Harlow Times - Summer 2018

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harlow times

A magazine about housing and your town

What’s on this summer From storytelling to the Carnival returning

Summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk

August Bank Holiday bin collections www.harlow.gov.uk/recycling Normal Collection Day

Revised Collection Day

Monday 27 August

Tuesday 28 August

Tuesday 28 August

Wednesday 29 August

Wednesday 29 August

Thursday 30 August

Thursday 30 August

Friday 31 August

Friday 31 August

Saturday 1 September

Collections return to normal on Monday 3 September 2018 You can also check your bin collection dates online: www.harlow.gov.uk

Find more about Harlow Council at: @HarlowCouncil harlowcouncil

background designed by Freepik

Book, apply, pay, report, check - it’s easy!

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harlow times ¡ summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk

Image designed by starline / Freepik

Did you know that you can check your bin collection dates, report dumped rubbish, pay for services and even find your nearest health facility - all at the a click of a button?

Working together for Harlow

It’s summer, time to celebrate Harlow and all it has to offer Councillor Mark Ingall, Leader of Harlow Council We have not hesitated in getting straight to work. At our first Cabinet meeting in June we set out our ambition to build more housing for local people.

It’s a great honour and privilege to be the new Leader of Harlow Council. This is a hugely important role and I have appointed a team of eight councillors to work with me as my Cabinet with the aim of making Harlow a better place for all.

There is a desperate shortage of social housing and we need to do something about it. Over the next year we begin the first phase of building new Council houses.

It is the first Cabinet in Harlow to have an equal split of men and women. All of them have been appointed on the skills and different experiences they bring collectively to take on the opportunities and challenges our town faces.

We have also set out measures that will put the foundations in place to help us build more homes in the future. In this edition there is also an important update on the Local Development Plan, which aims to provide local people with even more opportunities.

It is a Cabinet which is proud to serve you. You can see who’s who in the Cabinet on page 18 of this magazine.

There is information too on how you can have your say on the future regeneration of our Town Centre. With it being the summer there’s also a great round up of what’s going on in Harlow. I am excited that one of these events is the Harlow Carnival, which is coming back to town on Sunday 26 August 2018. This is being organised and funded by the Council for you and to give our groups and organisations the opportunity to showcase their talents. Whatever you do this summer, please enjoy what our great town has to offer.

In this edition Harlow Civic Awards


Help us beat housing fraud


Harlow Carnival route map


Latest advice for tenants and leaseholders Your Councillor details


Harlow’s Local Development Plan


What’s best for Harlow Town Centre?


We want your views

Blueprint for Harlow’s future


Front cover: Isabella and Jude on the Harlow Town Park storytelling chair.

Check out our latest videos www.youtube.com/ harlowcouncil

What’s on this summer Things to do and see

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Volunteering Could you volunteer?

harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk



News in brief

Razed Roof given the Royal seal of approval Harlow Theatre group Razed Roof recently performed in front of a very special guest the Countess of Wessex.

New outdoor games area opens

Razed Roof is an inclusive performing arts group based at the Playhouse for people with, and without, learning difficulties and disabilities. The group was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services last year.

“It was a privilege for Razed Roof to be asked to perform for HRH Sophie, The Countess of Wessex GCVO, and wonderful that the community were there to support us. It was especially great the way that Harlow Council and our partners Harlow Playhouse did everything to make it a perfect day.” Annette Lidster, Artistic Director of Razed Roof

A new multi-use games area has opened at Staple Tye in time for the summer holidays.

Image: Alternative-Portraits Photography

This area is part of the new Lister House Medical Centre development and replaces the old tennis courts. The facility is free for the community to use and not only will it keep people active but it will also bring the community together. This new facility is on Abercrombie Way.

Take a seat and tell a story It has line markings for football, basketball and tennis along with floodlights and rebound fencing that features built-in goals and basketball hoops. We have also started works to refurbish the multi-use games area next to Nicholls Field Pavilion. The work is also scheduled to complete for the start of the school holidays.


harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk

Once upon time, in Harlow Town Park, there was a new storytelling area for children and families to use. The storytelling area, which is part of ongoing improvements to the Town Park, is helping children develop their speaking, listening and imagination skills. Next time you are in the park why not try it out? The storytelling area is near the Bandstand and the Park Lane entrance.

For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/town-park

News in brief

Special honours for exceptional people Harlow is well known for its strong sense of community. To recognise the contribution of those who live and work in our community Civic Awards are given out at the Annual Council meeting by the Chair of the Council.

Frances and Steve Donovan For their contribution as volunteers to the Parndon Wood Bat Sanctuary.

William Tennison For championing the issues of mental health in the town.

Richard’s recordbreaking success Harlow para-athlete Richard Chiassaro has added a world record to his string of track successes.

Mick Ellis For his work as Head Coach of Harlow Judo Club.

In June, the Harlow racer smashed the T54 world record in the men’s 800m, a record which had stood for eight years. Richard broke the record at an international meeting in Switzerland where other members of his Harlow Wheelchair Racing Squad had a number of successes.

Rhonda Murthar For her 27 years of public service as Head Teacher of Stewards Academy. This year’s awards were presented by Councillor Sue Livings as one of her last official duties as Chair of Harlow Council for 2017/18.

Zulqar Cheema For his outstanding contribution to the local community and the work he does for Berecroft Residents’ Association.

Richard now holds the British record in the 200m, 400m, 800m and 1500m, European record in the 400m and 1500m and the world record in the 800m. Richard and his squad are a real success story for Harlow!

The new Chair of the Council for 2018/19 is Councillor Maggie Hulcoop. Her chosen charities are Streets2Homes and the Dolphins children’s ward at Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Image © Jodi Hanagan

Annette Lidster In recognition of her continued contribution to local theatre group Razed Roof and the local community.

harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk


Local Development Plan

Opportunity Harlow –

Local plan sets out your town’s future

The blueprint which will guide future development in Harlow will shortly be submitted for final examination by the Government.

Based on an assessment of housing need, the plan allocates 9,200 homes within the Harlow Boundary up to 2033 with at least 30% affordable housing. In addition the plan sets out a strategy to assist in the provision of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Communities with East Hertfordshire and Epping Forest District Councils.

Harlow’s Local Development Plan will guide future development across the town and provides a strategy for Harlow’s growth and regeneration up to 2033. It sets out where development is acceptable and unacceptable as the Council looks to build a better town for all.

The five themes of the plan are:

The plan seeks to build on Harlow’s Garden Town status, Public Health England’s relocation to Harlow, Enterprise Zone developments and the new M11 Junction 7a, ensuring that the right infrastructure is in place at the right time to support new housing and future employment opportunities.

• Prosperity – securing economic growth and regeneration to improve employment and educational opportunities in Harlow.

The plan also stresses the need for a new, fit-for-purpose hospital serving the town and ensuring that community facilities and services match Harlow’s needs and ambitions for the future.


harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk

• Placeshaping – enhancing the quality of the built and natural environment. • Housing – building housing at the right scale, of the right type, in the right location to meet the whole community’s needs.

The plan is a result of a lot of detailed work and follows several public consultations held over recent years. The last formal consultation on the plan ended at the beginning of July and all the comments are being considered before the plan is submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government later this year. Once adopted the plan will replace the 2006 Harlow Local Plan. For more information and background on the local plan: www.harlow.gov.uk/local-plan

• Lifestyles – meeting leisure, recreational and cultural needs. • Infrastructure – ensuring growth and regeneration is supported by appropriate infrastructure provision such as the right facilities, enhanced public transport and links to developments beyond our existing boundaries.

Part of the plan is creating opportunities for local people.

Building homes

Building homes for Harlow Harlow’s Local Development Plan sets out the need to build 9,200 homes within Harlow over the next 15 years. This is what we are doing now to provide more homes:

New Council housing Over the next year the Council will be supplying 11 new Council homes with refurbishments at Sumners Farm Close, Partridge Court, Hare Street Springs and Collins Meadow. An additional three Council homes are planned to be built on a derelict garage site in The Readings. This is the first phase of a new Council house building programme. There is also the potential to build around 80 new homes over the next three years using derelict garage sites.

A housing and regeneration company A new company, owned by the Council, under the HTS banner, will manage regeneration and housing projects. This will increase opportunities for local people and ensure that more residents benefit from regeneration schemes and new housing projects. Homes for Harlow’s Housing Needs Register Phase 1 of the Atelier development in Staple Tye has seen 33 homes so far allocated to people on the Harlow Housing Needs Register. A further 133 homes will be allocated in the same way during phases 2 and 3.

We are working hard to make sure as many homes as possible go to local people on Harlow’s Housing Needs Register. We need to provide a range of homes including new Council houses, affordable homes for rent, shared ownership and private to give opportunity to all local people who want and need a home. We also want to do more to support those sleeping rough on the streets and help get them into a home. The planned regeneration of Elm Hatch includes five homes for people on the register. Proposals have also recently gone on show for the redevelopment of the old Lister House site with at least 30% of the homes being affordable.

Supporting rough sleepers Two disused Council properties will be converted into short-term supported accommodation where up to six rough sleepers can stay and receive targeted support from Streets2homes. The scheme is part of a range of measures backed by the Government to support people sleeping rough in the town. For more information on how we allocate homes in Harlow please visit www.harlow.gov.uk/housing-allocation harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk


Have your say

What’s best for Harlow Town Centre?

An action plan for the future regeneration and redevelopment of Harlow Town Centre is being created and we want your views. With so many developments in the pipeline including the Enterprise Zone, Public Health England’s National Science Hub and the Harlow & Gilston Garden Town, the town is seeing and benefiting from major investment and growth.

How to have your say Consultation events and exhibitions are taking place at various locations. Some of the events are below. The very latest events can be found at www.harlow.gov.uk/aap Unstaffed exhibition at Harlow Museum from 19 July to 21 July 2018

This plan is key to ensuring that Harlow Town Centre is ready to meet these future opportunities.

Friday 20 July 2018 10.30am-12.30pm Church Langley Community Centre

The Harlow Town Centre Area Action Plan will be separate to the Local Development Plan but will sit alongside it as an important planning document.

Friday 27 July 2018 1pm-3pm Learning Centre, Harlow Town Park

Nowadays town centres are more than just places where people work and shop, they are places where people also live and play.

Tuesday 31 July 2018 2pm-4pm Harlow Civic Centre, The Water Gardens

The plan will guide how future planning applications are decided, how the town centre develops and the regeneration activity that will take place. To help, we want your views on what you think is best for your town centre.

Feedback and comments gathered as part of the consultation will help to develop an Area Action Plan. It is hoped that the draft plan will be published early next year and further consultation will be held.


harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk

Cracking down on fraud

Fraud affects everyone Together we can crack down on fraud

We are working hard to combat all types of fraud against the Council as every pound lost through fraud cannot be spent on local services.

You can help us fight fraud If you suspect benefit fraud, or Council Tax support fraud:

By law we can match your data with public agencies and private companies to detect and prevent fraud including Council Tax, benefit and tenancy frauds.

• Write to: NBFH, P.O. BOX 224, Preston, PR1 1 GP

Alongside our other anti-fraud work such as Council Tax single person discount reviews we have recovered around £300,000 - that’s money which can be spent on providing local services. We also carry out money laundering checks on right to buy applications.

• Telephone: National Benefit Fraud hotline on 0800 854 4400

• Go online and report it: www. gov.uk/report-benefit-fraud Do you suspect someone is illegally sub-letting their Council home? Has your neighbour recently moved? Illegally sub-letting a Council property is a criminal offence. You or your family may be in need of a Council home but miss out because of another person’s tenancy fraud. If you suspect housing fraud, you can: • Telephone us: 01279 446353 (during normal office hours) • Email us: housing.fraud@ harlow.gov.uk • Visit us in person: speak to an Advisor at Contact Harlow All calls and reports will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Case Study: A resident claimed single person discount for their Council Tax and two years later their partner moved in with them. The following year the Council reviewed the award of single resident discount and the resident confirmed in writing that there was still only one adult living at the property. Further reviews were carried out by the Council, but the change was still not declared by the resident and the discount continued. Through the use of new data matching technology the discrepancy was eventually identified by the Council. The resident admitted that they had not been the only adult living at the property since their partner had moved in. As a result the single person discount was removed and the resident was charged backdated Council Tax of £5,500 and a civil penalty of £70 was imposed. If you claim benefit and your circumstances change you must tell us.

Pay rent and service charges by Direct Debit We offer three choices of dates within the month for Direct Debits which are: 1, 15 and 25 for rent, 5, 15 and 25 for leaseholder service charges and 1, 8, 15 and 25 for Council Tax.

With Direct Debit your payments are spread evenly throughout the year and once it is set up you no longer have to worry about getting behind with your payments.

And there is no queuing up to pay your bills! To set up a direct debit please call Contact Harlow on 01279 446655. For more information visit www.harlow. gov.uk/direct-debit harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk






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First Aid/ Lost Child point

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There will be access in and out of Sainsbury’s car park and petrol station all day. Cars can leave the area along Hammarskjold Road. Arrows show traffic flow.


Spurriers House Café




Harlow Town Park

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Sunday: 1pm to 8.15pm

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All timings are approximate. Roads may start to re-open earlier after the procession has left an area. Road closures are for the safety of those taking part and those watching the carnival.

Sunday 26 August

Bush Fair



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Images: Barry Lawrence and Mark Ridgewell

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Advice for Council tenants and leaseholders

Image © jesiotr9 - Fotolia.com

Following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower, we are working closely with the Essex Fire and Rescue Service to ensure all communal areas in flat blocks are kept safe for residents.

Keeping areas clear and safe Recent joint inspections with the Fire Service identified that many residents still store items on landings and in communal and storage areas, which could catch fire or cause trip hazards, putting lives at risk.

Housing Officers will be conducting visits to all areas as part of our regular estate inspections, placing stickers and writing to residents asking them to remove personal items found in communal areas.

We take your health and safety very seriously, so please help and keep communal areas clear and safe.

If you receive a letter, please do remove the items, otherwise they will be removed and either placed in storage or disposed of, and you will be charged for the removal.

Please don’t: • Store bicycles in communal areas

For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/firesafetytowers

• Leave bags of rubbish anywhere except in bins

Not doing so causes health and safety issues for other residents and breaches conditions of tenant and leaseholder agreements.

Please do: • Keep communal areas clear • Place bags of rubbish down chutes or in outside bins • Report fly-tipping or potential hazards around flats

• Store mobility scooters in communal areas

Forthcoming tenant forums for 2018/19 All tenant forums in 2018/19, will be held at the Civic Centre: Wednesday 26 September 2018 Wednesday 9 January 2019 Wednesday 20 March 2019 All forums begin at 7pm. Forums include information stalls, where our dedicated teams of Harlow Council Officers and contractors will be available for

12 harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk

you to talk to on a one-to-one basis regarding any housingrelated issue. If you require transport or have a question, please contact Zulfi Kiani-Mackintosh, Community Engagement Co-ordinator at zulfi.kiani@harlow.gov.uk, telephone 01279 446330 or write to Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, CM20 1WG.

Advice for Council tenants and leaseholders

Protecting your home’s contents Tenant contents insurance Do you have home contents insurance? Harlow Council does not insure tenants’ furniture, belongings or decorations so tenants need to take out their own contents insurance.

There is no excess to pay in the event of a claim and no minimum security requirements like a specified security alarm or locks to qualify for the policy the application process is simple.

Alternatively, Council tenants can use the following special scheme:

Insurance for your home contents

Home contents insurance

To help you protect yourself financially against the risk of damage to your possessions, we offer a home contents insurance scheme for Council tenants. Payable by weekly instalments, this policy insures your possessions against fire, flood, theft, storm and other perils.

When you take out this policy your household goods and contents will be insured whilst in your home. Theft of your keys and the contents in your freezer are covered. There is also cover for your personal liability. It’s important that the amount insured is enough to cover the full replacement cost of all your household goods and personal effects.

How to apply

This scheme is open to all Harlow Council tenants. Please complete the application form within the pack which can be found at www.harlow.gov.uk/ home-contents-insurance and return to Harlow Council. The application pack also contains the weekly cost of the insurance, a do-it-yourself valuation of your home contents and a policy summary. For more information, or to obtain an application pack via the post, please contact the Business Support Team through Contact Harlow on 01279 446655.

Council Leaseholder insurance The policy does not cover the contents of your home or your personal possessions.

The policy also provides property owners’ liability cover in respect of your legal liability as owner of the building.

If you have lost this or require an up to-date-copy, please find details at www.harlow.gov. uk/leaseholder-buildingsinsurance

A “Summary of Cover” is provided together with the “General Conditions” policy wording. The Summary of Cover includes the policy excesses and limits applicable and the General Conditions booklet details the full insurance cover provided.

Contents insurance As a leaseholder, you are responsible for obtaining your own contents insurance. Contents insurance provides cover for the contents of the home that you would take with you if you moved home. As an approximate guide, if you were to turn your home upside down, everything that fell out would be your contents, and most of what remains would be buildings. If any changes are carried out to your home, e.g. new windows and front doors, it is your responsibility to notify your insurer.

Image © marog-pixcells - Fotolia.com

What does my buildings insurance cover? Your policy covers the structure of your flat, including its fixtures and fittings, and any part of the communal areas that your lease states you are responsible for. Subject to specified policy limits and conditions, the policy provides additional cover such as short-term accommodation costs, rent, locks and keys.

harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk


What’s on in Harlow

What’s on in Harl Here’s a selection of the many events and activities taking place in Harlow. Harlow Town Park Events www.harlow.gov.uk/events Regular activities:

Town Park Volunteers FREE Every Thursday 10am-2pm Meet at the entrance to the Walled Garden. Social Strollers FREE 20 July, 3, 17 & 31 August 10am-11am Meet at School Lane car park.

Summer holiday activities:

Bat talk and walk FREE Essex Bat Group 24 July 7pm talk at the Learning Centre 8pm walk in the park. Birds of the World FREE 11 August 10am-11.30am Meet at School Lane car park. County & Western Festival 12 August (time TBC) FREE Bandstand. Bat Walk - Essex Bat Group 21 August FREE 7.45pm Meet at the Moorhen car park.

Harlow parkrun FREE Every Saturday 9am Meet at School Lane car park. Before your first run, register at www.parkrun.org.uk/harlow Harlow junior parkrun FREE Every Sunday from 9am A free 2km run for children aged between 4 and 14. Before your first run, register at www.parkrun.org.uk/register

Linkfest Performing Arts FREE Festival 24, 25 and 26 August Friends of Pets’ Corner FREE Dog Show 2 September 11am-4pm For more information on park volunteering please contact: Mike Levett on 01279 446834 mike.levett@harlow.gov.uk

Aladdin Friday 30 November 2018 - Sunday 6 January 2019

panto Competition!

Join us on a magical carpet ride all the way to Peking for this year’s spectacular pantomime at Harlow Playhouse. Featuring our exciting blend of live music, quality professional performers, stunning sets, lavish costumes and jaw dropping effects, Harlow Playhouse is the home of family pantomime in Essex this Christmas. We are giving away a family ticket (four tickets) for the opening night performance on Friday 30 November 2018. Email your name, address and telephone number* to kirstie.brough@ harlow.gov.uk (one entry per household). Entry deadline: Friday 3 August 2018.

*More information on how we collect, use, process and protect personal information please visit www.harlowplayhouse.co.uk/privacy-policy

Box Office 01279 431945 www.playhouseharlow.com

harlow playhouse

Background designed by Bedneyimages / Freepik

14 harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk

Helping your child to be ready for school FREE Summer Fun

Pond dipping in the park 24 and 31 July, and FREE 3, 14, 17 and 28 August 2pm-3pm Advanced booking only.




Friday 27 July Harlow Museum 10.30am-12.30pm Activities for pre-school age children and their families.

Gibberd Garden Marsh Lane

www.thegibberdgarden.co.uk Open 31 Mar to 30 Sep 2018 Shakespeare in The Gibberd Garden: As You Like It Sunday 22 July 12.30pm and 5.30pm Produced by Shake-Scene Shakespeare Director: Lizzie Conrad Hughes Lose your heart in the forest. Tickets £8.00. Limited number of £5 tickets for students for each performance. Book on the website, by telephone, or in person at the Garden. Strawberry Cream Tea Sunday 29 July 2pm-6pm Featuring The Bishop’s Stortford Ukulele Society Adults £4; Concessions £3; Children £1, under 5s free. Writing The Garden Friday 10 August 10am-4pm Price: £25.00 including coffee, lunch and tea. Advanced booking required. In a one-day Workshop led by local writer Emma Vandore, we’ll be looking at ways to align setting with theme and character, and a sensual approach - how to delve into the five senses to create settings. Photography Day Friday 7 September 10am-4pm Price: £25.00 includes coffee, lunch and tea. Advanced booking essential. Come and enjoy a day in the Garden with your camera(s). A professional photographer will be on hand with hints and tips, using the Garden for inspiration.

FREE Thursday 9 August Teddy Bears Picnic, Parndon Wood Nature Reserve 11.30am-2pm Bring your bear and picnic along and join in the fun in the woods. Friday 17 August FREE 11.30am-2pm Activities based around the story of The Gruffalo Sensory Garden, Harlow Town Park. In the event of unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather this timetable may change. Please check the Harlow Council calendar for any changes or amendments at www.harlow.gov.uk

Other Activities

Fancy a game of tennis, football or basketball? The Council provides free multi-use games areas at Blackbush Springs, Bush Fair, Foldcroft, The Dashes and Northbrooks. FREE A new multi-use games area has just opened at Staple Tye and there is a new area planned to open at Nicholls Field in time for the summer holidays.

What’s on in Harlow

low this summer Paddling pools FREE The paddling pools will open from Monday 23 July to Sunday 2 September. Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/ paddling-pools The pools will be open seven days a week from 10am to 6pm. Although there will be attendants at each pool, children must be supervised at all times.

National Playday FREE Wednesday 1 August 11am-3pm Harlow Town Park (near Bandstand) Fun for all ages including giant junk modelling, singing, story telling, hand painting, animal petting, karaoke, hip hop dance, zumba, sensory play and lots more.

Kazen Kai Annual Fundraising Fete Saturday 8 September 9am–5pm Nicholls Field Pavilion With lots of stalls why not try your luck on the crockery smash or guess the weight of the cake. Test your aim with our soak a sensei, punch a pad or hook a duck. There will be demos from our karate and kick boxing students and the opportunity to have a go yourself. So if you’ve ever thought about giving a martial art a try or you just want an afternoon of fun, come along and join us!

Harlow Playhouse

www.playhouseharlow.com 01279 431945 Mindfulness classes with Annie Knapman Classes held on the second Wednesday of the month 6.45-7.30pm This is a donation-based class open to all, but booking is essential. For more info or to sign up to July and August classes, please visit: https://bit.ly/2JcuZo5 Magic! The Tour Wednesday 5 September 7pm Bringing together modern and some rarely seen classic feats of wonder from around the world, presented by two accomplished performers – Doctor Bondini and JezO. Family friendly show. The Total Who Show Thursday 6 September 7.30pm Love The Who? Love live music? Then catch the Total Who Show by Johnny Warman’s Magic Bus – featuring musicians who have performed with Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, and John Entwistle from The Who. The Ronnie Scott’s All Stars Friday 7 September 7.30pm Direct from London’s worldfamous jazz club and combining world-class live jazz, narration and rare archive images and footage, The Ronnie Scott’s All Stars take to the stage to celebrate ‘The Ronnie Scott’s Soho Songbook’. Under 19 World Cup Cricket Qualifying matches Harlow Cricket Club 31 July and 1 August Harlow Town Cricket Club 3 and 5 August Decathlon 5km Sunday 29 July 2018 10am–12noon Harlow Town Park. Register at https://events.decathlon. co.uk/harlow/running-series


New classes start from 3 September 2018 Harlow Playhouse has teamed up with EE FR Premiere School of Dance to bring you Studio 3 Aerial Academy. This is your chance to gain strength and increase fitness and flexibility, whilst building a solid foundation in the core aerial disciplines. We offer courses in Aerial Net, Bungee, Aerial Hoop & Trapeze, Net & Silks and Flying & Harness skills to suit all abilities and age ranges! Courses take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, after FREE school and evenings. You can buy a one-off lesson, or a months’ worth of lessons for a great discount! Lunchtime Bungee Cardio E FR Get fitEon your lunch break at our Bungee Cardio classes! Mondays and Wednesdays at 1pm. This is your chance to have fun, get fit and learn bungee skills on your lunch break! This one hour bungee cardio session will engage almost every muscle in your body and give you abs of steel. Run by one of our highly trained aerial tutors in our brand-new purpose-built Studio 3 Aerial Academy. All abilities welcome (ages 18+). Half-Term Aerial Workshops During half term, the Aerial Academy offer one-off threehour workshops in Static Trapeze, Flying and Harness Skills, Bungee Dance, Aerial Hoop and Aerial Net. For more information and prices: www.harlowplayhouse.co.uk If you have any questions email: studio3@harlow.gov.uk

Event information correct at time of going to press · Please check dates, times and prices by contacting the relevant organiser(s).

harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk


Advertisements The inclusion of free or paid for advertisements does not imply endorsement by Harlow Council of any product or service. Terms and conditions apply. There may be occasions when advertising space is not available in an edition. If this occurs we will offer space in the next available edition of the magazine. For more information on advert space, submission deadlines, artwork and costs please email: communications@harlow.gov.uk

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Grab a coffee, meet friends, book tickets, see art, catch up on emails, browse the Playhouse library and lots more at our innovative new café and social space. Open 10.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Saturday. A family and breastfeeding friendly café.

Local businesses and organisations advertising for the first time in Harlow Times have the option to take out a small, free advert! Adverts also appear in the online edition of the magazine. Discounts available for pre-booking two or more adverts.

For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/harlow-times

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16 harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk


Thank you for volunteering!

Fifty-six local volunteers attended a special reception held at Harlow Playhouse in June as part of National Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June 2018).

Volunteers do not replace paid employees but in working alongside them, they enable us to provide even greater benefit to the community and for that we say a heartfelt thank you.

The volunteers work alongside Council staff within different community services, from tending to the Town Park and Parndon Wood Nature Reserve to helping out at Pets’ Corner, the Leah Manning Centre and the Playhouse.

The volunteers each received a certificate from the Chair of the Council, Councillor Maggie Hulcoop, in recognition of the hard work they all put in for the benefit of our town and the community.

On top of this, many of our volunteers raise money to support the work of these services – for example the Harlow Conservation Trust volunteers have raised over £100,000 over the last 10 years.

More than 50 local people who give up their time to volunteer for Harlow Council have been thanked.

Volunteering heroes Jean Morgan has volunteered at the Leah Manning Centre since 1986, painting nails, giving hand massages and taking the time to talk to the elderly residents. Muriel Lee has volunteered as an usher at the Playhouse and at the hospital for a quarter of a century! Muriel says the Playhouse is like her second family. For more information on volunteering visit www. harlow.gov.uk/get-involved harlow times · summer 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk


Your Councillors Bush Fair Councillor Ian Beckett Labour

Portfolio Holder

78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

47 Old Orchard, CM18 6YQ Tel: 312195 Email: eddie.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Mark Ingall Labour

Councillor Simon Carter Conservative

Councillor Shona Johnson Conservative

Tel: 07900 256403 Email: mark.ingall@harlow.gov.uk

71 Mark Hall Moors, CM20 2NF Tel: 429443 Email: simon.carter@harlow.gov.uk

78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: shona.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Eugenie Harvey Labour

Councillor Tony Hall Conservative

c/o Harlow Council,

Fullers End, Kingsdon Lane, CM17 9AB Tel: 445897 Email: tony.hall@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor David Carter Conservative

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07966 014122 Email: eugenie.harvey@harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Common Councillor Mark Wilkinson Labour Portfolio Holder

Portfolio Holder


Mark Hall

Councillor Bob Davis Labour

4 Rushmead Villas, CM20 2QE Tel: 423474 Email: jean.clark@harlow.gov.uk

5 Commonfields, CM20 3QE Tel: 300582 Email: bob.davis@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Emma Toal Labour

Councillor Chris Vince Labour

Councillor Lanie Shears Labour

c/o Harlow Council,

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07885 881255 Email: emma.toal@harlow.gov.uk

188 Rivermill, CM20 1PA Tel: 07903 189211 Email: chris.vince@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Councillor Maggie Hulcoop Labour

Councillor Tony Durcan Labour

330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA Tel: 452252 Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk

329 Rundells, CM18 7HN Tel: 414357 Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk

56 Sakins Croft, CM18 7BP Tel: 07718 696429 Email: mark.wilkinson@harlow.gov.uk

Old Harlow

Portfolio Holder

Tel: 07906 870935 Email: lanie.shears@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Danny Purton Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Portfolio Holder

Tel: 07763 486882 Email: danny.purton@harlow.gov.uk

Staple Tye

Councillor Edna Stevens Labour

Councillor Sue Livings Conservative

Councillor John Strachan Labour

210 Fullers Mead, CM17 9AX Tel: 324183 Email: edna.stevens@harlow.gov.uk

15 Seeleys, CM17 0AD Tel: 422339 Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk

100 Seymours, CM19 5NH Tel: 323656 / 07941 829965 Email: john.strachan@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Waida Forman Labour

Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative

Councillor Stefan Mullard Labour

Brook House, Wyldwood Close, CM17 0JD Tel: 437401 Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk

312 Northbrooks, CM19 4DW Tel: 07950 639806 Email: stefan.mullard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Mike Danvers Labour

Councillor Joel Charles Conservative

Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative

65 Tunnmeade, CM20 3HN Tel: 425934 / 07398 160081 Email: mike.danvers@harlow.gov.uk

86 Jocelyns, CM17 0BU Tel: 07752 096765 Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk

64 Great Brays, CM18 6DW Tel: 07775 925274 Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk

16 Holmes Meadow, CM19 5SG Tel: 07970 732314 DEPUTY LEADER Email: waida.forman@harlow.gov.uk

Sumners & Kingsmoor Councillor Clive Souter Conservative VICE CHAIR

Little Parndon & Hare Street

23 Greygoose Park, CM19 4JL Tel: 420340 Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Jean Clark Labour


Portfolio Holder

Great Parndon Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative

15 Spencers Croft, CM18 6JX Tel: 442669 Email: ian.beckett@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG


Church Langley Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative

Toddbrook Councillor Karen Clempner Labour

227 Longbanks, CM18 7PB Tel: 07850 667900 Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Councillor Russell Perrin Conservative

Councillor Phil Waite Labour

Tel: 312195 Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk

1 Spruce Hill, CM18 7SR Tel: 07740 407323 Email: phil.waite@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nick Churchill Conservative

Councillor Tony Edwards Labour

215 Brockles Mead, CM19 4QA Tel: 621094 Email: nick.churchill@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council,


20 Seats Labour

13 Seats Conservative

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07544 374168 Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Mark Ingall - Leader of the Council Councillor Waida Forman - Deputy Leader & Portfolio Holder for Equality and Diversity Councillor Mike Danvers - Portfolio Holder for Resources Councillor Eugenie Harvey - Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing Councillor Danny Purton - Portfolio Holder for Environment Councillor Emma Toal - Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth Councillor Lanie Shears - Portfolio Holder for Governance Councillor John Strachan - Portfolio Holder for Regeneration Councillor Mark Wilkinson - Portfolio Holder for Housing

18 harlow times ¡ summer 2018

Political make-up

Email: karen.clempner@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Know your Cabinet Members:

Portfolio Holder

Ward Surgeries Please contact your Ward Councillors for details of up-coming Ward Surgeries.

For more information on who your Councillors are visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/councillors

Useful numbers and websites Adult Social Services 0345 603 7630 www.essex.gov.uk

Essex Police 101 www.essex.police.uk

Job Centre Plus 0345 606 0234 www.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus

Affinity Water 0345 357 2407 www.affinitywater.co.uk

Gas Leak Emergency Number 0800 111 999

National Rail Enquiries 0345 7484 950 www.nationalrail.co.uk

Arriva Buses 0344 800 4411 www.arriva.co.uk Blue Badge Enquiries 0345 603 7630 www.essexhighways.org Bus Pass Helpline 0345 200 0388 www.essexhighways.org Children’s Social Services 0345 603 7627 www.essex.gov.uk Essex County Council Contact Essex 0345 743 0430 www.essex.gov.uk Essex Highways For traffic updates and to report potholes and faulty street lights 0345 603 7631 www.essexhighways.org

Harlow Advice Centre Based in Harlow Library 01279 704002 Harlow Bus Station 01279 426349 www.harlow.gov.uk/bus-station

Harlow Citizens’ Advice Bureau 0344 477 0808 www.harlowcitizensadvice.org.uk Harlow College 01279 868000 www.harlow-college.ac.uk Harlow Council Contact Harlow 01279 446655 www.harlow.gov.uk

NHS Choices 111 www.nhs.uk Parndon Wood Cemetery & Crematorium 01279 620620 www.parndonwoodcrem.co.uk Post Office Customer Helpline 0345 722 3344 www.postoffice.co.uk Princess Alexandra Hospital 01279 444455 www.pah.nhs.uk Samaritans 116 123 (free) www.samaritans.org

Harlow Registry Office 0345 603 7632 www.essex.gov.uk

Schools Admissions 0345 603 2200 www.essex.gov.uk/admissions

HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd Repairs line: 01279 446666 www.harlow.gov.uk/housing-repairs

UK Power Networks (power cuts) 105 www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk

Harlow Times can also be read online at www.harlow.gov.uk/harlow-times The online edition is compatible with a variety of screen reading software.

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https://selfserve.harlow.gov.uk/MyTown Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed. This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other Councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine. We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town. Copyright for most images owned by Brian Thomas Photography (www.btphotography.co.uk) unless stated. Printed by Anchor Press Ltd., Harlow. © Harlow Council 2018 You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v2.0. To view this licence, visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk Where we have identified any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Communications, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG or email communications@harlow.gov.uk

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harlow times

Sunday 26 August 2018

Line the streets and join in the fun! The carnival procession will start from Bush Fair at 12 noon and travel down Tillwicks Road and Howard Way and along First Avenue before making its way down Fifth Avenue into the Town Park for the Linkfest music event.

Want to be part of the procession? visit www.harlow.gov.uk/carnival-form

Images: Barry Lawrence and Mark Ridgewell

Paid stewarding opportunities available - earn £75 For the safety of those involved and watching, a number of roads will be temporarily closed on the day – see www.harlow.gov.uk/carnival for more details. /harlowcouncil


www.harlow.gov.uk/carnival · email: carnival@harlow.gov.uk

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