Hunky dory boards

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The Brief

Board 1

The brief was to create the name, branding and packaging for a new British based biscuit company. It foccuses on selling the traditional and favourite bscuits the pubic know and love made expertly with the best of british ingredients. The biscuits, although traditional flavours should be made modern, relevant and fresh through a new lease of life enoucraging a younger demogrpahic to understand the beauty of buying well made and british biscuits.


Collaboration with Emma Johnson

Hunky Dory Biscuit Co.

Research & concept & Context

Board 2

In order fo rus to create a packaging that matched the high end style we wanted market research was essential as it gave us a clearer idea of the level of pakcaging we were hoping to hear. We noticed that the more traditional biscuits tended to be he Hunky Dory Biscuit Co. is a traditional British Biscuit brand, consisting of a range of packaging and identity presence. It was decided to use a hand redered approach paired with the clean digital style of Emma’s branding, merging the visuals of new and old whils creating a unique packaging that would work together. The illustration work is the main focus of the brand, and showcases the gleeful side of quintessential


‘Britishness’, in our unique tradition of eating biscuits with our cups of tea. Traditional biscuits are also undersold in the current market, with bland and basic packaging. Understanding that cheap biscuits encased in bland packaging serve their purpose as basic shopping items, myself and Emma wanted to make the biscuit packaging special enough to buy someone as a gift. Competing with the high end biscuits sold in places such as Harvey Nichols and the more expensive su[ermarkets such as Waistrose.

Collaboration with Emma Johnson

Hunky Dory Biscuit Co.

Initial Ideas and Visuals

Board 3

After much deliberation the name ‘Hunky Dory’ was decided on. Copy righting is something that I am interested in and this brief was a good oppportunity to push the brand across the body copy, name and accompaning printed emphemera. The concept fits with the brand values of a mdoern interprestation of the great british biscuit as it is a well known british phrase coined in british history. My main contribution to the brief was the and


drawn illustrations I produced based on biscuits and a more tradiotnal style type to match with these intial visuals. Because of the nature of hand drawn type and the less rigid nature of the letterforms it wa difficult to create a smooth layout that worked successfully with the clean and digital logo Emma had created and throughout the project the merging of these two styles proved the most difficult.

Collaboration with Emma Johnson

Hunky Dory Biscuit Co.


Board 4

Development was a huge part of this brief, in fact took over half the time spent on the brief in it’s entirety. We experimented with an array of visuals styles. Emma’s style is ver clean, simple and digital whereas mine is more hand rendered. It was difficult to harmoniously merge the two together. We experimented with a variety of nets none of which relfected the brand values we were trying to achieve. Our last development


led us to using tins which were a much better outcome, being simple to design to and looking and feeling expensive. The colour scheme was another element of the project that we keep changing and altering. It was hard to find a balance between looking expensive and using bright bold colours to portray the modern values of the brand.

Collaboration with Emma Johnson

Hunky Dory Biscuit Co.

Final outcomes

Board 5

The final outcomes for this project involved thre labels for four small biscuit tins as wella s some promotional posters. We had lots of problems but have overcome them to creat something that we are both happy with.


Collaboration with Emma Johnson

Hunky Dory Biscuit Co.

Final outcomes

Board 6


Collaboration with Emma Johnson

Hunky Dory Biscuit Co.

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