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MACHINERYROW USNR Announces Several Orders Dempsey Wood Products of Orangeburg, SC has ordered a planer mill trimsort-stack line to increase its capacity and expand its product line. The line will allow the mill to process 16 ft. lengths, and cut-n-two into shorter lengths. It is scheduled to start up in early 2021. The order features a Revolver lug
loader with MillTrak backlog control, Transverse High Grader, Multi-Track Fence, clamshell style trimmer, low profile stacker and WinnTally sorter management integrated with the THG. This mill previously ordered a Counter-Flow kiln conversion for its USNR batch kiln, also scheduled to start up in the first quarter. It also recently ordered new USNR optimization and controls for its merchandiser.
● Holzwerk Schilling GmbH of Rot a.d. Rot, Germany is investing in vision scanning from USNR. The BioVision side profile scanning system will scan the exposed faces of a sawn cant after the sideboards have dropped away to identify cant visual characteristics. This data will be used to sort each cant for “high quality” or “low quality” destination. The BioLuma 2900LV sensors will be mounted above and below the belt on the resaw outfeed to scan top and bottom faces of the cant. The system will detect knots and color variations for rot, and will provide a solution for sorting the cants for further downstream processing. The BioLuma 2900LV combines HD laser profiling and HD color vision along the full length of the piece into a single sensor allowing USNR optimization to identify and classify defects for accurate grade classification. ● 2020 continues to be a successful year for USNR’s Cambio debarker product line. The latest addition to the order book is a CamShift 600 modular debarking system ordered by the Moelven Soknabruket sawmill in Sokna, Norway. CamShift is USNR’s modern and modular adaption of traditional Cambio debarking technology, allowing for a variety of configurations to match different application requirements. This particular unit comprises a CamTrim flare reducer, a Cambio 600 debarking rotor, and six CM 600D direct-drive feedworks modules that transport logs through the machine. Both the flare reducer and the rotor slide out of the machine for easy maintenance. USNR will also deliver a CIM 800 log infeed and an outfeed conveyor. This system will replace a Cambio 800 and will be installed during summer 2021.
Stiles Will Support Minda North America Minda and Stiles announce Minda’s acquisition of Deal Manufacturing in North Carolina and the subsequent formation of Minda North America. Stiles will continue to be the sales, service and support partner, while Minda North America will integrate and manufacture technologies necessary for the mass timber industry. Charles Martin, who has been with Stiles for more than eight years, becomes President and CEO of Minda North America, which will be based in Granite Falls, NC. ➤ 44 42