Haileybury Foundation News - Winter 2023

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From the Chairman

By now, you will have received our Impact Report 2022, the annual publication designed to provide our benefactors and the wider Haileybury community with an insight into the impact your Foundation makes in terms of scholarships, building projects and helping to support this great School into perpetuity.

From the Vice Principal

A gift for Haileybury’s future – The Winged Heart Society

Like all independent schools, Haileybury’s day-to-day operational expenses are met by a combination of fees paid by our parents, as well as grants from State and Federal governments. We acknowledge the many sacrifices made by our community and the generous government support we receive, and we use these funds wisely.

In order to grow and flourish, we rely on the goodwill and generosity of the Haileybury community to support our School so we can continue to provide scholarships, support students, and deliver

In this regard, I would like to extend our thanks for the generosity of those who contributed to our record year in 2022 and special thanks to our executive team for their hard work and diligence in organising the year’s event – including our inaugural Giving Day – and compiling such an excellent publication.

As I have stated in prior articles, philanthropic giving is a very personal endeavour. We can give our time voluntarily, donate some of our income each year or pledge a portion of our estate’s assets via bequest – or two or even all three of these.

With cost of living pressures building over the past eighteen months, the net effects will be more meaningful for some than for others, and that includes those aspiring Haileybury scholars whose dream of a first-class education may now be more

out of reach than before, unless supported through the generosity of our Foundation scholarship donors. We trust that your generosity will continue.

One of the most effective means to do this, that I can personally attest to is through our 1892 Donors Circle, by making a regular donation of at least $500 each year. Not only is it a way for you to continue your philanthropy on an ongoing tax-deductible basis, it is also very helpful, through the regularity of its cashflow, for us to plan for the scholarships we provide. A special thanks to the more than 100 of us who are 1892 Donors Circle members. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

contemporary teaching and learning spaces and facilities for many years to come.

One way that members of our community can support the Foundation is by leaving a bequest to the Haileybury Foundation or to the School itself through their Will as an investment in the future of education for our students. The provision of funds for the future ensures the School can provide additional facilities, scholarships and bursaries to those who most need them. In doing so, you will become a member of the Winged Heart Society.

We are very grateful to all donors who intend to leave a bequest – whether an estate, cash, shares or the residue of an estate – because it enables infrastructure we may not otherwise be able to build, or allows students to experience a unique education that they may not have had access to.

We recommend that you seek legal advice on the structure of your Will and inform your family about your intentions in leaving Haileybury a bequest. It would be most helpful for us to know if you are leaving a bequest to Haileybury because we believe it is important to acknowledge and thank benefactors in their lifetime for

the contribution they will be making to the School.

The winged hearts were chosen as the symbol for the Haileybury Society as they hold a special place in the hearts and minds of all who know Haileybury. When Haileybury UK opened as a boys’ school in 1862, the first Head, Rev. Arthur Grey Butler, adopted the Sursum Corda motto, which translates to ‘lift up your hearts’. The winged hearts are a depiction of the lofty aspirations of the motto and suggest we soar to new expectations and standards.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Winged Heart Society soon.


You may need to provide these details to your lawyer if you are planning on leaving a bequest in your Will:

• The Haileybury Foundation Ltd (CAN 142 288 346/ ABN 70 142 288 346)

• The Haileybury Foundation is registered as a charity under the ACNC Act.

News Winter 2023

Why Haileybury Foundation?

From the Director of Development & Alumni Relations

Russell Davidson

The most recent benefactor morning tea events have provided donors and students with positive interactions and allowed our benefactors to see first-hand the true impact of their gift.

Currently, Haileybury Foundation supports 28 students with scholarships. All students would not be at Haileybury without this significant benefactor support.

We thank all our donors and can guarantee that a gift will have a considerable effect on students who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend Haileybury.

Prospective donors to Haileybury Foundation – whether they be alumni, staff, current or former parents, or community members – often ask why they should give to Haileybury Foundation alongside other causes.

Contributors to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund are provided regular opportunities to witness how they are changing lives forever. The following are just some of those:

• Involvement in the Haileybury Foundation Benefactor Morning Tea program

• Recognition in the Haileybury Foundation Impact Report

• Twice yearly reports from Haileybury Foundation Scholarship students

• Invitations to Haileybury Foundation events.

In 2024, five additional students have been selected to be gifted with a Haileybury Foundation Scholarship. This will be life changing.

Gifts large or small have an impact. We are always on the lookout for community members who wish to assist with providing the gift of an education. If it is your wish to be a benefactor to the Haileybury Foundation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

To Donate

Any gift, no matter the size, has the power to enhance the School via the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Library Fund. Donations (except bequests) are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided.

Social media Haileybury Foundation is on socials. Please follow us to stay updated on Haileybury Foundation community activities at the links below: www.facebook.com/Haileyburyfoundation https://www.linkedin.com/company/36137842 Haileybury Foundation ABN 70 142 288 346 +61 3 9904 6100 foundation@haileybury.com.au www.haileybury.com.au/giving
Contact us If you wish to learn more about the Haileybury Foundation or to enquire about giving, please contact us via the options below.

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