harlow times
A magazine about housing and your town
Remembering Harlow’s WW1 fallen
Winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
In this edition News in brief
Supporting rough sleepers
Help us stop housing fraud
Latest advice for tenants and leaseholders
Your Councillor details
Useful contacts
Are you winter ready?
Your health and wellbeing
Christmas recycling guide
Tips and advice for Christmas
Guide to gritting and services
Front cover: Silent Tommy statue in the Water Gardens, Harlow Town Centre.
Check out our latest videos www.youtube.com/ harlowcouncil
Discover Harlow this winter Events and activities
Bin collections and tips
Paid for advertising
Foster carers change lives Essex County Council best match your family to children. Training is local and you will receive a high level of support and a competitive financial package. Help build better, brighter futures for hundreds of children across Essex every year. Could you or someone you know foster? Details of where your local Fostering information event is taking place are available on our website.
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harlow times ¡ winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
WW1 Centenary
We will remember them Around 700 men from Harlow served in the armed forces in the First World War. Here we remember the 128 men who were sadly killed or succumbed to illness.
George Aldridge Francis (Frank) Aley William Douglas Alsop James William Andrews Henry ‘Harry’ Samuel Ayton James Alfred Bailey Thomas William Baldock Vivian George Edward Ballard Henry George Banham William Henry Banham MC George Bayford James Bayford Albert William Beadle Charles Beale Cecil Walter Beeney Henry ‘Harry’ Belben Arthur William Bines Edwin Frederick Bines Harry Edward Bird William Thomas Blatch Reginald John Bradley Arthur Henry Brown George Brown Victor Albert Burton William Charles Cakebread Harry Clarke Herbert Clements Frederick Cook John Cook Albert George Cordell Ernest Edward Cordell Herbert Cordell John Cordell Arthur Cottee Reginald John Cowlin Sydney William Cowlin Joseph Culver Edward Deards Thomas Deards George Henry Debnam John Bernard Dent George Bradley Fairchild Henry Leonard Fitzjohn
Frederick Francis Crawford Cunningham Gadsden Alfred James Hale Charles Arthur Hall William Frederick Hoad Gerard Croft Hoare Arthur Hoy Alfred Ernest Hutton Thomas William Kerry John Givens Kirkaldy Albert Arnold Lawrence Lee Lewis Thomas Lewis Albert Edward Lincoln John William Lincoln Charles Frank Lindsell Edward Joseph Linsell Frederick Linsell Henry George Linsell George Little Edward Amos Luckin James Neville Marshall VC Albert John Monk George Frank Myson Albert Charles Negus William Charles Page Richard Palmer Victor George Parish Charles Pavitt Frederick Benjamin Pavitt Arthur Perry Arthur William Perry Arthur James Petty Stanley Montague Philibrown Arthur Robert Poney Robert Evelyn Sandford Poole William Hylton Sandford Poole Cecil Pryor Stanley Purkiss Henry John Frederick Randall John Reed John Reed Robert Reed
Harry Reynolds Cyril Riley Francis Arthur Riley Thomas William Riley John Robinson Percy Samuel William Samuel Harry Spencer Seabrook Henry George Searle Charles George Selmes Alfred Edgar Seymour James Frederick Seymour James Henry Seymour Charles Henry Skingle Herbert Smith James John Smith Henry Smith Alfred James Sortwell William Sortwell William Henry Stanham Alexander Glen Swire Charley (Charlie) Thompson Ernest Wakeling Frederick Reginald Wakeling James Harry Wakeling Johnny Wakeling Samson Samuel Ward Leonard Joseph Weald William (Henry) Wheatley Bernard Dickinson Wheeler Reginald Wheeler Walter Wheeler Albert Edward Wilson Alfred James Winch James Winch Montague Jones Winch James George Winter John Wood John Wood Ernest William Woollard Thomas John Woolard Walter Woollard
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
News in brief
Project shortlisted for major awards
Work starts on state-of-the-art science park
Harlow has beaten off competition from over 100 towns, cities, regions and countries to become a finalist for an international award.
Construction work has started on a new science park on the A414 in Old Harlow which could create 3,000 jobs.
The Discover Harlow project was launched in June this year with the aim of raising the profile of Harlow on a regional, national and international level.
Once completed, the 10-hectare science park development will help build a science and technology community in the town where businesses can grow.
The panel of international judges for the City Nation Place awards put Discover Harlow amongst finalists from places such as Barcelona, Eindhoven, Estonia, the city of Salinas California, and Scotland. For more information visit www.discoverharlow.co.uk
Contacting us over Christmas Most Harlow Council services will shut down between Christmas and the New Year. This helps us to save money on energy and building costs.
Friday 21 December 2018 OPEN: 9am - 4.45pm Monday 24 December 2018 to Tuesday 1 January 2019 CLOSED We will reopen at 9am on Wednesday 2 January 2019. The Council can be contacted in an emergency on 01279 446666.
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
The first phase of construction includes an Anglia Ruskin University Innovation Centre and an office building which will be owned by Harlow Council. For more information visit www.harlowez.org.uk
The development will form a significant part of the Harlow Enterprise Zone, which is already home to technology businesses like Arrow Electronics and Raytheon.
Do you have a project we could help fund? A share of £10,000 is up for grabs to support local projects, activities and events which aim to raise pride in the town.
These projects could include a community litter pick, an art project or anything which involves local people and makes a difference.
The Civic Pride Community Fund aims to build on the local pride which grew out of the town’s 70th birthday celebrations last year.
To apply for funding visit www.harlow.gov.uk/civicpride-community-fund
The fund is open to all Harlowbased organisations. Applicants can bid for funding from £50 up to £500.
News in brief
Securing more jobs for Harlow Multi-cultural festival held Plans are moving forward to create the new £450million world-leading public health science campus at the vacant GSK site in Harlow. An agreement, which creates training and job opportunities for local people, has been signed by Harlow Council, Public Health England (PHE) and Essex County Council. The agreement commits PHE to: • Contributions to early years childcare totalling almost £2 million. This will pay for any increased impact of PHE staff moving to Harlow and create additional employment.
• Setting up a local employment group to include constructors, Jobcentre Plus and Harlow College, to train local people. • Developing significant employment opportunities, with construction jobs on the site being made available to local job seekers. • Working with local school children on a science-themed public art scheme adding to Harlow’s existing sculpture trail. For more information about PHE Harlow please visit www.gov.uk/phe/harlow
One of the first events to receive funding from our Civic Pride Fund was the multi-cultural festival held in October. Between 400 and 500 people joined together for the celebration in Market Square which promoted and celebrated Harlow’s rich cultural diversity. The theme for the event was ‘Seventy years of the UN Human Rights Declaration’ and exhibitors on the day included a number of local organisations. Entertaining the crowds were performances from Efua Sey Cultural Academy, Passmores Academy Steel Pans, Talentos, Belly Bells, DEM 3 and Rainbow Supreme Twirlers.
Market held for bakers, makers and creators The first ever Harlow Makers Market was held in November in the revamped Market Square.
Opening the market was the Chair of the Council and local resident Carley Duff, who works on Create and Craft TV.
The Market, which took place on the same day as Harlow’s Christmas lights switch-on, brought together local artists, designers, crafters, entertainers, producers, cooks and bakers.
On offer was a range of locally produced products from wooden garden ornaments, baked goods and homemade cards to knitwear, jewellery, preserves and chutneys and ceramics.
For information on future markets visit www.harlow.gov. uk/makers-market harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Supporting rough sleepers In recent years the number of people sleeping rough has increased, not just in Harlow, but across the country. That’s why local charity Streets2Homes and Harlow Council are working together to do more to support rough sleepers. The support includes: • Two outreach support workers working for Streets2Homes to help get people off the street and into settled accommodation. • Extending severe weather provision from November to February at St Paul’s Church so on the coldest nights all rough sleepers have shelter and an offer of a warm bed. • Supported accommodation managed by Streets2Homes where rough sleepers can stay and receive specialised support. This will open next year. • A rough sleeper co-ordinator employed by the Council to oversee severe weather provision.
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
“Behind every rough sleeper’s story there are so many different circumstances and complex situations. “As I was once on the streets myself I know how difficult it is to accept the help you need. I know that someone sleeping rough needs more than just a place to live. With our support the individual will continue to get the care and specialist help over the long term, which is equally important. Sadly, some people choose to sleep rough and these cases will need long-term support; overcoming these barriers is all part of what we are trying to do working with Harlow Council” Wayne
Hood, an outreach worker for Streets2Homes.
Streets2Homes is a local charity helping homeless people. For more information visit www.streets2homes.co.uk
Creative Commons License Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) Homeless by Mark Stevenson on Flickr © Mark Stevenson
Rough sleeping
How to help a rough sleeper If you are concerned about a rough sleeper you can make a report 24 hours a day at www.streetlink.org.uk. Try not to give money to rough sleepers. Unfortunately rough sleepers sometimes reject support and being given cash can encourage them to stay on the streets. We would much rather get rough sleepers off the street and into a warm bed and get them the specialist help they need. Giving money to rough sleepers can actually make their situation and health worse and discourage them from seeking any help. We ask the public to encourage rough sleepers to ask for help or please consider giving them something to eat or a hot drink.
Get ready for winter
Are you winter ready? Winter often brings a lot of different challenges, so it’s helpful to make sure we are all prepared. We’re ready to support you, but are also asking everyone to do their bit too.
What you can do to help • Keep an eye on the welfare of your elderly and vulnerable relatives and neighbours. • Clear snow and ice from the front of your homes and businesses. See below our ‘Guide to clearing snow and ice’. • Keep warm.
Gritting Patches of ice or frost on the roads and pavements can make travel more difficult for cars and pedestrians. Essex County Council is responsible for gritting the main roads and footpaths in Harlow. You can check which roads are gritted at www.essex.gov.uk/ gritters
Pensioners and low income families may qualify for extra help and cold weather payments which are paid automatically. If you are worried about someone: • Knock on their door and ask them if they are alright. • If you’re still worried, please contact Social Services on 0345 603 7630. • If there is an imminent danger, dial 999 and speak to the emergency services.
Harlow Council play their part by gritting priority areas such as the town centre, outside doctor’s surgeries and supported housing complexes, to make sure vulnerable residents can get around safely. For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/gritting
Residential roads are not gritted by the Council; however, there are salt bins provided throughout the town to help residents treat icy conditions in their local area.
The Met Office website www.metoffice.gov.uk has lots of information to help you prepare for adverse weather conditions, storms or even flooding.
Guide to clearing snow and ice There’s no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice on the pavement outside your home, business or from public spaces. It’s unlikely you will be sued or held legally responsible for any injuries if you have cleared it carefully.
Do not use hot water. This will melt the snow, but will replace it with black ice, increasing the risk of injury.
Removing the top layer of snow from your path will allow the sun to melt any ice beneath.
Scatter ordinary table salt on the path or area you have cleared to prevent any ice forming and to stop it from refreezing overnight. Avoid spreading it on plants or grass.
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Housing tenancy fraud
Help us stop housing fraud
Help us stop fraud • Are you aware of anyone subletting their Council home? • Do you know someone who has misled us in obtaining housing? • Is there a Council home in your neighbourhood standing empty? • Do you know someone who holds a Council tenancy but is not living in the property?
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
With a shortage of Council housing available we must make sure that our homes are going to those most in need. Harlow Council has begun prosecuting Council tenants who have been committing housing fraud. Since June 2018, we have recovered 12 Council homes, which are now free to be used by those in genuine need on the Housing Needs Register. We have also identified three housing applicants who falsified their housing application. These applicants will now lose their opportunity to join the Housing Needs Register. Tenants who unlawfully sublet their Council home could face up to two years in prison and a fine of up to £50,000.
Courts also have the power to make tenants repay any profits made from subletting. We are currently investigating 21 cases of housing fraud, but would like your help to identify more - this will allow us to free up more homes for those in real need. If you have any information regarding housing fraud in Harlow, let us know. Please contact Tracey Field, Harlow Council’s Housing Fraud Officer, in complete confidence on 01279 446353. Alternatively, you can email: housing.fraud@harlow.gov.uk
Livewell in Harlow
Your health and wellbeing
Christmas is a fun time but it can also be stressful. Make sure you look after yourself over the festive period. Pace yourself
Make time to relax over the Christmas period – go for a walk for some fresh air, exercise and a change of scenery, listen to music or have a nap if you need it. Harlow is great for walking and getting out and about – check out www.harlow.gov.uk/visit
Eat healthily
Talk to someone
If you are worried about Christmas, feel overwhelmed or under pressure, don’t be afraid to talk to someone you trust about it.
Lack of sleep can also leave you feeling low. Try to keep regular sleep patterns as much as you can over the festive period.
Whilst we all tend to overindulge a bit during Christmas, try to keep your diet as balanced as possible. Try and drink moderately so you can enjoy Christmas whilst reducing any negative effects on your mood.
Giving something back can help you feel good and Christmas can be the perfect time to do this. Check out volunteering opportunities at www.harlow.gov.uk/volunteers
For healthy eating tips visit www.nhs.uk/live-well
Further help and tips can be found at www.mind.org.uk
in Harlow
My weight matters Residents who are looking for help with losing weight can now take advantage of free weight management sessions at Harlow Playhouse between 4pm and 6pm on Mondays. Register for your free place on the programme at www. acemyweightmatters.org or phone 0800 022 4524. Sessions are also held in other venues around the town.
Harlow’s cycle tracks If you’re lucky enough to find a new bike under the Christmas tree this year, why not take advantage of Harlow’s wonderful cycle network? They cover the whole town including scenic settings like the Town Park and the River Stort.
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Fire safety
12 Days of Christmas Fire Safety Tips:
Make sure your family and visitors staying for the festive period know what to do in an emergency. Practice a fire escape plan.
Switch off electrical appliances when not in use, unless they’re designed to stay on. Take special care with Christmas lights. Always switch off and unplug Christmas lights before you go to bed.
Never place candles near your Christmas tree or furnishings. Don’t leave them burning unattended.
Keep candles, lighters and matches out of reach of children.
Celebrate Christmas and New Year safely. The risk of accidents, especially in the kitchen, is greater after alcohol is consumed.
Check your Christmas tree lights conform to the British Standard. Always use an RCD on outdoor electrical equipment (a safety device that can save lives by instantly switching off the power).
Take the time to check on elderly relatives and neighbours this Christmas - make sure they are fire safe.
Decorations can burn easily Don’t attach them to lights or heaters.
If you plan to celebrate with fireworks, store them in a metal box, read the instructions, never go back to a lit firework and keep a bucket of water nearby.
Most fires start in the kitchen never leave cooking unattended.
Check the battery in your smoke alarm every week and use Christmas as a reminder to clean it and remove dust.
We want everyone to make sure they stay fire safe this Christmas. Essex Fire and Rescue Service has issued “12 Days of Christmas Fire Safety” tips for the festive period.
For more information on staying fire safe this Christmas, visit www.essex-fire.gov.uk/news/Christmas_fire_safety/
10 harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Make sure cigarettes are completely extinguished.
Housing news
Smoke alarm advice for leaseholders Smoke alarms are proven life savers. They give warning at the first sign of fire enabling you and your family to get out safely and call the fire service. By law, leaseholder landlords must fit smoke alarms on every storey of their properties and fit carbon monoxide (CO) alarms in every room with a solid fuel burning appliance. They must also ensure they work. The more alarms you fit, the higher the level of protection. Smoke alarms should be fitted as close to the centre of the room as possible.
Put the alarm at least 30cm away from any wall or light fitting and in a place where it can be heard throughout your home – particularly when you are asleep. Check your alarms: • Once a week test each alarm by pressing the test button. • Once a year change the battery (unless it’s a 10-year alarm). • Twice a year gently vacuum smoke alarms to remove dust. • After 10 years it’s best to replace an alarm.
Essex Fire and Rescue Service provide free home fire safety visits. As part of this they will check that you have a working smoke alarm and, if you don’t, fit a free 10-year alarm. For further advice or to make an appointment call 0300 303 0088 or visit www.essex-fire.gov.uk
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Advice Carbon monoxide (CO) is colourless, odourless and toxic. It is produced when carbonbased fuels (wood, coal, gas) do not fully burn. CO kills quickly and without warning so it’s important that you take every precaution possible with your fuel-burning appliances: • Ensure that all work and regular servicing on gas appliances is undertaken by a Gas Safe registered engineer. • Solid fuel appliances should be fitted and maintained by a HETAS approved installer. Chimneys should be swept twice a year.
• Do not use appliances like paraffin heaters and cabinet heaters in your home. • Never take a barbeque into a building or tent when it’s still warm. Embers can produce large amounts of CO, even when they are dying out. • Install a CO detector/alarm. As CO is otherwise undetectable, an audible CO detector may be the first thing that alerts you to a CO escape. You are particularly at risk from CO poisoning when sleeping because you won’t notice warning signs until it’s too late. An alarm could wake you and save your life.
If you suspect a CO presence in your home, stop using all appliances, turn them off, open all the doors and windows immediately and evacuate the property. Call 999 if any person is unwell or unresponsive. You should also call the National Grid Gas Emergency Line on 0800 111 999 who will advise when an engineer will attend the property. Information on the symptoms of CO poisoning can be found on the NHS website at https:// www.nhs.uk/conditions/ carbon-monoxide-poisoning
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Condensation advice
Keep your home free from damp and mould
Photo by Joshua K. Jackson on Unsplash
When the weather gets colder, condensation in the home can increase which may cause damp and mould. We’ve put a list together of some simple measures you can take to help reduce moisture and prevent mould.
Reduce moisture
Improve ventilation
• Cover boiling pans when cooking.
• Maintain a low heat (16°C) when the weather is cold or wet - this is more effective in keeping your home warmer and costs less than short bursts of high heat.
• Keep a window open or use extractor fans during and after cooking, washing and drying clothes.
• Close the bathroom door during and after bathing or showering.
• Open windows slightly when your home is occupied or use fitted trickle vents.
• Dry clothes outside where possible and not over radiators. Otherwise, confine drying to a single room (preferably the bathroom) and open the window and close the door.
• Do not obstruct radiators with furniture or overhanging curtains that prevent heat circulation. • Allow sunlight into your home to help warm rooms.
• Do not block air vents particularly important where gas and heating appliances require oxygen for combustion while permitting carbon monoxide to escape.
• Cover fish tanks.
• Try to avoid using portable gas heaters to heat rooms as these may encourage condensation.
• Allow air to circulate - move beds and furniture away from walls and do not overfill wardrobes.
• Wipe down surfaces where moisture settles.
12 harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Housing news
Difficulties paying your Council bills? Non-payment of rent is a breach of the terms of your tenancy agreement, and can lead to legal action being taken against you and your tenancy.
It’s important you let us know as soon as possible if you are having difficulties in paying your rent or Council Tax. We can offer help and advice regarding your situation, and also refer you to other agencies who may be able to assist in managing your finances and personal budgeting.
In many cases this action can be avoided by ensuring that your Rent Officer is aware of any difficulties you are experiencing, and by working with us to resolve the situation. If you are experiencing difficulties in paying your rent or Council Tax then call Contact Harlow immediately on 01279 446655 or email contact@ harlow.gov.uk
We offer three choices of dates within the month for Direct Debits which are: 1st, 15th and 25th for rent, 5th, 15th and 25th for leaseholder service charges and 1st, 8th, 15th and 25th for Council Tax. To set up a direct debit call Contact Harlow on 01279 446655. For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/directdebit.
Forthcoming Events
Aids and Adaptations to help you at home The way in which aid and adaptation recommendations from Essex County Council Occupational Therapists are considered changed in April 2018.
This can be because their current home is too large for their needs, the garden is too big to manage or some just don’t want the upheaval of the work being done.
Council tenants no longer need to meet Disability Facilities Grant criteria to have works carried out in their home. If you’re assessed by the County Council the recommendations are reviewed by us following our new Adaptation Policy.
We will always talk through your accommodation options with you, and if requested, we’ll arrange a no obligation visit so you can view the alternatives.
Since the changes, some tenants have also considered moving to an alternative Council home, that’s already adapted, rather than have adaptions completed in their current home.
Pay your Council bills by Direct Debit
If you would like more information about the options available to you, please call 01279 446655. You can also email contact@harlow.gov.uk or visit the Civic Centre or write to Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG.
Tenant Forums 2019 Tenant Forums are held in the Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow Essex, CM20 1WG providing easy access to attend. All forums begin at 7pm: Wednesday 9 January 2019 Thursday 7 March 2019 There will be a Market Place where our dedicated teams of Harlow Council officers and contractors will be available to talk to on a one-to-one basis regarding any housing related issue. Please contact Community Engagement Officer Zulfi Kiani-Mackintosh, on 01279 446330 or email him at zulfi.kiani-mackintosh@ harlow.gov.uk if you require transport or have a question. You can also write to Housing Services, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex, CM20 1WG
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Housing news
Allowing us access to your home
Are you aware of how to report a repair or what repairs you’re responsible for?
Council tenants are reminded that you must allow the Council or its agents access to your property (including accompanying land) at reasonable written notice (usually 24 hours). This is a condition of your tenancy and access could be needed:
All the details you need can be found on our website at www.harlow.gov.uk/housing-repairs Here you will find information on how to report a repair, tenant and landlord repair responsibilities, repair priority times and a list of those repairs that will be carried out for vulnerable tenants. If you don’t have access to a computer, please contact Community Engagement Officer Zulfi Kiani-Mackintosh on 01279 446330.
• To inspect the condition of the property. Council
We are all ears on housing
Do you have a housing issue which needs attention or a suggestion on how Harlow Council can improve its housing services? Harlow Council in partnership with tenant representatives invite you to the
Winter Tenant Forum (For Harlow Council Tenants only)
Wednesday 9 January 2019 Beginning at 7pm at the Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG
Presentation on Housing Finance Annual Update
Do you have a housing issue of concern that you would like to discuss with someone? Come along to the Market Place where our dedicated teams of Harlow Council Officers and Contractors listed below will be available for you to talk to on a one to one basis regarding any housing related issue: Area Housing, Housing Property Services, Housing Options and Advice, Contact Harlow, and HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd If you have any queries or require transport please contact: Contact Zulfi Kiani-Mackintosh, Community Engagement Co-ordinator on 01279 446330 or email tenant.relations@harlow.gov.uk Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG
14 harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
• To carry out repairs, alterations, improvements or maintenance work to the property or a neighbouring property. • To carry out annual gas safety checks and servicing or other safety checks as required.
© Vladyslav Bashutskyy - Fotolia.com
Alternatively write to Harlow Council, Civic Centre, Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex, CM20 1WG and a leaflet containing similar information can be sent to you.
© dglimages - Fotolia.com
Tenant repair responsibilities
• For other management purposes in connection with your tenancy. This may include (but is not limited to) carrying out tenancy audits, investigating allegations of illegal occupation, dealing with complaints of antisocial behaviour or neighbour disputes. Failure to allow access could result in legal action being taken against you, which could leave you paying legal costs as a result of court action. Please call the Repairs Centre on 01279 446666 if you haven’t yet arranged your annual Gas Safety check.
Repairs Centre Christmas Opening Hours The Repairs Centre will be open from 8am to 4pm on:
Thursday 27 December 2018 Friday 28 December 2018 Monday 31 December 2018
01279 446666 A 24-hour genuine emergency repairs service is available on Bank Holidays and out of hours. Normal opening from Wedneday 2 January 2019.
What’s on in Harlow
Discover Harlow this winter
Here’s a selection of events and activities taking place in Harlow this autumn. For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/events For more information on volunteering in the park contact Mike Levett on 01279 446834 mike.levett@harlow.gov.uk
Pets’ Corner Nativity Play Thursday 13 December 2018 Details to be confirmed. FREE Call 01279 422790 for more information.
The Gallery at Parndon Mill Off Elizabeth Way Harlow CM20 2HP Tel: 01279 426042 info@parndonmill.co.uk www.parndonmill.co.uk
Carols on the Terrace Sunday 16 December 2018 1pm-2pm FREE Spurriers House Café With Harlow Brass Band and Little Parndon Primary School.
Gibberd Gallery 01279 446404
Harlow Playhouse 01279 431945
The Great Christmas Sleigh Ride 14-24 December 2018 It’s Christmas Eve. Jack and Lily are so excited and determined to deliver their letters to Father Christmas in person. It sounds like a perfect adventure, but they don’t have a sleigh, and they don’t actually know how to get to the North Pole - what could possibly go wrong?
Alzheimer’s Society Walk Monday 17 December 2018 10am-midday FREE For more information email: Tessa.Harvey@alzheimers. org.uk or call 01245 260911
After the performance, children have the chance to meet Santa and receive a special Christmas gift.
FREE Social Strollers Friday 21 December 2018 10am-11am Meet at School Lane car park.
The Gibberd Gallery is based at Harlow Civic Centre and is open to the public Monday to Friday 9am to 4.45pm and Saturdays 11am to 4pm. Closed on Bank Holidays.
Paloma Proudfoot – FREE Metropolitan Wares Until 17 January 2019 Metropolitan Wares is a solo presentation of new and developing work by the 2017/18 artist in residence, Paloma Proudfoot. Its title refers to Metropolitan Slipware, highly decorated pottery produced in Harlow in the 17th century so-called because much of it went to be sold on the London market as affordable household ceramics. Items loaned from Harlow Museum will sit alongside Proudfoot’s own work in ceramics and clothes-making, and artwork inspired by her practice and produced in artist-led workshops will be on display in the Hideaway Gallery.
Social Strollers
Bing Live! 13-14 February 2019 Going to the theatre… it’s a Bing thing! Calling all Bingsters! Bing and his friends are coming to Harlow in the first ever Bing stage show!
Harlow Town Park Events www.harlow.gov.uk/events
Harlow parkrun EE Every Saturday 9am FR Meet at School Lane car park. Before your first run, register at www.parkrun.org.uk/harlow Harlow junior parkrun FREE Every Sunday from 9am A free 2km run for children aged between 4 and 14. Before your first run, please register at www.parkrun.org.uk/register
Buggy Fitness Class Tuesday 18 December 2018 10.30am £5 per class. Meet at Pets’ Corner entrance. Call Lara 07471 105210 or email villagegreengym@ yahoo.co.uk
The Gallery is open Tuesday to Friday 10am-5pm, Sunday 2pm-4pm or by appointment.
PRESENT ARTS FREE Until 23 December The Gallery at Parndon Mill presents a series of exhibitions of fine art and crafts by skilled and distinguished artists. During the Christmas period, the exhibition PRESENT ARTS maintains the same high standard, but the emphasis is on works of art which are affordable. This exhibition is a feast for the eye and is a great opportunity to acquire a unique and special present, something new for the home, individual cards, or even decorations for the Christmas tree.
AladdiN Saturday 1 December 2018 - Sunday 6 January 2019 Join us on a magical carpet ride all the way to Peking for this year’s spectacular pantomime at Harlow Playhouse. Featuring our exciting blend of live music, quality professional performers and stunning sets. HARLOW PLAYHOUSE IN ASSOCIATION WITH KD THEATRE PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS
We are giving away a family ticket (four tickets) for the 7pm performance on Saturday 5 January 2019. Email your name, address and telephone number* to kirstie.brough@harlow.gov.uk (one entry per household). Entry deadline: 21 December 2018.
Theatre For All
harlow playhouse C R E AT E
www.harlowplayhouse.co.uk 01279 431945
*More information on how we collect, use, process and protect personal information please visit www.harlowplayhouse.co.uk/privacy-policy
Box Office 01279 431945 www.playhouseharlow.com
harlow playhouse C R E AT E
Event information correct at time of going to press · Please check dates, times and prices by contacting the relevant organiser(s).
harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
it’s Competition time!
Present Arts - the gallery at Parndon Mill.
Town Park volunteers FREE Thursday 13 and 20 December 2018 10am-2pm Meet at entrance to Walled Garden.
Advertisements The inclusion of free or paid for advertisements does not imply endorsement by Harlow Council of any product or service. Terms and conditions apply. There may be occasions when advertising space is not available in an edition. If this occurs we will offer space in the next available edition of the magazine. For more information on advert space, submission deadlines, artwork and costs please email: communications@harlow.gov.uk Free advertisements
www.lisafringe.yoga Local Mixed Ability Yoga Classes and 1-2-1’s
Seasoned firewood for sale from Parndon Wood Nature Reserve
Recycle your real Christmas Tree
£60 per dumpy bag, collect only from CM19 4SF
Responsibly-sourced firewood, sustainably harvested from our SSSI woodlands in Harlow. Buying our firewood helps to support the conservation of some of the County’s finest ancient woodlands. Email: patrick.bailly@harlow.gov.uk or telephone: 07814 233854 / 07738 116909
Paid for advertising
16 harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
You can recycle your real tree for just £2.10!
Book a Christmas tree collection at www.harlow.gov.uk/book If you have signed up for our fortnightly garden waste collection, there is no need to book, just put your tree out on your collection day.
Recycling in Harlow
‘Tis the season to recycle Presents beautifully wrapped under the tree, Christmas cards on display, eat, drink and be merry – it all adds up to a great Christmas time, and extra waste and recycling. Follow our simple guide and put some festive cheer into dealing with your extra waste! Recycling
Recycling as much as possible is a great way to save resources and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. Most types of wrapping paper, Christmas cards and packaging can be recycled. Check our guide on this page before putting items into your bin or box. Unfortunately, we will not be able to collect your recycling if it is contaminated with items that are not accepted. Extra recycling should be put out as normal in bags that are not black or purple alongside your full bin or box. Please visit, www.harlow.gov.uk/recycling
Food and leftovers
Food waste should only be wrapped in newspaper or placed in compostable liners showing this logo:
Extra food waste can be put in compostable liners on top of your caddy or in a cardboard box. For more information on what you can put in your food caddy, visit www.harlow.gov.uk/food There are also lots of tips and guides to help you make the most of the food you buy at: www.lovefoodhatewaste.com
What to do with bins in extreme weather
During heavy snow and in icy conditions, recycling and waste collections can be disrupted. You should continue to put out your bins until they are collected, unless advised otherwise by us. For up-to-the minute information, visit www.harlow.gov.uk
You can put all of these in your fortnightly recycling collection
boxes, card and paper
mixed glass and jars
meat and bones
cans, food tins and aerosols
Tea bags and coffee grounds
bread, cake and pastries
We will collect one extra bag of household waste per household on the first non-recycling collection after Christmas Day.
Revised waste and recycling collection days Normal Collection
cheese and dairy
You can put all of these in your weekly food waste caddy
Revised Collection
No Change
Normal Collection
Day Thu
Revised Collection
Normal Collection
Plastic bottles and items marked 1 or 2
fruit and vegetables
Extra non-recycling over Christmas...
Revised Collection
Day Tue
You can also check your revised collection days at www.harlow.gov.uk/bins Normal collections return Monday 14 January 2019 harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Your Councillors Bush Fair Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour
Portfolio Holder
Tel: Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk
78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk
47 Old Orchard, CM18 6YQ Tel: 312195 Email: eddie.johnson@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Mark Ingall Labour
Councillor Simon Carter Conservative
Councillor Shona Johnson Conservative
Tel: 07900 256403 Email: mark.ingall@harlow.gov.uk
71 Mark Hall Moors, CM20 2NF Tel: 429443 Email: simon.carter@harlow.gov.uk
78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: shona.johnson@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Eugenie Harvey Labour
Councillor Tony Hall Conservative
c/o Harlow Council,
Fullers End, Kingsdon Lane, CM17 9AB Tel: 445897 Email: tony.hall@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor David Carter Conservative
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07966 014122 Email: eugenie.harvey@harlow.gov.uk
Harlow Common Councillor Mark Wilkinson Labour
4 Rushmead Villas, CM20 2QE Tel: 423474 Email: jean.clark@harlow.gov.uk
5 Commonfields, CM20 3QE Tel: 300582 Email: bob.davis@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Emma Toal Labour
Councillor Chris Vince Labour
Councillor Lanie Shears Labour
c/o Harlow Council,
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07885 881255 Email: emma.toal@harlow.gov.uk
188 Rivermill, CM20 1PA Tel: 07903 189211 Email: chris.vince@harlow.gov.uk
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Councillor Maggie Hulcoop Labour
Councillor Tony Durcan Labour
330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA Tel: 452252 Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk
329 Rundells, CM18 7HN Tel: 414357 Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk
Old Harlow
Portfolio Holder
Tel: 07906 870935 Email: lanie.shears@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Danny Purton Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Portfolio Holder
Tel: 07763 486882 Email: danny.purton@harlow.gov.uk
Staple Tye
Councillor Edna Stevens Labour
Councillor Sue Livings Conservative
Councillor John Strachan Labour
210 Fullers Mead, CM17 9AX Tel: 324183 Email: edna.stevens@harlow.gov.uk
15 Seeleys, CM17 0AD Tel: 422339 Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk
100 Seymours, CM19 5NH Tel: 323656 / 07941 829965 Email: john.strachan@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Shannon Jezzard Labour
Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative
Councillor Stefan Mullard Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07850 861905 Email: shannon.jezzard@harlow.gov.uk
Brook House, Wyldwood Close, CM17 0JD Tel: 437401 Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk
312 Northbrooks, CM19 4DW Tel: 07951 401128 Email: stefan.mullard@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Mike Danvers Labour
Councillor Joel Charles Conservative
Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative
65 Tunnmeade, CM20 3HN Tel: 425934 / 07398 160081 Email: mike.danvers@harlow.gov.uk
86 Jocelyns, CM17 0BU Tel: 07752 096765 Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk
64 Great Brays, CM18 6DW Tel: 07775 925274 Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk
Sumners & Kingsmoor Councillor Clive Souter Conservative VICE CHAIR
Mark Hall
Councillor Bob Davis Labour
Portfolio Holder
Little Parndon & Hare Street
23 Greygoose Park, CM19 4JL Tel: 420340 Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Jean Clark Labour
56 Sakins Croft, CM18 7BP Tel: 07718 696429 DEPUTY LEADER Email: mark.wilkinson@harlow.gov.uk
Portfolio Holder
Great Parndon Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Church Langley Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative
227 Longbanks, CM18 7PB Tel: 07850 667900 Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Russell Perrin Conservative
Councillor Phil Waite Labour
Tel: 312195 Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk
1 Spruce Hill, CM18 7SR Tel: 07740 407323 Email: phil.waite@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Nick Churchill Conservative
Councillor Tony Edwards Labour
215 Brockles Mead, CM19 4QA Tel: 621094 Email: nick.churchill@harlow.gov.uk
c/o Harlow Council,
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07544 374168 Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Mark Ingall - Leader of the Council Councillor Mark Wilkinson - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing Councillor Mike Danvers - Portfolio Holder for Resources Councillor Eugenie Harvey - Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing Councillor Danny Purton - Portfolio Holder for Environment Councillor Emma Toal - Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth Councillor Lanie Shears - Portfolio Holder for Governance, Equality and Diversity Councillor John Strachan - Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
18 harlow times ¡ winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
Political make-up
Seat Vacant By-election on Thursday 13 December 2018
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Know your Cabinet Members:
Portfolio Holder
19 Seats Labour
13 Seats Conservative
1 Seat vacant
Ward Surgeries Please contact your Ward Councillors for details of up-coming Ward Surgeries.
For more information on who your Councillors are visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/councillors
Useful numbers and websites Adult Social Services 0345 603 7630 www.essex.gov.uk Affinity Water 0345 357 2407 www.affinitywater.co.uk Arriva Buses 0344 800 4411 www.arriva.co.uk Blue Badge Enquiries 0345 603 7630 www.essexhighways.org Bus Pass Helpline 0345 200 0388 www.essexhighways.org Children’s Social Services 0345 603 7627 www.essex.gov.uk Essex County Council Contact Essex 0345 743 0430 www.essex.gov.uk Essex Highways For traffic updates and to report potholes and faulty street lights 0345 603 7631 www.essexhighways.org Essex Police 101 www.essex.police.uk
Job Centre Plus 0800 169 0190 www.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus
Gas Leak Emergency Number 0800 111 999 Harlow Advice Centre Based in Harlow Library 01279 704002 Harlow Bus Station 01279 426349 www.harlow.gov.uk/bus-station
Harlow Citizens’ Advice Bureau 0344 477 0808 www.harlowcitizensadvice.org.uk Harlow College 01279 868000 www.harlow-college.ac.uk Harlow Community Transport 01279 798876 www.efcommunitytransport.co.uk Harlow Council Contact Harlow 01279 446655 www.harlow.gov.uk
National Rail Enquiries 0345 748 4950 www.nationalrail.co.uk NHS Choices 111 www.nhs.uk Parndon Wood Cemetery & Crematorium 01279 620620 www.parndonwoodcrem.co.uk Post Office Customer Helpline 0345 611 2970 www.postoffice.co.uk Princess Alexandra Hospital 01279 444455 www.pah.nhs.uk Samaritans 116 123 (free) www.samaritans.org
Harlow Registry Office 0345 603 7632 www.essex.gov.uk Harlowsave (Credit Union) 01279 451234 www.harlowsave.coop HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd Repairs line: 01279 446666 www.harlow.gov.uk/housing-repairs
Schools Admissions 0345 603 2200 www.essex.gov.uk/admissions UK Power Networks (power cuts) 105 www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk
Book, apply, pay, report, check - it’s easy! Did you know that you can check your bin collection dates, report dumped rubbish, pay for services and even find your nearest health facility - all at the click of a button?
www.harlow.gov.uk Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed. This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other Councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine. We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town. Copyright for most images owned by Brian Thomas Photography (www.btphotography.co.uk) unless stated. Printed by Anchor Press Ltd., Harlow. © Harlow Council 2018. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v2.0. To view this licence, visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov. uk Where we have identified any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Communications, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG or email communications@harlow.gov.uk
Harlow Times can also be read online at www.harlow.gov.uk/harlow-times and is compatible with a variety of screen reading software.
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harlow times · winter 2018 www.harlow.gov.uk
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