HavaGood Times
Published by the Haverford Township Department of Parks & Recreation

“Life is a journey that has a lot of different paths, but any path you choose use it as your destiny.” - Ryan Leonard



“Life is a journey that has a lot of different paths, but any path you choose use it as your destiny.” - Ryan Leonard
Haverford Township continues to make upgrades to our parks, courts and playgrounds. We have completed a number of projects in the fall and have more planned for 2023. Below are details and pictures of some of those improvements.
Projects completed last fall:
• New play equipment at Gest Park and Paddock Park
• Upgrades and repairs at Freedom Playground
• New pickleball courts and resurfaced tennis courts at Grange Field
• New ADA accessible walkway at Llanerch Park
Projects for the coming year:
• New baseball lights at Karakung Field
• New play equipment scheduled for Elwell, Grange, Grasslyn, and Merry Place
• Upgrade basketball courts at Grange, Preston, and Veterans
Saturday, April 29 (9am-3pm)
In cooperation with the Freedom Playground Committee we are having a volunteer day to spruce up the playground. This year we did a big renovation - help us with the finishing touches. Sign-up for a 2 hour spot: https://haverfordfreedomplayground.org/
Monday-Friday: 7am-8pm Saturday: 8am-2pm
Shoot around by yourself or with friends. A great way to stay fit, work on your game or teach your child. Times: 12pm - 5pm Monday - Friday Times may change.
Drop-in Fees
Residents: $6 & Non-Residents: $7 Check website for updates: www.havtwp.org
Days/Times: Monday-Friday 9am-12pm
Residents $4 - 10 passes $30
Non-Residents $5 - 10 passes $35
Main Line Health free blood pressure check resumes at CREC beginning in January, 9-11am, on the following dates:
• Tuesday, January 3 • Monday, April 3
• Monday, February 6 • Monday May 1
• Monday, March 6
Date: Sat. February 4 (9-11am)
Pop in to the CREC and join us for a cup of coffee with Haverford’s Finest. It’s valuable to meet the officers that help keep Haverford Township safe.
Drop-in Fees
Chris was hired this fall as a Program Coordinator. He is a Penn State grad and he will be responsible for Youth Sports programming.
The CREC was the perfect location for the Haverford Guild of Artist’s Show-showcasing the artists in a beautiful space. - Cathy G.
We rented the space this weekend - staff was very awesome - cooperative, helpful in bringing in stuff, courteous, etc. Tom was so accommodating - and Jack was just awesome in helping my wife coordinate everything - my wife said Melissa was great as wellTom’s crew of Jared and Dennis were also just great. - Larry D.
On behalf of the entire Scorzetti family, I want to thank you, Jack and Luke for making our party perfect! The room looked great when we arrived and Jack could not have been more helpful. The little ones love having their “special” table and the sound/projection set-up was awesome. Every guest and family member raved about the CREC’s beauty and functionality. A couple of people commented that they wished their communities had as nice a venue to use for events. - MaryPat
Registration is on a monthly basis and monthly fees are based on the number of times the class meets per month. If you have any questions about our fitness programs, please contact our Fitness Coordinator Jackie O’Doherty at 484-380-2730 or jodoherty@havtwp.org.
Tighten, tone, and sculpt with this non-impact fitness class.
Time: Mon. 6pm *Online Option Available* Instructor: Debi Saldana
Time: Thurs. 10:15am Instructor: Sandy McGuire
Breathe, stretch, align, and build inner strength. Great class for beginners.
Time: Tues. 7:05pm *Online Option Available* Instructor: Beth Ann Rush
Dance Fitness at its finest. Great music and fun moves. Fitness class with a dance party atmosphere.
Time: Mon. 7:05pm Instructor: Lauren DiMartino Time: Sat. 10am Instructor Carol Fee Time: Sat. 11am Instructor: Ivori Campbell
Check your inbox for information on monthly fitness challenges and free health workshops in the coming year. Not on our email list? Call or email us to receive info about new classes, fitness updates, and free events at the CREC.
Let your inner rock star shine with this fitness class that uses slightly weighted drumsticks called Ripstix® to pound your way to fitness and strength. Drum along with great music and have a blast! Time: Wed. 6pm Instructor: Lisa Drake
instructors, talk to local vendors who promote healthy living, and get discounts on Fitness Classes! 2023 can be your best year ever, and we can help you make it happen. Learn how small changes lead to big results and build your pathway to a happier and healthier life.
FREE Mini Fitness Classes all day, Healthy
Basics of Ballet for graceful movement, strength and flexibility. Supportive and positive atmosphere.
Time: Tues. 5:45pm
Instructor: PiChi Yang
More advanced dynamic balance and stability training. Must be able to jump and run to participate.
Time: Mon. 9am Instructor: Jackie O’Doherty
Dynamic balance and stability training.
Time: Thur. 11:30am-12:30pm Time: Fri. 11:30am-12:30pm Instructor: Jackie O’Doherty
Intense, calorie-blasting, non-impact cardio workout.
Time: Tues. 6am Time: Sat. 7:30am Instructor: Sandy McGuire
Dance fitness class for seniors. Dance your way to a better you.
Time: Tues. 9am Instructor: Elizabeth Luff
Small-group personal fitness training. Meets twice a week.
Time: Tues. & Thurs. 2-2:30pm Instructor: Jackie O’Doherty
There will be no fitness classes on January 2, January 16, February 20, & April 7
Chair-based fitness class with stretching and strengthening exercises you can do at home. Time: Wed. 9am Instructor: Sandi Kirschner
Increase strength and improve movement. Time: Mon. 10:15am Instructor: Beth Ann Rush
Breathing and stretching exercises, seated and standing. Times: Tues. 10:15am Instructor: Beth Ann Rush
All Silver Sneakers fitness classes have a lower fee than our other fitness classes and are FREE to members who have a medicare supplemental benefit of Silver Sneakers, Silver & Fit, Renew Active/One Pass or Prime.
Exercises designed to increase strength, range of movement, and activities for daily living.
Instructor: Beth Ann Rush
*Call or email us for available class times.
A variety of breathing and stretching exercises in seated and standing positions.
Instructor: Beth Ann Rush
*Call or email us for available class times.
Thursday, February 16 (7pm)
Save money on electricity, take a bite out of global warming, and enhance the value of your home. Learn about assessing viability, cost, payback, increase in home value, what the installation is like, and the group purchase opportunity. In 2023 there are 30% tax credits, low income grants, no money down options, and more. Learn from your neighbors who installed. More info www.solarizedelco.org. FREE. Registration required.
Wednesday, February 22 (7pm)
Planning to replace your Heater or AC? Heat pumps are one system that can do both and are eligible for a tax credit! Modifying HVAC systems to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions is the most pressing challenge to prevent climate change. Come and learn. FREE. Registration required.
Saturday, April 22 (9am-12pm)
Come celebrate Earth Day with us! Earth Day is celebrated in 193 countries and 2023 marks the 53rd anniversary. We need your help to complete service projects. You can plant trees and native flowers, participate in other restoration projects or learn from experts about environmental initiatives. Be sure to stick around for food, prizes and other fun activities. Check the events section of our website for more information in February.
Saturday, March 4 (9am-12:30pm)
The public is invited to attend this annual meeting. DCVA, a non profit volunteer organization, has worked to improve the quality of Darby Creek and the surrounding watershed. DCVA coordinates the annual Darby Creek Clean-up held at various locations in the 31 municipalities. Go to DCVA.org for more information.
Thursday, March 9 (7pm)
Want a guaranteed ROI and do something about Global Warming? Want to plug in but have range anxiety? Worried about your electrical system? Hear from people who made the switch. Power required, slow and fast charge rates, how to find places to plug in all explained. FREE. Registration required.
Sunday, April 23 (7pm)
The weather is more extreme with large storms. There are forecasts for longer heat events over the next 10 years. We need to adapt. Members of the EAC lead a discussion on what you can do. FREE. Registration required.
Register at www.havtwp.org. Click Parks and Recreation, click activities, programs & trips, click register now.
Saturday, January 7
Drop in any time 8:30am-2:30pm
Understanding insects is a small step in understanding the world we live in. Join Alan Samel of DCVA, an Aquatic Ecologist and Entomologist, as he exposes some of the subtleties of the insects we love. Location: CREC No registration required.
Monday, January 16 (7pm)
Learn how to reduce your waste, fight climate change, and make free organic fertilizer in your backyard. Gwen Nolan, of Mother Compost, will teach the basics of backyard composting and common issues for new composters. Haverford Township residents are eligible to purchase a compost bin for $30 after attending the workshop. FREE. Registration required.
Volunteers logged over 1000 hours planting and maintaining trees, removing invasives and working on trails. In 2022 we planted over 350 native trees and shrubs. We will be continuing tree plantings in 2023! Join us by signing up online. Check out our website for exact dates, times and locations.
Candy wrappers, small pieces of paper, water bottles, cigarette butts. Nothing mars the beauty of nature like trash. We want to keep our trails and parks (and parking lots and streets!) pristine and we need YOU to help us. Anyone is qualified to be part of our clean up team. Email emottola@havtwp.org to help plan clean up days and organize volunteers.
Tuesday, January 10 at 6:30pm
Ever wanted to learn how to prepare and enter your best plants for judging in a flower show? Master Gardener and Flower Show Exhibitor Rich Kedanis will show you the steps to get you on your way to your first ribbon! We will cover everything that you need to know to be successful with your first plant entry. Free. Registration required. Location: CREC
Wednesday, April 19 (10-11am)
Basil, chives, parsley, and thyme are great herbs for new gardeners. Growing an herb garden is an engaging, economical activity - and a great starting place for new gardeners. Learn it all from Master Gardener Joe Daniels. FREE. Registration required.
Saturday, January 28 (10-11am)
Learn how to properly recycle in Haverford’s Single Stream curbside collection; and how to go above and beyond. EAC members will explain what is accepted and not, how to clean recyclables, and introduce you to our opt-in program to recycle items not accepted in your bin. FREE. Registration required. Location: CREC
Register at www.havtwp.org. Click Parks and Recreation, click activities, programs & trips, click register now.
Explore music with your child as Miss Virginia leads sing-alongs, fun jams, egg shaking, lullabies with stuffed animals and more! The various activities help to increase age appropriate motor skills, language development and positive social interactions.
Ages: 1-3 w/adult Location: CREC Fee: $125 Times: 9:15-9:50am or 10-10:35am (Mon) Dates: 1/30-3/27 (6-weeks)
You and your Tot are on the move! See creativity blossom through toddler/adult cardio movement, stretching, scarf dancing and strengthening gross motor skills.
Ages: 1-3 w/ adult Location: CREC Fee: $65 Times: 9:15-9:50am or 10-10:35am (Wed) Dates: 2/1-3/8 or 3/22-5/3 (skipping 4/5)
Have a ball while making a mess! You and your child will have fun listening to a story, painting, gluing, and coloring as you do craft projects that encourage your child’s creativity and develop fine motor skills.
Ages: 2-3 w/ adult Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 10-10:45am (Sat) Dates: 3/4-4/15
Incorporating the basics of art, your child will have their creative juices flowing in fun craft projects related to a new story each week.
Ages: 4-6 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 11:15am-12pm (Sat) Dates: 3/4-4/15
Experience the fun and excitement spring brings to the Reserve. We will spend time on different themes which may include water, bugs or trees. We will explore trails, play games and make crafts. Bring a lunch. Ages: 4-6 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 12-2:30pm (Wed) Dates: 4/12-5/17
Become an amazing Chocolatier in this fun and yummy class! Focusing on seasonal chocolate treat making, you will get hands on instruction for decorating and packaging your sweet treats. Classes taught by “Lizzy’s Chocolates”.
Ages: 8-12 Location: CREC Fee: $60 Time: 4:30-6:30pm (Tu) Date: April 25
Designed with children in mind, this recreation preschool-age program provides a warm and inviting atmosphere where children can be curious, develop social skills, be active, and creative in our mixed-aged classrooms. Children must be potty trained.
Ages: 2.5 by Sept - 5 yrs old Time: 9am-12:30pm (includes lunch)
Visit our website www.havtwp.org or scan the QR code for information about our waitlist and program curriculum.
Director Julien Simpson - jsimpson@havtwp.org
Knights, Captures, Action! Program provides game instruction and match play to future chess aces. Class time will be spent learning game strategies and practicing them.
Ages: 8-13 Location: CREC Fee: $145 Time: 5:30-6:30pm (Wed) Dates: 3/8-5/3 (skip 4/5)
This unique program aims to offer opportunities for young adults with disabilities to engage in recreational activities and events involving movement and social interaction alongside peers.
Experience the sounds, sights, textures and smells that nature can provide. As we walk along the trails in and around Haverford Twp., feel the outdoors wake up our bodies and discover new trails to share easily with friends and family. Must pre-register. Ages: 16-36
Athertyn Trail Time: 3-4pm Date: 3/18 (Sat)
Classroom instruction that provides knowledge to pass your permit test and help you feel safe at the wheel. Course may qualify you for insurance discounts.
Ages: 15-18 Location: TBD Fee: $120 Check our website for time and dates.
During these two-day courses, teens will learn the basics of becoming a babysitter and get an introduction to CPR/First Aid. Our instruction includes child development, child care, and job-seeking skills. The program includes a certification to help you find your first job.
Ages: 12-15 Location: CREC Fee: $100
Time: 9am-12pm (Sat) Dates: 2/18 & 2/25 Time: 9am-12pm (Sat) Dates: 3/18 & 3/25
Darby Creek Trail Time: 3-4pm Date: 4/22 (Sat)
Pennsy Trail Time: 3-4pm Date: 5/20 (Sat)
This 90-minute program is designed to prepare students to safely care for themselves when parents are away for short periods of time. Students are introduced to the Safe Sitter First Aid Chart and learn a system to help them assess and respond to injuries and illnesses.
Grades: 4-6 Location: CREC Fee: $45 Date: 2/28 Time: 4:30-6pm (Tu) Date: 4/4 Time: 10-11:30am (Tu)
Is your child a Scout? Receive a scout badge for completing a Safe Sitter or Safe@Home course
Small Fry Soccer introduces your child to the first fundamental skills of soccer. The curriculum focuses on fun and participation so your child leaves loving soccer. Ages: 3-4 w/ adult Fee: $80
Session 1 - Dates: 1/21-2/25 (Sat) Time: 10-10:50am Location: CREC Session 2 - Dates: 4/1-5/13 (Sat) Times: 10-10:50am or 11-11:50am Location: Grasslyn
Our all-star staff will help kids develop soccer, coordination and sportsmanship skills in a supportive, motivating and positive atmosphere.
Ages: 5-6 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 11-11:50am (Sat) Dates: 1/21-2/25
With its fun and imaginative games and activities, our program will help kids develop soccer, coordination, and listening skills in a supportive, motivating and positive environment. Fee: $80
Tuesday Session - Location: Haverford Reserve Ages: 4-5 Time: 4-4:50pm Dates: 4/4-5/9 (Tu) Ages: 5-6 Time: 5-5:50pm Dates: 4/4-5/9 (Tu)
Saturday Session - Location: Grasslyn Ages: 4-5 Time: 12-12:50pm Dates: 4/1-5/13 (Sat) Ages: 5-6 Time: 1-1:50pm Dates: 4/1-5/13 (Sat)
This program combines a fun-filled introduction to different sports through age-appropriate games and activities including basketball, gagaball, and football.
Ages: 4-5 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 12-12:50pm (Sat) Dates: 1/21-2/25
Our trained staff provide an engaging basketball experience focusing on skill development and fun through a series of games and activities.
Ages: 3-4 w/ adult Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 10:10-11am (Sat) Dates: 1/21-2/25
One of our most popular programs, Little Dribblers introduces boys and girls to basketball skills through fun games, drills, and activities.
Ages: 5-6 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Times: 11:10am-12pm or 12:10-1pm (Sat) Dates: 1/21-2/25
During this six-week clinic, we will emphasize dribbling, shooting, and passing with fun drills and activities that will be sure to have your child excited about basketball.
Ages: 6-8 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 1:10-2pm (Sat) Dates: 1/21-2/25
Steel Baseball & Steel Softball lead these four week clinics. Staff will focus on skill building in a fun, low-pressure environment. They will use softer balls. Players should have a glove. Fee: $110 Dates: 3/4-3/25 (Sat) Location: CREC Ages: 5-6 Time: 10-10:50am Ages: 7-8 Time: 11-11:50am
Suzanne Barr teaches the basics of tennis in a fun setting close to home. She covers proper grip and how to hit. Ages: 4-5 Fee: $85
TuesdayDates: 1/17-2/21 Time: 3-3:50pm Location: CREC Dates: 4/4-5/9 Time: 5-5:50pm Location: Elwell
WednesdayDates: 4/5-5/10 Time: 6-6:50pm Location: Elwell SaturdayDates: 4/1-5/13 Time: 9-9:50am Location: Elwell
Kids of all skill levels can improve their stroke during this fun, instructional clinic that teaches fundamentals. Ages: 6-9 Fee: $85
TuesdayDates: 1/17-2/21 Time: 4-4:50pm Location: CREC Dates: 4/4-5/9 Time: 6-6:50pm Location: Elwell
Grade 2: This program blends fun drills and games to help kids build their skill level and confidence. Grades 3 & 4: Comprehensive program that combines skill development, game strategy, and league play. Players provide stick, goggles, and mouth guard. Grade 2: Time: 9-10:15am (Sat) Fee: $80 Grades 3 & 4: Time: 9-10:30am (Sat) Fee: $105 Time: 5:30-6:45pm (Fri) Location: Haverford Reserve Dates: 3/25-5/13
Haverford High School coach Nancy McGoldrick and her team host this clinic focused on stick skills and drills. Great for players of all skill levels. Grades 3-8 Location: HHS Gym Fee: $35 Time: 10am-12pm (Sat) Dates: 2/25
The HHS varsity program leads this clinic focused on stick skills and drills. Great for players of all skill levels. Players should bring a stick, helmet, mouth guard, and pads. We have extra equipment to borrow. Ages: 7-14 Fee:$35 Time: 8-10am (Sat) Date: 2/25 Location: HHS Gym Time: 8-10am (Sat) Date: 3/25 Location: HHS Turf
Improve your game with instruction and league play. We match players up with a partner of similar age and skill level. Players should be intermediate to advance.
Ages: 9-16 Location: Paddock Fee: $110 Saturday - Dates: 4/1-5/13 Time: 12:15-2pm Sunday - Dates: 4/2-5/14 Time: 12:15-2pm
This program uses a lower net, lighter ball, and smaller court to give every player a chance to succeed. Players will be grouped by age and ability.
Ages: 9-11 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 1-1:50pm (Sat) Dates: 1/21-2/25
Learn to drive like Rory, putt like Spieth, and chip like Rickie during this 5-session clinic. First four will be on the range and the last session will be on the course. Ages: 7-11 Time: 12-1pm (Sat) Dates: 4/22-5/20 Ages: 12-16 Time: 1:15-2:15pm (Sat) Dates: 4/22-5/20 Location: Paxon Hollow Golf Club Fee: $125
Phoenix Ultimate Academy offers clinics for players of all ages and skill levels. Their experienced staff will teach ultimate strategies, formation and skills, and rules for gameplay. No experience needed. Fee: $80 Dates: 3/20-5/1 Location: Haverford Reserve Beginner: Ages: 7-12 Time: 5-5:50pm (Mon) Intermediate: Ages: 11-15 Time: 6:10-7pm (Mon)
Children love to move and love to tell stories. Combining the two helps increase coordination and strength while encouraging literacy. Students will enact stories that are designed for movement activities; they will read traditional children’s literature and recreate the stories through movement, and they will create their own stories and dances. Ages: 5-8 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 9-11am Dates: 4/3-4/6 (M-Th)
Steel Baseball and Steel Softball present this premier camp for players of all skill levels. Steel offers top-notch instruction from highly qualified and motivated coaches to ensure that your slugger has an unforgettable week.
Ages: 7-14 Dates: 4/3-4/6 (M-Th) Time: 9am-12pm Fee: $200 Baseball Camp - Location: Steel Field Softball Camp - Location: Coopertown
Come search for bugs, explore the trails, and investigate all the wonders of the Haverford Reserve. Campers will get to play with bug boxes, look for frogs, and search for signs of animal life.
Ages: 6-8 Location: CREC Fee: $160 Time: 8:30am-12:30pm (M-Th) Dates: 4/3-4/6
Spend spring break learning skills from World Class Soccer School, an organization that has been teaching soccer in Havertown for over 30 years.
Location: Haverford Reserve turf Dates: 4/3-4/6 (M-Th) Ages: 5-6 Time: 9-11am Fee: $95 Ages: 7-15 Time: 9am-12:30pm Fee: $140
When: MLK Day - Monday, January 16 The Recreation Department is teaming up with Ursinus coach, Bobbi Morgan, for a basketball clinic. All proceeds will benefit needy families in Delaware County. Fee: $30 (food donations welcome) Ages: 6-14 (boys and girls) Location: HHS Time: 10am-12pm
Parents, are you looking to get the kids out of the house? Have them join us for games in the gym, crafts, music, tournaments, themed nights and a movie. Pizza is included.
Dates: 1/6, 2/3, 3/3 Location: CREC Time: 6-9pm (Fri) Fee: $20/ child (register at the door)
Welcome to the first Lids Disc Golf Tournament hosted by HUDA (Haverford Ultimate Disc Alliance). This tournament will be a solo event played with Ultimate Discs (commonly referred to as Lids!) Don’t have a disc? No problem, you can purchase or borrow one at the tournament to help fundraise for the HUDA team, supporting us through our season. Ages: 12+ Location: Haverford Reserve Fee: $25 Time: 10am Date: February 25 (Sat)
Saturday Basketball - Play competitive hoops at the best basketball facility in the area. Register online to hold your spot.
Time: 7:30-9:30am Fee: $60-6 wk session Dates: 3 sessions - 1/21-2/25, 3/4-4/8, 4/15-5/20
Over 45 Basketball - Drop in Basketball for the mature player. You don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing.
Time: 7-8:30pm Fee: $7 Dates: 1/3-5/23 (Tu)
Stroke clinic for all skill levels covering the fundamentals of forehand, backhand and footwork. Ages: 18+ Fee: $95
Tuesday SessionTime: 7-7:50pm Dates: 4/4-5/9 Location: Elwell Saturday SessionTime: 10-10:50am Dates: 4/1-5/13 Location: Paddock
In this course you’ll learn exactly how to plan for retirement, organize your finances, and manage investment risks. Additionally, you will learn how to develop a personalized plan that empowers you to reach your long-term goals. Whether you’re self-employed, have a corporate career or work with a government agency, you’ll get the answers you need.
Ages: 18+ Location: CREC Fee: $49 Dates: Feb 22 and Mar 1 (Wed) Time: 6-9pm Dates: Feb 28 and Mar 7 (Tu) Time: 6-9pm
During this virtual seminar, you will learn: How Medicare works and what it covers, how Part D prescription cards work and how to pick the right one for you, the difference between Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage Plans. Register online at www.havtwp.org.
Age: 18+ Location: CREC Time: 6:30-8pm (Wed) Date: February 22 Instructed by DelVal Senior Advisors
Melt into the world of chocolate making and decorating with “Lizzy’s Chocolates”. You’ll leave class with the Dos and Don’ts of chocolate, tips and tricks for packaging and special treats your friends will be amazed by!
Ages: 18+ Location: CREC Fee: $50 Time: 6:30-8pm (Tu) Date: March 14
Eight chess classes designed for adults that are intermediate players or new to chess. Introductory class to share the basics of piece movement, setting up the board and rules of the game. Curriculum will include opening and endgame strategies, piece development and chess etiquette. Lots of opportunities to play games with other participants and prepare you to challenge friends and family.
Ages: 18+ Location: CREC Fee: $145 Time: 1:45-2:45pm (Tu) Dates: 2/7-3/28
Come learn the fast growing sport from experts in the game! The clinic covers the fundamentals and rules of the sport as well as some game play. Players should be beginner to intermediate. We will provide paddles for those who don’t have one.
Ages: 18+ Location: Grange Fee: $80 Time: 2-3pm or 3:15-4:15pm Dates: 1/17-2/21 (Tu) or 4/6-5/11 (Th)
Learn to hit the ball straighter and further. This clinic covers the fundamentals of your swing, stance, chipping, and putting. First three sessions on the range and the last is on the course. Fee: $115 Ages: 18+ Location: Paxon Hollow Golf Club Men – Time: 5:30-6:30pm (Wed) Dates: 4/19-5/10 Women – Time: 5:30-6:30pm (Th) Dates: 4/20-5/11
We offer separate A and B leagues for men beginning in mid-March and finishing by Memorial Day. Teams will play 1-2 times per week on Monday and Thursday night. Check out HavertownHoops.com for more information about dates, times, and more. Team fee: $800
Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan - The Township received a grant to develop a PROS plan for Haverford Township. We need your input.
What is a Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan?
• Develops a Township wide vision specifically for parks, recreation facilities, open spaces and trails.
• Evaluates existing conditions and community needs, considers and makes recommendations for park needs, improvements, maintenance and programming.
• The recommendations will help provide a basis for decision making and support grant applications for funding which will help implement the plan.
Public Meeting - Wednesday, January 11, 7pm at the CREC. Scan the QR code to complete the resident survey.
Brookline Park Plan - The Township is developing a Master Plan for the old Brookline School Site. Residents are encouraged to give their feedback on how to develop this new park. There will be a Public Meeting on Wednesday, March 29 at the CREC at 7pm. Scan the QR code to complete the survey.
The following parks have picnic pavilions that can be reserved by Haverford Township Residents: Grange, Hilltop, Merwood, Paddock, Veterans and Westgate. To rent a pavilion, go to our website: www.havtwp.org Fee: $75
In order to allow the greatest use by Township residents, we limit time to 3 hour blocks and give township residents priority. For a permit and policy information please go to our website: www.havtwp.org
Construction on the extension of the Pennsy Trail from Manoa Road to Llanerch shopping center is slated to begin this spring. The extension features a pedestrian bridge over Manoa Road. Construction is expected to take 12-15 months.
The trail when finished will extend from the YMCA on Eagle Road to the Llanerch shopping center on West Chester Pike. This will provide safe pedestrian and bicycle access from the Llanerch neighborhood to the Township Building, Veterans Field, Bailey Park, the Library, the Middle School and Eagle Road.
Saturday, February 4 (9am-12:30pm) @CREC
We will review progress, plans and identify new opportunities to improve walking and biking in and around the Township. Discuss building trails and connections in the “near” western suburbs. Presentations by several regional Planning and Township organizations.
FREE, registration is required. Email emottola@havtwp.org to register.
Saturday, March 18 (9am-12pm)
Learn how to build and maintain a Rain Garden for yourself or in your community. Later, you will have the opportunity to hone your skills by joining our rain garden builds or apprenticing (i.e., assessing potential locations and designing rain gardens). Presented by Darby Creek Valley Association, Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collaborative and Hav-a-Rain Garden who have designed and built more than 80 rain gardens in the region at parks, libraries and private properties.
Free, Advance Registration required.
Saturday, February 4 (12-2pm)
All township Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, Daisies and their family and friends are invited to walk in the woods and enjoy free hot dogs and hot chocolate at the Meadow Campground at Haverford Reserve.
Haverford Reserve Disc Golf T-shirts and USED discs will be for sale at the Community Recreation Environmental Center front desk. T-Shirts: $20 Used Discs: $5 or $10 (depends on the disc)
Children and Adult Clinics coming this Summer!
Interested in sponsoring a hole, basket, or tee pad? Check out our sponsorship form on our website: www.havtwp.org - Parks & Recreation - Sponsorship or contact Kirsten Taylor at ktaylor@havtwp.org.
• 1/31 - Summer staff job applications posted
• 2/1 - Popular Summer Camp information posted on our website
• 3/6 - Full Day Summer Camp (ECP) registration opens at 8am
• 3/18 - The Summer Havagood Times will be mailed to Haverford Township residents and will be posted online
• 4/2 - Summer camp registration opens at 4pm
Apply to become a Leader in Training this summer! Leaders will spend their summer leading/playing fun games and activities, interacting with campers and learning important skills to become an effective leader. The LIT application and information sheet can be found on our website under ‘Summer Camp Info’. This will be posted on our website by February 1st.
For the seventh straight year, Haverford Recreation offers a fun and competitive adult softball league. Games will be played M/W from mid-May through late-July at 6:45pm and/or 8:30pm.
Register before April 21.
Team fee: $900 *we recommend finding a sponsor*
Check out the Summer Camp Info page on the Parks & Recreation website. This page will include information about popular programs for ages 3-12, FAQ’s, and links to previous offerings.
Haverford Recreation offers a full day program (8am-6pm) for ages 6-12. This full day camp provides a safe, fun-filled summer with a wide variety of activities, including sports, crafts, bowling and a field trip each week. Information on dates, times and fees will be available on our website in February.
Registration opens online Monday, March 6 only for our 9am-6pm time slot.
We offer summer sports for boys and girls in baseball/softball, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, ultimate frisbee, and volleyball; and for girls in field hockey.
Registration opens online Sunday, April 2 at 4pm.
• All refunds have a $7 service fee attached unless the refund is due to injury. There is no fee switching from one program to another unless the balance of the class is different.
We are accepting applications for individuals 18 and over to work park maintenance part-time and seasonal. For an interview contact Jason O’Brien at jobrien@havtwp.org. Work includes grass cutting, playground and field maintenace. Part-time is 29 hours/week. Seasonal is 40 hours a week.
We are looking for applicants ages 16 & over to join our Summer Staff. If you have strong leadership skills and are enthusiastic, check the Township website starting in January for an application. Interviews will be held late February, March and April. Please submit applications to Kirsten Taylor at ktaylor@havtwp.org.