Seychelles W: E:
H AUT E GR A NDE UR | T | + 27 (0) 86 1 AWARDS | E| INFO@ HAUT EG R A N D E U R .CO M |W | H AU T EG R A N D E UR .COM
Nestled within one of the world’s most stunning Island archipelagos, the Seychelles is the perfect sanctuary for EDEN HOLISTIC SPA Seychelles’ philosophy of natural and organic beauty and healing for body, mind and soul. Just as nature intended it.
With the rejuvenating backdrop of Mahés lush mountains hovering over the soultouching turquoise waters of the Eden Island Marina, the highly talented EDEN HOLISTIC SPA Seychelles team will transport you away from the daily stressors of life and into a wonderful state of serenity, rejuvenation and tranquillity making sure to let your inner and outer beauty shine.
The caring and highly skilled international therapists, extensive natural product range and cutting-edge non-invasive beauty and healing treatments and aim to reflect the Spa’s ultimate goal of pampering their clients’ body, mind and soul.