit (MRU), Medicine From Trees Women’s Group, Aranaputa Peanut Processors Friendly Society and small scale farmers. The visit provided the team with the opportunity to examine the products made to

see what can be done to improve the consistency of quality, texture and labelling and the development of marketing strategies. Addressing the residents at Bina Hill, Minister Ally related that her Ministry has recognised that social cohesion and national unity cannot be achieved if economic and financial stability is not present. As such, she noted that the Ministry is engaging stakeholders to determine what is needed to support community empowerment. “As part of our programme, we are going around to various communities to give whatever kind of help we can, to assist in empowering not only women but men as well. Since I am aware that you need help, the IAST will try as far as is practicable to assist you. We will try as far as possible to see what help can be given, because we would like the groups of this region to progress,” Minister Ally said.

Father and son perish as boat capsizes Police have recovered the bodies of a 38-year-old man and his three-year-old son, who perished after a balahoo in which they were travelling overturned at a Falls near Chinese Landing, Essequibo, at around 19.30 hrs on Monday. According to reports, Michael Dyal, his son, Rudolph Dyal, and five others, were traversing a falls in a balahoo with a 75 horsepower engine, when the vessel overturned. Police recovered the body of Michael Dyal, at around 10:00 hrs yesterday at Chinese Landing, while the child’s body was found at Mabura Landing, Demerara.

Director of the IAST, Dr. Suresh Narine related to the residents that the Institute is an industrial research organisation, which has as its mandate the development and/or adaptation of appropriate technology for

the utilisation of Guyana’s natural resources, so that these resources can be gainfully developed and exploited for the benefit of the people of Guyana. To this end, he said that the IAST would like to assist small scale farmers so that they can derive maximum benefits from their products. “Our job is to inject technology into various projects to try to make whatever it is that you are making, a little better, less labour intensive, to have more quality control and so on,” Dr. Narine told the residents. He noted that through discussions with the Macusi’s Research Unit and Medicine from Trees Group, it has been agreed that the Institute will work with the group to put scents and flavours into their products; body lotions, oils and soaps. This will ensure that higher priced markets can be accessed. Additionally, the

IAST will work with the Aranaputa Peanut Producers to increase and improve their production of peanut butter for markets in Georgetown and overseas. Dr. Narine also committed to flying 15 members from the working groups to the IAST labs in Georgetown, so that they can see first-hand, the enhancement methods that will be incorporated into the development of their products. Additionally, two elders will be given the chance to attend the Indigenous Elders Conference in Canada, where traditional medicines, indigenous culture and language and other related matters are discussed. Over at Parishara, the team met with another mixed team of producers and carvers and similar issues were discussed. At the meeting, the carvers asked for assistance for the procurement of tools needed to improve and reinvent their

production methods. Minister Ally and Dr. Narine indicated that they would explore this possibility The women of the village requested support for the procurement of sewing machines, and Minister Ally has made arrangements for the group to meet with Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence, who has responsibility for this area, so that their request can be considered. Once procured, Dr. Narine assured the group that the IAST conduct training on the tendering process so that they can apply for a win bids to provide sewing services to different agencies. The IAST will be sending a team within the next three weeks into the Region to commence work with the groups on the projects identified, while the Ministry of Social Cohesion will be monitoring the progress made on these projects.

M&CC relocates more vendors to facilitate city-wide restoration project

City Hall officials meeting with vendors last week, prior to the move.

The Georgetown Mayor and City Council, (M&CC) has relocated yet another group of vendors to facilitate the city-wide restoration project. Last week some 28 vendors who ply their trade on the Merriman Mall between Orange Walk and Cummings Street, were relocated. The vendors were moved closer to Cummings Street. Mayor Hamilton Green has since met with vendors to reassure them that the move is in keeping with the restoration project. “We’re in an era of order, we will not dislocate persons,

but vendors must cooperate with the restoration programme.” According to Mayor Green, Georgetown has experienced decades of neglect, but currently efforts are being made to make the City “clean and green”. He outlined that the green initiative being implemented is a global trend that is embraced by many cities in the world to safeguard the integrity of the environment. The Mayor further told the workers that Merriman’s Mall is one of the areas earmarked for improvement. Vendors were advised that all their stalls in the area will have to conform to a specific

size, style and colour. Additionally, Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase–Green pointed out that very often vendors employ social rejects to dispose of garbage, and this is partially responsible for garbage being found in drains and alleyways. Councillor Ranwell Jordan, Chairman of the Markets and Public Health Committee, told salespersons that they have two weeks to put themselves in order. He said that vendors must provide refuse receptacles. It was emphasised that they also need to establish a committee, so that they can decide how they will be

organized. One vendor noted that they have purchased tables to accommodate their goods and asked what will happen to the monies they have invested. Another vendor said he was happy with the way in which the City was looking, however, vendors have concerns: they are victims of robberies, therefore they need adequate security. Adequate sanitary facilities was listed among other areas of concern. The Mayor promised to address the concerns the vendors have, since they were all legitimate.

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 21

$46M chemicals storage facility Feeding programme commissioned at Mon Repos expansion imminent Agriculture Minister Noel Holder (centre) during an inspection of the storage facility.

Government has commissioned a $46M Chemicals Storage Facility as part of the measures being put into place to ensure safety. The facility, launched on Monday, is being housed in the compound of the National Agriculture Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. The Pesticide and Toxic Chemical Control Board (PTCCB) has been emphasizing the need for proper storage facility to house the many illegal pesticides entering Guyana. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), according to the Government, currently has a project running to get rid of illegal chemicals across the region. While delivering remarks at the ceremony, the FAO representative to Guyana,

Rueben Robertson, noted that the organisation has been assisting CARICOM member countries with the setting up of proper storage of obsolete chemicals. “We consider the challenges faced by each member state of CARICOM by ensuring the proper registration, storage, use and distribution of these chemicals,” Robertson said. He also stressed the point of the need for more education and promotion of the proper use of pesticides, as this is only done during Pesticides Week. “It is (our) moral responsibility to inform our fellow man on the harmful effects of toxic chemicals.” During his address, Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder, stated that the use of toxic pesticides to manage pest problems has become a common practice around the

world. “Pesticides have been linked to a wide range of human health illnesses, ranging from short-term impacts such as headaches and nausea, to chronic impacts like cancer, cognitive disorders, reproductive harm, and endocrine disruption. It is important to note that these health impacts are inherently linked to use practices.” As part of the Government’s mandate, the Minister hopes the achievement of the Global Sustainable Development Goals also demonstrates the country’s commitment, since seven of these goals are integrally linked to chemicals management. The Minister mentioned that “using improper storage procedures is an open invitation for a disaster to happen. Nearly three-fourths of all pesticide accidents are

Invitees and other officials at the commissioning.

non-use accidents, often involving children less than 10 years of age. Improper pesticide storage is therefore dangerous to your health, your family and can harm the environment.” It was also pointed out that very little was done to educate persons responsible for treating those who would have ingested or been exposed to these toxic chemicals, as well as the availability of antidotes to effectively treat these persons. The FAO is currently working with the Government of Guyana and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board to conduct training exercises, so that persons have the needed skills to treat those who would have ingested or been exposed to toxic chemicals. This is one of the many initiativ e s b e i n g p u t i n place to address the issues being faced by Guyanese as it relates to the importation of illegal chemicals and the improper use of other toxins. The board has the responsibility to ensure all pesticide importers have the proper storage measures in place. Its members also carry out routine visits and inspections to importers’ facilities to ensure that they exercise the necessary safety precautions when it comes to the importation, handling and distribution of the toxic chemicals. Farmers and other persons who use toxic chemicals are also being encouraged use proper facilities to store their chemicals. There has been a rash of reported suicides over recent years from the deliberate use of pesticides and other chemicals, leading to calls for stricter monitoring and proper handling.

Education Minister Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine has revealed that his Ministry plans to implement a hot meal programme in a number of coastal areas and upgrade the feeding programme in others. Successes in the hinterland regions have encouraged government to go ahead with the intended expansion. The school feeding programme currently consists of locally-made juices and biscuits, and it is said to be the aim of the Ministry to soon commence distribution of fortified milk to the students. The Minister related that the programme is very expensive, and as such, the Ministry is looking to adopt a methodical approach in its expansion to the coastland. The $2 billion previously allocated to the $10,000 cash grant under the previous administration, will go towards the school feeding programme The rationale behind that venture was to provide for those who in some cases are not able to afford breakfast every-day. The importance of this was stressed by Minister Roopnaraine as he noted that hungry children will have difficulty focusing on their

Education Minister, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine work. He explained that areas in which the hot meal programme was implemented saw increases in student attendance rates and improved performance. The programme commenced in February 2010 and targets students from grades one to three. The Education Ministry has over the years received support from the Ministry of Local Government and other stakeholders to ensure that the initiative is successfully implemented. This has been the case in parts of regions one, two, three, four, five, six, 10 and Georgetown. Regions seven, eight and nine are targeted separately.

‘Global Shapers’ launch mental health project Beginning this month, the Global Shapers Community -(Georgetown Hub) will be championing a Mental Health project in a bid to address pressing issues which affect the lives of many Guyanese. The project, ‘Mental Health Yourself”, aims to increase awareness of mental health, improve understanding of mental health issues and develop support systems for those who live in communities with high levels of mental health issues. Special focus will be placed on addressing concurrent disorders, suicide prevention and coping mechanisms. Among the agencies which have agreed to collaborate with the Georgetown Hub on this project are the Ministry of Public Health, Pan American Health Organization, CUSO International, Georgetown Public Hospital and several other non--governmental (NGO) and youth organizations. The hub said that the ‘Mental Health Yourself ’ project will see the execution of a series of workshops over

the course of two months within villages in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam). Dr. William Adu--Krow and Dr. Melissa Varskwyk are among the featured facilitators. The Hub members said that the entity encourages anyone who is interested in partnering on the ‘Mental Health Yourself’ project to reach them by contacting project champion Raiza Khan, at raizatkhan@gmail.com or via cellphone on 646-5156. Over the past year, the Hub has launched a library in South Pattensen, Sophia; successfully executed its third Annual Stationery Drive (Headstart) which provided school supplies to over 600 students in hinterland communities; partnered with other youth NGOs for leadership sessions, and hosted a Communications Workshop. The entity just held its first ever ‘Blingo- Bingo with a Twist’ fundraiser, at the National Park. This venture aimed to raise funds for the Mental Health Yourself Project and other projects for 2016.

Page 22

Kaieteur News


SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY,ETC.–CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 2161043; 677-6620 Building/Renovating: for quality services from foundation to fine finishes. Contact Trini: 682-9935 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. PARTY DECORATING: balloon creation, back drops etc. for weddings, birthdays, anniversary etc. Make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, A/C, WASHING MACHINES, TVS, MICROWAVES, FREEZERS CALL: 629-4946 OR 225-4822 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158 Landscaping: Palms, largest varieties of plants, Used in every one of our unique landscapes- Call: 648-1821/ 219-0468 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building. visadocumentsgy@yahoo.com. Call: 225-6496, 662-6045 REPAIRS & SPARE, FRIDGE, FREEZER, A/C, WASHERS, STOVES – CONTACT NICK: 6831312, 627-3206 Professional Pressure washing & water tank cleaning services, for all your home & business exterior cleaning call: 696-5424 LCD-Plasma-LED TV repairs etc. Contact Abdul Electronics. Call: 225-0391 INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC –TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. Floor sanding & Lacquering House plans, Estimate & painting, boat for Santa Mission Tours –Call: 6504362 LEARN TO DRIVE Soman Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj BuildingTel: 644-5166; 622-2872; 6150964; 689-5997

WANTED Pump attendants and Cashiers- Call: 627-2550; 6706005 Lumber Concession to work. All Species of Hardwood and Greenhart. Contact: Sunil 6255995/698-6245 One live in maid, assistant salesgirl @ E.C.D. Call: 6035416; 644-9802 Female domestic to work in Trinidad, must be educated and know to cook. Between 25-35 years. Call 1868-683 1528 Experienced general domestic pastry maker/ cake decorator, roti, puri cook, apply Hack’s Halaal, 5 Commerce Street. Waitress to live in and work at Bar & Hotel- Call: 604-6606 Minibus and hire car drivers with dispatching experience. Call: 645-0025 Live in waitress and cleaner, salary $60,000-$70,000 monthly, between age 18-30. Call: 610-3974 One able body porter; apply at Key Food Trading, Mc Doom Village during working hours. Two salesgirls wanted to work in the interior, Mahdia – Call: 684-1718 Urgently needed live in waitress- Call: 670-2323

-Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal, Mabelline. -Nail Technician Course Call: 647-1773/660-5257 Introductory male Brazilian waxing; guys don’t be shy!! .Call: 696-7337 for details

FOR RENT PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Bottom flat Liquor Restaurant @ Lot 9 North Section Canal #2. Call: 653-1003 Apartments for rent at Nandy Park. Call: 227-5194 2 Bedrooms apartment located @ Mon Repos E.C.D, price -$60,000 –Contact: 6929295 or 688-6005

PROGRESSIVE CAR RENTAL: CARS& SUV FOR RENTAL- $4,000 & UP PER DAY- CALL: 643-5122, 656-0087 ,EMAIL:PRO_ A U T O R E N T A L @YAHOO.COM DOLLY’SCARRENTAL-CALL: 225-7126/226-3693 DOLLYSAUTORENTAL@ YA H O O . C O M / W W W. DOLLYSAUTORENTAL.COM Wing’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up rental- Call: 690-6494 Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807 TOURS Suriname Tour, Shopping, Tours, site seeing November 26th -29th Old years into New Years December 30th – January 3rd –Call: 639-2663; 665-5171

VACANCY Popular East Coast Gas Station Day/Night: pump attendants, sales & office assistant. Contact: 658-2013; 695-9880, Strathspey E.C.D. 1-Experienced payroll Clerk, must know to make up NIS & PAYE, 1-Experienced office staff. Call: 231-0363 (9am4pm) Exist for bartender, waitress, security guard –Contact Sheik or Donald on Tel: 2271131 Supervisor, Handyman, room attendants- Call: 225-0198 or 233 South Road Lacytown.. Security officers wanted by security company-Contact: 672-1920, between 8:00am5:00pm Urgently needed 8 bar girls to work in Mahdia, preferably with working experience, attractive salary- Call: 6011479 Truck/tractor drivers, security officer, office assistant, excavators, skid steer operators, labourers, pastry chef, waitress/waiters. Call: 603-4094

Three Storey 75ftX30ft building, open floors, 2 offices, 2 washrooms, driveway, 25B Princess St, Charlestown. Call: 223-0654; 225-0605

TO LET 4 Bedroom house furnished, self contained, master bedroom. Call: 603-6351 One bedroom apartment Mon –Repos E.B.D- No ChildrenCall: 662-9043

LAND FOR SALE 1500 Acres Transported land near Bartica, Forestry, Agriculture, loam, sand rock quarry, price to sell. Cal Mark: 603-1266; 625-9788; 704-4652222

33.6 Acres farm land at Kuru Kururu area, Linden Soesdyke Highway. One garden tiller, motor blowerCall: 225-7794; 679-1151 Excellent quality Rottweiler pups. Must See! Hurry and get yours. Limited amount available- Call /Whatsapp: (592) 664-5401 3 Lots At Blankenburg Behind The Gas Station; $13 M Price Negotiable; Each Lot Size 75x76- Call Us Today 6500402/260-4988


Property for sale, Grove $20M / Rent: $50,000 per month. Tel: 625-5461. Property at Diamond New Scheme: 1-Three bedroom flat concrete house, price $9.5M negotiable. Call: 2663962; 667-1240 3 Bedroom; 2 flat house for sale, Enterprise, Lincolin Street, Lot 135 -$14M negotiable. Contact: 597-858-4554 (Suriname), Guyana: 602-3643 Property at Tuschen-Call: 669-9055; 674-1291

SALE! SALE! SALE One TOYOTA RZ MINIBUS GJJ series -$1.5Million. One Econoline FORD 2005 GSSSeries-$1.5M.Call:604-6108 Areostan VAN, perfect condition, magrims etc, 22R Toyota Engine, great consumption. Call: 618-4257 or 644-5959 Hilux pickup, 4 wheel drive, double cab, crash bars, clean and excellent condition. Call: 685-0942; 645-0240 First Class Auto: 08 Premio, Rush, Bluebird, 06 Premio, Spacio IST, Runx. Call: 6098188; 638-3045 Smart Choice Auto Sales, in stock, Premio, Allion, Fielder, Bluebird, Carina 212, Spacio, Call: 652-3820/ 665-4529 Pearl white reconditioned, Prado Jeep. Call: 624-6702; 624-5838 Honda CRV PSS 2018 -$3M negotiable, Toyota Rush and Premio – New Model unregistered$3.2M negotiable. Call: 655-3400

Brand new 2 storey concrete building in 5th Avenue, Diamond, E.B.D, all modern amenities –Call: 662-9335; 612-3244 Property at Craig E.B.D, land size 91X50 feet, house 40X28 feet. Call US: 718-213-6496 Zeena & Local: 617-7691 Shameer. One 3 bedroom house available for sale at Pearl E.B.D. Call: 266-5739; 6511169 House & Land for sale @ Supply E.B.D. Call: 648-5149; 678-3826

One 2 storey 5 bedroom concrete and wooden house with two large self contained rooms, well secured –Tel: 6928923 One Roadside, 2 storey house @ V/Hoop, ground floor, in excellent condition for restaurant or other businesses. Call: 692-8923; 614-0107 2 Storied transported, concrete property, fully AC, semi-furnished @ Somerset Court. E.B.D 31M neg. Call: 681-1377; 625-2317

House in Bel-Air Park: 3 bedrooms upstairs/ downstairs, all modern conveniences -$1,600US monthly. Call: 231-7839 working hours



One Church & 1-2 Storey house at 180 Charlotte Street Bourda. Call: 227-6817; 6247341

Mall and office to rent at Sharon’s Building/Mall @ King & Charlotte Street Georgetown. Contact: 2254413; 225-0283; 669-6320

House in Bel-Air Gardens; 4 bedrooms with all modern convenience. No agents! Call: 231-7839 working hours


Wednesday November 11, 2015


AT170 Toyota Corona; need body works and CV. Asking $275,000 negotiable. Call: 663-8033 Star Cars Auto Sales: Premio, Spacio, Runx, IS, Fielder, Bluebird, Axela, Pit-bull, Raum, Benz -Tel: 268-3509; 679-3140 Bidding- 1 Hilux double cab, starting $3.2M, end date: November, 22, 2015. Call Orin Moses: 603-0535 One 4X4 Toyota Tacoma (2009) just registered, for sale. Contact: 225-4413; 2250283; 669-6320 One LN172 Toyota Hilux manual, 3RZ Engine, one 125 Honda CG motorcycle. Call: 682-6111 AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 seater super custom. Cash / terms- Call: 680-3154 We buy & sell vehicles for cash, also parts available & 30 seater buses; Extra Cab pickups; 2006 Tacoma- Call: 680-3154

Formerly Globe Cinema, corner lot @ Church & Waterloo Street, size 126ftX133ft. Call: 610-2234

2 Ford F350 Pickup, lift kit, 35inches rims and tyres, also 1 Chevy Van 2007 –Call: 6105370

Land at Parfaite Harmonie $1.1M, $1.4M, $1.6M, Tuschen 2nd Street -$5.5M, Phase 2, $1.4M- Call:6046724

One Honda CRV, immaculate condition, 17" mags, AC, CD, price -$1.750,000 negotiable. Call: 626-2884 Unregistered Fielder Wagon, fully loaded, rims, camera, bodykit, HID, dark interiorCall: 617-5536 1 New model Raum AC, TV, mags, PMM series, never worked hire, excellent condition -$1.350M. Call: 619-1047

Double lot, one corner land & one adjoining located at Buddy’s Gated Community (Providence) $10.5M. Call: 681-1377; 625-2317 FOR SALE/RENT American Pools table-Call: 277-0578

VEHICLE FOR SALE Damein’s Auto Sales: 20022004 Toyota Premio Cars, prices: $2.3M-$2.4M negotiable. Call: 692-1522 or 614-1333 EDUCATION Obtain a guaranteed distinction in CSEC Principles of Accounts. Call: 654-1723 for more information

Continued on page 23

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 23

Letters... Where your views make the news... Letters... Where your views make the news

PPP Parliamentarian sought to mislead readers DEAR EDITOR, I couldn’t help but pen this letter in response to one in yesterday’s edition of your newspaper by Harry Gill M.P. headlined ‘APNU-AFC Ministers are spending taxpayers’ money to tour the world’. I have no difficulty with the MP advancing an argument to suggest that the government is up to some “games” in an effort to postpone parliamentary debate on an issue about which it is taking some “heat”. But in so doing the MP must use credible information and evidence and not attempt to mislead the population about the importance of the meetings and events which the President

and Ministers attend.One of the criticisms I heard of the previous administration from officials of some international agencies and officials of other governments is that Guyana was not represented at several key meetings where the strength of the regional integration grouping CARICOM needed to be clearly demonstrated in order to get the desired results that were in the best interest of the countries of the region. Another criticism of the former administration was that there was a key Minister who attended critical negotiations alone, without even one aide, did not make notes and depended heavily on his

Govt. changing official names without consultations DEAR EDITOR, What’s in a name? A lot apparently, if the name happens to be Correia and the majority of operators at Ogle Airport are to be believed. The new coalition government demonstrated a penchant for name changing, without consultation, from early on. Social Cohesion, Infrastructure, Communities, Citizenship were some of the new tags given to ministries. Most Guyanese still don’t know where to go for what. When the President decreed that the Conference Centre should be named after the late Arthur Chung – there was clearly not the slightest objection. So emboldened, the suggestion was made publicly to rename Ogle International The Eugene Correia Airport. Eugene who? Everyone landing there will be asking. Only historians interested in the past will tell you he was a Minister of the Government in the 1960’s, not mentioned again over the five decades we’ll soon be celebrating. Why not Anthony Mekdeci, Robbie Roberts or Malcolm Chan-a-Sue - aviation standouts? Or why not leave it be as Ogle? After all most Guyanese still call the main airport Timehri. Elenor Persico

I applaud the Georgetown cleanup DEAR EDITOR, Editor, I would like to congratulate Balwant Singh Hospital on East Street Queenstown for the way they maintain the environment outside their establishment. The trees are beautiful and the place is spotless. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the hospitals, institutions and private businesses in Georgetown did likewise? The city could use more trees and if every business kept their environment clean government money for maintenance would go much further. Thank you Balwant Singh Hospital for setting a good example! To all the other businesses in Georgetown: Don’t wait for others just do it yourself. It is so nice to drive around the city and see so many cleanup projects underway. Maybe we should start a cleanup competition to see which establishment could make their environment the most beautiful…oops, I just drove my vehicle into a huge pothole approaching South Road and Camp Street; it is half the width of the street. I have seen many vehicles trying to dodge the pot hole almost colliding into other vehicles trying to turn North on Camp. Would be Ministry of Public Works please look into this matter urgently? Syeada Manbodh

It would be best if...

From page 5 The fact that recent test wells indicate real potential of significant oil deposits in Guyanese territory has to be matched with a global energy market where renewable sources are becoming increasingly significant and major oil companies are writing down the book value of their oil reserves and in some cases selling those reserves because they understand that concerns about climate change are forcing the global energy mix away from fossil fuels. So yes indeed we need a conversation on energy in Guyana and it would be best if Former President Jagdeo keeps quiet while more rational voices are heard. He can always ask questions though because it has been said that there are no stupid questions. Fitzgerald Yaw

colleague Ministers to submit their reports before Guyana presented its report and confirmed its position on certain issues. I have no reason to question the validity of the criticisms of my sources and therefore must conclude that such absenteeism and lack of support staff at meetings are highly unacceptable. This new government cannot and must not operate in similar fashion especially at this time when Guyana needs to exploit every available opportunity to benefit from decisions taken at the international level that will help to address the many challenges the country faces. While one accepts that

government spending must be prudent and cost effective Guyana cannot afford to absent itself from any meeting and/or event to which it is invited especially in the light of the efforts to frustrate our economic development by a neighbor who lays claim to our territory and maritime space and is aggressively pursuing that claim in every available fora. What one hopes is that when our ministers and other officials travel abroad they make full use of the opportunity to promote and discuss all aspects of Guyana’s development needs. The Health Minister, while dealing with the issues of his portfolio

must find a way to include information about the fact that Guyana is looking for new markets for its rice; the Tourism Minister must tout investment in the Essequibo region; the agriculture minister must highlight the facts in favor of Guyana’s position on the controversy with Venezuela and the Attorney General must be on the look out for contacts he might make with officials who are involved in organizations with expertise on dealing with suicides. And they must not only attend the formal meetings. They must go to the cocktail parties and engage in serious networking always on the lookout for someone or two

Guyanese Hindus and their religion are in crisis DEAR EDITOR, Local Hindus have largely over the years shown loyalty to the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS), accepting that whatever auspicious observances are placed in the calendar put out by this organization have been thoroughly researched and cross-referenced and should therefore be followed. So much reliance is placed on the GHDS’s calendar, that many Hindu families feel that their homes are not complete without such a calendar, obtained well in advance of the new year. And I am sure there are many here in Guyana who would attest to having relatives living abroad, putting in their requests for GHDS The confusion about the date of Deepavali; the factional representation of the Hindu community; the growing rifts and polarisation along seemingly political lines, and the revival of old rivalries, all add to creating further instability and uncertainty among Hindus locally. I have seen what that kind of confusion can cause in communities divided along political lines. I recall that there were many very-thriving mandirs along the lower East Coast back in the 1980’s and early 1990’s that died a gradual and painful death. Suffice to say that these mandirs had leaders who held esteemed positions in society. Hindus in Guyana have a plethora of social problems. These include alcoholism, drug abuse, domestic abuse, abject poverty, and suicides. If I were to just consider suicides, the names of the grand majority persons of who ended their lives this past year, as reported in the press, sound like Hindu-ascribed names. Hindus account for 69% of the suicides committed. There are other very worrying national trends. Check on the names of those persons being passed through the courts and a certain trend will emerge. Hindi names will jump at you. I have spent almost all of my working years in the agriculture sector, where most Indians, particularly Hindus earn their livelihoods. Among the rural poor, I have seen evidence that suggests a very high level of substance-abuse, and when you listen to the stories about their families, it is almost always a tragic and dysfunctional existence. This is also very common in communities where inequities and disparities in wealth are very obvious. Another story that many will be familiar with, is that of the Hindus who converted to Christianity. On a percentage basis, more Hindus convert to Christianity than Muslims do. Converts would tell you that they were suddenly able to stop drinking rum, kick the life of wastefulness, become thrifty, afford things they never could have before, and enjoy the respect of others. If changing religions really make such a radical difference, I have to ask what really prevented them doing any of those things before

when they still were Hindus. It could not always have been this way. One then has to wonder how things ever got this way for Hindu Indo-Guyanese. Where did the “system” fail them? How is it that there are so many who are just Hindu in name, and have no clue as to what their religion dictates, teaches or requires of them. Who is spreading an understandable form of Hinduism that finds a place in the lives of the followers of this ancient way of life? Who is delivering that message that kindles hope, assures them that what they are asked to do has a divine and useful purpose, and prepares them for the challenges that lie ahead? Many persons of good academic standing openly question the validity of the teachings of Hinduism in Guyana. They would ask for the scriptural proof that forbids the consumption of alcohol or meat, particularly pork and beef. If the academics are walking away from the religion, who will be tomorrow’s leaders? I am assuming that there is still a place in our society for Hindu academics. I have had my own shockers. I did some developmental work with a group of livestock farmers, specifically pig-rearers. When I asked what was their market constituent they blithely explained that it was mainly comprised of Indo-Guyanese, because when the price of pork goes up only that sub-set of our society will still have the money to buy pork. When in the week is the most pork sold? Sundays! What happens on Sundays in Hindu households? Hinduism in Guyana is on the ropes now. The teaching of this sacred way of life has become commercialised, with the teachers becoming ever glibber and more calculating. I am certain many would have heard stories about certain pandits conducting pujas only for the very affluent and socially-positioned class. In fact, becoming a pandit now, as some say, is “getting into big business”. Should we be surprised at Hindus’ response when they hear that the doors of the Christian church are open to anyone and that “all are equal in the eyes of God”? The work for our Hindu religious leaders at this time is not one of political point-scoring. It is about getting back to the basics our fore parents taught us. It is about valuing the deed more than the rewards that it may bring. It is about being there to guide, to set a course for life, to teach, to nudge those who falter, to set a good example worth emulating. I think that in closing, I need not say that there is a huge social challenge waiting out there. Political intervention may bring some benefits, but the answer lies more in getting a spiritual revival for those who have so many unanswered questions. Khemraj Tulsie

they might meet who could be of assistance to Guyana. And yes they can have a drink or two.....it is not an offense for a Minister to have a drink on the job...it is an offense if s/he can’t “hold” their drinks on the job. It is unfortunate that Mr. Harry Gill would seek to mislead the population into believing that the overseas travel by the president and ministers are merely junkets and by citing inaccurate information such as the size of the President’s delegation to the UN General Assembly and that it cost the government for Carl Greenidge’s participation in the Florida Conference. Much better is expected of a MP and Mr. Gill they should know that. We must all put Guyana first and not use serious national necessities for partisan political purposes. Wesley Kirton

From page 22 FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. House in Tuschen Main Road -$27M, 46ft fishing boat & 500lbs Nylon Seine -$2.3M. Call: 696-6074 One Spacio motor car PSS9296, perfect condition, owner moving on, asking $1.6M negotiable- Call: 6979137; 699-9595 House Lots for sale at Parika, Blankenburg and Schoonord, also Financing Available. Call: 650-0402 / 260-4988 MILL CUT AND DRESSED GREENHEART FROM $160BM AND KABUKALLI FROM, $180BM- TEL: 6886579/653-9752 1-CAT320 BL excavator, 1CAT930 Front End Loader, 1CAT428 Back-Hoe, 1-55 Leyland Daf Truck. Call: 2750538, 660-4021 XBOX 360- $2500, PS3 $35,000, PS2 -$15,000, PS VITA -$60,000, Plastic Barrel -$5,000- Call: 621-7497; 6493277; 603-8643 Locally Made: pure cassava Cassareep, (made from cassava extract), no starch added. Main distributor- Tel 695-7687 Newly built furnished 2 storey executive style home, located at La Jalousie W.C.D -$33M negotiable. Call: 675-6426 Duckling & broiler chicks for sale- Call: 622-7026 or 670-5222 One 928 F Caterpillar Wheel Loader $ 7.1 M, Price Negotiable-Call Us Today 650-0402/260-4988

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Wednesday November 11, 2015

Lifespan ‘stretches’ for elderly...


(From page 18) organization’s study, by the year 2020, the Americas will have 200 million older adults (50% of which will be living in LAC). Thus, with the cost of treating senior citizens with chronic escalating, PAHO/ WHO has encouraged a primary health care approach and the incorporation of aging issues into national health planning. The report stated that “good health helps ensure independence, security and continued productivity in the later years.” Loncke further stated that home care can be relatively cheaper than having seniors living in institutional care homes. She indicated that they are often in a better position to regain their independence when they live at home.

What is the state of real human development in Guyana?

Thus, she noted that the agency was seeking the assistance of the Ministry of Social Protection to help create a “Care in the community” programme to provide subsidized care from the government to persons who cannot afford care but need it. “We are hoping that that would happen sometime soon in the future. We have written to the ministry and they have acknowledged that our type of service is needed in communities and so we are awaiting further discussions,” she said. She added they are hoping that once the initiative takes root, the ministry would carry out assessments and refer the clients to them. “Care for the elderly is designed to ensure that they live longer, and that should be our aim,” she said, adding that

because of the lack of finances to pay for these services, the agency will also be opening a charity wing, to provide care and support to individuals who cannot afford the service. “With the charity wing we are seeking to collaborate with other organizations to help these people,” Loncke said. The National Development Strategy stresses that the elderly in Guyana do not make up a constituency whose needs are addressed. “They are not organised in their own interests, not even to the limited degree that other vulnerable groups are. This helps explain why (unlike say, Barbados), public and private companies and agencies are not required or even encouraged to offer rebates and other financial assistance to the elderly”. (Jeanna Pearson)

Law changes, protest committee... (From page 19) a modernistic outlook and thus vision. He noted that while the cabinet’s outlook could be good, it is up to individuals involved in the procurement process to follow through. “I too have suffered a lot because of manipulation, tricks and interventions because of power brokers. What he (Minister of Finance) has laid out I’m all for it, and I hope the people who they will appoint will not have backdoor (transactions).” He noted several instances where loopholes sometimes occur in the system. He pointed to companies who hide behind purported “mass labour” obligations. He stated that these companies would just pay for a small portion of their workforce and then apply for National Insurance Scheme (NIS) compliance certificates (a prerequisite during the bidding process).

“The NIS compliance persons might not be corrupted, but might be misled by companies who tendered below costs and might have corrupted officials (from other branches) working with them to get compliances.” Khan decried cases whereby bidders who bid below costs are automatically awarded contracts, but then use several unsavory techniques to recoup their money, including theft of Government property and their own workers’ NIS deductions, as well as shoddy work. “Do they only cater for the lowest tender?” Khan queried. “Because if so, manipulators are going to tender below cost, or money launder.” OTHER CONCERNS Among the prevailing concerns among many contractors were the delays and inefficiency in receiving payments. Many put forward the

view that while the symposium was good in its current form, regulations still have to be enforced. Others called for there to be set regulations separating small, medium and large scale bidders. This, one contributor said, is to ensure that large contractors with greater resources cannot tender for small projects at the expense of the small man. One contributor, a councilor from Region eight, also raised concerns about the loopholes which contractors use to produce shoddy work. The lone female contributor declared that contracts signed by the executing company are supposed to have clauses such as minimum payment periods. She referenced foreign procurement customs, whereby if the minimum payment periods are breached and extended, interest rates are applied.

CJ to rule on motion to strike out... (From page 3) not been provided in the petition challenging the recently concluded elections. The Attorney held that the petition is frivolous and vexatious. He requested that the elections petition be struck out on the grounds that sections of the petition failed to disclose reasonable cause of action. At the last occasion, Jamaican attorney, Abraham Dabdoub, was retained on behalf of the petitioner

(Persaud). He presented arguments in response to the claims outlined by Forde. The court is in the process of hearing the interlocutory applications (summons) before proceeding into the substantive matters of the petition. However, Chief Justice Chang is expected to send notices regarding the ruling on the preliminary hearing on the summons to dismiss the petition. Three summonses have since been filed in relation to

Habits are not the product of one decision — They’re the result of repeated choices that eventually become automatic responses. How can you know your true spiritual condition? By the company you keep and the choices you make. When you’re free to go, where do you choose to go? Whose company do you prefer?

the elections; among them is a request by attorney Anil Nandlall for a court order directing the Chief Elections Officer to produce the parcels of all elections papers and documents, including those he received from the Returning Officer of each electoral division under section 102 of the Representation of the People Act for inspection and examination for the purpose of the Elections Petition. These would include all the electoral lists containing the names of the persons entitled to vote, all issued ballots, all unused ballots, all votes cast by electors, all Statements of Poll issued at specified polling divisions; all certificates of counting issued in respect to the votes cast at each and every polling division, and all polling books used at each and every polling station.

Over recent decades, the richer countries have provided much aid and loans for development in poor countries. The aid, in most cases, contributed to an increase in their debt to GDP ratio. Guyana has to be grateful for the advocacy that commenced with Carl Greenidge and was concluded by Bharrat Jagdeo. We got significant debt write-offs in the mid2000s. But today, is Guyana significantly better off since the massive debt write-offs were given around 2006? Actually this debt/GDP ratio has not declined since 2006 when it hit an all-time low. The nation is at greater risk today with respect to the debt/GDP ratio than it was in 2006. What have we really done with all this borrowings since 2006? In most of the cases the investment in the productive assets failed to deliver on their intended purposes? The biggest reason put forward was the gross acts of corruption on the projects, but yet not one official from that era is at the point of being convicted. Isn’t it time to call in the UN-backed investigative commission which did a spectacular job in Guatemala? But to the core of the column today - Do we need to evolve on how we improve human lives? Reading the work of Professor Henrietta Moore, who heads the Institute for Global Prosperity at University College London, one walks away with the idea that there may be a fatal flaw in “development” especially in the developing world. She advocated that development is a concept invented by the global North and imposed on the global South using the standard from the North, but with a little awareness and sensitivity on the local conditions in the global South. Interesting thought here from the good Professor. From where I sit, national prosperity in Guyana is the key, but we can only talk about national prosperity if we can measure it. As a project management professional who is working in the Mecca of international development, I am part of that process where constantly we are benchmarking ourselves and evaluating how our work is evolving. We are also always taking

Sase Singh corrective actions to comply with the project plans since it is all about the qualitative outcomes that directly affect the people. Similarly in running a country, we must benchmark where we are. At a minimum, by now the people should have been told by each Department where they want to be by the midterm in 2017 and where we want to be by 2020. This is how you win elections – looking forward; not backward. Most importantly, we should be reenforcing the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in every sector of governance to ascertain and measure our progress and allow corrective actions to follow. We have to show with real evidence how we are delivering on the promises and what is being done for the people, especially on the big-ticket ideas. For example, what is our plan for renewable energy? Where will we be by 2017? Where will we be by 2019? This “pooch-panch” press release one-way

conversation is not good enough. Saying we will have a wind farm at Hope is not good enough? So now we are aware that we are going with a wind farm, has the contract been signed? When is the construction going to commence? Where will we be by the end of 2016 on this wonderful idea? As blackout returns to the land, this becomes a real and pertinent issue that I will be advocating on going forward. The APNU+AFC Manifesto guides me and others. It has all the broad goals that we can put on a departmental logical framework to be able to hold our departments accountable. We can use this framework to drill down to actionable outputs with milestones and key performance indicators to guide delivery on these promises by 2020. It matters not if you spent $17 billion on the crime fight last year or this year; that is irrelevant. The outcomes from these expenditures and the impact on national prosperity are what really matter. Are people feeling safer in Guyana today? We all know the answer. History will acknowledge that this untidiness in the crime infrastructure was all perpetrated under the watch of Clement Rohee. But that does not mean that it will always be his burden to carry. Management principles taught me that once we inherit the problems, after a period of acclimatization, we then own the problem.

Prelims for Nat’l Drama Festival commence The Preliminary Round of the National Drama Festival 2015 has commenced and 38 plays will be in the running for the finals which are slated for November 20. The event is collaboration between the Ministry of Education’s Department of Culture, Youth and Sport, and Digicel Guyana. This year’s Festival will see a mixture of experience with the likes of Francis Quamina Farrier, award winners Colleen Humphrey, Kijana Lewis, Sheron Cadogan-Taylor and Mark Kazim - and newcomers from across the regions. Strong competition is expected as popular theatre groups vie for attractive cash prizes and trophies. So far 13 schools from various regions are registered to compete in their finals which will be held at the Theatre Guild from November 23 to 27. This year’s festival has $6M up for grabs in the open, open short or one act, junior, debutante and secondary schools categories. Prizes will be given out for best production, best new Guyanese play, best director, best costume, best set, best use of lights, best use of sound, best performing cast, best actor and best actress, among others. The official opening ceremony is scheduled to be held at the National Cultural Centre on November 20, at 19:00 hrs.

Wednesday November 11, 2015

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Agricola man shot in head

Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran has stopped dismantling centrifuges in two uranium enrichment plants, state media reported yesterday, days after conservative lawmakers complained to President Hassan Rouhani that the process was too rushed. Last week, Iran announced it had begun shutting down inactive centrifuges at the Natanz and Fordow plants under the terms of a deal struck with world powers in July that limits its nuclear program in exchange for easing sanctions. Iran’s hardliners continue to resist and undermine the nuclear deal, which was forged by moderates they oppose and which they see as a capitulation to the West. “The (dismantling) pro-

Ali Shamkhani cess stopped with a warning,” Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the National Security Council, was quoted as saying by the ISNA student news agency.

Only decommissioned centrifuges were being dismantled to begin with, of which there were about 10,000 at Natanz and Fordow, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran has said. Shamkhani did not specify what he meant by “warning”, but the head of parliament’s nuclear deal commission, Alireza Zakani, told Mehr news agency that the dismantling had stopped in Fordow because of the lawmakers’ letter to Rouhani. Zakani, who was not one of the signatories of the letter, did not mention activities at Natanz. A group of 20 hardline parliamentarians wrote to the president last week complaining that the deactivation of centrifuges

contradicted the directives of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Khamenei has said that the deal should only be implemented once allegations of past military dimensions (PMD) of Iran’s nuclear program had been settled. The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to announce its conclusions on PMD by Dec. 15. Centrifuges spin at supersonic speed to increase the ratio of the fissile isotope in uranium. Low-enriched uranium is used to fuel nuclear power plants, Iran’s stated goal, but can also provide material for bombs if refined much further. Iran denied Western suspicions it was aiming to build a nuclear bomb.

Cameron appeals to EU-reform doubters at home and abroad Reuters - Britain’s prime minister appealed to doubters at home and in other EU capitals yesterday to back his attempt to reform the 28-member bloc as a c h a n c e t o boost prosperity rather than write it off as “Mission Impossible”. David Cameron, under

pressure after overseeing what critics see as a lacklustre start to the renegotiation of Britain’s ties with the European Union before a referendum, used a speech to offer the most detail yet on where he wants change. The EU executive was quick to call at least one of

the British leader’s demands - a limit on benefits EU migrants to Britain are entitled to - “highly problematic”, while saying other proposals such as boosting the role of national parliaments in decision-making in the bloc appeared feasible. Cameron left little room for

Myanmar’s Suu Kyi vows to call shots after election landslide Reuters - Myanmar democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi made it clear yesterday that she was ready to defy the powerful military’s attempts to clip her wings, as fresh results from Sunday’s historic election showed her party heading for a resounding win. As vote tallies trickled in, Suu Kyi’s long-oppressed National League for Democracy (NLD) looked set to take control of most regional assemblies as well as forming the central government, a triumph that will reshape the political landscape. Under the constitution drawn up by Myanmar’s former junta, Suu Kyi is barred by the constitution from taking the presidency because her children are foreign nationals, a clause few doubt was inserted specifically to rule her out. But in two interviews on Tuesday, the Nobel peace laureate said that, whoever was appointed president by the

Aung San Suu Kyi newly elected houses of parliament, she would call the shots. She told the BBC that she would be “making all the decisions as the leader of the winning party” and Channel News Asia that the next president would have “no authority”. The ruling Union Soli-

darity and Development Party (USDP), which was created by the junta and is led by retired soldiers, has conceded defeat in a poll that was a milestone on Myanmar’s rocky path from dictatorship to democracy. The NLD said its tally of results posted at polling stations showed it was on track to take more than two-thirds of seats that were contested in parliament, enough to form Myanmar’s first democratically elected government since the early 1960s. The party would win more than 250 of the 330 seats not occupied by the military in the lower house of parliament, NLD spokesman Win Htein predicted yesterday. Under the junta-crafted constitution, a quarter of the seats are unelected and reserved for the armed forces. Reuters was not able to independently verify the party’s own estimates of its performance.

doubt he wants Britain to stay in a reformed European Union, linking for the first time British security to its membership. But he also warned that if his demands fell on a “deaf ear”, he could lobby to leave. “There will be those who say, here and elsewhere in the EU, that we are embarked on ‘Mission Impossible’,” Cameron told diplomats, reporters and business leaders at the Chatham House think tank in London. “I do not believe so for a minute ... The European Union has a record of solving intractable problems ... In doing so we can make Britain and the whole of Europe safer and more prosperous for generations to come.” Shortly afterwards, Cameron addressed ‘Dear Donald’ in a letter to Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, setting out his four main objectives to launch what he called the renegotiation’s “formal phase” before a December summit when EU leaders will hammer out the details of Britain’s new terms. Tusk said in Brussels that negotiations with the other 27 governments would start next week. In his speech, Cameron spelt out what he wanted from Brussels. In one of the most contentious points, he proposed that people coming to Britain from the EU must live in the country for four years before qualifying for state benefits.

An Agricola, East Bank Demerara resident was battling for his life last night after being shot in the forehead. Sources identified the victim as 24-year-old Jermaine Roberts, of Brutus Street. The shooting is said to have occurred at around 20:00hrs.

Roberts was first rushed to the East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital. There has been a spate of execution and gang-related killings this year, with several of the victims being residents of Agricola and East Ruimveldt.

Attempted murder accused to face High Court trial Forty-year-old Eon Archibald, who is accused of attempted murder, will soon face a judge and jury for the indictable offence, after he was committed to stand trial in the High Court on Monday, by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan. The Magistrate ruled that a Prima Facie case had been made out against Archibald by the prosecution which was led by Police Sergeant, Neville Jeffers. As such, Archibald was called upon to lead a defence, but he declined to give evidence and to call witnesses. However, his Attorney, Paul Fung-a-Fat said that his client reserves the right to call witnesses at the commencement of his High Court trial. Archibald, a resident of Lot 91 East La Penitence, Georgetown, is accused of

wounding Dwayne Morris, with intent to murder him. The incident allegedly occurred on June 4, at D’Urban Street, Georgetown. According to reports, the complainant sustained chops about his body. In this regard, Fung-a-Fat had attested that Archibald was acting in self defence, since the two parties were involved in an altercation. Archibald professed his innocence to the Magistrate on Monday and claimed that the police were victimizing him. He also pleaded with the Magistrate to reduce his bail which was initially set at $500,000. His request was granted by the Magistrate and Archibald was ordered to post bail to the tune of $300,000. He was also ordered not to go within 50 feet of the victim.

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Wednesday November 11, 2015

Wednesday November 11, 2015

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West Indies announce Test squad for Tour of Australia WICRICNEWS - ST. JOHN’S, Antigua – The Selection Panel of the West Indies Cricket Board announced on Tuesday a 15member Test squad for the Tour of Australia, starting later this month. Reinstated Head Coach Phil Simmons will be in charge of the side as they face a tough ask Down Under. The squad departs the Caribbean on Monday, November 23, and will hold a training camp in Australia prior to the start of the match programme there. SQUAD:Jason Holder (Captain), Kraigg Brathwaite (Vice Captain), Devendra Bishoo, Jermaine Blackwood,

Carlos Brathwaite, Darren Bravo, Rajindra Chandrika, Shane Dowrich, Shannon Gabriel, Shai Hope, Denesh Ramdin, Kemar Roach, Marlon Samuels, Jerome Taylor and Jomel Warrican. Team Management Unit Phil Simmons (Head Coach) Sir Richie Richardson (Team Operations Manager) Stuart Williams (Assistant Coach) Sir Curtly Ambrose (Bowling Consultant) Andre Coley (Assistant Coach) C.J. Clark (Physiotherapist) Ronald Rogers (Strength & Conditioning Coordinator) Virgil Browne (Massage

Therapist) Dexter Augustus (Performance Analyst) Philip Spooner (Media Relations Officer) MATCH SCHEDULE December Wed 2 to Sat 5 - Cricket Australia XI vs West Indians – Allan Border Field, Brisbane Thu 10 to Mon 14 - First Test – Blundstone Arena, Hobart Sat 19 to Sun 20 - Tour Match – Simonds Stadium, Geelong Sat 26 to Wed 30 - Second Test – Melbourne Cricket Ground January Sun 3 to Thu 7 - Third Test – Sydney Cricket Ground. (WICB)

Wednesday November 11, 2015 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Don't waste time today, Aries. Act with courage. Tap your primal nature and throw caution to the wind. Your wit and keen mind provide you with opportunities that you should jump on. TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) There's a powerful force urging you to act today, Taurus. Someone may be working counter to your aims and trying to rub you the wrong way. Don't let people outwit you. GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Put the pedal to the metal today and have confidence in all your actions, Gemini. There's a great deal of power in your words. CANCER (June 21–July 22) Something about silence doesn't seem right to you today, Cancer. Keep talking. Eventually someone will say something meaningful. Latch on to lucrative ideas and keep your ears open for new opportunities. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Despite all your rage, you're still just a rat in a cage. Get out of your box, Leo. Influences from other people may cause some serious transformation in your mindset. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) You may be anxious to say what's on your mind today, Virgo. Words are on the tip of your tongue and you aren't afraid to let them spill out. Be careful.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Your mind is extra clear today, Libra. Make sure you're helping yourself as well as others. Take care of any tasks that require a great deal of brainpower. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Do your thing today, Scorpio, and don't take garbage from others. Take control of the issue when you see that something needs to get done. SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) You will be able to think clearly today, Sagittarius. Do the best you can with what you have to work with. Do your thing and let people do theirs. Don't dwell on others' dramas. CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) Express yourself. You've given other people plenty of time to have their say. It's now time to chime in with your opinion. Don't be an observer. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) Your mind is sharp as a tack today, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power behind your thoughts, so use it wisely. Take this energy to work and see how much you can accomplish. Lady Luck is on your side. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) What are you waiting for, Pisces? You aren't going to meet anyone new by staying inside all the time. You aren't going to become a rock star if you never pick up an instrument. Don't do anything halfway today.

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St. Angela’s crowned 2015... (From page 32) Toney, Marketing Manager of Courts Pernell Cummings and Petra CoDirector Troy Mendonca, all made remarks. The final lived up to all expectations as the technical superiority of St. Angela’s was met with robust defending by Enterprise and the opening period saw both teams fail to trouble the scoresheet. However, the contest eventually came to life nine minutes into the second period as McArthur fired in a curling effort from the left side

of the field, which nestled nicely, perfectly into the top right hand corner of the goal to instigate euphoria among their supporters. It then became 2-0 four minutes later as the talismanic Douglas netted his first goal of the match, after racing on to a free ball following a goal mouth melee to boot it past the keeper. Archibald then made the game a bit interesting when his corner kick taken from the right side of the field eluded the grasp of the keeper to bounce over

the line. However St. Angela’s was in no mood to entertain any intrigue Douglas sealed the deal, racing past his marker to deliver a screamer past a surprised goalkeeper which evidently wrapped up the title for them. In the third place playoff, St. Pius edged West Ruimveldt 5-4 on penalty kicks after regulation time ended 1-1. Sherwyn Reid scored for St. Pius in the 10th minute, while Mark Cameron netted for West Ruimveldt in the 19th minute.

Smalta Girls Pee Wee Schools... (From page 35) the involvement and development of women’s football, adding that while there will be no financial benefit for sponsors, the returns will be the satisfaction of being amongst the first to assist in the development of women’s football in Guyana. He said that the tournament is a good start for the women’s Football Association and that the GFF was happy to give sanction to the Petra Organisation which according to him has a healthy respect within the Federation’s corridors. He applauded the Organisers on behalf of the GFF for putting together such an important tournament. Ministry of Education’s Nicholas Fraser spoke of the good track record of the Petra Organisation, informing that offering its approval for the event was an easy one for them. He cited the strong relationship that then Petra Organisation gas with the corporate community as proof of their good record, but threw out a challenge to them to expand the tournament to other

Keeping Bush Lot Alive... (From page 33) Guy Nurse and Sergeant Cynthia Kelly were commended for doing a good job during the incident free day of racing. Organizer Nazrudeen Mohammed expressed his pleasure how the day’s activity was conducted. The next event organized by the group is the Guyana Cup Re-match set for December 20th at the Port Mourant Turf Club. Over $10M is up for grabs in that event. (Samuel Whyte)

regions as well. He congratulated the organizers and wished all the teams every success. Petra Organisation Co-Director Troy Mendonca told the gathering that they felt there was need to organize the tournament for girls since it was being neglected and in keeping with FIFA’s mandate, they took up the challenge to assist in its development.

He urged the young players to make good use of the opportunity that is being presented to them and play hard, but within the rules of the game. He disclosed that sixteen teams will be participating in the competition which starts on Saturday and ends on December 5. Up for grabs will be trophies and medals.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Shotokan Karate-Do of Guyana 2015 Nationals a huge success Shaqueel Amin and Kristian Chaves senior and junior champs The National Gymnasium was alight with the competitive spirit of the Shotokan Karate-Do of Guyana students on Saturday October 31when the Shotokan KarateDo of Guyana held its 2015 National Championships. Emerging as the Senior Champion was 18-year-old Shaqueel Amin, while the Junior Champion was Kristian Chaves. The tournament was declared open by Chief Instructor, Sensei Christopher Chaves-Godan, who highlighted the importance of respect, decorum, and discipline which is needed to be good martial artists. Spectators were entertained by the competitiveness and demonstrations led Amin who exhibited great skill in defence from attacks by multiple opponents. Over seventy-five (75) karatekas from the Headquarter Dojo - National Park, Mae’s Primary School Annex and Craig Dojo, E.B.D competed for top honors in individual kata, kumite, and team kata events in various age and rank divisions. Added to this, the competitiveness and standard was very high in both the Junior and Senior Divisions. In the Junior Division, Kristian Chaves-Shodan, was awarded the Junior Champion Trophy, he won 1st in both individual kata and kumite contest in the Boys 10 -11 year old Brown to Black belt division. He was also part of the team that won 1st place in the

Group 2 Team Kata contest, that team scored the highest points-18.9 points in the junior team kata contest with the kata” Chinte”. In the Senior Division, Prince Roberts emerged the winner in the Male Kata contest with his performance of kata GojushihoSho, while in Kumite Shaqueel AminNidan created a major accomplishment by first defeating the more experienced 2014 Kumite Champion Shermon Best in the preliminary round. Shaquell Amin then competed fiercely with Prince Roberts for 1st place, after 3 minutes of competitive kumite, the match was declared a draw, they then proceeded to “Saki-dori”, which is an extension of the match known as “Sudden Death” where the first opponent to score won. As they cautiously proceeded, Prince Roberts in his quest to take the title made a fatal move by turning his back whilst competing, to which Shaqueel Amin quickly made use of the opportunity and executed an attack to the head, thus being declared the winner by sudden death. This did result in Shaqueel being awarded the senior champion trophy for his outstanding performance. Commenting on his win, Kristian Chaves said that regular practice, hard work and dedication helped him excel, while Shaqueel Amin said he felt great to achieve

Participants with champions stooping after the successful tournament the top honor in the Senior Division which came about from diligent and intense training. Sensei Chaves thanked parents, sponsors, supporters and competitors for making the tournament a huge success. The medals were distributed by Referees- Sensei Neville Holder, Sensei Marvin Singh and Sensei Marlon George. SHOKOGUY is the official representative of International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) with members in over 50 countries worldwide and is headed by 10th Dan Master Teruyuki Okazaki. Shotokan Karate-Do of Guyana will next focus on attending the 2016 ISKF International Camp and Goodwill Tournament in June and the 3rd ISKF World Shoto Cup in August 2016 in Capetown, South Africa. Their combined effort and corporate support will

Judokas qualify for International Judo tournament following recent successes Several judokas were victorious in their respective categories when the Guyana Judo Association (GJA) staged a competition, the final one for the year, on the lawns of the Muslim Youth Organization (MYO), Woolford Avenue November 1. Consequently, three practitioners, Terrence Williams, Kilbert Archer and Earskine Trotman, have qualified for the 15th International Judo tournament scheduled for Barbados from December 3-7. In all, 40 practitioners vied for honours in 6 weight divisions and an Open Category. The organizers said that the tournament was of a very high standard with the junior practitioners starting the competition on a high note. Those outstanding practitioners in this category are Zeblun Allicock of the Albouystown Masjid Dojo, who competed in the 18kgs division and finished at the first place spot. He was later adjudged the practitioner with the best tech-

nique. Sulaiman Alli and Yusuf Britton, also from the Albouystown Masjid Dojo, completed the 2nd and 3rd podium positions respectively. Tariq Mohammed won the top spot in the 27-29kgs division with Joshua Samaroo finishing second and Ishmael Allicock closing off the podium spots. Another youth category, the 3241kgs division, saw Zacharias Wray emerging victorious over Zede Wray with Junaid Barlow finishing third. The senior category (4654kgs) was won by Jalon Daniels, while Andrew Prince and Keron Bourne finished 2nd and 3rd respectively. There were 2 other senior categories; in the first (6265kgs), Kilbert Archer carted off the top honours with Devon Gladstone and Terrence Williams finishing second and third respectively. Earskine Trotman dominated the 72-100kgs division leaving Anton Stevens and

Kabisa Rogers in his wake. Terrence Williams made amends for his second place spot in the lighter category when he won the open category and was further adjudicated the Best fighter of the tournament. Meanwhile, the organizers said that they were impressed with the high level of skill and discipline demonstrated by the practitioners. They said that such results have triggered a reinvigoration to take the sport in all ten regions of the country. The organizers also said that the association is in dire need of equipment to enhance their efforts to broaden the scope of the sport. They revealed that they have relayed their concerns to their parent body, the International Judo Federation (IJF), and those concerns are currently being reviewed. Bounty Chicken had supported the venture and the organizers have extended special thanks to the administrators for their timely chivalry.

assist in the realization of their participation. Interested persons who wish to register, partner and

acquire membership with ShokoGuy (National Park, Thomas Lands) can contact any of these members listed:

Sensei Christopher Chaves – 6490761. Sensei Marvin Singh – 641-1346. Sensei Marlon George – 600-7350

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 31

Suriname reclaims Amy Grant to seek Independent Title at Tennis IGG Inquiry from GOA Letter to the Sports Editor

Dear Editor, Here are the facts of the matter which concerns National junior swimmer Amy Grant who will now approach the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA) to intervene in a matter that we believe the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) is being less than professional in handling. Amy is challenging the association to justify why she has not been credited with a National Record in the Girls 13-14 50m SC Butterfly which she swam at the July Sprint Meet/Goodwill 2015 Team Trials on July 11th, 2015 at the National Aquatic Centre, Liliendaal. We had sent a mail to the Secretary of GASA since July and according to the minutes of the meeting held in September, the Secretary did not submit our letter to the Council. After a media release on the matter came out, my club’s Executive members then decided to represent the case and they sent a letter of petition for the record. On Tuesday 6th October, 2015 we received a mail from the President of Silver Sharks Swim Club - the club Amy is a member of. According to the President, a decision on the issue was made at GASA’s Council Meeting. However, for some reason or the other, GASA has not sent any formal response on the decision to us to date. Mr. Beaton has sent me a mail which the club’s assistant representative has sent him and it indicates that the decision not to uphold records was made at the Technical meeting. However, the Secretary of GASA, who is also a member of Silver Sharks Swim Club did not know, along with three others from two other clubs. That means out of five clubs, members from three different clubs who were at the Technical meeting did not know. Most importantly there was no minutes for the Technical meeting to prove validity of it being discussed and decided upon at that Technical meeting. We wrote Mr. Beaton on October 15th, asking him to send a request to GASA’s Council for a formal response on their decision. His reply was that “He will let me know their decision as soon as it is available.” His mail did not indicate that he or the reps would make

the effort to seek a formal response from GASA’s Council. Hence we can’t say what decision was taken because we did not receive either the minutes of that meeting or any formal response from GASA. We believe that GASA’s Council has not acted in a professional way towards the issue from the start and even to this moment. As mentioned before, since July to now we can’t get an official response from GASA. The term “definitive” was used by our club rep in her report to our club President. We have no idea of GASA’s official decision .We had instances when the Secretary of GASA did not know if she was acting in the capacity of Secretary or as a club parent although she was giving us directives to write her concerning the matter so that she can table it for the Council Meeting. Then there is the matter of deciding on such a technical issue. GASA does not have a Technical Committee! However, according to our club rep. Ms. Campbell, the matter was decided on at the Council Meeting. That means the majority of Council members were involved in whatever was decided on. In other words, the people who decided have no technical knowledge to make such decisions. With regard to the level of representation we have received from Amy’s club so far, we are most definitely unsatisfied with Silver Shark’s role in the entire matter. They have been very unprofessional from the start. When we wrote to the club rep. Mr. Leon Seaton in July requesting of him to take the case forward and ‘representing it’ he did not reply to our mail. A few days later we telephoned him and asked him if he had received the mail and he responded in the positive but told us that we should talk to the referee ourselves. We had to remind him of his duty and what it entails but still he did not take the matter to Council. Subsequently, we had a media release about the unfairness in the sport. We were then invited to a meeting where the Executives of Silver Shark decided to represent the matter. We strongly feel that they came on board to MIS-REPRESENT us to protect themselves and the Council. The president and two club reps did not know

how to approach GASA’s Council with the matter so they asked us to write a letter petitioning the case since we had the knowledge of the rules and conduct of swimming. It was also decided by everyone at the meeting, that should any changes be made to the letter, then they would seek our approval before sending it to GASA Council because Amy Grant is a minor. Two emails were sent to Ms. Tricia Campbell, the female rep. reminding her not to send any correspondence on behalf of Amy since she is a minor and as such we have the absolute right to act on her behalf for all matters pertaining to her as we are her legal guardians. On October 2nd, Ms. Campbell emailed us to tell us that the mail was sent off. The Council Meeting was to be held on October 1st. That response confirmed our dreadful feeling that they had achieved their purpose of MIS-REPRESENTING us. We did not see the letter until the afternoon of October 3rd when Amy’s father was asked to attend an impromptu meeting to which he had to be present in half an hour. The letter was dated 30th September. That meant they had enough time to send us the mail before it was sent to GASA’s Council. This level of unfair and unprofessional treatment has prompted us to now seek the intervention of the Guyana Olympic Association for them to conduct an Independent Inquiry. We are now not concerned at all about being victimized since that has already happened. We were told that the coaches would not coach Amy. We know the situation is not going to get better in this regard as we have seen what other swimmers have experienced after their parents have disagreed with certain GASA Council members. Amy would not have been training at the National Aquatic Centre had it not been for Ms. Stephanie Fraser and the Executive Members of the Dorado Speed Swim Club who have extended their hospitality to us to have Amy train with them. We do not believe the majority of GASA’s Council has been professional as they ought to be in this case or generally. S i n c e r e l y , The Grants.

The Tennis players of the respective teams, Guyana, winners Suriname and French Guiana. Through the minor setback of losing one of the female team members to injury, the team representing Guyana at Tennis IGG 2016 had a good fight, however, were unsuccessful in their pursuit to hold this year’s trophy. The team was in high spirit going into the final day of doubles competition after posting a difference of two loses from the top of the singles leader board, Suriname 13, French Guiana 12 and Guyana 11. However, failing to convert critical opportunity with tactical maneuvers after being in the lead, ultimately led to a decline in team’s moral which cost them to slip, resulting in an overall loss. Out of the total of 54 matches played (36 singles 18 doubles), Suriname came in 1st with 21 wins, French Guiana racking up 19 wins to be place 2nd and Guyana

secured 14 wins to take 3rd place. The ladies secured 10 wins of the 14 matches won despite having to forfeit 3 of their matches because of an injured player. They posted 2nd place behind Suriname’s 11 wins. It was pointed out by the coaches that although the scores reflect a loss, there were outstanding performances from Kalyca Fraser, Shivani Persaud, Keenan Persaud, especially Jordan Beaton who is 13 years old and matched the power of the top two French and Dutch under-18s. It included Joshua Kalekyezi and Viraj Sharma making their debut on the IGG scene and showcasing great potential and discipline. While the Regional Development Officer John Goede, highlighted Afurica Gentle’s power and Mark McDonald for his energy, it was noted there were several technical

parts of their games that needed correcting before they break into the next level. At the officials meeting it was agreed that the tournament would be rebranded with a new name and plans are afoot to incorporate other territories in the long run as to make this tournament the biggest tennis tournament in the southern Caribbean. Next year the tournament will be held in French Guiana and Guadalupe and Martinique have been invited to compete. Coach Leyland Leacock and Jason Andrews headed the team made up of Girls U12: Sarah Klautky and Alana Chung, Boys U12: Joshua Kalekyezi and Viraj Sharma, Girls U14: Kalyca Fraser and Shivani Persaud, Boys U14: Mark McDonald and Keenan Persaud, Girls U18: Afruica Gentle and Aretta Dey, Boys U18: Daniel Lopes and Jordan Beaton.

GDA welcome home two-day Competition underway The Georgetown Domino Association (GDA) is hosting a two-day welcome home Competition for its President Faye Joseph which began yesterday and ends today at her residence 1223 Gaulding Place, South Ruimveldt Park. According to release from the entity, a total of over $250,000 will be up for grabs with the winning team set to receive $150,000, second place- $75,000 and third place$35,000 with trophies, all donated by the President. Special prizes will be given to the Player of the Final and the Best Female Team. The release added that there will be lots of giveaways and the tournament will be run in accordance with the rules that govern the GDA. The first ten teams to have registered will be the

Tournament Organiser Mark Wiltshire (right) receives one of the trophies up for grabs from Trophy Stall staffer Travis Brandon at the entity’s location, Bourda Market. ones to participate in the competition and an entrance fee of $10,000 will be charged. The Organisers are also

asking teams to respect the dress code which will be in effect, while smoking in the venue is strictly prohibited.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday November 11, 2015

GCC and PEPSI Hikers battle to GTT Round Robin / Knockout Football Competition thrilling draw in GT&T opener Kings, Topp XX cruise past respective opponents

As the evening wound down for the opening night of the GT&T National Indoor Championships, the defending champs PEPSI Hikers and GCC took to the floor for the highly anticipated men’s first division matchup. The two rivals have shared the success in recent years and have created more than a few memorable duels that went to the wire. The teams picked up just where they left off as it was apparent that the crowd was in for an entertaining treat from the opening whistle. Though both teams stalked their opponent like a bull and matador, the Hikers won a penalty corner from their first major penetrating attack of the match and defender Shane Samuels tested the roof of the net with remarkable power and accuracy to give the Hikers a 1-0 lead. The game settled into a cautious but exciting balance of threatening attacks at both ends until the elusive Robert France slipped by the GCC defender on the left wing to gain a good look at goal. Although France’s shot was skilfully blocked by goalkeeper Rawl Davson, National

and Hikers Captain Devin Munroe fired back the rebound to give his side a 2-0 cushion three minutes before halftime. With the half all but over, three minutes was all it took for national midfielder Orland Semple to put on a clinic on scoring by latching onto two passes in like manner in the 18th and 19th minutes, levelling the scores at 2-2 with a pair of diving finishes. GCC’s Eric Hing seemed to have stolen the victory for his side deep into the second half when he slid a shot from the narrowest of angles to catch the Hikers keeper unprepared. With GCC up by one goal and only three minutes remaining till full time, the Hikers chances of saving the game slipped further away when guest player Orlando Guirola of Cuba received a green card and a temporary suspension from the playing area. Hikers’ striker Jamarj Assanah chose this moment to show his class as he received a pass from the left before carving his way through three GCC defenders to fire a shot at goalkeeper

Davson. Davson parried the shot in fine fashion but Captain Devin Munroe was there once again for the put back, and final goal of the match, drawing the score at 3-3. Earlier in the evening in the other men’s first division matches, Old Fort schooled the Jaguars by a 7-3 margin, while the Pumas dispatched Saints 5-2. The lone ladies match saw a brilliant performance by Panthers striker Shebiki Baptiste en route to a 3-0 beating of the Hikers. Baptiste scored the opening two goals for her side and put the game beyond doubt before Tiffany Solomon added the third and final goal from a penalty corner. In the men’s second division competition, Old Fort defeated Saints 3-0, while the battle of newcomers saw Phoenix edge past Saint Stanislaus College 1-0. GCC then rounded out a solid evening of matches with a 10 victory over the Hikers. Matches continue for the rest of the week at the national gymnasium with the finals being played from 17:00hrs on Sunday.

Victoria Kings and Topp XX cruised past their respective opponents when play in the GTT Round Robin / Knockout Football Competition continued on Monday night, at the Victoria ground, East Coast Demerara. In the feature clash, Victoria Kings defeated Golden Grove by a 2-0 margin, while Topp XX b e a t A n n ’s G r o v e b y a similar scoreline in the opening encounter. Played before a fair-sized crowd, Kings experienced marksman Winston Pompey opened the scoring for the home side in the 48th minute, racing on to a loose ball within the centre of the box, before smashing it past the goalkeeper into the lower right hand corner to send the home supporters into frenzy. Winger Alden Lawrence then doubled their lead in the 72nd minute with a well

directed header from the centre of the box that glanced off an opposing defender, before landing into the roof of the goal. The visitors then had a chance to pull one back after winning a penalty, but the weak effort was pushed into touch for a corner in the 83rd minute. Victoria Kings had a similar chance to make it 3-0 after being awarded a penalty from a reckless challenge in the boc, but the ensuing spot kich was squandered by Rueben Morris whose shot was saved by the goalkeeper. The scoreline remained the same until the final whistle sounded to hand the Kings full points, the same as Topp XX who won their opening clash against Ann’s Grove thanks to a brace from Travis Watterton. Watterton broke the stalemate in the 83rd minute

after delivering a piledriver from about 30 yards out which blew past the diving Ann’s Grove goalkeeper with blinding speed. Five minutes later he was back in action, with another piece of mastery, this time cutting inside the penalty area, before firing past the keeper to give his team a 2-0 advantage minutes from full time. Winner of the event will pocket $500,000 and the championship trophy while the second place side will pocket $250,000 and the respective accolade. The third place side will receive $125,000 and a trophy while the fourth positioned unit will collect $75,000 and the respective accolade. Action in the competition will resume on Thursday, at the Mackenzie Sports Club (MSC) ground in Linden with another doubleheader.

Simmons reinstated as West Indies coach ESPNcricinfo -Phil Simmons has been reinstated as West Indies’ coach by the WICB. Simmons was suspended as coach in September after he had expressed his unhappiness with the ODI squad selected for the Sri Lanka tour. His reinstatement, the WICB said in a statement, was “conditioned upon” two criteria: “issuance to him of a letter of reprimand for his inappropriate public comments”, and his “making a public apology to the WICB and persons whom he may have offended”. The WICB said it will, however, also investigate the allegations made by Simmons, and take action as required against any parties found guilty. “I regret my public outburst during a press conference on the 25th of September 2015 in Barbados, called to announce the West Indies Cricket Board men’s senior team selected to tour Sri Lanka in October and November, and the revelation of the voting that took place at the team selection meeting,” Simmons said. “I extend a public apology to all whom I may have offended, I have personally apologised to my fellow selectors and the West Indies Cricket Board and now do so

The WICB said it will investigate the allegations made by Phil Simmons, and take action as required © Getty Images again publicly. I am looking forward to putting this behind me and doing the job I enjoy with the West Indies senior men’s teams, to continue heading towards the goal that we have in sight and towards which we have started working.” Simmons had alleged outside interference in the selection of the ODI squad for the tour of Sri Lanka, saying he had not been given the best ODI squad. Before the squad was officially announced by the WICB, he said that even

though he and the captain Jason Holder wanted allrounders Dwayne Bravo and Kieron Pollard in the team, they were left out. He said that Bravo and Pollard also had the backing Clive Lloyd, the chairman of selectors, but he and Lloyd were outvoted 3-2 in the selection meeting. Besides Lloyd, the other selectors on the panel are: Courtney Walsh, Courtney Browne and Eldine Baptiste the last of whom was asked to oversee the team temporarily after Simmons’ suspension. Bravo and Pollard had not been considered for ODI selection since they were dropped for the series in South Africa in January this year, and their omission from the World Cup squad generated plenty of debate. At the time Lloyd had said he had spoken to the two players and explained to them that the selection panel wanted to move on and give youngsters more chances. West Indies have been struggling in Sri Lanka, losing all six of the internationals they have played on the tour so far, across the three formats. The final match of the tour, the second of two T20s, will be played on Wednesday.

Courts Pee Wee Schools Football Competition

St. Angela’s crowned 2015 champions St. Angela’s crowned an astonishing perfomance throughout this year’s Courts Pee Wee Schools Football Competition following a resounding 3-1 triumph over Enterprise in the final which was played before a capacity crowd yesterday, at the Banks DIH ground, Thirst Park. Leading the champions to victory was Tournament Most Valuable Player and Highest Goalscorer of the Tournament Keyon Douglas, who netted a double in the 33rd and 40th minutes to end the competition with the maximum 16 goals. Earlier, Antonio McArthur had given St. Angela’s the lead with an opening strike in the 29th minute, while Seon Archibald 36th minute effort had threatened to make the game interesting. Due to the win, St. Angela’s won the championship trophy,

-St. Pius finish third

Tournament MVP Keyon Douglas medals, a set of team uniforms, certificates and a computer package, while Enterprise received the second place trophy, medals, six footballs, certificates and a computer package. In the individual awards, Douglas walked away with the highest goal scorer and a tablet for being the event’s

MVP. St. Angela’s completed the sweep of the individual player awards as Timeni Cort received the best goal-keeper award after conceding only one goal throughout the event. Receiving the best coach award of a tablet was St. Angela’s Oscar Payne, while the most supportive teacher award of a tablet went to Avril January of St. Angela’s. Janice DeAbreu of South Ruimveldt Primary was presented with the most supportive parent award. Following the presentation ceremony, Country Manager of Courts Clyde DeHaas, Sports Director Christopher Jones, Representative of the Ministry of Education Nicholas Fraser, GFF Director of Marketing and Communications Rawle (Continues on page 25)

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 33

Keeping Bush Lot Alive Meet a success as Jumbo Jet stable outstanding Goodwill boy claims feature event

Banks DIH Supervisor Warren Archer hands over the Banks DIH trophy to owner and trainer Tribowhan Jagdeo for Good will Boy’s victory in the feature event. Jockey Paul Delph is perched on the animal. The sun was out in all its glory and the large crowd on hand had a day full of action when the Jumbo Jet Business enterprise and Racing Stables in collaboration with the Bush Lot United Turf Club successfully staged their one day “Keeping Bush Lot Alive Horserace” meet on Sunday last. The event was held at the Club’s Track, Sea View Park, Corentyne, Berbice. Although the Jumbo Jet and Shariff Stables were the dominant ones on show with The Jumbo Jet taking champion stable honours, the day belongs to Goodwill Boy of the Jagdeo stable as it put in a sterling performance with a strong run down the homestretch to upstage its more illustrious opponents and create a major upset to take the feature event. The event was for 4 year old animals and those classified E and lower. With horses such as Spit

Fire, Jack in MY Style Unsettled, Red and Lovely, Giant Time and Dulahan in the race, Goodwill Boy ridden by the season campaigner Paul Delph and trained by the tactician Tribowhan Jagdeo was entered as an outsider. PreRace favourite Spit Fire of The Shariff stable was out early and led for most of the way with Jockey Colin Ross looking in full control. The others came up to challenge and were quickly brushed off. Into the homestretch, Spit Fire still had things under control and seemed to be heading for an easy win, but up came Goodwill Boy on the inside with a strong challenge to surprise Spit Fire. The win was worth $600,000 and the Banks DIH Trophy. Unsettled held on for third with Red and Lovely coming in fourth in the one mile event. Keep on Swinging of the Jumbo Jet Stable ridden by

The Jumbo Jet connections smile as they receive another trophy, this time for the G and lower event. Ramnauth bid its time nicely and with a strong finish was able to take control down the home stretch to win the $400,000 winners money and trophy in the three year old West Indies and Guyana bred event ahead of Settling Star, It’s My Choice and front runner Strom Bird in the one mile event. There was no stopping Wichie Poo of the Shariff stable with Colin Ross as it won from gate to pole in the two year old Guyana and West Indies bred 1200M event, with stablemate Firing Line producing a strong finish rushing past Red Rocket and Isn’t She Charming. The win was worth 300,000 and trophy. There was a one two victory for horses of the Jumbo Jet stable in the G1 and lower 1300M event as Rosetta with Paul Delph finished with a burst of speed to edge past Release the Beast and take home the

Miss Yasmin Shariff of the Shariff Stable receives the winning trophy in the two year race from Miss Niketa Ross of the organising committee.

Wichie Poo and Firing Line of the Shariff stable powers home in the two year old event.

$300,000 first prize and trophy . Sent From Above of The Lenny Singh stable with Delph again in the saddle showed them why it was given that name as it whipped the field with agate to pole victory in the H1 and lower event as Fresh Again finish strongly ahead of Royal Empire and Goldikova.

The J and lower race was won by Party Time ahead of Red Jet, Little and Blue Lightning. De Gump was in winner’s row in the K class event as it triumphed over Massa Quita, Another Storm and Amazon Warrior. The Jumbo Jet stable made a clean sweep of the individual prizes. Apart from winning the champion stable

accolade, Paul Delph was named champion Jockey with trainers Nazrudeen “Jumbo Jet” Mohammed ‘Junior’ and Carlton “Black Mouth” Pluck sharing the honours. They all received trophies compliments of Ramesh Sunich of the Trophy Stall. The police led by Assistant Superintendent (Continued on page 25)

Page 34

Kaieteur News

Wednesday November 11, 2015

All stars win Diwali sixes at Malteenoes The winning All Stars team with the Diwali sixes trophy.

Most Valuable Player Andrew Lyght Jr led the All Stars to the title with a brutal innings in the Final. A n d r e w Ly g h t J r clobbered a brutal unbeaten 34 with seven fours to lead the six-man All Stars team to the Diwali sixes five overs

cricket title in a festive atmosphere yesterday at the Malteenoes ground. Lyght, the son of former West Indies ‘B’ team opener

Andrew Lyght, batted in similar fashion to his late father who is the only Guyanese to score a FirstClass hundred in Barbados

never to play Test cricket, to cop both the Man-of-theMatch and Player of the tournament awards. Playing GCC in the final of the seven-team competition in cloudy conditions on a fast outfield, Lyght and Troy Benn give their team a rollicking start before Benn was taken in the deep for 19 in the fourth over at 50-1. Shaid Gittens (8) hit Khemraj Jaikarran for consecutive fours before he gloved a hook to the Keeper after which Trevon Garraway departed. But big

hitting Lyght kept going to the end to see the All Stars to 64-3 from 5 overs. When GCC began their reply, Joshua Wade dumped Lyght for a six and a four off consecutive balls before the left-handed Elon Fernandes smashed Lyght for four through cover. Garraway conceded just seven runs in the second over, while Renaldo AliMohamed dumped Gittens for six but was caught in the deep as the Bourda boys, in front a large and vocal gathering, entertained by pulsating Dancehall music

from the Mechanics Sound System fought. After Richard Latiff had removed both openers, with Wade falling for eight and Fernandes 19, no one else could sustain the run chase. With 19 needed to win from the last over bowled by Benn, Ali-Mohamed hit the first ball for four before he was run out, but the task was too great for GCC and the over cost just 10 runs. In the semi-finals, GCC beat the Chris Barnwell led DCC and All Stars defeated Transport SC. West Berbice lost to TSC, All Stars lost to DCC, Bravados lost to GCC, MSC won by walk over from GNIC before All Stars beat West Berbice and MSC in the preliminary rounds in a tournament which attracted several prominent personalities including many of the Guyana Jaguars team members. (Sean Devers)

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 35

Seaboard Marine CMRC Smalta Girls Pee Wee Schools Football Competition launched ‘Rockstar’ Mark Maloney heading to Guyana

Sponsors representatives and stakeholders pose for a photo op with participating students at the Launch of the Smalta Girls Pee Wee Schools Football Competition. With FIFA’s mandate that all member associations must place a high priority on the development of women’s football, Ansa McAl under its Smalta brand has once again joined forces with the Petra Organisation to stage the 2nd Annual Girls Pee Wee Schools Competition. During a Launch Ceremony which was held on Monday afternoon at the Ministry of Education ground on Carifesta Avenue, representatives of sponsors including Ansa McAl’s Angela Rodney, Ministry of Public Health Dr. Melissa DeHart along with stakeholders the Guyana Football Federation (GFF)

and Ministry of Education addressed teachers and students present at the occasion. Rodney’s Company has been on board since the tournament’s birth and she spoke of their excitement about the tournament and the invite to be back once again. She stressed the importance of physical activities among young children, referring to the involvement of the young girls as a welcome development since not very often they are catered for. Dr. De Hart in her presentation expressed the Ministry’s gratitude for the invitation to be back on

board as well, informing that it fits really well into their programme of encouraging everyone to get involved in some form of physical activity. She gave a detailed account of the goals the Ministry is working to achieve in terms of getting the nation to understand the importance of exercising and eating healthy and p r o m i s e d t h e e n t i t y ’s continued support in the future. GFF Communications Officer Rawle Toney, who represented the Organisation disclosed that a lot of emphasis is being placed on (Continued on page 25)

Whenever he takes to the track you can bet that no favours are asked and none will be given. Such is the individual aggression and confidence of Barbados speedster Mark Maloney. Maloney’s reputation of being amongst the most skilled drivers on the regional circuit is well documented; a mixture of success and failure, but one thing is certain he will keep coming back no matter the challenge. ‘Rockstar’ Maloney, who drives a Mazda RX 3 will be part of the Barbados contingent scheduled to arrive later this week to participate in the Seaboard Marine Caribbean Motor Racing Championship which revs off this Sunday, at the South Dakota Circuit. A racer with exceptional skills and one who many refer to as one of the daredevils on any Circuit in the Caribbean, Guyanese fans will have another opportunity to witness the master at work in his attempt to upstage the ‘new kid on the block’ Kristian Jeffrey, veteran Andrew King and

Mark Maloney

others. The Bajan has not performed to his usual high standards this year, his machine has experienced some mechanical problems, but his love for the sport, the Guyanese track and hospitality has forced his return to thrill the local fans. The younger Jeffrey has been near to flawless this year after producing some staggering performances on debut last year so Maloney’s machine will have to perform to optimum to stave off what is already anticipated to be a clean sweep by Jeffrey.

Maloney will be cognizant of Trinidad and Tobago’s points leading 658 points and will no doubt be aiming to boost his country’s chances of winning the overall title. They currently sits in second position on 533 followed by host Guyana on 511, Jamaica with 369 and Cayman Islands in the cellar on 138. What is certain is that all who trek to the South Dakota Circuit will witness exhilarating stuff in the final showdown among the regional stars of motor racing.

t r o Sp Courts Pee Wee Schools Football Competition

St. Angela’s crowned 2015 champions -St. Pius finish third

Country Manager of Courts Clyde DeHaas and Sports Director Christopher Jones (centre) pose with the winning team St. Angela’s and officials along with their hardware yesterday.

GCC and PEPSI Hikers battle to thrilling draw in GT&T opener Part of the action in one of the men’s games at the National Gymnasium on Monday evening.

The ladies of Panthers and Hikers battle for possession during Monday’s encounter. Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210

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