The Style Whisperer: 1.The Concept The Style Whisperer is a London based online pla8orm that enables the users to: -‐ shop the wardrobe of fashion figures -‐ see real-‐Ame fashion news, -‐ Live stream streetstyle -‐ post daily looks and interact with other users... It is a combinaAon of content, social network and T-‐commerce. The website insists on its live opAon. Viewers are able to see real Ame purchase around the world. The customer can keep track of the items sold as well as the country of the purchase. This pla8orm reinforces the idea of an online community from a fashionable perspecAve. It will also permit to gain an awareness of the customer’s shopping habits as well as the country where the purchase has been made. InnovaAve and creaAve, the Style Whisperer is at the image of a generaAon of fearless individuals.
The Style Whisperer 2.Branding The Style Whisperer intends to posiAon itself as an innovaAve and creaAve pla8orm that celebrates personal style and originality. Moreover, we aspire to improve online shopping experience with the addiAon of T-‐commerce and drop-‐off store. encouraging interacAvity and exchange amongst the users. The Style Whisperer’s Essence: “ The Ul(mate Fashion Rendez-‐vous” The choice of the name the style whisperer was made in order to make a statement. The website aspires to be a meeAng point for different styles. The style whisperer aims to be a reference when it comes to streetstyle, an inspiraAonal pla8orm.
Branding DefiniAon: The marke(ng prac(ce of crea(ng a name, symbol or design that iden(fies and differen(ates a product from other products
PosiAoning Posi(oning is a unique marke(ng Approach that appeals directly to a specific consumer segment in a way that differen(ates the product from all the others in the category. Brannon (2005,p. 401)
• CelebraAon of Style • Global Overview of streetstyle
InteracAve • Live chat • Excellent Customer service • Real-‐Ame news
Unique merchandise T-‐Commerce Limited Ame
The Style Whisperer 3.Perceptual map Large Gap Perceived
Branded Content
New technologies
The Style Whisperer
Many stakeholders
Few stakeholders
Social Commerce Hip
Small Gap Perceived
The Style Whisperer:
4.Pen Portrait
The hipster Aged between 20 to 30 •Good awareness of the current trends Originated from the middle/upper class Reads fashion lifestyle magazines such as Nylon, Bullet Magazine and Dazed and Confused... Less influence by the mass media and confident shopper She can easily mix high-‐street clothes with luxury brands such as Alexander Wang... Vintage and thrih stores aficionado Profession: student/young worker Interested in Art, photography, current events In the know of the hip familiar with social network websites such as twicer, facebook A fashion conscious individual in search for uniqueness
The fashionista Fashion Conscious and trend follower Aged from 18 to 27 Profession: student/young worker Owns a blog and follow mainstream fashion blogs such as the sartorialist, the blondesalad and dirtylitlestylewhoree AcAve on online fashion communiAes such as tumblr, polyvore, lookbook and fashionising More likely to buy the product due to the media coverage and hype Very acAve on social network sites (Facebook,Twicer,...
The working girl Aged from 25 to 35 Dispose of a considerable income surrounding £40.000/year and therefore can afford some luxury brands such as Marc by Marc Jacobs... Works in sectors such as communicaAon markeAng, or fashion Reads women’s magazines such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan and Red Married/ in a long term relaAonship The working girl is trendy but has a more conservaAve style in comparison to the other two profiles.
The Style Whisperer 5.CompeAtors
The Telegraph Fashion was launched in September 2010. The website integrates branded content and E-‐ commerce. With more than 20 transacAon/second and 200,000 visits/ day
French online magazine and marketplace founded in 2011. The website is a combinaAon of a glossy magazine and a marketplace. It enables its users to sell their clothes without taking any commission. Moreover, it collaborates closely with french blogger’s and post streetstyle videos... Mainly aimed at young women aged from 18-‐30.
Hardly ever worn it is a U.K based online luxury retailer repute for reselling celebriAes’ clothes and accessories. The website was launched in July 2011 and sells exclusively luxury goods. Therefore, disposes of consumers from aged from 22 to 45 years old.
Asos is a U.K online retailer created in 2000. Selling designer clothing aimed at 16-‐34 year olds from both sexes. Thus, are mainly inspired by celebrity’s ou8its. The e-‐tailor hosts a marketplace where people can resell their clothes. and has established a catalogue system that is automaAcally delivers to customers.
Front-‐Row-‐ was created in 2009 It is a daily Fashion website that brings the latest streetstyle, fashion news, current trends and upcoming designers…It also provides reviews and photography as well as models and celebriAes’ news.
Net-‐A-‐Porter was created in 2000 by former “Tatler” fashion editor Natalie Massenet. The website is a precursor in e-‐tailing: weekly glossy magazine, real Ame social-‐ shopping, T-‐commerce, mobile applicaAons... With more than 18,500 visits/ day. 99% of Net-‐A-‐Porter consumers are women. The average age is 35
The Style Whisperer 6.The Online Market
Strength: good management/ excellent team work/ innovaAve concept/ interacAve and live opAons/ good delivery service/ CommunicaAon with customers/ uniqueness of the marketplace Weakness: new website has to start from the bocom/ OpportuniAes: online market growing/ use of new technologies/ establish the website as the world’s leading fashion community
Internet is gradually becoming more mainstream as a retail distribuAon channel.It is also a compelling channel for fashion goods (Beck 2004) as it not only provides a excellent means for a fashion retailer to display their most up-‐to date lines via photograph,video,and sound technology, the use of web sites has also enabled them to sell directly to their customers.p259
Simeon (1999) explains that the first purpose of a website is to increase visitors and then only to opAmise a purchase. According to the theorist, a website has to appeal, inform, and posiAon itself. He jusAfies the success of a website with two strategies: effecAve strategic posiAon and markeAng communicaAon.
Threats: social network websites such as Facebook started providing e-‐commerce services/ usual compeAtors such as Telegraph Fashion, Etsy, Front Row View
PoliAcal: IntroducAon of the Online sales tax bill in the United States of America Economical: -‐ U.K E-‐commerce grew 22% in 2010 (Index) -‐32% rise in online clothing sales,within this, accessories sales grew by 69%, while footwear rose by 52% -‐Predicted growth 4.8 billion by Christmas holiday (Forrester Research Inc) -‐ Online clothing grew 152%/ 5 years (U.K) = £4.3 billion worth (Mintel) -‐ Represents 10.2% of the global clothing market -‐ More than 35% of shoppers bought clothes online/1year Social: global fashion network, online community. Environmental friendly: System of Pop-‐Up stores/sustainable fashion due to resell of clothes Technological: use of new technologies such as Invasion of the cyber world and social networks(Twicer,facebook,blogger,…) New technologies being developed to further online presence (Mobile applicaAons, Advance Tax Technology, T-‐ commerce
The Style Whisperer 7. “Kloset” Online Marketplace
How does it work? The Kloset marketplace is simple to use: It consists of 4 online pop-‐up bouAques which are also viewable in the form of videos. Thus, during a period of a month. Each bouAque is represented as a closet which belongs to a public figure from the fashion industry. ( blogger, fashion editor, celebrity...)
Every closet dispose of 40 items varying from different categories such as: dresses, denim, tops, shoes, accessories. All at fixed prices going from a range of £20 to £450. Payment: Visa,Mastercard, Square Payment
The Style Whisperer 8.Television/T-‐commerce Discover a new way to shop with The style whisperer Tv. The website pushes the limits of online shopping by enabling an interacAve contact with the product. The possibility to shop directly while watching the video with just a simple click. It also invites the viewer to discover the environment of the fashion figure. Contextually matching merchandise items based on video playback is not only compelling to users but also makes online shopping a bit more interac(ve and enjoyable. This adds a nice touch which facilitates a low-‐pressure and casual experience, great for the living room context. Hines (2001,p.205)
-‐Generates Good/Strong experience with the viewer -‐ Address to the viewer in a personal way -‐ Install a familiar relaAonship/generates emoAons -‐ Subtle way to introduce the merchandise as it focus more on the experience than the product
The Style Whisperer 9.Pricing, Taxes and RegulaAons and Delivery StandardizaAon of the delivery process
Pricing and Payment p.47 In order to facilitate the delivery process. Each garment is stored in our drop-‐off store. Where every item is photographed and given a serial number. Thus, enable us to keep track of the garment and serves as a warranty code. The Style Whisperer has an integrated shipping policy in partnership with FedEx. Therefore, we dispose of an accurate and on Ame delivery service.Moreover, there is also the possibility to track orders via the website.
Delivery opAons
The calculaAon of taxes over the internet Is complex and changeable. As a macer of fact, thus depends on several factors and might vary from a country to another. Therefore, any business that plans to ship oversees must take in consideraAon the different laws and regulaAons of the country. Furthermore, there are a few paperwork to sort prior the establishment of the business: -‐ Resole calendar: a local tax cerAficate that enables to avoid paying taxes whilst buying Pricing is an essenAal element to the well an item to resell it. funcAoning of a marketplace. Thus, can be -‐ Tax ID is an idenAficaAon for all tax related decisive to the success of the lacer. purposes (available on , this Therefore, this decision must be taken similar number is used at the bank in order The style whisperer takes 20 % commission on to open a business account Sawyer(2000,p. each items sold. Thus, covers the delivery 113) charges, packages and other expenses. Customized boxes Even though, the style whisperer is very Customized boxes community-‐oriented; it uses a content acracAon The Style Whisperer business model which means that it delivers content and entertains his users with the intenAon to encourage sales. The Style Whisperer
The Style Whisperer
The Style Whisperer 10.London Drop-‐off store (Notng Hill) The concept of drop-‐off stores enables customers to have a first contact with the merchandise. They can have a closer look and feel the product. However, they cannot directly take the product home. They must first make the purchase via their smartphones and then only the product will be delivered to their place. This approach, takes the concept of online shopping to another level. By improving the customer’s experience, we hope to create an entertaining and innovaAve concept store. Every month, the store’s locaAon will move into a different city of the European Union. The locaAon will be kept secret unAl the launch party that celebrates the new selecAon of merchandise.
Pushes the boundaries of online shopping Direct contact with product Possibility to touch, view merchandise Possibility to make purchase via smartphone Improve customer experience Bridge between the virtual world and reality
The Style Whisperer 11.Launch and MarkeAng Techniques 1.Product 2.Price
Every month, a selecAon of clothes and accessories from different personaliAes in the fashion industry are on display at the drop-‐off Store. Thus, will come from a variety brand categories such as mid-‐ range (Acne, all Saints, Jeffrey Campbell) as well as affordable luxury labels such as Marc By marc, See By Chloé... The monthly collecAon will be 160 pieces which correspond to fourty items on each closet.
Pricing is an essenAal element to the well funcAoning of a brand’s markeAng strategy. It enables to posiAon its product in a specific segment.Furthermore, it permits to give customer’s percepAon of the brand. However, due to the diversity of products on sale in the website we had to establish a hierarchy of prices in accordance with: -‐ IniAal price -‐ the state of the product -‐ year of purchase 1) 2) 3) 4)
£20-‐£85 £85-‐£160 £160-‐£280 £280-‐£450
Bernard Desarnauts (glam’s vice-‐president of product markeAng says: “ Today, there is no ques(on that the internet has become an addi(onal form of entertainment and within this medium you have a new authen(c voice-‐the voice of bloggers. It’s the voice of people if you like.”
Even though we are aiming to reach a wide range of people,we don’t want to use mass distribuAon. Thus, might affect the brand’s image and make the product loose its rarity. Therefore we intend to use very few distribuAon channels. We will place the product on sale exclusively online via The lacer will also be exposed to the public at the drop-‐off.
We will use several forms of promoAonal methods in order to adverAse the website. Thus, will enable us to communicate more efficiently with our target market. A considerable part of the promoAon will be online. Thus, will start with the creaAon of the website: The style, which will be used as a principal vehicule of communicaAon.
The Style Whisperer 11.Launch and markeAng techniques Develop web presence
Develop informaAon competence
Develop value integraAon/ creaAve market
Enhance the use technologies
Maximise business value
Hines (2001, p.203)
Zoé Kravitz (singer,actress and style muse)
Getng people to visit a new website is one thing, convincing them to stay on it is another. Therefore, we must establish various forms of promoAons in order to raise awareness on our manifesto and encourage the traffic in the website. Furthermore, we must be able to establish a pleasing online experience. Thus, is the key to the success of a website. Customer saAsfacAon is another one. In order to please the lacer, retailer must create values online, and therefore must gave proof of originality and interacAvity. The Style Whisperer intends to stand out from the compeAAon by using innovaAve approaches: -‐ Live stream and interacAvity (chat, live news, streetstyle,style diary, mobile applicaAon)
Rumi Neely (
-‐ Exclusivity of products (unique items, limited period/1month) -‐ Improve shopping experience by creaAng a bridge between the virtual and the real world (Drop-‐ off stores)
The Style Whisperer PromoAonal Mix – Monthly events-‐Contest Every month, the style whisperer organises an event in order to introduce the new range of clothes selected by the four fashion personaliAes.
Chiara Ferragni and Rumi Neely
The users can vote online between three European desAnaAon. The locaAon is kept unAl 72 hours before. The party is then broadcast live via the live opAon of the website.
StarAng Countdown before event
The Style Whisperer PromoAonal Mix In order to raise awareness about the website, we will secle in social networks such as Foursquare,Facebook and Twicer. We would like to get people involved and establish an interacAve approach through monthly contests, mobile applicaAon, magazine editorials, blogs and so on... Thus, by opening a Pop-‐Up store in Central London.
Magazine Editorial
Conscious of the power of bloggers in the fashion industry, we considered it important to include the lacer’s in our promoAonal strategy. Thus, by adverAsing directly via their blog but also by: -‐inviAng them to monthly events -‐getng them involved into our manifesto such as local live streetstyle... As a macer of fact, bloggers receive millions of hits monthly and enable to reach a broad audience. For example Fashiontoast has 1 million hits a month whilst the Blonde salad receives 7.9 million visits in a month. Therefore, blog adverAsing is a strategic tool as they are a considerable markeAng stepping stone and low of cost.
Blog AdverAsing
Mobile and Ipad applicaAon
The Style Whisperer PromoAonal ObjecAves Generate a Buzz
Raise awareness on the website
Encourage Traffic
Reach a new market
Increase the sales
The objecAves of the promoAon are to create a buzz over the product and raise awareness about the website. In order to acain this goal, we will set a subtle markeAng strategy online. Thus, by enabling the potenAal customer to parAcipate to the campaign via online contest, social network and daily posts...We believe in the exchange between our customers. It is important for us to establish an interacAve relaAonship. Three main goals: -‐ Build an online community and increase visit to the website -‐ Create an interacAon between users -‐ generate desire/purchase -‐ Increase the website’s awareness
The Style Whisperer AdverAsers The style whisperer is In partnership with 3 fashion brands: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Acne and All saints. These labels are well-‐acuned to the sites ‘users as the lacer correspond to their target market. Moreover, a considerable part of our income is provided by these companies. Therefore, adverAsing occupies an essenAal role in our website.
What’s in There for Bloggers? There are several opportuniAes for Bloggers and other fashion personnaliAes to get involved with our project: -‐Raise awareness about their blog -‐Travel and promo opportuniAes -‐Networking (special events) -‐Sell clothes without inconvenient (posAng, packing,..)
The Style Whisperer Event Calendar/8 months
From November unAl December the PR and MarkeAng team will establish a markeAng communicaAon strategy in order to promote the up-‐coming website. January: will start a promo campaign unAl the launch of the website The website is set to be launched in february 2012. The style whisperer is indeed an innovaAve approach from an internaAonal perspecAve. Every month, the online retailer will open a Drop Off store in the European desAnaAon chosen by the website users. Thus, will start with the organisaAon of a special event where bloggers, winners of the contest and local personaliAes of the fashion world will acend.
The Style Whisperer Budget/Ressources In order to proceed efficiently to the launch of this project, we will need to invest a budget of approximately £50.000 Thus will include: Employees salaries The main office rent Pop-‐up stores rent Extras Launch Event AdverAsing and PromoAon Insurance
Ressources The Style Whisperer Team will include 20 people: C.E.O: Haydée Romano Vieira (1) Global MarkeAng strategists (2) Public RelaAon and communicaAon team (3) I.T and web experts team (4) Freelance Fashion writers (3) Inventory responsibles (2) Customer Service (3) Store assistant (2)
The Style Whisperer Â
The Style Whisperer Â
The Style Whisperer Â
The Style Whisperer Â
The Style Whisperer Â
The Style Whisperer Â