Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Agricola fatal shooting…

Rank further remanded; Protest locks down Magistrates' Court

Terrence Wallace By Zena Henry The arrival of Special Constable Terrence Wallace at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court incensed a small group of picketers

Friday October 12, 2012

which quickly grew yesterday morning. The rank, one of three charged with the murder of 17-yearold Agricola resident Shaquille Grant, arrived at

the court seated in the front seat of a prison van, unshackled and without handcuffs. Cries echoed from Agricola residents and other supporters who believed that Wallace was being given “special treatment”. The rank exited the police van and the people chanted, “We want justice.” They claimed that Wallace was allowed to handcuff himself before heading towards the court's holding area. Subsequently, police ranks were seen on their cellular phones calling for back-up at the court. Heavily armed ranks later made their appearance, closing off the area in proximity of the court. Barricades blocked the section of Middle Street between Main and Carmichael Streets. The courtroom was later filled with persons desirous of witnessing the proceedings. Some persons had to remain outside since

seating was limited in the courtroom. Wallace was further remanded when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. The rank made his second appearance in court to answer allegations that on September 11, at Agricola, he, along with Jamal Lewis and Lance Corporal Warren Blue, murdered Shaquille Grant. The latter two officers are currently on the run and arrest warrants have been ordered by the court and wanted bulletins by the police. Attorney Basil Williams appeared on behalf of the Agricola family while Sonya Parag represented the charged officer. Prosecutor Kerry Boswick told the court that no progress had been made in the arrest of the two missing ranks. He asked the court to grant one week more for the charged officers to be located, since the prosecution had not received

any advice on the whereabouts of the missing officers. The police's request was granted since the court wants to have the Preliminary Inquiry (PI) take place with the ranks jointly charged. The court, however, ordered that if the men are not found, the PI will have to be conducted separately. Williams told the court that there are at least 30 witnesses ready to testify in the matter. He agreed that if the missing cops are not found, the matter will have to be conducted separately. Wallace was given October 29 to return to court. That court proceeding saw the closure of the day's court matters. Only one Magistrate returned to the court later in the afternoon to give prisoners new dates. That was after the Magistrates all left the building as picketers continued to vent their frustrations outside the court.

Following the hearing, the court had to be emptied so that Wallace could have exited. Kaieteur News was told that Wallace was taken to the upper flat of the court building and sneaked out the fire escape to the holding area at the back of the building. It was close to 16:00 hours and police ranks were still plotting the escape route for Wallace since picketers refused to let the prison van leave the area. Persons piled on each other, lying in the path of the van. Others stood directly in front of it. Numerous attempts were made, but the van was prevented from leaving. Rumours spread that the police were thinking of dressing Wallace in police uniform so that he could not be recognized, but the people yelled, “No way, we know what you look like. We know you”. As a result of that, the picketers surrounded the front half Continued on page 14

Friday October 12, 2012

Kaieteur News

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ECLAC unveils growth proposal…

Guyana to tap into “structural change for equality” By Abena Rockcliffe Guyana is slated to buy into the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)’s proposal for growth in Latin America and the Caribbean as stated in its latest publication titled “Structural change for equality, an integrated approach to development.” As the document was launched for the first time in the Caribbean yesterday at the Guyana International Conference Centre, President Donald Ramotar expressed that he thinks his government is “on the right path” as it invests in structural change and by extension human development since “investing here is really investing in development and investing in our future”. Structural change, according to ECLAC, means implementing qualitative transformations in the production structure of the region’s countries, in order to strengthen knowledgeintensive sectors and rapid growth in external and internal demand, thereby increasing the number and quality of jobs, boosted by new technology paradigms. Ramotar stated that Guyana can identify easily with the theme of the publication. “This is so because much of what we have achieved over the last two decades had to do with making important structural changes.” The president said that an important feature is the high degree of uncertainty and volatility that exists in national and economic relations. New issues, he said, have forced themselves on our stage such as climate change, questions of food security and decline of preferential markets and transnational crime, as he mentioned a few issues faced by his government “as we try to go forward.” Notwithstanding, the

President Donald Ramotar

ECLAC Director, Diane Quarless

president said “these challenges must always see us examining and reexamining our policies and being ready to make changes as the situation demands.” In this regard, Ramotar acknowledged that ECLAC has done excellent work in the Caribbean to help countries keep focused on the most important aspects of development. “We always argued that it is impossible for us to have sustained economic and social development unless we have a strong democracy and that is one of the things that have been central in our activities, constantly trying to strengthen our democracy to deepen it and to try to make it irreversible. We have also done a lot in trying to prepare and strengthen our institutions… a lot of our work, early on, and even now we continue to try to strengthen institutions in our country and to establish the legislative framework for these changes and keeping the structural changes in place.” This, he said, is particularly true, as it relates to issues of protecting fundamental human rights and privileges. “These move to the core of providing equal opportunities to the most

vulnerable in Guyanese society. I will say with some satisfaction that we are succeeding, our economy is now broadening out from the three pillars that it has historically, and as has been seen over the last few years, we have managed to minimize the effects of the international financial and economic crises that have affected so many in the world.” Ramotar said that the aforementioned is very important, as when an economy begins to slow it is the ordinary people, the poor, who suffer the most. He pointed out that the budget has seen a major shift in emphasis as its focus is no longer on administration, but on strengthening human capital. “We spent 30 percent of our budget on the social sector.” He stressed that the weapon to fight against poverty and equality is education. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn RodriguesBirkett, noted that Latin America and the Caribbean as a group has recorded the fastest average growth in the last decade and resisted the effects of the global financial and economic crises better than other regions of the world.

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett She said that there have been various viewpoints on the reason for this progress; for example progressive social equality, aimed at the poor investment in education, democratization, market policies and “some even say that it is the particular ideology of most of the governments elected during that period that resulted in the progress.” What is clear, she noted, is that there has been a paradigm shift from the last

30 years. Equality, she noted, is part of the policy all over the world especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the Minister, Guyana is not an exception “we have recorded positive growth for most of the last decade. Reduced poverty, increased active peer education and improved infrastructure.” Notwithstanding these developments, RodriguesBirkett made known that inequality continues to persist at one of the highest levels in the world. She said that ECLAC, because of its continued work, is probably best to speak on remedies as it relates to government and the constraints they are likely to face in administering those remedies; even as they move to administer a society where equality is placed at the front and centre. The Foreign Affairs Minister said that the document clearly identifies the issue and a menu of measures including macroeconomic policy, industrial policy, the role of information

and communication technology, bio technology, environmental sustainability, and the role of the state among others. “My question is where we go from here, now that we have identified what we have to do. Where do we obtain the resources to fast track the transition? Some of which have already started. Structural change, as the document recognizes, result in job loss in the short run, as sectors are prioritized and new ones are created. How does the state manage the change?” Jamaica-born Diane Quarless, Director ECLAC, Sub Regional headquarters for the Caribbean, said that ECLAC is traditionally well known for research for data collection and analysis that provides a foundation for information for policy-making that is extremely important to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean. She said that the publication is intended to provide both a vision and a practical guide to strategies that is a vast development after the crisis.

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Kaieteur News

Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Confront depression Yesterday, Guyana observed World Mental Health Day under the theme “Depression: a Global Crisis”. According to the World Mental Health Association, depression is estimated to affect 350 million people. In a study they conducted in 17 countries, they found that on average about one in 20 people reported having an episode of depression in the previous year. Depression is a serious medical condition with various forms of accompanying symptoms. The condition may manifest itself as feelings of sadness and melancholy, loss of interest in life, shattered self-image, indecisiveness, lack of focus, short span of attention, restlessness, random aches and pains, irregular sleeping patterns, and suicidal tendencies. Anyone with any of the preceding symptoms, or a combination thereof, persisting over at least two weeks, has a reason to worry and should be medically evaluated. According to the WHO, there are currently about 825,000 getting afflicted every year. It can happen to any person, irrespective of age, race, gender, or creed. There is no specific cause for depression. This makes the prevention that much more difficult as there really aren't any pointers. Several factors can be responsible including, but not necessarily limited to, environment, genetics, life events, medical conditions, and some thought-processes that can have an adverse effect on a person's reaction to certain happenings. While there is compelling evidence that depression runs in the family and that genes have a huge role to play in it, it is not necessary that a predisposed person may actually fall prey to this condition. Some individuals with a form of the disorder have had parents who have suffered some type of depression for several years as well. What is interesting is that it is still indeterminate whether it is the genes or a life event that has been the contributory factor. It is important to understand 'depression' and then react and respond to the affected party accordingly. Many of us mistake a depressed state of mind of an individual to be a case of lethargy, character flaw, less than positive attitude, or a lack of diligence, and react with scolding and destructive criticism. This leads us nowhere but to a dark, narrow alley of despair. Broadly speaking, depression is classified as a 'mood disorder.' The severe form of depression is known as 'major depression,' the longerlasting, chronic form is called 'dysthymia.' When the two conditions co-exist, it is referred to as 'double depression'. 'Adjustment disorder' can be defined as a depressive reaction to a specific life event such as a personal loss in life. 'Bipolar disorder' is another type of mood disorder that has a strong genetic basis. It involves alternating periods of extreme depression and those of mania, qualifying one to be a manic-depressive. With depression hitting so many persons, one wonders if modernity has been a double-edged sword, cutting both for and against. While there has been no definitive indication in this regard, it is not too hard to surmise it to be the case. Everyone reacts to adversity in a different way. Some take it in stride; others are consumed by it. Is the female gender more predisposed to feelings of depression? This is an interesting question and it has been observed now for a couple of decades that globally more women than men become depressed. It is possible that because of the tremendous responsibility placed on women for raising families in the face of all the pressures of the modern world – including extreme poverty as in Guyana – women face more of the “triggers” of depression. However, intriguingly, suicide – which is the end stage of some depressions - is more prevalent among men in Guyana. Obviously there needs to be further investigation. In Guyana, we tend to dismiss depression as just “feeling low”, but from the foregoing we can see it is much more than that. It is high time that it be placed higher on the national health agenda.

Friday October 12, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news

Don’t hammer the police without offering useful suggestions Dear Editor, The fact that the Guyana Police Force is giving serious consideration to reviewing its training c u r r i c u l u m a n d methodology is an indication that the administration recognises the importance of modifying its approach to training. It is understandable that a lot of focus will be on the recruit training phase, but I would hope that the review covers the various levels and aspects of instructional courses in which all ranks are required to participate. It goes without saying that a new recruit should be exposed to a basic curriculum which provides the best overall training and the tools necessary to become a credit to the Force. I recall when I joined the GPF in 1974 we new recruits when leaving the dormitory would be confronted by a full-length mirror which asked “Am I a credit to the Force?” A well designed training curriculum is very important to the success of individuals in their chosen career path.

It also has important benefits for the community in which they will be required to serve. Training in a variety of f i e l d s i n c l u d i n g l a w, community relations, firearms, vehicle driving, search and seizure, cultural awareness and ethics helps to produce well-rounded police officers. With proper orientation into the world of law enforcement, nothing is left to chance as the recruit will be better able to appreciate the role the police officer plays in the criminal justice system. I don’t believe that hammering the police force without offering constructive suggestions serves any useful purpose because if the police themselves do not believe that there is need for a change in the way things are done then no amount of criticism will cause things to change. Therefore as members of the public we have to help the GPF to come to grips with the reality that the professional development of

police ranks from recruit stage throughout their career must be addressed in a structured manner. Ethics and values need to be ingrained into the recruit from day one so that they know how important it is for members of the GPF to maintain high moral, ethical and professional standards. I have observed the physical build of many police ranks after they attain the rank of subordinate officer and I am amazed at the message they are sending to the younger ranks. I recall during my time in the Force that the four of the fittest officers were Slowe, Persaud, Ramnarine and Mentore (Alvin Smith was a class act) as we subscribed to the thinking that physical conditioning and emotional health are a necessary aspect in an officer’s life to carry out their job functions. Training must cover incidents with juveniles and the mentally ill and domestic violence situations. Ranks need to be able to interact well with others, co-workers and those within the

community. Recruits need to know the basics of firearms safety, weapon care, the use of force and the possibilities and consequences of criminal and civil liability. Once out in the field officer need to know how to handle situation that may require use of force and to conduct themselves within the GPF use of force policy. At the same time the safety of ranks needs to be addressed to train recruits on how to recognize and handle dangerous situations, and how to handle violent and dangerous people. Editor, it goes without saying that the lot of law enforcers is not a bed of roses, and members of the public may not appreciate the inherent dangers ranks are likely to face when going out on duty. The GPF has been lacking in not sensitizing the public to the pitfalls and problems of policing, but it is not too late and it is certainly not beyond the Force’s capacity to address these issues in innovative ways. Patrick E. Mentore

Registrar sets record straight Dear Editor, In response to the article captioned “The Registrar got it all wrong” published on the 26th September, 2012 in the Kaieteur News I would like to state that I am not at all surprised at what Mr. Sohan Poonai wrote. He has to vindicate himself to his clients and to his brothers and sisters of the legal fraternity by asserting that I am wrong. True, I am not an Attorney-at-Law, and never claimed to be one but I would like to remind him that according to the Land Registry Act, Chapter 5:02 an Attorney-at-Law is only required for the position of Commissioner of Title. Anyone who is familiar with Orders of Court would know that the sentence “Dated the 6th August, 2012 means the date the order was made by the Judge and the next line “Entered the. 28th August, 2012 would be the date it implies. It doesn’t take an Attorney-at-Law to know that. Justice Insanally’s orders were made on 11th May, 2012 as stated in Poonai’s article but he omitted Justice Chang’s orders which were made on the 6th August, 2012. Further, in his first article, he said I was not represented but in his second one he admitted

that I was indeed represented. Why would I not be represented? Land Registry is called upon to be in court and I complied with that request. At Justice Insanally’s hearing it was told to her that a mutation, compliance and rates and taxes were needed for the matters and Mr. S. Poonai promised to remedy the said transfers. The next day after the first article was printed citing contempt charges against me, Mr.S. Poonai telephoned Land Registry and spoke to the person who represented me in court and received all the relevant queries made by me. He said to go ahead with the other transfers, that he will take care of the mutation but our records did not show such entry. I called him back and on the third call he answered. I informed him that I cannot “go ahead”, that the other matters such as compliance and rates and taxes were outstanding. He said that he would take care of it. I also reminded him that there was a caveat on one transfer which incidentally was that the person had passed away. She had placed a caveat which means that document stops me from proceeding with the said transfer and according to the

Land Registry Act Section 125 (4) that caveat could only be removed by an Order of Court or by the Caveator and not by the Registrar as many lawyers believe. He asked how to go about removing the caveat. I replied that he had to approach the court supplying the death certificate. I had the Registry Officer who represented me in court to listen in on the extension as I normally do when an Attorney-at-Law is being called on the telephone. Land Registry was never informed of the court fixture before Chief Justice Chang. I was represented before Justice Insanally. Why wouldn’t I do the same for Chief Justice Chang. I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I never asserted that I would actually say that none of the transfers had powers of attorney and that I also said that I have documents for anyone wishing to see them. What were printed were the views of Kaieteur News. I can hear you say why didn’t I have it corrected. Well, everyone knows the answer to that. It is not trite procedure for all relevant documents, compliance, rates and taxes etc to be lodged when transfers are filed with the Land Registry. I could give

Mr Poonai a perfect example of one of his firm’s clients who visited the Land Registry on 24th September, 2012 and I personally gave him a copy of the transfer with the queries which included supplying company documents, consent from Lands & Surveys to transfer. He says that it compulsory to lodge all relevant documents. Many transfers are filed incomplete but Land Registry never refused to accept them and these are put out of order until it is remedied. All the lawyers know this. If they want to be honest they will agree with what I have said and I invite anyone wishing to peruse the said documents. I have nothing to hide. To date a rates and taxes certificate has lodged and an application for a lost Grosse was filed. These two transfers have since been signed by me, Land Registry is awaiting the documents for the other transfers to be lodged in order for them to be signed. Am I still wrong Mr. Poonai? I have always said that I have no problem with people writing letters against me but they must contain the truth. Juliet Sattaur

Friday October 12, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

Remove the barriers from around Public Buildings DEAR MR. EDITOR, The Tenth Parliament will be reconvening on October 18, 2012 after a nine-week break from taking care of the people’s business. However this missive is not about the reconvening of parliament, it is about the barricades and blockades set up by the Guyana Police Force whenever Parliament is in session. This prohibition that ordinary citizens cannot traverse along High Street between Hadfield Street and Brickdam and vehicular traffic is prohibited along Brickdam between Stabroek Square and Manget Street is an affront to the decent hard working citizens of the capital city. Often it is said that citizens on foot are a threat to the conduct of business in the august hall if they are walking on High Street between Hadfield Street and Brickdam. In explaining why vehicular traffic is not allowed between Stabroek Square

and Manget Streets it is said to prevent the loud engine noises from interfering with the business of Parliament. This excuse is so asinine one wonders if this genesis is in the mind of a cognisant adult. The police prevent traffic on the eastern side of the Parliament Building yet allow the Linden Bus Park to conduct business on Hadfield Street. On this said street long heavy duty container trucks, buses, lorries and other vehicles are allowed to drive without hindrance. People are allowed to walk on both the southern and western sides of the building often less than fifteen meters from the building. As a matter of fact buses park all the way to High Street and the touts are often louder than amplified sound when soliciting passengers. I do not see any clearing of traffic there. I don’t see any stopping of

foot traffic down Hadfield Street west towards Lombard Street. On the western portion of the Parliament Building thousands of people go about their business with dozens sometimes liming on the western fence, I see no attempt to lock down these activities. These restrictions need to be lifted immediately so as to allow people free movement to conduct their business. May I suggest to the central government that if they feel that the people are a threat to the National Assembly then build a new legislative hall where the small man won’t be hindered in any way. Guyana is a nation with vast unused government land tracts. Use one of those to build a brand new Parliament Building. I call on the Commissioner of Police and his political bosses to remove these barriers forthwith and allow the people to freely move about their business. Tyrone Majik Iyes Talbot Concerned Citizen.

DEAR EDITOR, The question is not only why do the police open fire in crowded areas but more, why they would want to shoot at unarmed protesters or at youth fleeing an abandoned car? In evolved jurisdictions lethal force is used only as a last resort by police and even then it is usually employed after a careful process of consultation has taken place up the chain of command. The Guyana Police Service is in danger of becoming an attack force. Recent police killings and other arbitrary actions contribute to the existing climate of fear, despair and bitterness that in turn has created tensions and conflict between the police and the community. Modern policing requires a sensitivity to the situation at hand and a determination of the level of threat being faced before action is taken to deal with the given situation. We must now overhaul the police recruitment process and impose our demand for a more intelligent, well trained force. Our police force has been starved of vital resources so that even with good management and the best will in the world recruitment standards have slipped. We must insist on a higher minimum qualification for

entry into the Police Service and introduce compulsory psychometric testing at the point of entry to weed out misfits, sociopaths and potential deviants. Once recruited, police should be tested regularly and randomly for substance

abuse. The task is now for the President to appoint a Minister of Home Affairs who understands that to increase public confidence in the police is to increase their effectiveness. F. Hamley Case

Public confidence in the Police

Find alternatives to corporal punishment

DEAR EDITOR, I have submitted a couple of articles to your newspaper on the notion of corporal punishment and making the case for its abolition in our schools. I am pleased that the debate has begun. In fact, the discourse has gone nationally and it would only be a matter of time before our legislators in the National Assembly see it fit to bring this aspect on national policy in conformity with the international guidelines as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. H o w e v e r, w h i l s t t h e debate continues a series of concurrent activities or exercises have to commence in preparation for the cultural advancement of our nation. Therefore, in order for us to cushion the blows, I would like to offer, v e r y b r o a d l y, a f e w concrete ideas that would add value and credence to the programme of activities that would eventually

b e c o m e n e c es s a r y f o r effective change to foster. I would like to propose and promote four points for the evolution of good discipline, particularly in s c h o o l s . F i r s t l y, t h e curriculum for new teachers at the CPCE and UG will require amendment to the content, in a way that caters for a shift in cultural attitudes towards discipline in schools. S e c o n d l y, the government must put a national embargo to corporal punishment in all schools, forthwith and allow for case studies to be conducted and the findings inform future decisions and further studies. T h i r d l y, i n - s e r v i c e teachers and administrators will benefit from on-going in-service education and training on strategies and alternatives to corporal punishment in s c h o o l s . F i n a l l y, o u r

parents and carers must be seen as equal partners in the business of ed u c a t i n g young learners because in Guyana’s context many parents have no q u a l m s inflicting brutality upon their progeny as was done to them. A programme of education will be necessary to effectively change and or sway old cultural habits, behaviour and thinking. This can be done through consultation, open community forums and PTA meetings. I am aware of the anxieties, fears and reservations of abolishing a system we have grown accustomed to over the years but the system was hugely flawed. It is draconian; u n f a i r, unjust, unkind, abusive and out of date. Corporal punishment in our schools must be abolished; the system must be changed for the betterment of our society and nation. Brendon Mounter

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 12, 2012

Luncheon’s statement provocative – Opposition Opposition parties in the National Assembly last evening blasted the governing People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) over what has been described as insensitive statements that sparked protests on the East Bank Demerara, leaving thousands of commuters stranded. Leader of the Opposition, Brigadier (ret.) David Granger, said it had become even more critical for government to immediately remove Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, and implement widespread reforms in the security sector. On Wednesday, the

Alliance For Change, which has seven seats in Parliament, gave government up to midnight that same day to remove Rohee, making it clear that the party would not recognize him in that role subsequently. However, government in defiance, yesterday said that it stands behind the security minister. According to Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon yesterday, the government remains resolute on the Minister, despite what the opposition wants. “I could say this, I look forward to the fight. I don’t believe in essence that the

- insists Rohee’s removal a must - airlines cancel flights opposition has a leg to stand on but I quite concede that the rhetoric over time has indeed forced them into an irretrievable position. As Muhammad Ali said… let’s get ready to rumble.” It was the latter statement that has been blamed for the protests that started during the peak hours of traffic yesterday afternoon at Agricola, East Bank Demerara. According to Granger, Luncheon’s

comments clearly betray the mindset of the ruling PPP/C. “They have a situation in which the National Assembly at the end of July passed a majority resolution for the removal of Rohee. This was after years of evaluation of the performance of security sector and the failure to introduce critical reforms.” Some of the reforms include a national drug strategy master plan. Despite reports from the US and the

British on the state of trafficking in persons and human rights violations, among other issues, Guyana has done nothing. And it is all pointing to a breakdown of security in Guyana, the Opposition Leader said. ASTONISHING STATEMENTS “I am not surprised but very, very astonished that they could be so insensitive.” According to Granger, a former army chief, APNU is working on a report on the number of persons killed by the police in the last 20 years. “For the last 17 years alone, 268 persons have been killed by the police alone. Families are rightfully upset. To use words like …ready to rumble… any government that has the people at heart would not be so insensitive as to make those statements. Rohee, as the Minister of Home Affairs, is at the heart of the security problems.” According to Granger, government does not have much option except to immediately remove Rohee and start implementing widespread changes that people are demanding. Hundreds of workers were left stuck from Houston to Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara, with many vehicles turning back. Commuters bound for the West Bank Demerara and using the bridge were forced to use speedboats, which were allowed to work beyond the 18:00 hrs deadline. There were reports of several persons being robbed as they took shortcuts at Eccles, by the National Milling Company. Scores were affected by tear smoke. Last evening, as movement along the East Bank Public Road remained significantly affected, Caribbean Airlines cancelled a number of flights. School children were reportedly stuck in minibuses and scores were seen walking from Agricola to the park in the city. Government has already, in light of the standoff between armed security forces and demonstrators, cancelled a number of events set for today. Two recent shootings that left two teens dead, including one from Agricola, had drawn widespread anger, especially against government and the security forces. RECKLESS LUNCHEON Meanwhile, the AFC deemed Luncheon’s statements as reckless. “These statements were provocative and insensitive. The AFC condemns the

APNU’s Leader, Brigadier (ret.) David Granger blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.” According to the party, the “belligerent tone” used by the Cabinet Secretary coupled with the provocative singing of “we shall not be moved” and subsequent laughter were not only callous but perhaps calculated to engineer the exact result witnessed last evening. “The tragic deaths of three Lindeners in July, followed by the execution of Shaquille Grant in Agricola, the mysterious disappearance of the two policemen involved in the shooting, and the shooting to death of an innocent bystander all under the watch of Minister Rohee are testament to the continued failure of the Minister to create a safe environment and to provide security for all citizens of Guyana.” “The fact that the Government of Guyana considers this Minister ’s performance the best available in the cabinet is testimony to the tragic and abysmal failure to provide effective leadership and responsible stewardship of the affairs of the state.” Parliament of Guyana, the highest decision-making forum in the land, has already expressed its total lack of confidence in the Minister, AFC said. “The Government’s response that “we shall not be moved” displayed not only a complete disregard for the wishes of the elected majority but was an act of defiance and an invitation for conflict rather than calm reflection.” The AFC said it finds it despicable that the Government has started its manipulation on airwaves and TV that AFC’s Chairman, Mr. Nigel Hughes, caused this crisis, when undoubtedly it was the provocation of Luncheon “taunting aggrieved mothers in mourning. The AFC urges all citizens to remain calm and not be provoked.”

Friday October 12, 2012

Kaieteur News

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General perspective of Guyana has changed over past 20 years - Dr. Luncheon The Office of the President last night blamed the opposition, especially the Alliance For Change (AFC), for causing the protests at Agricola which caused thousands to be stranded. Below is a full text of the message released by the Office of President: “The Office of the President rejects outright any contention that the protests on the East Bank are peaceful protests. The criminal activities have been provoked by the Opposition diatribes against Minister Clement Rohee which saw Nigel Hughes and Moses Nagamootoo of the AFC declaring an ultimatum to President Donald Ramotar to remove the Minister by midnight of October 10th. Earlier, the Leader of the Opposition had stated his noconfidence in the Guyana Police Force. The Government rejected the ultimatum, as a result of which the AFC, by the following morning, reacted by conspiring with APNU to start a new wave of protests at the Courts in Georgetown. The response was so insignificant that the

protestors were encouraged to relocate and intensify their actions at Agricola, repeating tactics observed during the Linden protests. The protestors engaged in blocking traffic there on the East Bank Highway, lighting fires on the roadway, burning tyres, attacking police officers, preventing the Fire Service from operating, assaulting and robbing innocent bystanders and destroying public and private property. Commuters, women and children, have been trapped for hours in nonmoving traffic and when forced to walk have been subjected to intimidation, assault, extortion and robbery. The Opposition, primarily the AFC, has to be blamed for causing this deplorable situation. There can be no excuse for this APNU/AFC cultivation of violence, public disorder and criminality. We cannot condone the Opposition challenging the Law Enforcement authorities by encouraging unprovoked violent protests. These actions of the Opposition must be condemned by all Guyanese.”

The month – long celebrations to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) continued with the major event, which was hosted on October 9 at the Guyana International Conference Center (GICC), an event was attended by a wide – cross section of Guyanese. Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon at his weekly postCabinet press briefing at the Office of the President said that while there was much to celebrate; the emphasis was

not the achievements that have been accomplished so far, but rather it was more on the standards and stability that were restored and the new and innovative ideas that were cultivated. He noted that the contention that was repeatedly advanced was that Guyanese now see themselves differently and more ready for the task of nation-building and that the general perspective has changed to one that panders to the future and the expectations of development.

“Guyana is also being seen as a different place and Guyanese are being looked at differently. That message will be highlighted for the duration of the October- long nationwide celebrations and it would continue to be resorted to repeatedly as the PPP/C continues to chart the way forward for the development of Guyana,” the HPS posited. October 9 marked the 20th anniversary since Dr Cheddi Jagan took the oath of office as Guyana’s third

executive president when the PPP gained victory at the 1992 polls in what was described as the first free and fair elections and marked the return to democracy to Guyana. During the rest of the month, Guyanese will be invited in all of the administrative regions to focus on change and participate in nationwide observances which will include workshops, photographic exhibitions, and other activities with social partners.

Alberttown murder suspect still on the run The suspect in the murder of 20-year-old Sule Brian Assanah is still on to run. On Sunday evening, last, Assanah, who would have celebrated his 21st birthday on Wednesday, was slashed to the neck by a man, who police identified as a horsecart operator. He succumbed shortly after arriving at the Georgetown Public Hospital. The incident occurred at the corner of Fourth and Light Streets, Alberttown.

Police said that the suspect fled the scene on a bicycle. Reports are that a police rank pursued the suspect to the Bourda Market area but had to retreat after the suspect brandi s h e d h i s knife. This publication was told that earlier in the day, the suspect went to the home of a female acquaintance and threatened to kill her. As investigations

continue into the brutal killing, a post mortem is to be

performed on Assanah’s remains some time later today.

Friday October 12, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Dust pollution continues at Cane Grove -AFC slams EPA's “soft stance” The Alliance For Change (AFC) said it will be pursuing complaints again from residents of Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara, about dust pollution from a nearby rice mill. According to a release from the AFC, a team c o m p r i s i n g i t s Vi c e Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo; executive member Gerhard Ramsaroop; and representatives from East Coast of Demerara, Lenny Singh and Kojo McPherson, recently visited the area again on the invitation of the residents. The residents were lamenting the continued problems they are facing with dust emanating from a nearby rice mill for a few years now, AFC said yesterday in a release on the visit. “Residents again showed the AFC their homes, with the dust being evident everywhere. They are forced to keep their

windows locked, but even that does not keep the dust out. Many complained of respiratory ailments and itchy skin. One person even brought out her children who she said were asthmatic as a result of the dust. Another resident, Jasoda Abdool, claimed she had to buy a blower to help control the dust in her yard. However, that was not the end of her story. She was born and bred in Cane Grove, and after spending 24 years in the United States, she and her husband came back to retire here. They built a beautiful home that they said they cannot enjoy now, and which has lost its value because of the operations of the rice mill.” “The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), inexplicably, is taking a soft stance on the issue including referring to residents as squatters. The residents in the immediate vicinity of the rice mill are not squatters,

A large amount of dust which was collected from one residence

but mainly the descendants of the sugar workers who were given the lands of the old sugar estate that was closed in 1947. Moreover, there is at least one documented case of the EPA requiring a sand pit Continued on page 19

Homes of the residents with the rice mill (top right) behind them.

Friday October 12, 2012

There is much debate about the need for police reform, but very little substance as to what form that reform should take. The issue of training has been raised but the fundamental concern has to be about the need for greater civilian oversight of the police force. Such oversight will ensure that the police from top to bottom are held accountable for both their actions and their performance. It is precisely because the police are not be held accountable for their performance in relation to the level of security in the country and through performance targets, that the standards of policing have not been to the desired levels. No one should expect that the police will not be involved in incidents which will attract public controversy. The very nature of police work underscores the fact that controversy will be attracted. However, if there are established ways of dealing with certain problems and if these ways meet public confidence then there should be the lack of public confidence in the work of the Guyana Police Force. The first step in rebuilding public confidence would be to ensure greater civilian oversight over the police force. The police must be subject to greater scrutiny of its actions. The existing mechanisms such as the Police Complaints Authority and the Office of Professional Responsibility do not go far

Kaieteur News

enough. It is understandable why neither of these two bodies can discipline ranks. That function is reserved for the Police Commissioner and the Police Service Commission. However, there is no need to disrupt the reporting functions of both bodies. What is needed is a system to ensure that these bodies are less dependent on the police for investigations. If, for example, the police fail to submit information in a timely manner to the Police Complaints Authority, the Authority should then have recourse to summon ranks and officers and send its report directly to the Police Complaints Authority. But even more important is the need for better management of the force. Professional managers should be recruited to manage the administrative aspects of the Guyana Police Force. It is simply asking too much of ranks with only limited training and experience in management to have to undertake management of such a large and complex organization. As such, what the police force needs are management specialists to take charge of its administrative aspects. Better administration will feed into improved performance. But the all ranks from top to bottom should be held to specific performance standards and if they do not meet such standards, then they should be disciplined and if needs be removed from

Maths and Science Association launched Seeking to enlist the membership of each Mathematics and Science teacher, the Guyana Mathematics and Science Association was launched Wednesday evening at the National Centre for Educational Resource Development. The Association represents an off-shoot of a Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) workshop which sought to amplify the importance of mathematics and science in the classroom and by extension the society. The workshop, which was held under the theme “Hazard Mitigation: Protecting Caribbean Infrastructure – Securing C a r i b b e a n Communities,�saw the participation of some 25 local science and mathematics teachers, along with three from Trinidad and two from St Lucia. The course started

Navin Chandarpal on Monday and concluded Wednesday. All of the local teachers were on Wednesday registered as members of the Association, which was officially launched by Presidential Adviser on (Continued on page 10)

the Force. You cannot run an effective police force if officers are not being held to performance standards. These standards have to be realistic and the police must be afforded the opportunity to explain any underperformance. The objective should be to balance the achievement of performance standards with the need to ensure that the officers are not unduly penalized for circumstances beyond their control.

Greater resources also need to be devoted towards traditional crime-fighting. As such the issuance of passports, other immigration services, firearm licences and fitness for motor vehicles should be contracted out to private companies. It is truly amazing, given the thousands of vehicles on our roadways, that with only a small number of certifying offices, the police are able each year to inspect and certify vehicles on our roads. This function should be now

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removed from the control of the force and handed to private firms, as is the case in many countries. There may be a temptation to ask foreign governments for help in promoting reform. This temptation should be resisted, because foreign governments have their own security interests and western governments, in particular, are more interested in spying and collecting their own intelligence and pursuing their own interests than in

helping us. Guyana has to help itself when it comes to police reform, but unless that reform reaches from top to bottom, unless all are held accountable to civilian authority, then the whole reform process would be inadequate.

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Friday October 12, 2012


The PNC is 55 years old No Guyanese intellectual trained in the social sciences, especially in subjects like political theory, ethnic studies, Third World civilization etc., could fail to comment on the attainment of 55 years of existence of the People’s National Congress (PNC). The PNC has played no small role in the evolution of modern Guyana for it to be ignored by the country’s scholars. It is impossible to analyse the nature of the PNC in a newspaper column. The reason is obvious – it had been in power for 28 years and has been in the opposition for twenty years Any mention of the PNC, whether at the dinner table, in the restaurant, rum shop, watering hole or at the cocktail circuit, brings into focus its role in Government under its enigmatic, controversial but nevertheless brilliant leader, Forbes Burnham. The consensus always emerges

that he was authoritarian and that the PNC damaged Guyana during its rule. But the PNC credibility eventually returns as the discussion continues; there is the inevitable comment – Burnham was bad, but look what we have today. Any polemic on the nature of the PNC has to start from the binary of PNC in Government as against PPP in Government. If the PPP did not perform so terribly, one suspects that the PNC would have been demonized forever by a section of the Guyanese population that simply sees nothing positive about the 55 years of PNC’s existence. It would be plain foolish to deny the autocratic performance of the PNC, especially from the late seventies until its founder died in 1985. But it would be equally stupid to reject the many good things and good people the 28 years of PNC rule produced. The PNC gave Guyana, Desmond Hoyte, the

best governmental leader in the country’s history. By comparison with the PPP’s 20 years of power, the PNC’s 28 years stand out as the better performer on many levels, but for which two areas are admirably conspicuous – administrative competence and individual morality. I am going to be iconoclastic and say that I believe it is short-sighted to elevate Dr. Jagan as number one in Guyanese history as the politician that was good in terms of individual morality. Space would not allow for an elaborate argument on what constitutes individual morality, but Eusi Kwayana and many leaders in the PNC could match Dr. Jagan in that realm. We would never know if Dr. Jagan would have become similar to Burnham in autocratic style. Jagan’s presidency was only four years. My personal opinion is that Jagan would have

Maths and Science Association... (From page 9) Sustainable Development, Navin Chandarpal. In brief remarks to the gathering, Chandarpal insisted that the commencement of the Association should never lose momentum, even as he challenged the members to take-up passionately the pioneering task ahead of them. He pointed out that while every science and mathematics teacher could not have been a part of the workshop, efforts must be made to ensure that all such teachers in Guyana become the ultimate target of the Association. “How we do it would depend a lot on the ways that we identify and the structures that we identify, and therefore in developing those, we must seek to be as efficient as possible and to have the farthest reach in a way that will bring into the

fold the large majority of the maths and science teachers in our country,” Chandarpal advised. He cautioned the members to be aware of the fact that many times, associations, organisations and many types of groupings after strong beginnings could fade away “if we do not seek to maintain for the organisation the ways of doing business and going about our membership. If we do not seek to capture those people who we want to be working with...and if we do not keep their (members) involvement to a maximum, we could very well end up like some of the many other groupings.” Chandarpal urged the new members to “begin with a drive, objective and intention to be a part of an organisation that every science and maths teacher in Guyana would

want to be a part of, for a long time to come”. “This should be a nice home that they should feel comfortable in and would want to contribute to its growth and development,” the Presidential Adviser added. He commended the CAS officials, whom he recognised as instrumental in supporting the spawning of the new Association, even as he lobbied for continued involvement and support in whatever way possible. According to Chandarpal, Guyana is known to have contributed to science and mathematics teaching in all parts of the Caribbean over the years and “we hope that we can also benefit from some levels of involvements of our Diaspora in the area of science and mathematics also.”

become intolerant of many essential features of democracy, but he would have found a way for others to do his bidding so as to avoid getting the blame. I know too much of Dr. Jagan to think otherwise. On the other hand, Burnham was confident enough to own up to his unpopular policies. There are too many good policies and good people that the PNC Government of 28 years produced, but in the end people will remember the egregious behaviour of the PNC’s founder-leader, Forbes Burnham. It still remains a mystery why Burnham wanted the 1980 monarchial constitution; while horseback riding, mocked of civil servants who were forced to do laborious tasks at Hope Estate in front of him; made National Service compulsory thereby making his opponents in the PPP

look like virtual heroes in an epic battle for human rights. But Burnham and many of his subordinates in the PNC were people who loved this country, cared about poor people, and wanted the best for Guyanese. The attitudes of many PNC leaders to pleas for help and assistance were outstanding. Burnham himself was intolerant of sexual and financial abuse of Guyanese power-wielders. The abominable sins we see in the rule of today’s power-wielders, Burnham would have “hanged” them for such behaviour. Where does the PNC go from here? It was not an elegant performance under Robert Corbin. The PNC lost its labour arm, the GLU, not to an independent outlook, but to the PPP. Its main constituencies have been virtually decimated by the years of PPP’s misrule. But the PNC cannot be

Frederick Kissoon easily wished away. You cannot reduce 55 years of existence so easily into nothingness. At the moment, we are seeing some incompetent trends in the PNC’s strategy armoury. This comes at a time when there is a third political party, the AFC, that is expanding its influence. The PNC’s best chance of surviving, as the great, historic institution that Guyanese know it to be, is by securing immediate constitutional reform. Hoping to win a national election all by itself should not be in its thinking at all.

Dem boys seh ...

De Lunch Man sing and Agricola get vex De other day de opposition move a motion of no-confidence against Clement. Dem tell Uncle Donald fuh move de man because he incompetent. That is de same man who tell de world that he gun kick ass. Well dem boys seh that he getting he ass kick. De police guh fuh restore order and people dead. Three dead in Linden and de people blame Clement. Then de police go in Agricola and another youth dead. Clement come under fire. De people blame he because dem claim how he tek over de police force and he can’t control de police. Clement try fuh explain that he didn’t talk to de police and that dem do dem own

thing. But de police chief seh that Clement tek over de junior ranks. De spit ain’t even dry and another young man dead when police chasing other people. Well that shoulda nail Clement coffin. But de Lunch Man seh that Clement is one of de best Ministers and that de government ain’t gun tek any pushing fuh get rid of Clement. Then de man sing ‘We shall not be moved’. Well de people get suh vex that dem act. Dem seh that he sing because he been far from dem. Dem intend to stage a fiery concert and bring he fuh sing that he shall not be moved while dem put fire to he foot. Dem find more tyres than people believe de country import and was fire

like next time. De same people who cuss de police suddenly call pun de police fuh help dem go home because dem couldn’t pass de fire. And all this time Clement out of de country. One man claim how he see Clement at de Miami airport, smiling, because he was following de story pun he BlackBerry. But while he smiling Prakash and Nigel and David planning fuh he. Dem seh that as far as dem concern is just like if he live in Miami. Nigel seh that he useless, but de Lunch Man seh that he is one of de best. Well dem boys seh that de Agricola people gun show de Lunch Man and all of dem who supporting Clement. Talk half and watch Clement sweat.

Friday October 12, 2012

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Collaboration between scientists, science educators crucial for development - UWI Lecturer Continuous dialogue between scientists and science educators is a crucial factor which could lend to mutual benefits and effect greater understanding in the interest of students and the development of a nation, the region and the world. This assertion was made by Dr. Julianna Alexander of the University of the West Indies, on Wednesday, as she presented a review of the just concluded Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) workshop which was held at the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD). Dr. Alexander, one of the facilitators of the three-day science forum, disclosed that one of the many things highlighted, was the different perspectives of the scientist and the science educator. She explained that scientists are very content-driven and exist in a circle of their peers with whom they constantly interface about experimentation and related technology. Teachers of science on the other hand, she expounded, are tasked with

preparing students for life, and therefore must know more than mere content. “When a teacher is in a classroom the main objective is not transmission of content, but rather to transform that individual in such a way that when they leave the classroom they would have taken with them not only knowledge, but skills and attitudes to help them in their lifelong journey,” Dr. Alexander pointed out. Moreover, she noted t h a t t h e c o l l a b o r a t i on between the two levels of individuals will cater to the development of the world, since “we are no longer preparing students only for our nation as most of them are global residents. They are found over the world and it is those very skills that you help to develop in them that they apply in their respective spaces”. It was for this reason, Dr. Alexander said, that the stated objectives of the workshop were to orient participants to the basic principles of inquiry-based learning as a method and methodology for

implementing national and regional secondary school curricula in both Science and Mathematics. The workshop was attended by 25 local science teachers, three from Trinidad and two from St Lucia. “It is hoped that coming out of this workshop participants will use the inquiry-based methodology to create students’ interest and learning in Mathematics and the Sciences. It is also hoped that participants would prepare students who can contribute to human progress through science, maths and technology.” “I am satisfied, given that heated discussion at the end (of the workshop) that our objectives have been achieved, but I must warn you that it is an ongoing process,” said Dr Alexander. She underscored that in order to sharpen their skills and craft in the classroom, teachers need to be continuously trained and engaged in professional development. She encouraged them to pursue further development in whichever area they see

themselves as being deficient. “This (workshop) was something to whet your appetites and to motivate you to go back to your classrooms and your schools energized to achieve the mandate of your respective countries.” According to Dr Alexander, “our focus is our students and when you talk to our teachers they always speak fondly of their charges because they have a special place for them, but they just have to be guided in the technical aspects of teaching for them to be effective and efficient”. She noted that despite the time constraints and the very high expectations, the CAS workshop still managed to do fairly well, even as she

alluded to curriculum development as a very time consuming process. “It is not something that can be covered in one or two days...This is because it requires deep thinking and skilful conceptualisation. Apart from knowledge of the content, teachers have to ensure that their students acquire certain skills and attitudes, and this is where unit and lesson planning comes in. It is not a spontaneous process it is something that requires very deep thought,” she asserted. As such, Dr. Alexander urged the workshop participants to return to their classrooms and various organisations as leaders. She pointed out that leaders who

Dr. Julianna Alexander can make things happen seek to generat e d i s c u s s i o n , gain consensus and move forward with their strategic plans.

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Friday October 12, 2012

AFC defends Parliamentary performance The Alliance For Change (AFC) does not believe that its work in the first session of the 10th Parliament could be described as insignificant or disappointing. As a matter of fact, the party, which has seven seats in the National Assembly, insists that it deliberately adopted a strategy of fighting for change, inside and outside of Parliament. The party was on Wednesday, last, responding to concerns expressed by chartered accountant and lawyer, Christopher Ram, earlier this week, over the performance of the combined opposition which comprises the AFC and A Partnership For National Unity (APNU). Combined, the parties have 33 seats, one more than the governing People’s Progressive Party. Ram opined that the opposition parties’ performance was disappointing, particularly from the perspective of the number of bills that they presented. In total, government tabled 20 while APNU had one. According to AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, Ram’s statements should not be seen as criticisms, but as

reflective of frustrations in the society. “The AFC sees its parliamentary function as one of change. An integral part of the party’s strategy is its engagement with grassroots Guyanese. November 28th (2011) brought high expectations, including that the Opposition would use its one-seat majority to stymie the government,” Nagamootoo said. He added: “While there were expectations that the party would hold true to political behaviour of exposure, opposition and deposing of the government, the reality is that within the last few months, exposure of government’s programmes and corruption have been unprecedented. For the first time, there is such consistent exposure with regards to corruption and we are unrelenting, uncompromising…in the struggle to erase the corruption from the regime.” “One can also judge the opposition’s work from the questions asked and the way we voted,” Nagamootoo pointed out. These developments, he insisted, must be seen as part of the “general struggle”. The AFC also pointed out

AFC’s Chairman Nigel Hughes (second from left) makes a point at Wednesday’s press conference as Public Relations Officer Beverley Alert, Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo and Region Eight Chairman, Mark Crawford listen attentively that it is cognizant of President Donald Ramotar’s statement that he will not be assenting to any oppositiontabled bill unless it is with the full agreement and involvement of the Executive. The party cited a recent case - the refusal by the President to acknowledge a no-confidence vote by the opposition against Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee. The party has indicated that it will refuse to acknowledge Mr. Rohee as the Minister.

Nagamootoo stressed that another challenge facing the opposition is “the absence of drafters of Bills”. “While Mr. Ram had indicated that there are qualified persons, it is a difficult thing to find someone willing. Government is refusing to help the opposition by making available drafters. People expect more and want the opposition to be more strident.” The AFC is aiming to deal with the Telecommunications Bill 2012, which would open up the sector. The Bill was

postponed during the last Parliament and shortly before elections, after government said it had to make some lastminute adjustments. The party does not rule out the possibilities of anticorruption legislation. The AFC and APNU have reportedly met to plot their agenda for the coming sessions of the National Assembly. Meanwhile, AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes said that Ram’s criticisms must be seen as fair and constructive. However, he stressed that the tabling of motions should not

be seen in light of how many are being tabled, but by their quality. “We would expect that if you judge us; judge us on the basis of the bills presented,” Hughes asserted. On the issue of whether the National Assembly should rethink the length of its recess, Nagamootoo, while not against it, pointed out that Parliamentarians during the last sessions had worked up to midnight in some instances and several weekdays. He also said that he is not aware of any parliament which works without a recess. The National Assembly recent recess was nine weeks in duration. It ended yesterday. Also at Wednesday’s press conference at the Sidewalk Café were AFC’s Public Relations Officer, Beverley Alert, and Region Eight Chairman, Mark Crawford.

Friday October 12, 2012

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Golden Grove man succumbs after crashing motorcycle The relatives of a Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara motorcyclist are in a state of shock following his death less than a day after he was picked up in an unconscious condition on the Paradise Public Road following a motorcycle accident. Dead is 39-year-old Dexter Bristol called 'Pension'. Kaieteur News understands that on Tuesday night, last, Bristol was heading home on a motor scooter when he reportedly swerved from some horses and crashed into an aluminum rail along the side of the road. Since it was late in the night, with hardly any traffic on the road, the badly injured Bristol lay motionless in the grass until alert passersby in a vehicle stopped and rendered him some assistance. He was taken to the hospital, and according to relatives, he had showed signs of improvement up to

She said that she learnt that while on his way home he crashed his motor cycle and was lying on the parapet before some caring passersby in a vehicle stopped and took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital. “They saw his bike and stopped. When they checked, they saw him lying in the grass. When they picked him Dead: Dexter Bristol Wednesday afternoon. So it was a total shock to relatives and fellow villagers when they learnt that the popular father of six had succumbed on Wednesday night. His sister, Audrey told this newspaper that Bristol was with friends at the Golden Grove Market up to around midnight Tuesday before he left to go home at Non Pareil, a few miles away.

US-bound female nabbed with cocaine in crotch

A 51-year-old female United States citizen was taken into police custody early yesterday morning after she was nabbed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri, with a quantity of cocaine concealed in her crotch. Reports are that the discovery was made at around 06:00 hours as the woman was preparing to board a Delta Airlines flight to New York. A source close to the investigation said that during a pat down (a search of her outer clothing using hands), ranks from the

Police Anti-Narcotics Unit noticed an 'extraordinary bulge' in her crotch area. The woman was then taken to a private room where she was strip-searched. Two latex packets filled with cocaine were found in the woman's underwear. She was taken into custody and told of the offence. This publication was told that the woman arrived in the country some time ago and was staying at a hotel in Campbellville. However no other information has been forthcoming from the woman about who invited her to Guyana. Investigations are ongoing.

up, they did not recognize him at first, but along the way to the hospital, someone recognized him and called him by name and he responded,” Audrey Bristol told Kaieteur News. She explained that the persons who recognized him contacted his relatives, who immediately hurried down to the Georgetown Hospital where they saw Bristol bleeding through his

mouth, nose and ears. She explained that they did not see many visible bruises on Bristol's body. “All the injuries were in the head.” According to Audrey Bristol, her brother appeared to be recovering quickly after the initial treatment. “Yesterday (Wednesday) he was coming out of it. He gave the hospital his

name. When we were cleaning him he dozed off and we thought that he was just tired, so we left him and went home.” Audrey Bristol related that while at home on Wednesday evening, they began hearing rumours that her brother was dead. Immediately they returned to the hospital where the news of Bristol's death was confirmed.

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 12, 2012

Rank further remanded; Protest... From page 2 of the police van since the back half of the truck was driven deep into the small space of the holding area. Prior to this, the picketers had “camped out” in front of the court, bringing their water and food for the day's long haul. Many of them had arrived at the court before 8:00 a.m. At around 16:30 hours, the police finally had Wallace race to the police vehicle while scores of picketers flocked the vehicle to get his picture. They screamed expletives at the embattled policeman, subsequently racing to prohibit the van's removal. The police were however not going to waste any more time and the driver of the van

carefully manoeuvred his way through the picketers and eventually sped off, with Wallace being the only prisoner seated at the back of the van. Other prisoners were left behind to be later transported to the Camp Street facility. Shaquille Grant's mother and a handful of supporters subsequently took their protest to the residence of Head of the Presidential S e c r e t a r i a t D r. R o g e r Luncheon. This was as a result of a press briefing which was held earlier in the day where the Government spokesman made a particular statement that further angered the picketers. Luncheon said the current administration was

not prepared to let Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee go. He told the opposition parties that in the

words of Muhammad Ali, “Let's get ready to rumble.” The dead teen's mother told this publication that

Demonstrators place themselves in front of the prison van preventing its removal

Luncheon's words were insensitive and rude. “That Luncheon is mocking the people of this country and he

should give an apology to the grieving families of the youths who were recently killed.”

Friday October 12, 2012

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Luncheon’s “rumble” remarks spark fiery protest Police in riot gear clashed yesterday with youths armed with stones, bottles, sticks and cutlasses during a fivehour standoff, between the villages of Agricola and Eccles, that brought rush hour traffic on the East Bank of Demerara to a standstill, leaving thousands of commuters stranded on both sides of the conflict zone. The mob also torched a vehicle and burned lumber and tyres on both carriageways of the main East Bank thoroughfare. The mainly Agricola youths, which included women, hurled large stones and even flaming sticks at the hapless riot police ranks, and even threw back tear smoke canisters that the ranks eventually discharged. Police only managed to clear the streets at around 21:00 hrs after ranks from the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) converged on the scene and entered Agricola. A police statement said that TSU rank Corporal Kwesi Lawrence sustained burns to the thighs and was also hit to the left eye by a missile. He was treated at a private hospital. At least one baby had to be treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation after suffering minor effects from tear smoke, while a number of protesters were struck by shotgun pellets. Reports indicate that yesterday’s protest action was triggered by utterances by Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon that the government was prepared to “rumble” against demands for Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to step down. Earlier in the day, Luncheon brushed aside demands by the opposition for the resignation of Rohee, saying that the government will not budge. “As Muhammad Ali said ‘let’s get ready to rumble’,” Luncheon told a press conference. News of his statement reached the ears of already angry Agricola residents who were protesting outside the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court over the killing of Agricola teen Shaquille Grant. The protestors became more incensed and after leaving the court, they upped the ante in Agricola, where they claimed their actions will be more effective. A police statement said that at about 16:00 hrs, a large number of persons gathered on the roadway and threw tyres and other obstacles across both carriageways of the East Bank Demerara road at Agricola and set them on fire, causing traffic traversing the roadway to come to a standstill.

“Bricks, bottles and other articles were thrown at the police ranks who initially responded to the incident and other ranks were mobilized along with personnel from the Guyana Fire Service. “The unruly crowd, some of whom were armed with pieces of wood and cutlasses, blocked the Guyana Fire Service vehicles from getting to the location of the burning tyres and other materials despite pleas from the Joint Services personnel. “The police continued to plead with the crowd and also employed the use of the water cannon to disperse them, which was not sufficiently effective, and consequently resorted to the use of tear smoke,” the release stated. “While police ranks were clearing the main roadway…protestors during this (last) evening, persons continually threw “Thunder Flash” and other squibs along with bricks and bottles at the ranks. This resulted in Corporal Kwesi Lawrence of the Tactical Services Public Order Unit sustaining burns on the inside of both thighs and he was also hit to the left eye by one of the missiles being thrown. He was treated at a Private Hospital,” police said. Kaieteur News was on the scene when at around 16:00 hrs yesterday, several youths, with their faces covered with makeshift masks, began dragging lumber, tyres and other debris onto the roadway. They then set them alight, effectively shutting down traffic on the main thoroughfare on the East Bank of Demerara. A vehicle was also overturned and set alight. The mob also prevented fire tenders from getting close to the fires. Eventually riot police, carrying shields and armed with tear smoke guns, were deployed to the area. Standing in riot formation, the ranks began to advance towards the crowd. But this only served to incense the protestors. One man drew a line on the eastern carriageway and dared the policemen to step across. A woman sat on the roadway with her back to the lawmen. Another man went up to the squad and pointed a cutlass at the ranks, while others taunted the policemen and struck their glass shields. Yet others began to throw stones at the ranks, forcing the young policemen to steadily give ground. The emboldened crowds continued to drag more debris onto the roadway and set them alight as the ranks looked on.

- thousands stranded during 5-hour standoff at Agricola The riot squad then began firing teargas at the crowd. This triggered an immediate response for the crowd, which hurled bottles, stones and even flaming sticks at the ranks, who sought refuge behind their shields. The riot squad was even forced to dodge from tear smoke canisters that the mob threw back at them. The ranks were also attacked from all sides by youths who threw missiles at

them from adjoining streets in Agricola. At around 17:00 hrs, the controversial $20M water cannon was seen arriving at the scene. However, this also proved to be an ineffective tactic, since the water emitted by the cannon was not powerful enough to force the crowd back. As evening fell, the buildup of traffic began to increase; with vehicles heading to and from

Georgetown backing up as far as Diamond and near West Ruimveldt. Commuters, including schoolchildren, were forced to disembark from buses and head home on foot. It proved to be a perilous journey for several commuters, who were robbed of mobile phones and other valuables while passing between some of the protestors. Among them was a Brazilian woman who had to be rescued by publicspirited residents after being relieved of all her documents. By then the protest had also spread to Mc Doom, with demonstrators setting a fire

on the roadway. At around 19:00 hrs, with the roads still not cleared, ranks from the Tactical Services Unit were deployed to the scene. On arrival, several of the ranks ran into the heart of Agricola, and intermittent sounds of gunfire could be heard. A number of protestors and even some bystanders were hit with shotgun pellets. By 21:15 hrs, the police managed to clear the roadway. However, smoldering debris, stones and broken bottles remained strewn along the roadway from Mc Doom to Eccles.

Friday October 12, 2012

Kaieteur News

BCCDA training seminar… By Samuel Whyte The Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association (BCCDA), the umbrella organization for trade, commerce and general business in Berbice, yesterday concluded its first ever workshop and training seminar for persons with existing small businesses, potential entrepreneurs and single parents. The two-day session was held at the Chamber's office at lot 12 Chapel Street, New Amsterdam, and catered for 35 participants. Speaking at Wednesday's opening ceremony, Regional Chairman David Armogan congratulated the BCCDA, of which he is a part, for the initiative and foresight in undertaking such a venture. He opined that the BCCDA has taken a step in the right direction “The private sector plays an important part in any country's development. Not only the big businesses are important, but the small ones, too, and that is where you come in.” He urged the participants to pay keen attention. He stated that there are a lot of opportunities available for small businesses to make it, but noted that there must be a plan and that is where activities such as the seminar are pertinent. Armagon urged those present to form themselves into groups and get back into Cooperatives like before, and in that way, “things will be better and easier to secure financing and access markets”. He mentioned the importance of small businesses and programmes like those for the small and

Regional Chairman urges Guyanese to go back to co-ops

medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are popular in different parts of the world, including Brazil, India and Africa. The Regional Chairman took a swipe at the banking sector, stating that some of the interest rates are too high and not businessfriendly. He urged the banking sector to look again at some of their loans and work out ways and means in which they can “be a little softer on customers”. He urged for the setting up of an investment bank. Also speaking at the ceremony was Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism Industry and Commerce, Dhaneshwar Deonarine. He congratulated the BCCDA for the foresight and initiative and hoped that other such organisations would follow suit. He gave his ministry's wholehearted support for the venture and encouraged the participants to make full use of the opportunity. He said the s e m i n a r w a s t i m e l y. Deonarine also spoke about globalisation and liberalisation and how they have changed the way things are done today. BCCDA president Imran Sacoor also spoke at the opening and made mention of the Chamber's continued drive to develop young entrepreneurs and make an all-out effort to give back to the community. This programme, he said, is just one in a number of community-based initiatives that the chamber has planned for the year. Sacoor said that a chamber must not only look

Dust pollution continues... From page 15 operator to sign an agreement with squatters before it would grant its environmental permit,” AFC said. The party claimed that the rice miller is taking advantage of the people in Cane Grove, many of whom work there. In addition, the mill also supplies fertilizer to many of the residents who are rice farmers. According to the AFC, other rice millers who similarly operate where people live, including one nearby across from the Mahaica market, have had to install dust collection systems. The party said it was also shown documents indicating no environmental permit was granted to the offending

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rice miller, neither was permission granted to erect additional silos. The AFC expressed disgust that “these flagrant breaches are being tolerated for so long” and that despite numerous promises by various entities the situation remains the same. The party said that Anil Nandlall, now the Attorney General, had been retained by the residents some years ago, but according to them, has long not communicated anything on the status of the legal proceedings. “The AFC remains committed to the powerless and downtrodden people of Guyana and is renewing its call for the relevant authorities to remedy the situation soonest.”

after itself and members, but also the “small man” and the wider community from where most of its members garner their support. He stated that “A dynamic SME subsector is vital and imperative for the economic development of this and most other countries. Aside from providing opportunities for employment generation, SMEs help to provide effective means of curtailing migration and allow citizens to better the resources

available locally.” He said the programme is another first in the country and promised that the BCCDA will continue to set the pace with initiatives and ideas that will benefit the community. A message sent by President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Clinton Urling, was also read. Among the topics covered during the seminar were: Understanding the role of small business, managing a

small business (Do and don'ts),understanding the legal and compliance framework, record keeping, constructing and analysing income statements and balance sheets - calculating profitability and forecasting. There was also access financing and previews to areas of lucrative small businesses, how to market their business, (the right placement the right mix), when and how to invest, how to manage finances, and

diversifying Among the facilitators were officials from the BCCDA, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Industry, the Tourism and Hospitality Authority of Guyana (THAG), bankers, lawyers, personnel from Consumer Affairs, accountants, and personnel from Empretec/Guyana EBusiness. Certificates endorsed by the relevant stakeholders were presented yesterday to the successful participants.

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 20, 2012

Guyanese-owned Baron Foods sweeps regional business awards A well-known hot sauce business, owned by Guyanese Ronald Ramjattan, has swept four prestigious regional awards for its products. St. Lucia-based Baron Foods and its owner, Ramjattan, 59, according to a release from the Caribbean Business Awards, was able to walk away with the 2012 awards including in

categories of “Small to Medium Business of the Ye a r ” , “ I n n o v a t i o n ” , “Manufacturing Excellence Aw a r d 2 0 1 2 ” a n d “Caribbean Entrepreneur of the Year 2012”. According to the statement, Baron Foods (St. Lucia) Limited represents a dynamic and reputable manufacturing company with a certified product

range, which includes exotic and gourmet sauces, condiments, spices, essences, dressings and drink cocktails. Baron Hot Sauce is a popular fixture on many tables at homes and at restaurants in the region. It is making a name for itself too in North America and other areas. Established in St. Lucia for more than 20 years,

Baron Foods came with a vision of providing quality products and service to their customers. “The most important factor however that has made Baron Foods (St. Lucia) Ltd one of the most reputable agro–processors in the Caribbean, is their consistent quality program. In 2005 the company gained the ISO 22000:2005

standard and in 2011 the FSSC 22000:2010 standard. Baron Foods (St. Lucia) Ltd is the first and only organization in the Caribbean that has achieved this prestigious standard, joining the likes of the global food giants such as Nestle and Heinz.” The Award was given for the company's determination to attain an international standards qualification that enables them to compete on an equal quality platform next to global competitors. Ramjattan is a cousin of Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the Alliance For Change. A chemist by profession, Ronald Ramjattan founded the company in November 1991, producing 12 products. Today, the company produces 120-plus products (sauces, spices, condiments, flavours and exotic fruit beverages) all o f w h i c h a r e internationally acclaimed.

Ronald Ramjattan

Baron Foods Ltd. has a satellite plant in Grenada and a third facility is slated for Trinidad this year. Ramjattan was awarded the St. Lucia Chamber's Business Person of the Year Award 1999 and the coveted E r n s t & Yo u n g "Entrepreneur of the Year" 1999 Award, while Baron Foods Ltd. has won prestigious awards both r e g i o n a l l y a n d internationally “including Hot & Spicy Contest, Fiery Food Challenge and Scovie Awards”.

One of the products of Baron Foods

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2012 Republic Bank Under-17 Inter-zone Cricket Competition Lower Corentyne and New Amsterdam/Canje have advanced to the finals of the 2012 BCB/Republic Bank Under-17 Inter-zone Tournament after recording first innings victories in the first round. Lower Corentyne got past Upper Corentyne at the Area “H” ground, while New Amsterdam/Canje breezed past West Berbice at the Blairmont Ground. At the Area “H” ground in Rose Hall Town, Lower Corentyne batted first after

Kaieteur News

Friday October 12, 2012

Lower Corentyne and New Amsterdam/Canje advance to finals winning the toss and were bowled out for 138 in 39.5 of their allotted 60-Overs as only Balchan 17, Viendra Gooniah 31 (3x4), Brandon Prashad 33 (4x4), Daniel Lewis 17 and Shivnarine Srikissoon 20 not out reached double figures as Vidal Sugrim 4 for 24, Deon Esau 3 for 30 and Aslam Baksh 2 for 23 bowled well for Upper Corentyne. Upper Corentyne in reply were bundled out for 115 as offspinner Gooniah spun webs around the batsmen to

take 7 wickets for 22 runs from 13.4 impressive overs. Only Naresh Deo 17, skipper Deon Esau 10 and Rajesh Mohabir 27 offered any resistance to Gooniah while Joshua Holder, Daniel Lewis and Joshua Harrichan supported with a wicket each. Lower Corentyne in their second innings reached 90 for 6 when the game ended. Balchan Baldeo scored 20, Shivnarine Srikissoon 17 and Gooniah completed a fine allround match with an

unbeaten 30. Esau 2 for 20 and Mohamed Deochan 2 for 17 bowled well for Upper Corentyne. At the Blairmont Community Centre a brilliant 166 from national Under-19 player Shimron Hetmyer spearheaded New Amsterdam/Canje to an easy victory over West Berbice. Hetmyer smashed thirteen boundaries and four massive sixes as he and Leon Andrews added a record 233 for the opening partnership in 46 overs. Andrews scored a brilliant 91 with four boundaries and a six and Kassim Khan supported with 20 as New Amsterdam/Canje ended on a massive 307 for 5 off the allotted 60 Overs. Bowling for West Berbice, offspinner Parmanand Ramdhan claimed 3 wickets for 60 runs from fifteen overs. In response West Berbice were bundled out for 123 in 46 Overs as Ramdhan returned with the bat to topscore with 40 and Deodat

supported with 37. Medium pacer Kassim Khan took 4 for 38 and Kwesi Mickle 4 for 3. Lower Corentyne and New Amsterdam/Canje would clash in the final today at the Area “H” ground. Manager of Republic Bank, Rose Hall Town Branch, Mr. Leon Mc Donald, at the

launching at the Area “H” ground urged the Under-17 players to develop a culture of discipline, commitment and success. Republic Bank, Mc Donald stated, was committed to the development of sports and was delighted to be part of Berbice Cricket.

From page 21 overs. D. Persaud 31 not out. M. Bob 26. Front Liners Masters def. Savage Masters by 10 wickets. Savage 155 all out in 25 overs. Malo Malone 51. Lakeram Barlow 28. L. Dhaniram 4 for 20. Front Liners 161 for 1 in 20.4 overs. Mohamed Rafeek 83 not out. Rudy Rodrigues 38 not out. Linden Mc Coy 31. Front Liners X1 def. Princess Hotel All Stars by 3 wickets. Princess Hotel 121 all out in 14.4 overs. Andrew Sookram 32. R. Narine 4 for 13. S. Sankar 3 for 17. Front Liners 123 for 7. Linden Mc Coy 37. Ricardo 3 for 13. Challengers def. Tornado

by 9 wickets. Tornado 66 all out in 13.2 overs. Randy Ketwaru 3 for 22. Dayanand 2 for 8. Challengers 68 for 1 in 3.4 overs. Ravendra Singh 28 not out. L.B.ITop Gun def. Flashers by 6 wickets. Flashers 127 for 6 in 15 overs. Dindyal 37. R. Shivpersaud 3 for 15. L.B.I 129 for 4. S. Khan 40 not out. R. Shivpersaud 34. Paddock 2 for 16. Enterprise Legends def. Mahaica Masters by 2 wickets. Mahaica 155 all out in 25 overs. Enterprise 157 for 9. Seemangal Yadram 48. Success Masters def. Bedi Ramjewan Masters and Desperados def. Accomplishment.

Several teams record...

Friday October 12, 2012

Kaieteur News

California Square to host Mackeson Smooth Moves Final - Pitbulls, Slash comfortably qualify for ‘money’ round Slash continued to bounce through the Mackeson Smooth Moves 3on-3 Basketball competition with its underdog status, when it emerged undefeated in its penultimate round of the nationwide challenge Wednesday night at California Square, East Ruimveldt. Slash has now defeated every other major team in the contest, including the defending champion Pacesetters ‘A’; Slash’s composition of Jason Squires, Trevor Smith, Horace Hodges and Aubrey Austin are proving a formidable force in the

competition. Slash opened their campaign for a place in the Super Six Final against Den Amstel’s Bolts I with a 13-9 win while Pitbulls dismissed Westside Progressive 21-5; Pitbulls then thrashed Bols I 21-6 with Slash beating Westside Progressive 15-6 in their second game. The proceedings set Slash on a collision course with Pitbulls, which is a combination of Jermaine Slater, Ryan Gullen, Ryan Stephney and Akeem Kanhai. The game lived up to the hype with the two teams swinging the pendulum in their favour at various

intervals. Squires nailed some big shots to combat the shooting of Stephney and Gullen with Hodges in full control of the paint for Slash. The two teams battled for confidence and momentum heading into Saturday’s final with Slash taking a 16-14 points’ win. The Grand Finale has been set for California Square where the successful team to emerge out of a group of the six final teams left in the competition will bounce away with a whopping $1M top prize winner-take-all with $200,000 up for grabs for patrons. (Edison Jefford)

RHTY&SC Cricket Teams and Ansa McAl honour outstanding Head Teachers

Ten outstanding Head Teachers on World Teachers Day were honoured by the cricket teams of the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club and Ansa McAl for their contributions towards the educational sector and the development of sports in the Lower Corentyne area. The Head Teachers were honoured by the Rose Hall Town Farfan & Mendes Under-15, Bakewell Under-17

Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club Hilbert Foster in handing over the gifts to the Head Teachers congratulated them on the outstanding work they are doing in the Corentyne district and expressed gratitude to them for placing special emphasis on the promotion of sports especially cricket among their students. Foster highlighted the importance of education and

pleasure that youths would honour those who are responsible for their personal development. Headmistress of the Central Corentyne Secondary School Ms. Marlyn Benjamin speaking on behalf of the awardees stated that she felt privileged to be honoured by such an outstanding club and pledged on behalf of her colleagues to always strive for excellence.

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Kumble to head ICC’s cricket committee

ESPNcricinfo - Anil Kumble, the former India captain and legspinner, has been appointed chairman of the ICC cricket committee. He replaces Clive Lloyd, the former West Indies captain, who had headed it since 2008. According to an ICC media release, Kumble’s nomination was “unanimously” agreed by the ICC board at a meeting in Colombo earlier this week. Two members of the panel, former Australia captain Mark Taylor and ICC statistician Davin Kendix, got a one-year extension, while former West Indies fast bowler Ian Bishop voluntarily stepped down. Bishop nominated the recently retired England captain Andrew Strauss as his replacement, which was accepted by the ICC board. ICC president Allan Isaac said he was confident Kumble would bring his extensive experience as a player and as an administrator to the ICC cricket panel. “In Anil Kumble, we have a new chairman who has unquestioned experience not only as a player with India but also as an administrator with Karnataka State Cricket Association,” Isaac said. “I am sure that he will carry on Clive’s good work and bring, like Andrew Strauss, contemporary thinking to the committee as both understand clearly the issues facing the modern game.” Under its ambit, the ICC

cricket committee periodically recommends changes to the rules in the various formats of the game to make it more balanced and appealing. Earlier this year the committee had recommended that the number of bouncers permitted in an ODI over be increased to two, doing away with the bowling Powerplay and reducing the number of fielders permitted outside the 30-yard circle from five to four. All these changes were ratified by the ICC’s chief executives committee in June. For Kumble, this is another shot in the arm after the BCCI appointed him as the head of its technical committee after the board’s

AGM last month. Immediately after retiring from cricket, Kumble stepped into the administrator’s shoes by effortlessly winning the elections in the Karnataka State Cricket Association, where he is the president. Kumble would be the second Indian to head the committee after Sunil Gavaskar. The ICC Cricket Committee: Anil Kumble, Allan Isaac, Dave Richardson, Geoff Allardice, Andrew Strauss, Mark Taylor, Kumar Sangakkara, Tim May, Gary Kirsten, Clare Connor, David White, Trent Johnston, Ravi Shastri, Steve Davis, Ranjan Madugalle, David Kendix.

Back to back centuries for Uniss Yousuf, one for Eric Thomas as they edge Floodlights and Dynamic Security Force over the line in latest action of the GFSCA softball cricket tournament sponsored by Mike’s Pharmacy, Ariel Enterprise, Trophy Stall, Ramchand Auto Spares, Survival, Motor Trend, and Petama Enterprise, continued last Sunday. In results from the matches played: Floodlights def. Regal Masters by 4 wickets. Regal 191 for 9 in 20 overs. Raymond Harper 57. Mahendra Hardyal 40. Lance Adams 36. Wayne Jones 3 for 30. Ramchand Ragbeer 3 for 35. Floodlights 192 for 7 in 19.3 overs. Uniss Yousuf 106 not out. Richard Persaud 25. Mahendra Arjune 3 for 16. Wellman def. Never Lose by 34 runs. Wellman 188 all out in 23.5 overs. Lloyd

Rooplall 49. Hubert Wright 38. Omesh Sookdeo 25. Amhad 3 for 22. Alli 3 for 54. Never Lose 154 all out. Ganesh Sookdeo, Greg De Franka and Kenneth Debydyal 2 wickets each. Dynanic Security Force def. Parika Defenders by 4 runs. Dynamic 258 for 6 in 25 overs. Eric Thomas 110 not out. Randolph Perreira 67. Otis George 48. Parika 254 all out in 24.5 overs. Oswald Chandler 47. Sunil Ramesh 5 for 43. 4R Lioness def. Lady Jaguars by 20 runs. 4R Lioness 90 for 3 in 10 overs. Temica Wilson 26. Indra Albert 21. Lady Jaguars 70 for 3 in 10 overs. Latecia Edwards 24. Shaneeza Saywack 22. Regal Champs def. Fazal Kayume Angels by 13 runs. Regal 86 for 4 in 10 overs. C. Fraser 33. V. Chunoo 30. D. Ames 2 for 30. Fazal Kayume 73 for 8 in 10 overs. V. Chunoo 4 for 8 (hat trick). A. Ramdeo 2

for 14. Wellwoman def. Trophy Stall Angels by 18 runs. Wellwoman 87 for 5 in 10 overs. Zola Telford 33. Katana Mentore 21. Onika Wallerson 20. Trophy Stall Angels 69 for 5 in 10 overs. Trophy Stall A def. Super Stars X1 by 6 wickets. Super Stars X1 113 for 5 in 12 overs. D. Perreira 46. N. Singh 2 for 17. Trophy Stall 114 for 6 in 12 overs. S. Ramnauth 31. N. Singh 30. Trophy Stall A def. Herstelling by 8 wickets. Herstelling 89 all out in 12 overs. S. Fazal 30. S. Ramnauth 3 for 5. Trophy Stall 91 for 2 in 9 overs. S. Deosaran 32 not out. Super Stars X1 def. Country Road by 7 wickets. Country Road 106 for 9 in 15 overs. K. Ramdeen 44. D. Persaud 4 for 14. M. Bob 3 for 8. Super Stars 107 for 3 in 10 Continued on page 20

- Replaces Clive Lloyd

Anil Kumble and Andrew Strauss would bring a contemporary perspective in the panel, says ICC president Alan Isaac © AFP

Several teams record victories in latest GFSCA Softball action

Eight of the head teachers pose with their gifts. and Second Division, Pepsi Under-19 and Intermediate, Metro Female and Gizmos & Gadgets Under-21 and First Division teams under this annual $5M Pro-education Campaign. The teachers were drawn from the Corentyne Comprehensive Secondary School, Lower Corentyne Secondary, J.C. Chandisingh Secondary, Port Mourant Secondary, Central Corentyne Secondary, Port Mourant Primary, Rose Hall Town Primary, Belvedere Primary, Port Mourant Nursery and Rose Hall Town Nursery. Secretary/CEO of the

sports for youths and urged the heads to uphold the remarkable high standard they have set for themselves and pledged the co-operation of Guyana’s leading youth and sports organization to every school. President of the Guyana Teachers Union, Colin Bynoe, who was one of the awardees as Head Teacher of the Port Mourant Secondary School, congratulated the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club for the outstanding work it was doing to promote education and sports. Bynoe stated that teachers are the pillars of a society and expressed

Among the Head Teachers honoured were Sandra Whyte of Port Mourant Nursery, Nirmala Hussain of Corentyne Comprehensive, Barbara Hamilton of J.C. Chandisingh Secondary School, Paul La Cruz of Lower Corentyne Secondary and Pamela Butcher of Port Mourant Primary. Each of them received a special Ansa McAl hamper. The Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club would like to express profound gratitude to its Patron Ms. Beverley Harper and Ansa McAl for sponsorship of the Programme.

Friday October 12, 2012

Kaieteur News

Page 22

QC and Marian Academy badminton tournaments underway Play in the Queen's College Badminton Tournament continued on Wednesday at the school's badminton courts, while the Marian Academy Primary School Tournament started on Tuesday at the school's courts and has attracted a large number of players from the school. In results from the matches played on Day 2 in the QC tourney: Boys Singles: Cecil Abrams defeated Omari Joseph: 21-13, 21-11 Girls Singles: Va r s h a B o o d r a m defeated Kara Abrams: 2118, 21-16 in the QuarterFinals and also defeated Nadine Jairam in The SemiFinals: 21-13, 21-12 Ambika Ramraj defeated Arian Kayume in the Semi Finals: 21-18, 2111

Meanwhile, in first day results: Boys Singles: Darnell Benn defeated Omari Joseph: 21-18, 19-21, 21-18 Girls Singles:

In the opening day's action: Boys Singles: Demetrius DeAbreu defeated Omar Samad: 11-6 Gareth DaSilva defeated Navindra Persaud: 11-4

Cindy Sookwah defeated Miriam Gaskin: 21-11, 21-5

Amara Adams defeated Adrian Roberts: 11-2

Ambika Ramraj defeated Crystal Dey: 21-8, 21-11

Ria Persram defeated Rachael Ramlal: 11-1

Girls Singles:

Arian Kayume defeated Elmira Persaud: 21-10, 21-2

Rachael Choo-SheeNam defeated Reba Ramlal: 11-9

Nadine Jairam defeated Cindy Sookwah: 21-6, 21-7

Angelie Balram defeated Leah Balkaran: 11-5

The Finals and Third Place Play off are set for today.

Sarah Samad defeated Arwen Garraway: 11-8

Meanwhile, The Marian Academy Primary School Badminton Tournament started on Tuesday at the school's courts and attracted a large number of players of the school who participated.

Rebecca Ramlal defeated Yasmin Mohamed: 11-5 The tournament will continue next Tuesday, October 16 and also the Secondary School segment will start next Tuesday.

F&H Printing Dominoes set for Transport SC today Action in the F&H Printing Establishment Million dollars Corporation Zone Dominoes Competition will be contested today at Transport Sports Club starting at 6:30pm. Registration will be done immediately and the zones will proceed on 2 in 1 out basis. This forms part of a nationwide competition that is currently in progress. The competition is due to conclude on November 17. The first prize is $500,000, trophy and

medals for the winner, $250,000 trophy and medals and $100,000, trophy and medals for the respective second and third placed teams. Prizes will be awarded up to sixth position. Winners in the respective zones are also in line for zone prizes, while the top individual performers will

be rewarded. For more information contact can be made with Mr. Colin Mc Ewan on Tel: 642-7502 or 687-2074. Mark Wiltshire (Jumbie) 680-4888, Hazim Hakh 6234099 and William Boston 613-5016 or 681-7629 can also be contacted for information.

Have your legal notices published every Saturday. Call: 225-8452

Some of the players involved in yesterday’s action

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 12, 2012

President's/Jefford Classic "Golden Jaguars 150% mourn the loss of Nasir upbeat for El Tri Challenge” The Coordinators of Guyana's premier athletics event, The President's/Jefford Track and Field Classic join in mourning the sudden death of the Chief Executive Officer of Bakewell, Naeem Nasir, who passed away Tuesday night following a brief illness. O n e o f t h e Coordinators of the President's/Jefford Classic, Edison Jefford, who conceptualised the event along with Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) President, Colin Boyce four years ago, remember Nasir as a charismatic sport enthusiast in a press release. “I recalled meeting Nasir at the corporate level for the first time earlier this year and what was to have been a simple presentation of a business

Naeem Nasir proposal turned into an extensive conversation on varying matters relative to the development of sport and public health,” Jefford said. “Mr. Nasir knew a lot about sport and what needed to happen for its development. His corporate funding of

the President's/Jefford Classic came with his vision that we must continue to build on the solid foundation that we had already built for the sport,” he continued. Jefford, who has direct responsibility for the marketing and public relations aspects of the event, said that Nasir was a corporate leader in sports and his contributions has impacted lives across a wide spectrum. He noted that Nasir will definitely be missed. “On behalf of the Coordinators of the President's/Jefford Track and Field Classic, we would like to express our sympathies to the relatives and friends of the late Naeem Nasir. His contributions will be remembered for generations to come,” Jefford said in the release.

Double header kicks off President Beer Super 8 KO Tournament After a lull in local f o o t b a l l a c t i v i t y, t h e Georgetown Football Association in collaboration with Banks DIH will attempt to reignite interest in the sport with a planned double header President Beer Super 8 Knockout Tournament today, at the GFC ground. In the opening encounter, Guyana Defence Force (GDF) tackle Guyana Police Force (GPF) from

18:30hrs and that will be followed by the feature clash between Fruta Conquerors and Riddim Squad AT 20:30hrs. The Army will definitely start as favourites against the Police with Dellon Fraser, Marlon Washington and Devon Harris anticipated being in their line-up, while the Lawmen are relatively unknown.

In the other game, Marco Markus, Trevon Lythcott, Eon Alleyne and Travis Thornhill will lead the quest for victory for Fruta Conquerors, while Lyttleton Ramsay and Sceyon Hope are expected to feature for Riddim Squad. According to a source close to the Organisers over $1million in prize monies and trophies are up for grabs.

- says National Assistant Coach Wayne Dover H o u s t o n , Te x a s Guyana's Golden Jaguars and Mexico ranked 122nd and 19th in the FIFA world rankings respectively, lock horns in the penultimate round of group B action, in the North, Central American and Caribbean Zone, third round 2014 World Cup qualifiers, at the BBVA Compass Stadium in Houston Texas, this evening from 8:00 pm (9:00pm Guyana time). CONCACAF Giants Mexico, affectionately known as "El Tri" are the only team in the entire zone to qualify for next year hexagon phase, having won their opening four group matches. Regardless of this position of strength, they have resisted temptations to pick a reserve team. Instead coach Jose Manuel De La Torre has selected the strongest possible Mexican squad available to him. This squad includes players such Manchester United's as Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez, Valencia FC left-winger Andres Guadardo, 2012 Olympic goal-scoring hero Oribe Peralta and tough tackling, veteran defensive mid-fielder of three world cups (2002, 2006, 2010), Gerardo "El Borrego" Torrado. Guyana on the other hand with the chances of qualifying for the next round mathematically possible, but improbable at best, will be

giving a few of the younger local based players more of an opportunity in this game and the final game vs Costa Rica. With established first choice central defensive pairing Leon Cort and John Paul "JP" Rodrigues unavailable due to club commitments, Colin Nelson or Jamaal Smith are likely to be battling for the spot to partner Charles "Lilly" Pollard in the heart of defence. Also in the absence also of senior striker Carl Cort for similar reasons, the trio of Vurlon Mills, Anthony "Awo" Abrams and Shawn Beveney will be vying to be strike partner of Gregory "Jackie Chan" Richardson. Speaking from Texas, National Assistant coach Wayne Dover who is in charge for this game, spoke on how preparation has gone since they team arrived in the United States and the mood in the camp ahead of the game. "We arrived in Texas today, after initially having a short camp in Miami where we went went through final stages of preparation, in which we specially worked on our team organization and finishing. Tonight at our mandatory one-hour FIFA pre-match training session at the venue, we will work on our offensive patterns and speed work", explained Dover. He concluded by saying: "Overall though the spirit is

high in camp, this morning we spoke, and the team is 150% upbeat for this match. We played Mexico before as everyone knows and in some ways we know what to expect from them. With regards to the starting XI, we will wait until our final session to decide this". N a t i o n a l Communications Network (NCN) will once again be broadcasting the game live to the Guyanese audience. Guyana squad: Richard Reynolds, Derrick Carter (Goal-Keepers), Charles Pollard, Walter Moore, Colin Nelson, Jamaal Smith (Defenders), Chris Nurse (captain), Brandon Beresford, Nick Millington, Dwight Peters, Dwain Jacobs, Kester Jacobs, Ricky Shakes, Trayon Bobb (MidFielders), Gregory Richardson, Vurlon Mills, Anthony Abrams, Shawn Beveney (Strikers). Coach: Wayne Dover, Trainer: Americo Falopa, General Manager: Rawle Adams, Assistant Manager: Mark Xavier, Equipment Manager: Trevor Burnett, Goal-Keeper Coach: A n d r e w H a z e l , Physiotherapist: Debita Harripersaud. Mexican squad: Jonathan Orozco (Monterrey), Alfredo Talavera (Toluca), Severo Meza (Monterrey), Israel Jiménez (Tigers), Francisco Javier Rodriguez (Vfb Stuttgart), Diego Reyes (America), Hector Moreno (RCD Espanyol), Joel Huiqui (Monarcas Morelia), Jorge Torres Nilo (Tigers), Adrian Aldrete (America), Elias Hernandez (Tigers), Javier Aquino (Cruz Azul), Gerardo Torrado (Cruz Azul), Carlos Pena (Club León), Jorge Enriquez (Guadalajara), Hector Herrera (Pachuca), Andres Guardado (Valencia CF), Angel Reyna (Monterrey), Antonio Naelson (Toluca), Oribe Peralta (Santos), Aldo de Nigris (Monterrey), Javier Hernandez (Manchester United). Coach: Jose Manuel de La Torre. Other games scheduled: 16 October 2012 - Costa Rica vs. Guyana - Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica, San José. 16 October 2012 – Mexico vs. El Salvador Estadio Corona, Torreón

Friday October 12, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Bosai Open Challenge B/ball C/ship

East Zone Inter-Primary School Competition

VV Royals and Retrieve Raiders clash in opening game

St. Gabriel's, Stella Maris joint winners

Victory Valley Royals and Retrieve Raiders are set to battle each other when the BOSAI Minerals Group sponsored Linden Amateur Basketball Association's Open Challenge championship bounces off this evening. A double header card is planned for Sunday between Amelia's Ward Jets and Block 22 Flames and the other involving Wismar Pistons and Half Mile Bulls at the Mackenzie Sports Club Hard Court when the action continues. This opening encounter is set for 6:30pm but will be preceded by a colourful march past at 6:00pm outside the MSC Hard Court involving the contesting clubs led by the top seed Kashif and Shanghai Kings, Victory Valley Royals, Retrieve Raiders, Block 22 Flames and Wismar Pistons will parade at the venue where BOSAI Minerals Group (Guyana) Inc and other officials will be present. Among those invited to attend BOSAI Minerals Inc G e n e r a l M a n a g e r M r.

George Zhoa, Sports Committee Chairman Mr. Wa y n e B e t h u n e , v i c e chairman Carlton McCurdy and Secretary Ms. Audrey Babb, Senior Personnel Officer Ms Trudel Marks and Community Relations Assistant Ms Vanessa Mitchell-Davis along with LABA president Capt. Eon Murray. The seven clubs have been divided into two groups where Group 'A' comprises number one seed Kashif and Shanghai Kings, Half Mile Bulls and Wismar Pistons. Group 'B' comprises number two ranked Amelia's Ward Jets, Victory Valley Royals, Retrieve Raiders and Block 22 Flames. Following the march past there will be brief remarks from officials of the main sponsor BOSAI Minerals Group (Guyana) Inc and the Association before the tip off between Group 'B' clubs Victory Valley Royals and Retrieve Raiders. The top two teams in each group will qualify to play in the semifinals for a place in the final.

Part of the action in one of the boys' sprint events among the primary schools yesterday at the Police Sports Club Ground, Eve Leary. The primary school track competition of East Zone Inter-School Track and Field Championships saw St. Gabriel's and Stella Maris finishing on top at the Police Sports Club Ground, Eve Leary yesterday. The two schools accumulated 252 points

each to become joint winners of the competition with Sophia Primary placing second with 211 points. Camille's Primary was third with 175) points; Redeemer Primary fourth with 139 points; F.E Pollard fifth with 113 points, Rama

Krishna sixth with 87 points; J.E Burnham seventh with 63 points, Bel Air (57) eighth and Jofel Education (51) ninth. The secondary school track competition will bring the curtains down on the East Zone Inter-School Competition at the same

venue today from 10am. The 52nd Edition of National Schools' Cycling, Swimming and Track and Field Championships is scheduled for November 19-23 at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence and the National Aquatics Centre.

t r o Sp Braithwaite reigns supreme at WI Fullbore Championship individual shoot

Lennox Braithwaite Lennox Braithwaite returned to action after a few years out of competition to snatch the We s t I n d i e s F u l l b o r e Championship individual honours when that segment of the Regional event concluded yesterday a t t h e Ti m e h r i R i f l e

Mahendra Persaud Ranges here. Braithwaite, who entered the day in the lead, held on to that position to end the day on 388 points with 19 V-Bulls, beating local Fullbore Captain Mahendra Persaud 380-23, Vice Captain Dylan Fields 378-20, Ransford

Roger Federer wins at Shanghai Masters to secure rankings record Roger Federer

Dylan Fields Goodluck 375-15, Jamaica's John Nelson 37017, T&T's Norris Gomez 367-15, Jamaica's Jose Nunez 365-16, Carl Awong (T&T) 364-13, David Rickman (Jamaica) 362-15, Steven Chung (T&T) 362-14 rounding out the top ten. Chung claimed the top position in the 'O' Class (junior shooters). The marksmen will take a rest today and will focus o n t h e Te a m s h o o t tomorrow and Sunday. Tomorrow will see the long range competition, while the teams will contest the short ranges on Sunday.

Lance Armstrong: Five former team-mates banned Five of Lance Armstrong's former teammates have received sixmonth doping bans from the United States Anti-Doping Agency (Usada). Levi Leipheimer, George Hincapie, Tom Danielson, Christian Vande Velde and David Zabriskie all received reduced sentences because they gave evidence against Armstrong to Usada. Leipheimer has been provisionally suspended by his Omega Pharma-QuickStep Cycling team. Armstrong has been banned for life. The 41-year-old, who has always denied doping but chose not to fight the charges filed against him, has been labelled a "serial" cheat by Usada and is accused of leading "the most s o p h i s t i c a t e d , professionalised and successful doping programme that sport has ever seen". As a result, Armstrong was banned for life and stripped him of his seven Tour de France titles. Because of their testimonies to Usada, Leipheimer, Hincapie, Danielson, Vande Velde and Zabriskie avoided a two-

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Lance Armstrong year ban but will remain out of action until the end of February 2013. The riders all withdrew from the London Olympics in August as part of their deal with Usada. Hincapie, 39, retired from the sport in August, but Danielson, Vande Velde and David Zabriskie are still active with Garmin-Sharp the team of Briton David Millar. Armstrong's former Discovery Channel teammate Roger Hammond believes the penalties are too lenient. "I can't understand why these riders are only being

given a six-month winter ban," said retired Brit Hammond, who rode with Armstrong in 2005. "Usada talk about creating a legacy, and the whole point of this investigation was to create a legacy for the sport. What sort of legacy is being created now? "To me it says if you cheat and lie about it for several years, and then drop somebody else in it, you'll be alright. They need to be given the same ban as Lance. "They cheated, they took that risk."

California Square to host Mackeson Smooth Moves Final - Pitbulls, Slash comfortably qualify for 'money' round

Roger Federer sealed a record 300th week as world number one by beating Stanislas Wawrinka 4-6 7-6 6-0 at the Shanghai Masters. The 17-time Grand Slam winner came from a set down to defeat Swiss compatriot Wawrinka and reach the quarter-finals. Federer said: "It's pretty incredible. Probably one of m y b i g g e s t accomplishments. I'm very proud of that record, no doubt about it." The 31-year old now faces Croatian Marin Cilic in the last eight.

It was Wawrinka, 27, who made the better start in China, with a break of serve in the seventh game enough to hand him the first set. Federer was given a scare early in the second but hung on to level the match on a tie-break. And Wawrinka, seeded 13th, failed to win another game as Federer raced through the third set. "It's obviously an amazing number and I never thought of anything like this when I was a little kid," Federer added.

Slash's Horace Hodge releases an uncontested tear-drop in the paint in the face of Pitbulls' Ryan Gullen Wednesday night at California Square, East Ruimveldt.

Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210

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