0000.6 Designs for Life 9: 3085.5 Chesham Town Talk 3
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Art, Nature, Wellbeing, Community
0000.6 Designs for Life 9: 3085.5 Chesham Town Talk 3
ISSUE 9 – Summer 2017 Peter Hawkes ...................... Publisher Amber Tokeley ................... Features editor Barbara Dancer .................. Client liaison Shirley Lane ......................... Client liaison Sophie Honeybelle ............ Social media Donna Forbes ...................... Web master ASSOCIATES: • Suzanne Parker • James Rand • Agnieszka Lukasiewicz • Angela Woodward • Kirsty Wright • Paula Wyatt
• Terry Dean • Mark Cowie • Amy Deane • Caralyn Bains • Penny Goddard • Anna Sutherland
We are grateful for help with ideas and promotion, in particular from: Louise Moran, Marie Knight, Tanit Felix and Armando Télez-Velasco.
Policy Designs for LIFE magazine is issued by Hawkes Design & Publishing Ltd ©2013-17. It may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the magazine at the time of publication, the publisher can accept no liability whatsoever for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, or for any matter in any way connected with or arising out of the publication of the information, including statements made by the advertisers. The Team asks you to note that it does not necessarily agree with views expressed by contributors. We endeavour to acknowledge all copyright sources. All rights reserved.
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Welcome from Peter Hawkes
Our themes
Designs for LIFE magazine has evolved by creating connections between like-minded people, who recognise each other as part of a community. It has become a network between people who share the same values and priorities, and whose needs are not always being met elsewhere. This is the power of connection. Much as I love my own company, and really enjoy spending time on my own, life would be quite meaningless if it wasn’t for connection with others. Often, it’s about finding the people that we resonate with, and who we can work with for mutual benefit. The poet Rumi had already discovered in the 13th century that “when the ego joins with another ego, darkness increases and the path is lost; when intelligence joins with another, the light increases and the path becomes clear”. This is not about right or wrong, it’s just a matter of finding out how things work for you: what environment CALL do you work best in, which therapy do you find most effective, to work with us is there an exercise that you love, which type of creativity do 01494 793000 you find fulfilling? The following pages are designed to inspire you.
wellbeing Complementary therapies Exercise and fitness Sport and leisure Holistic treatments Health and nutrition Children and parenting Weight management Counselling
green living Farming and horticulture Organics Gardening and nature
Mid-Chilterns coverage We allow people to choose this magazine in selected venues rather than post it through doors.
Herbalism Transport Eco products Environmental groups Local food
positive thinking Psychology Changing perceptions Life coaching Diversity and equality Meditation and mindfulness Philosophy and spirituality Learning and education
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by Stephens & George. Please pass on to a friend after use, or recycle.
creativity Design & creativity Crafts Theatre and drama Music and dance Comedy Photography and printing
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& P u b l i s h i n g LT D EST. 1990
2 Laceys Yard, High Street, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1BU
01494 793000 editor@dflconnect.co.uk www.dflconnect.co.uk www.facebook.com/dflconnect
is an independent group providing a beacon of positivity by connecting like-minded and heart centred people through words and images
We distribute to art galleries, garden centres, gyms, therapy centres, bookshops, cafés, salons, surgeries, art and gift shops, libraries and diverse community venues, all across the Chilterns.
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Subscriptions Please call 01494 793000 to subscribe at £15 for 4 issues, to cover postage and packing.
www.facebook.com/ dflconnect
Creative founders 2013: Amy Deane, Kirsty Wright, Mark Cowie, Peter Hawkes Designs for LIFE is a supporter of the Link4Growth national community-building organisation www.link4growth.biz 2
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self love
Letting go and being free ‘I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy.’ As a licensed leader for Louise Hay workshops, I wrote an article called ‘Love Yourself – Heal Your life’ in the last edition of Designs for LIFE. Thanks to the support I received from the publication, this article reached a wide audience and my two workshops in January and February 2017 were well attended and received many positive comments. I am now planning some more workshops to extend this healing work to Forgiveness and Healing the Inner Child. Everyone goes through difficult times and experiences, such as losing a loved one, a job or having a relationship conflict. Arising out of these we can experience difficult emotions, such as sadness, guilt, fear, resentment, anger and revengeful thoughts. This is part of being human. There is sometimes a mistaken notion that ‘spiritual’ people are not supposed to feel negative emotions. But this can just add another layer of guilt to the whole situation.
Letting go I believe that it is not feeling the negative emotions that is the problem, it is getting stuck in them long after the event, which can eventually lead to adverse effects on our physical or mental wellbeing. Louise Hay believes that we cannot really love others or ourselves, and be healthy, until we have forgiven and are forgiving. She also says that those people that we feel have harmed us were, at that time, doing the best they could, coming from their background and knowing what they knew. Most of all, forgiving ourselves is so important. We also did the best we could at that time. As we grow and change, we can give ourselves choices on
how to do things differently. This does not mean this is easy to do or that we have to bury our feelings or condone bad behaviour. However, letting go allows us to release ourselves from the prison of selfrighteousness and resentment.
Life affirming ways forward Learning new and life affirming ways of acknowledging and releasing these emotions, and choosing to think positive nourishing thoughts, can be life changing for you and the people around you. If you can free yourself, you will feel so much better, and will be free to be a loving, positive influence in the world.
Being a Heal Your Life workshop leader is a natural extension of my commitment to helping people live life to the full by teaching them new skills and encouraging life enhancing behaviour. Previously, my Human Resources management background has included experience in training and development in the UK and the USA. This was followed by being a Volunteer Centre Manager in Bucks where I assisted many local charities and helped individuals to find fulfilment through volunteering. My interest in healing began in the late ’90s and I have been a practitioner since then.
Heal Your Life Workshops My workshops are based on the work of Louise Hay, who is a speaker and writer focused on healing and a positive philosophy. This inspirational and effective work has transformed lives by helping people love themselves more fully and to practice techniques such as using beautiful, positive affirmations. There is not anyone on this planet that is perfect – you don’t have to be superhuman! These supportive workshops help transform mindsets that can limit success in all areas of life. The future is yours to create any way you wish. ∫ Set Yourself Free – releasing negative emotions, embracing forgiveness Saturday, 23 September, 2017 1.30 to 4.30pm at Sun House, Chesham £25 ∫ Nourishing your Inner Child Saturday, 11 November, 2017 1.30 to 4.30pm at Sun House, Chesham £25 I am able to offer a price of £40 for the two workshops, if booked together Short talks to local groups are also available. To book on the above or for further information joyhealingworkshops@gmail.com or 07501 276649
Joy Johns
Testimonials for the magazine’s positive results “ My article in Designs for LIFE helped me to fill 24 places on my LOUISE HAY WORKSHOPS.” Joy Johns – joyhealingworkshops@gmail.com
“ My two advertorials in Designs for LIFE magazine brought
60 referrals to my GONG BATHS at the Bagnall Centre, Chesham.” Sam Hyder – www.facebook.com/cheshamgongbath
We designed and printed additional A5 flyers for Joy John’s workshops.
“ My articles and the additional fact sheets offered a great opportunity to become better known as a local psychologist & psychotherapist.” Kirsten Heynisch – www.kirstenheynisch.co.uk
We designed and printed additional fact sheets for Kirsten Heynsich.
0000.6 Designs for Life 9: 3085.5 Chesham Town Talk 3
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artist’s profile
On the cover
Barbara Sedassy’s painting ‘VJ’s Tree’ The composition is of a weeping pear with a rose climbing through it, which was in the Chorleywood garden of the artist’s friend, Veronica. The artist herself was born Barbara Hill into an interesting and extended family, many of whom were designers and where painting and writing were normal things to do. Barbara studied at St Albans, Falmouth and Chelsea Schools of Art. She worked in many fields; painting, lithography, installation art, construction, performance and enamelling on copper. She has travelled and lived in Canada, Latin America and Hawaii for many years teaching, painting, sign writing and designing. Since returning to England she has designed, taught and illustrated books.
Now Barbara Sedassy is a community artist. She was a founder member of the Chiltern Arts Forum, which endeavoured to further the arts in the Chiltern area. Since 2010 she has helped to establish the Birchwood Painters Art Studio – a group of talented artists who have cerebral palsy and all use wheelchairs. She has always kept sketch books and believes strongly that drawing matters. Her painting is mainly figurative, painterly and about colour influenced by Bonnard, Bacon, Buber, Beethoven, stories, family, friends, cows, clowns, theatre and W B Yeats. She loves drawing and painting movement. Of flowers and gardens, Barbara says that some of her paintings are deep with their own mythology; others are just the colours and marks used to capture a moment, or as Wordsworth described ‘a spot in time’. She sees gardens as a particularly British way of expressing personality, creativity and obsession – our private spaces under public gaze – riotous colours, scents and a space to be. She describes gardens as our individual installations, always changing and growing; an open theatre, which is always part of their creators and a gift to anyone who comes to see and enjoy them. Barbara Sedassy, Stelling, 66 Quickley Lane, Chorleywood, Herts WD3 5AF 01923 282651 e-mail: sedassy@gmail
HALF AN HOUR FREE TRIAL LESSON with Suzanne Parker READER for Designs for LIFE readers O F F E R
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feature article
New hope for Alzheimer’s? An empowering self-help programme has come to the Chilterns, says Amber Tokeley Now the leading cause of death in England and Wales, dementia casts a shadow over us all. Alzheimer’s is its most common form and most of us know someone who has been affected. The disintegration of memory and all that goes with it – essentially the loss of ‘self’ – is both terrifying and heartbreaking. So far, conventional drug therapy has failed to make any real impact and Alzheimer’s is widely regarded as untreatable, incurable and irreversible. However, following the 2014 publication of ground-breaking research in the States by neuroscientist, Professor Dale Bredesen, the future looks hopeful. For the first time in clinical trials, Bredesen has been able to reverse the symptoms of cognitive decline in over 90% of his patients. He has shown that Alzheimer’s is a metabolic disorder that’s largely preventable and modifiable until its late stages. And, because metabolic function is mainly determined by our environment, he suggests that by changing our lifestyle and diet we can ‘mend our brains’. The implications are so important that British company, Cytoplan, has joined with Bredesen to bring the information to the UK public through a programme called Action Against Alzheimer’s (AAA). Built around a series of eight diet and coaching workshops, AAA is being delivered by licenced
Although nutrition science is still relatively new, research proves that the most powerful modifiers of insulin resistance and systemic and neurological inflammation are nutritional, dietary and lifestyle factors. And it is insulin resistance, glucose metabolism and inflammation that all play a role in Alzheimer’s complex pathology. Alzheimer’s involves many biological mechanisms which each need to be tackled and rebalanced. They also vary from person to person so Bredesen’s tailored, multiple therapeutic approach to treating the root causes makes sense. The unprecedented success of his clinical trial suggests that he’s on the right track – and why single drug therapy has failed. It won’t please the pharmaceutical companies because there’s no money to be made in empowering people to help themselves – but it’s certainly causing a buzz in healthcare circles and winning high-profile support; one such advocate is Dr Ranjan Chatterjee of the BBC’s Doctor in the House series and a proponent of lifestyle and nutritional interventions in healthcare. From the nutrition angle alone it’s interesting to note that 95% of our protective nutrients come from fruit and vegetables, yet the average Briton doesn’t eat anywhere near the recommended 7-10 portions a day. ‘We may be living longer but we certainly aren’t healthier,’ says Nicola Smith, ‘and almost everyone today is short of key nutrients’. Although this nutrition shortfall is exacerbated by factors such as medication and age, both of which may impair our ability to absorb nutrients, it’s mainly fuelled by our high-stress, 21st century lifestyle, modern farming methods and a diet almost universally geared towards low fat, highly processed and sugar-laden foods. Sugar increases inflammation, says Nicola, and ‘everyone now has a higher level of inflammation than is healthy’. Combined with the misguided push towards low fat, introduced in the 1970s, which deprived us of essential brain nutrients, it has triggered an
nutritional therapists nationwide, including Buckinghamshire-based Nicola Smith. A passionate educator with personal experience of the disease in her own family, Nicola believes that the escalation of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients could bankrupt the NHS: with 160 million sufferers predicted globally by 2050, she says, ‘prevention has got to be the key’. At a recent seminar in Great Missenden, she explained that AAA aims to empower those in their 30s upwards to correct lifestyle and nutrition ‘errors’ which are potentially sowing the seeds for future Alzheimer’s and dementia. Combining elements of the Bredesen Protocol and Finnish FINGER study, the workshops cover nutrition, gut health, fasting, exercise, sleep, stress reduction and brain stimulation – all key areas in which imbalances have been shown to have a significant impact on cognitive decline. It will also optimise many other areas of health.
Nicola Smith giving a seminar on Action Against Alzheimer’s. 5
explosion of chronic and degenerative diseases from dementia and diabetes to various auto-immune and inflammatory diseases, all impacting people at a much younger age. Although many of today’s diseases may be caused by a diet and lifestyle that’s incompatible with our genetic requirement for health, the good news is that Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of ageing – and we may now have the chance to rewrite the dementia story. I
Further information ∫ To find out more about Action Against Alzheimer’s workshops, email nicola@positivehealthgroup.co.uk or call Nicola on 07749 881081.
Brain health tips ∫ Opt for healthy fat such as olive, avocado and coconut oil, oily fish, nuts, seeds and multicoloured vegetables and fruit. ∫ Minimise sugar (including fructose), processed and highlyrefined food, hydrogenated fats, alcohol and gluten. ∫ Take a good multi vitamin mineral supplement, Omega 3 and turmeric. ∫ Eat at least three hours before bedtime to allow food to be digested and aid restful sleep. ∫ Fast for at least 12 hours after supper to allow your body (and brain) time to rest and repair. ∫ Aim for eight + hours’ sleep. ∫ Exercise regularly: this reduces your risk of developing Alzheimer’s by up to 50%. ∫ Manage stress, which can trigger inflammation and metabolic syndrome. ∫ Optimise gut health by introducing probiotics, fermented foods, fibre, bone broth and polyphenol-rich foods. ∫ Stimulate those little grey cells! You will be creating new neural connections and maintaining brain plasticity.
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orchard clinic
Caring about your vitality and health The Orchard Clinic in Amersham has provided the highest quality osteopathic treatment for over 60 years. In that time, it has been pioneering in its holistic approach to health, offering a wide cross section of trusted complementary therapies. Owner Gerhard Stangl, an Osteopath with over 30 years’ experience, provides the cornerstone of the Clinic and over the years patients have benefited from his expert care and continue to do so. Complementary therapists at The Orchard Clinic are highly qualified and experienced. They offer therapies in the caring, friendly environment of the Clinic where each patient is made to feel welcome and supported. Your health is affected by many factors. Making small positive changes in areas such as
“Gerhard has looked after myself and my family for over thirty years. My husband, Roald, was amazed at Gerhard’s skills which resulted in helping him with his rehabilitation after major surgery. I cannot recommend him more highly.” Felicity Dahl, wife of Roald Dahl.
nutrition, posture/body alignment and stress levels can effect powerful change in reclaiming vitality and good health. Also, timely therapeutic intervention in our health can prevent ailments becoming major problems, helping to maintain wellbeing. Our therapies include: ∫ Osteopathy ∫ Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine ∫ Alexander Technique ∫ Aromatherapy ∫ Chiropody / Podiatry ∫ CranioSacral Therapy ∫ DBM Fasciatherapy ∫ Homeopathy ∫ Massage ∫ Mindfulness coaching ∫ Nutrition ∫ Psychotherapy & EMDR ∫ Reflexology ∫ Reiki ∫ Shiatsu ∫ Western Herbal Medicine ∫ Yoga Therapy
Pain free at last… Walk This Way Podiatry are proud to be offering shockwave therapy (ST). ST is a revolution when it comes to treating musculoskeletal pain and injuries. It works by producing bursts of compressed air; this makes a radial shockwave. The shockwave energy is then emitted at the tip of the applicator and applied to the affected area, promoting healing and cellular regeneration. ST is recommended by NICE guidelines and FDA, has won awards in medical research and plays a key role in top sports clubs. It has been scientifically proven to successfully cure common aches and pains such as plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinopathy, shin splints, patella tendinopathy, hip busiritis and many other injuries. The treatment is quick, safe and non-invasive. It provides immediate pain relief with no side effects and greatly speeds up recovery time. In most cases, it is an alternative to surgery, medication and injection therapy. Are you considering whether ST can help you? If so, why not give our friendly team a call to discuss further? 01494 629599.
Find out more at: www.orchardclinic-amersham.co.uk
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Margaret Trevillion MSC BSC Hons MChS Director and Podiatrist 6
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to enhance many aspects of your life A common misconception about hypnosis is that you ‘lose control’ in some way and surrender your power to the therapist. This may arise from places where hypnosis has been used for entertainment, such as stage hypnosis, and other experiences that have not been fully explained or understood. The reality is that losing control in hypnosis is a long way from the truth of what actually happens. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring trance state, quite similar to a daydream or comfortable relaxation. In a relaxed state, hypnosis can help you to access your subconscious mind, where old patterns from the past may still be running. These old patterns may cause you to ‘re-act’ to certain stimuli, created by different people or situations encountered in everyday life, in ways that you do not entirely want or like. By using hypnosis and then a combination of positive metaphors and ideas, you can re-frame those reactions and learn to respond in a more empowered way and thus take back control of your life.
Relaxation to release stress Sometimes a reclaiming of control can be as simple as taking 20 minutes to de-stress using a hypnosis recording; for it is a known fact that stress triggers many physical, emotional and psychological imbalances and causes people to lose control in some way, and also that relaxation can help you to release stress and re-balance yourself.
10% off 1-2-1 hypnotherapy sessions booked for August 2017. Quote DFL
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS Explore Past Lives 28 June 2017 – Evening
Hypnosis Training 3-7 August 2017 – 5 days
Reiki Practice Group This reclaiming of control could perhaps be useful to the 30% of the population who experience insomnia at some point in their lifetime, the 8% of people who suffer from phobias, the 75% of people who (allegedly) have low selfesteem, or those hooked on cigarettes or
Hypnosis can help you with:
9 August 2017 – Evening
∫ Stopping smoking
Soul Discovery
∫ Weight control
12-13 August 2017 – Weekend
∫ Relaxation / stress management
Crystal Sound Bath
∫ Panic attacks
13 August 2017 – Evening
∫ Fear of flying
e-cigarettes etc. These are just a few of the many good examples of those that can benefit from the help of hypnosis to recover control of aspects of their lives. Regaining of control is in fact the essence of hypnosis, a modality that I love, and that has empowered me in my own life, and also allowed me to help the thousands of people that I have worked with.
Regression Training
∫ Phobias
30 Aug-3 Sept 2017 – 5 Days
Doug Buckingham
∫ and much more.
∫ Sleep problems ∫ Confidence issues ∫ Sports performance ∫ IBS ∫ Fear of public speaking ∫ Nail biting ∫ Anxiety ∫ Coping with exams
Doug Buckingham is a hypnosis practitioner and trainer. He runs courses in England and overseas, for hypnosis, regression, sound healing and reiki etc, for both lay people and those interested in pursuing a professional path. His most accessible Hypnotic Gem is his 99p App ‘Hypnosis for Transformation’ which offers free and paid for life enhancing recordings. He also offers 1-2-1 sessions in Chalfont St Giles, and runs accredited training courses and an abundance of different workshops.
Doug Buckingham – Trainer, Therapist & Talker SOLUTIONS FOR THE MIND, BODY & SOUL
Tel: 07979 750291 Email: doug@dougbuckingham.com
www.dougbuckingham.com 7
Reiki 1 Course 9-10 September 2017 – Weekend
Crystal Sound Bath 17 September 2017 – Evening
Sound Healing Training 29 Sept-1 Oct 2017 – 3 Days Book on: 07979 750291 doug@dougbuckingham.com www.dougbuckingham.com
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Prestwood Osteopathic & Natural Health Centre
Osteopathy • Podiatry • Acupuncture • Massage • Nutrition We are well known for the gentle osteopathic work we do with children, babies and anyone with physical or health problems. We have a fabulous ‘Jing trained’ medical masseur who works with deep tissue release and many other therapists, all of whom are friendly, caring, highly qualified professional practitioners.
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10% off to any new patient on mentioning Designs for LIFE magazine
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What is a ‘good, balanced diet’?
Images © Shutterstock
Conventional medical and dietetic wisdom has it that you do not need to take food supplements if you have a ‘good, balanced diet’. An exception is beginning to be made for Vitamin D which, in any case, is poorly supplied from dietary sources, being mainly obtained from exposure to the sun. Yet how much attention is actually given to whether patients really do have a diet that provides nutrients in the quantities required to maintain optimum health? Generally speaking, from the modern diet, people are consuming sufficient protein, too many carbohydrates, and sufficient or too much fat, a lot of which may be the wrong form of fat. So, in the UK there is not a problem with the major nutrient groups. People who include a good volume and range of fruit and vegetables in their daily food intake are probably taking in sufficient vitamins, but even they may not reach appropriate levels of some minerals. In fact, it can be a bit hit and miss even with vitamins, given that the vitamin C content of a ‘fresh’ orange may stand at zero. Likewise when it comes to processed cereals, vitamin B levels may be negligible, unless added back. As regards minerals, various population studies have indicated widespread deficiencies. Although some mainstream attention is given to iron and calcium, it is other important trace minerals that should be a cause for concern, such as magnesium, selenium and chromium.
Periodic studies supplying information to the Government showed a steady decline in availability of minerals in agricultural food products throughout the twentieth century. This is partly because of depletion of minerals in the soil due to intensive farming plus the use of artificial fertilisers that block mineral uptake. In addition, although we are treated to a vast array of food products to buy, they are actually largely derived from a tiny variety of crops, which has implications for the number and type of nutrients available. Sometimes recognition is given to the idea that certain population groups, such as the pregnant or elderly may benefit from taking nutritional supplements. Nevertheless, given the problems of guaranteeing the nutritional value of food, together with the modern tendency to take the easy option by eating out, buying takeaways or ready-meals, you don’t have to belong to a special group to be missing out. Consequently, even an apparently healthy person consuming a reasonably varied diet may not be receiving the levels of nutrients required to maintain optimum levels of health throughout a lifetime. So although the best way of acquiring essential nutrients needed by the body is from the diet, there is some logic in suggesting that virtually everyone would benefit from taking a daily multi-vitamin and mineral supplement or nutrient-dense food such as spirulina. As with any other purchase, price is some indication of quality, and a run-of-the-mill multivitamin will provide just the minimum of nutrients to avoid deficiency disease such as scurvy or beriberi. For most people, however, mega-doses are not necessary. It is best to go for moderately high levels of nutrients contained in a food base and a vegetable capsule, which will break down really easily. Deficiency disease is very rarely seen these days in the UK, by far the majority of the population having a diet that would be officially rated as adequate. According to nutritionist Patrick Holford, though, suboptimum nutrition is a major factor in common causes
of death, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. One American study found that people who consumed most nuts and seeds, seafoods, vegetables, fruit and wholegrains, in that order, reduced risk the most. Of over 700,000 deaths an estimated 45% (over 300,000) were associated with less than ideal intake of ten dietary items. Similarly, the British 100% Health study published in 2010 had found that the more nuts and seeds, fruit, oily fish and vegetables someone ate (in that order) the better the health score. The American study also showed that mortality from heart disease and diabetes decreased by 26.5% between 2002 and 2012, primarily attributed to: increased consumption of nuts and seeds; reduction in consumption of sugared drinks; and the replacing of carbohydrates or saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats. So, there is increasing evidence that those who follow the principles of the wholefood/health food diet, with more fish, less meat, plenty of fruit, vegetables and vegetarian wholefoods and wholegrains – plus vitamin and mineral supplements – do live longer and dramatically cut the risk of major disease. Consequently, it may be time that the ‘good, balanced diet’ mantra was discarded in favour of a more objective, personalised approach.
Roger Oliver Proprietor, Healthright Specialist Health Store
23 - 25 June 2017
ARTISTIC DIRECTORS: • Paul Lewis piano • Bjørg Lewis cello
Health and Diet Information Centre
OTHER MUSICIANS: • Isabelle van Keulen violin • Alexander Sitkovetsky violin • Scott Dickinson viola • Richard Hosford clarinet • Nika Gorič soprano • Marianna Shirinyan piano
27 High Street Chesham Bucks HP5 1BG Tel: 01494 771267 www.healthright.co.uk
0000.6 Designs for Life 9: 3085.5 Chesham Town Talk 3
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feature article
Sunnyside up! A social enterprise in Hemel Hempstead is helping the community to grow – in every sense of the word. Amber Tokeley reports. The honeyed smell of blossom saturates the air, birdsong swells and somewhere nearby, a competitive cockerel sounds like he’s auditioning for X Factor. The Hemel Food Garden and Farm Shop is a bit of a hidden gem. Tucked between the canal and a busy road leading into Hemel Hempstead town centre, it’s one of three sites in Hertfordshire run by the award-winning Sunnyside Rural Trust (SRT) which supports adults with learning disabilities through supported work experience placements. Based at Dacorum Council’s former Central Nursery site, it comprises a farm shop/café, huge greenhouse, polytunnels, vegetable beds and a workshop where trainees make bug, bird and bat boxes. There’s also an orchard, a coop full of rescued battery hens – now all glossyfeathered and content – and a Tranquility Garden area complete with pond. The faint sound of buzzing drifts from behind the summer house where a bee hive is settling in. Bee-keeping is a new venture; a sustainability grant sponsored by a local drinks company has enabled a project worker to take a bee-keeping course and buy hives, so they should be producing honey later this year. Around 30 trainees, aged 18 to 71, regularly attend Hemel where they learn to develop their skills and potential through social enterprise and horticultural activities. These range from digging and planting to conservation and customer service, as well as life skills such as cookery and handling cash. One
organic, seasonal produce grown by trainees; jams and chutneys produced at the Berkhamsted site (another is at Northchurch); eggs straight from the orchard hens; their own apple juice; and an enticing range of goods from other local producers. A vegetable box scheme is also available for collection on site. Both the shop and café are run by trainees and volunteers. On this occasion, trainees Gemma and Katie are operating the till and serving customers. Katie confides that she’s ‘really good at making tea’ but has also been barista-trained and can whip up a mean macchiato. Learning new skills and handling customers was challenging but, despite those early ‘flustered’ moments, Katie has obviously blossomed. ‘I like speaking to people now,’ she beams. The café, freshly painted by volunteers, is airy with comfy seating and an attractive play area. SRT also plan to add French windows, a cosy log burner and another sofa, pending funding. Several local businesses have come on board and corporate volunteering days are increasing in popularity – no surprise as, apart from the obvious feelgood factor, it’s a lovely venue. A typical corporate day might involve a morning business meeting in the summerhouse followed by work on a Trust project in the afternoon – anything from clearing a site for a butterfly garden to a spot of painting – and then, perhaps, a teambuilding activity and BBQ.
trainee, Connor, explains that it’s giving him confidence: ‘In the outside world I struggle with money so I won’t be able to get a job until I know what I’m doing’. Trainees get paid a nominal wage which helps to motivate and increase a sense of self-worth. Publicity Officer Gemma Vine says, ‘It’s really rewarding when you see them making changes and coming out of themselves’. There’s plenty of joking and camaraderie and they are supported by a dedicated team of project workers and volunteers who are on hand to encourage and help. Right now, it’s all systems go in the greenhouse as they concentrate on fulfilling the annual contract to deliver Council bedding plants which will brighten up local roundabouts and municipal sites. The trainees get a kick out of knowing they’ve had a hand in it, and are industriously potting up at long tables, surrounded by compost, plastic trays and plug plants. In addition to the Council contract, Hemel Food Garden offers various services to the public and local businesses including PAT testing (electrical checkups); made-to-order garden planters and hanging baskets; and contract work such as garden maintenance – all carried out under supervision by trainees. There’s also a garden room for hire and free tours for pre-booked groups. The new farm shop and adjoining café has recently opened and is popular with those in the know, although it could do with better signage to attract passersby. The shop stocks a good selection of 10
Support is currently being sought for various projects including sponsorship for different elements of their Open Day fundraisers that take place on 8 July and 16 September. ‘We would also love other businesses along our stretch of the canal to support us with maintaining and improving this area’ says Gemma Vine. She has big ideas for the canal, from creating a butterfly garden to interactive boards for wildlife monitoring, planting bulbs and building benches. I
Further information ∫ Hemel Food Garden Farm Shop is off Two Waters Road, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9BY. Open 10 am-3 pm, Mon to Sat, parking onsite. For Trust events, tours or volunteering opportunities including corporate volunteering days and sponsorship, see: www.sunnysideruraltrust.org.uk.
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yoga & healing
Yoga Supporting you through your pre- and postnatal journey Pregnancy and early parenthood is a time of enormous change and it deserves to be a time of positive experiences. Changes aren’t restricted to the physical or hormonal, it’s about the emotional and practical challenges too. Mind/body practices like yoga can support you through these changes, allowing you to enjoy the journey. Your baby will become such a large part of life and then yoga needs to support both of you. Yoga becomes a way to playfully interact at a level that’s right for your child, involving you both. Through movement, touch and rhymes, you can enjoying being with your baby and watching their character, awareness and movement develop. I am a yoga therapist and teacher based at The Bagnall Centre in Chesham and The Orchard Clinic in Amersham, working to enhance life through group and individual work. I am a former Chair of the British Council for Yoga Therapy and write articles on Yoga Therapy.
Barbara Dancer
N We are a small family business specialising in bohemian silver and gemstone jewellery N Our inspirations are our many travels and the trinkets we found along the way, incorporated
with our passion for crystals and gorgeous silver jewellery N Trained in crystal healing, we describe each gemstone’s properties, so you may have a better understanding of the
pieces that you choose N We bring them to you via our website and upcoming stalls and festivals – check our website for details and join our mailing list N www.holilove.com
www.holilove.com N email: holiloveshop@gmail.com Find a selection of our jewellery at Tring Beauty Box (next to the rear entrance of M&S Tring)
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Find out more at www.dflconnect.co.uk/positivethinking
Directory of healthy and creative living £5 in the Chilterns Feature here for just
Creativity Art Workshops – SouthWestHertsArts A programme of occasional practical art workshops exploring ways of being creative. Friendly supportive groups suitable for all abilities. See our community page on Facebook. Susan Cooke 07962 868028 Digital Illustration & Artworking Sophie Honeybelle honeybelle_designs@hotmail.com 07747 745041 Picture Framing Peter Hawkes, Laceys Yard, Chesham High Street 01494 793000 Watercolour Artist Suzanne Parker. Lessons given and commissions taken www.suzanneparker.co.uk Tanis Mills – Supplier of Phoenix Greetings Cards Do you help raise funds for a charity dear to your heart? Then Phoenix cards and stationery could be an ideal way of promoting it and increasing donations. Ask for a free info pack from Tanis Mills: waterbabies79@gmail.com / 0788 55 67450 www.phoenix-trading.eu/web/tanismills
Animals Natural Therapy and Remedies for Animals – Agnes Schmitz ITEC CST BFAP 01923 269600 agnes@agnesschmitz.co.uk www.AgnesSchmitz.co.uk
Holistic Treatments/Courses The Sacred Earth School Meditation, Healing and Slow living. Permaculture, Reiki, Roots Community, Shamanic Journeying and Retreats in Hertfordshire. www.sacredearthschool.co.uk Dintta Gould BA BScHons Physio-trained massage therapist. Holistic health & beauty therapy. Amersham based. 07960 698126 www.bodyluz.co.uk Holistic Transformation Specialist Suzan Joy Wells Facing major change in your life? I help you to feel freer, live authentically and confidently. www.suzanjoywells.co.uk
The Healing Point – Holistic Chinese Medicine for Health & Beauty New premises at 120 High Street, Chesham HP5 1DE 01494 792143 herbs / acupuncture / massage www.thehealingpoint.co.uk
(£10 with your website listed. £15 to include your logo).
Yoga small group and individual sessions Fridays at The Pilates House High Street, Tring Call 07837 061293 or email tara@serendipityyogalifestyle.co.uk
Caroline Biddle Yoga Group classes and 1:1 in Chesham 07742 588883. cmcbiddle@aol.com www.facebook.com/CheshamYoga
Forever Living
Health & Wellbeing
Caroline Masters – Homeopath Bagnall Centre, 71-79 Waterside, Chesham HP5 1PE 07961 407142 caroline@masters.me.uk
Alexander Technique Janey Goodearl STAT cert Improving your posture, freeing yourself from back pains. Based in Amersham and Princes Risborough. Alexandertechniquewithjaney.com 07989 828737
Massage Terry Dean Massage Therapist (ITEC Dip) Hons. Based at Weston Turville near Wendover/Aylesbury 07769 790 690 terrydean.massage@gmail.com www.terrydeanmassage.com
Chiltern Natural Therapies Deep tissue, sports and remedial massage acupuncture, herbal medicine Nazma Khan, Chesham Open Air Pool, Moor Road, Chesham HP5 1SE 07847 485805 www.chilternnaturaltherapies.co.uk
Massage & Chiropractic Care
Fasciatherapy (Danis Bois Method) Hélène Pennel For chronic pain and stress AMERSHAM at Orchard Clinic, HP6 5AB welookafteryou@ orchardclinic-amersham.co.uk 01494 726 228 CHESHAM at Bagnall Centre, HP5 1PE bookings@bagnallcentre.com, 01494 791 288 helene@tuningbodyandmind.co.uk 07958 694 644 Find me on Facebook and Linkedin
Terry Breeze McTimoney Chiropractic, Sports and Holistic Massage 4 Windsor Road, Chesham 01494 783999 terrybreeze@yahoo.co.uk
Osteopathy Michael Thornton ND DO Osteopathy Practice with 3 Clinics Tring 01442 822990 Amersham 01494 433072 Flackwell Heath 07799 713117 www.michaelthornton.co.uk Chesham Osteopathic Clinic 2 Mill Close, Chesham HP5 1QL 01494 793747 www.cheshamoc.com
Lymphatic Drainage Massage Louise Campbell (Vodder trained) Specialises in treament of Lymphoedema, Lipedema, inflammation due to arthritis, post surgery etc. Also anxiety, headaches, fatigue and immune system. Practices from the Orchard Clinic and home in Amersham 01494 722622 or 07786 960382
Pilates Amanda’s Pilates Equipilates specialist and REPS level 3 pilates trainer, offering small groups and private lessons. Based at the Buckinghamshire Golf Club, Denham. 07824 665980 amandagoodship.pilates@gmail.com
Yoga Barbara Dancer Yoga Yoga classes, individual Yoga, Yoga therapy and Yoga for healthy lower backs, based in Chesham/Amersham. Barbara Dancer 01494 726141 barbaradancer@gmail.com www.barbaradanceryoga.co.uk
Chesham Podiatry Robert Reddyhoff 01494 774276 Premises at 90 Broad Street, Chesham.
Shirley Lane Distributor for Forever Living Products based in Chalfont St Peter. Tel 07833 722079
Home Health Choice NewGen Superfoods Plus All-in-one supplement instead of many. Revolutionary 100% natural formula. Vegan & vegetarian friendly. Free talk and taster sessions. Find out more at our health shop. 164 Broad Street, Chesham HP5 3ED. Telephone Ann-Marie 01494 786413
Nutrition Diana Wright Nutritional therapist and food scientist with clinics in Amersham and North London 01494 722777 nutrition@dianawright.co.uk www.dianawright.co.uk
Vegetarian Restaurant Woody’s – Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurant 19 Dickinson Quay, Apsley Lock, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9WG 01442 266280
Counselling Cara Hitchcock – Person-Centred Counsellor Confidential, supportive and nonjudgemental counselling services, allowing you to fully explore your thoughts and feelings. Registered member MBACP. Based at the Bagnall Centre, Chesham and also at Aylesbury. www.carahitchcockcounselling.co.uk carahitchcock1@gmail.com 07427 998219 The Listening Post Qualified counselling. Amersham area. Offering understanding, support and a sense of direction in life. Relationships, depression, stress, loss. Reasonable rates. 01494 812074
Reflexology & Reiki
Mindfulness & Counselling
Valerie at the Jade Room, Chesham 07545 780938 thejaderoom@btinternet.com
Anna Maria Aprile 0784 1822 317. info@journeytoself.co.uk www.annamariacounselling.co.uk
Now find us on Twitter www.twitter.com/dflchilterns
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feature article
The future looks muddy Blogger, Hero Brown, talks to Amber Tokeley about business, breeding and having a blast in Bucks and beyond
Since its launch in 2011, Hero Brown’s fabulously titled Muddy Stilettos has morphed from a just-for-fun blog where she shared her local finds and secret addresses into an award-winning business franchised to a growing number of counties across England. For those in the know, it’s become the lifestyle guide for urbane women who live in the sticks but ‘don’t have an overriding impulse to wear tweeds and Alice bands’. Like so many others before her, it was the dream of bringing up children in the country – ‘breeding, really!’ – that drove former national journalist Hero and her partner from uber-cool Islington to the Chilterns. The buzzy village of Haddenham ticked all the right boxes and her parents live close by in Oxfordshire, so moving made perfect sense. Embracing the rural idyll brought its own challenges, though. ‘I’m quite an arty-culture person on the sly, and I really missed all that in London. It was like, God, where’s the fun?’ Hence the blog. And the revelation that, although life in Muddy territory may run in a slower gear, ‘there’s loads of fun going on – you just have to look for it a bit harder and be prepared to travel a bit further’. As well as finding – and sharing – the fun, Hero’s also managed to pull off that Holy Grail goal of working mums everywhere: in just six years, she’s built a brilliant, home-based business she loves and somehow balanced it around bringing up ‘three rabid children’, aka the ‘Mudlets’, now aged 7, 9 and 14. Her kitchen table set-up has gradually expanded into a professional team of six, and Muddy is tracking a distinctive set of footprints over the UK blog scene.
Her loyal subscribers (100,000+) love its winning combo of witty writing, trusted recommendations and positive ethos of celebrating the absolute best of what’s on offer locally. From dog-friendly pubs to cool boutiques, quirky tea rooms to therapy heaven, its reviews, listings and carefully curated directory of services are mixed in with entertaining features and hilarious commentary. It’s a bit like hanging out with a posse of irreverent gal pals where it’s always gin o’clock and someone’s floating a Great Idea. Refreshingly, advertorials and PR hype are banned and Hero only carries advertisers that she rates personally. It’s the same deal with editorial and, rather than trash anyone, she just doesn’t give them blog space. It’s all about promoting what’s positive and exceptional – a welcome change to the online nastiness and reputation-bashing that’s become depressingly common. Along the way, she’s also become something of a champion of local indie businesses. Having discovered too many brilliant independents struggling to make their mark without the ‘oxygen of publicity’, Hero launched the Muddy Stiletto Awards and invited readers to vote for their favourites. Now rocking into its fourth year, the Awards have become a big deal. Winners are announced in June and the finals played out with live voting on the blog: This year they were run across 18 counties simultaneously, requiring stiff gins all round. Other Muddy innovations include an online boutique and jobs listings and Hero admits, ‘I’ve become far more business-orientated than I ever thought I would be because I’ve found something I love and I want to make it work’. Success has generated a raft of new opportunities, too, including blogs and Tweets for other businesses and regular ‘what’s on’ slots for Radio Oxford. Hero puts in 12-hour days and admits, ‘I don’t think I’ve ever worked as hard as I work now’. But, ‘I do it on my own terms and I do it around my children’. An unexpected bonus of Muddy’s success, though, is that it’s allowed her to be a good role model to them: ‘I’m quite proud of what I’ve achieved so far as a mum at home creating her own business.’ Mondays through Wednesdays are usually spent hunkered down with the rest of the Muddy crew at her house in Haddenham: ‘We’re creaking at the seams but I like the quirkiness of it’. Thursday is Hero’s ‘out and about’ day, interviewing and visiting venues, and Friday is her ‘defibrillating day,’ reserved for catching up, a meeting or two at a local coffee shop, and then dinner out with the kids in the evening. 13
Hero may joke about being ‘on the gin by six o’clock’ but she’s clearly in her element. And despite all the froth and self-deprecating jokes about ‘bashing out copy, half-cut, in front of Holby City’, I suspect she’s super-savvy and works like a Trojan. By the end of next year, Hero hopes to franchise Muddy in over 30 counties and continue growing awareness of the brand nationally. Already, she’s achieved what every successful blogger must: she’s targeted a demographic, met a need, established a brand, provided a brilliant service, posted prolifically, built trust and diversified… And as a Mum, she’s managed to be there for her kids and keep it fun. OMG, I’m exhausted already. Gin, anyone? I
Further information ∫ See www.muddystilettos.co.uk.
Lark Rise The Bucks house that’s a mini power station This all-electric Passive House home by Bere:architects is perhaps the most advanced, high performance new house in the UK. It has been designed to produce two and a half times more energy in a year than it consumes. Crucially, even its winter energy demand is small. With the addition of a 12kWp photovoltaic array to harvest solar energy, together with 12kWh of battery storage, this home is almost completely energy-independent and even in the most extreme winter conditions has an 80% lower peak-energy demand from the grid than an ordinary house. Lark Rise, built near Princes Risborough, has been designed to show how the 'Smart Energy Revolution' has the potential to enable the UK to be fuelled by renewable energy rather than fossil fuel. If the roll-out of this concept were scaled up, money spent on new and retrofit buildings like this has the capacity to reduce national peak energy demand. If we can reduce peak energy demand, then we can reduce the need for new power stations, and the many billions of pounds saved can instead go into creating and converting more buildings like this – a really healthy feedback loop. There’ll be more on Lark Rise in a subsequent issue.
Photo by Peter Cook
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Page 14
Swimming, is it for you too? It is now several years since sciatica trouble took me into a pool, and little did I know that far from being just a hobby to keep me fit, it would become my second, most pleasing, profession. Did you know that according to Swim England (previously known as the ASA), 1 in 5 adults can’t swim in the UK? All you need is a visit to your local pool, where a qualified, imaginative and keen teacher will help you leave behind your fear of water, teach you the swimming strokes and most important of all, advise you on how to improve your technique to make your stroke more efficient. No need to be embarrassed if you start with arm bands and being told how to enter the pool safely. Your teacher is always conscious of the
importance of your safety in the water, and swimming is all about doing it safely. This will include depth of the pool, buoyancy equipment and goggles to protect your eyes. You will learn entry, submersion and propulsion. Having a streamlined body position is important in all strokes to ensure your body opposes the least resistance to the water. Learning to breathe is crucial, as your body will be fuelled by oxygen, and this must be done on time and correctly. You will be taught to co-ordinate your movements simultaneously. Through the sport of swimming your mind will be relaxed and you will improve your fitness and health; a perfect balance of wellbeing. Unlike
other sports, in swimming your bones and joints structure will not be subjected to compression or undue stress; your body will be supported evenly in the water. Some learners join the pool following the advice of their doctor, as a form of rehabilitation following surgery or heart conditions where ‘gentle exercise to start with’ is advised. Once you know how to swim, you will be able to improve your technique, build stamina and keep fit. But there is more to swimming than merely going up and down in a lane. You will most likely have heard of four strokes: butterfly, back crawl, breast stroke and front crawl. In a competition, a swimmer can demonstrate the mastery of each of these strokes grouped together in an individual medley. All Swim England swimming competition events adhere to international rules for each stroke. There are plenty of other opportunities to develop your skills and amuse yourself, such as being part of a swimming club where Master sessions are open to all adults. Additionally, there are plenty of courses available to learn the techniques for water-polo, synchronised swimming, open-water
swimming and, for those not afraid of heights, there is diving. For those keen on triathlon or pentathlon events, where swimming is a vital part, your swimming teacher or coach will talk you through the techniques required to endure long distance swimming, and events in cold water lakes. You will be advised on prevention of injuries and given suggestions on suitable meals or diet to be followed when training. One final thing, remember that constant attention is needed to maintain and improve your technique, even when you know how to swim. Swimming, like playing a musical instrument and speaking a foreign language, needs constant practice. It is now some time since my first lesson, where I discovered my love of swimming, and since then, and following several years of practice and training courses, starting as a lifeguard, I have become a teacher, coach and official for British Swimming, for both pool and open swimming water events. Trust your teacher or coach and you will learn how to swim, and grow to love it too!
Armando Téllez-Velasco A Fellow of the Institute of Swimming
Images © Shutterstock
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How to guide readers to your business Designs for LIFE encourages you to write WITH PASSION about your specialist business or activity. In so doing, you can DEMONSTRATE your expertise/enthusiasm to the readers, rather than trying to PERSUADE them with facts. Then there is space for a panel of personal /detailed information and also an advertisement. Designs for LIFE wants readers to be INSPIRED by your contribution and to use your services or attend your event. To promote your business call: Peter Hawkes on 01494 793000 editor@dflconnect.co.uk www.dflconnect.co.uk
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Discover at Rowan… Rowan Cafe open every day
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www.rowangardencentre.co.uk • 01494 872335