Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 26, 2012

Sued for stealing US$5.4M…

Ramdeo quits as EZjet CEO Amidst embezzlement accusations, EZjet founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Sonny Ramdeo, yesterday announced that he has stepped down. Local head of the Guyanese operations of the low-cost carrier, Rosalinda Rasul, will act as CEO until someone is appointed, EZjet said in a statement yesterday. “Ms. Rasul will be supported by EZjet’s advisory board members,

who cumulatively serve EZjet with more than 200 years of airline experience,” the company said. The disclosure came one day after news broke that a hospital chain in the US has sued Ramdeo for allegedly stealing US$5.4M in the last two months while he was the payroll manager. Ramdeo refuted reports that diverted funds from Promise Healthcare to the airline.

- promises to return once name is cleared Instead, he accused Promise Healthcare of itself being involved in a US$550M diversion of company’s funds and said that its principals are in court for it. “Since my former bosses are themselves in court over diversion of over US$550M of

company funds, they elected to claim ignorance and innocence when it came to coming clean about the investment. Instead, they alleged that I diverted funds to EZjet, which I did not.” Ramdeo, who hails from Windsor Forest, West Coast Acting CEO, Rosalinda Rasul

Stepped down: Sonny Ramdeo

Demerara, hinted that he will be returning to the management fold of EZjet once he is vindicated. “In the interest of removing all doubt about the viability of EZjet for which I have worked tirelessly during the past one to one-and-ahalf years to establish, I am removing myself from EZjet management, until this embarrassing matter has been cleared up and my good name has been restored.” ALLEGATIONS According to the Court House News Service website, Ramdeo and his two companies – Ezjet and ‘PayServ Tax Inc.- allegedly embezzled US$5.4 million from it from Promise Health, one of the US’ largest longterm acute care hospital organizations. Most of the money, it was claimed, went to EZjet and the payroll company. Ramdeo and his companies were accused of stealing over US$5M from Promise through a “sophisticated scheme of fraud and deception”. “Specifically, Ramdeo incorporated a company called ‘PayServ Tax Inc.’ and deceived Promise’s senior management into believing that PayServ was a legitimate payroll tax processing company affiliated with the nationally known payroll processing company, Ceridian. Based on this lie, he deceived Promise into transferring millions of dollars to PayServ Tax Inc. and diverted over five million dollars of Promise’s money to himself and his companies,” the complaint states. Ceridian is not a party to the complaint. Reports said that Ramdeo forged signatures on

standing transfer orders that purported to authorize Promise’s bank to debit funds from Promise’s account for transfer to PayServ’s account at PNC Bank. ”Significantly, in the past two months alone, Ramdeo stole US$5,387,000 from Promise by diverting its funds to EzJet. He did this by diverting money in the PayServ account that had been deposited for payment of Promise’s payroll taxes to his jet charter company, EZJet GT Inc. ”Upon information and belief, since creating PayServ, Ramdeo has been knowingly and intentionally misstating the amount of payroll taxes actually due by Promise and/ or misstating the amount of payroll taxes actually transferred to government agencies and stealing the excess funds (in a sum that exceeds US$5,000,000).” MORE FLIGHTS? Meanwhile, EZjet said it will continue to operate its regular flights between Georgetown and New York, Port of Spain, and Toronto. As a matter of fact, the airline is adding another plane for the coming Christmas season. “EZjet is also adding a second B767 for flights over the peak Christmas season during December and January, and will maintain its policy of fresh onboard meals and two free bags at 60 pounds each with every ticket. EZjet, as Guyana’s only airline serving North America, regrets this situation and will soon announce a newly elected CEO to continue generating low fares and extra-ordinary services for all Guyana passengers and shippers.”

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 26, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Politics by other means

For very good reasons, there is a great deal of discussion about ‘protests’ in Guyana. It is often pointed out that this practice is in the very best ‘democratic’ tradition: a protest for one reason or another is going on in the US or Britain on any day of the week. But if we look past the rhetoric to the ground reality, even cursorily, we would notice that in the countries on which we model our ostensibly ‘democratic’ practices, the established political parties are not out on the protest lines, as in Guyana. One does not see Congressmen or Senators in the US, for instance – as representatives of their parties – out in the streets protesting against the government of the day. They utilise the institutions of governance they crafted together, and of which they are part and parcel, to settle their differences. The development of political parties that can form governments in the modern era had led to the distinction between ‘civil society” and the ‘state” within the political system. Protests are a means for ordinary citizens as members of civil society, to have their views heard about their dissatisfaction with some aspect of the status quo. A most crucial part of that status quo in a democracy, as far as the power relations that maintain it, are the political parties that compete for the authority to govern the state on behalf of the people. Citizens’ protests, to a lesser or greater degree, invariably suggest a failure of the political system, from the perspective of the ordinary citizens on the protest line. In those instances when political parties are engaged in protests, unless they have been locked out of political participation due to rules which were crafted to exclude them or which have been subverted to accomplish the same end, they are signalling that they are failures. During the period when elections were ‘fiddled with’ or ‘rigged’ or ‘manipulated’ in Guyana, one could understand the need or even the necessity of the Opposition political parties protesting. The question is: why now? There are some in the Opposition that claim the present political system locks them out of the effective decisionmaking process. Others have proposed, including the major partner in the major Opposition grouping, that the political system is indeed inappropriate for our society. Our political system is governed by a constitution which was given an extensive overhaul in 2000. While the dissatisfaction with the political system developed very soon after, in 2002 when the PNC proposed a model of ‘power sharing”, the developments in 2000 demonstrated that the constitution has very clear procedures for altering its rules. It might be instructive to review the circumstances that led to the recent protests in Linden and Agricola to better understand the centrifugal forces threatening the integrity of our political system. Linden and Agricola both voted overwhelmingly for APNU last November, with the former township withdrawing its strong support for the AFC and the PPP from the preceding elections. Based on such support from across the country, the Opposition ended with control of the legislature, and in so doing validated the integrity of the political system. APNU, however, immediately ceased its calls for altering the constitution to change the system of governance, but accepted the call from the Executive to participate in formal negotiations to settle differences in priorities. The protests in both Linden and Agricola both stemmed from the refusal of the smaller Opposition party, the AFC, to work within the present dispensation to seek change. The mobilized citizenry in both protests thereafter saw politicians from both Opposition parties lending support. Parliament is again in session and both of the latter parties are in attendance – demonstrating that they are paying lip service to the constitutionally sanctioned political system, even as they lend support to its undermining by organised protests. This is a dangerous course in our historically divided polity, since we have seen that such protests can very quickly careen out of control and exacerbate those same divisions.

The use of terrorism in Guyana DEAR EDITOR, Earlier this year, frustrated by the apparent nonchalance of the President to deal firmly with corruption, and enthused with optimism that the opposition, armed with greater parliamentary powers, would abandon their former X-13 type approach to politics, I considered for the first time in my life to join a political party. I had followed the career of Ramjattan for years and was very impressed by him ever since he, as a teenager, and I did five courses together at UG. He was a bright kid. That year he took home 20 points, and I who thought I was good, scraped 17. Khemraj and Raphael were making all the right moves. They were changing the political landscape of Guyana, doing what Walter Rodney and Cheddi Jagan both aspired to achieve. Then came on board their bandwagon, some rotten apples. Fred Kissoon, Sasenarine and Asquith Rose, despite their chronic objectivity deficiency, being unschooled in etiquette, boorish in their writings, and

each with their own psychopathic baggage, did not do much irreparable harm to the party. It was Nigel Hughes and Moses Nagamootoo who, in my opinion, have not only highjacked the leadership of the party, but are striking nails into the AFC coffin, while David Hinds is doing the same for APNU. The modus operandi of the opposition in Buxton, Linden and recently, in Agricola, fit snugly the definition of modern terrorism. To name the main criteria: demonizing the good guys including police and soldiers, and baptizing the thugs as heroes; employing high levels of drama and theatricals; maintaining a reserve army of impoverished semi-illiterates to do their biddings; destruction of property, roads and bridges; brutal mass massacres to instill fear in the population and erode confidence in legitimate government; incitement and leadership from behind with racial and political invectives; Attracting media and international attention such as the staging of Agricola while an international

commission is present. True, from a Machiavellian perspective, as I am certain Hinds, Hughes and Nagamoottoo are aware, the use of terrorism is an effective instrument of change. Perfected by the Israeli, the Zionist methodology became a revolutionary model to be emulated and embraced by genuine freedom fighters the world over. The Brazilian revolutionary theorist, Carlos Marighela, advocated the same strategies in his famous manual Handbook of Urban Guerrilla War. Another book, The Revolt, published by General George Grivas in Cyprus, was actually a study of Israeli terrorism. In Algeria the National Liberation Front (FLN) in revolting against French rule studied the Zionist methodology and adapted it to fit their circumstances. Even Yasser Arafat of the PLO and Nelson Mandela of the African National Congress (ANC) have admitted how their respective organizations have benefited from studies of the Zionist/ FLN methodology.

But what these aspiring terrorists in Guyana do not understand is that terrorism can consume itself as per power hungry Robespierre and the French Revolution; it is only effective when the enemy or threatening ideology is foreign to the national culture, and it fails miserably as instrument of ethnic genocide. In British Guiana the infamous X-13 plan was a classic terrorist manifesto aimed at unseating a “communist” government, but failed and continues to fail even to this day because it advocates and employs the use of cultural and racial genocide. Like Robespierre, the architects of the X-13 and the current perpetrators of it do not have the genuine welfare of the people and country at heart. All they want is power. So far, only the modified Marxism as taught by Rodney and Jagan offers the most reasonable and comprehensive solution to the race, class and power struggles in Guyana. All other approaches are bound to fail. So for now I will stay a supporter of the lesser of all evils. Gokarran Sukhdeo

An unexplained arrogance

DEAR EDITOR, I agree with the AFC‘s recent statement that the Minister of Agriculture, Leslie Ramsammy, lacks moral authority to speak on corruption.” About 22:00 hrs on Monday October 15, 2012 my son was driving his motor car west along Regent Street when he attempted to overtake a heavily tinted Pathfinder. Suddenly and without warning via indicators or otherwise, the Pathfinder attempted to turn north into Alexander Street resulting in an accident which saw the front bumper of the Pathfinder damaged along with the front and rears doors of my son’s car. He approached the Pathfinder and the driver’s window rolled down revealing the driver and only occupant, Minister of Agriculture Leslie Ramsammy who was speaking on his cell phone. A short while later, a silver R.X8, and a Hilux Surf converged to the scene. Ramsammy was assisted into the car and he left the scene. My son gave a statement to the police the said night and was told to return at 7:30 the next morning to facilitate a visit to the scene. He spent the entire morning awaiting Continued on page 5

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

Supporting Important information an illegality on home building DEAREDITOR, Many have taken the holier than thou ground in the “pirated” text book issue. I want to ask of the following persons whether in their lives they had never benefitted from using pirated stuff, whether it be photocopy books or parts thereof; pirated CDs or DVDs, pirated movies on television, etc: The rich among us couldn’t care squat what the poor endures to give their children education. I cannot afford to buy books from Austin or Boodhoo. But I can afford to buy the copied books. Am I a criminal for doing that? Are my children criminals for using the copied books? A number of outlets have been prevented from selling the “pirated” books. But there are still dozens of outlets not prevented and, thank God, the

poor can still purchase the books. So much for the Court Order! It is not the publishers who are objecting to the printing of the books in issue. It is the few who can hardly supply a tiny portion of the demand for the texts. Please, in the interest of our poor children, let good sense prevail. Take out the politics from this issue and deal with the reality in Guyana. Godfrey Skeete Editor’s note: The issue of intellectual property and copyright is serious. In countries where the law is upheld no one can use the excuse of poverty to perpetuate illegality. Pirated books are illegal; they cannot even enter countries like Trinidad and Barbados, our sister Caricom countries.

Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership. Colin Powell

DEAR EDITOR, Many citizens have been calling our Public Relations Office at City Hall with questions on building and construction works in the City. Quite a few have asked about building new houses and renovating existing ones. Perhaps, we need to do a special column, in our dailies, to inform homeowners about building and other aspects of city life. Until then, we would like to use this letter to share some basic information on building works in Georgetown. First, no person, who is desirous of building, should begin any such operations, in the city, without the appropriate application to the City Engineer. Applications forms are available, at the City Engineer’s Department, City Hall Compound. Second, those, who intend to erect a new building or alter or add to any existing building, or do any structural works to any building, must submit the application with three (3) copies of a plan of

the new building or of the alterations or additions, to the existing building or of the structural work for approval by the City Engineer. Also, citizens should note the following:• The approval by the City Engineer of a plan shall be in writing at the foot of the plan approved; • The plan must state the purpose, for which the building is intended to be used; • It must be drawn in ink on the appropriate material¯drawing paper or tracing linen of good quality and must be drawn to scale e.g. a) Floor plans and elevations drawn to the 1/8 scale which is I” on plane represents 8’ 0’on the ground. b) Site plans drawn to the 1/16 scale which is 1" on plan represents 16’0’ on the ground. • The plan should show the ground position and outline of the new building, the elevation and dimensions thereof and the distances of

the walls from the boundary lines of the land, on which it is proposed to erect the same, and from every other building or erection, on that land. In the case of a new building of several storeys it shall give particulars of every storey; • The plan must show the position and dimensions of every water closet, drain or other house connections on that line; • In the case of alterations or additions to an existing building, the plan must show the position, outline and dimensions of every part of the alternations or additions intended to be made to the

existing building and also comply with the aforementioned requirements. The existing portion of building must also be shown to relate existing building with the new addition and/or alteration. • The plan should show any other reasonable particulars required by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall, within reasonable time, after he receives the plan signify in writing his approval or disapproval of the building operations to the person proposing to execute same. Royston King Public Relations Officer Mayor and City Council

From page 4 the minister arrival to visit the scene then was told to return at 17:00hrs the following day but again the Minister did not show. He was informed that Ramsammy was at a meeting and would be leaving the country the following day. He was told that the police would make

contact with him some time during the coming week. It is this display of blatant arrogance and disrespect for equal rights and justice by the wrong dishonourable Minister that has awakened a proactive individual the tactical fortitude to challenge the status quo. Andrew Padmore

An unexplained arrogance

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 26, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

There are alternatives to corporal punishment DEAR EDITOR, I have submitted a couple of articles to your newspaper (Feb, 1st and May, 30th) addressing the notion of corporal punishment and making the case for its abolition in our schools. I am pleased that the debate has begun. In fact, the discourse has gone nationally and it would only be a matter of time before our legislators in the National Assembly see it fit to bring this aspect on national policy in conformity with the international guidelines as set out in the

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, whilst the debate continues a series of concurrent activities or exercises have to commence in preparation for the cultural advancement of our nation. Therefore, in order for us to cushion the blows, I would like to offer, very broadly, a few concrete ideas that would add value and credence to the programme of activities that would eventually become necessary for effective change to foster. I would like to propose

and promote four points for the evolution of good discipline particularly in schools. Firstly, the curriculum for new teachers at the CPCE and UG will require amendment to the content, in a way that caters for a shift in cultural attitudes towards discipline in schools. Secondly, the government must put a national embargo on corporal punishment in all schools, forthwith and allow for case studies to be conducted and the findings inform future decisions and further studies.

Thirdly, in-service teachers and administrators will benefit from on-going inservice education and training on strategies and alternatives to corporal punishment in schools. The alternatives are numerous and worth a trial. Finally, our parents and carers must be seen as equal partners in the business of educating young learners because in Guyana’s context many parents have no qualms inflicting brutality upon their progeny as was done to them. A programme of education

will be necessary to effectively change and or sway old cultural habits, behaviour and thinking. This can be done through consultation, open community forums and PTA meetings. I am aware of the anxieties, fears and reservations of abolishing a system we have

grown accustomed to over the years but the system was hugely flawed. It is draconian; unfair, unjust, unkind, abusive and out of date. Corporal punishment in our schools must be abolished; the system must be changed for the betterment of our society and nation. Brendon Mounter

DEAR EDITOR, About 1:30 p.m. on Sunday 7th October, 2012, I received a phone call from a friend from Anna Regina telling me her understanding is that a Councillor of the Regional democratic Council was caught in the act of selling counterfeit tickets for the Annual Essequibo Night event sponsored by the Region Two Administration. The event was held at the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground on October 5 and October 6, last. I enquired from her if she knew the name of the person (the Councillor) and a name was given to me. She further stated that the Councillor was arrested and taken to the Anna Regina Police Station and was later sent on station bail. I was not surprised to learn that the councilor who allegedly committed this crime is from the ruling party the P.P.P. because corruption and dishonesty in all forms have become the order of the day. What I was surprised about is that this time against all the other times this crime was reported to the Police. What happened in the past is that when a Regional official, both s e n i o r a n d j u n i o r WA s caught in the act of committing a crime against the state, the administration through the R e g i o n a l Chairman, his deputy, the Regional executive Officer and other Senior Regional Officers,

would decide that those involved be either be dismissed, demoted, transferred to another department, or given time to make restitution of the money where or if applicable. On Tuesday, October 9, at the Statutory meeting of the Regional Democratic Council, the Regional Chairman, Parmanand Persaud, was careful not to mention anything about the event (Essequibo Night) or the bogus tickets that were on sale allegedly by the P.P.P. Councillor. But under the Agenda, matter of privilege or Public Interest I asked the Chairman about the sale of the bogus tickets, and whether he could confirm or deny that it did occur and also the names of the person or persons arrested and are alleged to be involved. His response was, that counterfeit tickets were indeed on sale at the event, but that he could not say who were the people arrested. Well to be honest that was the kind of answer I had expected from him. However, after the meeting it was good to see the number of persons who met me at the Anna Regina Car park and expressed their concern about this criminal act allegedly committed by this P.P.P. Regional Councillor. At the same time they expressed the hope that after diligent Police Investigation all those that are involved will pay the price for their gross dishonesty. Archie Cordis A.F.C. Councillor

The dishonest councillor

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

DEAR EDITOR, The late Dr. Cheddi Jagan is credited with being the first leftist-oriented Guyanese to have won a seat in the Legislative Assembly as an independent candidate in the elections of 1947 under limited adult suffrage. As such he became the first genuine working class voice in the then powerful and exclusive business-dominated legislature after having won a seat in an East Coast Demerara constituency. In his victory speech, Dr. Jagan said that it was a victory not for himself but for the working people and dedicated his victory to the working people of the then British Guiana. “We the people have won” he declared his intention to dedicate his entire life to the upliftment of the quality of life of the Guyanese people. Those were the days, in the words of Dr. Jagan, when Parliament was little more than a debating club. Laws were made not in the hallowed chambers of

the Legislative Assembly but in the Georgetown Club over whisky and hard drinks. Dr. Jagan added a new dimension to the politics of the day. He took the parliament to the people and began to expose both inside and outside parliament the intrigues and exploitative nature of the ruling class. His mission of empowering the working class was given new impetus after the 1953 elections, the first under universal adult suffrage which saw a wholly elected parliament dominated by the PPP. From a lone working class voice in the Parliament, the PPP dominated the parliamentary benches albeit for a short period. Of course, that working class assertion of political power was not to the liking of both the colonial office and the planter/ commercial class which conspired with other reactionary groups and brought down the PPP government after a mere six months in office. That victory however set in motion a new

DEAR EDITOR, I have observed a flurry of defensive letters in the media by Mr. Moses Nagamootoo who holds a very senior position in the Alliance for Change, which promoted itself in the lead up to last November as political party which does not see anyone based on the color of their skin or use racially divisive tactics in their political pawn game. Since then, however, time really provided an eye opener. I will hesitate to focus on other external i s s u e s r e g a r d i n g M r. Nagamootoo and deal with his letter in the press regarding his links with a Chinese company which is a subsidiary of the entity contracted to reconstruct our Timehri International Airport. Mr. Nagamootoo has left me in a quandary as I was under the impression that this gentleman and the AFC by

extension represented all of Guyana and Guyanese of all races and ethnicity. In his letter to the press attacking the ruling party he is quoted as saying, “In their frenzy to woo back IndoGuyanese support, the PPP has resorted to other wicked lies of linking me with violence in Agricola”. Well this is a damning admission as I never knew Moses to exclusively represent a particular ethnic group and I never knew the AFC to have ‘a man for each season or in this case ethnicity’. I would also wish for Mr. Nagamootoo to confirm whether or not he was present at the scene during the first day of the Agricola unrests as there are reports of persons seeing him in a Chinese shop on the public road witnessing the attacks on many hapless Guyanese. Mark Khubilall

Some questions for Moses Nagamootoo

political dynamic which led to the victory of the PPP once again to power in the elections of 1957 with an overall parliamentary majority. Sadly, this struggle to make the parliament a true voice of the Guyanese electorate was eroded by the PNC regime when for the first time in Guyana’s political history, national and regional elections were rigged by the PNC to perpetuate itself in power after being catapulted into political office through the machinations of Anglo-American vested interests in collaboration with local reactionary groups which included the pro-business United Force. The assumption of the PNC/ UF coalition to political office saw a systematic erosion of parliamentary democracy. Parliament, especially after the 1968 elections which was blatantly rigged by the PNC, no longer became a deliberative and representative body where laws were made based on the expressed will of the electorate. Instead, the opposition parties

were reduced to “toothless poodles” in the sense that whatever inputs they made into the parliamentary debates were ignored and trampled upon by a stolen parliamentary majority. This situation characterized our parliamentary for over two decades until representative parliamentary democracy was finally restored in the elections of October 5, 1992. Today, for the first time in our political history we have both the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker drawn from the opposition benches. Under the PNC administration, the Speaker enjoyed considerable powers which was used to the maximum. Several opposition members of Parliament were banned from speaking in Parliament including Dr. Jagan himself after he refused to apologize to the Speaker for some alleged violation of parliamentary protocol. There were several exchange some of which were quite dramatic. I recall one in particular when a PPP Member of Parliament

sprinkled wheaten flour in the House to highlight the inconvenience caused to the Guyanese people, much to the consternation of the Speaker. Those were the days when several food items were banned from entering the country. They included wheaten flour, split peas, imported potatoes, sardines, and cheese to name but a few. Those not banned were in short supply leading to frustratingly long lines which were dubbed “Guylines”. It was not uncommon to line up for hours in scorching sun at food outlets such as Guyana Stores or at Knowledge Sharing Institute (KSI) outlets only to be told to return the next day or days for those scarce items. The number of man-days lost in those lines was pathetically high and paved the way for a thriving underground economy which at one time was considered larger than the formal economy. Today, we have a Parliament that broadly reflects the voting

preferences of the Guyanese electorate in free and fair elections. The fact that the opposition parties are now in control of the Parliament by virtue of their one-seat majority is testimony of how far we have evolved as a nation in terms of our embrace of parliamentary democracy. The fact that the opposition parties have come under attack from some unlikely quarters for not adequately representing their constituents should not be blamed on the ruling PPP/C administration. The emergence of a so-called “People’s Parliament” made up of an amorphous grouping of political dissidents is nothing short of a mockery of the parliamentary process and more of an of indictment of the opposition parties which for all practical purposes have failed their constituencies in terms of responsible and matured leadership. Hydar Ally

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Kaieteur News

Linden Commission of Inquiry…

Friday October 26, 2012

NDIA audit report…

Victims’ lawyers seek to Internal auditor breached get Rohee on the stand admin protocol, procedure - Clement Corlette

Attorneys representing the victims of the Linden unrest are seeking to grill Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, during the Commission of Inquiry. Attorney-at-Law Basil Williams described Rohee as “the main pivot” in assisting the Commission in its investigation into the circumstances behind the July 18 tragedy. “We expect in accordance with the Terms of Reference issued by the President that the Minister will be here to testify,” Williams told the Commission yesterday. “The Minister is the subject of the Terms of Reference before you. The Ministry is responsible for the policy direction of the Force. So he (Rohee) is instrumental in assisting you in making a determination and recommendations for a more effective functioning police force. “The Minister is the only person who could tell you how he executes his policy functions of the Guyana Police Force. He has to tell you about calls to police officers (on the day of the shooting). He has to tell you about the policy direction for the Force, In terms of how that particular exercise was executed in Linden, about weaponry and ammunition

and shields for policemen... “The Minister cannot escape coming here on the basis that other people didn’t give evidence against him; there is evidence against him anyway, that he called Mr. Hicken (former E&F Division Commander) immediately after the shooting on the bridge. “You have seen three senior policemen come to you and each of them gave a contradictory account about how the force is supposed to function. People have been killed. We are trying to avoid our people being killed. So the Minister is a main pivot in assisting you, Sir. I won’t like to know the Minister doesn’t really intend to come to assist this Commission of Inquiry,” Williams asserted. According to the attorney and APNU parliamentarian, he and others had made recommendations to Minister Rohee “about why you have to come with lethal weapons whenever the Guyanese people go on the road to protest…we suggested pepper spray, shields, rubber bullets and the like; and the Minister himself told me that he is taking these things on board, like the water cannon...” According to the Terms of Reference, the Commission

Minister Clement Rohee should inquire if Minister Rohee gave any general or specific instructions to police to maintain law and order in Linden before, during and after the events of July 18. The Commission is also tasked with identifying what unit was employed at the scene of the protests and its composition; what training was given to the unit in preparation for crowd control; a determination whether the shooting was done by police on the ground, and if so, to determine who gave the order and whether the police had justification for the use of lethal force and inquiry into instructions for the operation.

The saga involving the contentious audit report on the operations of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) has taken an interesting twist, with Chairman of Region Four Democratic Council, Clement Corlette, criticizing the approach taken by the entity’s Internal Auditor. Corlette was referring to the move by the internal auditor to send his initial report to President Donald Ramotar, bypassing the Minister of Agriculture and other Directors of the NDIA Board. In a letter to the Chairman of the NDIA Board of Directors, Dharmkumar Seeraj, Corlette wrote that while he is satisfied that the remit of the Internal Auditor to investigate areas of activity assigned is legal, he is not satisfied that the officer can properly send his report and findings straight to the President. “It is a breach of administrative protocol and procedure,” the Regional Chairman wrote. The audit on the NDIA’s fuel consumption and equipment operations and

Ricardo Rodrigues execution…

Bulletin issued for Mark De Abreu The Guyana Police Force has issued a wanted bulletin for Mark De Abreu, whom they say is wanted for questioning in relation to the execution-style killing of Ricardo Rodrigues. The police are asking persons with information on De Abreu’s whereabouts to contact them on telephone numbers: 226-1326, 227-1270, 226-7065, 225-2227, 225-6411,

911 or the nearest police station. De Abre u’s last known address was given as Lot 66 Broad Street, Charlestown, he is of mixed race, medium build and fair in complexion. On O c t ober 15th Rodrigues was riddled with bullets as he sat at a table in the Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club compound on Albert Street.

His body bore wounds to the head, chest, hands and leg inflicted by a highpowered weapon. From all indications he died instantly. A post mortem revealed that the man was struck 15 times. Three other persons who were at the club at the time were injured as the gunmen sprayed bullets indiscriminately.

Mark De Abreu

maintenance, was conducted between May and September. It was completed and submitted to the Chairman of the NDIA Board of Directors on September 26. The report concluded that fraudulent acts were committed by NDIA Chief Executive Officer Lionel Wordsworth and Senior Section Engineer (SSE) Mr. Aneel Chowbay, in breach of the Procurement Act 2003. It speaks of conflict of interest and sole sourcing of services such as the supply of fuel and the awarding of contracts to relations of senior NDIA operatives, in breach of national procurement procedures. Since the publication, the Ministry of Agriculture has sought to discredit the author of the audit report and there are reports that the Auditor is under tremendous pressure to retain his job. The Ministry had described the report as unsubstantiated by a person who has a personal agenda. The Internal Auditor is the Head of the Inspectorate Department of the NDIA which was set up following a meeting of the Board earlier this year. This body’s duty is to provide oversight of the management of the D&I infrastructure. Additionally, the Board had also agreed to establish a Finance Committee and a Works Committee to oversee payments and the work programme respectively. The Board had also agreed and recommended that payments for works executed by the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority shall be subject to approval by the Board. However this has not been implemented as yet.

Clement Corlette Breaches of some of these agreed procedures were highlighted in the audit report. But according to the Region Four Chairman, it was the decision of the NDIA Board of Directors to establish the Inspectorate Department in its deliberate judgement. However in the same vein, the NDIA Board is the competent authority to receive the report and determine the way forward. “I submit that the board is competent to determine any conseq u e n c e s t o impose for mismanagement of its resources,” Corlette wrote. The report was leaked to this newspaper, angering Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, who is also of the view that the Auditor breached administrative procedure. Board Chairman Dhamkumar Seeraj had told this newspaper that he was awaiting a final report before making any decision, since the initial report was merely a draft. According to the NDIA Chairman, the audit report must first be commented on, and a final report prepared.

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

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PANIC IN THE OPPOSITION CAMP The Opposition is in a quandary over the Linden Commission of Inquiry. Panic seems to be stepping in and this has led to an intensification of calls for the Minister of Home Affairs to resign. The Opposition fails to see the absurdity of its position. Firstly, the Commission of Inquiry has not yet concluded its work. In fact it is still taking evidence. As such, it is premature for anyone to be arriving at a decision on the possible direction that the Inquiry is taking, even though the Commission is at a critical stage. The Opposition, therefore, should not be panicking as if its case is about to fall apart. Yet this is precisely what it seems the Opposition is doing. It was the Opposition that called for a Commission of Inquiry. But instead of awaiting the outcome of this inquiry to determine whether the police was responsible for the fatal shooting of the three protestors, the Opposition seems to have decided, at least judging from its actions that it has to find a scapegoat for these killings, thus it is pressing for the dismissal of the Minister of Home Affairs. Long before the COI commenced, the Opposition had determined that the Minister of Home Affairs had to be held responsible for the shootings. When it was

pointed out that the Minister cannot be held responsible for the shootings since he was not part of the police operation, the opposition began to argue that the actions at Linden represented a failure of policy and the Minister therefore had to be held accountable for this failure. In fact, in contradiction to their demand for the Commission of Inquiry, they even passed a motion calling on the Minister to resign. Now this is clearly a precipitous motion and one that prejudges the Commission of Inquiry. So on the one hand, the Opposition wanted a Commission of Inquiry to ascertain what happened and who should be held responsible, but on the other hand they have already decided who should resign. The problem that they face is what happens if the Commission finds that either the police did fire the shots that killed the three men on July 18 or if it is found that the evidence is inconclusive on who exactly fired the fatal shots. What happens if it is found that the police cannot be indicted? How then will the Opposition defend its motion that it passed in Parliament? It has decided the police were responsible for the shooting and it passed a motion demanding that the Minister be held responsible. What happens if the police are found not to have fired the shots? It would mean that

Dem boys seh...

Sonny training fuh sing Christmas carols Moon does run till day ketch am. Dem boys didn’t understand wha it mean because dem know moon can’t run. Sonny mek dem boys remember moon because he can’t run, too, suh he start fuh fly. Now it look like he run mad and he ain’t name Ahmad. From de start Sonny was flying too easy, suh easy that he name he plane Easy Jet. Now all dem passenger uneasy. Dem actually listen to Sonny when he seh that he got investors standing by and one of dem was a hospital. Now de hospital money cause sickness fuh Sonny and de airline. Now de poor airplane park up quiet. It park up like it sick. People shoulda travel but dem ain’t buy a ticket. Dem don’t want get sick like Sonny. Dem boys seh that from de time de hospital sue Sonny he can’t be found and he ain’t deh in no hospital. And he can’t even tek an easy flight pun he Easy Jet. De Feds watching him and Aunt Dora waiting.

From de look of things Sonny gun join Ed singing Christmas Carols fuh de people wha dem boards. Ed trouble dem poor, poor people. Sonny trouble dem old, old people. Sonny was smart. He see from de start that dem health care company was mekking money. He decide fuh bring in Easy Jet fuh mek money too. Now Easy Jet need health care and de Feds planning fuh provide it. Is now dem boys know how he coulda offer all dem cheap flight from Monday. Was de hospital money and five million Uncle Sam can go a long way. Only this time it didn’t get to go too far. That is how Sonny lef Rose to rise to de rescue. She wearing he shoes, but dem boys warning she that she better watch out before she hear how is she hustle de hospital money. Christmas coming and de same plane woulda mek nuff money. If only Sonny did wait. Talk half and watch Sonny sing fuh he supper.

the motion was based on a false premise. This is why the opposition should have waited until the conclusion of the COI before passing any motion. The Opposition parties are panicking. They are afraid of the wrath of the people. They are afraid that the people will turn against them and therefore they are eager, over eager in fact, to sink the Minister. This is why they are pressing their case now, by issuing ultimatums to the President, as to when the Minister of Home Affairs should resign. What is even more shocking is that they passed a motion of no confidence. It is not for this

column to pronounce on the constitutionality of the demands made in that motion. A higher authority will rule on that in due course. However, a motion of no confidence cannot be passed against a Minister, because by the principle of collective responsibility, this would mean that the entire government would have to resign, since all ministers swim or sink together. A motion of no confidence against a minister is tantamount to a motion of no confidence against the government which is clearly, therefore, not permissible. The Opposition may have recognized the implications of

this vote of no confidence. As such, there has been a suggestion that the motion was a motion of censure. Now this is a different kettle of fish from a motion of no confidence. A censure motion cannot call for the removal of a Minister. So the Opposition is causing itself to be in a tangled mass. On the one hand it cannot call for a motion of no confidence in a Minister, because there is collective responsibility of Ministers within a government and therefore a motion of no confidence against a government means that parliament has to be prorogued and elections

called. On the other hand, a censure motion can only express regret, condemnation, surprise, disappointment or indignation against the action of a member, but cannot call for resignation or removal. But in its panic, the Opposition is snatching at any defence to hold the Minister responsible.

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Friday October 26, 2012


President Ramotar’s logic Your only access to the road is via a waterway. But the waterway is privatelyowned. Sailing then is your main method of transport. You bought a boat. You took the boat into the water to get to your destination. The owner of the waterway asked you to take his son to school every day when you go on the water. You refused. He refused you permission to use his passage. Who is the foolish one? You are. Yo u r a c c e s s t o y o u r work is the man’s river. You automatically have to enter into some form of concession with him and his concession is that you take his kid to school.

The simple fact of life in your world is that you have to negotiate if you want access to the road. It is the same with the national budget. President Ramotar said on Wednesday that the compilation of the national budget is the right of the Executive. What the media are g o i n g t o d o i s l e t M r. Ramotar off the hook by not asking him the pertinent question. If the Executive has the legal right to craft the budget why then can it not become law unless the Parliament a p p r o v e s i t ? Yo u d o n ’t need a doctorate in logic to know that the framers of the Constitution intended

Parliament to have oversight over the budget. The Constitution says that Parliament must approve of the budget of the Government (the Executive). But there are many things that are contradictory in the Constitution. A good exposition of this is the book, Law and the Political Environment by Rudy James and Harold L u t c h m a n ( U n i v. o f Guyana, 1984).The two professors describe what a subtle document the 1980 Constitution is. In one section, the Constitution is supreme and has overriding power over the Executive. But in another section there is a clause that gives the Executive the authority to be supreme and the power to veto any aspect of the Constitution that puts a brake on absolutist power of the Executive. The budget is an exception. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows the Executive to make the budget legal if Parliament rejects it. There are only two courses available to the

Executive. One is that the President can dissolve Parliament and call elections, or compose another budget. If the framers of the Constitution wanted to vitiate the Parliament’s tight grip on the budget they would have initiated a clause that found a way out for the Executive to pass the budget. For example, present the budget for a second reading and if rejected again, then the Executive can use his authority to make it law. The writers of the Constitution chose not to give the Executive a way out. Parliament must approve the budget, if not, governmental spending ends. President Ramotar is simply being arrogant to assert that it is the right of the Executive to shape the budget. It is, but it is foolish for Mr. Ramotar not to contextualize. One hopes M r. R a m o t a r k n o w s everything in life has context. In the context of the Executive not having a

majority in the Parliament, his yearly estimates cannot become law. Like the man with the boat, President Ramotar has to accept an imposition or agree to a favour or accept concessions. If President Ramotar expects an oppositioncontrolled Parliament to pass his budget without getting concessions from him, then it calls into question his understanding of life, human nature and politics in general. No politician can be that naïve. Life is certainly not that simple and will never be that simple. Mr. Ramotar lives in a country that is intricately bound up with the United States of America. Mr. Ramotar must know that when the American President does not have a majority in the Congress then his budget becomes a victim of cruel realpolitik. This writer believes that M r. R a m o t a r i s t o t a l l y familiar with how the US system works and deals with budget stalemates in the US Congress.

Frederick Kissoon It is an amazing act of ignoring reality for President Ramotar to proclaim that the Executive will proceed with the budget because that is the right of the Executive. Then he should answer how his government is going to get the money if the Parliament votes down the yearly estimates. President Ramotar has reduced human nature to one little playful game when you think about his attitude towards the national budget. How can any opposition politician save his/her career when their party is the majority in the House, the President rejects opposition input into the budget but yet this strong majority meekly passes it in the House. Is President Ramotar for real?

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Three-man gang robs minibus passengers A route 41 minibus driver is urging his colleagues to be on the lookout for a three-man gang that has been robbing South Ruimveldt-bound minibuses, especially during the late night rush period. Cyril Adams, who has been in the public transportation business for decades, became the latest victim of the gang, when he and his passengers were robbed at gunpoint just after 22:00 hours on Tuesday. Recalling the incident, Adams said that the three men entered his bus at the Stabroek Market Bus Park, but at the time they just appeared to be normal passengers although a tout had hinted to the conductor to pay attention to them. The men sat at the back of the bus, sizing up the passengers, especially those who were inclined to use their expensive cellular phones. As the bus was proceeding east along Norton Street heading to South Ruimveldt, one of the passengers who was busy with her BlackBerry, requested to be let off, The men sensing the opportunity to grab her cell phone also decided to come off at the said stop.

According to Adams, as soon as they got out of the bus, one of the bandits dealt the woman several slaps to her face, and snatched her cellular phone from her in the process. The men were brutal, for as the woman fell to the ground, two of them began kicking her about her body as she screamed for help. The rest of the passengers sat transfixed at what was occurring before their eyes and it was the conductor, who happened to be Adams’ son, who tried to intervene, after not seeing the men carrying any weapon; he was wrong. “He see dem kicking de woman and he tried to help, but one ah dem pull out a gun and gun butt he to he head. When he fall down dey start kick he too,” said Adams who added that the men had already taken away the conductor’s money. In the meantime, the passengers began screaming at Adams to drive, fearing that the bandits would turn on them eventually. But the driver was in no mind to drive away and leave his son (the conductor). Eventually, Adams himself got out of the bus and

Employees of the East Bank Rice Depot, located at Coverden, East Bank Demerara, were left traumatized after two robbers, on Wednesday, brazenly barged into the store in the middle of the day, brutalized a male worker and terrorized two females - the store’s cashier and a woman who occupy the upper flat of the building – before making off with a quantity of cash. The store’s manager, Michael Persaud, told this newspaper that checks revealed that the assailants escaped with a little over $500,000. Reports are that the two men entered the store immediately after a “bush truck” that had just been offloaded drove off. The cashier said that this was around 12:30hrs, and noted that other staffers were on lunch at the time. Recounting the terrifying incident, she stated that “…soon as the truck move off they barge in and walk past me. I honestly thought it was a customer, because I was busy parceling off money.

Next thing I know a gun to me head and they tell me and de other worker (male) to go at the back in the storeroom. Then they start beating away on he, so he holla, and the girl from upstairs come down to see what happen and they put her with we too. Then one tell we to stay at the back or else he would shoot. After we notice a half hour and nothing didn’t happen we came out and they were gone.” The cashier explained that one of the men was armed with a black handgun and he was the one who stayed in the bond with her and the other two staffers, while the other grabbed the cash. She said that the armed man ordered her to hand over all her personal cash, amounting to $10,000. She said that after relieving her of all the cash she had in her possession, the man threw her in a corner along with the other employee and the female who resides in the upper flat of the building. The manager said that he reported the matter to the Timehri police station.

Brazen robbers strike at Coverden

- driver warns colleagues to be on the lookout confronted one of the bandits who was unarmed. He was getting the better of the bandit before the man’s accomplice with the gun came to his rescue. The bus driver was dealt a lash to his head by the gunman and he was forced to back off. And just as it was feared, the bandits turned their attention to the other passengers in the bus, relieving a few of them of their valuables.

“De one with de gun go to dem passengers and start saying ‘leh me see wha you gat’. Dey tek way about three people cell phone. De passengers at de back keep cussing ‘why you don’t drive de f…ing bus?’” Adams explained. Apparently satisfied, the bandits made good their escape, while Adams proceeded to the East La Penitence police station to report the matter. He had to deal with some

angry passengers who only got angrier when they arrived at the station to find the gates locked. Several minutes later they were let in and further compounding their anger was the wait for almost an hour for a detective to arrive. Eventually, Adams took the initiative to drop off each of his remaining passengers to their individual homes. He is advising his fellow bus operators to be on the lookout for suspicious

characters entering their vehicles at nights. “Most of them come in and sit down at the back, sizing up everybody in the bus. Some of them even come in and demand that the interior lights be switched off. We have to pay more attention to these kinds of people,” Adams advised. The matter is under investigation. Within the past few days, several minibus operators and their passengers have been robbed, but some of the incidents have gone unreported.

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Friday October 26, 2012

Trade unionist defends blocking of... (From page 3) injured eye. The other civilian, tyre shop employee Orin Cameron, recounted losing consciousness after being shot in the stomach and right shoulder. But like Lewis, both men said they were unable to identify the ranks who were shooting. Speaking to the Commission, Lewis testified that he had been invited to participate in the July 18 ‘rally’, which was in response to the raising of the electricity tariffs in the bauxite mining community. He said that there were about 3,000-plus people gathered there. He explained that the bridge was seen as a meeting point. He said he consulted with the president of the Guyana Bauxite and General Workers Union Mr. Gonsalves, who told him that the meeting on the bridge took place and be-

fore the people could move, the Commander came and threatened to shoot and people became annoyed. Lewis asserted that he had expected the gathering to be at the Guyana Stores building, where the rally was supposed to be held. He said that the police arrived before lunch. He told the commissioners that police lined up and the people on Mackenzie shore came behind them. According to Lewis, some of the people were stating that they wanted their rights to be respected. “And was this right the right to remain on the bridge?” Commission jurist K.D. Knights asked. “Yes, in the circumstances,” Lewis replied. According to Lewis, he advised Region Ten Chairman Sharma Solomon to go to the Wismar shore. But he said that around 18:00 hrs, immediately after

arriving on the western shore, he heard gunshots. He said that some seven to ten minutes after arriving in the area the lights went off. Lewis said that after hearing the shots, he left the bridge and walked to Casuarina Drive. He said when he got to the corner of Casuarina Drive, just before the hospital, he saw Commander Hicken and about five other police ranks. One policeman dressed in the uniform of a traffic rank and Hicken in khaki uniform. Others were clad in dark-blue trousers and light-blue shorts. Lewis later testified that Commander Hicken , whom he knew, was clutching an object which was wrapped in a newspaper. According to Lewis, a section of the object, which he described as being ‘shiny’ was protruding from the newspaper and that it appeared to be the muzzle of a handgun. He also claimed that at one point Hicken walked behind him while clutching the wrapped-up object. Lewis testified that he returned to the bridge and saw a squad facing the bridge and another squad facing east. The trade unionist told the Commission that he stood behind a parked minibus and observed ASP Todd, who was

in charge of the squad at the front. Todd, he said, who was standing some 35 feet away and dressed in khaki, was holding a loud hailer and ordering the protestors to clear the bridge. However, the crowd remained on the bridge. Lewis said that he could not recall hearing Hicken issue the order in the name of President Ramotar. According to Lewis, it was then that police ranks, whom he did not recognize, fired teargas for the second time. He said that they had fired teargas on the Wismar shore, and he returned to the Mackenzie shore. “DON’T SHOOT THAT MAN” “After the teargas I heard a man shout ‘somebody get shoot…alyuh stop shooting,’ and then I saw a man being lifted by two men and a woman…and then …I heard somebody say the man is dead.” Lewis said that still standing behind the bus, he then observed a policeman on the north-eastern side of the bridge turn to shoot a civilian near the Linden Secretariat compound “and a rank in khaki uniform said four or five times to him “Don’t shoot that man.”

According to Lewis, he heard several gunshots and teargas was also fired in the direction of the bridge. He said that the police moved towards the bridge where they continued firing. The trade unionist alleged that he heard persons shouting again that another man had been shot and pleading for the police to stop shooting. He said that he then saw civilians bearing the wounded man from the Mackenzie section of the bridge to the hospital. Questioned by Mr. K. D. Knight, Lewis insisted that none of the ranks shot towards the ground or into the air. Again, he said that he could not identify any of the shooting ranks. He testified that he then observed a truck on fire near Casuarina Drive, also recalling that there was a power outage in the area. Lewis said that he then drove away from the location. Questioned by Attorneyat-Law Nigel Hughes, the trade unionist, who said he had lived in Linden “for the cream of his life”, recounted that in 1969, protesting Lindeners had blocked the Wismar/Mackenzie Bridge for a fortnight. He said that a simi-

lar protest was held at the bridge in 2004, but both matters were resolved. Lewis said that the second incident was resolved after former President Bharrat Jagdeo visited Linden. It was after this that the trade unionist was questioned extensively by members of the Commission and attorney-at-law Peter Hugh regarding his statement about seeing Commander Hicken with what appeared to be a firearm wrapped in newspaper. However, Lewis stuck to his story, stating that about “two-and-a-half inches” of the ‘shiny object’ was protruding from the newspaper. Commissioner Cecil Kennard also queried whether Lewis could have observed the object although night had fallen. Attorney-at-Law Peter Hugh also questioned Lewis about statements where he had told the crowd “we have to be prepared”. A video recording was then played of Lewis speaking to a crowd and telling the protestors “we ain’t moving.” “Yes, I told them that, and if the circumstances present themselves again I would tell them not to move,” Lewis responded to Hugh.

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

Murdered police ranks…

Investigators to return to location Crime Chief Seelall Persaud says an investigating team is expected to return to Kato to carry out further investigations into the murders of two of the ranks, Marlon Letlow and Leadon Aaron. During a meeting with members of the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association, the Crime Chief revealed that while there is information about what may have transpired, there is little evidence available. Persaud was responding to questions from miners about their safety, as well as that of police ranks, and corruption. Miners said they are concerned over reports that the ranks were killed by miners, which may spark some form of retaliation by ranks in mining districts. As the Crime Chief sought to clear the air about the recent incident without compromising the investigation, he told miners that while the ranks were on patrol in their jurisdiction, there were some irregularities with their mode of operation. He said once on official patrol, the ranks were supposed to have been in their uniform, however, this was not the case. He did not shed any light on whether or not there is any information about the ranks

raiding any mining camps. Initial reports are that the men went out on a routine patrol since Sunday October 14 and were returning to the Police Station when they were attacked. Aaron’s remains were found around 16:00 hours on Wednesday, October 17, at Paramakatoi, North Pakaraimas, a short distance from the crashed All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) that the two ranks had been travelling on. His .38 service revolver has not been recovered. Letlow’s remains were found in a clump of bushes several hours later with his weapon, and a magazine with eight live rounds, close by. His body bore at least two gunshot wounds and other marks of violence. Eight spent shells matching those his weapon uses and one spent 12 gauge shotgun cartridge, were reportedly found at the scene. According to reports, Aaron was riding the ATV when the incident occurred. Reports are that the two cops were confronted by their intended victims who sought to defend themselves. There are also reports that the men had earlier raided a mining camp and relieved the miners of their valuables.

Modernization of Camp Street penal facility...

‘Brick Prison’ to undergo $50.93M reconstruction The Brick Prison, a block of the Georgetown’s Camp Street Prison, will soon undergo reconstruction to the tune of $50.93M. This was revealed by Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon on Wednesday during his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing. According to Chief Prison Officer, Dale Erskine, this reconstruction project, which is the first phase, is being done as part of the Guyana Prison Service’s strategic plan to modernize facilities. He noted that the building is among six main blocks of the Georgetown Prisons. Erskine related that the reconstruction will create a more humane environment for prisoners. Though the building will not be extended, its new layout would ensure better accommodation for inmates. The building would be divided into sections to house different categories of prisoners. A well-placed source emphasized that the reconstruction is urgently needed, owing to the deplorable condition of the Brick Prison. This publication was told that a section of that facility is unoccupied because of its inhumane condition. In addition, aback of the block is the sewage system that is overflowing - whenever it rains the stench is unbearable. The bottom flat of the building, which houses some prisoners with mental illnesses and the solitary confinement room, is susceptible to flooding. The source suggested that the reconstruction works should see the raising of the floor and the sewage system should be fixed immediately. “The Brick Prison grey on the outside and just so dirty in the inside. Only when officials visit the prison then it is cleaned. Plenty people come in here and dead and leave with diseases,” the source said. Recently, another block of the Georgetown Prison was rehabilitated. According to the source, the building is referred to as the new block.

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Two persons detained for Canadian’s murder As police continue their investigations into the murder of Canada-based Guyanese, Moneer, two persons have been detained. This publication was told that the men who are from the area where Moneer was staying were arrested yesterday. According to reports, 77year-old Moneer of Blankenburg, West Coast Demerara, who was holidaying in Guyana, was found dead on the Blankenburg seashore around 06:30 hours on Tuesday. A post mortem revealed that the man died as a result

of compression injuries to the neck, multiple blunt trauma to the head and asphyxiation. This publication was told that the man’s body also bore stab wounds. Sources close to the investigation said that it is believed that the man was attacked at one location and subsequently dumped at the seashore. The dead man’s brother, Hakim Hussein, told Kaieteur News that his brother arrived in Guyana about a week ago. According to Hussein, Moneer left the house on Tuesday saying he was going to a nearby cemetery to visit his son’s grave and then to

see other relatives in the area. As the place began to get dark, the man’s relatives became worried and formed a search party. Hussein said that while searching, a resident of the area said that they saw the man earlier walking and that he had indicated that he was going to check on his relatives. According to Hussein, they knew that the man would also visit the seawall from time to time, hence they decided to check that area. To their shock and horror, from a distance, they said they noticed the body of a man lying face down at the edge of the seashore.

Within seconds, Hussein said it dawned on them that it might be his brother. The man’s cap and watch were reportedly found nearby and his pants were halfway off. Hussein said that contrary to speculation, his brother was not sexually assaulted by his attacker/attacker/s. He said that the post mortem did not reveal anything to suggest this. Hussein said they immediately informed the police who arrived and began processing the scene. Moneer ’s body was subsequently removed and taken to the Ezekiel Funeral Home.

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Friday October 26, 2012

Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman & Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana The Shaheed Boys and Girls Orphanages On this holy and the command of God to sacrifice our evil The Executive of the Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman (GUSIA) and the Board of the Shaheed Boys & Girls Orphanages take the opportunity to extend to our Muslim Community and the Guyanese Nation, greetings on the occasion of Eid-ul Azha. This day, which observes the great sacrifice of the great friend of Allah – Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is a day which must fill the hearts of Mankind with great joy. The Prophet Ibrahim was a person who translated in his life,

qualities that are associated with great character. Generations of nations are preserved by his teachings. Islam recognizes the superiority of the actions of this great Prophet by commanding Muslims to emulate these acts. The establishment of progressive nations and successful people are results of adherence to the guidance of great prophets as Prophet Ibrahim. We join with Muslims throughout the world to remind all of the eminence and virtues of this

great but honourable leader of mankind and to echo the feelings of love for this great Prophet of Allah and his beloved son, Ishmail. In this age of political instability, ethnic and racial violence, greed, materialism and uncertainties, the selfless actions and willingness to sacrifice that which he loved best, still remain a vivid example of qualities in a human that allows him to tower over all others. We join to express joy and goodness on this special occasion of Eid ul Azha.

People’s Progressive Party Muslims will today, October 26, 2012, observe the religious activity of Eid-ulAdha which is the remembrance of the sacrifice made by Abraham to God. He was about to offer his own son as the sacrifice but was urged to desist and offered an animal instead. This was an indication of his obedience to the Almighty, the very concept of “Islam”. The People’s Progressive Party takes this opportunity to salute Muslim believers and all Guyanese on this auspicious occasion and urges that this is an appropriate occasion for all

Guyanese to reflect on national unity, mutual respect and social harmony. The holy Prophet Mohamed championed all these attributes and is known to have spearheaded them in his lifetime. He taught them to the peoples of his time and bequeathed them to his successors, not only in Arabia, but in other countries all over the world. In keeping with the examples set by the holy Prophet, believers will be attending their places of worship in their separate communities where they will appeal for social calm, world

peace, individual understanding and mutual respect among peoples and nations. The PPP notes the turmoil in various parts of the world, which is militating against the just demands and expectations of Muslims, and champions the worldwide call for peace and mutual respect among peoples and nations. The People’s Progressive Party extends its warmest congratulations to the Muslim community in Guyana on having achieved yet another milestone in the form of Eid-ul-Adha and wishes them many more such observations in future.

People’s National Congress Reform E i d - u l - A d h a commemorates the faith and trust that the Prophet Abraham had in the Creator who determined that Abraham should sacrifice his son by taking his life. It is safe to assume that Allah wished to test Abraham’s Faith and the depth of his belief, by being willing to sacrifice his own child. However, Allah recognized that Abraham

having passed this test prepared an animal as a substitute and so spared the life of his son. As Muslims in Guyana and throughout the world celebrate this event, we need to reflect on the utility of obedience to the highest authority. Our Creator will not test us in overbearing circumstances. As we observe our nation’s objective

The Muslim Youth League of Guyana Asallam Uh Alaikum! It is our esteemed pleasure to extend Greetings to all Guyanese, especially the Muslim Community, on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Azah. The Act of Prophet Ibrahim, the greatest friend to Allah, signifies his sincerity, reverence and faith in God Almighty. Therefore, by his example, each of us should make sacrifices in our lives if we are to be true believers. On this occasion, it is not the meat that is important, but it must be the sincere desire of each of us to commit ourselves to be good human beings, and to be caring and compassionate to our fellow man, regardless of religious, racial or cultural differences. Therefore let our actions be guided by love from our heart for our fellow man, respect for each other and live in harmony thorough peace with devotion to God Almighty.

circumstances and interpret the lessons from the Holy Quran, this Eid ul-Adha should remind all Guyanese, Muslims and non Muslims alike, that we need to commit ourselves to the building of an inclusive society in which there is unity, harmony, justice, equity and a sense of decency at all levels. The People’s National Congress Reform joins with all Muslims and, since we were the architect of making this a public holiday, we also join with all Guyanese at home and abroad to wish one and all a Happy Eid ul-Adha.

auspicious day of Eid ul Adha, the President and Executives of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana extend Eid Mubarak to all Guyanese, especially members of our Muslim community. Eid ul Adha commemorates one of the greatest acts of sacrifice in the annals of human History. The Prophet Abraham (AS), his wife Hagar and their first born son Ishmáel were all tested by God Almighty. The Prophet Abraham (AS) was told in a dream to sacrifice what he loved best. Abraham was gifted in his old age with a son, his first born—Ishmáel. He loved Ishmáel very much. Prophet Abraham (AS), interpreted the dream to be that he had to sacrifice Ishmáel. His wife Hagar, when she was told by the devil that her husband, Prophet Abraham (AS) was going to sacrifice their only son because of a command from his God, she rebuked the devil and supported her husband. She was willing to sacrifice her son if this was the command of God. The devil then tried to get Ishmáel to deviate, but Ishmáel, the young son, also rejected the devil. All of them being true servants of God were willing and submitted to

Almighty. God Almighty was testing them and they passed the test. They were rewarded by the offer of a lamb for sacrifice. Thereafter, God Almighty commanded our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to commemorate this great act by making it a part of the Hajj rituals in the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. This is the fifth and final pillar of Islam and an estimated three million Muslims from all across the world make this pilgrimage annually. For those Muslims who have the means to do an animal sacrifice then they must do this. Respected Brothers and Sisters, Eid ul Adha is not only about slaughtering animals and sharing the meat to the poor and needy, our friends and family. The most important part of this holy and auspicious day is that it is a day of reflection; it is a day of rededicating our lives to the service of the Creator and Sustainer of this universe – Allah. It is a day of understanding that in order to effect any change in our community, society or the world at large we have to start first by changing ourselves. When we are going to sacrifice an animal we must understand that we are going

inclinations and deeds at the same time. By doing the sacrifice, we are pledging to make a change for the better of ourselves, our family, our community and our country. We have to submit ourselves to the commands of Allah, to submit ourselves to the Holy Quran to study and follow the sunnah of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to love what he loved, and to stay away from what he advised us to stay away from. It is by following the sunnah of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) that we can understand the true meaning of EID UL ADHA and hence QURBANI. Let us, as we do our sacrifice, remind ourselves that if we are to be a part of making changes we must sacrifice, our evil ways, our prejudices— racial, religious and ethnic, we must sacrifice all our evil tendencies and ask Allah (SWT) to let Him make us the instruments of change that will deliver mankind from the degradation it is in. May Allah (SWT) accept our sacrifices, may Allah (SWT) keep us all on the Straight Path, May Allah (SWT) guide us and protect us all. May Allah (SWT) forgive us. Eid Mubarak Eid Mubarak Eid Mubarak.

Alliance For Change The Alliance For Change extends warm Eid Mubarak to our Muslim brothers and sisters all across Guyana and in the Diaspora. As we observe Eid-ulAdha, the Feast of the Sacrifice, let us reflect on the important message of this occasion, that of obedience. In the message of Eid-ulAdha we learn of Abraham’s obedience to God and his willingness to sacrifice the son whom he cherished. For Abraham, no sacrifice was too great to make if God requested it. We also learn of

Ishmael’s obedience to his father Abraham. Even when Ishmael knew that his father was going to sacrifice him, Ishmael still obeyed his father. In the end, having proven the obedience of Abraham, God showered abundant blessings on him. Today, we see so many families being torn apart by tragedies. The moral fiber that holds fathers and sons and mothers and daughters together is being destroyed. Many people today want the ‘blessings’ without having to obey rules and laws. Never before have

we seen in our country the total disregard for laws as we witness today. Many who have sworn to uphold the laws are themselves guilty of breaking the very laws they swore to uphold. This sort of disobedience and disregard for the fiber that holds our society together must not be allowed to continue This Eid-ul-Adha, let us begin the process of upholding the laws of our land. Let us be mindful that the laws are guidance for the development and safety of all our peoples.

Indian Arrival Committee On this Sacred Observance of Eid-Ul-Adha, the IAC would like to extend Eid Mubarak to all Guyanese and especially the Muslim Community. Eid-Ul-Adha is a time for believers to learn the value of self denial by making a sacrifice of the things they love, to Almighty God. Abraham’s great act of submission is thus regarded solely as an example of genuine surrender to the will

of his creator. Today, more than ever, human beings need to incorporate the lesion of this great sacrifice with humility, thus underlining the importance of the festival in memory of Prophet Abraham’s great act of faith, many centuries ago. In the spirit of sacrifice, let us not forget the poor and needy in our community, by sharing the sacrificial offerings with them. Let it be our sincere hope and prayer

that we are able to affirm the unity among our peoples and between Islam and other religions. The message of Eid-UlAdha is an example of coexistence and cooperation of mutual benefit the world can learn from. This festival incorporates the great pilgrimage to Mecca or the performance of the Hajj. Over two million pilgrims from the world over, covering all races, economic and social

backgrounds gather, only for one purpose, humbleness. The IAC congratulates our brothers and sisters from home, who have undertaken this journey and extend good wishes for their safe return. Today, as our Muslim brothers and sisters observe Eid-Ul-Adha, the IAC urges that special prayers be offered for continued peace, so that our country can move forward with prosperity. Eid Mubarak.

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Oil turf tension…Venezuelan police board Petrotrin rig in the Gulf Trinidad Express - There was tension on the high seas Wednesday as Venezuela’s police, La Guardia Nacional, boarded a Petrotrin oil rig to determine whether it was illegally operating in the Venezuelan oil zone. Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine, speaking to the Express by phone, confirmed that the Spanish authorities did stop the rig’s operations to verify that territorial borders were not being crossed. The rig, said Ramnarine, is owned by a company called Well Services which does drilling for Petrotrin. “After spending some time on the rig they then left...right now we are investigating the matter and assembling all the facts before we make any statements,” said Ramnarine. He said the rig was operating in the South West

Soldado field within the Trinmar acreage, which is very close to the Venezuelan border. Ramnarine said the relevant authorities were called in to probe the matter including the Coast Guard,

Chief of Defence Staff Kenrick Maharaj, Petrotrin, and the Foreign Affairs Minister among others. Petrotrin president Khalid Hassanali said yesterday that Petrotrin has been drilling in that area for some time. “It is in Trinidad waters. Yes they (Guardia Nacional) did board this morning...the geographic coordinates were checked, they left, nobody was harmed,” he said. “We’re having diplomatic interventions to make sure that everything is fine to ensure that this does not happen again,” he added. A release from Petrotrin later stated that at 10.45 a.m. Wednesday, a sea-going vessel which identified itself as the Venezuelan Coast Guard, radioed personnel working on Rig 110 in Petrotrin’s offshore Soldado Field, and claimed that the rig

Trinidad Guardian President of the Supermarkets Association Vernon Persad says there has been a notable increase in several food items and it is in the hands of consumers to reject price increases. Persad and other members of the association Wednesday met with Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar to discuss the issue of the rise in food prices at the ministry on South Quay, Port-ofSpain. “The Supermarkets Association stands committed to lower food prices and we have been getting memos from our distributors and suppliers about the rise,” he said. Persad said

there were hundreds of food items which prices had been increased over the past few months but the association’s mandate was to stop the pricegouging. He added: “We have taken a position that we will not accept any price increases from the distributors. We want our customers to enjoy the benefit of that. “Stores can refuse delivery to show the level of commitment and consumers can stop buying the products. We have all decided to make this stand together in favour of this movement.” Persad said consumers could choose another product

with a lower price. He added: “There has been an evaluation of prices and there is a lot of importation of food. There are a lot of prices going up and consumers want the prices reduced. We stand committed to reduce the prices from moving upwards.” Persad said there were a lot of contributing factors to the increase, such as the international market, local factors, cost overruns, rentals, freight charges and additional costs which was passed on to consumers. He said VAT would be taken off over 7,000 items at the supermarkets from November 15.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – CMC - The son of one of Haiti’s prominent families is being questioned by police following reports that he was involved in a kidnapping ring. Clifford Brandt was locked up Monday on suspicion of involvement in kidnapping two children of another family in the capital, Port-au-Prince. Brandt who runs a car dealership is the son Fritz Brandt, head of a prominent Haitian family that has extensive holdings in exportimport businesses. Police spokesman Frantz Lerebours said Brandt took

investigators to the place where the children were being held. The children were subsequently freed by the police. According to media reports, the police also held two alleged accomplices suspected of driving a Toyota Land Cruiser to carry out the kidnapping. The two suspects were caught as they tried to cross the border into the neighboring Dominican Republic. Secretary of State for Public Security Reginald Delva told a local radio station that the kidnapper demanded more than US$2 million for the

release of the two abducted children. Brandt’s lawyer, Delatour Calixte, said although his client led the police to where the children were being held Brandt did not play a role in the kidnapping. Calixte suggested Brandt may have organized their “removal” in a family dispute. “Removing a person is not the same thing as kidnapping…there’s a difference between kidnapping and a personal problem…. I have to say one thing: Mr. Brandt was never involved in kidnapping” said Calixte.

Kevin Ramnarine

Consumers told to reject hikes in food prices

Businessman being questioned for alleged kidnapping

was operating in Venezuelan waters. “Petrotrin personnel provided the necessary geographical coordinates which confirmed that the rig was indeed operating lawfully, well within the maritime borders of Trinidad and Tobago. The Venezuelan vessel therefore departed without further delay,” stated the release. It stated further that Petrotrin security patrols visited the scene, and the Trinidad and Tobago Police and Coast Guard were immediately informed. According to the release, since 2004 Petrotrin has been compliant with the mandatory International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, an amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention (1974/1988), which has outlined detailed security arrangements for ships and ports operating internationally. “Petrotrin employees as well as the national community can therefore be

assured that the company has put in place all the necessary security measures to safeguard the lives and well- being of our employees operating in our marine fields,” stated the release. However, Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union (OWTU) president general Ancel Roget told the Express that the union was not satisfied with the level of security and has called for a meeting with the authorities to discuss the matter. Roget noted that last year there was incident where nationals were under threat from Venezuelan authorities. In May last year Roget threatened shutdown of operations at Trinidad Marine Ltd (Trinmar) if the Venezuelan Guardia Nacional attacked this country’s nationals in Trinidad and Tobago waters again. The threat came after members of the Guardia Nacional chased Trinidad and Tobago fishermen at sea to

within this country’s maritime boundaries and shot at them. Roget said at that time he held discussions with former energy minister Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan and former foreign affairs minister Suruj Rambachan and “we requested and demanded that the security be stepped up to ensure workers’ safety.” “Based on the reports today we are calling for some top level meetings so that we can continue to work and maintain safety,” he added. This, said Roget, has to be done at three levels— Petrotrin must ensure its workers are safe by beefing up security, this country’s Coast Guard must ensure that our territorial waters are well manned and citizens are not under threat, and there must be interventions by the Ministries of Energy and Foreign Affairs at a diplomatic level to have dialogue with the Venezuelan authorities to ensure clear lines of demarcation are observed.

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 26, 2012

Clean up operations underway KINGSTON, Jamaica CMC - In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the Category One storm that swept across the island on Wednesday, clean up operations are now on in earnest. With damage estimated at several billion dollars, work crews from the National Works Agency (NWA) took to the streets early yesterday to clear blocked roads as to respond to more than 70 reports that were lodged to the agency’s emergency centre. Stephen Shaw, the NWA’s manager of Communications and Customer Service said the agency’s priority is to clear all main roads. He pointed out that the cost of repairs to the island’s infrastructure should be ascertained within three days. When Hurricane Sandy made her trek across the island, the system uprooted trees, downed utility poles, created landslides, ripped roofs and claimed the life of one man.

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) reported that parishes in the eastern end of the island fared the worst from the hurricane that caught many by surprise. The agency is expected to begin an island wide assessment of the damage yesterday. The late season hurricane also forced just over one thousand Jamaicans to seek refuse at the 67 shelters scattered across the island. It is expected that most shelters were evacuated by late yesterday. Meanwhile, the light and power company, the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) is trying to restore electricity to approximately 70 percent of its customers. Director of Communications at the JPS, Winsome Callum, reported that customers in the Eastern parish of St Andrew, the western parishes of St James and Westmoreland and the central parish of St Catherine were the worst affected due

to severe damage to equipment as well as other challenges. “The challenges include no access to some areas and dangerous conditions have restricted the work of the restoration team” She said the company will initiate its emergency response team, to get power restored as quickly as possible with focus on critical areas such as hospitals and facilities operated by the National Water Commission (NWC) As Sandy churns further away from Jamaica, the Hurricane Warning was discontinued and significant improvement in weather conditions is now being experienced. The country is gradually returning to normal with most business places opening their doors, however all schools remained closed yesterday. The two international airports, the Norman Manley International and the Sangster International resumed

Some flee flood-prone areas: Curious residents stand as close as they dare to the shoreline in the beachfront community of Caribbean Terrace in St Andrew. (Photos: Bryan Cummings) operations yesterday morning following checks to ensure that the runways are in a safe condition.

Meanwhile, police have lifted all the curfews that were imposed across all town centres and several other

communities but they warned that if the need arises, curfews will be reimposed where necessary.

NEW YORK – CMC - The widow of Raymond Facey, the Jamaican man killed in a rampage on a busy New York highway has expressed outraged with the alleged murderer. Facey, 52, was killed in a car jacking along with Nassau County Police Officer, Arthur Lopez, 29. They were killed around 11am by Darrell Fuller, 33, an ex-convict who was later arrested on charges of shooting . “Why did they let this animal out to kill my

husband?” June Facey asked rhetorically outside her Brooklyn home on Wednesday. “He already tried to kill someone?” Police and relatives said Facey, a father of four, had pulled off on the side of the Cross Island Parkway for a cellular phone call with his daughter about a planned Christmas vacation to Jamaica when Fuller stopped and shot him in the face. “ H e ’s a sweet, wonderful person,” June

Facey told reporters, crying. “He’s the last good man God made, and I got him. I call him my stud muffin.” Fuller, who served five years for the attempted murder of another man in a 2004 confrontation over a parking space, was released from prison in May 2011 after a drug arrest that violated his parole. Cops said Fuller was nabbed on felony drug charges but pleaded to misdemeanor counts.

Widow of Jamaican man killed in highway rampage outraged

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Police to make arrests over BBC’s “tsunami of filth”

LONDON (Reuters) British police investigating alleged sexual abuse by one of the BBC’s most celebrated TV stars said yesterday some 300 victims had come forward and they were preparing to make arrests in a scandal that has thrown the broadcaster into disarray. Detectives said they had been staggered by the number of people who had come forward since the late Jimmy Savile’s crimes were first revealed just over three weeks ago. The head of the BBC’s governing body called the allegations a “tsunami of filth”, and police said Savile

was “undoubtedly” one of Britain’s most prolific sex offenders ever. “It’s quite staggering,” said the police inquiry leader, Commander Peter Spindler. Having interviewed 130 of the alleged victims, officers had recorded 114 reports of sexual assault or serious sexual assault, mostly against Savile - the outlandish, cigarchomping DJ turned TV host who was one of the BBC’s top presenters of the 1970s and 1980s. The allegations, which first emerged in an expose on the rival British TV channel ITV, have rocked the BBC, with its chief George Entwistle

admitting the broadcaster has been damaged by the scandal. The revelations have generated huge attention, not least in the United States where Entwistle’s predecessor at the BBC, Mark Thompson, is poised to take over as chief executive of the New York Times. On Wednesday, lawyers representing some 30 alleged victims of abuse told Reuters their clients said other celebrities were involved, while some of those abused by Savile have told the media they were targeted on BBC premises. “We are preparing an arrest strategy now,” Spindler told reporters, adding he could not identify who their suspects were or whether they also had worked for the BBC. “We do have a number of other people that we can investigate.” Entwistle, who only took over the most prestigious role in British media in September, appeared before a parliamentary commission this week to explain why the BBC had dropped its own investigation shortly after Savile died last year.

NASSAU, Bahamas (AP) — Hurricane Sandy barreled into the Bahamas yesterday after slashing across eastern Cuba, where it ripped off roofs and forced postponement of a hearing at the Guantanamo naval base but caused no reported deaths. The Category 2 hurricane killed four people elsewhere in the Caribbean, and forecasters warned it will likely mix with a winter storm to cause a super storm in the U.S. next week whose effects will be felt along the entire East Coast from Florida to Maine and inland to Ohio.

The hurricane was located about 60 miles (95 kilometers) southeast of Eleuthera late yesterday afternoon as it neared Cat Island in the central Bahamas. The storm was moving north at 20 mph (32 kph), with maximum sustained winds of 105 mph (165 kph). Power was already out on Acklins Island and most roads there were flooded, said government administrator Berkeley Williams. He said his biggest concern is that a boat filled with basic supplies for the island canceled its trip until

next week. “Supplies were low before, so you can imagine what we are going through now,” Williams said. On Ragged Island in the southern Bahamas, the lone school was flooded, “we have holes in roofs, lost shingles and power lines are down,” said Charlene Bain, local Red Cross president. “But nobody lost a life, that’s the important thing.” People across the Bahamas formed long lines to stock up on water, canned goods, flashlights and other items, leaving grocery store shelves nearly empty.

Jimmy Savile

Hurricane Sandy makes landfall in Bahamas

His performance in parliament was described as “lamentable” by one lawmaker, and his overall handling of one of the worst crises in the BBC’s 90-year history has been widely condemned. Prime Minister David Cameron has said the BBC, paid for by an annual tax on all households with a colour TV, had serious questions to answer. “We have to deal with the terrible damage to the reputation of the BBC which has hitherto been a national institution which people have trusted,” Chris Patten, chairman of the BBC Trust which oversees the

broadcaster, told BBC Radio. “It was a very, very difficult initial baptism of fire for a new director general of the BBC, this great tsunami of filth broke over him 11 days into the job.” Savile, knighted by The Queen for his charity work and famous for his garish outfits and long blonde hair, was a household name in Britain but little known beyond its shores. Such has been the publicity surrounding the case that Spindler said the number of historic abuse allegations reported to police in London alone had trebled, calling their inquiry a “watershed moment for child

abuse investigation”. He said they were investigating three categories of offences; those that involved just Savile which made up the vast majority of cases; those involving Savile and others; and those which had no direct link to Savile. At this stage there was no evidence of any organised paedophile rings and offenders appeared to be opportunists, Spindler added. He revealed that a retired officer had come forward to say he had investigated Savile in the 1980s over allegations of indecent assault but there had not been enough evidence to pursue a prosecution.

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 26, 2012

Journalist to appear before Commission PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - CMC - Journalist Ria Taitt has been summoned to appear before a Commission of Inquiry into the collapse of the regional conglomerate CL Financial, after the Trinidad Express newspaper Wednesday published excerpts of a witness statement from the former executive chairman of the company, Lawrence Duprey. Attorney Peter Carter QC said Taitt, a veteran journalist

who is the political editor with the Trinidad Express newspaper, must be brought before the Commission to disclose how she obtained the information after sole Commissioner, Sir Anthony Coleman, sought to get from the lawyers present who had leaked the information. “I suggest you call Miss Taitt and ask her the question,” said Carter, who is the attorney representing the Commission. “Unlike in the United

Kingdom, journalists do not have any kind of privilege against disclosure of their sources. “They can refuse to answer the question but that doesn’t mean they have a privilege in answering the question, “said the UK-based attorney, adding “that does not provide the journalist from providing confidentially to you the source of the information.” Earlier, Sir Anthony said it was unfortunate that

Duprey’s statement, which is yet to be tendered to the Commission, had fallen into the hands of the journalist. “I want to know what the source of this dissemination was…presumably the actual pages of the written statement were provided to your client,” Sir Anthony told Fareez Hosein, the attorney representing the Express newspaper, who had earlier indicated that he was not in a position to assist in the matter.

“It is unfortunate I can’t assist you,” Hosein said, adding, the journalist had indicated that she was not prepared to divulge the name of her source for fear of not being able to get information in the future. In the newspaper article, Duprey, 78, blamed among other factors, the “refusal of government owned entities” to back the group for its financial demise in 2009. CL Financial is the parent company of the regional insurance giant, CLICO, whose financial collapse has resulted in severe socioeconomic hardship for policy holders throughout the region. Duprey said there were also factors that led to the situation resulting in the Trinidad and Tobago government having to pump to date TT$21 billion (One TT dollar= US$0.16 cents) in a rescue package. “The global collapse coinciding with an ever impossible revamp of the regulatory framework and a refusal of government-owned entities to back the group, after all the years of benefit that they had received from the interest income that the group had generated, led to the need for some ultimate government support. “I would have preferred … if the intervention had not been so politically motivated and had been directed at protection for I believe, had that been the position we would have fared a great deal better,” Duprey said in the witness statement, parts of which were published in the Trinidad Express

newspaper on Wednesday. Duprey, who resides in the United States, said he was “firmly of the view in January 2009 that the run on CIB (CLICO Investment Bank) and the resultant liquidity or cash-flow issues were much inspired by the decision of state-owned and run entities making decisions at or about the same time to withdraw rolling deposits which had been previously rolled over from maturity to maturity without question. “The decision to seek the funds back came in reality out of the blue and caused severe problems,” he said, dismissing suggestions that he should be held responsible for the collapse of the company. He described himself as “a hardworking and dedicated citizen who worked hard to create wealth for all and was instrumental in the creation of thousands of jobs” and that he never regarded the CL financial as his “personal kingdom”.

Jamaica Gleaner - Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has said Hurricane Sandy could not have hit Jamaica at a worse time. Simpson Miller, in a television interview Wednesday, said she hopes the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will consider the critical situation that Jamaica has now found itself in as it tries to ink a new agreement. “I hope that the international agencies - as well as the International Monetary Fund will recognise the problem that we now have as a result of the storm.” She added: “It could not have come at a worse time than now for us to have this kind of disaster but we certainly will have to see what we can do,” the prime minister said. “Every ministry would have to chip in to ensure that we try to deal with the areas that are really bad and dangerous and could

endanger the life of persons.” The Prime Minister, who on Tuesday cut short her fiveday official visit to Canada because of the threatening storm, said the country could be faced with a hefty repair bill after Sandy. “The fact is that already we have been identifying areas where it is going to take nothing but millions of dollars to deal with.” “The landslides, the further erosions of our drains and gullies, our roadways and a number of houses, particularly in our inner cities, and also poor communities across Jamaica that we will have to pay some attention to,” Simpson Miller said. In the meantime, Richard Azan, the state minister in the housing, transport and works ministry, said based on his observations and reports, the country’s infrastructure has been taking a beating.

Lawrence Duprey

Sandy couldn’t have come at a worse time – PM

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Kremlin dismisses talk Putin has back trouble MOSCOW (Reuters) The Kremlin yesterday dismissed talk that Russian President Vladimir Putin has a back problem that prompted him to postpone foreign visits and might require surgery. Putin, who began a sixyear presidential term in May and turned 60 on October 7, was seen to be limping at an Asia-Pacific summit in the Pacific port of Vladivostok in early September. Putin, a former KGB officer who enjoys vast authority at the head of

Russia’s so-called ‘vertical’ power structure, has long cultivated a tough-guy image that wouldn’t sit well with a lengthy period on sick leave. Three government sources have told Reuters in recent days that Putin was suffering from back trouble. One said it would require surgery in the near future. Sources said the Russian leader’s schedule was being cleared for early November, including through postponement until late December of a trip to India that had been expected soon.

“This does not correspond to reality,” Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters. He said Putin did not have a back problem and did not plan to take time off. “You can see that he is having daily meetings,” Peskov said. He said the earlier limp had been a “sports injury”. Putin did not travel to Pakistan for a planned fournation summit on Afghanistan earlier this month and did not make an expected trip to Turkey. One source said Medvedev was

Assange says to stay in embassy until U.S. backs off

LONDON (Reuters) Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange said yesterday the United States would have to give up its “immoral” investigation into his whistle blowing website before he considered leaving the confines of the Ecuadorean embassy in London. Assange has been sheltering in the embassy since June to avoid extradition to Sweden to face rape and sexual assault allegations. Britain says it is obliged to send him to Sweden and will not let him to go to Ecuador, which has given him asylum. His lawyers and the Ecuador government fear that travelling to Sweden could lead to the 41-year-old Australian’s extradition to the United States, where he could face charges stemming from Wikileaks’ publication of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables. Challenged in a CNN interview in the embassy that he could not stay there forever, Assange said: “I think we need the U.S.

government to drop its investigation ... It’s an immoral investigation. It breaches the First Amendment. It breaches all the principles that the United States government says that it stands for and it absolutely breaches the principles that the U.S. founding fathers stood for and which most of the U.S. people believe in.” Ecuador wants Britain to give Assange written guarantees that he would not

be extradited from Sweden to any third country. Assange fears he could face inhumane treatment in the United States. “There’s an attempt to extradite me without charge and without evidence, allegedly for the purpose of questioning,” he said. “All meanwhile, the FBI has been engaged in building this tremendous case.” In the interview, Assange likened life in the embassy to “living on a space station”. “There’s no natural light,” he said. “You have got to make all your own stuff. You can’t go out to the shops.” “But I’ve been in solitary confinement. I know what life is like for prisoners - it’s a lot better than it is for prisoners.” Earlier on Thursday, Wikileaks began publishing what it said were more than 100 U.S. Defense Department files detailing military detention policies in camps in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay in the years after the September 11 attacks on U.S. targets.

B E I R U T / G E N E VA (Reuters) - Damascus residents reported artillery barrages by Syrian troops yesterday hours before the scheduled start of a ceasefire to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. They said the shelling by troops stationed on a mountain overlooking the Syrian capital targeted Hajar al-Aswad, a poor neighbourhood inhabited by refugees from the Israelioccupied Golan Heights. There were no immediate reports of casualties. A Free Syrian Army commander had earlier given qualified backing to the truce, proposed by U.N.-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, but he demanded

that President Bashar alAssad free detainees. An Islamist group said it was not committed to the truce, due to start today, but may halt operations if the army did. Brahimi proposed the temporary truce to stem, however briefly, the bloodshed in a conflict which erupted as popular protests in March last year and has escalated into a civil war which activists say has killed more than 32,000 people. The fighting pits mainly Sunni Muslim rebels against Assad, from the Alawite faith which is linked to Shi’ite Islam, and threatens to draw in regional Sunni Muslim and Shi’ite powers and engulf the whole Middle East, Brahimi has warned.“On the occasion

of the blessed Eid al-Adha, the general command of the army and armed forces announces a halt to military operations on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, from Friday morning ... until Monday,” an army statement read on state television said. It reserved the right to respond if “the armed terrorist groups open fire on civilians and government forces, attack public and private properties, or use car bombs and explosives”. It would also respond to any reinforcement or resupplying of rebel units, or smuggling of fighters from neighboring countries “in violation of their international commitments to combat terrorism”.

Julian Assange

Damascus residents say army shells city

expected to travel to Turkmenistan in Putin’s stead next week. “The chief is not well,” said one of the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Another said Putin had been seen recently wearing a back brace. “No one has announced this formally, but everyone knows that foreign visits are being canceled because of his illness,” one said. Peskov denied the visits had been canceled. He said the visit to India would take place on the set date in late December and “no other dates have been officially announced”. A judo black belt, Putin has in recent years been filmed riding bare-chested on a horse, diving in the Black Sea, skiing in the Caucasus and fighting wildfires from an airplane. His apparent fitness helped bring him early popularity because of the stark contrast with predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, who was sometimes drunk in public and had heart surgery when president in 1996.

Putin’s formal role as head of state and his position at the pinnacle of power in Russia, where his blessing is seen as indispensable for everything from legislation to oil deals, makes any illness or medical treatment highly sensitive. At a meeting with foreign analysts and journalists at his residence outside Moscow on Thursday, he did not appear to be in pain but, as in other recent public appearances, leant forward in his seat, putting weight on his right forearm. At the Asia-Pacific summit in Vladivostok in September, he was also caught by TV cameras complaining to Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that he was on restricted diet. The summit followed an episode in which Putin flew in a delta-winged light aircraft with a flock of cranes that had been bred in captivity, in an attempt to train them to migrate. At the time, Peskov said that Putin had pulled a leg muscle but that he had not sustained the injury in the crane flight.

Vladimir Putin In power as Russia’s president or prime minister since 1999, Putin could remain in the Kremlin until May of 2024, when he would be 71 years old, if he seeks and wins re-election in 2018. His election to a new term in March after four years as prime minister followed the biggest opposition protests of his rule, prompted by suspicions of fraud in a December 2011 parliamentary election won by his ruling United Party.

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 26, 2012

China’s year of political surprises not over yet BEIJING (Reuters) China’s year of political intrigue is likely to spring a few more surprises yet, as the ruling Communist Party tries to pull off a smooth leadership change next month against a backdrop of purges, plots and prison sentences. Just weeks away from the once-in-a-decade succession, the full make-up of China’s next leadership and its agenda are unknown and still being negotiated in secret - in contrast to the very public

leadership battle underway in the United States. One of the few things known with almost total certainty is that Vice President Xi Jinping will take over as party leader at the congress which opens November 8, leaving dozens of senior positions to be fought over in the political backrooms. Xi then becomes president in March at the annual meeting of parliament. China’s three most powerful men - former

President Jiang Zemin, current President Hu Jintao and Hu’s anointed successor, Xi - have tried to minimize any factional in-fighting over the new line-up by coming together to agree a preferred list of candidates for the party’s top decision-making body, the Politburo Standing Committee, sources said. But China experts say their plan could still be thwarted. “I think we will have surprises this time ...

Negotiation is a very complicated process,” said Cheng Li, an expert on Chinese politics at the Brookings Institution thinktank in Washington. “Outsiders have no idea. We probably have only 20 percent of an idea of what’s going on. There will be some last-minute changes, possibly even to the Standing Committee.” The preferred list drawn up by Jiang, Hu and Xi has already delivered a major

surprise, with the omission of a top contender, Wang Yang, 57, party boss of southern Guangdong province and viewed by many in the West as a political reformer. His omission could, in turn, have been linked indirectly to the earlier fall of another one-time contender for the Standing Committee, Bo Xilai, a high-flying politician who was ousted this year in China’s biggest political scandal in two decades. Bo was purged after allegations emerged that his wife had murdered a British businessman - she was given a suspended death sentence in August - but he remains a

favorite among party leftists who want to slow the pace of market-based reforms. China experts suspect Jiang, Hu and Xi did not want to further provoke the left by backing Wang. “Some people say he’s Bo Xilai on the right - Bo Xilai is on the left and he’s the counterparty on the right and that the party is equally worried of this person,” said Wang Zhengxu, a senior research fellow at the University of Nottingham’s School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Britain. However, the process of choosing the standing committee means Jiang, Hu and Xi may not get their way

Obama votes, picks up Powell endorsement amid swing state push

CHICAGO (Reuters) President Barack Obama won the endorsement of retired General Colin Powell, a moderate Republican, yesterday as he and Republican rival Mitt Romney engaged in frantic campaigning in battleground states to try to turn a razorclose race their way. Hoping to encourage other Democrats to vote ahead of the November 6 election, Obama cast his ballot early in his home town of Chicago. Romney portrayed himself as an agent of change during a day campaigning in Ohio with 12 days to go until the election. There was little movement in the overall state of the race - which is essentially tied. Romney was clinging to a one percentage point lead over Obama yesterday’s Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll, up 47 percent to 46 percent for Obama. A new ABC News/ Washington Post poll showed how Romney has made up ground since defeating Obama in the first of their three presidential debates on October 3. The poll had Romney up by 50 percent to 47 percent among likely voters. Romney charged that electing Obama would return Washington to a “status-quo path,” a path that “doesn’t have an answer about how to get the economy going.” “The path we’re on does not have new answers,” said Romney, whose campaign has been centered around ways to create jobs in the sputtering economy. Powell’s endorsement was a milestone for the president

Barack Obama in his re-election bid but since he had backed Obama four years ago, it did not have the same impact this time around. Powell was a secretary of state during the presidency of Obama’s Republican predecessor, George W. Bush. He told CBS he is sticking with Obama because the economy is improving. “The unemployment rate is too high. People are still hurting in housing. But I see that we are starting to rise up,” he said. Obama has generated large crowds during a twoday, eight-state tour that is taking him to Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, California, Illinois and Virginia. Some 8,500 people showed up for an early morning rally in Tampa, Florida yesterday and some 15,000 came out for the president in Richmond, Virginia. The president has sought to rev up enthusiasm and momentum in those crowds by talking about his crosscountry trip.

Friday October 26, 2012

DTV CHANNEL 8 08:55hrs. Sign On 09:00hrs. Live! With Kelly and Michael 10:00hrs. The Ricki Lake Show 11:00hrs. The View 12:00hrs. Prime News 12:30hrs. The Young and the Restless 13:30hrs. The Bold and the Beautiful 14:00hrs. The Talk 15:00hrs. Boy Meets World 16:00hrs. Beverly Hills, 90210 17:00hrs. MacGyver

Kaieteur News

18:00hrs. World News 18:30hrs. Nightly News 19:00hrs. Greetings and Announcements 20:00hrs. Channel 8 News 20:30hrs. Jamie Foxx Show 21:00hrs. The Vampire Diaries (New Episode) 21:40hrs. Beauty and the Beast (New Episode) 22:20hrs. Supernatural (New Episode) 23:00hrs. Sign Off NTN CHANNEL 18/ CABLE 69

05:00h - Sign on with the Mahamrtunjaya Mantra 05:10h - Eid-Ul-Adha Message 05:30h - Queenstown Masjid Presents Quran This Morning 06:00h - R. Gossai General Store Presents Durga Bhajans 06:15h - Jettoo’s Lumber Yard Presents Durga Bhajans 06:30h - Muneshwar Limited Presents Durga Bhajans 06:45h - Double Standard Taxi Presents Durga Bhajans 07:00h - RRT Enterprise Presents Durga Bhajans

Friday October 26, 2012 ARIES (March 21 - April 19): You have been all smiles with one of your foes lately, and this trend is likely to continue for some time. The two of you have much more to gain by getting along than you do by pushing against each other's interests. ******************* TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): You have been doing a lot of lovely things that are very appealing to the masses -- you know your audience and you know how to act around them. This savvy energy has given you an edge over the competition, and it's going to continue to help you get some preferential treatment. ****************** GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Someone who you rely on often is getting impatient about their work situation. You are going to need to deal with their frustrations today, whether you want to or not. ******************** CANCER (June 21 - July 22): You are better prepared to come to the aid of people who are in need than anyone else is right now. That means you should be the first person to reach out and offer a helping hand when someone's in a tough spot. ********************* LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22): Why just talk to someone when you can sing them a song? Why write an average text full of abbreviations when you can send them a funny online greeting card that says all you feel (and more)? ******************* VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Share you latest ideas with your most trusted friend -- but don't be hurt or get defensive if they aren't exactly as excited about what you are thinking. ********************* LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): Today your daily routine

will be disrupted quite a bit, but it won't phase you at all. You have a solid focus on everything you need to take care of, so no distractions will be too much for you. ********************* SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): You might think you want to know all the answers, but today it might be in your best interest to be a little clueless -- and leave yourself something to discover! Besides, knowing everything can keep you from having fun. ******************** SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): If you need an attitude adjustment, you need to come up with a different strategy for working through your emotions. Today, instead of feeling all of your feelings and then getting overwhelmed, move them up to your brain -- and start thinking them through. .********************* CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 19): Your creativity is on fire right now, so try to use it to your advantage! It can help you see new uses for old tools, a quick solution to a nagging problem, and even a fun way to put a smile on someone's face. ******************** AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 Feb. 18): When someone comes to you and tries to make you solve one of their big problems, you can do one of two things. You can decide to be compassionate about their situation and do your best to help them out, or you can wish them luck and then just keep on moving. ********************* PISC E S ( F e b . 1 9 March 20): You have so much emotional strength. Why not take advantage of it and tackle a touchy subject today? It's time to clear the air with someone you've got a messy history with.

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07:15h - M & M Snackette Presents Raja Yoga Discourses 07:30h - Dr. Balwant Singh’s Hospital Inc Presents Durga Bhajans 07:45h - The Family of the Late Leila & David Persaud Presents Durga Bhajans 08:00h - Timehri Maha Kali Shakti Devi Mandir Presents Durga Bhajans 08:15h - 15 Minutes for Allah 08:30h - Hare Krishna Today Live 09:30h - CARIBBEAN POT Jamaican Style Escovitch Fish 09:45h - Indian Soap - Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 10:15h - Indian Soap - Rab Se Sohna Isshq 10:45h - Indian Soap - Pavitra Rishta 11:15h - Indian Soap - Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuyien 11:45h - Indian Soap - Punar Vivaah 12:15h - DVD Movie:KHWAJA KI DIWANI (Eng: Sub:) *ing Sona, Tariq, Veena & Bharat Bhushan 15:00h - Al-Insaan - Eid-UlAdha Special 16:00h - Queenstown Masjid Presents Eid-Ul-Adha Live 17:00h - Drying Tears Live with Pastor Edson 18:00h - Ganesh Parts Presents - BHAGAVAD GITA ( Discourses in English) Serial 18:15h - Birthday Greetings / Deaths Announcement & In Memoriam

18:30h - Living The Abundant Life (Live) 19:00h - Islamic Lecture Abmaninowy The Best Creation Good 19:30h -Timeless Melodies Live with Frederick Rampersaud 20:30h - New Life World Outreach 20:45h - 15 Minutes for Allah

21:00h - Zeeburg Village Day & Chutney Splash Live with KI/ Hitman & Fiona 21:30h - The Family Album Live with Frederick Rampersaud 22:30h - Forgotten Melodies Live with Frederick Rampersaud 00:15h - Sign Off with The Gayatri Mantra23:00 – Movie

Guides are subjected to change without notice

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Kaieteur News

JKA/WF Guyana 2012 National Karate C/ships Two black belts in practise session

Open Challenge B’ball - unbeaten Raiders moves to top of points table; Jets sinks Kings



he Japan Karate Association / Wo r l d F e d e r a t i o n G u y a n a (National Park Dojo) will be hosting their annual National Karate Championships tomorrow at the Marian’s Academy Auditorium, Carifesta Avenue, kicking off at 13:00hrs. Students participating will be from the Headquarters Dojo at the National Park, Thomas Lands, Port Mourant and Canje Berbice Dojo’s. They will all be competing for the top positions in the various categories

Friday October 26, 2012

with the knowledge that top performers will be eligible to represent Guyana at the 2013 JKA/WF America International Karate Camp & Goodwill Tournament in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. All are encouraged to come out and witness first hand, the competitiveness, professionalism and high standards of the children, teenagers and adults as they compete; along with the suspenseful Karate demonstrations that will be more than entertaining.

etrieve Raiders (6th seed) have moved to the top of the table with six points from three wins following back-to-back wins, while top seed Kashif and Shanghai Kings were beaten in consecutive games by the #2 ranked Amelia’s Ward Jets when the BOSAI Minerals Group (Guyana) Inc. Open Challenge Bsketball championship continued in Linden. Playing at the Mackenzie Sports Club Hard Court and organised by the Linden Amateur Basketball Association (LABA), Raiders, led by national players centre/forward Dwayne Roberts and forward Neil Marks first stopped Half Mile Bulls 6847 on Saturday with Roberts leading the way with 18 points, guard Sheldron Noel netting 14 and Marks adding 11. The spirited Bulls had top scores from Keon Cameron (11), Sean Adams

and Travin Dryden eight (8) each and Michael Turner 5. In the opening match on Saturday night, Victory Valley Royals came back to beat Block 22 Flames 81-42 in a match where veteran Julius Carter had the game high 19 points. Marlon Polltydore 14, Orlando Glasgow 10, Harold Adams 8 and Theodore Tappin 7 all chipped in to lead the Royals. For the Flames, Aubrey Johnson and Selwyn Noble were their bright shots with 12 points each. In the Sunday matches, Jets topped Kings 54-48, it was the Kings’ second loss while it was win number two for the Jets in as many matches. Centre Allister Webster and guard Kevin Joseph both touched in 11 points and Ruel McKinnon contributed 7 for the winners while for the Kings, shooting guard Orin Rose had a game high 23 points with centre Omally Sampson supporting with 12

and Dale Williamson 9 in a losing cause. In the other match, Retrieve Raiders won for the third time, an emphatic 7739 win over the Flames. This time Marks had the top score of 16 points with Noel 15 and Louis James getting 11. The competition bounces on tomorrow (Saturday) with the Jets seeking their third straight win when they oppose Bulls, who have one win and a loss so far. The feature match-up is between the Kings who have lost twice and will be looking for their first win against the Royals. On Sunday the Kings will be in action again when they face Block 22 Flames in opening play with the main event pitting the unbeaten Raiders and Jets at the Mackenzie Sports Club Hard Court. The tournament is being played on a round-robin basis with the top four clubs advancing to the semifinals.

GTTA/Digicel Schools’ Table Tennis Championships...

Bishop’s High, Queens College on collision course


wo of the powerhouses among table tennis-playing schools, Bishops High School and Queens College are on a collision course for the Under-15 Team Final to effectively bring the curtains down on the Digicel Schools’ Table Tennis Championships. However, the two senior secondary schools must first get past Bartica Secondary ‘A’ Team and New Amsterdam Multi ‘A’ Team. Queens College will play Bartica ‘A’ and Bishop’s comes up against New Amsterdam Multi ‘A’ in two semis at 09:00hrs. The Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) calendar event will conclude today following last weekend’s final in the U-11, U-13 and U-18 categories. Chelsea Edghill, Denzel Duff and Reon Miller will lead the Bishop’s challenge while Shemar Britton spearheads Queen’s. Britton Murray and Joshua Lallbachan comprise the New Amsterdam Multi team, while Shellon Artherly takes charge of Bartica. Bishop’s already has an advantage over Queen’s College, after beating them in the Under-18 Final last Sunday night. Today’s curtain call contest intensifies the rivalry among the two schools once they can get pass Bartica and New Amsterdam, who

Chelsea Edghill both are yet to win any titles. The Presentation Ceremony will follow the Under-15 contests at the National Gymnasium. Special awards will be given to the Most Outstanding Male; Most Outstanding Female and the Most Improved Players; the overall team champions will be given the Digicel Trophy, which is the school with the most wins in the respective categories.

Friday October 26, 2012

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GTA qualifies two new 1st

Dan Black Belts

International Relations has excelled in the Poomse (forms) aspect of Taekwondo. She is also an excellent administrator and although unable to attend taekwondo classes regularly due to her commitments at the University, she still finds time to do her administrative

Ms. Herbert (right) and Mr. Ramkiran show off their certificates received from the World Taekwondo Federation Kukkiwon Head Quarters in Seoul, Korea.


he Guyana Ta e k w o n d o Association (GTA) some months ago qualified two of its promising athletes, Ms. La Toya Herbert and Mr. Kawall Ramkiran to the level of 1st Dan Kukkiwon Black Belt in accordance to the Dan promotional testing of the World Taekwondo Federation. Both of these athletes excelled in different areas of their examination in order to secure enough points to be able to secure the black belt

l e v e l . M r. R a m k i r a n performed exceptionally well at several International taekwondo competitions, securing gold and silver medals in the process. He is known by his fellow athletes as a fierce competitor, who in the face of sometimes far superior athletes would not give up, but with the will of a tiger face his opponents and more than often surprising them on his way to victory. Ms. Herbert, a 3rd year student at the University of Guyana majoring in

Inter School Relay Fair


he GFC Ground, B o u r d a , traditionally known as the ‘Mecca of Football’ within Georgetown will be transformed into a major athletics Arena tomorrow (Saturday) when past High School Students of the 70’s brings off this year’s Inter Schools Relay Fair. The one-day spectacle is open to all Schools within Region 4 and further afield and will be graced by the presence of the Chief Education Officer, Mr. Olato Sam. Relay action gets underway at 11:00hrs and will see races among athletes at the Under-10, 12, 14, 16 and open categories. They will compete over distances ranging from 80m, 100m, 200m and 400metres, both males and females. Added events include the

fine bottom pants race over 100metres and open sprints. Schools desirous of participating at both the Primary (under -10) and Secondary level (12 and over) must submit the names of their athletes for the respective races no later than tomorrow morning at 09:30hrs at the venue. The coordinators are Mr. Derreck Younge and Miss. Lorrie Ann Tracy, both of whom can be contacted on telephone numbers 666 5857, 672 6179. Trophies, medals and other attractive prizes will be at stake for the top 3 finishers in each event compliments of sponsors Eze Jet, Delta Airlines, Banks DIH, Interior Travel Service, Gold Target Export, Pure Diamond, Gift land Office Max and Becks Lumberyard.

duties and assist with the teaching of the ‘kiddies taekwondo’ class whenever she has the time. She is also the second female in Guyana to gain the internationally recognized black belt level in taekwondo. These two athletes wish to thank their coaches, Master Ramjeet

Ramphal, Master Roy Bacchus and all of their other fellow athletes, who have assisted them in reaching to this level. They are also overwhelmed with joy as they attribute their success to hard work and dedication. The GTA congratulates both athletes on the success of their black belts, and

would be preparing them for future international competitions in 2013/2014. Taekwondo classes are held at the Guyana Teacher’s Union Hall, Woolford Avenue every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 17:00hrs to 18:30hrs.For further information, call Roy Bacchus on 644-4402.

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 26, 2012

Overpowering calls enough for us to do it again - Joao - Prize monies in excess of $9M

By Rawle Welch Sales & Marketing Executive of Banks DIH Carlton Joao speaking at the launching of the 2nd Annual Banks Beer Knockout Cup revealed that the overpowering calls by persons in the football community was enough for them to do it another year. Joao, who chaired the Meeting that included Georgetown Football Association (GFA) President Vernon Burnett, VicePresident Kwebena Griffith, Treasurer Dexter Schultz, Secretary Christopher Matthias, Banks officials Mortimer Stewart and Brian Choo-Hen, clubs representatives and players reminded those present of the strong bond the Company has with sports, but more directly football. “There is no Company and I say this without reservation that has supported football at every level more than Banks DIH and I want to add that it has now become an obligation for us to keep the sport playing,” Joao mentioned clearly. He said the response to the tournament last year was amazing and they felt a responsibility to do it once again, especially for the players and the fans. Joao took the oportunity to thank the fans and players for their support last year.

Sales & Marketing Executive of Banks DIH Carlton Joao (fourth right) presents the winner’s trophy to GFA President Vernon Burnett in the presence of Company and football officials yesterday. The tournament which carries prize monies in excess of $9million is expected to last for eight playing days and commences on December 16 and concludes January 1 with matches being played at the GCC and GFC grounds. The Banks DIH Executive disclosed that they intend to make the brand bigger and better and

at the end of the day, the teams will be taking home something tangible. Hr added that there are a few things that they will do much better this year, especially for the fans, while he urged the players to practice hard despite the limited football that was played througout the year. Matthias in his presentation revealed that 16

clubs have been confirmed, while another eight from three associations have also submitted expressions of interest. He said there will be a warm-up competition where the clubs that were excluded from the Super Eight Tournament will have the opportunity to play against those clubs to ensure that the quality of competition is

significantly enhanced. The clubs confirmed for participation are Houston Stars, GFC, Riddim Squad, G D F, G P F, F r u t a Conquerors, Camptown, Banks All Stars, Georgetown Masters, Northern Rangers, Black Pearl, Flamingo, Beacon, Santos, University of Guyana and Charlestown United. There is a possibility

that a team from overseas will also be part of the competition. Burnett thanked Banks DIH for its continued support for the tournament and the GFA, informing that the entity has been a partner with the executive since it came into office. He promised that the tournament will produce a high standard of play that will be appreciated by fans.

Friday October 26, 2012

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Boxing stunned as Steward, legendary trainer of Hearns and Lewis, dies aged 68 E manuel Steward, one of the most successful boxing trainers of alltime and mainstay behind the legendary Kronk Gym in Detroit, has died at the age of 68, his sister Diane Steward-Jones has confirmed. Steward had recently undergone surgery for a stomach illness and had been forced to relinquish his role as chief trainer for Wladimir Klitschko’s upcoming world heavyweight title fight against Mariusz Wach. Steward’s family had gathered at his hospital bedside and Steward-

Jones confirmed his passing, at 14.46 Detroit time (1946BST), in a telephone call to the Detroit Free Press. Steward-Jones told the newspaper: ‘He has passed - he’s gone home. He was in no pain, and we sang to him, as well as did the doctors present. He had loved ones with him. He gave it his all, but he’s been called away now.’ Steward, who was inducted to the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1996, trained or was involved in the careers of more than 40 world champions, but first found fame with

legendary Detroit fighter Thomas Hearns in the 1980s. Hearns, who became Steward’s first professional fighter along with another Detroit native, Hilmer Kenty, in 1977, won his first world title in 1980 and went on to engage in a series of all-time classics with Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran and Marvin Hagler. In later years, Steward went on to help shape the careers of Naseem Hamed and Lennox Lewis, among others, before turning his attention to the younger of the Klitschko brothers, whom he had always admired. (Mail Online)

Sportsman, Politician, Trade Unionist, Rudolph Orlando... Emanuel Steward

From page 32 had been the driving force behind the Association. He reminisced on the early days when he resided a few doors from the deceased, in Linden, and they would spend hours engaging each other, sometimes into the wee hours of the morning.

“He was a fanatic of the sport and he will surely be missed,” advocated Mr. Harris. Other notable personalities attending the funeral were James Rose, Cultural historian Tota Mangar and African history advocate Tom Dalgetty.

These gentlemen delivered glowing tributes of a man whose contribution to their lives, as well as those of others, was awesome. Rev. Alphonso Porter Delivered a touching sermon after which the body was then taken to the Lusignan foreshore where it was cremated.

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Friday October 26, 2012

Sportsman, Politician, Trade Unionist, Rudolph Orlando Michael cremated


t was an atmosphere of solemnity when the earthly remains of Politician, Teacher, Trade Unionist and Sportsman, Rudolph Orlando Michael, was eulogized at the Church of the Nazarene, Queenstown, and subsequently cremated at the Lusignan foreshore yesterday afternoon. Leader of the opposition, David Granger, accompanied by his wife and General Secretary of the PNCR, Oscar Clarke also graced the ceremony; Clarke speaking on behalf of the Party. He underlined Mr. Michael’s contribution to local politics through the PNCR of which he was a member. M r. C l a r k e f u r t h e r revealed that his executives were currently fine tuning arrangements to honour their stalwarts for sterling contributions and the late politician was among that group. “That award will now be given post-humously,” said Mr. Clarke.

Two leading scrabble players, Ulric Harris (l) and Julian Skeete bear the casket of their fallen colleague to the hearse. Former national champion, Fred Collins (2nd behind Harris) also assists. The Guyana Association of Scrabble Players (GASP) was also well represented

and veteran player, Ulric Harris, said that Mr. Michael (Continued on page 31 )

Wakenaam are ECB 40-overs champs By Zaheer Mohamed Wakenaam defeated a spirited Central Essequibo team by 27 runs to capture the Essequibo Cricket Board 40 over title on Sunday evening in Pomeroon. Wakenaam won the toss and elected to bat in front of a large and colourful crowd and lost their first wicket at 19 when Imran Khan (2) was bowled by pacer Latchman Rohit. Ricardo Adams then joined opener Wayne Osborne and took the score to 50 before Adams departed for 24 (5x4). The islanders then lost Navishaul Pooran for 4 before Kemo Paul added 36 for the 4th wicket with Osborne who slammed two sixes and six fours in a topscore of 51. Paul who hit pacer Ronsford Beaton over cover for six stroked two fours and three maximums in 37. Oyono Sampson and Nokta Moses chipped in with 28 (3x6) and 20 (1x4 2x6) respectively as Wakenaam whose lower order contributed meaningfully to the score ended on a respectable 260-9 off their allocation of overs. Off spinner Kholraj Persaud claimed 2-22 of 8 overs and left arm spinner Herry Green took 2-28 from 7. Central in reply were off to a good start with Herrell Green and Parmesh Parashutam putting together 60 for the opening stand before the latter was caught off pacer

Chandreka Ragnauth for 21. Yougeshwar Lall followed shortly when he was caught on the mid wicket boundary off Nokta Moses. Green in an effort to step up the scoring had his stumps knocked over by off spinner Nazeer Mohamed who also trapped Rohit leg before for 12 as Wakenaam fought back. Rovindra Parsram and Kholraj Persaud offered some resistance with 37 and 41 respectively but the lower found their opponent bowling too difficult to handle were bowled out for 233 in 39.5 overs. Imran Khan was the pick of the bowlers for the winners with 4-37 off 8 overs, while Mohamed finished with 2-44 off 8, and Moses 2-47 from 8. Osborne was given the man of the match award, while Wakenaam received the winning team trophy. Captain of the victorious Wakenaam team, Ricardo Adams said his boys stuck to the game plan and executed well. He was very pleased with the way his bowlers defended the total, and they were well backed up in the field. “Osborne knock was very important at the top of the order, it laid the foundation for a huge total and the rest of the batting followed suit. It was a total team effort.” He also stated that his team are now preparing for the next competition which is expected to start shortly.

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

Banks DIH displays faithfulness to motor racing fraternity By Rawle Welch Irrefutably among the leading corporate entities that injects huge sums of money into the development and support of sports, Banks DIH Ltd through its Banks Beer brand once again demonstrated its faithfulness to the motor racing fraternity when Sales & Marketing Executive Carlton Joao confirmed the Company’s involvement in the final leg of the Caribbean ‘Race of Champions’ Meet set for November 11, at the South Dakota Circuit. Also in attendance at yesterday’s Meeting which was conducted in the Company’s Boardroom were Committee members Guyana Motor Racing Club Ray Seebarran and David Fernandes, competitors Andrew King and Danny Persaud, who are both sponsored by the Company, Rent-A-Tent Managing Director Ray Rahaman, whose entity is a sponsor of the event and Banks DIH’s Outdoor Events Manager Mortimer Stewart and Banks Beer Manager Brian Choo-Hen. Joao in his presentation gave details about the Company’s collaboration with the Meet which he said will start as soon as Sunday when they host a ‘Road Show’ that will take the participating cars and bikes along with the competitors along the East Coast right up to Mahaicony where the public could interact with them. “We will be providing the public with an opportunity to question the competitors about the sport, while they could also touch the machines and this event will be replicated the following Friday through another drivers and riders interactive session outside of Palm Court on Main Street,” Joao disclosed. He added that the Company also plans to have ‘Fan Zones’ on the day of the Meet where spectators will be able to watch the races

from a clear vantage point and still be able to rehydrate with the local refreshments. All these novelties are fairly new to the sport and it’s all part of the sponsor’s initiative to encourage more patrons to come out and enjoy an action-filled day of racing amongst the best drivers and riders in the Caribbean. Fernandes, whose responsibility is to ensure that all systems are in place for a safe and trouble free day of racing, spoke of some of the work being done to improve the infrastructure as well as making certain that all competitors are aware of the rules and regulations that govern the sport, also acknowledged the important role Banks DIH plays in partnership with the club. “Banks DIH has continued its sponsorship of motor racing and has even given us new novel ideas on how we could improve the sport and because we are always looking for ways to do so we welcome the ideas put forward by them,” Fernandes said. King, one of the most experienced drivers in the country and someone who enjoys sponsorship from Banks DIH thanked the officials for their continued patronage to him and Danny Persaud. Rahaman in his remarks spoke of the genesis of the VIP Pavilion, informing that it was borne out of what was seen in Barbados where the motor racing officials on the island made their Race Meets a real spectator experience. “It is an environment created to encourage fans through the Sports Tourism concept to come and view the day’s races in comfort while being treated to the best hospitality in an exclusive setting for an affordable price,” Rahaman stated. According to him, it was a feature of the sport that was missing for so long and the resposne has been positive.

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Sales & Marketing Executive Carlton Joao (fourth right) and GMR&SC officials seen at yesterday’s Meeting in the Company Boardroom.

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Kaieteur News

E’bo 8th Busta Festival bowls off Nov. 4 T

he eight annual Essequibo Cricket Board / Busta 50 over knock-out cricket Festival is set to commence on November 4 involving the 8 Area Committee teams; Wakenaam, Leguan, East Bank Essequibo, Bartica, North, Central and South Essequibo and Pomeroon. The tournament was launched yesterday at the Guyana Beverage Inc. office, Diamond, East Bank Demerara. President of the ECB Prince Holder said that over the years the tournament was used to select the County’s team and that players also went on to represent Guyana and West Indies at various levels, special mention was made of Ronsford Beaton. Holder informed that the final will be played under lights at the Bartica Community Centre Ground. CEO of Guyana Beverage Inc. Robert Selman said his company was again pleased to sponsor the tournament in the Cinderella County of Essequibo for it is their way of giving back to the Guyanese society. He lauded the efforts of the ECB for organising the tournament stressing that politics should not get involved in the sport. Secretary of the Board Aotto Christiani thanked the company for their support and continued commitment towards the development of the game in the county. The competition gets under way with Bartica hosting Leguan and East Bank Essequibo traveling to Wakenaam in Managing Director of the Guyana Beverage Inc. Robert Selman Zone B. Over in Zone A, Central Essequibo will play South at (left of pres.) presents one of the team jerseys to President of the Affiance and North takes on Pomeroon at Devonshire ECB Prince Holder in the presence of the other officials and staff. Castle.

Friday October 26, 2012

Friday October 26, 2012

Kaieteur News

Page 35

Golden Jaguars beat St. Lucia 3-0 to advance in Caribbean Cup - SVG HAMMER CURACAO 4-0 TO WIN GROUP


uyana qualified for the second round of the Caribbean Football Union, Caribbean Cup championship with a solid 3-0 win over home team St. Lucia at the Beausejour Stadium, last night. Playing in the final game of Group 2 and needing to win by three (3) clear goals in order to qualify for the next round and conscious of the fact that defeat would mean that they would have exited the tournament; the Golden Jaguars dug deep to come

away with a memorable win and qualification. T&T based forward Vurlon Mills and fellow forward Gregory ‘Jackie Chan’ Richardson were the architects of what will go down as a fantastic win coming from behind, a win which silenced the home crowd. The goals were all converted in the first half. Manager of the team Mark Zavier in an invited comment summed it up this way. “It is not advisable to corner a little cat much less a Jaguar, we came out growling and we destroyed the prey in front of us and that is exactly

Vurlon Mills

Gregory Richardson

what we did. We want to dedicate this win to all our fans especially those who have stuck with us all the way. The Executive and members of the Guyana

Football Federation for their hard work also.” Zavier also complemented the Technical staff and players for the worked they have been putting in over the past

months, promising that the Golden Jaguars will be stronger for the next stage of the competition.” More details in tomorrow’s edition.

t r o Sp Guyana Boxing Board of Control Redemption Affair...

Rumblings of earthquake as ‘Big Truck’

Braithwaite go after Shawn Corbin By Michael Benjamin Violent tremors shook the studios of the National Communications Network (NCN) yesterday afternoon and boxing buffs could expect an earthquake when f o r m e r Wo r l d B o x i n g C o u n c i l ( W B C ) Cruiserweight champion, Wa y n e ‘ B i g T r u c k ’ Braithwaite and former Caribbean Boxing Federation (CABOFE) light/heavyweight champion, Shawn Corbin square off over 12 rounds for the vacant CABOFE cruiserweight title at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall tomorrow night. Fans may be in for

another treat as the organisers are working assiduously to ensure that Jamaican, Rudolph Hedge arrive in time for his CABOFE super/lightweight title fight against Berbician, Richard Williamson. Elton ‘Coolie Bully’ Dharry was initially billed to oppose Hedge in defense of his CABOFE Bantamweight title but the organisers have indicated that Dharry is unable to keep his ring date and Williamson, when approached, jumped at the offer. However, the bout which has been reduced to a six rounder was up to late yesterday afternoon still in limbo as the flights out of

IF LOOKS COULD KILL! Braithwaite (left) and Corbin size up each other ahead of the big fight. Jamaica have been suspended until Hurricane Sandy abates. President of

the Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC), Peter Abdool, said that he is working feverishly to have the Jamaican here for the bout and should he be successful, the boxer should arrive sometime today. He sports a record of 10 fights, winning 7 of them. Williamson, one of the better amateur pugilists, was regarded as a worthwhile selection for the Olympic trials in Brazil earlier this year; he was also highly touted to qualify and represent Guyana in the very London Olympics. This was not to be as the selectors thought differently and omitted him from the squad citing insufficient funds. Incensed by their action, Williamson opted to strip off his shirt and clinched a majority verdict over Delon Allicock on debut. In his second bout Williamson looked better than Charlton Skeete from the very first gong and the chimes of the first bell was still resonating when a vicious combination sent his man to the canvass. Whatever bedeviled the Berbician we will never know but he chose to punch Skeete while he was down and his indiscretion elicited a warning from the referee. Less than one minute later, another volley decked Skeete and as though conforming to a script, Williamson lashed out at his opponent when he was down. They referee

Clive Atwell and Prince Lee Isadore mean business for their CABOFE super/lightweight showdown. promptly disqualified Williamson and awarded the bout to Skeete. The Berbician has said that he will not commit another such sin. A raging battle is also envisaged when local featherweight champion, Clive Atwell, attempts to add the CABOFE super lightweight title to his collection in a 12 rounds affair against Trinidadian Prince Lee Isadore in what should be a thriller. Atwell is only now beginning to gel after scoring brutal knockout victories over Rudolph Fraser and Barbadian based Guyanese, Revlon Lake. He has signaled an intention of making it three in a row. However, his opponent flew into Guyana accompanied by his coach, Bharath Ramoutar, yesterday afternoon and scoffed at Atwell’s proclamations. He sports an impressive record of 10 fights with just as many wins, all by the knockout route. Further, none of his opponents made it past the third round. Atwell is unimpressed and told the Trinidadian that he will have the most torrid time of his life when he faces him. “I checked out his record and while I admit that it looks impressive I must point out that he never fought anyone like me,” declared Atwell. Braithwaite is not the same person that suffered an ignominious defeat to Barbadian, Shawn Cox a few months ago. To begin with,

he sports a chiseled body and appears to be in the best of condition. Further, Braithwaite is more contrite and carefully chose his words when asked for a prediction. He refused to brag of a knockout but did predict a victory. “A win is very important to me,” said Braithwaite. He also apologized to his fans for his poor showing against Cox. “I plan to make amends for that result,” he promised. Meanwhile, Rudolph Fraser and former bantamweight champion, Dexter Marques will throw down the gauntlet as the former boxer looks to avenge an earlier loss when the two squared off last year. Both have exuded confidence and promised an action packed affair. CABOFE and local middleweight champion, Edmond DeClou will also square off against Kelsey George in a 4 rounds super/middleweight repeat while Sharon Ward, back after a lengthy hiatus, will square off with Quinda Rogers in a 4 rounds middleweight affair. The bout is being sponsored in part by Digicel and patrons are urged to retain their ticket stubs for a chance to win two (2) cell phones which will be contested in a draw. Tickets are $3000 for ringside while those for the stands will be sold at one thousand dollars. The action gets underway at 20:00hrs sharp.

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