Spain W: E:
The Ritz-Carlton, Abama Gregory De Clerck
H AUT E GR A NDE UR | T | + 27 (0) 86 1 AWARDS | E| INFO@ HAUT EG R A N D E U R .CO M |W | H AU T EG R A N D E UR .COM
General Manager
“The hotel has unique offerings that create a unique destination. What is your current biggest challenge The annual average temperature of 22 degrees competing on a global scale in a highly Celsius and more hours of sunshine than competitive industry? anywhere else in Spain. Another significant differentiation is the culinary offer of the resort The current challenge is the instability of with 9 different restaurants being two of them the world that makes us adapt to the new Michelin-starred. In addition to this, Tenerife situations constantly since the last two is Europe’s first Whale Heritage area with years. The team has now learned how to bottlenose dolphins and Short-finned Pilot adapt fast and efficiently having a flexible whales that are year-round residents and often business plan due to the new circumstances. spotted off the island’s coastline, a UNESCO World Heritage Site for cetacean conservation. What differentiate the hotel from others in The resort has it all, with an award winning spa, your opinion? to relax and discover a great destination few hours away from the main capitals of Europe. The Ritz-Carlton, Abama is a timeless island retreat on the southwest coast of Tenerife. How do you remain competitive within your A magnificent 400-acre estate that creates region in terms of the hotel’s offerings? an oasis of verdant subtropical space at the heart of a stunning ‘finca’ setting of As mentioned, the hotel has unique offerings natural beauty with volcanic landscapes that create a unique destination. The resort and panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. has it all to enjoy it all year round with your loved ones.