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The Farm at San Benito
THE FARM AT SAN BENITO A Life-Transformative Healing Holiday The Farm at San Benito, a proud member of CG Hospitality, is an eco-luxury holistic medical wellness resort located in Lipa, Batangas, a 90-minute drive south of Manila, Philippines. It rests on 51 hectares of lush green jungle, with a stunning view of the majestic mountains, pure and fresh air with clear and positive life-giving energy radiating around the property. The Farm offers medically-supervised health promotion, disease prevention, immune support programs, and CIGNA Healthcare Insurance accredited medical services.
THE FARM AT SAN BENITO 119 Barangay Tipacan, Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines M: +63 918 884 8080; 24/7 hotline: +63 917 572 2222 T: (+63 2) 884 8073 E: Facebook/Instagram: @thefarmatsanbenito