My strength comes from heaven
Haydée Romano Vieira
My strength comes from heaven Introduc4on Historical Background Compe4tors Compe4tors & Charity Our vision Brand Posi4oning Corporate percep4on gap Campaign objec4ves Context Analysis: -‐ S.W.O.T Analysis -‐P.E.S.T Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility Celebrity endorsement The product-‐Price-‐Place Marke4ng Communica4on Strategy Target demography Segmenta4on Promo4onal Mix Promo4onal objec4ves In-‐store monthly event Campaign schedule ( Event Calendar) Ressources Moodboards
Introduc4on My strength comes from heaven “My Strength comes from Heaven” is a campaign launched by Dolce & Gabbana in collabora4on with Liya Kebede, Ubah Hassan, Yasmin Warsame and photographer Mario Tes4no. It will have for purpose to promote a new range of limited edi4on T-‐shirts and tank tops during the period of the London 2012 Olympic Games. The campaign will support a charitable cause and will therefore donate 30% of the profits to an associa4on called Save the Children. Thus, will have for purpose to help the children suffering from the drought in southern Ethiopia. It will be a 12 months campaign that will create a bridge between the virtual and real world. With the par4cipa4on of professional athletes, para-‐ athletes , members of the enterntainment industry and the audience. It will be a celebra4on of the past with highlights of historical moments (Olympics/Paralympics) but also an embrace of the present.
Historical background
My strength comes from heaven Dolce and Gabbana is a Milan-‐based high-‐fashion company created in 1985 by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana.The brand targets a rela4vely young demography, aged from 18-‐40 and aspiring for a certain lifestyle. Repute for being versa4le and glamorous, Dolce and Gabbana represents the Mediterranean way of life “la dolce vita”. The brand’s image is very eclec4c, ofen associated with leopard prints; colourful paherns and classic cut tailored dresses. The company is one of the world’s leading luxury brands. They produce clothing, leather goods, footwear and accessories; through licensee partners it also manages the produc4on and distribu4on of cosme4cs, eyewear lines, watches and jewellery.
Key figures According to the main economic figures for the fiscal year 2009/2010 and ended on 31 March 2010, wholesale revenues achieved by the D&G Group and partners, are es4mated at 1,392.3 million Euros. For the same year, the total revenues for the company Dolce&Gabbana Holding S.r.l was equivalent to 1,028.5 million Euros. The company employs 3,527 members and directly works in collabora4on with a network of 113 stores, to which 21 factory outlets are included.
Historical Background
My strength comes from heaven Key dates 1982: Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana open their own studio in Milan. 1985: Dolce & Gabbana is selected as one of three "New Talents" for the Milano Collezioni. 1986: Dolce & Gabbana debuts its first full collec4on of women's clothing. 1991: The company launches a scarves collec4on, the first product to be made under license. 1995: D&G is launched in the United States. 2000: The company brings produc4on of scarves, 4es, and other accessories in-‐house. 2003: started to buy out franchise storeowners, predic4ng sales of more than EUR 1 billion by 2005. The brand has two central lines: Dolce and Gabbana and D&G, a younger and more affordable label that targets a market aged from 14-‐25. Dolce& Gabbana trademark is aimed at the youthful, trendy and fashion-‐ conscious.
Aware of the strong influence of direc4onal content, the brand launched its own online publica4on called “Swide” where they publish news features and reviews about music, arts and fashion. All the content are somehow related to the brand’s merchandise, its high-‐profile representa4ves and formahed in order to interest their target audience. The magazine website is very rich, and contains historical archives of the brand. Thus, illustrates the fact that Dolce and Gabbana considers that in order to be a well-‐established brand, they must have a strong historical background. They want their customer to be well informed about the history of the brand. Therefore, they provide all the informa4on in order to increase the brand’s awareness. Known for having controversial adver4sing campaigns. Thus, can be seen as inappropriate and offensive in accordance to one’s culture. Several of their adverts have been polemical due to their strong sexual connota4ons and violence. Notably in 2007, the ASA (Adver4sing Standard Authority) cri4cized the brand’s advert for displaying models carrying knives. They received complains from several consumers’ forum and a few countries such as Spain censored the advert. Provoca4on is one the Dolce and Gabbana mainstays, with good or bad publicity it s4ll increase brand awareness as the company is talked about on the media.
My strength comes from heaven
The Gucci brand is a well established fashion company founded in 1921. The brand posi4oned itself as the ul4mate luxury label, by displaying adver4sing that ofen portrays the ideal Gucci persona and the lifestyle that it entails. They also use celebrity endorsement to represent their products notably with Jenifer Lopez up to date with the different technologies, Gucci is well-‐ established online: Gucci connect, mobile applica4on, social networks… The company is also very involved with several charity causes notably Unicef and the Red Cross…
Moschino is the archetype of the Italian chic. The brand has several similari4es with Dolce & Gabbana, both founded in the early 80’s. Moschino also uses innova4ve and eccentric approaches to communicate its messages.Notably with their social awareness campaign. In 1991, the company posi4oned itself as the “enfant terrible” of the fashion industry by refusing to have fashion shows. Prefering to host exhibi4ons and display sculptural art in different European ci4es.
Marc Jacobs has a very theatrical communica4on strategy. The adver4sing plays an essen4al role in the vehicule of the brand’s image and messages. Thus are very celebrity-‐centric and playfull. The brand has recently started an online strategy notably with the opening of the online store, foursquare,
Compe4tors My strength comes from heaven
Missoni is an Italian fashion company founded in 1953.Very family-‐centric. Thus, is well emphasized in the brand’s adver4sing which portrays the different genera4ons of family members and friends. Known for their bold geometric paherns and colourful dresses, the retailer uses several types of fabrics. Missoni’s private communica4on strategy is what gives the charm this discrete company. As a maher of fact, contrarily to other retailers that ahempt to enhance their online presence, the company prefers to strengthen their customer loyalty with the use of concept stores and emphasize of the brand’s heritage.
Compe4tors & charity
My strength comes from heaven With this campaign, Dolce and Gabbana s4ll faces the same compe4tors. However, due to its main purpose which in this case is charity these brands’ approach are slightly different and less compe44ve. These brands’ strategies are more focused on the product than the brand’s image.
Missoni Bracelet for Orphan Aid Africa
Gucci for Japan in collabora4on with the Red Cross (2011)
Moschino Coca-‐Cola bohle for Abbruzzo region (2009) Marc Jacobs T-‐shirt for AIF (Aid for Aids Interna4onal)
Our Vision
My strength comes from heaven “We had a vision at the beginning, and we remain faithful to it. We believed in the strength of our message, even in periods when everything seemed to go against our beliefs. Our inspira4on has always come from Italian culture and from Hollywood glamour. We also like playing with roles, with opposites, with masculine and feminine, black and white, sacred and profane.” ~Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana (SDA Bocconi)
The main idea of this campaign is to look back to the origins of the Olympic Games. Knowing the strong Mediterranean iden4ty of Dolce & Gabbana, It is important for us to embrace the Greco-‐La4n Heritage of the Olympic games. The word Olympics comes from the Mont Olympia which was a place where the gods lived. The slogan of the campaign comes from a La4n saying. “Caelitus Mihi Vires” The key word of the campaign is strength. We want to explore the different interpreta4ons of this theme.
This campaign is a travel across 4me. A retrospec4ve of the most courageous acts of the 20th-‐21st century. We chose to take the origins of the Olympic Games as main inspira4on and explore the most emblema4c moments of the ceremony.
Brand posi4oning D&G Dolce&Gabbana is the metropolitan glamour: an eclec4c and contemporary brand, the expression of a changing world. It is a style without borders, which freely interprets the various influences of its own era, to become a unique and instantly recognisable lifestyle. (
My strength comes from heaven Posi4oning is a unique marke4ng approach that appeals directly to a specific consumer segment in a way that differen4ates the product from all th eothers in the category. Brannon (2005,p.401)
• Fashionable • Celebrity centric • Uniqueness
“We like to think of ourselves as up with our 4me. We speak the language of the youth and stay true to our values.”
Cultural • Contradic4ons: Mix of tradi4onal and modern/ Feminin-‐Masculin • Mediterranean :Greco-‐la4n Heritage
• Sustainable • Support a noble cause (Save the Children)
Socially Involved “A democra4za4on of luxury, Dolce and Gabbana is and will always be a high-‐end brand but we want to remain approachable.”
Corporate percep4on gap
My strength comes from heaven
Large gap perceived
Few stakeholders
& Gabbana
Many stakeholders
Glamorous Trendy Luxurious Mediterranean Small gap perceived Pres4gious
Campaign Objec4ves
My strength comes from heaven
Enhance online presence
Raise awareness over the cause
PosiAve brand image
Reach a new market
Increase the sales
S.W.O.T Analysis My strength comes from heaven Strengths Precursor when it comes to use Innova4ve marke4ng approaches (mobile adver4sing, worldwide contests,...) Good brand image Well-‐established company worldwide Customer loyalty – Bring people together by democra4zing fashion Appeals to wealthy individuals but also to people with a moderate income Swide magazine, a branded content online publica4on -‐ capacity to communicate directly with their target. Good knowledge of their customer’s interest Good online presence ( e-‐shop, mobile applica4on…) Celebrity centric Weaknesses: Poor knowledge of foreign markets (Asian) Communica4on skills are too straighvorward (controversial adver4sing) Opportuni4es: Establishment in the Chinese market Emergent market (2012 London Olympic Games,…) Threats: The use of controversial adver4sing campaigns can be offensive. The brand’s usual compe4tors such as Marc Jacobs, Moschino,…
P.E.S.T Analysis
My strength comes from heaven Poli4cal-‐legal Dolce & Gabbana received a loan from the Italian governmen4n order to face recession – Period of insecuri4es since Ben Laden ‘s death (risks of terrorist ahacks) The company’s tax evasion scandal (2010) Economic Post recession (2009) , income reduce, cut prices 20% The economical climate during London 2012 encourages consumer to buy more on major events Flow of tourists, which represent a poten4al market and visitors of the exhibi4on Social Involvement with several charity causes notably “Save the Children” and “Fashion for Relief” brand values (very na4onalist) Good brand concept of Italian fashion and Mediterranean lifestyle With this campaign Dolce & Gabbana targets a wider market (sport aficionado) Technological Invasion of the cyber world and social networks (Twiher, facebook, blogger,…) New technologies being developed to further enhance clothing (Mobile applica4ons, interac4ve magazine Swide) Launch of the website Dolce and Gabbana Live
Corporate Social Responsibility My strength comes from heaven Due to the fact that we are dealing with a charity, we had to consider the concept of corporate social responsibility. This ini4a4ve concerns the social community and how our business can have a posi4ve impact on the laher. Corporate Social Responsibility acts on several sectors such as the environment, work ethics, employees’ rights, charity… Thus can be both beneficiary for the company, and the local community. It is therefore , a smart and ethical business approach.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is about understanding your business' impact on the wider world and considering how you can use this impact in a posi4ve way. CSR can also be good for your bohom line. (Business link)
Benefits: -‐Posi4ve press coverage -‐establish a brand’s good reputa4on Encourages the development of new products
By having a charitable beneficiary, the likelihood of gexng good media coverage is enhanced, because who would be so cold-‐hearted as not to be seen to support worthy cause Foster (1993,p.78)
Modern corpora4ons have learned the value of societal marke4ng, ahaching themselves to socially responsible causes by mimicking the image and the message-‐based marke4ng of chari4es. Roth ( 2008,p.341)
Celebrity endorsement
My strength comes from heaven Dolce and Gabbana is repute for its celebrity-‐centric strategy. For this campaign, we wanted to keep up with this tradi4on by including super models s to take part as spokepersons and join the promo4on team. We used four models to be the faces and the voices of “My Strength Comes from Heaven campaign. Both original from the Horn of Africa (Somalia,Ethiopia,…), these ambassadors are well ahuned to this campaign as by their background, they all have strong ahaches to the region and dispose of a considerable awareness of the current issues.
Liya Kebede is a young model original from Ethiopia. She is the mother of one and goodwill ambassador for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.
Celebrity endorsement
My strength comes from heaven
Yasmin Warsame
Yasmin Warsame is a somali model and ac4vist Ubah Hassan is an up-‐coming Somali model from Canada
1.The Product
My strength comes from heaven The product is a set of 9 styles limited edi4on T-‐shirt/tank top that will be available in five different sizes going from XS-‐S-‐M-‐L-‐XL Made of 100% organic cohon, the price is 80Euros and 30% of the benefits will go to Save the Children Each month will release a new T-‐shirt, displaying a different photographic. Thus, will be shot by Mario Tes4no. Arty, 4meless, and ethical. The t-‐shirts are unisex and will represent Tes4no’s interpreta4on of emblema4c moments of the Olympic Games. It is without doubt a celebra4on of the past, acceptance of the present and an embrace of the future.
Main inspira4ons (T-‐shirts)
My strength comes from heaven A symbolic sign Two men made history at the 1968 Mexico Olympic Games. This picture symbolizes many aspects of the word strength: The strength of being an athlete The strength of being a proud black man (during a period of racial tensions) The strength to support a cause (Black Panther) The strength to share their opinion with the world The strength to consecrate their moment of glory to speak up for the cause.
Abebe Bikila (Olympic Games Rome 1960) won the race barefoot
Main inspira4ons (T-‐shirts)
My strength comes from heaven
Laurel wrath
My strength comes from heaven
Pricing is an essen4al factor to the well func4oning of a brand’s marke4ng strategy. It enables to posi4on its product in a specific segment. Moreover, it permits to influence the customer’s percep4on of the brand. In this campaign, contrarily to our usual premium price segment we are going to target a wider demographic. Therefore, we decided to sell these organic T-‐ shirt for 80Euros. We jus4fy this approach as 30% of the benefits are going straight to charity and therefore our goal is to sensi4ze a maximum of people and therefore, raise the sales.Moreover, we took several factors in considera4on such as the quality of the garments, the customer service and the point of sales…
My strength comes from heaven Even though we are aiming to reach a wide range of people, We don’t want to use mass distribu4on. Thus, might affect the brand’s image and make the product loose its rarity. Therefore we intend to use very few distribu4on channels. We will place the product mainly online (website D&G Live) , in the London store and we will also set a special partnership with Net-‐A-‐Porter. The online retailer
4.Promo4onal Mix We will use several forms of promo4onal methods in this campaign. Thus, will enable us to communicate more efficiently with our target market. A consequent part of the promo4on will be online. Thus, jus4fies the crea4on of a website Dolce & Gabbana live, which will be used as a main plavorm. Simeon (1999) explains that the first purpose of a website is to increase visitors and then only to op4mise a purchase. According to the theorist, a website has to appeal, inform, and posi4on itself. He jus4fies the success of a website with two strategies: effec4ve strategic posi4on and marke4ng communica4on. With the use of internet, we will sehle in social networks, mobile applica4on, magazine editorials, blogs and so on. We would like to get people involved and establish an interac4ve approach. Thus, by organizing monthly compe44ons and in-‐store events. We intend to give people the opportunity to par4cipate to this main event.
Promo4onal objec4ves The objec4ve of the promo4on is to create a
buzz over the product and raise awareness about the cause “Save The Children”. In order to ahain this goal, we will set a subtle marke4ng strategy online. Thus, by enabling the poten4al customer to par4cipate to the campaign via online contest, social network... We believe in the exchange between our customers and Dolce & Gabbana. It is important for us to establish an interac4ve campaign. Three main goals:
-‐Build an online community and increase visit to the website Create an interac4on customer and brand -‐sensi4ze over the cause -‐generate desire/purchase
Livestream Broadcast
My strength comes from heaven With the enhancement of social networks such Twiher and Facebook… the concept of real 4me news became part of our popular culture. People are expec4ng to dispose of live informa4ons. The idea is to broadcast an insight into the store event. This livestream shared experience is an invite into Dolce & Gabbana’s world. From their home, the viewers will be able ahend the launch alongside professional athletes, para-‐ athletes, and also common people… The event will be broadcast via Dolce & Gabbana live website, D&G Ustream tv,… We aim to connect people together and establish a global community through these several forms of media. The frequency of the messages will be once a month. Thus, in order to create a uniqueness and an online buzz at every release. Countdown billboards are going to be displayed around mainstream London undergrounds. We want to create this feeling of now or never. This campaign has to be interac4ve, and therefore we encourage the par4cipa4on of the people.
D&G Youtube Channel
Dolce & Gabbana Live (website)
My strength comes from heaven Gexng people to visit a website is one thing, customer sa4sfac4on is another. In order to please the laher, retailer must create values online, and therefore must gave proof of originality. Dolce and Gabbana live is a special webpage that will be launched for the occasion. Thus, will be a plavorm that will enable people to purchase directly the T-‐shirts, post videos of themselves… The lahers will be able to share a life story of an accomplishment that they never expect to achieve. The videos will be then subjected to the vote of the viewers. The winner’s video will then invited to ahend one of the in-‐store event where his video will be broadcast. The compe44on takes place every month, and people are allowed to par4cipate once a month.
Dolce & Gabbana Live – Live op4on
My strength comes from heaven "Our work is made with heart and technology and they go together in the right balance." Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana The Dolce and Gabbana live is an online shopping plavorm that enables the viewers to see real 4me purchase around the world. The customer can keep track of the items sold as well as the country of the purchase. This plavorm reinforces the idea of an online community. It will also permit to gain an awareness of the customer’s shopping habits as well as the country where the purchase has been made.
My strength comes from heaven Over the years, the role of the consumer has changed. They are now more empowered and confident. In order to keep up with these changes, we must establish an interac4ve approach with the lahers. Thus, by being able to be listen and let them express themselves. Hoolbrook (1999) describes the concept of values as an interac4ve rela4vis4c preference.Therefore, the crea4on of contest is a strategic tool to set this rela4onship. The compe44on we want to set will take place every month, on Dolce and Gabbana live website. It invites people to post videos (approximately of 2 min) of themselves. The laher can share a life story of an accomplishment that they never expect to achieve. The videos are then subjected to the vote of the viewers. Aferwards, the winner’s video is invited to ahend the launch event of the new T-‐ shirt in the London store where his video will be broadcast.
Mini-‐films My strength comes from heaven The elements of the image, mo0on, and sound make films A powerful selling tool for the retailer. With its ability to project theme and mood while delivering entertainment informa0on, the TV ad is a vehicule through which the essence of personality-‐not only of the merchandise, but of the store itself-‐can be presented. Phillips (p.136)
A series of 3 short film-‐documentary (10 minutes each) directed by the photographer Mario Tes4no. Thus, will be an ode to the emblema4c figures of the Olympic Games. The lahers can come from different backgrounds: a professional athlete, an entertainment performer, a paralympic athlete, or a poli4cian... However, these people will have one thing in common, their courage. Each one of them embodies a successful and strong persona.Mario Tes4no will reflect their strenght through Liya Kebede,Ubah Hassan and Yasmin Warsame. Films are a very effec4ve promo4on strategy as they appeal to the senses. It enables to generate emo4ons and create a bond with the viewer.
Elle magazine editorial content
My strength comes from heaven A feature ar4cle in Elle magazine, one of the most affluent fashion publica4on will be a good asset to our promo4on strategy. It will enable to give a precise descrip4on of the product. Moreover, it will also have for purpose to sensi4ze the readers about the cause. Thus, will be a double page spread interview of liya, Ubah, and Yasmin.
Countdown Interac4ve Billboards (London underground/ 3 main sta4ons (Oxford Circus, Picadilly Circus, and Elephant Castle)
Swide magazine exclusive edi4on
My strength comes from heaven «Content offer marketers unlimited possibili9es to express the brand’s culture.» (Luxury Society)
«Content opera9ons help build a rich and consistent universe that will fascinate and engage the audience.» (Luxury Society)
«The content has intrinsic value (whether emo9onal, ar9s9c, educa9onal, entertaining or esthe9c). » (Luxury Society)
« Luxury brands should seize every available opportunity to talk about themselves, dis9nguish themselves from other brands and revive their fascina9ng history.» (Luxury Society) Swide magazine, the company’s branded content publica4on will consecrate an en4re issue to present the campaign. Introducing the product and explaining the cause. This approach will be completely free of charge as the publica4on is owned by Dolce & Gabbana, moreover it will help us to have a total control over the press. It will enable to have a direct contact with Dolce & Gabbana’s customers and
Blog adver4sing My strength comes from heaven Conscious of the power of bloggers in the fashion industry, we considered it important to include the laher’s in our promo4onal strategy. Thus, by adver4sing directly via their blog. As a maher of fact, bloggers receive millions of hits daily and enable to reach a broad audience. Therefore, blog adver4sing is a strategic tool as they are an incredible marke4ng stepping stone. We chose to take the collec4ve of Nowmanifest. Thus, includes Bryanboy, Elin King, and Rumi from the Fashion toast.
In-‐store launch event
My strength comes from heaven The idea is to organise a launch event on three different stores around the globe. These will be located in Milan, London (Permanent) and Paris. The stores wlll be connected together via satellite, which will enable to simultaneously view the launch of the new T-‐shirt. The mini film will be broadcast in-‐store, alongside with the winning video. People will then be able to purchase the T-‐shirts exclusively in one of these stores or online. The guest list will be varied from professional athletes, fashion bloggers, and public figures… Whilst the three faces of the campaign will each ahend an event in one of the par4cipant stores. Following the launch, only the London store will con4nue to sell the t-‐shirts and host monthly events for every launch. This fact gives a certain exclusivity to the store.
Special events lend excitement to shopping, giving the customer a reason to come into the store. Courtesy of Retail Ad Week Magazine Phillips (2002)
Dolce & Gabbana London Exhibi4on
My strength comes from heaven Dolce & Gabbana exhibi4on will be open to the public, when you register on the website Dolce & Gabbana Live. Thus will take place in the Dolce and Gabbana store (Bond Street) during a period of five months. It will start on the 1st of february and will end on the 26th of july just in 4me before the Olympic Games opening ceremony. In exclusivity, the venue will be in the style of an art gallery as well as a trade show. The en4re T-‐shirt collec4on will be available in all the different sizes. Exclusive guests will be invited to join the event. Moreover, several mythic designs and dresses will be displayed and put into auc4on as well as East African art.
My Strength Comes from Heaven Race Ethiopia is the motherland of the world’s best runners.
The countries’ athletes have ofen figured on top places at the Olympic games. The idea is to organize a fundraiser race star4ng and ending in Hype Park. The event will take place on the 26th of June, and will reunite a wide range of high profile par4cipants. Thus, will include the three campaign’s spokespersons Liya kebede, Yasmin Warsame and Ubah Hassan as well as several people from the entertainment industry, and professional athletes such as Haile Gebrselassie, the en4re Chelsea football club team, David Beckham… 100% of the race’s benefits will go directly to Save the Children. Most importantly, we invite our customer to join the cause and par4cipate along to this event. They can sign up online on Dolce & Gabbana live website or In the Dolce & Gabbana London store. The requirements are: To be at least 17 years old (with parents permission) on the day of the race Wear the campaign’s t-‐shirt Have a person willing that is willing to be your sponsor Good health condi4ons
Marke4ng Communica4on Strategy
My strength comes from heaven
The most important marke4ng communica4on strategy used in this campaign are differenta4on and persuasion. However, even though the other two occupy a minor role. We found it important to men4on them as well. Differen4ate = limited edi4ons T-‐shirts/innova4ve marke4ng strategies :online contests/special release events/ Par4cipa4on of emblema4c Photographer Mario Tes4no Remind = looking back at the Greco La4n heritage (O.G)/ Historical Olympic Games moments Inform = Raises awereness on the charity “Save the Children”/drought in the horn of Africa Persuade =Uses charity as a persuasive mean/ Par4cipa4on of models and famous photographer
Repute for our strong and impacvull marke4ng communica4on strategy, notably in our adver4sing. We will apply the same intensity in the diffusion of our message but in a slightly different way. For this campaign, we intend to use a pull strategy. As we consider it important to establish a direct dialogue with our target customer. Moreover, we want to use persuasive means as we are simultaneously selling a product and a cause. If they can appropriately iden4fy desired consumer values In an online environment, and posi4on themselves accordingly, in doing so they will be able to differen4ate themselves in the market place. Hines (2002)
We want our adver4sing to be product orientated. In the sense that we will focus mainly on the imagery in order to influence our poten4al customer to make a purchase. We will therefore emphasize on the use of semio4cs and denota4on in order to send strong messages. (e.g the use of the laurel wreath) which was used as a crown in ancient Greece. Thus, represents excellency and achievement.
Objec4ves: Reach a new market: (tourist London 2012)/ Ethical shopper Good brand image: associa4on with Save the Children Increase product sales of 15%
My strength comes from heaven Launching a product during a major event such as the Olympic Games is quite challenging. It is off course an lucra4ve market and an opportunity to reach new customers. As a maher of fact, the event is a great source of inspira4on. The Olympic Games are an event that bring people together. From different ethnicity, gender, social background, and na4onality…We are targe4ng a rela4vely wide demographic. Our product can either appeal to the youthful and fashion conscious but also to the ethical consumer or the sport aficionado. Our target customer are rela4vely young (aged from 18-‐40). Due to a quite affordable price range (80 Euros), we will then reach a new market that aspire to Dolce & Gabbana ideals but that normally do not dispose of sufficient income to afford it.
Market Segmenta4on
My strength comes from heaven
• Aged between 25-‐40 • Concerned about ethical issues (environmental, fairtrade,…) • Dispose of a considerable income in order to afford this eco-‐friendly lifestyle
The Sport Aficionado
• Aged between 20-‐35 • Good awareness of the curent trends • Originated from the middle/upper class • Reads glossy magazines such as Elle ,Grazia… • More likely to buy the product due to the media coverage
The Ethical Consumer
The Fashion Conscious
• A
• Part of the new market • Not necesserely familiar with Dolce & Gabbana • Enjoys sports in general
Event Calendar
My strength comes from heaven
Event Calendar
My strength comes from heaven
Ressources The staff needed for this campaign will be a team of approximately 23 people:
Crea4ve director and team of assistants (3) Product manager (2) Product developer (3) Marke4ng director (1) Public rela4ons manager (2) Communica4on and marke4ng expert (1) Adver4sing team (3) Event planners and assistant (3) I.T team (2) Interna4onal and U.K market expert (2) Finance (1)
My strength comes from heaven The overall budget needed in order to set this campaign is will have to include several factors: The 12 month salary for all employees Filming costs average of £2000/min 7 Events organised in-‐store -‐Adver4sing in editorials (Elle Magazine/ Vogue/Grazia) Blogs adver4sing Staff travel expenses Maintenance of a 5 month exhibi4on Extras The total spending for the en4re campaign should be around 11 millions Euros The expected revenue is 32 millions Euros from where 30% of the total revenue will go directly to Save the Children.
Moodboard Â
Moodboard Â
Moodboard Â