www.havtwp.org The HavaGood Times 1 HavaGood Times Published by the Haverford Township Department of Parks & Recreation Fall 2022 Supporting Our Local Businesses For more information on Haverford Twp. Day, see pages 10-11. Haverford Township Day - October 1

Spotlight Award
Haverford Parks & Recreation Department received the Spotlight Award for Parks & Recreation Professionals Day. The award was presented by Tim Herd CEO of PA Recreation Park Society. Haverford Township was chosen because the department was Agency of the Year and is consistently one of the top agencies in the state.
2 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397 The HavaGood Times is published in December, March and September. All costs are covered by user fees and the support of our sponsors. Table of Contents Recreation Highlights from 2022 ............. 3 CREC Information .......................................... 4 CREC Rental Information ............................. 5 CREC Fitness ............................................. 6/7 Nature Series ................................................. 8 Trails News ...................................................... 9 Haverford Twp Day Map/Info ............. 10/11 Youth Programs...........................................12 All Abilities/Safe Sitter Courses..............13 Sports Clinics/Adult Programs.........14/15 Adults/Day Trips......................................... 16 Special Events..............................................17 Park Improvements ..................................... 18 Registration Info ........................................ 19 Looking Back at Summer............................20 Parks and Recreation Brian Barrett Director Eileen Mottola Assistant Director Larry Woods Operations Supervisor Kirsten Taylor Marketing Coordinator Matt Duffus Outdoor Reserve Supv. Jason O’Brien Superintendant of Parks Jack DiNardo Rentals Supervisor Jackie O’Doherty Fitness Coordinator Jamie McCloskey Administrative Assistant Julien Simpson Program Coordinator Community CornerMission Our mission is to make living in Haverford Township more enjoyable and healthier for you, your family and friends by providing top quality recreation programs, facilities and service. *People of all abilities are welcome in our programs. With your help we will do all we can to meet your needs.* Life. Be In It. @Haverford Twp Recreation Commissioners Park Board 1st - Brian Gondek Michelle Alvare 2nd - Sheryl Forste-Grupp Rich Caroto 3rd - Kevin McCloskey Steve Cull 4th - Judy Trombetta Lynanne St. Denis 5th - Laura Cavender Joe Heller 6th - Larry Holmes Nicole McLean 7th - Conor Quinn Jamie Jilozian 8th - Gerry Hart Chris Bobbitt 9th - Bill Wechsler Dave Burman - Township Manager The Park Board meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.

www.havtwp.org The HavaGood Times 3 Recreation Dept. Highlights from 2022 A Year in Review from top to bottom: • Staff Appreciation Night • Sunset Trail Running Series • Little Explorers New Playhouse • CREC 10th Anniversary Celebration • PRPS Excellence in Programming Award • Havertown Hoops Championship • Volunteer Day

Coffee With a Cop 4 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397 For CREC information go to www.havtwp.org or call 484-380-2730. Fitness Passes & Drop-in Fees No Membership Fees, No Annual Fees Discount passes available: 10 passes Resident$45 Non-Resident$55 20 passes Resident$65 Non-Resident$80 30 passes Resident$80 Non-Resident$95 WalkingTrack ResidentFree Non-Resident$3 Fitness Center & Walking Track Monday-Friday: 7am-8pm Saturday: 8am-2pm Fall hours begin Monday, September 19 Basketball Courts Shoot around by yourself or with friends. A great way to stay fit, work on your game or teach your child. Times: 12pm - 5pm Monday - Friday Times may change. Drop-in Fees Residents: $6 & Non-Residents: $7 Check website for updates: www.havtwp.org Pickleball starts October 3 Days/Times: Monday-Friday 9am-12pm Residents $4 - 10 passes $30 Non-Residents $5 - 10 passes $35 Main Line Health Free Blood Pressure Check Main Line Health free blood pressure check resumes at the CREC beginning in September, 9-11am, on the following dates: • Tuesday, September 6 • Monday, October 3 • Monday, November 7 • Monday, December 5 Date: Sat. October 8 (9-11am) Pop in to the CREC and join us for a cup of coffee with Haverford’s Finest. It’s a great opportunity to meet the officers that help keep Haverford Township safe. CREC Information Drop-in Fees Residents: Non-Residents:$6 $7 *Discount Special* 3 months unlimited use $63 - Resident $75 -Non-Resident Memorial Benches K-9 Kato served along Officer Mark Semerad until their retirement in 2020. Kato passed in 2022. Check out the bench along the Pennsy Trail in their honor.

www.havtwp.org The HavaGood Times 5 CREC Rentals Host your next event at the CREC, it is a beautiful venue with family friendly pricing. Whether you’re having a birthday party, graduation, bar mitzvah, baby shower or a family reunion we can help make your event memorable. We can also host your business meeting or basketball/volleyball practice or you can have your team party or kid’s birthday in our gym and party room. To make your event special contact CRECrental@havtwp.org or call Melissa at 610-446-9397. To reserve a space at the CREC or to view a video about rental opportunities, visit www.havtwp.org. Contact Melissa Rhodes at crecrental@havtwp.org for more information. Business Meetings • Bridal/Baby Showers • Special Birthdays • Weddings • Educational Sessions

Time: Wed. 11:30am Instructor: Gail Lazarus Power Hour - Strength Training
There will be no fitness classes on Sept. 5, Oct. 10, Nov. 11, Nov 23-Nov25, Dec. 23 - Dec. 26 and Dec. 30 - Jan. 2 Fitness Coordinator Jackie O’Doherty at 484-380-2730, jodoherty@havtwp.org.
Time: Wed. 7pm Instructor: Lauren DiMartino
CREC Fitness Unlimited Monthly Online Access Includes 5 weekly online classes all month long. 1 Senior Fitness 1 Senior Chair Yoga 1 Hatha Yoga 1 Barre Fitness 1 Gentle Stretch Only $45! Registration is on a monthly basis. Monthly fees are based on the number of times the class meets per month. For more information, contact our
Time: Thurs. 5pm Instructor: Lisa Drake
Time: Mon. 6pm Instructor: Deb Saldana *Online Option available Time: Tues. 11:30am Instructor: Sandy McGuire Time: Thurs. 10:15am Instructor: Sandy McGuire Cycle High intensity, calorie-blasting, non-impact cardio workout. Time: Tues. 6am Instructor: Sandy McGuire Time: Sat. 7:30am Instructor: Sandy McGuire Hatha Yoga Breathe, stretch, align, and build inner strength. Great class for beginners. Time: Tues. 7:05pm Instructor: Beth Ann Rush (Online Option Available) Zumba Dance Fitness at its finest. Great music, fun moves. Fitness class with a dance party atmosphere. 4 classes every week to choose from.
Time: Mon. 9am Instructor: Jackie O’Doherty LaBlast Dance Fitness
A 50-minute strength-building class that includes hand weights, bands, pilates core training, and floor calisthenics.
6 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397
Barre Fitness Tighten, tone and sculpt with this non-impact fitness class.
Time: Thurs. 11:30am-12:20pm Instructor: Jackie O’Doherty Balance & Agility Intermediate Level More advanced dynamic balance and stability training. Must be able to hop and run.
Time: Mon. 7:05pm Instructor: Ivori Campbell
Time: Thurs. 7:05pm Instructor: Lily Murdock Time: Sat. 9am Instructor: Carol Fee Balance & Agility Beginner Level Dynamic balance and stability training.
Join Gail for LaBlast Dance Fitness. An uplifting, calorie-blasting, total body workout based on Latin and ballroom dance steps.

Instructor: Jackie O’Doherty Registration is monthly. Class descriptions and fees are available online. To register online, go to www.havtwp.org and click Parks & Rec.
Non-impact strength training targeting core, arms, legs & back. Enhances posture and ease of movement.
HavaGood Times 7
The online option of Silver Sneakers Chair Yoga - fee applies. Guided Strength Workouts Small-group personal fitness training. Meets twice a week.
The online option of Silver Sneakers Classic - fee applies. Senior Chair Yoga Online
CREC Fitness
Time: Mon. 11:30am Instructor: Beth Ann Rush Silver Sneakers Yoga (Chair Yoga)
Time: Tues. & Thurs. 2-2:50pm
Time: Thurs. 7:15am Instructor: Adrianne Cerceo-Leo Senior Dance Fitness Dance fitness class with easy to follow dance steps.
Time: Wed. 9am Instructor: Sandi Kirschner Adult Ballet Basics of Ballet for graceful movement, strength and flexibility. Supportive and positive atmosphere.
Time: Tue. 5:45-6:45pm Instructor: Pi Chi Yang
The POUND® Workout Let your inner rock star shine. This class uses slightly weighted drumsticks called Ripstix® to pound your way to fitness and strength. Intense cardio with squats and lunges.
Silver Sneakers Classic Exercises designed to increase strength, range of movement, and activities for daily living.
Time: Thurs. 6pm Instructor: Eileen McAndrews
Time: Tues. 9am Instructor: Elizabeth Luff Gentle Stretch & Tone ONLINE Fitness Program Chair-based fitness with stretching and strengthening exercises you can easily do at home!
Time: Wed. 6pm Instructor: Lisa Drake Mindfulness Meditation Seated, guided meditation for stress reduction, mental clarity and calm. Begins October 6th.
Pilates Fusion
*All Silver Sneakers fitness classes have a lower fee than our other fitness classes and are FREE to members who have a medicare supplemental benefit of “Silver Sneakers”, “Silver & Fit”, or “Prime”.
A variety of breathing and stretching exercises in seated and standing positions. Time: Fri. 9am Instructor: Beth Ann Rush Online Senior Fitness Classes Senior Fitness Online

What to prune, when to prune, how much to prune. Join Master Gardener Rich Kedanis as he explains it all to us. Come with your questions. Location: CREC FREE. Registration required
Tuesday, October 4 (9:30am)
Earth Day
Wednesday, October 5 (2pm)
Wednesday, October 19 (7-8pm)
Have you always wanted to backyard compost but don’t know where to start? Learn the dos and don’ts from the experts. Contact havcompost@gmail.com and find out what you have to do to qualify to purchase a township subsidized compost bin.
Preparing your Garden for Winter
Compost Bin
Location: CREC FREE. Registration required. Fall Pruning
On April 23 we celebrated Earth Day at Haverford Reserve. Thanks to the 150 volunteers. We were able to plant 200 trees at three locations and two pollinator gardens. This day of service brought all ages together to work and promote a greater awareness of the environment.
Let’s get outside! Wear sturdy shoes and meet in the CREC lobby. We will lead you on a beautiful 45-minute loop and point out all the interesting projects at Haverford Reserve. Leisure pace.
Small E-Waste Container
Solarize Delco Reduce your carbon footprint, save money on your electric bill and increase your home value. Contact Solarize Delco to be guided through the process solarizedelco@gmail.com.
*Must be a township resident.
Join Penn State Master Gardener Joe Daniels as he helps us get our garden ready for the winter. Learn about covering beds, preparing the ground and pruning. He will teach us all about garden maintenance.
Haverford Reserve is now an additional location for E-waste recycling. A container for small household electronic waste such as small appliances, electronics, gaming systems or anything with a cord that can fit through the chute. The container is located at the far corner of the CREC parking lot.
Nature Series Guided Hike
8 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397

Parks and Trails Volunteer Days
This fall, we plan to continue our work, but we can’t do it without your help. We have projects planned for September, October, and November. These projects require minimal equipment and zero knowledge. Our trained staff will work with you every step of the way.
Brookline Park Master Plan
Haverford Township was awarded a $100,000 grant as part of the Delco Greenways grant program. The grant will fund a Recreation and Open Space Plan for the township. The process will begin in September and be completed by next summer. Haverford Township has made over $3,000,000 in improvements to our parks and trails in the last 4 years with more improvements scheduled.
The HavaGood Trail News
Pennsy Trail Extension
The Township Commissioners approved funding for a Master Plan of the Brookline School property. The old school was torn down to make way for a new park. The planning process will involve multiple public meetings to solicit community input for the park’s development. In a well-developed community like Haverford Township the chance to design a park from scratch is rare. Residents in the Brookline/Penfield area are excited to see a new park in their neighborhood. For more information about the public meetings schedule contact the Recreation Department at 610-446-9397.
Visit the current news section of the Haverford Township website for information about dates, times, and locations. You will be contacted prior to the event with information about what to bring and where to meet.
The plan will provide a blueprint on how to develop and maintain our parks, trails, and open spaces. This process will involve significant community input from residents, civic associations, trail enthusiasts and youth sports groups. There will be multiple public meetings and a community survey to hear what our residents want. For more information about public meetings schedule contact the Recreation Department at 610-446-9397.
The long awaited work on the extension of the Pennsy Trail will begin early next year. The extension will include a pedestrian bridge over Manoa Road. The expanded trail will go from the YMCA on Eagle Road to the Llanerch Shopping Center on West Chester Pike. The new trail will provide pedestrian and bike access from the Llanerch area to Veterans Field/Skatium, Bailey Park, the Township Library, Middle School, High School and the YMCA. Look for updates in future HavaGood Times for progress construction.
In 2022, our volunteers have logged over 400 hours on the parks and trails in our township. As a result, we have been able to remove invasive species from miles of trails, plant more native species than ever before, and maintain previously planted projects. These projects promote biodiversity by offering food and habitat to native wildlife, reducing flooding and erosion, improving water quality, and providing access to high-quality natural space in our community.
Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan
Times 9
Planning our Future
10 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397 Platnium Sponsor - Kelly Music for Life

2:30-4pm Free Skating at Skatium 12-4pm The De La Salle Orchestra (Big Band Music)
11am-3pm Caricaturist Artist 12-12:45pm Haverford High School (Orchestra) 12-3pm Face Painter (Nancy the clown) 1-3pm Balloon Sculptures (Silly Reba) Yale Rd. Stage
11am-3pm Stilt Walker (Dick Rainer) 1-3pm Magic Show (Poly the Magician)
Haverford Township5KTownshipHaverfordDayDayRun/Walk
HavaGood Times 11
Schedule of Events
Skatium Stage Brookline Stage
9-11am Newspaper Taxi’s 10am-4pm Bill Whitney
Juggler (Jonathan Perry) 12-3:30pm Train, Moon Bounce, etc. (Children’s Rides)
Skatium Area
11am-3pm Portraits Joyce Lapp Brookline Blvd
The race starts at 8:30am, check-in/registration begins at 7:30am. The race begins and ends at the Middle School. Pre-registration fee is $30 for adults and $15 for runners under 16. Race day fee is $35 adults, $15 for under 16. Register now at www.havtwp.org. For sponsorship information contact Kirsten Taylor at ktaylor@havtwp.org.
Annual24th Haverford Township Day - Saturday, October 1 Supporting our Local Businesses To nominate a local business to be recognized go to our Haverford Township Day page under Parks & Recreation.
Skatium Area Brookline Fire House
1-3:45pm Matt’s Machine (Rock, Pop, Soul) 12-1pm Kids Entertainment (Janine Kelly) 1-4pm Waterfall

Ages: 1-3 w/adult Location: CREC Fee: $65 Time: 10-10:35am (Wed.) Dates: 10/26-12/7
Drivers Education Course In-person instruction that provides knowledge to pass your permit test and help you feel safe at the wheel. Course may qualify you for insurance discounts.
Ages: 4-6 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 11:15am-12pm (Sat.) Dates: 10/8-11/19
Artastic Incorporating the basics of art, get those creative juices flowing in fun craft projects related to a new story each week.
Tots on the Move
Ages: 15-18 Location: HHS Fee: $120 Time: 9am-12pm (Sat.) Dates: 10/8-12/3 (skip 11/26)
Youth Programs
Krafty Kids Have a ball while making a mess! You and your child will have fun listening to a story, painting, gluing, and coloring as you do craft projects that encourage your child’s creativity and develop fine motor skills.
Shining Knights Chess Club Knights, captures, action! Shining Knights provides game instruction and match play to future chess aces. Class time will be spent learning game strategies and practicing them. Ages: 8-13 Location: CREC Fee: $145 Time: 5:30-6:30pm (Wed.) Dates: 10/5-11/30 (skip 11/23)
Ages: 2.5 by Sept - 5 years old Time: 9am-12:30pm (includes lunch time) Visit our website www.havtwp.org for information about our waitlist and program curriculum.
You and your Tot are on the move! See creativity blossom through toddler/adult cardio movements, scarf dancing and strengthening gross motor skills.
Age: 2-3 w/parent Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 10-10:45 (Sat.) Dates: 10/8-11/19
Designed with children in mind, this recreation preschool-age program provides a warm and inviting atmosphere where children can be curious, develop social skills, be active, and creative in our mixed-aged classrooms. Children must be potty trained.
Chocolate, Candies and Goodies Galore
A fun and yummy class! Through instruction you will become an amazing chocolatier! Join us for two “sweet” sessions focusing on two seasonal Chocolate Making Classes taught by “Lizzy’s Chocolates”.
Ages: 8-12 Location: CREC Fee: $55 Time: 10am-12pm (Sat.) Dates: 10/8 or 12/3 Nature Club Experience the fun and excitement the fall brings to the Reserve. Each week we will spend time on different themes which could include water, bugs, or trees. We will explore the trails, play games, and make crafts.
Director Julien Simpson - jsimpson@havtwp.org or call 484-380-2730.
Little Explorers
12 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397
Ages: 6-9 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 4:15-5:45pm (Tu.) Dates: 9/27-11/1

Grades: 4-6 Location: CREC Fee: $45 Date: October 19 Time: 4:30-6pm (Wed.) Date: December 7 Time: 4:30-6pm (Wed.)
Pennsy Trail Time: 3:45-4:45pm Date: 12/3 (Sat.)
Rec at the CREC Fitness Group workouts adapted for all abilities and fitness levels. Focuses on boosting cardio, agility, body awareness and more! We will end our class with cool down laps around our Walking Track.
Sensory Trail Walks - Free Experience the sounds, sights, textures and smells that nature can provide, as we walk along the trails in and around Haverford Twp. Feel the outdoors wake up your bodies and discover new trails to share easily with friends and families. Must pre-register.
This 90-minute program is designed to prepare students to safely care for themselves when parents are away for short periods of time. Students are introduced to the Safe Sitter First Aid Chart and learn a system to help them assess and respond to injuries.
Location: CREC Fee:$50/month Time: 4-4:45pm Dates: Tuesdays - Oct. & Nov.
Ages: 12-15 Location: CREC Fee: $100 Dates: 10/29 & 11/5 Time: 9am-12pm (Sat.) Dates: 12/28 & 12/29 Time: 9am-12pm (W/Th) Is your child a Scout? Receive a scout badge for completing a Safe Sitter or Safe@Home
Darby Creek Trail Time: 3:45-4:45pm Date: 11/12 (Sat.)
Safe Sitter Training
During these 2-day courses, teens will learn the basics of babysitting and get an introduction to CPR/ First Aid. Our instruction includes child development, child care, and job-seeking skills. The program includes a certification to help you find your first job.
Ages: Athertyn16-36Trail Time: 3:45-4:45pm Date: 10/8 (Sat.)
CourseSafe Sitter Courses

Our all-star staff will help kids develop soccer skills, coordination, and sportsmanship skills in a supportive, motivating, and positive environment.
Floor Hockey Clinic
Ages: 5-6 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 11:10am-12pm (Sat.) Dates: 11/5-12/17
Indoor Soccer
Ages: 7-8 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 12:10-1pm (Sat.) Dates: 11/5-12/17
Ages: 9-11 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 1:10-2pm (Sat.) Dates: 11/5-12/17
Golf Clinic
Sports 4 Me
Little Dribblers
This league is a great way for beginners and developing players to learn the game. Instruction focuses on individual skills, positions and team strategy. Players will be evaluated & placed on teams. Separate leagues for boys and girls beginning in midNovember. Visit www.HavertownHoops.com for more information about schedules, volunteering to coach, and more. Fee: $130
This program combines a fun-filled introduction to different sports through age-appropriate games and activities such as basketball, soccer, and football.
Ages: 6-9 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 12:10-1:00pm (Sat.) Dates: 11/5-12/17
Havertown Hoops (Grades 2-4)
LeaguesSmallFry Soccer
Learn to drive like Bryson, putt like Spieth, and chip like Phil during this five-session clinic. You will improve your swing and stance with four sessions on the range and the last session on the course.
Ages: 3-4 w/parent Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 10-10:50am (Sat.) Dates: 11/5-12/17
Volleykids (Coed) This program uses a lower net, lighter ball, and smaller court to give every player a chance to succeed. Players will be grouped by age and ability.
14 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397 HoopSTARS
During this eight week clinic, we will emphasize dribbling, shooting, and passing with fun drills and activities that will be sure to have your child excited about basketball. We split by age and ability.
Small Fry Soccer introduces your child to the first fundamental skills of soccer. The curriculum focuses on fun and participation so your child leaves loving soccer.
Ages: 5-6 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 11-11:50am (Sat.) Dates: 11/5-12/17
Ages: 4-5 Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 1:10-2pm (Sat.) Dates: 11/5-12/17
Ages: 7-11 Time: 12-1pm Ages: 12-16 Time: 1:15-2:15pm Dates: 9/17-10/15 (Skip 10/1) Fee: $125 Location: Paxon Hollow
One of our most popular programs, Little Dribblers introduces boys and girls to basketball skills through fun games, drills, and activities.
Our trained staff provides an engaging basketball experience focusing on skill development and fun through a series of games and activities.
The combination of skill development and game action makes this clinic fun and instructional. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned-vet, this program will be a great fit. *Mouth guard required.
Havertown Hoops (Grades 4+)
Separate winter leagues for boys in grades 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12 and for girls in grades 5-6, 7-8. Play begins in late November and ends in mid-March. For information about evaluations, volunteering to coach, schedules, and more, please visit: www.HavertownHoops.com Fee: $130 Early bird discount = $10
Sports Clinics &
Basketball Clinic
Ages: 3-4 w/parent Location: CREC Fee: $80 Time: 10:10am-11am (Sat.) Dates: 11/5-12/17

Time: 7-8:30pm (Tu.) Fee: $7 at door Dates: 9/6-12/27
Ultimate Frisbee Clinic
Ages: Grades 3-8 Location: TBD Fee: $28 For dates and times please check our website.
Saturday Basketball – Play competitive hoops at the best basketball facility in the area. Register online to hold your spot. Dates: 10/8-11/19, 11/26-12/31
Suzanne Barr teaches the basics of tennis in a fun setting close to home. She covers proper grip and how to hit.
Kids of all skill levels can improve their stroke during this fun, instructional clinic that teaches fundamentals. Ages: 6-9 Location: CREC Fee: $85 Time: 4-4:50pm (Mon.) Dates: 11/7-12/12
Adult Volleyball League
Field Hockey Clinic
Time: 7:30-9:45am (Sat.) Fee: $60-6 wk session
Ages: Grades 3-8 Location: HHS Fee: $38 Time: 2-4pm Date: September 17
Boys Lacrosse Clinic HHS varsity coach, Greg Decina, and his staff host these clinics focused on stick skills and drills. Great for players of all skill levels. Players bring a stick, helmet, mouth guard, and pads.
Haverford High School field hockey team will host this clinic focused on stick skills and drills. Great for players of all skill levels.
Men’s Golf ClinicTime: 5:30-6:30pm (Wed) Dates: 9/14-10/12
Pickleball Clinic
The HavaGood Times 15 Sports Clinics & Leagues
Over 45 Basketball – Drop in Basketball for the mature player. You don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing.
Phoenix Ultimate Academy offers clinics for players of all ages and skill levels. Their experienced staff will focus on ultimate frisbee strategies, formation and skills, and rules for gameplay. No experience needed. Location: Haverford Reserve
Basketball at the CREC
Tennis Tykes
Ages: 7-15 Fee: $115 Dates: 5-5:50pm (Wed.) Dates: 9/21-10/26
Come learn one of the fastest growing sports from experts in the game! The clinic will cover the fundamentals and rules of the sports, as well as some game play. Players should be beginner to intermediate. We will provide a paddle for players that don’t have one.
Ages: 7-14 Location: TBD Fee: $28 For dates and times please check our website.
Location: Paxon Hollow Fee: $120
Girls Lacrosse Clinic
Adult Golf Clinic Learn to hit the ball straighter and further. This clinic covers the fundamentals of swing, stance, chipping, and putting. First three sessions on the range and the last is on the course.
Tennis Lessons
Indoor 6v6 Co-ed volleyball league for players of all ages and abilities. Matches will be played on Sunday afternoons/evenings from September - November. You can register as a team or individual. Ages: 18+ Location: CREC Team fee: $500 Individual fee: $85 Programs
Haverford High School coach Nancy McGoldrick and her team host this clinic focused on stick skills and drills. Great for players of all skill levels.
Ages: 18+ Location: CREC Fee: $85 Times: 4:15-5:15pm or 5:30-6:30pm Dates: 9/29-11/10 (Th.)
Women’s Golf ClinicTime: 5:30-6:30pm (Thurs.) Dates: 9/15-10/13
Ages: 4-5 Location: CREC Fee: $85 Time: 3-3:50pm (Mon.) Dates: 11/7-12/12
Radio City Christmas Show
During this seminar, you will learn; How Medicare works and what it covers, the difference between Medicare supplements and Medicare Advantage plans and how Part D prescription cards work and how to pick the right one for you.
We will email a trip itinerary one week prior to the trip. Trip times are subject to change.
Trip refunds: We will gladly give you a refund up to 4 weeks prior to your trip. After that we will only issue a refund if someone fills your spot. Any questions, call the Rec Dept at: 610-446-9397.
Join us on our annual holiday bus trip to New York City to see the famous Radio City Rockettes Holiday show. Trip includes free time in New York City and great seats to the holiday matinee show.
Retirement Planning
RSVP online at www.havtwp.org Time: 6:30-8pm Location: Virtual Date: Wednesday, October 19 Instructed by DelVal Senior Advisors
Making Class Melt into the world of chocolate making and decorating with “Lizzy’s Chocolates”. You’ll leave class with the Dos and Don’ts of chocolate, tips and tricks for packaging and special treats your friends will be amazed by!
“Liz is a passionate chocolate crafter who creates a fun learning atmosphere. She inspired me to make my own holiday candies. Yummie!” - Diane
16 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397
Date: Wednesday, December 7 Fee: $195
Ages: 18+ Location: CREC Fee: $45 Time: 6:30-8pm (Tu.) Dates: 10/18 or 12/6
FREE Medicare Planning Seminar
Time: Bus leaves Glendale Park at 7:30am and returns at approximately 7:30pm. New York on Your Own Visit New York City during the holidays! Spend the day shopping and looking at decorated store windows, see a show, or visit a museum - it’s up to you.
Date: Wednesday, December 7 Fee: $79 Bus leaves Glendale Park at 7:30am and returns approximately 7:30pm.
In this course you’ll learn exactly how to plan for retirement, organize your finances, and manage investment risks. Additionally, you will learn how to develop a personalized plan that empowers you to reach your long-term goals. Whether you’re self-employed, have a corporate career, or work with a government agency, you’ll get the answers you need. Couples may attend together for a single registration fee. Class sizes are limited so register today. Dates: 10/4 & 10/11 (Tu.) Time: 6-9pm Dates: 10/12 & 10/19 (Wed.) Time: 6-9pm Location: CREC Fee: $49

Date: Saturday, December 3 11
Pancakes with Santa You’ll get a chance to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him your Christmas wishes, while enjoying a delicious breakfast. Don’t forget to bring your camera! Parents, learn more about a Magical Surprise online.
HavaGood Times 17 Special
Saturday, December 17 Time: 9-11am Location: CREC Fee: $15 per person (Children under 2 are free) **All attendees must register** Pickleball Tournament Whether you are a beginner or seasoned player, join us! Be a part of our inaugural Pickleball Tournament with guaranteed 3 games. Prizes, food truck and great shirts. Sign up as a team (of 2) or individual. Date: October 15 Location: Paddock Park Fee: $30/per person
are you looking to get the kids out of the house? Have them join us for games in the gym, gaga ball, crafts, music, tournaments, themed nights and a movie. Pizza is included.
11th Annual Chilly Trail Run - All pre-registered runners receive a long sleeve racing shirt. Light refreshments served after the race. Walk-up registration begins at 7:45am in the CREC lobby. This 5k run will take you through 3 miles of beautiful trails in the Haverford Reserve. Great for beginners and seasoned trail runners alike. Race begins at 9am. Ages 17 & under: $20 Ages 18+: $40
Kids Night Out
The Events
Ages: 6-12 Dates: 11/4, 12/2, 1/6, 2/3, 3/3 Time: 6-9pm (Fri.) Location: CREC $20
Chilly Trail 5K Run

• New
• New
• Installing 6
• New
this year and we
Improvements Our efforts to improve our parks, courts and playgrounds continues. We
dispensers Planned
• New
Thank you to Havertown resident tennis-player Adrian Rodriguez. He researched and put together a proposal that resulted in a USTA grant, supplementing the brand new tennis wall at Paddock Park.
Completed this year; • Tennis
• New
improvements we
18 The HavaGood Times 610-446-9397
• Planning
• Installation of dog
Park have completed a number of projects have more planned for the upcoming fall and winter. Below are pictures of some of the have made this year. hitting wall at Paddock Park playground equipment installed at Powder Mill and Bailey Park swings at Richland Park bike repair station on the Pennsy Trail waste for the fall and winter; ball field lights at Karakung Little League playground equipment at Paddock Park and Grasslyn Park new pickle ball courts and resurfacing 2 tennis courts at Grange Park playground equipment at Gest Park with a zip line for the redevelopment of Brookline Park
• New

www.havtwp.org The HavaGood Times 19 Creating your account is simple. Below are a few steps to assist you. 1. How do I create an account for my family? a. Go to our website www.havtwp.org b. Click the “Parks & Recreation” button. c. Click the “Activities/Programs/Trips” button then “Register Now”, and “Sign-in/up”. d. Fill out your information. e. Save your information and add the next family member. 2. How do I register for activities? a. Log onto your account using Step 1 (a-c) b. Click “Activities” at the top of the page c. Browse by activity name, ages or categories. 3. What if I forgot my account information? a. Use Step 1 (a-c) to get to our registration page b. If your password is incorrect or forgotten click “Forgotten”. c. Enter your email address d. Your temporary password will be emailed to you. e. If you have any further questions please contact the office and we will be happy to help you at 610-446-9397. Registering for classes and programs is simple. Create or log onto your online account to view and register for upcoming programs. Use the registration system to: *Register yourself or family members for programs. *View additional program information not featured in the brochure. *Easy access to your family’s program schedules. *Better communication through text alerts and email. Online Registration System Register anytime beginning September 12th CREC Holidays- Building Closed The CREC will be closed on the following Holidays: Labor Day - Monday, September 5 Columbus Day – Monday, October 10 Veterans’ Day – Friday, November 11 Thanksgiving Holiday – Thursday, November 24 & Friday, November 25 Christmas Holiday - Saturday, December 24 - Monday, December 26 New Year’s Holiday - Saturday, December 31 - Monday, January 2 We’re here to help! For any questions about activities, program locations, registration or creating an account, call the Recreation Department at 610-446-9397.
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