Opera Triptychon - A Quarantine Story

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Multimedia performance in four living pictures. With extracts of the Operas: “Don Giovanni”, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, “Madama Butterfly” by Giacomo Puccini, “Die Zauberflöte” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and “Otello” by Giuseppe Verdi.

Prémiere: 25 November 2020. Via streaming, From the WUK (Vienna, Austria) Projektraum space, to the world. In the amid of a global pandemic.


Opera Triptychon, A quarantine story We are in 2020. Starting the 8th of March, covid-19 gets out of control and suddenly the world shuts down. A woman cancels her date, but her boyfriend turns to be persistent and a bit creepy. Her relationships and communication with the outside world run now just by social media. Real world gets reseted and so does private life. It’s the Lockdown. Lucky to be safe at home. Time enough to dive into cyberspace and the news. Same painful scenes are repeated throughout civilization for ages. Navigating through time without a schedule: she looks for other possible endings. Her Opera-Trip begins...

Picture no. 1

„...I shall stay here like a lamb to await your blows.“

– Zerlina

„Batti, batti, o bel Masetto“ Music: WA Mozart; Text: Lorenzo Da Ponte. „Don Giovanni“. Premiere: 29 October 1787

Other possible endings: You love him, he overwhelms you, you can not live without his presence... but his presence doesn’t let you live. Toxic relationships: do they last forever?

Lyrics in original language

Batti, batti, o bel Masetto,

La tua povera Zerlina;

Starò qui come agnellina

Le tue botte ad aspettar.

Lascierò straziarmi il crine, Lascierò cavarmi gli occhi,

Picture no. 1: „...I shall stay here like a lamb to await your blows.“

E le care tue manine

Lieta poi saprò baciar.

Ah, lo vedo, non hai core!

Pace, pace, o vita mia,

In contento ed allegria

Notte e dì vogliam passar.

English translation

Dear Masetto, hit your poor Zerlina, and I shall stay here like a lamb to await your blows. Pull out my hair, and pluck out my eyes! I shall let you do these things and happily kiss your hands afterwards.

I see it now! You haven’t the heart! Peace, my dearest! Let us rather pass night and day in happiness.

Picture no. 2

„ ,Dear baby wife of mine, dear little orange blossom!’, the names he used to call me when he came here.” –Cio-Cio-San „Un bel dí vedremo“ Music: G. Puccini ; Text: By L Illica & G. Giacosa. „Madama Butterfly“. Première, February 1904

Other possible endings: The practice of “Madamato” was firstly recognized in Eritrea (Africa) which was colonized by Italy in the end of the 19th century. It was common for the soldiers to buy native teenage girls from their families and forced them to „get married“. Although it is as old and/or current as colonialism. Conquest and submission. Girls- mothers. Never ending story?

Picture no. 2: „,Dear baby wife of mine, dear little orange blossom!’, ...”

Lyrics in original language

Un bel dì, vedremo

e non mi pesa,

levarsi un fil di fumo

la lunga attesa.

sull’estremo confin

E uscito dalla folla

del mare.


E poi la nave appare.

un uomo, un picciol

Poi la nave bianca


entra nel porto,

s’avvia per la collina.

romba il suo saluto. Vedi? È venuto!

Chi sarà? chi sarà?

Io non gli scendo

E come sarà giunto

incontro. Io no.

che dirà? che dirà?

Mi metto là sul ciglio

Chiamerà “Butterfly”

del colle e aspetto,

dalla lontana.

e aspetto gran tempo

Io senza dar risposta

me ne starò nascosta un po’ per celia e un po’ per non morire al primo incontro; ed egli alquanto in pena chiamerà, chiamerà: “Piccina mogliettina, olezzo di verbena” i nomi che mi dava al suo venire.

Tutto questo avverrà, te lo prometto. Tienti la tua paura, io con sicura fede l’aspetto.

Picture no. 2: „ ...,Dear baby wife of mine, dear little orange blossom!’, ...”

Lyrics, english translation

One fine day we’ll

I do not go to meet him.


Not I.

a thread of smoke

I stay upon the brow


of the hillock, and wait

on the sea, in the far



and wait for a long

and then the ship

time, but never weary


of the long waiting.

Then the trim white

From out the crowded


city crowd

glides into the har-

there is coming a man, a

bour, thunders forth

little speck

her cannon.

in the distance, climbing

See you? Now he is

the hillock.


Can you guess who it is?

And when he’s reached

“Dear baby wife of

the summit,

mine, dear little orange

can you guess what


he’ll say?

The names he used to

He will call: “Butterfly”

call me when he came

from the distance.


I, without answ’ring, hold myself quietly con-

This will all come to



A bit to tease him and a

as I tell you.

bit so as to not die

Banish your idle fears,

at our first meeting;

for he will return,

and then, a little trou-

I with secure faith wait


for him

he will call, he will call:

Picture no. 3

„...This is more than an insult -more than death!.”


„Ach ich fühl’s“ Music: W A Mozart; Text: Emanuel Schickaneder . „Die Zauberflöte“. Première: 30 September 1791.

Other possible endings: In the beginning everything is perfect, then something begins to blur and suddenly nothing fits. You live apologizing. He punishes you with his silence. And yet you are the one who’s “crazy”. Gaslighting: Sister, I do believe you.

Lyrics in original language

Ach, ich fühl’s, es ist verschwunden, Ewig hin der Liebe Glück! Nimmer kommt ihr, Wonnestunden, Meinem Herzen mehr zurück!

Picture no. 3: „ ...,This is more than an insult -more than death! .”

Sieh, Tamino, diese Tränen Fliessen, Trauter, dir allein. Fühlst du nicht der Liebe Sehnen, So wird Ruh im Tode sein!

English translation

Oh, I feel that is gone, it has disapeared, forever gone the happiness of love. Nevermore will come The hours of joy back to my heart!

See, Tamino, these tears Flowing, dearest , for you alone! Do you not feel the longing of love? Then there will be peace in death!

Picture no. 4

“...Pray for the one who bows his head under injustice and under misfortune “ – Desdemona „Ave Maria“ Music: Giuseppe Verdi. Text: Arrigo Boito .„Otello“ Premiere, 5 February 1887.

Other possible endings: Alert. We are the voice of women who can no longer talk. A prayer for transformation.

Lyrics in original language

Ave Maria, piena di grazia, eletta fra le spose e le vergini sei tu, Picture no. 4: „ ...Pray for the one who bows his head under injustice and under misfortune”

sia benedetto il frutto, o benedetta, di tue materne viscere, Gesù. Prega per chi adorando a te si prostra, prega nel peccator, per l’innocente, e pel debole oppresso e pel possente, misero anch’esso, tua pietà dimostra. Prega per chi sotto l’oltraggio Piega la fronte e sotto la malvagia sorte; per noi, per noi tu prega, prega sempre e nell’ora della morte nostra, prega per noi, prega per noi, prega.

Ave Maria… nell’ora della morte. Ave!…Amen!

Lyrics, english translation

Hail Mary, full of grace,blessed amongst wives and maids art thou, Picture no. 4: „ ...Pray for the one who bows his head under injustice and under misfortune”

and blessed is the fruit, o blessed one,of thy maternal womb, Jesu. Pray for those who kneeling adore thee, pray for the sinner, for the innocentand for the weak oppressed; and to the powerful man,who also grieves, thy sweet compassion show. Pray for him who bows beneath injustice and ‘neath the blows of cruel destiny; for us, pray thou for us,pray for us always,and at the hour of our death

pray for us, pray for us pray Hail Mary ...... and at the hour of our death. Hail! Amen

Credits and Acknowledgements Concept, Direction, Script/ Soprano

Natalia Hurst Website


Motion Graphics, Lighting Design & Film Coordination

Leonardo Pantuso Website https://suonoise.wixsite.com/lpdesig

Choreography and Movement coach

Gisela Elisa Heredia Website https://www.tanzcoop.com/

Musical Coach

Anastasia Noya



Regie Consultant

Elena Artisti

Light & Sound Technik

David García Santos Chat Moderator

Salvador Espada Hinojosa Talk Special Guests

Marcos Darbyshire - Regisseur Silvina Peruglia - Conductor Ni Una Menos Austria Scene 1 „Zerlina“ 3D Scenography

Dasein Team Rendering & Design https://daseinteam.com/

Scene 2 „Madama Butterfly“ Motion Design

Leonardo Pantuso

Scene 3 „Pamina“ Art Visuals

Yael Svoboda

Scene 4 „Ave Maria“ Motion Design

Leonardo Pantuso Sound Design

Natalia Hurst Promotional Material Design

Natalia Muñoz


Special thanks to: Ana Tot Angeles Reyes Bernhard Kerres EstefanĂ­a Huygen Francesco Puma Gabriela Jorquera IvĂĄn Blanco Laura Suarez Maria Pantuso Marisel Orellana Bongola Oscar Moreira Patrick Bongola Rannveig Braga Postl Sergio Tallo Torres Stadt Wien

Produced by

The Magnolia Gang Prod.

The Magnolia Gang Prod. 2020

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