Chidlrens cookbook boards

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The Brief

Board 1

The brief was to create a fun and easyto use recipe book for younger children. The aim was to create the opportunity for them to get more involved in the cooking process and understand that some foods are healthy, and they are better to put in your body. The book should appeal to the child while also enticing the adult.


Yummy Scrummy What’s In My Tummy?

Research, Concept & Context

Board 2

As I had never attempted creating a cook book before or a book that contained this many of my own illustrations on this scale it was important to research into various types of food illustrations, cookbook layouts and creative books. It was helpful to gain inspiration about how to expand the range as the brief is to design a chidlrens cookbook each aspects needs to be tailored specifically for them.The concept for the cookbook builds on the theory that childrens need to start elarning about what they are putting in their bodies


and given the choiuce could be excited about acting chef and planning their own meals. The cookbook is titled ‘Yummy Scrummy wht’s in my tummy?’ for this very reason. The cookbook has interactive pages designed to allow the child to make decisions about their meals. Once the idea is generated then hopefully the cookbook will contune to present a positive mesage. The book is designed to be purchases from upmarket childrens booksho[s such as Waterstones and online shops such as Anthropologie.

Yummy Scrummy What’s In My Tummy?

Initial visuals & Process

Board 4

From research many of the cookbooks I looked at included photos and step by step illustrative guides. However, as this was a chidlrens cookbok the simpler the better which is why the process of using hand drawn illustrations meant that the images were easily identifiable, and personal. Sometimes proffessional photographs can be intimidating. I wanted the cookbook to act as almost cooking journal so the hand painted style seemed the most


appropriate. once the initial recipes were decided on and th ingredients created the rest of the collages were digitally layerd. It was a time consuming process yet has helped me greatly with my digital Photoshop skills and my own illustration skills. The bright coloures for the colours scheme and lively illustrations mean that it will be mroe visuall exciting to children.

Yummy Scrummy What’s In My Tummy?

Final Outcomes

Board 3


Yummy Scrummy What’s In My Tummy?

Final Cookbook

Board 5

This is the final publication design. I made the decision to get the book printed externally as I wanted an image wrap cover and this owuldn’t have been as effective has I attempted the process myself. The photos show how the interaction between a child and th book would work. As an expansion of the range there are akso meal plans and recipe catrds designed to carry on the teachings of the book and make it easily


accessible to young familys cooking at dinner time. I also made the decision to purchase some magenets with the design. Continueing the idea f the meal plan and increasing the interaction of the child the mgenst with the days fo the week and ecample of meals anf food alows the child to physically move the ingredinta sna d food they wish to have.

Yummy Scrummy What’s In My Tummy?

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