Write way final boards

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The Write Way

Board 1


Collaboration with Elisabeth Tyrer

The Write Way

The Brief

Board 2

This was based on a previous RSA briefto encourage the younger generation to get off the computer and connect with others in a more personal manner, to revert back to the more traditional forms of communication which developed social skills and knowledge about the wider world. There were no requirements in terms of products created or limits on whatc ould be produced as long as the message


was clear. ‘promote the idea of having a pen pal either in the same country as you or away. Myself and Lizzi felt that personally the perfect audience was younger children as tey had not yet been fully exposed and influenced by the forms of digital communciation that comes with moving to highschool. Collaboration with Elisabeth Tyrer

The Write Way


Board 3

Visual research both into suitable and appropriae visual styles was a necessary stage of the brief. As the target audience was younger chidlren each design decision we made had to approprately reflect their needs and interests. One of the reasons we made the decision to use hand type was the appeal it woul dhave to younger children. These times of drawings usualyl lend themselves to bright, bold colours, something that would be highly eye catching. We also felt that the most apporiate visual style for a brief about pen pals would


be to create the suporting range using our hands and create the visuals in the same way that a letter would be crafted. With nothing but a writing median and some form of mark making. We were particualrly inspired by the work of Mike Perry who used bright colours and varying mediums effectively in a way that held a certain chilldlike quality yet still looked polished. Collaboration with Elisabeth Tyrer

The Write Way

Visuals & Process

Board 4

During the initial stages of the design process myself and Lizzi decided to simply work with the materials, letting th visuals develop as they happened on the paper. One of the most importat design decisions we made was to alter the purely hand drawn logo to a more solid,


digital format paired with the hand lettering. Another this more memorable it ties together our concept more key aspect of this campaign was the cmapaign name. succinctly. We didn’t want a limitng colour palleter and Early on in the process we made the decision to change wanted to appeal to all children in an institution. the name from Wireless connections to the Write Way, some clever copyrighting developed by Lizzi. Not only is

Collaboration with Elisabeth Tyrer

The Write Way

The Brief & Context

Board 5

The campaign itself was designed to be given out in institutions both acaedmic and not such as primary schools or brownies. This would be the most suitable setting for a child to be supervised whilst writing to their first pen pal. The pack seemed the most appropriaie format to work towards as digital media would have been contarductiry within a brief about pen


pals. The contnt was throughly researched with both team members looking in to the benfits of having a pen pall and also how to talk to a pen pal once they have receievd an address, Collaboration with Elisabeth Tyrer

The Write Way

Product range

Board 7

The main carrier of our campaign was the writing set pack sent to institutions such as Primary schools, Brownie’s and other youth organisations. This included a booklet with all the necessary information to become a pen pal, begginers questions to possibly as your pen pal as well as how to write the perfet letter, not only in suggsted ocntent but also layout. Th benfits of having a pen pal


are endless and the pack was deisgined to do this, As our target audience was young chidlren each aspect was thourghly considered, even down to the sizing of the documents and the amount of information included. The posters are designed to appeal to the young demographic yet also provide information for adults. Collaboration with Elisabeth Tyrer

The Write Way

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