Harlow Winter edition 2021
Lights on!
Pandemic key workers switch on Christmas in town centre
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Harlow Winter edition 2021
Lights on!
Pandemic key workers switch on Christmas in town centre
Front cover image: Harlow’s key workers switch on Christmas lights in the Water Gardens
Contacting Harlow Council over Christmas Most of our services shut down between Christmas and New Year. This helps save money on energy and building costs. You can still access services online, pay bills or contact us in an emergency. You can access many of our services and pay your council bills online at www.harlow.gov.uk. Council bills can also be paid using the automated payment line: 01279 446600. If you are a council tenant you can pay your rent and access your accounts by signing up for a My Home account - https://selfserve.harlow.gov.uk/ MyAccounts You can contact us in an emergency by calling 01279 446666.
We will be open: 9am-4.45pm Monday 20 December 2021 to Friday 24 December 2021 Harlow Times is printed on 100% recycled paper made from waste paper and old delivery boxes. This not only saves money, but is better for the environment.
We will be closed Monday 27 December 2021 to Friday 31 December 2021 We will reopen at 9am on Tuesday 4 January 2022.
In this edition
pages 6-7 pages 4-5
Still there for you
Skills and jobs boost
Harlow’s new Community Hub service launched
Millions secured to fund skills and jobs boost for town
2-3 16-1 7 19
page 8-9 Meet the new leader Councillor Perrin outlines his vision for Harlow
News in brief Heart 4 Harlow awards, biodiversity improvements and thanking key workers. What’s on Playhouse celebrates 50 years and the panto is back. Transport corridor Plans unveiled for sustainable transport.
Council housing news Latest information for council tenants and leaseholders.
Your councillors Find out who represents your area and when the next council meetings are.
Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed. This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine. We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town. Copyright for most images owned by Brian Thomas Photography (www.btphotography.co.uk) unless stated. Printed by Swan Print Ltd. © Harlow Council 2021. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v2.0. View this licence: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/opengovernment-licence/version/2/ or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk Where we have identified any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Communications, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG or email communications@harlow.gov.uk
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Circle Only use blue and/or white. For more details check out our Brand Guidelines.
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News in brief
Still time to have your say n Yourutrosway yo In the autumn edition of Harlow Times we launched a consultation on the draft Town Plan which sets out a proposed vision for Harlow in 2047 when the town is 100 years old.
Celebrating Harlow’s unsung heroes
The consultation, which runs until 16 January 2022, is all part of giving you more of a say on your town and its future.
For many years, the Heart 4 Harlow awards have celebrated the unsung heroes whose activities have brought out the very best in Harlow.
There is still time to have your say at www.harlow.gov.uk/ town-plan. Copies of the plan are available from the Civic Centre, the Latton Bush Centre and local libraries during normal opening hours.
This year, over 40 individuals and organisations have been nominated in five categories: Commerce; Civic; Health and Wellbeing; Art, Culture, Education and Sport; Churches and Chaplaincy.
Read more and stay updated
The 2021 Community Awards celebration will take place on Wednesday 19 January 2022 at Harlow Playhouse, honouring those who have opened their hearts to others; helping to increase kindness and unity within the Harlow community. If you would like to attend, you can book your tickets on the Harlow Playhouse website.
May elections 2022 The electoral register for 2021 to 2022 has been published. If your name is not on the register you will not be able to vote in any elections and you may also have trouble obtaining credit. The next Harlow Council elections are on Thursday 5 May 2022.
Visit the latest news section of our website at www.harlow.gov.uk/news to read more about these featured stories and other news from the council. Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Register to vote online at anytime www.gov.uk/registertovote or contact us for a form. You can register to vote by post, on our website, email registration@harlow.gov.uk or call 01279 446042.
News in brief
More wildflowers and trees are on their way
Image: Robbie Hutchin
More wildflowers and trees are to be planted next year to improve biodiversity in the town and help towards tackling climate change. Over 2,000 trees will be planted in 2022 as part of a new community tree planting scheme. Wildflower planting will also be increased in the town to at least 8 areas next year.
Image: Steve Pead
Four roadside wildflower areas could be seen around the town this year as part of a trial project, which has proved to be a success. The council has also agreed to end the use of single use plastics in all its tree planting and biodiversity work.
Our thanks to Harlow’s key workers The front cover of this edition of Harlow Times features the key workers who officially started Christmas in the town centre by turning on the festive lights in The Water Gardens. Key workers included a care worker, cleaner, firefighter, lorry driver, nurse, police officer, postie, shop worker and teacher. We would like to thank all the local key workers who have supported the town throughout the pandemic and over the last year. We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Boosting the local economy
Huge boost for local skills, jobs and b
Harlow’s local economy has received a huge boost thanks to a £2.7m package that will help boost skills, jobs and businesses. The government funding, awarded in response to council-backed bids, comes as part of the UK Community Renewal Fund which is part of the government’s levelling up agenda. Harlow Council will directly receive £476,000, which will be used to improve supply chains and purchasing powers for local small and mediumsized businesses to larger businesses with new training, technology and procurement procedures. Over £700,000 is going to Essex County Council, which will use the funding for a project managed to retrofit private properties to be more energy efficient in both Harlow and Tendring. A further £1.5 million will be used for projects, including at Harlow College, to boost careers guidance for residents to ensure young people can access high-quality apprenticeships and jobs. Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Dan Swords, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Regeneration:
“We have helped to secure a £2.7 million package of investment from the government which will transform careers guidance, apprenticeships and job opportunities as well as massively improving skills and productivity in the local economy. “I passionately believe that investing in careers, skills, apprenticeships and our local businesses is one of the single most important investments that we can make for the future of our town. “Building back better is not about these impressive figures, but about improving the life chances for our residents and opening high-quality job and apprenticeship opportunities across Harlow and that is what we are delivering.”
Boosting the local economy
business with £2.7 million investment
Harlow Innovation Park – a place for jobs, skills and training Harlow Innovation Park (helloharlow.co.uk) on London Road is already one of the places which is ready to provide new jobs, skills and training opportunities for local people. The park is within the successful London Road Harlow Enterprise Zone where existing companies are relocating and growing. Raytheon, Pearson and Arrow are all located at Kao Park and Renesas has also moved to Harlow Innovation Park. Did you also know that the Kao Data Centre within Kao Park is also home to the Cambridge-1 supercomputer - the country’s most powerful computer?
Anglia Ruskin University’s ARISE innovation hub has recently opened at the Innovation Park and is enabling the growth of new, innovative businesses focused on health performance and wellbeing. Harlow Innovation Park builds on the town’s reputation of being a successful research and development location and the home to innovative companies. Harlow is located at the core of the UK Innovation Corridor. In future the park is going to create many more jobs, skills and training opportunities. Visit www.helloharlow.co.uk and www.aru.ac.uk/arise Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Community Hub
New Community Hub is there to support you A new Community Hub has opened in Harlow to support residents as the recovery from COVID-19 continues. Based on the success of the community response to the pandemic, Rainbow Services has formed a partnership with Mind in West Essex, Harlow Foodbank, Citizens Advice and the Volunteer Centre Harlow. The service, which was commissioned by the council is available to all Harlow residents and runs until April 2022 - it is funded by the Government. This pilot will be reviewed ahead of April 2022 to determine its potential to be a longer-term project. The Hub offers a range of services for residents affected by crisis situations, as well as information on community, physical and social activities, access to volunteering and regular workshops.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
You can contact the Community Hub Monday to Friday, between 10am and 2pm, on 01279 927005 or email: harlowcommunityhub@ rainbowservices.org.uk It is also possible to visit the hub in the Harvey Centre on the 1st floor every Friday, between 11.30am and 1.30pm, or visit the Foodbank at St Paul’s Church every Monday from 12pm to 2.30pm, and at regular pop-up sessions throughout the town. For more information on where the Community Hub pop-ups will be, please visit the Rainbow Services Facebook page or their website: www.rainbowservices.org.uk/communityhub
Community Hub
Building resilience Cllr Joel Charles, Deputy Leader of Harlow Council, said:
“The new Community Hub is an important step forward as work to recover from COVID-19 gathers more pace. It is a council priority to continue to offer support to the most vulnerable people in our community. The hub delivers on that commitment.” Sharon Summerfield, CEO of Rainbow Services Harlow, said:
“The community response to COVID-19 in Harlow has been amazing, with so many selflessly volunteering to help others through incredibly difficult times. We hope to maintain that community spirit and continue to help people not just through the pandemic, but through other crisis situations they may find themselves in as well.”
The Community Hub service is all part of the town-wide effort to support those who continue to be affected by the pandemic. A new community resilience strategy has been launched to enhance how the council works at pace to invest in the economic and social recovery from COVID-19. Councillor Joel Charles, Deputy Leader of the Council, said: “There can be no
complacency when it comes to working to deliver a recovery that enhances life chances in our town and one that helps to build a more resilient community as part of the journey we are undertaking to build back better. I am determined to work with local business and community leaders to make our plan a reality.” The overall aim of the strategy is to ensure that no-one in our town is left behind as a result of the pandemic or otherwise. We will do this by building a strong, connected and resilient town – a place where promoting inclusion and extending opportunity is a priority. This is only the beginning of the conversation about how to take forward plans to deliver a postCOVID future. A consultation process was recently launched on the strategy – you can find out more at www.harlow.gov.uk/consultations The consultation process runs until 20 December 2021.
Harlow Times | autumn 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Leader’s vision
New leader sets out his vision
On 28 October 2021, Russell Perrin became the 20th councillor in Harlow Council’s history to be appointed to lead the council. Russell grew up and went to school in Harlow and has been a councillor for the Sumners & Kingsmoor Ward for over 13 years. He has previously held senior cabinet positions. As well as being the Leader of Harlow Council, during the day Russell works in the town as an assistant headteacher at a secondary school. Russell dedicates much of his evenings, weekends and spare time to his council commitments.
“We will be a council that is there to serve and support you” Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Leader’s vision Russell recently set out his bold vision and ambitions for the council:
Making Harlow the best place to be Councillor Perrin, explains: “Harlow has a very bright future ahead and I believe that through hard work and dedication we can achieve our vision of making Harlow the best town in the country to live and work.”
Regenerating our town and restoring pride
Building new homes Ensuring Harlow is the best town also includes the council delivering an ambitious new council house building programme. Councillor Perrin, says: “We want to build a much greater number of council homes than the council has built in the recent past. We will get the council homes already being built completed as soon as possible and then launch a new bigger council house building programme, which delivers for Harlow and for many of those who need homes.”
“But if we are to be the best town, I know we must first start with transforming and renewing the very heart of the town and that is our town centre. We must also regenerate and restore pride in our estates by ensuring that the environment is well looked after by the council and that includes our parks, playgrounds and playing fields. “As a community leader we will ensure Harlow residents and businesses get the maximum benefit from government investment and projects to boost our town’s regeneration which includes: the new hospital, relocation of the Health Protection Agency (Public Health England), Harlow and Gilston Garden Town, M11 junction 7a, Harlow Innovation Park and the Enterprise Zones.”
A council which works for its residents and businesses But as well as getting on with the job of rebuilding and transforming Harlow, Councillor Perrin knows very well that, day to day, the council must be an efficient organisation and one that works hard for its residents and businesses and one which works positively with all other organisations. He says: “This council will be the main driver in making Harlow an even better place to be, but, above all else we will be a council that is there to serve and support the people and businesses of Harlow. We will support the most vulnerable residents and ensure we extend opportunity and prosperity to all.” Harlow Council’s new corporate strategy, which will plan for the next 3 years, will be agreed early next year.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Get ready for winter
Are you winter ready? Winter often brings a lot of different challenges, so it’s helpful to make sure we are all prepared. We’re ready to support you, but are also asking everyone to do their bit too. Gritting Patches of ice or frost on the roads and pavements can make travel more difficult for cars and pedestrians. Essex County Council is responsible for gritting the main roads and footpaths in Harlow. Check which roads are gritted at www.essex.gov.uk/gritters Harlow Council plays its part to make sure residents can get around safely by gritting areas such as the town centre, outside doctor’s surgeries and supported housing complexes.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Need extra support and help? UK Power Networks offer free support to those who need help during a power cut. To add your details to their priority services register visit www.ukpowernetworks. co.uk or phone 0800 169 9970. Affinity Water also has a priority services register which is free to join for customers who may require extra help. For more information visit www.affinitywater.co.uk or phone 0345 357 2406.
Severe weather updates The Met Office website, www.metoffice.gov.uk has lots of information to help you prepare for adverse weather conditions, storms or flooding.
The Met Office and Public Health England also run a Cold Weather Alert service which residents can sign up to via the Met Office website.
Get ready for winter
What you can do to help Guide to clearing snow and ice There’s no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice on the pavement outside your home, business or from public spaces. It’s unlikely you will be sued or held legally responsible for any injuries if you have cleared it carefully. Do not use hot water. This will melt the snow, but will replace it with black ice, increasing the risk of injury.
Keep an eye on the welfare of your elderly and vulnerable relatives and neighbours, remembering to socially distance. Clear snow and ice from the front of your homes and businesses. See our guide to clearing snow and ice. Keep warm. Pensioners and low-income families may qualify for extra help and cold weather payments which are paid automatically.
Removing the top layer of snow from your path will allow the sun to melt any ice beneath. Scatter ordinary table salt on the path or area you have cleared to prevent any ice forming and to stop it from refreezing overnight. Avoid spreading it on plants or grass. If you are worried about someone: • Knock on their door and ask them if they are alright,taking a step back to ensure at least a 2-metre distance when talking to them. • If you’re still worried, please contact Social Services on 0345 603 7630. • If there is an imminent danger, dial 999 and speak to the emergency services.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Harlow Spring Clean
Joining forces in the fight against litter The litter picking efforts of 28 local groups was recognised recently as Harlow Council celebrated the success of this year’s Harlow Spring Clean. Organised as part of the Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean, groups carried out litter picks during late spring and summer following the easing of lockdown restrictions. The events were supported by the council who loaned litter pickers, bags and other equipment with HTS collecting the bags of litter. The spring clean began at the end of June and concluded in September with a team of councillors and council staff carrying out a litter pick in Mark Hall park. In total the community’s efforts saw more than 120 bags of litter collected and numerous reports of fly-tipping around the town were followed up and dealt with by HTS. In October at the Civic Centre, the Chair and Vice Chair of Harlow Council said thank you by presenting each group with a certificate and £100 for their fundraising efforts or to donate to a local charity.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
“I regularly take part in the Spring Clean and carry out litter picks in my area and it is always positive to see the pride that our residents and children show in wanting to do their bit to keep the town clean and tidy. By residents, the council and HTS working together, we can make Harlow cleaner and tidier and restore pride in our town. I would like to say thanks to HTS staff too, who pick up litter and empty bins on a daily basis, and to the many groups of residents, including the Harlow Wombles, who are also out every day helping to clean up our town.” Councillor Nicky Purse, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment
Harlow Spring Clean
Harlow’s Spring Clean roll of honour GlaxoSmithKline 1st Great Parndon Scout Group Emery Family 1st Avenue Allotments Henry Moore School Kingsmoor Academy Plant Pots and Wellies Potter Street Wombles Vanessa Smith 7th Harlow Scout Group Chillout Kids Club Coalport Close Community Group Friends of Newhall Academy Ghana Union Harlow junior parkrun Harlow Steel Band McIntyre Family Pear Tee Mead School Sally Kitteridge St. Marys Church St. Marys Little Parndon 3rd Harlow Guides Clear Channel Great Parndon North Great Parndon South Harlow Cricket Club Harlow Sea Cadets Passmores Academy
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Review of the year
£23m secured to kick-start Harlow’s renewal Plans to kick-start the transformation and regeneration of Harlow were boosted in June when we secured £23.7m of government funding for Harlow’s town deal. The town deal supports five projects: new bus station hub and transport interchange, regeneration of Broad Walk, Staple Tye regeneration, Harlow College Institute of Technology and Cambridge Road.
Supporting grassroots football Football pitch hire fees totalling just over £7,000 were given back to Harlow and District Football League following the 2020 to 2021 season being disrupted by the pandemic. The money was given back to help teams as they prepared for the new season ahead.
n Yourutrosway yo Your town, your say In a move to give residents more of a say in their town, one of the biggest consultation exercises on Harlow’s future was launched in November as views were invited on the Harlow Town Plan. The consultation is still open and you can find more at www.harlow.gov.uk/town-plan
A review council’s As we approach a new year here are some of our highlights and achievements from 2021.
New council homes
Getting back to normal
In July the first new council tenants to move into homes at Prentice Place were officially welcomed by the council. The £3m project included the refurbishment inside and out of 15 council homes.
Harlow’s paddling pools reopened and a range of popular community services including Pets’ Corner were back up and running fully as the town’s started to get back to normal following the easing of lockdown restrictions.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Review of the year
Fireworks night returned
Making homes truly affordable
More than 20,000 residents came to Harlow Town Park to see the return of the annual Harlow fireworks event in November. The event was able to return following the lifting of restrictions on public events.
More than £600,000 of funding was secured by the council for the Bushey Croft development. The funding guarantees that all 16 council homes will be available to local families at council rent levels.
of the year
Huge boost for skills, jobs and business The month of November saw the town secure more than £2.7m of government funding to support projects aimed at boosting skills, jobs and business in the town. The council itself secured £476,000 to massively improve supply chains and purchasing powers of small and mediumsized businesses.
We’re going net zero In September history was made when the council set its first-ever target date and actions to hit Net Zero carbon emissions by 2040. The target is 10 years before the UK’s commitment of reaching Net Zero by 2050.
Award winning parks and open spaces Despite the challenges of the pandemic four of Harlow’s much-loved green spaces were awarded Green Flags in October. A Green Flag celebrates the world’s best maintained parks and open spaces. Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
What’s on
What’s on this winter
Iconic venue celebrates 50 years It was on 1 November 1971 that one of Harlow’s most iconic cultural venues, Harlow Playhouse, officially opened. To mark the opening a gala week was held hosted by Sir Bernard Miles with Lulu topping the bill. Other acts included comedian Tommy Tinder, ballet dancer Anita Landa and sax player Betty Smith.
The Playhouse was the result of a long campaign for a proper venue for performing arts. In November 1957, a Theatre Working Party was set up by local theatrical figures, but it wasn’t until April 1970 that the foundation stone for The Playhouse was finally laid by Jennie Lee, then Minister for the Arts. The Playhouse continues to be a hub of activity for the performing arts and has created so many opportunities for young people in the town. We are very proud that the venue is a Harlow Council funded service. We wish to say a massive thank you to the current staff and volunteers and all those involved over the last 50 years for their work in providing such a wonderful place which has entertained thousands of people.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Fifty years on the Playhouse is still going strong and it is currently keeping families entertained with its pantomime Robin Hood. It features everything you have come to expect from a Playhouse pantomine; hilarious comedy, dazzling dance routines and spectacular sets and costumes. So what are you waiting for? Join the Playhouse once again and celebrate 50 years of Harlow Playhouse, your Playhouse! Robin Hood runs until Sunday 2 January 2022. For tickets please call 01279 439015 or go online: www.harlowplayhouse.co.uk.
What’s on Free winter holiday clubs for eligible families The winter ActivAte Essex clubs will be providing fun physical and enrichment activities in Harlow for children and young people aged 5 to 16 years old.
New this year will be samples of stone carved lettering by a recent addition to the community and also a display of work by a local wood turner.
The clubs will take place between 20-24 December 2021 and are free for all children who are eligible for benefits based free school meals, as well as children from low income working families and other eligible families in need of support.
Harlow Town Park www.harlow.gov.uk/town-park Home to Pets’ Corner, 5 unique gardens, the bandstand, adventure playground and inclusive play area, outdoor gym, skate park, marshes and meadows and Spurriers House Café.
Harlow Museum & Walled Gardens Muskham Road, Harlow www.harlow.gov.uk 01279 446222 Open 9.30am to 3.30pm (last entry 3pm) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Check out the museum Facebook page for latest events.
Pets’ Corner Harlow Town Park www.harlow.gov.uk 01279 422790 Check out the website and Pets’ Corner Facebook page for visiting information.
Children and young people will be provided with a variety of activities, as well as a nutritious meal each day they attend a club. For more information on clubs in Harlow, call 03330 131620 or visit: www. activeessex.org/children-youngpeople/essex-activate/bookings/ Parndon Mill The Gallery at Parndon Mill off Elizabeth Way Harlow CM20 2HP info@parndonmill.co.uk www.parndonmill.co.uk 01279 426042
parkrun is back! Parndon Wood Nature Reserve Parndon Wood Road, Harlow www.ecco.org.uk 07802 237440 Open 11am to 4pm Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays and 9am to 6pm Saturdays. Check out Facebook for latest events.
Harlow parkrun and junior parkrun have returned to Harlow Town Park. Harlow parkrun is a 5k event which takes place every Saturday from 9am and starts close to the Greyhound Car Park. This year Harlow parkrun will also take place on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. It is free to take part, but please register before your first run at www.parkrun.org.uk
PRESENT ARTS 5 November to 23 December. The skills of many of the artists who have studios at the Mill are represented, showing artworks in glass and ceramics, jewellery, paintings and prints.
Harlow junior parkrun is a 2k event for 4 to 14 year olds. It takes place every Sunday from 9am in the Harlow Showground It is free to take part, but please register before your first run at www.parkrun.org.uk
Event and activity information is correct at time of going to press. These events and activities could be affected by the local or national COVID situation so please always check first with the event organiser by calling their contact number or by visiting the relevant website. Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Mental health and wellbeing
Looking after your mental health at Christmas Christmas is often seen as a joyous time of gift giving, reuniting with family and sharing a meal together. However, this isn’t always the case for everyone. Often the expense of buying gifts, pressures of last minute shopping, getting the big meal prepared on time, and the fear of managing family dynamics and expectations, can cause even the calmest person sleepless nights. Here are some tips to help you cope with the heightened stress around the Christmas period.
Don’t try to take on everything alone. Instead, ask people in advance for their help. Set them specific tasks, such as what they might cook, what decorations they are in charge of and what games might be played.
Try to connect with others as much as possible, even if this has to be done virtually. The key is to resolve any family issues before everyone gets together.
Don’t blow the budget
Try to remember that it’s the thought that counts when it comes to gifts, not the cost. If money is tight, consider being more creative with your gifting. There are lots of websites that offer ideas for making or even baking creative gifts.
Be kind to yourself
Make lists
Make lists of all the things you have to do and when they need to be done by. This helps to declutter your mind and also help you spread the cost of Christmas purchases over a longer period of time. Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
It’s ok to feel anxious or low. Try to be self-compassionate and allow yourself the room to experience these feelings. It’s often easier to deal with if you recognise it and accept it. Practice mindfulness, try an app or perhaps even ask for a mindfulness book as a gift.
Seek help
Seeking help and talking about how you feel is a positive step in managing your mental health. If you are over 16 and live in Epping Forest, Harlow or
Uttlesford, VitaMinds can offer support by providing the tools you need to get life back on track. VitaMinds is a free and confidential talking therapies service, provided via secure video, text-based therapy, webinar, phone or face to face (one to one or group) and is available Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, 9.30am-midday. For information and advice, call 03330 152 966 or visit www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk
Funding available for local health and wellbeing projects Community, voluntary or private sector organisations who would like to run a project helping residents improve their health and wellbeing, could be eligible for funding. The Public Health Community Grant Fund offers funding of up to £1,500 per project with no minimum amount you can apply for. If you have a great idea or project, you can check our website for the application criteria and complete the online form. For information, visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/ public-health-communitygrant-fund
Transport corridor proposals
The future of travel in Harlow How we travel in Harlow is set to change, following the launch of plans for the first in a series of new travel routes known as sustainable transport corridors within the town. Led by Essex County Council, the ‘North to Centre Sustainable Transport Corridor’ (STC) will see the creation of new and improved walking, cycling and rapid-transit bus routes between Burnt Mill Roundabout and Harlow Town Centre. Part of £172 million of funding granted by Government (Homes England) to support the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town programme, the route will connect into the Gilston development in the north and the town centre in the south.
The corridor will also see substantial landscaping with shrubs, low-level planting and trees, with the aim of increasing biodiversity along the route and enhancing the local environment linking into the adjoining Harlow Town Park.
Ultimately other corridors will be created connecting new and existing communities across the town.
The final design for the STC will ensure that it compliments and enhances the Grade 2 listed Town Park, guaranteeing protection of its important environment.
With dedicated walking and cycling routes and the creation of bus lanes to enable highfrequency rapid bus services the aim is to create easy connections for key destinations in the town and areas of new development, specifically including the planned Gilston development.
Once completed, the new STC will help to develop a culture of health and wellbeing and support the Garden Town’s transport objective – With 50% of journeys from the existing Harlow town communities and 60% of those from the new garden communities to be made sustainably.
To see details and comment on the proposals for the North to Centre STC visit www. essexhighways.org/HarlowSustainable-TransportCorridors To contact the project team please email Harlow. NorthtoCentreSTC@ essexhighways.org
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Housing news
Independent living at Sumners Farm Close Sumners Farm Close is an independent living supported housing scheme. It is similar to other supported housing schemes in Harlow, but with the benefit of additional support services for tenants who are in need of extra care and support. This enables them to continue to live independently within the community.
To become a tenant on the supported housing scheme you must: • Be aged 65 or over. • Have an identified medical issue or need support to enable you to continue to live independently.
• Be in receipt of a minimum of six hours of personal care per week, or have confirmation that a care package will commence at the start of the tenancy. For more information on Sumners Farm please call Tracy Quley on 01279 446345.
There is a 24-hour, on-site care provider, who in addition to delivering planned care for individual tenants also supports all tenants in the event of an emergency or sudden illness. Facilities available at Sumners Farm include a communal lounge and dining area, with the provision of an optional midday meal.
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As a tenant of Harlow District Council you are eligible for a home contents insurance scheme, created just for Harlow District Council starting from just £1.61 01279 446655 a Call: week for £9,000* standard cover. There’s no longwww.harlow.gov.uk/home-contents-insurance term commitment, it can be cancelled at any time and there’s no excess to pay if you need to make a claim. TCI Campaign - If you - FP.ENT.95.LC.XXX - A5 Flyer 4WK.indd 1
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
www.harlow.gov.uk/home-contents-insurance *Lower sums insured at lower rates are available for over 60’s. **New Customers only. Offer can be withdrawn at any time. Terms and conditions apply, contact above. Price includes Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) charged at the appropriate rate. The policy is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited. Aviva Insurance Limited, Registered in Scotland Number 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. FP.ENT.95.LC.HDC 29/06/2021 15:32
Housing news
£640,000 secured to deliver new council homes at social rent Harlow Council has secured £640,000 of funding for the Bushey Croft development which guarantees that all 16 council homes will be available to Harlow families at the lowest rent levels possible. The funding from Homes England reduces the cost of the development which is on track for completion next spring. The biodiversity in the area will also be enhanced, with the remainder of the funding being used to ensure that the new development is a pleasant and green place to live - in line with the Gibberd principles.
Councillor Dan Swords, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, said:
“This money means that these new homes, will be let at the lowest possible rent levels, as opposed to “affordable rent” as was previously planned. Delivering new Council homes is one of our top priorities. We will be bringing forward a detailed housebuilding plan in short order to meet that ambition.”
Councillor Dan Swords
Energy efficient measures will be provided in the homes with A-rated boilers and 400mm of loft insulation meaning energy bills will be kept as low as possible. Swift boxes, bee bricks and hedgehog pathways together with enhancement of additional allotment space and the planting of fruit trees and a wildflower meadow will now all form part of the development.
Careline is available for elderly, disabled or vulnerable people of any age in Harlow 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The service provides support and peace of mind to those who need it in an emergency, whether it is to call a member of your family, your doctor, the emergency services or simply to offer advice and reassurance.
You will be provided with a comfortable pendant which goes around the wrist or neck and an alarm base unit, which is linked directly to the dedicated Careline call centre. If you’d like to know more please visit www.harlow.gov.uk or call 01279 446361, 446356 or 446519.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Housing news
Help for leaseholders with major works repayments We have an ongoing programme of major works which we carry out on our flat blocks. When complete, leaseholders receive an invoice for their proportion of the costs related to these works. We understand that this may put some financial pressure on leaseholders. That’s why, to help you, we offer the following repayment options: • If you pay any amount within 30 days from the date of the invoice, you will automatically receive a 2.5% discount on the amount paid. • Interest-free instalments over 10 months, payable by Direct Debit.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
• Discretionary loans on invoices over £500. The loan is secured against the property by way of a legal mortgage. Those who live in leasehold properties also have the following options available: • Interest-free loans over a maximum term of five years – the length of the loan will be dependent on the value of the invoice and is secured against the property by way of a legal mortgage. • A mandatory loan with invoices between £1,044.00 and £40,740.00. Repayments can be spread over 1-10 years depending on the value of the invoice.
The loan is secured against the property by way of a legal mortgage. • Voluntary charges for leaseholders on no or low income. It must be established that hardship applies and financial assessment forms must be completed with evidence to support your application. • Interest is charged at the local authority mortgage rate (currently 3.56% variable) on all loans. Some loan options also carry additional setup and redemption fees. If you wish to discuss the options available to you, please call 01279 446206 or 01279 446241.
Housing news
Have you signed up to MyHome? Harlow Council’s online housing service, MyHome, is an easy and convenient way for you to manage your tenancy any time. The service allows you to: • Book and request repairs. • View tenancy details. • Pay council housing accounts, including rent for your home and garage. • View your rent account details or print a copy of your statement. • Request a change to your payment method.
• View contents insurance, supporting people, major works and district heating accounts. Leaseholders can also sign up to MyHome and pay service charges. Leasehold landlords can also request that all their properties’ accounts are linked.
Dedicated ceremony for HTS apprentices
All residents in Harlow can also use MyHome to apply to rent a council garage. For more information and to register, visit https://selfserve. harlow.gov.uk/MyAccounts You can also call 01279 446655 for more information and help with registering. had gone above and beyond, not only doing their own jobs but showing great powers of guidance and leadership in helping the apprentices. Chief Executive, John Phillips said: “I am very proud of
our apprentices and the apprenticeship system we have at HTS. I think it encapsulates the team work culture that we have nurtured. Long may it continue.” A ceremony to pay tribute to the apprentices at HTS and their mentors was held recently. HTS Group Ltd Chief Executive John Phillips, Non-Executive Director, Michael Harrowven,
and Councillor Bob Davis praised the work of the apprentices, making special reference to their efforts during lockdown and the pandemic. Special mention was also made of their mentors, who
For information about career opportunities at HTS visit: www. htsgroupltd.co.uk/careers/ For more information about apprenticeships and work experience opportunities, email: hr.admin@htsgroupltd.co.uk
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Essex Police
Harlow Police Station is open Monday to Sunday, 9am - 5pm Tell us what matters to you. Email the team at HarlowCPT@essex.police.uk • Call 999 (emergencies) Report online: www.essex-police.uk or call 101 (non urgent enquiries)
#protectingandservingHarlow Public Engagement
Harlow’s Community Safety Engagement officers, Pc’s Brad Hall and Sandra Marayen have organised more engagement events around the town. Look out for ‘Coffee with Cops’ and ‘Street Meets’, taking place around Harlow. For further event details please visit and follow our Facebook and Twitter pages. If you would like us to be part of a local event that you are organising, please email: HarlowCPT@Essex.Police.uk
Really simple steps such as paying with a credit card instead of a bank transfer or only using reputable shopping sites can make a big difference towards protecting yourself online. For more advice about protecting yourself from fraud please visit www.essex.police.uk/fraud If you’ve ever had your bike stolen or borrowed without your permission, you’ll know how upsetting it can be. Record details of your bike, such as the frame number (normally found underneath the bike between the pedals or where the back wheel slots in), the BikeRegister number plus any other distinguishing features, and take a photo. For more crime prevention advice about keeping your bike safe, visit: https://www.essex.police.uk/.../ how-safe-is-your-bike/
Crime Prevention Don’t get caught out by data harvesting scams this Christmas! Criminals use Christmas shopping deals as an opportunity to run data harvesting scams. Fraudsters impersonate organisations and businesses in order to persuade people to provide personal details, through phishing emails advertising cheap deals. The scam collects financial and personal information, including debit and credit card details, which are later used to commit fraud. Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Three men have been charged with his murder. We are continuing to appeal for anyone who saw anything or has any CCTV, dash cam, or doorbell footage, who we’ve not already spoken to, to come forward. We particularly want to speak to anyone in the area between 3pm and 6.30pm or has footage of that time period. You can call 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Please quote incident 884 of 8 November. Whilst our Disruptor Team was out on patrol in Harefield, a male on an electric scooter made off from them. The team located the male and after searching him, a knuckle duster was found and seized and he was arrested for being in possession of an offensive weapon.
Visit www.essex.police.uk/fraud for advice on protecting yourself against fraud, or for information on what to do if you think you have been a victim of fraud.
Protecting and serving Harlow A man in his 20s died following an assault at an address in The Hides on Monday 8 November.
Harlow Fireworks 2021 Essex Police - Harlow District Community Policing Team officers attended this year’s Harlow Council bonfire and fireworks night, making sure everyone was safe. We hope everyone enjoyed the evening.
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
Surgeon wins international prize Mr Teoh said: “Normally patients with this type of injury are not able to weightbear for at least six weeks, usually longer. This is particularly debilitating for our older patients, which this type of injury often affects, and their wellbeing.
A surgeon at PAHT has won an international prize for his pioneering research into the treatment of ankle fractures. Mr Kar Teoh, consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, won the Presidential Prize at the European Foot and Ankle Society Conference, held from 21-23 October, in Lyon, France. Mr Teoh’s research paper will be published in the European Foot and Ankle Society scientific journal ‘Foot and Ankle Surgery’.
“I am delighted to be recognised by EFAS for this research, which will help improve patient outcomes. I am grateful to the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society and AO United Kingdom for funding this important study.” Dr Fay Gilder, medical director, added: “I am proud to see Mr Teoh’s research recognised on an international platform.”
Voice recognition system for calls We’ve introduced a voice recognition system for our patients and visitors when they call the main hospital number 01279 44 44 55. The new system will help to answer calls in a timely manner and improve patient and visitor experience.
You will automatically be redirected to the new system and will need to state which ward area, department or unit you would like to be put through to. If you need to speak to the operator, just say ‘agent’ and you will be redirected to the switchboard team.
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Your town, your council
Your voice in your town Different areas of the town (11 wards) are represented in Harlow Council by councillors who serve four year terms after being elected. You can find details for your local councillors on the opposite page. Ward councillors can help you with services and issues such as bin collections, community safety, grass cutting and landscape maintenance, housing, parks and open spaces, regeneration, planning and parking. They can also raise issues for you with other service providers.
Little Parndon & Hare Street
Harlow Council holds meetings throughout the year, discussing important subjects and issues that affect the town. Most meetings are open to the public and held at the Civic Centre. You can submit questions in advance to ask at these meetings. You can also submit petitions on any issue that affects the Harlow area. Key planning decisions are made at the Development Management Committee which are open to the public. The public can address the committee on individual planning applications which are being considered by the committee. More information on petitions and questions can be found at www.harlow.gov.uk/your-council or call 01279 446655. Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Old Harlow
Church Langley
Bush Fair
Great Parndon Staple Tye
Your county councillors can help you with services run by Essex County Council like libraries, transport, maintenance of roads, pavements and cycle tracks, social care for adults and children, education and schools, gritting of the main roads and street lighting.
Council meetings and having your say
Mark Hall
Harlow Common
Sumners & Kingsmoor
Upcoming Harlow Council meetings All meetings held at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre (unless stated)
Highways Panel 11 January 2022 (starts at 7pm) Development Management Committee 12 January 2022 Licensing Committee 18 January 2022 Cabinet budget and Council Tax 27 January 2022 Full Council budget and Council Tax 3 February 2021 Scrutiny Committee 8 February 2022 Development Management Committee 9 February 2022
Covid-19 Recovery Working Group 15 February 2022 (starts at 6.30pm on Zoom) Full Council Council Tax setting 24 February 2022 Audit and Standards Committee 2 March 2022 Licensing Committee 8 March 2022 Scrutiny Committee 15 March 2022 Updated information on meetings can be found at www.harlow.gov.uk/events. Videos of Cabinet and Full Council meetings can be watched back on the Harlow Council YouTube channel.
Harlow Councillors Councillor Eugenie Harvey Labour
Councillor Dan Swords Conservative Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07727 406155 Portfolio Holder Email: dan.swords@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Mark Wilkinson Labour 56 Sakins Croft, CM18 7BP Tel: 07718 696429 Email: mark.wilkinson@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor James Leppard Conservative Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07454 686809 Portfolio Holder Email: james.leppard@harlow.gov.uk c/o
Councillor Simon Carter Conservative
Little Parndon & Hare Street
Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07908 518862 Email: nancy.watson@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Colleen Morrison Conservative
Councillor Bob Davis Labour
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 422339 Email: john.steer@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Sue Livings Conservative 15 Seeleys, CM17 0AD Tel: 422339 Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative Brook House, Wyldwood Close, CM17 0JD Tel: 437401 Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Nick Churchill Conservative
Councillor Tony Edwards Labour
227 Longbanks, CM18 7PB Tel: 07850 667900 Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk
Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07544 374168 Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk c/o
Councillor Gareth Williams Conservative c/o Harlow Council,
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07871 654611 Email: gareth.williams@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Russell Perrin Conservative
Councillor Ash Malik Conservative
c/o Harlow Council,
Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07761 780856 Email: ash.malik@harlow.gov.uk
Cabinet Members Councillor Russell Perrin - Leader of Harlow Council Councillor Joel Charles - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Community and Business Resilience Councillor Simon Carter - Portfolio Holder for Housing Councillor Alastair Gunn - Portfolio Holder for Governance Councillor Michael Hardware - Portfolio Holder for Strategic Growth Councillor James Leppard – Portfolio Holder for Finance Councillor Nicky Purse – Portfolio Holder For Environment Councillor Dan Swords - Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
c/o Harlow Council,
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07749 393037 Email: bob.davis@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Matthew Saggers Conservative c/o Harlow Council,
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07305 777819 Email: matthew.saggers@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative
86 Jocelyns, CM17 0BU Tel: 07752 096765 DEPUTY LEADER Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk
Sumners & Kingsmoor
Councillor Jean Clark Labour
Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07445 390675 (Text only) Email: colleen.morrison@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Clive Souter Conservative
c/o Harlow Council,
Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07729 406011 Email: chris.vince@harlow.gov.uk
215 Brockles Mead, CM19 4QA Tel: 621094 Email: nick.churchill@harlow.gov.uk
329 Rundells, CM18 7HN Tel: 414357 Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative
Councillor John Steer Conservative
Councillor Chris Vince Labour
Old Harlow
Councillor Nancy Watson Labour
23 Greygoose Park, CM19 4JL Tel: 420340 Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk
Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 312195 Email: eddie.johnson@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Joel Charles Conservative
65 Tunnmeade, CM20 3HN Tel: 425934 / 07398 160081 Email: mike.danvers@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor David Carter Conservative
Councillor Tony Durcan Labour
4 Rushmead Villas, CM20 2QE Tel: 423474 Email: jean.clark@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Mike Danvers Labour
78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: shona.johnson@harlow.gov.uk
c/o Harlow Council,
12a Hart Road, Harlow, CM17 0HL Tel: 07775 925274 Portfolio Holder Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk
Staple Tye
Harlow Common
330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA Tel: 452252 Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk
78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk
71 Mark Hall Moors, CM20 2NF Tel: 429443 Portfolio Holder Email: simon.carter@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Maggie Hulcoop Labour
Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative
Great Parndon
Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07378 879710 Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk c/o
Church Langley
Bush Fair
Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour
98 Coalport Close, CM17 9QS Tel: 07838 238573 Portfolio Holder Email: nicky.purse@harlow.gov.uk
Mark Hall
Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07966 014122 Email: eugenie.harvey@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Shona Johnson Conservative
Councillor Nicky Purse Conservative
Councillor John Strachan Labour 100 Seymours, CM19 5NH Tel: 323656 / 07941 829965 Email: john.strachan@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Alastair Gunn Conservative 11 Penshurst, CM17 0BP Tel: 07850 261771 Portfolio Holder Email: alastair.gunn@harlow.gov.uk
Essex County Councillors County councillors can help with services like libraries, transport, roads and highways, social care for adults and children, education and schools. Harlow North Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative Email: cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk
Harlow West Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative Email: cllr.michael.hardware@essex.gov.uk Harlow West Councillor Clive Souter Conservative Email: cllr.clive.souter@essex.gov.uk
Harlow South East Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative Email: cllr.eddie.johnson@essex.gov.uk
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Useful numbers and websites
Adult Social Services 0345 603 7630 www.essex.gov.uk
Harlow Community Transport 01279 798876 www.efcommunitytransport.co.uk
Affinity Water Emergencies: 0345 800 4411 Customer services: 0345 357 2402 www.affinitywater.co.uk
Harlow Council 01279 446655 www.harlow.gov.uk Harlow Registry Office 0345 603 7632 www.essex.gov.uk
Arriva Buses 0344 800 4411 www.arriva.co.uk
Harlowsave (Credit Union) 01279 451234 www.harlowsave.coop
Blue Badge Enquiries 0345 603 7630 www.essexhighways.org
HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd Repairs line: 01279 446666 www.harlow.gov.uk/housing-repairs
Bus Pass Helpline 0345 200 0388 www.essexhighways.org
Job Centre Plus 0800 169 0190 www.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus
Children’s Social Services 0345 603 7627 www.essex.gov.uk Essential Living Fund 0300 7900124
National Rail Enquiries 0345 748 4950 www.nationalrail.co.uk
Essex County Council Contact Essex 0345 743 0430 www.essex.gov.uk
NHS Choices 111 www.nhs.uk
Essex Highways Traffic updates, report potholes and faulty street lights 0345 603 7631 www.essexhighways.org Essex Police 101 www.essex.police.uk
Post Office Customer Helpline 0345 611 2970 www.postoffice.co.uk Princess Alexandra Hospital 01279 444455 www.pah.nhs.uk
Gas Leak Emergency Number 0800 111 999
Samaritans 116 123 (free) www.samaritans.org
Harlow Advice Centre Based at Great Parndon Library 01279 704002 www.harlowac.org.uk Harlow Bus Station 01279 426349 www.harlow.gov.uk/bus-station
Parndon Wood Cemetery & Crematorium 01279 620620 www.parndonwoodcrem.co.uk
Harlow Citizens’ Advice Bureau 0344 477 0808 www.harlowcitizensadvice.org.uk
Schools Admissions 0345 603 2200 www.essex.gov.uk/admissions Thames Water Blocked drains or sewage/waste water flooding: 0800 3169800 www.thameswater.co.uk
Harlow College 01279 868000 www.harlow-college.ac.uk
UK Power Networks (power cuts) 105 www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk
Harlow Community Hub 01279 927005 email: harlowcommunityhub@rainbowservices.org.uk
Universal Credit Helpline 0800 328 5644 www.gov.uk/universal-credit
Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Bins and recycling
What to do with your extra waste We know there is going to be lots more waste this Christmas and we want to make sure nothing has to be left behind. Check our guide to find out what you should do with your extra waste.
Extra recycling Recycling as much as possible is a great way to save resources and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. Wrapping paper, Christmas cards and most types of packaging can be recycled. Extra recycling should be put out as normal in bags that are not black or purple alongside your full bin or box. Please visit www.harlow.gov.uk/recycling You can put all of these in your fortnightly recycling collection
Clean and empty plastic bottles
Clean and dry paper, card and cardboard
You can put all of these in your weekly food waste caddy
meat and bones
cheese and dairy
bread, cake and pastries
fruit and vegetable peelings
tea bags and coffee grounds
Extra food waste can be put in compostable liners on top of your caddy or in a small cardboard box. For more information on what you can put in your food caddy, visit www.harlow.gov.uk/food
Take Charge Clean and empty glass bottles and jars
Clean and empty tins, cans and aerosols
Extra household waste We will collect one extra bag of household waste per household on the first non-recycling collection after Christmas Day. Any extra waste should be placed in a plastic bag next to your non-recycling bin on your collection day.
Food and leftovers Food waste should only be wrapped in newspaper or placed in compostable liners showing this logo:
Dead batteries thrown away with the non-recycling can ignite or even explode when they’re damaged. We offer a free battery collection on nonrecycling collection days. Batteries should be placed in a plastic bag or small cardboard box, clearly labelled and placed out for collection alongside your bin or purple bags on collection day. Please do not put batteries into your non-recycling bin or purple bags. To find out what batteries the service will accept, visit www. harlow.gov.uk/battery-waste
Green Waste Premium Service reminder There will be no Premium Service collections from 20 December 2021 to 2 January 2022. Collections will then follow the catch-up schedule; you can check your revised Christmas collection days on our website. As usual, other bookable services will also be suspended between Christmas and New Year.
Recycle your Christmas tree and we will turn your money into a donation You can recycle your real tree with us for just £2.20. We will donate all the money to the Chair’s charities dementia care at Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust and Harlow Stroke Support Rehab Centre, with Veolia matching every donation. Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/christmastrees to book a collection. If you have signed up for our fortnightly garden waste collection, put your tree out alongside your brown bin (or bags) on your collection day.
What to do with bins in extreme weather
During heavy snow and in icy conditions, recycling and waste collections can be disrupted. You should continue to put out your bins until they are collected, unless advised otherwise by us. For up-to-the minute information, visit www.harlow.gov.uk Harlow Times | winter 2021 www.harlow.gov.uk
Revised Christmas and New Year bin collection days Normal Collection Day Date
Revised Collection Day Date
Normal Collection Day Date
Revised Collection Day Date Thu 06/01/2022
Normal Collection Day Date Mon
Revised Collection Day Date 12/01/2022 Wed
Normal Collection Day Date 17/01/2022 Mon
Revised Collection Day Date Tue
You can also check your revised collection days at www.harlow.gov.uk Normal collections return Monday 24 January 2022