Harlow Times Summer 2021

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Summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

A magazine about housing and your town

Welcoming you back as your favourite places reopen

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In this edition

New council, new priorities

Plans unveiled for transforming Harlow Honouring local people What’s on this summer

Cllr. Andrew Johnson, Leader of Harlow Council It was a great honour to be elected to lead the new council following the local elections held in May. I know how important it is that you have a council on your side and one that works hard for you.

7 8-9

MyHome service for tenants and leaseholders


Do you know your councillor?


Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed. This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine.

To deliver your new council’s priorities I have appointed a Cabinet team with the experience and skills to steer Harlow forward on the right path to a post-COVID future. A future, which puts supporting local businesses, town centre regeneration and strengthening community resilience, first. We’ll also pursue more ways to involve and connect with the community, listening, and responding to your priorities.

We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town. Copyright for most images owned by Brian Thomas Photography (www.btphotography. co.uk) unless stated. Printed by Swan Print Ltd. © Harlow Council 2021. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v2.0. View this licence: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/opengovernment-licence/version/2/ or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk

As I write this we look forward to getting back to a more normal way of life and securing Harlow’s economic recovery. We are getting on with plans to build a town that is fit for current and future generations. It is important we harness the kindness and community spirit seen during the lockdowns and channel that energy into developing a new vision for our town. I am looking forward to delivering what will be an ambitious programme to create a better Harlow which we can all be proud of. In this edition of Harlow Times we touch on the work which has supported the community out of the pandemic and what some of our immediate priorities are. There will be more on our programme in the autumn edition and we’ll keep you updated as our plans are delivered.


Where we have identified any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Communications, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG or email communications@harlow.gov.uk

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Cover: Staff from Pets’ Corner in the Town Park.


News in brief

Change in political control The political control of Harlow Council has changed to Conservative following local elections held in May. There are 21 Conservative councillors and 12 Labour councillors which make up the council. An updated list of contact details for councillors and the Cabinet is on page 17.

Council teams top national awards Congratulations to our staff in the Forward Planning and Development Management Teams for winning the Local Authority Achievement Award at the Planning Awards held in June. This national award recognises the achievements of both teams over the past year during the pandemic, which has seen a number of major applications determined, improvements to the service and the adoption of the Harlow Local Plan. The judges praised the team’s commendable service delivery in difficult times.

Details of forthcoming council meetings can be found at www.harlow.gov.uk/events

Annual elections canvass Every year we carry out the annual canvass to check that the information on the electoral register is up to date. For the canvass, we compare the names and addresses that we have on the register with the same information held by us and the Department for Work and Pensions. If your details match, you will receive a letter. If your details do not match you’ll receive a canvass form. If you are asked to respond, please do so online if possible. For more information visit www. harlow.gov.uk/annual-canvass harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

The awards are held every year to celebrate best practice in the world of planning and this year the ceremony was held online.

Clive’s second term as chair Sumners & Kingsmoor councillor, Clive Souter, is the new Chair of Harlow Council for 2021 to 2022. Councillor Souter’s chosen charities for the coming year are dementia care at Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust and Harlow Stroke Support Rehab Centre. This is the second time Councillor Souter has been appointed Chair of the Council. He will be supported by the Vice-Chair of Harlow Council, Councillor Maggie Hulcoop.

News in brief


Cracking down on illegal signs Volunteers and health professionals involved in the local vaccine programme.

Thank you for vaccinating Harlow We would like to say a special thank you to all the volunteers and health professionals who have been saving lives through the Harlow COVID-19 vaccination programme. More than 97,000 vaccine jabs have now been given out with over 50% of Harlow’s adult population now protected. It is taking one huge team effort to vaccinate so many people, with NHS staff and volunteers working at Lister Medical House and Harlow Leisurezone to deliver the Harlow programme. Harlow’s volunteering and team spirit is once again getting the job done. The vaccine protects you and those around you. To book your jab or second jab call 119 or visit www.nhs.uk

Harlow Council is cracking down on the increase of illegally positioned estate agent boards and other advertising materials, which blight the environment across the town. Estate agents must place boards only within the boundary of the property and also remove them within 14 days of a property being sold or let. We are pursuing stronger action as the situation has become unacceptable. We are working with those who operate within the law. However, we are taking action against those who have no respect for the environment and blatantly flout the regulations. We are removing boards and, where appropriate, issuing Fixed Penalty Notices. We are also using section 225 of the Town and Country Planning Act to remove fly-posting. You can report unauthorised adverts, boards and posters at www.harlow.gov.uk

Read more and stay updated You can visit the latest news section of our website at www.harlow.gov.uk/news to read more about these featured stories and other news from around the council.

harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


Towns Fund and Levelling Up bid

Transforming your town Regeneration, jobs and infrastructure boost

Artist impression of the Playhouse Quarter which is subject to the outcome of a funding bid - see page 5.

Plans to kick-start the transformation and regeneration of Harlow are under way following the news that £23.7m of government funding is coming to the town. In June Harlow Council secured £23.7m under the government’s towns fund, which will provide muchneeded investment as the town recovers from the pandemic. Harlow’s town deal will support five key projects:

A brand new bus station hub and transport interchange in the town centre

Harlow College Institute of Technology Improving local skills opportunities focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Helping young people into jobs at Public Health England and Harlow Enterprise Zone.

Cambridge Road Making the Templefields Enterprise Zone more accessible through improving access via a new Cambridge Road junction into and out of River Way.

Supporting sustainable and public transport modes and creating flexible commercial spaces.

Regeneration of Broad Walk Public space improvements making Broad Walk a better and more attractive place to shop and work.

Staple Tye regeneration Providing new workspace for businesses and creating new jobs. harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Artist impression for illustrative purposes only.

Towns Fund and Levelling Up bid

And there’s more to come... Transforming our town centre The successful Towns Fund bid is set to be just the start of a new regeneration programme with another £20m funding bid submitted to government in June to further support the regeneration of the town centre.


“Getting £23.7m funding and following that up a week later with a bid for a further £20m of government funding for the town centre shows how serious this council is about transforming and making Harlow the best town it can be. This is only the beginning of what we plan to deliver for Harlow. “This new council is going to plan and deliver a programme of regeneration and renewal. That won’t be a tinkering at the edges, but a complete plan for a once-in-a-generation regeneration. A fully transformed town centre is going to be at the beating heart of our plan.

Image © ViewApart - iStockphoto.com

A piazza with restaurants, cafés and bars is part of proposals to improve Market Square.

“Our programme will not just be about new buildings either. It will be about truly delivering a town centre that we can be proud of, one that people travel from miles around to visit, one that creates jobs for local residents and allows you to enjoy its offerings at all times of the day. “We want the town centre to attract the very best hospitality and leisure, the best restaurants, the best bars, first class entertainment and the shops you want to shop in. No more pockets of regeneration, not just a lick of paint here and there, but a full programme of regeneration and renewal.

Live music is part of the Playhouse Quarter proposals.

The £20m bid is part of the government’s Levelling Up fund, which if successful, will help to turn Market Square into a piazza with cafés, bars and restaurants as well as transforming the Playhouse Quarter into a cultural hub for live music, arts and performances.

“This is both an exciting and positive time for Harlow and our town centre. It is time for our town centre to be bustling again with new shops, restaurants, bars, entertainment, live music, a market and culture and that is what we plan to deliver.” Councillor Dan Swords, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Regeneration

We will keep you updated on progress in Harlow Times.

harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


Welcome back

Getting back to normal

After more than a year of disruption a number of community services are slowly returning to normal and back to doing what they do best - making a difference to people’s lives.

Pets’ Corner “I am so pleased that we are open and welcoming our visitors again. I know the animals and staff have missed the interaction and having people here. We’ve been overwhelmed with the lovely comments and positive feedback from people coming in and seeing their favourite animals again.” Justin Hopwood, Pets’ Corner

Harlow Museum “It’s been brilliant having visitors back in the Museum. Everyone has been so enthusiastic about our new displays. The gardens have been hugely popular too.” Mandy Bray, Volunteer

Harlow Playhouse “It was actually quite an emotional moment walking back into Harlow Playhouse and seeing the team on the main stage getting the set for DROWNTOWN ready. Being in a theatre has always been the place where I have felt belonging, it’s like a home to me, so it was wonderful to be back home. It’s magic.” Rhiannon Faith, Harlow Playhouse Associate Artist

Sam’s Place “Our daughter loves going to Sam’s Place and she really missed it throughout lockdown. Sam’s Place is a lifeline for our family. Everyone at Sam’s Place is so lovely, you can see they love looking after all the children in their care. Our daughter always comes out with a massive smile on her face.” A Sam’s Place parent

Leah Manning Centre “I am pleased to be back and good to be able to get out after such a long time” Andrew Braddick

“It is right to continue to take a cautious approach as we work towards fully reopening our community services. Thanks to the successful local vaccination programme and the regular testing regime, community services are returning to normal operating levels at a faster pace. Maintaining safety remains a priority as people are welcomed back, but it has been a real boost to morale for the staff and the many hardworking volunteers who enjoy delivering these services to see more progress being made.” Councillor Joel Charles, Deputy Leader & Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community Resilience The latest COVID-19 guidance can be found at www.gov.uk and www.harlow.gov.uk harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Civic Awards


Civic honours Honours for local people who have helped keep the town going

Every year Harlow Council presents Civic Awards to recognise the achievements of people and organisations and some unsung heroes and heroines. This year the awards, for the first time ever, were open to public nominations. In what has been a tough year for our town, fittingly this year’s awards recognised many who have helped the town during the pandemic.

David Tetley Taylor David was nominated for his voluntary work looking after St Mary Magdalene Church over the last year.

Susan McKenzie Throughout the pandemic Susan continued to work for St John Ambulance, maintaining contact with the cadets.

Harlow Ballet Michael and Henrietta opened up their kitchen to run virtual lessons for their students during the pandemic.

Volunteers at Harlow Ethnic Minority Umbrella The volunteers continue to help various communities in our town including supporting vulnerable and shielding patients.

The Staff at Princess Alexandra Hospital All hospital staff, clinical and non-clinical, have gone above and beyond to support our town during the pandemic.

Makin’ Steps Makin’ Steps has continued to put the health and wellbeing of its students first and held online sessions during the pandemic.

Nishall Garala Amongst many things Nishall does for the community and Harlow he runs the online Big Up Harlow campaign.

Crosskeys Netball Club Part of the community for 40 years, Crosskeys is a place of sport, safety and support for its club members and supporters.

Sarah-Jane Marshall When lockdown hit, SarahJane took her fitness classes on to Zoom for free for 12 weeks, paying for all additional costs herself. harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

What’s on Historic loan project kicks off summer in Harlow Sculpture Town Summer in Harlow Sculpture Town began mid-May when Contrapuntal Forms, a three-tonne sculpture made in 1951 by Dame Barbara Hepworth, was moved 200 miles from Glebelands to The Hepworth Wakefield gallery in Yorkshire. The sculpture has gone on temporary loan to the exhibition ‘Barbara Hepworth: Art & Life’, the most expansive retrospective of the artist’s work since her death in 1975. Hepworth is widely considered to be the most prominent female British artist of the 20th century. In return, Harlow will receive a replacement artwork by a contemporary female artist. Contrapuntal Forms was the very first sculpture installed in the early days of the new town. Today, Harlow is home to a collection of over 101 public sculptures, earning it the name ‘Harlow Sculpture Town’. The collection is managed by Harlow Art Trust, an independent charity established in 1953. It is supported by a growing community of people passionate about Harlow’s sculptural heritage. If you would like to learn more about how to get involved, email info@harlowarttrust.org.uk There are different ways to find your way around this exceptional collection of public art:

Image © Jonty Wilde

• Join a gentle hour-long walking tour in the town centre led by expert guides. If you have ever walked past a sculpture and wondered why it is there, this walk is for you! Suitable for all ages, but children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. www.sculpturetown.uk/whats-on/ summer-sculpture-walks

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• Locate and visit your local sculptures online. Just visit sculpturetown.uk on your desktop or smartphone. • For the Harlow Sculpture Town paper map and guide, visit sculpturetown.uk/whats-on/maps and find your local pick-up point.

9 Event and activity information correct at time of going to press. These events and activities could be affected by the local or national COVID situation so please always check first with the event organiser by calling their contact number or by visiting the relevant website.

Get active summer activities

Urban Limitz - trampoline adventure park Harlow Leisurezone www.urbanlimitz.co.uk 01279 621500 Over 6s (6-8 with an adult) Cost from £8.90 VertiGo - climbing challenge Harlow Leisurezone www.harlowleisurezone.co.uk 01279 621500 Over 6s (6-8 with an adult) Cost from £8.90 Kidzz Kingdom - soft play Harlow Leisurezone www.harlowleisurezone.co.uk 01279 621500 Ideal play for up to 10 years old. Cost from £2.90

Junior cricket training Harlow Town Cricket Club, Elizabeth Way, Harlow Thursday evenings, 7pm, for 5 to 15 year olds. £5 per session. Please contact paul.morrell@harlowtowncc. co.uk Adult cricket training Wednesday evenings, 6pm to 8pm Harlow Town Cricket Club, Elizabeth Way, Harlow For 18 year olds and over. Free training subject to annual membership. Please contact paul.morrell@harlowtowncc. co.uk

Fun swims Saturdays 4pm to 5pm Harlow Leisurezone www.harlowleisurezone.co.uk 01279 621500 Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult. Cost from £4.60 Summer holiday activities Harlow Leisurezone www.harlowleisurezone. co.uk/kids 01279 621500 Various ages and prices. Get active with recycling Old Harlow Library For 5 to 8 year olds Tuesday 10 August, 2pm to 3.30pm. www.essexbookfestival.org.uk Schoolz Out - multi activity holiday camp Mark Hall Sports Centre www.schoolzout.co.uk 01279 797778 Ages 5 to 12 £17.50 per child per day.

Paddling Pools Subject to moving to step 4 of the government’s roadmap, the town’s paddling pools will be open seven days a week, 10am to 6pm from 22 July 2021 until 31 August 2021. Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/ paddling-pools for the latest information. Although there will be attendants at each pool, children must be supervised at all times.

Local attractions

Harlow Town Park www.harlow.gov.uk/town-park Home to Pets’ Corner, 5 unique gardens, the bandstand, adventure playground and inclusive play area​, outdoor gym, paddling pool, skate park, marshes and meadows and Spurriers House Café.

The Gibberd Garden Marsh Lane, Harlow CM17 0NA www.thegibberdgarden.co.uk 01279 442112 Open Sunday and Wednesday afternoons from 2pm – 5pm, last entry 4pm. Check website for latest events.

The Gallery at Parndon Mill off Elizabeth Way Harlow CM20 2HP info@parndonmill.co.uk www.parndonmill.co.uk 01279 426042 Please check website for latest events.

Parndon Wood Nature Reserve Parndon Wood Road, Harlow www.ecco.org.uk 07802 237440 Open 11am to 4pm Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays and 9am to 6pm Saturdays. Check out Facebook for latest events.

Harlow Museum & Walled Gardens Muskham Road, Harlow www.harlow.gov.uk 01279 446222 Open 9.30am to 3.30pm (last entry 3pm) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Also open Fridays during the summer holidays. Check out the museum Facebook page for latest events.

Pets’ Corner Harlow Town Park www.harlow.gov.uk 01279 422790 Check out the website and Pets’ Corner Facebook page for visiting information.

this summer harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


My Home portal

Introducing MyHome “MyHome makes it easier for tenants and leaseholders who are online to manage their accounts and access services when it suits them. “We will continue to improve and develop MyHome in future so those tenants and leaseholders who are online can access even more services in this way.” Councillor Simon Carter Portfolio Holder for Housing

Harlow Council‘s new online housing service, MyHome, allows you to manage your tenancy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on your computer or mobile device. With MyHome you can: • Book and request repairs. • View your tenancy details. • Pay your council housing accounts, including rent for your home and/or garage. • View your rent account details or print off a copy of your statement. • Request a change of payment method. • View your contents insurance, supporting people, major works and district heating accounts. harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Leaseholders can pay service charges and there is a function for leaseholder landlords to request that all their properties’ accounts are linked. You can access the service whenever it suits you in a safe and secure way - no queues and no fuss! Apply for a garage online You can now apply to rent a council garage online. All residents, not just tenants and leaseholders, can apply by registering on MyHome. Once your application is approved you are able to check your application status online.

“The new portal is very easy to navigate, and easy to find information on repairs or book repairs. It also allows tenants to view rent account balance. Digitisation of Harlow Council’s services via the portal will help engage and empower the people of Harlow to get involved in their local community.” Binh M Nguyen, Harlow resident

Please visit https://selfserve. harlow.gov.uk/MyAccounts for more information and to register for an account or call Contact Harlow on 01276 446655 for more information or help with registering.

Bins and recycling


Sorting out bin collections There has been ongoing disruption to the bin collections, which we know has been a cause of frustration to those of you who have been affected. The varying levels of service that residents have experienced for some time are not acceptable. We are sorry and we are working with Veolia to look at longer term changes to improve the service. Recently the council has taken direct action to manage Veolia’s performance. Veolia have committed to putting in additional vehicle and staffing resources as a temporary measure to improve the situation. The growth of new housing in the town has meant that there is a greater workload for bin crews on some days than others. Veolia has proposed changing bin collection days for homes across the town, to spread collections out evenly through the week. This is under consideration and we will let you know more about this, if the proposal is agreed.

You can help with collections by: • Putting bins out on the boundary of your property before 7am on your collection day. • Placing rubbish inside the communal bins if you live in a flat block - leaving rubbish outside the bins obstructs the crews from collecting the bins. • Reducing and reusing your rubbish and recycling and composting as much as possible. Help and tips at www.loveessex.org • Not parking in a way that blocks access to lorries – we know this isn’t always easy or possible, but blocking access means emergency vehicles cannot help you either.

August Bank Holiday collection days Collections will be one day later than normal on the week of 30 August: Normal date

Revised date

Mon 30/08/2021 Tue 31/08/2021 Tue 31/08/2021 Wed 01/09/2021 Wed 01/09/2021 Thur 02/09/2021 Thur 02/09/2021 Fri



03/09/2021 Sat 04/09/2021

You can also check your collection days online at www.harlow.gov.uk

“I would like to thank the bin crews for their hard work and how well they have coped with collecting more waste and recycling in our town during the pandemic. I continue working with Veolia to ensure that the bin crews are supported with the right resources and that service standards return to and remain at the level Harlow residents expect.” Councillor Alastair Gunn, Portfolio Holder for Environment

harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Essex Police


Harlow Police Station is open Monday to Sunday, 9am - 5pm Tell us what matters to you. Email the team at HarlowCPT@essex.police.uk • Call 999 (emergencies) Report online: www.essex-police.uk or call 101 (non urgent enquiries)

#protectingandservingHarlow Public Engagement

Harlow’s Community Safety Engagement officers, PCs Brad Hall and Sandra Marayen, have started to do small engagement events within the town. So far, all 3 events have been well received and lots of people have attended. These events will continue throughout the year in different areas of Harlow. If you would like us to be part of a local event that you are organising, please email HarlowCPT@Essex.Police.uk Look out for our Coffee with Cops and Street Meets also taking place around Harlow. For more details please follow our Facebook and Twitter pages. Crime Prevention Is that car really for sale? Essex Police has seen an increase in residents purchasing vehicles online and paying the full amount without ever having seen the car in person. When they arrive to collect the vehicle, it does not exist. Top tips: • Always view and test drive the car before buying - arrange to view in the daylight, preferably when it’s dry. Make sure you’re insured and test drive the car for about 15 minutes on different types of road. harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

• Buy from an established firm or trusted seller - you can look for a trade association sign or for sellers that have been inspected by an independent engineer or motoring organisation. • Use a secure method of payment - once you are satisfied with what you are buying, use a secure method of payment such as a credit card to ensure you are protected if something goes wrong. You’re not alone

We have dedicated, specially trained officers to investigate sexual and domestic abuse offences and support victims. Sexual violence and abuse is unacceptable, regardless of the circumstances, in any situation. We’re here to help and protect you. If you have been affected or have information about a domestic or sexual offence, report it to us either by using our #digital101 services, which you can access on our website, by calling us on 101, or making an anonymous report to independent charity Crimestoppers. In an emergency always call 999. The government funds a number of charities who provide support and they are ensuring these charities remain open during this challenging time.

If you need help and support, visit: www.synergyessex.org For more information visit www. essex.police.uk/advice/adviceand-information Protecting and serving Harlow The ringleaders of an organised crime group which supplied drugs to county lines gangs have been jailed for a combined total of more than 40 years. The Harlow based network smuggled cocaine in containers through ports before selling it on to gangs supplying west Essex, Hertfordshire, London and Suffolk - estimated to have earned them at least £500,000 which was stashed in Bitcoin or laundered through a pub one of the gang was a licensee of. Officers seized more than £100,000 in cash, assets and weapons as well as £120,000 worth of cocaine during warrants in Harlow and Suffolk last October. Read more about the case and see pictures from our warrants at www.essex.police.uk Open for Business Closed for Crime Our Open for Business Closed for Crime campaign aims to encourage people working in shops and businesses to report violence and abuse to us. Find out more about the campaign and how to report incidents of violence or abuse at: www.essex.police.uk

The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

PAHT people recognised with special award


Lance McCarthy, chief executive of PAHT, said: “I was proud and

humbled to receive this special award on behalf of all my colleagues at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust.

“On behalf of all at PAHT, thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate our people. It is wonderful for our people to be acknowledged in this way.

The community have recognised our people with a special award. Local people nominated PAHT for a Civic Award, which was formally accepted by Lance McCarthy, chief executive, from the then chair of Harlow Council, Councillor Maggie Hulcoop, in a socially distanced presentation held in May. The annual initiative, usually involving award nominations from a councillor, was extended to the public this year. The community nominated unsung heroes who they would like to see recognised, resulting in several nominations for staff at PAHT.

“I’d also like to thank the community for their support, including all of their gifts, donations, and kind words over the last year and to thank the chair, chief executive and all at Harlow Council for their unerring and continued support for the hospital.”

Your new hospital needs you We’re building a new hospital for the future, together. You can have your say by joining one of our engagement events this autumn; we want to hear your ideas. In the meantime, are you a member of a local community group or network? Could we run an engagement session with you? Join your virtual meetings or come along to speak at one of your local events?

Get in touch • Email us paht.newhospital@nhs.net • Sign up for our e-newsletter: https:// www.pah.nhs.uk/have-your-say • Find out more online: https://www. pah.nhs.uk/newhospital

harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


Housing news

Thank you to our tenant and leaseholder representatives We want to thank our tenant and leaseholder representatives for their continuous help, support and feedback which have helped reshape the Housing Service and ensure services are targeted towards the needs of local people. Harlow Council has made a commitment to listen, involve and empower tenant and leaseholders, and we look forward to continuing to strengthen this relationship.

What to do before altering your home Before applying for our permission to alter your council home you must ensure that the people employed to carry out the work are competent and qualified. They must also be able to complete the work to the design and standards agreed with us. Here’s where to check: • Architects – www.architects-register.org.uk • Structural engineers – www.ice.org.uk • Building surveyors – www.ciob.org, www.cbuilde.com, www.rics.org/uk/find-a-member • Gas heating systems – www.gassaferegister.co.uk • Electrical installations – www.necic.com • Replacement windows and doors – www.fensa.org.uk

Once again, thank you for all the hard work and feedback you have given us.

Direct Debits It is now easier to pay your council bills by Direct Debit. We offer a number of choices of payment dates within the month: 1, 8, 15 and 25 for rent, 5, 15 and 25 for leaseholder service charges and 1, 8, 15 and 25 for Council Tax. Direct Debit spreads your payments evenly throughout the year and once set up you won’t have to worry about getting behind with payments. To set up a Direct Debit call Contact Harlow on 01279 446655 or visit our website www.harlow.gov.uk

harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Leaseholders must pay a fee of £275 in advance if wishing to replace windows. All warranties and guarantees must be in the name of Harlow Council. Quotations from tradespeople or businesses accredited to the TrustMark standard, which is a government quality standard scheme, could also be obtained. Visit www.trustmark.org.uk for more information. Extensions, conservatories, internal walls Work involving structural changes inside or outside the property, and/or to outbuildings

may require a Party Wall Agreement between the council and neighbouring properties, and a Build Over Agreement with your drainage utility supplier if a proposed structure crosses over existing draining systems. If you live in a leasehold property but are not the leaseholder, you won’t be allowed to make alterations to the property. If you are a leaseholder, all alterations that you make to your home may result in an amendment to your lease by way of a Deed of Variation. Before carrying out work, visit www.harlow.gov.uk/homealterations

Housing news


Barbecue safety Like any source of fire, barbecues can present a risk. Anyone living in or visiting council properties should be aware that barbecues are not permitted on balconies, public rights of access, near gas or electrical services or near flat, house or block entrances or exits.

If you wish to use a gas-fired barbecue:

If you do use a barbecue, please make sure that you:

• Make sure barbecues and gas cylinders don’t block access routes and paths. You should also make sure that cylinders are stored away from frost and direct sunlight.

• Never leave a barbecue unattended. Keep children and pets well away. • Put the barbecue well away from sheds, fences, trees, shrubs and garden waste. • Don’t use too much barbecue fuel. Never use petrol, paraffin or other chemicals to start your barbecue or keep it going. • Make sure the barbecue is cool before moving it. • Only empty ashes onto bare garden soil. Don’t put them in dustbins or wheelie bins.

• Never store gas cylinders under the stairs of your home or block. • Store gas barbecues and cylinders outside and away from your home or block.

• Take care when turning bottled gas barbecues on and off. Make sure the tap is turned off before changing the gas cylinder and turn the gas supply off first, then the barbecue control after cooking. If you think your gas bottle is leaking, call the Calor Gas Emergencies number: 03457 444 999 and keep all people and pets away from it. If there is a fire call 999 immediately.

Leasehold buildings insurance Your leasehold building insurance policy covers the structure of your flat, fixtures and fittings and any parts of communal areas stated in your lease that you are responsible for. Subject to specified limits and conditions, the policy provides additional cover such as short-term accommodation costs, rent, and locks and keys. It does not cover the contents of your home or your personal possessions. You will need to provide your own separate contents cover. If you have lost your policy or need an up-to-date one, visit www.harlow.gov.uk/leaseholderbuildings-insurance

harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk


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harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

Your Harlow Councillors Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative

Councillor Shona Johnson Conservative

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07966 014122 Email: eugenie.harvey@harlow.gov.uk

78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: shona.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Dan Swords Conservative Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07727 406155


Councillor Nicky Purse Conservative 98 Coalport Close, CM17 9QS Tel: 07838 238573 Email: nicky.purse@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Simon Carter Conservative


Portfolio Holder Email: dan.swords@harlow.gov.uk

330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA Tel: 452252 Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Mark Wilkinson Labour 56 Sakins Croft, CM18 7BP Tel: 07718 696429 Email: mark.wilkinson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor James Leppard Conservative Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07454 686809 Email: james.leppard@harlow.gov.uk


Little Parndon & Hare Street

329 Rundells, CM18 7HN Tel: 414357 Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council,

Councillor Jean Clark Labour

Councillor Bob Davis Labour

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 422339 Email: john.steer@harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07729 406011 Email: chris.vince@harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07908 518862 Email: nancy.watson@harlow.gov.uk


Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07305 777819 Email: matthew.saggers@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07445 390675 (Text only) Email: colleen.morrison@harlow.gov.uk

Brook House, Wyldwood Close, CM17 0JD Tel: 437401 Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nick Churchill Conservative

Councillor Tony Edwards Labour


215 Brockles Mead, CM19 4QA Tel: 621094 Email: nick.churchill@harlow.gov.uk

227 Longbanks, CM18 7PB Tel: 07850 667900 Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07544 374168 Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk c/o


Councillor Clive Souter Conservative

Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative

86 Jocelyns, CM17 0BU Tel: 07752 096765

15 Seeleys, CM17 0AD Tel: 422339 Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Gareth Williams Conservative c/o Harlow Council,

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07871 654611 Email: gareth.williams@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Russell Perrin Conservative

Councillor Ash Malik Conservative


c/o Harlow Council,

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 312195 Portfolio Holder Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07761 780856 Email: ash.malik@harlow.gov.uk

Cabinet Members Councillor Andrew Johnson - Leader of the Council Councillor Joel Charles - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Community Resilience Councillor Alastair Gunn - Portfolio Holder for Environment Councillor Russell Perrin - Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance Councillor Simon Carter - Portfolio Holder for Housing Councillor Dan Swords - Portfolio Holder for Regeneration Councillor Michael Hardware - Portfolio Holder for Strategic Growth For more information on who your councillors are visit: www.harlow.gov.uk

Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07749 393037 Email: bob.davis@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council,

12a Hart Road, Harlow, CM17 0HL Tel: 07775 925274

Portfolio Holder Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk

DEPUTY LEADER Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Sue Livings Conservative

c/o Harlow Council,

Councillor Matthew Saggers Conservative


Councillor Colleen Morrison Conservative

Sumners & Kingsmoor

Councillor John Steer Conservative

Councillor Chris Vince Labour

Old Harlow


Councillor Nancy Watson Labour


Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 312195 Email: eddie.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Joel Charles Conservative

65 Tunnmeade, CM20 3HN Tel: 425934 / 07398 160081 Email: mike.danvers@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative

Councillor Tony Durcan Labour

4 Rushmead Villas, CM20 2QE Tel: 423474 Email: jean.clark@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Mike Danvers Labour

23 Greygoose Park, CM19 4JL Tel: 420340 Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council,

Staple Tye

Harlow Common

Councillor Maggie Hulcoop Labour

Councillor David Carter Conservative

71 Mark Hall Moors, CM20 2NF Tel: 429443

Portfolio Holder Email: simon.carter@harlow.gov.uk

Mark Hall

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07378 879710 Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk c/o

Church Langley

Bush Fair

Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour

Great Parndon

Councillor Eugenie Harvey Labour c/o



Councillor John Strachan Labour 100 Seymours, CM19 5NH Tel: 323656 / 07941 829965 Email: john.strachan@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Alastair Gunn Conservative 11 Penshurst, CM17 0BP Tel: 07850 261771

Portfolio Holder Email: alastair.gunn@harlow.gov.uk

Essex County Councillors County councillors can help with services like libraries, transport, roads and highways, social care for adults and children, education and schools. Harlow North Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative Email: cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk

Harlow West Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative Email: cllr.michael.hardware@essex.gov.uk Harlow West Councillor Clive Souter Conservative Email: cllr.clive.souter@essex.gov.uk

Harlow South East Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative Email: cllr.eddie.johnson@essex.gov.uk

harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

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harlow times | summer 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk

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