Harlow Times - Spring 2021

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Spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

A magazine about housing and your town

Spring brings hope for a brighter future

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“It’s not just love that they need, it’s your time, stability and to feel safe.” Foster with our support. It could be the best thing you’ll ever do. We best match children to your family. Training is local, support is 24/7 and your family could receive up to £483 per child, per week. Think Fostering Think Essex County Council www.essex.gov.uk/foster 0800 801 530

Protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 Keeping yourself and others safe • follow the latest government rules

If you have symptoms

Have no symptoms?

Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has any of these symptoms:

You may unknowingly be infecting family, friends and loved ones. For peace of mind book a rapid test: Online: www.essex.gov.uk Email: booking. confirmation@nhs.net Call: 0333 772 6144

• stay at home as much as possible. Work from home if you can • keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible) • wash your hands regularly and wear a face covering

• a high temperature • a new, continuous cough • a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

If you have any of these symptoms, book at test online at: www.gov.uk/coronavirus or call 119.

Staying updated: www.harlow.gov.uk/ coronavirus Harlow Council Facebook Harlow Council Twitter www.essex.gov.uk/ coronavirus Essex CC Facebook Essex CC Twitter www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Working together for Harlow

Financial stability is crucial to recovery Councillor Mark Ingall, Leader of Harlow Council For the eighth year running no Harlow Council services will be cut or closed as part of our budget for the year ahead. This is more important than ever, as Harlow needs stability and certainty to help see it through this pandemic. It’s been a tough year for our town, and we don’t want to make it any harder now or in the future by cutting your services. A stable financial position means that we can continue working with full resources in place to adapt and respond to this pandemic and support you and the town. The decisions we take today must have the future of our town in mind.

To help maintain our service levels now and into the future there will be a small increase in Harlow Council’s share of the Council Tax bill. For a Band C home the increase will be £5.01 a year, which is just under 10p a week. While our Council Tax will increase slightly, many of our day-to-day fees and charges you pay like parking fees will be frozen at the same levels as last year. I know a Council Tax rise, whatever the cost per week, is going to be hard to take. But it will help balance our budget due to the impact of COVID-19, it will help maintain our services and will help us continue supporting you and the town.

There will be support too for those who continue to find it hard to pay Council Tax. We’re allocating up to £300,000 to our hardship fund which will help those most in need pay their overall Council Tax bills. Financial stability also means that when popular services such as Harlow Playhouse, Pets’ Corner, Sam’s Place, Leah Manning Centre and Harlow Museum reopen, they can do so with full funding in place. These facilities will be an important part of putting smiles back on faces as our town recovers from this pandemic. We will continue to support you through and beyond these difficult times.

In this edition News in brief Budget and Council Tax 2021 to 2022 Inside - 8 page Council Housing Annual Report Recycling news Harlow Police update Do you know your councillor?

Cover: Cyclamen flowers.

2-3 5 7-14 15 20 21

4 Harlow

Local Plan

Blueprint adopted for Harlow

16 Your health & and wellbeing 17 Looking after you and your family

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Circle Only use blue and/or white. For more details check out our Brand Guidelines.

Tweet us your views www.twitter.com/harlowcouncil

Watch council meetings online www.youtube.com/harlowcouncil

18 Getting Harlow vaccinated

COVID vaccination programme

19 A new Princess

Alexandra Hospital The latest on the new hospital

harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


News in brief




Don’t forget!

Recognising unsung community heroes Celebrating our community heroes!

British Summer Time begins at 1am on Sunday, 28 March. Make sure you put your clocks forward 1 hour.

Thousands raised through tree recycling Harlow Council would like to thank residents who booked a collection for their Christmas tree. An astounding 819 bookings have been made to date and we will be donating all fees to the Chair’s chosen charities - Mind West Essex and Petals, with Veolia matching every donation. This means so far over £3,500 has been raised. It’s not too late to book your real Christmas tree for collection for just £2.15 and all trees collected will be composted. Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/ christmas-trees to book a collection.


harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Every year Civic Awards are presented by the Chair of Harlow Council.

This year, award nominations are open to the public and aim to recognise and celebrate individuals and organisations who make a huge difference to people’s lives in the town. To nominate search for Harlow Civic Awards online, visit www.harlow.gov.uk or email lisa.thornett@harlow.gov.uk

Volunteers plant 3,500 new trees Just before lockdown in December 2020, around 800 trees were planted by the Greenteam Volunteers completing the first stage of hedgerow restoration project at Parndon Lock Meadows. This was the sixth consecutive year of the project which has seen an ancient hedgerow restored by coppicing and additional planting with 3,500 new trees.

Volunteers will now help with the ongoing maintenance of the new hedgerow. We thank the volunteers for keeping the tree planting going, when many other community projects have been affected by lockdowns.

News in brief

Polling stations will be safe places to vote in May, but there are other ways to vote. BY POST



Want to vote by post?

Apply early

Find out more at electoralcommission.org.uk/voter

Have you got your census letter? Households across Harlow are being asked to take part in Census 2021. Census day is on 21 March, but households will now be receiving letters with online codes explaining how they can complete their forms. If you don’t get one in the next couple of weeks, please get in touch with the census contact centre.

Are you ready to vote in May? To vote in the Essex County Council, Harlow Council and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner elections on Thursday 6 May 2021 your name must be on the electoral register. The last day to register to vote is Monday 19 April 2021. If you are not yet registered to vote, you can do this online at www.gov.uk/registertovote. If you are registered you will receive your poll card between 19 and 26 March 2021. You do not need the poll card to be able to vote. We are working to make sure these elections are COVIDsafe for all.

If you would prefer to vote by post you must apply before 5pm on Tuesday 20 April 2021. If you wish to appoint someone to vote on your behalf (proxy), you must apply before 5pm on Tuesday 27 April 2021. Absent vote forms can be downloaded at www.harlow. gov.uk/voting-and-elections/ how-vote. Alternatively, please email: registration@harlow.gov.uk or call 01279 446042.

You can also request a paper questionnaire if you’d prefer to complete your census that way. Local census support centres will be open while the census is happening. Staff will offer help for people not confident online, who don’t have a computer or need help completing on paper. The census is a once-in-adecade survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941. For more information, and to find out how to get help, visit www.census.gov.uk or call 0800 141 2021.

For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/votingand-elections harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


Blueprint for future adopted

Planning Harlow’s future

Harlow’s Local Development Plan was adopted by the council on 10 December 2020, following public consultation and a public examination in 2019. This plan will help shape the growth of Harlow until 2033 and bring benefits to both new and existing residents. The plan was developed around these themes: Housing The plan provides land for much-needed housing, over 9,200 new homes (which includes the developments at Newhall and Gilden Park), provision for up to 30% affordable housing and the new Garden Town Community to the east of Harlow. Policies and proposals have been included to address issues such as the provision of accessible and adaptable housing, plots for self-build and custombuilt housing, and the regulation of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs).

Lifestyles Existing community, leisure and recreational facilities and green spaces will be protected, with more provided in the new developments. Infrastructure The growth of the district will be supported by the new M11 junction 7a, new schools and the development of a new Princess Alexandra Hospital. New sustainable transport corridors will improve access across Harlow and reduce our carbon footprint. More public open spaces, allotments and an extension to Parndon Wood cemetery will also feature. Placeshaping Both our built and natural environments, a result of Sir Frederick Gibberd’s original masterplan for Harlow, will be protected. Our natural environment will be safeguarded through continued protection of, and extension to, our network of green wedges and fingers. The plan also ensures that new development is delivered to the highest possible standard. Prosperity An additional 21 hectares of employment land has been allocated which, along with further development of the Enterprise Zone, will provide a better balance to the local economy and more job opportunities. Other policies aim to protect existing retail areas and support new job development while resisting the loss of existing land. This will be supported by measures to improve access to jobs and training for residents. The Key Diagram sets out these broad themes and forthcoming articles in the Harlow Times will explain these in more detail, so watch this space! Find out more about the plan at www.harlow.gov.uk


harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Budget and Council Tax

Financial stability for Harlow’s recovery

In January 2021 we agreed our budget for 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 which aims to provide stability for council services during the pandemic and beyond.

Harlow Council’s budget for 2021/22 What our budget includes:

£1.3m fund to help manage services through the pandemic to recovery

Full funding in place for when Harlow Playhouse, Pets’ Corner, Harlow Museum, Sam’s Place and the Leah Manning Centre reopen

£17.8m investment in development of employment space, environmental projects and desperately needed new housing

Up to £300,000 to support those facing hardship with their Council Tax bills

No increase to parking fees in local shopping areas and Town Park for the 8th year in a row. Free parking periods to continue.

Your Council Tax bill pays towards services provided by Harlow Council, Essex County Council, Essex Police and Essex Fire & Rescue Service.

Funding for the regeneration of the town centre and improvements to the town park, Pets’ Corner and enhancements to the Museum Walled Gardens

From 1 April 2021 Harlow Council’s share will increase by 1.99% which is an extra 10p a week for a Band C home in the town. Essex County Council is proposing to increase the adult social care precept by 1.5% which is an extra 34p a week. The Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex will increase Essex Police’s share by 4.98%, an extra 17p a week. The share for Essex Fire & Rescue Service will be frozen.

£70 £15



For the 8th year running there are no cuts or closures to the Harlow Council services you receive.

The share of Council Tax for each service per £100.

Additional money for health and safety improvements to paddling pools.

You can pay your bill over 12 months between April and March rather than over 10 months. Please contact: council.tax@harlow.gov.uk We can provide help if you are struggling to pay Council Tax or rent, visit www.harlow.gov.uk/ benefits You can also manage your Council Tax online. Visit https:// selfserve.harlow.gov.uk and click on My Accounts For information please email council.tax@harlow.gov.uk visit www.harlow.gov.uk/ council-tax or call 01279 446655.

Although Harlow Council sends out the final bills, we only receive £15 out of every £100 collected. harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


More and better housing

Housing for Harlow

Housing budget 2021 to 2022 House buying and house building programme update

Harlow’s housing budget for the year ahead has been approved which includes £26m investment in improving council houses. For council tenants there will be a 1.5% increase for rents with the average weekly rent from April 2021 being £93.66. While rents will increase, it does mean that we can continue to protect services and invest in improving council homes. The focus of our housing investment programme will be energy efficiency improvements and additional fire safety works following the Grenfell Tower fire public enquiry.

The council has recently completed the purchase of 32 houses on the open market in the town which will be allocated to local families on the Harlow housing needs register. The homes, which now become part of the council’s housing stock, were purchased from Right to Buy receipts. The council plans to purchase a further 13 homes in the next year. The council also plans to build 90 new houses with 6 housebuilding schemes – Bushey Croft, Perry Road, The Yorkes, Brenthall Towers, Stackfield and The Hill. Some of these schemes are subject to planning permission and final designs. Fifteen new homes for housing register applicants will also become available at the Prentice Place redevelopment. The council’s HTS housing and regeneration company has also started to buy houses in the town. So far the company has purchased 3 houses and plans to buy more this year.

New housing charges from April 2021 • The average weekly service charge for tenants will be £2.50. • Communal heating charges for tenants will, on average, increase by 27p a week. • The average communal heating charges for tenants in supported housing will go up by 20p a week to £7.04 a week. • The rent for a standard garage will rise by 53p a week to £11.20.


harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Support during the pandemic During the pandemic we have provided emergency accommodation and support for over 40 single people that were at risk of rough sleeping or rough sleeping through this pandemic. The outcome in most cases was that we were able to provide assistance in securing settled accommodation in the private rented sector or helping them to return to their family home. We continue to work with partners like Streets2Homes who provide support and outreach to rough sleepers.

Help if you are homeless

If you’re currently homeless or you think you might become homeless in the next 10 days, it’s important you contact us as soon as possible. You can contact us by calling 01279 446655. If you’re not currently homeless but think you might lose your home in the next 56 days (8 weeks), you need to fill out our online homelessness assessment form at www.harlow.gov.uk The sooner you contact us the quicker we can help you stay in your existing home or find you alternative accommodation.

Housing Annual Report to Tenants and Leaseholders 2019/20

Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report 2019/20

Welcome to your eleventh Housing Annual Report from Harlow Council Last year’s annual report outlined the ongoing challenges faced by the housing service at Harlow Council. Whilst 2019/20 was a challenging year, the next 12 months are set to be even more challenging due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The housing service continues to confront the impact this has had and will adapt to ensure that the safety of residents and staff remains paramount, whilst following government guidance. The council is continuing to support residents, with our councillors working on a crossparty basis to deal with the impact the virus is having on our town. Whilst cases continue to rise I believe that, with the support of all residents, we will be able to beat the virus, continue to provide much-needed services and assist our NHS in these difficult times. The council would also like to take this time to remember all those who have been lost to us. Despite these difficult times, I look forward to 2021 and beyond with some optimism. The council continues to work to secure government funding to support regeneration in the town. A local plan is in place which guides the development and growth of Harlow to secure jobs, new housing and further investment. 1

Challenges continue following the phase one report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. More resources have been put into the ongoing challenges and updates the housing service faces on building regulations associated with fire safety, compliance and energy. Fire safety in council homes is something we take very seriously and fire risk assessments are reviewed regularly. Residents will be updated on national changes made as a result of the inquiry. We have received additional funding to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping. The Housing Revenue Account Business Plan outlines the short-, medium- and long-term priorities for the service with the resources available. I am grateful for the partnership working provided by HTS (Property and Environment) Ltd who support the business plan delivery. The results of tenant and leaseholder surveys help us improve service delivery. Surveys also provide us with suggestions for improving customer access and contact, which are followed through action plans and priorities.

• Helped residents manage finances by raising awareness of support available, working with agencies to understand and manage the impact of Universal Credit. • Celebrated a six-year partnership with Essex County Council, providing extra care housing at Sumners Farm Close. The partnership between Agincare and Harlow Council provides a positive environment where tenants can maintain their independence with support. • Our Careline scheme, which offers security to our most vulnerable residents, achieved national accreditation. The priorities for housing and what is important locally are: • Making more housing available, with a wider choice of genuinely affordable housing types. • Tackling the growing need for supported housing. • Helping to improve choices for those in housing need. • Improving residents’ health and wellbeing by improving housing conditions. • Improving housing standards with energy efficient, modern home facilities, tackling local priorities and statutory requirements.

In 2019/20, the council also: • Improved turnaround times for empty properties.

Councillor Mark Wilkinson Portfolio Holder for Housing

Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report 2019/20

Involvement How did we do in 2019/20? The council continues to work with tenant and leaseholder representatives on crucial projects, gathering their feedback when making important decisions. Projects include monitoring the progress of the internal part of the Modern Homes Programme. After meeting the Decent Homes Standard in 2015, we aim to enhance and modernise homes for the future. We will monitor how money is spent on housing, help to improve working practices in line with government changes and inspect empty homes before they are re-let. Work on the Rough Sleeper Initiative continues, as well as scrutiny of the leaseholder management fee and a review of Statement of Actuals, expenditures, invoices and estimate enclosers. The Housing Service continues to strive to improve tenant and leaseholder satisfaction. Harlow Council’s biennial landlord survey showed overall tenant satisfaction for 2018/19 was 88% (BMG Independent Survey). The annual Leaseholder Survey questionnaire showed overall satisfaction for 2018/19 was 71.43%. What is a Local Offer? The Local Offers initiative was introduced as part of the Regulator of Social Housing Standards. This helps housing providers tailor their services to meet local priorities and needs.

Local offers for involvement • To continue to use the tenant and leaseholder engagement strategy, allowing tenants and leaseholders to examine the performance of Harlow Council.

This will increase involvement in decision making and improve communication. • To continue to provide easy-tounderstand information for tenants and leaseholders, promoting awareness of the Housing Service and providing opportunities to participate and provide feedback on future services. • To continue to increase the number of involved residents, especially people from hard to reach groups. • To continue to improve performance and satisfaction levels for involvement by establishing a successful tenant and leaseholder engagement model.

Level of complaints for 2019/20 In its role as a housing provider with over 9,000 properties, each year the council undertakes over 600,000 housing transactions.

Complaints 2019/20:

• To continue to include residents on the Housing Standards Board, a body linked to the council’s decision making structure.


• To continue to run annual training programmes for interested tenants and leaseholders to gain a good understanding of current and future challenges faced by the council.

Our plans for the future • Further strengthen tenant and leaseholder engagement and awareness through the tenant and leaseholder engagement strategy, using social media to build stronger and more effective means of communication.

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3


Total 294

HTS Housing Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3


Total 360

• Continue to publish performance information which shows how well we do in getting more people involved and promoting awareness of the Housing Service. • To continue to implement initiatives to help promote how the council engages with all tenants and leaseholders. • To conduct a biennial landlord survey to collect feedback from tenants of how satisfied they are with the Housing Service.

Photo taken in 2019 includes the late Margaret Mackenzie (Leaseholder Representative).


Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report 2019/20

Tenancy How did we do in 2019/20? Between April 2019 and March 2020 the council housed a total of 522 households: Band


Band 1


Band 2


Band 3


Band 4


242 applicants were home seekers, 190 were transfers and 90 were homeless.

Local offers for involvement • Provide tenants with options through the Choice-Based Lettings scheme. • Make the best use of housing available through our allocations policy. Operate a clear housing application process including decisions and appeals. • Offer financial incentives and other support to tenants wishing to move to a smaller home. • Visit all new tenants within 21 days of the start of their tenancy. • Assess the type of support needed by new tenants and provide relevant advice and information. • Work within the regulatory framework when setting our rents. • Write to all tenants and leaseholders before increases in rents and/or service charges.

358 of these were placed in general needs properties, 61 in supported housing and 103 in housing association properties.

• Produce a tenant handbook and regularly review to provide the information tenants want.

Tenancy Enforcement Housing obtained 122 possession orders for nonpayment of rent.

• Meet all statutory requirements relating to the use of tenancy agreements. Ensuring antisocial behaviour and conditions of tenancy are managed and investigated in an efficient, effective and impartial manner.

10 tenants were evicted for nonpayment of rent.

• To treat everyone equally - the rights of secure and introductory tenants are made as similar as possible.

3 tenants evicted for tenancy fraud.

• Provide debt advice and make sure that any action the council takes is fair and reasonable. Only where there is persistent nonpayment will the council proceed with enforcement action through the courts, in line with the ‘can’t pay won’t pay’ policy

Our plans for the future • We will continue to let our homes in a fair, open and efficient manner. • Maintain good performance in income recovery in line with the council’s can’t pay won’t pay ethos, by providing support to those tenants suffering general financial difficulty, while taking robust proportionate action to deal with those tenants that have the means to pay rent but choose not to.

• Assess all new tenants of Supported Housing within 24 hours of application.

• Continue to help and support tenants to manage their financial circumstances during the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

• Offer and issue the most secure form of tenancy compatible with housing and the sustainability of the community.

• We will seek to collect “customer insight” information to assist in improving future housing services.

• Publish the rents of properties so that any prospective tenants can budget responsibly. • Provide support to help vulnerable tenants.


• Make sure the council has all the information about rent, service charges and any benefits residents may be entitled to when signing their tenancy agreement.

• We will implement improvements in customer access by introducing a new digital tenancy service, which will allow tenants to access their own rent account details and report repairs. • We will continue to implement the Rough Sleeper initiative for the third year, through a raft of interventions and partnership working.


The total amount of rent collected for 2019/20.

Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report 2019/20

Leaseholders Local offers for involvement • Maintain a focus on controlling costs to leaseholders, while achieving and maintaining high standards of service. • Continue to ensure that the major works process meets the needs of leaseholders. • Improve the standard of information supplied to leaseholders about major works and monitoring communal repairs.

Photo taken in 2019 includes the late Margaret Mackenzie (Leaseholder Representative).

• Continue and improve two-way communication with leaseholders through the standards panels, leaseholder forums, Harlow Times and other channels of communication. • Continue to deal with leaseholder enquiries and act on their concerns. • Carry out scrutiny on areas within the council and its subsidiary organisations that affect leaseholders.

Our plans for the future • To continue to improve value for money by annually reviewing the management fee, making savings where possible. • To encourage more leaseholders to pay by direct debit and increase the 76.30% that currently pay by this method. • To scrutinise the service provided by HTS and continue to review customer satisfaction on repairs and communal cleaning. • To review all leaseholder information to ensure any changes to current legislation is included. • To examine the feasibility of working with HTS to provide a repair and gas service to leaseholders at the Leasehold Standards Panel meeting.


The total amount of annual service charge collected for 2019/20.

How did we do in 2019/20? 76.30% of leaseholders paid by direct debit. 13 complaints were received. 15 compliments were received. No survey was carried out for 2019/20 overall satisfaction with the council’s Home Ownership team. No survey was carried out for 2019/20 leaseholder satisfaction (being kept informed of issues that affect them).

220 leaseholders took advantage of the council’s prompt payment discount.

5,669 major works notices were served. 201 leaseholders have applied for a loan

from Harlow Council since the introduction of improved payment options. 4

Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report 2019/20

Property How did we do in 2019/20? 95.48% satisfied with repairs. 99.98% satisfied with gas services. 82.93% satisfied with communal repairs.

92.86% satisfied with grounds maintenance. Complaints - from April 2018 to March 2019: 50 MP and Councillor enquiries: 18 Repairs 2019/20 Bricklaying


Garage repairs



Door entry










Gas breakdown



6,765 525



Garage roofing




Double glazing


UPVc windows


Environment/ refuse


Total 5




Our plans for the future

• Continued investment in the Modern Homes Programme ensuring all properties remain decent in line with government guidance. • Continue to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of council homes. • Continue to provide an excellent repairs service by working closely with contractors and residents with the aim of improving overall customer satisfaction with the repairs service.

90.73% satisfied with street cleaning.

Minor adaptations

Local offers for involvement


• Continue to offer a flexible appointment system for repairs. • Meet all statutory and regulatory requirements, for example gas, electricity and water. • Continue to develop and improve on environmental services, which include mobile cleaning, street scene, caretaking, and ground maintenance. • Continue to ensure all of the council’s high and low rise flat blocks remain safe and that changes to regulation requirements for fire safety are acted upon.

Council home improvements Number of properties: 1,604 Tenants who refused work: 99 Additional WC 19 Electric safety inspections 665

Bathrooms 283 Gas boilers 402

Heating distribution 213

Kitchens 211

Windows 505

Doors 53

• Develop and deliver a sustainable programme of council house building. • Continued council investment in the Modern Homes Programme which improves the quality of homes and ensures all council stock complies with government Decent Homes Standards. • Ongoing investment and commitment to a programme of external works which continue to deliver a comprehensive range of improvement works to properties across Harlow. • Continue to tackle fuel poverty with an ongoing commitment to the energy efficiency programme. Improving the thermal insulation of properties, installation of heat meters and refurbishment of all council owned communal and district heating systems. • Refurbish and redevelop garage sites to improve parking and ease congestion within estates, redevelop redundant sites and creation of additional off-street parking. • Continue to deliver a programme of extensive fire safety works which ensures properties remain safe and compliant. • Continued investment and programme to improve the quality of council-owned temporary accommodation stock. • Continue to support tenants with independent living by providing a comprehensive package of aids and adaptations. • Redevelopment of Sumners Farm Close barn - creating four new onebedroom properties. • Continued investment within estates providing new signage, trip rails etc.

16 days

The amount of time taken to turn around void properties.

Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report 2019/20

Finance and value for money How did we do in 2019/20? - Local offers for finance • Continue to improve services and ensure value for money by learning from other housing providers and developing ways of comparing performance.

HRA year-end figures Expenditure 2019/20

• Carry out a quarterly progress review on the council’s performance. • Continue to provide an annual report to tenants and leaseholders. • Continue to provide information for tenants and leaseholders in Harlow Times.

Our plans for the future • Continue to monitor the quarterly performance and financial housing reports at the Housing Standards Board with tenant and leaseholder representatives. • To continue monitoring the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan to ensure it is sustainable and fit for purpose.

General management

£000’s 10,908

Special management 7,331 Repairs inc. insurance appropriations 10,305 Rents rates taxes and other charges 85 Provision for bad and doubtful debts 359 Supporting people transitional arrangements 5 Major repairs reserve (net depreciation) 10,624 Interest charges 6,675 Debt management expenses 6 Revenue contribution to capital expenditure 0 46,298



Dwelling rents -42,155 Garage rents -1,032 Other rents -62 Charges for services and facilities -4,873 Interest receivable -195 -48,317 Balance in hand at 1 April 2019 Surplus / (deficit) for year Balance in hand at 31 March 2020

13,731 2,020 15,751 6

Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report 2019/20

Give us your feedback... Your feedback is always welcome. Please complete the form below and return it to Zulfi Kiani-Mackintosh, Community Engagement Co-ordinator, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG. Alternatively, you can call Zulfi on 01279 446330 or fill in an online feedback form at: www.harlow.gov.uk/housing-and-garages/tenant-and-leaseholder-engagement/annual-reporttenants-and-leaseholders. This document is also available in large print.

Did you find the information in this annual report useful?

 Yes  No

Do you like the way it is presented?

 Yes  No

What would you like to see next year?  More information about how Housing Services is performing

 More comments from tenants and leaseholders

 Comparisons with other Councils/Housing Associations

 Different layout

What did you find useful?

What would you like to see next year?

All photos in this report were taken before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bins and recycling

Green waste subscription renewal

Thank you for your patience We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding when bin collections have been disrupted recently.

Premium green waste subscribers should receive a renewal letter soon. Please read this letter carefully as it explains some changes to the service.

New for 2021 to 2022

To ensure there is no break in service, it is important that payment is made to us by no later than 15 March 2021.

Once you have received your sticker, carefully follow the instructions on how and where to place the sticker on your bin(s). Please ensure the bin is clean and dry before applying the new sticker.

The cost of the service for the year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 for a brown bin is £42. It is quick and easy to renew your subscription online at www.harlow.gov.uk/greenwaste Alternatively, you can renew over the phone by calling 01279 446655.

From April 2021, green waste subscribers who have a bin will receive a permit sticker following renewal of the service.

Your bin will not be emptied if it does not display a valid subscription sticker.

The bin crews have worked throughout the pandemic and we thank them for their continued hard work in collecting the town’s rubbish and recycling. The crews really appreciate your support. We expect that the pandemic will continue to cause some disruption to collections, but we will carry on working with Veolia to reduce disruption to you as much as we can. To keep up to date with your latest bin dates, please visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/binsand-recycling

Not a subscriber? If you do not currently subscribe to the green waste service you can find out more at www. harlow.gov.uk/green-waste

Bank Holiday waste and recycling bin collections Easter bank holiday

May bank holiday

Late May bank holiday

Normal date

Normal date

Normal date


Revised date

Revised date

Revised date

02/04/2021 Sat 03/04/2021

Mon 03/05/2021 Tue 04/05/2021

Mon 31/05/2021 Tue 01/06/2021

Mon 05/04/2021 Tue 06/04/2021

Tue 04/05/2021 Wed 05/05/2021

Tue 01/06/2021 Wed 02/06/2021

Tue 06/04/2021 Wed 07/04/2021

Wed 05/05/2021 Thur 06/05/2021

Wed 02/06/2021 Thur 03/06/2021

Wed 07/04/2021 Thur 08/04/2021

Thur 06/05/2021

Thur 03/06/2021

Thur 08/04/2021 Fri






07/05/2021 Sat 08/05/2021




04/06/2021 Sat 05/06/2021

09/04/2021 Sat 10/04/2021

You can also check your bin collection dates online at


harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


Your health and wellbeing

You are not alone

help is here Tech Library

Rainbow Services is helping to reduce loneliness and social isolation by providing a Tech Library service for residents who have no access to the internet or the technology to use it. The service provides eligible people with a free tablet and MIFI dongle, for one week at a time, which people can use for online services or to remotely connect with family and friends. Digital Buddies are available to help provide remote or socially distanced support to people who need help getting started. If you or someone you know could benefit from the Tech Library, please contact Rainbow Services on 01279 308150 or 01279 210404.

Suicide Awareness Hub

Mind in West Essex has put together a Suicide Awareness Hub, which aims to give people the confidence and skills to talk with someone who may be feeling suicidal and signpost them to the help they want. There will be two workshops taking place which will look at possible risk factors, warning signs we may notice and guidance on how to have helpful conversations. The interactive workshop will be delivered online via zoom, with access to trained staff for support. To find out more and to become a Suicide Aware Friend, visit www.mindinwestessex.org.uk/ services/suicide-awareness-hub/ or email mellen@mindinwestessex.org.uk

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Your health and wellbeing

Mental Health Support Sanctuary

When going through a mental health crisis not everyone needs the Crisis Team to visit them during the evenings, and A&E is also not the best place to be unless you are injured or have a medical problem. MIND has recently opened the West Essex Sanctuary to provide a safe supportive place for those in need of mental health support. Due to the pandemic, most of the support is currently being provided on the phone or via video chat, however you can visit the sanctuary if that’s your best option.

Participating residents have reported benefits such as reduced use of walking aids, reduced requirement for pharmaceuticals, increased confidence and increased mobility among other benefits. To register your interest in the free classes contact 01992 564561 or email csreception@ eppingforestdc.gov.uk

Young people’s wellbeing

Young Concern Trust is providing one to one support to young adults aged 18 to 24, who are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety resulting from the pandemic.

If you’re in crisis call 111 and wait for Option 2 for Mental Health Support; you will be spoken to by the local assessment team and then referred to the sanctuary for support if needed. The sanctuary is open seven days a week from 5pm to midnight. It is a referral only service, not a drop in, so always call 111 first if you would like to be referred. For more information, please visit www. mindinwestessex.org.uk/services/sanctuary/

The service aims to provide early intervention by matching the needs of individual young adults to specific trained BACP therapists, who can provide emotional and wellbeing support over several sessions. Young Concern Trust will also be running an online anxiety group which young people up to the age of 19 can self-refer themselves to. For more information on Young Concern Trust services, visit www.yctsupport.com or call 01279 414090.

Changing Lives community hub Strength and Balance sessions

Social. Active. Strong service for West Essex is continuing to deliver online classes that aim to improve the strength and balance of residents in Harlow. Over 30 people are participating each week in classes of small numbers, with sessions being delivered by a qualified instructor. The popular sessions now include a cardio session as well as strength and balance.

Changing Lives new community hub is now open and currently providing sessions for vulnerable and key worker children. Sessions include wellbeing and mental health workshops, as well as sports activities. If your child is eligible you can search Changing Lives Community Services via the BOOKFIT app, where you can request to book a session. Alternatively, you can visit their website at www.changinglivescommunityservices.com or call 01279 427791. harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


COVID-19 vaccinations

Vaccinating Harlow

Thousands of residents across Harlow are taking up the opportunity to have their COVID-19 vaccinations. As well as regular clinics at Lister House Surgery, a large vaccination site opened at Harlow Leisurezone in January.

Raymond Spicer, 75, was among the first to be vaccinated at Harlow Leisurezone. He had travelled just minutes to get his jab with his daughter Louise, who explained that Raymond has been isolating throughout the pandemic due to receiving treatment for a rare form of blood cancer.

The programme began by inviting people 80 and over before contacting people 70 and over and those aged 65-69. If you are 70 and over or are classed as clinically extremely vulnerable and have not yet been contacted you can book your jab at www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination, call 119 or call your GP.

He said getting the simple and quick inoculation, would give them peace of mind in coming weeks and he hoped his daughter, his registered carer, would also receive hers soon.

Once you have received the jab it is important to carry on following the hand washing and social distancing guidelines.

“I found the experience very quick and easy and I am just very glad I have had the first one now.”

• Keep a distance of at least 2m from others

Ruth MacKay, 79, of Harlow, said: “I am very pleased and feel really encouraged to have had my vaccine. I can’t understand why people don’t want to have it. It’s wonderful here at the Leisurezone, so well organised.”

• Wash your hands regularly and cover your face where possible.

Ruth’s husband Brian, 85, had his vaccination at Lister Medical Centre in Harlow.

When you book your appointment you will be asked for your NHS number. This is usually on any medical related documents but specific help can be found on the NHS website www.nhs.uk/nhsservices/online-services/find-nhs-number/ The recently launched Essex-wide COVID-19 vaccination site www.essexcovidvaccine.nhs.uk also includes lots of useful information.

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Bessie Cowdery, 90, from Harlow, was the first person to receive the vaccine in the town, at Lister House before Christmas. Bessie said: “I was nervous but it was fine, like a flu jab, and I am just really looking forward now to getting back to seeing my family who I have barely seen this year.”

The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

You can help shape your new hospital It has been a busy start to the year for the team leading the development of the new Princess Alexandra Hospital. Designs for the state-of-the-art new hospital for Harlow continue apace, with the trust recently inviting members of the public to two virtual events to share their progress so far. The events on 21 January and 4 February marked the start of PAHT’s ambitious engagement plan, which will run for the next five years up to the new hospital opening in 2026. Over 100 members of the public turned up to each event to quiz senior trust staff and the project architects on designs for the new hospital welcome spaces. In lively and interactive sessions, people were given the opportunity to vote on what features they would like to see in the emerging designs.

The views gathered have already started to influence the planning of this important aspect of the new hospital building, and PAHT are very keen that the public have their say in the development of the new hospital as much as possible.

What’s up next Keep your eyes peeled for more new hospital engagement activities over the coming months. The trust will be holding further surveys and polls and setting up more public events around key themes, including: • New models of care and the patient journey

“It is clear the new hospital team has done much work, the results of which are beginning to look rather impressive” Public event attendee

• Access including travel and arrival

“Really great ideas and like the fact you are involving us” Public event attendee

Have your say

There are a number of ways you can get involved in the new hospital programme: • Sign up for the trust’s regular new hospital e-newsletter at www.pah.nhs.uk/have-your-say • Visit their new hospital microsite: www.pah.nhs.uk/ newhospital • Follow them on Twitter and Facebook • Email the team at: paht.newhospital@nhs.net

• Technology and digital to enhance delivery • Sustainability and going for carbon neutral

harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


Keeping Harlow safe

Harlow Police Station is open Monday to Sunday, 9am - 5pm Tell us what matters to you. Email the team at HarlowCPT@essex.police.uk • Call 999 (emergencies) Report online: www.essex-police.uk or call 101 (non urgent enquiries)

#protectingandservingHarlow Officers from Harlow Police have continued patrolling in different areas of the community. There have been a few people who have chosen to ignore the lockdown and they have been dealt with when they have come to our notice. Fortunately, the majority of people have been abiding by the restrictions. We will be continuing patrols, as well as our day to day business in Harlow. We know this will continue to be tough for some people and we appreciate the sacrifice everyone’s been making to keep us all safe. Our approach continues to be, engaging with the public, encouraging people to do the right thing and, explaining the regulations. We are very grateful to those of you who have reported issues. We cannot deal with these without your help and will do our best to respond where possible. Prosecution will be a last resort when all else has failed.

Between Tuesday 1 December and Wednesday 30 December 2020, we received reports of an incident where a woman reported being stalked by a man and a further two reports that a man had sexually assaulted two women by touching them inappropriately in Harlow town centre and on Tillwicks Road. A 42-year-old man from Harlow was charged with two counts of sexual assault and one count of stalking without fear, alarm or distress. He appeared at Basildon Magistrates court on 18 January 2021.

Thank You In December we appealed to Harlow residents to donate presents for children within the area that wouldn’t have anything to open on Christmas day. We received thousands of presents from local businesses, organisations and from the community within Harlow.

We continue to tackle crime throughout Harlow. In December, officers from Harlow Town Centre Team worked with Harlow Council Community Safety Team to move along a male from The Rows after complaints from local businesses. A man was arrested at Princess Alexandra Hospital on Friday 18 December 2020. This was for Racially Aggravated Public Order, Racially Aggravated Common Assault and breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order. He has subsequently been charged with all three offences and remanded to court. A man has appeared at court in connection with reports of stalking and sexual assault.

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From everyone at Harlow Police Station and Essex Police we can’t thank you enough for the generosity, kindness and sense of community spirit that you have all shown through this difficult time that we are all going through.

COVID-19 Vaccination scams Be aware of new COVID-19 vaccination scams which are circulating. Text messages and emails can be made to look very official. They (the scammers) may also have a website which looks very realistic and official. One thing above all that points to the fact it is a scam is that they ask for money or bank details. The NHS do not charge for COVID jabs. The same applies for Track and Trace, Coronavirus tests or anything else. The NHS Counter Fraud Authority do charge though - they charge people with offences of fraud that is. If the NHS is the victim of a fraud (bribery or corruption) you can report online any time of day via https://cfa.nhs.uk/reportfraud If you fall victim to a scam like this you can report it to the Crimestoppers team on their new coronavirus fraud reporting number 0800 587 5030. Whatever the scam is (there are many) use #TakeFive to STOP Think - Verify and ultimately protect yourself. Never be rushed, don’t be scared into a hasty decision and just because someone says they are someone - don’t believe it. Check them out using trusted sources. You can help warn family, friends and colleagues by telling 2 people of a scam and asking them to warn 2 more (and so on) this is a “beacon” type warning system, that, if carried out 26 times by everyone, could reach the entire UK population. #Tell2 to warn many.

Spot it Report it Together we stop it

Your Harlow Councillors Councillor Simon Carter Conservative

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07900 256403 Email: mark.ingall@harlow.gov.uk

71 Mark Hall Moors, CM20 2NF Tel: 429443 Email: simon.carter@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Eugenie Harvey Labour Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07966 014122 c/o

DEPUTY LEADER Email: eugenie.harvey@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour

Councillor David Carter Conservative

Councillor Emma Toal Labour

Councillor Chris Vince Labour

Councillor Lanie Shears Labour

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07729 406011

c/o Harlow Council,

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07906 870935 Email: lanie.shears@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Tony Durcan Labour

Councillor Danny Purton Labour

Councillor Maggie Hulcoop Labour 330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA Tel: 452252 Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Mark Wilkinson Labour


Portfolio Holder Email: chris.vince@harlow.gov.uk

329 Rundells, CM18 7HN Tel: 414357

Portfolio Holder Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk

Mark Hall

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07885 881255 Email: emma.toal@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council,

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07763 486882

Portfolio Holder Email: danny.purton@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Jean Clark Labour

Councillor Bob Davis Labour

4 Rushmead Villas, CM20 2QE Tel: 423474 Email: jean.clark@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council,


Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07749 393037 Email: bob.davis@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Shannon Jezzard Labour

Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative

Councillor Stefan Mullard Labour

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07850 861905 Email: shannon.jezzard@harlow.gov.uk

Brook House, Wyldwood Close, CM17 0JD Tel: 437401 Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council,

Councillor Mike Danvers Labour 65 Tunnmeade, CM20 3HN Tel: 425934 / 07398 160081

Portfolio Holder Email: mike.danvers@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nancy Watson Labour

Old Harlow



78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: shona.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

23 Greygoose Park, CM19 4JL Tel: 420340 Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk

56 Sakins Croft, CM18 7BP Tel: 07718 696429 Portfolio Holder Email: mark.wilkinson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Joel Charles Conservative 86 Jocelyns, CM17 0BU Tel: 07752 096765 Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07951 401128 Email: stefan.mullard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative 12a Hart Road, Harlow, CM17 0HL Tel: 07775 925274 Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Sue Livings Conservative

Councillor John Strachan Labour

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07908 518862

15 Seeleys, CM17 0AD Tel: 422339 Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk

100 Seymours, CM19 5NH Tel: 323656 / 07941 829965 Email: john.strachan@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Russell Perrin Conservative

Councillor Phil Waite Labour


1 Spruce Hill, CM18 7SR Tel: 07740 407323 Email: phil.waite@harlow.gov.uk


Portfolio Holder Email: nancy.watson@harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 312195 Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nick Churchill Conservative 215 Brockles Mead, CM19 4QA Tel: 621094 Email: nick.churchill@harlow.gov.uk


Sumners & Kingsmoor

Councillor Shona Johnson Conservative

78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Staple Tye

Harlow Common

Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 312195 Email: eddie.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07378 879710 Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk



Vacant Seat By-Election to be held on 6 May 2021

c/o Harlow Council,


Little Parndon & Hare Street

Bush Fair


Church Langley


Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative

Great Parndon

Councillor Mark Ingall Labour

Councillor Clive Souter Conservative

227 Longbanks, CM18 7PB Tel: 07850 667900 Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Tony Edwards Labour Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07544 374168 Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk c/o

Vacant Seat By-Election to be held on 6 May 2021

Cabinet Members Councillor Mark Ingall - Leader of the Council Councillor Eugenie Harvey - Deputy Leader & Portfolio Holder for Resilience and Recovery Councillor Mike Danvers - Portfolio Holder for Resources Councillor Tony Durcan - Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity Councillor Danny Purton - Portfolio Holder for Environment Councillor Chris Vince - Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing Councillor Nancy Watson - Portfolio Holder for Governance, Equality and Diversity Councillor Mark Wilkinson - Portfolio Holder for Housing For more information on who your councillors are visit: www.harlow.gov.uk

Essex County Councillors County councillors can help with services like libraries, transport, roads and highways, social care for adults and children, education and schools. Harlow North Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative Email: cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk

Harlow West Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative Email: cllr.michael.hardware@essex.gov.uk Harlow West Councillor Clive Souter Conservative Email: cllr.clive.souter@essex.gov.uk

Harlow South East Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative Email: cllr.eddie.johnson@essex.gov.uk

harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


Supporting Harlow

Coronavirus: our response We’ve paid out a total of £138,000 to 276 residents told to self-isolate.

We’ve paid out over £34m in government grants and reliefs to local businesses.

We’ve dealt with over 150,000 enquiries (calls, emails, online forms, applications and social media messages).

We’ve published more than 3,000 social media posts to keep you updated.

Our website has had 387,154 views with 85,741 views of the coronavirus support pages. We’ve paid out £828,000 in additional Council Tax support to 6,431 households.

Harlow Council has continued to provide essential services and set up new ones to help those affected by coronavirus. Our staff have either been at work, or working from home, continuing to provide these services. During lockdown and restrictions we’ve made decisions to temporarily close our facilities to protect both residents and staff from the virus. But we’ve also made sure that those who still need us are supported.

Bin crews have collected an incredible 12,196 tonnes of non-recycling, 6,566 tonnes of recycling and 2,439 tonnes of food waste. *All figures from March 2020 to February 2021

Harlow Community Hub Working with Rainbow Services our hub continues to be there to support you. You can phone the hub Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm on 01279 927005. Helped with 773 general food enquiries, including 875 requests from those that needed help with collecting essential food shopping.

Answered 4,500 telephone calls from local residents.

Supported 1,700 residents by referring them to other partner agencies for help. Collected 664 prescriptions for those unable to collect them with 356 referrals made to Goodsam for prescriptions.

Made over 9,300 telephone welfare calls to vulnerable people to see how they were doing. Answered 500 calls from residents who needed advice, were lonely or concerned about the welfare of someone.

Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed. This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine. We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town. Copyright for most images owned by Brian Thomas Photography (www.btphotography.co.uk) unless stated. Printed by Anchor Press Ltd., Harlow. © Harlow Council 2021. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v2.0. To view this licence visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk Where we have identified any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Communications, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG or email communications@harlow.gov.uk

harlow times · spring 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


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